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What power sets would you like to see?

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Celestial's picture
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Cherry wrote:
Cherry wrote:

Trick Yo Yo. And as you can see from my avatar picture, Ive wanted it for a while! PLease!

I second the trick yo-yo powerset.

Falindae's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 20:17
Alucard wrote:
Alucard wrote:

A few power sets I would like to see:
1: Whip or chain power set: Allow for customizing beyond just standard whip.
2: Metal Tank Power set: Instead of default covered in fire or earth, allowed tank to be covered in metal
3: Wind Power set: Not a screaming one, one in which you commands the 4 corners of wind.
4: Magic Power set: Instead of just blasts of magic, the character takes out a spell book, creates runes in the air or uses their staff to unleash powerful spells.
5: Time manipulation: Something that affects the speed of your or foe attacks, maybe backs up you or the foe as if rewinding time and so forth.
6: Arachnos Widow like power set: Mental/stabby ninja with poison
7: Bane/Crab spider: allow so you can modify the look of the arms and beyond just normal gun or lasers behavior, perhaps swords or axes.
8: Ninja Power set: Throw stars, use nunchaku and stealth.
All New Power set Idea:
A power idea that I've had in my head for awhile you could call possession where your body channels some dark power it covers your arm in darkness then as you level, it begins to cover your entire body. it starts out as hand to hand combat but as you level you gain ability to do range, heals, and controls.
Possibly a power set of the opposite color, being it's polar opposite carrying a lore/story like the Kheldians aka the Peacebringer and Warshade.

I agree with almost everything you've said.

1) Oh dear lord, yes. Whips/chains. I know that sounds sadistic, and to me it seems like it would be a bit finnicky to program something like this visually and physically, but it was the one thing I really found myself missing. So... As for animation, I'd like to see it actually grab and pull someone (as another poster commented), aside from the basic whipping action for damage... I've also ached to see if this would work in the expanded capacity as a travel power, hooking onto things and swinging from them.

2) Love the idea of metal as a "tank" type, defensive thing-- as a visual, animated concept. I second this.

3) I like this idea, but struggle with its animations. What would it look like? Would we end up with a replica of air bending in the visual sense? I do like the idea of it being a very nice control/defense type setup. Projectile reflection, physical speed increase, summoning a "hot" or "cold" wind to physically cause damage to something...

4) Elemental Magic is a MUST in my head. Most of my characters were wielders of it in some sense or another. I like the animation idea of using a spellbook or staff (as two seperate ways to animate the same idea) because that may open the door then to customization of weapon-- put your own runes on the cover, carve them in your staff, etc.

5) I liked the idea of time manipulation in how CoH was attempting to approach it, though I felt it brushed hips with Kinetics in a lot of ways. Make enemies slower in skill charge and in physical speed, make allies faster in skill charge and physical speed... The difference was if one required an enemy or not to perform the action.

Loving the things I'm seeing on this thread!

*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]

Falindae's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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Then again... I'm really not

Then again... I'm really not understanding how the power sets will work, and might not until I get my hands on them physically and can choose them for myself. These are merely "end results" that I'd like to see. As much as I'm trying to get my head around Base/Theme/Animation, I'm a visual learner. Reading about it just makes my head spin... *Sigh* On that note, I wish I could be more helpful than, "I want this!" But, that's sort of what this thread is about, hey?

*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]

Mendicant's picture
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Celestial wrote:
Celestial wrote:

Cherry wrote:
Trick Yo Yo. And as you can see from my avatar picture, Ive wanted it for a while! PLease!

I second the trick yo-yo powerset.

Thirded. Sukeban Deka, here I come.

DeadFlash's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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I love to see a Shrink/Grow

I love to see a Shrink/Grow Powerset

How should it work? Perhaps as a Brawl/Controll Set.
Run up to your enemy, shrink to evade his attack then grow to upercut him.
Giant Grow to grap your enemy an throw him/smash him/hold him
Pick up Cars and stuff to throw like with superstrength...

That would be nice.

Co-Founder of German SuperGroup Flame of Freedom

boggo's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

snate56 wrote:
I'd be happy if I could get on top of a truck that happened to be going my way!

You tried that too huh? I was pretty disappointed to realize it was impossible. Imagine if a substitute for a travel power could be illegal hitch hiking on vehicle roofs. If you switched right and they crossed zones...built in game lol.
Or you could just park your man on there for fun while you go afk.


For 6 years on countless alts I attempted to leap on pretty much every truck I saw in CoX, working on the If I want it bad enough the universe will accommodate theory!!

this would be the most awesome travel power ever!

Formerly, Scharfeschutze of Triumph

Don't punch me! I'm a Blaster!!!

TheMadGent's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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GFN, it's currently planned

GFN, it's currently planned to have 3 ATs per primary, each with their own secondary. One of the MMs will have /assault according to the current model.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

GP's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 week ago
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Definitely need trick Yo Yo

Definitely need trick Yo Yo powerset..

Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 10:48
Since the yo-yo was used as a

Since the yo-yo was used as a weapon in ancient times, it seems feasible.

I would like to have a power set for each of the four elements. I know that Paragon was about to introduce a Water power set and a Nature power set before their executive overlords went meh and shut Paragon down. Also a stealthy invisabllity power would be good. I want to make a Cheshire Cat hero and that would be good.

Lord Nightmare
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TheMadGent wrote:
TheMadGent wrote:

GFN, it's currently planned to have 3 ATs per primary, each with their own secondary. One of the MMs will have /assault according to the current model.

Could you go into a bit more detail or link where there is some so i don't confuse myself?

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Titan's picture
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I think Super Strength is a

I think Super Strength is a must have.

I would like to see some generic defensive powers represented at launch such as Super Invulnerability, Super Reflexes, Regeneration, and Force Fields.

I would LOVE to see a Giant Growth power set.

Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 12:32
I would hope that maybe some

I would hope that maybe some of the projected CoH power sets make their way back from the dead... like Radiation Melee & Armor.... and Wind Control!!

PLEASE PLEASE in your version of Super Strength bring back Screen Shake!! Make it a stretch goal and I'm handing you my debit card!

Warpdrive's picture
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Personally, I would love to

Personally, I would love to be able to make something like my Gravity/Kinetic controller.. That stuff was amazingly awesome..

Wormholes are just silly. One moment you're here. The next you're stunned and over there. Ha. Gravity is silly.

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Mendicant wrote:
Mendicant wrote:

Celestial wrote:
Cherry wrote:
Trick Yo Yo. And as you can see from my avatar picture, Ive wanted it for a while! PLease!

I second the trick yo-yo powerset.

Thirded. Sukeban Deka, here I come.

Edit: Errr, Fifthed!

As for what I would like to personally see... some sort of Electromagnetic manipulation / EM energy blast. Would probably be horribly over-powered, horribly weak, or horribly implemented. So Lightning Blast / Electric Manipulation, but not as gutted as it was in CoH. I mean, seriously. A bolt of lightning is five times hotter than the surface of the Sun. And it can send a DeLorean back in time. Do it some justice.

If I can't have that, then BIG weapons. And not just the miniscule options we had for TW.

Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 16:59
I wouldn't say no to trick yo

I wouldn't say no to trick yo-yo.

Mostly I'd like to see Kinetics make an appearance. Light based powers would also be very cool.


Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
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Dual Guns. Gun and Sword

Dual Guns. Gun and Sword. Elemental Attacks for ranged sets and melee sets. Sword-Chucks.

