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Melee Sets

Tactical Combat

"A good combatant uses all the tools at his disposal."

Tactical Combat is a melee set that relies on setting up combinations of attacks to create greater effects. Each attack ability also carries its own combo effect which is triggered at a low amount of Momentum threshold.. Some may debuff a foe or hit them with a control effect. Gaining additional Momentum will result in each attack generating a unique effect which can activate if another attack is fired off within a brief duration of time. Knowing when to pull off a combo is important as powerful combos will result in a loss of Momentum. Powers effects and combo effects can be mixed and matched making the set very adaptable.

T0 Close Strike: A basic melee attack dealing very light damage. Cast time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T0 Ranged Strike: A basic medium ranged attack dealing very light damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T1 Rapid Strike; You attack your opponents causing light damage and set up combo effects. Combo 1 will debuff your target's resistance. Combos 2 and 3 increase the Crit rate of the next attack used. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T2 Nerve Attack: You attack your opponents causing medium damage and set up combo effects. Combo 1 debuffs your target's movement. Combo 2 adds Disorient to the next attack. Combo 3 changes the Disorient to a Hold on the next attack. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T3a Arcing Strike; You attack opponents in a medium cone causing light damage and set up combo effects. Combo 1 debuffs the evasion of all targets. Combo 2 adds Knock Down to the next attack. Combo 3 improves the Knock Down to the next attack. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Super Fast.

T3b Disabling Blows: You attack opponents in a medium cone causing medium damage over time and set up combo effects. Combo 1 debuffs the damage of all targets. Combo 2 adds a Recharge Debuff to the next attack. Combo 3 improve the Recharge Debuff to the next attack. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Super Fast

T4 Tactical Awareness: A self-targeting power providing a medium accuracy buff and strong health damage buff for short duration. All combo effects trigger at Combo 3 while this power is active. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Extremely Long

T5 Paralyzing Strike: You attack your opponents causing strong damage and set up combo effects. Combo 1 Holds your target. Combo 2 adds damage debuff to your next attack. Combo 3 improves the damage debuff. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Super Fast

T6 Vortex of Pain: You attack all the opponents around you causing light damage over time and set up combo effects. Combo 1 causing very light armor piercing damage over time. Combo 2: adds an evasion debuff to the next attack. Combo 3 improves the evasion debuff. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Fast

T7a Sweep: You attack all the opponents around you causing very light damage and set up combo effects. Combo 1 causes a knock down to all targets. Combo 2 adds a movement debuff to the next attack. Combo 3 improves the movement debuff. Cast Time: Slow. Recharge: Long

T7b Wild Fury: You attack all the opponents around you causing medium damage over time and set up combo effects. Combo 1 debuffs the recharge of all targets. Combo 2 adds a resistance debuff to the next attack. Combo 3 improves the resistance debuff. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Long.

T8 Disorienting Blows: You attack all the opponents in a wide cone causing medium damage and set up combo effects. Combo 1 causes all targets to be disoriented. Combo 2 adds a hold to the next attack. Combo 3 improves the hold effect. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Fast.

T9 Beatdown; You attack your opponent in two quick hits causing very strong damage and set up combo effects. Combo 1 knocks down your target and increases your critical hit chance. Combo 2 adds armor piercing damage to the next attack. Combo 3 improves the armor piercing damage. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Fast

Fighting Prowess

"The best defense is a great offense'

Fighting Prowess is a melee set that also buffs the user with a measure of Defense on each successful attack reducing damage from melee and ranged attacks. This ability can stack multiple times within the very short duration that each lasts, increasing the user’s survival while they attack.

T0 Close Strike: A basic melee attack dealing very light damage. Cast time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T0 Ranged Strike; A basic medium ranged attack dealing very light damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T1 Swipe: You attack your target dealing light damage and debuffing their defense. Hitting your enemy buffs you with Best Defense. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift

T2 Thrust: You attack your target with medium damage and debuffing their resistance. Hitting your enemy buffs you with Best Defense. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Swift

T3a Expose Weaknesses: You attack all targets in a medium cone with very light damage, and debuffing their resistance, defense, and evasion. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Swift

T3b Follow Through: You attack all targets in a very narrow cone dealing light damage. You gain Best Defense for each enemy hit. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift

T4 Riposte: A utility that provides increased damage, accuracy, Best Defense, and a damage deflection to each attack for a short duration, Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Extremely Long

T5 Counter Attack: You attack your enemy with strong damage. With Best Defense up, you will also deflect damage to your selected target. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Super Fast.

T6 Vengeful Swing: You attack all enemies around you with light damage and debuffing their resistance. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Medium.

T7a Maul: You attack all enemies in a medium cone with very light damage, very light armor piercing damage, and causing very light damage and armor piercing damage over time. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Super Fast.

T7b Disarm: You attack all enemies in a medium cone with very light damage and debuffing their own damage. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T8 Forceful Swing: You attack all enemies in a wide cone with medium damage that will knock them down and debuff their defense. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Fast.

T9 Decapitator: You attack all enemies in a very narrow cone with very strong damage with an increased chance to cause a critical hit. You gain Best Defense upon hitting your enemy. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Fast.

Kinetic Melee

"It is one thing to be strong, it is even better to drain your enemy’s strength to make you stronger."

Kinetic Melee debuffs the damage of targets hit with its abilities creating a buff to its own damage. As Kinetic Melee’s momentum increases, this damage buff becomes more potent. Some attacks will knock a target off its feet or disorient them.

