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Discuss: Pre-Alpha Chargen - Make Anyone

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Cobalt Azurean
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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:
Hero_Zero wrote:

So we get our hands on it when?


The game (beta) release is scheduled for this fall. We [i]might[/i] have the character tool out earlier as part of an alpha release by the middle of this year. We have some legal issues that prohibit us from doing certain things until the game is released as part of our engine licensing agreement. We'll get there.

The character creator looks to function incredibly; terrific work.

How does it and the above time frame re beta and alpha builds figure into the coming 2nd Kickstarter? I would like to know and participate; thanks.

Shadow Elusive
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Twitch: 6PM Pacific! 9PM

Twitch: 6PM Pacific! 9PM Eastern!

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TitansCity's picture
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so 18:00 PST is 02:00 (AM)

so 18:00 PST is 02:00 (AM) GMT
I'll prepare coffee ^^

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Alas, that will be while I am

Alas, that will be while I am on my way to the D&D game. So I'm likely to miss the first bit. And the last bit. Unless I can distract the DM....

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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All the advertising i could

All the advertising i could make is done on all the social media i could have for tonight GMT :D

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Somebody must create a fat

Somebody must create a fat speedster! Not me since I already have in mind my usual toons and there is no fatty, but I'm sure somebody will!

warcabbit's picture
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Wrecking Ball?

Wrecking Ball?

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(No subject)

So, it could be that ? xD

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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

THIS is the update we were hyping. Worth it?

[url=] Watch the update here [/url]


As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

Because of bandwidth issues we have had to make a trade-off. I had hoped to have a palette in the million-color range but we are going for 256. The picker you see will still have a low number of favorites with the ability to expand it to a larger palette as needed. At least that's what we've been discussing the past few days. I might still use the color slider tool that we showed off at one point just to make things easier to manage (a grid of 16x16 is pretty large!). But three colors per costume piece is within our limits.

I would like the smaller pallette pickers to be populated by the most recent colors used. This way, I can choose a new costume item and then go right to the same shade of blue I used on some other costume item without having to go into the entire slate of 256 and remember which 1 of the 64 blues I used.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Twitch is live! https://www

Twitch is live!

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Then that's perfect.

Be Well!

Hey, was a bit tired when I replied to you last. I grasp that the range and degree of control of the sliders is more than a little overwhelming. We will be creating presets and I have an idea I hope that is doable that will go beyond that if the team agrees. Sorry to just drop a hint and run but that's all I have at the moment without some approvals.CoX used a preset system if you recall for faces and such. I'm a code monkey and not much of an artist :D


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

notears's picture
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I'm going to make a big

I'm going to make a big muscular guy and give super strength powers, but also make his arms little tiny baby arms. I will call him "Baby Arms the Destroyer" and he will be my one and only

not my video just one I lke ===>


MeSoSollyWan's picture
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So if the problem was the

So if the problem was the CharGen communicating with an outside server that was hosting costume data, is that something that could happen when the game is launched?

doctor tyche
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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

So if the problem was the CharGen communicating with an outside server that was hosting costume data, is that something that could happen when the game is launched?

That would be an issue for any MMORPG.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

MeSoSollyWan's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

So if the problem was the CharGen communicating with an outside server that was hosting costume data, is that something that could happen when the game is launched?

That would be an issue for any MMORPG.

So in this instance, we need to wait 24 hours for the server to refresh, I believe is what Avel said. There could be a scenario where the live servers go down for 24 hours straight because they can't receive costume data?

doctor tyche
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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

So if the problem was the CharGen communicating with an outside server that was hosting costume data, is that something that could happen when the game is launched?

That would be an issue for any MMORPG.

So in this instance, we need to wait 24 hours for the server to refresh, I believe is what Avel said. There could be a scenario where the live servers go down for 24 hours straight because they can't receive costume data?

That is due to our shoestring budget more than anything else. Dynamic IP's are far cheaper than fixed, after all. Once in production, the IP# will not change without a significant forewarning, enabling us to set up the refresh along with the change.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Fireheart's picture
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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Then that's perfect.

Hey, was a bit tired when I replied to you last. I grasp that the range and degree of control of the sliders is more than a little overwhelming. We will be creating presets and I have an idea I hope that is doable that will go beyond that if the team agrees. Sorry to just drop a hint and run but that's all I have at the moment without some approvals. CoX used a preset system if you recall for faces and such. I'm a code monkey and not much of an artist :D

Well, as for sliders, good general presets are useful. In CoH, though, I rarely used them. I'd just pick the heroic face and then start tweaking.

However, CoH had a lot fewer sliders than CoT is offering. With all of those numbers, I would definitely like to be able to save and apply presets in sections. For instance, I could build a face that I like and save it. I could build/use/apply some basic body presets and save them separately from everything else. I could use my preferred presets to build a character model and then kill an hour playing with costumes. Finally, I could assemble all of these 'save points' together into a live character and actually start playing much faster than if I had to tweak all of those sliders every single time I wanted to make a character.

Perhaps a friend has built a face that I really like. They might share a preset file, which I could then use as the basis for my next creation. So I might have access to not just the basic presets created by the Devs, but a small library of personal presets and preferences. I certainly don't want to have to tweak a hundred sliders every time I create a character or a costume!

I genuinely appreciate your joining the 'conversation' with us eager users, Avel. I find that sharing ideas sparks more ideas and (when it doesn't make a mess) that can lead to amazing art.

Be Well!

