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5 OClock Shadow
"The Five", "Old Scruff", "Wolfbrand", "Tashomono"
Your shaving days are numbered...
Makes perfect sense.
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oh.... never mind then.....
not my video just one I lke ===>
posted with my player's hat on.
I'd like to see a specific twin dagger set. This should be extremely fast and have some thrown moves also, do less damage per blow than heavier weapons but more blows.
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
That's almost like my super-speed combat I posted a page or 2 back, only with cutting damage rather than smashing damage...
I APPROVE! Ultra-fast attack sets for all damage types! :D
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As long as they also have wet fish animations its a go!!
The Phoenix Rising Initiative Rules Lawyer
Are you sure this is the time to bring up Carp Melee?
Be Well!|
Id rather Piranha Melee with a single 40' range attack included.
The Phoenix Rising Initiative Rules Lawyer
not my video just one I lke ===>
For a powerset put in the same league as mountain-splitting titan weaponry and shooting lightning from your fingertips, it sure would be a piece of [i]carp.[/i]
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*throws a link at uumbra and then hides in the bushes*
not my video just one I lke ===>
I believe it is spelled, [i]"I [url=]sea[/url] what you did there."[/i]
[url=]My original character profiles![/url]
I approve (I had a water/devices blaster with the fish head called the Tunabomber).
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
That makes since to me, well put
Most of the blasts come from the hands, some come from the eyes.
Can we have an energy blast that comes from the chest?
Similar to Iron Man.
I hope so- the devs seem to be going all-out on this idea. Now what would REALLY impress me is if we were able to shoot lasers the same way Mr. Toots from [i][s]Saint's Row[/s] Red Faction Armaggedon[/i] does...
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Oh, I have yet to see Mr Toots from Saints Row. I would like to see how he shoots the lasers though. Youtube showed a fighter jet when I searched for him.
[url=]My bad, it was Red Faction Armageddon that had him.[/url]
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No BABIES 4 U! Ever! ;)
Wait wait wait wait wait, was that for screwing up which game he was in, suggesting we be able to shoot projectiles out of our asses, or mentioning anything related to ponies?
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Ummm.. No. :( I didnt Mean U... I was trying to imitate the Soup Nazi! I Failed! ;)
No Babies... because:
- if the unicorn is a Male... you would have to SQEEZE those Testies to get that explosive response. :o
- if the unicorn is a Female.. you would have to Dot Dot Dot... (gut Punch) to get that explosive response. :{
Either way.. No BABIES for that unicorn! ;)
Well, that clears everything up!
But seriously, how far are the devs going to take power animations? ;)
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Maybe have a force field set that was similar to disc. priests in WOW they would put shields or barriers on a team member and it would absorb so much damage before the player would take any damage or if a shield that when destroyed would do an aoe heal or single target heal would be a cool feature.
So... like a hybrid between force fields and healing. Almost like a linear transition between buffs as damage is dealt! I love it!
On a side note, how good were the shadow priests in WoW? Never played that game...
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With right combos shadow priests did good damage even in pvp they were pretty decent they have good videos on YouTube
I'm playing a discipline priest ATM. It's fairly good even solo, if you use the shield to keep yourself from taking damage.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
I'd like to see a time based Power set. Thematically, you control the forces of time, slowing and stunning your opponents, while enhancing your allies.Mechanically, it would be a control/support set, and I guess you could have a sniper attack where you age someone to dust, if necessary. Visually, it wouldn't be very dramatic, just some swirly lines, as the character collapses, or whatever. I'm not a very visual guy. I guess, visually, I'd make it similar to the Gravity powers in CoH. Lag Spike, you throw a purple wave of energy, and time slows down for the opponent. For a melee Lag Spike, I imagine it would look something like Psylocke's psi-blade thingy.
Just cos of my 'Britannia' character concept, I'd like a 'Gravity manipulation' power set . Feats could include :-
1) Raise gravity to 'slow' mobs.
2) Reduce gravity to levitate and hold mobs.
3) Repulsor field to blow mobs and items away, or even to bring them in!
4) Gravity wave 'telekinesis' for single or multi target ranged attacks.
5) Gravity Bomb (special attack) where a target location is hit by tons of debris from all over.
Besides Storm Summoning, I'm hoping for a high quality Mind Control set, with Sleeps, but also with hard Holds, for when you're not being nice about it. I guess that would be a combination of mind-affecting powers AND Telekinetic powers.
