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Egypt (open rp)

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Egypt (open rp)

The large plane lumbered towards its destination. The copilot got out of her seat and said" im going to go check on everyone and put our heads together for ideas and try to come up with some sort of plan "....

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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"Aye, ill be here, oh and

"Aye, ill be here, oh and bring me something to eat and an energy drink, would you?" Steel asked jayde politely. "getting hungry again"
Jayde went back to see how the others were doing. Heartseeker was wandering around making small talk with whomever would chime in, Glenshadow sat in his seat with an mp3 player on. Emerald was reading an old book, trying to recite some odd ancient phrases. He was getting frustrated with himself as not being able to decipher everything. The book he was reading had an image of the broadsword he carried , marked on its front cover. Jayde came out and nodded to the Unknown and the went up to Aiko, "First time flying ?" she asked innocently.

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"No, I was on a helicopter

"No, I was on a helicopter for about three seconds last night," [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] replied, deadpan. "Not before that, although I have played some simulator games."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"We are use to the

"We are use to the gravityless realm of space. We been in a ... helicopter as well for a time."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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" oh yes , she quirked. I

" oh yes , she quirked. I read the report. " she smiled and opened a cooler steel had loaded onto the plane. She took out a sandwich wrapped in foil and a monster energy drink. " Either of you two want anything?" She pulled out a bag of gummi bears and teasingly waved them back and forth. Glenshadow smirked at jaydes antics. "Jayde being Jayde " he thought. He could imagine Steel getting all fussy about her trying to give away his gummi bears. Heartseeker came up to them and sat next to Aiko. " I looked over the data you had and it poses some interesting questions. " she scrolled through Jaydes pad again. " It seems the info you provided is making us believe there is a connection between the book ,the stone, and those portals that popped up everywhere yesterday. If you hadn't heard about them yet here's the link. " She sent images and stories to Aikos pad.

"I'm thinking we track down any info we can on the prof. Then see how it ties things together for us. "
She looked at both of them and asked " what do you think ?"

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As the got closer to egypt he

As the got closer to egypt he took on his new female disguise. "we...I think that's the more logical approach."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Yes. The local academic,

"Yes. The local academic, especially archaeological, organizations should have information on him. Does the Egyptian government keep track of such things?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Yes "Jayde replied "they

"Yes "Jayde replied "they should".
As the group muttled over thier first step when landing , the plane started its descent.
"Foxtrot tango niner niner what is your destination " a voice sqwaked over the com.
Steel replied " foxtrot tango niner niner heading inbound to 30 degrees north by 28 degrees West. Over. " That's when steel saw the blips on his radar.
" Foxtrot tango niner niner , your escort is incoming. Please don't deviate from your heading. Out. "
" We've got incoming friendlies or supposed to be so let's wake up back there and be prepared ok? " steel said over the internal comm.

Two Mig 35s flew up and positioned themselves on each side of the larger slower aircraft.
They stayed with the lumbering plane.

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After some time , the large

After some time , the large plane started its landing approach. Somwhere west of bawiti , a private airport was to be used as thier home base. " I guess Roxi vonvinced Mali to let us use his place huh" Steel said to Jayde as they guided the lumbering craft down on final approach. " Yeah we're in the middle of nowhere , and there goes our escort ". She answered. " Mali must have friends in high places ". She continued. " I'm sure , and aparently so does Rox. " steel laughed. Never surprised at her ability to set up such grand overtakings with just a few texts and a couple of calls.
As the planes giant wheels touched down ,hearseekers pad started to vibrate. " I'm getting a download of the local areas plus info of allied souces and possible supply places. ". In fact the whole group should be getting the same info. " local stores, and" she scrolled some " looks like we're sleeping at the airport , they converted an older building to accommodate us ".

The plane slowed and finally came to a complete stop.
"I'll get the bikes and gear unloaded . Can you work on dinner ? I'm hungry." He said to Heartseeker
" I'll help ya glen " emerald volunteered .

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"I think I'll be more help

"I think I'll be more help unloading than cooking," [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] said as she headed toward the cargo ramp.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Unknown looked out of the

Unknown looked out of the plan "What bright and clear sky. It's a paradise." Looking at the hangar area "We... I am unsure what assistance I can provide."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The team unloaded and set up

The team unloaded and set up in the empty hangar provided to them. Heartseeker was quick to set up a table with chairs and multilple computers, all working on something. Jayde decided to heandle the meal, she had gone into the crate of supplies and pulled out some ration packs. She then pulled what looked like a hanging stove frame and out and assembled it. She placed a large metal bowl in the center and lit the heating element. Tehn she emptied the contents of a few of the cans. "Beef stew the way momma used to make it" she joked describing the makeshift meal.

"Smells good" Steel said as he single handedly lifted a bike with one arm and brought it out of the plane. He set the heavy motorcycle down like he was lifting a lightweight 10 speed.

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Flying into Egypt was another

Flying into Egypt was another plane. This one when spotted the fighters scrambled as they approached the unauthorized plane door opened and a figured flew out. Flying at mock 4 the figure of a woman on fire flew at the fighters, they responded by opening fire but the bullets melted before they hit. She responded by melting their wings sending both jets to the ground.

When the Pilots ejected she burnt the Parachutes causing them to freefall to their deaths. She flew back into the plane returning to her non flame form "Two wasps are now rubble boss." Jutan Frost nodded "Now to make sure we don't get anymore interference... Phantasm will you do the honors." A man dressed in a business suit nodded and extended his hands out. Soon the plane vanished from sight and from Radar. "I won't be able to keep this up for long. We should land soon."

Jutan chose to dress in white for this trip his normal suit replaced by a insulation system that keeps him cool even in the heat of the Egyptian sun. "Even if I have to kill every living person in Egypt I will have my orb." Sunstroke yawned "Yeah yeah, as long as I get payed boss we can murder all of the continent. "You get what you earn Sunstroke, as well as you Phantasm."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Steel was sitting enjoying a

Steel was sitting enjoying a bowl of stew when Syl and the others flashed in behind him. He didnt jump, move or even seem excited. "Bout time syl, I sent you that targeted point over an hour ago. " Glenshadow exited the plane with a small box of supplies and looked over at syl standing there with her company.
"More fun for the baddies i suppose." He said outloud. he was obviously unaware of thier coming.
"Oh yeah, i forgot to tell everyone" steel joked. "Roxicon sent us a few more assests"
Heartseeker , startled by syls appearence and company immediately went over to greet the newcomers. Emerald followed, along with Jayde.
Glenshadow gave them a small nod and then went about his tasks.
"There's food here for those whod like to grab a bite, and other equipment in the plane and around , well everywhere. " Steel motioned to the makeshift set up of gear and equipment. Various tables, some real tables , others just crates with boards on them, held different devices, weapons, ammo, etc... the place looked like an old forward base youd see in a war movie." We have cots in the plane if there arent enough out yet. feel free to claim an area and your kip up" he continued. "After the pleasentries were going to set a plan in motion, the more here, the more we can accomplish each day. " He stood up now and spooned another heaping helping of the canned stew into his mouth.
"Our first objective is the museum where the old prof used to work. " he was speaking more to the team already in place, but he was talking to the newcomers as well.
"The place has long been shut down, however , were hoping to enter it and search for any info related to the orb or the tome. Not sure why but thats what roxi said" he took another spoonful of stew "she beleives they're related somehow"
"And while thats happening, " Jayde interrupted" A second team is going to scout the area. " she walked closer to the center of the group. "our contacts here have noticed an unusual amount of traffic in the desert west of here. They may be nothing, or it may be significant."
Then hearseeker chimed in" and third, im taking a small team to cairo to check out a lead we have on the profs surviving relative." she cleared her throat, "it seems we found record of him having two children back in the 50's, maybe, and we think one is still alive and in a hospitol in cairo"
The group sat and pondered the plans of action.
"ojk, so who is going where?" Steel asked..."i'm maintaining the base as always with jayde"

