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The sky isn't the limit when it comes to cosmetics people would happily buy if CoT has a good launch. It is just the start.
Yup, that's the Robot Hunter.
The Dog would be more a prop or animation, unless you're talking about when we get quadroped models in which case I apologize for my dumb dumb making
not my video just one I lke ===>
Because there's the RP factor, which if not actively combat but say RP combat, you can see it. There's just the spinning of the camera so you can see it.
And most importantly, there's the showing it off to others. :)
Indeed it is. It's Casshern from Casshern Sins, a gorgeous but terribly morose and heavy series.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Count me in for wanting slick props and costume parts like that. Animated cyborg masks, robot dog companions, the whole deal.
Actually, having animated costumes and props in general is something I haven't heard much discussion on. We've talked about having powers come out of props but not so much about animations (idle and directly related to powers).
We all assume we'll have animations to swing a sword or fire a cannon. More intricate prop and costume part animations would be great though. There is a pretty common trope for mechs and robots to have hidden weapons and missiles under armor plates that flip or open up, for example. Having a power emanate from a chest, wrist, shoulder, or similar location would be easy enough. To really take the look to the next level though you would want props or costume pieces in that area that animate and can be linked to power emanating from that point.
This idea of course can be applied to much more than robot aesthetics. Various biological themed stuff like spikes or growths or plants....stretching and deforming (giant fists etc).
I think the closest we've come to talking about this was during a conversation about costume changes when a dev mentioned something about the possibility of having costume changes linked to powers at some point post-launch, so we could have "hulk out" and "werewolf" and other such aesthetics.
The Casshern mask just made me think of it a bit differently, as animated costume and prop pieces in one consistent costume. Instead of swapping face masks, have one mask that animates (you can of course still change costumes too).
This is a good point/idea. I guess a lot of it would depend on how precisely the Devs could allow for the exact "placement" of power emanation points. For example I'm sure many people might remember this cute little scene from one of the Iron Man movies:
For something like this to "work" in CoT it'd have to be linked to a power coming specifically from a point on his forearm related to a little pop-up launcher thingy. That'd likely have to be an animation pretty specific to an exact power and that specific costume item.
I guess we'll see exactly how many customizable emanation points we'll get to work with.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
This brought up an interesting idea...the ability to link an emanation point with a costume piece. Of course, in the future. So, to take your Iron Man example, if we linked that little rocket fx to a certain robotic piece of costume, and then got to decide where to put the piece. This doesn't sound like it would work with how things currently work, but since CoT is designing their chargen around being 'agile' this might be able to be implemented in the future. Staying with Iron Man, at one point he shoots similar rounds out of shoulder pop-ups (like where his trapezius would be). That would also be a freakin cool emanation point. So if we linked the emanation point to a "pop-up" shooter, that could theoretically be placed anywhere on the body since it doesn't actually require a costume...just the animation of a pop-up piece 'popping' up when you use that power. Once the animation of the attack is done, the flaps close and are no longer visible, requiring no visible costume piece. The game would just have to remember where you placed the pop-up emanation point.
Not sure if I was clear...that was kind of all over the place I fee like.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
Yeah I think we we're both trying to describe roughly the same thing here. The linking of a specific power to a specific "emanation animation" might be a bit beyond the scope of what the Devs of CoT are working on now but I could see specific examples of this as cash shop upgrades in the future. Maybe by buying "emanation animation X" it'll become a new customizable point you can link power Y to.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Offering animated and interactive cosmetics like that to a playerbase would be like printing your own money. I am on board.
It also doesn't have to be limited to power activation linking (though that it obviously very cool). You could have idle animations for props and costume pieces too. Swishing tails, moving gears, moving tentacles, you name it.
You could even have the same prop with different idle and activated animation choices (even use different animations for different powers on the same prop). It would allow for a lot of efficient reuse of art assets to get a wide variety of looks and themes.
I wonder if the devs ever peruse Paragon chat CoH chargen for costume ideas...since they are all there. I wonder if there is any way to back into the data, or if the data is even available on Paragon Chat, to see the most used costume pieces while CoT was live. Probably not, but that would be interesting and probably pretty helpful.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
I don't think you'd need Paragon Chat for that. You can probably have a look through the files on CoX itself.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
I would think the old CoH costume data is readily available to anyone who keep their client software after the shutdown.
