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Costume Request Thread 2.0

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Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Yeah, I'm not trying to use

Yeah, I'm not trying to use that as an excuse, moreso explain why my posts tend to be kind of a mess.

I find I have a hard time translating my thoughts into actual words for other people to understand.

But on the plus side sometimes I just get ideas that appear fully formed like an I deal I had for a desert town in D&D where they would use water as currency. I wasn't even thinking about anything remotely related to that at the time then just pop! Idea. Same goes for a lot of my super hero concepts, they just show up in my head.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: 04/25/2016 - 21:30
I think the term project_hero

I think the term project_hero is trying to come up with is 'rationalization'.
Put another way, it's making excuses to minimize culpability for ones actions. An example of this would be 'I stole the candy bar because the store is over priced'.

I agree that it is a frustrating and infuriating behavior. At best it's a lie of self-deception and at worst it's a lie to manipulate others.

Although I am not sure how important it is in the context of character created costumes designs in CoT. It seems to me that the personal reasons for someones costume would have such a small impact on others that even when it is rationalized it shouldn't matter.

Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 03/06/2016 - 16:15
I get where you're coming

I get where you're coming from P_H, and I for one will readily admit that I will happily make multiple scantily clad characters... simply because I want to.

*Note, this post is largely tongue-in-cheek. But also true. BEEEEEFCAKE

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
OathboundOne wrote:
OathboundOne wrote:

I get where you're coming from P_H, and I for one will readily admit that I will happily make multiple scantily clad characters... simply because I want to.

*Note, this post is largely tongue-in-cheek. But also true. BEEEEEFCAKE

That's the spirit

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

blacke4dawn's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

You don't have to justify your character outside the game. Saying "I wanted it that way" is explicitly -not- attempting to justify it. By all means weave what ever reasons you want into your backstory but don't try to use them as a shield from criticism.

With the men/women thing (though I'm not sure when you asked that) it's more or less the same reason as to why some jokes are ok for black people and not for white people. One has a history of oppression and the other doesn't.

No one's attempting to "impose their will" on another player. Infact I don't know how someone even could do that. Like you said they could just be ignored or at worse reported.

Yeah, interactions can be hard to judge a lot of the time. Sometimes you can tell vial IC/OOC interactions. Usually if a player is not a jerk when asked to tone down their character's jerkiness they will, but sometimes they make justifications for why their character needs to be a jerk and that the other person is just stomping all over their character. It's the same as any interaction IRL if someone's saying something that you find offensive and you ask them to stop and they try to hide behind like, free speech or like they have a friend who doesn't find it offensive or whatever, then you can tell that they just don't really care how they make you feel.

I dunno. I'm probably not explaining myself right. I'm not meaning to come off as self righteous or whatever. I tend not to think before I type, but think as I'm typing if that makes sense? So usually my posts meander around and get a bit muddled.

So just because someone criticizes someone else's character that person has to effectively throw away the entire background of said character and just state "because I wanted to" and all is fine and those criticizing it will just go away?
I have a hard time believing someone would make a character they didn't want to do so stating "because I wanted to" is kinda stating the obvious.

It almost negates the entire reason to have a background at all if I can't use it to justify a characters costume and/or behaviour (and behaviour only during proper RP sessions imo).
It gives the notion that people making such backgrounds does it purely for the reason to have an "offensive" character, rather than perhaps an interesting one. It could also be extended to that such backgrounds shouldn't even exist since the only reason for them to exist is to make "offensive" characters, right?
It also justifies any form of criticism (regardless of how ridiculous most others would see that criticism as), not only about "offensive" characters, since using in-game reasoning/justifications in any form would only be seen as defending against criticism.

For the male/female thing, really bad example since when the hell were men oppressed to such a degree? Women have been and still are to a lesser degree oppressed for being sexually or scantily clad but effectively disallowing any reason for making a character sexy/scantily clad beyond "because I want to" is continuing said oppression imo. In your example you give more "rights" (in terms of making jokes) to the ones who were oppressed while with the sexy/scantily clad women's issue you give [b]less[/b] "rights" (in terms of "proper" costume options) to the ones that who were oppressed. See the difference?
(Ohh, and it was [url=]here[/url] I stated it first, though not as a question as I thought I did)

Maybe "imposing their will" was the wrong phrase but it ties into that those who criticize other's costume choices would have a "higher ground" to criticize from since all in-game reasons for that costume to exist are removed and thus it shouldn't exist in the first place. May be a long logical leap but that is essentially "imposing their will" imo.

One thing popped into my head now and that is that completely disregarding a characters background is effectively the same as taking it completely out of context so not being able to use that "context" to defend against criticism is handicapping the "defender".

And you are treating in-game reasoning and out-of-game reasoning as a single entity when those two need to be separated. Out-of-game reasoning is 99.9999999% "because I wanted to" regardless of the costume made and how "offensive" it is which makes it effectively irrelevant. In-game reasoning is the only thing that should really matter thus it is the characters, not mine as a player, reasons for doing so that should be considered thus using that characters background to "justify" it.

And lastly, just because some hide behind that "defense" to be completely jerk does not mean we have to completely remove that "defense" for legitimate uses.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
I think you may be missing my

I think you may be missing my point a bit. No saying "because I wanted to" doesn't negate the criticisms but using some back story reason as an attempt to justify why that character has to be that way, even though as a creator you had full reign to just not make the character that way, is pretty crappy behavior (not quite what I wanted to put but I couldn't think of any other way to end that sentence).

Like the idea that a character needs to be a certain way for whatever backstory reason only needs to be that way because the creator decided it needed to be that way.

If you take a character like Superman who absorbs yellow solar radiation for his powers, yet is completely covered from the neck down. If someone made a female hero who does a similar thing they'd most likely be practically nude because they "need" to be that way because of how their powers work.

Even though they work however you want them to work. So they don't need to be any way at all.

I don't think I really need to seperate in-universe explanations from out of universe ones especially if a creator tries to use their in universe explanations to hide their out of universe ones. They wanted to make a scantily clad character so they crafted a reason that they needed to be that way so that they can then use that reason as a shield against any who complain about the character instead of accepting the complaints themselves.

"It's what my character would do" is essentially their defense for whatever they're doing as if they as the player/creator had no control of how it got that way.

