
All of our websites, including the Forums and Game Store are back online. Thanks go out to our tech crew for their work bringing everything back. Thank you also for your patience.

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To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.

In Just Seven Days, I Can Make You A Man (Tech: Body, Costumes)

Shadow Elusive's picture


(The newest and most cutting edge stuff is at the very bottom, people, so if you don't want to look at all the pictures, skip to the bottom for the video.)

Even if he’s better defined than Charles Atlas, it’s taken a lot more than Dr. Frank N. Furter’s seven days to make our man.

A lot more.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

What We Think We Know - Scorpion

Shadow Elusive's picture


[b]Episode 1: Citation Needed[/b]

[b]CapeChaser Tweet-Summary:[/b] Scorpion is an international organization devoted to world conquest[1]. Scorpion is among the largest, most varied, and most feared of all organizations on the villain spectrum.

[b]Location:[/b] Scorpion maintains a network of hidden bases throughout the world, hidden in locations ranging from warehouses to penthouses to caves. However, there are rumors of larger bases, also scattered worldwide, where Scorpion trains its agents and performs its research.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Introducing Hijinx! MWM Publishing! And a FAQ!

Shadow Elusive's picture


Are you ready for pages of pulse-pounding action? Heroics! Mockery! Aggressive Doughnut Eating! I sure as heck hope you are!


[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

A Terminal Device Doesn't Mean What You Think It Does (Prosthetic side-project)

Shadow Elusive's picture


Howdy, folks. Warcabbit here. Today, I’m going to bring you a very special side project. We’ve got a lot of really creative people in Missing Worlds Media, and sometimes we wander off down side roads that aren’t related to the main game. This one is worth telling you about. Our own Terwyn started it, and I’m glad to say I was somewhat involved, but I’m going to let him tell it to you his own way.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Happy 4th of July...and a lot more

Shadow Elusive's picture


Two years ago, we gave you a 4th of July vid. Two years later, we give what you might call a VASTLY superior sequel.

But don’t watch it and wander off - there’s a special treat at the end of this. In fact, there’s four stages to this: Video, Hand, Comic, and Special Treat. Check each of them out.

City of Titans Presents: A Fourth Of July Video!

Two years ago, we gave you a Fourth of July video.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Tales from the Underworld: Hideout

Shadow Elusive's picture


Castilucci had holed up in some pretty terrible dives over the years, but this cheap room in the Highpoint Corner Savpoint Inn was one of the worst. Discolored stains marred the cracked plaster of the walls. Some kind of goop oozed from a corner of the ceiling; Castilucci hadn’t wanted to examine it too closely. The dirty carpet was worn down to nothing in a half-dozen places. The exposed pipes rattled whenever someone in an adjoining room used the water. Flyspecks dotted the single lamp, and rips in the stuffing of the cheap chairs exposed the upholstery.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Tales from the Underworld: Hideout (Lore)

warcabbit's picture


Castilucci had holed up in some pretty terrible dives over the years, but this cheap room in the Highpoint Corner Savpoint Inn was one of the worst. Discolored stains marred the cracked plaster of the walls. Some kind of goop oozed from a corner of the ceiling; Castilucci hadn’t wanted to examine it too closely. The dirty carpet was worn down to nothing in a half-dozen places. The exposed pipes rattled whenever someone in an adjoining room used the water. Flyspecks dotted the single lamp, and rips in the stuffing of the cheap chairs exposed the upholstery.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Pieces of a Game (Videos)

Shadow Elusive's picture


Recently, we showed a video of our mission system working. It’s right here, if you want to watch it again or missed it.

Now by and large, everybody loved it. Everyone likes to see progress on screen. And of course, there was the usual range of other reactions, most of them expected. But there was a reaction we didn’t expect from it. “Why is the combat so slow?”

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

What You Know About: The Deadly 7

Shadow Elusive's picture


[b]Name: [/b]The Deadly 7

[b]Cape Chaser Summary:[/b] Proclaimed the seven deadliest villains in Titan City by Liege himself, The Deadly 7 spread chaos and woe in their wake. All succumb to the sins of the city.

[b]Legal Status:[/b] The Deadly 7 are a group of villains, all of whom have taken at least one life. The individual members are under suspicion of murder, or are accused of such. As a group, they have no legal status.

[b]Notable Members: [/b]

Liege, charismatic leader, mental manipulator.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Should You Choose to Accept it (Prototype Mission, Video)

Shadow Elusive's picture


Every so often, we begin to put things together. You’ve seen parts here and there, in passing, but today, we’re putting a lot of it together for the first time.

A secret data drop, a covert rendezvous in an underground parking garage, called into the police chiefs office, a hidden tip in a classified ad, an overheard comment, a stolen purse - a call to action comes in many ways and forms.

What follows is the heart and soul of the game.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]


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