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Nerf Healing!

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Last seen: 8 years 3 weeks ago
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(Wow. I love how edits stick

(Wow. I love how edits stick for a few hours and then revert.)
For the above, if it's not obvious, 1 and 2 are mutually exclusive while 3 is universal.

I also noticed an amusing typo. *snicker* Would you believe me if I blamed Siri?

GH's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
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When the sets were being

When the sets were being created, you'd get a set that was mostly melee, with a snipe and a build up. You'd get a ranged set that had a pbaoe and a melee.
Empathy surely was created along the same lines as other sets?
-away from main PC so can't do proper checking.

If people won't pay enough to finance its creation, it is not worth creating.

Sailboat's picture
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vidicate wrote:
vidicate wrote:

This is an idea I really like. Ok so we all know that the heals in CoH had high visibility compared to every other form of mitigation due to shiny green numbers. Many a debuffer has been working his ass off and seen some less-than-competent aurocker (Can we canonize that word?) get complimented for saving the team with the heals. Now, especially if HoT/regen buffing becomes the standard in lieu of spike heals, let's add some visibility to the players' health bar HUD. There're various assthetics that could be applied here, but natural server-ticks for regen could have a slight glow to it. Also, when under an externally applied regen/HoT buff the whole bar could "pulse", or have a left-to-right shimmer, or maybe even have green numbers right on/in the bar itself including "regular" heals. (I don't think these effects would be desired for auto/passive powers and self toggles that are in constant use, i.e. Regen Scrapper.)

Hey, I like that idea -- especially if you mean to include ALL buffs provided by other players. At least have them visible in the combat chat spam . It fits in nicely with another thread I started -- [url=]Show Your Work[/url]!

Captain of Phoenix Rising

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I still stand that healing

I still stand that healing should not be powerful enough by itself, I wouldn't even say it should be close unless it's something like regeneration, where the only person being healed is the user. But likewise as before, without good tutorials people will still end up thinking healing would be the "be all end all" which it wasn't even in city of heroes. It should be very clear damage mitigation should be done first, healing second. A dedicated healing set would just make everyone overlook the other sets even if it was woefully underpowered. Honestly support should be about crowd control, debuffs and buffs first, healing second after the three had failed as I said earlier. But it should be clear that this isn't a holy trinity game.

Buffs should be easy to understand. City of heroes for a while failed that part, untill the real numbers system came out.

Debuffs should also be easy to understand.

As should crowd control.

Healing naturally is easy to understand, the reason the cynical joke in CoX "If it doesn't produce green numbers, people don't understand it" came more from the above not being understandable so easily in comparison to the green numbers. Healing can be useful but it really shouldn't be the be-all-end-all nore should it be the only thing people do or the only thing people have to do, if anything it should be optional along with the above in a way, depending on how people play(very high damage IS, afterall, the ultimate debuff when it defeats something). The above should be important for sure, especially for allowing teams to perform better overall.

I realized something today(5/8/2014) that many MMORPG players, are not like us who enjoyed CoX. They enjoy repetitiveness and predictability, rather then unpredictability. We on the other hand enjoy unpredictability and variety.

Twisted Toon
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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vidicate wrote:
vidicate wrote:

Many a debuffer has been working his ass off and seen some less-than-competent aurocker (Can we canonize that word?) get complimented for saving the team with the heals.

On the teams that I was a part of, any time the "Healer" got complimented on their heals was because the "healer" saved the team from a team wipe. They, the healer, worked their magic and pulled off a miraculous save in the 11th hour. We did the same for any of the other ATs that pulled heroic feats of absolute amazement.

When I played my Empathy/Electric Defender, I never just healed, unless I was the only "healer" out of 3 teams taking on Jack or Eochai in Croatoa. Actually, even then, I still did some attacking, just not as much as I did when I was duoing with my brother.

Having played a "healing" centric power-set in CoH, I can tell you that the heals weren't enough, by themselves, to mitigate all the incoming damage.

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People who did nothing but

People who did nothing but heal even when the team wasn't taking damage, far as I am concerned, probably didn't need the credit for the ENTIRE TEAMS SURVIVABILITY. The team was working well enough together to survive, not because someone was healing them all the time. Honestly it's a pet peve of mine when only one person in the team gets any thanks. Even if the person is complimented correctly it still annoys me at times even if I am one of the people doing the thing they thanked me for, simply cause I feel many members are not being thanked for actually contributing in the team.

Often I see a behavior from people playing the healer even, in which they expect to be the only guys getting credit and funnily enough I imagine some get annoyed when everyone is thanked in the team as if it came at their expense for others to be thanked even if they were also thanked, kinda funny.

I loved complimenting the blasters :). And many often complimented my use of fulcrum shift stacking in the game.

I realized something today(5/8/2014) that many MMORPG players, are not like us who enjoyed CoX. They enjoy repetitiveness and predictability, rather then unpredictability. We on the other hand enjoy unpredictability and variety.

Wanders's picture
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eh, I just figured it was

eh, I just figured it was normal for people to not really be aware of everything that was going on in the team. Pretty much any compliment is going to be ignoring the contributions of someone else. It is hard to win in that situation since everybody will tend to focus on what they are contributing themselves (since they know that best), so it is easy to get offended.

I came closer to being annoyed when there were people who'd focus on their own contribution to the point that they'd fish for compliments out of the blue, or that couldn't stop bragging about "their guy". Like folks that ask, "How are the heals?" on a team that wasn't especially heal-needy, or a scrapper who couldn't stop regaling the TF team with accounts of how amazing he is. I loved my scrappers and brutes, but if I was on a team and was feeling like I was being especially awesome, that was usually a sign that the team was doing a good job making my job easier.

Anyway, stuff like that is just part of playing an online game with semi-random strangers. The "compliment" that gave me the most satisfaction was not a random thanks in team chat, it was folks wanting to team with me again.

Global: @Second Chances
SG: Fusion Force
"And it's not what I wanted
Oh no, it's not what I planned
See it's not where I thought I'd be
It's just where I am"

jai jobi khan
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Maybe the enemies of Cot

Maybe the enemies of Cot should define what "heal all" classes capabilities are. Enemies with abilities that effect you after combat could make healers very unique classes all on there own. I would prefer a healer playstyle/system that doesn't make me "fall asleep at the wheel" because I click a few buttons an your all better. How about a classes that can specialize by study at a Cot university. They can't master all forms of recovery but can focus on the different types of effects that are out there to combat against those effects. Ie: lazerblitz has been infected with a poison. Healer uses there "sample ability" to extract sample of poison from lazerblitz lowering the timeframe of said effect, effecting lazerblitz. Then using the "analysis ability" to finding an antidote to that level of poison. ( receiving some kind of codex to read for flavor)Removing that effect completely. The more you enhance your lvl of experience in each category of study. The better your results can become.