Not sure I completely understand on your follow up from my point about jokes, as you say it was probably a bad example. Sexuality of female characters (especially those created by men) is a complicated issue that were likely best off not getting into. I didn't mean to imply in any way that men were oppressed. Sometimes things sound better from your own perspective when you have your train of thought going, you know? (This meaning it sounded better and more apt from my perspective with my train of thought. It apparently didn't translate well)

When you say handicapping the defender what do you mean exactly. That the defender has a harder time or an easier one? I mostly see handicaps in videogame terms and in a lot of them I've played it can be either a positive or negative.

To claim that only in game reasoning matters is essentially claiming you as the creator and player have zero control over how your character is. Your in-game reasons only matter to other characters in game.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

blacke4dawn's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

I think you may be missing my point a bit. No saying "because I wanted to" doesn't negate the criticisms but using some back story reason as an attempt to justify why that character has to be that way, even though as a creator you had full reign to just not make the character that way, is pretty crappy behavior (not quite what I wanted to put but I couldn't think of any other way to end that sentence).

Like the idea that a character needs to be a certain way for whatever backstory reason only needs to be that way because the creator decided it needed to be that way.

Yet again, why do I have to explicitly say "because I wanted to" when that is the reason behind 99.9999% (or more) of a players decisions to make a character a certain way? And that goes for any character not just the "offensive" ones.


If you take a character like Superman who absorbs yellow solar radiation for his powers, yet is completely covered from the neck down. If someone made a female hero who does a similar thing they'd most likely be practically nude because they "need" to be that way because of how their powers work.

But if it's a male character in only shorts, boots, and a cape due to them "needing" a larger exposure area would it receive the same amount of criticism? In my experience, no they wouldn't.
Further in my experience there are few relatively speaking who make practically nude characters (which ime are more often than not of the animal, alien, demon, or plant based variety), there would be a higher chance they'd go with the more acceptable leotard and mini-skirt combo or equivalent coverage.
Devil's in the details here. The basis may be the same but it can be a matter of magnitude, Supes may be fine with such little exposed area while someone else might not. And note that you yourself say [i][b]similar[/b] thing[/i], not [i]exactly same[/i]. Why someone can't "need" a higher exposure area just because they are female is just a ridiculous notion to me.


Even though they work however you want them to work. So they don't need to be any way at all.

I... uhm... what? Are you saying that character backgrounds are completely wasted and useless since they don't strictly need to be in any specific way? Or does that only apply to the backgrounds people think are bad?
Yes they don't strictly need to be in a bikini the exact same way they don't strictly need to be in full armor. So what's your point?


I don't think I really need to seperate in-universe explanations from out of universe ones especially if a creator tries to use their in universe explanations to hide their out of universe ones. They wanted to make a scantily clad character so they crafted a reason that they needed to be that way so that they can then use that reason as a shield against any who complain about the character instead of accepting the complaints themselves.

"It's what my character would do" is essentially their defense for whatever they're doing as if they as the player/creator had no control of how it got that way.

Not sure what you are getting at here but that looks dangerously close to "imposing ones will" onto others in the form that anything I (as in the one criticizing) think is a bad or invalid background should never be used by anyone. Really, it could never ever be that they found an existing male character with an interesting background and wanted to make a female version of it that when looked at a bit deeper would either need to replace the costume after every battle or make a few strategic holes?
If they really try to hide their true out-of-game behaviour behind their in-game character then I would agree but that doesn't really apply to costumes since it's not really a behaviour in that sense. And why should they just accept criticism when those criticizing can just accept that different people want to do different things? Not all criticisms is "valid". If it's not a direct impact on your game-play then just drop it.


Not sure I completely understand on your follow up from my point about jokes, as you say it was probably a bad example. Sexuality of female characters (especially those created by men) is a complicated issue that were likely best off not getting into. I didn't mean to imply in any way that men were oppressed. Sometimes things sound better from your own perspective when you have your train of thought going, you know? (This meaning it sounded better and more apt from my perspective with my train of thought. It apparently didn't translate well)

You made the point that blacks can joke about their oppression, and I'll assume you include using terms used by their oppressors like the N-word, without it being seen as bad compared to their "oppressors" doing it, a.k.a a higher "right". In regards to sexy/scantily clad women that is not the same since women do not have a higher "right" to dress more sexy/scantily than men without being criticized for it (yes even by other women sometimes).


When you say handicapping the defender what do you mean exactly. That the defender has a harder time or an easier one? I mostly see handicaps in videogame terms and in a lot of them I've played it can be either a positive or negative.

Negative in aspect since removing context removes effectively all possible arguments they have to defend themselves with.


To claim that only in game reasoning matters is essentially claiming you as the creator and player have zero control over how your character is. Your in-game reasons only matter to other characters in game.

No it's more about that there is extremely little beyond "because I wanted to" for out-of-game reasons to make a character so why keep harping on about it. So the "real" differentiation of why a character is a specific way are the in-game ones.

Really, all I'm getting from you is that when someone asks (or criticizes) why your character is a certain way you should only have one single answer: "Because I wanted to"
If a "non-offensive" character can justify the way they are by using in-game reasons in an out-of-game setting then why can't "offensive" characters do the same? (this is the main part of the handicap I mentioned)

Is this really all about that when they describe/explain their character they don't include the explicit phrases "because I wanted to" or an equivalent to it? I fully admit it, no character has to be a specific way it's all because we wanting them to be that way.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Again it's more using the

Again it's more using the justification that you came up with as a attempt to deflect criticisms.

If you made a non-offensive character you don't really need to use any backstory elements as a defense of your character as you likely don't feel the need to defend yourself. And you likely aren't being criticized for making a character like that.

So like,

1) You made a scantily clad character
2) you come up with a reason why they "need" to be
3) use point 2 to defend the decision to do point 1.

And for something non offensive
1) make a character with fire powers
2) decide they're a mutant and that's why they have said powers

If asked why you made a character with fire powers you likely wouldn't say "because they're a mutant" it's more likely you'd say "I dunno, I like fire powers."

I'm probably not explaining it very well. Thanks for bearing with me all this time.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Halae's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
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PH, you seem like you have a

PH, you seem like you have a lot to say on the matter. It may be wise to make a thread about this; the Costume Request thread is not the place for this discussion, and I'm fairly concerned that people have stopped posting requests because the thread was derailed so hard.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

notears's picture
Last seen: 11 months 3 weeks ago
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listen guys, I don't care how

listen guys, I don't care how "offensive" it is, I still want my Conan style barbarian to where nothing but a chainmail thong....

not my video just one I lke ===>


Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
notears wrote:
notears wrote:

listen guys, I don't care how "offensive" it is, I still want my Conan style barbarian to where nothing but a chainmail thong....