I also need 'Nigh Invulnerability' for my Tanker(s).
Be Well!
We need some umbrella and walking animations. For when your shooting someone with a gun/laser/flamethrower/magic wand/whatever hidden inside the tip of your umbrella or the bottom of your walking stick and for when your hitting your opponent with it, whether with a blade that came out of the top or just using it as a bludgeoning weapon. I have an idea for a penguin style character for when pets/assault come out.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Well, 'Lift' is clearly tele/psycho-kinesis, moving things with your mind. The Mind Controller's holds and immobilizes could be kinetically driven, as in a mental force-field holding the opponent, they could be actually manipulating molecules to make them sticky/immobile, or could just be short-circuiting the opponent's mind/nerves so that they cannot move themselves.
This principle can be extended to all powers, really. The player is given a power by the game, which has an effect on the target, also driven by the game. The molecular details of How the player character produces that effect, whether by manipulating the mind of the target, sensory illusions, or cognitive disconnects, or the firing of their nervous system, or conductivity of the same, or the molecules in their joints or skin, or telekinetic force-fields, or by manipulating some cosmic Force that binds us all together... that's all up to the Player to define. The game should not limit their creativity by pre-defining anything that doesn't have to be set in stone.
So, I guess what I mean is that I'd like to see a power-set with power-effects similar to those in the old Mind Control set. Hold, Lift, Sleep, Confuse, etc.
Be Well!
Does everyone remember the Frankengun from CoX? You know what I'm talking about- that Assault Rifle powerset where the standard rifle bared every gadget employed. You could set its fire mode to burst fire or full auto, launch metal slugs, fire buckshot, blast beanbags and grenades at people, employ a sniper rifle, and even spray people with a flamethrower. All we were missing was a grapple hook and rocket launcher to complete the package...
Yeah, we need that.
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Actually, wasnt there something similar in the film 'Fifth Element?'
If you search "fifth element zorg gun" in youtube.
Then click the link "The perfect weapon "
Yes, but that was a model of smoothly polished efficiency. The Frankengun was an ugly kluged beast.
Be Well!
haha, fair play :-)
You know, we may need a whole new powerset to cater the Assault Rifle's equivalent of Trick Arrow...
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You take that back!
It was so ridiculous, it rolled over to awesome!
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
Personally, I thought it wasn't ridiculous enough. [url=]It needed much more dakka.[/url]
[url=]My original character profiles![/url]
For all the negative comments about the default AR skin, when I brought the model I made to Otakon in 2007, plenty of people wanted a picture of themselves holding it. I think it got more pictures than I did.
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
LOL, that thing was so ugly it's beautiful!
[url=]My original character profiles![/url]
When "Master" sets end up coming around, I hope we have some truly monstrous types of pets. I liked how Demons in CoH/CoV didn't look like your typical demons for example. I thought it fit well with the giant eyeballs I could later summon. :P
animal swarms
base: 50% AOE/ 50% single target
Theme: physical damage with physical DOT
animations: there should be options for all sorts of small animals bats/cats/rats/snakes galore.
We also need the option to make a weapon with an aura as a skin. If I can's hit someone with a sword made out of cats I will be sad... very very sad.....
not my video just one I lke ===>
I'm still on this boat:
Multi-Blade Melee (Blades protrude or are attached to multiple points on the body, wrist, elbows, knees, heals)
Attacks would center around using the entire body to do damage, a toggle that doesn't do damage perse, and doesn't do the annoying explody spike thing, but rather, creates damage when you're pushed into range of an enemy, or when an enemy attacks you! DoT is a must of course.
Light Affinity (Personal defense and support set)
Centers around creating one or more auras of light around you, improving defense against psionics and creating healing for you and surrounding allies, targeted heals, 'rebuking' and smiting which act as active defenses, reducing enemy damage on their side and therefore giving you more 'defense'
Dark Affinity (Similar to above)
I really loved dark armor set, disliked the sound, but loved the concept, do all that, please!
What's especially important to me though, is the ability to take these three together, I wanna slice and dice things, smite and eat souls... >.> That's all...
Criminal Overlord Powerset!
1) Directing combat, whist sipping mojito's from your lair in a different zone.
2) Having a team of scientists making you 'cool stuff'.
3) Strangling said scientists when said 'cool stuff' fails.
4) Running for president of your country, while selling weapons to forign powers.
