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Costume Request Thread 2.0

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From the little we've seen of

From the little we've seen of the character creator I think we are getting a ton of sliders to adjust the individual aspects of our characters. So we should be able to make really tall boots on a really short person. One of the videos they put out had them making very tall and short characters while keeping the arms very tiny, for example. In an interview they specifically mentioned being able to make "t-rex girl" (tiny arms, huge head) if you wanted to.

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TheInternetJanitor wrote:
TheInternetJanitor wrote:

From the little we've seen of the character creator I think we are getting a ton of sliders to adjust the individual aspects of our characters. So we should be able to make really tall boots on a really short person. One of the videos they put out had them making very tall and short characters while keeping the arms very tiny, for example. In an interview they specifically mentioned being able to make "t-rex girl" (tiny arms, huge head) if you wanted to.

Yeah hopefully with the increased control we should have with the CoT sliders we'll be able to better correct/mitigate any problems like this. To take this issue to the extremes we would want the feet of our characters to look reasonable whether they wear something like these:


or these:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

It's funny you brought up this point. Back in CoH I had several magical Controller-type characters who mostly used Fly/Hover to move around. I sort of justified their "impractical fashion choice" of wearing all the various high-heeled boots/shoes by the fact that their feet rarely ever touched the ground. ;)

I do hope we get a perma-hover option. As long as you still need to "jump" without a flight power active.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:
Lothic wrote:

It's funny you brought up this point. Back in CoH I had several magical Controller-type characters who mostly used Fly/Hover to move around. I sort of justified their "impractical fashion choice" of wearing all the various high-heeled boots/shoes by the fact that their feet rarely ever touched the ground. ;)

I do hope we get a perma-hover option. As long as you still need to "jump" without a flight power active.

When you say a "perma-hover" option you're talking about characters permanently hovering just a foot or two above the ground (like a hovercraft) as a sort of alternative to the standard walking animation right? This idea of "perma-hover" would not actually allow a character to manually move up or down; their "altitude" would remain fixed just as if they were standing on the ground. If that's what you're talking about then I'd have no problem with that.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Yeah, that's what I meant by

Yeah, that's what I meant by the last part: you'd still need another travel power to get any higher for more than any other "jump"

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Tranquil Flower wrote:
Tranquil Flower wrote:

Dean Martin's favourite eel (That's a moray)

Sorry I missed this yesterday - pretty funny. ;)

Project_Hero wrote:

Don't forget the retro bubble helmet. Perfect for space and underwater.

We already had generic bubble helmets on the list but we could easily suggest a bunch of different styles for that:


I included the following one just to make a point about artist priorities. I like pin-up art as much as anyone but it's amazing how many examples I found like this when looking for "bubble helmet" pics. I get that this is cute and all but what's the point of her wearing a helmet if she's otherwise as "exposed" as she is? Oh well, at least I do like the rest of this outfit, most notably the "transparently covered boob window" she's wearing:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I'll just be happy if the

I'll just be happy if the footwear looks like it's made for human feet. So many MMOs feature footwear that was apparently designed by people who have never seen human feet (*cough* CO *cough*) and think that they look like flat, rectangular slabs or shapeless, undulating mounds, or make no effort to keep foot size consistent from shoe style to shoe style (*cough* GW2 *cough*)

But I support the style suggestions made in this thread. I would use those absolutely.

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Superpersonage wrote:
Superpersonage wrote:

I'll just be happy if the footwear looks like it's made for human feet. So many MMOs feature footwear that was apparently designed by people who have never seen human feet (*cough* CO *cough*) and think that they look like flat, rectangular slabs or shapeless, undulating mounds, or make no effort to keep foot size consistent from shoe style to shoe style (*cough* GW2 *cough*)

But I support the style suggestions made in this thread. I would use those absolutely.

I read an article years ago which suggested that when it comes to "comic book art" apparently one of the hardest parts of the human body to get "right" (from a proportionality/scale point of view) is the feet. I imagine that fundamental problem exists in the computer graphics realm as well.

It seems a key issue (at least for computer graphics body modeling) is how to deal with the heel heights of different shoes and the rotation of the ankle related to that. That's the point I was trying to make in [url=]my earlier post from yesterday[/url]. For instance while wearing flat-soled shoes the foot needs to be angled/scaled in a much different way than it would need to be if the character was wearing ballet boots. Body models need to be able to adjust for the positioning a human foot could be subjected to depending on the heel height of the shoes they are wearing.

Again hopefully CoT will better account for these things or at the very least allow enough freedom with the slider controls to allow us to adjust for any "weirdness" the game might try to force us with.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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If we get enough sliders to

If we get enough sliders to allow us to play with it ourselves then at some point the player will have as much or more power (compared to the devs) over the dimensions and looks of their character.

So maybe we'll be able to make hilarious stuff like flat "frog" feet or super skinny "chicken" feet or whatnot.

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TheInternetJanitor wrote:
TheInternetJanitor wrote:

If we get enough sliders to allow us to play with it ourselves then at some point the player will have as much or more power (compared to the devs) over the dimensions and looks of their character.

