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Egypt (open rp)

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AIko listened at the door

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] listened at the door while waiting for the results of Sister Flare's divination, her force field shaped into a hearing-trumpet to concentrate any sounds that made it through the thickness of the door.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Nyghtshade's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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Kat had moved down into the

Kat had moved down into the massive chamber as well, carefully keeping her distance from the large cat, and cautiously approached the massive door. She downed another half-bottle of water, just to be on the safe side, ready - if need be - to freeze anything hostile that came through once the door was opened, and eyed the door, searching it for any locks, obvious or otherwise.

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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The large cat sat and stared

The large cat sat and stared at the glowing ball Luca had created... then turned and sat in the corner. Luca, with the light from the ball would now recognize the fact it was protecting it's kill. In the corner behind where the cat sat was a body of somehting, or someone. this meal should last a few more days. Thye cat still didnt perceive the group in general as a threat, but any attempt to walk closer to it would make it start to emit a low growl.

Sister flares glowing orb floated down into the mian passed through the small gap in the large double door and dissapeared. Her vision saw it heading down long corridors and around bends to finally arrive at a much more modern , large door.

Heartseeker watched and listened with the others. Then she noticed something. "This has to be ancient" The wood, and iron looked aged for centuries. "You gonna try it Aiko?" she asked, still having her bow ready ." Im assuming youre stronger than i am ," She said with a smile .

Glenshadow led the group down the winding, spiraling large ramp after the rest of the group came down. The lights here were working fine with the odd one flickering here and there, but overall it looked well maintained. "so waht's the plan?" Emerald inquired walking near the back of the group. "We find whoever sent those choppers and that machine out, and kick thier ass" Glenshadow answered bluntly. As the group went down, after about 30 minutes, they came to a service door on one of he levels. "Here we go" Glen said out loud. "We want to try this? or keep heading down?" he asked the group collectively.

Foradain's picture
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AIko nodded. "Also, your

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] nodded. "Also, your hands are already full." As she pulled open both doors she shifted her force shield to blocking the hall behind the doors, preparing to open loopholes if Heartseeker needed them.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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As the ancient door creaked

As the ancient door creaked open, the sound echoed down the hal and through the large chamber they were in. The cat thing luca was near, suddenly went alert, it's ears went back and its snarl appeared as it stared at the doorway opened now off in the distance. It then turned to Luca and said..."Fools, you awaken the lost" in a deep and hissing voice. It's voice also seemed to echo through the chamber . ......"What the hell was that?!?!" Heartseeker asked starlted by the echoing voice. As she said this, a rumbling from down the corridor was heard for a second, then the sound of maybe what they could call footsteps.....they seemed to be getting louder and heading thier way.

summer-heat's picture
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Luca's eyes flared as he

Luca's eyes flared as he pointed at the cat, "I knew it!"

What exactly he knew was likely somewhat lost on others. He revealed his true identity to the room, directing it to the catbeast, "I am the Lucent Dawn, servant of the Cosmic Scales. Who are you and what is this place?"

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
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"Maybe Phantasm can show some

"Maybe Phantasm can show some light on the subject. Phantasm lets see what been happening down here." Jutan Frost said as he looked to the door. "Sure remember I can only show what was last the most resent thing is the most powerful and can overwrite the energy traces from before." "Yeah but if the Orb down here it be the most powerful energy trace."

Phantasm raised his hand making a broad sweeping motion calling up the faint energy traces in the area around them and letting them replay to the view of everyone there.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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The cat turned it's attention

The cat turned it's attention back to the doorway. " The lucent Dawn......" it purred. "I am the guardian, the ever present watcher, The patient sentinel of the ancients. Those that call themselves Syndra, and Mengalor the doomfist, Have disturbed the burials of my lords. They fill the ancient city with thier rejected creations and blaspheme against those that wish to remain in slumber. " paced back and forth. "You have opened the door to the city and the filth that dwell within shall attempt to consume you" It sat fully exposed in the light available. It was a cat, a large one, in fact one of the biggest natural looking cats to be seen. It resembled a panther, but had more of a stocky build then sleek one.
"Toti vi lowa" the cat said and two figures slowly emerged from the back corner of the large chamber. The figures approached the heroes in the chamber from behind but posed no threat. They were humanoid, as they had the bodies of men, but the heads of jackals. When they got close enough it would be revealed they were walking statues, no flesh, just stone and they moved slow and cumbersome. "My golems and i are all that stand to contain the filth they flooded the city with. "....

Heartseeker stood listening to this conversation. She was so unsure what to do. "why didnt you just seal the door?" she asked not trying to offend.
The cat glared at her menacingly "Sealing that door wouldnt wipe the filth from my city" ............"I need to do it over time"
The noise from opened door hallway started to get louder.

The cat turned back to Luca "what is your business in this place?" it paced again "You are not looters, why have you come?".....

summer-heat's picture
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Luca drew a forming bow and

Luca drew a forming bow and aimed an arrow at the opened door. He looked to the guardian, "Allow us to help..."

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

Foradain's picture
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AIko was quite good at adding

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] was quite good at adding things up. It was most unlikely that there were two groups summoning abberrant creatures. "Thank you for the names of our quarry. We seek those who are sending monsters to our city and others, so that we may stop them. According to Sister Flare's augury, our path to them is this way."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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" The filth that taints the

" The filth that taints the city now is to thick to destroy all at once" The cat echoed........"You must stop the source......" BY all means the cat was right. sitting here fighting wave after wave of what the two twisted minded individuals rejected after creating them with thier science and magic , could take ages. Heartseeker began to see the point. "We need to get to them " she thought, never taking her eye from the hall. "But how? If this is sooo infested with twisted creations, howdo we get there.?" she began to show frustration.
"I'll lead you" the guardian stated.......i am not allowed to leave the area of the masters, i can take you through the city down here and lead you to where they started to dump thier filth. " The cat went on to explain that this underground city, although not very big on modern city terms, was the burial ground of ancient lords. The evil ones, disovered it when building thier massive underground lair.