Lvl 1 lowers the timeframe of posion effect. Recovers from 1/3 of posion effect damage to x stat. Heal x amount.

Lvl 2 lowers poison time by 50%, recovers 1/2 of said damage to stat. Heals x amount.

By mastery lvl you could apply buffs that negate that lvl of poison. Mutant type healers could use there touch to combat whats in your system. By doing so they take on some of the said effect. Plus build a resistance to said effect each time they face that effect building xp vs type. They can learn all the different types but the more they know the less effective they are in each so it gives room too specialize. It opens doors to great rp, eliminates the "nerf bat", adds a cool codex to read based on what types of effects you study for, healers could even trade/sale there findings among other healers giving non hearlers temp powers. The possiblities are endless when we try to break the mold. Not saying my way is the right way but it damn sure makes them more interesting than a simple click. "I have been studying this form of poison for a while now. So you should be fine once the antibodies kick in."

Just my thoughts

We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free.

jai jobi khan
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Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 12/10/2013 - 01:02
I would not prefer an instant

I would not prefer an instant "heal all" for everyone after combat.Even though this is the new Cot. That is very non coh-ish. Maybe if enemy attacks worked differently an our powers worked differently. We would appreciate a "new" system that said "hey I'm like city of heroes, but i m not Coh. I'm Cot!!! I truly believe the answer to this riddle lies in the hands of the enemy content we face. Also the players ability to judge the risk factor of pressing forward.

For a side note I was wondering about some sort of"ko'd bar" once your health was depleted. You would be down , but not completely out. Recovery from this state depended on healers, class choice even. Didn't give it much thought but maybe I can spark a brilliant mind out there...

We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free.

Brand X
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vidicate wrote:
vidicate wrote:

(Wow. I love how edits stick for a few hours and then revert.)
For the above, if it's not obvious, 1 and 2 are mutually exclusive while 3 is universal.
I also noticed an amusing typo. *snicker* Would you believe me if I blamed Siri?

Shoot 'Em Up!

Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 12/26/2013 - 09:54
one thing i would like to see

one thing i would like to see that for some reason no MMO puts in (with out the use of a mod) is to have a button next to each person on your teams icon that you can put diffrent powers into, like single target heals, buffs, bubbles.. ect... if you like the only example i have of this is a mod that was made for WoW (here is the link to see it ) i know some people use number/keyboard keys to heal single target heals but i for one hate doing that... i prefer to have something to click on that will not make me lose my target that im following or even miss a heal cuz i pushed 2 instead of 3. no healer should be attacking things while there team is droping... but its nice to be able to throw a debuff on a bady when needed or throw a little damage when you can to at least seem like your helping more then standing there picking your nose while you wait for someone to take damage. i loved the healing in COH but it was lacking this very thing as well, the healing in CO is next to imposable because you cant keep an eye on everyones location or if they are in range of your heal or not and the targeting system is horable. the healing in WoW is about the same as CO but once you get that mod it makes being a healer actually a lot more fun. that is my thoughts feel free to post what you will.


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quote=Brand X]
Brand X wrote:

I want to see less IC Auction House and Tailors, as that always distracted from the immersion into the genre I enjoy.

Brand X wrote:

Would prefer both as options.

Which is it, do you want player choice or not?
Do YOU want to decide what the choice is that players get?

Im not a fan of crafting. Does that mean i should petition to not have it included even though others might like it? The more choices for player enjoyment is never a bad thing.

As to a healing powerpool? I think that's a bad idea. I hope that as a "spiritual successor" to CoX we get support sets that offer +defense like force field, +resists like sonic manipulation, +recharge/+damage like kinetics etc etc.
Having a player with force fields that can then cast heals sounds a little OP. I fear any support class that isn't FF and doesnt have the healing powerpool will be termed "gimped" by the uninformed playerbase and that's all teams will want.

Empathy as it was was an awesome set. Early game you had heals to keep a team standing and late game with proper usage of CM/Fort/AB,t heals were hardly ever needed.

Players that rocked the aura and did nothing else were just bad players.

Dont try to ruin others players fun because you didnt like a certain play style.

Brand X
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Rheckawrecka wrote:
Rheckawrecka wrote:

Brand X wrote:
I want to see less IC Auction House and Tailors, as that always distracted from the immersion into the genre I enjoy.

Brand X wrote:
Would prefer both as options.

Which is it, do you want player choice or not?
Do YOU want to decide what the choice is that players get?
Im not a fan of crafting. Does that mean i should petition to not have it included even though others might like it? The more choices for player enjoyment is never a bad thing.
As to a healing powerpool? I think that's a bad idea. I hope that as a "spiritual successor" to CoX we get support sets that offer +defense like force field, +resists like sonic manipulation, +recharge/+damage like kinetics etc etc.
Having a player with force fields that can then cast heals sounds a little OP. I fear any support class that isn't FF and doesnt have the healing powerpool will be termed "gimped" by the uninformed playerbase and that's all teams will want.
Empathy as it was was an awesome set. Early game you had heals to keep a team standing and late game with proper usage of CM/Fort/AB,t heals were hardly ever needed.
Players that rocked the aura and did nothing else were just bad players.
Dont try to ruin others players fun because you didnt like a certain play style. do know that making it a power pool is still making it an option right? You do know that in CoH a Force Fielder could spam heals if they wanted right? There was a Power Pool that allowed you to heal others...and max out that Defense, lower the interrupt time and it just made it so much easier to spam.

Lastly, did you even see my last post that said I had decided sure, make a set for heals, I was wrong, they're like sidekicks?

Comicsluvr's picture
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If we inform the players

If we inform the players going into the game that simply rocking the aura will be a very inefficient way to buff the team then maybe they won't do it.

Many players are stubborn enough to not read hints and suggestions but most players are not stupid. If we give them a viable alternative to a healing aura and a ST heal then I bet they'll use it.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Brand X
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Comicsluvr wrote:
Comicsluvr wrote:

If we inform the players going into the game that simply rocking the aura will be a very inefficient way to buff the team then maybe they won't do it.
Many players are stubborn enough to not read hints and suggestions but most players are not stupid. If we give them a viable alternative to a healing aura and a ST heal then I bet they'll use it.

