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Squirrel Girl is the best mutant in the entire Marvel Universe!
That is my story and I am sticking to it! Right, Tippy Toe?!
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Beak is best mutant.
Poor Beak...
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Considering that she's not a mutant, I'm not sure you truly mean what you just said :p
She may not be officially labeled as a mutant (due to licensing and legal considerations because of the inner turmoil between Marvel and the owners of disparate parts of the comic book and MCU universes), but how else can you explain her squirrel-like appearance, squirrel-like powers, and Squirrel Control? Oh! And the fact that she is Canadian (like Wooferine and other members of Department H)?!
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
Not that I have stake in this but uh... Science accident, bitten by a radioactive squirrel, last of their race from a doomed planet of squirrel people, cosmic rays, gamma radiation, her parents were killed in an alley now she takes on the guise of a squirrel to scare and confuse criminals, magic, an alien object in the shape of a squirrel attached itself to her granting her powers, she got struck by a sideways lightning bolt (that was actually a squirrel going super fast), a truck of chemicals spilled on her, she was subject to a bizzare science experiment, MGH or a prototype thereof, she's a highly advanced robot, a dying alien gifted her those powers, after an accident she trained with some sort of squirrel mystic, super squirrel formula, a transporter accident crossed her dna with a squirrel, she's the offspring of a human and a humanoid squirrel, hmm... I think that's all I got for now.
So any of those, or all of the above.
Edit: She was sculpted from clay/sand and given life by a god
Edit 2: She is actually the goddess of squirrels
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
They can't put Squirrel Girl in the MCU despite her not being a mutant, unfortunately. She's just too powerful. The Infinity War would be over in five minutes.
*Thanos shows up*
*Squirrel girl shows up*
*Squirrel girl poses standing on defeated Thanos. Other heroes stop half-way through suiting up and go back to lunch or whatever.*
*Post credit scene is just a regular squirrel eating in the park*
Edit 3: She is from an ancient race of humanoids that moved to the far side of the moon but her ancestors were too busy stockpiling nuts and missed the flight.
Oh that alley though. "Hah, I shot your parents!" "Ooh, pearls," *forage*. *Criminal flees in terror*.
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
She self-identifies as a mutant (last two pages of GLA issue 4).
Are you tough enough to argue with her about it?
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Yeah, but they made it cannon until they say "the doctor totally lied because he was anti mutant and didn't want to give the world another mutant" :)
Kinda like, how in the comics, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch aren't mutants anymore (until that changes again).
Can I just say, thanks to The Gifted, the Stepford Cuckoos have become a favorite of mine?
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
NEW MUTANTS was pushed back 10 months to Feb 22, 2019 instead of April of this year. I never really was into NM anyway, so I'm kind of indifferent about it. But the trailer looked interesting.
DEADPOOL 2 is being released two weeks earlier than before. I loved the first movie and I will take any early release for this film!
GAMBIT the movie that never catches a break, lost its third director and was pushed back a few months.
Tim Miller is developing a Kitty Pryde movie. While she is a great character, I feel like other female superheroes have a deeper and richer story like Storm.
X-Men Dark Phoenix wont be affected. As much as I was disappointed with Apocalypse, I will always be excited for an X-Men movie. Only time will tell!
THE GIFTED 2 Hour Finale this Monday! So excited! I know the ending is going to be EPIC. I am so glad they renewed it for a season 2!
What are your thoughts?
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
New Mutants looked like it would be a terrible movie. I am hopeful for it though.
Deadpool 2 will suck I believe. No faith in the sequel.
Kitty Pryde movie? I'm not against the idea of the movie, I'm just curious how it would go. Kitty Pryde has always seemed more of a team player.
X-Men: DP I also think will suck. Jean Grey actress is terrible. Not sure on Storm. Not sure if I care to see another Prof X/Magneto movie either :p
Lol not much faith in any future projects eh? I don't blame you. I do hope Marvel/Disney do something better with the characters, I keep getting disappointed.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
In excalibur, even if Captain britain was the leader, Kitty was, as Diablo, a main voice in the group ;)
I would love to see a Kitty & Illyana movie :)
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Well, Kitty Pryde is currently leader of the X-Men in the X-Men Gold series. Mostly because Storm messed up something so she stepped down. I have not read it but a friend of mine told me about it.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Leader doesn't mean solo hero. :p To different things. Leader still is as I said...a group player. :)
New Mutants, I get what they're going for, I just don't think it will be pulled off well or acted well. I hope to be wrong, as I like Magik :)
Domino isn't like the comics, so I was disappointed pretty quickly in Deadpool 2.