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"I think I shall help out at

"I think I shall help out at the museum," said [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font]. "Do we know why or when it closed?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"According to official

"According to official records, it was closed in the 80s due to lack of interest and funding." Hearseeker said sending data to Aiko's pad. "But that seems a little unusual for this place, i mean the country's a museum, i figured they'd have funding for this small one." She scroled through more data, "even if it was just three floors of various potteries"

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After the introductions, Luca

After the introductions, Luca listened to the three options and considered where he would be best suited, "I think I'm best suited to the museum. As a magician I suspect those talents would be valuable searching for tomes or info therein."

He thumbed the filigree rod idly, sending a few points of light traveling at random directions along the pattern. He had moved to look at the supplies, pulling the rod out of the holster and holding it over the items to see what magical devices had already been gathered.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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Loca wouldnt find any magical

Loca wouldnt find any magical items per say. None of the heroes here were magic based. "Is there something specific you require?" Heartseeker asked after introductions. "most of our equipment is technology based, or these things" she opened a case of small looking colored tablets. "these are odd trinkets weve collected over the years, and learned even to reproduce" She showed the tablets and explained thier various uses. "this one trown can produce a smoke cloud, this one when consumed can make you immune temporarily to stunning effects, and some poisons...." She went on to show a variety of little devoces or chewables to aid the heroes in small minor ways. the list included smoke , tranqs, all kinds of IR marking chalks and pens , small stimulants, even focusing devices. "but no real 'magical' ones, as none of us have the ability to use them. " she continued. "we do however have a trunk of what some would call spell components" ...she gestured towards an old looking leather strapped box sitting under some other smaller containers.

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Luca chuckled lightly. "I

Luca chuckled lightly. "I would be happy to take a look, if for anything to know fully what resources may be available should the needs arise. I tend to keep away from the...ah...modern elements of science. The craft has served me well, and tends to like my attraction to it."

He held the filigree parallel to the ground and snapped his wrist to activate it. The silver filigree glowed brightly. From either end, beams of aural light extended to appear as a long staff weapon. The color was similar Another shake and the beams curled to form a bow. A final shake and the beams disintegrated. The glowing filigree dimmed until the device quieted completely and was holstered once again. "I've yet to find a limit of what it will project, but it's also been equally untested in that regard."

He strolled over to the trunk and began examining what spell components were present and made a mental list of the resources.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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"Heart, why dont you take

"Heart, why dont you take them to the museum first" Jayde said with an official tone. "The hospitol in cairo is a few hunderd miles away , It can wait, for someone else. " She was scrolling on her pad, " Aiko and our newconer here luca seemed rdy to go, and since the museum is just inside the city" She was referring to the city of Bawiti, about 20 miles east of where they landed, " we may get more answeres sooner rather than later. "
Heartseeker walked over to where steel had placed her bike, then back to the tables and gathered some minor things. "Ok, sounds like a plan" she retorted. "you two ride?" as she gestured to the collection of motorbikes and even pedal ones they had brought with her.
Heartseeker then placed her bow on her bike and strapped it in place. She had yet to dress in her hero get up as she didnt want to draw attention or stand out as anything more than a tourist. Instead she just chose some jeans, and a plain red t shirt with a heart on it. She wore normal looking shades, but they obviously had more to them. She then grabbed a camera and sun hat trying to look the part, and said" whenever you two are ready, ill be outside." referring to Aiko and luca. Hitting her bikes throttle, she shot out of the hanger door and started to do circles , waiting to leave with the others.

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Unknown now in her female

Unknown now in her female disguise headed out of the plane and stood looking at the sun without a hint of trouble. "Sky is clear of vapors the light is purer. Such a paradise." Then she looked over "Will I be required to stay in human form? I could run as fast as one of those crafts. If not I would need a ride, I can't control such a device."

Elsewhere Jutan frost wasn't so happy about the Egyptian weather. "Accursed place may it be the first to be ravaged." Sunstroke looked over "What was that boss? Didn't quite hear you." "Nothing Sunstroke. Using my contacts I might have a faint lead. There was a Museum that now closed seems someone connected to the place been doing a lot of research into mystical arts." "You mean those rifts in reality, someone Wants to do that?" "They are children playing with fireworks, uncontrolled and chaotic. However they are learning." Out of the back of the plane rolled out a tan colored Hummer drove by Phantasm "Give me the directions and we be on our way."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"I'm sure if youd like to go,

"I'm sure if youd like to go, theyll be riding at a pace you can keep up with." Jayde said as she noticed unknown staring off where Heart was riding in circles. "your ability to blend in would be an asset in sure"

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"If you wish to stay in human

"If you wish to stay in human form, I'm fine with a passenger. I don't know enough about the locals or your natural form to offer other advice," He said to the Unknown-woman. Luca hopped on one of the bikes, fitting a proper helmet and goggles before he waited for Unknown to decide her mode of transport. Once she decided, he'd speed off to follow behind Heartseeker.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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AIko donned the helmet and

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] donned the helmet and examined the bike, occasionally glancing at Heartseeker. Then she got on the bike, started its engine, and made a few pratice laps. Shaky at first, by the third lap she was steady enough. Remembering a fictional Chicago wizard, she pulled up next to Luca and ran some diagnostics.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Glenshadow watched the ones

Glenshadow watched the ones heading out to check out the museum. As they left he looked around to see who was remaining. "I'll go check out the areas of the extra activity. " he stated. Realising his harley would be useless in the sand dunes, he opted for a more traditional desert vehicle. He hopped in what looked like a small dune buggy. It had two seats, and a cage. It was small and relatively light with big tires made for the dunes spacifically. They had two of these vehicles here, lighweight but fast, like oversized quad bikes. "anyone else coming?" He asked.

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Peering about curiously as

Peering about curiously as they arrived, Sister Flare debated her own options internally before speaking up as she moves to stand near Luca and Heartseeker.

"I am also ready, and my skills are rooted in investigation and deduction." States, before pressing the fingers of her right hand lightly upon a ruby held above her chest, slowly engulfed in a swirling corona of amber flames. When they die down, she is revealed to be clad in a white t-shit, unbuttoned brown denim jacket, grey jeans and black heeled boots. Her eyes a light emerald, her scarlet hair is held within a tight and deliberate bun.

