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Volunteering: Name Those NPCs!

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Redlynne's picture
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Volunteering: Name Those NPCs!

One of the challenges for any content creator is something that is both menial and at times profound ... the thinking up of names for NPC characters. And I'm not just talking about the Big Heavies that lead their factions, but also all the grunts and menials and minions that make up their factions too. Being able to crowdsource NPC names so as to give the City of Titans content creators a "library" of names to choose from that they can just go to to pull a name from seems like a worthwhile endeavor that can pay off handsomely on down the line, even if more than 90% of the name submissions never get used (thanks to the "90% of everything is crap" law).

Just to get things rolling here, I'll start with 10 names (listed in alphabetical order) and a painfully short blurb for the sort of character I'd imagine them being just to put a "handle" onto them. I'd also appreciate it if everyone could post a variant of the IP Release Form quote at the beginning of each and every reply post so as to eliminate wrangling over Rights to any particular names posted by anyone in this thread.


I, [forum handle], release my contributions in this post under the [i]Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License[/i] as of this date of [put today's date].

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Redlynne's picture
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I, [b]Redlynne[/b], release my contributions in this post under the [i]Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License[/i] as of this date of [b]30 December 2013[/b].

[b]Black Skull[/b] (death worshiper, cult leader)
[b]Golden Blonde[/b] (kinetic/energy stalker: wears gold thread lame, powers require gold as catalyst)
[b]Inspector 11[/b] (former quality control for textiles manufacturer)
[b]Lady Psipher[/b] (reclusive psionicist about which little is known other than that she's female)
[b]Midnight Sun[/b] (asian martial artist: philosophical, spiritual, lawyer day job)
[b]Raging Drunkard[/b] (rifle/devices blaster: drinks, has rage issues, wears wifebeater shirt)
[b]Red Fist[/b] (former boxing champion now banned from competition)
[b]Roxanne Flowers[/b] (stone/nature hero: elfin-like appearance)
[b]Shell[/b] (rogue artificial intelligence)
[b]White Gloves[/b] (wears fine white gloves, employed as a "cleaner")

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Darth Fez
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

30 December 21013

Is that already the reign of Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV?

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

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Feh ... pytos. Now we get to

Feh ... pytos. Now we get to see if the forum software can figure out what an edit is.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Winter's picture
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I, Winter, release my

I, Winter, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of December 30, 2013.

[b]Vexin[/b] (Female magic user, just past her "physical prime." Anything she can't get via flirtation, she gets via her powers.)
[b]Kid Kricket[/b] (Teen boy, vocal/sonic powers. Morally grey persona thanks to anger and grief at former mentor's murder.)
[b]Silencer[/b] (Mob hit man, famous for being sent after "rats")
[b]Emerald Angel[/b] (Large angel wings, green-clad healer hero. Works closely with EMTs on civilian injuries)
[b]Alaster Smite[/b] (Corrupt business exec, possessed by a darkness/dark powers)
[b]Blue Belly[/b] (Pot-bellied sea captain, shares his name with his blue-bottomed ship. Informant, has an eye for suspicious activity.)
[b]George "Grins" Holland[/b] (Street brawler, nicknamed for ruining many smiles with his right hook.)
[b]D'Arctaeus[/b] (Hooded male, identity unknown. Eldritch powers. Not from the present.)
[b]3-F8S[/b] (Super computer, developed to analyze past and present data to predict multiple future outcomes.)
[b]Polly Pollens[/b] (Plant powered heroine, begrudges her name due to its media origins before she established herself.)

Hope that helps :)

[size=15][b][i]A cold front is heading toward Titan City[/i][/b][/size]
Ice Man of [url=]The Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url]

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Dr. Grey (Mad Scientist for

I, Ashington, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of December 30, 2013.

Dr. Grey (Mad Scientist for hire)
Tom the Sweeper (Cleaner for the mob)
Vanessa Iceberg (Corrupt Corporate executive)
Mindmelter (Mindcontrol/Psi (or something) Controlle. Villain)
Antony Seth (International smuggler of magical Artifacts)
The Ageless One (A magical Person who is doomed to walk the earth for all eternity OR an Ancient asien Abbot)
Crimson Carpet (Codename of a former communist spy)

That's all i've got....for now

@Darth Fez: Long live the Fighters! (Sry, i just couldn't resist)

Zombie Man
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

Redlynne wrote:
30 December 21013
Is that already the reign of Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV?

The Spice must flow.

Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator


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I, Cutter, release my

I, Cutter, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of December 31, 2013.

[b]Andy[/b] - The hapless technician who always seems to get blamed for the Aether Pirates' setbacks at the hands of supers. Frickin' Andy.
[b]Deerfoot[/b] - Native American warrior known for her blinding speed and unarmed combat prowess. Has a passion for reforming youth gang members.
[b]Emo[/b] - Pasty white teenager with mind-control powers. Uses them mainly to instill depression and morbid fascination with self-harm in his "puppets". Villain.
[b]"Fingers" Malone[/b] - A petty criminal who acts as a runner for the Black Rose.
[b]iiii [a.k.a. Four-Eyes][/b] - Fourth-generation sentient A.I. whose loyalties may or may not be to the corporation which currently houses its brain server. Always looking for a host.
[b]Miz Disco[/b] - African-American, was a dance legend in the '70s. Light-based powers granted by her disco ball medallion.
[b]Myrtle Macho[/b] - Sgt. Butch Macho's mother. She may be confined to a wheelchair, but she's a crack shot. Stay off her lawn.
[b]Operator 42[/b] - Apparently the only 411 operator in Titan City. On the job 24/7, even when she's being kidnapped (which happens surprisingly often).
[b]Sgt. Butch Macho[/b] - Former Marine whose wife left him, truck got stolen, dog was run over by the truck. All his fatigues are pink due to a red sock that got into the washing machine the first time he did his own laundry.
[b]The Unfleshed[/b] - The collective name of the rank and file skeletal minions whose single-minded duty is to protect the necromancer who birthed them.

Skaargoroth's picture
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I, Skaargoroth, release my

I, Skaargoroth, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of January 1st, 2014.

[b]Blackwail[/b] - Formerly a slave since Babylonian times, now she has risen to find the descendants of her killers.
[b]Fuma[/b] - The Mastermind behind a Clan of Ninjas known only as the Fingerless Hand.
[b]Lucky 888[/b] - A man of mystery that favors luck. Although not exactly a villain, or a hero: He only serves to make a perfect balance between Good and Evil. Or whatever his luck befalls to.

And that's all I could think of at the moment. Good luck, team!

Twitter: [url=]@Franzseska[/url] // Tumblr: [url=]Haus of Zapatera[/url]

jai jobi khan
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I,jai jobi kahn, release

I,jai jobi kahn, release contributions under the Plan Z: The Phoenix project/ Missing worlds media/ City of titans contributor license as if this date Jan 1 2014

THE CAPITOL(villain group): A blacklist organiation funded by the "true" government of the world. Dealing in top secret operations involving ETT, dimensional gate experimentations, Cyber human tech,an False flag operations.

S.Y.E.D :(villain group) A radical group of humans hell bent on removing all meta human from the face of the earth. There message has become clear with videos of the group murdering many unsuspecting foes all over the net. Chanting We'll survive your evolutionary destruction!

Yumautuu (Giant monster): Believed to be the first extraterrestrial to reach earth. Yumautuu rule during the age of the pyramid with an iron fist. It was eventually defeated by others "space being" an sealed away, giving humanity time to flourish, and prepare for Yumautuu return. Humanity soon forgot about the story of Yumautuu. His tomb manage to find itself in the hands of the Mayan people. When the shaman's broke the seal on the night of an eclipse. There fate was sealed as yumautuu return. Yumautuu told the Mayans they will worship him as a god. They refused an haven't been heard from since. Many believed the shamans used great magics to stop yumautuu from reachinig this plane of existence, but during an eclipse. He's free to roam earth causing havoc

ShatterBox: (Villain): A former scientist/cyrogenist, turned meta human murderer for hire. With a body made of liquid nitrogen an some experimental serum. Shatterbox can produce waves of super cold in a 360 degree radius. He can cause suffocation, uncharted levels of frostbite, an wave powerful enough to freeze most object that come in contact.

Tip(neutral): Black American teenage female meta human with the ability to produce vast amounts of acid around her body. She only used her powers to survive, an consider s herself the "greatest thief ever". (Think alliyah/ riannhna) many watch from afar. Ready to determine the fate of this would be hero/villan .

Hazel(elite villian): firing a man during the recession has its consequences. Hazel took what little money he had an gamble it away on fight bets. Sadly enough the man ended up with major debt to a mob boss. When they came to collect. Hazel manage to kill a few but was eventually captured an severely beaten until the boss wanted him wacked!They took his battered body to the wearhouse he use to work to finish the job. Before they tossed his body the boss told hazel he set the whole thing up! They tossed him in a "special vat" full of chemicals, then pored concrete in as well. That very mixture began to absorb into Hazel's body until he became living concrete. The next day as the workers poured the new concrete. Hazel made his escape vowing to kill every mobster in town. He used his new found abilities to end up the new mob boss in town.

Rip tyde( villain): RT is a genetic masterpiece. With so many different traits from other species. Rip tyde could be considered the most dangerous successful experiment preying apon the weak in the city. Human capacity intelligence. Electric eel abilities to shock. Venomous bite/ poisonous touch. Know to fight like a pack of.piranhas

Mr. University (hero) : has the ability to retain/recall any an all information that hes come into contact with. Irreguardless of time that has past. Many consider him the perfect detective because he never forgets any detail.

I can go all day lol

We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free.

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I,Klaw10 , release

I,Klaw10 , release contributions under the Plan Z: The Phoenix project/ Missing worlds media/ City of titans contributor license as if this date of Jan 2 2014

Kay Law
Forte Wynne (ftw)
Coop (helpful)
Abot (artificial)
Ally Base (belong to me)
Loel Katsenburger


Don't know what you don't know. Only know what you know.
-The wiseman.

Comicsluvr's picture
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I, Comicsluvr, release

I, Comicsluvr, release contributions under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans contributor license as of this date: Jan 1st, 2014.

W.A.R.B.R.I.D.E.: Weapon, Artificial, Robotic/Biological, Intelligence, Demolition, Elimination. A cyborg reconstructed from a badly-injured female soldier, on the run from the military.
Redline: Speedster, craves going faster
Gabriel Hellstrong: Noted occult expert
The Raiders: Formerly the Radar Raiders, these tech thieves have operated in one form or another since the 40s when they stole military radio and radar parts to sell
Chop-Shop: Cybernetic mercenary and arms dealer
Gideon's Pawn Shop: Owned and operated by Michael Gideon, this is where the low-lifes come to sell their ill-gotten swag and buy illegal merchandise and drugs
Dante's: Nightclub where the bad people socialize. The top floor is where the big meetings take place, the main floor is for 'normal' guests and the cellar (Dante's Descent) is for supers
Nano: Freelance computer genius, hacker and all-around smart guy
Tempus Nox: Mysterious time-traveler ('Time of Night')
Major MENACE: Leader of M.E.N.A.C.E. (Mean, Evil, Nasty And Cruel to Everyone). Total nutball megalomaniac. Meant to be tongue-in-cheek to offset the more serious villains

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Redlynne's picture
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Comicsluvr wrote:
Comicsluvr wrote:

Redline: Speedster, craves going faster

I see what you did there ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Comicsluvr's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Comicsluvr wrote:
Redline: Speedster, craves going faster
I see what you did there ...

Yep...I used an old concept for my Katana/Regen Scrapper by the same name lol! Honestly, I've used the name several times before in other games.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Lin Chiao Feng
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jai jobi khan wrote:
jai jobi khan wrote:

I can go all day lol

That should be in your signature.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

jai jobi khan
jai jobi khan's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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Lol sound good to me!!!

Lol sound good to me!!! I'll change it as soon as it stops giving me the change password issue.

We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free.

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I, Legio, release my

I, Legio, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of January 8, 2014.

Hexfrost: Student turned reluctant heroine kidnapped and forceably implanted via Science with the Magical seed of degeneration and ice; Body degrading slowly due to it rejecting the implanted seed. Has mild to severe haphephobia.

Cryopterix: Avatar of an ancient, alien avian Goddess of Ice, resurrects after every death. Is a cheerful, loving husband with two children. Functionally immortal.

Dreamseer: Homeless, insane vagrant with delusions of Elder Gods in the Ocean; has reality-affecting powers, though limited to touch. Mostly spends his time killing random people off the street and throwing them in the ocean or any nearby body of water.

