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Costume request thread

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TTheDDoctor's picture
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I second everything said

I second everything said after my last comment. These ideas are hitting home like you wouldn't believe, guys! :D

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Pengy's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

This would allow more options to mix-n-match different versions of upper and lower wings or maybe for lower wings combined with "head wings" like this:

Ooh, animated canards would be nice.

notears's picture
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For the platforms that you

For the platforms that you can fly on mentioned on the kickstarter page I'd like to see flying carpets, floating disks, the option of having a smaller floating disk under each foot like mister miracle from the DCU, and a flying skate board type device.

This other suggestion I'm deciding to keep separate from the suggestions abve because it would be so easy to assume that I was talking about sitting on a mounts and riding on it. What I want to suggest is flying mount SURFING not riding, what I mean by that is effectively instead of say riding on a dragon's by sitting on it's back like a horse you would stand on it's back while flying therby surfing on it's back.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Hi! I'm very new to this

Hi! I'm very new to this forum. I would suggest/request that a jackets and tights be two different options so that tights can be worn beneath jackets/trenchcoats. I'd really like a good looking leather bomber jacket or retro 90s leather jacket to be added as well. Topic of contemplation, what if we were allowed to choose whether the sleeves are rolled up or not?

Darth Fez
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For new and old alike, this

For new and old alike, this seems like a good time to call back into mind [url=]this update[/url]. The first half in particular, natch.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Pengy wrote:
Pengy wrote:

Lothic wrote:
This would allow more options to mix-n-match different versions of upper and lower wings or maybe for lower wings combined with "head wings" like this:

Ooh, animated canards would be nice.

same here nice but see if can add it to [img][/img]

whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster and when you look into the abyss, the abyss also look into you, -Friedrich

Kijeblade's picture
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More stylized jackets. Some

More stylized jackets. Some of my character's personalities never found tights all that good looking.


DesViper's picture
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Kijeblade wrote:
Kijeblade wrote:

More stylized jackets. Some of my character's personalities never found tights all that good looking.


Minimum sufficient jackets, classic trench coat, double-breasted trench, double-breasted peacoat, normal peacoat, overcoat, biker jacket, and bomber jacket.

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We need a rusted metal

We need a rusted metal texture

not my video just one I lke ===>


DesViper's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

We need a rusted metal texture

2:30 am idea inspired! the body sections mentioned in a recent update could allow for an amazing steampunk jacket if we get some decent jackets!

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Antennae. Ideally, those that

Antennae. Ideally, some that sprout from a character's forehead, and some that sprout on top of a character's head. One or two sets of insect-like antennae and a couple sets of robotic or sci-fi antennae.

Full disclosure: I have a character concept that needs antennae!

TTheDDoctor's picture
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Something tells me that

Something tells me that anything CoX had, CoT will have and much more...

Including antennae.

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Chance Jackson
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Kijeblade wrote:
More stylized jackets. Some of my character's personalities never found tights all that good looking.

Minimum sufficient jackets, classic trench coat, double-breasted trench, double-breasted peacoat, normal peacoat, overcoat, biker jacket, and bomber jacket.

On this train of thought I would love to have Coat Capes


Issue 0 CoH player barely let my subscription lapse before NC Soft called it quits; my incarnate gear *Sniff*
Global: Chance Jackson; Triumph: Liege Cheetatron X, Fight of Your Life, Down Right Fierce, Infernal Samurai, Time May Change Me etc

LeadWanderer's picture
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You forgot to mention this

You forgot to mention this one:

Now that I've diverted to Yugioh, once again, I think it would be nice to see very large, asymmetrical objects attached to arms. This doesn't just have to JUST be duel disks (Though I'm sure that specifically wouldn't be there, copyright and all that) but there's also other comic book examples of this, though the only one to come to mind is Grim Reaper.

notears's picture
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not my video just one I lke ===>


Cute Kitsune
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No! Planes for Hands, Snakes

No! Planes for Hands, Snakes for fingers. Must have snakes on a plane!

