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greetings from the whiteperegrine

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whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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greetings from the whiteperegrine

just thought I would post something up saying hello to all. some may or may not know me but I am whiteperegrine, formerly of CoH until I went homeless for a place to hang in my free time. well, that is I was homeless till I stumbled upon this lil place that is. :) it's good see to see you all and I have been browsing the works that have been posted and it definitely brought a smile to this old mans face. :) I look forward to seeing more and I suspect I will be wandering about here for a good bit.

...for art stuff that I am in the mood for sharing, line work I did for three of my ideas. I cheated though and did them separately and then overlayed in GIMP. not to mention I did this a couple years back...I did some color work on whiteperegrine and citenik but shadow lynx I still haven't done anything with. ah well, perhaps I will just do this one up at some point. who knows. LOL

anywho, suppose I will go make some dinner, be safe out there! :)


Lord Goat
Lord Goat's picture
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Welcome home fellow Hero!

Welcome home fellow Hero!

I sure do know that homeless feeling. I was feeling the same way until I found my way here!
It got me back into coloring and posting with friends just like back in the good old days.
Can't wait to get back into the game.


ChristopherRobin's picture
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Heya White Peregrine. Welcome

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Heya White Peregrine. Welcome to the best part of the forums.
I remember you from the old forums and I think we teamed in-game by accident a few times.
Don't remember you posting drawings or having a art thread in the 606 though, were you holding out on us?

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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*waves enthousiasticly*

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] *waves enthousiasticly* Welcome home!
Nice drawings! I like! - just so you know... it's not cheating when you're combining (your own) drawings [img][/img] -

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Goat: indeed, ready here to.

Goat: indeed, ready here to. Although i have to admit that in have been puttering around in CO lately given i have been needing a 'fix'. I'm glad i found this lil haven though, seems nice and I already know a few folks from the ole boards. Makes me a happy camper.

CR: best part of the forums? Wait, you mean there is another area other than the art section!?! Lies!!! ;)
Indeed, we did run into one another on a couple of occasions in game and of course on the ole forums as well. I rarely posted anything I did but posted everything that was done for me, whether via commission or freemium gifties. :) I will possibly post a few things my needing to hammer down the look of St. Aegis and Lyonseye. Otherwise I probably just reshare some older pieces here, I dunno, we'll see.

DD: thankee for the enthusiastic welcoming! :)
I suppose it's not...i tend to do that a lot with my own stuff since it's pretty static in posing. This lends easily to combining for group shots and, I get lazy and find its easier...shhh...don't tell anyone. *whistles innocently*


whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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ok, in the sharing mood

ok, in the sharing mood suddenly. a few pieces that's all older.

first up we have very first hero I ever made or played dating all the way back to the pen an paper days of the original Marvel Super Heroes game. He was a brute in COH to represent his ability to absorb kinetic energy and convert it to physical strength. Once they allowed the archtypes to cross sides he jumped to the blue side faster than a fat kid eating a twinkie...

he never really had a costume persay...they above is his default look. I have played around with a costume in CO which I kinda like but unsure whether it will last. we'll see.


whiteperegrine's picture
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next up, Crosshart. he was

next up, Crosshart. he was my archer in COH only. his look pretty much never changed although I have toyed with some other costumes for him none of them really "took" and he always ended up back in the above.


Lord Goat
Lord Goat's picture
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Nice pics, hope to see more.

Nice pics, hope to see more.


whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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lastly we have the White

lastly we have the White Peregrine himself. he is my second oldest hero. he originates also from the ole pen and paper days of Champions! his abilities are basically tk and other various mentalist abilities. his wings are generated via psychic energy whenever he flies and as such they are transparent.

his look hasn't really changed over the years other than some subtle shifts. he has always sported the peregrine as shown though. the belt buckle has changed a number of times...still haven't really settled on how I want it to appear. In COH his costume was pretty much nothing like the above but then it's not like I could import custom costume parts. same goes for CO where I have him currently when I feel the need for a 'fix" of being a hero.


ChristopherRobin's picture
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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

............................ In COH his costume was pretty much nothing like the above but then it's not like I could import custom costume parts..........................

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Oh I don't know... *glances at sig*
Do you remember any female faces with golden eyes?

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Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
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Another familiar face Welcome

Another familiar face Welcome. I used to be Gideon_B in the CoH forums. Nice to see more o0lder faces I recognize from my time in the CoH Art forums. :D

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Tiger's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:43
Hey WP, the art looks great!