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
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Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Air melee

Air melee
Base: Melee AoE
Theme: KD, KU +Range(effectively turning a melee set into a mid range set)
Animations: Brawl Style with wind spinning around your hands, Airbender style, (Most desired) Weapons(Any) with wind spinning around it.

Wind Blast
Base: Ranged AoE
Theme: KD, KU, KB, lowers accuracy
Animations: Lots a swirly vortexy goodness, still thinking airbender

Wind Control
Base: Control Aoe
Theme: KB/U/D, Compression, "vortex" power (pulls enemies into each other)
Animations: More swirlyness

Wind Buff Set
Base: Ranged AoE Buff/ DeBuff
Theme: A Heal, A dodge buff, Maybe some protective auras a la Hurricane from CoX
Animation: Must I say it again? Swirls

The wind powers FX from FFXIII I thought were really good

P.S. - Will we be able to name our powers, with so much customization I can't see why not.

Airhead's picture
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Womb Physics

Womb Physics

Obviously a concept unique to perhaps very few heroes, I previously simulated this with Force Field and Mind Control AoE animations. The AoE animations could support other "physics alteration" themes like Freezing, Disintegrating/disruption, Silence/Power Nullifying, Time Manipulation.

Base: Point Blank (melee?) AoE
Superelasticity Theme: AoE kinetic resistance buff
Naivete Theme: AoE confuse (like CoH World of Confusion)
Comfort Theme: AoE sleep
1) Some sort of casting animation;
2a) effect is either AoE-sized bubble (like CoH forcefield); or
2b) unusual AoE-sized surface texture to indicate non-normal physics applied to solids (like icy floor or, the quake travel animation in CoH that had the appearance of cracks). Surfaces could have a more cloth-like texture, be more shiny, be tinted or coated in something, be blurred, be hyper-saturated or grey-scale, twinkles (uh), depending on what can be programmed.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

snate56's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Break Wind

Break Wind
Centered AoE
Clears the room...



"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Ultimalord's picture
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I myself would love some sort

I myself would love some sort of Off/Def set of "Floating Swords"

And something of a "Gunslinger/Blademaster" set so we can get sort of a Dante vibe goin.

Defend, Honor, Serve, Fall, Rise of the Phoenix

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Amerikatt's picture
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I would like to see a utility

I would like to see a utility archetype much like the Kheldian Peacebringer. I miss not being a Jill-Of-All-Trades.

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Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
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Whip set. Complete with

Whip set. Complete with holds, pulls, knockdowns. can have diff types damage dependent on the whip. Could be a normal whip. a thorn whip. elemental whip. metal whip.

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
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Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

Twilight Widow
Twilight Widow's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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God yes a whip power set

God yes a whip power set would be awesome.

Mendicant's picture
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A chain powerset. (Could be

A chain powerset. (Could be based on the whip set).
A chain with a weight on the end of it for ranged attacks, an immobilize that is wrapping a chain around the opponent's feet, etc.

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Twilight Widow wrote:
Twilight Widow wrote:

God yes a whip power set would be awesome.

Well hello there, Twilight Widow.

TumbleweedGamer's picture
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A craftable minion of some

A craftable minion of some sort would be really nice. A one time use robot or maybe a summoned minion something like that.

Hip hooters Nee!

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Shadow Elusive,

Shadow Elusive,
I read most of these threads, the problem with getting my head around what you asked for multiple times on describing what you want in power suggestions is without really seeing it in action, we can't be sure exactly what you want. You asked for power suggestions, then got impatient when we weren't expressing the ideas the way you wanted. How about a list of all the bases, themes, etc you have. I'm not trying to be impertinent here - not looking to get banned lol - you asked us for powers, we dont know how you're going to impliment them, you guys are the devs, making the powers workable in the game is why you get the big bucks.
Now reading what you tryed to explain, it kinda sounds like DCUO, the way they set up the powers, where you pick your power, then a weapon to deliver it. Problem with that game is one weapon type gives you the max to say, might for a dps, like the bow, and except for flavor, there is no other reason to choose another weapon. I got bored with it quickly. You described CoH powers as simpler but limited. I found them to be far from it. You had a power set, and some of the powers had secondary effects in the game, some more subtle than others: defense debuff, resistance debuff, damage debuff, end drain, slow effects, etc. Enhancing or just learning to use these secondary effects with powers was quite enjoyable. I played the game for almost 6 years and can say I completely understood 2.5 of the 14 AT's (blasters, corruptors, and the offensive side of defenders) and of them I had a great grasp of half of the powers available to them. I understood just 2 melee defensive powers, cuz I hadn't taken the time to really learn the others. This quite frankly is the reason I played this game for that long and would play it for 20 more years if I could. I also realize different people get different things out of a game, this is what I loved about CoH, having a blaster with 3 distinct builds. I don't expect you to make a copy of CoH, but I also hope you don't stray to far from it. I'd also like to be able to see the %'s on powers like you could in CoH. That helped me to master my craft.
Another thing I've run into in other games is skill or power trees. In all of these games these are annoying, because to get to something you want, you have to waste points or powers to get to it. In DCUO you have 15 skill points to use, you have to waste some to get to powers you want. It was nice to just be able to skip powers you didn't want or need and maximize your toon.
Not sure if I have stayed on topic or even explained myself clearly, so ahh later

notears's picture
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everything we had in COH plus

everything we had in COH plus whips, radiation melee/armour and metal control

not my video just one I lke ===>


TheMadGent's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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GFN wrote:
GFN wrote:

Could you go into a bit more detail or link where there is some so i don't confuse myself?

Standard Disclaimer: I'm not a valid authority figure, all info is subject to change, etc.

Basically. There are six primaries: Defense/, Support/, Ranged/, Melee/, and Pets/. These are your Classifications. The Pets/ Classification is the Operator.

Each of these primaries has access to one of three different secondaries. The choice of secondary determines your Specification. The Operator has access to /Support, /Assault, and /Manipulation. These specifications are named the Engineer, Taskmaster, and Ringleader, respectively.

So, you could roll Nightmare as a Shadow Summoning/Dark Misama Engineer, a Shadow Summoning/Armored Assault Taskmaster, or any number of combinations. (NB: These powerset names are idle speculation on my part.)

Further diversification can be obtained through tertiary sets, which work like power pools in CoH. It is planned that these sets will include "slimmed down" versions of sets available to other characters. So Nightmare could roll a Shadow Summoning/Dark Miasma Engineer and supplement the build with a Tertiary Power Armor set.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

Kaxiya's picture
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Fatcat wrote:
Fatcat wrote:

Shadow Elusive,
I read most of these threads, the problem with getting my head around what you asked for multiple times on describing what you want in power suggestions is without really seeing it in action, we can't be sure exactly what you want. You asked for power suggestions, then got impatient when we weren't expressing the ideas the way you wanted. How about a list of all the bases, themes, etc you have. I'm not trying to be impertinent here - not looking to get banned lol - you asked us for powers, we dont know how you're going to impliment them, you guys are the devs, making the powers workable in the game is why you get the big bucks.

Just so you know, Shadow Elusive is not a Developer, and any comment he makes is not in any way an official declaration. His statements are just that, his, although it is usually based off of information gleaned from talking with the Dev's.

I hope this helps clarify the situation

(Please note: I am not a Developer either) ;)

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Clave Dark 5
Clave Dark 5's picture
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Twilight Widow wrote:
Twilight Widow wrote:

God yes a whip power set would be awesome.

