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Grayson Tower (Villain based Open RP)

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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Lady Krait smiles as she

Lady Krait smiles as she turns to Reuther....

"A car ride would be lovely, Reuther...I trust you know where the Biohub is located?"


GoldPeter's picture
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"Yes I do, one must begin to

"Yes I do, one must begin to know a city inside and out before one takes control of it" He leads the group outside the tower where his lackey has the car ready for them, it's an old black convertible, vintage from the 1940s ( similar to this ). The lackey holds the door open for them as Reuther takes a seat in the back of the car "Much thanks C.P."

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Alpha0177's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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Klade enters as well. "Is

Klade enters as well. "Is this biohub popular?"

Gladatoria's picture
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Krait steps into the vehicle

Krait steps into the vehicle with grace, smiling as she speaks...

"It is often frequented, as a black market trader's space. So it is fairly popular."


Alpha0177's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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Klade nods, making note for

Klade nods, making note for future reference. "Whenever you're ready, Reuther."

GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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Reuther nods as CP starts the

Reuther nods as CP starts the car and starts to drive off. "I imagine this would be a most amusing experience to say the least, but as a sign of caution I suggest you look under your seats," under the seats are small breathers with can cover one's mouth and nose and provide oxygen "if this deal goes south I'd hate for my gasses to harm you as well."

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Alpha0177's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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Klade grins slightly. "I won

Klade grins slightly. "I won't need one. But thanks anyway."

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Lady Krait smiles as she

Lady Krait smiles as she speaks...

"Nor will I, but the concern is noted, Reuther."


GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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CP continues the drive as

CP continues the drive as they begin to reach the biohub.

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Odd, how the less material

Odd, how the less material there is in a woman's dress, the more expensive it is. It is far more sensible that more hair, requiring more attention, costs more to be arranged at the salon.

In this case, the amount of hair and the amount of cloth are nearly the same, with the simple wrap dress winning by a few inches, and several hundred dollars. Artfully unarranged, the blanket of sliver hair hangs over her shoulders, for now veiling some of what her wardrobe does not.

Sannit steps through the door of the old apartment tower, glances side to side, sniffs once....grins. Moving to the currently-abandoned desk, she rings the service bell, gently, and relaxes into patient waiting.

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

RottenLuck's picture
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"Hold on, Hold on, I'm coming

"Hold on, Hold on, I'm coming." Came Ratz voice from the back rooms. Soon enough he cam walking into the office wiping his hand on his pants leg leaving a bit of grease, clearly he was eating something. He sat down at his desk and looked out seeing the woman in such a nice outfit he put caution aside and open the panel. "What can I do for you?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Sannit smiles disarmingly- a

Sannit smiles disarmingly- a warning sign for anyone who knows her well, but so few people do.

"I'd like to speak to miss Cordelia Bennet. Could you tell her I'm here, please? The name is Rajannah."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

RottenLuck's picture
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"What does this look like to

"What does this look like to you a messenger service? You know what apartment she's at go right ahead." And that was about as much charm as the rat like fellow could muster and he closed the window panel. What did people think this was a high class Hotel?

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Still grinning, Sannit sighs.

Still grinning, Sannit sighs. A fifty dollar bill appears from...somewhere, is pressed against the countertop outside the panel, under her perfectly-manicured fingertips. "If I knew her apartment number, my friend, I would never have rung the bell, would I? And while it might be ego on my part, I think she might be miffed if she missed me because you were too stubborn to pick up the phone sitting at your elbow and let her know she has a visitor..."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Yea greed works. The problem

Yea greed works. The problem was he was trying to figure out what would bother Contessa Nocturne more. Calling her to let her know this woman was here, or not calling her. "Alright She's in her suite top floor the Contessa Suite. Named after her take the express elevator and I call ahead informing her your on your way." He indeed swiped the fifty with one hand as he picked up the phone with the other pressing the direct line to the Suite.

Into the phone "Sorry to bother you Miss Bennet. You have a guest down here a going by the name Rajannah. She's on her way up."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Standing upon the steps, as

Standing upon the steps, as beautiful as ever, was Contessa Nocturne, arms draped over the railing, before she saunters over to Sannit with a smile, most would call terrifying, what Sannit can call, endearing.