Lady Singapore: National Heroine of Singapore with a Lion motif. Exposed to strange pollutants while working in top-level experiments on Solar Energy, causing her to subsist purely on solar energy, as well as gaining the power to fly and use light/heat-based powers. Often aids search and rescue teams in the Asia-Pacific. Is of the Malay Muslim racial minority. (Just in case you need some sort of worldwide feel)

Vampere: Mutant speedster with powers of electricity turned vampire. Has powers of both sides with the normal weaknesses of vampires; can sate his bloodlust also by siphoning huge amounts of electricity, enough to power a good-sized city for a few weeks. Vigilante, possibly misunderstood/angsty teenager, and easily manipulated.

Vent: Heroine with powers of heat and steam, related to her blood pressure and extreme emotions. Is an anger management counselor on her off days.

The Boys: A group of assassins that specifically hunts Supers, led by The Duke, and consisting of The Truth (pyromaniac and the face of the group), The Switch (demolitions), The Eye (communications and surveillance), The Quiet (reconnaissance and wetworks) and The Big Guns (firearms master and muscle, only Super of the group with mild invulnerability to small arms). They operate globally, and are pursued by the various law enforcement entities around the globe, including Interpol.

Tyrfing: Scandinavian hero with a cursed sword, giving him invulnerability and prodigious strength, but destined to kill its wielder. Operated for a few years within Norway before he dies protecting a schoolbus full of Super children from The Boys.

Henry the Seventeenth (Several thousand? times removed): A small-time megalomaniac with no real powers except the ability to access the memories of any other man named Henry before him anytime, anywhere. Caused a small furor over the civil rights of Supers in several countries including the USA before they found out he was stark raving mad because of his powers. Died at the hands of The Boys. (Maybe certain parts of the world are still reluctant to name their child Henry because of this)

789 (Tsatbakgau): A Chinese-American street gang that focuses on angry, marginalized Chinese-American teenaged Supers. Has a social structure based on brotherhood and family. Gang motifs include the numbers 789 in either roman or traditional chinese numerals.

I can go on all day. It'll be better if I have a direction to go with though.

Savra dragon
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From the WPS

From the WPS

I, Savra dragon, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of January 8th 2014].

hair style
possible use.

long range-hi damage,
possibly just a mob that simply snipes the heroes and villeins of the game. Dealing hi damage and being far way (and possibly hidden) is were they would get the name. Being hit by someone you cant see right off the bat is very frustrating.

short blond,
can become giant,
We were thinking a old Greek look...kind of like Hercules with ant-man's powers.

spiky brown,
complete control over small amounts of earth (like small rocks), A would be teen age hero, with a very small mutant power. he might be a good story arc contact as he really cant to much fighting any more than a normal person.

skilled with weapons and phychic tourer, we were thinking a Guillotine, is a name given to member of a gang who is leading small groups of other members. ( like a bone daddy form the skulls gang in COH)

Lock smiths,
any, human,
experts in burglary and braking/ entering, a type of mob probably part of a gang. there just good at being thieves.

On the rocks,
long brown,
Thoughts are she is a attractive young adult, who is into heavy drinking. Maybe a data handler for the bad guys? A biker girl outfit would suffice.

just thugs, we were thinking people who showed commitment to there gang by scalping themselves...(to dark?)

they could be interdenominational fay caused by using ...spells?...we don't really know.

Tr1cK SH0T,
any alignment,
just a sharp shooter,
Thinking maybe the side kick of a grater gun slinging hero ( jr from xenosaga comes to not trying to copy them by any means tho)

perhaps a Gardiner of the woods (i know that sounds very WWC)

Atama's picture
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I, Atama, release my

I, Atama, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of January 17, 2014.

Here are some ideas for characters, in alphabetical order:

[b]Afterburner[/b]: A aerospace engineer has designed a space probe but due to funding cutbacks the government can not fund building it. He modifies the schematic and uses it to design a power suit that can fly using built-in rockets, and he can shoot short bursts from the rockets as flame attacks.

[b]Battlebeetle[/b]: A small mechanical robot, resembling an anthropomorphic beetle. He was a prototype housecleaning robot, and designed to move quickly and to lift heavy objects to clean quickly and efficiently. An electrical surge scrambled his programming, and he uses his strength, durability, and speed in combat.

[b]Beamer[/b]: An alien from another planet who has the ability to fire beams of light from his eyes in combat, or to turn his body temporarily into a beam of light to teleport both short and long distances.

[b]Bolshevik[/b]: The result of an old Soviet experiment, he is monstrously huge, possessing extreme strength and durability. He is slow and dumb but full of rage against capitalist countries and their citizens.

[b]Doctor Clean[/b]: A mad scientist obsessed with replacing the world's "filthy humans" with "perfect beings"; robots of his creation. He has been slowly replacing his own body parts with cybernetics as self-improvement.

[b]Freezerbird[/b]: She wears a combat suit originally designed to fight fires. It has flight capabilities (using large mechanical wings and rocket boosters) and can fire beams of freezing cold.

[b]Fridget[/b]: A mutant woman driven insane by her powers. She has the ability to summon and control ice and lower ambient temperatures, and wishes to bring a new ice age to the world one piece at a time.

[b]Hot Step[/b]: A martial arts woman with fire and super-speed. She often fights with flame-augmented punches and kicks at a speed difficult to counter. The source of her power is a magical belt she wears.

[b]Keku-Set[/b]: Originally a priest in ancient Egypt, he was mummified upon his death by his acolytes using spells that would resurrect him 3,000 years later. He has now awoken to try to rule the world using ancient magic and a variety of Egyptian weaponry.

[b]Mind Sniper[/b]: A former Special Forces soldier turned mercenary. He combines psychic abilities and expert marksmanship to bring down his targets. He can also achieve perfect aim while sniping using his psychic "inner eye".

[b]Tin Soldier[/b]: A veteran Marine turned mercenary. He wears a suit of powered armor equipped with the latest in anti-personnel and anti-armor weaponry and targeting systems.

[b]Vegetabolt[/b]: An alien from a planet where plants evolved into humanoid form. He speak to and control plant life and his chlorophyll blood can store sunlight and release it as bolts of electricity.

Gideon Cross
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Comicsluvr wrote:
Comicsluvr wrote:

I, Comicsluvr, release contributions under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans contributor license as of this date: Jan 1st, 2014.
W.A.R.B.R.I.D.E.: Weapon, Artificial, Robotic/Biological, Intelligence, Demolition, Elimination. A cyborg reconstructed from a badly-injured female soldier, on the run from the military.
Redline: Speedster, craves going faster
Gabriel Hellstrong: Noted occult expert
The Raiders: Formerly the Radar Raiders, these tech thieves have operated in one form or another since the 40s when they stole military radio and radar parts to sell
Chop-Shop: Cybernetic mercenary and arms dealer
Gideon's Pawn Shop: Owned and operated by Michael Gideon, this is where the low-lifes come to sell their ill-gotten swag and buy illegal merchandise and drugs
Dante's: Nightclub where the bad people socialize. The top floor is where the big meetings take place, the main floor is for 'normal' guests and the cellar (Dante's Descent) is for supers
Nano: Freelance computer genius, hacker and all-around smart guy
Tempus Nox: Mysterious time-traveler ('Time of Night')
Major MENACE: Leader of M.E.N.A.C.E. (Mean, Evil, Nasty And Cruel to Everyone). Total nutball megalomaniac. Meant to be tongue-in-cheek to offset the more serious villains

Ok i don't think adding Gideon's pawn shop is a good idea since that place is from The Crow franchise.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Redlynne's picture
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I, [b]Redlynne[/b], release my contributions in this post under the [i]Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License[/i] as of this date of [b]17 January 2014[/b].

[b]Bone Die[/b] (probability manipulator, forbidden to play craps at most gambling houses, information broker, keeps bone dice in his pocket)
[b]Captain Booty[/b] (voluptuous, tall, big beautiful woman pirate ship captain, buccaneer mastermind)
[b]Corona[/b] (electricity controller, uses "flashy" powers, can't stand the taste of mexican beer)
[b]Jill Frost[/b] (ice blaster, "chilly" disposition, wanted as a person of interest in a murder case of a man whose nickname was "Jack")
[b]Ms. Isabell Cathaway[/b] (executive secretary, blonde and very attractive, "unfairly competent")
[b]Pax[/b] (big, strong, muscular "normal" handsome black man, moves delivery freight by day, busts chops vigilante style at night, nice guy)
[b]Professor Wilson "Moon Man" Blake[/b] (teaches astronomy and physics at the university, can find any star in the night sky, has trouble finding his glasses)
[b]Rumsford Tiller[/b] (captain of The Floating Cork a sailboat rum runner from the 20th century days of prohibition, knows too many sea stories, smilingest man you'll ever meet)
[b]"Victoria"[/b] (time traveler from the 19th century marooned in the 21st, steampunk engineer, her actual name is unknown)
[b]Yei Fei[/b] (non-human female passing as human, chinese appearance, incredible singing voice, unearthly beauty)

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Blue Ox
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I, Blue Ox, release my

I, Blue Ox, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of January 18, 2014.

[b]Boris "Ten Kegs" Kresimir[/b] (A giant of a man of indeterminate lineage. A dominant force in the underground bootlegging business)

[b]The Snapper[/b] (Mutant with turtle shell-like exoskeleton and enromous/powerful jaws. Very, very ugly with an equally ugly disposition)

[b]Johnny "Hawk" Highforest[/b] (One half of a criminal husband/wife team. Native American shape shifter typically taking the form of a large hawk. Known for taking aerial recon to search for potential victims, then using his psychic link to signal his partner, Ermine)

[b]Ermine[/b] (Carol Highforest is the second half of the married criminal duo. A vain mutant with cold powers, and a taste for the luxurious. Typically dresses in white. Uses her cold powers to hold the victim until Hawk joins in the attack)

[b]The Beacon[/b] (Mysterious person(?) terrorizing the city. Rumors abound about this enigma, but the common belief is that if he/she/it notices you, you will be summoned. Against your will, you will travel to the Beacon. Those summoned by the Beacon are never seen again)

[b]Snooker, Cue Ball, Stripes, Solids, Corner Pocket, Bridge[/b] (Underlings in a gambling ring)

[b]Soundcheck[/b] (Assistant to a big boss-type. Has sonic powers)

[b]Peppermint Twist[/b] (Female teenage heroine. Innocent and frequently in over her head)

[b]Sickbay[/b] (Golden Age-type, retired hero. Healer. Still willing to assist other heroes in need)

[b]Jeannie Peppercorn[/b] (Irresponsible, wild daughter of millionaire industrialist Roarke Peppercorn)

[b]Modus Operandi[/b] (Schizophrenic criminal who operates alone. Genius. Calls himself this out of a sense of irony, as there is no pattern to his lunatic behavior)

Virtue Server - Most Played:

BLUE SIDE..................RED SIDE
Blue Ox......................Gravity Thief
Earth Angel................Hell's Belle
Plutonium Blonde...Slime-Thing

Airhead's picture
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I, Airhead, release my

I, Airhead, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of January 18, 2014.

Superhere: Humanoids made of the ground they stand on, using appropriate textures. Their bodies pull matter from the ground to regenerate, making them largely immune to any but AoE attacks, and resistant to Knockback. Their cause is environmentalism. They're not too picky about which environment - anywhere with a surface to stand on will suffice. But any collateral damage or AoE attacks (even without doing damage) will earn their ire. They prefer to use Superstrength attacks, often throwing their environment right back at you. It has been suggested they were created by a magician who could not spell.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

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Airhead wrote:
Airhead wrote:

Superhere: Humanoids made of the ground they stand on, using appropriate textures. Their bodies pull matter from the ground to regenerate, making them largely immune to any but AoE attacks, and resistant to Knockback. Their cause is environmentalism. They're not too picky about which environment - anywhere with a surface to stand on will suffice. But any collateral damage or AoE attacks (even without doing damage) will earn their ire. They prefer to use Superstrength attacks, often throwing their environment right back at you. It has been suggested they were created by a magician who could not spell.

Lesson: Always watch out for spelling errors!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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I, [b]Redlynne[/b], release my contributions in this post under the [i]Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License[/i] as of this date of [b]20 January 2014[/b].

Blue Ox wrote:

Snooker, Cue Ball, Stripes, Solids, Corner Pocket, Bridge (Underlings in a gambling ring)

Known to the streetwise as the [b]Scratch Gang[/b], their known accomplices include [b]Triangle[/b], [b]Chalk[/b] and [b]Bank Shot[/b]. Rumor has it that these accomplices report to [b]Black Ball[/b], owner of the Black Ball Club, which for some reason does not have any pool tables in it (at least, not in the public areas).

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2013 - 23:30

I,Amanita, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of [put today's date].

Kodun White Crane- A rather large being of spiritual origin, believed to be a sort of Urban Dryad. He is found hanging out in the city's port, around the container terminal (if it has one). He wants nothing more than to chase the mafia types and other criminal organizations out of the port he calls home, and will recruit willing heroes to his cause.