5) Investigating heroes true names, then getting their utilities cut off, for a laugh (Kingpin once did this to Daredevil)
6) Possession of an inept male sidekick with a mullet, and a sexy female sidekick who is heavily weaponised.
7) Plausable deniability
8) 100% effective escape mechanisms
9) Inability to confront enemies without telling them your plans.
Think Lex Luth, crossed with Kingpin, with a bit of Doctor Evil thrown in the side.
I remember that's kind of what they originally had planned for City of Villains. Where you started as a basic street thug, and worked your way up to criminal mastermind where you had your own villain group and could send mobs out to run missions that player heroes could interfere with.
A little sad it never came to be that way. I'm sure it was just too much work.
So, I made a list of melee and ranged powersets, using the Base, Theme, Animation framework. I'm have not worked on defense, support, control, or assault, partially because the mechanics for those are not set in stone.
[h2]Ranged Sets[/h2]
Light Ballistics
Base: mostly single target
Theme: +acc for all attacks
Animations: pistols, telekinesis, magic, throwing knives
Medium Ballistics
Base: standard mix of single target and area of effect
Theme: +critical chance for all attacks
Animations: rifle, bow, telekinesis, magic, superspeed blur, teleport blur
Heavy Ballistics
Base: wide cones, multiple hits per power
Theme: -absolute damage resistance on target (the kind of resistance where a flat amount of damage is taken away), long animation time
Animations: Minigun, uzi, telekinesis, magic, superspeed blur, teleport blur
Scatter Ballistics
Base: short ranged cones
Theme: +crit damage for all attacks
Animations: shotgun, telekinesis, aura blast from hands, magic, swarms of things like bees,
Environmental Ballistics
Base: AOE, throw enemies at each other
Theme: +acc for all attacks
Animations: gravity gun, telekinesis,
Sniper Ballistics
Base: single target
Theme: extra range
Animations: Sniper rifle, telekinesis,
Stance Ranged
Base: standard mix of single target and cones and AOE
Theme: Ability to change damage type or secondary effect on the fly. (swap ammo)
Animations: pistol, any ranged prop or animation, swap ammo animations,
Forceful Ranged
Base: Cones and AOE
Theme: Chance of knockback or knockdown on powers
Animations: Energy blasts, grenades, wind, teleport
Ordinance Ballistics
Base: AOEs
Theme: Every power has an AOE component and some drawback such as increased animation time, recharge time, or endurance cost.
Animations: rockets, grenades, magic,
Concussive Ranged
Base: mostly single target
Theme: every power has a chance to mez or stun the enemy
Animations: grenades, teleport, shield throw, single target focused ranged props or animations
Crippling Ranged
Base: mostly single target
Theme: -dam on target
Animations: crossbow, hateful speech, Single target focused ranged props or animations
Decay Ranged
Base: mostly single target
Theme: Damage over time
Animations: radiation blast, Single target focused ranged props or animations
Burning Ranged
Base: AOEs
Theme: Damage over time
Animations: Fire blast, AOE focused ranged props or animations
Autonomous Ranged
Base: AOEs
Theme: all powers are toggles, a continuous spray of attacks until you run out of energy
Animations: power armor, magic, Doctor octopus arms,
Grab Bag Ranged
Base: Standard mix of single target and cones and AOE
Theme: The secondary effect of each power is random on each use
Animations: Luck, hexes,
Blinding Ranged
Base: Mostly single target
Theme: -acc on enemy
Animations: photonic light, darkness, Single target focused ranged props or animations
Entanglement Ranged
Base: mostly single target
Theme: slow effect on enemy and –recharge on enemy
Animations: ice blast, rubber body, Single target focused ranged props or animations
Shattering Ranged
Base: mostly single target
Theme: -resistance(%) on enemy
Animations: Sonic, musical instrument, Single target focused ranged props or animations
Disorientating Ranged:
Base: mostly single target
Theme: -defense on enemy
Animations: water blast, Single target focused ranged props or animations
Draining Ranged
Base: Mostly single target
Theme: -endurance on enemy
Animations: electric, Single target focused ranged props or animations
Bluffing Ranged
Base: Standard mix of single target, cones, AOEs
Theme: Powers deal high initial damage, then some of it is healed a few seconds later
Animations: illusion magic, insults, chemical bullets, Hollywood studio tricks,
[h2]Melee Sets[/h2]
Whirling Melee
Base: point blank AOEs
Theme: +defense on self after a power is used
Animations: Staff, tentacles, martial arts, yo-yo
Lance Melee
Base: single target, cones, Point blank AOE
