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Hi there Peregrine! Glad to see your peregrinations bringing you back to the Real Super-hero game. Don't be a stranger!
Be Well!
stranger? nah. just went into "lurker mode" given it's gonna be a good long while till this one comes out. we need some multibillionaire to be a gamer and be willing to dump loads of cash into this game so it can be done faster! heh
[b]Ms. Majestic[/b]
[b]White Peregrine[/b] (wip)
Pretty good sense of proportion and perspective, there, WP!
I'm blaming perspective for the faint sense that his legs are too skinny, compared to his arms... and perhaps a smidge too short. Yeah, it must be Perspective!
Be Well!
this part?
Or he skipped leg day!
[b]White Peregrine[/b]
it is indeed an attempt at a lil perspective and not another amputee hero.... :p
[b]St. Aegis[/b] wip
going back to the all black suit with white straps and silver metals. needs to work on the hair..makes him look a bit on the youngside as it is now. in CoH he was a dark/shield scrapper (which worked really well, imo)...I always "envisioned" him more of a martial artist who had the ability to generate the energy shield and/or various energy melee weapons, primarily a spear, as needed. he is the catch all...alien supersoldier cyborg.
perhaps I will make him my youngest hero...hmmm....need to think this one out.
Dunno, might be the jawline that makes him appear youthful, rather than the hair.
Be Well!
Whoa! This is an epic piece! I am just blown away.
Stuff like this make great characters come alive!
yeah, it's one of my favs for sure. alex has done a number of pieces for me but this one really stands out. he's a breeze to work with and prices are quite reasonable too. :)
I can't recommend him enough!
...speaking of...I should get something done by him sometime soon.
[b]Lionseye[/b] wip
[b]Citenik and Lionseye[/b] [I]wip[/I]
Ms. Majestic, White Peregrine, Citenik, Lionseye and St. Aegis [I](characters from left to right)[/I]
this is what I have been working on slowly. figured I would share what I am looking at.
need to eventually add in whiteperegrine's wings. need to redownload some fonts, lost em all when I built the new rig, so the one in place is really just a place holder for the font I want to use (see the original group shot I did way back when). need to work out scale better. need to clean up all the pics and colorize. need to work on the empty space a lil more and overall balance of image, undecided if I want to stick in the "welcome to titan city" bit. undecided if I want to include Crosshart and Astrogate.
[I]added wings. shuffled a few things around. copied over the font I want from the original group shot.[/I]
liking it more an more as I go along and things are starting to fall into place. no plans on adding either crosshart or astrogate at this time but that could change depending on if the mood strikes me. I dropped a filter on it (hence the contrast) as I often will set things I am working on as my desktop. the pic is a lot loarger than what is presented...I want to say its around 4k in width...I don't recall off hand. the "plan" is to get it really polished up and possibly drop onto a real poster...28" or so in width. but there is a lot I need to do between here and there.
oh, I purposely greyscaled the titan city backdrop. the final pic will be all in color though. :)
Now see! That looks like a hero team shot much better than what we've seen!
So now you need to do those poses with whatever the CoT Hero team is named! :)
heh. well, that is unlikely given they are apparently unsure who the featured team is gonna be. due to the unknowing aspect on their part I have actually lost all drive for making any sort of fanart using their characters. not a huge loss, if at all really, but it does take away some of the fun I was trying to have while the wait continued.
as such I'll work on my own, and some others, as the mood strikes.
color check.
added starfield to Ms Majestic. made White Peregrine's wing transparent. added flare to the eye of Lionseye.
It's a treat to watch the developments and tweaks and different artwork versions along the way. I'm also picking up a lot from everyone who has commented, too. I'm no visual artist by a long shot, and it is cool to see examples of how the artwork develops. I like to read about the different styles and methods other artists have mentioned (directly or by implication), too.
Thanks, Peregrine!
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
I find enjoyment in sharing my thought process on what I am doing along the way. also makes it possible for suggestions to happen while everything is still in process as someone else may see something I missed. :)
some major changes.
as the idea behind this whole exercise is to make an actual poster I changed it up a bit. actual dimensions of the pic is 22" x 25"
need to update the "standing" version of St. Aegis to reflect his current shoulder harness set up. I used the old version as merely a stand in to get a better feel for what I am looking at.
So, who are the Freelancers, what are their abilities out of an MMO, well I see them as the following (the basics of what they can do):
[b]White Peregrine[/b]
Think cross between Jean Grey and Cerebro. Telepath/Telekinetic with the ability to find minds anywhere. The range of this Mind Scan (ref: champions pnp: Mind Scan) is roughly the size of the US.