The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.

LeadWanderer's picture
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Why stop there? I've always

Why stop there? I've always wanted to make a chimera character, lets replace EVERYTHING with animal heads! Eagle for the left, Lion for the right, Snakes on your tail, we could have a whole zoo on one body!

Bonus points if we can make them not only animal heads for hands, but also make them metal or cloth. Then the Danger Rangers or some voltron knock off could have their not-so-giant, or actually giant, robot! :D

Darth Fez
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(No subject)

I think we've got this covered.


- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Chance Jackson
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LeadWanderer wrote:
LeadWanderer wrote:

You forgot to mention this one:

Nice, I just grabbed stuff that came up when I did a search for Coat Cape a term I only found when I was searching for picture of "Jackets as Shoulder Capes" which lead me to the first pic i posted and the tvtropes page for "Coat Capes" leave it to tvtropes to sum up what I want succinctly lol

Issue 0 CoH player barely let my subscription lapse before NC Soft called it quits; my incarnate gear *Sniff*
Global: Chance Jackson; Triumph: Liege Cheetatron X, Fight of Your Life, Down Right Fierce, Infernal Samurai, Time May Change Me etc

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Eyes or other moving parts on hands, chest, forehead, etc.

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Fluid/liquid skin. No idea

Fluid/liquid skin. No idea how difficult this would be, but perhaps it could just be a ripply but shiny texture. I'm thinking something like the T-1000 from Terminator 2 and other such examples of "living metal".

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Amerikatt's picture
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Quadruped cat models with

Quadruped cat models with highly textured and fully animated blue fur, please! *trills*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

notears's picture
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Finger blades like freddy

Finger blades like freddy kruegerm spiked gauntlets and an animation for PBAoE's where you slam your weapon into the ground

not my video just one I lke ===>


Empyrean's picture
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I did a search for this and

I did a search for this and didn't get anything, but if it's been brought up already, then this is a +1: High collars and full cloaks, a la Doctor Strange. UE4 should be able to handle both unless clipping is really that big of a bugbear--which it may be, I guess.

Also, PLEASE make hair and furr look like hair and furr, not like weird plastic applique as they do in Champions and DCUO, Hair looked more realistic in CoH which was made way before those games. It doesn't have to move, just look like hair.


FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Capt Odee
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Xander Cross wrote:
Xander Cross wrote:

To start with... When I put on a hat or half helmet, I'd like to not suddenly go bald... this holds especially true for female characters.

The SIMS 4 addressed problem this nicely. Pick a hairstyle you like, then put the hat on with no clipping through of hair.

Capt Odee, saving the city one click at a time.


Izzy's picture
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Capt Odee wrote:
Capt Odee wrote:

Xander Cross wrote:
To start with... When I put on a hat or half helmet, I'd like to not suddenly go bald... this holds especially true for female characters.

The SIMS 4 addressed problem this nicely. Pick a hairstyle you like, then put the hat on with no clipping through of hair.

Ohhh.. you're most likely talking about using some kind of variant of the [url=]Debth Mask shader[/url]. Unity3D can do it, i think. Not Sure about Unreal. :/

Googled and found this:
Hmm... Doesnt look like they are using any kind of Depth shader approach. :/

But I bet if they wanted, they could have used a Vertex Pained approach. Have an invisible Collision Mesh attached to each hat, that would be used to detect where it collides / Overlaps / touches the hair mesh, and vertex pain it the hair meshes Verts. Have a Hair Shader that would read the painted verts and make its Alpha transparent.

Another thing, they might try placing an extra bone with each hairstyle, where the hats would best be mounted / placed. So, Even if you have a regular baseball cap, if can still fit on a hairstyle like:

This is all in theory. I havent tried any of this yet.

Hmm... If the Verts on the Hair Mesh are too far apart, and depending on the Hats Collision / Cutout* mesh, very small transparent areas might be present on the Hair where it meets the hat, as a result. :{

Capt Odee
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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

Capt Odee wrote:
Xander Cross wrote:
To start with... When I put on a hat or half helmet, I'd like to not suddenly go bald... this holds especially true for female characters.