Theme: increased range on all melee attacks
Animations: Spear, shotgun, halberd, tentacle, whip, chain
Finesse Melee
Base: mostly single target
Theme: +acc for all powers
Animations: Katana, sword, martial arts, bow
Berserker Melee
Base: Point black AOEs
Theme: +dam on self after each attack (your powers do more damage after you use each power)
Animations: axe, hammer, sword, martial arts, unarmed, beer mug,
Titan Melee
Base: Point Black AOEs, Wide cones
Theme: knockback, slow animation times
Animations: Large sword, hammer, sign post,
Crippling Melee
Base: mostly single target
Theme: -dam on target
Animations: Flail, sword, claws, grappling,
Decay Melee
Base: mostly single target
Theme: DOT
Animations: Radiation,
Burning Melee
Base: AOEs, cones
Theme: DOT
Animations: fire, sand,
Stance Melee
Base: standard mix of single target and cones
Theme: Have different stances to change between damage types and secondary effects
Animations: Martial Arts, yo-yo, staff
Pummeling Melee
Base: standard mix of single target and cones, multiple hits per power
Theme: -absolute damage resistance on target (the kind of resistance where a flat amount of damage is taken away)
Animations: Superspeed, conjured floating weapons, chainsaw
Bluffing Melee
Base: standard mix of single target and cones
Theme: Powers deal high initial damage, then some of it is healed a few seconds later
Animation: sleight of hand, Hollywood special effects, syringe
Draining Melee
Base: mostly single target
Theme: -endurance on target
Animation: Electric,
Vampiric Melee
Base: standard mix of single target and cones
Theme: +health and +endurance on self after every power
Animation: darkness, pain control,
Absorption melee
Base: standard mix of single target and cones
Theme: +resistance(%) on self after each power use
Animation: Kinetic melee, soul leaching
Disorientation Melee
Base: mostly single target
Theme: -defense on target
Animation: psi weapons, superstrength, shield
Shattering Melee
Base: mostly single target
Theme: -resistance on target
Animation: sonic melee, stone,
Forceful Melee
Base: cones and AOEs
Theme: knockback and knockdown on targets
Animation: Energy blasts, superstrength,
Attractive Melee
Base: point blank AOEs
Theme: targets are moved towards the player
Animation: gravity, backpack vacuum,
Entanglement Melee
Base: mostly single target
Theme: slow effect on enemy and –recharge on enemy
Animation: nets, ice melee, grappling,
Grab bag Melee
Base: standard mix of single target and cones
Theme: Random secondary effect on every attack
Animation: luck, hexes
Blinding Melee
Base: standard mix of single target and cones
Theme: -acc on target
Animation: photonic light, darkness
Concussive Melee
Base: mostly single target
Theme: every attack has a chance to mez or stun
Animation: pressure point attacks, rocket punches
Lethal Melee
Base: standard mix of single target and cones
Theme: +critical damage for all attacks
Animation: shotgun, sword, knives
Calculated Melee
Base: standard mix of single target and cones
Theme: +critical chance for all attacks
Animation: sword, axe,
"Anger is a great force. If you control it, it can be transmuted into a power which can move the whole world" -- William Shenstone
Itanthias, that has to be the longest and most comprehensive list that I've ever seen.
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Now to sort it out by which classifications each one is good for, maybe think up some more animations (involving teleporting, or spell casting, or shooting strange energy weapons...or just bare hands!)
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Now that sounds fun. I'm imagining a chaos mage, a character who summons beams and blasts of power from the planes of pandemonium.
I really had my eyes on that [i]Vampiric Melee[/i] set, though. That sounds right up my alley!
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Chemical Combat Set: Relatively small number of attacks in the power-set, mostly made up of cones of varying width, but has 3-4 mutually exclusive toggles that change the damage type and secondary effects of the sprays.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Always think mimic power set be nice, or dark powers coming from a rifle,so my docter nimrod is reborn
Tiny bot of def
Mimicry- also known as power copying- is the one power that almost no super-powered MMO ever remembers! It's a staple, especially from the community I hail from.
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I'd love to see a web type power for tacticians . Have single web holds or an aoe web hold and like quicksand maybe have a web area on the floor where mobs become entangled. A pet can be a little spider that shoots web blasts.
