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Discuss: Pre-Alpha Chargen - Make Anyone

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Shadow Elusive
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Discuss: Pre-Alpha Chargen - Make Anyone

THIS is the update we were hyping. Worth it?

[url=] Watch the update here [/url]

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Wolfgang8565's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/31/2014 - 14:51
Oh man I cant watch the

Oh man I cant watch the videos because im at work but I will as soon as I get home! Im so hyped!

Maybe I should pretend im sick....cough cough


[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]

Dark Ether
Dark Ether's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 16:26
Looking good! I can see that

Looking good! I can see that there are a vast number of possibilities with all the sliders.

The "oops" video was funny as well.

(insert pithy comment here)

MeSoSollyWan's picture
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 07/18/2014 - 00:54
Forget just Detective Baby

Forget just Detective Baby Legs, I can envision an entire precinct of Baby Legs!


avelworldcreator's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 days ago
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It's going to be popping in

It's going to be popping in here as people get home. I'm so glad we can finally show this off!


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 days ago
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Woo hoo -- earlier than

Woo hoo -- earlier than expected! Definitely worth it! I like the look of that mesh-y material on his shoulders.

With all that range in so many sliders, doesn't that cause you folks clipping nightmares with various costume pieces, or does everything scale the same as we see stuff scaling in this video?

I see wee lock symbols by various sliders. Am I right in thinking that once we get one setting right we can lock it down as we continue to experiment with the rest?

And just to confirm what's been said before: there will be a selection of pre-sets to rely on when our sliders just get way out of hand or to use as a starting point, correct?

Last question: any chance we could get a Random button by every individual slider and costume piece selector for those times when we don't want an entirely random character, but are stuck for ideas on only one element?

Thanks for the very specific comments on this video and upcoming ones. That's good communication.

I can actually think of some uses for some of those body types in the second video. :-)

This is some really, really good stuff MWM. Thanks for all the hard work!

EDIT: P.S. Nice, professional intro/transition animations between sections of the video also.

Spurn all ye kindle.

MeSoSollyWan's picture
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

This is some really, really good stuff MWM. Thanks for all the hard work!

EDIT: P.S. Nice, professional intro/transition animations between sections of the video also.

Yeah major props in order!!
Production value of these has increased tenfold!

MeSoSollyWan's picture
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 07/18/2014 - 00:54
Worth noting:

[B]Worth noting:[/b]

Someone on the YouTube page asked about posture, and a dev replied that their goal is to have various "idle animations" for things like that, and aim to add more as time goes on.

Hero_Zero's picture
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So we get our hands on it

So we get our hands on it when?


avelworldcreator's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Woo hoo -- earlier than expected! Definitely worth it! I like the look of that mesh-y material on his shoulders.

With all that range in so many sliders, doesn't that cause you folks clipping nightmares with various costume pieces, or does everything scale the same as we see stuff scaling in this video?

I see wee lock symbols by various sliders. Am I right in thinking that once we get one setting right we can lock it down as we continue to experiment with the rest?

And just to confirm what's been said before: there will be a selection of pre-sets to rely on when our sliders just get way out of hand or to use as a starting point, correct?

Last question: any chance we could get a Random button by every individual slider and costume piece selector for those times when we don't want an entirely random character, but are stuck for ideas on only one element?

Thanks for the very specific comments on this video and upcoming ones. That's good communication.

I can actually think of some uses for some of those body types in the second video. :-)

This is some really, really good stuff MWM. Thanks for all the hard work!

EDIT: P.S. Nice, professional intro/transition animations between sections of the video also.

As the guy who actually coded (not the actual data or the wiring to the character - that was "Geeks") and did the planning on the sliders I can answer your questions (and I'll probably answering them again in the Twitch stream Wednesday - it will be live with little time for me to prepare as much as I'd like).

We have had some clipping in the past but I think we have that licked. Some animations we've find have amusing results though. And idle has the character's hand going into his throat slightly. Not sure if that has a ready solution yet but we'll keep trying.

The "wee lock symbol" is my artwork and code - as is the reset symbol beside it (in fact most of the slider system is based on my code). You guessed correctly on their function. Even the reset button won't work when the slider is locked. The reset option returns the slider to its default value.

There will be a selection of presets. We've even provided several already in the video. I expect this to be improved over time.

We do want to provide for randomization. I can add a per-slider randomization option if the rest of the team approves. It's just artwork and a smidgen of code for me to add to the slider widget. Maybe an hour's work for me at most.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

avelworldcreator's picture
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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

[B]Worth noting:[/b]

Someone on the YouTube page asked about posture, and a dev replied that their goal is to have various "idle animations" for things like that, and aim to add more as time goes on.