While having access to that data might be worthwhile to "look at" and get ideas from I doubt the Devs of MWM would be able to "use" any of it in a practical sense. Not only is there the ever-present concern of not wanting to use/copy any of NCsoft's IP directly but after all these years the chances that the data formats used way back in CoH being fully compatible to what MWM is using for development today is probably not very high. There would likely be a significant amount of overhead having to "translate/port" any of that old data into forms that could be used today and it might not ultimately be worth the effort regardless.
I'm sure the overall CoH "costume collection" has been thoroughly researched by the art Devs of CoH and used as a basis for the base collection of items that'll appear in CoT. Even if the artistic styles/shapes are different the same fundamental items will likely exist in CoT.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Using anything was always out of the question, I figured that was obvious. Besides the copyright issues, CoT is on a completely different engine so nothing can be ported over.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
It is a really cool idea, it would have to send a variable through the character saying "Is in combat" and trigger custom animations or morph targets to put the costumes into "Combat Mode" it would have to be an additive animation. I've personally thought about it multiple times, as this is similar to how Wings react in a way: For example if Character is in flight, it uses a different set of animations for flapping, gliding and so forth. So through running a similar check, it could be doable. But the question is more so about the [b] hows [/b] of it. If it needs bones, then we gotta add extra bones to that mesh to play and create that animation. Another method could be animating a Morph Target - but then you have the question of the Morph working with the other morphs in the body. It is highly likely that you'd get some exceptionally weird results.
Charles Logan
It could just be an emote. toggle on and off.
--on another thread we were talking about taking animal forms, say an American Eagle for the flight power. It just conjured a vision to my eagle in flight breathing fire on evil doers below. Is this possible? Cause ya know it is wicked cool.
TRANSLUCENT ENERGY WINGS. and a boob window. [u]We so need this![/u]
Thanks for responding. Just as something to think about CoH had its "[url=]Cyborg Combat Auras[/url]" that activated when a character entered "combat mode". I would think things like that could be triggered by the same kind of flag in CoT. In particular the A.C.C.A.H.U.D. swung a glowing holographic H.U.D. down over the character's face when you entered combat (shown here in glowing pink):
It's possible that something like the mask being discussed here wouldn't be too different from the CoH aura implementation-wise.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Not really a costume request here, but it seems like it fits best here.
I want cape sliders.
Like being able to have a cape that's long, short, or somewhere in between.
If possible could also handle the cape width to make wider capes or really thin capes.
The Devs then would have less capes to make... But I guess a whole new slider to implement. More up front work, less over time?
Just an idea I had. Like 2 mins ago.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Yeah you are not entirely wrong. It is just that making something “is visible” “is not visible” is a lot easier than trying to create custom animations, triggering them, making sure they blend additively right is a bit more of a hassle for the engine as well.
Maybe Certainly not out of question for some unlockables though hmmm? ????
Charles Logan
This is kind of Nightwing-esgue...
I post this for one reason, the Bracers. They are only half bracers like the fishmen have, but ther also act like Brass Knuckles. I like that for my normies in a mask characters.
Turns out that several years ago the Rednames here were actually talking about something similar to this for boots and gloves. The idea was that you could, for example, have a basic styled boot that could be customized so that it could go all the way from being an ankle boot to knee-hi to thigh-hi or any exact length in-between. Assuming they are still going to try to do that for boots and gloves I see no reason why they couldn't apply that same basic concept to capes as well.
I probably wouldn't want them to do this with [b]all[/b] capes, boots and gloves. Artistically speaking it'd probably be better for many of these things to be "predesigned" to be certain lengths. But for a basic class of "generic non-fancy" items it seems perfectly reasonable for them to allow them to be of variable length.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
How about a unicorn skull hat/head... or better horse with optional horn(s)?
Furthermore I'd like to request a 'Hot Steel' material shader.
[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.
Sure why not? I tried to use descriptive phrases that were generic enough to apply to all sorts of ideas regardless if they were specifically listed or just tangentially implied.
I like this idea - looks sort of lava-like. The orange parts would not merely need to be orange but also glow to some degree. It would be an awesome texture for "diabolic armor/weapons".
