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Volunteering: Name Those NPCs!

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Joined: 02/16/2014 - 13:21
I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; December 29th, 2014

JUDITH, RACHEL, and ARGINE have met in secret to discuss PALLAS and her growing power. The HOUSE OF CARDS has always been aligned toward good and has helped many a Titan citizen navigate their futures; but now that PALLAS has broken the DECK and scattered the cards to the four winds, no one comes any more. The citizens are afraid of PALLAS and what she might do if she caught anyone consulting with her sisters. "First order of business" ARGINE said "is to gather the DECK, then and only then will we be strong enough to rein her in. "But to find the other 44 seems like an impossible task" JUDITH said. "Even if we manage to gather them all, there is still the issue of the 4 imprisoned kings. Remember how we failed to stop her from capturing them, even with the rest of the DECK here to help us." "She played us against each other and we let her. That won't happen again. We must make a pact to not let it happen again. It can't happen again." God this is going to be an ordeal thought RACHEL. Why does JUDITH always sound so meek and whiny? Even her choice in clothes says (I'm a pushover, please take advantage of me). ARGINE'S voice interrupted her thoughts... "We need to get help from DIPLOMAT and his friends." "I fear this is larger than we think and our existence is in jeopardy."

Your right this is larger than you think, thought PALLAS. Planting wire taps throughout the HOUSE OF CARDS was one of her best moves yet. However, if they enlist the help of the Titans, there could be some trouble. This is a complication I did not foresee she thought. My sisters have never been able to work together. No matter, it only makes the stakes more interesting. I will need someone on the inside though... WILL CEIVERS is malleable and might do nicely. Now how to turn him..

Greyhawk's picture
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I, Greyhawk, release my

I, Greyhawk, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; January 4th, 2015

(If needed I can develop any and all ingame text related to any character here chosen to be an NPC including descriptive labels, mission dialogues, and random remarks.)

Dusty Enalios, Robotic Mastermind:

Orphaned at a very young age, Dusty Enalios drifted from foster home to foster home. Often accused of minor thefts, no family seemed willing to hold onto her for more than a few months. At sixteen she took to the streets and never looked back. Somewhat delusional, Dusty Enalios grew up believing that all fiction is real and reality is only another fiction. Her only real talent was the ability to construct an immense variety of robotic gadgets from whatever scraps of metal, plastic, and wood she found laying around. Her passion for robotic construction is believed to be the obsession that drove her kleptomania.

David Greyhawk, Dual Wield Brute:

Exiled through time and space, David Greyhawk landed here after attempting to assassinate the global head of his homeworld. Born into a warrior family and raised on weapons, he was given hand weapons as toys before he could even walk. At six he could wield a single blade or blunt weapon as efficiently as most children ride bicycles or play sports. His first kill was at age eleven in a duel with another warrior boy over the affections and attentions of a young girl. He later married her and it was her death that drove him to attempt an assassination.

Katrina Redux, Psychic Dominator:

Katrina earned her name in high school when students began reporting she seemed to appear twice at important events. The first report came at the school's annual Sadie Hawkins dance when students noticed she seemed to enter the hall twice about fifteen minutes apart, in two different outfits, and in the company of two different boys. At one point she was spotted both on the dance floor and by the punch bowl at the same time. It was after the Sadie Hawkins dance that she became known for her ability to trap people in some kind of invisible wall or fence that left them able to speak but unable to move while she stood by teasing them or otherwise verbally abusing them. She was expelled from the local college and forbidden entrance onto the grounds when it became apparent she had somehow controlled the mind of a female student, forcing the student to physically assault a male teacher who had given Katrina failing grades on a final paper.

Devon Longshot, Archery:

No one is quite sure of Devon's gender. Devon is slim and dresses in loose-fitting clothes that completely obscure Devon's body shape. Devon's hairstyle is a simple ponytail and Devon often wears either western style wide-brimmed hats or baseball caps. Devon was taught archery by their father, a former Olympiad and gold medal winner. Devon's father was an avid hunter, often taking Devon into the woods in search of deer, coyotes, wild pigs, and other game. Devon seldom speaks, but when they do, their voice is soft yet firm and devoid of emotion. In high school it was rumored that Devon was not even human but was in fact some kind of robot or android. Both Devon's parents and Devon's family doctor are known to laugh at this suggestion whenever it comes up.