Nyghtshade's picture
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Can you show us what they

Can you show us what they used to bring their filth to the city of the Ancient Lords?" Kat asked. Perhaps if we could find that - a spell, an object - then we could use it to banish their monsters and put an end to this."

summer-heat's picture
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"Then we'll go to the source,

"Then we'll go to the source," Luca agreed, showing as much respect to the cat beast as he could. He mumbled a quiet spell that would hopefully keep the golems and the guardian in good defenses should they get separated.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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"we wil need to destroy the

"we wil need to destroy the ones you have beckoned first....." With that the great cat jumped down and stood near the door opening. Heartseeker drew her bow , as the noises from the hall seemd to get closer to the doorway. She readied, waiting for the rush.

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Phantasm conjured up images

Phantasm conjured up images of vehicles coming and going. The door they stood before was a service hatch as they saw images of the grey jumpusit cladded drones going in and out. nowhere did they see the orb, or anything associated with it.
When the images died down, Glen spoke up" Im going this way, " he opened the door, and walked down the hall. Emerald immediately followed.

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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The rush came to the ones in

The rush came to the ones in the chamber......The things that came forth appeared to be nothing more than goblinlike beings. Not many of them either. Just 6 alltogether. They seemed more interested in escape through the open door then attack. But when they saw the figures in the doorway, they appeared to become angry and starting launching stones and little spears in thier general direction. Heartseeker lowered her bow for a second and even caught one of the weekly thrown spears in mid air, like it was tosssed to her, not thrown at her...."What the? " she stammered as she watched the charge of the lolipop guild, as she called it.

Glenshadow started walking down the corridor with emerald in tow. They came to a T junction with locked door across from the hall . "So we have the door, or a direction?" anysuggestions?" he asked.

summer-heat's picture
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Luca loosed his arrow toward

Luca loosed his arrow toward one of the goblins and watched the magic bleed off the fletching as it left a wind trail. As the arrow met its target, it hit as a luminous blast. As soon as the arrow had connected, Luca had already drawn another and loosed it as close to the same point as he could.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
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Phantasm waited for the

Phantasm waited for the others to go in then looked to Jutan "Should we follow?" Jutan shrugged "Capes seem to stumble across things even if they aren't looking, besides I rather I be there if they do find the Orb." So the three Villains followed Glen. Unknown reformed to humanoid shape at the T junction. "The door seems interesting. I could squeeze through the cracks just need a little of myself on the other side to have a look."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Lucas arrow hit and even

Lucas arrow hit and even passed through the first little goblin thing, to impale the one behind it. More stones came in at the heroes but Heartseeker swatted them or even caught them as thier force was minimul. When the two first died the little things shreiked and charged headstrong with a furious rage. Heart brushed aside the first that came in with a leg sweep then launched her arrow at another easily splitting its makeshift vest. The momentum of the arrow carried the little creature back and it slid against the stone wall motionless. The gaurdian caught the one that was tripped up by Heart and with a quick snap and jerk of its head , sent the lifeless form fying off to the side.
Another one of lucas arrows came in and impaled another creature by the neck.
" these are just the begining" the guardian purred, " We need to get in and around the bend to drop out of sight for the other things" Swatting away the remaining few foul things, the cat took off down the hall. Its golems followed slower, but surprisingly fast for stone statues. Heartseeker hearing and seeing this, launched another arrow at a new group coming thier way and followed. hoping the others were behind her, she tried to keep pace with the statues , firing the odd arrow here and there, even using the odd spear dropped by the goblins in an effort to conserve her slowly dwindling supply of ammunition.

Glen walked up to the door , and before the unknown could peer through tried the handle. "Hell they know were here, " he said as he opened the door to reveal a large spiraling staircase going down. " Why bother with more cloak and dagger " He stepped out onto the top of the spiral staircase and looked down. "bout 6 stories i presume" then he turned back to the group, "down? or corridor? vote is down"....

summer-heat's picture
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Luca raced after and loosed a

Luca raced after and loosed a fistful of arrows to scatter the light into the next wave of goblins. His dapper attire caught a snag and tore along the sleeve, dooming the shirt to the rubbish bin when he got home. He noted the dwindling quiver and whispered, "I fear you may need to conserve your arrows. I have a feeling the physical form will be valuable later."

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

Gladatoria's picture
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Eye the Cat with skepticism

Eyeing the Cat with skepticism but nodding her head in affirment that she believed his identity, she followed him warily, turning to eye the next wave of goblins before simply pressing her blades together and breathing out a wave of scalding flames in a cone in front of her as she strides into the fray, having grown tired of taking them down one by one after noticing Heartseeker's lack of ammunition.

When done, she turns to Lucent as she trades a look of respect.

"As a Huntress of the Ember Coven, you have my respect." With that said, she turns to the Cat and inquires.

"How long have you guarded this place, killed the filth that permeates here?"


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The group arrived at the bend

The group arrived at the bend, The cat scowled at the little vermin things flodding towards them in what looked like a large wave of bodies. " what?" Heart slowed as the cat and golems peered over an emabankment that led down another smaller tunnel. "They will block our path from behind.......The cat looked at the golems," Follow" it said as it darted down the side tunnel into the darkness. Heartseeker looked at the wave of little things , some were being frozen and impaled by Kat's ice, other burned and slashed by sister flare, And the few that made it past Aiko easily tossed back into the fray...She looked at the group, switched her goggels to nightvision again and took up after the cat, hopefully followed by the others.....
The rest of the group, before they ran after them , would see an incredible flood of life heading thier general direction. It was overwhelming, if they managed to take thier view away from the hordes that charged them, theyd see the ruins of the once great city. The cavern the bend opened into was insanely large. It contained the remnants of a temple , it appeared byt the columns and statues in the front, surrounded by many small buildings. all of them lay in ruin, with holes in walls, and such. the creatures were everywhere, anywhere a lifeform could be, they were. all different shapes and sizes, some horrific looking, others even comical looking. Life created but rejected for non funtional form was what they were. they writhed, and walked, hopped, and rolled about. all the waste product of someone tampering with things beyond thier grasp.