I can provide illustrations of these if needed

Mistress Hightower- Another Urban Dryad type found in the city's financial district. She is dedicated to punishing criminals who hide behind respectable corporate facades.

Blue Ox
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Joined: 01/04/2014 - 22:27
Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

I, Redlynne, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of 20 January 2014.
Blue Ox wrote:
Snooker, Cue Ball, Stripes, Solids, Corner Pocket, Bridge (Underlings in a gambling ring)
Known to the streetwise as the Scratch Gang, their known accomplices include Triangle, Chalk and Bank Shot. Rumor has it that these accomplices report to Black Ball, owner of the Black Ball Club, which for some reason does not have any pool tables in it (at least, not in the public areas).

Nice addition to my pool-themed gang, Redlynne! The other accomplices are good additions. I think you meant "Eight Ball" (which is the black ball in the set), instead of "Black Ball" though.

Virtue Server - Most Played:

BLUE SIDE..................RED SIDE
Blue Ox......................Gravity Thief
Earth Angel................Hell's Belle
Plutonium Blonde...Slime-Thing

Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
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Joined: 09/15/2013 - 15:14
Blue Ox wrote:
Blue Ox wrote:

Redlynne wrote:
I, Redlynne, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of 20 January 2014.

Blue Ox wrote:
Snooker, Cue Ball, Stripes, Solids, Corner Pocket, Bridge (Underlings in a gambling ring)

Known to the streetwise as the Scratch Gang, their known accomplices include Triangle, Chalk and Bank Shot. Rumor has it that these accomplices report to Black Ball, owner of the Black Ball Club, which for some reason does not have any pool tables in it (at least, not in the public areas).

Nice addition to my pool-themed gang, Redlynne! The other accomplices are good additions. I think you meant "Eight Ball" (which is the black ball in the set), instead of "Black Ball" though.

[url=]Blackball[/url] valid enough in my eyes though...


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

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Joined: 10/28/2013 - 21:15
Blue Ox wrote:
Blue Ox wrote:

Nice addition to my pool-themed gang, Redlynne! The other accomplices are good additions. I think you meant "Eight Ball" (which is the black ball in the set), instead of "Black Ball" though.

You're most welcome. It was just one of those things where you see someone else's ideas and inspiration strikes. Gangrel is also correct in that "Black Ball" is entirely intentional on my part. The thing that I'm really proud of is the double entendre of "Scratch Gang" ... since in pool a "scratch" is pocketing the cue ball ... but "scratch" is also a slang term for money/cash, and the word "scratch" is also used in one of the more common understandings of [url=][i]quid pro quo[/i][/url] found in the phrase "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

Other double meanings crop up with words like "snooker" which can either refer to a style of [url=]cue sport[/url], or as a sort of con used on unsuspecting marks so as to cheat them (which can also take the form of Pool Sharking to hustle someone). "Stripes" could refer to a person who has previously booked a reservation at the Grey Bar Hotel (also known as "prison" to the rest of us). "Bridge" might be someone who has a Civil Engineering degree and has lots of knowledge of architecture and structural design ... always useful for knowing how to get into (and out of) places, particularly if demolitions are needed. "Bank Shot" can refer not only to a particular type of play at the pool table, but also robbing banks using guns. Black Ball has not only the 8-ball of the pool table connection, but also the connotation of "we don't serve your kind here" in the social connections, networking and heirarchy senses (as anyone who knows their Joseph McCarthy history of ruining people's reputations would know). So a Black Ball Club could either be a place where the outcasts go to have a good time, or it could be the sort of place [i]that keeps the outcasts OUT[/i] so that only the richest, most prestigious and snootiest folks can have a place to mingle, see and be seen, without worrying about needing to rub shoulders with the riff-raff of society in an EXCLUSIVE club for the rich and famous.

In other words ... well played, Blue Ox, well played.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Blue Ox
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Blue Ox wrote:
Nice addition to my pool-themed gang, Redlynne! The other accomplices are good additions. I think you meant "Eight Ball" (which is the black ball in the set), instead of "Black Ball" though.
You're most welcome. It was just one of those things where you see someone else's ideas and inspiration strikes. Gangrel is also correct in that "Black Ball" is entirely intentional on my part. The thing that I'm really proud of is the double entendre of "Scratch Gang" ... since in pool a "scratch" is pocketing the cue ball ... but "scratch" is also a slang term for money/cash, and the word "scratch" is also used in one of the more common understandings of quid pro quo found in the phrase "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."
Other double meanings crop up with words like "snooker" which can either refer to a style of cue sport, or as a sort of con used on unsuspecting marks so as to cheat them (which can also take the form of Pool Sharking to hustle someone). "Stripes" could refer to a person who has previously booked a reservation at the Grey Bar Hotel (also known as "prison" to the rest of us). "Bridge" might be someone who has a Civil Engineering degree and has lots of knowledge of architecture and structural design ... always useful for knowing how to get into (and out of) places, particularly if demolitions are needed. "Bank Shot" can refer not only to a particular type of play at the pool table, but also robbing banks using guns. Black Ball has not only the 8-ball of the pool table connection, but also the connotation of "we don't serve your kind here" in the social connections, networking and heirarchy senses (as anyone who knows their Joseph McCarthy history of ruining people's reputations would know). So a Black Ball Club could either be a place where the outcasts go to have a good time, or it could be the sort of place that keeps the outcasts OUT so that only the richest, most prestigious and snootiest folks can have a place to mingle, see and be seen, without worrying about needing to rub shoulders with the riff-raff of society in an EXCLUSIVE club for the rich and famous.
In other words ... well played, Blue Ox, well played.

That's funny because as I was typing the response, I thought maybe you really did mean to say "Black Ball". I considered not replying as I did, but convinced myself you actually meant 8-ball. Dammit. I always guess wrong. When there's a 50/50 shot, I guess the losing 50. When choosing a line at the grocery store, I always pick the slowest. Grrrrr...

Actually, I started with the word "snooker", thinking that it would be some villain who was a cheat and a thief, but then I remembered the game in pool. Then I just started tossing out words related to pool, and ended up with what I wrote.

Regardless, it looks like we made a good team here: I set 'em up and you knocked 'em dow... err... that's actually bowling... Hmmm... I got it... an amateur bowling team gets super powers when a pinsetter machine malfunctions.... oh, nevermind. ; )

Virtue Server - Most Played:

BLUE SIDE..................RED SIDE
Blue Ox......................Gravity Thief
Earth Angel................Hell's Belle
Plutonium Blonde...Slime-Thing

Xnarl's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 days ago
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Joined: 10/07/2013 - 22:27
Healbot - Robotic physician.

Healbot - Robotic physician.

Spinochordodes - Psi/Water Commander. Named after [URL=] a parasite that courses its host to commit suicide by drowning.[/URL]

Predatory Business: Ruthless and savage businessman.

[url=] Save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction![/url]

Stealth Dart
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"an amateur bowling team gets

"an amateur bowling team gets super powers when a pinsetter machine malfunctions.... oh, nevermind. ; )"

I, Stealth Dart, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of January 23, 2014

Strike - throws a mean right hook
Spare - always looking to knock someone down
Gutter Ball - a complete klutz and none too bright
Split - somewhat of a backstabbing coward
Alley Cat - likes to prowl the back alleys
Big Phil - big bouncer type who like flexing his knuckles
Blowout - always looking for the next big score
Dead Wood - lost his leg in the pin setting machine, now has a peg leg
Head Pin - One of the lieutenants for King Pin
Handicap - likes to break arms and legs
King Pin - the brains behind all the brawn
Mister Average - kind of a grifter/con man looking for a new mark
Powerhouse - strongman type
Washout - a real loser with a mean streak a mile long

"I am a dancer, a leaf in the wind...a leaf that can kick your butt!"

Blue Ox
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Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 01/04/2014 - 22:27
Well done, Stealth Dart! I

Well done, Stealth Dart! I should have known someone would be able to do a bowling themed villain group. What an amazingly creative group of people we have here!

Virtue Server - Most Played:

BLUE SIDE..................RED SIDE
Blue Ox......................Gravity Thief
Earth Angel................Hell's Belle
Plutonium Blonde...Slime-Thing

Atama's picture
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Joined: 10/09/2013 - 22:32
Xnarl wrote:
Xnarl wrote:

Healbot - Robotic physician.

That made me chuckle in real life. :)

I like names that are a play off of MMO terms. Maybe he can sometimes work with a superpowered duo, one big slow bruiser and one fast acrobatic guy, named Tank and Spank.

Atama's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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Joined: 10/09/2013 - 22:32
Stealth Dart wrote:
Stealth Dart wrote:

"an amateur bowling team gets super powers when a pinsetter machine malfunctions.... oh, nevermind. ; )"
I, Stealth Dart, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of January 23, 2014
Strike - throws a mean right hook
Spare - always looking to knock someone down
Gutter Ball - a complete klutz and none too bright
Split - somewhat of a backstabbing coward
Alley Cat - likes to prowl the back alleys
Big Phil - big bouncer type who like flexing his knuckles
Blowout - always looking for the next big score
Dead Wood - lost his leg in the pin setting machine, now has a peg leg
Head Pin - One of the lieutenants for King Pin
Handicap - likes to break arms and legs
King Pin - the brains behind all the brawn
Mister Average - kind of a grifter/con man looking for a new mark
Powerhouse - strongman type
Washout - a real loser with a mean streak a mile long

Don't forget Turkey!

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 01/24/2014 - 17:42
I, arizean, release my

I, arizean, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of [put today's January 1 2014.

Alrighty since I have a lot of ideas, some are scrapped book ideas, let's see if you guys can use any!

Legacy- A girl with a suit made of metal. Not just any metal, a conscious metal that bends to only her will. Gifted to her by her father who worked on the Legacy Project (hence her super name). I came up with this idea and my dad expanded on it, basically it can create swords and shields. Oh and a ball to roll around in as transport..or a floating board. Either one.

Erik DuVale- A scientist working towards greater weapon technology. Big target for kidnappings.

Gretchen Wodrow- A helpless, single mother with terrible luck getting in to hostage situations.

Chief Yelowitz- Chief of Police. Rather large, unhelpful, and possibly corrupt.

Servants of Arwen- (I got this idea from a celtic symbol. Although I got the information from the internet, so bear with me here.) Baddies. They believe in balance, and therefore if there is good in the world there must be evil. Run by the Rays of Arwen, a group of three.
- Roana: A woman with silver hair and golden eyes.
- Dom: A man with golden hair and silver eyes.
- Gemini: One body with two souls, a male and female, who are constantly struggling for control.

Blood Dragons- (This is a weird idea I have based on vampiric royal guards, but they can just be good guys) A group dedicated to the protection of all. Led by 7 generals with the code names Shade Walker, Widow Maker, Tigers' Eye, Quick Shot, Leona, and the Twin Dragons (A.K.A the Eastern and Western Dragons) All members have red dragon tattoos and amulets that allow for physical and mental protection. (Sorry if any of these are names you can't use.)
-Shade Walker: Can use invisibility to hide in the shadows. Attacks with katanas. Has a daughter who is a blade specialist named Ariana.(Male originally named Killian)
-Widow Maker: The only general with no powers. She uses metal cords that extend from her sleeves to either pierce, wrap, or cut her enemies. Received her name when she killed her abusive father to protect her little sister (if too gruesome a back story than you can change it) (Female originally named Mila)
-Tigers' Eye: Born with cat like eyes he uses metal claws and the ability to temporarily turn incorporeal.(Male originally named Santiago)
-Quick Shot: Able to summon ranged weapons from anywhere, particularly powerful with bows.(Male originally named Victor)
-Leona: Shape shifts partially in to a lioness, her hair becomes wild like a mane and claws form on her hands. Quick reflexes and movement but a lower defense. (Female originally name Lyn)
-The Twin Dragons: Teleporters that use fire-enchanted spears to attack. (Females originally named Liliana and Amanda)

Lt. Erika Volin- A military soldier often on guard duty.

Kieran O'Kelley- A bar owner in the city.

Yolanda Babikov- A judge who makes a lot of enemies out of local gangs.

Priests of the Sun- An organization that is dedicated to the protection of the human race and the extermination of immortals. They are covered in golden runes that give them different attributes. The runes change their hair and eyes to gold. Led by Saint Zachariah.

Freddy "Bones" McGuee- A gang boss who wears a skeleton costume under a suit and tie, complete with a fedora.

Tracey Smiles- A sadistic villianess with no name but her own. Master at using knives, leaves her victims with a smiley face cut in to their forehead.

Patrick Basque- A man who always seems to be getting mugged.

Elizabeth Bruelly- A journalist with a knack for getting in to everyones business.

Spell Binder- A highschool teacher who casts spells in the name of justice in his spare time.

Rocky Vanes- A male nurse with a soft heart.

Freedame- A female heroine with a flapper style get up and a love of whips.

Picturesque- A woman who fights crime and looks fabulous doing so.