I think we have something like 20+ idle animations to choose from. I'm not sure if we will use them all but who knows? We haven't touched that area of the UI design yet. The next step, AFAIK, is working on the colors. We also have on our stack skin and other textures and materials. There might be other things down the pipe that I'm not at liberty to discuss or speculate about - yet.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

avelworldcreator's picture
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Hero_Zero wrote:
Hero_Zero wrote:

So we get our hands on it when?


The game (beta) release is scheduled for this fall. We [i]might[/i] have the character tool out earlier as part of an alpha release by the middle of this year. We have some legal issues that prohibit us from doing certain things until the game is released as part of our engine licensing agreement. We'll get there.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
This is too perfect. Not only

This is too perfect. Not only does a new episode of The Flash come on as I write this, but a new update on the Avatar Builder! Can't wait to see what else is in store in the developing months. The more visual evidence the better. Now to just hope tomorrow I will be home in time to watch the stream live.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 2 days ago
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I note the note of the pre

I note the note of the pre-alpha UI, however, I also see only 9 colors. Now, I have no problems with a 9-color working palette when choosing what colors go where. That seems handy. I just hope that there will be a way for us to choose what colors go on that palette from a Much larger pool?

I don't insist on 16-million shades, but 256, or 1024, or a few more would be handy. Just so we don't all end up the same color, right?

Be Well!

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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As noted in the writeup, the

As noted in the writeup, the palettes will be dramatically expanded as development continues

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

avelworldcreator's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 days ago
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

I note the note of the pre-alpha UI, however, I also see only 9 colors. Now, I have no problems with a 9-color working palette when choosing what colors go where. That seems handy. I just hope that there will be a way for us to choose what colors go on that palette from a Much larger pool?

I don't insist on 16-million shades, but 256, or 1024, or a few more would be handy. Just so we don't all end up the same color, right?

Be Well!

Because of bandwidth issues we have had to make a trade-off. I had hoped to have a palette in the million-color range but we are going for 256. The picker you see will still have a low number of favorites with the ability to expand it to a larger palette as needed. At least that's what we've been discussing the past few days. I might still use the color slider tool that we showed off at one point just to make things easier to manage (a grid of 16x16 is pretty large!). But three colors per costume piece is within our limits.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Interdictor's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Great video folks - very

Great video folks - very slick and well-made. As for the subject - I'm really looking forward to seeing more about the possibilities this character generator opens up, and of course 'm looking forward to playing around with it myself! Awesome job all around!

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 days ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
Thanks for the answers, avel.

Thanks for the answers, avel. It all sounds excellent to me.

avelworldcreator wrote:

We do want to provide for randomization. I can add a per-slider randomization option if the rest of the team approves. It's just artwork and a smidgen of code for me to add to the slider widget. Maybe an hour's work for me at most.

That would be a sweet QoL thing if it can be done. In the old game when I wanted a random piece, I had to count all the entries in a drop-down and figure out what sort of die roll would fit that. Come to think of it, you could use an icon of a die for the random feature.

avelworldcreator wrote:

The picker you see will still have a low number of favorites with the ability to expand it to a larger palette as needed. At least that's what we've been discussing the past few days.

This is the sort of thing (along with the comments about pre-sets) that convinces me that MWM is making sure that the large scope of options won't overwhelm folks. Sounds like this game will cater to the full range of players, making it easy to create something quick for those who want that, but also providing tons of extra options for people who want ultimate tweaking. Outstanding!

Spurn all ye kindle.

Jets's picture
Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
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Wow awesome!!!

Wow awesome!!!

[i][size=20][color=blue]Random Words[/color][/size][/i]

avelworldcreator's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 days ago
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Thank you. That's literally

Thank you. That's literally our goal. And, yes, a pair of 6-siders is actually what I had in mind for the graphic (or something similar). If I did a d% or similar I'm sure I'd be just confusing. :p


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Atama's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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This is exciting. The

This is exciting. The character looked great and I love all the options you have.

I’m now tempted to make T-Rex-Man, a hero with powerful legs and a huge head but teeny tiny arms and hands.

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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Joined: 09/13/2013 - 01:24
It's great but I want to

It's great but I want to stress something. I'll summarize like this:

Freedom to create gnomes --> It's OK
The player creates a gnome by mistake --> It's NOT ok

There is a great need to put a meter (always visible), a measure, a shadow showing the normal height for the majority of npc, or the average value or some "named height sections" or whatever could clearly tell the player if your character will be considered "giant" or "tall" or "average" or "short" in game. Your decision how to do that.