I don't know. On my Rad Defender, I had a few times someone tell me to do nothing but rock the aura as they thought doing anything else was a waste of my end. :p

I ran into more than a few Empaths who thought just rocking the aura was enough and consider themselves the most beneficial member of the team.

I remember seeing more than one Troller who's only primary power was their first power in their control primary.

I recall a few radiation defenders who thought rocking the aura and medicine pool made them the ultimate healers and didn't want to waste end use on their toggle debuffs. :p

This was stuff that was still happening when Freedom hit and players should've known better by then.

Wanders's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Comicsluvr wrote:
If we inform the players going into the game that simply rocking the aura will be a very inefficient way to buff the team then maybe they won't do it.
Many players are stubborn enough to not read hints and suggestions but most players are not stupid. If we give them a viable alternative to a healing aura and a ST heal then I bet they'll use it.

I don't know. On my Rad Defender, I had a few times someone tell me to do nothing but rock the aura as they thought doing anything else was a waste of my end. :p
I ran into more than a few Empaths who thought just rocking the aura was enough and consider themselves the most beneficial member of the team.
I remember seeing more than one Troller who's only primary power was their first power in their control primary.
I recall a few radiation defenders who thought rocking the aura and medicine pool made them the ultimate healers and didn't want to waste end use on their toggle debuffs. :p
This was stuff that was still happening when Freedom hit and players should've known better by then.

The age of the game doesn't tell us how long (or how often) each of those examples were playing the game, of course, but whatever.

What is the problem with any of that? When I ran into someone who was like that, and who seemed interested in hearing about other approaches, I offered info (in what I hoped was the least threatening way possible). I was one of those players, myself (One of my first characters was an invuln tank and I skipped Unyielding based on the description. Someone saw me getting mezzed when I was around 20-21, noticed I had skipped it, and kindly explained why that was a bad idea). For the folks who were not open to a suggestion, I added an entertaining-to-me note about stuff they were saying and set them to one star. And then went on enjoying the game.

Or are we saying the power choices are what caused the intractable players to behave that way, when so many, many, many other players didn't end up like that when faced with exactly the same power choices? My experience out of the game suggests that there might be some additional factors involved.

Global: @Second Chances
SG: Fusion Force
"And it's not what I wanted
Oh no, it's not what I planned
See it's not where I thought I'd be
It's just where I am"

Last seen: 10 years 2 days ago
Joined: 01/03/2014 - 20:21
Let me first start by saying

Let me first start by saying I hated "healzors" in CoH (almost as much as i think you did based on comments in this thread). If i was running groups and recruiting for open spots id start a dialogue with a defender something like, "what kind of defender are you?" if i got "healer" as a reply i simply moved on to the next def/troll/cor lft and ask the same question. If i got a response of "empathy" id ask "have you slotted your blasts and do you know what CM/fort is?". Invariably id figure out what kinda empath player they were....

Not having a set like empathy in this game would be very disappointing to me. I got alot of satisfaction on keeping fort on 4 or 5 players, keeping CM on def/trollers and using AB on the blaster that just nuked. Like I said earlier, if I did that, very rarely would i need to heal a player. Maybe the tank if/when they took an alpha and their own mitigation was on cooldown.

I think a good solution to healing in this game would be to have heals have a very high taunt attached to them. If a player wants to "rock the aura" they can expect to have a TON of aggro comin their way.
I know when i played CoX the first mob i took out was the troublesome one first. It changed depending on what i was playing at the time. I didnt have to worry much about sappers on my ma/da scrap, but crey radiologist (maybe the wrong name here, its been awhile...) who had -recharge on their attacks would cause that toon to go down FAST (longer recharge on dark regen).

I would like to see improved mob AI. Target players that support the team. Make a tanks taunt more worthwhile to keep aggro off the poor innocent def/trol keepin the team up and steamrolling.

Id never say to cut out a powerset/playstyle because its something i dont like.

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Rheckawrecka wrote:
Rheckawrecka wrote:

I think a good solution to healing in this game would be to have heals have a very high taunt attached to them. If a player wants to "rock the aura" they can expect to have a TON of aggro comin their way.

Personally I would have buffs and debuffs, in the same category as well. Maybe scale according to the "amount of buffage/debuffage/Healing applied".

Hell, some MMO's have it set up so that those that *overheal* (ie Rocking the aura) get substantially more aggro compared to just healing as and when needed.

How would this affect buffers/debuffers? Constantly reapplying a buff/debuff when it isn't needed (for the target based) or by buffing/debuffing a *substantial* number of targets all at the same time could draw aggro on the caster.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Last seen: 10 years 2 days ago
Joined: 01/03/2014 - 20:21
Im absolutely in favor of

Im absolutely in favor of having taunts attached to all buffs/debuffs. In CoX debuffs did draw aggro, heals/buffs didnt. Hence the "stand in the back and just heal" mentality.

Comicsluvr's picture
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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

Rheckawrecka wrote:
I think a good solution to healing in this game would be to have heals have a very high taunt attached to them. If a player wants to "rock the aura" they can expect to have a TON of aggro comin their way.
Personally I would have buffs and debuffs, in the same category as well. Maybe scale according to the "amount of buffage/debuffage/Healing applied".
Hell, some MMO's have it set up so that those that *overheal* (ie Rocking the aura) get substantially more aggro compared to just healing as and when needed.
How would this affect buffers/debuffers? Constantly reapplying a buff/debuff when it isn't needed (for the target based) or by buffing/debuffing a *substantial* number of targets all at the same time could draw aggro on the caster.

I like the thing to discourage 'overbuffing'...cuts down on PLing and such as well.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Last seen: 4 weeks 9 hours ago
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I will admit, I totally didn

I will admit, I totally didn't know about debuffs drawing aggro. Typically I played solo so I can guess this is why I didn't necessarily see it.

Comicsluvr wrote:

Gangrel wrote:
Rheckawrecka wrote:
I think a good solution to healing in this game would be to have heals have a very high taunt attached to them. If a player wants to "rock the aura" they can expect to have a TON of aggro comin their way.

Personally I would have buffs and debuffs, in the same category as well. Maybe scale according to the "amount of buffage/debuffage/Healing applied".
Hell, some MMO's have it set up so that those that *overheal* (ie Rocking the aura) get substantially more aggro compared to just healing as and when needed.
How would this affect buffers/debuffers? Constantly reapplying a buff/debuff when it isn't needed (for the target based) or by buffing/debuffing a *substantial* number of targets all at the same time could draw aggro on the caster.