Experiment 61- A lab rat who has gained unknown powers. Nasty case of amnesia and low control.

Miner Sixteener- A teen with a technologically advanced pick axe and a stubborn attitude.

A-Major - An ex-military person with a magical flute that can do many things with it's songs.

Hopper- A young girl who can jump quite high and has a penchant for bunny outfits.

Snow Clause- Lawyer by day and crime fighting, snow throwing santa by night.

Ever Rest- An evil mountain climber who can summon the dead.

Light Show- A fire spewer who also happens to be an effects manager.

Appladai- A benevolent healer.

Intense- An extreme sports nut who has extremely good reflexes, flexibility, and martial arts skills.

(Sorry a lot of these are bad...)

Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: 01/24/2014 - 07:12
DeFugel (Boss: One of the

DeFugel (Boss: One of the hardest bosses in the game, can shoot fire and his best friends are lions)
Craxion (Friendly NPC: Allows you to make your gear and abilities stronger with a little payment of course, his worst enemy is DeFugel and he is the one sending you to defeat him with your team, he loves ice and he uses it to destroy enemies, his biggest fear is fire)
Gorian (Peacefull NPC: He doesn't like war. You can buy potions such as strong defense potion(defends meelee dmg) and strong magic defense potions (defense magic and physical damage from bows and guns)

Site Note: Gorian also sells small, big ,huge, and weak potions

#BringBackCoH/V #LookingForwardToCot

Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/28/2014 - 12:18
I, Cyber-Saint, release my

I, Cyber-Saint, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 1, 2014.

...First of all, I ain't no hero. I was servin' consecutive life sentences on two murder wraps, and waitin' on a third "guilty" verdict that was gonna put a needle in my arm for sure. Not that I minded all that much. After all, I done what they said I did. I mean sure, after what my little sister's punk boyfriend and his "homies" did to her, even my "public pretender" made a decent case that I had... how did he say it... oh yeah, "reacted as any one of you would have if such horrors were inflicted on your loved one". Evidently, the jury wasn't buying that even one of them was capable of, as the D.A. put it "savagely beating three sleeping men until they would never again wake"... allegedly... Anyway, like I said, as long as Tami could begin to recover, finally sleeping at night again knowing those men were gone for good, I was willin' to accept whatever consequences the law said I had comin' to me...

...Now, I might be a little "impulsive", but I'm not stupid, so when that fancy corporate lawyer came in his expensive suit and slick hair and told me he could get me outta prison, you'd think I'da signed those papers faster'n you could spit. I took a bit more convincin' though. Asked him not only why his company was willin' to spring a soon-to-be-three-time loser headed for "the row", but why in the world would the governor agree? He tells me that they're startin' up a new program s'posed to help "people like me"... ones that might have 'issues' but don't deserve life in prison, or worse. If I complete "the program", my record gets cleared up and I'm free to be a regular law-abiding citizen again. So i ask how long this "program" is supposed to last, and he tells me there's no way to know for sure... every case is different... blah, blah, blah. In the end, I agree. After all, what could be worse than what I've got coming, right? Wrong! Take it from me, you gotta read the fine print in them things...

...Next thing I remember, I'm strapped to a stone table in a cave somewhere while robed shadows are chantin' in some strange language I never heard before. All I remember besides that is darkness and pain that seemed to go on forever... then I wake up. I'm in a room, laying in the biggest, most comfortable bed I've ever dreamed of. Except I'm not comfortable, mostly because it feels like someone set me on fire! I look over and, through watery eyes, I see the lawyer sitting in a chair next to the bed watching me like the lab rat I signed myself up to be. My first thought is that I wanna set HIM on fire, but no sooner does the thought begin to form than the pain becomes a whole new level of excruciating! My squirmin' 'round like a demon-possessed little girl from a bad horror movie finally gets him talkin'. He tells me that they have given me "power over Shadow and Fire", that I've gone from Death Row to Undeath, and that if I want the pain to stop, or get my soul back in one piece, I must "serve the greater good"... Indefinitely, apparently...

...So, here I am... Prowling the night in Titan City... Helping other peoples' little sisters... Looking to fulfill my self-imposed destiny... And share my pain with those who deserve it most...

Excerpts taken from an anonymous interview with Tori Lynn Holmes a.k.a. Purgatori.

Bloodfyre- 50+ Invuln/Fire Tank- Guardian.
"Tanker, not Thinker!"

notears's picture
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I, notears, release my

I, notears, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of 03/02/2014.

The Town: Rumored to be the residents of a small town that had the misfortune of being the test site of a super villain for a psionic nuke. A group of madmen with psionic powers of varying degrees, gasmasks, suits, skull masks and ball gowns are typical attire for them, some wear trophies of recent kills, necklaces made of human teeth and jewelry made from human eyeballs. Also rumored to possess the ability to make weak willed men and women "one of there own" in large numbers, stripping them of sanity and making them a part of "The Town"

The Mayor: Ruler of the town, while weak physically is in possession of great telekinetic ability, known to be able to tear a non combatant civilian limb from limb with the power of his mind. He's a tall, skinny, almost anorexic in a fur coat, long black and white stripped top hat, black dress pants with black suspenders, a gas mask and a white dress shirt.

The cat lady: Weakest of the "big names" of the town, has the ability to connect to a hive mind with felines of an animal level intelligence, uses her powers for surveillance more than combat but does know how to use her cats effectively in combat if she needs to stand and fight. Looks like an old crone covered in rags.

The Butcher: High level biokinetic capable of transforming his body to his personal needs, rumored to be a cannibal. He is a large, muscular man in bloody butcher clothes.

The Baker: High level pyrokinetic, in his delusions considers himself the "God of fire and arsonists", a section of the town mostly made of pyrokineticests believe his claim and revere him as a god, buts heads constantly with the mayor over control of the town. Half his face is burned, he mostly wears priest clothes.

The Candlestick Maker: Explosives expert and low level pyrokinetic, makes up for his low psionic abilities by being a high level martial artist and with his unpredictable nature. Favors sticks of TNT but has been known to use other explosives. Dresses in a burnt suit, a skull mask covers his mostly burnt face.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/28/2014 - 12:18
I, Cyber-Saint, release my

I, Cyber-Saint, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 1, 2014.

Glint Easterwood- Cybernetic Sound Engineer at a local TV station that had parts of its AI overwritten with plot and character components from several "Spaghetti" Westerns as a result of a freak accident during a lightning storm. Cowboy hat, Duster, Chaps, Roping Gloves and Spurs on his Laredo boots. Carries two six-shooters that he's named "Truth" and "Justice".

Bloodfyre- 50+ Invuln/Fire Tank- Guardian.
"Tanker, not Thinker!"

Mount's picture
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Joined: 08/31/2013 - 13:22
I, Mount, release my

I, Mount, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 10, 2014. (Late to the party as always)

L-VIS: Visitor-liason bot at the Rock & Roll museum, hit with massive power surge. Became self-aware, but delusionally believes himself to be the true King of Rock'n'Roll.

Corpse Candle: Formerly a high-energy-physics researcher. Murdered by being trapped in a particle accelerator while it powered up. Exists now as an 'energy ghost'' -- visually appears as a luminous greenish ball of 'foxfire'. No physical body, but can manipulate matter via molecular excitation (can speak by vibrating air molecules, and can cause solids or liquids to heat and catch fire.)

Ninjasaurus: Reptilian humanoid of uncertain origin. Claims multiple, conflicting origins (temporally displaced dinosaur, reptilian alien, mutated human, lab-grown supersoldier, etc.), none of which can be absolutely confirmed, and all of which he says are completely true. Exhibits high levels of proficiency in several combat styles, including swordplay, thrown weaponry, and unarmed combat. Highly intelligent but has problems concentrating, and frequently forgets/changes goals in the middle of a mission. Limited camouflage abilities, due to chromatophores in dermal layer. Loves being the center of attention, and will go to great lengths (even endangering self or civilians) to grab more publicity.

I am the Godzilla of love. Where I have passed, nothing remains but smoldering rubble and traumatized Japanese people.

Alpha0177's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 02/15/2014 - 17:36
I, Alpha0177, release my

I, Alpha0177, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 15, 2014.

Proh'Mei Thee'Ose - Commonly called Prometheus, an extraterrestrial who crash landed near the City, is now stranded on earth but is slowly rebuilding ship, lives for a much longer amount of time than humans so it sees problems differently, brought many important technologies that jumped the world ahead in advancement, continues to teach humanity new stuff
ST-1X - Prototype program developed for a mass data transit satellite, became self-aware and project was scrapped, very rude and grumpy, is kept isolated from the Internet and outside world but has contacts

Simply couldn't avoid the Titan references :)

Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 02/16/2014 - 13:21
I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 15, 2014

PANARAMA GANG: TINTYPE, DAGUERREO, 16MM, SHUTTER, FLASH, THE DEVELOPER. Slows and Speed buffs. The Developer is a master of acid

THE DAWN TREDDER: master of the shadows of the half light of day

TUNDRA: Female hero from the artic circle. Snow and ice powers, summons wolves.

CHAR-MAGNE, BRAND, CYNDER and the EMBER BOYS; COLE, FLINT, and ASH: Red-Neck outlaw group, fire smoke and ash powers

THE DIVA, THE VIKING, THE CONDUCTOR, and THE TENORS; HECTOR BORUS, and BRUNO. Diva has sleep and shatter eardrum powers. The Viking is a tank like character.

THE MOIRAI - CLOTHO, web holds and resurrection powers. LACHESIS, controls time. ATROPOS, giant scissors that split to form two deadly swords. Powerful when found alone. Impossible to solo when all three are together.

THE COLOSSUS. a giant statue of a man. leader of a gang called the BRONZE MEN.

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I, Gold Peter, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of February 16th, 2014.

Punchline: A deadpool-light like villain to help lighten things up a bit, he works on his own has no clear goals, and commits random acts of murder for fun. Probably would use comical weapons such as a big pink grenade launcher or a hammer with a smiley face drawn on the end called The Ban Hammer

Bouncy Boy: A fanboy that obsesses over the main super heroes with his own set of less then impressive superpowers, in missions would often get in the way and mess something up, and most of the supers try to convince him to leave before he gets himself hurt in the nicest way they can.

Profile Pic via (missing hat and visible eyes but eh, what can you do) [img][/img]

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I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 17, 2014

MONOLITH: big strapping man master of stone

SGT. STYNGER: grenades, missiles, controls a robotic army of stinging insects

MIMIC: Androgynous villain that stuns you and uses your power set against you

CONTAGIANNE: a female villain that uses infectious disease to do heavy D.O.T. if trying to contain her when working as a group it is especially hard since you cannot stand next to each other for group AOE heals do to the fact that the different debuffs she employs jump to your allies when within 10 feet of one another.

WHISPERDYNE: Soft spoken diminutive person who's speech causes burning and or lacerations that do bleed and fire D.O.T. with the added bonus of endurance/power drain

RUNICA: Powerful Epic Titan that is a master of Runes. heavy Buff/Debuff by sending various runes at friends and foes. One of the greatest healers of the City

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I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 18, 2014

For todays assortment of names i have 2 different Villainous groups.

1. THE BLEACHERS GANG; BILLY THE BULLY, TINA, TINA TWO TIMES, and JASON THE FINK. These are high school kids that would of hung out behind the bleachers smoking at foot ball games. They have a mild obsession with organized crime. At low levels they use sticks, rocks, baseball bats etc. and as your character progresses they are found at higher levels as lackeys for the actual mob. they now use machine guns, hand guns, crow bars etc.

2. CHARLES BRAITHWAIT front man and supposed leader of THE ALCHEMISTS to the outside world. A group obsessed with controlling every last scrap of metal in the city, thereby crippling building, growth and the economy, forcing the citizens to elect CHARLES BRAITHWAIT mayor and eventually ruler of the universe. THE ALCHEMISTS also known as THE ORDER OF ZOSIMUS are comprised of ALCOLYTES, APPRENTICES, COMPOUNDERS, TRANSMUTERS, METALURGISTS, AUGERS, and ZOSIMUS the ancient alchemist himself and real leader of the ALCHEMISTS. Each segment of the group harnesses some part of the 4 elements to use and do their bidding, while CHARLES and ZOSIMUS have the ability to control all 4 elements making them dangerous. the 2 are also in a state of power struggle for leadership, giving rise to the possible separation of the group into 2 distinct evil groups. One, seeking world domination and the other in search of the philosophers stone and unlimited power.

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I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 19, 2014

GLIMPSE: the contact heroes see to pick up their next mission. Named thus for her ability to see short spans into the future.

HEIST: the contact villains go to for their next "heist"

THE ALERION MAGE: wielder of the Carthax Beastiary, is a powerful conjurer who has taken his name from the first creature named in the book. His tower is populated by fierce mythic animals he has pulled from the pages of the ancient book. It is said he is guarded by the SABLE GAURD, an ever shifting mantel or cloak (no one knows for sure) that melts from his body in times of peril to his personage; to form 20 of the fiercest warriors.

