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What power sets would you like to see?

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Justjackwilliams's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 09/09/2013 - 05:01
What power sets would you like to see?

Hey guys! So with the kick starter imminent, I would like to help get our memories and imagination for the future running by talking about some of the power sets we would like to see come back and maybe even some of the power sets you think the game could do without? :P

Personally I would love to see Storm Summoning and Plant Control come back, hopefully stronger and more flashy then ever! I used to love flying up high a summoning a blizzard to slow down the field then blasting all my enemies away with gale, the finishing them off with a lightening storm! Rad fun!!

Sooo, what about you? ^_^

Face the fury of the storm! ~<3

Kaxiya's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 21:44
I want to unleash the cosmic

I want to unleash the cosmic forces behind belly button lint. Or, maybe tofu. Yes! a whole powerset based on the caustic and devastating world shattering power of [b]TOFU[/b]!!

(shakes his head in dismay)
Who am I kidding, the powers that be would never allow such devastation to be unleashed upon this reality. Better to stick with belly button lint.

Navel intelligence rules!!!!

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]

Justjackwilliams's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
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Your only weakness would be

Your only weakness would be Captain Personal Hygiene!! ;D

Face the fury of the storm! ~<3

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2013 - 17:50
you sure have a fascination

you sure have a fascination with smelly things....

Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!

Kaxiya's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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Not so much a fascination,

Not so much a fascination, rather a cause!! Personal goals are the highlight of life.
Or is that pizza.
I get the two confused.

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]

syntaxerror37's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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I'd like to see some kind of

I'd like to see some kind of gadget/technology based control set. Using web grenades, sleep gas, tazers, etc. I always felt controls were missing a nice Tech/Natural themed power set

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2013 - 17:50
well didnt COH have those

well didnt COH have those under the Mastermind setup??

Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!

TheMadGent's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Traps was a support set with

Traps was a support set with heavier control elements, similar to dark miasma in that way.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Kaxiya wrote:
Kaxiya wrote:

I want to unleash the cosmic forces behind belly button lint. Or, maybe tofu. Yes! a whole powerset based on the caustic and devastating world shattering power of TOFU!!
(shakes his head in dismay)
Who am I kidding, the powers that be would never allow such devastation to be unleashed upon this reality. Better to stick with belly button lint.
Navel intelligence rules!!!!

a Nemesis for one of my characters in CO is named Tofu.

syntaxerror37's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Luscious wrote:
Luscious wrote:

well didnt COH have those under the Mastermind setup??

Traps and trick arrow had control elements, but they were still support sets. What I want is a full-blown control set.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

graff's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/29/2013 - 12:31
I would really like to see a

I would really like to see a light power set as CoH never had one but the green lantern was very much apart of super heroes . light powers could work for any kind of control set or even a blaster set

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Could we see a sonic powerset

Could we see a sonic powerset?


Naa's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/22/2013 - 05:10
MMm.... a tech/gadget set as

MMm.... a tech/gadget set as a primary control set would be nice. I did like my MM so I do hope to see something similar. Maybe even an all weather control, not just ice or just heat but all of weather.

Rezelius's picture
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graff wrote:
graff wrote:

I would really like to see a light power set as CoH never had one but the green lantern was very much apart of super heroes . light powers could work for any kind of control set or even a blaster set

I was going to say myself that I would like to see some sort of "light" based power set.

I imagine the engine that being used is much more flexible than what CoH was running on so they have a little more leeway with what will work.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 09/11/2013 - 11:45
In CoH I was an altoholic,

In CoH I was an altoholic, but I always liked my first character, a martial arts, super reflexes scrapper. I liked the original martial arts though, with the unique Crane and Storm Kicks and the flip with the Dragon's Tail; instead of just upping the damage to increase the dps they changed the animations which cut some of the uniqueness of the attacks. I hope with Project Phoenix there will be a martial arts power set with both slower, more intricate attacks that deal high damage and quicker, less impressive attacks.

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
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Sounds like somebody needs to

Sounds like somebody needs to explain how powers are going to work in the new game. What follows is not necessarily how it will be presented to players at character creation. But it is an explanation of how the fundamental assembly works, how it is different from CoH and how that changes possibilities and potential.

Basically, things have been broken up. A power set is now composed of three things: the Base, the Theme, and the Animation. All three can be mixed and matched with impunity. If you wanted, say, an electric powered brawler, you might pick a Brawl base (melee fists without martial arts finesse), an Electricity theme, and then an appropriate animation set. If you wanted a Light blaster, you might pick Pierced Range, a Light theme, and one of several Light based animations. Obviously none of the actual bases or themes are set in stone. And animations will continue to proliferate deliciously throughout the game. But it's good to understand this so you can brainstorm more effectively.

For example, yeah, we want Light stuff. That's probably a theme, but what sort of base might that fall under? How many ranged bases can you think of anyway? How to categorize Sonic? And as a theme, what would distinguish characteristics of a Light theme from others? A blind effect, or a burn? Or a mix? We could have sonic be the same as in CoH, or we could try to do better. It's a theme, but what does it do special? How many different things can it do?

How about bases in general? These will need to be chosen and designed right to create the kind of synergy and ever new feeling combinations we want. Is there just Hand to Hand melee, or should there be several sub-categories of that, with their own traits? Remember, animation is separate, it's not a trait. You could choose a martial arts animation for ANY base and theme combination that's hand to hand. So what makes it Martial Arts as a base? Ability to stun? Higher accuracy? Higher crit chance? How about Brawl? Could it have, perhaps, an intimidation effect proc due to its ferocious style, maybe, differentiating it as a base. That's the kind of thing we're looking for. It's different, yes, but the potential is mind boggling, or so I see it.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/30/2013 - 08:25
I would like to see the Water

I would like to see the Water Blast set make a return in this new game. I had a water/mental Blaster that destroyed the forces of good/evil.

Check me out on Twitch.TV over at

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 01/10/2013 - 09:38
So - water. Now water is

So - water. Now water is definitely a must have theme. But it is a theme, as power design will work in TPP. Not a whole set. Not yet.

So, water as a theme. What characteristics should it have? Stun? End drain? What kinds of bases can it fall under? You could have it for a Blunt base and work by bludgeoning with heavy waves and bolts (pick the right animation, set!). Or a pierce base and use concentrated lines of it.

