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The two types of Mecha Armor wings (introduced in CoH Issue 23) were good examples of the "fixed tech wing/jetpack" idea. I'm hoping CoT will have some equivalent versions of those.
Quick story: I created a tech-based CoH character way back in early 2005 with the idea in mind that she'd eventually fly around with some kind of "fixed wing jetpack" device. Of course this was well before the game had wings of ANY kind, but I guess I naively assumed at the time that they would give us wings like that "any day now". Turns out I had to wait a little over SEVEN YEARS for it to finally happen (in Issue 23) but at least it was better late than never. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Disclaimer: forward-looking statements, plans and intentions, subject to revision, content may differ from that presented on package, settling may occur during shipping. And so on.
[*]Full costume changes are expected to be able to swap pretty much anything about the character. And I do mean *anything*, here, constrained only by the bounds of "can you build it in the costume creator in the first place?"
[*]Rather than tightly binding changes in dynamic costume pieces to events in the game (for example, combat start / stop triggering changes in the holographic HUD from the Cyborg pack), we're looking at trying to rework it into a combination of:
[*]Expose dynamic costume behavior to player commands / macros / etc.
[*]Support firing of macros or an equivalent based on in-game events
[*]Providing a default implementation that links the two previous items so that players w.ho don't want something fancier don't ever have to worry about it, but those who do can opt to have more control.
Note that the second part of that list is still "experimental almost to the point of being theoretical," since we don't yet have concrete plans around exactly what we need to support in terms of commands and macros and such, other than knowing that we do need them in some reasonable and usable fashion. Right now all testing has simply been bound to console commands in Unreal, but that is unlikely to be a viable solution in the long term for various reasons (though I could well be proven wrong, too).
As for the first part, well, since I'm writing the code that drives it and it looks like it would require noticeable extra effort to *not* support more or less arbitrary costume changes, I can only imagine we would disable that if we ran into severe technical issues somewhere down the line. Certainly possible, but that doesn't seem too terribly likely from what I can see right this second.
[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep
As has been said before, just knowing y'all are thinking of and about these things is freakin' awesome.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
I'm not sure if this goes here, but I really enjoy the challenge of getting things and pieces, I love costume packs, but I hate that you can get or use them without any knowledge or affiliation to the source. I think it would be fun to have the capability to find and do missions for costumes, be it a specific style of cape, a specific unique wing set, so on. It would be a great way to hide new content in the game, fill in spaces with things that reward those who explore and such. I would have loved to do a mission, track down the sky raiders jet pack provider and kick his butt. Subsequently my missions would have fewer flying Skyraiders, and I would have a neat new backpack :D
I love the dynamic costume pieces. It would be neat if we could have a lot of control over it, parsing together a line of costume animations to go off with a power, or having a generic run cycle mode. I love the scenes in Ironman and such, where we see panels and flaps open and stuff clicking into place... Probably hard to do, but really neat idea if possible....
There are some technical limitations that may prevent this from being practical; it isn't entirely clear yet just how much those limits will constrain the "stranger" options. That said, one of the planned features (in the sense that if we eliminate it from the plan I will scowl at people and argue strongly that it be kept) is that there should be a costuming mode that is off by default (for sanity) but when enabled basically operates on the philosophy "do not prevent the user from trying to do anything that can be meaningfully expressed — but if it doesn't work, you get to keep the pieces."
Want to create a character with as much clipping as you can find? Sure, just don't be surprised if parts of the body literally go flying off into the blue when it spawns (and thereafter end up with physics partially disabled). At least if some of the cape tests are any indication… applying a maximum-value force in a single physics tick due to spawning collided produced some rather impressive acceleration in a few cases. Or sometimes just turned that part of the body off entirely. Some of those may, for obvious reasons, need to be detected and disallowed for use anywhere in the live game (because it could have unexpected game-play consequences) — but short of that, the eye-sporks should be the limit.