To all intents and appearances, she would appear like a avid tourist or unassuming archaeologist, and even her aura is dampened, masked and carrying a light scent of sage.

"I also imagine we are not the only ones after the orb?" When she speaks, her true accent is revealed, a earpleasing Boston Brahmin accent.


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"Oh were almost sure were not

"Oh were almost sure were not the only ones." Jayde replied, "however im not sure who the other party is, or where they are, thats why were splitting into teams for each site." She walked over to see glenshadow sitting in the buggy. "we can only hope whoever it is, we beat them to it"
"you coming with me to the desert or to the old museum in town?" Glenshadow asked sister flare

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p.s.using daily grinds ooc

p.s.using daily grinds ooc for this as well, to make newcomers aware

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"hey glen check this out"

"hey glen check this out" Jayde walked over to the buggy glenshadow sat in while waiting for more members to join. She showed him some satellite images taken only hours before. "What the hell is that thing?" he asked as the image showed an odd looking vehicle, with a type of canvas tarp on top . The vehicle was quite large , almost like big rig, but tracked. It hauled , from what they could tell due to the grainy images , and the big tarp , a trailor, with two more hitched to it .
"where did that come from?" he asked again. " not sure, Jayde replied, "our sats have been focusing on the rough outlying area and it appeared out of nowhere. "
"Ok lets check this out, " Glenshadow said as he revved the buggies engine....

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"Welp, ah ain't able to make

"Welp, ah ain't able to make myself look diff'rent like other folks here, so ah reckon ah'll be better off goin' inta the desert to have a look-see." Cal said, heading over to clamber into the passenger side of the dune buggy.

He stuck out a hand to Glenshadow. "Nice ta meetcha, pardner. Name's Cal Hardy."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Likewise, and Glenshadow,

"Likewise, and Glenshadow, call me Glen." ....With that he hit the gas , and the little buggy took off. it was incredibly fast and shot past heart and the others still waiting out front.
He throttled it up and they hit the dunes. The harder sand they rode over didtn slow the vehicle down at all, it skipped over the ditches and skimmed the surface with ease......

Jayde looked over at the other buggy, "someone want to follow them?" Then she glanced back at her data pad at the monstrous machine image. She was getting restless and Steel noticed.

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Unknown got on Luca bike

Unknown thought for a time "I shall venture into the Desert. Soak up more of this delightful sun. As well as my true form might be seen as overly Alien to the city entity."

The Hummer drove down the street entering the city. They tried to keep a low profile for now.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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AIko considered the feed from

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] considered the feed from the satellite. "Looks like someone has a big operation going on. That could be their local headquarters."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"I'll be visiting the museum.

"I'll be visiting the museum." Sister Flare answers, turning to Heart as she inquires.

"Do we have a method to communicate should signals be jammed, magical or otherwise?"


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"Just our comms" hearseeker

"Just our comms" hearseeker tapped her earpeice. " I don't know magic " She then looked over at Steel. He shrugged and said " yeah magic was never our thing " then he thought " Roxi was always able to use her mental abilities" he walked closer " do you have any suggestions ?"

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Kat took the teleportation in

Kat took the teleportation in stride -- hardly staggering at all -- and looked around as the new group’s appearance was explained. Ignoring, at least for now, the offer of food, she made a beeline to the table with the supplies, listening while Steel ate and gave a briefing, but at the same time she browsed the supplies looking for particular items.

Finding an empty backpack, she appropriated it, then scouted out a crate of bottled water and half-filled the backpack with them, along with a couple of smaller lightweight nylon drawstring-bags.

Next, she fingered and then picked up a utility belt, belted it on and clipped a sheathed military-grade K-Bar knife to it. Trailing her finger over various items of body armor, she finally shrugged off her sleeveless leather jacket, strapped on a lightweight flexible chest-armor known on the street to be stab and ballistic resistant, and covered it by shrugging into a lightweight, loose, shortsleeved tan linen cargo-shirt. Overall, the effect was poor back-packing college student... if you discounted the K-bar, but the shirt was large and long enough to cover it.

A coil of nylon rope went into the backpack as well, a small hammer and a couple of screwdrivers. She ignored the guns, but appropriated a pair of polarized aviator sunglasses, tucking them into a shirt pocket, and returned to the group as Steel wrapped up his preliminary briefing.

She perked up considerably at the mention of the museum, and less so at the mention of it consisting primarily of archeological potteries.

“I’m fine with going along with the museum crowd,” Kat spoke up with a grin. “I can always scout for ‘secret doors and traps’.” She looked around the group to see if anyone got the joke, then added, “More seriously, I’ve got skills with locks and alarm systems, as in, bypassing them. Also, I’ve no problem with motorcycles.” Saying so, she strode over and looked through the lot, finally picking a relatively nondescript model with a deceptively powerful engine and good tires.
She straddled the seat, and revved the engine speculatively. “This one’s fine.”

“One question though - any provisions for passports, in case some security guard or street-cop gets inquisitive, or do we just improvise?”

Once this was answered, she'd don the sunglasses, gun the motor on her bike and head out after the others, closing the distance quickly.

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In the City the Hummer comes

In the City the Hummer comes to a stop in a back alley near the Closed Museum. "Phantasm this is your style. We don't want to alert the authorities any more then Sunstroke done." "Hey It would have been easier if spook here vanished the plane before we entered the airspace." Phantasm shook his head "I am not limitless." With that he exit the vehicle and faded from view. Much like the Predator from the movies there was a slight distortion where he bent light around himself. He then scaled easily up the side of the building to the roof. A quick search and he found the old AC vent, removing the panel he shimmied down into the museum. "Did he have to go in the vent? The place is closed why not just bust down the door?" Sunstroke said. Responding with a bit of gasp to his breath Jutan Frost responded "It's called stealth tactics Sunstroke. The place is closes doesn't mean the alarm system is not operational."

Unknown looked out at the desert "If I miss my guess we should try to lay low. Don't think the Egyptian entity would like intruders." The awareness still having trouble with the ideas of Cities and Nations. It views such things as larger organisms like itself. Seeing the sunglasses on Kat soon a pair grew on her own face just like her hair, black. "There was a box of information on people. I modeled myself after one." Then she shifted from becoming her a panther/cheetah like shape. "If we meet hostiles should we be aggressive or passive?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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A jeep can then be seen

A jeep can then be seen driving towards the city, in it can be seen 5 men, all heavily wrapped in bandages and wearing desert robes with various firearms strapped to their bodies. The jeep stops and the driver stands up and looks through his binoculars and sees the heroes rummaging through the city. Anyone who can sense magic can tell that their all undead.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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"ID's?" steel inquired, " no

"ID's?" steel inquired, " no worries there, we have a bunch with us, for those that may need, and if none of them fit your general appearcne, we can easily whip you up something " he reiterated. "It may not pass airline scrutiny, but should pass any odd patrol or curious policman." he continued, " i mena this is bawiti, a toursit attraction, and smaller city so no real security threat, or shouldnt be"...