That's for the ranged attack version. For control, perhaps, you'd choose between a Restraint base or a Disable base. Perhaps the water theme would blur the line between the two. And defense? Probably a deflection base, or a Resistance base (it absorbs a portion of incoming damage before it reaches you). You need to change how you're thinking. Just throwing out the old CoH stuff isn't really doing any good. Not that your opinion isn't valued, but we're reinventing this stuff, and that means the old need to be redefined. The old sets now represent just one incarnation of many possibles for that basic theme of water. You could choose water for a weapon! Blade, water, sword, and attack with water blades. You're thinking too small here. CoH's examples are child's play compared to what we can do now. We can design entire categories of possibilities to put into the players hands.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Kaxiya's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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Will we be able to see the

Will we be able to see the implications of the various choices during character creation? I would hate to think that what I had in mind for my char later down the road was fubar'd because I accidentally chose the incorrect archetype back in the beginning.

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]

Shadow Elusive
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That's part of what we're

That's part of what we're still working out. We know how the powers will be put together, but not how the UI will work. What you describe is certainly something that needs to be allowed for, but it's premature. First things first. Once we know what our bases and themes ARE, we can talk about how to best streamline the process of choosing them for players - what shows up when and what gets sort of hidden as backend, for maximum usability and accessibility, and minimum confusion.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

graff's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/29/2013 - 12:31
so I understand base power:

so I understand base power: such as Brawl, blast, holds, immobilize, stuns, debuffs, buffs, lifts, knockdowns
and themes :Ice, fire, earth, light, darkness, gravity, electricity, water, energy, plants, weather, gadgets and traps, teleportation
animations could be an array of things too many to even write down ,one animation I would like to see that CoH never had was a power that grabs a bunch of enemies and puts them close together and either flings them down or up and away bunched together

GlassWalker80's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 09/03/2013 - 17:24
omg I wunt a fyre powr set

omg I wunt a fyre powr set plez!!!!

*slaps self*

Sorry about that.

One thing I'd like to see here (kinda on topic) is a difference in the way your power origin develops. For example, if you were mutant or some such, maybe your abilities had to be more linked, but were also more effective and synergized. By contrast, a tinkerer with some kind of power armor could be much more versatile in terms of crossing power sets, due to the fact that in order to get a new power, the person just builds whatever his imagination and intelligence can devise.

"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." -John Wayne

Kaxiya's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 21:44
"What do you mean I have to

"What do you mean I have to justify how my MegaBot 5 Million is able to open an extra-dimensional vortex capable of wiping out half the planet?"
"My character, DR. VonBot, is the mad super genius, not me!!"

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]

Alucard's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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A few power sets I would like

A few power sets I would like to see:

1: Whip or chain power set: Allow for customizing beyond just standard whip.

2: Metal Tank Power set: Instead of default covered in fire or earth, allowed tank to be covered in metal

3: Wind Power set: Not a screaming one, one in which you commands the 4 corners of wind.

4: Magic Power set: Instead of just blasts of magic, the character takes out a spell book, creates runes in the air or uses their staff to unleash powerful spells.

5: Time manipulation: Something that affects the speed of your or foe attacks, maybe backs up you or the foe as if rewinding time and so forth.

6: Arachnos Widow like power set: Mental/stabby ninja with poison

7: Bane/Crab spider: allow so you can modify the look of the arms and beyond just normal gun or lasers behavior, perhaps swords or axes.

8: Ninja Power set: Throw stars, use nunchaku and stealth.

All New Power set Idea:
A power idea that I've had in my head for awhile you could call possession where your body channels some dark power it covers your arm in darkness then as you level, it begins to cover your entire body. it starts out as hand to hand combat but as you level you gain ability to do range, heals, and controls.

Possibly a power set of the opposite color, being it's polar opposite carrying a lore/story like the Kheldians aka the Peacebringer and Warshade.

Justjackwilliams's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 09/09/2013 - 05:01
My favourite set in CoH was

My favourite set in CoH was Storm Summoning as I've said before. My only concern is that it will be minimised and debuffed in TPP like it is in every other super hero mmo. CoH was great because I could use blizzard and gale which would affect many enemies at once and the animations were huge and flashy which was awesome.. I don't want it to be minimised to some storm beam and like a single person gust knock back that has practically no flashy animation.. I love love loved that CoH had amazingly huge aoe visuals that really made it look like you were powerful! I hope I can be assured that this wont be lost in TPP! :P

Face the fury of the storm! ~<3

Mount's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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You might have seen elsewhere

You might have seen elsewhere that I'd love to see Sonic... but I'd also love to see an aggressive Telekinetics set. A lot of games offer TK as a defensive set, but haven't really done it as offense. I would LOVE to be able to trap an enemy in a TK bubble, and slllloooooowly squeeze the juice out of them, or generate a storm of telekinetic "blades" to attack a foe, or hurl an armor-piercing kinetic "spike." Even better would be the option to have both defensive and offensive TK powers -- using it to deflect incoming attacks (chance to dodge) rather than trying to stop it cold (armor).

I am the Godzilla of love. Where I have passed, nothing remains but smoldering rubble and traumatized Japanese people.

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
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Please read my above posts

Please read my above posts about power set configuration. Some of what you are describing is animation, some theme, some base. Try to organize your thoughts to the new structure so we can use it better.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Kaxiya's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 21:44
Base--Any actually

Base--Any actually
Theme--Luck (perhaps luck power level vs opposing power/skill level)
Animation--weapon jams, opponent misses, opponent or self trips allowing an attack to miss, mechanical/electrical systems fail, guard asleep or fails to notice you as you try and sneak by, etc.

In many games Luck is one of the hardest "powers" to implement as it can literally effect anything, but I would love to see it be applied in some form ;)

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Kaxiya wrote:
Kaxiya wrote:

Base--Any actually
Theme--Luck (perhaps luck power level vs opposing power/skill level)
Animation--weapon jams, opponent misses, opponent or self trips allowing an attack to miss, mechanical/electrical systems fail, guard asleep or fails to notice you as you try and sneak by, etc.
In many games Luck is one of the hardest "powers" to implement as it can literally effect anything, but I would love to see it be applied in some form ;)

hmm. now that would be interesting to see get done.
Although I hope it would fire off often enough, even for the unluckiest of players, to actually be viable.