"It's good to see you again, Sannit." States curtly


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Halfway to the elevator

Halfway to the elevator before the man finished speaking, she stops, grins at her suddenly-appearing...friend. She laughs, lightly. "You certainly don't SOUND glad to see me, my dear." She moves to the steps, long cool fingers touching the Contessa's cheek briefly. "And you also don't seem surprised, which is a shame. I spent enough time and effort searching out your haunt here, I'd hoped to catch you off guard. Ah, no matter." She looks around the once- grand lobby. "I hope you're putting some money into renovations?"

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Cordelia chuckles as she

Cordelia chuckles as she speaks, offering wry smile to the woman, moreso at her cordial touch...

"Looks can be deceiving, Sannit. And that's the secret of this little building, want to see some of them?" Offers her hand to her friend's.


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"I'd love to. I assumed it

"I'd love to. I assumed it was a bit more than just a real estate investment. Especially after I got a closer look..." She grins, takes Cordelia's hand, for now, at least, willing to be led.

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Cordelia chuckles as she

Cordelia chuckles as she leads them walking up the stairs, allowing her to browse to her heart's content as she speaks...

"Thinking about moving in, Sannit? Think of all the fun we could hold here?" Grins


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Her laughter trails back down

Her laughter trails back down the stairs to the deskman. "No...I already have three homes in the city, and several elsewhere. I was more interested in what /your/ interest in the place was. Once I found out about it, that is. You're a difficult woman to find, when you don;t care to be found. I appreciate the practice."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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She chuckles as she replies

She chuckles as she replies with a grin...

"Much like you mentioned you yourself had many homes, as do I. Speaking from experience, preparation in advance for events that may or may not come to pass can only benefit you in the long run. That, and I can't simply spend my wealth on designer boots...though it would be ideal." Jokes before adding...

"And I enjoy that you see me as a adequate source of that practice. Though, I must ask...why track me down?" Smiles


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She gives a small, graceful

She gives a small, graceful shrug. "Why not? There's no challenge in hunting an ordinary person. And you're good company.." A small grin crosses her lips. "Plus, you might say I was watching your back, to a small extent."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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She grins herself as she

She grins herself as she speaks with a teasing tone...

"I do find your company enjoyable as well, it's a mutually beneficial arrangement. And I can't argue not desiring a extra pair of eyes on my person, though again the question is why?" Inquires


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"I do not trust our Norsk

"I do not trust our Norsk friend- and to be totally honest, I don't entirely trust YOU, my dear. Now, don't give me that look. You have to admit, someone like you getting your hands on all of those seals could be...destabilizing."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
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Cordelia chuckles as she

Cordelia chuckles as she replies with a rare detectable honesty...

"Then do not worry, because I have other plans, none of them revolving around divine trinkets, his acquisition of those objects would be an issue, something to be remedied with extreme pregiduice." States


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One carefully-plucked eyebrow

One carefully-plucked eyebrow raises a fraction. "That much, at least, I'm glad to hear my dear...Gods, how much of this floor do you own?" She stops, rests a hand on Cordelia's shoulder, turning the sorceress to face her. "On the other hand, they shouldn't be left lying around loose. What one can attempt, another might in the future. I doubt there are many Auld Norska beasts wandering around- but there are plenty of other beings with our drive towards dominance, but less than our share of...shall we say enlightened self-interest?

The orbs should be collected, yes. And then either sealed away permanently- or destroyed."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Cordelia chuckles as she

Cordelia chuckles as she replies...

"Enough to offer you a suite and then some. And on that, I to accompany me in doing so when the opportunity presents itself..." She sighs as she laments...

"It has been too long since I directly meddle in affairs." Smiles to Sannit.


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"Why work directly and expose

"Why work directly and expose yourself, where others can effective? Corollary: if there is something only you can do, clearly, you must do it. I haven't the skill to destroy the orbs- but I can certainly make them vanish someplace rather safe. Or watch your...back...while you destroy them."

She grins, then looks around the hallway. "A suite, hmmm? Do you mind if I redecorate? This wallpaper makes my eyes wish to divorce the rest of my body."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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She chuckles heartily but not

She chuckles heartily but not too jovially at Sannit's words before replying with that same endearing and chilling grin...

"I trust you, something I don't often do, but I would rather see them destroyed, and my mystic prowess should allow for me to do this...and as for exposure? The consequences if I do not act will be far more severe, and of course my identity will remain intact..I quite like my status." Smiles as she adds...

