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"No matter," [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] said in Arabic. The phone attached to that number was likely as disposable as this phone. "Can you describe for me the Dark Bird Woman?"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Luca lowered his bow and looked at the door, "Maybe not through the door, but through a window..."
He went along the front of the building looking for a gap in any boarded windows that sun could streak through inside. If he found one, he'd use the light as a destination for his own specialized portal.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
the man stammered with his response, He only saw her once, and never got her name, just payment. All he was able to describe was basically her jet black hair and a pendant she wore of a bird of soemtype. He described the bird to look like a raven or such. "she offer monies, i feed family..hit 2 when something come" he was obviuosly scared at this point. Not sure whther hed be in danger from the possible threat in front of him, or that fact he never knew he got his signal off. "we watch together ", he gestured to the other man , stil standing silently near him. The other fellow was even more intimidated by the presence of the heroes, but he didnt run off. he no phone, or weapon. He just stood there not making eye contact with any of them.
Glenshadow stood and stared at the ghastly site before him. The second trailer contained what appeared to be the remnats of people. piles of bodies and peices of others lay stacked or scattered throughout the large container. Emerald peered in and said" Who the hell would do something like this. ?!" they waited for the unknown and Cal to join them, they sent the info over the comms to the other group. Glenshadow then hopped up into the carnage. As he walked into the trailer, he started noticing something. "They all look alike, or did, what's left of them" then he noticed one of them had a disfigured arm. Then another had a twisted vissage, and another missing a leg , not cut, just not there, like it never grew. Others were too mangled to tell, and some looked fine. just not alive.
"you said clones back at the grind right em?" he asked," these must be thier rejects" ......
"But why cart them out here?" emerald asked confused...."nothing makes sense, and why put those things in the other carts?".....
Unknown watched the two circling beasts. It was easy technically he didn't have real eyes. Still in that semi-reptilian like shape he pounced first moving for the one on his left but then leaping at the one on the right. Slashing at the beast throat before turning and using the whip like tail to finish the job. Now it was the last one unknown watched it, a predator facing another. The wolfman was expecting the attack so Unknown did what it didn't expect he went into that formless blob shape and flung himself at the beast. Like the Giant at the werehouse Unknown was sticky goo that wrapped itself around the head. This time he sped things up by tightening around the neck choking the wolfman. After the beast died by suffocation he reformed into the woman shape and she headed over to the trailer "Simple, those remains are food for these creatures and others like them.
Phantasm noted the banging stopped "figures" Then went to where he saw a boarded up exit door. There he focused what light he can and formed a laser cutting the boards hopping that Kat or anyone else wouldn't investigate the burning wood smell.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Thank you," said [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font]. She turned most (but not all!) of her attention to Luca's efforts to secure an entrance.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Finding nothing for a significant line of sight, Luca went back to the front door. "It's crude, but it shall do the trick..."
The bow faded from the filigree and instead it became more of a flashlight. The device projected a disc of blue-white light onto the ground. "This will effectively teleport us inside, but be quick to step aside once you're in or you'll have someone literally standing on you."
He proceeded to teleport each person individually until he teleported himself through the opening.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Heartseeker, inside now, started to peer around. "Looks like the walls've been painted semi recently. " her little flashlight she had produced as she teleported in, shone on the black dull surface paint. "Odd" she said as she placed her hand against the wall. "It's thick, too thick for decoration" She glanced at the floor, seeing the sets of tracks, she said even quiter" We should try to find kat"..she then noticed the footprints in the dust coming and going up the steps. "Aiko, what do you make of the paint?".......Then she tapped a button on her sunglasses and red lenses slid down. "Thermals are normal" she added.
Heartseeker trying ro raise glensahdow over her comm got a very soft signal. "This building is somehow interfering" she said bluntly. Then she produced what appeared to be a small black triangle looking device. She wnet over and placed it by the hole in the door. Fiddling with the device, she finally had it set proper. "Glen, you there now?"
"Aye dearie, were here, he replied." HE then informed them of all the teams findings.
"what do you think all? we wanna rendezvous back at the museum?" He asked his companions.
Heart left the signal booster in place and joined the others.
"Interesting..." once inside Luca looked around as well. The filigree now took on more of a flashlight form, pulsing faintly as he scanned it across the room. Toward the back of the building, however, the pulsing accelerated. "Something's back there....Where's Kat?"
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
"Kat could be upstairs still, " hearseeker responded."Not sure if we should split up" She then drew her bow when she noticed luca focusing on the back room area.
Sister Flare then resurfaces by Heartseeker, having also had no luck tracking Kat, commenting.
"I am ready when you all are."
After teleporting, [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] looked around and noticed the nearly complete radio silence. At Heartseeker's suggestion she examined the paint... "High metal content, and conductive. We are in a Faraday cage." While Heartseeker set a relay, [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] tried to raise Kat on her comm.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Phantasm finished cutting the boards away from the exit door and then with all his might forced the door open. Once outside he distorted light again hiding from view and closed the door then headed to the back. "Ran into a bit of trouble." "Phantasm what happened we couldn't contact you." "Must been shielded, there something in there, but no trace of the Orb you mentioned. Ran into someone with Ice powers and her friends were at the front. Let them be the boobie for that boobietrap."
Jutan nodded "Sunstroke spot anything?" "Besides the morons at the front of the museum, well I think there something out in the desert. Think I should do a fly by?" "Alright it's the best lead we got." Jutan and phantasm got in the Hummer and started off. "Fill me in on everything you found out in the Museum."
Unknown looked into the distance "If I may. perhaps the Truck has some fancy locational system. A GPS, they been transporting these remains and ... troops there bound to be a base location. Somewhere they been transporting these too."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
After Phantasm vanished, Kat cautiously worked her way down the stairwell, until she heard Aiko on the comm. “Kat here,” she responded. “I’m coming down the stairwell to the ground floor. Our other ‘intruder’ seems to have vanished, quite literally. Possibly African American, although also possibly either an illusionist or shape-shifter, since he first tried to bluff me by posing as some kind of Egyptian security. I’ll be there in a sec and fill everyone in on what little I got from him.”