That comment next to that avatar probably violates our T For Teen rating.

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“The universe is made up of stories, not of atoms” - Muriel Rukeyser
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DeathSentry's picture
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Would love to see the power

Would love to see the power armor set from CO with the ability to fire multiple powers simultaneously. Also ability to grow large az part of combat. Would really like freeform option as well (u pick ur own powers vs. Use of an AT

CoH addict for 8+ years...and counting

Per Ignim
Per Ignim's picture
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What I would like to see so I

What I would like to see so I could make my Fire blaster in the new game:

Base: Splash - Single target ranged with diminishing damage AoE around target, AoE Cone attacks at medium and long range, Ranged Targeted AoE with chance of minor secondary AoE 'explosions' on affected foes.
--The primary idea of this is that your attacks are liquid in some manner. Fire, Water, Lava, and the like are the basis of your powers. Your minute control over these elemental powers is not the best, but that works in your favor when moving against large groups of villains or when you want to cause as much collateral damage as possible. The heavy AoE nature of this base means that while the damage to individual foes might be less, overall you do more damage in large groups of enemies.

Theme: Bleeding - Big initial Damage, Small Additional Damage over Time.
--There is a good chunk of damage done initially. Maybe not as much as other themes, but it is there. This is the type of damage that acid, fire, or bladed weapons commonly cause. Additional hits with bleeding themed attacks adds stacks of the DoT effect, but there is a hard cap to the number of stacks any one target can have.

Animation: Fire - Nough said :)

Per Ignim
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From what I can see, with the Base, Theme, Animation (provided that there are adjustments to damage/recharge time based on animation, more on this in another post) they are trying to give more options, not less.

Imagine if you could take the sweeping attacks from any of the hammer sets or abilities that there were in CoH and pair them with the illusion damage effect from Illusion Control(high initial damage that later partially heals) and pair them all up with martial arts sweeping arm movements.

I think this is mostly what they are referencing here and not the DCUO system of making you have lots of powers you will never want to use.

From what I can tell CoT is all about choice, and making those choices as player driven as possible.

And by the way, now that I've thought about it, I'd call this guy the Tai Chi Master...

Base: Sweep - Melee Cone attacks, Close Range Targeted AoE.

Theme: Non-Lethal - Attacks seem more damaging than they are initially. Higher damage is done with the initial strike, but after a few seconds some of the damage bleeds away in effect 'healing' some of the damage done.

Animation: Smooth Martial Arts - The martial arts moves are slow and deliberate but in no way lose their impact.

Per Ignim
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Not sure if this belongs here

Not sure if this belongs here, but I have a question about animations, or more likely a suggestion. The biggest problem I think that CoH had balancing damage and such was that the power was activated, the animation ran, and the finally the cooldown began on the power.

As an alternative, knowing you've al probably thought of this, could you instead have the cooldown begin before the animation starts? In that case, as long as the animation isn't longer than the cooldown (which should never be the case given proper planning of powers and animations) then the animation can be any length the player can deal with.

The only problem then becomes a matter of whether or not chaining together a lot of short animation attacks gives you more damage that the long animation attacks.

Here comes the second part of my suggestion: Scale Damage in relation to length of animation. If you set 2 seconds as your 100% damage base animations above and below 2 seconds do damage on a proportional basis IE 1 second animations ado 50% damage and 4 second animations do 200% damage.

At this point it is a matter of simply making sure that the animations available for powers would not make them so damaging that people took the longest animations possible no matter what.

Of course, that being said, there will always be a balance and players will find it. Consider, that even if an attack can 1 shot an enemy if they only have a 75% chance to hit that enemy they are better served by making 4 attacks that would kill the enemy if only 3 hit. There are pros and cons to every decision you give us, and as long as the dicisions don't make the game unbalanced, we should all be in a happy game.

Flow-'s picture
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A stealthy playstyle that

A stealthy playstyle that specializes in the throwing of knives and setting of traps would be amazing. Spend like 15 minutes just setting up 12 different traps on one guy and then throw something at him to toss him onto them.

Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
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To add on to my suggestion.

To add on to my suggestion. Single Whip set. Dual Whip set.

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
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Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

Doc_Nova's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Let's see...Power Set wish

Let's see...Power Set wish list, eh?

First, keeping in mind the power creation tools (3 elements: base, theme, and animation), this eliminates specialized power sets, as they will be absolutely doable via this system. Therefore, things like Fiery Ax, Energy Pistol, and the like are too specific and unnecessary (we'll be able to do these with a base of ranged, theme of energy, and an animation of pistol, for example).

Therefore, I will provide broader strokes, as best I can with what limited knowledge I have...

Base: No sense trying to add to this one, since I have no idea what's "official". Chances are, they've got it.

Theme: Again, without knowing what's official, this is hard, but not quite as pointless as Base. So here's a list (and they are in the list order of my preference):
1) Elemental mixing (being able to have multiple themes in one "power set" to launch fire blasts and lightning strokes and wind blasts, etc.)
2) Shielding (both self and being able to interpose for another player or NPC)
3) Size-changing (growth and/or shrinking)
4) Swarm-spewing (being able to excrete/project swarms of smaller things...bees, mini-robots, packs of rabid rabbits, etc)
5) Shape-changing (different animals, different objects, different people, or even a combination of two or three)
6) Light-based powers (not so much Green Lantern as Dagger, Dazzler, or Doctor Light)
7) Object creation (this is more like Green Lantern...think of it as a stationary mastermind...summoning useful objects like a wall, smacking baseball bat, turret, bomb, etc.)

Animations: Like Themes (above) this is tough without knowing the devs list so far, but here goes...
1) Multi-armed (Doc Ock, Spidey during Civil War, Grond, and Crab Spiders are all great examples)
2) Shield (block, bash, and throw)
3) Pistols (single and dual, automatic and revolver, light and heavy)
4) Missile weapons (and a variety here, not just bows, but crossbows, wristbows, etc. Maybe even slings and cesti)
5) One-handed weapons (chopping, crushing, thrusting)
6) Two-handed weapons (chopping, crushing, thrusting)

Then some specifics that would probably fit in one of the above categories, but I am not entirely sure where:

1) Teleport Area Effect attack (porting to multiple foes in a small area and punch/kicking each in turn)
2) Teleport lunge attack
3) Teleport foe attack that misplaces and stuns them (maybe drops them, maybe places them for an AoE, or some other player-friendly strategy tool)
4) Speed-based 1000-Fists of Furious Doom (rapid, machinegun like punches)
5) Grabbing and throwing NPCs!
6) Interactive objects that I can heft, swing, and toss around

That gives a nice starting list for -my- wishes.

Per Ignim
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Doc_Nova wrote:
Doc_Nova wrote:

Let's see...Power Set wish list, eh?
1) Teleport Area Effect attack (porting to multiple foes in a small area and punch/kicking each in turn)
2) Teleport lunge attack
3) Teleport foe attack that misplaces and stuns them (maybe drops them, maybe places them for an AoE, or some other player-friendly strategy tool)
4) Speed-based 1000-Fists of Furious Doom (rapid, machinegun like punches)
5) Grabbing and throwing NPCs!
6) Interactive objects that I can heft, swing, and toss around
That gives a nice starting list for -my- wishes.