I would like to see the duel blades back, the duel pistols were to animated for me, I would like to see masterminds have a new power like dragon disciple- dragon berserker - and the top tier on it is a dragon about twice the size of the main toon itself. so there for if the toon you are playing is the smallest that you can get then the main dragon would be twice that size and so on. I would like to see earth and empathy come back into the game as well.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Everything this guy said.
I thought of another idea, a power set that's based around mutliple elements at once. I have this odd idea that it would be sort of like dual pistols, turn on a toggle and all of your attacks are now fire... Basically I want to be the Avatar... Though wielding 3+ elements, or better merging elements for things seems cool too. The only ones I absolutely would love to see someone tackle mechanically, since others can be recreated visually with other sets, is fusing Light and Dark, or using both at once for defense and offense. Guess this too could be carried out visually but I always thought it would be fun.
Start off chucking two orbs of it at someone from separate hands and a big explosion happening sometimes (When you incidentally get both to hit). Then a power that creates a wave that could be full of knockback damage, or healing and mez protection, or rarely (Or increasingly with level?) Both. Another would be chucking a ball of dark and light and creating a huge explosion. Other things like this, perhaps even a final attack where you phase out and do this... portal... attack... combo... Thing... Basically making portals by fusing dark and light you blast the enemy by surrounding them in portals... Would be an intense AoE Nuke... Again, maybe this is visual or some other mechanic can cover this... Or A dream...
Base: 50% aoe/50% single
Theme: Every odd number deals burning damage and deals burning DoT, every even power deals cold damage and slows the target the 9th power deals both cold and burning damage, deals burning and cold DoT and slows the target
Animation: Spells, various devices and everything applicable to both burning and cold sets.
Ying yang
Base: single target focused
Theme: Every odd power deals negative energy and adds a -acc debuff, and every odd power deals energy damage and has a 10% chance of healing you a small amount. The 9th power deals both energy and negative damage and adds -acc debuff and 20% chance to heal the user a small amount
Animation: Spells. various devices and everything applicable to both divine and corruption sets
Base: single target focused
Theme: Deals energy damage and every power has a 10% chance to heal you, the 9th power has a 20% chance
Animation: White magic, blessings, doves and gentle bright light motifs should be an option here. If not crosses, if the dev team isn't okay with religious symbols
Base: single target focused
Theme: Deals negative damage and adds a -acc debuff
Animations: lots of dark colours with crow, bat and motifs. If you want to put religious icons in it, an upside down pentagram, not a right side up one should be the focus of that. The original pentagram was a sign of used by nature worshipers with the 5 points representing the 5 elements. fire, earth, water, air, and spirit. The right side up version means god over earth while the upside down one means earth over god hence why it's a symbol of Satanism.
not my video just one I lke ===>
My favorites have always been MM (with just about any controls or defensive sets) and Gravity (with energy or dimensional powers)
Temporal Manipulation!
[URL=]Temporal Manipulation/Chronokinesis/Time Control[/URL][/center]
I didn't read the whole tread, but I liked Sonic a lot in CoH. Something similar would be cool.
Power Sets I want:
1) Nunchaku
2) Archery and trick arrows both available to Blasters (NOT defenders that was stupid!!!)
3) Nunchaku
4) Water breathing OK maybe as a movement power or something but dang it we need underwater stuff
5) Nunchaku
6) Crossbows (OK its just a different look for archery and trick arrows or mabe a different look for rifles if thats easier but it needs to be included
7) Nunchaku
8) Ropes / Long Chains
9) Nunchaku
10) Wrestling / Judo The game needs some grab, trip and throw attacks
11) Nunchaku
12) Handcuffs (Maybe not as a set but include it in gadgets)
13) Nunchaku
14) Super speed as a set there are a lot of cool attacks and defenses you could build into it.
15) Nunchaku
16) Special senses This would require that you include things for us to find like clues, hidden doors, and trails left behind by fleeing foes (great for bank missions) It might work better as an optional thing like movement powers.
17) Nunchaku
18) Tonfa, sais and Nunchaku
19) A handgun ability that uses one gun instead of 2 (2 pistols at once might look cool but it's dumb and I would like to use a handgun without being stupid)
20) Nunchaku
21) It would also be kind of neet if you cut off communication from characters that were too far apart unless they had special communication abilities like telepathy, radios or cell phones. I bet everyone else would hate that but I'd like it.