I like the thing to discourage 'overbuffing'...cuts down on PLing and such as well.

It also means that even though you might be able to double triple stack buffs, (if slotted well enough for it), it means that you WILL end up drawing some aggro by (for example) constantly casting Clear Mind on just one character.

I wasn't thinking of this being a way to cut down on PLing, but to quite possibly ensure that buffers/debuffers have to be aware of what they are doing, instead of potentially just sitting in the background and whilst being a force multiplier on the team, being "invisible" to the enemy at the same time.

Balancing it will be interesting to say the least, especially as it will mess up with even the "bring whatever you want" mentality of CoH players... it means that they will have to *think* of when they use something instead of just using it when its off recharge...


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Abnormal Joe
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Debuffs drawing aggro I'm

Debuffs drawing aggro I'm fine with. It did before, it should now imho.
Penalties for stacking de/buffs. No thanks. The rewards for that kind of stacking should be a natural benefit of the effort to come up with the team composition, building the strategies to apply them, and working around the difficulties imposed by having a stacking team versus a more balanced composition.
And before someone trots out tales of content being trivializes by "overbuffed" teams, I am/was a core SG leader for RO.
I built those kind of teams. Once built they were awe inspiring. The problem is no one saw the weeks of design and practice to work out the builds and techniques, and the hours it took cat wrangling to get the teams together and rolling.


Repeat Offender
Tank Addict

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Abnormal Joe wrote:
Abnormal Joe wrote:

Debuffs drawing aggro I'm fine with. It did before, it should now imho.
Penalties for stacking de/buffs. No thanks. The rewards for that kind of stacking should be a natural benefit of the effort to come up with the team composition, building the strategies to apply them, and working around the difficulties imposed by having a stacking team versus a more balanced composition.
And before someone trots out tales of content being trivializes by "overbuffed" teams, I am/was a core SG leader for RO.
I built those kind of teams. Once built they were awe inspiring. The problem is no one saw the weeks of design and practice to work out the builds and techniques, and the hours it took cat wrangling to get the teams together and rolling.

It was more for those buffs that *didn't* stack that I was thinking of doing this, so that along similar lines of "Rocking the aura" could be penalised (ie healing when not needed), the same could be said for buffs that just *didn't* stack, but you still used it because it was off recharge.

*edit* and for the "leadership" style of toggle buffs... I would just give the player "X amount of aggro" value, so that as long as those powers were running, they were *NOT* sitting at 0 aggro value.

You know when you wish that the mobs would be more intelligent and going for those who "sit at the back just healing/being buff bots"... this is how you can achieve something like that.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Last seen: 10 years 2 days ago
Joined: 01/03/2014 - 20:21
I dont understand the

I dont understand the argument for overbuffing/overdebuffing.

If stacked CM gives a benefit to a player why be penalized for stacking it on them? If a player is down 400 hp and I heal them for 500 hp, why would i be penalized more than the wasted endurance?
If 2 players each have +defense shields why would you want to penalize them stacking all that +defense on a player?

If shields last 4 mins on a player and recharge in 20 secs and some numbskull wants to continually recast shields because the power is recharged, him getting booted off the team at the end of the mission would be penalty enough....

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Joined: 09/15/2013 - 15:14
Rheckawrecka wrote:
Rheckawrecka wrote:

I dont understand the argument for overbuffing/overdebuffing.
If stacked CM gives a benefit to a player why be penalized for stacking it on them? If a player is down 400 hp and I heal them for 500 hp, why would i be penalized more than the wasted endurance?
If 2 players each have +defense shields why would you want to penalize them stacking all that +defense on a player?
If shields last 4 mins on a player and recharge in 20 secs and some numbskull wants to continually recast shields because the power is recharged, him getting booted off the team at the end of the mission would be penalty enough....

Then why should debuffs be penalised, especially if they are of the form where they don't actually cause any damage to the mob.

Why should healing be nerfed at all then?


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Last seen: 10 years 2 days ago
Joined: 01/03/2014 - 20:21
Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

Then why should debuffs be penalised, especially if they are of the form where they don't actually cause any damage to the mob.
Why should healing be nerfed at all then?

Why WOULD debuffs be penalised?
Most debuffs were of the variety that recharge was longer than duration. A couple were about equal in terms of recharge/duration... fearsome stare comes to mind. But i dont think anything stacked with itself, i know the fear mag didnt, i dont think the -tohit did.... sonic blasts' -resist stacked with itself...

Im not advocating healing be nerfed... im advocating a taunt be attached to buffs/debuffs....

Im not tryin to be obtuse. Whats the argument for penalties to overbuffing/debuffing....

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Rheckawrecka wrote:
Rheckawrecka wrote:

im advocating a taunt be attached to buffs/debuffs....
Im not tryin to be obtuse. Whats the argument for penalties to overbuffing/debuffing....

Right, ok, that is me not re-reading previous posts.

I can see where you are coming from. What I was thinking that instead of "just the act of doing it once" wouldn't necessarily cause aggro, it would have been the act of *ober buffing/healing* (ie rocking the aura on auto) that would have generated aggro.

The fact that there is *some* agreement in that "the act of healing/buffing/debuffing" should get aggro (as to how much is another matter and *when* it should is a point of discussion)

I can see both sides, and I will admit, I am even right now, flicking between the "all heals/buffs/debuffs generate aggro" and "just overhealing/staking up loads of buffs" and generic pissing off the enemy (debuffing) would generate aggro


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Debuffing mobs will aggro

Debuffing mobs will aggro them to you as you are attacking them.
Drectly buffing another player is passive, surely, as far as the mobs are concerned, they can't see it, don't know what's going on, it's not affecting them.
Maybe if it was a buff aura you could add a threat level to it but otherwise seems like it wouldn't achieve anything.

If people won't pay enough to finance its creation, it is not worth creating.

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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

I can see where you are coming from. What I was thinking that instead of "just the act of doing it once" wouldn't necessarily cause aggro, it would have been the act of *ober buffing/healing* (ie rocking the aura on auto) that would have generated aggro.
The fact that there is *some* agreement in that "the act of healing/buffing/debuffing" should get aggro (as to how much is another matter and *when* it should is a point of discussion)
I can see both sides, and I will admit, I am even right now, flicking between the "all heals/buffs/debuffs generate aggro" and "just overhealing/staking up loads of buffs" and generic pissing off the enemy (debuffing) would generate aggro

Lets be clear, I dont think after extended use of heal aura should you draw aggro... I think if you cast a heal it has a taunt aura, you draw aggro. I use heal other once, i draw aggro. If i cast fortitude on a player, i draw aggro. That goes for any buffs or debuffs...