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
And if you can change the colour of the glow, you could make all sorts of concepts, if you make it green then you could get an irradiated metal look, make it blue and it's a more cold infused metal.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
Yep I didn't mean to imply the "orange part" could -only- be orange. Clearly something like this would need to be fully customizable color wise. :)
Ideally this texture would have at least two controls: one for color selection and the other for "glow brightness". The later one should be doable with a simple slider.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Just as a point of information: If your character (or her armor) glows from heat, blue-white implies a higher temperature than yellow, which implies hotter than red. But this only applies if your character's designer cares about science. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
You'd be correct assuming the glowing is being caused by heat and/or there's no crazy chemicals involved that would cause the visible light to be shifted in wavelength. But considering this is a "superhero game" the glowing could easily be explained by alien radiation, magic, anti-matter juice or just about anything else you want. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
As far as that fiery material stuff goes - you will essentially be seeing some “patterns” which resonate that look and you can likely choose to make that luminant area “glow” or simply make it dull (maybe it will look like dirty/rusty) but you’ll be glad to hear that these are things that are already in the works :)
Charles Logan
As always thanks for the info. As FYI I'd bet many of us suffer from the Catch-22 of wanting you Rednames to spend hours on these threads telling us everything you know and also wanting you guys to stay away from these threads so that you won't waste any extra time away from doing your Dev stuff. Dropping a few hints like this every once in a while would be a great compromise. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
So over on the [url=]Enemies and Unlocks: The Apkallu[/url] thread I recently "re-suggested" the idea of having dedicated full-body tattoos to simulate being a robot:
We talked about the idea at least once earlier in this thread but as it turns out the latest press release pic of Terminator 6 sort of raises the idea again:
In case you haven't seen the pic yet it features Mackenzie Davis (middle) with some pretty obvious "scars" that look to be fairly symmetrical/systematically placed on her body. I'm not sure if they've stated if these are supposed to be implant scars (like the cybernetic parts that Will Smith's character in I, Robot has) or just some kind of scars from combat/torture. But either way they are similar to the "robot tattoo" concept.
Just for extra visuals I've included close ups of Mackenzie Davis and Will Smith (his implant scars are around his left shoulder):
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
[url=][img=501x708][/img][/url][size=10]Image linked to source[/size]
Bib capes! And genie pants ("genie outfits" were carried over from the ancestor thread but genie lower bodies were too so adding Jeannie pants for completeness).
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
1) single eye heads up display
2) unique cut to the techno dress
3) mentioned before but the computer display presented as an aura. wonderful stuff!
4) short techno vest. this entire combo embodies techno hero.
5) techno bracelets with glowy bits. no mater what glowy bits are always good!
1) pretty much everything in the costume should already be available at launch,
but the reason I post this is...
2) the SHIELD! the hexagon projection is another great techno look for a force field.
Hands and feet from the Sangheili (Halo game series).
Wort wort wort.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Kk if we don't get scouters... ;)
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
This one totally reminded me of that scene from Blade Runner 2049 where Luv is "overseeing" a remote drone airstrike while comfortably getting her nails done. She's wearing a similar "techy" dress and something that looks like a Google Glass that actually does something lol:
It's barely noticeable during this scene but Luv's nails are actually "animated" (note the thumbnail):
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Probably already asked but, will we be able to createan extraterrestrial super hero/villain ? i mean, with some particular eyes or skins or with some SCI FI costume parts ?
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
Even if a part of the costume is already there but in a "invisible" mode and turns"visibile"+a fade effect at lunch of the animation ? that will prevent from adding some bones. Maube be an FX could "replace" the bones' animations ?
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
That scene was so awesome!!
But I get a similar vibe: comfortably looking at some screen, though this gives a bit more busybody atmosphere than getting nails done.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
With the talk of animated masks and such, I immediately thought of this:
But I've posted Wonderful 101 stuff here before. However, there's one thing from their shared costume parts that I'd like to see in City of Titans: The microphone. On the right side of the head of every single Wonderful One they have a microphone that attaches to their mask. And that would be great to have for a Commander or a Tactics based Operator. Or a pop diva turned evil.
So that's my suggestion this time: A head mounted microphone!
(But taking inspiration for a costume change emote is fine, too.)
I like the leather chest piece. The costume is pretty basic/launch level stuff.
[u]I post this for the facial expression.[/u] His battle rage makes the picture. I would love to be able to toggle expressions like this on and off.