[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep
Depends on precisely what you mean by this. However, to clarify an additional couple of things, the current design-in-progress treats the following items as being on a par with what are normally thought of as "costume pieces":
[*]Full-body auras
[*]Location-specific auras
[*]Color selections for animations that support color variance (which I would expect to be 'almost all of them', but can make no promises)
[*]Animations selected for powers
[*]Animation variants for a variety of 'general purpose' and/or specialty emotes (idle, walking, running, /em wave, /em torch, and so on)
[*]Prop variants for animations that use props and support that
While the internal name for "the collection of information that defines what choices the player has made about their representation in the world" is currently 'body', most of the other contenders for the term were more abstract: things like 'appearance,' 'style,' or 'image.' Unfortunately most of them were either taken by other engine systems or were a bit *too* abstract to really fit right. Point being, if it is something that is involved in how your character is represented within the game world visually, and it is open to player configuration at all the design intent is that it should be manageable through what is more generally thought of as the "costume system."
And yes, there's a reason that we didn't go with 'costume' — to narrow.
I'll leave speculation on why exactly that would be as an exercise to the reader. :)
As for animation of the costume pieces themselves: they would need to have it built-in, due to the technical constraints of how meshes and animations work in the engine, but opening up the possibility of controlling exactly when and how they activate, at least to some degree (which is to say, "as much as we can without breaking gameplay") is part of the plan, if still a very vaguely defined part.
[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep
As long as my Panda can now hop from one shoulder to the other shoulder.
If its a monkey, clean my ear and check my hair for Lice.. and EATED IT! ;)
Alright... Fair enough I suppose.... champions online had the ability to apply any texture but it they only had 3 that just changed how lighting was affected rather than the scale you're going for. Still if I can get the various textures I stated as patterns rather than actual textures, I could live with that. Leather, skin and metal all need be able to be applied to everything though, if that crap show champions can do that on whatever their running on you can too with unreal, even if it just affects lighting.
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I'd like to see hair styles and martial arts style clothing like some of the street fighter characters especially the character Gen
I always wanted a in game symbol maker that works like MSPaint and lets you make custom chest emblems.
If people made offensive symbols they could be nerfed just like people who made copyrited characters. And don't ban religious symbols because that would be offensive.
You could still include a few stock symbols but this would mean you didn't need so many and players could still have more room to be creative.
Here's my suggestion for something I haven't seen on the thread yet: as a guy who mained a hero who was basically the Lizard, I was really bummed that there was only one reptile head option in CoH, and that it was basically an iguana head built more for a huge brute than a speedster. I would like ones based on various different reptiles, some being large and bulky like a T-Rex head, some like a monitor lizard, and maybe even a viper or two.
Hell, while I'm on the topic, give more types of heads for other animals as well. The only animal head you could make with any variation were wolf heads. If we're making a minotaur, give us a choice between ram's head, bull's head, and water buffalo head. Have a parrot head alongside the eagle head. Basically, more animal head variation.
Since apparently the Mesopotamian Beard was not understood, here is the most glorious depiction:
[url=] Assurbanipal of Assyria, as he appears in [i]Civilization V: Brave New World[/i][/url]
[url=] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]
Pretty much everything I was thinking of, some things CoH did, but other things that could be better. I had some 'specific' thoughts on the ones you mention. Like Power animations, some powers transition colors and have different... weights? or different mixtures, it would be nice to have control of the color, or with 'secondary' colors, or side effects of the powers plus some powers that change color, like fire starting blue and turning red mid way through flight animation. And smoke, most of them tend to have a smoke component, it would be nice if the smoke could be colored as well as the fire.
I enjoy layered glows and transparency as well though, and hopefully those sorts of things can be applied as well. These seem capable of supporting that I think. I kinda have thoughts to make creatures like the Noise from The World Ends with You, glowy bands of energy transitioning into monsters, or people. I have probably gone on a tangent, so, thanks for the response!
Hands for feet. I don't care if they can't grab anything, I want hand feet!!!!
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Also monkey costume pieces.
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you mean like that lady from that Aeon Flux Movie?
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Also since the god of sheep, swiss army knives and art up there said that this is the better place for animation suggestions. I'll put these right here.