That's fine, do it up.

Just don't create some kind of reason to hide behind why they need to be loincloth clad.

"This loincloth is my loincloth of power and it only works if it's the only thing I wear!"

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

notears's picture
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He's doing it because he's a

He's doing it because he's a strong independent barbarian who don't need no armour!!

not my video just one I lke ===>


Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
notears wrote:
notears wrote:

He's doing it because he's a strong independent barbarian who don't need no armour!!

That's the way.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

notears's picture
Last seen: 11 months 3 weeks ago
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His name is Twerkulese and he

His name is Twerkulese and he's going to make RP super weird yo!

not my video just one I lke ===>


Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Love him already.

Love him already.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

notears's picture
Last seen: 11 months 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
NEAT!! /e flips over a random

NEAT!! /e flips over a random table and then runs into the street while wielding a claymore

not my video just one I lke ===>


Fireheart's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

NEAT!! /e flips over a random table and then runs into the street while wielding a claymore.

Is that a dirk under your kilt, or are you just happy to slay me?

Claymore-mine in your sporran? That's hardcore!

Be Well!

Halae's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
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Alright, let's get this back

Alright, let's get this back on track. Since I'm still on a Devil May Cry kick thanks to the recent announcement, I've been playing the old games, and found something that I don't think anybody has actually requested yet.


Take a look at that arm. I'm not requesting scales or anything like that, but for once, a material pattern we can roll with. Nero's hands have glowing parts, and that kind of bioluminescence seems like a perfect fit for a lot of characters. Say you add stripes to someone, right? You could have them be the same material as the rest of the character, or have them be metal strips, OR you could even make them a glowing material, like the old Bioluminescent skin option from CoH.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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I'd like glowie bits like

I'd like glowie bits like that in a cyberpunk 2020 style cybernetics :)

Halae's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
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Joined: 09/17/2014 - 09:37
That's exactly what I mean!

That's exactly what I mean! If it's a material option, people could include the glowing in whatever they like and makes sense to them!

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
I am 200% down with robot

I am 200% down with robot arms with glowie bits. Also if we could have parts of our characters just be like, glowy energy limbs.


"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

notears's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
notears wrote:

NEAT!! /e flips over a random table and then runs into the street while wielding a claymore.

Is that a dirk under your kilt, or are you just happy to slay me?

Claymore-mine in your sporran? That's hardcore!

Be Well!


not my video just one I lke ===>


Cobalt Azurean
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

I am 200% down with robot arms with glowie bits. Also if we could have parts of our characters just be like, glowy energy limbs.


This. Please this.

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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I have a character concept

I have a character concept where the entire visible humanoid form is a softly glowing 'forcefield' or 'energy body', with a big 'tech-egg' in the torso.

Be Well!

Fireheart's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:


What terrifies me is the live Alligators you keep in there.

Be Well!

notears's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
notears wrote:


What terrifies me is the live Alligators you keep in there.

Be Well!


not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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There's been some good ideas

There's been some good ideas posted here in the last few weeks but I had to comment on this one specifically posted by Brand X:


I had a favorite electric-based character in CoH that I always wanted to look pretty much exactly like this (even down to the colors). I would practically kill and/or pay silly amounts of money (several hundreds of dollars at least) if CoT would let me create something graphics model wise effectively identical to this.

To be perfectly honest the full "thong" style is not my absolute favorite - not that I hate thongs in general but I'd simply like an option for this particular outfit with a bit more coverage for the rear. Seriously, if I could get this above character model and outfit combo with perhaps the following style for the back end:


I would probably never play another alt for as long as I played CoT. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
I think you can make

I think you can make something pretty similar in CO. The top of hers looks very similar to one I used on one of my characters.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Lord Nightmare
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Totally not a personal bias

Totally not a personal bias but...

Gothic fashion. City of Heroes had a good bit of selection but faltered compared to more generic or sci-fi styles. Doesn't have to be super out there (large victorian-style dresses or overcoats and immaculately designed jackets with hundreds of belts), just simple items like a net/mesh shirt and armwarmers.


[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
That reminds me I remember

That reminds me I remember there being a lot of happy peppy goth chicks on virtue back in the day.

So I made a depressed goth chick as like a counter to them. She was a good time.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

There's been some good ideas posted here in the last few weeks but I had to comment on this one specifically posted by Brand X:


I had a favorite electric-based character in CoH that I always wanted to look pretty much exactly like this (even down to the colors). I would practically kill and/or pay silly amounts of money (several hundreds of dollars at least) if CoT would let me create something graphics model wise effectively identical to this.

To be perfectly honest the full "thong" style is not my absolute favorite - not that I hate thongs in general but I'd simply like an option for this particular outfit with a bit more coverage for the rear. Seriously, if I could get this above character model and outfit combo with perhaps the following style for the back end:

However, for me, the full "thong" style is something I want.

Cyclops's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

However, for me, the full "thong" style is something I want.

YEP, I second that! Lothic, you can add "thongs" to the list.


Lothic's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Project_hero wrote:

I think you can make something pretty similar in CO. The top of hers looks very similar to one I used on one of my characters.

The costume items might be doable in CO but I certainly know the character models in CO look pretty much [b]nothing[/b] like this pic. For me it's the "whole package" deal that I'd want (costume AND body model except for the thong as mentioned).

Brand X wrote:
Lothic wrote:

There's been some good ideas posted here in the last few weeks but I had to comment on this one specifically posted by Brand X:


I had a favorite electric-based character in CoH that I always wanted to look pretty much exactly like this (even down to the colors). I would practically kill and/or pay silly amounts of money (several hundreds of dollars at least) if CoT would let me create something graphics model wise effectively identical to this.

To be perfectly honest the full "thong" style is not my absolute favorite - not that I hate thongs in general but I'd simply like [color=red]an option[/color] for this particular outfit with a bit more coverage for the rear. Seriously, if I could get this above character model and outfit combo with perhaps the following style for the back end:

However, for me, the full "thong" style is something I want.

To be clear I didn't suggest that "thongs should not be allowed in CoT" or that thongs couldn't be an [b][i]option[/i][/b] for this or any other costume. I'm simply saying, perhaps in an indirect way, that we ought to be able to have multiple "butt coverage" options for these kinds of outfits all the way from thongs to Brazilian cut to full coverage "boyshort" style.