The SIMS 4 addressed problem this nicely. Pick a hairstyle you like, then put the hat on with no clipping through of hair.

Ohhh.. you're most likely talking about using some kind of variant of the Debth Mask shader. Unity3D can do it, i think. Not Sure about Unreal. :/
Googled and found this:
Hmm... Doesnt look like they are using any kind of Depth shader approach. :/
But I bet if they wanted, they could have used a Vertex Pained approach. Have an invisible Collision Mesh attached to each hat, that would be used to detect where it collides / Overlaps / touches the hair mesh, and vertex pain it the hair meshes Verts. Have a Hair Shader that would read the painted verts and make its Alpha transparent.
Another thing, they might try placing an extra bone with each hairstyle, where the hats would best be mounted / placed. So, Even if you have a regular baseball cap, if can still fit on a hairstyle like:
This is all in theory. I havent tried any of this yet.
Hmm... If the Verts on the Hair Mesh are too far apart, and depending on the Hats Collision / Cutout* mesh, very small transparent areas might be present on the Hair where it meets the hat, as a result. :{

Good catch, and one I hadn't seen in my play of Sims 4, because the hair styles I lean toward are a bit flatter. But I see what you mean.

Perhaps the hats can act as an eraser or cloaking device for any hair mesh that are outside the hats lines?

Capt Odee, saving the city one click at a time.


LeadWanderer's picture
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I like this idea, sometimes

I like this idea, sometimes you just want neat swooshy spike or bangs off this hairstyle and a beanie, or in my case usually bandanas and goggles, or some kind of spandex analogue super microfiber.

notears's picture
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A scorpion tail you can

A scorpion tail you can attack with and a robot tail with a blaster on the end of it like black scorpion

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
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Martial arts based on dance

Martial arts based on dance styles, I want to break dance someone to death!!!!

not my video just one I lke ===>


TTheDDoctor's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

Martial arts based on dance styles, I want to break dance someone to death!!!!

I believe that would be a power animation rather than an actual costume piece, but whatever. I like that idea, especially considering there is such a thing as dance-fighting. (READ: Capoeira)

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Kinda off topic but the

Kinda off topic but the original martial arts set in CoH (before alternate animations) was almost Savate ...or French foot fighting. Anyone who has seen Banlieue 13 (or District 13 for North America) saw the movie version of Savate. Just thought that was interesting....sorry.

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AAlbusUUmbra wrote:
AAlbusUUmbra wrote:

notears wrote:
Martial arts based on dance styles, I want to break dance someone to death!!!!

I believe that would be a power animation rather than an actual costume piece, but whatever. I like that idea, especially considering there is such a thing as dance-fighting. (READ: Capoeira)

death sheep says that this thread is the best place to put anything visual having to do with character, animations included.

That being said I also want a flying kick option for a dash attack

not my video just one I lke ===>


Izzy's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

... I also want a flying kick option for a dash attack

Why be frantically flying at each one, when you can sit back and have them Fly away!



Empyrean's picture
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I want to request that, like

I want to request that, like CoH, there are totally separate sockets for power-related auras and general costume auras. It was so awesome in CoH to be able to, say, take the fire from the Fiery Aura set and ad a smoke aura to it. Now THAT'S visual versatility.

Also, "stone" or "rocky" hair and beard. One of my mains is just a big old stone-skinned strong guy, but I always wanted him to have a beard that fit him, and taking the normal beards and coloring them "stone colored" never worked.

And, if you're thinking, "beard, on a STONE guy?" In a recent run of Fantastic Four they showed Ben Grimm about 3000 years in the future and he had a nice stone beard. Looked like a craggy cliff face.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Halae's picture
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I'd like to request draconic

I'd like to request draconic body parts and skin styles. Frankly, what I really want is the ability to turn into a dragon, but that's less likely to go through - instead, scales, digitigrade legs, clawed hands, wings, tail, all that good stuff.