So maybe we'll be able to make hilarious stuff like flat "frog" feet or super skinny "chicken" feet or whatnot.

Sure I guess that's always possible. These modern systems can provide for thousands of body model sliders but then the question becomes how many the Devs will actually "release" to the players.

For instance we know some of the newer Korean MMOs offer their players literally thousands of sliders but that can lead to some semi-crazy consequences like having say dozens of sliders just to control eyebrow editing. Some people might like/want that much control but there will be others who would consider that extreme overkill. Even someone like me who spent countless hours in the CoH costume editor might find having too many sliders turn out to be more trouble than it's worth.

So I suspect the MWM Devs will strike a balance between providing us a large amount of control versus what could be argued to be [i]too[/i] much control. Remember CoH gave us a grand total of several dozen sliders to work with - even if we "only" get several hundred in CoT that's going to be a huge improvement.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I am particularly excited

I am particularly excited that the devs seem to be on board with letting players take character dimensions to extremes. They specifically mentioned making "t-rex girl" but there are tons of fun design concepts you can apply that to.

It also means players can make characters that look awful, but hey, that is up to them. I don't want to limit that any more than I want to limit their choices in costume color or choice. I'll still happily play with them. They may want to avoid catching Edna Mode's attention though if they look like their costume is the result of crashing through a thrift shop and paint store.

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TheInternetJanitor wrote:
TheInternetJanitor wrote:

I am particularly excited that the devs seem to be on board with letting players take character dimensions to extremes. They specifically mentioned making "t-rex girl" but there are tons of fun design concepts you can apply that to.

It also means players can make characters that look awful, but hey, that is up to them. I don't want to limit that any more than I want to limit their choices in costume color or choice. I'll still happily play with them. They may want to avoid catching Edna Mode's attention though if they look like their costume is the result of crashing through a thrift shop and paint store.

I pretty much always lean towards the "let players have as much costume/body control as reasonably possible even if that'll lead to some grotesque crimes against nature" side of the argument. I'd rather see a few "silly joke" characters running around than to have the entire game be so restrictive that everyone else effectively looks cookie-cutter identical.

Still even having said that I know the Devs will have to set some limits on some things and I have no problem with that either. Certain sliders will likely have artificial and/or arbitrary limits imposed on them even if the game system is capable of allowing those sliders to move farther out just because certain hyper-extreme settings are simply going to look universally bad.

I suspect a huge chunk of the initial beta testing for the game will involve people pounding on the character creator to discover and tweak in what the final slider limits will end up being. They may even determine that some sliders need to be added or removed before final launch.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I included the following one just to make a point about artist priorities. I like pin-up art as much as anyone but it's amazing how many examples I found like this when looking for "bubble helmet" pics. I get that this is cute and all but what's the point of her wearing a helmet if she's otherwise as "exposed" as she is? Oh well, at least I do like the rest of this outfit, most notably the "transparently covered boob window" she's wearing:


Well, she needs to breathe.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
desviper wrote:
Lothic wrote:

It's funny you brought up this point. Back in CoH I had several magical Controller-type characters who mostly used Fly/Hover to move around. I sort of justified their "impractical fashion choice" of wearing all the various high-heeled boots/shoes by the fact that their feet rarely ever touched the ground. ;)

I do hope we get a perma-hover option. As long as you still need to "jump" without a flight power active.

When you say a "perma-hover" option you're talking about characters permanently hovering just a foot or two above the ground (like a hovercraft) as a sort of alternative to the standard walking animation right? This idea of "perma-hover" would not actually allow a character to manually move up or down; their "altitude" would remain fixed just as if they were standing on the ground. If that's what you're talking about then I'd have no problem with that.

That would actually be a fantastic idea. I mean, if (big if?) we get to select our character's general stance type in the costume creator, maybe this (possibly with one or two variants?) could be one of them. I would personally love to have my "modern sorcerer" character hover everywhere, instead of walking.

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I included the following one just to make a point about artist priorities. I like pin-up art as much as anyone but it's amazing how many examples I found like this when looking for "bubble helmet" pics. I get that this is cute and all but what's the point of her wearing a helmet if she's otherwise as "exposed" as she is? Oh well, at least I do like the rest of this outfit, most notably the "transparently covered boob window" she's wearing:


Well, she needs to breathe.

That's what I was going to say! Obviously she can survive the rigors of alien world/moon. Just can't breathe! :)

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I included the following one just to make a point about artist priorities. I like pin-up art as much as anyone but it's amazing how many examples I found like this when looking for "bubble helmet" pics. I get that this is cute and all but what's the point of her wearing a helmet if she's otherwise as "exposed" as she is? Oh well, at least I do like the rest of this outfit, most notably the "transparently covered boob window" she's wearing:


Well, she needs to breathe.

Fair enough. I'm just saying there are plenty of examples out there where these girls remember to put their bubble helmets on but manage to forget much of anything else (like a workable spacesuit, warm clothes, etc.):


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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It's actually warm on those

It's actually warm on those planets and some of those ladies aren't human :o Though I'd worry about girl in the 4th one. How's she going to sit down?