Cal finally rendezvoused with the others around the truck after he had tied the captured beast to Penumbra's saddle horn and dragged it over to them. As the shadow-horse snorted, whinnied, and brayed, Cal would answer. It soon became obvious that the two of them were conversing and they maintained a conversation the entire way. "Yeah, ah know it stinks. No, ah ain't gonna kill it and bury it. No, you ain't gonna kill it neither. Least not till these fellers have had a chance to take a gander at it."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Kat rejoined the rest of the team, and reported, “The guy I ran into might have been African American, assuming you can believe anything you see with an illusionist or shape-shifter. Claimed the building had been damaged years ago by a botched robbery attempt with explosives, for whatever that’s worth. He did seem anxious to get out of here, insisted twice that this place is dangerous and tried to convince me to leave as well, and claimed what he came for isn’t here.
“So, that either means something about this place spooked him – or he didn’t find what he was looking for and wanted to head out when he ran into me – or he did find what he was looking for and was trying to bluff so he could get away with it, depending on how big the items we’re looking for were, of course. I didn’t seem him holding anything large. Of course, if he was some kind of illusionist, maybe I wouldn’t.
"I've done a quick search on the upper floors, nothing much to see, other than some upheaval in the office upstairs. I haven’t searched this main floor – the front area here looks pretty abandoned, but I haven’t searched the back half.”
When cal arrived at the trailor, the three others were eager to see the live beast he had caught. It wasn't doing much now. Still looking stunned and it was obviously injured. "those drone things all had or have chips in them. I'll bet this thing does as well. "Emerald spoke up. "Aye " glen chimed in, "But from where they are located, it cant be removed without killing the beast. " Glenshadow studied the massive thing closer. "That may be our only option, if its programmed like the rest, it'll be a menace and just out to wreak havock".....
Emerald walked up to it and touched it. As he lay his hand on it the beast tried to break free, it was wrigling and gnashing it teeth as best it could in its position. "Theres your answer," he stated. " It'll need to be put down. Our quarrel is with its makers" After taking video of it with is phone and sending all important data to the other team as well as back to Steel, he unsheathed his sword and used it to sever its spine at the neck. "Quick and painless" he said.......
After mulling arounf for a few minutes, Glenshadow spoke up" We could follow this machines tracks back to where it came from. " he stared out at the massive track marks left in the sand by the monstrous tractor. "Or we go redevous with the others" ......he asked. "what do you think?" he posed ot the Unknown and Cal.
Heartseeker was glad to see Kat was ok. Her subtle nod when she approached spoke volumes. "Luca said theres something in the back room area" she stated. "We going to go check it out?" she asked the rest of the team.
Steel received the data from emerald and shared it with Jayde. "Christ almighty, never a dull moment " Jayde said in a concerned tone. "We should be out there withthem."
"Easy girl, we need to be here, " Steel calmly stated. "They need our support and to go to one group who we think needs help could compromise the other if they get in over thier heads" he stood up and faced her trying to reassure "If they needed us , Theyd let us know " ....he turned and went back to the data he had received and started anaylizing again.
About that time Sunstroke flew overhead of Cal and the rest of the team in the desert she stops and hovers "Must have been one heck of a party boys. Any idea where these things came from?" She yelled to those around the trailers. In the distance the Hummer with Phantasm and Jutan was on it's way. "Sunstroke I said to not engage." She responded softly so those on the ground can't hear her "Relax if Phantasm played nice so can I. Better they think we aren't a threat... easier to shoot them in the back."
Unknown listened to the talk "Our collective was separated for a reason. Trust that the others can be as resourceful and self supportive as we are."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Glenshadow , seeing sunstroke approach for a distance, readied is dark armor, as she called out to them on the ground, he relaxed his stance some. "And who might you be?, and why such interest in the things here?" He knew she could follow the trail the giant tractor left in the desert as easily as they could, probably even better from her vantage point. "The trail, is where im assuming they came from. " he motioned to the large swathe of dunes plowed aside by the massive machine. "We intend on following it"
"Names Sunstroke and as for why. Well you aren't the only ones who tracking down these things. Right now our goals are much the same, find who creating these monsters and do what's needed." She smiled "They stole something from my boss and he's quite angry about it., we save some leftovers for you." With that she flew along the tracks. "Sunstroke to Jutan. Seems it's another batch of heroes must be a large team. Anyway I'm following the tracks of those trucks they are clearly connected to the rifts somehow." "understood Sunstroke we follow you." "Try to keep up darling."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Soooo, what're you thinking ?" emerald asked glenshadow as he watched Sunstroke fly off. "I'm thinking they're looking for answers, like us, but i'll bet they have a much different reason behind it. " He answered. "Anyways, lets see if we can't use them somehow. " this glenshadow hurried back to the buggy and pulled up to Cal. " You riding your horse, or coming with me in here?" As he asked. Emerald hopped in the other one and pulled up to the unknown " Let's go" is all he said.
"It may give us better knowledge about what's causing the rifts, but be guarded. I cannot easily detect evil the same as I can detect magic," Luca said. He lowered the filigree and panned it across the building again, verifying where the source was oriented. He waited for Heartseeker to move point.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Heartseeker crept up to thye back room. The corridor turned and went down to a double door, or where there used to be a large double door. Each side was hanging off and destroyed. She knelt down and started to scan around with her thermal vision glasses. Then she adjusted her specs and different colored lenses would slide into place. She did this a few times , but with each she said , "i dont see anything" .....she paused " back there maybe?" she gestured around the corner in the large room. She hadnt stepped in yet as she waited for the rest of the team. She drew her bow and sat kneeling, aiming to the left hand corner that appeared to go further back around the wall. "Iv'e got it covered"
Following Heartseeker, [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] watched carefully for signs of any threat, ready to put her force field out to protect her companions. Her eyes didn't have quite as wide a useful spectrum as the goggles Heartseeker was using, but she could watch all of it simultaneously.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Unknown got on the buggy "Why did they expose themselves? Unless they think they gain from us knowing they are out there."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Luca scanned the area, confirming to the group that there was something in that direction. Confident it was safe against magic, he moved forward to the corner and scanned again, "It might be downstairs, but that's the direction of the source."
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
"I think thats it " Emerald said to the Unknown as the buggy skipped furiously along the tops of the dunes. "They obviously dont think we pose a threat, and im guessing they think we could be useful in some way" .......Glen heard the communication over his comm set, as everyone else should have as well.
"Be careful out there, we dont know if they are in some way related to the person Kat saw in here. " Heart whispered into her comm, hoping they heard.