Emerald saw Unknown waiting to head into the desert after glenshadow. He walked up and started the second buggy up, "Hop in, let's go after them " he said as he pulled the vehicle up to where unknown was standing. "we'll go catch them up."

Heartseeker and the others heading to the museum, all on thier chosen bikes, headed out towards the museum. She accelerated down the single lane road that led off the airport main, and stopped when she approached the cross street. The street had a few cars and the odd truck and bike go by, checking that everyone was with her she pulled out after letting the last car go by and headed towards the museum.

In the museum, Phantsam would see from the vent an old completely void of any interaction dusty room. No electrictiy seemd to be on, and there were no panels, no monitors, pretty much an abandoned building. The room he could see from the vent had three desks in it and was on the smaller end. This was a top floor managers office or soemthing similar he could summise. There were some filing cabinets on the left side, two fo them leaning as if they fell against the third. papers were strewn about, but ages ago, nothing recent, and it smelled of stale old books and wood.

In the desert Cal and Glen were heading towards the location of the image on the pad. They slowed somewhat when Emerald informed them they were trying to catch up. "we'll let them join us, and then figure out a tactical scouting position for each of us".glen said to cal . He drove in a wide arcing pattern just to keep the vehicle from getting boged dwon in the now deeper heavier sand.

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Luca rode second in the pack,

Luca rode second in the pack, following Heartseeker as best he could. occasionally, the filigree device would glow intermittently as they passed a random house or a long lost distant ruin buried deep beneath held some old scar or artifact sleeping dormant for millennia. He chirped through the coms a warning to all groups, "There's a lot of magic in this place. Be mindful if you must touch anything."

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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"Roger that," replied AIko

"Roger that," replied [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] from behind just him. Magic wasn't completely outside her experience, but she had no way of detecting it unless it was making overt effects. This made it something she had to be cautious of, relying on her allies and physical clues.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Heartseeker heeded the

Heartseeker heeded the transmision over the comm and respnded by giving a thumbs up to the riders behind her. As she weaved slowly , in and around cars, not trying to let the others get too far back, she felt alive. She loved her bike, and this smooth winding, not busy stretch of road offered her a pleasure she didnt get very often . She accelerated and started to gain speed. The bike she had custom made from BMW responded effortlessly. She was flying now, zooming past cars, and trucks, and weaving in and out of the little traffic with ease. "i'll go scout ahead" she said as an excuse to do what she loved..... she knew shed get to the museum first, that is if any of the others didnt keep up. The museum was nearly a stright shot from where they were. All the way to the dead end, then right, two block up, she repeated to herself weaving around another slow moving truck .

In the desert Glen and cal still waitied for the second buggy. As glen came down a large dune and started to arc back into the wide circle like 'holding pattern' he was running while waiting, he heard the rumble. It got louder, and louder. As the massive lubering towing tractor peaked over a dune further away. "son of a....." he said..."didnt realize we were that close. What are the chances of that being there in this whole massive sandy sea." He looked over at cal..."well , we wanna go check it out, or wait for the others?"

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Unknown got into the buggy

Unknown got into the buggy and returned to the woman disguise. "Ready. Let not let them have all the fun."

Phantasm removed the vent grate and dropped down. The dust was both good and bad, good that it meant no one been here and so the energy residue wouldn't have been overwritten by newer activities. Bad that it left foot prints where he was standing. He waved his arm letting his powers interact with the latent energy within the room. Energy was always there never destroyed people leave energy imprints like they leave skin flakes. The trick was to get those imprints to reawaken replaying the events that triggered the imprint. Most ghost reports end up being false or energy echos recorded in a building or bedrock. Phantasm didn't need quartz or elemental effects he can trigger the energy recordings at will. So he did and watched.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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the images phantasm could see

the images phantasm could see were faded glimpses into the past. they all looked like standard office people coming and going, nothing worth noting in this room. then one of the last few showed what appeared to be a small tremor hitting the building. The roof and walls shook and the file cabinets fell over and papers were scattered about. Then the people in the office left, and never came back........

Glen and cal watched the behemoth vehicle trudge along at higher speed than anything that size could conceivably go. Then , over the sound of the rumbling they heard the other engine of the second buggy. Glen caught sight of it off to his right and steered in its general direction. Emerald saw and heard them coming his way and he drove now in more of an intercepting path. As the two buggies came closer they manuvered to line up behind the big machine and track it. Glen signaled with his hand a parting motion as each should take a side, move up, then retreat back to formation. Emerald nodded his acknowledgement. They split behind the last trailor and came up on each side of it. The tarps however that were flapping in the wind kind of prevented them from seeing inside. "Can you shoot one of those straps?" Glen yelled over the noise to Cal.. " we need to take a peek"......and on the other side Emerald was having the same issue. He looked to his passenger for suggestions.

Heartseeker pulled up a block away from the old broken down building that was once the Bawiti ancient pottery museum. She stopped her bike over on the side, and got off. There were a few local shops and a couple of street vendors peddling thier wares of scarves and odd looking saucers. She loved egypt. Especially a place like this. You could seem to time travel between blocks. One block having state of the art buildings and stores, and the next, animal drawn carts with peddlers trying to scrape out a living. She smiled and put on her tourist act. Trying on scarves and kind of acting like 'why dont you speak english' with the merchant in a palyful manner. "Thiiiis Oooone Heeeerrrree" she said slowly in a dumb tourist tone. She held up a bright red scarf with golden threaded inlays. She then took out a small purse she kept hidden and paid the man in Egyptian pounds. She then walked over to the next stall and started picking up and smelling the fruit. She waited for the team, not wanting to go in alone, and having no idea she wouldnt have been if she did.

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Parking next to Heartseeker,

Parking next to Heartseeker, and fairly certain she was playing a role, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] refrained from translating as she caught up. A bit darker than most of the locals, and with excellent Arabic (among other languages), she could almost pass for a native. Except for her American style clothing. She waited, listening both for sounds and for EM signals.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Heartseeker saw Aiko approach

Heartseeker saw Aiko approach and turned to her and smiled "Lovely here isnt it?" she said to aiko as she walked closer to her . Playing the role she grabbed another scarf from the vendors cart and wrapped it playfully around Aiko's neck. "That color is just you hun" she said as she handed the man two Egypt pound coins. The scarf was purple and blue and had pictures of birds sewn into it with silver threading. "I insist" she got closer.."picking up anything?" she whispered.

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"Can do, pardner." Cal said

"Can do, pardner." Cal said as he shimmied around and then lifted himself to sit up on the bar that usually served to keep passengers inside the vehicle. Doing so lifted his head and shoulders above the low roof of the buggy and he drew his right pistol then braced his arm on the roof of the buggy. He looked ahead of the tractor for a moment, then squeezed the trigger just as the engine roared when its driver downshifted to tackle a dune. The bullet cleanly parted the strap and the wind caught the tarp, blowing it up to flap over its now revealed load.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Phantasm headed farther into

Phantasm headed farther into the museum following a gut feeling that there would be more information to gather at the spot where there was the most damage.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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the tarp blew over in the

the tarp blew over in the front right corner of the last trailer, Glenshadow sped up to be able to peer into the container. What they saw startled them. In the container, apparently made of trasparent material, were creatures. The constant flapping and the fact that only one of the six large tie downs were up hid a clear view, but the two could see distinctly different figures milling about, and being tossed oddly with the bumps. They would lash out at each other as they knocked into each other with the jostling ride. As glen and cal watched and even tried to get a better look, a door swung open on the first trailor. Leaning out was a man in a grey jumpsuit and he held a soviet squad sized light machine gun.
The end of it lit up as rounds passed through the barrel at high velocity. "Dammit....."glen yelled out ," we got thier attention". He drove the vehicle in a sparratic back and forth pattern in an attempt to dodge the hail of lead.