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Space isn't cold, or at least

Space isn't cold, or at least it takes a while for you to lose body heat.

So all she needs is protection from vacuum, pressure, and radiation. I'm sure in whatever retro sci-fi they have pills for that.


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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Space isn't cold, or at least it takes a while for you to lose body heat.

So all she needs is protection from vacuum, pressure, and radiation. I'm sure in whatever retro sci-fi they have pills for that.


Ironically that was a suppository for surviving extreme pressure...not vacuum. This is probably one of my most favorite series ever.

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I did mention pressure in my

I did mention pressure in my post too.

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I always loved how Futurama

I always loved how Futurama even did its own [url=]superhero[/url] episode:


where Fry and Leela got temporary superpowers from one of Zoidberg's crazy cures:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Oh I never made any claim that this style of footwear would be "practical" in the least but then again we all know that much of what passes for "superhero fashion" in comic books would be laughably impractical to wear while trying to fight (or commit) crime in real life. One of the all time classic examples of this conundrum is Wonder Woman:


I think it would be hilarious if they gave us some stiletto boots on which the heel would disapperar while running as Linda Carter's often did in the show! :P

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Riptide wrote:
Riptide wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Oh I never made any claim that this style of footwear would be "practical" in the least but then again we all know that much of what passes for "superhero fashion" in comic books would be laughably impractical to wear while trying to fight (or commit) crime in real life. One of the all time classic examples of this conundrum is Wonder Woman:


I think it would be hilarious if they gave us some stiletto boots on which the heel would disapperar while running as Linda Carter's often did in the show! :P

That would be awesome - I'd probably be willing to pay serious money for that as an option in CoT just for the "nostalgic irony factor" alone. It could be triggered by any ground movement faster than Walking and by switching back-and-forth between being in "combat" mode and "non-combat" mode like the combat auras used to work in CoH.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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See this basic domino mask?


See this basic domino mask? See how it isn't just a flat mask against the face, but has depth to it? Extends the features a bit? This is what I'd like to see in various styles :)

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:


See this basic domino mask? See how it isn't just a flat mask against the face, but has depth to it? Extends the features a bit? This is what I'd like to see in various styles :)

Yeah this is a good suggestion. The idea of "3D masks" has been around for quite a while:


But these pics (both yours and mine) raise another related idea/suggestion worth considering. Notice how your pic has the classic "solid white eye" cartoon look and my pic highlights the "black eye shadow" look. These two options for how eyes work with superhero masks both need to be options for CoT.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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They were options in CO.

They were options in CO. Mostly by making the character's eye just a solid color.

Another thing I like is making it look like it's opaque by having the character's eye color faded underneath.

But if we can do these things through the mask rather than having to change a character's eyes that would be welcomed by me.

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Brand X
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Agreed on the white eyes and

Agreed on the white eyes and not. I always envisioned my OC having a more 3D mask like these examples, even when it doesn't come through on the art. Always figured it'd be one way to mess with facial recognition tech.

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

They were options in CO. Mostly by making the character's eye just a solid color.

Yeah I could see that working for some masks. But I'd think you'd want to make the "field of white" be shaped more in fitting to the mask rather than just the person's eyes. You can see from the following pic where the white parts are clearly not traditionally "human eye shaped".


Project_Hero wrote:

Another thing I like is making it look like it's opaque by having the character's eye color faded underneath.

Hopefully CoT will allow for something like this.

Project_Hero wrote:

But if we can do these things through the mask rather than having to change a character's eyes that would be welcomed by me.

Perhaps the "eye shadow" version of this could be accomplished with just a "raccoon eye" tattoo that could be placed on the face. Then any mask could be worn over top of that to produce the desired look. Of course this would probably lead to some people using the tattoo by itself without a mask but having more options like that is fine by me.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

They were options in CO. Mostly by making the character's eye just a solid color.

Yeah I could see that working for some masks. But I'd think you'd want to make the "field of white" be shaped more in fitting to the mask rather than just the person's eyes. You can see from the following pic where the white parts are clearly not traditionally "human eye shaped".


Project_Hero wrote:

Another thing I like is making it look like it's opaque by having the character's eye color faded underneath.

Hopefully CoT will allow for something like this.

Project_Hero wrote:

But if we can do these things through the mask rather than having to change a character's eyes that would be welcomed by me.

Perhaps the "eye shadow" version of this could be accomplished with just a "raccoon eye" tattoo that could be placed on the face. Then any mask could be worn over top of that to produce the desired look. Of course this would probably lead to some people using the tattoo by itself without a mask but having more options like that is fine by me.

Don't forget about this iconic non human eye shaped mask.


Edit: img didn't work. Fixing.

Edit 2: fixed.

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I would like to have a hole

I would like to have a hole in my hands/cybernetics.gauntlets to shoot stuff. Here its a fireball, [u]but I want to shoot actual tank rounds![/u] Kaboom!
The rest of the costume is, 'meh. ' The hair is interesting because it looks artificial, giving an overall robot look.