I don't fear the quantity of players willing to create giants or gnomes, I'm sure they won't surpass the 50% of the population which is fine (imho) since the game will be full of npcs too.
The issue comes if the majority of players creates monsters on mistakes and not because they want to, because I'm pretty sure the majority of players are lazy and won't correct the mistakes, they won't restart the game and the character by re-creating it because they wanted a Superman and got a Puck (Alpha flight, shorter than Wolverine) or Giant-man and they just discover that by talking with the first 10 npcs.

Also I don't want to create the character 10 times because I need to play the game first, to get an idea of the correct height to reproduce based on the npcs I will meet at begin.

- Easy to correct (you just need to put some shadows or lines or named sections of the height).
- Great impact on immersion and credibility of the players mob and of your character compared to npcs.

Redlynne's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Is the music done by Hellwreckage? Because I'm starting to pine for something akin to [b][i][url=]THIS PAGE[/url][/i][/b] that can be dumped into iTunes to give us a "sense" of the world you're inviting us to come inhabit next year. Be nice to have an online library of [b]TITAN MUSIC[/b] that can be added to piecemeal over time when Hellwreckage finishes up work on pieces hosted somewhere here on the site.

There's word of mouth ... and then there's word of music ...

Posted that on [url=]22 February 2017[/url].

Still waiting ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2013 - 20:15
That looks incredible. Very

That looks incredible. Very nice. The range of options looks pretty astounding. Not up to date on current AAA games but this is very promising.

Hoping there will be some good non-human options eventually. I think it's been said after release but I'd love to play with all sorts of body types and critters.

The mention of tails and wings sounds super fantastic. One of the best things about CoX was the ability for a low level character to fly and have nice wing animations to go with it so you could just fly around the beautiful islands and chat.

Great work! Congrats on all the progress so far.

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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ThunderCAP wrote:
ThunderCAP wrote:

It's great but I want to stress something. I'll summarize like this:

Freedom to create gnomes --> It's OK
The player creates a gnome by mistake --> It's NOT ok

There is a great need to put a meter (always visible), a measure, a shadow showing the normal height for the majority of npc, or the average value or some "named height sections" or whatever could clearly tell the player if your character will be considered "giant" or "tall" or "average" or "short" in game. Your decision how to do that.

I don't fear the quantity of players willing to create giants or gnomes, I'm sure they won't surpass the 50% of the population which is fine (imho) since the game will be full of npcs too.
The issue comes if the majority of players creates monsters on mistakes and not because they want to, because I'm pretty sure the majority of players are lazy and won't correct the mistakes, they won't restart the game and the character by re-creating it because they wanted a Superman and got a Puck (Alpha flight, shorter than Wolverine) or Giant-man and they just discover that by talking with the first 10 npcs.

Also I don't want to create the character 10 times because I need to play the game first, to get an idea of the correct height to reproduce based on the npcs I will meet at begin.

- Easy to correct (you just need to put some shadows or lines or named sections of the height).
- Great impact on immersion and credibility of the players mob and of your character compared to npcs.

Mmmh, I just noticed the "height chart" button, I guess that's what I was asking to, good.
(it's a toggle apparently and I guess is fine... but still imho it's better if the height was visible by default and disabled by pressing the toggle, not the opposite, the reason is always the lazy peoples mistakes)

I'd suggest also a vertical "sign/line" on the average/default lenght of arms, average/default distance on the eyes, etc. (or a little button you click at the end of each bar, to put that specific customizable part back to default value). That would be of a great help when you changed those and decide to get those back to default.

avelworldcreator's picture
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ThunderCAP wrote:
ThunderCAP wrote:

It's great but I want to stress something. I'll summarize like this:

Freedom to create gnomes --> It's OK
The player creates a gnome by mistake --> It's NOT ok

There is a great need to put a meter (always visible), a measure, a shadow showing the normal height for the majority of npc, or the average value or some "named height sections" or whatever could clearly tell the player if your character will be considered "giant" or "tall" or "average" or "short" in game. Your decision how to do that.

I don't fear the quantity of players willing to create giants or gnomes, I'm sure they won't surpass the 50% of the population which is fine (imho) since the game will be full of npcs too.
The issue comes if the majority of players creates monsters on mistakes and not because they want to, because I'm pretty sure the majority of players are lazy and won't correct the mistakes, they won't restart the game and the character by re-creating it because they wanted a Superman and got a Puck (Alpha flight, shorter than Wolverine) or Giant-man and they just discover that by talking with the first 10 npcs.