"And of course, but don't scare Jarek to terribly now, he shouldn't pass before his time, hmm?"


Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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"Flirting with the

"Flirting with the competition, Contessa? And here I thought you were above that."

Nightmare's "robotic wraith" voice slides itself into to the conversation, the effect making his sarcasm all the more unnerving, and the man himself stands behind the two women with both arms folded in front of his chest.

"That is, unless you've been recruiting in my absence."

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Chuckling heartily, Cordelia

Chuckling heartily, Cordelia turns to face Nightmare with a grin either reserved for her worst enemies or trusted allies, though it is unclear which as she happily replies...

"Oh on the contrary Nightmare, she is a ally, and a friend." The last word something not often said, as she turns between the two...

"Sannt, this is a ally of mine, Lord Nightmare, Nightmare, meet Sannit Rajannah, a associate and personal friend." Introduces before adding...

"And we were just discussing how to handle a particular problem, one that could affect all of us, possibly the Globe, with negative implications if left unchecked."


RottenLuck's picture
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About that time Jutan Frost

About that time Jutan Frost in his black suit and masked outfit walked into the lobby. Heading over to the waiting Ratz "I wish to speak to Contessa Nocturne." Ratz looked over "Again? what is it with the Contessa. Alright, alright." Mumbles and turns down the volume on the T.V. broadcasting the Behind the Mask Superhero gossip show. Then he make a call up to Contessa's Suite "So why are you?" "Tell her Jutan Frost is here with news of our mutual business." When the phone answers "Contessa you got another guess down here. A Jutan Frost."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Smiling as she receives the

Smiling as she receives the call, having rigged her smartphone to link with her building phone line, swiftly turns to her allies, and whispers...

"Here is our hopeful instigator play nice, all of you?" With that, she saunters down the flights of stairs to offer a cordial grin to Jutan, as she speaks...

"Jutan, a pleasure! Please, what can I do for you?"


RottenLuck's picture
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"Ah Contessa Nocturne a

"Ah Contessa Nocturne a pleasure. Indeed I have another lead how about we head to somewhere where less unsavory ears can't overhear." Rats snorted at that of course he wouldn't blab he enjoys living.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa nods, and

The Contessa nods, and inquires...

"May I bring my own allies, if that is alright?" Gestures to Lord Nightmare and Sannit with a smile.


Lord Nightmare
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Nightmare's stance doesn't

Nightmare's stance doesn't change as he turns to Sannit and gives a light nod, the whole suit giving a light whir as it moves though not as loud as it previously had. Someone had been upgrading.

"A pleasure, Madame. More allies mean less people in our way, so it's always welcome."

He almost begins a sentence to the Contessa but immediately silences himself as Jutan enters, waiting his turn. Not like he had anything dire.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

RottenLuck's picture
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"of course. Thought as the

"Of course, I recognize you Lord Nightmare, and you madam it's a pleasure to meet you both. Thought as the saying goes the more people know of something the harder it is to keep secret. What I have to say isn't very secret anyway another Orb has surfaced. The sooner we act the sooner it would be in our hands. It's the planning that needs to be kept hushed hush. Don't want anyone leaking this to the capes."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa chuckles as she

The Contessa chuckles as she replies coolly...

"Which can be perfectly understood...I trust you two do not have a problem with this, this happens to be a internal affair...however, we are all villains no? Surely they can be trusted, Jutan?"


Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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"Another orb? As in one liken

"Another orb? As in one liken to that stolen from me by the Aethers?"

The surprise in Nightmare's voice quickly turned to hate. That defeat was something he did not take well and the fact he couldn't recover the orb from the wreckage only intensified his burning fury.

"Where. Is. It?"

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

RottenLuck's picture
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"There are five orbs each

"There are five orbs each holding Godlike powers. All five together can be used to open dimensional portals, one I plan on using to return to the reality of my home. So far four have surfaced. I have found out one being guarded by Psychopomp and Circumstance."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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The Contessa nods at that as

The Contessa nods at that as she turns to Nightmare, and briefly sends him a telepathic message....

*Trust me, you do NOT want him gaining a hold of ANY of those orbs, and if he does to all FIVE, opening that portal breaks a barrier that could bring a cataclysm to Earth...for now, let me do what I do best, lie and deceive?*

They would be unable to tell anything is amiss, as she smiles to Jutan....

"Interesting, and that means a liberation would be required?"


GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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Reuther, in his full gas mask

Reuther, in his full gas mask attire, was sitting in the lobby patiently pretending to read a book. Ratz had made no complaints about his presence there so far. However he of course was not reading, merely observing all the faces that come in and out and what their business was, what caught his intention was the interesting traffic going into Contessa's suite and can't help to be the least bit curious. He directs his lackey, CP, to follow him into the elevator; while CP also just so happens to be bring up video feed on a tablet from the suite which CP had gotten from 'talking' to the cameras...or just plain hacking them, it's just images but the software in the tablet seems to be able to read lips. Reuther catches the mention of the five orbs and he just can't help but wonder what their purpose could be.

"CP if you could be so kind to put that thing a way, a do think we should pay our neighbors a visit. Don't you think?" He let's CP place his hand on the elevator control pad, taking them straight to her Suite at express speed.

((sorry for dropping the biohub stuff with unknown from earlier, if you want we can do a flashback or something later to fill in what happened or just do something with unknown or the location later in the story.))

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RottenLuck's picture
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(Funny thing about unknown.

(Funny thing about unknown. Is he really is Unknown I don't really have a long term plan for him. The Bio-hub would been a bust anyway if he shows up again it be attacking a drug dealer. Right now the over all picture still in pieces with him. I also started the character responsible Sandman in the Flight training post. He's going to show up at the Tower soon.))

Jutan frost looked over to the Contessa "My dear nothing screams betrayal more then a villain saying you can trust them. I know you don't crave money, and I already stated the Orbs be left behind when I leave so power isn't a motivation. So that leaves fear, tell me Contessa what are you afraid of? I have no fear I have more then a life time worth of knowledge of the Orbs Lord Nightmare here at least would want that. So I doubt your thinking of betraying me now. Given these facts I would say you doubt my motivation."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa chuckles, a

The Contessa chuckles, a hearty, cold laugh that has stilled the hearts of mobster, generals, madmen, and fellow villains with a sense of chilling fear, and puts this aspect to work as she coolly addresses Jutan....

"Blind paranoia will not help your goals Jutan, so let me make this perfectly clear. I did not spend 3 damned centuries on this Earth to blunder my existence now by betraying an ally, so accuse me of betrayl again or so much as entertain the thought, and I will make you wish you had never set foot on Midgard." She hisses

"Am. I. Clear?"


RottenLuck's picture
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"I found in my seven hundred

"I found in my seven hundred years here a healthy amount of Paranoia is a good quality to have. Or you might be right I have had a bad run of those I trusted betraying me when it comes to the Orbs. The Aether Pirates is a prime example, Ron Bolton, and seems I have yet to hear from the Thieves that broke into the Museum. So you can see I'm beginning to see those I trust double cross me. I am the last of my kind on Midgard and I didn't end up that way with out watching my back. However my time is growing short, and yes we are allies. So I do apologize."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

GoldPeter's picture
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((kindof like my plans for CP

((kindof like my plans for CP at the moment))

Reuther chuckles a little internally, how ironic that he of all people is the young one here. He enters the suite followed by CP, but at the moment he seems to go a little unnoticed so he clear his throat "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

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Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa nods curtly, and

The Contessa nods curtly, and offers Reither a cordial smile, a complete parallel to her viscous words seconds before, as she addresses him...

"It is accepted. And Hello Reuther."


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"Greetings Contessa, I trust

"Greetings Contessa, I trust your 'friend' here is treating you well." He turns to Jutan. "Speaking of which i do not believe we've met," offering his hand "the name is Reuther, i trust you've heard of me?"

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Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa smiles, and nods

The Contessa smiles, and nods...

"Oh he is, don't worry, and it is a pleasure to see you again."


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"Likewise my dear."

"Likewise my dear."

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RottenLuck's picture
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Jutan Frost took the offered

Jutan Frost took the offered hand and Reuther would note his touch was cold, nearly freezing cold even with gloves on. "Another associate I see. Indeed Mr. Reuther I have heard of you, thought I don't associate with others often as the Contessa pointed out I'm a tad paranoid. You may call me Jutan Frost." He thought for a moment "It seems there is now one person for each of the reclaimable orbs. Hel's Orb I fear is no longer able to pass to another hand being bound now to Ron Bolton."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

GoldPeter's picture
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CP speaks, his voice is calm

CP speaks, his voice is calm and almost monotone showing little dilation or emotion "Then, as you may say, it seems destiny has brought us together." Reuther seems a little surprised as the normally silent CP speaks out "well destiny or not it seems we are at an opportune time to seek these orbs as they're called."