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Firehart, due to being able

Firehart, due to being able to load up costume savefiles, it would be trivial for people to make third party tools to enable just that feature.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Scott Jackson
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I see the small numerical

I see the small numerical value next to each slider - are those directly editable by the user, and can the arrow keys or tab be used to quickly move between them? If so, we could write the values on paper and retype them for the section of the body we wished to duplicate, until some better & fancier method can be developed.

MeSoSollyWan's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

So if the problem was the CharGen communicating with an outside server that was hosting costume data, is that something that could happen when the game is launched?

That would be an issue for any MMORPG.

So in this instance, we need to wait 24 hours for the server to refresh, I believe is what Avel said. There could be a scenario where the live servers go down for 24 hours straight because they can't receive costume data?

That is due to our shoestring budget more than anything else. Dynamic IP's are far cheaper than fixed, after all. Once in production, the IP# will not change without a significant forewarning, enabling us to set up the refresh along with the change.

Copy that, makes sense. Thanks for answering.

And a huge thank you to Avel for putting in all the time and effort again tonight.

Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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That is AWESOME!

That is AWESOME!
I loove how varied the heroes will look - I love how creative we'll be able to be!

That video looks like it could have come from a AAA company!
And I liked the writing of the update - direct with no pretense.

Congratulations MWM! Im definitely more excited about this game after seeing how fun and gratifying it'll be to make characters.

Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Interestingly, I like the "fat" option that was demonstrated.

Cabbit insisted we have it. Took a *lot* of work for it to look right.

Love the fat slider!

Maybe The Fat Slider will be a hero...

Lothic's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Metric, huh? That'll be a little rough for me, then. I understand 6 feet tall. Centimeters, no clue. A meter is roughly equivalent to a yard (3 feet), so a "3 meter tall" person is roughly 9 feet, but trying to visualize a character by a metric description would be nearly impossible. Guess I'll just have to guess and pray.

I for one am glad the game will default to metric, but I assume like CoH you'll be able to switch everything in the GUI back-n-forth between metric and imperial measurements. That ought to be very trivial for a game like this to handle.

Just to add a bit of "useless trivia" to this conversation President Carter expected the USA to be [b][i]completely finished[/i][/b] converting to metric by 1980. We're just a few decades overdue at this point. As of a few years ago I believe the USA and Bangladesh were the only two countries left on the planet that hadn't fully officially converted over to metric. Nothing like bringing up the rear once again... ;)

P.S. To be fair as much as I'd like the USA to -stop- using non-metric measurements I must admit I'm enough of a dinosaur to still have problems with things like Fahrenheit versus Celsius. I of course grew up with Fahrenheit so I still "natively" think of temperature in terms of that scale and have to mentally convert Celsius-based weather reports back into rough Fahrenheit values in my head before I intrinsically understand them. I think if the USA had simply taken more of an effort to "force" kids of my generation to only use the metric system 40+ years ago it would be a relative non-issue today. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

McJigg's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
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If I recall correctly, I

If I recall correctly, I think one of the main reasons the US never switched over was the cost of reprinting all the school text books and the cost that would levy on schools at the time. As we head into a digital age, this could become cheaper.

Lothic's picture
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McJigg wrote:
McJigg wrote:

If I recall correctly, I think one of the main reasons the US never switched over was the cost of reprinting all the school text books and the cost that would levy on schools at the time. As we head into a digital age, this could become cheaper.

That was never a reasonable excuse. Every other country on the planet (except I suppose Bangladesh?) managed to switch over all their "school text books" and other national infrastructure to metric many, many decades ago. Sure it would have cost -some- amount of time and money in the US to convert over at any given point, but those costs would have logically been much, much cheaper in the 1970's than now.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Halae's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Then that's perfect.

Hey, was a bit tired when I replied to you last. I grasp that the range and degree of control of the sliders is more than a little overwhelming. We will be creating presets and I have an idea I hope that is doable that will go beyond that if the team agrees. Sorry to just drop a hint and run but that's all I have at the moment without some approvals. CoX used a preset system if you recall for faces and such. I'm a code monkey and not much of an artist :D

Well, as for sliders, good general presets are useful. In CoH, though, I rarely used them. I'd just pick the heroic face and then start tweaking.

However, CoH had a lot fewer sliders than CoT is offering. With all of those numbers, I would definitely like to be able to save and apply presets in sections. For instance, I could build a face that I like and save it. I could build/use/apply some basic body presets and save them separately from everything else. I could use my preferred presets to build a character model and then kill an hour playing with costumes. Finally, I could assemble all of these 'save points' together into a live character and actually start playing much faster than if I had to tweak all of those sliders every single time I wanted to make a character.

Perhaps a friend has built a face that I really like. They might share a preset file, which I could then use as the basis for my next creation. So I might have access to not just the basic presets created by the Devs, but a small library of personal presets and preferences. I certainly don't want to have to tweak a hundred sliders every time I create a character or a costume!

I genuinely appreciate your joining the 'conversation' with us eager users, Avel. I find that sharing ideas sparks more ideas and (when it doesn't make a mess) that can lead to amazing art.

Be Well!

you know, Black Desert actually has something to this tune. It's a full body save file, but the community around that game, even if it's kinda small, enjoys spending hours upon hours creating the perfect face, and as a result there's a ton that haveended up online as preset faces you can add to a save folder and load. One of my favorites was when someone made a warrior that looked [url=]like a true-to-life Benedict Cumberbatch[/url]. Based on the sliders I've seen just from the previews, I think we have much the same level of potential customization here, if not more simply based on the sheer overwhelming number of sliders, and I adore that fact.