Themed gadgets
Themed heroes and villains have been a big part of comics for a long time, batman has bats, the joker has clowns, and the green goblin has Halloween. As such themed gadgets should be a thing. I'd start with three major themes whimsical, gothic and animal. Whimsical would be based around more childish things. Toys, games and such. Gothic devices should be covered in spikes and skulls and anything you can find on a death metal album. For animal themes, I'd start with animals that have a lot of well known sub species. Birds, cats and dogs for example have a multitude of sub species that can all be represented with the same model and they ability to colour it. If you have time, I'd also put in insects and bears. I'd also put these themes in non gadget animation types, such as an aura that explodes into the silhouette of a snarling wolf upon when you first activate it, or energy blasts in the shape of birds.
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Like Silver, here, perhaps?
But be warned, [url=]once you repurpose feet as hands, they hurt to use as feet again.[/url]
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
..... is that Bruce Willis cuddling a monkey girl on a space station?
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flashbacks to days i watched:
All you need is One Viewing... FOR-EVER! :/
I'm not saying the acting wasnt spot on... it was good.. but... its not for everyone. :P
If possible I would also like to pick a shape for my projectiles and power auras separate from auras effects, such as fireballs in the shape of skulls or butterflies, Flaming bear claws over my character's fists as he punches people or giant skeleton hands that wrap around my target for a hold. There should also be something done about redraw. A lot of people said that redraw was a flaw, if only a tiny one. Having the ability to choose between a weapon with redraw and a simple power that doesn't have redraw could have a lot of people favouring non weapon animations over weapon animations, to counter this I suggest doing what DCUO did and just have the weapon appear as it's attacking rather than have an animation before hand. You could even do something where people could choose how their weapons come into play like appearing in an aura that represents teleportation and magic, grabbing it out of a nearby portal or a quicker version of taking it out of a holster that takes a millisecond rather than a whole second. Also I want a portal gun animation for teleport powers.
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speakin of redraw...why would a weapon need to be put away at all once drawn? I would assume that if a person it using a weapon of some sort that it is their main tool for most of their powers. while it may not be all, that is what an offhand is for. I would suggest that there be some basic command for holstering/sheathing a weapon and the same for drawing. if this is not possible then I would suggest a one time redraw when one enters combat...either by being attacked or attacking. the weapon would then stay drawn until one has not engaged in combat for a set period of time, at which point a redraw would/could happen showing the weapon being put away.
speaking of weapons, it would also be nice if a character opts to carry a weapon that it be displayed in some fashion. it would in sense become a costume part that could be attached to where ever the play decided. this costume piece would be the sheathed/holstered version. just a thought.
Don't restrict power animation customizing by "what makes sense", just by what works with the system. Trust you're players creativity rather than saying that we can only pick fire, electricity and acid for our burning sets. If you think it will cause people to use damage type confusion to their advantage in PvP just colour code the numbers coming off the player being hit, blue numbers for cold, red for burning, grey for physical etc. Chances are if you do this the players will make combinations you never thought about in creative ways. Also the ability to throw kitchen plates. The day I can throw a plate at a gang member, is the day my life is officially complete.
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I could've sworn this had gotten covered in a thread somewhere, but my search-fu has failed me. :(
I can see some characters 'porting their weapons into their hands, others drawing them from hammerspace (or axespace or pistol space or...), and still others drawing them from a sheathe or holster that may or may not be visible. If all of these options can be accommodated, many of my characters will be very happy. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Captain America style shield bashing and throwing animations. Also auras that represent swarms of small creatures like bugs, birds and rodents. Gun animations for melee attacks. Also don't limit costume pieces by gender, there have been many times where I wanted to make a wizard character with mage robes but couldn't while a female toon could with dress options. The whole male characters wanting mage robes could have been solved by porting dress type options from female toons to male toons like they did with skirts and kilts for men.
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I had the same problem with my main villain, the Cajun Croc. Had to settle with the humanoid reptilian face since the other one made him look like an iguana and not a menacing giant crocodile. "Y'all bonafide computa progrmmas ned ta go down wit ol Cajun croc down ta ze bayous 'ere 'e can wrussle y'all a mean ol gator. Ah guarantee ya be knowin wat be a lizard afta dat!"