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As Phantasm walked through

As Phantasm walked through the open door and into the hall to head downstairs, hed hear a few odd sounds. The sounds of walking or shuffling more from the bottom floor coming up from the stairwell. No noticible traces of any energy waves , like radio or transmitters. in fact nothing at all, just a sound of shuffling feet.

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Kat had no trouble with the

Kat had no trouble with the bike, but chose to stay with the main group. Once at the market place, she parked the bike a bit further down the block from Heartseeker and Aiko. She trailed her way along the booths as she moved closer to the museum area, fingering a scarf here, a trinket there, and merely shook her head as if she didn't understand the vendors. Which, in fact, she didn't.

Her focus, however, was on surreptitiously scoping out what could be seen of the museum from where she loitered on the street, looking for any sign of activity there.

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Cal kept taking aim at the

Cal kept taking aim at the man leaning out the open door, but every time he fired, the buggy would jostle and his shot would go wide. Cursing, he holstered his gun and put two fingers between his lips, then whistled. Shadows from the buggy and the truck converged, then a midnight-black horse trailing dark tendrils galloped out of the shadows. The horses solid white eyes locked onto Cal and it sped up until it was alongside the buggy.

Cal drew his legs up onto the bar, then climbed onto the roof as they man leaning out of the truck began to reload. He then jumped onto the midnight-black horse and the horse responded by accelerating to run past the buggy and draw even with the open door. "Let's take a ride, hombre!" Cal hollered as his lasso appeared in his hand and he whipped it out to snake around the man's wrists. Before the man could react, Cal hauled him off the tractor and spurred the horse, which took off at a perpendicular angle with the screaming man dragging behind it.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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The figure cal was dragging

The figure cal was dragging was as limp as a rag doll after hitting a few dunes the wrong way. Glen hit the accelerator and brought the buggy back in line with the trailor . He slowed down and noticed the trailor slowing as well.

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Phantasm knelt down hearing

Phantasm knelt down hearing the shuffling feet he focused on the dust. He was still cloaked thought that same dust did show his footprints, it was footprints he was looking for.

Unknown jumped out of the buggy and shifted this time into some kind of super sized lizard and raced at the trucks front. There he leaped onto it claws digging into the metal as if it was plaster. Looking at the driver "Get Out NOW" Well it did work for the helicopter pilot.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Nothing of obvious interest.

"Nothing of obvious interest. Local radio station, occasional chatter on the police frequencies, military running a search-and-rescue off in the Med," [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] whispered back.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Cal brought the shadow horse

Cal brought the shadow horse to a stop and hauled the gunner in. The man was breathing, although he was a little worse for wear. Cal dismounted and laid the man across his horse, then used his lasso to secure the man lying face down behind the saddle. He then clambered back into the saddle and spurred the horse, which took off in the direction of the tractor.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Luca arrived well timed with

Luca arrived well timed with the others, having taken a slight detour to chase a magical distraction. He had quickly disregarded it as a red herring or a long dormant device buried below the sands. He set his bike next to the others and looked around at various fedoras and dusters. "Is this everyone?"

The filigree device had been neatly locked down on the holster, guaranteeing any pickpocket would be blasted away before any efforts to swipe it could be made. An uneasy chill crawled on the back of his neck, and he made sure to tell the group something was unsettled nearby.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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Kat unobtrusively fingered

Kat unobtrusively fingered her comm. "Kat here. Nothing interesting about the front of the museum, want me to check around the back? Or find a point of entry and -- if it's really abandoned -- open it for the rest of you?"

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AIko was even less obvious,

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] was even less obvious, as she didn't need to finger her comm, or even speak aloud. The voice went straight from her sound cards to the transmitter. "Sounds good to me. I advise caution, and remembering what Mister Luca said."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Stepping with grace off the

Stepping with grace off the bike as she approaches a stall, she also puts up the act of a dumbstruck tourist, feeling along the edges of a embrodiarded shawl knapsack, stopping to inhale a wealth of spices, or turn amidst the square before 'accidentally' bumping into the group. Clad now in a pair of cheap but ever effective sunglasses, Sister Flare drops her adopted accent and indulges in that of a all american, semi valley girl.

"Hey there, didn't expect to see you past the motel! How are you liking this place? I found a awesome restaurant we should totally try!" She drawls, before dropping the tone and accent with an airlight whisper as she comments.

"I felt it too, we aren't alone here with alterior intentions. Any word on our scouts?"


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AIko considered replying in

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] considered replying in Momma Marianne's authentic Reseda accent, but, deciding that was too close too the one Sister Flare was using, instead went with Momma Millie's Savannah dialect.
"Well, shoah, let's try it out. Cain't travel this far and not sample the local eats."
And softly, "No, but the satellite puts that transport cutting right across their path. They may have run into it already..."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Kat strolled on down the

Kat strolled on down the street to the museum, and saw it was locked up, the windows dusty and empty. Peering in, she saw the front rooms were empty as well, and no lights were on. She strolled around to the side, still checking windows as she went, and peered around the back corner of the building to to the empty loading dock, before quietly reporting, "No sign of any activity here, although there's a vehicle - hummer, looks like - a little further down the alley behind the museum, so go careful if you don't want to draw attention. I'm heading up to the roof."

Kat pulled back to the side of the building, checked toward the street to make sure she was drawing no attention from there, and then stepped back and took a running leap toward the side of the building, running up it parkour-style to a height of 10 feet and grabbing purchase to cling there a fraction of a second. Easily, she created rough-ice hand-holds, frozen to the side of the building, enough purchase for hands and sneakers as she pulled herself silently the rest of the way up to the top. In the day's heat, the hand/foot holds melted away as fast as she passed them, leaving nothing more than a faint stain of water, which evaporated swiftly.

The roof was dusty with grit and sand, disturbed around a rooftop air vent. Keeping low, she moved toward the vent, seeing its cover had been disturbed, and touched her comm again, whispering, "We may have company, looks like someone's already been up on the roof and may have entered through the air vent. I'm going in after, might be nothing, but thought you should know."

That said, she quietly removed the vent cover, pulled a bottle of water from her backpack and downed it swiftly, then slipped inside the vent. The dust there had definitely been disturbed. Kat low-crawled forward slowly, cautiously, silently, alert for any sound ahead.