But this also means that even if there isn't a first party produced database for saving the different costume body save files, I believe it means that sooner or later one will show up as a third party website. That's honestly pretty damned cool, because it's [i]rare. [/i]The idea of a game even being able to support that kind of thing is seriously appealing.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Lothic's picture
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

However, CoH had a lot fewer sliders than CoT is offering. With all of those numbers, I would definitely like to be able to save and apply presets in sections. For instance, I could build a face that I like and save it. I could build/use/apply some basic body presets and save them separately from everything else. I could use my preferred presets to build a character model and then kill an hour playing with costumes. Finally, I could assemble all of these 'save points' together into a live character and actually start playing much faster than if I had to tweak all of those sliders every single time I wanted to make a character.

Perhaps a friend has built a face that I really like. They might share a preset file, which I could then use as the basis for my next creation. So I might have access to not just the basic presets created by the Devs, but a small library of personal presets and preferences. I certainly don't want to have to tweak a hundred sliders every time I create a character or a costume!

I genuinely appreciate your joining the 'conversation' with us eager users, Avel. I find that sharing ideas sparks more ideas and (when it doesn't make a mess) that can lead to amazing art.

Be Well!

you know, Black Desert actually has something to this tune. It's a full body save file, but the community around that game, even if it's kinda small, enjoys spending hours upon hours creating the perfect face, and as a result there's a ton that haveended up online as preset faces you can add to a save folder and load. One of my favorites was when someone made a warrior that looked [url=]like a true-to-life Benedict Cumberbatch[/url]. Based on the sliders I've seen just from the previews, I think we have much the same level of potential customization here, if not more simply based on the sheer overwhelming number of sliders, and I adore that fact.

But this also means that even if there isn't a first party produced database for saving the different costume body save files, I believe it means that sooner or later one will show up as a third party website. That's honestly pretty damned cool, because it's [i]rare. [/i]The idea of a game even being able to support that kind of thing is seriously appealing.

Basically I've been expecting that there would be third-party websites for CoT body save files ever since the MWM Devs said they were going to be implementing body save files [b]several years ago[/b]. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Lothic's picture
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AxerJ wrote:
AxerJ wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Interestingly, I like the "fat" option that was demonstrated.

Cabbit insisted we have it. Took a *lot* of work for it to look right.

Love the fat slider!

Maybe The Fat Slider will be a hero...

Yes I'm glad they'll be offering such a feature. I'll use it to not only make "basic fat guys/gals in spandex" but for RP purposes as well like pregnant characters and/or creating "chubby secret ID" characters that become superhot/super-ripped when they transform into their superhero form. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

McJigg's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/06/2016 - 05:14
The gallery of saved

The gallery of saved creations is going to be glorious. I've had an idea or two since seeing the fat default, and thankfully instead of being paralyzed with choice, I know I can in time create them all!

TitansCity's picture
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So, as the chargen

So, as the chargen presentation was not done, do you think you'll make another try ?
(some french fans ask me that but i don't know what tyop say xD)

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Mordheim13's picture
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Got a huge problem with

Got a huge problem with "forcing" kids to use only metric. Firstly, we don't "force" kids to use only English, and if we're going to do that kind of thing, that's where we should start (they would learn first languages at home, the schools are for teaching them English). But more to the point, I am left-handed for a lot of purposes; but in Elementary school, I was "forced" to write right-handed-- and now I cannot write left-handed (I suppose I could retrain myself, with time and effort). So most of the world uses Metric. And? "Everybody's doing it" is never a good excuse for changing your whole way of doing things. You make a change (or don't) because it's the right thing to do, not because peer pressure says so.

Shocking Blu

McJigg's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Got a huge problem with "forcing" kids to use only metric. Firstly, we don't "force" kids to use only English, and if we're going to do that kind of thing, that's where we should start (they would learn first languages at home, the schools are for teaching them English). But more to the point, I am left-handed for a lot of purposes; but in Elementary school, I was "forced" to write right-handed-- and now I cannot write left-handed (I suppose I could retrain myself, with time and effort). So most of the world uses Metric. And? "Everybody's doing it" is never a good excuse for changing your whole way of doing things. You make a change (or don't) because it's the right thing to do, not because peer pressure says so.

No one said it's forcing metric only, he only said the base game engine uses metric, as in the Unreal Engine the game is coded in. I know of very few games that have not included the imperial system, but due to American based companies, it's much more rare for metric to be included in the first place.

Many of us are happy because we get to use metric, it's a rare treat, that does not mean you don't get to use imperial.

*Edit: The game also takes place IN AMERICA, it would be weird if the setting didn't allow it's native measuring system.

Mordheim13's picture
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Wasn't talking about the game

Wasn't talking about the game. Was responding to Lothic's statement that the U.S. government should have "forced" his generation to use Metric only.

Shocking Blu

Lothic's picture
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McJigg wrote:
McJigg wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Got a huge problem with "forcing" kids to use only metric. Firstly, we don't "force" kids to use only English, and if we're going to do that kind of thing, that's where we should start (they would learn first languages at home, the schools are for teaching them English). But more to the point, I am left-handed for a lot of purposes; but in Elementary school, I was "forced" to write right-handed-- and now I cannot write left-handed (I suppose I could retrain myself, with time and effort). So most of the world uses Metric. And? "Everybody's doing it" is never a good excuse for changing your whole way of doing things. You make a change (or don't) because it's the right thing to do, not because peer pressure says so.