Holes in the boots would be fun too for a flaming jet exhaust flying effect


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FUR! lots of fur!


FUR! lots of fur!
I want a big fluffy tail, too big to be practical. I want to be able to color it look like any canine tail, including a red and white fox tail.
and Black Cat white fur costume accessories would be fun as well.


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Combat activated mask

Combat activated mask


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Brand X
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I just want those furry tails

I just want those furry tails to look good! CoH and CO did a terrible job with them imo.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I just want those furry tails to look good! CoH and CO did a terrible job with them imo.

Agreed 100%


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I would like the Titan City

I would like the Titan City Police Dept...or the letters TCPD to be available. AND a badge and Kevlar armor. concept: Super Cop!


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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

I would like the Titan City Police Dept...or the letters TCPD to be available. AND a badge and Kevlar armor. concept: Super Cop!


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Kiyori Anoyui
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Something that would be

Something that would be awesome is costumes with moving parts. For example, say you have a robot arm that has turning cogs, pumping pistons, and exhausts steam every now and then. Or if you have staff with a globe on the top, perhaps something could be whirling around on the inside. Lots of possibilities

Another thing I thought of is if you were a robot with an exposed chest area, you could have a beating heart and fluids travelling around tubes, etc

A Halloween version of this could be undead zombie with holes randomly on the body with snakes/spiders/etc crawling over the bodies and through the holes

A silly one I just thought of is having an aqua man type of character that has to wear a fish bowl on his head, and a little goldfish is in there just swimming around

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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

concept: Super Cop!


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(No subject)

Grabbed a few more pics to look at as suggestions for CoT.

This first one is interesting because it shows a way to create a generic version of a "Wonder Woman" without literally copying DC's IP:


I like pretty much every detail of this next one, especially the fishnet-covered boob window:


I like to visualize this one's whip-like hair flailing around as she's fighting:


I like all the little tiny details with this last one:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I like pretty much every detail of this next one, especially the fishnet-covered boob window:


Dang that's cool as heck!

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Grabbed a few more pics to look at as suggestions for CoT.

This first one is interesting because it shows a way to create a generic version of a "Wonder Woman" without literally copying DC's IP:


I really like this one. especially the combo of spear and shield. The costume is cool.
The sash is awesome...maybe with physics?
The armored arms are great and the boots with armored knees make this complete.
(but I would like a more corset style version with a bit more cleavage)

Bottom line: i really cannot wait until we get to really experiment with the Chargen.


Brand X
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Those first two pics from

Those first two pics from Lothic, love 'em! Especially those added straps! I need added straps devs!

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Here is a sample of a

Here is a sample of a steampunk costume I love and it highlights the layering COT may offer.
1) the corset is what I was referring to above. Here is it layered upon a leather jacket...which is different. It would look great on its own as well.
2) twin holsters. great!
3) Jacket and gauntlets, all leather. This would so be the envy of every Aether Pirate. All she really needs is a scarf.
4) the mid torso strap with the winged emblem on it,,,,awesome.

seriously. Give this gal flight and she could chase Aether Pirates with both guns blazing.


Dark Cleric
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Ooooh I hope we can choose to

Ooooh I hope we can choose to have an off-hand shield if we choose a 1H weapon.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

Ooooh I hope we can choose to have an off-hand shield if we choose a 1H weapon.

I would say that is a go for launch.


Dark Cleric
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

Ooooh I hope we can choose to have an off-hand shield if we choose a 1H weapon.

I would say that is a go for launch.

I guess there's really no reason to not be able to hold a 2H weapon in one hand as well...lot's of games allow you to hold a 2H weapon in one hand. And since there are character's who are obviously those with super strength...this should be a no brainer. May look weird with some a scythe...but maybe not.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Grabbed a few more pics to look at as suggestions for CoT.

This first one is interesting because it shows a way to create a generic version of a "Wonder Woman" without literally copying DC's IP:


I like pretty much every detail of this next one, especially the fishnet-covered boob window:


I like to visualize this one's whip-like hair flailing around as she's fighting:


I like all the little tiny details with this last one:



But I'm into #3 here: I've got a weak spot for angelic looks.

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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Here is a sample of a steampunk costume I love and it highlights the layering COT may offer.
Give this gal flight and she could chase Aether Pirates with both guns blazing.

This pic reminded me of that silly movie Angelina Jolie was in called [url=]Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow[/url]. The movie itself was a box office bomb back in 2004 but it had some campy/cultish qualities that now (retroactively) remind me of the first Captain America movie a few years ago.

Anyway Jolie played this sort-of steampunkish commander of this blimp-based aircraft carrier but sadly she was only in the movie for like 5 minutes tops. The following are some pics of Jolie from a movie poster and what looks to be a pretty good model made of the character which shows off the costume pretty well:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Grabbed a few more pics to look at as suggestions for CoT.


But I'm into #3 here: I've got a weak spot for angelic looks.