Dark Phoenix, just looks to have lots of bad actors in important roles. :/ Also, how hard is it to give Storm her blue eyes? Slap some contacts on that actress! Also, get rid of the scales on Mystique! :p
So, X-Men: Dark Phoenix was intended to open on Nov. 2, 2018, but now it has been shifted to Feb. 14, 2019.
From what I read, it's getting about $10 Million worth of reshoots, and even though it tested well, they want to add more scenes with certain characters. Honestly, I need my X-Men fix so bad i've resorted to reading the X-Men Gold series which isn't really that impressive but it will do for now. lol
As for New Mutants, it was originally coming out in April, then it got moved to February 2019 but now its looking like August 2019. They are saying 50% of the movie is being reshot to be more like a horror film but the new scenes have yet to be written. This is pretty troubling imo but they are saying two new characters are being added and not just as cameos, but as an integral part of the movie which I think makes sense for the date push.
And I heard a rumor (spoiler?) Jessica Chastain is actually playing Miss Sinister in Dark Phoenix...
What do you guys think?
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
From what heard recently, X-Men's next movie is the last of them from Fox. Reboot after that.
In a way I am glad that it's the last X-Men movie from Fox, but at the same time that means we wont be seeing another movie with the original cast because I doubt Marvel will bring any of the original or newer cast members to their version of the X-Men. I was really hoping for an X4 with the original cast that took place some time between DOFP and Logan only they made it just as good or better than Deadpool which was awesome.
But I am eager to see what Marvel does with the characters and how they bring them together with the Avengers in the future. So its not all sour grapes.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
I didn't care for Logan as many others did and the new cast I'm not fond of. Who ever is playing Jean Grey doesn't seem to be a good actress.
What would be interesting, is seeing the X-Men come in as having been around but very few and now there's been a bit of a bigger surge of them! :)
Are you talking about Sophie Turner? Have you not seen Game of Thrones? ;)
Obviously they were a bit constrained in needing to find somebody who could plausibly pass for a younger Famke Janssen...
But they could have easily found a worse actress than Sophie.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I think in general some of the acting was weak in Apocalypse while others, I felt overacted a bit too much (i.e mccavoy and fassbender). I personally felt Sophie Turner, while she looked pretty close to a younger version of Famke Janssen, her acting was too similar to GOT. She often has this expressionless face and other times she just looks confused.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Eh... I'm not implying Sophie's a Meryl Streep clone but I hardly think she's horrible. The Jean Grey character (especially the younger version of her) is kind of one-dimensionally insecure and "socially detached" to begin with. *shrugs*
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Haven't watched GoT, however, that doesn't mean she acted well in X-Men. :p
Not sure they had to get someone who looked like Famke either, since the reboot messed with all their ages anyways :p
Wow, I guess there had to be [b]-someone-[/b] who didn't watch it...
I work with a guy who hadn't watched them either until a few months ago - he binged all 67 episodes in like a week... what's your excuse? ;)
You do realize that sometimes even good actors will come off bad if they're given crap to work with script-wise or have directors who don't handle them well.
Pretty much all the X-Men characters got "younger versions" of themselves that were plausible. Why would they have not given that same consideration to the Jean Grey character?
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I cant believe I have to wait another year for GOT. I'm gonna have to re-watch it because I quickly forget what happens in shows. But you would be happy to know I convinced a coworker of mine to watch it and she's about to get to the Red Wedding...
I wish I could see her reaction.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Yeah the guy I mentioned ended up loving it after he was "gently encouraged" (read constantly badgered) to finally see it. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I don't know. I don't think the actor for Beast looks like Kelsey or Jennifer like Sharon.
As for GoT, it just hasn't peaked my interest. Maybe one day I'll binge it.
Who in the world is Jennfer and Sharon?? I keep trying to think but I cant come up with anyone. Did I miss someone?
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
It doesn't always work out. For instance I love Simon Pegg but apart from a semi-decent Scottish accent I still can't buy him as Scotty. He could have at the very least dyed his hair and eyebrows a bit darker.
It'll be time well spent. You've got until next year before the final season and the spin-offs start up...
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
If I didn't put in the wrong actress it may have made more sense...
Jennifer and Rebecca (Mystique). :p I mixed her up with Sharon Stone.