No one said it's forcing metric only, he only said the base game engine uses metric, as in the Unreal Engine the game is coded in. I know of very few games that have not included the imperial system, but due to American based companies, it's more more rare for metric to be included in the first place.

Many of us are happy because we get to use metric, it's a rare treat, that does not mean you don't get to use imperial.

I think the reaction to "forcing kids to use the metric system" was directed more towards my general comments about it than whether CoT would force players to use it.

For what it's worth I can at least applaud the valiant attempt to equate "forcing" the average US citizen to use the system of measurements that's been universally accepted by the world's scientific/engineering/industrial establishment (remember even the military/scientific industrial complex of the US -already- routinely uses the metric system) as something akin to forcing non-English speakers to learn English or left-handers to do things right-handedly. These things have literally NOTHING in common despite the extremely tortured attempt to equate them as things that are somehow "harmful" to kids in general. If it's actually harmful to make sure the people of the US are not left behind by the rest of the world by "forcing" them to use the world's accepted system of measurement then I'd be delightfully willing to commit that particular human rights violation. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Lothic's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Wasn't talking about the game. Was responding to Lothic's statement that the U.S. government should have "forced" his generation to use Metric only.

And my general conclusion of that was that if the US had committed to switching to the metric system decades ago this would have been a complete "non-issue" at this point and we wouldn't even be talking about it. *shrugs*

McJigg wrote:

*Edit: The game also takes place IN AMERICA, it would be weird if the setting didn't allow it's native measuring system.

The metric system could have easily been the current "native measuring system" IN AMERICA right now. That's the simple point I'm making here.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Mordheim13's picture
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I hardly think the U.S. can

I hardly think the U.S. can be described as having been "left behind" by the rest of the world. You're entitled to your opinion, though, as tortured as it might be.

Shocking Blu

Lothic's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

I hardly think the U.S. can be described as having been "left behind" by the rest of the world. You're entitled to your opinion, though, as tortured as it might be.

Right because as I've said our scientific/medical/military/industrial/engineering complex ALREADY widely uses the metric system despite the "holdouts" amongst the general citizenry. I simply believe it's embarrassing we even still have any "holdouts" over this. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Atama's picture
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Joined: 10/09/2013 - 22:32
Way back when, I used to play

Way back when, I used to play the [i]Heroes Unlimited[/i] tabletop RPG by Palladium. My favorite superhero character concept was a former test pilot who was badly injured in a crash involving an aircraft prototype. His arms and legs were amputated.

The cutting edge technology company he worked for saw his condition as an opportunity to make him a test pilot for cybernetics, and gave him new arms and legs. Those made him super strong and fast and had various gadgets hidden in them. But since the prosthetics did all the work, he could go fight crime and such but didn’t really exercise his actual body. So over time his organic body was out of shape even as he retained all of this artificially-enhanced physical prowess.

I’d never played a superhero MMO where I felt like I could make a character that faithfully reproduced how I envisioned that character, but I think CoT might be the first that will let me do it.

doctor tyche
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

I hardly think the U.S. can be described as having been "left behind" by the rest of the world. You're entitled to your opinion, though, as tortured as it might be.

I recall reading that the US economy loses almost 10% of its GDP due to not using the metric system. That is approximately $2 trillion. It may not be left behind, but that is a serious amount of green.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

I hardly think the U.S. can be described as having been "left behind" by the rest of the world. You're entitled to your opinion, though, as tortured as it might be.

I recall reading that the US economy loses almost 10% of its GDP due to not using the metric system. That is approximately $2 trillion. It may not be left behind, but that is a serious amount of green.

I'm quite sure the US must lose at least -some- significant amount of its overall annual GDP in all the time/effort it collectively wastes to duplicate inventory and documentation to support two different incompatible measurement systems. When you have to worry about dealing with "nuts and bolts" that are measured in both inches and centimeters (instead of just one of those that's otherwise universally used) that's obviously undesirable at the very least.

This problem can be summed up by NASA's infamous [url=]loss a multi-million dollar Mars probe[/url] due to an error having to juggle data between the two different measurement systems. This is no longer a matter of "America is better than everyone else so we can do whatever we want". It's a matter of "As long as we remain 'incompatible' with the rest of the planet we will -continue- to be marginalized as a world leader". I'm sorry but I'd rather we not cede our collective leadership over matters that would be as relatively simple to fix as this.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Fallout1's picture
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This was incredible! I knew

This was incredible! I knew the avatar builder was going to have a lot of options from what has been posted in the past, but this was way more than I expected. Totally affirms my faith of CoT being my #1 choice as a successor to City of Heroes. I cannot wait for this game.

Lothic's picture
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Fallout1 wrote:
Fallout1 wrote:

This was incredible! I knew the avatar builder was going to have a lot of options from what has been posted in the past, but this was way more than I expected. Totally affirms my faith of CoT being my #1 choice as a successor to City of Heroes. I cannot wait for this game.