Regardless thanks for posting this particular pic because it really managed to capture the mental "mind's eye" picture I always had in my head about this. :)

Cyclops wrote:

YEP, I second that! Lothic, you can add "thongs" to the list.

I still find it amazing after all this time that we can still freshly add such fundamentally basic costume suggestions like "thongs" to the list. It keeps me wondering what other hyper-obvious suggestions no one has yet made here. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Joined: 10/31/2013 - 06:49
We're missing Dr. Wily styled

We're missing [url=]Dr. Wily[/url] styled hair, too. You know, bald on top of the head, but spiky and standing out from the sides and back. [url=]Heihachi[/url] from the Tekken series is also an option.

It's just a proper hairstyle for an evil mad scientist. To show them, to show them ALL!

Lothic's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

Totally not a personal bias but...

Gothic fashion. City of Heroes had a good bit of selection but faltered compared to more generic or sci-fi styles. Doesn't have to be super out there (large victorian-style dresses or overcoats and immaculately designed jackets with hundreds of belts), just simple items like a net/mesh shirt and armwarmers.


We actually already had several references to "goth" stuff on the main list but the more the merrier. :)

Project_Hero wrote:

That reminds me I remember there being a lot of happy peppy goth chicks on virtue back in the day.

So I made a depressed goth chick as like a counter to them. She was a good time.

I'll probably start some kind of flame war with this but I always thought "depressed goth" was basically the definition of "emo". Of course this would all be a matter of how you'd RP such a character because admittedly many of the "costume differences" between the typical goth and emo can be fairly subtle all things considered.


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Lord Nightmare
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The easiest explanation is

The easiest explanation is that Emo is more of a depressed Punk subculture (and all the angst and anger that comes with Punk) based around personal issues that adopts a darker style of dress and music than traditional Punk while Goth [i]generally[/i] draws from horror as an inspiration, embracing the "dark" that people generally would avoid and celebrating it coupled with nihilistic introspection, resulting sometimes with that stereotypical melancholy mood.

A good example of the Gothic subculture is the overall atmosphere present in VtM: Bloodlines.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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1) I like the eye make-up

1) I like the eye make-up
2) The texture and the seams are really nice.
3) The opposite-world Boob Window. Shows less skin and looks really great.
4) For PH, she needs this window because it gets really hot and humid in Titan City in the summer. Poor kid. Who else but a hero will wear leather in summer?


Cyclops's picture
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I love the glowy ethereal

I love the glowy ethereal armor. It could be a summoned force field, or actual see through armor.
Glowy = good!
See through ethereal armor = great!

together = awesome!


Brand X
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CO has that type of armor

CO has that type of armor bits and it's always a nice addition, especially since it can work for so many concepts, not just tech as that pic shows.

I also like that top Cyclops posted.

I like the hair of both pics too.

Speaking of hair...Elsa (Frozen) hairstyle please :)

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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

1) I like the eye make-up
2) The texture and the seams are really nice.
3) The opposite-world Boob Window. Shows less skin and looks really great.
4) For PH, she needs this window because it gets really hot and humid in Titan City in the summer. Poor kid. Who else but a hero will wear leather in summer?

Underboob sweat is a thing, and a very unpleasant thing. lol

also, I adore that top and that hair.

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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

I love the glowy ethereal armor. It could be a summoned force field, or actual see through armor.
Glowy = good!
See through ethereal armor = great!

together = awesome!

That's actually just her armor coming on or going off.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

That's actually just her armor coming on or going off.

Well sure, but does it have to be?

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

That's actually just her armor coming on or going off.

Well sure, but does it have to be?

No, but there are plenty of examples of what Cy is talking about.


Like the tech armor in Mass effect.


The holographic armor from Champions Online

And I'm sure there are many others.

Though in regards to the Samus picture I would love a costume change emote that fades in the selected costume.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Cobalt Azurean
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The Victorian Aura from CoH/V

The Victorian Aura from CoH/V was similar in implementation but very different in appearance. Either way, they both look great and I would love to see any and all options.

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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

The Victorian Aura from CoH/V was similar in implementation but very different in appearance. Either way, they both look great and I would love to see any and all options.

Hopefully we can get energy/see through as a material for some costume pieces.

I wouldn't mind being able to get some form of medieval armor that looks like it's ghostly/energy. Not that I have any specific ideas for it, it'd just be neat.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Probably really hard to

Probably really hard to program but just throwing it out there, Glow in the Dark stuff.

Body paint, emblems, patterns for costumes, materials for costumes. Being able to make them glow in the dark would be neat.

Probably hard to program an effect that happens only under certain lighting conditions though. Be easier if it works only at "night". Which, having costume options that only show up at night would be neat.

Edit: Oh, having some colors glow like they're under a black light would be cool too, they could make that a zone wide effect though for whatever nightclubs are in the city.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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I am betting we will have

I am betting we will have glowy highlights and accessories at launch,,,but then I am not a dev, so what do I know?

Glowy, see-through armor may be tougher, but I have no idea. [u]Is it possible to have an artist comment from time to time on this thread?[/u] Thanks!


Brand X
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Some of these requests look

Some of these requests look really simple to add in. Like the latest top with window. That seems like it would be easy enough to add in. Also looks like they already have the shiney leather/latex feel going on (though I'm not 100% sure).

Project_Hero's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Some of these requests look really simple to add in. Like the latest top with window. That seems like it would be easy enough to add in. Also looks like they already have the shiney leather/latex feel going on (though I'm not 100% sure).

Well, considering that leather/latex is a Superhero staple at this point and they're modeling it to look a bit MCU I would say that It's pretty much guaranteed that latex and leather as a material will be in the game.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Some of these requests look really simple to add in. Like the latest top with window. That seems like it would be easy enough to add in. Also looks like they already have the shiney leather/latex feel going on (though I'm not 100% sure).

Sure, that top is simple enough for launch. like PH said, anything spandex related will be simple.


Brand X
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I just didn't want to say

I just didn't want to say they did and find out they don't :p

Cyclops's picture
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Hand auras at launch? maybe.

Hand auras at launch? maybe.
But the hand aura and an asymmetrical spandex costume means we can make Shego!


Cyclops's picture
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We need basic accessories for

We need basic accessories for our secret IDs. Like an IPOD for this gal. this way she has an excuse to ignore low level criminals....she was just into her music.
this brings to mind civilian ID emotes: texting, cell phones, and selfies. but thats another thread.

if you like this idea buy an extra character slot at the company store and help COT stay open.