Hey WP, the art looks great! :)

Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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whiteperegrine wrote:

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Oooooh!!! Pretty drawings! I sure hope you'll consider doing collabs at some point! Collabs are scary at first, but always turn out to be awesome![/color][/b][/size][/font]

whiteperegrine wrote:

DD: thankee for the enthusiastic welcoming! :)
I suppose it's not...i tend to do that a lot with my own stuff since it's pretty static in posing. This lends easily to combining for group shots and, I get lazy and find its easier...shhh...don't tell anyone. *whistles innocently*

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] [img][/img]. I think a lot of artists do that... combining drawings. They may look great as a group, but then, you can use them seperately too! Win-Win if you ask me! [img][/img] Nothing lazy about that either... cuz then.. you'ld be calling me lazy too!.. Oh wait... I can be quite lazy indeed *giggles*.

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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CR: golden eyes? naah..

CR: golden eyes? naah...although one could make glowing eyes...but the 'glow point' was actually just beyond the eyes. then there were a couple auras that could simulate glowin eyes. thata said though, nothing like you sig that I recall. client side mod?

Gideon: hey there strager! it is good indeed to see yet another familiar face here. definately cements my willingness to stay put. :)

Tigger: thanx. :)

DD: collab? I have already thought about it. mainly on the coloring side as I would like to get better on that portion of the fence. my coloring at this point is pretty basic and really nothing more that flat witth a smidge of shading/highlighting/lowlighting etc. while I don't mind hwat I am doing I would liike to improve as good coloring can really make a pic "pop.' once I see something that catches my fancy I will probably just snag the pic quietly and then repost it with my version once I complete it.

heh I wouldd like to think most people do the layering of multiple figures given it is easier to draw them seperately and then combine. I find I also like to fiddle with various filters on the entire pic. some work, some don't but the right filter can change the 'feel' of a pic.


ChristopherRobin's picture
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Yep. The wings may have been

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Yep. The wings may have been a challenge to get right but the custom chest emblem would've been simple to do.
I had a logo for one of my SG's and I put it on capes, chest pieces... even weapons and shields.
Great for screenshots and playing with friends whom you give the file to.

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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nice! didn't have any SG

nice! didn't have any SG associations so it woulda just been me seeing it so in the end not as much fun for the effort. I mean, what's the point of changing if no one else actually sees the change? if I had a steady SG association...then sure, I most likely woulda been on it like white on rice.

I could see the costume being pretty simple, wings woulda been a lil tougher though to be sure to get them as envisioned. actually..the angel wings they had woulda been fine if I could have made them transparent. I don't remember offhand what I did for wings though..I think I used the energy wings when they came available...but maybe not. given, only time you saw them on my character was when he was flyin...yay macro's!


whiteperegrine's picture
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Lionseye made it into CO

Lionseye made it into CO earlier today. her look varies wuite a bit from how she did in COH but I think I actually like it a lil better.

concept normally doesn't sport a sniper rifle but wanted to give her something with a longer range in CO than just her pistols. you can kinda see the rifle peaing over her shoulder.


whiteperegrine's picture
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I have been struck by the

I have been struck by the hero bug, thanx to this site, as such I have been spending some free moments tooling around CO with some of my fav toons from COH. the thing is, given the differences in the character generator I can't really get a match. this in turn is both good and bad. on the bad side...I miss the original looks I came up with and was happy with. the good side is that it allows for character exploration regarding looks. again, this has its ups and downs for obvious reasons. I can waste an hour easy just piddling around in the generator just working on a hero's look....I am far from the best at costums but it works for me and I suppose in the end that's all that really matters.

the latest to get the CO treatment was St. Aegis. in COH he was a scrapper who sported the ole energy shield. his look was nothing amazing really and pretty dull really. Black suit with some white highlights (including his hair and his energy shield). in making the jump to CO though, there is no option for white as a color on powers...not to mention there is no real shield powerset. the closest one can get to a shield is in the mentalist powerset. as such, he has morphed slightly to fit the frame work of CO. in addition, I had to change from white to a gold/orange given powers cant be white. I like colors to match somewhat across the board vs a rainbow of colors on a toon...seems more complete.

as such, he now looks like this:

I am relatively happy with it but I really need to sit down and hammer out his look with pencil an paper. of course this just means he will never be able to be truly represented in any game but I'm ok with that.


Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
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You now, Icon is still open,

You know, Icon is still open, virtually, and updated for I24, too.,174.0.html

Be Well!

Darth Delicious
Darth Delicious's picture
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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

collab? I have already thought about it. mainly on the coloring side as I would like to get better on that portion of the fence. my coloring at this point is pretty basic and really nothing more that flat witth a smidge of shading/highlighting/lowlighting etc. while I don't mind hwat I am doing I would liike to improve as good coloring can really make a pic "pop.' once I see something that catches my fancy I will probably just snag the pic quietly and then repost it with my version once I complete it.

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Good! That's what [url=]Collab Central[/url] is there for! [img][/img]
Just don't snag the picture quietly... please mention it in the thread, so other artists know that there's a newer version coming and won't change/color/shade (whatever they want) the picture [img][/img], it's confusing when several artists work on the same piece at the same time [img][/img]
I learned a lot doing collabs [img][/img]. Others can see things you don't, or use splendidly chosen colors in a way you'ld never think of, it's fun AND a learningprocess! [img][/img]
I hope we'll get to collaborate at some point [img][/img]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

ChristopherRobin's picture
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No need to use CO you can get

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] No need to use CO you can get the costume creator from City of Heroes. It's called Icon and you just need a copy of the launcher and the game (if you still have your CoH install great if not go grab i24 from saveCoH) and you can have all your heroes just the way you remember them.
You can also fly around all the various zones with your heroes (though they are sadly empty) and even go explore the new zone Kallisti (no not Khaleesi ) Wharf that was soon to be released had the game not been shutdown.

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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yeah, I know about Icon, I've

yeah, I know about Icon, I've had it for a good bit now. thing is, kinda depressing in that I can't actually play with my toons other than look at them. its definitely a keeper for sure but only for concept work really. I like to play what I make so I have wandered over to CO until COT is up an running which could be a good while yet and this hero needs to be a hero.

in compairing the two though, COH is a much better character generator, imo. CO aint bad but its just not COH. I niss COH...still makes me a sad hero knowing its gone. :(


Foradain's picture
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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

...and even go explore the new zone Kallisti (no not Khaleesi ) Wharf that was soon to be released had the game not been shutdown.

Kallisti? How discordian!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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here is/was my scrapper. he

here is/was my scrapper. he originally used a single blade but I switched him to titan weapon as I really liked the energy sword. the blade was originally a glass blade but I made is a wraith blade upon the switch. the quick background:

Keles, the Asgarthyr Gryphon. a Vanir who committed crimes against the Aesir ages ago and was sentenced by Odin to work for Freya. She recently sent him to Midgard to assist the heroes there against ever rolling tide of 'evil' and corruptness. He has fought in hundreds of battles and given his sentence he is unable to die until such time odin believes he has atoned for his crimes. as such he is heavily scarred. currently wields the Wraith Blade, a powerful artifact from the age of darkness which has granted him numerous superhuman abilities in additions to just being a Vanir.

the below is a quick scetch Alex (of images by alex) did for me ages ago, pre-titan weapons. alex has actually done quite a few sketches for me...good fella. he really needs to find this place if he hasn't already. heh


ChristopherRobin's picture
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Yeah it saddens me whenever I

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Yeah it saddens me whenever I fire it up too but it's still the best tool for screenshots.
It's what I used to remake Twizded's Darkavia ref. It's also fun to fly the skies over
Paragon from time to time... I just pretend I'm on my way to a door mission.
One that's really far away.

Foradain wrote:

ChristopherRobin wrote:
...and even go explore the new zone Kallisti (no not Khaleesi ) Wharf that was soon to be released had the game not been shutdown.

Kallisti? How discordian!

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Somehow related to chaos or the worship of Eris?

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Oh Alex is well aware of this place. I've sent PM's, notes and emails to most every artist that
used to be on the CoH forums. I often send friendly reminders as well. Some are on the fence, some
are lurking and others are waiting until there is a game to try first. I'll keep working on them though. ;-)

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


Foradain's picture
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ChristopherRobin wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

Foradain wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

...and even go explore the new zone Kallisti (no not Khaleesi ) Wharf that was soon to be released had the game not been shutdown.

Kallisti? How discordian!

Somehow related to chaos or the worship of Eris?

"ti kallisti" ( τη καλλίστη, although [url=]some sources[/url] have it as just "kallisti" or "καλλίστῃ") or "to the fairest" was the message written on the golden apple Eris tossed in amongst those other goddesses after she wasn't invited to the wedding ^_^.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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good to know that alex is, at

good to know that alex is, at the very least, aware of this lil gathering point. hopefully he decides to pop is at some point. :)

speaking of, here is another piece by Alex that he did on commission of the ole White Peregrine.

...I have been thinking about tracking down someone to do a commissioned piece of WP pretty well trashed, costume partially destroyed, bleeding, etc, but still in the 'fight'. it would be nice to have all spectrums represented other than just the 'hero' shots. :)


whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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redrawn in ICON. she's

redrawn in ICON. she's sctually showin skin now, although kinda like the leg holsters from CO. thinkin I may work on her with some paper and see what I can do to fix some things to get more in line with what I am thinking for her. on a side note, she is one of the few rare female toons I have ever made and actually lasted, I tend to stick to what I know...unless a really good idea springs to mind.


ChristopherRobin's picture
Last seen: 8 months 6 days ago
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Nice look on Lion's Eye.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Nice look on Lion's Eye.
As for Alex by all means pop over to his DA page and tell him we've landed here too if you like. [/color][/b][/size][/font]
[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
Sidenote: This is the top I would've suggested you mod
to get WP chest detail (minus my SG's logo).

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]
It would be easy to round off the vertical line into the falcon head shape and to thin and
slant the horizontal white lines. Color the sleeves solid blue and presto. :-)

Foradain wrote:

"ti kallisti" ( τη καλλίστη, although some sources have it as just "kallisti" or "καλλίστῃ") or "to the fairest" was the message written on the golden apple Eris tossed in amongst those other goddesses after she wasn't invited to the wedding ^_^.

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] I'd forgotten the actual words on the apple and just
remembered their meaning. Thanks for the extra context Foradain.

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 06/19/2014 - 14:49 assume I have any assume I have any talent towards modding digital content. I assure you good sir, I do not. I have just enough knowledge to destroy anything I would be working on. ;) I suppose I could actually learn how and it's probably not all that hard, but it's a lil low on the ole priority list. especially now that COH is no more. perhaps I will look into it once COT is up an running. :)

in other news, been using the ole pencil and paper last couple days and finished the working linework for Lionseye. there are some things that are still not set in stone but here it is none the less.

I need to look at adding a lil detail to the wrist and leg bracers. torso suit design, what lil there is of it, needs something a lil more too, perhaps a redue completely. belt also needs another look. hands, feet and lips hate me, but they will do. next up a quick coloring to get a better feel.


whiteperegrine's picture
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quick basic coloring of

quick basic coloring of lionseye to get a "feel" of how she will look. also allows me to see more on changes that need to be made. like the bracers on the lower legs. thinkin those will go away.


ChristopherRobin's picture
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She's looking good so far. :)

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] She's looking good so far. :)

[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]


Bobby Aquitania
Bobby Aquitania's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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Hope you don't mind, I played

Hope you don't mind, I played with it a little...


whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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cr: thanx. I am relatively

cr: thanx. I am relatively pleased with how she is coming out thus far. :)

ba: no worries! looks great! definetly helps actually, allows me to look at some items that I want to work on for the final. :)


Tiger's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:43
Looks cool, I loved my Dual

Looks cool, I loved my Dual Pistol characters! :)

KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

ChristopherRobin wrote:

Foradain wrote:
ChristopherRobin wrote:

...and even go explore the new zone Kallisti (no not Khaleesi ) Wharf that was soon to be released had the game not been shutdown.

Kallisti? How discordian!

Somehow related to chaos or the worship of Eris?

"ti kallisti" ( τη καλλίστη, although some sources have it as just "kallisti" or "καλλίστῃ") or "to the fairest" was the message written on the golden apple Eris tossed in amongst those other goddesses after she wasn't invited to the wedding ^_^.

And that's why she's always invited to my parties XD

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 06/19/2014 - 14:49
tigger: I enjoyed her a good

tigger: I enjoyed her a good bit in COH, loved the various animations. :) hopefully they pop up in COT as I would love to port her over there as one of my mains. :) other news, I hate blending/shading/what have you. major pain and takes fooorreevveerr... and even with the time spent looks nothing like the bit bobby did. why I tend to stick to flats with only a hint of shading in my own works. lol I have been playing on a test image to see if I could duplicate but that's not working so well. thinking I am missing something in the process. thinking I may need to surf a lil and see whats out there for guides. anywho...I suppose I should get back at it...not gonna learn anything sitting here avoiding avoiding it all. :p


Bobby Aquitania
Bobby Aquitania's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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What program are you using?

What program are you using? Does it have layers capability?

I did your piece about 90% in a new program called Mischief...


It's very affordable at just $65, and gives regular free updates, not to mention, your license will work on both a mac and pc, so if you have both machines, download both trials and activate the same license on both. That's what I did for the wife and I, as she's primarily a Mac user for her vector art, and I am the PC person in our house.

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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I'm a cheap skate...just

I'm a cheap skate...just runnin with GIMP here. given I don't really focus on my art work never saw the reason to go and drop money on a editor. GIMP works for the most part I suppose though. currently just cleaning her up before I really dive into the shading aspect. given it was scanned from pencil work I have a bunch of artifacts that need to be cleaned out for the most part for the flats. from there is on to the hard stuff.


Bobby Aquitania
Bobby Aquitania's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 11/01/2013 - 12:02
K, I'm gonna download that,

K, I'm gonna download that, and write up a tutorial...

EDIT: Wow! GIMP is NOT intuitive. I mean I get some of the things working in there. But it's definitely a learning curve. I haven't seen this many buttons and choices since I first learned Paint Shop Pro.

I'm having a little tough time finding a brush I like using...

And the layers works completely the opposite of Photoshop. Everything goes up and over the bottom, instead of under from top to on down. Also you keep having to switch from the menu from brush to brush... Not that I don't do that in Photoshop, but for instance... I like the INK tool, but I hate the Pencil one. And for just base coloring, that's a whole other nightmare.

I know this is free, but for $65, Mischief is so much more user friendly. It may not have a ton of brushes, but the brush variety there is easier to deal with: Pencils LOOK like pencils, INK looks like ink, and their airbrush coloring tool is so much more attractive for lack of a better word.

I mean Photoshop can't be beat, but I use Mischief a lot more than I thought I would. At first I only liked it for Ink.

I will keep plugging away at GIMP, but I can't imagine you guys liking this thing. It's a beast.

whiteperegrine's picture
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I wouldn't actuall say I like

I wouldn't actuall say I like but it is free so it provides a a service that is extremely useful it is indeed a lil bear to deal with. no worries on the tutorial. I'll figure something out so no need to waste your time working on it, but I really do appreciate the thought. :)


whiteperegrine's picture
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finished the flats section

finished the flats section after cleaning up the pic, I obviously used bobby's changes as I liked em. :p the clean up and flats took around four hours I suppose. on past images I would scan the pencil drawing in then effective trace all the like work using a fine 'pencil', then I would delete the scanned image. this effectively removed all artifacts that come with a hand drawn image and leaves the pic with nice clean lines to work with. it's time consuming to say the least but it works, for me at least.

this time around though I didn't do that and tried leaving the original lines. I colored in the flats sections closer to the lines I want and basically colored over all the artifacts that I didn't want. the 'idea' being that I will see if I can use the artifacts for me when doing the blending/shading. first up will be blending of the lines where needed before I get back into the larger sections of shading (like what bobby did earlier). after all that is generating a background, dropping her into it and then finally adding the lighting effect for her eye and pistols.

anywho, he is where I am at the moment. I actually already started on blending tor the lines, which you can see in the torso area. otherwise its pretty much where I stand at the moment. I am not everly concerned about artifacts on the white sections as I plan on blending them which should dirty it up a smidge versus being pure white...that's the theory at least, we'll see how it goes. LOL

...oh, the original that I am working with is roughly 3 times larger than this.

actual size:


Bobby Aquitania
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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

I'll figure something out so no need to waste your time working on it, but I really do appreciate the thought. :)

Thanks, that was a nightmare and a half... lol

But at least YOU know what you're doing, kudos... it's looking good!

whiteperegrine's picture
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no problem. hehe just

no problem. hehe just imagine how hard it is for relative newbies such as myself looking to use it more in depth! a nightmare indeed,,,wanted to chuck the thing out the window a few times now. lol that said, I "think" I may have found out how to do it. although it doesn't appear to allow a lot of control on the shaping of the shading other than a few simple shapes. either way this is what I came up with thus far using what I have:

a couple things...I find its easier to work with the shading with the background set to's easier on the ole peepers. in regards to shading, not sure what I will do on the legs given I can't really do the long shading bit like bobby did (or, if it can be done I haven't figured it out yet). the basic shape that they have that I have used thus far is a simple radius...I may use it then try smudging it upward to try and simulate the effect. we'll see how it goes. if it doen't work, not sure what I will do as of yet.'s like painting for beginners in here, good news it only my thread that I am cluttering up. hehe


whiteperegrine's picture
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it'll do for now. tired of

it'll do for now. tired of wrestling with it.


ChristopherRobin's picture
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You're making good progress

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] You're making good progress WP.

whiteperegrine wrote:'s like painting for beginners in here, good news it only my thread that I am cluttering up. hehe

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Actually I was wondering when you were going to start cluttering up the collab thread.
You know there are several pieces with the parts you find cumbersome (scanning,
clean up, inks, flats etc) already done for you if you want to practice coloring.

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Fireheart's picture
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CR's ninja, from the

CR's ninja, from the beginning of the thread got cleaned-up by Lord Goat here (, but it still lacks inks and colors. CR supplied flats for DeeDee's drawing here ( but it's still open for further development. And TwizdedSoul tossed some nice pencils into the thread here (

And while I'm doing a survey, I bet CR's eye for detail has him itching to modify the awesome art here ( *grin*

Be Well!

whiteperegrine's picture
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CR & FH: I figure I will

CR & FH: I figure I will grab something from the collab section at some point in the future (near). just a matter of getting a few things done for myself first. once I do that I am pretty sure you see my ugly mug cluttering up the collab section a bit with my attempts at coloring. I may even drop some linework too, but I dunno, kinda like finishing things up myself that I start...I suppose I could drop some linework that I have from a couple artists that I wouldn't mind seeing finished. have a couple in mind alread, one from alex and the other from doug schuler. the down sode to those is that they are really nothing more than sketches so they would need some cleaning up prior to coloring. dunno...we'll see.


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current project Citenik

current project


needs to be cleaned up and some issue fixed.


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You guys may want to look at

You guys may want to look at either [url=]Autodesk Sketchbook Pro ($65) [/url] or [url=]Clip Studio Paint Pro ($49) [/url].