Just my 2 inf.

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Why would self and team

Why would self and team healing increase your threat rating?
This was such a pita in NW that clerics could empty a room full of mobs despite being on a team full of tanks.
Why would buffing a player draw aggro?

But say it did. The effect would so short in duration that would it really make any difference? I mean I have threat rating 1. I heal you. I go to threat rating 1.1 for 0.05 of a second. I then stop healing you and go back to threat rating 1. That's not worth the processing power to record.

If people won't pay enough to finance its creation, it is not worth creating.

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GH wrote:
GH wrote:

Why would self and team healing increase your threat rating?
This was such a pita in NW that clerics could empty a room full of mobs despite being on a team full of tanks.
Why would buffing a player draw aggro?
But say it did. The effect would so short in duration that would it really make any difference? I mean I have threat rating 1. I heal you. I go to threat rating 1.1 for 0.05 of a second. I then stop healing you and go back to threat rating 1. That's not worth the processing power to record.

I would say that it decreases at the same rate as a DPSer would "drop aggro" by not dealing damage. And yes, especially inside combat, I would say that buffing a player could at least create aggro. Would it be enough to overtake someone dealing damage? Not directly, but over a *prolonged* period of time, it would be feasible.

It could also mean that unless the team is dealing with ALL the targets available, the "buffer/debufer/healer" could draw aggro from a mob that is not currently *directly* engaged (or taunted) by a fellow team member.


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Actually ... guys ... why don

Actually ... guys ... why don't we just get excessively clever about this?

/em blink blinks ginormous wet lashes melodramatically

[b]--> *IF* <--[/b] Healing generates Threat ... set things up such that Healing [i]which actually HEALS[/i] (as in, counters Damage that has already been taken) generates relatively little Threat ... but "overhealing" [i]which get wasted[/i] (as in, the amount that heals beyond the Target's Max HP) generates a "large" amount of Threat. Indeed, you could even potentially "scale" the Threat generated by Healing, such that healing a Target that has low HP generates less threat than healing a Target that has high HP ... meaning that that a Support Healer [i]doing their job [b]is not penalized[/b] for doing their job[/i]. So if you heal someone at 25% HP before the heal takes effect, then every point of Healing given up to 100% HP of the Target counts as being only 25% of the nominal Threat generated for healing. If the Target is at 50% HP before the heal takes effect, then the Threat generated is only 50% of nominal ... up to 100% HP. OVERhealing though is where the Threat generation "spikes" and so as a Supporting Healer you want to be mindful of the "Goldilocks Zone" where you aren't generating excess Threat through indiscriminate overhealing, which then creates an "incentive" to Heal [i]just enough but not too much[/i] lest you become an Aggro Magnet yourself.

Mind you, I'm not advocating FOR such a situation, necessarily ... but if Healing is going to generate Threat, this is the sort of structure I'd want to build around it so as to make it a case of "not too hot, not too cold" where as a Supporting Player you want to skillfully "thread the needle" without going overboard and just spamming your healing Powers indiscriminately [i]simply because there's no downside to spamming them[/i] (other than annoying other Players).

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Actually ... guys ... why don't we just get excessively clever about this?
/em blink blinks ginormous wet lashes melodramatically
--> *IF* <-- Healing generates Threat ... set things up such that Healing which actually HEALS (as in, counters Damage that has already been taken) generates relatively little Threat ... but "overhealing" which get wasted (as in, the amount that heals beyond the Target's Max HP) generates a "large" amount of Threat. Indeed, you could even potentially "scale" the Threat generated by Healing, such that healing a Target that has low HP generates less threat than healing a Target that has high HP ... meaning that that a Support Healer doing their job is not penalized for doing their job. So if you heal someone at 25% HP before the heal takes effect, then every point of Healing given up to 100% HP of the Target counts as being only 25% of the nominal Threat generated for healing. If the Target is at 50% HP before the heal takes effect, then the Threat generated is only 50% of nominal ... up to 100% HP. OVERhealing though is where the Threat generation "spikes" and so as a Supporting Healer you want to be mindful of the "Goldilocks Zone" where you aren't generating excess Threat through indiscriminate overhealing, which then creates an "incentive" to Heal just enough but not too much lest you become an Aggro Magnet yourself.
Mind you, I'm not advocating FOR such a situation, necessarily ... but if Healing is going to generate Threat, this is the sort of structure I'd want to build around it so as to make it a case of "not too hot, not too cold" where as a Supporting Player you want to skillfully "thread the needle" without going overboard and just spamming your healing Powers indiscriminately simply because there's no downside to spamming them (other than annoying other Players).

That is how I would do it, along with a similar system for buffs (either on remaining duration or "amount above cap") for "over buffing".

Over debuffing is kinda like "over damaging mobs".... you are attacking the mob, so even if it deals no damage, it still generates threat as if you are attacking them. Each attack would have a seperate amount of threat associated with it, so a nice large "drops all resistances to 0%" attack for example could generate a *crap* load of threat, whilst a debuff along the lines of "drops resistance to psychic damage by 5%" would be a *small* threat generator in comparison.

*EDIT* its also worth mentioning that something along these lines would basically mean that classes that have pets (ie the dominators/controllers/masterminds from CoX) would have to be more careful as well.

Of course, now it gets interesting, does some of the aggro from your pets transfer over to you as well?

But basically, this would help make the mobs in the game at least *appear* more intelligent, by going for players who *are* affecting the battlefield, and quite possibly being the lynchpin (at that point in time) of the group as well.

This wouldn't (at least I hope) start off with all mobs attacking the healer/buffer at the *start* of combat, but if it went on long enough, then the healer/debuffer IS at risk.

Of course, if combat is lasting that long....


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GH wrote:
GH wrote:

But say it did. The effect would so short in duration that would it really make any difference? I mean I have threat rating 1. I heal you. I go to threat rating 1.1 for 0.05 of a second. I then stop healing you and go back to threat rating 1. That's not worth the processing power to record.

Lets leave self healing out of this discussion. If im needing to heal myself im already drawing aggro.