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I definitely want a bunch of

I definitely want a bunch of clothing options for secret IDs.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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We need belly shirts at

We need belly shirts at launch and not made to wait for a vet reward!

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

We need belly shirts at launch and not made to wait for a vet reward!

Yeah I always thought having to achieve 9 month Vet status just to get a belly shirt in CoH was one of the more silly Vet awards in the entire game. Out of all the Vet-based costume awards belly shirts was just about the most "basic/normal/everyday" item in that group that really had [b]no place[/b] being a so-called "special" Vet award. Belly shirts should have just been a default free item for everyone (both males and females for that matter).

I'm not against the idea of gating "special" variants of costumes behind things like Vet awards. But as I constantly say there should at least always be a "plain/basic" equivalent of that same item for free. So for example if the CoT wants to be weird enough to again make something like a belly shirt be a Vet award the "Vet award version" of that should merely be a super cool special variant of the simple basic belly shirt that -everyone- automatically gets for free by default. No Vet award costume item should ever be so unique that you'd have to wait months or years just to get ANY variant of that particular costume item. That concept-crushing idea from CoH was just stupid.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cyclops's picture
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I love the hair and hat on

I love the hair and hat on this one!
1) I love the oversize military hat. Note it has not one, but TWO little logos. the devs said (I think) that we could size these and place these anywhere we wanted
2) the hair. outstanding. must have!
3) the eyes, shape of the face and the full lips....we really need these for launch! In CO, all the gals are ugly. We really need to up the grade with this game. I have not seen any dev attention to the female face yet, have you? we really need something amazing here.
4) the choker. its studded, and was a basic accessory in COH...this is a must have for launch.
5) The short leather jacket. I don't think COH had that. we need this basic accessory in COT in both leather and denim.
6) The black leather corset with lost of buckles. basic costume stuff both cupped and uncupped. also note the two little skulls at the bottom. Again this is placing the little icons where ever you want them. Another win for COT.
7) the crossed ammo-belt, how can you beat that!
8) the gun. Looks like nothing out there. yet it has digital readouts and minimal glowy bits that make it believable. The serial number on the side is great too. I would like to make each gun unique this way. adding accessories to guns always help to make each character unique.
9) Thigh high boots. basic stuff, ought to be out for launch.

all in all this is an awesome character. The character bio with the first pic says she was a soviet super soldier that went mercenary when the empire fell. further, she was a COH character! how great can you get with this?


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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

I love the hair and hat on this one!
1) I love the oversize military hat. Note it has not one, but TWO little logos. the devs said (I think) that we could size these and place these anywhere we wanted
2) the hair. outstanding. must have!
3) the eyes, shape of the face and the full lips....we really need these for launch! In CO, all the gals are ugly. We really need to up the grade with this game. I have not seen any dev attention to the female face yet, have you? we really need something amazing here.
4) the choker. its studded, and was a basic accessory in COH...this is a must have for launch.
5) The short leather jacket. I don't think COH had that. we need this basic accessory in COT in both leather and denim.
6) The black leather corset with lost of buckles. basic costume stuff both cupped and uncupped. also note the two little skulls at the bottom. Again this is placing the little icons where ever you want them. Another win for COT.
7) the crossed ammo-belt, how can you beat that!
8) the gun. Looks like nothing out there. yet it has digital readouts and minimal glowy bits that make it believable. The serial number on the side is great too. I would like to make each gun unique this way. adding accessories to guns always help to make each character unique.
9) Thigh high boots. basic stuff, ought to be out for launch.

all in all this is an awesome character. The character bio with the first pic says she was a soviet super soldier that went mercenary when the empire fell. further, she was a COH character! how great can you get with this?

I like this pic and agree that most of it would be cool for CoT. But I thought it was "peculiar" how the artist mixed the proverbial "chocolate with the peanut butter" in terms of the Nazi and Soviet symbols that appear on the hat.

Clearly the artist was inspired by the historical WWII German SS officer's cap:


But they reworked the "totenkopf" and eagle insignia and replaced the swastika with the hammer and sickle. It just seems a tad weird that if the artist really wanted to go with the "Soviet super soldier" concept why the hat would be so obviously based on something overtly Nazi-oriented. It's almost as mis-matched as forcing Captain America to wear one of these:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cyclops's picture
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I doubt we will her the

I doubt we will her the hammer and sickle symbol...just like the swastika is right out. but replace those with a skull or some generic symbol...
all I really want is a military officers looks way cool.


Lothic's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

I doubt we will her the hammer and sickle symbol...just like the swastika is right out. but replace those with a skull or some generic symbol...
all I really want is a military officers looks way cool.

I'm just noting it was slightly ironic how the artist choose to mix-n-match the iconic symbols of two diametrically opposed historical powers. ;)

Of course it's not just the swastika and/or hammer and sickle that would be problematic for CoT in this case. Remember the SS officer's cap has been a cliché part of the "standard BDSM/dominatrix uniform" for decades now:


I suppose it would be a question of whether CoT wanted to "go there" or not. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cyclops's picture
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COH had those hats. No

COH had those hats. No problems with that game.


notears's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

I doubt we will her the hammer and sickle symbol...just like the swastika is right out. but replace those with a skull or some generic symbol...
all I really want is a military officers looks way cool.

I'm just noting it was slightly ironic how the artist choose to mix-n-match the iconic symbols of two diametrically opposed historical powers. ;)

Of course it's not just the swastika and/or hammer and sickle that would be problematic for CoT in this case. Remember the SS officer's cap has been a cliché part of the "standard BDSM/dominatrix uniform" for decades now:


I suppose it would be a question of whether CoT wanted to "go there" or not. *shrugs*

did... did you just share shadman art?

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

COH had those hats. No problems with that game.

Yeah... without any "symbols/icons" that I recall off-hand.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

COH had those hats. No problems with that game.

Yeah... without any "symbols/icons" that I recall off-hand.

I could live without the symbols.


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notears wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I suppose it would be a question of whether CoT wanted to "go there" or not. *shrugs*

did... did you just share shadman art?

I don't know... did I? When I post pics here I simply google for them without any serious care from whence they came. After looking back at the URL for the third pic I guess I did grab something from "". Is that good or bad?

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I suppose it would be a question of whether CoT wanted to "go there" or not. *shrugs*

did... did you just share shadman art?