May the wings of liberty never lose a feather
One thing I'd like to see is a lot of the ranged attacks merged into a single power set, (since they do pretty much the same thing) allowing the damage type and appearance to be selected seperately
Damage type would effect which defenses worked against the ability, and the type of secondary effects (stun, freezing, knock back, etc..)
Appearance would include lighting, fire, ice, rays, arrows, stars etc, (anything you would have seen as a different power set in CoH) and of course everything would come in a variety of colors
1. This has nothing to do with costumes.
2. "since they do pretty much the same thing": what makes you think that this is how powers will be realised in City of Titans?
3. "Damage type": One recent update mentions Augments for this. However, this is not part of character creation.
4. "Appearance": Unprecedented customisation of power appearance has been an major selling point from the very beginning.
[url=] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]
Invisible limbs and head options. Don't do this option for torsos or else people might make completely invisible characters in PVP.
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The Phantom Limb!
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Now if only we had a power aura that make our arms glow with a skeleton overlay when we punched something then we could make him for real?
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Animations for different instruments and music styles, also dance styles. Different hold animations that have you're target dance, as well as cowering in fear or laughing hysterically
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Also animations that look like you're insulting the target, giving him orders or inspiring him. I always wanted a support power set in CoX that represented either insulting your target or inspiring them. Also animations of you thinking and formulating plans. Also Holographic screens and displays animations. Like Tony stark in iron man 2 when he discovered that new element.
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Also an animation where you type on a number pad on your arm.
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Wrong: I'm talking about taking things that were previously part of power sets and making them part of the appearance. If that's not about costumes What is it about.
2 What makes me think powers will be realized this way in city of titans?
How about the fact that that's what the powers do. They shoot something at people to cause damage, and or a secondary effect. Everything else is cosmetic and it would streemline any game to treat it that way instead of having 12 power sets that do pretty much the same thing.
3 "Damage type": One recent update mentions Augments for this. However, this is not part of character creation.
That's a shame because it totally should be
4"Appearance": Unprecedented customisation of power appearance has been an major selling point from the very beginning.
Good but the appearance of the powers should be included in that.
Overall I guess the reason I thought this fit into this thread is that the power customization in city of heroes was part of character creation and is included in my offline costume creator which I still use for fun. So it made since that this was the place to discus that kind of thing.
This is kiiinda a cross post, but it might be easier to implement in this way than the power set way.
ROLLER BLADES :D Retractable kind too, like maybe 'jet boots' could just be 'gadget boots' or something that doesn't sound like inspector gadget, but is just as cool and has options, jet, skates, roller blades, etc, maybe made from energy too...
This would also allow for seasonal event items, like Retractable skiis! :D
Brain in a jar head piece.
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Rapiers and knives. If possible make an animation where I throw my hat like odd job from the james bond movies, I don't care if it's not at launch but it would be nice to have during this games life time.
One thing I would like to see with costume packs is something I like to call power packs. Basicly it's a pack filled with animations for your powers without any costume pieces. A type of power pack I would like to see is a bunch of gadgets with a loose theme, like for instance a pack of sports themed gadgets like thrown explosives in the shape footballs, or a high tech hockey stick that makes a laser puck whenever you put the slapping on the ground that you can slap shot at your enemy, or an entertainment themed pack that has joker like clown gadgets or a high tech gun that looks like a video camera, or a joy stick animation.
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Umbrellas and parasols for Radiation Accident survivors, people from underground civilizations and red sun planets, or anyone else who might be shy of a little UV. Bonus points if they can be used as Power emitters a la the Penguin's trick umbrella. Or shields or bludgeons.
(image of Hulk on a unicycle holding a dainty parasol with posies on it)
I call shenanigans.
Pengy just wants to make a Mary Poppins character who flies around using an umbrella.
But yes, umbrellas have been used to cause non-negligible property damage (in certain anime, anyway).
Mind you, if there are umbrellas there must be bowler hats.
/ John Steed.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
Avengers reference FTW!
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
If we have umbrellas will we have walking sticks and get to use either one for a park avenue stroll walking animation?