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Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa blinks at Jutan

The Contessa blinks at Jutan's and Reuther's words, nodding as she replies....

"Then what to do at a crossroads, gentlemen?" Inquires


RottenLuck's picture
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"As I said there is an Orb

"As I said there is an Orb being guarded by Psychopomp and Circumstance. That Orb would either be Thor's or Jörð. The Thor Orb has Sonic abilities with enough power it could shatter walls, the Jörð orb has yet unknown power over the Earth. The sooner we strike the less chance they be prepared."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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"Well there is no time like

"Well there is no time like the present then, CP get my car ready and I expect to hear more about these Orbs on the way there."

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Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa appears to

The Contessa appears to ponder something for a moment, as she turns to Sannit and Nightmare, speaking telepathically...

*Remember what we conversed about, the danger of the orbs...perhaps we, together, can arrange for them to be strategically misplaced?* She offers a smile to Jutan and Reuther...

"Hmmm, will you be requiring my aid?"


Lord Nightmare
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Nightmare's helmet hides the

Nightmare's helmet hides the slightly fanged grin he gives in response to the Contessa. He quickly responds via telepathy...

"Silvertongued as ever, dear Nocturne. You didn't think a man of my stature was going to help the poor bastard, did you? Oh no... I have my own plans. The Ministry, for instance, could use these Orbs as a deterrent or perhaps for something grander."

He throws a look at Jutan, giving a low chuckle.

"If an assault is taking place, allow me to offer my services as a Distractor. I've been wanting to field test my MKIV armor."

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

GoldPeter's picture
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"By all means, the both of

"By all means, the both of you probably know more about these orbs then I do after all and if you don't have your own means of transport: my car has enough room for everyone."

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Gladatoria's picture
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She smiles wide both at

She smiles wide both at Reuther's words and Nightmare's message, responding telepathically before verbally...

*An excellent suggestion, for now, we deceive, my friend.*

"Well what are we waiting for then?"


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Reuther calls the elevator

Reuther calls the elevator for them and hold it open as they begin to head out.

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Lord Nightmare
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Nightmare goes out the window

Nightmare goes out the window he flew in, not wanting to cause the elevator to break due to the immense weight of his suit.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

RottenLuck's picture
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"Well as the saying goes no

"Well as the saying goes no time like the present." He headed into the elevator as he thought about how to get the orbs with out assistance.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Smirking, The Contessa turns

Smirking, The Contessa turns to Sannit, whispering telepathically...

*Are you coming with us, my dear? I hope you do not feel left out as well...and regardless of the afternoon's events care to meet me at my estate later?*

She enters the elevator, and covers her next telepathic message by filing her nails, looking inconspicuous as ever, this missive to Lord Nightmare...

*Also, I trust this goes without saying we should convene at my manor, covertly, afterwards, with Sannit?*

With that sent, she smiles to Jutan as she inquires...

"And I trust your already formulating a plan, my friend?"


RottenLuck's picture
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"We need Intel on the

"We need Intel on the location. If we go in with guns a blazing as the saying goes we draw the attention of any would be hero in the area. I did come here in my own car and in the trunk I think I have an artifact I could use to enter the building."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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"CP can always take out the

"CP can always take out the lights if need be."

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Lord Nightmare
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Five of them, each possibly

[i]Five of them, each possibly embodying the power of a single god of Nordic lore.. perfect to power the weapon..[/i]

Nightmare devilishly grins to himself as he flies across the cityscape towards Psychopomp and Circumstance, high enough above the skyline to avoid being seen by anyone looking up and slow enough to avoid any sonic booms or streamlines.

"Of course, Cordelia. I needed to speak with you anyway. I believe you'll enjoy the good news more than I."

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

GoldPeter's picture
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Joined: 02/15/2014 - 18:29
The rest of the group begin

The rest of the group begin to make their way as well, with CP taking the driver seat in Reuther's car and Reuther himself holding the door for anyone who needs a lift there.

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Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa smiles

The Contessa smiles internally at Nightmare's words as they ride within Reuther's limousine, replying swlftly telepathically to Lord Nightmare....

*Good to hear, and I am looking forward to our meeting.*


GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 02/15/2014 - 18:29
the limousine arrives as CP

the limousine arrives as CP holds the door for the passengers.