Yes being able to set a "default facial expression" and then have emotable expressions that could be used to temporarily "overide" the default would be awesome. Also if emotable expressions become a thing there doesn't seem like there'd be any reason why we couldn't set a "default combat expression" that activates automatically in combat mode just like combat auras did.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Well if that's the case, I want different stances too, like being hunched over like a caveman and walking like a gorilla or having a more straightened back and walking more prim and proper, stuff like that.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Yeah I think we've basically already talked about "body stances" before. What might be new here is that we're focusing in on the idea of also having "facial stances" so to speak.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Have we gotten any info if we can color, or have multiple animations, for the "movement tails" from super speed, flight, etc?
That's a good question. I don't recall if a CoT Redname has specifically mentioned how any of that might work as of yet.
We do know that CoH used to have what it called "[url=]path auras[/url]" that were (IIRC) colorable, but they worked separately from the baked in animations of the basic travel powers.
If the basic travel powers in CoT have baked in "animation effects" we should at least be able to customize their colors and, again hopefully, have an easy way to shut off those effects if we don't want them. Ideally as you imply we'll get multiple animation options to choose from. This would allow for things like different flight poses.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I think coloring your powers comes with the territory of aesthetic decoupling, also you might want to ask that question over on the animation suggestion thread, this is the costume discussion, it's about how your character looks, the animation suggestion thread is for how you want your powers to look
not my video just one I lke ===>
Yeah this was definitely one of those "grey area" issues because it dealt with color customization (which is usually but not always related to costume stuff) AND power animations. For the sake of completeness here's the link to the [url=]animation suggestion thread[/url] if Super M. (or anyone else) wants to talk more about power customization.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Just saw this in [url=]Archeage[/url][sup][size=8]TM[/size][/sup]:
The concept of duality in the wings is striking.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
We definitely have to have those, how else will people make their angsty teenage OCs?
Won't someone think of the angsty teenage OCs!?
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
It's an interesting idea and I guess I would be in favor of a game allowing for that kind of option just from the point of view of "the more options the better". TBH, I'm not sure I'd ever want to "mix-up" wings like that on one my own characters but again I try to keep an open mind and be accepting of what other people would like to have for their characters.
For what it's worth I do like the look of each of those individual wings even if I'm not personally in favor of "randomizing" them on the same character. I also like how the bottom edges of her dress are also mimicking the look of a bird's tail in flight.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Them wings are straight silliness :p Wouldn't they be horiffically unbalanced?!
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
What?!! are we wanting common sense in our fantasy now?
No way. Obviously magical creatures can make do!
I likely wouldn't use them, but I like the idea of it!
This is a good example of what we were discussing earlier. Placing icons wherever you want.
One big star surrounded by a circle of smaller (identical) stars. Further: more stars on the upper arm. This ended up looking good.
---> Note the stars are not painted on the suit. They are like studs or metal attachments.
I like the leather jacket look, but we will have that texture at launch.
The mask is also different but simple enough. Its separate from the neck. I like the buckle on the neck.
all in all, this is a simple but pretty awesome piece.
Practicality is for henchmen and police officers, not big strong Titans like us!!
not my video just one I lke ===>
Seems like an awesome concept, but whats to stop someone from drawing say....a penis on their costume out of other symbols? How do they police people being rude or immature?
To be clear there's a big difference between being able to put logos wherever you want on your body and being able to upload "player designed" logos into the game. But even in the scenario where players can't upload their own logos a game system that would allow a player to manipulate pre-designed logos might still be exploited by clever players to produce "rude or immature" symbology out of the otherwise "safe" logos.
This has been the constant point of debate every time this subject comes up. Sadly there doesn't seem to be a simple solution to this issue that doesn't involve a lot of extra Dev/GM time and effort (either on the front end from extra Dev design effort or the back end from extra GM policing).
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
My guess we will only have Dev designs to work with.
Still, there WILL be abuses. That's where complaints made to the Devs will necessary. See something, say something. Report abuses. The end.
I reported offensive costumes in COH. They had Dev policing, so will we.
Only specific areas of placement, just more than the usual costume based mmo, might work.
Part costume question part animation (again), but any idea of multiple arms possible? Seems like a lot of work for the devs.
Think I asked about this but for the entire body sometime before, a.k.a going full body "[i]Two Face[/i]"-style. As long as it doesn't require different proportions then it shouldn't be that big a task, still big though. For clothes and body parts that "uses" both sides it would need to be able to do hal-'n-half in terms of coloring, patterns and/or materials.
Personally I think laying the ground works for this would allow for more asymmetric options like only having horns on one side of the head or different types/lengths on left and right side, and other types of asymmetry that traditionally hasn't had a clear left and right side. By extension it would also be nice if we could have the same level of asymmetri in power aesthetics.
Of course this would significantly increase the amount of costume data so I wouldn't expect it until years down the line.
I think it would be perfectly feasible for the art department to divide their symmetrically paired items in half; so horns, wings, tusks, shouderpads, gloves and boots could be offered in singles as well as pairs. It would be a great way to increase the amount of costume offerings with minimal effort. But making single things splittable like torso coverings, helmets, belts and pants would require a dedicated effort for each in order to make sure the dividing lines agree. And in doing so, I think we would find that the "line of symmetry" in a lot of offerings might not actually be a line but rather an irregular path that takes into account the shapes and designs that make up each half.
But having said that, I am not going to be a hypocrite and let the perceived effort of implementation deter me from recognizing and even desiring a cool idea when I see one. This is one such idea and I see no reason why this shouldn't be done. The idea is a fun one and I hope someday to see it in the game.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Hel yeah!
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Yeah based on what the Devs have said I'd think to have characters with multiple arms like this:
Would require completely new body models which isn't likely going to happen anytime soon. It's far more likely we'd see critters like this:
in the near term which have appendages "attached" to the standard human model via like a backpack.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
[url=]I saw what you did there... ;)[/url]
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I'm big on both these two-faced arts. I do hope there's enough mechanics to allow a two-face-esque costume.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
Right, and not to bring up an argument from another thread, but its something like this, that is unlikely to be made because of large time and investment, that I would gladly see as a paid for extra, as opposed to unlockable, because we're unlikely to see it otherwise.
Doing "two-faced arts" would likely be relatively easy in CoT. The Devs could simply come up with a bunch of half masks or half facial tattoos and even allow people's left and right eyes to be uniquely customized.
It would start to get more difficult when you got to things like "half-n-half" hair, lips and clothing because those things, as single items, tend to span across both the left and right sides of a character's body. I suppose the Devs could create a whole bunch of half-n-half items with a huge random mix of halves but that would increase the total number of items in the game by orders of magnitude.
I don't want to say such a thing would be impossible. But it would obviously take more effort to accomplish than just providing "normal" clothing so I'd once again assume this would be a "post launch" update if it happens at all.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Could even just have a pattern that covers half the body. two-face had a half-black, half-white suit, so just do a suit with a black color and add a white pattern.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
Sure, but the game would have to have the "capability" to put one pattern/texture/color on one half of a costume item and a different pattern/texture/color on the other. Again not saying it's impossible but it would take additional effort to make that workable.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Not certain if anything like this has been suggested before, but what the heck...
Skin / covered options for partial costume pieces.
For example, if you selected bracers for glove piece in CoH, the character ONLY had bare skin option, meaning that if you wore tights, you had a shirt with 3/4 length sleeves and then bracelets. I had suggested on a few occasions that they make such pieces have a tights under option similar to the Sneakers footwear which, when selected, offered a choice of socks or no socks. But the Kung Fu slippers was bare leg only, so one could have tights with slippers unless you wanted the tights to end at the calf muscle.
I'd say this is a very reasonable observation/concern and I'm honestly not sure if anyone else has mentioned this idea as directly as you have.
The CoT Devs have briefly mentioned the idea of "costume layering" and how the Unreal Engine is supposed to be able to handle that kind of thing much better than games like CoH did in the past. The theory of course is that we should be able to put on multiple layers of clothing and have it all "work" the way you'd expect it would if you did that IRL.
I think part of the reason you had cases in CoH like your "gloves/sleeve" example was that the game simply lacked the built-in ablity to dynamically "layer" random clothing so it had to be limited to certain hardwired defaults like "gloves with no sleeves" so that those things could be as generically reusable as possible. I would hope that things would be able to "fit together" a bit more logically now.
Also remember that at one point the Devs talked about being able to "customize" the length of boots and gloves in CoT. If something like that becomes a feature then it should be possible to simply adjust the length of those items to better match up with the edges of sleeves/pants.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Hopefully with lengthening boots and gloves comes tights too.
Being able to have tights that go from no sleeve to full (or perhaps even covering the hands too) would be a boon.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Yeah I'm not sure I would bother making every shirt in the game "adjustable" like that but certainly the "basic spandex unitard outfit" could benefit from being adjustable in both the sleeves and legs.
Having sleeves that could go all the way from this: (basically no sleeves)
To this: (full "stirrup" styled sleeves)
Would be cool. Also being able to adjust the cut of the bottoms would be equally nice - they could be adjustable all the way from stirrup ankled leggings up to a high-leg thong style leotard.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
so a friend of mine has a character. This is a character he's been playing for more than a decade at this point. He's following City of Titans in development, but seems averse to actually giving in and posting in regards to the game, since that'd mean he's actually committing to it and hoping. I'm fairly certain he's trying to avoid actually hoping that CoT is as good as CoH, because it'd devastate him if he gambled his hope on it and lost.
He's also prideful enough that he's probably going to be angry I posted this before he could work up the nerve to do it himself :V
Regardless, here's the request:
This is the deadly assassin Wight (on the left) and the friend's character, Lord Magtok (on the right). There's a few things here that I don't think have been mentioned anywhere in costume requests, so i'm gonna go all the way down them.
1. Baggy shirt. Wight's shirt is far, far larger than any sort of standard tee; i can see a few costume ideas already that depend on something like that on my end.
2. Blood covered. I don't know what sort of characters would really benefit from this the most, but I know there's gotta be plenty.
3. If you look carefully, Magtok has a fashionable vertical scar over his right eye! Very important.
4. Two different eyes. Aside from some people who obviously love heterochromia, the option to have one eye be cybernetic and the other not is a neat addition that could use some thought.
5. The "half cyborg" face he's got going on. It might be able to be accomplished with a mask of sorts, but the section of the neck there is particularly interesting, as I don't think I've seen many high-tech neck structures that use plates instead of things like carbon muscle-cord.
6. A nice flowing purple [s]dress[/s] robe.
An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".
At this point I think plenty of people are already keeping hope alive that CoT will be a worthy successor to CoH. Regardless I think it's funny you would "out" your friend for also being hopeful of that. ;)
As for your suggestions it seems like most of that would at least be possible. Weirdly enough the only one that might be questionable is the "blood covered" idea. I could see where the Devs of this game just might be a bit hesitant to let something like that in just based on the "T for Teen" rating and not wanting things to be "too gory". Don't get me wrong, I'd probably want to use something like that myself on several of my own characters - I'm just saying the Devs might have an issue with it. Remember there really wasn't that much "blood" in CoH more or less for the same reason.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Blood would be pretty easy to do. If you can get dirt covered as an aesthetic you change it to a darker red and there you go, you're now bloody.
CoH had a dripping aura, if CoT has one change it to a red, boom.
If you can have an aura where you leave footprints, again change to red.
Having an aesthetic option of having your character be dirty would be neat. Use it for a battle damaged costume.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
To be clear I didn't say it would be hard to implement - in fact it would likely be almost trivial.
I'm just saying the Devs might (again [i]might[/i]) arbitrarily not allow anything like that just on the basis of it being potentially "too gory" depending on how realistic it could be. As conservative as these Devs seem to be about certain things I could see them possibly having a problem with allowing something like the following in this game:
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Which is why I offered workarounds.
The devs don't need to make a blood effect.
Players can turn other effects into looking like blood effects.
Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB after all.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Sure and they could always offer like a body tattoo or aura they call "splatter" and just let players figure out if they want to color it red or not. I get all that. I'm just not sure they would do something quite as specific as the pic that was provided by Halae.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Probably not, no.
Having options that can work for multiple concepts seems far more likely. Like having dirt or splatter patterns or tattoos or what have you, dripping auras, etc.
What the players do with them after that is their own biz.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
this could fit in the animation request slot as well, this is an animated aura that would be totally cool.
--Devs...this is a definite cash shop kinds thing.
Further I would LOVE to see this aura tied into an attack as well. Massive melee comes to mind...
Fuck yeah! Maybe a minaturized version, but I also want snakes, bats, fireflies.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
Attn MWM artists. I would like an Elsa look alike face, we don't have to call it the Elsa face. But combined with the very common Elsa Hair (not called Elsa hair), this would make for a great heroine face.
I say we call it Face 42 and Hair 15. Come on guys this IS a cool look.
and the gloves are pretty cool too.
You'll probably have it since in this news : Hunter Robin tells us the best haircut for him is a braid called "Moonrise" (which seems like what you want ^^)
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
Now we just need the face and I am good to go. Battlecry: "Letitgo!"