Come let's mix, where Rocker fellers
Walk with sticks or uberellas
In their midst
Puttin on the Ritz
We need penguin style animations for our walking stick and umbrellas where we shoot someone with a gun hidden in the umbrella top/ bottom of the walking stick and slashing someone with a blade that came out of the top. Also sword canes...
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[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Why not just disable all invisibility in PVP? Due to.. um.. plot goggles!
Longtime City of Heroes player, longtime writer. :) Working in Nebraska.
COT: Mission tips writer, studying Cinema 4D animation program
What if Everyone was invisible in PvP, due to Beer-goggles?
Be Well!
Well warcrabbit said that having the torso included in the true invisibility would also be a detriment to social situations as well such as actively blocking someone's path while their moving. Just having the ability to make the head and limbs truly invisible would give a lot of potential already. We don't need something that could potentially be very disruptive.
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I'm rather partial to this [url=]double wings[/url] look that just showed up in the Claymore manga.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
This idea could even be modular in that the lower wings could be separate from the upper wings (maybe implemented as a special kind of "belt" or "tail"). This would allow more options to mix-n-match different versions of upper and lower wings or maybe for lower wings combined with "head wings" like this:
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Realistic warhammers, battle axes, maces et cetera. Actual warhammers did not look like Mjölnir*, but rather [url=]like this[/url]. Generally, the weapon version was [i]lighter{/i] than the tool version to reduce fatigue.
*whose haft is too short, anyways.
[url=] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]
Different types of weapons for hands and chainsaws!!!
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How the heck do you wipe... er, Comb your Hair, with a Chainsaw-hand? I always thought replacing hands with 'things' was the dumbest idea.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
If you have chainsaw hands you make someone else do it.
Well the smart ones turn their off hand into a chainsaw while leaving their main hand, while the dumb and/or crazy ones turn both their hands into chainsaws. Remember the freakshow?
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No, the smart ones make the change reversible at will, so they can have hands when they need to be handy and chainsaws when they need to be chainsawy.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Chainsaw Hand ROCKET PUNCH !!!
It could happen ...
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
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Also Kabuki masks and greek theatre masks. I'd also like the ability to choose an emote as either an attack animation or hold animation.
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Good political insignias are a must, comrades!
Evil, a healthy alternative to goodness!
Just aslong as they keep the swastika out. Even the 5th column and council didn't have swastikas and putting in might make us look really bad.
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Four arm swastikas like we all learn in our early 20th century history books ought to be out ... but three armed swastikas of the [url=]triskelion[/url] variety ought to be just fine without the political references.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
I don't know about that... For one, swastikas used to be a Hindu symbol for good luck, so they're not entirely evil. For two, if swastikas are so evil then they'd go hand-in-hand with villains, just like all those fancy skull ornaments and shadowy auras. For three, the game consistently talks about the freedom to create the character you choose; if you can do something as unorthodox as cross-dress, then surely something equally as controversial like a hammer-and-sickle, inverted cross, or other visually unsettling imagery (in the eyes of the viewer, at least) would be all acceptable.
[url=]My original character profiles![/url]
The Swastika is illegal in Germany.
And trivialisation of National Socialism - and using the swastika as a fashionable villain accessory is trivialisation - is utterly inacceptable and irresponsible.
[url=] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]
Even if things like the hammer-and-sickle or an inverted cross are "unsettling" symbols to some people they aren't specifically illegal like the swastika is in modern-day Germany.
Yes it's true that historically the swastika was used as a good luck symbol in many cultures and religions. Native Americans used them in their rituals and even pre-WWII pilots in Europe wore them as good luck charms. But it's pretty clear that the use of the swastika by Nazi Germany in WWII has forever tainted people's general perception of the symbol and its use as anything other than a symbol of genocidal hate is effectively unknown to most people today. This is why if MWM is going to want people to be able to play CoT in Germany they are pretty much going to have to ensure that swastikas (of any kind or shape) are not allowed.
This. period.