However, there's one thing I'd like to point out that's a bit odd. Might not work for the super-hero genre in general, but I like it and would use it. See, due to the way wings work, you need a forward pointed chest, to support the wing musculature. that's if we're being realistic about it - this gives a much larger emphasis to the chest than the shoulders: [url=]here's a good example of what I mean.[/url] [url=]And another; you can see the curve of her chest and stomach.[/url]

I know that the whole chest request is unlikely to get fulfilled, but I figured I should make it anyways. Normal chest + wings = me irked. I don't begrudge others the stylistic choice, but it bugs me when I see it, and would like the option otherwise.

I also recognize the wing membranes in those two images are kinda stupid, but I figure I'll make one big complaint at a time.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

JayBezz's picture
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Did you like the dragon scale

Did you like the dragon scale texture from the Days of Devmas?

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Halae's picture
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I had, in fact, managed to

I had, in fact, managed to completely miss that update O_O

I do. I'm hoping for different color patterns and the like, but the scale textures themselves look solid.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Brand X
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Something they could do to

Something they could do to help with hats and clipping is give a few hairstyle options that will match and/or come close to the other hairstyle options.

notears's picture
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a minigun, a bazooka and a

a minigun, a bazooka and a rocket launcher, also I want the ability to surf on a missle

not my video just one I lke ===>


TTheDDoctor's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

also I want the ability to surf on a missle

The Ballistic Surfer?

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Radiac's picture
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While you're at it, I want to

While you're at it, I want to be able to ride an atomic bomb like a horse. Slim Pickens,"Dr. Strangelove" etc etc.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Plexius's picture
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I hope to see some ordinary,

I hope to see some ordinary, plain-Jane weapons. Creative variety is great, and I welcome it, but not every character carries a BFG9000 or a Monado. Sometimes an average gun or knife fits the concept.

As a corollary to this, I also hope to have some ordinary weapon animations to match. I don't want the only animation options for my blade-wielding heroes to be a bunch of Legolas moves. Some basic slashes and stabs would be nice.

notears's picture
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I want a high tech hoverdisk,

I want a high tech hoverdisk, a steampunk hover disk and a dieselpunk hoverdisk

not my video just one I lke ===>


Gorgon's picture
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pony tails

pony tails
really long pony tails (waist length)
pig tails
really long pig tails

The Amber on House hairstyle (see the char's wikipedia page image. Tera has this hairstyle, fyi.). ETA: Said page doesn't exist in English.

And a reiterated request to build in strappy heel interaction logically with leg covering. So fishnets + heels shows fishnets under the straps, not bare ankle and foot.

Do that from the ground up, then you get a lot more reasonable combos. Jeans + black nylons + strappy heels yields hose toes and front of shoe sticking out from pant leg.

Unless you've got groovy bell bottoms on, of course!



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.

Pengy's picture
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Sashes and cummerbunds,

Sashes and cummerbunds, especially swashbucklin' pirate sashes.

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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A viking braid for my hair

A viking braid for my hair

A wide variety of crosses as chest emblems: latin Greek Celtic, Iron, etc...

I want to be able to adjust the size and position of my chest emblem

I'd like an ingame program that works like Microsoft Paint to let me make custom chest emblems including the ability to paste from my clipboard so I can use photographs.

Foradain's picture
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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

I'd like an ingame program that works like Microsoft Paint to let me make custom chest emblems including the ability to paste from my clipboard so I can use photographs.

While this last would be nice, unfortunately there are some nations that restrict the public display of a certain symbol that used to be a perfectly respectable good-luck symbol, until a certain political party decided to use it. Apparently it hasn't lost that taint yet. Anyway, without a way to ensure no one would be able to use that symbol, there would be a risk of a player in Germany seeing it, complaining, and getting the game banned there. There may be other symbols with similar issues, but that is the one I know about.