For 1 what it seems here is you're combining Base and Theme together. You have a really cool idea though in two parts:

Base: Charge Melee - Single Target Ranged, PBAoE, Single Target - Your character rushes in to attack. This would be a combination of single target attacks as well as PBAoE attacks.

Theme: Teleportation - your character teleports from one foe to the next. This is not animation, as the character can still be using martial arts or claws or sword or whatever, this is the actual theme of the power set.

This same base could use other themes like: Super Speed, Acrobatics, and things like that

2 and 3 would likely be actual powers under the above theme.

4, with a little tweaking, could be another power under the above base. You're either running around the enemy (Super Speed) teleporting around them or even jumping back and forth around them.

5 would be a Theme on Melee. It's going to use standard Melee targeting, but then instead of just hitting them, you are grabbing people and throwing them :)

6 is another theme for Melee:

Theme: Improvised Weaponry - your character uses objects from the environment to attack your foes with. Whether they're wielding one of their enemies or the street sign next to them these supers are best when the weapon is whatever is at hand.

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Just as I posted these on the

Just as I posted these on the travel power thread it dawned on me. So roller blades/skates/skate board travel power. What about those as a power set. So the roller blades and Skates. They could be a melee set. Filled with kicks. The attacks would have a very sort of ballet-esqe type animations. Skateboard power set would be more swings and smashes with the board and such. Now that i would like to see. Toss in elementals and bam. Ya hero skates into a group of enemies and spins around and create a blaze around them that explodes outwards.

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
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Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

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base ideas: Sniper (single

base ideas: Sniper (single target focused ranged damage)
Bomber (Aoe centered ranged damage)
Poisoner (Debuff focused support)
Healer (heal focused support
Invoker (Buff focused support)
Berseker (AoE focused melee)
Executioner (Single target focused melee)

Themes: Acid (deals toxic damage and reduces resistance)
Poison (Deals toxic damage and reduces damage)
Fire (Deals fire damage and deals fire DoT for a short time)
Ice (deals ice damage and slows target)
Wound (deals lethal damage and deals lethal DoT)
Club ( Deals bludgeoning damage and reduces resistance)
Smash (Deals bludgeoning damage and creates a small and short damage buff)
Eviscerate (Deals Lethal damage and creates a small and short damage buff)
Psionic (deals psionic damage and reduces accuracy)

Animations: Whip, sword, axe, hammer, brawl, martial arts, pistol, dual pistol, wand, staff, rifle, archery, hand blast, breath, throwing, wrist, tenacles and head

I'd also like the ability to when with a hybrid powerset like assault or manipulation I would like to choose two different for the power types, such as making it so when I have assault I can do something like pick dual pistols for my ranged attacks and martial arts for my melee attacks, or when choosing manipulation the ability to choose hand blast for the control powers and brawl for the melee powers

not my video just one I lke ===>


Tsumiju Zero
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I'd like to see a few sword

I'd like to see a few sword sets, similar to how we had martial arts and street justice / broadsword and katana, so that you pick your weapon as a prop and then the fighting style you wish to use. Personally a nice fast sword set for me (think Adam from RWBY) with super reflexes style secondary would be perfect for me!

Tsumiju Zero - The Nightmare of Dra'Gon
Proud Leader of the Zero Strykers SG ~ Union
A different world, a different dimension, I open my eyes, ready to go, stepping from darkness into the light

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One thing I hope though with

One thing I hope though with all these powers is that in the end you aren't just mashing one attack. In CO I literally only use one attack. Maybe two depending if i'm horribly surrounded. Other then that I actually only use one attack in every battle. In WoW my Death Knight goes through a chain. 2 attacks that each cast a disease. Followed by an attacked doing more damage based on the number of disease. then one final smash to hit hard and give me some HP. In SWTOR my juggernaut does a bit of the same. 2 attacks to fill up the rage meter. and then 2 attacks afterwards to eat up that rage. I remember my Dark Brute would use all of her powers.

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
Forum Breaker
Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

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Another way we could do

Another way we could do themes is for each power we can choose a damage type and a side effect, Such as a damage debuff or DoT damage. Then if we have the enhancement system from the old game or something like it we could probably have an enhancement type that doesn't increase anything in terms of game stats but would add another side effect.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Themes that I would like to

Themes that I would like to see:

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A shapeshifting power set.

A shapeshifting power set. Somewhere between a diablo 2 druid and beast boy from teen titans.
Travel power decides your travel avatar (cheetah for speed, eagle for flight, kangaroo for jumping)
Primary power set decides your animal shift choices:
Tanker: rhino, bear, gorilla
Melee DPS: scorpion, panther, wolf

Each of the shift choices gets a set of attacks.
Tanks all come with a taunt + charge. rhino gets a bleed effect DoT (impale), bear gets a vampiric lifetap (devour), Gorilla gets defensive shouts (Team buffs)
Melee DPS all comes with a basic set of attacks. Scorpion adds a poison DoT, panther gets a bonus stealth strike / crit chance, wolf has snares.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Bases: Grenadier (Ranged and

Bases: Grenadier (Ranged and AoE focused assault)
Agent (Melee and single target focused assault)
Commando (Melee and AoE focused Assault)
Specialist (Ranged and single target focused Assault)

Themes: Concuss (smashing damage and chance to stun)
Flourish (Lethal damage and a small and short defense bonus)
Trickster (Lethal damage and chance to stun)
Ether (negative energy damage and accuracy debuff)
Entropy (Negative energy damage and negative energy DoT)
Horror (Negative energy damage and chance to terrorize)
Flash (Energy damage and chance to stun)
Blind (Energy damage and accuracy debuff)
Surgeon (support only, all buffs and heals have a chance to heal the target)
Miasma (support only, All debuffs have a chance of accuracy debuff)
Tactical (support only, all buffs and heals have a chance to grant an accuracy buff)
Enrage (support only, all buffs and heals have a chance to grant a damage buff)
Agility (support only, All buffs and heals have a chance to grant a defense buff)

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Ellysyn wrote:
Ellysyn wrote:

One thing I hope though with all these powers is that in the end you aren't just mashing one attack. In CO I literally only use one attack. Maybe two depending if i'm horribly surrounded. Other then that I actually only use one attack in every battle. In WoW my Death Knight goes through a chain. 2 attacks that each cast a disease. Followed by an attacked doing more damage based on the number of disease. then one final smash to hit hard and give me some HP. In SWTOR my juggernaut does a bit of the same. 2 attacks to fill up the rage meter. and then 2 attacks afterwards to eat up that rage. I remember my Dark Brute would use all of her powers.

Agreed! CO is almost always 'mash same button until out of energy, wait for energy builder attack to restore energy, repeat' with the occasional use of a secondary attack. I miss cycling through numerous attacks (and therefore animations).

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As in, black hole, as in, absorbing matter, as in, instead of casting a black/goldish-white beam from your hands to the enemy, the beam comes from the enemy into your hands. Casting area holds or crushing people with exploding singularities. Conjuring a ball of purple void that when released collapses and knocks or sucks everything around it. Stomping your foot and having a rift open above your foe's heads throwing them upwards. Being a stalker and placing a black hole inside some poor unsuspecting foe's heart. The ability to take away what you want from the universe. Not channeling dark energy like from dark melee in CoH, nor manipulating gravity, but actually being the spawn of non-existance.

A.k.a the coolest stalker ever!