Oh well... to each their own. I obviously don't hate #3 (or I would not have posted it) but if I were just looking at the footwear of these four pics I'd like the ones #3's wearing the least. I definitely like the boots #1 and #2 are wearing better.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Here is a sample of a steampunk costume I love and it highlights the layering COT may offer.
Give this gal flight and she could chase Aether Pirates with both guns blazing.

This pic reminded me of that silly movie Angelina Jolie was in called [url=]Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow[/url]. The movie itself was a box office bomb back in 2004 but it had some campy/cultish qualities that now (retroactively) remind me of the first Captain America movie a few years ago.

Anyway Jolie played this sort-of steampunkish commander of this blimp-based aircraft carrier but sadly she was only in the movie for like 5 minutes tops. The following are some pics of Jolie from a movie poster and what looks to be a pretty good model made of the character which shows off the costume pretty well:


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who actually liked that movie... ;P

But I really love both the outfit Cyclops posted and Jolie's from Sky Captain.

Also, I really hope that WW2 era bomber jackets, caps and scarves make it into the game. I want to recreate my Peacebringer, Starbolter, and his name has a very retro-40s vibe to it so I'd love to have a WW2 pilot outfit for him.

Kiyori Anoyui
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I actually like #3’s footwear
Lothic wrote:
desviper wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Grabbed a few more pics to look at as suggestions for CoT.


But I'm into #3 here: I've got a weak spot for angelic looks.

Oh well... to each their own. I obviously don't hate #3 (or I would not have posted it) but if I were just looking at the footwear of these four pics I'd like the ones #3's wearing the least. I definitely like the boots #1 and #2 are wearing better.

I actually like #3’s footwear the best out of all of them. I would definitely incorporate them into some of my character concepts

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DUDE! I've been trying to

DUDE! I've been trying to remember the name of that Sky Captain movie forever!! The "Polly" reveal really stuck with me for some reason. (Okay now that I think of it it's a really messed up reason...)

I do like them if she never needed to run...or walk....or stand....

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This too Animal helmets

This too

Animal helmets

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

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Phararri wrote:
Phararri wrote:

This too

Animal helmets

I figure as long as they don't 100% identically copy any helmets from any existing anime/manga (so no one could sue for IP infringement) then sure why not.

Related to this I'd hope that the CoT costume creator allows for all sorts of extra bits-n-pieces that could be stuck onto a helmet so that we can basically create our own unique helmets. CoH provided a few options like this with a couple of extra fins, chinstraps and/or antennas. If CoT could manage a few dozen options then there could be practically thousands of different possible combinations.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I figure as long as they don't 100% identically copy any helmets from any existing anime/manga (so no one could sue for IP infringement) then sure why not.

Related to this I'd hope that the CoT costume creator allows for all sorts of extra bits-n-pieces that could be stuck onto a helmet so that we can basically create our own unique helmets. CoH provided a few options like this with a couple of extra fins, chinstraps and/or antennas. If CoT could manage a few dozen options then there could be practically thousands of different possible combinations.

Champions also has customisable helmet options. Like, a ton of them. There's actually a "top accessory" and "side accessory" that, when combined with the right helmet, makes for a decent Samus (from Metroid) lookalike.

Oh! I don't know if it's been suggested yet, but one thing I would love to see: [b]tridents as staff-weapon skins.[/b] Not just pitchforks, but hard-angled war tridents. I have a concept for a non-human aquatic character that needs to see the light of day. >.>

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Mask-of-Many wrote:
Mask-of-Many wrote:

Oh! I don't know if it's been suggested yet, but one thing I would love to see: [b]tridents as staff-weapon skins.[/b] Not just pitchforks, but hard-angled war tridents. I have a concept for a non-human aquatic character that needs to see the light of day. >.>

We did have a very vague reference for "tridenty staves" on this thread and apparently nothing on the [url=]Prop Thread[/url] so I guess you win this specific suggestion for tridents as weapons. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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WOW ! I'm surprised the

WOW ! I'm surprised the Infinity Gauntlet wasn't thrown in there.

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Too Gaudy. Honestly, 5

Too Gaudy. Honestly, 5 oversized and different colored gems mounted in gold platemail? Excessive.

Curiously though. Would it even be possible? We only have 3 colors (maybe 4) to work with how would you pick the colors of each stone of the infinity gauntlet? I suppose you could set certain stones to be a "mix" such that the green stone comes from the red and blue...wait's light mixing not pigment

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Grimfox wrote:
Mykellus wrote:

WOW ! I'm surprised the Infinity Gauntlet wasn't thrown in there.

Grimfox wrote:

Too Gaudy. Honestly, 5 oversized and different colored gems mounted in gold platemail? Excessive.

Curiously though. Would it even be possible? We only have 3 colors (maybe 4) to work with how would you pick the colors of each stone of the infinity gauntlet? I suppose you could set certain stones to be a "mix" such that the green stone comes from the red and blue...wait's light mixing not pigment

Nothing would stop the Devs from simply making a wearable golden gauntlet with the uniquely colored gems already in place. Of course MWM probably could just sit back and count the seconds before they were sued by Marvel for doing that... ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Mykellus wrote:

WOW ! I'm surprised the Infinity Gauntlet wasn't thrown in there.