There has been some discussion of a system of player-generated costume pieces, but the consensus seems to be that any such pieces would have to be reviewed by MWM staff, at the very least.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Redlynne's picture
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Bare minimum, a vetting

Bare minimum, a vetting process would be required. Otherwise you'd start seeing pornographic stuff showing up as {*ahem*} "chest emblems" {*ahem*} ... simply because that's what people do when they figure they can get away with it. I'm not even talking about someone (specifically) here in these forums pulling a stunt like this. It's just that I [b]KNOW[/b] what happens when you give people unlimited customization options. As sure as day follows night ... you get the ... picture.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Brand X
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I want a braid that looks

I want a braid that looks good! Go to CO, look at their braided hair style. That does not look good! Go play Street Fighter. See Cammie! There's a nice braided hair style (two in her case, but you get the point!)

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Bare minimum, a vetting process would be required. Otherwise you'd start seeing pornographic stuff showing up as {*ahem*} "chest emblems" {*ahem*} ... simply because that's what people do when they figure they can get away with it. I'm not even talking about someone (specifically) here in these forums pulling a stunt like this. It's just that I KNOW what happens when you give people unlimited customization options. As sure as day follows night ... you get the ... picture.

It's the same reason they will never allow a completely freeform costume designer as people will immediately clone Superman. CoH already had sertain combos review-banned for coming too close.

Same for custom sign phrases, at least in public areas.

Ahh well.



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.

Lothic's picture
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Gorgon wrote:
Gorgon wrote:

Redlynne wrote:
Bare minimum, a vetting process would be required. Otherwise you'd start seeing pornographic stuff showing up as {*ahem*} "chest emblems" {*ahem*} ... simply because that's what people do when they figure they can get away with it. I'm not even talking about someone (specifically) here in these forums pulling a stunt like this. It's just that I KNOW what happens when you give people unlimited customization options. As sure as day follows night ... you get the ... picture.

It's the same reason they will never allow a completely freeform costume designer as people will immediately clone Superman. CoH already had sertain combos review-banned for coming too close.
Same for custom sign phrases, at least in public areas.
Ahh well.

While they may never allow players to upload graphics content directly I still think the fact that they allowed for any kind of "player submitted designs" for costume items during the Kickstarter offers hope that they'll eventually establish a formalized submission/vetting process for these kinds of things.

I suspect once the game launches they'll be able to offer deals like the third-party custom character artists do: For a certain reasonable price they could help players come up with new customized items that'll be periodically incorporated into updates to the game's baseline. Doing it this way the Devs could easily control player submissions and restrict the number they accept/implement to reasonable limits given the extra time and effort involved.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Actually the custom design

Actually the custom design system I suggested could work if custom designs had a waiting period for approval. Anything offensive could be rejected. If people know that their design can be rejected, most wont even try stuff that they know will be rejected.
Honestly I wanted to make a Hispanic Toon with an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

Actually the custom design system I suggested could work if custom designs had a waiting period for approval. Anything offensive could be rejected. If people know that their design can be rejected, most wont even try stuff that they know will be rejected.
Honestly I wanted to make a Hispanic Toon with an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

If the Devs take the time to vet any submissions then that would be a de facto "waiting period". The whole point is that the Devs would have final say in what goes into the game regardless of how long it takes them to judge suitability.

But the real issue is that it probably wouldn't be as simple as submitting a pic via something like MS Paint that could directly be uploaded into the game. Player submissions would likely have to follow exact rules as far as formatting, resolution, texture maps, etc. While it's obvious that at least some artistically skilled players could satisfy those requirements it would likely be far easier for the Devs to simply take player "ideas/suggestions" and charge a fee for the unavoidable time and effort it will take to fully translate these things into the proper formats/structures that would fit into the game.

