
All of our websites, including the Forums and Game Store are back online. Thanks go out to our tech crew for their work bringing everything back. Thank you also for your patience.

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Devmas 2016: Let It Snow: (Tech, Christmas, Videos, Surprise!)

warcabbit's picture


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all other appropriate Solstice-centered greetings to one and all, from all of us at Missing Worlds Media and City of Titans to all of you.

We thought we’d take a break from perfecting the character creator to show off some of our environment work - that’s right, you all asked for it, it’s snowing - and look over by the snowman - it builds up on the ground - and some of our animation work.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

What You Know: The Five Dragons (with visuals)

Shadow Elusive's picture


CapeChaser Tweet-Summary: A powerful organized crime group, known for their Far Eastern flair and reliance on magic.

Legal Status: The Five Dragons are considered an organized crime syndicate by the TCPD, but their organization has no official legal status.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Your Input - Icon Shape

doctor tyche's picture

We are reaching the point where areas that we had left up in the air need to be nailed down. One of the most important of these is in determining the look and feel of the game, specifically the UI, and the shapes used therein.

Normally, large studios would use marketing firms, controlled test groups, feedback sessions, would buy data run by other firms, and similar methods. We don't have that luxury. But we have something that the large studios lack - we have you.

There are several kinds of areas which need icons:

A World Of Titans

doctor tyche's picture


Today’s update was to hold two parts, in honor of the anniversary we have today. However, a Facebook hiccup resulted in the first part, our target release date, being revealed a few days early.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

What You Know: The Rooks (visuals included)

Shadow Elusive's picture


CapeChaser Tweet-Summary: A large network of unpowered gang-bangers desperate to “find their Edge.”

Legal Status: The Rooks are considered a street gang by the TCPD and other law enforcement groups, but their organization has no official legal status.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Halloween 2016: Time to Put on Your Costume (Prototype)

Shadow Elusive's picture


Happy Halloween, everyone. We took a few extra days with this update, but you know what that means. It’s going to be long, and it’s going to be good. That’s what a late update meant in the past, and that’s what it’ll mean in the future.

I want to make this clear, before I get into the hype - these are still prototype systems. The controls do not reflect a final product nor do they have the graphical improvements of candy colored buttons, the skin is revised from last update but not finished yet… well, I could go on.

But it works.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Happy Halloween from Hijinx

Shadow Elusive's picture


The update will go up on the 31st instead of today. In the meantime, Happy Halloween from Hijinx!


(It's up! )

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Tales from the TCPD: Manhunt

Shadow Elusive's picture


[i]Five days ago.[/i]

Lenny Alvarez was covered in bandages and scratches, but he spoke clearly as he briefed SWAT on what had happened at the apartment in Little Venice. Kathleen Aurelia, the Chief, and several others listened quietly in Chief Gherrenfur’s office.

“We heard gunshots,” Lenny said. “Roth and I came through the door, and Castilucci already had his gun out. We told him to get down on the floor, and he hit us with a grenade or something. I was lucky; I was able to get behind something. Roth’s more banged up.”

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

You're not super...till you put on The Cape

Shadow Elusive's picture


Last Friday, it was El Santo’s 99th Birthday. El Santo was a heck of a guy, star of Stage, Screen, and the Squared Circle. Some Americans might know him from his movies - El Santo and the Vampire Women was MST3Ked as Sampson vs the Vampire Women.

That morning, I challenged our costume makers to make El Santo with our techniques. It was done by… well, the next day. It was a simple costume, but a heck of a speed test, showing off our materials, our faces, our skin, our shorts-over-tights, and our first face mask. Not to mention a new environment.


[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

What You Know: Paranormal Investigations and Tracking

Shadow Elusive's picture


[b]CapeChaser Tweet-Summary: [/b]The Bureau of Paranormal Investigations and Tracking is a government agency dedicated to capturing and studying paranormal objects and entities.

[b]Legal Status: [/b]The Bureau of Paranormal Investigations and Tracking is a branch of the U.S. Secret Service, an American federal agency. It occasionally exercises law-enforcement powers, but it primarily performs investigations and deals with areas where legal status is vague or simply irrelevant.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]


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