Think colossus, except with a slightly lower starting strength but with the ability to absorb kinetic energy and convert it to physical strength with no known upper limit. In theory, he could rival the Hulk in overall strength. Also has the ability to fly, but rarely does so.
[b]Ms. Majestic[/b]
Think Binary (Carol Danvers) but she prefers to get up in peoples faces. Ability to fly (also has FTL capability when in space), does not need a space suit. In terms of raw power (energy), she is the most powerful of the group (well, actually her brother Astrogate would rate higher but he's not pictured here :p).
[b]St. Aegis[/b]
Think cross of Capt America/Cyborg/Capt Mar-Vell. Augmented alien supersoldier.
Think cross of Destiny/Black Widow. She is obviously one of those super agent types but also has the ability to see the future. This ability is limited in time though (roughly 5 minutes or so max).
White Peregrine and Citenik originated over 20 years ago now from pnp (Marvel Super Heroes and Champions). The other three came about during CoH.
More than likely I will start an SG in CoT using the name of Freelancers (works given most of them will remain there's that whole art angle...heh). Whether others join, no clue but I suspect it will remain small given I am not the most active recruiter in the world. Although I do like the idea of doing up a massive team pic that involves perhaps I'll just spam everyone in the pugs I join.... Heh
annnnywho....felt like blabbing so make of it what ya will. :p
yeah, you should!
Lionseye! that's awesome!
been awhile Alex! very good to see you my friend. :)
...and agreed, I should...scratch that...I WILL!. :)
Glad that you like it! I could have asked you what character you wanted drawn, but that would have spoiled the surprise!
Good to see that you're still drawing, keep it up, can't wait to see more of the Freelancers!
I lurve it...very unexpected and very generous of ya! :)
I have also send a msg to ya about upcoming work I have for ya. :)
[b]Astrogate[/b] wip
need to thin him up a lil. also need to remove most of the pencil lines.
Thanks for posting your art WP! You have a lot of good pieces here. Of all of your art, this one just takes the prize.
May the wings of liberty never lose a feather
most of the stuff is my own...but that one is by Alex at I have a buncha stuff by him and another one the way. :) I highly suggest looking him up if your looking for some work yourself. he is extremely reasonable in price and a breeze to work with and the art itself is top notch.
I have a bunch that I have not posted here but were posted back on the CoH boards by a number of other artists. the one above though is definitely one of my all time favs. :)
I liked part of the harness that I was working on for, given she's not even a definite at this point I opted to steal what I worked on for St. Aegis. :p
updated wip team pic.
[b]Citenik[/b] : [I]final lines with base coloring[/I]
Works for me!
Be Well!
[b]Ms. Majestic[/b] : [I]final lines with base coloring[/I]
[b]Lionseye[/b] : [I]final lines with base coloring[/I]
there is a lot of black on her and while you can't really see em all that well on this pic, there are lighter lines in the black area. when I go back through I will fatten up those lines to give her a lil better definition.
Might switch the black lines in black areas to dark grey lines. Thus we can see the shape and definition without too much strain.
Of course, you wouldn't want to do such to Ms. Majestic's starfield.
Be Well!
the "grey lines" are there...but they are only a pixel wide. when I go back through them all for shading I will fatten up those lines so they are visable. this will pretty much apply to em all given they all have black to some degree or another on them.
regarding Ms Majestic...I actually will fatten up the lines on her as well...but using pure black versus a grey/black. this way the definition is there if you look close enough.
in general just sharing as I go...base pic (drawing)...base pic(???). although...honestly...I always seem to be tinkering with pics for a good pit till I feel it's "right". heh
[b]St. Aegis[/b] : [I]final lines with base coloring[/I]
heh...just noticed some artifact lines from when I was building the shield. obviously those will be removed in the final rendering. :) also of note, I dropped him onto a grey background as on a pure white background you can't make out the shield. pretty durn happy on how they are turning out thus far. have the ole namesake tomorrow. after that it's on to the detail work and shading for the final rendering. huzzah!
finished the namesake a lil bit ago. threw all the basecolored into the pic for a reference. liking how it is coming along for sure. :)
have I mentioned how much I loath highlighting/shading pics?
finished the greylines again so they show up a lil better and have been trying to work on highlights...but it's escaping me at the moment as everything looks pretty cruddy. as such, I scrapped it all and will try again a lil later.
in the mean time thought I would fiddle with the individual characters personal fonts. thus far this is what I am lookin at:
pretty sure I am a "lock" on em all...except for white peregrine, although the one shown is 'basically' what I will be aiming for.
otherwise, I suspect there won't be any major changes here, but I may fiddle a lil with some spacing...or coloring.
final on titles. I like these better, especially with them having color, makes em 'pop' a lil better than pure black.
the various fonts were selected for the attempt to tie into the type of character they are while the colors tie into the individuals costume in some manner. in the end, pretty happy with these and will use em for the forseeable future. :)'s all about the presentation. ;)
Latest commission by FooRay!
very happy with the way it came out...I will get another, by him, of the boys at some point. :)
That is a very awesome piece right there, WP!