Well, really, how many of the cast of the new Star Trek do you think like their counterparts?
Chekov is a no. Uhura was a no for sure.
I actually did want them to look similar to the original cast, And im glad they did it because if they had looked completely different, it would have been yet another continuity issue with these Fox movies that I wasn't prepare to handle.
Plus, I actually liked the original cast, so picking them to look similar was a throwback to the older movies imo.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Hahaha ok I see...
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Well obviously recasting people like they did for Star Trek is never perfect, but at least some of them did a better job of it than others because of a combination of looking relatively close to the originals and managing to act/sound like them as well. As a quick run-down I would rate the following "recasted Star Trek cast" in order of how well I think they managed to do so far (added notes where needed):
[*]McCoy - captured Kelley's voice/mannerisms very well
[*]Spock - did the "Vulcan" bit pretty well
[*]Kirk - managed a few Shatner-esque mannerisms
[*]Sulu - overall well done with a bit of Takei's stoic wit
[*]Uhura - acted well but the whole Uhura/Spock relationship seemed silly and forced
[*]Chekov - not bad acting/voice wise but should have had Walter Koenig's 60s style "Monkee" hair
[*]Scotty - not a bad match acting/voice wise but looks nothing like Doohan
[*]Amanda Grayson - did pretty well with the few minutes of screentime she got
[*]Dr. Carol Marcus - not a bad match for Bibi Besch but couldn't manage an American accent?
[*]Sarek - hard to match the commanding presence of Mark Lenard
[*]Pike - guess they figured no one would remember what Jeffrey Hunter looked like
[*]Khan - really? please...
To be clear I actually think pretty much all of the new actors did well in the movies. I'm just saying (especially for the last 2 or 3 in the list) they basically didn't even try to find people who looked even remotely like the originals. I mean really - Cumberbatch is supposed to match Montalbán?
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I know. Still, I much preferred Cumberbatch over Montalban for Khan, only in that Cumberbatch's Khan felt like a Super Soldier. :)
I like how Chris took the time to act like Will's Kirk. :)
Can't afford HBO for just one show. So, I haven't seen GOT either.
No big loss for me in a way as I am a die hard Spec. Sci. guy. Learned to read chapter books with Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, etc.
Not having HBO is honestly not that much of an excuse at this point. There are a bunch of people selling brand new Game of Thrones DVD boxsets (season 1-7) on eBay for less than $50 and Blu-ray for around $100. That's 67 shows plus all the extras.
Frankly this is the kind of series that if you could only ever own ONE boxset of any TV series in your entire life this would probably be the one to get. It's really just that good.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
And there's also the unthinkable option of
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
*looks around in a whimsically overly dramatic way* uhm... I can neither confirm nor deny the possibility that there are probably hundreds of "streaming" websites that'll let you see practically any TV show/movie you can think of in HD quality for free. You'll never see me condone such naughty, evil behavior...
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Wicked, bad, naughty, evil piracy.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Not interested.
Tried to be polite about it, by deflection and letting you know what MY interests are.
Your personal tastes are just that. Mine are just this.
I'm still hoping for a Wild Cards series or a Tuf movie...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
I want a tv series based on X-Statix.
And the world in general needs more Doop.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
No need to be snippy about it. Your loss I suppose...
P.S. I love all the authors you mentioned as well. People can actually like stories covering more than [b]one[/b] genre. BTW, if you're only a "die hard Spec. Sci. guy" why the heck are you involved with a "Superhero MMO" forum?
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I'd enjoy some 'Voyages of Haviland Tuf', but I don't think modern audiences would enjoy the harsh lessons. People have gotten excited about aspects of 'Logan's Run', 'Mad Max', and 'Soylent Green' and other apocalyptic presentations, skipping right over the 'think about this' parts and seizing on the flashy bits.
Besides, nothing could beat the 'movie in my head', just read the books! I've avoided the 'fan-gushing extravaganza' of GoT. I read the books and got tired of having horrible tragedies happen to all of the interestingly heroic people. I got confused about which characters I was supposed to be bonding with and rooting for, so I quit reading the series after three-or four. I have, otherwise, greatly enjoyed Mr. Martin's books and he does good TV, too.
Be Well!
Sure but everyone always says "the books are better than the movies" so much it's become a tired cliché.