Kaxiya's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 21:44

Theme-- Defense
Animation-- Rolls, Dodges, climbs/dives, etc.
(these maneuvers could have variable degrees in execution based on power level. Quicker rolls and dodges, or steeper degrees of climbs/dives could be attainable to avoid arial attacks)

Base-- Flight
Theme-- Utility
Animation--increased or different style of flight
(could be something like super speed added to existing flight, Space flight (sublight and intergalactic), Levitation, hovering, etc.)
** or even an uncontrollable balloon type flight; "Could someone PLEASE grab Zeppelin Man, again, before he floats away!" ** ;)

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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Theme-- Defense
Animation-- Rolls, Dodges, climbs/dives, etc.
(these maneuvers could have variable degrees in execution based on power level. Quicker rolls and dodges, or steeper degrees of climbs/dives could be attainable to avoid arial attacks)

No no. Something like this would be, perhaps, base Avoidance, theme Acrobatic (you are physically avoiding rather than causing attacks themselves to behave differently in some way to help), with a flight animation.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

graff's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/29/2013 - 12:31
I would like to see a

I would like to see a teleportation attack power ie; powers u get to teleport in different ways ,
1 so u could have a stun teleport,
2 maybe even a teleport group hold ,
3 a aoe spot that teleports the victims to another spot and immobilizes them so anyone that runs into the aoe area gets put in a cluster immobilized,
4 a teleport power that does a damage and moves the victim to any spot,
5 a teleporting slam against a wall,
6 a repelling teleportation aoe ,that teleports them all to one area ,
7 a teleporting power that drains endurance and health points, and gives it as a buff around that caster,
8 a teleport single hold,

also a mirror power would be a interesting power each mirror power does a different thing ie;
1 a mirror hold the victim can only stare at their own reflection,
2 ring of mirrors puts the castor and team mates in a defensive cloak and stealth ,
3 a mirror reflects the attack back at the castor but at a % of the original amount,
4 a group stairs at itself, and walks towards the mirror enters a sleep aoe,
5 a blind attack flashing a mirror at a enemy blinds them,
6 a shatter attack doing damage over time to a group of enemies.

Kaxiya's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 21:44
Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

Theme-- Defense
Animation-- Rolls, Dodges, climbs/dives, etc.
(these maneuvers could have variable degrees in execution based on power level. Quicker rolls and dodges, or steeper degrees of climbs/dives could be attainable to avoid arial attacks)
No no. Something like this would be, perhaps, base Avoidance, theme Acrobatic (you are physically avoiding rather than causing attacks themselves to behave differently in some way to help), with a flight animation.

Having never played COH before, I am not fully aware of the game mechanics. I am learning though ;)
Thanks for the feedback, always appreciated.

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 01/10/2013 - 09:38
No, this is how OUR game

No, this is how OUR game would work. CoH was much simpler, but also more limited, relatively speaking: it took the devs a lot of work to create each power set. For CoH, this would have been a set of alternate animations under the Super Reflexes defense set. Thing is, it was almost as much effort for them to provide alternate animations as to redesign the whole power set. That won't be the case for us. This is our solution to doing it one (or five) better.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

SiphonWraith's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 09/16/2013 - 10:34
Honestly, I can't think of a

Honestly, I can't think of a power set I didn't like. I know there were a few power sets I did not get to tinker with in the last few months of CoH/CoV, I was deployed during the shutdown,( June 2012-March 2013) so I wasn't able to enjoy the new toys like Water Blast and Bio-Armor, nor was I able to spend time with the friends I made in the 7 years of playing before "Lights Out".
I really did enjoy the "Dark" power sets. My main was a Dark/Dark Scrapper, and once Titan Weapons came out, I had even more fun with the Titan/Dark Brute I made. And I, and a lot of my friends geeked out when Darkness Control and Time Manipulation came out. So, I am curious if some of those powers may be, or are part of the works in store for the TPP?
Also, as far as travel powers, I understand your team is bringing back the favorites; Fly, SJ, SS and possibly TP correct? I was wondering if any one has brought up a "Swing" or "Grapple" type travel power somewhat reminiscent of comic book heroes like Spiderman or Batman/Daredevil? I know I and a few friend from CoX talked about it before and I think one or two of them mentioned it on the forums before but I never heard of anything being set up as a possible Travel Power. Also, what about the possibility of vehicles?

"The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list."

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
-Steve Martin

snate56's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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I'd be happy if I could get

I'd be happy if I could get on top of a truck that happened to be going my way!



"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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snate56 wrote:
snate56 wrote:

I'd be happy if I could get on top of a truck that happened to be going my way!

You tried that too huh? I was pretty disappointed to realize it was impossible. Imagine if a substitute for a travel power could be illegal hitch hiking on vehicle roofs. If you switched right and they crossed zones...built in game lol.

Or you could just park your man on there for fun while you go afk.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

SiphonWraith's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 09/16/2013 - 10:34
Hell that would be funny....

Hell that would be funny.....Pulling or herding a mob of thugs while you hitch a ride on a local delivery truck on it's way to the police station......

"The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list."

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
-Steve Martin

TheMadGent's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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SiphonWraith wrote:
SiphonWraith wrote:

Also, as far as travel powers, I understand your team is bringing back the favorites; Fly, SJ, SS and possibly TP correct? I was wondering if any one has brought up a "Swing" or "Grapple" type travel power somewhat reminiscent of comic book heroes like Spiderman or Batman/Daredevil? I know I and a few friend from CoX talked about it before and I think one or two of them mentioned it on the forums before but I never heard of anything being set up as a possible Travel Power. Also, what about the possibility of vehicles?

Vehicles have a whole thread here:

The short version is that they're being looked at, but no guarantees .

In the same thread, it says that they are trying to get a swing/grapple travel power to work, and a parkour type power as well.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

Warpact's picture
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snate56 wrote:
snate56 wrote:

I'd be happy if I could get on top of a truck that happened to be going my way!

THIS! Hell I even tried hitchin a ride on the zeppelin in Atlas.

My villain, my hero you mean. I always think of my murderers as my heroes.

Mount's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 08/31/2013 - 13:22
OK, so the prior post about

OK, so the prior post about telekinetics has a number of different things in it; breaking it out into a base/theme/animation may be interesting.

The Juicer:
Base: Ranged single-target damage/control
Theme: telekinetic/force bubble (or in a nature-themed set, perhaps a cage of thorny vines)
Animation: enemy trapped in sphere of force, lifted off ground, sphere slowly shrinks, squeezing enemy and causing DoT (and juicy leakage).

Base: Damage, targeted AOE -- or -- damage, targeted cone -- or -- damage/control, area denial
Theme: telekinetic/ghostly blades (or nature: raven flock swoops to attack)
Animation: (TAOE) blades swirl chaotically around target, slashing him and any nearby enemy targets.
(Cone) blades spray forth from caster, slashing enemies in cone
(Denial) a wall of chaotically swirling blades appears between caster and target -- attempts to pass through this area will damage target and slow or knockback.

Base: Ranged damage, piercing
Theme: telekinetic/ghostly blade (or shuriken, thrown knife, stone spike, vacuum blade, blah blah blah)
Animation: Caster raises arm across chest, generates plane of TK force at fingertips, then extends hand toward enemy and fires/throws blade at enemy.
enhancement possibility: Bleed, armor ablation

TK field:
Base: armor, deflection
Theme: telekinetic (or air, or flock of birds, probability/"luck" effects, etc)
Animation: Caster generates field around self. Ranged attacks are bent/deflected by this field (giving caster a higher chance to avoid, or receive only "glancing" hits). Melee attacks are harder to deflect (lower chance of total avoidance, higher chance of "glance")
As a boost possibility, deflection armor might give a chance to redirect incoming attack damage onto another enemy target.