SHARD: An epic Titan who wields the power of mirror tech. Discovering in his early 20's how to embed mirrors with Nano sun magnifiers, he quickly rose in the hero ranks. Some powers include... shard shatter, shard slash, shard caltrops, burn, focused burn, mirror cages, mirror clone, warmth, and sunspots. His signature tag line is "time for a tan"

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Ooh... the guy with the

Ooh... the guy with the heists could be der Heistgeist. Likely a supernatural thing.

If it only shows up briefly, yet enthusiastically, you'd have the Feisty Heistgeist Cameist.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

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I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 20th, 2014

How about...

FILIGREE: A proud woman in her late 30's early forties who is a "natural" sort of hero. She is a master FORGE MISTRESS and crafts all her weapons. She is skilled in both ranged and hand to hand combat. Her main weapon of choice is her quarter staff that she "wove" from fine silver and carbon fiber filaments. Since her weapons are strong but light weight due to the nature of the materials and "weaving" technique, her ranged javelin's are equally as deadly.

THE FORGE: The forge are a band of people that move from place to place, offering their services to any who can pay. Their weapons are second to none and they are fierce warriors as well. Most FORGE are loyal to no side, preferring to lend a hand to the side that is willing to pay the most coin. FILIGREE is the most famous of the forge and the only one to date that has chosen a side. The ranks of the FORGE include FORGE MASTERS, FORGE MISTRESSES, HAMMERS, ANVILS, BELLOWS, and APRENTICES

TALON: A rogue agent skilled with a crossbow

IO: He is listed in the great Titan register as being a rock of a man who had the ability to harness the power of volcanoes. Coupled with his super strength he was a great sight to behold. IO had one fault though... Jealousy. Another Titan (the legends say SILVERSTREAM, but that's unclear) stole the woman he loved; a citizen and non-hero by the name of CASSANDRA RAE. IO became so enraged his powers transmuted in on themselves changing him and his powers forever.

MASS EFFECT: Once known as IO, MASS EFFECT is the evil product of IO's rage. MASS EFFECT's only mission in life is to destroy all life. MASS EFFECT has an unusual power combination as a result of his "melt down". He has retained his super strength but his volcanism powers have been transmuted into gravity powers. MASS EFFECT is a true gravity brute. He uses a power called "Gravity Well" a shadowy disc that radiates out from his personage. Anyone "caught" in the disc's field adds to his damage/to hit exponentially based on the number of people in the field. In addition to "Gravity Well" he also uses "Black Hole". If you are not in the field of his gravity well, you soon will be. Black hole drags its target closer to him.

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I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 21st, 2014


FETE CO: The premier Party/Caterer/Event Planning Company. Owned and operated by none other than LADY FETE herself. Her staff comprises of PLANNERS, COORDINATORS, AIDES, STAFFERS, and has been known to pull out the CLOWNS and JUGGLERS from time to time. FETE CO isn't listed as a villainous organization but bad things seem to happen at their events.

SKEET: Friendly shotgun wielding cowboy who provides tips on occasion

GRETA & GRACE: conjoined twins with greasy black bobs that run the local diner

EMBARGO: big cigar smoking dock worker who isn't afraid to "take care of business"

SYLVAN GREH: Not much is known about SYLVAN GREH and no one is sure if he has any powers at all. He suddenly appeared about 10 years ago and has been a fixture of affluent society ever since. Has recently been seen at the annual mayors ball with CASSANDRA RAE slung across his arm.

NANA MAO: A DOPPLEGANGER of some importance who runs the cities largest drug ring, supplying "Winter White" to the inner city gangs. She reports only to the "CHINAMAN". She is difficult to find due to her changeling nature. However if you should happen to stumble across her den, Beware; she is surrounded be SANDMEN.

SANDMAN: An elderly Chinese warrior that is held in a comatose state while being fed winter white intravenously. Due to the constant high from the winter white, SANDMEN can astral project up to four copies of their youthful warrior selves when ever threatened. In times of great peril several SANDMEN have been known to meld their projections into one massive warrior.

DOPPLEGANGERS: changelings that morph into their assailant, using their attackers power sets against them. Usually DOPPLEGANGERS aren't that powerful and can only access your tier 1 powers. However, like NANA MAO, more powerful ones exist. MIMIC is said to be one, but he will deny it.

In the beginning god created Adam and EVE, or she would like to think so... EVE is a late 20ish Goth with long black raven hair and alabaster skin who thinks the world would cease to be without her in it. A minor villain who's powers weaken by day and peak at midnight.

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I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 23rd, 2014

KOUNTDOWN: minor villain who loves the "suspense" of a Titan in distress. Most devices he uses employ some type of timer or trigger mechanism.

REGINA DEWEY: Historian and keeper of the Titan Registry

ARTIC MINING CO: an organization that's prime objective is to take over the world (what else could there be for a nefarious villain group). The ARTIC MINING CO mines Scandium; a silvery white metal with the same properties of titanium but far lighter in weight. Scandium enables them to manufacture ultra light Mech Suits, massive hand held grenade and rocket launchers and most important of all ultra light orbital vehicles. Of the 5 members who sit on the board of directors only 1 is known, the "CHINAMAN".

ARTIC MINING SPACE CO: A subsidiary of its parent company, it is currently engaged in building a massive orbital platform from which it advertises "Mining in space to better serve mankind". GLIMPSE has seen otherwise and not wanting to upset the civilian population has quietly informed RUNICA and SHARD. What she doesn't know is there are 2 platforms.

SEAMUS FINNIGAN: Burly Titan in a kilt who yells a lot and swings a great rune encrusted battle axe.

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It's not hard to come up with

It's not hard to come up with names, since most of us had characters before.

Lady Larceny - A thief

Wicked Winds - Who can control wind, of course

Baroness Von Bolt - Who can shoot lightning at people.

Baroness/Baron Von Blitzkrieg - Over the top soldier - or maybe soldiers mastermind.

Murder Maiden. -

Doctor Dynamic - A good aligned doctor who invents cool stuff to heal people.

Carnage Knight - A magical medieval knight who's constantly killing.


Incendiary Man- Who uses fire

"The Quantum Mechanic" - Full NPC, no fighting powers. He does maintenance on the teleporters (if those are part of the lore.)

Teenager from Hell. -- A rebelious deamon who thinks he/she can torture damned souls way better than his/her father and mother, and refuses to take any advice from them at all.

Immortal Ice - An ice tank.

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I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; February 25th, 2014

This just in... HEIST is sending villains to the annual Mayor's Dinner and Address to the City. GLIMPSE is predicting a short list of names.

COTILLION: Skilled in the ways of crowd control. This young debutant can hold an entire ballroom captive in their own minds.

NAVETTE: Jewel thief. Bends and refracts light to weave glamour's to distract her targets.

SKYWRAITH: Petty villain who gets stuck driving the get-away van.

Surprise Surprise, FETE CO employed the 3 to serve hors d'oeuvre's at the event. What is a Surprise though is that while the room was held in COTILLION's thrall, SYLVAN GREH was the only one able to elude her hold.

FASHION PLAZA: Shopping mall where SYLVAN GREH went to buy his Grey Prada suit for the auspicious event. Also where any Titan or Villain can go to refresh their "look".

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I, bronzmonkee, release my

I, bronzmonkee, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; March 1st, 2014

SWAT Bot - Heavy police robot

Anastasia - Perky, upbeat vampire

Chester Branigan aka "C.B." - Special forces. Utterly immune to superpowers, but has no offensive capabilities.

Fury - Gains her powers from combat drugs

Puppeteer - Drone operator

LOL - Anarchist hacker who does it for the lulz

Juggernaut - Giant mecha suit

Monolith - Petite lady, super strength, invulnerability

Fusion - Area burst damage, causes a lot of collateral damage

The Chameleon - Invisible when standing still, hard to see when moving

Mastermind - Powerful psychic who runs his criminal organization from inside prison

Casandra Penwright - Time traveler from the future, high tech gadgets with steampunk aesthetic

Dharma - Pacifist, empathic healer

The Indigo Kid - Side kick, dark blue skin, super reflexes

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I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; March 1st, 2014

PINAFORE: Young Titan lass just coming into her powers.

CARSLYLE: Kindly hero always eager to help an elderly woman across the street

CHALET: Female titan, cold and ice powers

COMANCHE: Tanned Titan with long raven black hair, has a raven (targeting pet) to help him. Main skills are arrows and daggers. Exceptional tracker

DIPLOMAT: One of the founding Titans of the City. He always tries to talk things out but isn't afraid to take action if needed. He is a skilled negotiator as well as a compelling orator. He is a very popular speaker among the Titan School District.

TEMPORAL TWINS: Or otherwise known as EVAN LIGHT & THE DARK ONE. At the time of IO's "melt down", SILVERSTREAM tried to contain IO'S rage in a sphere of Silverlight. But the forces at work were to much for SILVERSTREAM to handle and a massive explosion/feedback wave ensued, ripping his psyche in two and sending half to another dimensional plane. Its rumored that had SILVERSTREAM not used his Silverlight on IO at the time of his rage; MASS EFFECT and the TEMPORAL TWINS would never have been "born". But who's to say for sure.

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I, CallumSevers, release my

I, CallumSevers, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; March 4th, 2014
SUNFLOWER: Abandoned at the age of 13 by her abusive father, she was left to survive on her own. Discovered she had the ability to absorb energy from the sun and sunflowers, resulting in light based attacks.

NIGHTWOLF: 'Rogue' character,wears a flat wolf mask ,themed around a martial arts expert who has wolf themed weaponry; Hand-blades,throwing knives, katanna, etc.

OGRE: Large, ogre like man who has green skin, large battle scars, purple hair, huge weapons such as an axe he stole from a blacksmith called Mephisto.

ICE-BERG: Young,popular ,muscular, high school student Nate Bastion. Loved football and impressing his friends but took it all too far when he tried a new 'drug' at his friends party by injecting it into his wrist. This 'drug' that he used on his wrist weren't a drug but in fact a missing solution that gives normal humans super powers. Nate ended up killing everyone at the party as a large, muscular ,beast fused with ice and took on a villainous lifestyle as Ice-Berg.

SLAUGHTER: A crazed killer villain similar to deadpool.

GUARDIAN: A strong, powerful, flying hero named Guardian, after saving a town from Lock-Jaw. He gained his powers after being impaled on a Guardian crystal, the crystal healed Guardian's wounds resulting in him discovering his hidden superpowers when witnessed the terror that Lock-Jaw caused.
Some very basic ideas about possible super heroes :P

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I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; March 10th, 2014

CALLIOPE: Victorian era young heroine

VAGRANT: Leader of the URCHINS a band of petty thieves and pickpockets

FLETCHER: Titan in training. young man of 17 who is excellent with a bow.

PROVOCATEUR: Scantily clad female villain

BIG BEN: One of her majesties secret titans, BIG BEN is a master of time manipulation. Her majesty has been known to "loan" him out in times of dire need.

GRIDLOCK: controller

HEMLOCK: English gentleman sometimes villain, sometimes titan as the need arises. HEMLOCK is a master of potions and poisons. He never uses his powers for ill or good, but for personal gain.

PAMELA POUNDCAKE: Reporter extraordinaire has just released a tell all expose on the EVANGALIST'S. If its anything like her last expose "CASSANDRA RAE, innocent mortal or Titan temptress" then this should be good.

THE EVENGALIST'S: a religious cult that is trying to enlighten the citizen of the world and bring them around to the one true path of God, while "enlightening" your pocketbook. Above board, they are a registered legit group with churches throughout the city. But below they are just like any other terrorist organization, using anything at their disposal to achieve their goals. Rector's, Fanatics, Priests, and Prophets are just some of the order that make up this group. What makes them truly dangerous is fervor and total disregard for self.

Lord Nightmare
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I, Lord Nightmare, release my

I, Lord Nightmare, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; March 12th, 2014

THE BALTHIER SYNDICATE: A covert vigilante group specializing in espionage against corrupt businesses, typically those involved with illegal weapons, drug trafficking, and/or terroristic activities.

CYRUS STRIDER BALTHIER Leader of the Syndicate. Former British SAS and formerly the premier hitman for the Fedorovich crime family. Australian and possessing a love of gunslinger hats, leather trench coats, combats, and desert eagles.

CAPTAIN MARROW Undead pirate who is the foremost expert on nautical legends from the New England region. Usually found around the Harbor District of Titan City. Still to this day denies he is or was ever a pirate and says he's but a simple fisherman.

TITAN TATTLE Superhero gossip magazine created by Eric Kluss. Not particularly popular with the villains and heroes featured in it.