In the case of GoT the HBO series actually condenses down the thousands of pages of esoteric detail into a form that's dramatically appealing and doesn't bother with the several hundred minor characters that don't actually do much to advance the plot. So sure read the books if you like if you want to be mired in the convolution - I'm just saying that once every 20 or 30 years someone makes a movie (or in this case a TV show) from a book(s) that's actually worthwhile. The HBO GoT series is such a case.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Cliches are often true. Even when they get 'tired'. I'll freely agree that, sometimes, the adaptations are better. A talented actor can bring out interesting aspects of a character and a gifted actor can make boring characters Amazing if the Director lets them. Peter Jackson's Tolkien movies were magnificent! and the TV mini-series version of 'Dune' did some great things with the plot and the characters. Things that Herbert, himself might not have been able to put in the Novel and still sell it, at the time of writing. Culture changes with time, as does 'Art'.
Still, for the most part, the scenes I imagine in my head while reading a good book would cost millions to reproduce on film, so I continue to believe that 'books are better'. Of course, that depends on 'my brain' as a medium, and it's not always reliable. 'Your brain', with or without drugs, might be better at some parts of the 'big show' than mine.
Be Well!
Well not to keep cheerleading the HBO adaptation of GoT specifically but each of the roughly one hour episodes cost around $10-15 million to produce so each one is basically like a top-budget Hollywood blockbuster in terms of quality and "imagination worthiness". Again like I said this series really is a once in a 20 or 30 year affair.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Well, there's nothing wrong with 'naked people', either. *grin*
Be Well!
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Well you can blame that on G.R.R. Martin. He put all that "cheeky" stuff in his books so naturally any faithful adaptation would have to include it. I'm sure the folks at HBO were appalled to have to do it but it's all for the sake of "art" right? ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
always liked the XMen. My main period of collecting them was during the Claremont/Silvestri run...sooo aaaaggeeeessss ago. lol
Colossus, Rogue and Cyclops were my 'go to' Xmen at the time though.
I don't collect anything now days though and haven't for years and years mainly as they just started to get a bit to silly for my taste with what they were doing with some of the characters.
That's awesome. How are you liking Colossus in Deadpool?
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Oh my god, Colossus got to FIGHT in an "X-Men" movie and not a cameo or getting his a@# kicked. I'm so happy, he was my favorite x-men
They should make a ForgetMeNot short movie or web series to explain all the discrepancies in the X-men films.
Although... now that I think about it, maybe they did. I suppose we'd have no way of knowing.
What if Wes Anderson directed an X-Men movie:
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Plus, you know, Gina Carano.
Yes,well, I didn't think I needed to point out the obvious. Hope to see her in more movies. I loved watching her brawl with the Russian Metal man.
I was happy to see him in DP for if they would just get him into a proper XMen movie my mutant itch would be resolved...
Kurt certainly has his niche that he fills but "OP" is not a term I would normally associate with him, especially when compared against the rest of the team.
Just glad they didn't make her Wonder Woman. Her acting skills still need a little work.
Yeah personally I think Gina Carano's only about 90% "right" for Wonder Woman (both physically and acting wise). She'd actually make for a better replacement for Xena Warrior Princess assuming they were looking to reboot that franchise anytime soon.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
That's a great call. As soon as I read XENA I thought, "yep, that's her!" lol
As for the Wes Anderson clip, I had seen it before and I think its hilarious and spot on! ^_^
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
man...totally forgot GRRM did the Wild Card series. I could get into a TV series for Wild Cards, but it would definitely have to be on a premium channel given a lot of the subject matter. I really just want to see Turtle flying around (an armored flying VW bug)...hehe
Yeah there were some neat character concepts in the Wild Cards series!
"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle
So its pretty clear now that Disney will be buying back the rights to the X-Men with their 20th Century Fox acquisition. A lot of people are happy about this because its pretty obvious Fox hasn't had a great track record with the X-Men movies. Sure some have made a decent amount of money, and imo a few were actually good (DoFP, Logan, X2) but rarely are the movies true to the comics, and don't get me started on the timeline.
I have to say I am really looking forward to seeing what Marvel does with the X-Men and how and IF they will incorporate them into the current Avengers movies. Personally, I would love to see them in the Avengers, as long as they don't get lost in the crowd, and they give them their own separate movies and even solo character spin off films.
As for the cast, I wouldn't mind if they kept the young cast from Apocalypse. They could possibly time travel them into the present (since currently they are in the 80's-90's).