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In stride the cat finally

In stride the cat finally answers Sister flares question....."i have defended the site since the great pharoahs were ladi to rest"...

Gladatoria's picture
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Sister Flare blinks as she

Sister Flare blinks as she takes this in, calculating the age as she states.

"And I assume you possess some measure of immortality since you do not seem to have aged or fallen in battle against a slew of foes?"

As she takes sight of the monstrosities and rejected lifeforms strewn in front of them as they travel, the creatures created only to be cast aside, she growls as she trudges forth, coming to a conclusion.

"We need to end the threat of this summoner through death, not incarceration...and destroy this orb."


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"Oh I'm all for going deep."

"Oh I'm all for going deep." Sunstroke walk over and then leaped over the railing and falls till she burst in flame before hitting the ground 6 stories below and she spun to look around for targets.

Jutan walk past Glen and headed down the steps "From my experience this type of people tend to hide in the deepest darkest hole they can find." Phantasm spoke up "Unlike you who like high rises."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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When the group passed into

When the group passed into the side tunnel, behind the cat, The golemns swept thier massive scythe shaped blades and cut the following hordes down. They stood completely blocking the tunnel , then stopped all movement. Motionless and solumn, they became the strong stone statues they were in reality. the heroes were in a tunnel that led under the city. Now and then they would have to traverse a hole, or even scale a small wall, but they seemed to move through the area with ease. They were led further down, then up , then down again. they passed junctions in the cave, and other turnoffs all headed to an end. The cat finally stopped at another bend, " The area ahead is blocked by some of the filth, The tunnel we must traverse continues above" The tunnel they were in was sealed at this end by a large boulder. "When the stone is moved it will awaken the horde of filth. " If we get across the cavern, we must then scale the wall. That opening should be clear." the cat paused, "through that openeing is where i cannot go, it is not sacred and i cannot traverse it . "

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When sunstroke landed she

When sunstroke landed she came down right inbetween a few of the guards that were on thier way to head up at the group. They didnt seem startled , they just lowered thier weapons and took aim. Hearing a few rounds get off from the weapons, Emerald said..."Here we go" as he charged past Glenshadow down the stairs.

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"Oh you're right they know we

"Oh you're right they know we were here." She turned up the heat enough to cause the bullets to either go off early or melt before hitting her. She then takes a deep breath and breath fire at the guards.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

summer-heat's picture
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Luca looked at the options

Luca looked at the options and sighed. His shirt and vest had taken a number of scrapes and tears, confirming that he would need a new suit soon. He mumbled a spell and the filigree bow and enhanced everyone's inner light. "I'm ready."

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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Heartseeker readied an arrow,

Heartseeker readied an arrow, asking for the cord Kat had mentioned earlier. " I'll try to get a shot and anchor it, or wait..Luca, can you send a light beam up to the opening? If so we can keep you covered and then get there faster im sure"....she positioned herself to help shove the stone to clear the opening. " ok whats all our thoughts on this? we need to get across the maybe 50 yard cavern floor to an opening about 25 feet up the sheer wall. " she spoke as she peered through the small crack between boulder and wall with her nightvision. "Lucas light beam tp? arrow with cord?" ....she was looking for suggestions.

The bullets fired before sunstroke flamed up missed her becuse of sloppy aim, the others never got to her. The guards there were instantly engulfed in flame and started to writhe as they burned. Glen followed suns approach and dropped down the hole in the center of the staircase and used his armor to cushion the blow. He stood up and kicked the door at the bottom open, Stepping over a flaming mass of cloth and flesh, he went through the doorway. The echoing of gunfire came from down the hall as the rounds passed by him, nearly hitting his body. he sent a blast of dark energy down the hall which took out another guard. Emerald was running down the steps as fast as he could, nearly stumbling as he took the steps two at a time.

Gladatoria's picture
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Sister Flare turns to Luca

Sister Flare turns to Luca and Heartseeker as she offers a solution.

"Luca, I am a witch bred for combat, but within my grimoire there is a spell used for reshaping earth...would you like to attempt to cast it with me?" She then procures the spellbook in a wave of flames, awaiting their answer.


Xselcier's picture
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Nightstrike thought that this

Nightstrike thought that this Jutan and his servants were sloppy to so casually mention, even in whisper, that they already knew what they were here looking for. But they had no way of knowing that her senses were enhanced and she could hear their whispers as easily as if they were speaking into her ear instead. She'd taken note of the mention of the Orb and then followed the others.

When Sunstroke dropped over the edge and gunfire erupted seconds later, Nightstrike did not hesitate. She holstered her revolvers and burst into a run. Dropping into a slide on her knees, she flattened out her body and passed underneath the railing, then kicked her legs up to spin her body so she was facing down as she fell. Drawing her revolvers again, she fired two shots at each guard. Kicking her legs down, she flipped again and landed on her feet a short distance from Sunstroke.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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AIko pulled the rope out of

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] pulled the rope out of her pack and passed it to Heartseeker, then placed herself in front of the spot the boulder would be moving from. "Ready when you are."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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summer-heat's picture
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"Certainly. I will need to

"Certainly. I will need to shift quickly though to hit the mark on that wall..." Luca positioned himself to easily cast, holding the filigree wand like a clunky flashlight.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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Sister Flare nods, and begins

Sister Flare nods, and begins to get ready to cast the spell by willing arcane sigils etched in fire to form under their feet, distinct runes of Druidic origin in reference to change and the earth.

"Ready when you are, Lucent."


Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Heartseeker, was ready to

Heartseeker, was ready to help Aiko and Kat shove the boulder as the two casters readied to get them to the hole when, the cat started to chant. " kiki lium fel"...and the boulder started to roll away. At first it was only a minor noise.....then it increased....and when it did was followed by stirring of the filth. Heartseeker readied another special arrow...

As the guard leveld his weapon to fire at glenshadow , nightstrike silenced him for good. Glen then continued down the hall charging to try and intercept any others coming out. He passed a few odd doors, he just wanted to get to the end of the hall and cut off any others in the junction. Emerald was down now as well. He stood behind nightstrkie and sunstroke , his sword drawn and rdy. When glen passed one of the side doors in the hall, it erupted and the entore doorway and some of the wall itself blew out. Standing in the hall with dust and debris on it was a large twisted form of a brute. it looked a glen then turned to the others and charged.....It was followed by a loud siren going off and more guards following the brutish beast.

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Sunstroke was laughing

Sunstroke was laughing "Higher Higher burning fire, making music like a choir." Jutan then spoke up "Snap out of it Sunstroke. You can indulge your pyromaniac tendencies later. Right now you're on my pay and I expect you to work for it." "All work and no fun." Sunstroke turned down her flames and headed down the hall.

Unknown was now stalking in the back shadowing the three. The fire girl and the light bender wouldn't be a problem, the ice maker.. a ripple went through him as he thought of fighting Jutan.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

summer-heat's picture
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Once the boulder was out of

Once the boulder was out of the way from the spellcasting, Luca rushed forward and attempted to loose a overpowered arrow at the ledge. It landed and lit up the alcove, but quickly started to dim. "Hurry we don't have much time!"

Luca rushed the endpoints and teleported everyone quickly, but as the last guest had made it up there, the light faded. Some filth had crawled up near him, but had been easily dispatched by a a few hits from the light-staff form. He just needed enough time to fire off another arrow or create some other source of light. The filth gathering didn't seem to be so interested in giving him that time.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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The guardian came to the aid.

The guardian came to the aid. It leaped and swatted some of the smaller ones with ease before tackling a large ogre looking thing from behind. Then it paused and the large boulder started to move. IT rolled towards a mob of the filth and crushed them like a steamroller. The sound of bones brakeing and the sickening thud of flesh being flattened now echoed in the cavern. Heartseeker saw this and immediately dropped a few glowsticks in the openeing so Luca could focus again on the light. As she leaned over the edge, she had an aroow readied with a larger tip. She waited to release as she didnt want the explosive balst to harm any aliies.

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Sister Flare also begins to

Sister Flare also begins to aid Lucent with swift and punishing, fatal strikes from her dual flaming blades, showing grace and lethal proficiency as she dispatches the filth that attempt to stop them.


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Nightstrike followed Glen and

Nightstrike followed Glen and when the brutish figure charged, she immediately opened fire. Eight .44 magnum shots hit it dead center, but it just roared and kept on coming. She holstered her pistols and drew the broadsword on her back, then counter-charged. "Emerald! I'll take high and right, you go low and left!"

As they closed distance, Nightstrike edged closer to the wall. At the last second, she ran up the wall and then vaulted off of it. Her sword flashed out and the mono-molecular blade bit deep into the creature. If everything was in the right place in the twisted creature's body, then her strike should have been a death blow as it cut cleanly through the collarbone and ribs, then stabbed into the beast's heart. But that didn't seem to be the case as the beast's arm shot up and smashed into Nightstrike.

The blow threw her into the ceiling and she felt the distinctive snaps of her pelvis and at least three ribs where the beasts massive arm slammed into her. Where the other side of her body smacked into the ceiling, her arm took the brunt of the blow, with the humerus breaking in two places, followed by the radius and ulna each breaking once. She fell in a crumple to the floor and lay there, fighting her body's instinct to fall into deep shock. Fortunately, her regenerative abilities were already kicking in and re-knitting the broken bones and contused flesh. But she wouldn't be going anywhere for at least 45 seconds.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Emerald charged at the beast

Emerald charged at the beast as well, His green glass looking boradsword bit in low and should have crippled the thing as he aimed to displace its hip and hopefully bite into more sensitive , internal organs. He struck,as nightstrike was slammed into the ceiling. he skidded past the beast only to have it turn to him as he kneeled facing the opposite direction. He sensed the danger and turned again. THe thing was hobbling now, one arm almost useless and a leg obviously out of place.
Glenshadow made it to the next T junction and before he had a chance to react was nearly tackled by one of the wolflike things he had fought in the desert. Just barely dodging the lunge, he spun and then grappled the beast from behind , sending weakining thraws of dark energy through the creature. As the beast struggled to free itself from the life draining grip, another grabbed glenshadow from behind and tore him off the first. Glen was thrown down the hall to the right where he skidded and landed with a thud.
All hell seemed to be breaking loose at this point. The complex they were in seemed to come alive with the sound of the blasting alarm. Swarms of guards, and other nasty creations filled the halls and rooms...all looking for a peice of the group.

"GO NOW" the guardian hissed as it pounced another ogre like being.....the boulder rolled about freely carving a path around the two remaining down in the cavern so they could escape. "I will retreat back dwon the hole and seal it once you leave " the big cat said as it flung another minor by its head. ....Heartseeker waited in the hole up the face of the wall ready to lose her last explosive arrow and by the guardian more time. The passage she was in with Aiko and Kat wasnt long at all... it led to what appeared to be a solid steel door, but of newer construction. As she crouched there waiting, she could swear she heard he distinct sound of an alarm siren wailing in the distace somewhere....very feignt, but still there.

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Fighting through the pain,

Fighting through the pain, Nightstrike raised her voice and shouted back down the hallway. "Unknown, get past this thing and back up Glenshadow! He's about to be in a world of hurt!"