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Gladatoria's picture
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Stepping out leisurely, The

Stepping out leisurely, The Contessa takes a moment to eye their surroundings, and turns to address Jutan curtly...

"What is this artifact we will be using against Psycompomp and Circumstance...and you realize they have superheroic security?"


RottenLuck's picture
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Jutan pulls out the Odin orb

Jutan pulls out the Odin orb as he exits. "Few can withstand the command of a God after all." He smiled "Thought I do plan on walking in and seeing if I can get it protected like the other. This would let me inside to see what we are dealing with."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 02/15/2014 - 18:29
Reuther takes a moment to

Reuther takes a moment to contemplate this action "CP can talk to their camera's, we'll have an eye of you when you're in."

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Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa nods as she

The Contessa nods as she takes this in before responding with a smile...

"Normally I would reccomend stealth, but I also advise waiting for our allies, such as Lord Nightmare?"


GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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"Still, there wouldn't be any

"Still, there wouldn't be any harm in seeing what we're up against, would there?

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Lord Nightmare
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Nightmare hovers above the

Nightmare hovers above the building, counting out the different ways to begin an assault on Psychopomp and Circumstance. [i]Armor Locking might work.. from this height, the momentum would ensure I get at least halfway through. Of course, to show dominance I could circle around and just blast random things. Though there's always punching in through the roof and working my way down. Oh decisions, decisions...[/i]

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 02/15/2014 - 18:29
CP takes out a tablet from

CP takes out a tablet from the car's compartment, by talking to the the tablet he's able to talk to the wifi, through the wifi he can talk to the buildings security system, and through the security system he can get access to the cameras. He brings out the tablet with the hacked camera footage. Reuther directs them to look at it so they can get an idea of what's inside, at least what's inside that the cameras can see.

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RottenLuck's picture
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He took off his mask and

He took off his mask and gloves then headed for the building. "Well phase one begins now. I see what kind of security they have."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 02/15/2014 - 18:29
Reuther prepares his gas

Reuther prepares his gas launcher. "We'll be ready when you need us."

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RottenLuck's picture
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(okay posting in the

(okay posting in the Psychopomp and Circumstance, LLC. (Open RP) for the rest)

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/20/2013 - 09:17
[Bluh. and this is what

[Bluh. and this is what happens when Real Life bites you in the arse. Sorry folks :( ]

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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(tis ok, i purposely left it

(tis ok, i purposely left it open that you could could have tagged along with us and just kept silent and the action really hasn't started yet so you can just jump in when you want...though it may help to be a little patient since due to a time skip the other RP is a little messy rn, not exactlly sure what we should do in the mean time 'sept just wait for things to get started)

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GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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((for the time being fellow

((for the time being fellow villains it's suggested you read the other RPs OOC thread BEFORE posting in the main RP and waiting a little bit for everyone to catch up. The main source of this delay is a disagreement about a time jump in their story line and whether or not we should ignore it, delete it, or just try and roll with it the best we can. Keep a close eye on both the RP and the OOC thread in the mean time though))

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summer-heat's picture
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A ginger hipster in tweed

A ginger hipster in tweed entered Wednesday - commonly known as a plain corner apartment somewhere halfway between the floor and the penthouse. He gripped his stomach in pain, knowing the shapeshift he paid for was finally reaching the end of it's duration. This was worse than usual, but then he never had the reshape last for so long either. It was a necessary evil to continue the chaos. His primary efforts involved getting books to Jeremy feeding ideas about his potential. His other efforts would take longer to even take root.

He doubled over again as his original shape tore through the temporary frame he inhabited. Bones broke and reset to account for violent growth of muscle and size. He pulled a gel pack used by extreme distance cyclists and runners. The shifter advised him they helped fuel the change and ease the pain, but he suspected the latter was subjective. He consumed it all, knowing he had a limited supply and this might last longer than he expected. This would be his last indulgence today until the transformation was done.

Late in the day, the mass of deeply bruised flesh finally took shape of the TeeKay known by those in the failed museum heist. Nearly every inch of skin had near-black bruses washed in rivers of yellowing where muscles would meet. Teekay felt the tell-tale symptoms it was almost over, and sipped up the remnants of last gel pack to fuel the final stretch of the reversion. He regretted his masochism had burned through his endorphins so long ago and now needed a deep rest. After the last of the effects subsided, the still mostly bruised body picked off the scraps of clothing.