My biggest hope is that they bring in the original cast back (i.e Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, Famke Janssen). I think with a Marvel script, and Feige behind the scenes, it would surpass any other superhero movie ever made. And there's just some sweet nostalgia about bringing back the original cast members.
What are your thoughts?
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Logan was excellent
and I appreciated the first reboot with the young cast (even with origin changes)
Just dont pull an inhumans and im okay with our Disney Overlords acquisition.
Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.
I would honestly be shocked if they didn't re-cast. While some of the old cast were great, there are others that could have better choices. I really want to know if Deadpool will continue. That would be one that I would say they must bring Ryan Reynolds to continue. I think it would be funny to put him in a PG - 13 crossover and when he swears they beep it out and he keeps asking everyone "Did anyone else hear that? What the (beep) is that?"
That was such a colossal disaster I don’t think there’s any risk of it being repeated.
LOL that would be hilarious. Frankly, I think it should be the other way around. I would prefer to see the X-Men in an R-Rated film. I feel like these movies belong to us and not kids.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
PG 13 is fine. They really should be able to get away with more slicing when it comes to those like Wolverine.
As for Ryan, he's the only one I hope crosses over as I can't think of anyone else to replace him at this moment. The other could all be replaced and that includes Hugh :p
Ryan Reynolds [i]is[/i] Deadpool. He was Deadpool before he was Deadpool. :)
I have trouble imagining anyone else in that role.
Deadpool is cool and all but I really wasn't into the second movie, too many recycled jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
I admit, in the comics and the movie, it'd be nice if they dialed that back a bit. For the comics, I preferred when it felt more like a 4th wall break, while still possible to just be insane. :p
As a fellow Storm fan, I have been consistently disappointed. She's almost never been cast correctly. The last lady wasn't too bad, but the accent was interesting. She's always been portrayed as nowhere near as powerful as she is in the comics. She also has been delicate in character. Frankly, I"d like to visually see a slightly darker Storm at that. The movies have made her a slightly stronger version of Jean Grey (pre-Phoenix)...but delicate. Poor Hallie should have never been offered nor taken the role, but in the end though I point the finger at Bryan Singer. Oh and good riddance to the Dark Phoenix movie. It would've sucked balls. I don't understand why they're in such a rush to get to the Phoenix story. Let us give a darn about the characters...then go into the Dark Phoenix story.
Halle Berry was a decent Storm. She had the looks, but the writers never did much with her.
Storm is one of those heroes that has had odd power scale issues over the years.
They most likely didnt want to make her seem so much stronger than her fellow cast members characters.
Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.
I think they were just afraid to have her be a bit more power.
As for Halle, I thought she had the look down (except for the blue eyes).
I loved Halle and I think she could still pull it off.
Have you seen her ig?
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
She's to old for the role.
The X-Men outside a couple, are only supposed to be early to mid-20's.
So here is the new trailer for Dark Phoenix. Ill just drop this off here.
Sorry not sure how to embed it. If someone else can, I appreciate it.
I cant say im too excited, the trailer is underwhelming, but I will still be watching the movie. What are your thoughts?
Also, the gifted Season 2 came out already. Has anyone seen it? I havent so dont spoil!!! :)
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Just type the following:
[youtube] QWbMckU3AOQ [/youtube]
without the spaces to embed a youtube vid like this. :)
The trailer was bit "vague" but that's OK; sometimes trailers actually spoil "too much" of a movie and make it almost not worth seeing. At this point I think I've seen pretty much every other X-Men movie made so far so I'm sure I'll catch this one too.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I thought they were going to cancel the new X-Men movies now that they can be part of the MCU.
X-men is my favorite comic universe franchise so I'm looking forward to the movie, despite it not being Marvel yet.
My favorite X-men, generally, are Nightcrawler and Jean Grey so of course I'm hoping for satisfying Teleport and Telekinesis powers in CoT. My favorite villain is Mister Sinister though, so I'd happily make a similar villain if possible.
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
CO has a pretty nice teleport attack (get into melee attack) that I love to use on my main there. Void Shift I think it's called.
Maybe this movie was already "in the pipeline" despite the X-Men/MCU change so they just decided to release it regardless. They plan these movies out over multiple years so it might not have been easy to "switch gears" that fast.
Also there might be a few scenes in this movie that might hint that they are going to eventually "merge" these characters into the greater MCU in future movies.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Still I can't wait until the MCU gets its creative hands on the X-Men.
I think the plan was to continue making any movies that were already in pre production. So that includes this movie and New Mutants and im sure a couple others.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]