"you all as well, " Came emrerald's reply.
After she received the reply, She went back to focusing on her current task. Seeing she had the group behind her she crept up to the wall and peered around the corner ducking low as she did. "Holy crap" she exclaimed...."Theres no floor, just a huge hole " .....She noticed the size and dimensions...."Aiko , how far down can you scan?" she asked. "and can you tell how far down it goes?"
[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] moved to the edge of the hole and looked for heat sources. She then configured her comm suite to act as radar, sending tightly beamed radio pulses into the hole and noting the delay in the return from different areas.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"Fifteen meters," [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] announced. "There's also a tunnel about three meters in diameter..." Pulling out a five-cell MagLite, she turned it on and dropped it into the hole.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
The light fell all the way down. and thudded into a soft bed of dirt . Hearseeler looked over the edge then back at Luca. "well you have your point of light...all the way down there, i vote we go for it. " Peering down into the cavern , the flashlight landed halfway buried in a soft earth. It's light however pointed back at the close wall, not down the cave. "can you take us down, one by one again? or should we just scale it. I have the length of cord, and the anchors...."
"I do wish there was more space, but alas, no use crying over spilled milk," He said. Within moments, he had the light-bridge teleportation rigged up again to take everyone down. "One by one as before but, perhaps a scout would be useful first though. Rest assured, if you need to run to just step back in the light and it'll bring you back up. Who's first?"
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
"I'll go first" Heartseeker volunteered. She stepped into the light and was gone. ...
Appearing at the bottom she switched her glasses in the different spectrums. "It goes down pretty far, the tunnel descends slightly and bends around wide. "
She headed down the tunnel a few more yards. "I see nothing else down here, but i cant see beyond the bend. " she came back from the tunnel she fired her bow up and out of the hole. Her arrow came up and peirced the ceiling at an angle. Affixed to the arrows fletch, was a thin cord. The cord lay against the side of the hole. " Just in case" she stated. She then went up to the end of cord still wound and atached a dim light stick. " if we lose light or the ability to see , we have a marker and way out " ....
Then she crouched and notched another arrow, this time peering down the tunnel. "ok anyone else coming? or should i go further down?
As sunstroke followed the trail from the tractor, shed see it almost dead end in the sand. Her vantage point however would be able to see the odd shaped camoflouge that kept a massive hatch covered. She also would see two more sets of tracks like the ones she was following going off in different directions. She was heading west, following the tracks heading east. There was a set that headed off north, and another that headed off to the southwest.
Sister Flare follows Luca and Heartseeker as they attempt to determine what exactly is present. With Heartseeker now within the tunnel, she replies as she is asked anther to accompany.
"I will, safety in numbers." Comments, before stepping onto the light as she appears within the areas below, near Heart. While slightly accustomed to the dark, she decides to produce a source of visibility in the form of a small maintained flame within her right palm as she flanks the archer.
"I will guard your flank, proceed as ready." She assures.
"Ah figger I'll let Penumbra stretch his legs a mite further. I ain't had him out in a while and I think he's startin' to get a little chubby." At that, Cal reflexively ducked as Penumbra snorted indignantly and swung his head at Cal, then tried to bite him when the head butt missed. Cal dodged around and underneath the shadow-horse's neck, then swung up into the saddle. "Easy now, boy. Y'know I was jes' teasing."
With a "HYAAAH!", Cal spurred the shadow-horse and he took off after Sunstroke and the buggy driven by Emerald.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Glen stomped the gas and followed shortly after. The two buggies on either side of the galloping stallion trying to keep pace. " that horse is fast " glen said impressed. plumes of dust and sand kicked up by the group marked thier trail as they sped across the dunes following the trail.
Heartseeker welcomed the company as she softly ventured further down the tunnel.
[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] followed the others down the tunnel, picking up her MagLight along the way.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Kat allowed herself to be teleported down as well, and followed the others.
"Sunstroke you see anything yet?" Jutan called on the com system. "I see lots of things, sand, oh look sand, oh wait that's a rock in sand. Oh and the tracks good thing it's not a windy day or it be just sand." Phantasm looked over "Explain to me again why you hired her?" "Because what ever else people say about her she always get the job done. Same as you."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Once everyone had been teleported down, Luca followed in his own manner. "Before we get too far down, is there anything lurking in the dark? I can loose a beam of light to get a quick glimpse of our path as well should it be needed."
Indeed, the others would notice that in the darkness, Luca himself glowed slightly. The filigree device was still brighter, but the light extended out for normal lighting in a range of two meters radius.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
As the group followed the tunnel, they arrived at the first big arcing bend to the right. Heartseeker stopped and said ," anyone else hearing this?" The sound she heard was a distinct shuffling sound, and then a low growl. Switching between her vision spectrums again, she still saw nothing. only what looked like distinct imprints in the dirt at her feet. "is there any way to see if these are indded tracks?" she asked quietly. There was som much dirt and debris, it was hard to discern them outright. "The shape isnt anything i recognize, kinda large cat or bear, but longer, maybe?" She was tracing the rough outlines of what she though was a print. Heartseeker stared down as far as she could see. "Still cant see anything beyond the bend. And it feels like its a downgrade....We are heading down further as well?" she looked to Aiko for comformation of the slight sloping downward trail.
As sunstroke hovered over the end of the trail she was following, and the starting points for the other two, the buggies came up . They stopped and Glenshadow got out. "Well?" he called out to her, "lookslike two more of the same went off in different directions." Emerald got out of his buggy and walked up to the large camoflouged area. "Ill bget they came from here somehow" He stated as he tried to follow the lines of the hatch under the dunes now blowing on it. "Looks like an edge here that goes off for more than 100 yards" ....he paused " Holy hell thats big" he reiterated. Glen looked up at Sunstroke and said" You expecting someone else? you keep looking back in the direction we came".
He stood with his arms crossed staring up at her.