Heck the only reason I'm bickering about silly things like the metric system is that I'm desperately trying to distract myself from bouncing off the walls waiting for the character creator for this game. It's like being a kid waiting for Christmas morning to finally arrive to open my presents, but in this case it's a version of Christmas that only happens like once every 10 years or so. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I can tell you feel like a

I can tell you feel like a kid, Lothic. No doubt, we all feel similarly, to one extent or another. This is going to be one hell of a game, by ANY measurement. :)

Shocking Blu

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

I can tell you feel like a kid, Lothic. No doubt, we all feel similarly, to one extent or another. This is going to be one hell of a game, by [b]ANY measurement[/b]. :)

Lol at least we didn't start tossing in the relative merits of [url=]alternative third-party systems of measurement[/url]. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Everybody's got their pet

Everybody's got their pet peeve-- and their own solutions. Much like backsides, most of them stink.

Shocking Blu

doctor tyche
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

I can tell you feel like a kid, Lothic. No doubt, we all feel similarly, to one extent or another. This is going to be one hell of a game, by [b]ANY measurement[/b]. :)

Lol at least we didn't start tossing in the relative merits of [url=]alternative third-party systems of measurement[/url]. ;)

Cubits FTW!

Technical Director

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Everybody's got their pet peeve-- and their own solutions. Much like backsides, most of them stink.

I suppose if switching to the metric system was completely trivial the US would have done it as far back as [url=]122 years ago[/url]. I guess we'll just need a few more centuries to catch up to the civilized world at this rate...


Red on this map are the countries which have not officially adopted the metric system. Of the few non-US red/orange/yellow ones at least most of them are actively working on it. In a few years the US might literally be the last one left. Sad.

And describing this as if were a mere "pet peeve" is laughable. A "pet peeve" is something like being upset your roommate leaves dirty dishes in the sink. The US not officially adopting the same basic system of measurements almost literally everyone else who matters on the planet uses and which as Doctor Tyche pointed out likely costs us trillions per year is a national disgrace/embarrassment.

Again all I can say is if we had collectively dealt with this decades (centuries?) ago you and I would have likely been living with the metric system our entire lives and you'd currently have nothing to whine about as far as this subject goes because you would have never known anything different.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

doctor tyche
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Everybody's got their pet peeve-- and their own solutions. Much like backsides, most of them stink.

I suppose if switching to the metric system was completely trivial the US would have done it as far back as [url=]122 years ago[/url]. I guess we'll just need a few more centuries to catch up to the civilized world at this rate...

And describing this as if were a mere "pet peeve" is laughable. A "pet peeve" is something like being upset your roommate leaves dirty dishes in the sink. The US not officially adopting the same basic system of measurements almost literally everyone else who matters on the planet uses and which as Doctor Tyche pointed out likely costs us trillions per year is a national disgrace/embarrassment.

Again all I can say is if we had collectively dealt with this decades (centuries?) ago you and I would have likely been living with the metric system our entire lives and you'd currently have nothing to whine about as far as this subject goes because you would have never known anything different.


I have a set of tools in shìzhì, for example. Tell me, when is the last time you've ever worked with the shìzhì system?

People are creatures of habit. Those clinging to the Imperial System are doing so not out of any inherent value to it, but because they are used to it. Change is scary. I purposefully forced myself to use Metric in order to push that habit onto myself, making it far easier for me to work with the rest of the world. My wife still groans that I drive under the speed limit, because I keep instinctively thinking that the MPH is KPH and that all of my thermometers are in centigrade.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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I have been trying to simply

I have been trying to simply disagree in a civil fashion, and just let it go, but I am getting just a bit sick of the derisive attitude, Lothic. Let's just drop it. We will not agree. That doesn't mean we have to despise each other for not agreeing. Let it go. Demonstrate some maturity, instead of just perceived superiority.

Shocking Blu

chase's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Everybody's got their pet peeve-- and their own solutions. Much like backsides, most of them stink.

I suppose if switching to the metric system was completely trivial the US would have done it as far back as [url=]122 years ago[/url]. I guess we'll just need a few more centuries to catch up to the civilized world at this rate...

And describing this as if were a mere "pet peeve" is laughable. A "pet peeve" is something like being upset your roommate leaves dirty dishes in the sink. The US not officially adopting the same basic system of measurements almost literally everyone else who matters on the planet uses and which as Doctor Tyche pointed out likely costs us trillions per year is a national disgrace/embarrassment.

Again all I can say is if we had collectively dealt with this decades (centuries?) ago you and I would have likely been living with the metric system our entire lives and you'd currently have nothing to whine about as far as this subject goes because you would have never known anything different.


I have a set of tools in shìzhì, for example. Tell me, when is the last time you've ever worked with the shìzhì system?

People are creatures of habit. Those clinging to the Imperial System are doing so not out of any inherent value to it, but because they are used to it. Change is scary. I purposefully forced myself to use Metric in order to push that habit onto myself, making it far easier for me to work with the rest of the world. My wife still groans that I drive under the speed limit, because I keep instinctively thinking that the MPH is KPH and that all of my thermometers are in centigrade.

You've done better than me- a few years of driving overseas in US-made (military) vehicles at least had me adept at handling MPH/KPH but much of the military left me in a messy jumble. Distance for range calculation and land nav is often measured in km, but driving distance is referenced in miles- as is fuel consumption. All our blasting calculations took inches or feet of an item to id the lbs of TNT, but the safe blast radius was meters.

Of course, "messy jumble" is the army in general, but it seems to apply to most of the US industry in general. The constant re-investment in equipment using imperial parts makes it ever more expensive to transition over. At least in code and software systems, we can make a clean transition without worrying about stripping parts, but we still manage to foul things up when that code's applied to the real world (remember this?: )

Fireheart's picture
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Well, the internet is still

Well, the internet is still full of picas, points and DPI, not to mention RGB vs Hex.