Sitting on the kitchenette counter was a syringe prepped and capped with a luminescent yellow-light liquid. A sample of some cure-all he swiped from EdenTech among other things. He had tried the effect on a random streetwalker the day before, equally pleased and disappointed that the effects had in fact restored the young woman with a vitality she claimed she hadn't felt in over a decade. It was a pity he had to snap her neck right when she finally felt happy.

The belt tightened as much as he could tolerate against his bicep and he slammed the cure-all into his vein. Quickly loosing the belt and tossing the arm above his head he felt the unique yet almost familiar fire travel down to his heart and out to the rest of his body. The high wasn't the only affect as it raced to his brain, and much of the bruising began to subside.

TeeKay lumbered silently to the bedroom for a much needed rest. The world was getting too calm, and he drifted off dreaming of new ways to feed an itch only causing chaos could sate.

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Perhaps chaos was listening

Perhaps chaos was listening for soon the drug dealer The Sandman walked into the building humming a melody he was listening to his I-pad. He wasn't being very active and headed to the hang out and settled down to watch the news and order some grub.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

summer-heat's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Theo roused from his bed and

Theo roused from his bed and checked himself in the mirror for what changes remained. There was still some considerable bruising, but most of it had faded to a few spots. The bruising falsely implied Theo got his ass beaten down by multiple thugs, and he kinda liked the battle damaged look it gave him. He stood as tall as he did before, still heavily muscular frame filled up the majority of the drug-cabinet mirror. His arrogance and self confidence fed his narcissism as he looked at himself. An animalistic grunt was all the vocalization he gave when he turned away and opened his closet.

Theo looked upon a rack of kilts. Should anyone ever gaze upon the array of various tartans they would suspect he had a fetish for plaid flannel. There were bold red ones, black ones, green and blue ones, a purple-white one, yellow and black, and one that was cerulean and violet with an accent of gold or whatever the pretentious coloration was. He grabbed one that would be a blend that appeared as a drab earthy composite at any distance. He couldn't stop looking at himself in the mirror. He was more than pleased to be back in his own skin. He finished dressing himself and threw on a stocking cap.

Finally exiting the elevator and passing the front lobby he immediately stopped. A sharp pivot to look inside and there sat an interesting brainwave source listening to some music. Based on what he could glean from the audio he chimes in asking what this fellow was listening to, "Eurythmics?"

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"Sweet dream are made of this

"Sweet dream are made of this" He stopped the I-pod and took out his earplugs. "Indeed one of my favorite songs. Speaking about music seems you been in one to many mosh pits. Names Joshua Bassarab... otherwise known as the Sandman, and owner of this fine place." Joshua looked to be 22 or so thought his brainwaves might hint at someone far older, much the same with his eyes analyzing any detail he could. "Then again those bruise patterns are very interesting more then just a hard night on the town I say."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

summer-heat's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 10/30/2013 - 12:48
"The bruises are a

"The bruises are a consequence of getting too big too fast," he chuckled as the layers of the statement could imply a wide variety of assumptions. The overt line was quite literally true but assumptively false, like Hannibal Lecter saying he was having a friend for dinner. "A pleasure to meet you. I'm Theo, but everyone calls me TK."

Theo scanned Joshua, but a cautious ping told him not to pry too deep through his preferred method. He moved around to take a seat In a nearby chair, and made sure the front of the kilt kept the goods obscured as he did so, "Ownership at a young age. That implies some very interesting tidbits about how you."

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"Oh this whole building is

"Oh this whole building is full of people with interesting tidbits. Indeed your hunch is right I'm far older then even this building. A bit of alchemy and mysticism; partly thanks to Contessa Nocturne, I was able to extend my life. The fable elixir of life, or at least a pretty good impersonation of it, that whole base metals into gold bit well I think we were sniffing to much of our own chemicals. What were we thinking back then." laughs and waves to a waitress "Well Theo let me buy you a drink. I do try to make sure my guests have all the comforts of home."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

summer-heat's picture
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Theo flashed a knowing smile

Theo flashed a knowing smile with a under-threatening chuckle. "Certainly! I'm sure it won't have any of those elixirs in it. I'm sure everyone has experimented with substances at some point, even if it's denied. Heh. we all know."

[i]“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” -Douglas Adams[/i]