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Phantasm followed the

Phantasm followed the shuffling as it dissapated and seemed to dissapear with a thud. The images he was seeing now about the place were ones of orderly but hastily exiting. IT seems some 30 years ago everyone left with a hurry and never came back. The only other image hed see is the painting of the entire interior surface wtih a darker odd looking paint . The floors hed go down one by one were all clear and thick with dust. Not untill he reached the bottom floor would he see evidence of anyone or anything being there. The trail hed easily be able to discern led down the main hall to the back display area. Lining the hall were glass encloseres with old jug and dishes and bolws. all labeld one thing or another. most of the glass cases were still intact, a few had fallem over and fewer still were just cracked . The tracks he folowed appeared semi human, with other odd looking maybe animal ones all coming and going from the back display room. The bottom floor imagery hed see was the most activity. There were people reinforceing the doors, windows, and other points of entry to this building . Apperntly they didnt want anything coming in or out. IF hed examine the windows and such now hed find them seald tight and reinforced with thick materials, and bars. The whole thing has been secured , very subtly, but secured nonetheless to allow no passage in or out. All the images hed see now had everyone heading to and from the main display area. What looked like odd figures in grey jumpsuits walked back and forth then through the main door to the back room, Then he saw the creatures. After a string of jumpsuited sentries doing thier round, it seemed after the last one years would pass and then the creatures started showing up. He saw what looked like lycans, man wolves, then bearlike beings with 8 legs, and all sorts of odd beasts. The last thing he saw was the image of a creature, resembling more of a large cat. It had 6 legs, twin whip like tails, and razor sharp teeth. It peered around with a large 3 eyed head then dissapeared back into the main back room.

Glen stopped his buggy altogether and got off. The big machine came to a grinding stop nearly jacknifing the trailors. AS the driver stared at the unknown, he went reaching for a weapon. The passenger in the cabin of the engine, started throwing switches and the like. Thats when there was a distinct heavey unlatching sound. The trailor doors were opened. Emerald had slowed and stopped as well seeing the Unknown pounce ont eh big machine like a cat with a mouse, only sized backwards. "what now?" he thought then he heard the latches snap open. "Ah crap, why do i keep opening my big mouth ".. He drew his gleeming glass looking sword and got out of the vehicle. The tarps still remained in place, except for the one that Cal shot off. Glen came back over to stand with emerald behind the last trailer. "looks like were in for some fun here " he said into his comm so all those would be able to hear. Thats when he took a defensive pose and then was engulfed in a black,purplish flame. The flames engulfed him nearly entirely as he stood ready to deal with whatever came his way. Emerald seeing glen get ready, took a defensive stance, his sword held high as he turned to defend himself and glen. At that time the tarp on the second trailer tore with a loud rending sound. Two very large creatures came barreling through it and ran towards the charging horseman. They were the size of rhinos but had no horns. Thier hides were dull brown but tough looking, they ran on all four legs and barreled through the dunes at thier attacker. The best way to describe them would be bears with scales, not fur. Glenshadow watched this as he and emerald thought about taking after them, thats when the back trailor emptied. The wolfmen things it contained came out with a fury. 9 in all came at glen and emerald howling and clawing through the sands like dimented beasts. " Houston, we may have a problem..." Emerald said in his comm with his sarcastic bad humor.

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At the news of potential

At the news of potential company in the museum, Luca thumbed the filigree device as he stayed near AIko and Sister Flare. He tried on a few hats before finding a few that actually worked well with his current dapper style. He looked to the two and asked, "What do you think, the pinstripe or the plaid?"

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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He saw all he needed to see.

He saw all he needed to see. He was a ghost a snoop, and often times an assassin. If those things were still in the back room he wasn't going to disturb them. Retreating back the way he came he moved carefully retracing his own steps through the museum back to the air vents. There he stopped spotting Kat he knelt down still bending light around himself. Backtracking again till he thought he was out of earshot.

Once he believed he was out of earshot he opened his phone and called Jutan or tried to spotting no bars. "Okay time for some tricks" He moved back to where he spotted Kat and drew a gun than speaking in Egyptian [i]"Halt Don't move! I'm special agent Hakim"[/i] he made himself visible but was now disguised as an Egyptian man complete with what might be a detective clothing. Heck he even flashed a badge. it was all illusion bending of light of course. Then makes a face as he just now spotted she was not a native then in English "Why shouldn't I arrest you for trespassing? This is a restricted area."

Once outside Jutan tried to call Phantasm having spotted Kat entering the building. Jutan thought for a moment "Seems we aren't the only ones on the hunt."

Jutan shut the phone and thought "Sunstroke get up in the sky do some aerial recon." "If something tries to stop me?" "You may do what you like, litter this whole place with courses I want that ORB." Sunstroke burst into flames and took off into the air like a flare doing a ever increasing spiral pattern of flight.

Unknown shifted a bit as the truck came to a jackknife stop. Seeing the weapon and spotting the fellow flipping switches "That wasn't an option." With that he punched in the window and his crystalline claw blade extended as he thrusted it to the driver. Impaling him "You in the back can you reverse what you done? I can kill you fast, or slow."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"It seems they have run into

"It seems they have run into it," [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] said quietly. Not sure if the others' comms had enough noise filtering to hear, she added, "Emerald is quoting Swigert and Lovell." She looked up to the roof of the museum. "Can any of you [I]not[/I] reach that roof on your own?" Any people in the Hummer Kat had mentioned would only be able to watch, at most, two sides. She looked for any other vehicles that might hide watchers.

And as Kat went down the air vent, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] listened for her signal.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"It appears so. I hope they

"It appears so. I hope they can handle whatever is out there." Luca stopped and considered his options, "No, I should have a trick that can grant me roof access."

He set down the hats and gripped the filigree device. It had a dim glow, but flickering about like a candle. Looking at the others and then back to the museum, "Something doesn't feel right."

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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Noticing Sunstroke, AIko said

Noticing Sunstroke, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] said, both aloud and over the comms, "We have company over here, as well, Houston." One of the phones in her skull - it had started as a Boeing Black - had satellite capability. She began using it to email a picture to Roxicon back in Titan City, a close up of Sunstroke in flight, along with a request for information. While that was being sent, she went into tourist mode, pointing at Sunstroke and saying, "Look, y'all! A super!" As obvious westerners, they'd stick out anyway. Real tourists, she reasoned, wouldn't think twice about pointing out a superhero, unless they were from Titan City and just though, "yeah, big deal..."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Heartseeker noticed the flyer

Heartseeker noticed the flyer as well, she saw the image flash by and immediately went for her bike. As she was noticing the few other tourists and such around watching the shame bright display, she pulled a bag off the back of her bike and then took her bow off . "Well, she went the other way, ....away from the building, but i dont think she was the only one. kat's in there and she may need help. To hell with subtlety." She then took a few small graphite poles out and screwed them together, she was building her arrows. She tipped them and added fletching, Then taking one with a large tip on it, aimed it at the front door of the building. "We all ready?" she said as she loosed the arrow.