DISCO INFERNO Fire-manipulating mutant with a 1970s style outfit and gimmick, sporting an Afro and elevator boots. Never present without the Feverettes, his identical twinions. Classified as dangerous, but approachable.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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Cicerone wrote:
Cicerone wrote:

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; March 10th, 2014
THE EVENGALIST'S: a religious cult that is trying to enlighten the citizen of the world and bring them around to the one true path of God, while "enlightening" your pocketbook. Above board, they are a registered legit group with churches throughout the city. But below they are just like any other terrorist organization, using anything at their disposal to achieve their goals. Rector's, Fanatics, Priests, and Prophets are just some of the order that make up this group. What makes them truly dangerous is fervor and total disregard for self.


I, Desviper, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; March 16th, 2014
This isn't dreadfully original but:
[b] The Red Star [/b] - Leader of a terrorist group of former soviet and soviet wannabes, abilities beyond impressive combat training include (red) energy masses he can use for melee and short-ranged combat.
-May also include soldier summoning abilities.
[b] The Red Army [/b] Terrorist organization of former soviet and soviet wannabes. They specialize in sabotage and assassinations. They are renowned for their snipers and demolition experts, many of whom are equipped with invisibility cloaks and explosive rounds.
[b] The Wanderer [/b] - Neutral-Hero-aligned contact or NPC. Known for appearing out of shadows and skyscraper lookouts. Equipped with electronics-jamming devices and invisibility cloaks. Rumored to teleport, but this goes unverified.

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
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Atomic Saint
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I, Atomic Saint, release my

I, Atomic Saint, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; March 26th, 2014

Furious George - Half man, half ape in embittered by the world by a genetic experiment gone horribly wrong

Three Gorges - Chinese Hero (duh) with Aquatic Powers

Inquisitor Char - Interdiminsioal zealot whose goal is to convert the earth to his flire based religion, or burn it

Flagstaff - Drifter/Cowboy /The Dude looking slacker with super strength and invulnerablility but to lazy to use them

Ri' gent - Hybrid being that the Ancient Alien guys have been warning us about. Half Human, half COT alien, all world conquest oriented.

Thunder Tyrant - Electrical based villian permenantly encased in "iron lung" type of armor that gave him his powers and mobility.

Afterimage - female with strong pyschic ability, especially in illusion/perception altering ability

Headlong- Speedster with temporary invlunerabliity while running

Ichor - dark based powered villian

Sedition- pyschic powered villian with mind control based powers

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I, syntaxerror37, release my

I, syntaxerror37, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; March 27th, 2014

Purple Prose - A hyper intelligent shade of purple painted on an the wall of an obscure alley, longs to be a published author. Can communicate telepathically through touch or can display text across its "body".

Shotgun Chell - A 12 gauge toting vigilante always looking to punish those who "deserve it". She uses a variety of exotic shotgun shells and questionable morals to get her job done. Chell has plenty of enemies on both sides of the law, and many of supporters among the citizens of Titan City.

Jim the Janitor - When the rich and famous have a mess that needs to be cleaned up quickly and quietly, this is the man they call. Jim will engage in bribery, theft, blackmail, murder, whatever it takes to make his clients' messes go away.

Betsy McFang - born Beatrice McFagin she was turned in 1848 in Ireland. She escaped the vampire hunters dispatched by the church by hiding herself amongst immigrants fleeing the Great Famine for America. Betsy has been living in Titan City under various names since then. Recently her condition has become an open secret. She uses this to simultaneously attract patrons to her bar and discourage "hooligans" from causing her any trouble.

Ms. Lucy Umbral, Esq. - Lawyer from the firm of Darque, Shade, & Umbral. She specializes in contract law and is often in need of assistance when parties fail to live up to their side of the agreement.

John the Phone Rep - May be reached on any phone by dialing 116. He is a "Customer Diservice" representative and is looking for vengeance against those that wrong members of the customer service industry. No one knows whether John is real, a ghost, or some kind of senescent glitch in the phone system. All that is known is despite the united effort of telecoms to block calls, some manage to get through.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

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I made the one on my profile

I made the one on my profile Syren. Do you wish to have more character names or alias names?

Tyrella Fox: Female African American head of The Organization Without Initials.

Hawthorn Sygnus: Male Hispanic Contact shady arms and black market dealer.

Jenna Xantha: Female Dark hair French Head of molecular biology at Titan University.

Ian Cedric: Redhead from Ireland Historian and information broker.

Matthew MIles: White Male Police Chief of Titan city.

Jeri Santanian: African american and white mix: Director of nanno technology at Kryus Laboratories.

Octavian Kryus: Male from England white Owner and financial backer of Kryus Laboratories.

Sarah Bommegarten: German female Weapons expert for the military.

Joella Sandstrom: White female Contact in Jinxtown of capital city.

Jax: aka Houan Jing Asian male Hacker contact who rotates where he lives all the time so as not to get arrested.

Doar Suran: Alien resident disguised as Human Male white but is from another world,Holgn that is accessed through a worm hole gate generator discovered by the Organization Without Initials. He is the Holgnian Ambassador to Earth. In his natural state he is of plant origin and uses photosynthesis and eats to gain energy.

Gran: aka Erin Silkas Greek Grandmother. Contact for experiential knowledge and history of Titan world that others don't know that is not in the history books.

Black: aka Carlos Vega Mexican: Villan contact that finds transients to perform medical experiments on.

Boom: aka Kasandra Delorean: African american Explosive ordinance expert. Hates eighties car jokes. loves hot sauce and is on a strange kick to find the hottest sauce she can.

AIA: Artifical Intelligence Android made at Kryus Labs. It is genderless but looks like a human in detail. It's a final experimental model that has reached sentience and must be taught social interactions. It is programmed with a prodigious amount of knowledge in all areas but it lacks street smarts and interaction with other species.

Michael Marten: White male blonde Head of Psychological studies at Titan University.

Tiny: Hoshi Cho: Japanese female Martial arts expert who runs a private studio for classes. She is 4 feet tall. People underestimate her all the time.

Samantha Stiles: Marketing Director of Prime Pharmaceuticals. She could sell Ice to Eskimos. She puts Ferengi to shame.

Taylor Taggart: White male 14. Can read minds and it drives him crazy. He helps the military and in return him and his family get a place out in the boondocks to live where all their needs are met.

Marcia Taggart: Mother of Taylor white female She has telekinesis. She hasn't revealed that yet.

Acen Taggart: Father of Taylor black male, can selectively align his molecules to pass through objects. He just discovered how to do it as an accidental discovery. He had panic attacks and was taught Dialectal Behavior Therapy Exercises. These are mental control exercises.

UT: Tanya Clemment: Long red hair and heavy set with glasses. People call her UT short for Universal Translator. She picks up languages and can speak 100 different language and all their dialects. This includes a prodigious sample of off world languages as well.

Tristan Clark: The public face and Mayor of Titan city. He has unreal Charisma and he is a really good person and has the best interest of Titan city at heart. He is always trying to keep the peace between the Corporations, Labs, University and Citizens. He is always concerned about Safety with all the powers being used and their effect on other powers and the other people around them.

I could go all day long generating names. You give me a parameter I can come up with a character and back story

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Ankhemar, the Living Mummy:

I, [b]Balance[/b], release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of [b]April 24, 2014[/b].

[b]Ankhemar, the Living Mummy[/b]: An ancient priest who feared the gods' judgment of his corruption and magically preserved his living organs in enchanted canopic jars. Betrayed and sealed away in a tomb, his hollow husk has only recently returned to plague the world. [Villain.]

[b]Invictus, the Solar Sorcerer[/b]: A mutant hero with the ability to project hard light constructs and light blasts. Ironically, Invictus is not very bright; he believes his powers are magical and casts "spells" to use them. [Potential rescue target/ally. A male Fusionette. :p ]

[b]Foresight[/b]: A hero who (apparently) possesses substantial powers of precognition. In combat, his near-perfect knowledge of the immediate future effectively gives him super reflexes. However, he rarely engages in field work; his prescience warns him of emergencies as much as a day in advance, though the information is less precise, so he feels he can do more good directing other heroes and emergency services. He files precog reports every morning with police, fire departments, various super groups, and the weather service. [Potential contact.]

Darth Fez
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Not so much a NPC as a group

Not so much a NPC as a group (after a fashion, anyway):

[b]Trap clown[/b]: Imagine something akin to a trapdoor spider, only it's a clown. Get too close to a manhole cover, door, basement/cellar/attic access, etc., and a clown with huge, creepy gripper hands has grabbed you. And, who knows, maybe that bump in the lawn or that mound of dirt really is a trapdoor hiding a clown...

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

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I, Zine, release my

I, Zine, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of April 29, 2014.

?/Franklin Granger - An absent minded researcher, he designed a series of ground breaking chemical sprays he uses to subdue evil doers, heal the wounded, and remove the nastiest of sock oders. Unfortunately, he forgets his super hero alter ego name - even within the same conversation. So he announces himself as a different name every time. Examples are Mist Man, Super Aero, Nasal Assaulter, Dr.Smell, The Respirator.

B.T. Team - Bev and Trevor Avelo - These two teenage siblings of terror mean good, they really do. However they tend to cause more harm than good while thwarting evil doers and helping those in distress. While stopping a bank robbery, they hosed down the police with quick hardening foam they borrowed from their father's construction company at the wrong moment - leading to the escape of the robbers. Another they were helping an old lady change her car tire, but modified the vehicle with their mother's borrowed experimental nanite transformers - which turned the car into a humanoid raging berzerker. Their executive and well connected parents believe their cute little crime stoppers mean well, and will learn in time. The city can only hope that comes sooner rather than later.

"Cranky" - Locals know him as his nickname, his real name is Jim Fronse. A normal guy, rather heavyset, auto mechanic, really doesn't want to get involved. But he has his ear to the street and has connections. If anyone needs to know where to get a part, no matter how advanced or questionable he can probably point you in the right direction.

doctor tyche
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

Not so much a NPC as a group (after a fashion, anyway):
Trap clown: Imagine something akin to a trapdoor spider, only it's a clown. Get too close to a manhole cover, door, basement/cellar/attic access, etc., and a clown with huge, creepy gripper hands has grabbed you. And, who knows, maybe that bump in the lawn or that mound of dirt really is a trapdoor hiding a clown...

You are an evil, evil person.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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...can't sleep, clowns will

...can't sleep, clowns will eat me...can't sleep clowns will eat me...

(This is in no way has any bearing on actual fact, like as in staying at my Grandmother's home who had clown statues and pictures EVERYWHERE! One particular clown had a foot raised on a tree stump, a giant mallet slung over his shoulder, and I swear the most sadistic grin as if he'd just bashed someone's head in with that thing...*shudders*.) Well great now I'm not going to get any sleep tonight...

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

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I, Ripleycat, release my

I, Ripleycat, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of June 6, 2013.

[b]Crimson Detective[/b] Retired Golden Age hero, unpowered domino mask and a good right hook type. Still knows a thing or two about a thing or two.
[b]The Red Fox[/b] Alleged globetrotting master thief. Certainly not the one who emptied the 1st National Bank's vault from the inside last week. No sir.
[b]Bombardier[/b] Unhinged villain-for-hire equipped with a bewildering variety of exploding goodies. Think fast!
[b]Swashbuckler[/b] Considers self to be a Robin Hood-esque roguish champion of the people. Good at "Steals from the rich." Still working on "Gives to the poor."
[b]Barnstormer[/b] A heroic mantle with a legacy going back nearly a century. The current Barnstormer is the eighth to pick up the ol' rocketpack and raygun.
[b]Blue Streak[/b] The fastest cop on the force. Lives up to the name in all its senses, you miserable $@*!%#*#&!*.
[b]Adventuress[/b] Being the vessel for the literal Spirit of Adventure has its perks. Life is always exciting - for you [i]and[/i] everyone around you!

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I, CallmeBlue, release my

I, CallmeBlue, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of June 15, 2014.

[b] Coprolalia [/b] After a difficult-to-reproduce sequence of events involving radioactive throat lozenges, a hand mixer, a rubber ducky, 5 kilos of lemons, and a kazoo, Carla Lobelia gained the power of harsh language. When directed at someone in anger, Carla's speech becomes so foul, demeaning, and profane as to leave hardened criminals helplessly sobbing in tears. Her brief attempt at a superheroic career ended with the accidental death of Vinny "The Musk Ox" Moscone during a botched arrest attempt.

Carla spends much of her free time working off her 80,000 hours of mandatory community service by helping out as needed at a scared-straight program for first-time offenders. Although technically Carla does not suffer from Tourette syndrome, the story of her struggle to use her power for the greater good has touched many in the Tourette's community, and occasionally she participates in events to raise awareness or money for the condition in turn.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

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I, CallmeBlue, release my

I, CallmeBlue, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of June 15, 2014.