Is this closer to the format in which you're working, Shadow?

I am the Godzilla of love. Where I have passed, nothing remains but smoldering rubble and traumatized Japanese people.

Shadow Elusive
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Mount wrote:
Mount wrote:

OK, so the prior post about telekinetics has a number of different things in it; breaking it out into a base/theme/animation may be interesting.
The Juicer:
Base: Ranged single-target damage/control
Theme: telekinetic/force bubble (or in a nature-themed set, perhaps a cage of thorny vines)
Animation: enemy trapped in sphere of force, lifted off ground, sphere slowly shrinks, squeezing enemy and causing DoT (and juicy leakage).
Base: Damage, targeted AOE -- or -- damage, targeted cone -- or -- damage/control, area denial
Theme: telekinetic/ghostly blades (or nature: raven flock swoops to attack)
Animation: (TAOE) blades swirl chaotically around target, slashing him and any nearby enemy targets.
(Cone) blades spray forth from caster, slashing enemies in cone
(Denial) a wall of chaotically swirling blades appears between caster and target -- attempts to pass through this area will damage target and slow or knockback.
Base: Ranged damage, piercing
Theme: telekinetic/ghostly blade (or shuriken, thrown knife, stone spike, vacuum blade, blah blah blah)
Animation: Caster raises arm across chest, generates plane of TK force at fingertips, then extends hand toward enemy and fires/throws blade at enemy.
enhancement possibility: Bleed, armor ablation
TK field:
Base: armor, deflection
Theme: telekinetic (or air, or flock of birds, probability/"luck" effects, etc)
Animation: Caster generates field around self. Ranged attacks are bent/deflected by this field (giving caster a higher chance to avoid, or receive only "glancing" hits). Melee attacks are harder to deflect (lower chance of total avoidance, higher chance of "glance")
As a boost possibility, deflection armor might give a chance to redirect incoming attack damage onto another enemy target.
Is this closer to the format in which you're working, Shadow?

Definitely much closer, though not quite there. Still a great post though.

To break this down, you have to do two things to really get this format that can be difficult at first. The first is to truly divorce visuals from mechanics. The first two, base and theme, are not actually based in visuals at all, though the game might limit visuals to prevent someone from creating, say, water themed attacks that look electric (note I said *may* please :D). They are pure mechanics.

Base defines a base style - most of yours have the right idea, except for where you specified the base as piercing. That's the other thing, understanding which mechanics are what. You're having to disentangle elements that until now have always been handed to you as a package. The damage type is defined by the theme, as is the effects it can have - it's the flavor that further defines the base style. When you typed Ranged Single Target, you were right on the money. When you suggested Control was based on this with different things happening on contact, you were really starting to hit on the beauty of the system, why it can allow the devs to create so much so fast, besides for the obvious benefits of infinite mix and match. But many of your themes stray into visual territory, defining them in ways that are best defined by animation, or even the player himself.

For instance, the Juicers theme should more correctly be termed, say, Compression, or Constriction. The theme is that damage is being done by compressing inward. The damage type and the kinds of effects it would have would be typed accordingly. The animation would define telekinetics or a force bubble or nature or even air or water or earth. Anything that can exert the right force would be a candidate.

Moving to the Bladestorm category - which I really love by the way - your bases are once again perfect, nicely opening the realms of what can be a Base and why, and how many directions a base can take. But your theme once again defined concept and visual cues rather than mechanics. The theme would correctly be Blades - just that. The damage is bladed in nature, at range. Unless you want the blades to be unnatural and have unnatural effects, that's all there is to that part of it. A simple adjustment to the standard animation would provide a ghostly blade effect. And as for whether it is telekinetic or magically manifested or whatever the player can imagine, that is exactly where all of that should happen: his imagination. The player's own concept and bio are the final parts of the power set. The fourth component, if you will. How many of us made characters in CoH that took advantage of how certain power sets looked and performed to call them something completely different? I myself planned to adapt either the energy or water set (I wasn't sure which would work best, but I suspect energy) for a living metal man, calling it blasts of liquid metal from his own body. Just a matter of matching his color with the power color. Energy's knockback would have gone very well with the theme that he was actually shooting solid matter. That's the kind of flexibility only the players can give us. Never make the mistake of doing for the player what he can do as well or better himself. Instead, empower him as much as possible, because what he does for himself will always be exactly what he wanted.

The issues with the rest follow the same trends, no need to elaborate. You really are starting to get it though, I really enjoyed reading that post. Just a little further.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

doctor tyche
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Alucard wrote:
Alucard wrote:

A few power sets I would like to see:
1: Whip or chain power set: Allow for customizing beyond just standard whip.

My wife keeps hinting that she wants one which uses her characters hair as the whip. *looks over at his wife and smiles*

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doctor tyche
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TheMadGent wrote:
TheMadGent wrote:

SiphonWraith wrote:
Also, as far as travel powers, I understand your team is bringing back the favorites; Fly, SJ, SS and possibly TP correct? I was wondering if any one has brought up a "Swing" or "Grapple" type travel power somewhat reminiscent of comic book heroes like Spiderman or Batman/Daredevil? I know I and a few friend from CoX talked about it before and I think one or two of them mentioned it on the forums before but I never heard of anything being set up as a possible Travel Power. Also, what about the possibility of vehicles?

Vehicles have a whole thread here:
The short version is that they're being looked at, but no guarantees .
In the same thread, it says that they are trying to get a swing/grapple travel power to work, and a parkour type power as well.

We want to make them something unique, special, not swinging just "fly reskinned" or parkour "Superspeed redone." We want them to reflect something better, more interesting and capable. When you swing, we want real physics, where you are attached to the building, and it effects your travel. When you freerun, we want the moves and style of someone hot off the streets of Paris making a mockery of a Pugeot 207:

Technical Director

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Those guys were making drops of 1 to 2 storeys! They were also entirely insane!

Anyway, don't kill yourselves, if you can't make initial release, we [i]will[/i] understand and [i]be[/i] overjoyed that we can see it within a few issues!



"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

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It does seem a bit tricky

It does seem a bit tricky coming in from a "here's the power we built" perspective, and syncing up with the dev plans for a modular power system. The general feel I'm getting is something akin to some of the older pen-and-paper superhero RPG system, where you have a basic thing and can then add effects to customize it. For example, choosing ranged attack, then defining it as a single bolt (as opposed to a beam) of ice, and further adding the special effects of 'pierces armor' and 'slows target'.