Obviously it would depend on how such a triskelion is drawn. Unfortunately there's a notable South African white-supremist group that's taken the basic block styling of Nazi swastika (using the red, white and black colors) and modified it to only have three arms (making it a triangular triskelion shape). I assume if CoT includes anything like a triskelion symbol that care would have to be taken to make sure it isn't anything like that.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Lots of great ideas! I have no doubt that the costume creator will be awesome.
How about a strange sort of request? It may not be possible, but...
What about copycat costumes? Some of my magicians, in RP, like to wander around looking like, "Joe Average." What about a meta-costume that applies an NPC costume at random to one's player character, based on the types of NPCs that normally hang out in that area. So, one looks like a normal passerby in city districts, or a grotesque mutant in Mutantville, or whatever.
I am NOT asking for immunity from aggro. Actually, it makes perfect sense that, for example, a street gang would attack an unknown person wearing their colors. This is strictly for cosmetic/RP purposes. As long as the name of one's character remained the same, identifying player characters should not become too difficult either.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
CoH had a large number of "Halloween costumes" which were basically toggle powers that switched out your character's body model for exact clones of various preexisting NPCs (even switching sex, size, etc.). Sounds like what you're talking about is something that would use your own player-defined body model but have them get dressed up in the clothes of various NPCs. That kind of thing might be harder to do given than the body models available to players may not exactly fit the size/shape of the NPCs in question. It's still an interesting idea that would probably be more "doable" in CoT (using UE4) than it would have been back in CoH.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Considering that the NPCs and PCs will be using the same costume parts, and the "civilian" NPCs will all be getting made with the PC costume creator ... um ... Mission (already) Accomplished in City of Titans?
This was NOT true in City of Heroes where quite a lot of the NPC costume parts simply weren't available for PCs. So ... yay?
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Yep I agree that having a PC be able to dress up like a NPC should be more "possible" in CoT because the body models should be more similar.
But the remaining questions would be what percentage of clothing is still going to be arbitrarily defined as "NPC only" and would the suggestion CallmeBlue made be some kind of "power based" thing (like the CoH Halloween costumes were) or would we only need access to the NPC costume items in the costume creator?
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
In the sense that it would limit the market base for CoT? My, that [i]is[/i] unacceptable! Fortunately, there is a simple way to get around this Just make German copies of the game unable to display swastikas. All we would have to do is delete the decal file for the game from the German download file and nobody would have to see that. Heck, they could even replace the swastikas with some other symbol, like the triskelion. Problem solved!
[url=]My original character profiles![/url]
There aren't going to be German "copies" of this game. This game very likely won't have physical retail "copies" at all. And besides I already mentioned the [url=]South African white nationalist group[/url] using the triskelion - problem hardly "solved".
It would be far, far easier (for almost too many reasons to count) to simply not allow swastikas in the "game" period than to worry about having multiple builds based on which country they are legal in or not. Regardless of legality there really isn't anywhere in the western world where you can display a swastika and do it in good taste. Like I said before swastikas are now (in 2014) more or less unequivocally associated with a group of people who were universally accepted as "evil" regardless of the symbol's overall history.
For what it’s worth I usually fall on the side of games like this allowing/providing for as much "player freedom" as possible. But where I can easily draw the line is with symbology that's synonymous with real life genocidal holocaust. I don't personally find the shape of the swastika (when taken separately from its Nazi associations) to be overtly offensive. But I have enough empathy as a human being to know that it's simply too offensive to enough other people out there that I can easily live without seeing it in video games.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Well first of all I know that and you know that but most of the world doesn't and are still going to assume it's the Nazi swastika. second, cross dressing isn't the same thing as Nazism. Put a man in a dress and the only people who would disagree with that are hate groups like the AFF and the KKK. Put a swastika on someone in a teen rated game and that's a whole other can of worms coming from everyone from the left to the right.
not my video just one I lke ===>
[url=]Rising Sun flag in game angers Koreans[/url]
To us, it's just the flag of the Imperial Japanese Army. Heck, the symbol is still used in Japan, today, and incorporated in American military insignia. No big deal, right?