I believe in CoX that threat was processed, threat modifier X damage done. I believe towards the end of the game they reworked threat generation. I forget why it was reworked, maybe it had something to do with tanker inherent. I could be wrong.

In your example (and I understand that were just making numbers up here) change the variable. I have a threat mod of 1. I throw a heal, I now have a thread mod of 1.5 or 2, or 3.8573... Tanks can have a thread mod of 5 or whatever.

The point being is if a team runs into a mob, a "healzor" cant stand in the back with impunity "rockin the aura" which i think everyone will agree with is a horrible waste of a defender. It'll make said "healzor" either wise up and improve their gameplay or go splat.

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Actually ... guys ... why don't we just get excessively clever about this?
/em blink blinks ginormous wet lashes melodramatically
--> *IF* <-- Healing generates Threat ... set things up such that Healing which actually HEALS (as in, counters Damage that has already been taken) generates relatively little Threat ... but "overhealing" which get wasted (as in, the amount that heals beyond the Target's Max HP) generates a "large" amount of Threat. Indeed, you could even potentially "scale" the Threat generated by Healing, such that healing a Target that has low HP generates less threat than healing a Target that has high HP ... meaning that that a Support Healer doing their job is not penalized for doing their job. So if you heal someone at 25% HP before the heal takes effect, then every point of Healing given up to 100% HP of the Target counts as being only 25% of the nominal Threat generated for healing. If the Target is at 50% HP before the heal takes effect, then the Threat generated is only 50% of nominal ... up to 100% HP. OVERhealing though is where the Threat generation "spikes" and so as a Supporting Healer you want to be mindful of the "Goldilocks Zone" where you aren't generating excess Threat through indiscriminate overhealing, which then creates an "incentive" to Heal just enough but not too much lest you become an Aggro Magnet yourself.
Mind you, I'm not advocating FOR such a situation, necessarily ... but if Healing is going to generate Threat, this is the sort of structure I'd want to build around it so as to make it a case of "not too hot, not too cold" where as a Supporting Player you want to skillfully "thread the needle" without going overboard and just spamming your healing Powers indiscriminately simply because there's no downside to spamming them (other than annoying other Players).

Good idea!

It doesnt address the idea of mobs thinking "oh snap they have a healer, take it out first" but as far heals generating threat im down.
And please, no comments about mobs thinking...

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Rheckawrecka wrote:
Rheckawrecka wrote:

Good idea!
It doesnt address the idea of mobs thinking "oh snap they have a healer, take it out first" but as far heals generating threat im down.
And please, no comments about mobs thinking...

That will always be a problem though. The only way in which the healer/buffer would be targetted is by getting high enough on the aggro list to become a target.

Unfortunately, if the game did what you just said, it then at least raises suspicion that the game is cheating if they unerringly go for the buffer/debuffer/healer first in every case.


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Isnt that how you play?

Isnt that how you play?

Abnormal Joe
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There is a great deal of

There is a great deal of theory crafting here for how healing (and to a lesser extent de/buff) could be tied to threat.
Pretty much all the ideas are tied to functions of heals, and de/buffs. But there is another side to the puzzle.
Very little discussion, if any, relates to threat itself.

We used to have powers to modify threat. Most folks seemed to be familiar with outright avoidance (invis etc) or full embrace (taunt).
Folks did not seem to understand somewhat more active but less common options such as Deceive or Placate.
What if we had those kind of options for a build. That way I could modify threat to myself by 1.choosing to use or hold back on the aggro generating power. 2. Having teamates handle aggro for me 3.using de/buffs to neutralize the threat posed by the aggro. 4.choosing and using -threat powers myself to offset the aggro caused by my other powers.

Or perhaps the game could be made in such a way that aggro might even be desirable. Low-0 aggro= self sacrificing "team player" buffs and secondary effects strengthened. High-Capped aggro=egocentric "all eyes on me" lowered end costs for all powers since you feed off the attention. Not suggesting that something like that actually be implemented, merely to demonstrate that there are other approaches possible.


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Abnormal Joe wrote:
Abnormal Joe wrote:

Very little discussion, if any, relates to threat itself.

Because this discussion isn't about threat....

Abnormal Joe
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No this thread is about

No this thread is about (primarily) adjusting healing in a number of possible ways, including but not limited to attaching aggro to ally heals.
The one side of the coin is healing the other is aggro. One cannot discuss a coin by looking only at one face of it.


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Abnormal Joe wrote:
Abnormal Joe wrote:

There is a great deal of theory crafting here for how healing (and to a lesser extent de/buff) could be tied to threat.
Pretty much all the ideas are tied to functions of heals, and de/buffs. But there is another side to the puzzle.
Very little discussion, if any, relates to threat itself.
We used to have powers to modify threat. Most folks seemed to be familiar with outright avoidance (invis etc) or full embrace (taunt).
Folks did not seem to understand somewhat more active but less common options such as Deceive or Placate.
What if we had those kind of options for a build. That way I could modify threat to myself by 1.choosing to use or hold back on the aggro generating power. 2. Having teamates handle aggro for me 3.using de/buffs to neutralize the threat posed by the aggro. 4.choosing and using -threat powers myself to offset the aggro caused by my other powers.
Or perhaps the game could be made in such a way that aggro might even be desirable. Low-0 aggro= self sacrificing "team player" buffs and secondary effects strengthened. High-Capped aggro=egocentric "all eyes on me" lowered end costs for all powers since you feed off the attention. Not suggesting that something like that actually be implemented, merely to demonstrate that there are other approaches possible.

I see where you are coming from for this, and yes, I do agree that it should be spoken about *in general*.

Hell, there could be abilities that got more powerful the more aggro you generated... although in this case, it would be harder to tell especially on a team setting, as to how much aggro you actually have.

Because the only feedback that the game normally has for it is the mob is attacking you.

But I can see there being defensive buffs/debuffs that could well have a "All mobs in radius attack you NO MATTER who they were originally attacking".

The thing is that adding in a threat generation scale to the heals/buffs/debuffs (similar to how DPS and tankers get it as well), provides the abilities *another* area to be balanced on.

Hell, there could well be defensive buffs that could reduce aggro from the target and transfer it to *another* member of your team.


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3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

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Rheckawrecka wrote:
Rheckawrecka wrote:

Abnormal Joe wrote:
Very little discussion, if any, relates to threat itself.
Because this discussion isn't about threat....