Also I don't want to create the character 10 times because I need to play the game first, to get an idea of the correct height to reproduce based on the npcs I will meet at begin.

- Easy to correct (you just need to put some shadows or lines or named sections of the height).
- Great impact on immersion and credibility of the players mob and of your character compared to npcs.

You might have missed it but we have a control that that puts up a scale. Some people don't want it "always visible" apparently so we made a toggle. It's there though, and it works. We haven't messed much with a per-user settings system but it should be on our list.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

avelworldcreator's picture
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Ah! I see you posted almost

Ah! I see you posted almost as soon as I did. Some of the values you suggest might be highly subjective so we have confined ourselves to a simple numeric scale.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

avelworldcreator's picture
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Kassandros wrote:
Kassandros wrote:

That looks incredible. Very nice. The range of options looks pretty astounding. Not up to date on current AAA games but this is very promising.

Hoping there will be some good non-human options eventually. I think it's been said after release but I'd love to play with all sorts of body types and critters.

The mention of tails and wings sounds super fantastic. One of the best things about CoX was the ability for a low level character to fly and have nice wing animations to go with it so you could just fly around the beautiful islands and chat.

Great work! Congrats on all the progress so far.

I miss my wings and tail too. We haven't forgotten.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

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Is the middle of each bar the
avelworldcreator wrote:

Ah! I see you posted almost as soon as I did. Some of the values you suggest might be highly subjective so we have confined ourselves to a simple numeric scale.

Is the middle of each bar the default value?
That would work too, the player won't take long to notice the default value is always set at the middle of each bar and that would be easy to re-default something when needed.

WolfSoul's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 08/26/2013 - 09:41
Looking good! Can't wait to

Looking good! Can't wait to get my hands on it!

avelworldcreator's picture
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ThunderCAP wrote:
ThunderCAP wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

Ah! I see you posted almost as soon as I did. Some of the values you suggest might be highly subjective so we have confined ourselves to a simple numeric scale.

Is the middle of each bar the default value?
That would work too, the player won't take long to notice the default value is always set at the middle of each bar and that would be easy to re-default something when needed.

Depends entirely on each slider but if you read the earlier posts I point out that each slider has a "reset" and "lock" buttons that help you undo or protect you from such mistakes.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Foradain's picture
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Looks great! I too think the

Looks great! I too think the scale or police height lines or whatever should be on by default, but I'll settle for the toggle being easily visible.

Can't wait to get my manipulative members on this game!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Darth Fez
Darth Fez's picture
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Awesome! Bloody good show,

Awesome! Bloody good show, chaps! I already feel a twinge of jealousy at all the cool characters other people will the creating (my skills in that department are rather lackluster).

The one thing I'd hoped to see was hair. Hopefully that will be in the next update, with the ladies.

And hopefully it will be all of the hair!


- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

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Great job! And y'all can expect more positive buzz now that you're at a point where you can begin to crank out the visuals that are all most people really want to see anyway.

To me, what is really exciting about these great visuals is knowing the lore and mechanics that they will overlay.

This game is going to be freaking awesome.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Cyclops's picture
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AWESOME WORK, GUYS! ..........................And right on schedule! Just like you said!
and I will keep you to your can make anyone. I imagine the sliders on the face will be available to players and some artist will make my Raquel Welch and Barbara Eden faces! Please remember the big poofy 60's hair styles! and Jeanie needs her genie hair.

I cannot wait for the first costume contest...and now I can't wait for the 2nd kick starter!


Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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The Nightmare is appeased.

The Nightmare is appeased. The only thing I would add is that on top of the dropdown menu for costume pieces, there also be the classic left and right buttons like in the old game. Also "prebuilt" costumes from sets. I actually used that feature for brainstorming alt looks.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Hyperbolt's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 09/20/2015 - 13:33
Now that was an update! Thank

Now that was an update! Thank You Guys So much! Now I'm Hyped. Can't wait to make my characters come to life in Titan City.

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Fire Away
Fire Away's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 09:05
Congrats on a stable chargen

Congrats on a stable chargen backend and a decent video. Add me to the number looking forward to a hands on experience. Can I hold you to the "...years to get here but a lot less than that to finish." remark? I think for my own personal sanity and for avoiding the danger being less than a positive force to this effort, I am going to walk away from following the daily activities on this forum and on Twitch for at least six months; or maybe even until later in the fall. That isn't much time in comparison to Kickstarter until now. You can thank me for making this move later ;) . This way I will be able to marvel at the rapid progress you have made to reach beta and become a business enterprise rather than throw rocks. Tick tock guys, tick tock.