The raven haired woman walked into a smaller room at the side of the large chamber. The well suited man stood there with a look of dissapointment. Two of the drone like figures followed in after her. Staring at the screen , an overhead view of the wrecked tractor and dead beasts laying about showed as if it was a still image taken from high above. "Looks like the heroes dealt with one of our transports" He said in an agry tone. ...."No worries we dont unleash carnage in Bawiti...yet.." the raven haired woman spoke up. The other two are on course and soon itll start. "Ive gotten better control of the rifts, and i was able to send one where i wanted last time. " she paused...."and our army grows ever stronger with each passing day. " she walked up behind the man and put an arm in his. "Seems another group found our tunnel, we should have set up that force feild to ensure no entry"...He was angry still in his words...."we didnt for a reason my dear, " she answered.." Our lair of rejects and mistakes is enough of a deterrent , if they follow the tunnel, im sure they wont be able to reach its end unscathed, if at all" She laughed slightly, "And besides, if anything slips out past them, all the better"...she thought for a second, " Even if we cant control it directly, the same carnage and chaos would insue" she smiled," and isnt that what we want?"......she let go of him and turned to head back out of the room. " Let me see if i can send another gift to the city they dwell in. " she left the room and crossed the chamber where the orb and the tome lay on pedestals in the center. She walked down the hall and then took an elevator up. Passing scores of mindless drones and a few other types of scientists along the way. She entered another large chamber and then walked to what looked like an odd looking archway in the middle of the floor. She spoke into a hand held radio "Send up a batch of fun, im going to need it " She started chanting and the archway started to twist and glow. It formed a lower oval shape and its scenter began to swirl. As she chanted she pulled an object from inside her long flowing gown, it was bright red arrowhead, she tosssed the object at the swirling vortex and images began to appear. "THERE" she said with a hate gleaming in her eyes. The image was of a street near a ruined warehouse. As she stared with delight , three drones entered the room followed by a pack of oversized ratmen looking things. They stood about 5 feet high and had a twisted and demented look . She barked a command and the 4 of them ran through the portal. Then she sent a few more oddities as well. Two winged batlike creatures scurried through, and lastly a bald human with red eyes and pointed ears, it had massive canine fangs and moved extremely fast. "Thats should keep them busy" she laughed to herself...
Somewhere in titan city the portal opened and the managerie of chaos came through. It shut as soon as the last Vampyr passed through it. They ratmen started immediately looking for thier quarry as they all ran down the nearest alley. The bat took to the air and started thier hunt. The last creature stood there for a second, then dissapeared with a to feed.
Sunstroke landed "What you think I'm out here all alone hunting down dangerous people who are summoning monsters. Of course I'm not alone only a fool would be. My guess you're working with the group at the museum and you already guess I have at least one partner. Second there such a thing as being a look out and covering our tracks. Thought I saw something high up but when I looked a second time it was gone. Might have been a plane." She looked at the lining of the hatch "Lets see how hot this thing can get stand back." Then she revved up her heat and started blasting a spot about ten feet on the hatch trying to melt a hole.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Cal sidled up to Glen and the others, then looked down at them. "So if I heard yeh correctly, there's two more of them transports rollin' through the desert towards cities?" he asked, indicating the other two sets of tracks.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Luca knelt down and held the filigree tightly as he scanned the tracks for any magical residue and signatures. If they were magical, they should react, and if they weren't, the light he provided would be enough to get a solid visual. "I hear the sounds too. I suspect they aren't aware of our presence yet, but they might be. I apologize, I believe I'm now a liability in the darkness."
((or I'm keeping away the vashta nerada))
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
"We dont know if they were coming or going?" Glenshadow said as he watched sunsstroke start to burn a hole into the now exposed metal. "I'm going in there however, i sent roxi a detailed description and she'll let us know when she gets here eye in the sky over the area if they are worth chasing down. " Glen started sending blasts of dark energy into the molten metal stew to force the liquid down or away in an attempt to get in further. As the group stood waiting....the sound of helicopters in the distance could be heard started to grow louder.
About that time the Hummer pulled up and Jutan as well as Phantasm stepped out. "Sounds like we got noticed. How's that doorway Sunstroke? You might have to give the welcome wagon a host gift." Said Phantasm now appearing as the African American man. "Soon Darling thanks to a bit of help."
Did Unknown look worried at Jutan? Perhaps but she quickly grab hold of her emotions.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Luca would get an indirect magical echo from examining the tracks. The creature or creatures werent magical, but were brought forth because of it. He could pick up lots of tracks, all sizes and shapes, not just the one Heartseeker was able to find. Then hed be able to find a skull, buried in the dirt, about 4inches from the surface. It looked semi distored human with large teeth. Then hed find more remains, all buried under thier feet. All shapes and sizes, disfgured beasts or humanoids. "What is this place, ?!"Heart asked with grotesque curiosity. "THERE" she said as she pointed to movement that seemed to peer around the corner and dart away.
Luca looked up and saw nothing in the darkness. Instinctively, he turned the filigree Mag[ic]lite into the bow and inched forward down the tunnel. "I fear we may have just disturbed the nest...."
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] judged the inclination. "Looks to be about one in three hundred, but it is not consistent."
After Heartseeker spotted motion ahead of them, she moved forward, ready to defend against an attack.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Heart had her bow drawn when the beast appeared. It was a large catlike thing , still not being able to determine its actual shape or size due to dim lighting and distance. It growled protectively but didnt approach. It was barely around the corner and backed away again growling.
In the distance , unheard by the heroes in the tunnel , two MI-24 hind helicopters bore down on the city. They had split off from the 4 others that headed into the desert.
The 4 other hinds approached ever closer to the group in the desert. "We may have more company soon", emerald said staring off at the approaching sound. As he adjusted his helmet his visor slid down and he stared out at the noise. His visor, like hearts goggles had many functions. He used it to zoom in on the approaching choppers. "MI-24s" he stated, "Loaded to bear as well" he added. "They havent fired yet, though, so maybe egyptian military , can't see side markings yet. " As glenshadow heard this he inceased his dark blasts and the hole sunstroke made got ever so larger.....the hole now was about 8 ft in diameter. The edges dripped of molten metal and it went down nearly through all 4 feet of reinforced steel.
"That should be wide enough to lower people down. Want me to take care of those MI-24s?" Sunstroke smile as she looked at them coming. At the same time Unknown went closer to the edge of the hole drawing up the heat from the melted metal.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Not if they're standard military....they may be allies, not enemies " Glenshadow said to sunstroke with a growl in his tone. No sooner did he finish his statement then Emerald yelled "INCOMING".......The lead hind fired of a missle that shot through the sky towards them.........
"Well that settles that. All fair in love and war darling." With that Sunstroke took to the sky and fired off a set of plasma blasts at the choppers as she also done some aerial maneuvers.