Because this discussion [i]isn't about HOW Threat WORKS[/i]. Defining exactly how Threat functions, game mechanically, is a different subject. It is perfectly possible to compartmentalize discussion about how Buffs/Debuffs [i]generate Threat[/i] without needing to know what gets [i]done with that Threat[/i] once it has been generated.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

Hell, there could well be defensive buffs that could reduce aggro from the target and transfer it to *another* member of your team.

Mind Control and Illusion styled powers, along with some aspects of Ninjitsu potentially (see: misdirection), would seem to be the proper types of powers for implementing abilities to [i]Transfer Threat[/i] from one ally to another. Heck, I can easily imagine a Target AoE styled Power in which every ally within radius around the target has a portion (12%?) of their Threat "drained" and transferred/reassigned to the Target of the AoE in a sort of area effect redirection of Foe NPC attention. This would then constitute a sort of Aggro Magnetism Buff since it would shift Threat onto the target of the Power.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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NW has (I don't believe it

NW has (I don't believe it was very useful, it may have got buffed) a threat-reducing power that you slot into a passive slot to deal with the amount of aggro a healer got.

I don't think it's a bad idea to attach the ability to modify to powers. So healing would have a modifier that raises your aggro level but wouldn't, effectively do anything. Make your initial threat level 1, make the multiplier 1. If everyone steam rolls the content on healers to the detriment of every other class, change that.

So debuffing - definitely aggros a mob. I have fond memories of rsf with 7 debuffers and a stone brute. In that situation the debuffers were not getting aggro because the tanks aggro level was so high, taunts were plentiful & range is its own defence.

All this "rocking the aura" - where's that coming from? One power, used how often (?) should not define mechanics.

Healing up between mobs would mean the healer now has a high threat rating and should not go into the next room first.
Which as they never did, as they stay at the back, hasn't really achieved anything.

So how much threat in the form of "%of a tank" should healing generate? How long should it last once cast? How does the player know what their threat rating is?
Tank : "Heal me pls"
Empathy Defender "No, I will die"
rest of team : "Derp"

If people won't pay enough to finance its creation, it is not worth creating.

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GH wrote:
GH wrote:

NW has (I don't believe it was very useful, it may have got buffed) a threat-reducing power that you slot into a passive slot to deal with the amount of aggro a healer got.
I don't think it's a bad idea to attach the ability to modify to powers. So healing would have a modifier that raises your aggro level but wouldn't, effectively do anything. Make your initial threat level 1, make the multiplier 1. If everyone steam rolls the content on healers to the detriment of every other class, change that.
So debuffing - definitely aggros a mob. I have fond memories of rsf with 7 debuffers and a stone brute. In that situation the debuffers were not getting aggro because the tanks aggro level was so high, taunts were plentiful & range is its own defence.
All this "rocking the aura" - where's that coming from? One power, used how often (?) should not define mechanics.
Healing up between mobs would mean the healer now has a high threat rating and should not go into the next room first.
Which as they never did, as they stay at the back, hasn't really achieved anything.
So how much threat in the form of "%of a tank" should healing generate? How long should it last once cast? How does the player know what their threat rating is?
Tank : "Heal me pls"
Empathy Defender "No, I will die"
rest of team : "Derp"

I would say that "out of combat" healing/buffing would generate minimal if ANY threat at all. Just like laying down traps wouldn't actually generate threat on you.

How fast would it decrease? At the same rate as a tanker/DPS character would lose it as well... possibly slightly faster.

The thing is, that initially people were asking to "nerf healing", and the conversation has now progressed along the lines of well, if it is going to *stay* the same, what can be done to balance out the whole buffer side, who could in CoX, stay in the background and if all they did was buff/heal their own team mates, NOT be attacked.


Until their team mates died that is.

*edit* and for those who think that this would put extra strain on the server... if the game can cope with full teams of NON healer/buffer doing it, then it wont be affected by healer/buffers being treated the same way, because in this case, they would be treated *exactly* the same way as non healer/buffers


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3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Darth Fez
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The traditionally most

The traditionally most fragile and weakest (in terms of attacks) ATs/power sets should now also have to do their job perfectly or they'll generate huge threat?

Sounds to me like this is a call to throw the conventional wisdom the winds and give the primary healing power sets to the tanks. Need aggro? Throw out a heal.[color=red]*[/color] Need healing? Throw out a heal![color=red]**[/color] Team needs healing? Throw out a heal![color=red]***[/color] Need more aggro? Stop gawking at the screen and start healing!

[color=red]*[/color] I've got tons of these kinds of revolutionary ideas.
[color=red]**[/color] Told ya.
[color=red]***[/color] I'm on a roll, baby!

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

The traditionally most fragile and weakest (in terms of attacks) ATs/power sets should now also have to do their job perfectly or they'll generate huge threat?
Sounds to me like this is a call to throw the conventional wisdom the winds and give the primary healing power sets to the tanks. Need aggro? Throw out a heal.* Need healing? Throw out a heal!** Team needs healing? Throw out a heal!*** Need more aggro? Stop gawking at the screen and start healing!
* I've got tons of these kinds of revolutionary ideas.** Told ya.*** I'm on a roll, baby!

Its worth noting that *solo* play will not be affected by these changes though. its in *group* play that aggro becomes a factor.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

Sounds to me like this is a call to throw the conventional wisdom the winds and give the primary healing power sets to the tanks. Need aggro? Throw out a heal.* Need healing? Throw out a heal!** Team needs healing? Throw out a heal!*** Need more aggro? Stop gawking at the screen and start healing!
* I've got tons of these kinds of revolutionary ideas.** Told ya.*** I'm on a roll, baby!

STRAW MAN ... [url=][b]HAVE AT THEE !!![/b][/url]

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Darth Fez
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I was looking for a summary

I was looking for a summary of the discussion in this thread.

Thank you.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

The thing is, that initially people were asking to "nerf healing", and the conversation has now progressed along the lines of well, if it is going to *stay* the same, what can be done to balance out the whole buffer side, who could in CoX, stay in the background and if all they did was buff/heal their own team mates, NOT be attacked.

I believe this is a pretty good if limited summation so far.

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Joined: 10/26/2013 - 00:33
Just from the numbers given

Just from the numbers given healing in CoX wasnt powerful enough to be the single defense needed. it was just a part. I dont feel any need to remove a part of the whole defense system. That would mean, other defenses need to be boosted. Then a thread will arise with the title nerf resistance/defense/regeneration...