I don't know... did I? When I post pics here I simply google for them without any serious care from whence they came. After looking back at the URL for the third pic I guess I did grab something from "". Is that good or bad?

Shadman's a hentai artist who's infamous for his um... "child characters" and presenting "non-consensual activities".....

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I suppose it would be a question of whether CoT wanted to "go there" or not. *shrugs*

did... did you just share shadman art?

I don't know... did I? When I post pics here I simply google for them without any serious care from whence they came. After looking back at the URL for the third pic I guess I did grab something from "". Is that good or bad?

Shadman's a hentai artist who's infamous for his um... "child characters" and presenting "non-consensual activities".....

Good for him - I've honestly never heard of him. For what it's worth the pic I posted here was simply of a "dominatrix-looking female" standing by herself fully clothed and not doing anything obviously "non-consensual" with anyone else. It's easily arguable that there have been tons of pics much more "suggestive" than this already posted in this forum for years now. I'll remove it from my post if you think it's -that- bad.

For what it's worth I specifically avoid posting pics here that show actual nudity or would depict anything socially unacceptable regardless of its source. If anything I think we just made the point that these style of Nazi-based "SS officer caps" can be problematic regardless of the context. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I suppose it would be a question of whether CoT wanted to "go there" or not. *shrugs*

did... did you just share shadman art?

I don't know... did I? When I post pics here I simply google for them without any serious care from whence they came. After looking back at the URL for the third pic I guess I did grab something from "". Is that good or bad?

Shadman's a hentai artist who's infamous for his um... "child characters" and presenting "non-consensual activities".....

Good for him - I've honestly never heard of him. For what it's worth the pic I posted here was simply of a "dominatrix-looking female" standing by herself fully clothed and not doing anything obviously "non-consensual" with anyone else. It's easily arguable that there have been tons of pics much more "suggestive" than this already posted in this forum for years now. I'll remove it from my post if you think it's -that- bad.

For what it's worth I specifically avoid posting pics here that show actual nudity or would depict anything socially unacceptable regardless of its source. If anything I think we just made the point that these style of Nazi-based "SS officer caps" can be problematic regardless of the context. *shrugs*

well that's still a child in dominatrix costume but whatever... maybe I did over react so sorry... just didn't expect to see shadman stuff here.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I suppose it would be a question of whether CoT wanted to "go there" or not. *shrugs*

did... did you just share shadman art?

I don't know... did I? When I post pics here I simply google for them without any serious care from whence they came. After looking back at the URL for the third pic I guess I did grab something from "". Is that good or bad?

Shadman's a hentai artist who's infamous for his um... "child characters" and presenting "non-consensual activities".....

Good for him - I've honestly never heard of him. For what it's worth the pic I posted here was simply of a "dominatrix-looking female" standing by herself fully clothed and not doing anything obviously "non-consensual" with anyone else. It's easily arguable that there have been tons of pics much more "suggestive" than this already posted in this forum for years now. I'll remove it from my post if you think it's -that- bad.

For what it's worth I specifically avoid posting pics here that show actual nudity or would depict anything socially unacceptable regardless of its source. If anything I think we just made the point that these style of Nazi-based "SS officer caps" can be problematic regardless of the context. *shrugs*

well that's still a child in dominatrix costume but whatever... maybe I did over react so sorry... just didn't expect to see shadman stuff here.

No need to apologize but like I said I've somehow managed to live a pretty full multi-decade life without ever hearing of Shadman good, bad or otherwise. As I said I simply judged the pic in question based on the on the topic at hand which was to show that the Nazi SS officer cap tends to be a common part of the clichéd "mental image" of a dominatrix.

Ironically enough I picked the "questionable pic" we're talking about here because it was actually one of the few googled pics I found that had the Nazi cap but did NOT show any overt nudity or actual acts of BDSM. Go figure.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I suppose it would be a question of whether CoT wanted to "go there" or not. *shrugs*

did... did you just share shadman art?

I don't know... did I? When I post pics here I simply google for them without any serious care from whence they came. After looking back at the URL for the third pic I guess I did grab something from "". Is that good or bad?

Shadman's a hentai artist who's infamous for his um... "child characters" and presenting "non-consensual activities".....

Good for him - I've honestly never heard of him. For what it's worth the pic I posted here was simply of a "dominatrix-looking female" standing by herself fully clothed and not doing anything obviously "non-consensual" with anyone else. It's easily arguable that there have been tons of pics much more "suggestive" than this already posted in this forum for years now. I'll remove it from my post if you think it's -that- bad.

For what it's worth I specifically avoid posting pics here that show actual nudity or would depict anything socially unacceptable regardless of its source. If anything I think we just made the point that these style of Nazi-based "SS officer caps" can be problematic regardless of the context. *shrugs*

well that's still a child in dominatrix costume but whatever... maybe I did over react so sorry... just didn't expect to see shadman stuff here.

No need to apologize but like I said I've somehow managed to live a pretty full multi-decade life without ever hearing of Shadman good, bad or otherwise. As I said I simply judged the pic in question based on the on the topic at hand which was to show that the Nazi SS officer cap tends to be a common part of the clichéd "mental image" of a dominatrix.

Ironically enough I picked the "questionable pic" we're talking about here because it was actually one of the few googled pics I found that had the Nazi cap but did NOT show any overt nudity or actual acts of BDSM. Go figure.

yeah it's a very odd picture for shadman, even though she's a child, it's very tame... like... very tame..

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I suppose it would be a question of whether CoT wanted to "go there" or not. *shrugs*

did... did you just share shadman art?

I don't know... did I? When I post pics here I simply google for them without any serious care from whence they came. After looking back at the URL for the third pic I guess I did grab something from "". Is that good or bad?

Shadman's a hentai artist who's infamous for his um... "child characters" and presenting "non-consensual activities".....

Good for him - I've honestly never heard of him. For what it's worth the pic I posted here was simply of a "dominatrix-looking female" standing by herself fully clothed and not doing anything obviously "non-consensual" with anyone else. It's easily arguable that there have been tons of pics much more "suggestive" than this already posted in this forum for years now. I'll remove it from my post if you think it's -that- bad.

For what it's worth I specifically avoid posting pics here that show actual nudity or would depict anything socially unacceptable regardless of its source. If anything I think we just made the point that these style of Nazi-based "SS officer caps" can be problematic regardless of the context. *shrugs*

well that's still a child in dominatrix costume but whatever... maybe I did over react so sorry... just didn't expect to see shadman stuff here.