Jutan Frost looked at the choppers "In this suit I can't use my natural abilities very well. I however have a few modifications that make things helpful." He uses the suits hand controls and created a wall of ice to block the incoming shots.
Unknown hissed at the sudden ice and Phantasm looked down into the darkness "Either we stay up here or we head underground and risk what is down below."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Cal had pulled a spyglass from under his duster and was studying the approaching helicopters. When she spoke, he lowered the spyglass and looked up at Sunstroke. "Hold up there, missy. We ain't got no way of knowin' if they're friend or enemy. They're still fairly off a ways, so why don't yeh hide in that there hole where the coolin' metal will obscure yer heat. If they get uppity, yeh can shoot outta there like a bat outta hell and give them pilots the scare of their life."
He looked back to the hole, only to see Unknown siphoning the heat out of the metal like a sponge. "Or Unknown could suck all the heat outta the metal... daggum your black hide, knock that off!" he hollered at Unknown. As Emerald yelled, Cal looked back to the helicopters and cursed, then spurred Penumbra. "HYAH, YOU SON OF A BITCH, HYAH!"
Penumbra took off like a shot straight towards the helicopters. Cal didn't stop him, as he assumed the pilots would target the obvious metahumans before they targeted the man escaping on the horse. The helicopters were flying low, in a wedge formation, lining up for an attack run on the entire group. As Cal and the choppers closed, Cal pulled out his lasso and began spinning it beside him. As he rode under the lead chopper, he threw it with all his might and it looped around the rocket pod hanging off the left wing. He looped the lasso around his right wrist and then gripped it, shooting out of the saddle as the momentum from Penumbra's charge threw him skyward.
Cal swung up in an arc, hauling himself in desperately so that he didn't fly into the chopper's rotor. With a THUD! he landed on top of the chopper's wing. He yanked on the lasso twice and the enchanted rope came off the rocket pod, flying back into his hand. He immediately threw it back out to loop around the stubby cylinder near the back of the engine, just in case the pilot tried to throw him off, which almost happened as he juked to avoid Sunstroke's plasma blast.
Cal drew his pistol and took a couple of shots at the glass of the cockpit, but the angle was bad and the shots spanged off. Instead, he waited for one of the door gunners to throw the crew door open and try to shoot him off.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
The plasma blasts from sunstroke seared the lead chopper's fuselage right above where cal was standing. The second chopper however didnt see the blasts from sunstroke incoming as it made no attempt to avoid them. They hit the cockpit full on right through the windscreen. The machine dropped out of the sky like a rock and plummeted to the earth below.
The missle came in like a streak and detonated against the ice wall.... shards of ice were sent everywhere turning into droplets of water as they flew. Glenshadow had his shadow armor all frontal and was pushed back severly as hs boots dug into the ground. The explosion was only somewhat vented by the ice wall, but the fgact it detonated further away from the group is what saved thier lives. Emerald dug his sword into the sand before it hit the wall and was still knocked back end over end about 6 feet , from the force of the blast. The lead chopper with Cal riding it, started to climb....the two remaining in formation locked weapons on the group and appeared to start to spit lead by the sheets in thier general direction. Glenshadow ducked down and did his best to avoid the hail of bullets....then another missle streaked from under a wing in at them.
The chopper cal rode was doing its best to shake its rider, then the side door started to slid open.
The two helicopters heading towards the museum, unleashed thier payload.......the 4 missles screamed in towards the building and impacted it.. The blast leveld the entire building and shook those in the cave below. The whole thing came down in a massive pile of dust and debris, twisted metal and broken glass. .....
Heartseeker heard the woosh in the split second before detonation. The blast however knocked her off her feet and sent her tumbling forward into the dirt, the cave itslef didnt implode, it just dumped dirt and dust and debris from its ceiling, not to mention the rush of material in cloud form heading to the group from the opening .
"no, No, NO NO!" Luca howled as he fought hard to shift the bow into a shield to block the cave from falling on the group. As the rumbling ceased, it was clear to him there was no light coming through from that entrance. With the shield still raised, he looked around and hoped it would keep the cat-beast away for a few moments. "I don't believe we can even dig our way out that way. Without some source of light, I cannot hope to get us out of here either. I fear we must travel further and hope there's another exit."
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Sunstroke went after the second missile and sent out a stream of plasma blast it. "Hey Chopper heads see if you like it!" She screamed then Charged up her powers generating a ball of superheated plasma and launched it at the chopper. "Hey Cowboy you need help or can you stand the heat?" Down below Jutan Frost continued to restore the ice barricade and Phantasm joined the assault raising his hand like a gun and firing laser blasts. "One thing for sure these aren't military, or at least not operating under official rules. Who ever doing this got some major backing not even you could get this kind of fire power Jutan." A deep growl from Jutan "That for the heroes to figure out we are after my property. How they have a private army is none of my concern."
Unknown screamed in pain? it was the water splashing on his black skin causing it to bubble as if he got hit by acid. "We should seek cover."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] used her force field to supplement Luca's during the blast, and then moved forward, Maglite on wide beam and her back against the wall opposite the cat-beast. As she edged out, it would likely either retreat from the light or attack...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Heartseeker lifted herself up from the dust and dirt. She suddenly realizing what happened , tried to shake off the force and recover. She stared at the area Aiko was shining the light. The beast was gone. Probably scared off from the tremor and sounds. She looked over and helped Kat to her feet as well. As she did she said thank you to luca and Aiko. Your fields may have just saved our lives. " looks like we're taking the long way. " she said as she dusted Kat off.
As the two-part door dropped open, an AK-47 barrel started to poke out. Cal fired as soon as the hand holding the front grip came into view. The man holding the assault rifle howled in agony and rapidly withdrew his gun, giving Cal room to jump off the wing and swing in through the door. As his boots thunked down, he gave the lasso two yanks and it un-looped itself, then flew back to his belt loop as he released it to draw his other pistol. He put two bullets int the man holding his smashed hand, then shot any other occupants of the troop cabin.
Turning towards the fore of the aircraft, he shot the lock off the cockpit door and then booted the door open. He grabbed the headset off the loadmaster, then stuck the barrels of his guns up against the pilot's neck. "I reckon you oughta land this chopper real easy-like, hombre."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"I'm fine, I'm fine," Kat grumbled, coughing with the sudden rush of dust and dirt, and embarrassed to have been caught flat-footed by the blast, as Heartseeker helped her up. Since retreat was now not an option, and trouble apparently lay ahead, Kat fished another bottle of water from her backpack and chugged it, readying herself for action.