I use both - along with Photoshop and recommend them highly.

Bobby Aquitania
Bobby Aquitania's picture
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Sketchbook is pretty good,

Sketchbook is pretty good, but I find Mischief's brushes and interface to be more user friendly. And not based on knowing the interface too much. You can pretty much see all of it to the left when it loads, and is easy to pick up at first launch. I've also used Manga Studio Pro, which was very good for inking.

I am gonna check out that free trial for Clip Studio Paint, thanks for the link Mike!

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Manga Studio and Clip Studio

Manga Studio and Clip Studio are actually the same program I recently found out. You do get more with the EX versions but it's a lit if stuff I never use.

For pencil work I like to start in PS for roughs and then swap to Sketchbook for details due to the fact I have hand shake from tendon and nerve damage. It lets me control better. I've just started inking in Clip for lines and then clean up in either PS or Illustrator if it's a mockup for work.

I'll do basic colors in Sketchbook as its markers are so close to actual Copic pens.

Then I do my finals for hair or blends in Photoshop. Unless its a UI or something and then if it's an interface do the final vector in Illustrator.

Most of the stuff I do here never gets that far since its just for fun. 99% of my "art" is a button or a widget, maybe a mockup of a tablet or a screen. I started actually drawing people about a year ago with comics styles for storyboards. I don't really do 'art' in the sense I don't really envision something. I have to work from bits a pieces of ideas or faces. It gives an illusion I have talent as opposed to seeing how someone will look and bringing that to life.

there's a layer of soulessness - for lack of a better term - that my stuff will always have no matter what i do because of it. Big part of why Im blown away by the stuff everyone is doing here. Very talented people.

Bobby Aquitania
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Have you ever tried speed

Have you ever tried speed painting? Working at 100% opacity with 1 brush, and just tons of color, lines and texture? It might suit you more. If you zoom into a speed paint, it's the roughest thing you ever saw, but backed away from the detail is amazing. It's all about light and darks at that level. The best speed painters know their surfaces, and how light bounces off everything. It's amazing stuff, I find I could stare at them for hours... and it has plenty of soul, even though a lot of it can be done with references for the color and placing.

Check this out:


And of course most environtmenal pieces are done as speed paintings... here's a very simple one.


here's one closer to our genre...


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I have looked at it in pure

I have looked at it in pure awe. I have done a few things that way but it's nerve wracking for me. To pull it off you really need a good image in your head. I can get bits and pieces and see them and do them, but when brought together they're almost Frankenstein bits. An eye, an arm too large or too small. A torso that stretches forever. Cheekbones that never fit the nose.

When I see things, I see them in great detail but as individual objects. Not as part of the whole even though I see a rough image of the whole. As I said its a visual thing, which I hope to improve with practice. I do one quick sketch a day, every day... Regardless of time, or how I feel. Its allowed me to improve dramatically over the last year, but I've a long way to go. :D

Once my mechanics are solid and I'm confident enough in them I'll start with 'art'.

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I've toyed with the idea that Citenik would wear an actual costume but given he doesn't run with a secret identity never really saw the reason. as such his costume, if you can call it that is nothing more than leather jacket, pants and lightweight combat boots (jungle boots). he wears a mask but that is mostly 'just cause'....not to mention I really suck at drawin eyes. lol not really happy with how the C patch came out, may tinker with it a obviously needs more orange. .... :p


whiteperegrine's picture
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just a small update on

just a small update on Citenik. redid the blacks to be black although when scaling down can't really see the details (what there, that is). thinkin I may need to fatten up the line work a smidge in the blackened areas. otherwise, its on to shading.


ChristopherRobin's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

.................................And while I'm doing a survey, I bet CR's eye for detail has him itching to modify the awesome art here ( *grin*
Be Well!

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] As always it's a matter of time, that and not wanting to go too far with someone else's art
but yeah you're right I was thinking about giving that a go. Got a birthday gift to do first though.

whiteperegrine wrote: not really happy with how the C patch came out, may tinker with it a obviously needs more orange. .... :p

[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Well obviously.

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whiteperegrine's picture
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Joined: 06/19/2014 - 14:49, its days like today, its days like today that I miss COH the most. :/ nothing to do which means a perfect time to play. blah. I tried working on some things earlier but just not feelin it at the moment. so, here I sit...lalalalalala. ....and for the record I prefer Rich Rider as Nova versus Sam Alexander (aka NINO). I guess I could putter around in CO to pass some time. is COT done yet, is COT done yet, is COT done yet? no? crud....


Foradain's picture
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No, but they did a cool

No, but [url=]they did a cool fireworks display.[/url] ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

whiteperegrine's picture
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fireworks indeed. very much

fireworks indeed. very much enjoyed as well. :)

thought I would share another piece from Alex. just another sketch of the ole namesake.