Per Ignim
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Flow- wrote:
Flow- wrote:

As in, black hole, as in, absorbing matter, as in, instead of casting a black/goldish-white beam from your hands to the enemy, the beam comes from the enemy into your hands. Casting area holds or crushing people with exploding singularities. Conjuring a ball of purple void that when released collapses and knocks or sucks everything around it. Stomping your foot and having a rift open above your foe's heads throwing them upwards. Being a stalker and placing a black hole inside some poor unsuspecting foe's heart. The ability to take away what you want from the universe. Not channeling dark energy like from dark melee in CoH, nor manipulating gravity, but actually being the spawn of non-existance.
A.k.a the coolest stalker ever!

This would actually be a pretty cool theme idea for a lot of powers:
Theme: Void - requires energy type animation (fire, dark, ice, so on). Attacks originate at the target and flow toward the Hero/Villain. Could be paired with a more normal secondary set showing an ebb and flow of energy back and forth (pull fire from the enemy then launch fire back at them.)

Where possible, this generates the opposite typed damage (Ice pulled caused Fire damage. Light pulled caused Dark damage.)

Titan's picture
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Steamtank wrote:
Steamtank wrote:

A shapeshifting power set. Somewhere between a diablo 2 druid and beast boy from teen titans.
Travel power decides your travel avatar (cheetah for speed, eagle for flight, kangaroo for jumping)
Primary power set decides your animal shift choices:
Tanker: rhino, bear, gorilla
Melee DPS: scorpion, panther, wolf
Each of the shift choices gets a set of attacks.
Tanks all come with a taunt + charge. rhino gets a bleed effect DoT (impale), bear gets a vampiric lifetap (devour), Gorilla gets defensive shouts (Team buffs)
Melee DPS all comes with a basic set of attacks. Scorpion adds a poison DoT, panther gets a bonus stealth strike / crit chance, wolf has snares.

A shapeshifting set would be cool I think.

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Per Ignim wrote:
Per Ignim wrote:

Flow- wrote:
As in, black hole, as in, absorbing matter, as in, instead of casting a black/goldish-white beam from your hands to the enemy, the beam comes from the enemy into your hands. Casting area holds or crushing people with exploding singularities. Conjuring a ball of purple void that when released collapses and knocks or sucks everything around it. Stomping your foot and having a rift open above your foe's heads throwing them upwards. Being a stalker and placing a black hole inside some poor unsuspecting foe's heart. The ability to take away what you want from the universe. Not channeling dark energy like from dark melee in CoH, nor manipulating gravity, but actually being the spawn of non-existance.
A.k.a the coolest stalker ever!

This would actually be a pretty cool theme idea for a lot of powers:
Theme: Void - requires energy type animation (fire, dark, ice, so on). Attacks originate at the target and flow toward the Hero/Villain. Could be paired with a more normal secondary set showing an ebb and flow of energy back and forth (pull fire from the enemy then launch fire back at them.)
Where possible, this generates the opposite typed damage (Ice pulled caused Fire damage. Light pulled caused Dark damage.)

I don't think theme's should restrict how the powers look by having requirements like this, it would restrict creativity too much.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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bases: Bruiser (Melee and AoE

bases: Bruiser (Melee and AoE focused manipulation)
Thief (Melee and single target focused manipulation)
Trickster (control focused Manipulation)
Perceptive (accuracy buff focused manipulation)
Offender (damage buff focused manipulation)
Vanguard (resistance based armour)
Acrobat (defense based armour)
Biotic (self heal focused armour)

Themes: Dodge (armour only, all armour toggles have a small defense bonus)
Resist (Armour only, all armour toggles have a small resistance bonus)
regeneration (Armour only, when you have at least one toggle on gain a chance for self heal, all clickable powers have a chance to heal)
Insanity (psionic damage and chance to confuse)
Poisoned blade (lethal damage and toxic DoT)
Poisoned club (smashing damage and toxic DoT)
Burning blade (lethal damage and fire DoT)
Burning club (smashing damage and fire DoT)
Freezing blade (lethal/cold damage and slow)
Freezing club (smashing/cold damage and slow)
Electricity (energy damage and endurance drain)
Surge (energy damage and chance to hold)
Electric Blade (lethal/energy damage and endurance drain)
Electric club (smashing/electric damage and endurance drain)
Spiked club (smashing/lethal damage and a small and short damage buff)

not my video just one I lke ===>


Per Ignim
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

I don't think theme's should restrict how the powers look by having requirements like this, it would restrict creativity too much.

And forcing powers to shoot from you to another player is adding to creativity? Sorry, yes, that was snarky, but I'm in no way suggesting that every power set should be this way. I am simply suggesting a theme. I personally like the idea, which is why I posted it. Like a ton of things in CoX and hopefully in CoT it will be something you take if you want to. Nowhere do they force you to take any specific power set.

Cutting out off the wall ideas just cause you wouldn't take them personally is about the only thing that truly stifles creativity.

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Per Ignim wrote:
Per Ignim wrote:

notears wrote:

I don't think theme's should restrict how the powers look by having requirements like this, it would restrict creativity too much.

And forcing powers to shoot from you to another player is adding to creativity? Sorry, yes, that was snarky, but I'm in no way suggesting that every power set should be this way. I am simply suggesting a theme. I personally like the idea, which is why I posted it. Like a ton of things in CoX and hopefully in CoT it will be something you take if you want to. Nowhere do they force you to take any specific power set.
Cutting out off the wall ideas just cause you wouldn't take them personally is about the only thing that truly stifles creativity.

Listen, I don't want to be that guy who says something shouldn't exist just because I personally don't like it. I usually hate that guy for what it's worth and really my comment wasn't necessarily about the whole making a power animation that starts from the target and comes to you. Really it was how it was limited to just energy type animations. I understand if there was some confusion, with your post I didn't know if you where talking about an animation or a theme, and from your response I can tell there was some confusion from what I was trying to say. It happens and I'm sorry it did. Hopefully we can come to an agreement, and I can hope that no one thinks of me as that guy who believes that the game should revolve around him

not my video just one I lke ===>


Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 05:32
You know what would be

You know what would be awesome; a meele/ranged type (gun knuckle fighting)
You fight with 2 knucles with build in guns.
Got this idea from the anime serie rwby, it aint long, you should
check it out

Zanton's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 10:12
If I could have anything for

If I could have anything for my powerset? I'd want total customisability. I want to have the choice to just have the one power but it's silly OP, or to have a thousand minuscule powers that are all awful. I want the choice to be a half-Blaster/half-Swordsman. I want the choice to be the worst character at anything ever, whilst also being totally viable in the right situation. I want the choice to be whatever. But I know this is 99% impossible, so I'll settle for whatever the devs deem to be the most possible thing.