Grimfox wrote:

Too Gaudy. Honestly, 5 oversized and different colored gems mounted in gold platemail? Excessive.

Curiously though. Would it even be possible? We only have 3 colors (maybe 4) to work with how would you pick the colors of each stone of the infinity gauntlet? I suppose you could set certain stones to be a "mix" such that the green stone comes from the red and blue...wait's light mixing not pigment

Nothing would stop the Devs from simply making a wearable golden gauntlet with the uniquely colored gems already in place. Of course MWM probably could just sit back and count the seconds before they were sued by Marvel for doing that... ;)

Yeah, we would need to make the Infinity Sneakers to stay outa trouble.


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I hate the hero, I always

I hate the hero, I always hated baby blue as a main color.
[b]The villain has glowy skin! I want glowy skin. Devs, please make this an option![/b]
the lightning bolt on the villains head is no good, it looks like hair and reminds me of Charlie Brown.


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I like this for the coat. it

I like this for the coat. it is military style, but it is short, like a waist coat BUT WITH TAILS.
It would look great with a bare midriff.
The gold trim and ornate sleeves work well, the belt skulls not so much. and I would rather traditional epaulets.
I love the steam punk goggles.


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That steampunk one almost

That steampunk one almost blatantly looks like a Crab Spider archetype

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I thought it more a steam

I thought it more a steam punk gender bent Dr Octavius

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I can recognize most of those

I can recognize most of those costume pieces from CoH.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

That steampunk one almost blatantly looks like a Crab Spider archetype

It is a Crab Spider. It's a commission by bayanghitam for YosterDragon on DA.

Project_Hero wrote:

I can recognize most of those costume pieces from CoH.

Yup. Recognized it immediately. MAN, I wish I had ever had the money to commission art for my characters.

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OathboundOne wrote:
OathboundOne wrote:
desviper wrote:

That steampunk one almost blatantly looks like a Crab Spider archetype

It is a Crab Spider. It's a commission by bayanghitam for YosterDragon on DA.

Project_Hero wrote:

I can recognize most of those costume pieces from CoH.

Yup. Recognized it immediately. MAN, I wish I had ever had the money to commission art for my characters.

Oh yeah, especially the skulls

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Oversized robot/cyber arms.

Oversized robot/cyber arms. just cause it looks cool.


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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Oversized robot/cyber arms. just cause it looks cool.

I like this pic but I think it's kind of funny he's apparently trying to show off by "making a fist" with his puny arm. ;)

Here's another example of how a "single big arm" could work:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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1) Mirrored visor looks too

1) Mirrored visor looks too cool
2) techno trench coat w/glowy bits
3) the boots!
4) needless straps on top of the coat
5) Armored collar


Kiyori Anoyui
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

I hate the hero, I always hated baby blue as a main color.
[b]The villain has glowy skin! I want glowy skin. Devs, please make this an option![/b]
the lightning bolt on the villains head is no good, it looks like hair and reminds me of Charlie Brown.

Looks more Powerline to me

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

1) Mirrored visor looks too cool
2) techno trench coat w/glowy bits
3) the boots!
4) needless straps on top of the coat
5) Armored collar


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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

1) Mirrored visor looks too cool
2) techno trench coat w/glowy bits
3) the boots!
4) needless straps on top of the coat
5) Armored collar


I agree I love this look. I think they will have the mirrored look and we have seen the one helmet with the lights on the side. I also really liked those foil like material capes they showed. Would also like to have the high collar options for these long coats.

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Nothing special about this

Nothing special about this one. I just liked it.
The mask looks to be armored. and attached to the (Helmet ?) with straps.
Ear rings are attached to the (helmet?) as the ears are protected inside.
Not sure what the dreadlocks are. Cables?

all in all this looks very different from the usual helmets and masks.


Cyclops's picture
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Another interesting piece.

Another interesting piece.
this is a great mix of light armor and spandex. With our textures, this will really pop!
[b]NOTE:[/b] [u]The sword. this is pretty unique. I would love a variety of shapes and attachments so each sword could look unique and yet use the same animation.[/u]
high heel boots. Great.
the eyes seem to glow. Not the whites, but just the blue. I like this a lot. the eyes make this art really stand out.

*** this would make for a great idle stance as well!


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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Another interesting piece.
this is a great mix of light armor and spandex. With our textures, this will really pop!
[b]NOTE:[/b] [u]The sword. this is pretty unique. I would love a variety of shapes and attachments so each sword could look unique and yet use the same animation.[/u]
high heel boots. Great.
the eyes seem to glow. Not the whites, but just the blue. I like this a lot. the eyes make this art really stand out.