How specific are we looking at, in terms of a Base? For example, is Ranged Damage distinct from Ranged DoT? Or would it be more of an organic flow, like Ranged -> choose between Direct damage/DoT/Control -> choose are-of-effect (single, targeted AOE, cone, etc) -> choose thematically between damage types (ice or electric as opposed to crushing or cutting)?

So for example.. "Base: Ranged, direct, single target. Theme: crushing" would be something like throwing a rock; one hit of blunt-force trauma. "Base: Ranged, DoT, cone. Theme: elemental/fire" would be more like a flamethrower; multiple ticks of heat damage to anyone standing in the fire spray.

And second, in terms of having unnatural effects... what if I wanted my bladestorm to be literal ghost blades, which would partly ignore physical armor? Would it be possible when generating the power to select from a list of 'special effects' like "ignores armor" or "can hit phased enemy" or "vampiric"? Or would that be something that would possibly be a Boost add-on effect later?

I am the Godzilla of love. Where I have passed, nothing remains but smoldering rubble and traumatized Japanese people.

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This is precisely what I was

This is precisely what I was going to suggest... My favourite Super Hero games outside City of Heroes (as far as transportation goes) is the Spider-Man series. Swinging is as satisfying (if not more) than Super Jump was in CoH.

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Defensive Guard Ability

Defensive Guard Ability


Vaidyaila concentrates on awakening the healing power of Manu. Professor Maniacal, having had quite enough interference from the young heroin, decides to raise the odds in his favor by sending a barrage of missiles to take care of the issue. Kaxiya, sensing his loves danger, intercepts himself between her and the incoming attacks. Wings spread wide, he envelopes each individual parcel of death, frying their delicate circuitry and absorbing their payloads within his intense fiery aura.

Not quite sure how this would work out via game mechanics, but I am hoping for a power/skill that allows me to sense and possibly intercept the damage for someone (or group of someones) I am actively guarding. Perhaps via a skill check.

Maybe you start out being able to guard 1 person from a single attack/attacker, and down the line increase either the number of people you can guard, the number of attacks for your single defended target (like the barrage of missiles example), or the number of attackers you can protect your target from. Depending on your skill, you might successfully defend against all incoming attacks , i.e. take the damage yourself, nullify the attack etc. depending on how you "defended", or maybe just most of them with one or more getting through to the original target.

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Darth Fez
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Tanking classes in TOR have a

Tanking classes in TOR have a guard ability. The trooper, for example, has [url=]Guard[/url], originally enough. This only affects one player and, honestly, I mostly used it for the threat mitigating aspect. After all, if you're doing your job as a tank then the rest of the group shouldn't be taking much damage (certainly not enough for 5% to make any difference, in this particular case). That's always been the sticking point for me with such abilities.

As you can see, the ability is significantly more potent in PvP.

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It'd be kinda cool to see

It'd be kinda cool to see Rubber Body as a skill, it could be a pain in the neck to program travel ability, or medium range physical attacks, or wack-a-doodle body re-shaping, akin to Plastic Man. A boat form on water, a wheel to move fast, etc.
Haha on second thought, it would be OP.

Shadow Elusive
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Yes, but with less individual

Yes, but with less individual pieces, at least at the front end. At the back end, I think it may well be that way. The engine, it seems, is capable of taking lots of chunks and putting them together to 'create' a power. So the team is deliberately designing in the these chunks, so that whenever something repeats, instead of reprogramming, they use the same bit. Just one of many reasons they hope to greatly exceed power variation and production. But that's beyond anything we have to worry about, or would do us any good.

As for the nature of a base...that's the most exciting part Mount. NOBODY HAS DECIDED YET. Why is that exciting? Because our discussions can and will affect their decisions. That is the beauty and the fun of these forums. Here, we can debate things still in the future, discussing pros and cons and wishlists and the practicalities of applying them. And the devs will read. And the devs will take notes. Participate here enough, and when the game finally launches, a lot is going to seem'll remember debating how to do it.

They know they want base and theme. But the question of exactly how specific a base is is up in the air, for us to discuss and debate as we will, perhaps even to the extent of figuring it out for the devs. I've been turning this one over in my own head too. Just remember than ANYTHING I say on the matter is now me stating how I think things should work. I expect to be forced to defend myself valiantly :D

First off, the base describes the general focus. So if a base says Ranged single target, you should expect that there may well be one AoE in there, and vice versa. So, not THAT specific, as in power by power specific. The base describes the focus of the set in general.

Also, I don't think you'd be picking control bases vs. damage bases, per se. I assume you'd first choose your archetype, and which secondary you wanted for him. So as you pick your primary and secondary, whether it is damage, melee, control, etc. should already be decided and filtered for (here we are debating how the choices will be presented to the player, this isn't decided either. ARGUE WITH ME).

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

Theme-- Defense
Animation-- Rolls, Dodges, climbs/dives, etc.
(these maneuvers could have variable degrees in execution based on power level. Quicker rolls and dodges, or steeper degrees of climbs/dives could be attainable to avoid arial attacks)
No no. Something like this would be, perhaps, base Avoidance, theme Acrobatic (you are physically avoiding rather than causing attacks themselves to behave differently in some way to help), with a flight animation.

I have been giving this some thought:
What I envisioned might be considered a physical acrobatic system indeed. My only concern with this is what if I only wanted my character to be this nimble while flying (this is why I suggested it tied to flying as apposed to acrobatics). This way there would be less confusing than say just having the acrobatic theme for avoidance which could mean anything from gymnastics and tumbling to just diving for cover. Perhaps my character is a klutz on the ground and majestically nimble in the air (picture an albatross)
Doe this help explain the Flight base as apposed to the physical avoicance system? Or am I just overcomplicating this?

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As long as there's a melee

As long as there's a melee set that is mostly punches I'm content.

If there's some way to re-create Dark Melee from CoH (including echos and smoke) I'll bake a cake.

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Thunder Glove
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It sounds like I'll be able

It sounds like I'll be able to make the Electric Melee with Martial Arts animations I always wanted on CoH. (Electric should still be "Stamina" drain - whatever it winds up being called - but maybe also a bit of health drain - leeching bioelectric energy to heal yourself. It should also have chaining abilities, like Electric Control, Chain Induction from Electrical Melee, Ionic Judgment, many Champions electric attacks, and even Marvel Avengers Alliance's "Static Charge" or "Chain Lighting" in AD&D 2e)

Really, though, I can't think of much that either wasn't already in CoH or about to be in CoH.