The only thing that worried [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] about their situation was oxygen. With one end of this tunnel blocked, the flow of fresh air would slow. She adjusted the lens on her MagLight to tighten the beam, and aimed it as far down the twisting tunnel as it would go. "Mr. Luca, how effective would your teleportation be for sustained travel in these conditions?"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Luca looked down, feeling the gravity of his limitation and sighed a regret, "I am limited only by two factors: line of sight and source of light. Greater distance costs a much greater effort. I have a portal gate back in Titan City, but I need daylight to get us back there. Similarly, I could get us back to the campsite where we arrived, but again, I need daylight. Down here I am cut off from my main source. I can only rely on line of sight down here."
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
"Then we walk." [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] took out a cluster of LED lights on semi-flexible wires from her pack and plugged them into her USB port. After adjusting the aim (front straight ahead, front down, left and right down, and back up), she turned off her MagLite and headed off down the tunnel.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"well then , we better get started. " Heartseeker said bluntly, Looking at her companions she was wondering a few things. Why was is so important to level the building now, had they missed something important?..How long is this tunnel, and more importantly, what else is down here? she took stock of her equipment. "Ive only got two bottles of water, and 3 granola bars. " she said peering into the small pack she had carried with her. The pack itslef looked more like a purse , as it was part of her tourist disguise. She had her bow and an almost full quiver. She was gathering her arrow shafts and other equipment that was scattered with the blast. " I do have light sources, " She held out glow sticks, and two small LED flashlights tha were quite powerful. "But my cord for climbing is under there" She motioned to the pile of debris behind them. She put a bottle of water in her pack then offered the other to anyone who lacked any. Then she relaced her boots, tightened the straps, and drew her bow. Keeping an arow notched . Then folowing the light source from Aiko, led the way further into the dark and dirty cave.
The chopper's missle was hit with the plasma blast from sunstroke and melted without detonating and fell to the earth. the warhead plunked into the sand nearly burrying the remnants of the tube. The chopper that fired it attempted to dodge the more powerful blast sent its way , but as it swerved it took the brunt of the blast nearly severing its tail section. It immediately started to spin and fell from the sky ........
Cal held the pilot in place with two pistols at his neck. He started to descend slowly knowing everyone else in the machine had been gunned down already. As he did , he then nose dived, in an attmept to shake the heros guns from his neck and maybe even thrwo cal off balance enough to do something. The 4th chopper continued its assault on the ground targets. It sprayed lead that at some points penetrated the ice wall and other just shattered it . As Jutan kept replenishing the damaged areas , Glen helped Em to his feet, then noticed Phantasm firing beams at the chopper that was still attacking. The beams hit and scorched, even burned holes in the machine. but its assualt kept coming.
As it swung around for another pass, glen joined phantasm in attacking it, sending blast that looked like black clouds into the flying machine.
The raven haired women entered the room with the large well suited man again. "Your pets have been nearly defeated already Syndra" The man said almost mockingly, "The heroes have been quite up to our challenges. " He turned and stared at a huge monitor based table with images of the city streets , and red dots that faded away . only one remained, but he had no high expectations. She saw this and huffed in arrogance'Then i shall send more 'challenges' thier way" she said as she truned to head to her portal chamber. She walked with a furious step.....'not one victim' she thought to herself, 'the useless beings' she muttered.
"I'll show them, I'll unleahs Hell itself on thier beloved city"................she stormed into the portal room. "Bring me Kalak and his minions " She yelled at the nearest drone servant.
Luca drew the bow and kept his sights focused as best he could. The tunnel's darkness seemed to drain away the light sources, doubling his mental chanting to keep them bright. At any moment a beast could appear or they could pass a fork in the tunnel. Nothing settled with him. He kept quiet, scanning for magical signatures, always attentive of the very slow increase in frequency as they traveled down the tunnel.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Heartseeker walked with caution. The ground beneath her feet shifted from dirt, to rubble, to more dirt, to slimy mud...this kept happening, As she trudged along shed hit thick patches of what she hoped was mud, and had to either traverse thier border, or walk right through. "I just bought these boots" she muttered.....Then she stopped. and crouched. "listen" she said . The sounds of water could be heard . the familiar sound of dripping , then shuffling . "water and something else" ......She tried to gauge where the source of the noise would be coming from. She asked Aiko to shine her light down the cavern to the right. As she did, a figure darted away. They could see a small puddle gathered near what may be an opening in the wall. Whatever was there was drinking from it. She slowly approached the puddle, Switching her goggles to IR , hoping to pick up any heat sources.
Fortunately for Cal, his reflexes were faster than the pilot and he placed a booted front against the back of the pilot's chair and waited. "If ah die, hombre, ah'll jes pop up elsewheres and keep doin' what ah do. Ah owe th' big guy in th' sky 50 more years. So, my soul's prepared, pardner. How's yers?"
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"I have a two-litre bottle of water in my pack, as well as ten meters of climbing rope, a five-pack of "D" cells, spare LEDs, and a spare phone in a shielded box. Sorry, food isn't something I'm used to thinking about as a necessity." [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] approached the pool, intending to top off her internal reserves so others could use more of her back up supply...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
The pilot as he closed the distance to the ground......wasnt sure if he should call Cals bluff......He thought about pulling back on the stick last second, .....Then losing all nerve as the ground approached quickly pulled hard back and shifted the pedals to level out....only they didnt respond right away, The pilot panicked, as he tried to level the mighty gunship. The chopper had been hit by Sunstrokes plasma and damaged more severely than it would appear.....smoke started to bellow from an engine as it strained to keep the mighty craft in the air.....Then it happend . The rotor drive cracked with All the g-force being applied , and the chopper finally just nose dived into the sand........The explosion from the crash was massive and fire quickly engulfed the wreckage.
"CAL!!!......" Emerald cried out, as he took cover from another hail of bullets and flying ice shards. Glenshadow was so preoccupied, he didnt realize thier new friend was on the craft as it crashed and exploded.