22) Nunchaku
23) Vampire Hunter
24) Nunchaku
Of all these suggestions Nunchaku is obviously the closest to my heart but Wrestling / Judo would also be really awesome!
One giant hulking pet would be awesome. I want my pets/assault to be all like
not my video just one I lke ===>
People would only hate it if it affects players, and if it does: why are you requiring people play with Skype?
Since you could hardly control them from using it outside the game to talk.
Longtime City of Heroes player, longtime writer. :) Working in Nebraska.
COT: Mission tips writer, studying Cinema 4D animation program
This one's a weird idea....
Energy Absorption 'support':
The basic aim of the set is an adaptive power set that allows variable attack and defence, default status would give physical and hot/cold defense(Since Kinetic and heat energy are all around us.) Paired with a click power that when timed right negates a portion of damage from an attack and stores that energy. It would give stacks of an energy, they'd give defense and allow attacks to be executed that use up those stacks, reducing defense but giving bonuses to the attack based on the energy types used. It would work a lot like dual pistols, allowing you to activate an element toggle for the attack powers that uses up electricity, heat, etc.
It would also provide smaller defensive bonuses to the teams in the form of a leadership style 'aura'.
Or even better, having [url=]THIS[/url] for a pet! :D
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Parasitic or absorbing powers. I always wanted a character who grew stronger while weakening enemies.....I got close with a dark melee brute but would like it as the focus of the set.
A true elemental set where each attack is a different type or barring that a switching mechanic like in dual pistols.
Stretching both offence and defence...tuff to do so I am glad I don't have to make it.
A variable martial arts set that allowed me to choose the style I fight in (hmm for this fight should I go tiger style or monkey style)
A throwing stuff blast set...knives ...sticks....balls...the hubcap from a 57 chevy
Travel power inspired attack or defence set ....
Mimicry (either a team member or foe) complete with costume change
Body weapons....instead of drawing a sword...your arm becomes one ala the T-100.
I think the biggest thing I would like to see is a one click activation of all defensive toggles where I didn't need to write a string myself. They still activate in order and do the animation of the power....but a nice drop down menu so I can choose which ones activate and in what order....More a quality of life issue but if there are toggles I dont want it to be a chore to activate them.
what marvel heroes just did for their 'Rogue' toon powerset is pretty innovative. allow the toon to absorb powers from friends or foes and use those powers until the player decides to switch up and absorb more. so maybe soloing and absorb a mentalists attack powers and some defender healing/support powers, etc or grab some super strength and invulnerability from an enemy.
could prove immensely fun set as long as it has some suitable drawbacks associated with it.
The Idea wasn't to make people come up with a work around, but to make communication abilities like telepathy Useful. It sounds like it probably wouldn't work that way. BUT I did come up with another way to make them useful: Have NPCs that you need special abilities to communicate with.
That's the tricky part of making games, from how I understand it. You don't start with "Wouldn't it be cool if we did this?" but rather "What would the result of doing this be?"
And I'd say with some confidence that's how cutting off chat would be received - as basically requiring you to get an outside program to sidestep the limitation totally.
The NPC idea might work - although I would suggest it would be better if you keep it as optional as possible while still providing some benefit. I don't think people will be eager to get "You need X type of power (communication) just to beat this mission." But if it's "Well I'll get some help from a powerful NPC if I have this ability," that would be enough to get people interested in taking the power for the benefits and not just to avoid being penalized for not having it.
I could also see things like telepathy providing additional information on enemies - maybe making it easier to target them at a greater distance, or giving information on their presence automatically- while still allowing players to communicate as normal.. Would something like that fit your original vision?
Longtime City of Heroes player, longtime writer. :) Working in Nebraska.
COT: Mission tips writer, studying Cinema 4D animation program
AAlbus... look at me.... yes....
not my video just one I lke ===>
I Love (LOVE!) what they did with Rogue's power sets (Not the Ms Marvel set). That game has signature powers tho.. something I don't think CoT will have. How would you suggest a powers thief's taken ability be chosen in CoT where powers are very much more nuanced. Would it always be from the primary tree?
Nuanced, and flexible.. I support a melee life-drain but powers stealing is one of those things that unless the game is structured in such a way the theft will almost always feel off.