If I had to come up with some, I'd like to see some mixed sets. Say, a Ranged Attack variant of weather control (calling down lightning and giant hailstones from above as direct attacks). Perhaps a "Master of Elements" theme that gave you a mix-and-mach set of Earth, Fire, Air and Water attacks. It'd be less "interesting" than the equivalent single-element sets, but the variety of elemental damage types would make up for it. (Or maybe it could be made interesting by making it a choice of four toggles, a la Staff Fighting's three stances)

Yeah. I think that was CoH's big hole, power-wise - as much as I love having a single theme, it didn't do multi-themes well (or, really, at all). But even the multi-themes should be themed.... if that makes any sense. (If it doesn't, chalk it up to me being awake for about twenty-four straight hours as of now. This cold plus NyQuil is doing odd things to my sleep schedule)

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Mount wrote:
Mount wrote:

It does seem a bit tricky coming in from a "here's the power we built" perspective, and syncing up with the dev plans for a modular power system. The general feel I'm getting is something akin to some of the older pen-and-paper superhero RPG system, where you have a basic thing and can then add effects to customize it. For example, choosing ranged attack, then defining it as a single bolt (as opposed to a beam) of ice, and further adding the special effects of 'pierces armor' and 'slows target'.
How specific are we looking at, in terms of a Base? For example, is Ranged Damage distinct from Ranged DoT? Or would it be more of an organic flow, like Ranged -> choose between Direct damage/DoT/Control -> choose are-of-effect (single, targeted AOE, cone, etc) -> choose thematically between damage types (ice or electric as opposed to crushing or cutting)?
So for example.. "Base: Ranged, direct, single target. Theme: crushing" would be something like throwing a rock; one hit of blunt-force trauma. "Base: Ranged, DoT, cone. Theme: elemental/fire" would be more like a flamethrower; multiple ticks of heat damage to anyone standing in the fire spray.
And second, in terms of having unnatural effects... what if I wanted my bladestorm to be literal ghost blades, which would partly ignore physical armor? Would it be possible when generating the power to select from a list of 'special effects' like "ignores armor" or "can hit phased enemy" or "vampiric"? Or would that be something that would possibly be a Boost add-on effect later?

Most of what you initially describe is something along the lines of what our internal structure was / is going to be (planned at one point, the implementation is ongoing so things may have changed). The user end would be much more...efficient.

What you won't be able to do at character gen. is selecting seperate effects of powers, piece-mealing parts to form a "new" power.

Our boost system is planned to be much more flexible in capability for how it can affect powers than our previous experience in certain hero-centric mmos were / are.

(Standard no promises, subject to change, etc... clause here).

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
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I would love the Doctor

I would love the Doctor Octopus arms like in Spiderman 2. The crab spider in CoH did it kind of weakly but was still pretty cool. Maybe some type of backpack that doesn't obscure vision as bad as in CoH, like having the arms pop out of something on the back. Or for magic oriented players it could be like technomancy (Scrap pieces of metal floating up from the ground to resemble the arms).

It would have a pretty awesome travel power too, something like acrobatics from DCUO.

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Oh another one could just be.

Oh another one could just be... motivation. You're throwing rocks, dirt and insults! To stun, damage and disorient your foes!

snate56's picture
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...or slimy tentacles!

...or slimy tentacles!

I would like the Taunt ability to have several random animations, rather than the "just one" we were stuck with!

"My friend's multilingual... he knows a hundred different ways to flip you off..." ;)



"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

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The power of Satire. This is

The power of Satire. This is the super human ability to put you in your place. Heroes and villains alike are rendered speechless and unable to function as their minds are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the put down.

Think of being the celebrity roasted by Robin Williams, Don Rickles, George Carlin, or any other contemporary personage who are masters of the verbal onslaught! ;)

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

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snate56 wrote:
snate56 wrote:

...or slimy tentacles!
I would like the Taunt ability to have several random animations, rather than the "just one" we were stuck with!
"My friend's multilingual... he knows a hundred different ways to flip you off..." ;)

Our goal is to allow players to customize power animations.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

doctor tyche
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We already have three

We already have three different taunts included with the Unreal Engine which we've used for testing the swapping of animations for an action.

I should do a video showing them off sometime.

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I would love a melee powerset

I would love a melee powerset that worked much like Zangeif's attacks in Street Fighter so that I can apply them to a luchadore =D

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In CoH you could customize

In CoH you could customize sound effects by replacing the .ogg file for the power. Cryptic declared its opposition to the practice (probably as a legal CYA) but in some cases it was necessary (target drone).

What I'd like to see in this game is a fairly simple way to customize sound effects, at least on your own client, and perhaps to submit them for community use.

I don't need an interface, just the option of replacing stock sounds with custom ones.

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rookslide's picture
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Correct me where I'm wrong

Correct me where I'm wrong here Shadow Elusive... It looks like you guys are trying to take a semi linguistic approach to powers by attaching a handful of linguistic modifiers(verb-ish) to some base (noun-ish). Each power object has a base (damage, armor, etc) defined then the modifiers define the effects the power should include.

So a couple of thoughts come to mind. First, is there a tentative Base list? Second, how many effects may be attached to a power? Can these two details change? In other words can a base be allowed to adopt from other bases? Can there be multiple effects? Can more effects compound through Boosts or do they only enhance existing effects?

This is an interesting method for developing the powers. It reminds me of the concept of prefixes and suffixes used by some MMO's for items. It makes a lot of sense and if I'm understanding it correctly I like it but seeing at least a semi-tentative list of some of these details would make power set idea brainstorming a little easier to communicate clearly.

I love developing power-set ideas and always tried to manipulate the COX system as far as I could manage in keeping with my characters concepts.

On another thread some folks were discussing the idea of a matter manipulation set and other ancillary sets or something similar but after reading through this thread it looks like many of those ideas are kinda already part and parcel to the system in development right now. I am taking for granted at this time some general bases are Damage, Ranged Damage, Armor, Construction, ??? not sure what other ones might be arrived at yet but I definitely see a lot of potential in this formula.

My personal idea was related to Boosts. I'm not a crafting person by nature. I find the activity tedious. I'ld rather be out there fighting rather than finding the salvage and miscellany to craft some enhancement. So as an ancillary power-set concept I thought Matter manipulation could have a variety of benefits, defensive, offensive, crafting, etc. Perhaps it is too closely related to teleportation or some quantum concept I don't know, but here is a basic idea based on what I think the new system is like:

Power idea - Matter manipulation (Morphing or constituting from air, etc)
Base: Construction (something along these lines), Ranged
Theme: Matter Constitution (Walls, Boosts, etc. I suppose each item type may need to be a separate power or some way to distinguish between them would be necessary)
Animation: Draw particles together from all directions about the target location until forming the defined object (something like a boost could just auto-populate in storage.

I'm sure this isn't quite right but it is one of many ideas I am playing with.

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Darth Fez
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I'm curious to know where

I'm curious to know where most people stand on the idea that every power set, particularly melee sets, should have access to a ranged attack (or something that is functionally similar).