"Ah now this can be useful!" Luca saw the water reflecting the light and perked up in earnest. After confirming the area was safe, he darted over with AIko and began running the filigree over the pool. Nodding, he holstered the wand and cupped his hands for some water. He mumble-whispered a spell and watched the water glow in his hands. He looked proud at his work, and held it out to the others. "It's not quite a complete recipe, but it'll help us for now. I call it Liquid Light."
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
With a bone-rattling THRRUUUUMM, a huge black blur shot over their heads and past the remaining helicopter. The object climbed swiftly and banked nimbly to come around on the choppers tail. The chopper banked wildly as it tried to flee, shooting flares and chaff, but it did no good. The craft loosed a missile that streaked across the sky and jammed itself into the exhaust port of the Hind's left engine. The missile detonated, shredding the attack helicopter in a massive explosion.
The mysterious craft slowed until it came to a full stop overhead, panels on its underside glowing with a subdued golden light. It descended until it was about 100 feet above the hatch. The cockpit opened and a figure jumped out. The figure landed in a crouch and stood. It was a woman in combat armor and a harness festooned with weapons, including twin customized revolvers in quick-draw holsters on her hips, a double sheath of throwing knives on her left wrist, several cylindrical grenades on her left and right thighs, a combat knife in a drop-down sheath on her chest, and a broadsword on her back. On her right wrist was a compact grapnel launcher and her gun-belt sported a multitude of utility pouches. Her face and head were concealed by a stylized skull-shaped helmet. A pleasant British voice emerged from the helmet's speaker.
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Nightstrike. I've been hired by an interested party to determine what's going on here and to stop it. I am willing to work with you, but back-stabbing will earn my ire, which is something you do not want to experience. Any questions?"
Overhead, the jet's cockpit closed and it's engines powered back up. It climbed rapidly and assumed a 20-mile radius orbit of the hatch.
At about that time, movement could be seen within the flaming wreckage of the helicopter Cal had been in. Anyone watching would see a ghostly image of the cowboy emerge and walk towards the group, Penumbra trotting along behind him. "Welp, son of a bitch. Ah'm dead again. Dadblasted fool couldn't even fly his own craft. Now, don't ya'll worry none 'bout me. Ah still owe th' big guy upstairs more time. Ah'll disappear in a few minutes and wake up whole elsewheres. If th' big guy sees fit, mebbe we'll cross paths again."
The spectral cowboy turned the the shadow-horse. "Penumbra, you stay an' help these here folks out. Ah think they's gonna need it. Now, don't give me no lip, yeh varmint." he said as the shadow-horse snorted and stamped, then calmed as the ghost of Cal reached out and scratched the side of its face.
"Ay-dios amigos." Cal said, turning to walk away and waving behind him. As he walked, he slowly faded until he wasn't there anymore. Penumbra snorted one final time, then began condensing, his shape altering until he was a large timberwolf. The shadow-wolf growled, then trotted over to the hole and sniffed at it.
"Well, that was interesting..." Nightstrike commented.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"By what would you consider back stabbing?" Sunstroke landed and eyed where Cal vanished "Okay wasn't my fault I only glazed that chopper." Jutan frost stopped his ice generation and bent over winded gasping for breath. He held up a arm "I be alright... just drained is all." Unknown was rubbing his arm where the water had hit him a crust of purple and white scab had formed.
Phantasm headed over to the now cool hole and looked down "looks dark down there. Lets put a little light on the subject shall we." He held his hand over the hole and a beam of light like that of a spot light shot down into the dark. It wasn't magic it was just him collecting the sunlight and refocusing it into the light source.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
“I’ve got rope, too,” Kat offered, patting her knapsack. She didn’t mention her extra water yet - after all, it wasn’t like anyone was going to be desperately thirsty right away, and if there was a fight, Kat knew in this arid place she’d likely need it herself.
“Useful,” Kat nodded, as Luca worked his mojo over the small pool of water and created ‘liquid light’. “Hang on, I’ve got an empty plastic water bottle, you can put your glow-water in that, if you like.” She fished the empty bottle out of a side pocket and offered it to him.
Luca proceeded to cast a purify spell on the water source and aided in filling the reserves as best as he could. He had filled the water bottle with enough to hold some liquid light, which he knew would prove its usefulness in due time. While the group rested, he worked over a long enchantment that would give the water spring a luminescence and flow through the connected streams and tunnels underneath. If anyone asked, he explained it would take him 10 minutes to cast and make permanent, or at least as permanent as necessary. With the underwater spring now purified and enchanted, a circle of filigree appeared etched into the stone above the pool. It matched the circular pattern when he laid down the light travel spell. "There... That should give us some added flexibility these creatures don't have. We can't travel further, but at least we can get back to water if we run out."
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] watched and recorded Luca's spellcasting. She knew she was likely missing something, but it was possible that Uncle Val might find the recordings useful. After Luca was finished, she took a drink from cupped hands and was not surprised to find the water was purer than most store-bought water.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Coughing as she stood after the cave in, Sister Flare follows the group silently, her blades now blazing sources of amber light. Walking steadily forward, she took a moment to kneel and rest as she speaks, closing her eyes.
"Luca, should I begin a guidance spell to possibly at least identify a proper path forward?" With that said, she also reaches into a side waist satchel and producing a near pocket sized ruby runed tome as she adds.
"And in that regard, what exactly is hunting us...or what even caused the cave in?"
Heartseeker filled an empty water bottle with the prufied water and drank it down. Then she refilled it and put it away. She stood next to the spring, staring down the tunnel and sighed. She switched her goggles to night vision and started to walk foward. " Gonna scout ahead for a few, " she said as she appeared anxious to get out of the confines of the cave. As she walked ahead , around the bend some...she started to realize the grade was getting steeper. She adjusted her goggles and peered ahead as far as she could. "looks like some large chamber ahead " she said in her comm , hoping the ones in the cave still could hear her. The slight glow of the springwater illuminated certain cracks and fissures and provided enough light to be enhanced by her goggles. "The chamber is below, or appears to be. The passage were on now loops around past it. If we could climb down, maybe find another way." She lifted her head to look down the corridor ahead of her . She saw the now familiar figure of the large cat thing peering around the bend again. " Oh and the cats back, " she whispered. She started to backtrack to the waiting group.