Not saying I don't like your idea in general - just saying it's not as trivial as you imply even if the Devs didn't have to worry about offensive material. Case in point: Why do you think the Devs only allowed for a max of 25 Fashionista pledge awards and charged $150 for chest icons (Iconic) during the Kickstarter? It's because they knew that each one was going to take some serious time and effort to work into the game. Same will be true if they allow for player submissions after launch.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Well I think I saw somewhere

Well I think I saw somewhere that they plan on letting people stretch out chest designs and move them around. I think it would be cool if we could do something where we could turn half our chest symbol into another chest symbol. Maybe we could also have a monthly contest where people can send in their ideas for costume parts and the winner gets that costume piece be a part of a special annual booster pack. That way we can have this whole letting players design costume pieces thing everyone in a way that let's the devs see if it checks out.

Also I want an animation for blasts where the blast comes from the sky rather than my hand. Would work great for a weather controller

not my video just one I lke ===>


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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

Also I want an animation for blasts where the blast comes from the sky rather than my hand. Would work great for a weather controller

Also for people with orbital phaser support. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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It could also work for people

It could also work for people who can summon meteors :)

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Wouldn't that be like really

Wouldn't that be like really bad, if you were indoors?
I mean like what if there were people upstairs?
Maybe that's one of those don't think too much about it kind of powers.

Hey if we had a tangling attack that came from walls and ceiling you could make Pinhead from Hellraiser!
OH WOW! I like TOTALLY want a pinhead suit. with nails all over my....
I think I need some sleep.

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I want a chest logo that shows this:



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How about colors and particle

How about colors and effects for projectiles like arrows? That way you can have arrows made of fire/ice/light/darkness/whatever.

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You mean the costume piece?

You mean the costume piece? Like arrows in the quiver that you're holding being able to be colored or made of light particles?

Or are you talking about the FX of the cast?

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

You mean the costume piece? Like arrows in the quiver that you're holding being able to be colored or made of light particles?
Or are you talking about the FX of the cast?

The FX of the projectile as its being cast, although having the effects available for arrows in a quiver would be cool, too.

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I ask because they are

I ask because they are different systems. One is the costume system (this thread) and the other is the combat animation/FX system.

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I guess it might have been

I guess it might have been better suited to [url=]the weapon types thread[/url]. It just seemed like a general aesthetics suggestion that I wanted to get in writing before I forgot. Sorry!

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DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

LeadWanderer wrote:
I love the dynamic costume pieces. It would be neat if we could have a lot of control over it, parsing together a line of costume animations to go off with a power, or having a generic run cycle mode. I love the scenes in Ironman and such, where we see panels and flaps open and stuff clicking into place... Probably hard to do, but really neat idea if possible....

Depends on precisely what you mean by this. However, to clarify an additional couple of things, the current design-in-progress treats the following items as being on a par with what are normally thought of as "costume pieces":
Full-body auras
Location-specific auras
Color selections for animations that support color variance (which I would expect to be 'almost all of them', but can make no promises)
Animations selected for powers
Animation variants for a variety of 'general purpose' and/or specialty emotes (idle, walking, running, /em wave, /em torch, and so on)
Prop variants for animations that use props and support that
While the internal name for "the collection of information that defines what choices the player has made about their representation in the world" is currently 'body', most of the other contenders for the term were more abstract: things like 'appearance,' 'style,' or 'image.' Unfortunately most of them were either taken by other engine systems or were a bit *too* abstract to really fit right. Point being, if it is something that is involved in how your character is represented within the game world visually, and it is open to player configuration at all the design intent is that it should be manageable through what is more generally thought of as the "costume system."
And yes, there's a reason that we didn't go with 'costume' — to narrow.
I'll leave speculation on why exactly that would be as an exercise to the reader. :)
As for animation of the costume pieces themselves: they would need to have it built-in, due to the technical constraints of how meshes and animations work in the engine, but opening up the possibility of controlling exactly when and how they activate, at least to some degree (which is to say, "as much as we can without breaking gameplay") is part of the plan, if still a very vaguely defined part.

Alright so anyone who thinks this isn't the place for animations, here is the death sheep saying otherwise on page 3 of this very thread.