Random names without backstory or skillset (both of which I can create if necessary):

Airborne Summer
Baron Joe
Clever Dawn
Daring Blue
Dark Promise
Evan Reign
Fiery Anston
Glenda Gossip
Humble Henry
Inspired Solution
Jackie Dusk
Klear Morning
Lake Earnest
Lucinda Bright / Lucinda Dark (twin sisters)
Montana Sunset
Noble Nancy
Orphan Dave
Pacific Sam
Persephone Reborn
Purple Reason
Percolate Penny
Quiet Luke
Risky Venture
Summer Day
Tanya Hyde
Unknown Uncle
Winston Rangely
XACT (Express Action Combat Trainer)
Young Stardust
Zoe Blank

My author page at Amazon:
My novelty shirts:

Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 02/16/2014 - 13:21
I, Cicerone, release my

I, Cicerone, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; January 6th, 2015

"I can help you if you'll let me but you will need to do what I say. " That's not comforting PILASTER thought. "Why would a trust someone I don't know and can't see." "You know me, we've just never met. I am known as the DARK ONE, that's all I can tell you, we don't have time for anything more. Without EVAN LIGHT I can only access this plane for a short time. I will phase out your cell door so you can walk through it, there are no guards outside but at the end of the hallway; you are on your own." "Wait, who's holding me here? What am I up against". The heavy dull grey cell door started to shimmer as it grew and shrunk at the same time, phasing into the DARK ONE'S plane, allowing PILASTER to walk right through it. Once in the hallway he knew immediately who his captors were. He could tell by the religious inscriptions on the walls. EVANGELISTS

PLEASURE: immobilizes foes with waves of pleasure

WAYLAY: big tanky fellow

KAR KIDS: low level car jackers, street thugs. COBRA, CAMARO, TRANS-AM, CHARGER and CHALLENGER

RHUCKUS: mid level villain

notears's picture
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I, notears, release my

I, notears, release my contributions to this post under the Plan Z: The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date; September 17, 2015

The Colonies: People from an alternate steampunk civil war era world trying to enslave everyone on this one and take their land

not my video just one I lke ===>


Cyclops's picture
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I, Cyclops, release my

I, Cyclops, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of Sept 20th, 2015.

(Hot dog Vender) Gives missions related to organized crime. He's actually FBI and has a scanner that feeds him information. The FBI uses him to steer Heroes into missions where they just don't have enough evidence to legally launch a raid themselves.

Vanna Tee.
Shes a newscaster who works for the mob, She will never have a good thing to say about the players, and will show up on TVs near the heroes after they run a mission against the mob. She will mention them by name, and say things like they attacked peaceful demonstrators, destroyed a bottling plant, or robbed a bank. There will be a mission where players get their revenge by exposing her ties...but thats for higher levels.


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I, Cyclops, release my

oops. duplicate post. I will edit this and add more later


Darth Fez
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Joined: 09/20/2013 - 07:53
This article on robot

This article on [url=]robot evolution[/url] provides an interesting premise for a group: robots (or something else capable of relatively quick iterations) that become more numerous as they evolve and then, once they reach a critical number / mass, they engage heroes and villains to simulate a mass extinction event.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

elegantmess's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 02/14/2016 - 10:57
I, elegantmess, release my

I, elegantmess, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of 02/14/16.

Holly and Ivy Klausdoter--Twin Sisters "Christmas Elves", supposed fixers for Santa. They take gifts from the naughty kids who evaded notice and give them to falsely accused nice kids. Holly is addicted to eggnog. Ivy is obsessed with carols. Both have outrageous Nordic accents.

Abigail Anders--Obnoxious Titan Gossip Columnist. Thinks she's good at disguises.

Stirling Silver--Antique Dealer turned "Master" Thief.

Holiday Helpers-- Tiny, cobbler elf like creatures, usually unseen, who help spread the emotion associated with a season or date, thanks to a pixie-dust-like substance known as "Chi'ir" (pronounced "Cheer"). They can also use the Chi'ir as a defense mechanism when upset or startled.

*Winter Holidays: Dressed in festive ugly sweaters and furs, accompanied by jingling sounds and snow. The New Year's Helpers wear black and metallics and seem to be drunk, and possibly belligerent. Emotion: Hope.

*Lunar New Year: Dressed as this year's Eastern Zodiac animal, dropping loose change and leaving colorful sparks in their wake. Emotion: Joy.

*Valentine's Day: Wear Red and White, leaving a trail of rose petals and candies. It's rumored that they have cynical counterparts in black who spread hate and disgust in their wake. Emotion: Love.

*Mardi Gras/April Fools: Wear Purple, Green and Gold, and masks, leaving strings of beads behind. Emotion: Laughter.

*Summer Festivals: Brightly Colored, setting off fireworks. Emotion: Courage.

*Halloween: Look like little monsters, dropping candies. Emotion: Fear.

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 12/24/2016 - 01:06
I, [Nejiboy89], release my

I, [Nejiboy89], release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of [12/24/16].