As Emerald faced the beast, it was jarred from behind by the huge shadow-wolf. Penumbra jumped onto its enormous hunchback and sank his fangs into its thick neck, his jaws just barely fitting around its barrel shape. His teeth dug in deep as he sought to crush and/or rip out its spine, but the column of bone discs had been reinforced and were giving Penumbra a hell of a time. But he was nothing if not stubborn, so he doggedly held on and continued his attack.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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The brute had taken all it

The brute had taken all it could, the third redundantly fatal wound from the teeth in its neck finally shattered bone and crushed spine. It slumped as it fell foward only to have Emerald scrambling to not got caught underneath. Before As emerlad stared at Penumbra he seemed to look past and in a second heave his sword just over the wolf's head. End over end it tumbled till it cought a guard that came out of the doorway square the chest. The guards body crumbled and another stepped over it, leveling his assault rifle at Nightstrike.

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Sister Flare heeds the

Sister Flare heeds the guardian's words, and races after Heartseeker, covering her as they escape, but not before launching a volley of fireballs to aid the guardian in buying time, before reaching their destination, awaiting regrouping before making a move.


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With the group in the tunnel

With the group in the tunnel now, The one up the wall face, heart put away her arrow. Sister flares engulfing flame did the job for her and she didnt run out of ammo . Heartseeker smiled to her and said "saved me from using another arrow here" .....When Luca tpd up the cat ranback into the hole in the lower wall, behinde the cover of the still burning flames. The boulder closed the openeing with a thud not before it ran down afew more fith beings in the process. Being up above the chamber now , they could see the atrocities created and rejected by the sisnister twosome known as Syndra and mengelor . So much life, wasted and twisted without a chance for redemption. This angered Heartseeker who swore to end this nightmare. As she headed to the Steel door at the end of the short tunnel she stopped and listened again . "I'm not hearing things right? that is an alarm ?"......

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Unknown heard Nightstrike and

Unknown heard Nightstrike and responded moving along the walls to pass everyone easily he then reformed where Glen was reforming to his humanoid shape. He then armored up and grew his crystal spikes. "Are you severely harmed Glenshadow?" He said as he charged a Wolfman slashing with blinding speeds.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Glenshadow stood up and

Glenshadow stood up and smirked..."just my pride" he quipped and then stood back to back with the unknown to give both of them the best fighting stance. The wolfman Unknown faced down lunged with its head and swiped with claws to try and tear at the foe in front of it. Glenshadow was facing the one he was trying drain earlier and it came in again, still not totally recovered. It was caught with an iron fist and another vice like grip from the dark hero..

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Luca took the opportunity to

Luca took the opportunity to fire another overcharged arrow toward the alcove. He glanced back at the guardian and nodded a thanks. Within moments, the guardian had been left alone on the ground by the tunnel and everyone was in the alcove. As the remaining light reformed Luca, it was clear the effort had drained him considerably.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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Heartseeker saw the look on

Heartseeker saw the look on Lucas face. She felt it as well. No energy was drained from her, just overwhelmingly saddened and angered at the same time. "Need a second?" She asked Luca as they all gathered near the steel door. The steel door itself was shodily put in place. Not sure why it was here, but it had gaps everywhere and didnt even sit right in the frame.

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"No, it...I'm fine. Sun must

"No, it...I'm fine. Sun must be setting soon," He lied poorly. The filigree wand in his hand flickered dimly betraying his assurance further. "Can I get a sip of that water?"

He moved about the alcove carefully and leaned against one wall as he examined the steel door. He was breathing heavily and out of breath, "Looks weak enough to blow off the hinges... not that there's much room to do that though."

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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Unknown was true to his

Unknown was true to his nature showing no pity or remorse as he went right for the vital areas of the attacking wolf. His crystal armor deflecting most of the attack as the blades sliced.

Sunstroke ran forward and aimed for a group of drones "BURN BABY BURN!" With that she flared up and sent a few plasma blasts down the hall. "Phantasm can you detect my Orb?" Jutan asked and Phantasm shook his head "To much activity, the Orb would have to be in the next room for me to tell it apart. Like White text on white paper. Sunstroke bright enough to hide most other energy traces."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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As the guard raised his rifle

As the guard raised his rifle and pointed it at Nightstrike, there was a whistling sound. The guard's arms went dead and his eyes bugged out as he looked down to see the three throwing knives protruding from his chest. His assault rifle clattered to the ground and he crumpled backwards as Nightstrike laboriously clambered to her feet. Her broken bones weren't completely knit, but she was capable of standing and moving slowly.

She picked up and sheathed her sword, then walked over to the guard and collected her knives. She wiped the blood off on his coveralls, then slid them back into their forearm sheaths. As feeling in her arm and chest slowly returned to normal, she reloaded her revolvers and set off down the hallway.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Unknown easily dispatched the

Unknown easily dispatched the predator he was facing. It fought similar to the ones had encountered already, no real difference so no surprises. Glen had crushed the throat of his enemy as well. They stood back to back as emerald approached trying to aid nightstrike before she was fully healed. the four of them stood toghether at the end of the hall. "which way?" em asked before anyone said anything. "Not sure , but we need to decide soon" glenshadow said hearing more footfalls and claw sounds heading in thier direction.

The doorway that the giant brute came out was where sunstroke was facing at that second. She saw a sairwell and an elevator...beaing able to see slightly over the ledge she could see numerous folks in lab coats intermingling with the drones and others.

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Heartseeker handed Luca a

Heartseeker handed Luca a bottle of water and then turned to the door."Think you can shove it AIko?"....she asked, knowing aiko had superior physical strength....the door had no real handle but it appeared to swing inward, or so the hinges looked.

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Sister Flare turns to kneel

Sister Flare turns to kneel beside Luca and murmur a spell of re invigoration, hoping to speed the recovery of his strength before she turns to Alko, also waiting for her move to push open the door with raw strength.


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Sunstroke thought about

Sunstroke thought about calling out about the lab coats. Then thought about it "How about we split up, we are technically two teams here with similar goals. If we get what we came for we stop the Rifts as well. If you guys stop the rifts it means you know where our goal is. It be in your best interest to give it to us but there won't be a choice if we are together." Jutan raise a brow "The orb is my property I prefer to have it with minimal amount of conflict." "Well doll you shouldn't have hired a Pyromaniac." She then Flashed Glenshadow and Nightstrike a smile "What do you say split?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Nightstrike stood up straight

Nightstrike stood up straight as the heat around her ribs, hip, and arm eased, knowing that she was fully healed up again. "Is the Orb responsible for the summoning and/or creation of these monsters?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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AIko pushed the door open,

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] pushed the door open, set her force field to cover those behind her, and moved in to secure the entry.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Kat moved up toward the door,

Kat moved up toward the door, as well, ready to freeze foes to throw an ice-slick beneath a mob's to knock them off their feet again and again, if need be.

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"There are five orbs in total

"There are five orbs in total. I have one that's would allow more control over the Rifts. Who ever using that one has another means of controlling the power, hence why it was more random at first as they learn. My best guess is they are using the orb as a battery and don't really understand it's true nature." Jutan figure truth would work best to his advantage "My family been seeking those orbs for three hundred years. Two are in the hands of a group of heroes in Titan city, no chance of misuse from them. I as keeper of one of the orbs have never misused it. They are mine by right of birth and duty." Of course that right of birth and duty was true in a manner of speaking.

Sunstroke shrugged "Yeah like the bossman said he duty bound to get that orb. Would seem if we got it the ones who have it would lose the power to open these portals. So you win and we win."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Glenshadow heard the offer to

Glenshadow heard the offer to split and took it in stride. " Im going this way, if you follow you follow, if not...." Then he and emerald went down the hall, turning to face another group of guards who had just came through another door.

As aiko shoved the door, she found it moved alot more freely than it looked like it should have. THe sound of the alarm blaring was all to obvious now. They entered a basement of some type, there were crates and boxes stacked all around. the room itself was quite large, and had two doors on the opposite wall. When heartseeker looked back at the doorway they just passed through, she noticed nothing out of the ordinary , it was just a steel door that had sliding bolt locks someone hadnt secured. She crept around the room and lifted a tarp over one of the crates. It contained parts of something, most likely a big engine she surmised. "Must be the spare parts room, were probably near the garage. " She confirmed this by checking other boxes and crates and found extra vehicle parts in most. "whatever triggerd that alarm, i dont think it was us. sound slike its happening above "

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Luca finally recovered enough

Luca finally recovered enough to move around, still sipping his water. Listening to Heartseeker and Aiko explore further. "I agree we didn't cause the alarm, but it prompts to question who did. Perhaps our friends from the desert? could we have really traveled that far? Could this complex span that far?"

There was a hint of disbelief and wonderment in his voice as he fathomed just how widespread this sunken city could span. At the front of his mind, he feared at the thought of how much above would crumble should too much hit the ceiling. [i]Truly whoever was orchestrating this mess was inherently irresponsible,[/i] he thought.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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Immediately upon opening the

Immediately upon opening the door, [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] checked for signals. 3A's comms, cell reception, sat phone reception, WiFi networks...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Unknown went with Glenshadow

Unknown went with Glenshadow wondering if it was wise to split up.

Sunstroke started heading for the hall heading to the steps she spotted. Once they got out of earshot she spoke up to Jutan and Phantasm "I spotted some people in lab coats. If we can capture one we can get the info of where the orb is from them." Jutan nodded "Phantasm go ahead of us and see if you can grab one of those lab techs. If you need to interrogate without us." Phantasm vanished from view and ran ahead of the two he avoided any goons as he was searching for any of the lab coat personal. Sunstroke was her typical obvious self drawing attention as she heated up again to prepare for battle.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Nightstrike and Penumbra set

Nightstrike and Penumbra set off with Glenshadow as well. As soon as they were a fair distance from Jutan's crew, she stopped him. "We've got problems. Jutan and his crew cannot be allowed to get that Orb."

She stepped over to the side of the corridor where a girder protruded from the wall. Taking a small device out of a pouch on her belt, she affixed it to the girder and led two wires from it. One plugged into the transceiver for her earbud. The other plugged into a keypad on the inside of her right wrist. As she worked, she told Glen, Emerald, and Unknown everything she knew about the Orb from the times she'd worked with Rotten Luck. When she finished with the device, she powered it up and then pressed a button on the keypad.

A holo-interface sprung up in front of her and she typed in a few commands on the holo-keyboard. If the device attached to the girder worked as intended, it would use the base's structural framework as a giant antenna. The signal would transmit to her jet, then to a high-orbit satellite network which would send it on to Titan City. Once she got confirmation of a connection, she dialed Ron's number.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Sister Flare also reveled in

Sister Flare also reveled in the awe of the sunken city, ambient silently before turning to Luca and Heartseeker.

"It's entirely possible...the magic that must have been used to erect the filth that exist here could possibly work these caverns like a Labyrinth."


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AIko winced as she stepped

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] winced as she stepped down the gain on her receivers. She hacked the device to make a channel she could use hopefully without alerting or interfering with the owner. Contacting Emerald's comm, she summarized their situation. "So, how are things with you guys?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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when glenshadow heard the

when glenshadow heard the first transmision from the sunken city team he kept it quiet, he didt wan sunstroke and the others to know there was a second team. When they were ouit of earshot, he turned to nightstrike. " Seems we may an upper hand. second team appears to be here as well, somewhere down below." not even thinking of how they got there, he was just glad to hear from them. "You all are music to my ears......" he said to Heartseeker, Sisterflare, Luca, Aiko and Kat.....then he showed nightstrkie thier frequency so she could share it as well. After that he informed the others of everything thats happened so far. Emerald came back from dealing with the guards that had approached them a few minutes ago...."simple drones..mindless" em said quickly....."Good to hear from you guys" he added to the other team.