[b]Thief Catcher[/b] Whenever trouble comes calling, you can always expect Thief Catcher to get in the way...of the police, the fire department, the army, or anyone else better qualified to help. Sporting a dapper old-time police uniform, and a truly stupendous mustache, this determined do-gooder takes the risks that nobody else would, or should. Only a demonstrated resistance to damage saves our hapless hero from serious harm as he gets caught in crossfires, closes windows on both hands at once, climbs into steaming exhaust vents, becomes trapped in revolving doors, or accidentally removes the steering wheel of his vintage police vehicle during chases.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

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I, JackSmiles, release my

I, JackSmiles, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of June 15, 2014.

[b]Thomas Falwell[/b] Latest of a long line of Falwell's, he's inherited the family curse. Wherever a Falwell goes, villainy follows. Thomas been used as a hostage more times than can be counted. After years of kidnapping has adapted to the danger enough that being grabbed of the street no longer even fazes him.

Alaika Balta
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I, Alaika Balta, release my

I, Alaika Balta, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of July 1, 2014.

I'm not very good when it comes to making NPCs, but I hope I could contribute somehow. Any suggestions and critiques are appreciated.

[u][b]Evergreen[/b] (Real name Tsutsuji Honda)[/u]
A young, demure woman from Japan who works as a florist, aged 24 years old. Has the ability to release deadly toxins from her skin and manipulate plants (Plant Control). Knows a lot about plants and poison, including how to identify and counter it. Generally good by nature, but is pragmatic and can be quite ruthless if forced to battle and prefers to help behind the scenes and out of the limelight. Very few knows her real name as she always introduces herself as her alias.


notears's picture
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I, notears, release my

I, notears, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of july 15 2014.

Holders of the street

A hero faction made up of Urban druids or as they like to call themselves "Street Shamans". Their leader who goes by the name "The Eldest" was taught the ways of the shaman by a man who's son he saved from a mustard gas attack initiated by Vietcong soldiers when he served in Vietnam. The shaman's son was a peasant farmer working the fields and while he knew nothing of medicine his father did. He was nursed back to health, and while he was classified dead by his nation even after the war was over. He was taught in the way of the shaman. He was to see without his eyes even though his eyes couldn't be saved from the mustard, he was taught to control the air and plant life around and talk to beasts. Now he has come back to the city he once lived, seeing life and nature where others turn a blind eye. After a long while of preaching about his religion he has started a "church" of his own. They protect the city and all who live there because as shamans of there street it is there duty.

The group is separated into 4 factions

Holders of the bird have been sworn to a life in the sky even those who have not learned how to fly yet. They live on the rooftops of the city to the point that a jump from one rooftop, no matter how far, is no different to them than crossing a street. Their signature weapon is a grappling hook with a very long chain which they call a sky hook which to them is a tool as much as a weapon. The higher ups in the way of the bird have forgotten what it feels like to touch the ground. The leader of this faction is a woman by the name of Dove. An albino woman who used to be a ballet dancer until an attack from the 5 dragons, who the studio she worked for failed to pay money to, left her with a broken leg. When she was distraught the Eldest healed her leg with a healing salve and a prayer to the spirits of the city. In time she began to trust him and learned from him the magic of the wind.

Holders of the bug have a tendency to creep out everyone they meet, sometimes even themselves, but they are no less devoted to their cause. They work best in swarms, the more there are in a group they stronger they become (meaning that all of there best powers are ones that buff others). Higher ups in the way of the bug can summon powerful avatars of bug spirits (Bug bosses should be pets/support masters). They are lead by Kru, Once an insectoid alien merchant who decided to sell his wares on earth he soon became addicted to the various drugs being sold in the street and became a shadow of his former self, that is until the Eldest helped him kick his habits and became his second apprentice.

Holders of the weed live in the parks of the city. Always surrounded by the plants they care so much for they live tents in a perpetual state of camping. They work with plants and can make them bend and grow at will. The higher ups in the way of the weed are feared for their control of their environment. They are lead by Thorn a treant who awoke from his slumber to realize his home forest has been reduced to a park. Angry he lashed out at the world but calmed by the words of the Eldest saying that his home isn't gone but rather changed. He become his third apprentice.

Holders of the rodent are the sword of the holders of the street. They combine their knowledge of shaman magic with modern day weapons and are the most offensive in battle. Higher up in the way of the way of the rodent have been known to take on small armies with nothing more than a carpet of biting rats and a cloud of bats. They are lead by a man who goes by the name Ratshank. A hitman who came to the eldest for a chance at redemption, he obliged and now serves as his 4th apprentice to date.

Those who hate them call them squatters and thieves, those who love them call them protectors of the common man and the little people of the city. One thing is for certain however, aslong as their are gangs who hurt the innocent, they will be there to fight back.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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I, Thalious, release my

I, Thalious, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of July 17th, 2014.

Bal Torrenz Feld(Torrenz): A beast like man(more man than beast) and a deep thinker of sorts. Always one to think out a strategy than act on impulse to apply the damage needed and win the day. It is said that he is from a future time and a far away galaxy.

Black Obelisk: Living stone, once used for satanic worship, was acquired by some rather high profile villains as a catalyst for a new weapon. The villains had used nuclear components with ore of unknown properties. It was believed the ore would greatly increase the power of this weapon but they were wrong and the obelisk came to life with power of which its natural half-life wouldn't slow the creature down in the slightest.

The Bloody Ripper(Rafishstil): A creature born of chaos and torment, unknowing pulled into another world by a misguided scientist. This creature, on it's on plain, was a raged and mindless beast. As its time in our world lingered, it began to develop thought and identity.

Exodus Kemper: The soul of ruthless tyrant that got stripped from it owner in a final movement to end the tyrants reign. The soul wandered through time and space until it game to world where it could take a physical form. Physical or not, this shadow being retain the power of hell fire from its former master and harnessed the power of vapor-is form.

Kirk Thrasher: A nobody that could shoot a gun with aim that no computer could be as precise. Feeling tired of being a nobody, he quickly learned that he had the greatest ability that no super powered being could contend with - a silver tongue. With this power, he was able to sway the most loyal henchman, thug and crook from their ways to fight for him that he could summon at his own need.

Link Jadus: A retired cop who lost his wife to the forces of darkness. He traded his soul to this same darkness for new life to battle for his lost love. But will this new power devour him before he has a chance rid the world of this darkness?

Model '85: An outdated bodyguard robot was upgraded with an emotion software to provide him with a pleasant disposition by his previous owner. When he was finally scrapped, he ended up in a mad-scientists landfill where he was able to remake himself physically and mentally to become his own master. This is not good thing for any human who uses machines as tools and not living creatures.

Ollie the Axe: A large and dimwitted logger has a stroke stronger than any machine.

Project ExFire(Kit Beals): A marine with a lost past, enrolled into a project to create fire with consciousness. For sometime, he was a glorified fire bat, relying heavily on his technology to achieve his goals. As time went on and upgrades where added, his humanity diminished as the remaining flesh melded with machine could generate and control the element with a skill that the world never knew fire could do.

Pure Hope(Hope Jadus): A bright scientist and daughter of hero Link Jadus, worked for a research facility perfecting a new means of travel, portals, at the request of her father to keep her as far away from possible danger. When a stabilize prototype led, not through space, but dimensions, pulling a creature of great horror into our world and attacked everything. Destroying resources of different elements and nearly killing Hope. She awoke in a hospital fully healed after only days with new psychic and telekinetic abilities.

Spanky the Loveclown
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It's nice to see that, as I

It's nice to see that, as I read this thread, clowns are getting a LOT of love

Because you all Loveclown...

*rubs hands together and cackles maniacally*

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I, Fusion, release my

I, Fusion, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of 18/07/2014.

Crunch - a small time super villain that has the 'superpower' of being 4 times more susceptible to gravity than a normal human being. This has heavily stunted his growth but has given him a strong dense body, high constitution and signature moves of pile driver punches and ambush from above attacks. (The idea being if gravity had more of an effect on him it would give him much greater impact force in downward motions. Pile driver punches, stamping on feet etc. ;)
The Chain Gang - A group of escaped convicts, That started in the 40's when a bus load of prisoners overpowered their supervisors and escaped into the city. There are super powered and unpowered members of both genders.

Leg Irons - The current leader of the chain gang, the name passes from one person to another, whoever is top dog at the time.

Shackles - Veteran members that have been on a number of heists and haven't been caught / captured. favored weapons are heavy chains - are expected to plan more complicated / daring heists.

Ganger - New members, the fodder of the gang. Usually involved in street muggings and other street level crime. Initiates yet to prove themselves still Wear their orange (or B&W striped) shirts on the streets and seen as a way of taunting law enforcement so they can prove their worth against them.

DB (DEEBEE) - He runs a newspaper stand on a busy street corner, he's got a knack for recognizing patterns in the various activities reported in the news papers. A little too eccentric for the government to take seriously and if it's not been in his newsstand he won't know much about it.

Java - A paramedic that has gained the power to stimulate body and mind to work to their maximum potential; this can be the difference between keeping someone alive long enough to fight a serious injury or deadly disease. Simply being in her presence keeps you alert and full of energy.

Arc - An accident on a building site has given him the ability to cut and fuse metal with his fingers, he is also able to use this ability to destroy simple electronics by overloading it with an instant *zap!* (beyond the obvious of cutting it to pieces which would be significantly slower) How he uses those abilities is something even he is still undecided on.

[b]Fusion[/b] - (Fusion Reacta, Victory) (@Fusi) - Electrical Blaster

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Joined: 02/16/2014 - 13:21
I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; July 20th, 2014.

At the latest "induction to the Titan registry" ceremony, REGINA DEWEY was writing in the name of the latest Titan Cadet when the lights in the building went out. When the lights came on again the latest inductee was gone.... GLIMPSE is working on the where a bouts of the inductee but is having trouble picking up the trail

PILASTER: latest inductee and missing Titan. PILASTER is a master of weakness exploitation and is at his best when other Titans are around take advantage of his powers.

KOMODO: Right hand to the CHINAMAN and martial arts master. KOMODO likes to work alone but if forced to team up with other unsavory characters, then he likes to sneak in and steal the killing strike. NANA MAO and KOMODO are intense rivals but since they both work for the CHINAMAN, an uneasy truce between the two has been struck. PILASTER would know how to use their hatred for each other to his and his teams advantage but since he is missing....

CHINAMAN: the CHINAMAN is only a name. Know one knows who he is. Not even his closest associates have seen his face, making him one of the most elusive villains around. What is known is that he is one of five that run the ARTIC MINING CO. and it's subsidiaries. Not even the other four board members have seen his face

HARROW: Sometimes Titan sometimes villain, HARROW walks the middle path of purgatory tilling the celestial soil and sowing fortunes and distrust on either side; watering the seeds with his tears. HARROW is a "wild card" at the best of times and if ever his help is sought, it should only be at the most dire of times and then only with a full party.

DAWN: A young Titan in the prime of her youth, DAWN is best friends with EVAN LIGHT. She uses her powers of first light and soothing mist to comfort him when the dark one is uncontrollable.

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I, Lemetaron, release my

I, Lemetaron, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; July 21th, 2014.

Toliver Mayfield: In the super-heroic community when you need answers about ancient languages, spells, curses and the names of unknowable demonic powers, you usually seek out your super-group's resident magus, but when they don't know, it's always Toliver that gets a visit. Toliver is a gaunt, polite and learned man who has an innate magical ability for figuring out secrets and ciphers, making him one of the most respected members of the magic community. He lives in a small French Colonial home 40 miles North of the city by a serene lake, but his property is said to almost always be enclosed in fog and impenetrable by all but those who have a true need to speak with him, it is even claimed he had the home built in 1795, since no one is sure of his age, and more amazingly, that he used some of the rubble from the Tower of Babel to build his amazing house. It should also be said that if you ever have to visit him, you'll probably be just as amazed at his wine cellar as you are his intimate understanding of the 7000 year old cultist manifesto you're having translated.

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I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; July 21st, 2012

Standing outside an old run down warehouse at 9:00 am with a detective from the Titan City Police Department is not my idea of a good morning, thought WILL CEIVERS. What the hell are we doing here anyway? In the last 4 hours I've had the privilege of watching the sun come up with the city's garbage trucks and homeless filth, and OFFICER HAWKINS is no picnic either. Why do I keep getting stuck with these hack job missions? Just once I wish DIPLOMAT would give me a mission worthy of my talents instead of chasing after the URCHINS and lesser petty thieves. It's so tempting to just bust right in but HAWKINS hasn't given the signal yet. What is he waiting for? *sigh* WHIPWIRE, PELT, TROUNCE; no those don't sound good. Picking a name for oneself is probably the hardest task I've had from the academy yet. "Go Go Go" screeched over his head set jarring him back to reality. In all of 2 minutes the excitement was over. WILL stood in the middle of an empty warehouse, bullwhips hanging limply by his side. Looking around the main room WILL was amazed; nothing not even a chair or box or table. Just nothing, another god damn dead end and a waste of a perfectly decent morning. As he walked out the building with the rest of the team his mind started to wander back to the ever present task. THRESH, SWITCH, WALLOP, he step right over the only clue in the place. A playing card, the ace of diamonds, peeking out from under the door sill.