No need to apologize but like I said I've somehow managed to live a pretty full multi-decade life without ever hearing of Shadman good, bad or otherwise. As I said I simply judged the pic in question based on the on the topic at hand which was to show that the Nazi SS officer cap tends to be a common part of the clichéd "mental image" of a dominatrix.

Ironically enough I picked the "questionable pic" we're talking about here because it was actually one of the few googled pics I found that had the Nazi cap but did NOT show any overt nudity or actual acts of BDSM. Go figure.

yeah it's a very odd picture for shadman, even though she's a child, it's very tame... like... very tame..

Well I'll take your word for that. Unless someone else comes along a pitches a major fit about it I'm going to leave the "questionable pic" in the post because taken by itself as a standalone pic (without considering the source of the artwork) I don't think it's really that horrible/offensive. I've seen far worse in anime/manga artwork intended for "kids/teens" in Japan. But now that I'm actually aware of "Shadman" in general I'll do my best to avoid linking to any of his other artwork in this forum even if it's also "tame" by his standards. Hopefully that's a reasonable compromise for this.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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The hat likely had the

The hat likely had the russian symbol on it, because they didn't want to use a nazi symbol.

Though, why wouldn't we have a russian symbol in game? o.O

As for the one pic, I didn't even think it was a little girl until someone said they think it's some artist. I really thought it was just typical anime art :p

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

The hat likely had the russian symbol on it, because they didn't want to use a nazi symbol.

Well Cyclops said that "the character bio" of the pic says she was supposed to be a "Soviet super soldier". Nothing wrong with that as a character concept... except for trying to repurpose an obvious Nazi SS hat for the character. If the artist really wanted her to be a "Soviet super soldier" why not give her a stylized black version of a [b][i]Soviet[/i][/b] cap like this:


Brand X wrote:

Though, why wouldn't we have a russian symbol in game? o.O

I think we even had a hammer and sickle in CoH IIRC. I suppose being able to wear the symbol of a totalitarian regime that killed millions of people led by Stalin is less offensive to modern-day folks than being able to wear the symbol of a totalitarian regime that killed millions of people led by Hitler. *shrugs*

Brand X wrote:

As for the one pic, I didn't even think it was a little girl until someone said they think it's some artist. I really thought it was just typical anime art :p

Based on the way a vast majority of anime/manga is drawn it's pretty much [b]always[/b] hard to instantly tell if a character is supposed to be 10 or 25. Just like you before I knew that this "Shadman" guy supposedly has this apparently universal reputation (that I've never heard of until today) for being a something of a "hentai perv" I would have assumed the pic in question was anything but a "non-consenting child" in the literal sense. Oh well...

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tranquil Flower
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Probably a lot more relevant

Probably a lot more relevant if we end up having underwater zones, but even without them, scuba, diving gear and aquatic body modifications.

A few examples would be:

Old school brass diving helmet (US Navy Mark 5 Diving Helmet is a modern version)
Kirby Morgan(the yellow full face helmets you see in the Abyss)
Jaques Cousteau era face mask (Oval black rubber)
Modern scuba mask
Full face mask (Also useful for the minions of these Nazi dominatrixes we seem to need hats for)
Wet suit
Standard Diving Dress
Dry Suit (Also available with tuxedo underneath)
Fins (flippers to some)
Cousteau era 'thigh sword' diving knives
Scuba tanks
WASP style diving armour pieces (it's a brand, not a religious/ethnicity requirement) specifically the built in underwater propulsion units (standard armour bits would do most of the rest)
The helmet on the JIM diving armour is pretty cool too
Also from the JIM suit, but all sorts of variants are available, hand/arm armour that ends in mechanical manipulators rather than gloves
Neck Gills
Chest Gills (Dagon, the Spanish film version of the Shadow Over Innsmouth has some good examples)
Anglerfish style forehead protruberances (with optional glow)
Crab/Lobster pincer hands
Dean Martin's favourite eel (That's a moray)

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Don't forget the retro bubble

Don't forget the retro bubble helmet. Perfect for space and underwater.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Tranquil Flower wrote:
Tranquil Flower wrote:

Probably a lot more relevant if we end up having underwater zones, but even without them, scuba, diving gear and aquatic body modifications.

Actually I recall a thread on this forum not too long ago where a Redname more or less admitted that an underwater zone/area is being planned for. At least it was made pretty clear that they want to have underwater areas so it would seem suggesting water-based costume items and props would not be pointless for CoT. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Underwater/space/void/whatever content would be cool, but introduces some additional work for artists and content creators. Swimming animations, idle floaty animations, all content in the area has to be designed with three dimensions in mind (though that isn't a huge change in a game where players are able to fly already).

As far as I remember CoH never did anything like that and kept all water as "swim on the surface only".

I would love to see content like that, certainly. They'd have to handwave some reason why everyone can survive the airless crushing depths (or vacuum of space, or whatever). That itself might be an interesting way to introduce some stage hazards to an area and change up gameplay. Fire and falling and explosives and the like are well and good but an environment that is naturally inhospitable and requires you to play around it could be really interesting. You could apply that to more than underwater environments of course. Space, desert, high altitude, the void between worlds, magical scary darkness that does bad things to you if you venture out of the light for too long....

There are lots of opportunities for environmental effects to change up gameplay.

Of course, underwater environments also have a lot of potential from an aesthetic standpoint. Creepy lovecraftian unknowable depths, bright colorful coral reef, kelp forests, huge piles of floating (or sunken) garbage... not to mention the myriad of interesting critters.

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TheInternetJanitor wrote:
TheInternetJanitor wrote:

As far as I remember CoH never did anything like that and kept all water as "swim on the surface only".

CoH actually experimented with "submersible water" in a couple of very specific isolated places. There was a unique mission map in the Cimerora zone that allowed players to swim underwater in a small pool of water and let you swim underneath (while underwater) a bridge that spanned the pool. There was also a tiny spot in Grandville where you could jump down into a small pocket of water that let you swim down under the surface of the water. So it was clearly something they were working on but obviously never fully implemented before the end of the game.

I would love to see CoT manage to eventually provide "alternate environments" that might require extra equipment/tech to live/move in. They might even be able to provide for specialized extra temp or permanent powers geared for those environments (i.e. being able to breathe underwater).

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cobalt Azurean
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Tranquil Flower wrote:
Tranquil Flower wrote:

Probably a lot more relevant if we end up having underwater zones

RIFT did underwater zones pretty well. I enjoyed that content. I hope CoT can do the same.