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Bases: Guerilla fighters

Bases: Guerilla fighters (melee and AoE focused pets)
Assassins (melee and single target focused pets)
Warcasters (Ranged and AoE focused pets)
Snipers (ranged and single target focused pets)
Medic team (Heal focused pets
Scouts (Accuracy buff focused pets)
Binders (control focused pets)

Themes: Necromancy ( pets only, all pets deal negative energy damage, all attacks create an accuracy debuff., all pet buffs have a chance of accuracy buff)
Hired help ( pets only, all pets deal smashing damage with melee attacks and lethal damage with ranged attacks, all attacks create a defense buff, all pets buffs have a chance for a dense buff)
Martial (assault only, melee attacks deal smashing damage and all ranged attacks deal lethal damage, all attacks create a defense bonus)
Igniter ((assault only, melee attacks deal smashing or lethal damage (player's choice) damage and create a resistance debuff, all ranged damage attacks deal fire damage and fire DoT)

Animations: Mobsters(pets only), thugs(pets only), robots(pets only), ninjas(pets only), pirates(pets only), soldiers (pets only), steampunk robots(pets only), dieselpunk robots(pets only), cyborg soldiers(pets only, cyborg ninjas(pets only), cyborg thugs(pets only), Cyborg pirates(pets only), cyborg mobsters, Undead soldiers(pets only), undead ninjas(pets only), undead thugs, undead pirates, undead mobsters, police(pets only), cyborg police(pets only), undead police (pets only)

not my video just one I lke ===>


Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 18:11
I have always wanted a true

I have always wanted a true "Shadow" powerset that focuses upon transformation and teleportation. The main function of this power would be the transformation of the character into a shadow(The new Inidie game "Contrast" that is due out soon does this well). As a shadow, this character would be able to move as a shadow by sliding across any surface that a shadow could be projected on. His main source of travel would be to attach himself to an already moving object and "surf" behind the already moving target. This is similiar to the ride the vans approach, just with a unique twist. This would then branch out to being able to manipluate the existing shadows and use them as doorways and wormholes. Popping from one shadow to another within range....that eventually combines with attacks and offers new attack avenues( I call this Umbral Undertow) attacks on targets or just opening the portal underneath the target and porting them into damage(falling, in the path of in coming damage, into a wall). Using shadows as extended limbs(tendrils and tentacles)that slither along walls and ground...tripping and damaging opponents(I see a whip like, serpentine style attacks). I would like to see an ability to one of my alltime favorite City of Heroes power: Shadowfall. Except in this case, I would want it to increase in speed in the areas of darkness/shadows...I would see this branch into illusion style powers of shadow clones that provide multiple targets. Distracting shadows tat move guards and opponents away....huge shadows that provide a menacing aura because the shadow is of amonstrous form.

In a single word...I want a Shadow set

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Joined: 10/03/2013 - 15:45
I got one. So long story

I got one. So long story short. I wrote a story about a group of people that used Music as a weapon. Literally. I would like to see a Music Power set. I'm not sure how it would work in a melee set. But as a ranged set I can see it. It's roughly a Bard but with more happening. All the moves would be the toon playing a riff or chord or something musical. And you'd see notes move around. You'd have the softer elegant musical notes do stuff like healing and buffing. Then say the more somber and dramatic does the crowd controlling and debuffing. Rapid fast paced music doing the ranged damage. And the loud explosive music causing AoEs and and such. And the toon would actually be using an instrument. It's great we can put an electric guitar on our toon in the create a toon. But now we could actually use that guitar and blow up some mobs with it.

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
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Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

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syntaxerror37 wrote:
syntaxerror37 wrote:

I'd like to see some kind of gadget/technology based control set. Using web grenades, sleep gas, tazers, etc. I always felt controls were missing a nice Tech/Natural themed power set

At one point, a handful of years ago, I suggested a ninjutsu themed control set. I don't recall exactly what powers I suggested in detail, but when Plant Control came out I remember thinking that, under the stylistic hood, it had almost every capability I'd put in my suggestion.

So I shut up about it. :-P

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Someone might have already

Someone might have already suggested this one, but make a stalker like power set, but where you can imitate an enemy like the spy from TF2 or "The Thing" from the 1982 film.

Along with a Spy power set or something exactly like "The Thing" maybe call it the "Creeper" class?
Good single target dmg or AoE debuffs with some ranged attacks to slow down a single target to keep them from running away like an immobilizer to a full body hold, with a health siphon added to it. . .

Vienna's picture
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I miss feeling all safe and

I miss feeling all safe and sound in my stone tanker's Granite armor... I'm not goina say anything specific but I would really love to have another 'pure' tank set/power that turns you into an immovable object...Even if that comes at the cost of hitting like you are using a wet noodle and swimming through jello.

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Something VERY knockback

Something VERY knockback oriented, like force fields. The idea is every attack knocks them around, different stances allow for knock up, back or down. When teaming the knock back option is restricted unless approved by the team leader (to prevent greifing). Water for this may work as well

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Oh, how about some thing like

Oh, how about some thing like a Corrupter AT, where not only can you deal damage but you can heal or buff/defuff. I could never get into playing Defenders till late in CoH for the endurance discount that happend every time you're team mates lost HP. But Corrs had an array of devastating ranged attacks and the secondary option of the poison power set that not only just debuffs, but can buff, heal, and rez team mates which was really cool. Mainly though if not the Corr AT comes back could at least the poison power set make a come back. . .Oh and Super Strength with that Rage button. That rage was monstrous to use with the brute AT. When in doubt rage it out with you're tank to try and thin the masses you aggro and hold. Or some kind of melee power set with a rage like button power thingy.

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Always thought of

Always thought of Peacebringers as the "Light" powerset but it would be cool to have a dedicated opposite to all the Darkness sets available to different builds.

As for what powerset/build I would choose if I could import directly from CoH I'd have to go with Dark/Fire Scrapper(Enforcer?). Not sure how this would work with bases/themes/animations quite yet but that blend is what I found the most fun with.

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I would love to see a light

I would love to see a light power set, either it's support or dps
would go with Dps and some healing based powers.

Winx club lover
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I would love to see a light

I would love to see a light power set, either it's support or dps
would go with Dps and some healing based powers.

Winx club lover
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I would like to see a light

I would like to see a light based dps class with some healing powers and really strong barriers and shields that are light based.

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I would like to see a light

I would like to see a light based dps class with some healing powers and really strong barriers and shields that are light based.

Lord Nightmare
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[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Per Ignim
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shyguy92 wrote:
shyguy92 wrote:

Oh, how about some thing like a Corrupter AT, where not only can you deal damage but you can heal or buff/defuff. I could never get into playing Defenders till late in CoH for the endurance discount that happend every time you're team mates lost HP. But Corrs had an array of devastating ranged attacks and the secondary option of the poison power set that not only just debuffs, but can buff, heal, and rez team mates which was really cool. Mainly though if not the Corr AT comes back could at least the poison power set make a come back. . .Oh and Super Strength with that Rage button. That rage was monstrous to use with the brute AT. When in doubt rage it out with you're tank to try and thin the masses you aggro and hold. Or some kind of melee power set with a rage like button power thingy.

Well, what you're looking for is called a Partisan, and at present is being offered as part of the 'At Launch' sets.

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Ellysyn wrote:
Ellysyn wrote:

Dual Guns. Gun and Sword. Elemental Attacks for ranged sets and melee sets. Sword-Chucks.

Gun and sword would be very nice!

Formerly, Scharfeschutze of Triumph

Don't punch me! I'm a Blaster!!!

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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 08:05
Firstly, Sorry for formatting

Firstly, Sorry for formatting and what not as I am posting this from my phone.
I'm a huge fan of using a shield both offensively and defensively. As you can probably guess Cpn America is one of my favorite comic book characters. I have a few ideas for using a shield both on the offense and defense.

Immovable object:
Base: Defense, targeted AOE defense - area damage mitigation
Theme: Use of a shield
Animation: (TAOE) slamming the shield into the ground and denying damage from in front of the shield to the heroes directly behind it.

Shield Hurl
Base: Control -- single target -- stun or knock down
Theme: Use of a shield
Animation: (Single target) hurls a shield at an enemy to stun or knock down the enemy. Renders you without a shield for a few seconds or until picked up.