Glenshadow was attacked by the two creatures in the front of the pack. they swung at him with viscious claws and snapped with thier huge gaping maws. He dodged the first and locked grip with the second. Grabbing it he spun it around to knock into the one he dodged. The creature was weakening, being in his cloud of black and purple flames weakend it.. it felt drained. Emerald watching the fight but trying to guard Glens back, lowered his blade as another came in on the side. He swung the sword and made contact. The blade bit in deep and carved a huge gash in the chest cavity from center to the right side. The beast staggered sideways on its follow through lunge and lay lifeless. Not having time to make sure it was down , he immeditely went into a defensive stance again, defending glenshadow's back . They stood back to back as they started to get encircled. They both acknowledged Aiko's message, while trying to cope with the event unfolding before them.

"aiko, glen....sit reps " Steel chimed in over the comm, "Do either of you need assistance?"....

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Unknown would see the same

Unknown would see the same blank stare of the passenger as he saw before att the wartehouse. The mindless drone clone really would have little function except what they were programmed for. As he threatened the drone who had hit the switches it was ignored and then the drone went to open a compartment under it seat and remove a weapon.

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Aiko picked up a transmision

Aiko picked up a transmision from one of the street vendors, it was a coded message, it came after seeing sunstroke fly. It was being sent to the general direction of where Unknown and glens group were.

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"AIko here. Unknown flying

"[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] here. Unknown flying super looking around, sent picture to Roxi for ID. No contact with Kat, Heart is getting ready to go in noisily. Coded message sent from nearby on (insert frequency here), I caught the side lobe, looks like it's aimed where Glen, Cal, and Unknown went to look, plus or minus ten degrees. Working on decryption, it'll take a while without a bigger sample." All this went straight to Steel; outwardly she only nodded to Heartseeker.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Sister Flare nodded to Heart

Sister Flare nodded to Heart amidst pointing and gawking at Sunstroke, subtly summoning her flaming whip on her belt, only a bare impression seen if anything at all. Eyeing 'Detective Hakim'; keeping him subtly locked in her peripheral vision as she whispers to the group.

"All is not what it seems. Regardless I am prepared to fight, should we be needed. Kat must find that orb first."


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"Indeed, 'to hell with

"Indeed, 'to hell with subtely,'" Luca smirked as he brought out the light bow form. As he drew his hand back, the projection of an arrow formed and fought tension against the suggestion of where the string would be. "Be ready! We don't know who might come out charging us!"

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

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As Cal rode towards the truck

As Cal rode towards the truck, they two huge rhino-like creatures came boiling out from under their tarp and charged straight for him. "Yeehaaa! Looks like we got some dogies to round up, Penumbra!"

Cal flicked his lasso and it loosed the man he'd been dragging, then coiled back into his hand. Cal spurred Penumbra and the shadow-horse galloped straight at the charging beasts. The cowboy leaned way over to the left, his lasso at the ready. At the last second, Penumbra veered hard right and Cal let go of the saddle. There was a blur of motion, but those with especially good eyesight would've seen Cal straighten himself out as he slid across the sand and underneath the first charging beast. As that happened, he slipped his lasso around the snout of the beast. As Cal slid out from underneath the beast, Penumbra curved back in and Cal skidded to a halt next to the shadow-horse. He hopped to his feet and wound the rapidly tightening lasso around the saddle horn, then pulled it taut. What happened next was simple physics.

Though Penumbra had the appearance of a normal horse, albeit one cloaked in shadows, he was anything but. When the lasso looped around the beasts snout snapped taut, it yanked on Penumbra, but Penumbra simply chose not to be moved. So instead, the beasts front end was jerked to a halt while its rear end continued forwards. The result was the ungainliest front flip in recorded history as the rhino-like beast's rear end flew over its stationary front end and and its back slammed into the desert, leaving the beast stunned.

Cal jumped back onto Penumbra and they rode straight for the stunned creature. As its partner skidded to a halt and turned clumsily, Cal dove off Penumbra and hog-tied the beast, figuring that the brainy types might want one of these monsters to study. Scrambling back onto Penumbra, he stared down the still free beast and waited for it to charge.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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The arrow fired from

The arrow fired from Heartseekers bow hit the door in the front lock area. It started to burn and turn the whole locking mechagnism bright orange as the magnesium and tungstan burnt together creating an inward force. The small blast burnt the entire lock and handles out and left a smoldering circle in the wood and remnants of any metal. The small implosion wouildnt rock the building, or cause any structural damage. anyone inside would see the door locks and handle just turn orange and melt then get thrown inward . Heartseeker walked up to the door and kicked it. The braces and securities stood fast however. "Son of a bitch" she said angrily," all i did was drill a hole in the blasted thing".....she looked back at the others. "iv'e got stronger, just dont wanna do any structural damage" she said this the tourists and other milling about started to leave, and fast. All but two of them. The one man selling scarves, started sending another signal through a small hand held device, and drew an old pistol.

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"Ah. There's the transmitter

"Ah. There's the transmitter." The burst of EMP [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] sent at the scarf vendor's device would probably fry anything that small, unless it used vacuum tubes or was well shielded. She didn't want to use more power because she didn't know what might be in that other building behind him. In Arabic (not Egyptian Arabic, but she hoped the official Modern Standard Arabic would do) she warned the man drawing the gun, "That will do no good. Please put it away." She also brought up her force field in case he didn't listen to her.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Unknown stabbed the drone and

Unknown stabbed the drone and then jumped down he rushed for one of the creatures his form hardening fully. With a tackling leap he started slashing as he crashed down on the creature's back.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Kat had let herself out of

Kat had let herself out of the air vent and begun moving from room to room. As she was suddenly addressed sternly in Arabic, and then in English: "Why shouldn't I arrest you for trespassing? This is a restricted area", she flicked hair back from her ear, unobtrusively opening the commlink broadcast so the rest of her team could hear, and raised both hands.

Playing “bewildered student tourist” to the hilt, she hastily (and a bit loudly) blurted, “Woah, take it easy, dude, this is a museum, it said so in my guidebook. If it’s restricted, why aren’t there ‘No Trespassing’ signs? I mean, my History of Ancient Civs Professor said I should check it out - I’m doing a thesis, see, on “Historical Pottery: Portraits of Day-to-Day Life”, and he said to be sure and check this museum out, you know? Front door was locked, see, but I tried around the side, and there was a door open there, OK?”

She favored the guy with her best “Oh man, please don’t shoot me!” face, while checking with peripheral vision for any one else in the room she might have to deal with.

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Great two snoops trying to

Great two snoops trying to out con each other "Amerian judging by your accent. Even there a locked door means stay out. This place been closed for years Robbery with some explosives causes structural damage." Motions to the knocked down shelves. "We got a call earlier of sounds coming from inside so I entered, from the very vent you did. Was thinking I get the drop on any intruders. As you can see there nothing here not even any trespassers but you. So I'm assuming your earlier break in attempts got some notice. Now we both are going to leave by the front door like civilized people and I think about not calling my partner and running you down to the office."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Earlier break-in attempts,"

"Earlier break-in attempts," Kat stalled. "Dude, I just got here. If somebody else was breaking in earlier, they might still be here, right? Shouldn't you be looking for them?"