Darth Delicious
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I approve!

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] I approve! [img][/img]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

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whiteperegrine's picture
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just a random thought I am

just a random thought I am playing with. team name is actually pretty boring The Titan Knights. the idea though is that they would be something akin to heroes for hire...without the actual hire for cash part. basically you need a hero, you can call them at 247 (think 911) and they are available for call 24/7. this would relate directly to the players as team members would and could be on at any given point during the day. hence the name of the "comic". ;)

I have to recolorize WP and Citenik though. :/ I did them on a different PC from years ago. blah...but it's something that was bouncing around in the noggin and thought I would share what I was thinkin about.


Fireheart's picture
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May wish to recompose the

May wish to recompose the scene, slightly. This makes Citenik look 10-feet tall?

Be Well!

whiteperegrine's picture
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Agreed. I'll adjust the

Agreed. I'll adjust the final. Thanks for the critical eye Fireheart! :)


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whiteperegrine's picture
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image src="

by Douglas Shuler


Tiger's picture
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I always love Doug's work! (

I always love Doug's work! (^_^)

Mind-Freeze's picture
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Very nice !!

Very nice !!

Fighting Patriot
Fighting Patriot's picture
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Good stuff! Looks very

Good stuff! Looks very angelic

May the wings of liberty never lose a feather

whiteperegrine's picture
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jiminy crickets....if that is a sneak peak at the level of detail in this game I may fall over....


Tiger's picture
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The Unreal Engine 4 is an

The Unreal Engine 4 is an amazing program! And the Avatar App is our secret weapon. Petalstorm, Death Sheep From Hell, and the rest of the art team are busting their collective asses to get it done. This was my first look at their hard work and I am impressed.

whiteperegrine's picture
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join the club! although I

join the club! although I have to admit I am a lil concerned over how the faces will look. in coh it was kinda nice as the faces were generic enough to cover a range and our minds eye was allowed to see what we wanted to see. if the detail level is as high, and I have no reason to believe it won't, then it could actually be somewhat limiting. meaning that if it's to realistic then you'll be somewhat limited in what ya look like given that more detail takes away from what we want to see in our minds eye...if that makes any sense. the good news being that I like masks on my hero's and often I go with something that covers most, if not all, of the subjects face. I mean come on, how can one seriously maintain a secret id in some of the spaghetti masks I see out there...and that's assuming they even where a mask at all....and yet they can still maintain a secret id. puuuhleeeaasee. lol

all in all though, very much looking forward to seeing this one go live...ready to play now but obviously gonna have to wait for a good bit. it's gonna be scarey how much time I expect I will waste just on the character editor when it gets thinkin I may need to upgrade the rig before it goes live though so I can really enjoy it all. by that time I will probably need a new rig anyways, this one is getting a lil long in the tooth.


Tiger's picture
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Their goal is super-hero real

Their goal is super-hero real, but not cinematic console game real. But yes the faces will have about 3X more polygons than CoH but the game will be designed to be used on older computers

whiteperegrine's picture
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should be interesting none

should be interesting none the less and I am still looking forward to playing. after all it's not like I'm not gonna play. heh

in regards to working on older pc's, this is a good thing. I am still planning on building a new pc though, given by that point my pc will be closing in on being 10. not to mention I want to run the game and see it in all it's detailed glory. so about roughly 6 months out from expected release I'll start picking up the various parts so I am ready at release. :)


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Hopefully Santa will be

Hopefully Santa will be bringing me a new computer this year. *<[:0)}

whiteperegrine's picture
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hopefully you've been a good

hopefully you've been a good lil tiger and not like that Hobbes fella....he's a rascal!


whiteperegrine's picture
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new addition to the lil

new addition to the lil adopted kitty. :)
his name...Titan, of course! heh


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Fighting Patriot
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Awesome sauce

Awesome sauce

May the wings of liberty never lose a feather

whiteperegrine's picture
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Astarte, although she went by

Astarte, although she went by Ms Majestic in COH. my only other female toon that actually stuck around in my world of alts. she was my electrical blapper who I really enjoyed...well...other than being really squishy but it definitely kept things interesting. heh the actual idea behind her powers are that her's are similar to her brother (Astrogate) in that she draws her powers from the sun. I suppose I could have made her a tank or brute with the pom poms of doom...but at the time wasn't really a fan of red for her...and by the time customization rolled around I was to lazy to swap her over. lol I envision her similar to wonderwoman but with the pom poms of doom and some ranged capabilities.