Base: Defense, personal AOE defense - area damage mitigation
Theme: Use of a shield
Animation: (PbAOE) channeling will into your shield you create a stationary ethereal phalanx to reduce the damage of everyone inside.

Shield surf:
Base: movement -- Self
Theme: Use of a shield
Animation: (self) you throw your shield on the ground and using the momentum from jumping on you move at a quick speed degrading of time *edit* The power could be activated again to jump off early. I see this power as more of a desperation to get to your ally quicker so you can protect them at a dire time.

Plzplzplz I will love you guys forever!

Fireheart's picture
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I agree! Human-form (or

I agree! Human-form (or Kitten-form) Peacebringer was a favorite. Energy 'blasts' at all ranges, from sniper to 'in-your-face smash', long range AoE, Cone, or "Light Stomp'. Add shields, personal and ranged heals and Flight... Peacebringer had everything a person could want.

I definitely want to resurrect and play that character again. In Champions, I gave him 'light swords', but that was surprisingly clumsy. I prefer the 'Musical Freem!'.

Be Well!

MythologicalBeast's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/12/2013 - 22:02
Thermal transport. The

Thermal transport. The ability to suck all of he heat out of one area and move it to another. Imagine a Chillblain PBAoE, generated while throwing a fireball.

Mythological Beast
Triumverate, Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow (Infinity)

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Ellysyn wrote:
Ellysyn wrote:

I got one. So long story short. I wrote a story about a group of people that used Music as a weapon. Literally. I would like to see a Music Power set. I'm not sure how it would work in a melee set. But as a ranged set I can see it. It's roughly a Bard but with more happening. All the moves would be the toon playing a riff or chord or something musical. And you'd see notes move around. You'd have the softer elegant musical notes do stuff like healing and buffing. Then say the more somber and dramatic does the crowd controlling and debuffing. Rapid fast paced music doing the ranged damage. And the loud explosive music causing AoEs and and such. And the toon would actually be using an instrument. It's great we can put an electric guitar on our toon in the create a toon. But now we could actually use that guitar and blow up some mobs with it.

Why stop at guitar? Bagpipes! Trombone! Key-tar! Conductor's baton! Kazoo?

Base: AoE Buff/Debuff
Theme: Music
Animations: As Ellysyn so ellyquently (yes I know) described.

Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 10/09/2013 - 18:36
I don't care what else is

I don't care what else is offered...,

- ...I'm just hoping for Super Strength Primary, Willpower Secondary, Energy Mastery Ancillary and Brute Inherent. I felt decidedly robbed when CoX closed down, I was only just beginning to push that particular AT build...I didn't even have maximum enhancements and I was already soloing AV's. Maybe it was my play style or power selections or whatever, the combination worked and worked well. I know that may sound incredibly single-minded, but for the moment...all I want is -THAT-. ^_^

BHZShadowD's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 10/16/2013 - 17:00
I just have some suggestions

I just have some suggestions about shadows (like the dark sets from coh but diff kinda attacks) I never see anything like that in mmo games. I thought why not make shadows attack look something like Shikamaru Nara from Naruto, Medusa from Soul Eater, or Pride from Fullmetal Alchemist that would cool if they would make shadow master/pets and controller. But all classes as well..Cuz dark/shadow is my fav ^.^, what you think!

Also cool if you make one of the powers a stealth power where you dive into a shadow and move around on the ground.

notears's picture
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Cutter wrote:
Cutter wrote:

Ellysyn wrote:
I got one. So long story short. I wrote a story about a group of people that used Music as a weapon. Literally. I would like to see a Music Power set. I'm not sure how it would work in a melee set. But as a ranged set I can see it. It's roughly a Bard but with more happening. All the moves would be the toon playing a riff or chord or something musical. And you'd see notes move around. You'd have the softer elegant musical notes do stuff like healing and buffing. Then say the more somber and dramatic does the crowd controlling and debuffing. Rapid fast paced music doing the ranged damage. And the loud explosive music causing AoEs and and such. And the toon would actually be using an instrument. It's great we can put an electric guitar on our toon in the create a toon. But now we could actually use that guitar and blow up some mobs with it.

Why stop at guitar? Bagpipes! Trombone! Key-tar! Conductor's baton! Kazoo?
Base: AoE Buff/Debuff
Theme: Music
Animations: As Ellysyn so ellyquently (yes I know) described.

not my video just one I lke ===>


irishbrawler's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/17/2013 - 17:07
For the love of god can we

For the love of god can we have weather control it was the best of powers in cox and is rare in virtually all other mmo games and almost always done badly at that. Having said that can it also be more than slow and debuff in effects the storm power in cox was really good but its lack of damage until the end and its really slow roll on building up to its better powers was agonizing .The steamy mist power was good though it was always annoying that you could not get steamy mist and arctic air to work at the same time or that you had no control over tornado when you called it up also you only ever got air and ice there was no heat or fire effects so please have weather control it will be awesome... ..please with sparkles ! The only other thing I could say is can we also have archtypes and origins that are functional and workable there was never anything more ridiculous in cox than having the origin of mutant and the say defender and having things like genetic advances ,energy enhances or scientific wonder ..mastermind the underlying being gadgets , scientific breakthroughs and such and making absolutely no use of them..there was no distinction in animation or usage between the two types listed above. So it was like making that choice and then it counting for nothing if cox had at least made it part of the day jobs of later on or maybe a factor in resources from reputation that would have been at least something. I know there is a big debate over whether to have stats or not to have stats but I think stats and statistics allow for more customization and facilitation of those core and internal bits I have always thought they should be core to all of the above and in addition they could give each origin access to a line of missions or task specific to that origin ..mutants have to go off and deal with some form of genetic research or plot or maybe and/or social mission scientific wonders have to go and perform a government mission or project or thwart one the gadget guys have to acquire or help another inventor type to gain or destroy a technology or gadget . Every genre of superhero has to have back skills and cox never gave us any which was baffling. The crafting system turned out to be fairly good and the collected pieces for the crafting was a good idea but if they were tied to origins or skills of the hero that would have been better and would have given the player something to do when waiting for groups to form or task forces or just logging on to deal with skills and personal stuff . A crafting system where the players can make items that effect stats and can be sold and/or given would also be a good thing in super hero mmo games its really a cohesive tool and a motivator for players to see content and return to content whether your street sweeping or doing missions or a taskforce just my thoughts .


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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

Cutter wrote:
Ellysyn wrote:
I got one. So long story short. I wrote a story about a group of people that used Music as a weapon. Literally. I would like to see a Music Power set. I'm not sure how it would work in a melee set. But as a ranged set I can see it. It's roughly a Bard but with more happening. All the moves would be the toon playing a riff or chord or something musical. And you'd see notes move around. You'd have the softer elegant musical notes do stuff like healing and buffing. Then say the more somber and dramatic does the crowd controlling and debuffing. Rapid fast paced music doing the ranged damage. And the loud explosive music causing AoEs and and such. And the toon would actually be using an instrument. It's great we can put an electric guitar on our toon in the create a toon. But now we could actually use that guitar and blow up some mobs with it.

Why stop at guitar? Bagpipes! Trombone! Key-tar! Conductor's baton! Kazoo?
Base: AoE Buff/Debuff
Theme: Music
Animations: As Ellysyn so ellyquently (yes I know) described.