PIT BOSS, DEALER, BANKER, CHIPS, ROULETTE, DOUBLE DOWN (D2): casino themed villain group


BULWARK: a big strapping fellow who oddly enough always has a smile one his face and a carefree way of say "oh no no, you can't go by". BULWARK serves as an anchor to his team, suppressing knock back and providing sure footing to allies. His offensive powers are super strength and mass acceleration. Best friends with DIPLOMAT.

Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 02/16/2014 - 13:21
I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; July 23rd, 2014

*in regards to post # 79. I wrote the post then started reading the forums and discovered BULWARK is being considered as an AT, however I think it would make a good character name as well.

THE STRATEGISTS: ROOK, BISHOP, and "KING" are a citizen planning team that works for the mayors office. Their code names are for protection purposes since they are the only ones that have access to the plan set room; which holds the plans for every building, bridge, or construct built in the city. If any villains ever had access to the room, there is no telling what kind of trouble could be had.

XYLEM: a woman with an affinity for all things flora. Plant powers

VARRO: a scholarly recluse who claims to posses the original copy of the lesser seal of Solomon. VARRO plans to use the lesser seal to resurrect the Cumaean Sibyl in the hopes she will recreate the 9 Sibylline books. VARRO's pursuit of lost and forbidden knowledge has put him on the wrong side of the law many many times. A little murder is nothing to him if it means another grimoire to add to his collection. One text that still eludes him is the Carthax Bestiary. Since the ALERION MAGE is in possession of it and the SABLE GAURD, there is no way he can get close enough to claim it for himself.

SLYNK: bendy stretchy bendy stalker

In an office suite on 86 floor of the North Wessex Tower, DIPLOMAT is pacing back and forth between the floor to ceiling windows and the long ebony conference table; wondering what went wrong with the WILL CEIVERS mission, all the intel was there. RUNICA's gaze floated back and forth between DIPLOMAT and the Candlewick Tower off in the distance. He is too trusting she thought, too nurturing, too... too. Its what makes him a great leader but it's a good thing I'm here to balance him out. "What are we going to do now? What is the next step" she asked him. "Well, we will need to wait for PALLAS' next move""in the mean time let's consult with GLIMPSE and see what's out there". RUNICA leaned over in her chair and hit the intercom button "Charlotte, get in touch with GLIMPSE and tell her DIPLOMAT wishes to speak with her". "Right away" piped back through the speaker. Turning back toward DIPLOMAT she said "Well, this will probably turn out to be a long waiting game now that PALLAS knows we are on to her. It also makes it a much more dangerous game we are playing. I would suggest not using any more Titan Cadets for the time being, especially in light of PILASTERS kidnapping". "I'm not convinced that PALLAS is behind the kidnapping. There is no motive there. But you are right about about the Cadets, I won't send anymore into dangerous situations they are not ready for" DIPLOMAT said. But who decides if they are ready or not? RUNICA thought.

PALLAS: aka THE QUEEN OF SPADES enjoys manipulating the "beneath", as she calls the citizens of the city, just for the fun of it. Cold and calculating, she has fomented plans years out in advance. Ever patient ever vigilant, she is happy in the knowledge that there is no free will; only her will.

Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/24/2014 - 15:16
I, masterghostartist, release

I, masterghostartist, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of july 26, 2014.

the spirit of creeping doom.

a spirit that possesses various hero statues, and uses them to attack the nearest living things. making even the most sacred objects, and places, a morbid hell. each time a statue is defeated, the city thinks the threat ended forever. they fix the statue, and all the players wonder which statue will be next......

perhaps add a zone wide clocktower gong that rings 13 times before it possesses a statue. a gong that never even otherwise rings out the hour. let the eyes of the statue blink a few times with light from within, and then have a few cracks appear with light pouring out from within.

what better way to make a npc statue, or a player statue more famous, than to have it kick your ass?

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/24/2014 - 15:16
I, masterghostartist, release

I, masterghostartist, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of july 26, 2014.

ambush after a mission involving a technology oriented group.
hot mom, in sexy clothes pushing a baby stroller. when she nears the player, she talks his/her name out loud and asks if the player could take a picture with her. then regardless of answer, turns into a robot with claws and attacks. the baby stroller turns into a fast crawling machine as well with heavy range shooting.

this mom might ask instead of the opening message above:
i think you are my baby's father!

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

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I, masterghostartist, release

I, masterghostartist, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of july 26, 2014.

cursed loot.
to be added into normal loot at the end of minor/major mission campaigns. not to take away from loot tables, but add a chance that this drops along with whatever else might drop there.

golden genie lamp. - the genie inside is sexy, and unhappy. very unhappy. and moody...... may be sold on market unrubbed. disappears after being rubbed. despite surviving the encounter or not.

little black box with a button - if button is pushed a clone of you attacks. may be sold on market unused. disappears after being activated. despite surviving the encounter or not.

gold gilted framed oil painting- if they click to try to read the nameplate for the title of the work, or a artisit's name, a well dressed ghost artist attacks with nobleman's ghost hounds. may be sold on the market. disappears after being activated. despite surviving the encounter or not.

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau

notears's picture
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I, notears, release my

I, notears, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of july 30, 2014

Alan Rook: Once known as the silver age villain "The Gentleman" Alan has since hung up his cape and top hat once super villains began killing people. He now works for the government making anti-super technology and will occasionally go on a rant about "the good old days" and how villains today have no class or honour.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

Not so much a NPC as a group (after a fashion, anyway):
Trap clown: Imagine something akin to a trapdoor spider, only it's a clown. Get too close to a manhole cover, door, basement/cellar/attic access, etc., and a clown with huge, creepy gripper hands has grabbed you. And, who knows, maybe that bump in the lawn or that mound of dirt really is a trapdoor hiding a clown...

[url=]I[/url] [url=]like[/url] [url=]this[/url].

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

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I, Shinzakura, release my

I, Shinzakura, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of 14Aug02.

[b]American Legionnaire[/b]: Long-retired Golden Age hero, domino mask and patriotic outfit, the man with the golden left hook. Though he mostly sits in the park and reminisces about the old days, he's still got his ears to the ground and knows what's going on in the community.
[b]Assassin Stars[/b]: three Russian-raised freelance mercenaries, all female: Aldebaran, Merope and Polaris (the leader.) They'll take the mission if the price is right, and they're not above playing both sides for profit.
[b]Datastream[/b]: A young woman who, due to an unfortunate accident involving magic and technology, got zapped right into the information stream. Now, literally living on the internet, she spies on villainous information and works to get it to the authorities and heroes as quickly as possible.
[b]The King in Red[/b]: unhinged, royalty-themed Welsh master thief. Believes its his duty to restore his lost kingdom by gathering the royal treasures strewn throughout the world so that ancient spirits will raise his island realm. Whether any of it is true is up for debate.
[b]The Seagull[/b]: Female eco-terrorist out there "fighting the good fight" against the "explotativeing" [sic] politicians, bankers, etc. More of an annoyance than a true threat, but has a really bad habit of popping up and getting in the way whenever a major crisis needs to be stopped.
[b]Rhapsody[/b]: Music-based heroine. The Seagull's "nemesis". Also as inept as her counterpart, though she does her best to right the wrongs...or at least prevent major property damage.
[b]Cataphract[/b]: Hero, can turn his body into inpenetrable armor. His family has had the gift since the days of the English War of the Roses. Currently the thirteenth to bear the name, his day job is a florist, always with a smile and a helping hand for other heroes.

notears wrote:

I, notears, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of july 30, 2014
Alan Rook: Once known as the silver age villain "The Gentleman" Alan has since hung up his cape and top hat once super villains began killing people. He now works for the government making anti-super technology and will occasionally go on a rant about "the good old days" and how villains today have no class or honour.


notears's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
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Shinzakura wrote:
Shinzakura wrote:

I, Shinzakura, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of 14Aug02.
American Legionnaire: Long-retired Golden Age hero, domino mask and patriotic outfit, the man with the golden left hook. Though he mostly sits in the park and reminisces about the old days, he's still got his ears to the ground and knows what's going on in the community.Assassin Stars: three Russian-raised freelance mercenaries, all female: Aldebaran, Merope and Polaris (the leader.) They'll take the mission if the price is right, and they're not above playing both sides for profit.Datastream: A young woman who, due to an unfortunate accident involving magic and technology, got zapped right into the information stream. Now, literally living on the internet, she spies on villainous information and works to get it to the authorities and heroes as quickly as possible.The King in Red: unhinged, royalty-themed Welsh master thief. Believes its his duty to restore his lost kingdom by gathering the royal treasures strewn throughout the world so that ancient spirits will raise his island realm. Whether any of it is true is up for debate.The Seagull: Female eco-terrorist out there "fighting the good fight" against the "explotativeing" [sic] politicians, bankers, etc. More of an annoyance than a true threat, but has a really bad habit of popping up and getting in the way whenever a major crisis needs to be stopped.Rhapsody: Music-based heroine. The Seagull's "nemesis". Also as inept as her counterpart, though she does her best to right the wrongs...or at least prevent major property damage.Cataphract: Hero, can turn his body into inpenetrable armor. His family has had the gift since the days of the English War of the Roses. Currently the thirteenth to bear the name, his day job is a florist, always with a smile and a helping hand for other heroes.
notears wrote:
I, notears, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of july 30, 2014
Alan Rook: Once known as the silver age villain "The Gentleman" Alan has since hung up his cape and top hat once super villains began killing people. He now works for the government making anti-super technology and will occasionally go on a rant about "the good old days" and how villains today have no class or honour.


Thanks :3

, notears, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of august 23, 2014

Lightning Face: An idiot born with both electricity control powers and super strength is a laughing stock among even the worst of the worst of supervillains. He's way to stupid to use his powers effectively and while he could be a serious threat in an otherwise normal city, in titan city, a place where the store clerk of the place your trying to rob having the ability to shoot lasers out of his eyes is a very real possibility, he is just laughably inept in his career as a super villain. He dresses in all black, with spikes and skull decals in an attempt to look intimidating.

The Enforcer: In life Alex Mason was a drug addict and nothing more. A good man at heart who had fallen on hard times and who has never hurt anyone in his life other than himself was shot by a punisher-type vigilante in the 1990's. Now he's back as an undead horror killing any vigilante he can find until his blood lust is sated. His powers are that of a darkness and debuff focused body guard, and all he wears is the tattered street clothes of what he wore in life with the hood of his hoodie up concealing his rotting face in complete darkness.

The Investor: A mysterious old man in a business suit who is so skinny and frail you could swear even a small 6 year old child could break him over their leg. He has no known powers other than appearing before people in need and granting them a single wish. Mysteriously anyone reported accepting his wish start becoming more corrupt and evil while gaining demonic powers inspired by their wishes. Orphans who have wished for parents start developing the ability to take control of the minds of others, terminally ill patients who wished their diseases away start gaining the ability to regenerate, and actors who wish for their dream role start gaining the ability to shape shift. He only seems to target people who have never heard of him before.

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
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I, notears, release my

I, notears, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of 9/23/2014

Mr Grizzly: A Sasquatch who's part of the Rooks. Not necessarily evil, but more really stupid and in a bad situation. After moving from his farm to titan city he befriended an Orphan girl named Sally Katt, when she got sick however Grizzly very stupidly took out a loan from the rooks to pay for her hospital bills, as payment however when he failed to pay them off they said that he had to work off the debt. Now he's stuck in a criminal organization while they all but literally hold a knife to his surrogate daughter's throat.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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Sorry, mean to copy the

Sorry, mean to copy the format you had and didn't delete all of it. I are embarrassed now. ^_^;;;;

Praetor Reed
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That was the name of my

That was the name of my Corruptor on Virtue a well, also a speedster

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I have a small problem with

I have a small problem with this thread. Intentional and non-intentional original character (OC) theft. As people browse the internet, reminisce, and something inspires them, they may decide to post it here and now something that does not belong to the poster has been gifted to the game. It may not be intentional a confluence of memories half remembered conspire to make the thought seem original. I think it would be tragic to log into the game and find that my name is on the "can not be used" list because something in game uses that same name. Some might say it would be an honor to be in the game. I wouldn't consider it an honor if the character who looks like mine and/or has my name has not had my input in it's creation. It takes away from the originality of the owner. They would no longer be the clever individual that came up with the character and their OC would be a knockoff.

I just hope that we can be sensitive and realize that this thread, and art in general, is not created in a vacuum. We should take pains to ensure that what actually goes into the game wont steal from talent that came before.

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