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"You been drinking too much

"You been drinking too much american soda. I already search the place that why I know there no one here, but us. Now don't make me charge you with resisting arrest as well. Calmly head to the front door and be careful. Trust me this place is dangerous I'm probably saving your life." Motions with the gun to the front of the building.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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This was clearly going

This was clearly going nowhere, so - without warning, Kat attempted to project an icy coating around the guy, as if he were literally and nearly instantly trapped in a block of ice. Kat hoped the water she'd drunk earlier would give her enough 'juice' to make this work. On the other hand, there wasn't a lot of external humidity to work with, and even if it worked, she knew the ice wouldn't hold for long.

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Phantasm spotted the shift of

Phantasm spotted the shift of her energy right before she attacked he jumped to the ground to avoid the ice blast and raising a forcefield "Damn It woman you're going to get us both killed. I meant it this place is Dangerous." His form faded as he dropped the illusion, under it was an black man judging by his light brown skin tones an African American "You want to fight and all I wanted was get the hell out."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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As the two argued in the

As the two argued in the building they would have heard hearts arrow start melting then her kicking of the door futilely . Heartseeker had noticed Aikos interaction with the peddler. She still was trying to get in however. Unsure of her next move, she looked to luca and sister flare .

The man holding the old gun lowered it at Aikos command . He saw what she did to his device and didn't make any threatening moves. Instead he said in broken English " I watch I tell " and pointed to the building. " just watch for dark bird woman , she pay me ". He stammered. He seemed confused unsure of what he should do.

The creature hogtied by Cal's rope didn't struggle much. It was severely stunned and injured when all of its weight dropped on its head. The other still charging at cal seemed oblivious to the threat cal posed to it.

The unknowns blades pierced one of the wolfmen in the back and did tremendous damage. It staggered as if trying to still function. Unknown had seen this before. The beast still tried to complete its goal even in its last breath. As it fell two of the others took thier attention from glen and emerald and lunged at the unknown. Glenshadow was doing a Good job of letting the others lunge and he'd drain them fast then snap thier necks with a vice like grip. His aura protected him alot better than emeralds armor. Em had a few slashes in his right thigh and one on his left forearm. They still fought back to back. Weaving and spinning blocking and parrying waiting for the opening to go offensive. Three of the beasts lay at thier feet and two more parried and lunged at the pair. "Glad to gave you " glen said in his comm catching briefly the way the unknown dispatched one of them. " Just be aware , we still haven't seen the contents of the middle trailer " trying to make sure unknown was aware of the count .

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Kat had ducked behind cover

Kat had ducked behind cover as Phantasm avoided her attack. "I'm listening," she said shortly, all traces of vapid student gone now. "Obviously the place is dangerous, it's why I'm here. If you feel like sharing, maybe we'll both walk out unscathed."

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He looks to the side hearing

He looks to the side hearing the commotion at the front door "amateurs, I don't care what you do. What I came for isn't here and what happens next doesn't involve me." With that Phantasm sent a blast of energy at the ground stirring up the dust at the same time he faded from view and headed for the door. He didn't run that be stupid he went for a location where he could wait for the Ice woman's friends to rush by before he headed out. Up above Sunstroke spotted the chaos at the door "Boss seems Phantasm about to have unwanted guest. Should I teach them manners?" "We lost contact with him, if there something in that building let the party guest clear the way. Either way a problem gets solved, besides Phantasm can handle himself."

Unknown recognized the behavior "These beings minds are empty, like the drones there no real thoughts left in there heads." He finished off the wolfman with a blade through the skull before he turned to the next one as it pounced at him. He extended his armor spikes letting the foes cut themselves as they attack.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Did the dark bird woman give

"Did the dark bird woman give you a phone number, or just the radio?" [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] pointed at the device. She thought about Uncle Val's boss, but he was a male hawk, and neither Wren nor Grace could be considered dark...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Meanwhile, Sister Flare would

Meanwhile, Sister Flare would be flanking right beside Heart, her earlier disguise discarded in a waft of flames as she stands in her huntress outfit, her flaming whip held firm within her right hand as she whispers to the Archer.

"You realize that display, however unintentional just likely alerted whoever was in charge of any counter efforts against us to a confirmed second party?" She then pauses to stare at Sunstroke, eyeing her for a moment before adding.

"I'll be sticking to the shadows, and will take point just in case something's amiss." She assures as she races stealthily forward into the museum, her aura and presence literally and physically masked in smoke, not yet casting away subtlety as she slinks into the shadows, searching for Kat and the orb within the corridors.


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Cal pulled his hat down tight

Cal pulled his hat down tight, drew his pistols, then began running straight at the charging beast. With both of them moving at full speed, the distance between them closed rapidly. At the last second, just as the beast lowered its head, Cal leapt upwards. As he arced over the beast, he pointed his pistols down and fired, peppering its spine from neck to tailbone.

Landing on the other side of the beast, he dropped to one knee and extended the other leg out, skidding to a halt. He pivoted on his knee to check the status of the beast.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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The beast had taken critical

The beast had taken critical hits along its lay slumped semi burried in the sand that it slid into when its momentum carried it forward after it was felled.
Cals shot rang true.

The two wolflike creatures took asome damage attacking the unknown. They had gashes along thier arms and hands, and little to show for thier effort. they stopped thier attacks and started to circle, looking for an oppurtunity to strike with more deadly measures.

The vendor looked at Aiko and showed her the burnt out device. It was just a small phone.. and older flip cell. The screen was completely blank , it was useless. He stammered to say "push number 2 ....number 2" If there was a number , he didnt know it. He still held the old pistol , but wasnt threatening at all. It seemed he held it for more his own protection than anything.

Heart stared at the hole in the door and lock but realized it was still reinforced and barred from inside. "Unless we want to completely blow it out, we'll need to find another way in. "Kat, you there,? Is the way you went in clear?...Kat? Kat?" she pondered why it wasnt working. "luca, can you get us in withouth blowing the door?" she asked....

Glen caught the lunging thing by the throat and used its momentum to choke slam it down in the sand. The sand was red with blood and it hit with a dull thud. The beast flailed widly at glen trying to make him relinquish his vice like grip. With every wild swing it weakend, and slowed untill it was not really giving up a fight at all, With a firm grip and twist, a crack of its neck, and it was lifeless. Having his back turned to the last one appeared to leave an openeing ,of course if it werent for emerald. It lunged trying to land on glenshadow, only to be cut down by the blade of emerald. He struck it as it passed in a downward motion at the neck, it head severed clean off. They both looked out and saw Cal had finished off the two larger bear things, and saw the unknown seemingly easily handling the other two. The last two werent attacking the unknown, they were circling, but they looked like theyve gotten the worse of it so far. They looked battered and beaten, tired, but still trying to figure out a way to attack.
"Mindless , as he said," Emerald refferred to the unknowns statement. " We've seen this before, " he said agin over the comm to the group. "Aiko are you picking up a control pulse?" he asked. As he did, glenshadow walked over to the middle trailer. They still hadne seen its contents yet, and he wanted to see for himself.
His dark armor engulfing him as he lifted the tarp slowly and peered inside. "you guys gotta check this out, " is all he said over the comm, staring in at the horrific contents.