Since I made her I had these two names bouncing around for her and still am a lil wishy washy on it.

her suit is primarily black and white with the black portion appearing as a starfield when she is actively using her powers. the pic itself is a lil off on the pom poms as they need a lil bit more orange in really, they do but the filter wasn't cooperating with


Darth Delicious
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KITTEN!!! aaaawwww

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] KITTEN!!! aaaawwww [img][/img]

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Is that a customized zippo? [img][/img]

[color=#FD5185][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype] Oooh I remember blappering around! That was FUN!
The lights in her hands are very bright! And that's a compliment [img][/img]

[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

whiteperegrine's picture
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yuppers, one custom zippo.

yuppers, one custom zippo. funny thing is it's not much more expensive than a zippo that you would buy outta the store.

yeah, good ole Titan, he's a rescue kitten I took in, appeared his mother weened him then took off. he loves people though and no issues when I took him in to the vet for a check up. other than being way under-nourished and a bad case of the fleas he's checked out ok. now, he's flea free, eating like there's no tomorrow, running around the house likes he owns it and he's my buddy. :)


Darth Delicious
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[color=#175295][size=50]⚜[/size][size=30][b]Check my [u][url=]Deviant Art page[/url][/u] for more artz![/b][/size][size=50]⚜[/size][/color]

whiteperegrine's picture
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been working on St. Aegis but

been working on St. Aegis but nothing I have come up with thus far is giving me my "that's it!" vibe. eventually it will come along though. I know what I want, in general, but nailing down the look itself it a bit more work. I am giving him a redue from his suit in COH given it wasn't all that spectacular (black suit with white visor, chest straps,belt and his white energy shield). I am looking to update with a bit more color though.

eventually I'll throw something down for astrogate as well but he's pretty damn simple suit wise and COH had him pretty much how I like him.

once those two are done then all my mains will have been done and I can toy with some of the alts, namely the rest of the Cross Industries crew (Crosstech (MM), Crossgate (tank) and Crossmoon (kheldian-human form only)). downside there is I am not all that great at doing armor bits and pieces but suppose it would be good practice.

speakin of mains, been grooving on the name Freelancers as a group title. mainly looking at it from the perspective that they are not beholden to any particular agency and persue their own agenda with a willingness to help just about anyone assuming it is in line with what they want/need.


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astrogate (troller), brother

astrogate (troller), brother to astartes/ms majestic. he is how I explain my hero's making the leap from COH to the COT universe. where his sister draws off the powers of stars, he draws off the power of blackholes. it's useful to have friends who can utilize event horizons.... ;) (it's comicbook with me people. heh)

the pic is really just a quicky, color-wise, rough that I ran up just to get a feel on the different filters I will want to use when I sit down and actually work out the final image.


whiteperegrine's picture
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just about where I want to be

just about where I want to be with St. Aegis, who has a bit to go, especially regarding the errant lines I left in and such. otherwise, a messy group shot as I wanted to see how they would look in a basic gathering.

left to right:
Crosshart - TA/A
Ms Majestic - Elec/Elec Blapper
St. Aegis - Dark Melee/Shield scrapper
White Peregrine - Psi/Psi (originally he was energy/energy to simulate the TK aspect of his powers)
Lionseye - Dual Pistol/Devices
Astrogate - Gravity/Darkness (originally Gravity/Radiation)
Citenik - Super Strength/Wilpower Brute (originally SS/Invuln Tank...but once brutes went blue I switched as they represent his ability to absorb kinetic energy and convert to strength better)

Given CoT is not a clone of CoH I know there will be some differences in the make up of their powers although of them all I am thinking St. Aegis and Astrogate will have the most changes. St. Aegis given his powersets ( hopefully they have shields at some point and I am sure their darkness based attacks won't be the same as CoH...which I gotta say, Darkness made for a very study scrapper and lots a PBAOE love too! Astrogate mainly as I would be surprised if they had a gravity based powerset. I mainly liked it for him for the upper powers that basically had teleporting enemies to damage them. I also had him grab teleport travel powers, in addition to his flight for teleporting teammates and for the occasional teleport enemy pulls. :)

I am also intested in the costume generator. while a few of the folks I will probably have no chance of making given the looks of the suits (white peregrine, ms majestic, and possibly crosshart dependant on if they have a hart for a chest symbol available). none the less it should be interesting none the less to see how close I can get and still be happy with the look. the others (citenik, astrogate and lionseye) I expect I should have no real problem duplicating their looks given they are pretty general overall. the game out yet? no? crud... :p


whiteperegrine's picture
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finished St. Aegis linework

finished St. Aegis linework and threw him in the pic and updated to be closer to what I want to see.


Fireheart's picture
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Great looking group.

Great looking group.

Be Well!

whiteperegrine's picture
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line work and most of the

line work and most of the coloring done for St. Aegis, my resident alien/cyborg/supersoldier (did I cover enough bases there? heh). need to work out the shading and he's basically done.


whiteperegrine's picture
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left off the pom-poms-o-doom

left off the pom-poms-o-doom but they're really more an after effect anyways. otherwise, she's about done. pretty simple actually.