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/25/2016 - 21:30
This is a very well done

This is a very well done update, both in what it shows and how it shows it. I am very pleased with the avatar builder's options and layout from what I can see.

A quick question, is the model shown in the update the final aesthetic or is there still some shaders to be added?

Fireheart's picture
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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:
ThunderCAP wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

Ah! I see you posted almost as soon as I did. Some of the values you suggest might be highly subjective so we have confined ourselves to a simple numeric scale.

Is the middle of each bar the default value?
That would work too, the player won't take long to notice the default value is always set at the middle of each bar and that would be easy to re-default something when needed.

Depends entirely on each slider but if you read the earlier posts I point out that each slider has a "reset" and "lock" buttons that help you undo or protect you from such mistakes.

Okay, but the numeric values in each slider do not necessarily translate well, in terms of 'size'. Proportion and 'size' are subjective, as you say, however, having some objective Scale, such as 'height-lines' helps inform that subjective sense. That way, I will have a way of knowing/measuring/judging how well my subjective size-changes translate into the results that I desire.

Be Well!

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:

This is a very well done update, both in what it shows and how it shows it. I am very pleased with the avatar builder's options and layout from what I can see.

A quick question, is the model shown in the update the final aesthetic or is there still some shaders to be added?

We'll be refining shaders right up till launch, and likely even after.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

avelworldcreator's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:
ThunderCAP wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

Ah! I see you posted almost as soon as I did. Some of the values you suggest might be highly subjective so we have confined ourselves to a simple numeric scale.

Is the middle of each bar the default value?
That would work too, the player won't take long to notice the default value is always set at the middle of each bar and that would be easy to re-default something when needed.

Depends entirely on each slider but if you read the earlier posts I point out that each slider has a "reset" and "lock" buttons that help you undo or protect you from such mistakes.

Okay, but the numeric values in each slider do not necessarily translate well, in terms of 'size'. Proportion and 'size' are subjective, as you say, however, having some objective Scale, such as 'height-lines' helps inform that subjective sense. That way, I will have a way of knowing/measuring/judging how well my subjective size-changes translate into the results that I desire.

Be Well!

We are stuck with numbers for space reasons on the sliders. How we [i]label[/i] specific values, what meaning we give them, is what is personal and subjective; numbers related to proportion and size are absolutely objective. It can even vary with the same person depending on their mood and such. "Oh, it's only a mile away." "Dang! That's a mile away!". No, we are absolutely not going to put a ruler next to every part.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

We are stuck with numbers for space reasons on the sliders. How we [i]label[/i] specific values, what meaning we give them, is what is personal and subjective; numbers related to proportion and size are absolutely objective. It can even vary with the same person depending on their mood and such. "Oh, it's only a mile away." "Dang! That's a mile away!". No, we are absolutely not going to put a ruler next to every part.

Ah, no, I wasn't requesting that fine a measurement. I'd simply like to see how tall my results are. If I design a Dwarf and he turns out 'five feet tall' when I was going for 'four feet tall' and I can't Tell until I take him 'live', then that will be very annoying. It's an issue I had with CoH, where, in the Character Creator, all characters appeared the same size and you had to trust that you had set the height of the model correctly because that was on a separate Page.

Be Well!

Shadow Elusive
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No, we have a height scale

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Fireheart's picture
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Then that's perfect.

Then that's perfect.

Be Well!

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Thank you for this. It's

Thank you for this. It's rather exciting because it makes it feel like "Wow! This is really happening!" I would say "I can't wait," but clearly I can. I'm just glad that the wait seems to be drawing to a close, and what we have been waiting for is going to be so worth it! :)

Shocking Blu

DesViper's picture
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I'm stoked, but tbh on the

I'm stoked, but tbh on the trailer, I feel like we're in an unhappy medium between dense with a lot of info and sparse with focus on few details. More stuff in the same time or less stuff in more time would be better.

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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

As long as NPCs aren't all 7 feet tall like in City of Heroes, this will be perfect. :P

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Brainbot wrote:

This is a very well done update, both in what it shows and how it shows it. I am very pleased with the avatar builder's options and layout from what I can see.

A quick question, is the model shown in the update the final aesthetic or is there still some shaders to be added?

We'll be refining shaders right up till launch, and likely even after.

Thank you. Personally I am hoping you go a little more stylized and a little less realistic.

Nos482's picture
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(No subject)


[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

Scott Jackson
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All solid progress, and the

All solid progress, and the presentation quality & on-time delivery of that video is commendable. Hope this is a sign of increasingly reliable communication about development status...if so, it makes our "job" much easier when showing off the game to our contacts who we think will want to buy and play.