Glenshadow took all the events of the past 30 minutes in stride. He was glad to realize Cal wasn't lost completely, and thier new 'allies' seemed useful for dealing with the enemy choppers. As he stared out across the sea of sand, he noticed the buggies. or what was left of them. One was shredded by the hail of lead from the large cannons of the gunships. Another was really nowhere to be found, excpet trace peices of its fram and the odd wheel . "Well , i think we gotta go down for now" As the group peered down the hole in the large metal hatch like thing. They would realize the drop was quite far. Scanning around glen found nothing he could use as support to lower himslef down. Ok then, we gotta do this the hard way. He walked to edge and jumped.........He fell straight down for a few before landing with a thud. His dark armors cushioned most of the fall but he still came up rubbing his one shoulder and an ankle. "Dammit" he said as he grimaced, " Thought i timed that right" He peered around the chamber and realized it was just a big ramp with a tunnel leading down. The tunnel and ramp itself were massive, able to support two of those tractor things. He saw the huge pistons that slid the hatch doors into the walls when they needed to be opened. The grand scale of all this was a bit impressive. "They're not two bit crooks here" he said in a mocking tone. " Thier operation has been going on for awhile ill bet. " He said this to his teams through the comm.
Emerald looked over the edge and sighed. "Guess i gotta follow huh?" he asked knowing the answer, "You sure you're able to drop the cloud before i land. ?"
"Unless someone else up there can help you " glen responded.
Luca finished up with the water; purifying and refilling as others needed. Once everyone had their fill, he turned to Sister Flare, "Yes, I think a guidance spell would be a good idea."
They listened about the details of the path ahead and Luca nodded, "It's definitely a good idea. Heartseeker, I'm headed in that direction."
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
Unknown looked down "The thought of being a rope came to mind, thought my natural surface is slippery." Jutan walked over and blasted Ice and snow down forming a slide "Better hurry it will melt quite fast." Unknown backed away "I shall wait." Phantasm went first sliding down the shoot "Well at least the water will keep me cool." Sunstroke chuckled and stood there arms folded "I will melt it faster if I go even with my flames off I'm one hot woman. Being the big gun or at least one of them I cover our backs."
Jutan then went down below. Phantasm looked around "My powers be weak down here, I manipulate light mostly though I have minor energy trace abilities."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Emerald slid down the ice/snow slide and landed with a roll. The cavern area was man made and lit artificially. The big winding ascent lay before him. There were no side doors or service entrances at this top level, but he assumed there would have to be to maintain this structure and all the working components. " WE follow the ramp untill we find a side door?" he more asked then stated. "I''m for that..." Glen responded before anyone else. "We'll have to keep a lookout though, i mean they sent choppers and must be able to see our progress knowing they were defeated. I expect some resistance here."
Heartseeker and luca headed around the bend to the area that opened up into a large chamber. "There, look" she said as she pointed to the large cat like thing just laying there watching. It was down past the opening that led to the large chamber and just vbery calmly watched them. " My vote is to just leave it alone"....She felt the incline and shifter her footing as to not slip. They anti chamber they saw was enormous. She hadnt gotten a good look at its grand size from before, but now with Luca here she felt more secoure in the availability to check it out. The walls looked like stone, and it was an unever carve to say the least. It appeard to have tiered levels, none higher than a few feet that the one before, but they were cut sparratically. AS she focused in on the end of the chamber she gasped" Am i seeing this right?" She turned on one of her small flashlights and tried to widen the beam as far as possible. The end of the chamber, furthest from them.....there was a door. It was a large double door standing nearly 12 foot high with old iron hinges and flanges.
[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] turned her MagLite back on and aimed it at the door. As she walked up to it, she widened the beam. She looked for any sign of a way to pull them open, or to unlock them...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Heart saw Aiko climb down into the large chamber and go for the door. SHe followed where Aiko had gone, using the same footholds and hand holds to get to the uneven bottom. She walked over the hard stone floor and her footfalls echoed. THen she got to the door with AIko. After scanning around to make sure there was nothing else at least close to them , she focused more on the door now. Aiko could easily see old iron rings to pull the door with. There was no lock, at least none could be seen on this side. Heartseeker drew her bow. and notched an arrow, "If you wanna pull, I'll cover you incase anything comes out " ...
Luca stayed back with the others, but his focus was more on the catlike creature that had come through. Heartseeker said to leave it alone, but Luca couldn't shake the sense that it would be worthwhile to see what the creature had seen. He generated a small ball of light, and focused extra energy into controlling the roll to better watch how the cat reacted.
[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
The large cat watched the ball roll toward it then backed away caustiously. ....Each time the ball got close the cat would back off some. Then finally it swatted at it , in a keep your distance kinda way. It was acting protective, but not agressive. the swat wasnt one to harm, claws were retracted, it just didnt want the ball of light close to the corner area it sat in.
Nightstrike peered at Sunstroke with a look of exasperation that the flaming woman couldn't see. "I'm here to determine who or what is creating these monsters and to put a stop to it. If you say you're going to help me, and then you attempt to do harm to me instead, that is how I define back-stabbing. Any other smart-ass questions?"
As she spoke, she walked over to the hole and then unfolded a control wand from the side of the wrist-mounted grapnel. The wand fit into her hand and she then fired the grapnel, with the magnetic head armed, at the door. It stuck with a CLUNK! She looked back at Sunstroke. "No? Alright then."
Nightstrike hopped over the edge and descended down the hole at a good clip until she was ten feet from the floor. She stopped and drew the revolver on her left side. She swung her legs carefully and did a slow pivot, then deactivated the head of the grapnel and dropped the final ten feet. The grapnel launcher reeled the cord back in as she drew her other revolver and peered down the tunnel.
With a muffled POP, Penumbra vanished in a cloud of darkness and reappeared at the bottom of the hole, ears perked up and eyes sharp. He trotted over to stand between Glenshadow and Nightstrike, facing the tunnel.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Sister Flare nods to Luca as she begins, murmuring in archaic whispers as she begins the spell...if all works without interference, the ball of amber energy she summons should expand in a contrail and lead them to a safe destination, and to their goal.
Sunstroke flew down onto the ramp melting the last of the slide "Sounds good to me I never turn down a chance to light a Bar B Q." Unknown was being extra careful not to touch the water from the melted ice and was moving along the ceiling to do so. Like a black blob he oozed along. Jutan frost adjusted his suit abit "I won't be able to make much more ice constructs running low. Sunstroke how about a torch to light the way." He started heading down followed by Phantasm and Sunstroke.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP