Stalwart Masteries
Living Target
You are best at drawing your enemies’ attention away from allies.
- Intimidating Presence: Your very presence is a force to reckon with.
- You create a very close area effect which generates a Light Taunt effect forcing others to attack you. The area of effect and target limit improves with your Momentum.
- Provoking Attack: Attacking your enemies forces them to focus their attention on you.
- Your attacks generate a very close area effect light taunt around your target. Your ability to taunt improves as your Momentum increases.
- Undeniable: Your presence cannot be denied.
- Your Intimidating Presence ability to taunt is improved and will also increase as allies within your immediate vicinity loses health.

Your attacks help debilitate enemies over time.
- Punishing Blow: Your attacks affect your enemies’ ability to evade and defend themselves.
- Your attacks will generate a light Evasion and Defense debuff for a short duration of time.
- Break Down: Your attacks break through your enemies’ ability to reduce damage.
- Your attacks generate a light Resistance and Subtraction debuff for a short duration.
- Destabilizing Force: Your attacks destabilize your enemies and can hurt them further.
- Your attacks generate a medial Disorient for a very brief duration and deal very light damage on any targets under a control effect.

Battle Leader
When your allies focus their attention on you, their attention improves your ability to protect them.
- Frontline Defender: You protect those who take cover behind you making it more difficult for them to be hit.
- You project a wide, long cone behind you which provides a medial evasion buff for anyone standing in the area of effect. This effect is increased for each teamed player that targets you.
- Center of Combat: You can protect covered allies taking some of their damage for them. Your attacks become more accurate as your allies focus their attention on you.
- The area of Frontline Defender allows you to provide a light Bodyguard effect for each team member within the area of effect. Your accuracy gains a light buff for each team member that targets you.
- Standing Tall: All ally based buff effects are improved for each ally taking cover behind you and targeting you. Your powers become more efficient at using Power when this occurs.
- All ally buffs on you gain a light improvement for each teamed ally within your Frontline Defender area of effect that is targeting you. Your powers gain a light efficiency of Power usage each this occurs.

Enforcer Masteries
The more you fight, the stronger you get.
- Enraged: Your ability to damage enemies is increased as you gain Momentum.
- Attacks which generate Momentum will fuel our Rage increasing the damage of all of your attacks.
- Berserk: Being attacked generates additional Momentum, further increasing your Rage.
- Your Momentum generation is increased as you are attacked, even if the attack is Evaded, Defended, Subtracted, or Resisted.
- Explosive Rage: Each time you defeat an enemy our final attack explodes, hitting all nearby enemies for very light damage. You also gain a light burst of Momentum.
- Defeating an enemy causes a close range area effect of very light damage off of the target as well as increasing your Momentum meter for a light amount.

Surprise Strike
You gain bonuses for attacks against unsuspecting targets.
- Waylay: Your accuracy and Crit range are increased when your target is unaware of your presence.
- You gain a buff to your Accuracy and chance to land a Critical attack when you are not targeted by an enemy. Both are improved the lower your Threat rating is.
- Exploitive Attack: Your ability to land a critical attack is increased if your enemy is under a control effect.
- You gain a buff to the chance of landing a Critical attack if your target is tagged with a control effect. The more your target is controlled, the greater the Crit chance is.
- Headhunter: Your ability to land a critical attack is increased the more dangerous your opponent is.
- You gain a buff to the chance of landing Critical attacks based on the rank designation of your target above the NPC rank of Mook.

Your allies are rallied for each enemy you defeat.
- Rally: Each enemy you defeat Rallies you and your allies, healing them for a very light amount. Additionally, you very lightly improve the damage you and your allies can deal for a short duration. Rally does not stack. These effects are increased based on your Momentum.
- You defeating an enemy causes you to create a close range area effect very light heal and damage buff.
- Bolster: Each enemy you defeat Bolsters you and your allies by providing a very light Resistance to all damage types for a short duration. Bolster does not stack but is improved based on your Momentum.
- You defeating an enemy causes you to create a close range area effect very light Resistance to Physical, Energy, and Exotic damage types for a short duration.
- Overcome: Your ability to Rally and Bolster is improved based on your Momentum. You also provide unique effects to you and your allies based on the rank of the enemy you defeat. Defeating a Mook grants a light amount of Power Recovery for a short duration. Defeating and Agent gives a light Regeneration for a short duration. Defeating a Boss increases the chance to score a Critical attack for a short duration. Defeating anything greater than a Boss generates all of these effects. Overcome does not stack.
- You defeating an a enemy causes you to create a close range area effect based on the rank of the target you defeat.

Ranger Masteries
You quickly eliminate weakened opponents from the fight.
- Elimination: The lower your target’s health, the higher chance you have to score a critical attack.
- You gain a buff to your Critical attack range based on your target’s current health condition. The lower the health, the greater your Critical range.
- Debilitate: Each time you land a critical attack, you debuff your enemy’s Regeneration and Power Recovery by a light amount for a short duration. Debilitate effects are increased based on how low your current target’s health is. They do not stack.
- Landing a Critical attack will place a debuff to Regeneration and Recovery on your target which is improved based on the health of your target.
- Kill Streak: Each time you defeat a target you receive a buff to your critical chance and a improved recharge for a short duration. These effects stack.
- Defeating a target provides a self-buff to increased Crit rates and Recharge Reduction for a short duration.

Each success in a fight gives you bonuses.
- Resolute: Your Resolve increases with each enemy you defeat, increasing your Regeneration and Power Recovery for a short duration. The value of the increase is based on the rank of your defeated target ranging from very light to light and will stack.
- Defeating targets grants a self buff to Regeneration and Recovery. Scaling from Mook through Monster ranks in effect gained by defeated target.
- Adamant: Your Resolve increases with each enemy you defeat making you more difficult to be affected by debuff effects. The value of the increase is based on the rank of your defeated target ranging from very light to light and will stack.
- You gain a very light Defense (all styles) to Debuffs. Scaling from Mook through Monster ranks in effect gained by defeated target.
- Strong Will: Your Resolve increases with each enemy you defeat increasing your ability to fight while being affected by control effects. This effect increases based on the rank of your defeated target ranging from very light to light and will stack.
- You gain improved Will Power buff to your powers’ Will to control effects as well as Defense to Controls (by all styles) for a short duration. Scaling from Mook through Monster ranks in effect gained by defeated target.

Your attacks hinders the enemies’ ability to fight back.
- Covering Fire: Your attacks force your target to have a higher chance to miss for a short duration. Your ability to provide Covering Fire is increased based on your Momentum.
- Your initial target suffers a light Miss rate increase. Your Momentum will improve the value of this debuff. It does not stack.
- Pin Down: Your attacks overwhelm your enemies forcing them to feel unable to move.
- Your initial target suffers a light movement debuff. Your Momentum will improve the value of this debuff. It does not stack.
- Suppressive Fire: Your attacks debuff your enemies’ chance to land a critical hit. Any enemy affected by Covering Fire will cause itself and those nearby a light damage debuff. Any enemy affected by Pin Down will cause itself and those nearby a light recharge debuff. All of these effects are improved based on your Momentum.
- Suppressive Fire adds additional area effect debuffs of a light damage debuff to Covering Fire and light recharge debuff to Pin Down. It also debuffs the crit rate of your target and those neary it. These effects are improved by momentum and do not stack.

Guardian Masteries
Saving Grace
The more your allies need your help, the stronger your help becomes.
- Umbrage: Your buffs on allies increase in potency as their health is decreased.
- All of your buff effects improve in effect based on the health condition of the ally effected.
- Disgrace: Your debuffs are more effective based on how full your targets’ health meter is. This improved value will decrease as their health is lost.
- All of your debuff effects have an improved value based on how full your targets’ health meter is. Affected debuffs lose this improved value as your target loses health.
- Salvation: Enemies in medial range of you will produce a light close area heal if they are defeated by a critical attack by you or a teamed ally. You or a teamed ally can be Resurrected if defeated by a critical attack.
- If you or a teamed ally defeat an enemy within a medial range of your presence, a heal will produce off the defeated enemy. Should you or a teamed ally be defeated by a critical attack, a Resurrection will occur. This effect enters a long cool down once it occurs.

Your effects can quickly spread to other enemies.
- Inundation Any enemy that is affected by one of your debuffs at the time of its defeat will leave behind the same debuff at a reduced value in an area of effect at its defeated location for a short duration. The area of effect of Inundation increases based on your Momentum.
- Targets tagged with one of your debuffs that are defeated leave behind a very close area effect reduced value of the debuff effects. Your momentum can increase the area of the effect and total number of affectable targets.
- Accretion The value of your debuffs left behind when Inundation occurs is increased based on your momentum.
- Inundation debuffs which have a reduced value of the original debuff on the target are now increased when the target is defeated based on your Momentum.
- Potency All debuffs applied to a target are increased based on your Momentum.
- Your momentum meter increases the value of all applied debuffs on live targets. This increases the value of Inundation effects when targets are defeated.

You grant bonuses to your team with your presence.
- Balance of Power Allies on your team gain a specific benefit based on their Archetype. The value of this buff is increased based on their Momentum.
- All teamed allies gain a specific buff based on their Archetype the value of which is determined based on their Momentum.
- Stalwarts: Damage buff
- Enforcers: Power recovery
- Operators: Defense to Control effects
- Rangers: Regeneration
- Guardians: Recharge buff
- Commanders: Summoned pets have Defense to Damage
- Tip the Scales Teamed allies gain increased Accuracy each time an attack misses or is evaded. This buf resets when an attack hits.
- Each teamed ally gains an accuracy buff which stacks in effect when an attack misses or is evaded. The buff is reset when a hit occurs.
- Life and Death The value of Balance of Power effects is improved for a short duration each time a teamed ally is defeated. The value of Life and Death is improved based on your Momentum.
- Balance of Power effects are buffed by a very light amount for a short duration each time a teamed ally is defeated. Your Momentum improves the value of this effect.

Operator Masteries
Improves your ability to land critical controls.
- Overwhelm: Your chance to land a critical control effect is increased based on how well your target is controlled and by your Momentum.
- When you attack a target already under a control effect, you gain an increased chance to land a critical control.
- Intensity Your Momentum increases as you attack a controlled target and will buff your chance to land a critical control.
- Attacking a target under control effects increases your Momentum. Your Momentum increases the chance landing a critical hit with a control power.
- Protraction You gain the ability to continue to attack by gaining Power when landing a critical control. The power that was used to land a critical control also gains a recharge buff. These effects are improved by your Momentum.
- Each control power landing a critical hit provides a very light amount of Power back to your Power meter. Any power that lands a critical control will also receive a light Recharge reduction for a long duration. Your Momentum improves the value of these effects. Protraction does not stack recharge reduction on the same power but will reset the duration.

Attacks by allies on controlled targets gain bonuses.
- Attack into Submission: Each time your controlled target is attacked, the duration of the control is increased by a very brief duration.
- Targets tagged with your control effects have the duration of that control increased by a very brief amount each time they are hit by any attack from you or a teamed ally. This duration does not stack when attacks occur but is refreshed.
- Quicken Resolve: You and your teamed allies receive a light recharge reduction when hitting a controlled target for a short duration. This effect does not stack when triggered by the same attacker but will refresh the duration.
- A recharge reduction buff is applied to you and teamed allies each time a controlled target is hit by an attack. This buff lasts a short duration. It does not stack when triggered by the same attacker off a target but will refresh the duration of the buff applied.
- Payback: You and your teamed allies receive a very light return to your Power meter when attacking a controlled target. This effect is improved based on how much the target is affected by a control.
- A very light Power efficiency buff is applied to the Power Meter of you and your allies each time a controlled target is hit by an attack. This buff is increased based on how well the target is controlled.

Attacks enable you to build up to unlocking your full potential.
- Overpower Attacking enemies improves your Momentum. Once your Momentum reaches a very high threshold and you use a control power, Overpower will activate improving your control effects for a very long duration. Once Overpower wears off you will lose all Momentum and Overpower enters a slow recharge.
- You gain improved Momentum for attacking enemies. When your Momentum is at or greater than 90% you can trigger a control power to activate Overpower which lasts for a very long duration. When the duration is completed your Momentum crashes to 0 and Overpower enters a slow recharge.
- Undaunted You gain additional Momentum for being attacked. Once Overpower is activated you gain Medial Defense to Control effects.
- Your Momentum gain is buffed when you are attacked whether the attack hits, misses, evaded. When you activate Overpower you also receive a Medial Defense to Control effects for the duration.
- Grasp of Power Maintaining your Momentum will increase the duration of Overpower. However, the longer you try to maintain Momentum the faster it will deplete. When Overpower is active you also gain a medial increase to Power recovery.