I also look forward to having more time to look at the features being demo'd during the next livestream.

[Edit] I see the date for the stream, but not the time. Please add that to the banner as soon as possible to help those of us who might need to juggle our schedule a bit.

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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

What units will that use? Could we have a setting for both Metric and Imperial? I can't really what's super tall or not in feet, but I know centimeters pretty well.

That would be nice for the whole game, actually, now that I think about.

doctor tyche
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McNum wrote:
McNum wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

What units will that use? Could we have a setting for both Metric and Imperial? I can't really what's super tall or not in feet, but I know centimeters pretty well.

That would be nice for the whole game, actually, now that I think about.

The engine itself is in metric.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
McNum wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

What units will that use? Could we have a setting for both Metric and Imperial? I can't really what's super tall or not in feet, but I know centimeters pretty well.

That would be nice for the whole game, actually, now that I think about.

The engine itself is in metric.

Yay Metric! I'm not really all that familiar with yards or miles, so games that use them may as well tell me it's 40 thurbims away.

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
McNum wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

What units will that use? Could we have a setting for both Metric and Imperial? I can't really what's super tall or not in feet, but I know centimeters pretty well.

That would be nice for the whole game, actually, now that I think about.

The engine itself is in metric.

Huh, didn't actually know UE was in Metric. I kind of assumed it was in some generic units or something, not sure where that came from.

I do like what I see here and I look forward to trying it out. And to see what amazing things/utter abominations other people can make with it. So many sliders is just inviting hopefully intentional body horrors.

TitansCity's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

And why not like in FF14 which allow you to put your character in a specific landscape context ?
That could be a really great thing !
I wanna try it in a street, in a room (or the orbit room :D), in a forest... just let me choose between some (maybe 3 or 4) pre-loaded backgrounds through a selector :)

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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]

Myri's picture
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There seems to be a problem

There seems to be a problem with the Avatar Builder, I can't seem to find the download button :p

Well done folks, hands on can't come fast enough!

Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die.

Protect the pack kid, no matter how much it hurts. If everyone else in the pack is safe, you can carry on or die knowing you've done your duty. - Fanfiction

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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

And why not like in FF14 which allow you to put your character in a specific landscape context ?
That could be a really great thing !
I wanna try it in a street, in a room (or the orbit room :D), in a forest... just let me choose between some (maybe 3 or 4) pre-loaded backgrounds through a selector :)

My guess is that it has to do with them wanting to offer a stand-alone character creator. It's one thing to have the Character Creator access the character files, it's another thing entirely to have it support an "in-game" style location to test your costumes out in (even a very small one).

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awesome update. i really like

awesome update. i really like what i see so far of the chargen, can't wait to get my hands on it.
and looking forward to seeing more if it :)
also very glad to hear confirmation that everything is so far on schedule, can't wait for that beta :)
it's really exciting to see this kind of progress, keep it up and thank you for all your hard work.
i just have a little question:
would we also have a master randomize button so we can randomize everything at once and not go item by item?

TitansCity's picture
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OathboundOne wrote:
OathboundOne wrote:
TitansCity wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

And why not like in FF14 which allow you to put your character in a specific landscape context ?
That could be a really great thing !
I wanna try it in a street, in a room (or the orbit room :D), in a forest... just let me choose between some (maybe 3 or 4) pre-loaded backgrounds through a selector :)

My guess is that it has to do with them wanting to offer a stand-alone character creator. It's one thing to have the Character Creator access the character files, it's another thing entirely to have it support an "in-game" style location to test your costumes out in (even a very small one).

Maybe not an In Game location but at least some preset environnements to load ? even if they have not extreme details in it but just few elements to consider the size of the character in some environnements like in front of a building door, next to a tree in a lansdcape.
They probably could integer the character in a basic landscape :)

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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]

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As i'm on vacation (it's

As i'm on vacation (it's school holidays in France), i expect myself to follow the twitchlive :) with coffee of course since it will be on evening in France. But, i would like to know if we could have an approximate hour of broadcast so as to convert correctly in our time zone (and, of course, spread the news in the FR communuty ^^)

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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]

Kiyori Anoyui
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Now I don't feel so bad about

Now I don't feel so bad about being bummed last week, because this update was perfect! AHHHHHHH!@!$!%!

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

We are stuck with numbers for space reasons on the sliders. How we [i]label[/i] specific values, what meaning we give them, is what is personal and subjective; numbers related to proportion and size are absolutely objective. It can even vary with the same person depending on their mood and such. "Oh, it's only a mile away." "Dang! That's a mile away!". No, we are absolutely not going to put a ruler next to every part.