Even without sound (darn speakerless work terminal anyway) that looks awesome!

Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

Cutter wrote:
Ellysyn wrote:
I got one. So long story short. I wrote a story about a group of people that used Music as a weapon. Literally. I would like to see a Music Power set. I'm not sure how it would work in a melee set. But as a ranged set I can see it. It's roughly a Bard but with more happening. All the moves would be the toon playing a riff or chord or something musical. And you'd see notes move around. You'd have the softer elegant musical notes do stuff like healing and buffing. Then say the more somber and dramatic does the crowd controlling and debuffing. Rapid fast paced music doing the ranged damage. And the loud explosive music causing AoEs and and such. And the toon would actually be using an instrument. It's great we can put an electric guitar on our toon in the create a toon. But now we could actually use that guitar and blow up some mobs with it.

Why stop at guitar? Bagpipes! Trombone! Key-tar! Conductor's baton! Kazoo?
Base: AoE Buff/Debuff
Theme: Music
Animations: As Ellysyn so ellyquently (yes I know) described.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Gauntlet's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 19:03
Was hoping to add this prior

Was hoping to add this prior to the subject turning silly, but was having login problems.

I had suggested several times on the CoX forums a new MM powerset called Clones
You would get 3 funhouse mirror versions of your character as Minion level; one too tall one too short one same size but wrong colors.
Then 2 Lt's One totally Fat and one built on the Huge setting.
And finally you boss Clone is a close copy with all the blast powers from the primary set.

Could also be Light Clones, like Illusions so the blasts would be "Lasers".

Yeah, that sounds like a Jedi. Massacre a whole room full of people, then stand around apologizing for it. - Swtor NPC

JayBezz's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 10/08/2013 - 14:54
Since you're divorcing

Since you're divorcing animation from damage power source I thought I'd put in the 5 damage types that I think encompass what heroes do:
Physical, Temperature, Supernatural, Particle, and Vital (aka Life Force/Nature)

This is set up so each set has a innate advantages and disadvantages (Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock) and acts as base damage type and "class":
Temperature could have innate resistance to Particle
Physical could have innate resistance to Vital
Vital could have innate resistance to supernatural.
Supernatural could have innate resistance to Physical
Particle could have innate resistance to Temperature
Each set has a semi-resistance against itself

With this I wanted to give each type of damage two major sets to pick from:
Might (Physical Dmg), Fire (Temp Dmg), Psychic (Supernatural Dmg), Nature (Vital Dmg), Electric (Particle Dmg), Martial Arts (Physical Dmg), Ice (Temp Dmg), Sorcery (Supernatural Dmg), Poison (Vital Dmg), Force (Particle Dmg)

Then later after launch I hope you can pick some interesting interactions mixing the damage:
For Example, "Sonic" set could split both Physical and Particle Damage. A "Temporal" Set could entail both supernatural and particle damage.. etc

Crowd Control Enthusiast

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

notears wrote:
Cutter wrote:
Ellysyn wrote:
I got one. So long story short. I wrote a story about a group of people that used Music as a weapon. Literally. I would like to see a Music Power set. I'm not sure how it would work in a melee set. But as a ranged set I can see it. It's roughly a Bard but with more happening. All the moves would be the toon playing a riff or chord or something musical. And you'd see notes move around. You'd have the softer elegant musical notes do stuff like healing and buffing. Then say the more somber and dramatic does the crowd controlling and debuffing. Rapid fast paced music doing the ranged damage. And the loud explosive music causing AoEs and and such. And the toon would actually be using an instrument. It's great we can put an electric guitar on our toon in the create a toon. But now we could actually use that guitar and blow up some mobs with it.

Why stop at guitar? Bagpipes! Trombone! Key-tar! Conductor's baton! Kazoo?
Base: AoE Buff/Debuff
Theme: Music
Animations: As Ellysyn so ellyquently (yes I know) described.

and now I want to see the dubstep gun guys fight doom guy with a rick roll gun..... why must you torment me so....

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Cutter wrote:
Cutter wrote:

notears wrote:
Cutter wrote:
Ellysyn wrote:
I got one. So long story short. I wrote a story about a group of people that used Music as a weapon. Literally. I would like to see a Music Power set. I'm not sure how it would work in a melee set. But as a ranged set I can see it. It's roughly a Bard but with more happening. All the moves would be the toon playing a riff or chord or something musical. And you'd see notes move around. You'd have the softer elegant musical notes do stuff like healing and buffing. Then say the more somber and dramatic does the crowd controlling and debuffing. Rapid fast paced music doing the ranged damage. And the loud explosive music causing AoEs and and such. And the toon would actually be using an instrument. It's great we can put an electric guitar on our toon in the create a toon. But now we could actually use that guitar and blow up some mobs with it.

Why stop at guitar? Bagpipes! Trombone! Key-tar! Conductor's baton! Kazoo?
Base: AoE Buff/Debuff
Theme: Music
Animations: As Ellysyn so ellyquently (yes I know) described.

Even without sound (darn speakerless work terminal anyway) that looks awesome!

glad you think so

not my video just one I lke ===>


RickmanUK's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2013 - 04:53
How about a Ranged Tanking

How about a Ranged Tanking set focused on Insane Troll Logic and Luck, Taunts are essentially saying someone Sucks or Couldn't hit the broadside of a barn, Low teir stuff provides minor Debuffs against enemies Accuracy, Mid Reduces Damage and Accuracy, Higher Teir causes Bad luck and Fumbles essentially Knocking down and locking out enemies from combat.

Then again.. this could also work as a "Controller" set.

Either way would be fun...

Heroes, Villians... Who Cares. In the end, it's our Actions that define us not a name or tag we use.

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 1 day ago
Joined: 09/25/2013 - 10:26
I don't know if this has

I don't know if this has already been suggested but it's just an idea...

Some characters have had the ability to mimic the powers of others... How difficult do we think it would be to have such a power in some Pool/Set/whatever.
Think about this... How many times did you play CoH and when you were at like level 14 or something and just got SS or SJ or whatever but then you watch some other player higher in the thirties or something that could do something that just really suited your character concept but was totally outside the power sets you had to use to build the character.

How cool would it be to have the ability to "borrow/steal" an ability from someone you see in the game. Kinda like Rogue (X-Men). It could last just for a session, or a few days, or whatever mechanism the developers could work out... That could be pretty cool I think.

Eccentric perhaps but still, I think it could be a cool ability... Just a thought...

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
I'd like the ability to not

I'd like the ability to not have auras on my self mitigation powers and buff/debuff powers as well as various animations for buffs/debuffs that look like I'm insulting my target or inspiring my ally, so that I can either make an inspiring commander or a Hannibal Lector style villain. Maybe different kinds of different animations for this like a roar for a savage type of character or a glare for a more intimidating kind of character. Also when you get around to making bases for pets I'd also like to see not only different specialties for pets like one for damage focused pets or one for control focused pets, I'd also like to see bases that shake up their structure, like one where instead of the usual 3 minion/2 lieutenant/ 1 boss set up we get 9 underlings/5 minions/ 3 lieutenants or one creature that starts off as a lieutenant but over time grows into being a boss and then eventually an elite boss at 30th level, the creature in question having more abilities than a typical master pet to balance things out. The pet base ideas aren't mine by the way, someone else suggested them in the operator thread that I felt should be moved to either here or the suggestions forums.

not my video just one I lke ===>