Phantasm upon reaching the bottom of the stairs would see chaos insuing. Techs and drones all scuried about like they had a purpose. Sinister looking creatures walked among them, and headed down different corridors....He would catch a lone lab coat wearing person turn and dissapear down a hall unfollowed. A bunch of guards ran past, followed by two odd looking three legged, three armed , twin headed creatures....they were heading towards sunstroke and her group....

Heartseeker was happy to hear the other group was in the same complex as them. "We think were in a spare parts room. No guards here yet, and two doors on the oppisite side. I dont even know how far down we are. Hopefully we can figure out a way to meet up. "...she thought ," anyone able to bring up a map or anything on this place?"
she drew her bow and had an arrow notched now as she quietly approached one of the doors, using the crates as cover in case it opened.
A voice came over all thier headsets at once. " How's everyone doing?"......It was Jayde......."aiko..can you send a signal to al the comms at once a low frequency pulse?" she paused.."If so , i can try to triangulate it with all the comms and maybe even map out a way to each other , like asonar map." ....Then she added" or there some type of low frequency sound spell one of the casters could use?" ...she clicked away at a keyboard....."We have our receivers in place from our eyes in the sky to read for it at this specific frequency" she sent the data to thier pads. "Um data pad is under quite a few tons of stone and debris where the museum used to be"....hearseeker said.
"Crap, anyone got thiers still? Jayde asked.......Emerald pulled his out and quiped..."ive got half of mine" ...Then he thought about the end over end flipping from the missles strike. "we're good up here" glen added....."Im funtional"........

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Sister Flare takes a moment

Sister Flare takes a moment to turn to Luca, before replying to Heartseeker thoughtfully.

"I could substitute a spell, but like I stated, aside form basic magic I am a combat witch. While I am by no means clumsy, I fear if such a specific spell is cast near their location the opposing team intending to steal the orb for their own purposes would be tipped off by the presence of another team. We don't want to lose our upper hand I imagine, so I think it will be best to let Alko handle this."


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AIko activated her tablet

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] activated her tablet and passed it to Heartseeker as she sent out the requested pulse. She then pulled out a used two-litre Amerikatt Kola bottle that was slightly distorted from the water in it having once been frozen. "Kat, you may want this."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Phantasm having grabbed a lab

Phantasm having grabbed a lab coat slammed the man against the wall appearing this time mimicking a special ops personnel with face mask. "Look into the light. Watch the lights." He said as he wiggled his fingers in front of the man lights started flashing producing a hypnotic trance. "I seek a crystal orb. It being used by your boss. Where is it?"

Jutan frost looked at the approaching goons. "Hit my blast the combined powers would create a superheated steam that would cook their lungs." With that Jutan frost started a blast of cold where Sunstroke laughed "I knew I like working with you." She joined the attack where the flames meet ice it turned it into a super heated steam spray right at the faces of the coming horde.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Kat accepted the bottle from

Kat accepted the bottle from Aiko with a nod, and shoved it on one of the cargo shirt's deeper pockets. She looked around the 'spare parts' room, particularly near the ceiling in corners, for any sign of surveillance cameras.

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Across the world Rotten Luck

Across the world Rotten Luck answers "Ya who's this?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"It's Nightstrike. I'm in

"It's Nightstrike. I'm in Egypt at the moment, about 5 miles southeast of Bawiti in an underground facility. There's an Orb here and from your description of him, Jutan is here too. The Orb is being used to power either the summoning of or creation of monstrous creatures, but it's also randomly generating portals." Nightstrike explained quickly.

"How do you want to handle this? At the moment, my plan is to get the Orb and play keep-away, but Jutan has a small team of mercs with him. A pyrokine named Sunstroke and someone named Phantasm. Can you portal across the planet?" she asked.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Rotten's voice came from the

Rotten's voice came from the phone "Fraid not. The best I can do is port about five miles, and that's pushing my limits. There are rips in reality opening up all over the city, and from the reports I hear all over the world. Do what you have to Nightstrike. Frost isn't an amature he knows how to handle the orb, he won't be clumsy like the people that have it now."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The superheated steam came in

The superheated steam came in and scorched the lungs of most of the mob. They still were running at jutan and his group , but collapsed a few paces in. A couple of goons partially avoided the steam cloud. They raised thier weapons and opened fire.

As Aiko sent the low frequency pulse , all the comms buzzed a second. " fixating now " Jayde said ,muffled by the slight feedback. As she typed away the groups Waited "that's it !" She exclaimed. After a mere 30 seconds, an image like a rough blueprint appeared on Aikos tablet. Heartseeker said " holy crap this place is huge, if this is us and that's you " referring to glen" we're two floors down and looks like 600 yards away ". Glen was looking at the same map. " aye. This big chamber in the middle, with the northern one way hall, its halfway between. Meet there? "

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AIko located the nearest

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] located the nearest stairs and shone her MagLight down the appropriate corridor, and started forward.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Jutan Frost smiled it was a

Jutan Frost smiled it was a lot cooler then above ground and he unclipped the cooling device on his suit and shifted form. Taking up his true 10 feet tall Ice tank form and started smashing with super strength the goons that got to close. Sunstroke Moved away from Frost so her powers wouldn't interfere with his. Both were armored in their way soaking up the damage what they couldn't shrug off. Thought unlike Frost Sunstroke attacks were primary range so she stood back and kept firing her plasma blasts as Frost went Hulk Smash his way down the corridor.

Phantasm Shook the Lab coat fellow the light show to put the guy into a trance like state still going on. "Tell me where the orb is. You want to tell me, you don't want me to kill you."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Sister Flare flanked Alko

Sister Flare flanked Alko closely, her blades blazing and lighting the way ahead as she inquires over the comm.

"Should it come to combat to prevent them from obtaining the orb, what are their abilities or strengths, profiles?" She states softly.