Ah, no, I wasn't requesting that fine a measurement. I'd simply like to see how tall my results are. If I design a Dwarf and he turns out 'five feet tall' when I was going for 'four feet tall' and I can't Tell until I take him 'live', then that will be very annoying. It's an issue I had with CoH, where, in the Character Creator, all characters appeared the same size and you had to trust that you had set the height of the model correctly because that was on a separate Page.

Be Well!

I recall that well- I'd make a "kinda short" heroine just to find her barely reach the navel of fellow "normal height" players... or a "normal height" character that towered over doorways at mission entrances. It was easy to go to the extremes in the editor, but tough to find a good middleground.

Still an excellent update, and very promising. Makes me a bit nervous regarding the hardware I'll need to render a raid-level population clustered together at that level of detail but my PC is long overdue for an overhaul.

Cinnder's picture
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dvirbl wrote:
dvirbl wrote:

would we also have a master randomize button so we can randomize everything at once and not go item by item?

Oh yeah, I was just foolishly assuming we would have a master Random button when I asked for individual buttons, so I'm glad you have asked.

McJigg wrote:

As long as NPCs aren't all 7 feet tall like in City of Heroes, this will be perfect. :P

Yes, please let us avoid repeating that.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Mordheim13's picture
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Metric, huh? That'll be a

Metric, huh? That'll be a little rough for me, then. I understand 6 feet tall. Centimeters, no clue. A meter is roughly equivalent to a yard (3 feet), so a "3 meter tall" person is roughly 9 feet, but trying to visualize a character by a metric description would be nearly impossible. Guess I'll just have to guess and pray.

Shocking Blu

Cinnder's picture
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If only there were some sort

If only there were some sort of device, say a 'computing' device, that could convert from one unit to another. And if only there were many, many free software applications, let's call them 'apps', that one could download onto a handheld device, which also make these sorts of conversions... :-)

Spurn all ye kindle.

Ellscry's picture
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Well that got the heart

Well that got the heart pumping just a bit quicker.

Mordheim13's picture
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Why is it that the person who

Why is it that the person who said they didn't understand Imperial didn't generate such a snide asinine response? One which assumed a smartphone that downloads apps? One that says "If you don't do things like I do, YOU need to adjust"? Particularly given that I was not in any way saying it needed to be done MY way, simply that I would have more difficulty using it than people who understand metric. And people say AMERICANS are snooty! LOL

Shocking Blu

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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

If only there were some sort of device, say a 'computing' device, that could convert from one unit to another. And if only there were many, many free software applications, let's call them 'apps', that one could download onto a handheld device, which also make these sorts of conversions... :-)

Love the sarcasm, keep it up.

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Mordheim13's picture
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Yep. It beats acceptance all

Yep. It beats acceptance all to hell. If someone doesn't do things exactly like you, to hell with them.

Shocking Blu

Cinnder's picture
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I don't normally think in

I don't normally think in metric either. I plan to take my own advice and convert when needed. Though remembering 2 meters is roughly 6 feet is not all that difficult. And it certainly requires neither guesswork nor prayer.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Lord Nightmare
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I mean to be fair, CoH used

I mean to be fair, CoH used meters for certain measurements (like distance to mission instance). If I ever needed to see how tall to make X character, it's not that hard to just do a quick google search.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

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notears's picture
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I like that I can give him

I like that I can give him stumpy little baby arms.... I like that a lot....

not my video just one I lke ===>


termyt's picture
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I mostly lurk on the forums,

I mostly lurk on the forums, but I have to say I am impressed. A lot of the fun in CoH was just making characters. I don't know how many I made but then never played much. Too many to count. This looks like it takes CoH to the next level (and well it should, right?). Can't wait to get my hands on it.

Fireheart's picture
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About 30 centimeters to the

About 30 centimeters to the foot. I'm pretty sure that most educated Americans can manage basic Metric, but... well, I'm usually too lazy.

Be Well!

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McJigg wrote:
McJigg wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

As long as NPCs aren't all 7 feet tall like in City of Heroes, this will be perfect. :P

When I complained to the CO devs (back when they existed) about Sapphire being Zdeno Chara-sized in the Anniversary event, they explained that they made NPCs oversized so they’d be visible and clickable in a crowd. Maybe if there was an interaction zone around the NPC with a “press F to talk” prompt, you could mitigate that.