I've worked in grains, which are very precise, and in 'ton' which are not (in this usage), as in 'Four ton of hay per horse, per year' and a 'flake' is variable. Also 'hands', which does have an official definition, even though everyone's hand is different. Then there's the old 'crap-ton' which is what you get after the horse is done with the hay.

There are a lot of traditional measures that people cling to, despite the presence of international units.

Be Well!

doctor tyche
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I still enjoy messing with

I still enjoy messing with people over the word Ton.

"Do you mean Imperial, Metric, Displacement or Freight?"

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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And there is no reason to

And there is no reason to assume a look-down-the-nose approach to them for that, anymore than they should hold it against others who use the metric system. And NO ONE should be FORCED to convert to a system because "everybody's doing it." If America was about "everybody's doing it", we wouldn't have had a Constitutional Republic. We would have had a Monarchy-- just like "everybody else" in the world at the time, particularly all the "World Powers". To each their own. And if the Standard vs. Metric debate causes a lot of expense, it's far from the only thing, or the most pressing, or easily fixed.

Shocking Blu

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I have the weather and GPS

I have the weather and GPS (SatNav to some) on my pocket communication computer set to use metric. It helps me stay flexible.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Flexibility is good. That's

Flexibility is good. That's why gymnasts are so popular.
Oh, BTW... will there be any direction concerning naming of characters? I mean, you can't afford to have someone running around with a character named "Captain America" or "Luke Skywalker" (especially now that Disney, with their Legal Department bigger than some medium-rank nations own Star Wars and Marvel), but will there be some guidance on allowable names? For instance, could someone have a character named Prince Roger MacClintock, or Ash (based on either "Army of Darkness" or "Pokemon"). Would a character named "Iron Maiden" be disallowed, in deference to the '80s heavy metal band? I mean, to some degree, common sense should apply, but it often doesn't. I assume thought has been given to this, and perhaps there was even an update regarding it that I missed, but I would be interested in what the trend in thought is.

Shocking Blu

avelworldcreator's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

Very excited. What time is that Twitch again?

Hopefully tonight at the earliest once we make sure that there was no standing issues. Our standard time right now is:
4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. US Hawaii-Aleutian Time
5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. US Alaskan Time
6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. US Pacific Time.
7:00 P.M to 8:00 P.M. US Mountain Time
8:00 P.M to 9:00 P.M. U.S. Central Time
9:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. U.S. Eastern Time
10:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. U.S. Atlantic Time
2:00 A.M. to 3: A.M. P.M. Greenwich Mean Time (next day).

I may be misremembering by one hour.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

avelworldcreator's picture
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We will disallow copyrighted

We will disallow copyrighted/trademarked names when "fair use" is not applicable. We will respond to formal complaints by organizations holding intellectual property rights and notify the player accordingly. I don't think there is much more we can do about that particular problem beyond those steps.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

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For those asking about the

For those asking about the scale I'm quite sure we can set a user preference and recalculate the labels accordingly.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

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Just for the record the U.S.

Just for the record the U.S. is [i]technically[/i] metric as all our units are defined using the metric system. Also if you drive in England they still use miles for distances between places (I know that from personal experience).


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Then that's perfect.

Hey, was a bit tired when I replied to you last. I grasp that the range and degree of control of the sliders is more than a little overwhelming. We will be creating presets and I have an idea I hope that is doable that will go beyond that if the team agrees. Sorry to just drop a hint and run but that's all I have at the moment without some approvals. CoX used a preset system if you recall for faces and such. I'm a code monkey and not much of an artist :D

Well, as for sliders, good general presets are useful. In CoH, though, I rarely used them. I'd just pick the heroic face and then start tweaking.

However, CoH had a lot fewer sliders than CoT is offering. With all of those numbers, I would definitely like to be able to save and apply presets in sections. For instance, I could build a face that I like and save it. I could build/use/apply some basic body presets and save them separately from everything else. I could use my preferred presets to build a character model and then kill an hour playing with costumes. Finally, I could assemble all of these 'save points' together into a live character and actually start playing much faster than if I had to tweak all of those sliders every single time I wanted to make a character.

Perhaps a friend has built a face that I really like. They might share a preset file, which I could then use as the basis for my next creation. So I might have access to not just the basic presets created by the Devs, but a small library of personal presets and preferences. I certainly don't want to have to tweak a hundred sliders every time I create a character or a costume!

I genuinely appreciate your joining the 'conversation' with us eager users, Avel. I find that sharing ideas sparks more ideas and (when it doesn't make a mess) that can lead to amazing art.

Be Well!

I really want to make sure sharing of templates is possible. That's why I set all the sliders to have a numeric input field. In my original color picker I also did similar for color selections. Remember City of Heroes had a unified costume option for their supergoups. I want to make sure we can do that as well.

I also want to make sure you can save presets. City of Heroes also did that. Ideally I want to make sure you can do that in a way that saves on your server account so it's portable in case you change machines. I know FFXIV is weak in that respect.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

avelworldcreator's picture
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I forgot to mention we are

I forgot to mention we are contemplating different backgrounds for the creator as well as props. At this point we are just using a simple background for development, testing, and demonstration. I'm not sure if the background will be a flat, 2D one, or an immersive 3D experience. Our early designs were 3D if some of you recall the prior videos.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

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Avel, I have a hypothetical

Avel, I have a hypothetical question:

The hypothetical version of the CharGen you hope to get by "the middle of this year" (June?), will it have Props? And/or Power Customization?


doctor tyche
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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

Avel, I have a hypothetical question:

The hypothetical version of the CharGen you hope to get by "the middle of this year" (June?), will it have Props? And/or Power Customization?