I am looking this in part from a utility angle, such as pulling mobs or taking down (hopefully!) a runner before they get too far, and having a response to ranged enemies.

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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

I'm curious to know where most people stand on the idea that every power set, particularly melee sets, should have access to a ranged attack (or something that is functionally similar).
I am looking this in part from a utility angle, such as pulling mobs or taking down (hopefully!) a runner before they get too far, and having a response to ranged enemies.

Perhaps rather than being part of the power set, it could be a "power" everyone gets Just like brawl or the origin powers in CoH. Everyone could get a token melee and range attacks and through skins you could make it fit your concept (so maybe its a pistol, maybe you throw a rock or a knife). There would be the ability to boost it if desired, or you could just leave it be. It would need a decent range unlike the origin powers but that could give all the people who "need" a ranged attack something, and help out low-level players, especially on damage light archetypes.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

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Darth Fez
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syntaxerror37 wrote:
syntaxerror37 wrote:

Perhaps rather than being part of the power set, it could be a "power" everyone gets Just like brawl or the origin powers in CoH. Everyone could get a token melee and range attacks and through skins you could make it fit your concept (so maybe its a pistol, maybe you throw a rock or a knife). There would be the ability to boost it if desired, or you could just leave it be. It would need a decent range unlike the origin powers but that could give all the people who "need" a ranged attack something, and help out low-level players, especially on damage light archetypes.

That's an interesting possibility. It'd certainly have to have more bite than brawl or the origin powers and scale better (or at all) with level. While there is no need to make it compare with ranged power sets such an attack should do more than tickle the target.

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Darth Fez
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Pardon the double post.

Pardon the double post. Figured it'd be easier to give a separate idea its own post.

If there will be any melee sets in TPP that have a knockback element, I feel that this should cause some damage to the mob if it hits something (wall, car, tree, perhaps even other mobs (players?)). I was never a fan of knockback for knockback's sake in melee sets since that meant I was left either chasing after the enemy I'd just hit or had to wait for it to come back. It was annoying enough when team members knocked targets out of range. Doing it to myself was a bit too masochistic.

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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I'm curious how the mechanic

I'm curious how the mechanic of experience is affected by power sets. I mean some archetypes simply don't have a lot of damage and it always seems difficult to advance them through the levels I guess I have a question... Does experience build off using healing or non-combat powers versus only doing damage to targets? I know in other games there are story arcs where you do a little running around and talking to NPC's to gather lore and what not but is there a mechanic designed around developing your skills without having to fight directly with targets? I know for at least some role playing it would be nice to be able to advance without always having to be in the thick of battle. To me it seems that support roles (Defenders/Controllers/etc) often seem lacking in this respect.


"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Darth Fez
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That raises the big question

That raises the big question of how you'd create an engaging game play experience revolving around non-combat powers. Doing a handful of missions revolving around going to a hospital to heal NPCs or putting out fires (like in Steel Canyon, only without the Hellions) could be fun, but as a sustained leveling experience it'd fall flat. I believe even people who don't look for a challenge in video games would quickly come to feel that this is dull and lacks engagement or risk. A viable middle ground could be missions involving saving (read: most likely healing) NPCs, so that there would be the engagement of combat, albeit less of it, while also 'protecting' the hapless citizens.

This is a discussion that would be better suited to [url=]this thread[/url].

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Agreed it would fall flat

Agreed it would fall flat.Though it wouldn't be the funnest experience all the time, sometimes it would be nice to know there are alternatives to street sweeping. I'll check that thread out, thx.

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Pallas Athene
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claws/ being ported is what I

claws/ being ported is what I'd love to see.

syntaxerror37's picture
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

That's an interesting possibility. It'd certainly have to have more bite than brawl or the origin powers and scale better (or at all) with level. While there is no need to make it compare with ranged power sets such an attack should do more than tickle the target.

I would say take whatever the weakest "primary damage power" on the weakest base damage archetype and make it slightly weaker than that. Have it do the same damage across all archetypes, but allow it to be effected by global buffs and inherent powers (or whatever they end up being called). I would not give it any additional effects as a base, but allow players to modify it through the boost system if they want.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

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As long as I can make a

As long as I can make a Tanking/Bruting type with Willpower like and Super Strength powers and another tank type with Shield/Elec then I will be happy ( and of course claws, got to have claws, claws is good... along with some willpower/regen type powers.... did I mention the Claws, they're good)

Spectral Saviour
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I don't know if this really

I don't know if this really falls under power "sets", but it's certainly a power idea I think would be interesting to consider!

I was reading a thread on the forums here that briefly mentioned non-combat powers, and I thought about something interesting. I'll try (and probably fail) to explain what I've been thinking of below.

What if there was a passive power called, for instance, "Extrasensory Detection" or "Danger Sense"? Something generic so that you could say it's anything from a natural part of your hero/villain to something you're wearing, like goggles. Maybe even just telepathy. When you toggle this power, you'd get some minor energy drain in exchange for the ability to, within a certain distance, see the shapes of enemies through walls and obstacles.

These shapes would be nothing more than blobs, but they'd be coloured in such a way that you'd be able to get a very basic idea of how much tougher than you the thing was. It'd range from yellow through orange to red, with perhaps a colour like green or blue to indicate something non-hostile, like a hostage. This way you'd be able to stand outside a new room, flip the toggle on, and then say "Yep, I see a few small yellow blobs, this should be okay." or "I think I can sense one of the hostages in here." or even "I see a really big scary red blob, maybe someone else should go in first on this one."

Could be infeasible or even just awful, but it's just an idea I thought sounded neat!

I am not a clever man.

Mr. Infamy
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i would like to see a super

i would like to see a super stretch power set. like a blaster tank!

Shadow Elusive
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As a tertiary power pool pick

As a tertiary power pool pick, that sounds pretty doable. Certainly of interest.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Darth Fez
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One of my favorite aspects of

One of my favorite aspects of the Regeneration power set was that it had two or three powers to click. One or two were reactive and one could be used proactively. I found that to be fun and engaging, and it gave me a sense of having more control over my character's fate. I'd wish for most power sets to impart that sensation.

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Any chance the powersets will

Any chance the powersets will have special mechanics like combo points? I really enjoyed the later CoH powersets that incorporated them. Build a stack of "x" with these powers, consume "x" with these other powers for more damage or added effect.

Base - Brawl
Theme - bleeds, added crit, powers build or consume Blood Frenzy
Animation - claws (Wolverine or Beast style)

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 weeks ago
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A Whip type class for things

A Whip type class for things like tendrils or chains or whatever else people like. A couple of characters come to mind. (Omega Red, Spawn, Spiderman using his webs to topple crates, etc)

Base - Ranged Brawl/Damage
Theme - Immobilize, crushing damage, makes target throw-able with added impact damage
Animation - Chain tendrils (Like Early Spawn comics), or whips or ??? many come to mind!