*** this would make for a great idle stance as well!

I like the pose - like you say it might be a good one for an idle stance. But it's almost a shame she's posed like that because it would be nice to see more of the outfit. I especially like the texturing of the red leather parts and the eyes.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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This one is

This one is
I normally do not like hoodies in costumes...but this looks awesome!
Combined with the stiff neck piece this really works!
The eagle shoulder pet looks great too!

the military style cut, the coal tails, the sash, the gold detailing...everything in this outfit is dramatic and very well done.
I even like the cane. this would make a nice character non-combat prop. but a cane like this could work with the same animations of a club, bat or mace.
This one of my favorite pieces I ever posted on this thread.

it is much bigger at this link:


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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

[b]NOTE:[/b] [u]The sword. this is pretty unique. I would love a variety of shapes and attachments so each sword could look unique and yet use the same animation.[/u]

At the basic level we will get that since they have bought a module that lets you combine pieces to make a full prop (can't find the post though). As sold it only worked with swords but was easily extendable to include other types of weapons/items. Swords would be assembled by freely combining a blade, cross guard, and hilt. Depending exactly on how customizable it is maybe MWM can even arrange parts so that we first choose the most basic one and then get choices for decorative variants.

As for animations I'm pretty sure that the majority of weapon based animations will only care of the overall style, that is if it's a one-handed, two-handed, dual-wield, or "sword 'n board" style. Of course there may be some more divisioning based on weapon types but I suspect it will be more rare for melee weapons to do that than for ranged ones.

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So this is both a costume and

So this is both a costume and a prop, but it's in the same article so I'll put it here I want you to pay close attention to numbers 5 and 4, 5 needs to be a costume part, and 4 needs to be a throwing weapon. Possibly have a belt full of fire grenades from 4 as a prop, or maybe even combine the two by having fire grenades on a chain.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Also we need a way to make

Also we need a way to make weapons into a more sci fi version of themselves. Part of superhero fiction are aliens with high tech technology but with a culture that's very reminiscent of a culture from our past, or in the case of Atlantis and Wakanda an earth society that's way above us technological capabiliteas. We also need a way of making weapons look steampunk like and the ability to different types of runes to high tech pieces for that "Magitech" feel.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Combat activated mask


Yes....this please.

Hi. I'm Hope.

Dark Cleric
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Hope wrote:
Hope wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Combat activated mask


Yes....this please.

This is cool...but how often do you see your own face in a game like CoT? Like, you'd have to turn the camera and zoom in as you run into combat. Again, cool visual...just questioning the feasibility of actually seeing the visual vs the effort required.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
Hope wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Combat activated mask


Yes....this please.

This is cool...but how often do you see your own face in a game like CoT? Like, you'd have to turn the camera and zoom in as you run into combat. Again, cool visual...just questioning the feasibility of actually seeing the visual vs the effort required.

This is definitely a slippery slope you don't want to slide down: If you start to question how often you (as the player) would ever get to see this cool face mask thing in action yourself you'd have to start questioning why we'd want to have various make-ups, eye color and other facial "details/sliders" that we (again as the player) would rarely see on our own characters. Theoretically it'd be far easier for the Devs to give us faces that looked like the following based on your "effort required" argument:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Dark Cleric
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
Hope wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Combat activated mask


Yes....this please.

This is cool...but how often do you see your own face in a game like CoT? Like, you'd have to turn the camera and zoom in as you run into combat. Again, cool visual...just questioning the feasibility of actually seeing the visual vs the effort required.

This is definitely a slippery slope you don't want to slide down: If you start to question how often you (as the player) would ever get to see this cool face mask thing in action yourself you'd have to start questioning why we'd want to have various make-ups, eye color and other facial "details/sliders" that we (again as the player) would rarely see on our own characters. Theoretically it'd be far easier for the Devs to give us faces that looked like the following based on your "effort required" argument:


I think there is a difference between creating your character to look exactly how you want in the chargen compared to an aesthetic that is only seen when you enter combat on a part of your body you see the least. And I didn't say the devs shouldn't implement it, I said I question the feasibility of actually enjoying that effect.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
Hope wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Combat activated mask


Yes....this please.

This is cool...but how often do you see your own face in a game like CoT? Like, you'd have to turn the camera and zoom in as you run into combat. Again, cool visual...just questioning the feasibility of actually seeing the visual vs the effort required.

This is definitely a slippery slope you don't want to slide down: If you start to question how often you (as the player) would ever get to see this cool face mask thing in action yourself you'd have to start questioning why we'd want to have various make-ups, eye color and other facial "details/sliders" that we (again as the player) would rarely see on our own characters. Theoretically it'd be far easier for the Devs to give us faces that looked like the following based on your "effort required" argument:


I think there is a difference between creating your character to look exactly how you want in the chargen compared to an aesthetic that is only seen when you enter combat on a part of your body you see the least. And I didn't say the devs shouldn't implement it, I said I question the feasibility of actually enjoying that effect.

I'm just saying (half-joking/half-serious) if you can "justify" an argument against one kind of cosmetic detail then you can make the case (intentionally or otherwise) against another. Questions of "how much effort is it to implement one versus another" could easily become blurred. Let's just stay optimistic and try to support everyone's cosmetic suggestions even if some are more feasible than others. I'll let the Devs sort out which ones will be "too much trouble" to bother with.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
Hope wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Combat activated mask


Yes....this please.