Props, yes. Power Customization, no.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Lord Nightmare
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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

I forgot to mention we are contemplating different backgrounds for the creator as well as props. At this point we are just using a simple background for development, testing, and demonstration. I'm not sure if the background will be a flat, 2D one, or an immersive 3D experience. Our early designs were 3D if some of you recall the prior videos.

Nothing wrong with a minimalist design. CoV’s basic red and black gradient was all I needed for years.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Huckleberry's picture
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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

I forgot to mention we are contemplating different backgrounds for the creator as well as props. At this point we are just using a simple background for development, testing, and demonstration. I'm not sure if the background will be a flat, 2D one, or an immersive 3D experience. Our early designs were 3D if some of you recall the prior videos.

I really like how FFXIV did it. Not only are there different backgrounds, but there are different light sources, and you don't know the difference that makes until you see it

While it seems as if providing a full environment is not something you desire to provide, I think giving us some lighting options would be nice; such as points, diffused, etc. And allow us to move the light sources around

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

TitansCity's picture
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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:
Radiac wrote:

Very excited. What time is that Twitch again?

Hopefully tonight at the earliest once we make sure that there was no standing issues. Our standard time right now is:
4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. US Hawaii-Aleutian Time
5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. US Alaskan Time
6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. US Pacific Time.
7:00 P.M to 8:00 P.M. US Mountain Time
8:00 P.M to 9:00 P.M. U.S. Central Time
9:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. U.S. Eastern Time
10:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. U.S. Atlantic Time
2:00 A.M. to 3: A.M. P.M. Greenwich Mean Time (next day).

I may be misremembering by one hour.

I think i miss something xD
is there another livestream today ??
(in france, it's #@!$% winter time, so it's one hour more ^^ yesterday i announced 2:00 AM but it was 3:00 am in fact)

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

Avel, I have a hypothetical question:

The hypothetical version of the CharGen you hope to get by "the middle of this year" (June?), will it have Props? And/or Power Customization?


Props, yes. Power Customization, no.

Wwwhhaatt ? June ? i really miss something ! any confirmation for a game release on fall 2018 ?

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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]

Fireheart's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

... will there be some guidance on allowable names? For instance, could someone have a character named Prince Roger MacClintock, or Ash (based on either "Army of Darkness" or "Pokemon")?

I would argue that 'Ash' is a common name, so it would be usable, as long as you didn't go all out, with a big chin and a chainsaw for a hand.

'Prince Roger MacClintock', on the other hand, is much more specific and I feel it should be Reserved for Weber or Ringo to use, as 'Harry Dresden' should be reserved for Jim Butcher. If a copyright holder should register one of their character names, there needs to be a 'this is legit' flag for GM/CS use, to avoid the problems that Mr. Butcher had in CoH. There ought to be a protocol in place to allow the legitimate use of those names by the rights-holders.

I agree that common sense should be a factor and I also agree that MWM should have the right to protect themselves and honor reasonable take-down requests. I also hope that CoT players will demonstrate common sense and avoid blatant plagiarism.

Be Well!

avelworldcreator's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

I forgot to mention we are contemplating different backgrounds for the creator as well as props. At this point we are just using a simple background for development, testing, and demonstration. I'm not sure if the background will be a flat, 2D one, or an immersive 3D experience. Our early designs were 3D if some of you recall the prior videos.

I really like how FFXIV did it. Not only are there different backgrounds, but there are different light sources, and you don't know the difference that makes until you see it

While it seems as if providing a full environment is not something you desire to provide, I think giving us some lighting options would be nice; such as points, diffused, etc. And allow us to move the light sources around

And I believe we have discussed the lighting elements as being controllable by the users too.

So did we. That's one of the reasons we've been thinking about it. No promises of course at this point.

I AM doing other work at the same time but I've been giving this thread a lot of attention since it is about a major release and I'm one of the people behind it's development. Of course nothing is final until that official final release - this is all alpha and beta stuff right now.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

MeSoSollyWan's picture
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

Avel, I have a hypothetical question:

The hypothetical version of the CharGen you hope to get by "the middle of this year" (June?), will it have Props? And/or Power Customization?


Props, yes. Power Customization, no.

Wwwhhaatt ? June ? i really miss something ! any confirmation for a game release on fall 2018 ?

I am just quoting what Avel said from here:

avelworldcreator wrote:
Hero_Zero wrote:

So we get our hands on it when?


The game (beta) release is scheduled for this fall. We [i]might[/i] have the character tool out earlier as part of an alpha release by the middle of this year. We have some legal issues that prohibit us from doing certain things until the game is released as part of our engine licensing agreement. We'll get there.

Edit: It was posted on Page 1 of this thread, TC.

avelworldcreator's picture
Last seen: 21 hours 28 min ago
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I received a little inhouse

I received a little inhouse correction after I posted that. It's mostly right so I didn't bother to edit it. I was intentionally not specific though.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

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Joined: 08/05/2014 - 10:17
Heh, I do all my design work

Heh, I do all my design work in metric. One of my coworkers, anytime he sees a metric reference, swears loud enough for the whole office to hear. We also call him "the Amish" which is weirder because we are an electronics company. >_> My only petpeeve with metric is that there isn't a good abbreviation for millimeters when spoken. You can't call it "mils" because that's imperial. And if you call it "mm" people will get the wrong idea. If there was ever a good reason to drop imperial it's that.