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I know the following group of

I know the following group of pics is going to start off looking like a Harley Quinn lovefest but that's mostly just a happy coincidence, I swear. ;)

The real theme of this post is more for all the "little details" that are included in these pics. For instance I love all the little mirco-tattoos and various little rips in the clothing or other details that make these pics look that much more realistic. It'd be cool if CoT could eventually allow us to customize little details like this perhaps using the same system for "icon/tattoo editing" the Rednames have suggested we may be getting in this game.


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Love the sneakers and belly

Love the sneakers and belly tee in the first one.

Fishnet leggings and top? Yes please!

Nothing I can say about the third.

Love the outfit of the fourth one.

And finally, yes please, a skirt that short.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Love the sneakers and belly tee in the first one.

Related to these shoes and Lord Nightmare's recent suggestion about "goth fashion" there's pretty much a one-stop-shop brand of shoes the MWM folks need to look at for this. It's called "Demonia". Just googling that name will get you hundreds of images of Goth boots and shoes to look at. I could easily suggest several dozen versions of the shoes/boots they sell to be included in CoT.


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Love the sneakers and belly tee in the first one.

Related to these shoes and Lord Nightmare's recent suggestion about "goth fashion" there's pretty much a one-stop-shop brand of shoes the MWM folks need to look at for this. It's called "Demonia". Just googling that name will get you hundreds of images of Goth boots and shoes to look at. I could easily suggest several dozen versions of the shoes/boots they sell to be included in CoT.


They all look terribly impractical for fighting crime in but they also look so cool.

Would use 100%

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Project_Hero's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Love the sneakers and belly tee in the first one.

Related to these shoes and Lord Nightmare's recent suggestion about "goth fashion" there's pretty much a one-stop-shop brand of shoes the MWM folks need to look at for this. It's called "Demonia". Just googling that name will get you hundreds of images of Goth boots and shoes to look at. I could easily suggest several dozen versions of the shoes/boots they sell to be included in CoT.


They all look terribly impractical for fighting crime in but they also look so cool.

Would use 100%

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Lothic's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Love the sneakers and belly tee in the first one.

Related to these shoes and Lord Nightmare's recent suggestion about "goth fashion" there's pretty much a one-stop-shop brand of shoes the MWM folks need to look at for this. It's called "Demonia". Just googling that name will get you hundreds of images of Goth boots and shoes to look at. I could easily suggest several dozen versions of the shoes/boots they sell to be included in CoT.


They all look terribly impractical for fighting crime in but they also look so cool.

Would use 100%

Oh I never made any claim that this style of footwear would be "practical" in the least but then again we all know that much of what passes for "superhero fashion" in comic books would be laughably impractical to wear while trying to fight (or commit) crime in real life. One of the all time classic examples of this conundrum is Wonder Woman:


Trying to fight in this outfit would be ridiculously problematic IRL but that doesn't stop me from absolutely loving it and wishing I could effectively copy it for my characters in a game like CoT.

To be absolutely fair I sometimes take into account the concept of "practicality" in my character concepts. For those characters I never have them "fight" wearing stiletto high heels for instance. But other times I don't bother with being "realistic" and let them wear flashy outfits that a real life martial artist would never wear in a million years. It basically depends on what mood I'm in from character to character.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Lord Nightmare
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Love the sneakers and belly tee in the first one.

Related to these shoes and Lord Nightmare's recent suggestion about "goth fashion" there's pretty much a one-stop-shop brand of shoes the MWM folks need to look at for this. It's called "Demonia". Just googling that name will get you hundreds of images of Goth boots and shoes to look at. I could easily suggest several dozen versions of the shoes/boots they sell to be included in CoT.


They all look terribly impractical for fighting crime in but they also look so cool.

Would use 100%

Only if you need to run or kick. Modern witches or vamps would probably either stay stationary or just float.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

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Lothic's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Love the sneakers and belly tee in the first one.

Related to these shoes and Lord Nightmare's recent suggestion about "goth fashion" there's pretty much a one-stop-shop brand of shoes the MWM folks need to look at for this. It's called "Demonia". Just googling that name will get you hundreds of images of Goth boots and shoes to look at. I could easily suggest several dozen versions of the shoes/boots they sell to be included in CoT.


They all look terribly impractical for fighting crime in but they also look so cool.

Would use 100%

Only if you need to run or kick. Modern witches or vamps would probably either stay stationary or just float.

It's funny you brought up this point. Back in CoH I had several magical Controller-type characters who mostly used Fly/Hover to move around. I sort of justified their "impractical fashion choice" of wearing all the various high-heeled boots/shoes by the fact that their feet rarely ever touched the ground. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
How practically my characters

How practically my characters dressed was more or less up to the character.

Though most of my characters wore practical shoes, at least in their crime fighting wear.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Foradain's picture
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Those shoes, and the comments

Those shoes, and the comments thereafter, have reminded me of a point I'd like to bring up:

Can we at least have the choice of having the overall height of the character change depending on how much heel or platform is in the shoes? So that if a character in bare feet or flats shows as being 64" high ( 5'4", or about 1.626 meters) then puts on shoes with two inch heels, now the top of their head is 66" off the ground. (5'6", or 1.676 meters)

This is, of course, assuming that the feet are ever touching the ground...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

Those shoes, and the comments thereafter, have reminded me of a point I'd like to bring up:

Can we at least have the choice of having the overall height of the character change depending on how much heel or platform is in the shoes? So that if a character in bare feet or flats shows as being 64" high ( 5'4", or about 1.626 meters) then puts on shoes with two inch heels, now the top of their head is 66" off the ground. (5'6", or 1.676 meters)

This is, of course, assuming that the feet are ever touching the ground...

This is a good point that actually highlights one of CoH's few failings when it came to its character models. Turns out whenever you chose to wear some kind of high heeled shoe/boot in CoH it didn't actually make your character any taller as one might intuitively expect. What actually happened was that the game did some weird modification/contortion of your feet in order to effectively "simulate" your feet being strapped into the footwear. This was why your characters' feet in CoH often looked misshaped or somehow too big/small. In fact over the lifespan of CoH the Devs actually "redesigned" several of the boot options precisely to try to make the feet look a little better while those boots were being worn.

Hopefully the characters models of CoT will be better designed so that the Devs don't have to "mutate" our feet in order to get some of the shoe designs to work.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012


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