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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
"Fully configurable force

"Fully configurable force shielding up to three meters radius, able to resist fire from a Damocles mech for several minutes, physical strength enough to lift seven tons. Plus being originally designed as a secure communications server. And I have an EMP generator that shouldn't burn out if I pour half a megajoule through it." [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] looked at the blades. "Magic swords?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Sister Flare nodded as she

Sister Flare nodded as she replied.

"Of a sort. it's a generated extension of my aura, which is how I can shape this into multiple forms." She explains, adding as it grows. "From these a..." The blazing shape elongates into a flaming whip.

"Or a whip, or bow, or anything I desire so long as my concentration keeps it manifested."


Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
The lab coat tech stammered

The lab coat tech stammered his reply "orb, w-what o-orb"....he stared at Phantasm , scared and shaken.
The battle raging down the hall was intense, sustrokes plasma blasts melting and destroying, burning and searing the guards, and creatures charging her way, Jutan was piling up the bodies as well, smashing through thin walls and crushing the feeble drones like toys. One of the drones just arriving at the scene, aimed a thin probelike wand towards sunstroke and fired. It emitted a cold pulse beam at her......they were starting to fight smarter. Two more drones headed off , or tried to , as they came on jutan with flame throwers.....

Heartseeker sent glen a "copy" signal before she studied the blueprint and headed out the door, as quietly as possible. She had her bow drawn , but tried to move quick, hoping to meet the others soon.

Glen acknowledged the signal and then headed to meet the second group. Two drones stepped out of a doorway behind glen, and infront of emerald and the rest. Emerald finished them off fast and kept moving....

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The lights change and from

The lights change and from phantasm's hand a beam of laser light burnt it's way through the lab tech's left shoulder. "Then lets try this another way. These Monsters the Werewolves and such, someone making them bring them here. Where do they do it, what room, what is there name. I want who ever is responsible for this where are they."

Sunstroke blinked as she felt pain, what a strange sensation. "Hey Jutan they are catching on. Seems they want to play rough." Jutan backed up seeing the flame throwers, really how can you not identify such a device. He picked up a body and tossed it at the two drones. "I noticed, perhaps a change in dance partners?" "Sure darling." Sunstroke then fired a set of plasma blasts at the flame throwers. As Jutan did another toss of a corpse at the Ice blasting ones.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
the plasma blast hit the

the plasma blast hit the flamers and one of the tanks exploded....the blast sent flames and heat shooting everywhere........including at jutan. The body hit the ice weapon weilding drone and knocked one of them against the wall where the weapon went off. it layered the wall in ice untill the blast caught them as well, when the tank exploded it sent massive heat and pressure waves all through the local area. the second one then went off, the searing heat from the plasma being too hot to contain, the blasts would send out major pressure waves followed by intense burning heat and localized flame. all the drones in the are were caught and were on fire if not killed in the explosion.

the tech howled in pain as the laser bit into is shoulder, he sat there pointing 'through the wall' to the south....

The blast shook the floor below glenshadow and he knew immediately what was going on, "seems the others are providing us a nice distraction. " as he hurried down a flight of steps, catching another drone looking the other way and silencing him with a right hook.

Hearseeker heard the blast as well, seemed to come from above and ahead a bit, but it still slightly shook the walls, then another....."Party is really getting good " she said as she hurried the way of the noises. As they traversed the halls , following the rough schemtaic Jayde had sent, they passed an odd station built into the wall. AIko and Kat would easily recognize it as an interface terminal, there was a small screen and a small keyboard attatched.

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Nightstrike finished the call

Nightstrike finished the call to Rotten with a quick "Thanks."

She closed the connection and stowed her comms gear, then followed Glenshadow, Penumbra trotting along beside her. As the drones came out of the door, she drew her sword and Penumbra growled, but Emerald finished them off double-quick. Nightstrike reached down and ran a quick hand along the head of the huge shadow-timberwolf and he looked up at her. She motioned for him to check the room the drones had come out of while they continued down the hall. Penumbra yipped and stalked into the room.

A few moments later, he caught back up to them a little farther on. Nightstrike picked up the pace a bit to draw even with Glen and spoke quietly. "If we can find some kind of terminal, I may be able to hack into their system. Cause a little more chaos and distraction, disarm defenses, unlock doors. That kind of stuff."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
"Aye, i agree..."Glenshadow

"Aye, i agree..."Glenshadow returned......."just havent run across one yet, which i think is odd...."...he and em led the group, walking alot faster than normal. "the distractions seem to be provided already" As emerald referred to the tank explosions they had heard earlier.

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Taking heed of the explosions

Taking heed of the explosions and battle raging near them as well, she remarked the terminal with a simple rebuff.

"I'll leave the hacking to others, I will cover you while you begin." She states, taking a guarding position near the interface if anyone goes near it to begin hacking or gathering intelligence.


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The heat wave went past where

The heat wave went past where Phantasm was. It wasn't intense enough to really harm him then but still he took notice. "Thank you for your assistance." Then he sent another blast of laser right at the man's forehead if it didn't kill him it lobotomized him. Heading back to the others he spotted Sunstroke laughing in delight "THAT WAS AWESOME." Phantasm shook his head and spotted Jutan "And may have cost us our pay." He went and checked Jutan's vitals seeing he was still alive. "Sir you need to revert back to human form. Only then can I reactivate the coolant system on your suit and you can regenerate."

Slowly Jutan nodded and reduced in size to a mere 5'7" then phantasm turned on the suit coolant system. "I found where the mastermind of this operation located. We can search for a door but I was thinking Sunstroke could burn her way through the wall. Not sure if the Orb there or not, but I bet it will be."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Heartseeker took up a

Heartseeker took up a defensive position as well....she was crouched, looking the opposite way sister flare would be. not wanting anyone to get the jump on them , her bow notched and she waited for the others. "We got a terminal here" she told glen, "not sure what were going to do with it, but weve held up...copy"

"Copy" came the glen informed the other group about the terminal.