Also I want full face masks that look like human faces of every expression of every emotion that we can colour and texture any way we want and the ability to put anything you can put on a normal face on.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Multi-layered costumes.

Multi-layered costumes. (Jackets, straps/holsters, tights/shirts underneath) is a must.

Also, trench coats that actually look like trench coats, and not like a jacket with a cape sewed onto the back. You know, simulated clothes!

Capes and cloaks! Long, dragging capes. Also, capes that can be draped around the shoulders. (or on a single shoulder! player's choice!)

Elemental-based hairstyles! Oooo yes. Living flame hair! Ice-spikes! Chipped gravel! Even grass..? (more varieties = more happiness!)

Gloves and Bracers as separate layers!

Helmets and Hoods as separate layers!

Feet/boots, Foot accessories and leg accessories as separate layers!

Alright, i'm done for now.

"I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty"

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I want glowing translucent

I want glowing translucent pieces like the incarnates have, it looks good on the out side of some costumes.

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I want a smoke bomb animation

I want a smoke bomb animation for teleport!!!

not my video just one I lke ===>


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can we choose the number and

can we choose the number and length of our fingers and toes?
and can claws be on the end of our fingers and toes and not just the wolverine type?

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Also: scalable weapons. As in

Also: scalable weapons. As in, smaller, bigger, thinner, thicker...that sort of scaling.

"I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty"

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How about claws like these:

How about claws like these:

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Glowing Eyes of Any Color for

Glowing Eyes of Any Color for which you don't have to wait to get, but to be able to get from the start.

To those Glowing Eyes I would like extra options, like to be able to be turned off completely or turned on constantly and one more, third option which will be special, something in between, your eyes starting to glow only when you use your powers, like if you fly up they will slowly go white (change) and start to glow, but they won't glow for example when you fight with martial arts... because this is not special power, but more like something which any human can learn if he wants to. I hope this made some kind of sense.

Loincloth for Males...

I know that Loincloths look adorably on females and very gallantly, but I believe that they can look really well on males too.

Aura Glow...

It may not glow while you are walking (not using super movement power) and any power, but when you fly up it's start to glow together with the eyes, of course I would like it to have the same options as the glowing eyes, to be able to be turned off or be turned on constantly... and the color to be as we desire... of course the default color would be great if it had the powers color....

Real Wings which can appear and disappear under the skin

I would love to see something like in some of the movies about angels... like when the Angels want to show their wings, they grow up from their back blades, and spread up, without tearing the skin or breaking the bones, but simply appearing by magical means, like a glow representing your powers color, starts at first to glow in small area and then spreads up forming the feathers little by little, detail by detail, until they are spread completely wide as few feathers drop off and fly around... you know extra detailed or at least as much as possible... for some unknown reason I would really like to see that visually... of course this thing can happen without without the need of the glow, just growing on their own and showing up...

Different Type of Tattoos

Close to Unique or Original Costumes

I am talking here for costumes which were developed in the Marvel and DC Universe, with some changes, like color, material, and stuff like that because of licence.

Really large and wide spread capes... like literally so huge that they can float all around the other... you know something like the extra wide cape of Superman... I don't mean exactly superman cape, but it's shape and it's wideness...

And that is all for now, with which I could come up.

Oh yea... I would like a really detailed movements for all kind of unattached objects from the costume... like cloaks, trench coats, I would hate to see the cloak attached to the knees or to the ankles... such attachments always ruins the feeling of the cloak and how is suppose to move... with other words Realistic Bends and movements...

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Different stances/postures.

Different stances/postures.

As in the way you stand, idle and hold your weapons/position your fists, etc.
I'd also like to see the old CoX costume change emotes, i always really liked those.

"I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty"

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vladko92 wrote:
vladko92 wrote:

Really large and wide spread capes... like literally so huge that they can float all around the other... you know something like the extra wide cape of Superman... I don't mean exactly superman cape, but it's shape and it's wideness...
Oh yea... I would like a really detailed movements for all kind of unattached objects from the costume... like cloaks, trench coats, I would hate to see the cloak attached to the knees or to the ankles... such attachments always ruins the feeling of the cloak and how is suppose to move... with other words Realistic Bends and movements...