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

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I'm going to keep my idea

I'm going to keep my idea grounded, but it would be super nice to have a spider summoning power set, themed around DoT / Slowing / Defense debuffing.

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So I suppose you would build it like
Base: Ranged AoE Buff/Debuff
Theme: Drain/Redistribute HP/End/DMG
Animations: Probably cooler than CoH's Kinetics.

(Am I doing it right?)

My question is, a lot of sets (like Kin) have a lot of different effects at different power levels, but this seems like the Theme will be throughout the power set, rather than individually; if that's the case, could you even have a Kinetics-like set? Fulcrum Shift was one of the most fun powers in the game, and not neccessarily from the perspective of power level (though it -was- awesome) but from the idea that you were weakening the enemy and strengthening yourself/the team; even the earlier single-target power drain was a lot of fun. But the set also had the useful Transfusion, Inertial Reduction, Repel, and the like, which all had VASTLY different effects.

And Kinetics Corruptors hit like trucks, but that's besides the point.

Also, what if we want to make a character that does a lot of things at once? Lots of archery-type heroes/villians are definitely Base: Ranged and Animation: Archery but their secondary effects change per-arrow. And that's an important thing to keep. Maybe I want to replicate the feel of a corruptor's Ice Blast set, where they had a couple utility powers in the set (the holds). Maybe I want to make a Energy Ranged that largely does knockDOWN but does have one solid long-distance low-damage knockBACK.

Aglow's picture
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Light! :)

Light! :)

[url=]Gleam and glow, let your [i]power[/i] shine...[/url]

Twilight Widow
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Telekinesis please :)

Telekinesis please :)

TumbleweedGamer's picture
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Pets, Lots and lots of pets.

Pets, Lots and lots of pets. I miss masterminds. I would like to be able to customize the look of the pets. That would be great. A power like the thug mastermind power that let you call twenty low level pets would be great. Long live the Swarm! Can you imagine the pvp possibilities? "So dave how did you die?" "Man I have no idea one moment I was superspeeding around a corner then I was covered of a million rabid Hamsters." :-) Ahh that would be my dream power.

Hip hooters Nee!

Goblin Queen
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I would love a Mastermind

I would love a Mastermind like pet summon power that you could customize the appearance of the pets. I've always wanted a mini goblin army for Goblin Queen. That and whip mastery with customizable whip types.

Spectral Saviour
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Yeah, pet customisation would

Yeah, pet customisation would go a long way with whatever Mastermind-type we end up getting. I remember being upset that I couldn't even change the genders of my Thugs in CoH, with the only reason given that it was "Abusable". Everything you can customise is abusable! It didn't make a lot of sense to refuse to allow anyone to use at least a limited costume creator for each tier of our pets simply because "someone" might do something silly. If someone did something offensive, we could just report them, surely?

I just wanted to be able to have my bubbly villain actually lead a team of adorable thugs with guns! Or to make robots that looked like robot clones of myself! Ah well, here's hoping for the future!

I am not a clever man.

syntaxerror37's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 11:01
it wasn't abuse that

it wasn't abuse that restricted MM pet customability, it was the fact that it would have required a major overhaul of the costume creator and would further increase the server resources used by MM who were already the biggest hog.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Heavy Weather
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 15:17
The most fun toon I had was a

The most fun toon I had was a Grav/Storm controller. What made both individual powersets rock was the combination of cool graphics, tactical applications, synergy, and plain old FUN.
-rag doll physics from hurricane/gale/tornady/freezing rain
-forklift (lamp post, sink, old Chevie, etc) to the face? Yes, I'll take it!
-wormhole to collect mobs, and either place them for tactical advantage, or simply see how far I could launch them into the sky, and watch them bounce when they finally returned to asphalt
-corner of doom: wormhole a bunch of mobs into a corner, dump freezing rain, turn on hurricane to pin them in the corner, drop lightning storm to fry/blast them around, and launch random big heavy objects to single targets

It always cracked me up to see the litter from Propel get tossed around by gale and hurricane...will never forget one PUG that had multiple Grav and multiple Storm toons, each room was littered with sinks, forklifts, old cars, propane tanks, light posts, whatever else came from the time/space rift, and the hurricanes kept flinging that stuff all over.

Bottom line, a great powerset is not only functionally effective, but looks good, sounds good, can be used tactically, just plain makes you smile.

Lord Nightmare
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A thing I never liked in CoH

A thing I never liked in CoH was the limited customization of Masterminds. You could pick what you summoned.. but that was it and that also determined what YOU used as well.. really sucked for my idea of a Power Armored villain summoning forces from beyond the grave (..necromancy made you use magic, robots made you use tech..).

The other thing I hated was that Henchmen did ALL the work and you basically sat back and buffed em and were done.

I think there should be an option for whatever class is MMesque to choose both what henchmen/support people they summon AND their own power set and secondary power set. What makes this class balanced would be that the MM gets less powers for him/herself (half the powers are for him/her and half are for the summons). Let's say there's 20 total, so 5 from primary powerset. 5 from secondary powerset and 10 for the summons. Take my character Lord Nightmare in consideration.. using this system.

He'd be a MM Magic Style summoning Darkness Theme minions which would be customized to look like Shades. Darkness would be a debuffing choice, lowering attack and resistance of enemies while dealing a moderate amount of damage and maybe even healing the user (..I really liked Darkness from CoH, does it show?).

This synergizes with Nightmare himself who would use Magic Style Attacks of an Energy Theme and Magic Style attacks of a Darkness Theme as his secondary powerset. Energy would be a theme that does the same amount of damage as other themes and has more critical hit severity (Maybe about 1.5x the normal crit severity) but gets crits a lot less often (half the normal chance? Let's say most powers usually have a 20% chance.. it'd have 10%). In a battle, Nightmare would buff his minions who would debuff the enemy, lowering their resistances to his attacks.

He'd also be Debuffing the enemy, perhaps draining a bit of life from them to make up for damage taken.. and finally when he's satisfied, give a nice big Energy Beam to the face and take them down. Of course, thanks to the balances made by you guys, this would probably take about... eh.. 45 seconds for a group of on-level Henchies? A minute for the next tier and so on.

Hell, Energy and Darkness themes working just like that for any powerset would be fine. Would be a good tool to make Nightmare as a NON-MM (Corruptor probably, just like he was in CoV)

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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Trick Yo Yo. And as you can

Trick Yo Yo. And as you can see from my avatar picture, Ive wanted it for a while! PLease!

You and Me Baby makin love like Gorillas..