T0 Close Strike: A basic melee attack dealing very light damage. Cast time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T0 Ranged Strike: A basic medium ranged attack dealing very light damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T1 Impact: You attack your enemy with light damage and disorient them. A hit will Siphon Potency, debuffing your enemy's damage and buffing your own. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T2 Jolt: You attack your enemy with medium damage and knock them down. Alternate activation will cause a knock back instead. A successful hit will Siphon Potency, debuffing your enemy's damage and buffing your own. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T3a Concussive Burst: You attack your enemy with strong damage and disorient them. A successful hit will Siphon Potency, debuffing your enemy's damage and buffing your own. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Super Fast.

T3b Channelled Potency: You attack your enemy with strong damage and knock them down. Alternate activation will cause a knock back instead. A successful hit will Siphon Potency debuffing your enemy's damage and buffing your own. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Super Fast.

T4 Peak Potency: A utility that increases the accuracy, damage, and increases the value of Siphon Potency of all your attacks for a short duration. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Extremely Long.

T5 Wave of Force: You attack all enemies in a medium cone with light damage and disorient them. Siphon Potency will debuff the damage and buff your own for each target hit. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Super Fast.

T6 Aggressive Force: You attack your enemy with very strong damage and disorient them. Any critical hits will also apply armor piercing damage. A successful hit will Siphon Potency, debuffing your enemy's damage and buffing your own. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Fast.

T7a Declination: You attack your enemy from a long range with a hold dealing very light damage and damage over time. A successful hit will Siphon Potency, debuffing your enemy's damage and buffing your own.

T7b Transfer Potency: You attack from a medium range, debuffing your enemy's Momentum and buffing your own. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Extremely Long.

T8 Implosive Force: You attack all enemies in a medium length area effect with very light damage and pull them toward you. Enemies within a short length take light damage and are disoriented. All enemies hit will Siphon Potency debuffing their damage and buffing your own. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Long.

T9 Full Force Impact: You attack your enemy with extreme damage and disorient them. Any momentum you have is drained to improve the crit rate of this power and improve its own recharge time. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Medium.

Super Strength

"Might makes right. Nothing is mightier than knocking your enemy out and about."

Super Strength combines damage attacks with plenty of ways to knock your opponent off their feet.

T0 Close Strike: A basic melee attack dealing very light damage. Cast time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T0 Ranged Strike: A basic medium ranged attack dealing very light damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T1 Batter: You attack your enemy with light damage and debuff their resistance. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T2 Take Down: You attack your enemy with medium damage and knock them down. Alternate activation of this power will cause it to knock back. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T3a Launch: You attack your enemy with strong damage and knock them upward. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast
T3b Physical Trauma: You attack your enemy with strong damage and light armor piercing damage. This power requires a Momentum to be spent upon activation.

T4 Brute Strength: You increase the accuracy, damage, and knock effects of all your attacks. Switching this power on reduces the total amount of Power you have available. Cast Time: Medium Recharge: Swift.

T5 Explosive Strike: You attack all enemies in a medial cone with light damage and knock them down. Alternate activation of this power will cause it to knock back. Cast Time: Fast Recharge: Very Fast.

T6 Staggering Strike: You attack your enemy with very strong damage and disorient them. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Medium.

T7a Mighty Lunge: You lunge toward your enemy within medium range knocking it and all nearby enemies down. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T7b Mighty Throw: You attack an enemy within a long range with strong damage and disorient them. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T8 Ground Slam: You attack all enemies around you with medium damage and knock them upward. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Long.

T9 Knock Out: You attack your enemy with extreme damage and a hold. A critical hit increases the hold value in addition to the critical value. Cast Time: Slow. Recharge: Long.

Massive Melee

"Why hit one when you can hit them all? "

Massive Melee relies on many area effect attacks to hit multiple targets. Starting off slow, any Momentum built with each successful attack speeds up the cast time of each attack.

T0 Close Strike: A basic melee attack dealing very light damage. Cast time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T0 Ranged Strike: A basic medium ranged attack dealing very light damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T1 Massive Swipe: You attack all enemies in a narrow cone with very light damage and deal damage over time. Cast Time improves with Momentum. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Super Fast.

T2 Giant Strike: You attack your enemy with light damage and debuff their defense. Cast Time improves with Momentum. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T3a Razing Swoop: You attack all enemies in a medium cone with light damage and knock them down. Alternate activation knocks back instead. Cast Time improves with Momentum. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T3b Protective Sweep: You attack all nearby enemies with light damage. You gain melee and ranged defense for each enemy hit. Activating this power requires and costs Momentum. The cast time improves with Momentum. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Long.

T4 Rend: You attack your enemy with medium damage and debuff their resistance and defense. Cast Time improves with Momentum. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T5 Massive Momentum: You improve the accuracy and damage of all your attacks which is improved by your Momentum. All Massive Melee powers will activate at their maximum improved cast time for a short duration. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Extemely Long.

T6 Giant Dervish: You attack all nearby enemies with medium damage over time, leaving them taking damage over time and debuff their defense. Cast Time improves with Momentum.

T7a Sunder: You attack your enemy with strong damage and debuff their defense and resistance. Cast Time improves with Momentum. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T7b Demolish: You attack your enemy with medium damage and leave them taking damage over time. Activating this power requires and costs Momentum. The more Momentum spent, the more effects it applies. A medium cost applies a disorient, a very strong cost increases the chance to cause a critical hit. Cast Time improves with Momentum. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T8 Centrifuge: You attack all nearby enemies with medium damage and leave them taking damage over time. You gain a very light Recharge buff for each target hit. Cast Time improves with Momentum. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Long.

T9 Mass Annihilation: You attack all enemies in a wide cone with medium damage leaving them taking damage over time which improves when at medium amount of Momentum, and debuffs their defense. You disorient all enemies when at a strong amount of Momentum. Cast Time improves with Momentum. Cast Time: Slow. Recharge: Medium.