You mean like this?

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I got inspired listening to a

I got inspired listening to a song about Narwhals.
I want a unicorn horn.

Brand X
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Different draw animations for

Different draw animations for weapons! I'd love if the pistols used by my character formed in her hands like some symbiotic creation rather than draw them from holsters (magic pistols you could say).

Then maybe pistols firing things other than ammo...maybe OMG HUGE ENERGY BEAMS from them, or able to switch them up between the big attack being OMG WTF HUGE BEAM and a smaller beam.

Cute Kitsune
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Pink Bathing Suit (request

Pink Bathing Suit (request stated in another thread).
Outfits that have tail holes or keep in mind designs accounting for those with tails.
Chairs with holes in them for tails for bases. Seriously it's funky to see my tail slicing through the back f a chair while sitting.
Tail physics for sitting in general (not going into the ground / objects.)

The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.

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I want different options for

I want different options for big mechanical backpacks with different weaponized limbs, like a steampunk one, a dieselpunk or a magitech one. Also I want a lasso... because science....

not my video just one I lke ===>


Hero_Zero's picture
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The biggest hope for me with

The biggest hope for me with costumes is that they are highly configurable. Someone mentioned not loosing hair when putting on a hat or cap. Ideally we could choose to have the hair disappear, pull through the back like a ponytail, be pushed down (party on Garth), or maybe even change color. Similarly I might want to have a glove on one hand and a claw or robot arm for the other. Perhaps I would want different colors on the left glove versus the right. Maybe even the ability to draw or submit my own chest icon would be nice. I know that last one probably needs human review for each icon before publishing in the game. I'm certain that this level of flexibility is easier said than done, but the more configurable the options the more we gain a sense of ownership and connection to the game world.

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Hero_Zero wrote:
Hero_Zero wrote:

Someone mentioned not loosing hair when putting on a hat or cap. Ideally we could choose to have the hair disappear, pull through the back like a ponytail, be pushed down (party on Garth), or maybe even change color.

Hmm.. 2 versions of the Hat would have to be modeled. With and Without the ponytail. :/

notears's picture
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Say you know those animations

Say you know those animations valiance online was showing off a while ago for their elastic melee powerset? We need those here too... Also we need biological versions of those big mechanical backpacks as well, along with biological weapons you can attack to them, like giant claws and biological acid spitters.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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I also want an energy net for

I also want an energy net for a hold

not my video just one I lke ===>


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I want to throw circular saws

I want to throw circular saws like metal man from megaman!!!!

not my video just one I lke ===>


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I think I might of suggested

I think I might of suggested this before but half masks (cover the face up to the nose, cover half of the face) would be really nice. Gasmasks, masquerade masks, and plague doctor masks would filter into this category

An example of a half gasmask: [img][/img]

That image also shows two other things that would be nice. The ability to color certain parts of the hairstyle different colors and cyberpunk looking costume pieces would be much appreciated (Same goes for Steampunk or Biopunk). Beyond that? Standard baggy and skinny jean choices (not all heroes/villains/vigilante roll around in tights), combat boots, robes, and long hairstyles for guys (back length at the most unless you want to go crazy with it) would be really nice as well

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Also Japanese Kabuki and

Also Japanese Kabuki and Greek masks

not my video just one I lke ===>


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I wanna throw dynamite at

I wanna throw dynamite at people for science!!!

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Leather Jacket

Leather Jacket

Also I'd hat to miss this because no one thought to ask for it: Tights.

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You want hat tights?!?!?

You want hat tights?!?!?

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Brighellac wrote:
Brighellac wrote:

You want hat tights?!?!?

Also I'd HATE to miss this, because no one thought to ask for it: Tights.

Lin Chiao Feng
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OK, when hat tights show up

OK, when hat tights show up in the game [i]anyway,[/i] we know who to blame.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]


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