This is cool...but how often do you see your own face in a game like CoT? Like, you'd have to turn the camera and zoom in as you run into combat. Again, cool visual...just questioning the feasibility of actually seeing the visual vs the effort required.

You can fully customize your face and a bit of your body in Fallout and Elder scrolls games... It's entirely first person unless you actively make it not.

People just like things.

With the sentiment of "well how often is the player going to see it?" Then we might as well have no eye options. Especially not like, glowy eyes that happen in combat.

The point isn't for me the player to see it. It's for others to see it. It's for it to be there and the player knows it's there and thinks it's cool as heck.

I've put details onto costumes that like, 90% can't be seen, like adding socks when the character has shoes and pants, or boots, just because they're the type to wear socks.

Edit: Also I'd love to have emblems or at least being able to customize the like, tracks of characters shoes. Get like lightning bolts on those or something.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

The point isn't for me the player to see it. It's for others to see it. It's for it to be there and the player knows it's there and thinks it's cool as heck.

Yeah this was basically the point I was trying to make. Technically speaking nothing that is "cosmetic" is required to play a game - that's why we use the word "cosmetic" to describe those things. But it's all those extra little "pointless details" that make a game like this special.

It's collectively worth the Devs' effort to create all those little "useless" things in order to produce a game that provides its players the most customization freedom. Yes it will always be the case that some things are more "feasible" than others and obviously something like "eye color" is going to be a cosmetic detail that's more fundamentally important than a cool animated mask. But I simply don't want people to discount things like the mask just because they aren't routinely obvious. Remember what makes things more realistic in situations like this are the "collections of vague/subtle details" rather than the overtly flashy in-your-face ones.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Was that Casshan? If we're

Was that Casshan? If we're posting Casshan in a costume request thread.....what about his dog?

A hero with a faithful canine companion is common enough, and a robot/cyborg puppy is that much more super-heroic for that Megaman and Casshan look.

Dark Cleric
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
Hope wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Combat activated mask


Yes....this please.

This is cool...but how often do you see your own face in a game like CoT? Like, you'd have to turn the camera and zoom in as you run into combat. Again, cool visual...just questioning the feasibility of actually seeing the visual vs the effort required.

This is definitely a slippery slope you don't want to slide down: If you start to question how often you (as the player) would ever get to see this cool face mask thing in action yourself you'd have to start questioning why we'd want to have various make-ups, eye color and other facial "details/sliders" that we (again as the player) would rarely see on our own characters. Theoretically it'd be far easier for the Devs to give us faces that looked like the following based on your "effort required" argument:


I think there is a difference between creating your character to look exactly how you want in the chargen compared to an aesthetic that is only seen when you enter combat on a part of your body you see the least. And I didn't say the devs shouldn't implement it, I said I question the feasibility of actually enjoying that effect.

I'm just saying (half-joking/half-serious) if you can "justify" an argument against one kind of cosmetic detail then you can make the case (intentionally or otherwise) against another. Questions of "how much effort is it to implement one versus another" could easily become blurred. Let's just stay optimistic and try to support everyone's cosmetic suggestions even if some are more feasible than others. I'll let the Devs sort out which ones will be "too much trouble" to bother with.

Again, I didn't question the effort to implement it from a dev's standpoint. I questioned the effort vs reward of having to turn the camera and zoom in when you run into combat to see this effect. I'm not arguing that it shouldn't be available in the game, I said I'm questioning the effort vs reward from the player's POV. I'm not against it being available. It's just hard to imagine someone turning the camera and zooming into their face every time they enter combat to enjoy this aesthetic.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

I think there is a difference between creating your character to look exactly how you want in the chargen compared to an aesthetic that is only seen when you enter combat on a part of your body you see the least. And I didn't say the devs shouldn't implement it, I said I question the feasibility of actually enjoying that effect.

I'm just saying (half-joking/half-serious) if you can "justify" an argument against one kind of cosmetic detail then you can make the case (intentionally or otherwise) against another. Questions of "how much effort is it to implement one versus another" could easily become blurred. Let's just stay optimistic and try to support everyone's cosmetic suggestions even if some are more feasible than others. I'll let the Devs sort out which ones will be "too much trouble" to bother with.

Again, I didn't question the effort to implement it from a dev's standpoint. I questioned the effort vs reward of having to turn the camera and zoom in when you run into combat to see this effect. I'm not arguing that it shouldn't be available in the game, I said I'm questioning the effort vs reward from the player's POV. I'm not against it being available. It's just hard to imagine someone turning the camera and zooming into their face every time they enter combat to enjoy this aesthetic.

Well I guess I'd have to agree that ultimately any player with any kind of special "front-facing" costume detail like this is probably -not- going to bother to turn their character around all that often to see the given detail no matter how cool it is. My basic response to that is, "So what?"

I would still want the game to offer these kinds of things if no other reason than A) I know it's there and maybe other players around me are enjoying it and B) maybe if enough other players use cool things like this I'd get to see THEIR masks doing fancy things. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012


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