Anita Cognet (Lady Altruism) - Forensic detective assistant, healing power hero that fights constantly with "The Stichers"

Saul Del'Eon (DarkFeather) - Successful rouge thief with a no killing rule, has a thing for "Lady Altruism"

Sarah Halsey - Detective that chases after "DarkFeather" and "The Stichers" partnered with "Josh Brocker"

Josh Brocker - Detective that chases after "DarkFeather" and "The Stichers" partnered with "Anita Halsey"

The Stichers - Group of thieves
+ Pugg - Low level melee grunts
+ M-Niner - Low level gun grunts
+ RifleBoy/Girl - Mid level Gun grunts
+ Mr/Ms/Mrs Enforcer - Mid level melee grunt
+ Tak Tak - High level armored melee grunts with pull ability.
+ Tik Tik - High level ranged grunts with knock backs and stuns.
+ Tok Tok - High level stealth melee grunt with blinds and disorients.
+ Tik Tak Tok - Ultra high armored machine grunt, can stun, pull, knock back, blind, stun, daze and trap.
+ The Clock Man - Mid level Boss, Time manipulation (slows, stuns, dazes)
+ Shae Lazare - High level female boss, Electric powers and stealth.
+ Lucien Del'Leon - Top boss, heavy back attack damage from dual daggers, teleports, rapid regenerative ability.

Eev - Informant on "The Stichers"

MarQue - Ex member of "The Stichers" and wheel chair bound.

Some Yahoo
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 02/10/2016 - 14:37
I actually have made

I, [Some Yahoo], release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of [31 Jan 2017].

I actually have made something that might help.

Some of the results are rather goofy, but it works quite well.

Shelba Latonya Whipkey
Job: drug counselor
Likes:boistrousness, technology, oceans
Dislikes:clowns, sweet snacks, long conversations
build: fat
eyes: emerald
haircolor: blonde
hairstyle: short
skin: tanned

Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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I, Cyclops, release my

I, Cyclops, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of 06/18/2017.

Today's theme; attack of the Debbies.

[b] Debbie X'nixtit[/b] She is a former Martian invader who was left behind and switched sides. She now works at the university as a counselor for alien students. She can be found outside near a park bench enjoying a break.

[b] Debbie Dominique[/b] Cheerleader, big fan of Supers. She can be found near city hall. She mentions players by name, cheering on their latest exploits

[b] Debbie DeMarcus[/b] is a News reporter who hates Heroes and fears the numbers of supers concentrated in the city. You can find her near city hall. she also mentions player names and always has something negative to say...Like, "Black Falcon doesn't pay for all the property damage she commits."

[b] Debbie Destructo[/b] She is one of the first creations of Dr Tyche. She has since attained free will and has been made a citizen of the United States. She can be found selling hot dogs from a stand on a pier. She denies any rumors that she was once Dr Tyche's girlfriend.

[b] Debbie DeCanter[/b] She is owner of a city shop. she can be found outside the shop with a broom. any questions? she always responds, "Shut up!" her shop door is frequently used for door missions. Revenge minions may spawn when players exit, and then she laughs. She gives villain missions.

[b] Debbie Cabbit[/b] older women with a bunny shoulder pet. she is looking for that no good husband of hers. Every now and then she shouts, "War!" She can be found in a park

[b] Debbie Louise[/b] Beach bunny. She is found on one of the public beaches. Talk to her and she will warn, "Dont go into the water. there are FISHMEN out there!" she gives fishmen missions.

COT can use the Debbies for several missions. one is a quick tour of the starting area: meet each of the Debbies - get a badge.

Secondly, Terminator robots can be targeting all of the Debbies in the city. one will spawn when you arrive at each location.

Finally, a story arc where each Debbie is a contact. the missions are not long, more like a newspaper mission. City villains are building something, and each mission deals with a different super villain BOSS. the closing arc has an arch boss who employed all the others. Beat the arch boss and destroy a missile (or similar macguffin).


Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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I, Cyclops, release my

I, Cyclops, release my contributions in this post under the Plan Z:The Phoenix Project/Missing Worlds Media/City of Titans Contributor License as of this date of 06/18/17.

[b] Karl KolKuit[/b] News reporter. He wears a cheap suit, sneakers and cheap hat. He gives supernatural missions. Bosses are vampires, Werewolves, master zombies, and ghosts.

[b] Rizzo[/b] Owner of a pizza parlor. sit at a table and activate a free Pizza emote. click on a pitcher and activate a free drink emote.
lines are, "Whatsamatterwithyou?" "I justa work here." and, "Don't mess with Tony Bambino. You leava him alone!"

[b] Tony Bambino[/b] Nice guy in a suit near the Pizza place. he has only one line. "Leave me alone!" Keep messing with him and he cries.

[b]The Martian Underground[/b] this is a group of nuts who actually want to help Mars take over the earth.They keep sending out intelligence about heroes via radio, in hopes they will be rewarded. At first they are just minions, nuts not to be taken seriously. Later encounters reveal Lts with Ray guns, bosses with Martian body armor, and actual Martians in their midst! you can always find patrols in the sewers.
"We welcome our new Martian overlords!"

[b]Barry[/b] an old drunk in an ally. He randomly calls out..."Fishmen! they are everywhere!" Fishmen spawn and attack people who talk to him. After the battle, he says.."I told you so."

[b]Bert the Guard[/b] Private security guard. only found at night. He has a few lines. "No Loitering!" "Move along!" and, "I used to be a hero like you until I took a bullet to the knee."
Bert can be freely attacked, but he gives no experience points.