Indeed it is, Brand X. :)
...and this is what she looks like if she was a cover for an actual comic...or an approximation there-of. heh
Pure awesome!
May the wings of liberty never lose a feather
Awesome! That captures the essence so well! Really nice perspective shot with the rooftop corner, the characters, the moon, and the cityscape. :D
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
totally unrelated to anything...but it's currently snowin and they are expecting 3-4" of the white stuff. :)
Latest commission by none other than Alex Dai ( :)
and there's more!
[b]A Special Unknowing Guest Star! [I]Brand X[/I][/b]
...and the my comic cover version:
That one I really REALLY like. The wings come off so cool!
Crowd Control Enthusiast
yeah....he's really getting those things down pat. these are my favorite wings I have seen done thus far. :)
Wing melee animations are a must have now! I don't know if he shoots projectiles too.. Angel was my fav orivinal X-Man and I hated Archangel's 90s-ization
Crowd Control Enthusiast
heh...artistic creative license. wp is basically a TK/PSI. wings are normally just window dressing...but makes sense if he was using the TK portion of his abilities to deflect an attack and he subconsciously used the psychic manifested wings to do it. feathery flechette assaults.
I liked angel for the imagery, but as a character he was kinda ho-hum to me. probably why I made WP waaay back when (over 20 years ago now)...wanting a winged fella who was a bit more...ermm...capable and cool. leastwise, I think he is (on both accounts)... :)
O.O OMG! OMG! OMG! SO AWESOME! Also my new desktop background!
heh...glad ya approve. ...although, don't ask Alex to do any chains anytime soon. LOL
I wondered if artists hated chains. :) But it just shows how much we need a chain set in CoT at the very beginning :)'s right up there with the ever popular nunchaku. [I]*looks around for TMP to show up at mention of the "N" word*[/I]
so obviously I have been playing around with art and placing it in a comic cover style. at this time I am still kinda puttering around with the basic format but I think I am narrowing in on the final 'base' framework. the title and such are purposely a lil small as I believe that the art should be enough to draw in readership. if you have "eye catchin" art chances are a random person will pic up the book over cruddy art but a really big title. ...that's the reasoning at least. :p
so, last one for a bit...back to issue one. it's really a redue/recomposition with the core team (with St. Aegis finally updated to reflect his harness correctly) for the comic format.
I plan on keeping a runnin number on all the covers I do which is shown on the cover in an understated way...typically in the upper left. I'll also update as new members choose to join up, if ever. me, myself and team evaaah! heh
I know...booooring...[I]"...but we want new art durn it!!!"[/I] I hear ya...but what ya see is what ya get here in the ole "greetings from the white peregrine". :p
Shhh...I need all the help I can get! Also...CO started off with chains >_>
[b]Lord Sovereign[/b]
this is the ole Hunted of white peregrine back in the days of champions (pnp)...he usually kicked my ass, unless the team happened to be around. think darkseid/evil superman (minus the aversion to a rock from his homeworld) and your on the money. his suit needs updating, it was pretty plain the very least I need to do some tweakin.
updated Lord Sovereign. although I may bring back the chain on the cloak....dunno. also, his glowy eyes and clasps on the cloak typically glow, I was just lazy and didn't drop the flares in. :p may switch back to the purple cloak...kinda liked it but though I would try going red with purple being used for the boots and jacket.
I like the first costume better, but think he needs the second one's full mask and bigger gold mask.
agreed. although I did keep the basic suit design as originally it was literally just a black body suit. I prefer the idea of him wearing a jacket and such. the below is just a quick fix in pain itself. the cloak itself is effectively thrown back over shoulders to show the body. also showing with and without flares.
really quick update of Lord Sovereign floating sans flares.
Jacket seems fine. Looks a bit silver age to me. The mask I would say try without the jaw part added on.
Jaw-bit makes it look a bit Iron-Man meets Dr. Doom. Not that that's a bad thing, but it may distract by being familiar.