Twitter: @SisterSilicon

Fireheart's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I don't normally think in metric either. I plan to take my own advice and convert when needed. Though remembering 2 meters is roughly 6 feet is not all that difficult. And it certainly requires neither guesswork nor prayer.

Yes, having basic 'rules of thumb' for conversion is easy enough, but one does need to make sure they're not too rough since 2 meters is closer to 7 feet than to 6. (6'8") Whacking your head on the low door-jamb can hurt, if you forget you're taller than average. *smile*

Be Well!

Lord Nightmare
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SisterSilicon wrote:
SisterSilicon wrote:
McJigg wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

No, we have a height scale you can toggle in and out of sight, and may possibly include a few props on a similar toggle for context.

As long as NPCs aren't all 7 feet tall like in City of Heroes, this will be perfect. :P

When I complained to the CO devs (back when they existed) about Sapphire being Zdeno Chara-sized in the Anniversary event, they explained that they made NPCs oversized so they’d be visible and clickable in a crowd. Maybe if there was an interaction zone around the NPC with a “press F to talk” prompt, you could mitigate that.

There is in CO which makes the choice to have oversized NPCs even more confusing.

I personally like the old "right click, double click, or target and click in a dropdown menu to interact" that is so prevalent in early MMOs and cRPGs.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Lost Deep
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You know, at a glance at the

You know, at a glance at the UI, it's looking really good. Maybe make the sliders longer, and obviously stuff like adding more pre-sets and colors, but the base UI design on the sliders looks really neat!

The only thing that I would change at a glance is the font on the sliders, to something a little more spaced out. Other than that, the panels ARE dark enough to allow while text (something I've seen UIs mess up on before) and the gradient and color choices look good!

Under Construction...

Mordheim13's picture
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At least height/distance

At least height/distance conversions are pretty simple. Weight, on the other hand... "He only weighs 30 Kilos." Sounds like Greek to me. If it's important, I'll look it up, but mostly I just ignore it and gather what I need to know of the weight from context.

Shocking Blu

Hero_Zero's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I don't normally think in metric either. I plan to take my own advice and convert when needed. Though remembering 2 meters is roughly 6 feet is not all that difficult. And it certainly requires neither guesswork nor prayer.

Except that it's closer to 6.5 feet which is a pretty big difference.


Dztblk's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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Totally worth it! I like the

Totally worth it! I like the range in the sliders. I sometimes like making really odd toons. Maybe somebody wants to make a tank named Slappy McSlappyHands or something.It looks like it could be done. Brilliant! I'm so itchy to play! Keep up the good work.

Beeker's picture
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Awesome update and terrific

Awesome update and terrific presentation. Good to know you are positive about your schedule for Fall. Your hard work is really starting to pay off. This is an update I'll pass on to friends to get them hooked :-)

Mordheim13's picture
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And all these odd-shaped

And all these odd-shaped toons should make for great roleplay.

Shocking Blu

Mordheim13's picture
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Interestingly, I like the

Interestingly, I like the "fat" option that was demonstrated. This is because in CoH one of my toons went through a pregnancy, and it took a bit of playing with the generator to make her look pregnant. This will have the provision right away, it seems.

Shocking Blu

doctor tyche
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Interestingly, I like the "fat" option that was demonstrated. This is because in CoH one of my toons went through a pregnancy, and it took a bit of playing with the generator to make her look pregnant. This will have the provision right away, it seems.

Cabbit insisted we have it. Took a *lot* of work for it to look right.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

KnightMask's picture
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Well we appreciate ol

Well we appreciate ol WarCabbit because it makes it possible to have some really innovative and creative toons. Im so blown away and excited to get my hands on the chargen and see what novel concepts I can come up with. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!! This is just more justification that MWM is THE successor we have been waiting patiently for. Looking forward to the twitch and all the info.



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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Interestingly, I like the "fat" option that was demonstrated. This is because in CoH one of my toons went through a pregnancy, and it took a bit of playing with the generator to make her look pregnant. This will have the provision right away, it seems.

Cabbit insisted we have it. Took a *lot* of work for it to look right.

All hail Warcabbit, and you for agreeing. I can't possibly be the only one with that RP idea, plus some might like to play a less well-sculpted Hero or Heroine. Something like "Uncle Marvel" of the old Marvel Family. LOL

Shocking Blu

Lord Nightmare
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I fully expect Fanboy homages

I fully expect Fanboy homages

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Mordheim13's picture
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Peter from Family Guy as a

Peter from Family Guy as a hero-- or, more appropriately, Villain.

Shocking Blu

Radiac's picture
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Very excited. What time is

Very excited. What time is that Twitch again?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