To the Koreans and Chinese, who suffered under Japanese imperialism/expansionism (the flag was used from 1870 to 1945, so hardly restricted to WWII), it's pretty much akin to waving about the Nazi flag.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
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All good points, until you realize [i]almost the entire right wing[/i] hates crossdressing, not just a few hate groups.
But yes, social norms would see nazism as a much more universal evil.
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I'll grant you that the basic idea of cross-dressing is still seen as "controversial" by some people but at least I'm glad you realize there's a world of difference between trying to compare it to overt references to Nazism. The occasional boy wearing girl's clothes is hardly equivalent to the deaths of millions of innocent people.
On a related tangent one has to wonder if your "entire right wing" boycotts stage productions of [url=]Peter Pan[/url] given that "he" is traditionally played by a "she". Cross-dresssing in entertainment circles has been more or less accepted for centuries (Shakespeare anyone?) so I really don't see much problem with it in either the modern world of comic books or video games about them.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
In a perfect world things like the swastika or cross dressing would be taken in the context it was portrayed. Until we live in a perfect world we have to take others emotional reaction to those things. We don't have to always ban them but we do have to think about the ramifications of them before using them. Not that this is really news to anyone.
To be a bit more on topic,
Has outfits with variations on the same style been a regular pin stripe suit and a damaged version of it....or a shirt in various stages of unbutton?
What about ankle boots with a better synergy to pants CoH because of the breaks in the models texture overlay you found that all tight pants only went to roughly mid calf.
and now we have a political argument in the costume thread.... what have I done....
not my video just one I lke ===>
I'll do my part to talk about something else then. ;)
The topic of "battle damaged" clothing came up again in another thread recently so I won't go into that too much here. As far as having multiple versions of the same undamaged clothing (like your unbuttoned shirt idea) I think that might be pretty cool. I don't think it'd be worth having multiple versions of every costume item, but perhaps they could take a few classic staples (like a man's dress shirt) and provide at least a "fully buttoned" and "fully unbuttoned" version of it. They could do the same for say a catsuit with a front zipper: they could have a "fully zipped up" version and a "cleavage revealing half-way zipped" version.
I think clothing like pants will greatly benefit from the capabilities UE4 will provide. We'll probably be able to choose anything from skin-tight jeans to loose-fitting baggy camos. But the key will be if we'll be able to choose to tuck pant legs into any kind of boot or not. Ideally we should be able to wear any knee/ankle boot with any pants regardless if they're tucked in or not.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Oh yeah tattered clothes would be awesome.
not my video just one I lke ===>
I only asked because as I understand it there will be a variety of costume parts that will have physics and would love it if ....say a battle damaged shirt blows in the wind
I think in general if it would make sense for a piece of clothing to be able to "blow around in the wind" then it's going to be able to do that. We may get "pre-torn clothing" (including torn shirts) as options for our costume slots but the real question's going to be will there be dynamic damages to costume items DURING combat or not. That feature may remain one step beyond what CoT will be able to provide.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I wasn't actually asking for a shirt to go from repaired to damaged.... just a costume part that is damaged and has physics.
We need animations for various tendril/whip type animations, I'd start by letting us pick a "body" (ie: leather whip chain, tentacle, tendrils made from various elements such as fire or water etc) and the choice to add a "head" (ie: grappling hook, robot claw, snake head, reptilian claw etc) and have the option for various origin points such as a whole bunch coming out of you're back, using it as a whip, shooting it out of your hand or shooting it out of your gun.
not my video just one I lke ===>
This. ^ All of this.
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somes costumes pieces from CoH updates, like animals head ( dreaming for recreate my CoH character with butterfly wings and Bull head)
CoH was very good for creation character maybe inspire from them
We need extremely cinematic martial arts moves, like the kind you see in street fighter games or in big trouble in little china. I want to use a helicopter kick as an animation for a dash attack yo!!!!
not my video just one I lke ===>
Ability to have multiple fluffy independently moving tails. At least 8 at a time!
The abilities to have tails be the source of your attack.
The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.
Plus a proposed amendment to make it "at least 9 at a time"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Yes! I wish they'd look to Street Fighter for some nice looking moves! I figure we can't/won't get throws, but here's hoping for some nice looking melee attacks and lunges!