I like the Jacket under Cloak. It might be good in dark red, but the black on black is an elegant fashion statement. Gold accents on jacket, perhaps?
Be Well!
[b]Brand X[/b]
I'm good with a silver age feel/look, it's effectively when he was developed. In regards to the mask, I tried it initially without the jaw line but then it just looked like a hocky mask.
I can see that and I am honestly ok with it. In regards to the jacket and the gold accents...maybe...I'll need to see if I can add anything I like.
cleaned up version with base colors to get a better idea what he would look like without the pencil line artifacts. (with and without flares)
added a touch of gold to the chest around the purple slats that run down his chest.
white peregrine is having a really really bad day.....
I am not afraid to have my characters shown in jeopardy. I think it adds to the overall concept of the character...while "hero" shots are cool...I kinda like the reverse as well. in this case a badly beaten up and unconscious wp. he won't die though given the team will save em...if just barely. (becomes more of a standoff with the team and LS...he opts to leave as he gets bored from being denied his "prize")
I considered going completely doom and gloom route (teaser cover that is always worse than the actual pages) of the team in a heap around LS but changed my mind. I may do it at some point...but I like this a lil better for what is actually happenin in the pages versus pure cover work.
so the thought is this will include all the current members of the team. dunno if I can get it to fit decently in a 11"x17" frame...but I am gonna try.
* needs to put some wear an tear on wp suit.
* need to consider reduing LS legs...the seem small
* input SA hiding behind shield as LS is blasting him....down on one knee I am thinkin.
* C and L running up from behind and MM flying all powered up
* need to work on perspective...use city street or something else with a buncha linear lines to give better idea of the horizon line.
* need to decide if I want to do another version of C runnin or just cheat and use the one that's done. rather not have another runnin so probably just cheat.
Always wanted to get a Brand X is beaten commission, but haven't found an artist yet who's style I like and also willing to draw a shot up Brand X (she's regenner with supernatural bullets wouldn't bounce off, they'd go through)
One day though!'s needs the right tone in the art to carry the weight of what has happened. I have even gone as far as doing the ole "Death of" but will take a certain style to pull if off correctly. admittedly, I haven't looked all that hard as there are tons of pieces I would like to get before hand...but I may just bite the bullet at some point and start a serious search to get the piece done.
in the mean time, I will do what I can to satisfy the itch...
Hmmm, I remember a series of pictures with Feral Kitty getting stomped...
Found it! The series is 'Eight Lives Down'
Be Well!
now....that's a collection of character art. always enjoyed seeing her post new pieces that she had commissioned.
regarding the death thing...wp is a nine lives for him. he has one chance to make the world a better place and he's willing to sacrifice his life if need be.
Very nice! Love seeing the whole team on it.
another one by Fooray. this time featuring the boys.
[I]cover version[/I]
thanx. :)
have to redue the cloak on LS. it was eatin up to much page. far as who all is on the cover, it's all the members currently. heh
going to put Cit up in the air, he actually can fly, probably straight on flight ...semi same location....maybe a lil bit higher. leastwise that is what I am thinkin atm.
Doing that, it'd allow him to get shown a bit more than he is currently I would think. :)
[b]Brand X[/b]: it does and it doesn't. either way, I like it how it is coming together. :) I need to fix hair though, specifically on SA and L. Once that is done I will move into linework basecoloring.
thinkin I am going to put ms majestic back in her original mask piece from CoH. the forehead piece that had a lil pointy part that came down between the eyes. need to put something together to see if I prefer that with her new look. upside being opens up her face completely...downside...I hate drawing faces as they all look relatively the same but I suppose that is what commissions are for. heh
what I am looking at with her old "mask".
hate drawing faces...always seem come out the same. blah. but at least it is something I can deal with...I'll just have to use reference faces for what I am looking for when I commission future pieces for her. heh although honestly, still kinda up in the air on whether I want to make that change moving forward. decisions decsions...
Comic book faces DO tend to be a bit homogenous. It may be simply a facet of the genre and not a flaw in your ability. However, I will note that Bobby A., when working on commissions, often asks for real-person references to help establish what the character's face should look like. It might help you to consider such questions, which might help establish how those 'same-ish faces' could be more different.
Be Well!
I've often noticed artists, even ones who are consider the best and greatest, that a lot of their faces look the same. Nebezial (Stjephan Sejic) of DA and professional comic book artist does it. So many of his female faces look the same, so much so I had even asked if one of his pics was a character dressing up as one. :p
That said, I think she needs a mask. Just looked better, but I'm sure you can change it up if you don't like what she had before.