Crowd Control Enthusiast
Yeah, this is definatly a 5 years after launch type of power rather than a launch power in it's own right.
not my video just one I lke ===>
I can tell you that Marvel Heroes had the Rogue design in mind a long time and thus their "signature powers" needed to be built into every build in the game.
IF CoT plans on a power theft system at all they need to structure their powers for it NOW, not later. That would be a HUGE retcon/change to many builds if it's not built in in Pre-Development
Crowd Control Enthusiast
What if it wasn't precisely like Rogues powers though? What if instead it was more like Peter Petrelli's powers, in that respect the player could gain powers from the team around them, and the powers would more base on your 'friendly target', this way you could target an ally to continuously buff or draw power from, and an enemy to attack.
Well the devs of CoX said the same thing about getting to colour your powers. It might happen or it might not happen, and you sound like you know more about this stuff then me. It's not something that the game necessarily needs but it is something that would be nice to have :)
not my video just one I lke ===>
I would love to see a water based power, or a Luck based/karma based power? Or a traditional magic based set.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue.."
And of course i have to vote to bring back Stalkers as a class. I love a good stealther with daggers.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue.."
Which tradition of magic do you want it to follow? Most 'traditional' magic has it's roots somewhere in the 20th century and tends to be rooted in the new age movement or (sadly by some accounts) closely tied to Allister Crowley and his work. Which tends to be very... NC-17 in it's magical "tradition."
Most traditional magic before that was very ritualistic and tended to not be very good in terms of combat-ability...
Not heckling, I'd like similar animation sets for powers that work for spell casting, but traditional means something very different to a lot of people. Personally I like the idea of drawing symbols in the air, or using cards to activate powers, or big complicated magical sigils appearing in the air.
Tagging onto that Magic based set, kind of like hexes and jinxes for the "luck" based set, same going for the karma. Can be destructive or helpful, what with good karma and chaotic karma.
Traditional magic being kind of whimsical, instead of actual magical powers. More like gimmicks and tricks, the devices of the power sets if you will.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue.."
No yeah i hear you. Guess i should of chose a different word than Traditional.. What i meant was more "Magic" instead of sorcery.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue.."
Ahh, that makes sense, something more like David Blaine or Houdini?
Exxactly. I think it would be a new spin on the old devices and technology that is often used as the sort of "escape artist" in most MMO's.
However I do LOVE that you mentioned the card and sigil based Sorcery. I can see it now, tarot cards and mysterious symbols flying every which way.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue.."
My personal idea is to make something like an homage to YuGiOh, ala summoning monsters from a deck of cards, maybe even allowing players to have a set of random costume options for their pets, I love the idea of playing a 'duelist'...
To me when i hear magic I think of supernatural damage (magic/psychic).. IF supernatural damage is not present you see many magic characters use the elements (Fire/Water/Weather etc) .. to me most magicians have a lot of pre-battle prep getting buffs and things in order.
There are ways to do sorcery characters even if there is no supernatural damage in my opinion.
Crowd Control Enthusiast
I don't really feel like magic is a damage type. It's more of a source or a methodology than a form of damage... That said I wouldn't be against damage types having two components, 'elemental' descriptor and 'origin' descriptor, one would come from the set and the other would come from a choice at character creation.
Hey you might want to click this
not my video just one I lke ===>
Not just talking to certain NPCs but also, missions that require a certain power could automatically team you with an NPC who has the power if no one in the player group does. That way a wide variety of missions could be made that require certain powers, and we could team up with a lot of different NPCs.This could also work for abilities that just aren't practical for players to have.
Of course if you don't need the NPC you can get more XP for those missions.
OH and by the way:
Nunchaku? What, is there going to be a keypad shaped exactly like a nunchuck that you need to open? :)
Also, how many nunchucks can a nunchaku nun chuck anyway?
Assuming the AI is up to the job, I like the idea of taking along a specialty NPC. Ya know what another option might be? Tell the player "Well you can go about getting the information this way, but if you have telepathy (or whatever), you might get to your goal a little quicker and easily if you take this mission instead."
(So, offer a telepathy required mission and a non telepathy required mission. Possibly make the telepathy required mission 'jump' you forward an extra slot in the mission.)
I could see either or both working, honestly.
There is a lot you can do with the idea so long as you're careful not to require something when there are alternatives available.
(And by "you," I apparently mean the devs somehow.)
Longtime City of Heroes player, longtime writer. :) Working in Nebraska.
COT: Mission tips writer, studying Cinema 4D animation program