Real happy to see this update. Too bad about the IP's adresses, *puts on tinfoil hat* it's almost like it was sabotage.

Second Chance:
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doctor tyche
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

Heh, I do all my design work in metric. One of my coworkers, anytime he sees a metric reference, swears loud enough for the whole office to hear. We also call him "the Amish" which is weirder because we are an electronics company. >_> My only petpeeve with metric is that there isn't a good abbreviation for millimeters when spoken. You can't call it "mils" because that's imperial. And if you call it "mm" people will get the wrong idea. If there was ever a good reason to drop imperial it's that.

Real happy to see this update. Too bad about the IP's adresses, *puts on tinfoil hat* it's almost like it was sabotage.

If you ever want a Cubits converter to drive them nuts as an April Fools joke, I can recommend one.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Deelon's picture
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Joined: 09/26/2017 - 14:35
So hyped for this! Don’t even

So hyped for this! Don’t even care if the game doesn’t come with freedom units! We all love our imperial power trio of America, Myanmar, and Liberia but you really can’t argue fact that the units are total garbage compared to Metric if you have to do any sort of unit conversions. Imperial makes the math way harder than it needs to.
Also side note, saying the kids will be “forced” to use Commy units makes it sound pretty harsh. It’s already being taught if you take any math/physics class, it’s not like they plan on forcing everyone to immediately learn and speak some ridiculous language like Canadian or something.

Radiac's picture
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So when is the Twitch stream,

So when is the Twitch stream, if there is one now?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

warcabbit's picture
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Twitch is up.

Twitch is up.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

jtpaull's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/27/2015 - 15:00
I am so confused. It seems

I am so confused. It seems like everything in the video and everything in the twitch we've seen before. Maybe a few different sliders in the character creator this really the huge update? I all other twitches from Avel, the majority was the same screen for minutes with a background noise of him typing. I thought we were going to seem some kind of update. Most of the options shown to us still only had less than 5 options. I realize it isn't "done" but MWM has been hyping this for so I the only one who was expecting to see a little more of the actual game than what we have been shown so far?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

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jtpaull wrote:
jtpaull wrote: I the only one who was expecting to see a little more of the actual game than what we have been shown so far?

Of course not, but they explicitly told us that we'd see more in April, and Avel explicitly told us he'd be messing with sliders and faces.

Empyrean's picture
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I have never been more

I have never been more positive or more excited about the game than I am right now, and in general I try not to say anything negative unless I think it's important, but MWM didn't do themselves any favors with these last two Twitch streams.

I really feel like MWM is at the point where they need to start making sure they put out quality PR/marketing level material like their Pre-Alpha Chargen video, or else it's better none at all. This amateur hour stuff doesn't instill confidence in people who aren't already very knowledgeable about the project.

I think MWM is past the "casual sneak peek behind the scenes for our peeps" point and needs to look at every single public release as PR/marketing. Because I think they're approaching the point where it is whether they intend or want it to be or not.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

So when is the Twitch stream, if there is one now?

It ended about 1/2 hour ago I'm afraid. We were only late about 10 minutes or so.

Edit: The forums and my browser did something weird. For some reason it appeared that you had asked that question AFTER the stream. I think you actually asked it BEFORE! My apologies.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Shadow Elusive
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Empyrean, you make good

Empyrean, you make good points, and points I've been suspecting the last couple days. We'll have a proper pow-wow internally about it.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Brand X
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Let's just make this easy on

Let's just make this easy on everyone. Everyone start using the metric system and speaking english :p

Cinnder's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

Empyrean, you make good points, and points I've been suspecting the last couple days. We'll have a proper pow-wow internally about it.

I'm really excited about the game also, but I have to agree with Empyrean's points as well. Speaking just for myself, I've never really found much value in the Twitch streams. I don't watch them live because they come on around 2am for me, which is actually good because when I watch the recording I find myself fast-forwarding a lot in search of anything new and significant. If I were watching live I would not feel I was using my time well. I think the only time I've seen anything really important in Twitch that we hadn't already seen elsewhere was when the soft target lock was demoed.

If I had a say on it, I'd vote to scrap the Twitch stream and focus those resources instead on development and making more excellent polished videos like this week's update. I've always argued that every important release of information should be here on the website anyway, with other forms of communication pointing here.

Spurn all ye kindle.

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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
On a separate note, I can't

On a separate note, I can't believe I forgot to ask this immediately:

Does this update mean the problem with integrating the Avatar Builder with the main game has been solved?

Spurn all ye kindle.

Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/24/2016 - 19:10
Let's choose a different

Let's choose a different global language, nice plot twist just when English seems to have secured it. I nominate Finnish.

Or we could all just buckle down finally and choose Elvish (Noldorin, of course - or is it called Quenya?).

doctor tyche
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

On a separate note, I can't believe I forgot to ask this immediately:

Does this update mean the problem with integrating the Avatar Builder with the main game has been solved?

Ironically, the glitch in yesterday's stream was caused by it being integrated with the main game.

So, yes.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

On a separate note, I can't believe I forgot to ask this immediately:

Does this update mean the problem with integrating the Avatar Builder with the main game has been solved?

Ironically, the glitch in yesterday's stream was caused by it being integrated with the main game.

So, yes.

So, yay? :-)

Spurn all ye kindle.