The Original post asked for a reduction in Healing power AND Damage, to make fights more like in the movies, where the hero gets beaten up badly but then draws all his resolve to win in the last moment.
That misses the fact that Villains in the movies tend to wait for the hero to get back to the fight, usually by explaining their nefarious grand plan. :-)

Such a fight would be best served in a special solo Instance, with a skript, where the Villain really hesitates when the hero is down to 10% health, instead of finishing him of.
If the hero didnt manage to finish the Villain in this gloat-mode he thinks the hero is unworthy of his attention, calls some goons to finish him of and leaves.
This has to be restricted to certain villains, with others that would never gloat, but finish the hero, whenever possible.

I remember in CoX there were settings in the difficultiy level, that could forbid the use of inspirations for example.
With another option, forbidding heal besides rest you could configure any TF to be a HP challenge, that could only be beaten by high def/res/HP players. ( I consider regeneration a heal too )

A normal Gang member or goon would never gloat over a downed hero, but would definitly finish him of, so for normal slaughterfest teams a heal should still be an available option.

So in conclusion, Im all for options. dont nerf X, make it optional on the char/Team level what type of game do we want to play today.

Lydia Frost

Fireheart's picture
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So, we wait until he starts

So, we wait until he starts monologuing, then punch him in the jubblies and proceed with the thwarting while he gibbers threats?

Be Well!

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/26/2013 - 00:33
Yes, that would be like in

Yes, that would be like in the movies. :-)

This would give a completly different view on the personality of the villain. So differnet villains could use the classic escape from my deathtrap, send goons for ultimate hero-humilation or even apply a heal to make the combat more interesting to them.

Another Idea is to apply an unresistible, permanent debuf at a stage in the story, that lowers certain defenses, like the poison used on wolverine in the last movie.
The only way to get rid of the debuf would be suceeding in the story and getting the antidote or canceling the storyline(defeat).

Lydia Frost

Falindae's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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DISCLAIMER: I spent about

DISCLAIMER: I spent about two hours reading this thread, and I have to say I'm genuinely made very thoughtful, and I think for the most part the discussion has been progressive and innovative and civil, with only a couple of breakdowns and diversions. This feels like it's going to be a long post... I hope the Devs are continuing to read this, because I personally feel that it's a very important game mechanic to discuss.

I, too, am a roleplayer to a silly level sometimes, and when I got to around the bottom of page one of this discussion and people were calling for "No Healers! No Empaths at all!" I have to admit that my heart shriveled and died a little in a dark corner in my chest. I want to recreate my empath in a different world so badly it aches. I want to see what she'll be like, deposited into this new setting and growing up in a new city with new friends, etc... The though of not having an Empathy-like set of abilities made me, at first, shrink in horror.

Healing is something I've always loved to do in MMOs-- but it's not exactly "healing" itself that I've enjoyed, if I examine it past the surface of that thought, as someone had also mentioned early on in response to oOStaticOo's vehement protestations-- I imagine he had that cold stab of terror and anger like I did.

NOW... When I think beyond that initial reaction, what I dearly loved about my Empath was her ability to support the team in a meaningful way with ally buffs. Rocking the Aura was not something I did-- I was fully present in every fight, learning every group that I was with, if there was a tank, who liked to run ahead, who needed extra support... Actually keeping green bars filled up became a secondary function to the joy and satisfaction I got from pumping up the team, from the recognition I received from friends and PUGs for supporting everyone well. I always felt welcome in CoX for that reason.

This being said, if healing were "nerfed" as was the initial thought behind this thread, I can imagine that I would survive. That I could re-create Grace with SOME form of healing ability, but primarily with the powers to hold up whomever she was with. She was next to impossible to solo in CoX-- I picked Archery for some reason as my secondary?-- but I really enjoyed the challenge of it pretty much forcing me to team up with others and be social. It netted me a husband, in the end, but that's another thing altogether. What I'm saying is that I don't feel as threatened as I did at first by the idea of having healing be... be.... what? Less effective than it was in CoX? Less of a 'main power' than it was in CoX? I mean, from a roleplayer's perspective, as yet another person mentioned early on, I've not heard of dedicated healers in comics or superhero movies, really. I consider my superhero playstyle to have leaned towards more of a "Violet Impossible" sort of situation...

Anyway, back on track, sort of! I've enjoyed reading, too, about where people think healing might be altered if we don't just 'nerf' it in the way initially described. I don't feel that's wholly off topic, really, maybe only a smidgeon. The things I liked, since my "empathy" literally no longer exists in the way it did before:

*** The idea of having healing do percentages of actual health restoration, while never FULLY healing to a maximum-- only able to heal to 80% or something. My brain immediately, too, took that to another level-- perhaps, at lower levels/in the beginning, heals would only bring someone back to 70% of their maximum health cap through some algorithm I can't even begin to fathom, let alone describe, but that perhaps involves how damaged the ally is to begin with. I don't know, it makes sense in my head, and I felt pretty positive about where that train of thought was going-- being able to 'heal' more effectively over time.

*** The idea that over-healing draws greater 'threat' than simply healing what is necessary. I would be perfectly fine to live in a world like that, as it makes sense to me as a game mechanic, at the very least-- I agree with the thoughts that have been brought up that it would help reduce PLing and general idiocy. In similar line, since I obviously will be making a buff/support/control class of some variety, I liked the idea also of having over-buffing being given some kind of knock as well. I enjoy anything that forces me to focus, to read the little details, pay attention.

What I feel like was missed almost entirely in CoX at least was naming the class "Empathy" at all. To me, Empathy immediately brings to mind some kind of penalty for healing, like Absorb Pain (I think that's what it was called... sad that I'm already forgetting). To me, it literally meant "I FEEL your pain FOR you", which implied that I should be taking damage or being debuffed or /something/ for having given you life. I actually wished that my heals in CoX had a greater price for them, in life or in some other fashion, for the ability to give others life. After all, I always played it as an absorption of pain, not a "Poof! Your wounds are all better now!" I always felt a bit weird for wanting a penalty for playing my own power set >___> But no one had mentioned that, so I thought I'd bring it up, as my contribution to the "how CAN we nerf healing?" conversation line. And it made more sense to me from a roleplaying perspective, too-- it seemed more likely that that kind of powerset in a superhero would have as dramatic a downside as an upside-- it's own kryptonite.

Anyway, as I said before, I hope the Devs continues to read these even after they've gone on awhile. I love this kind of discussion, and think it could really help get the gears working for folk who are actually creating this beautiful thing FOR US. Thanks again MWM. Love and a shoutout from Australia.

*Brevity of Grace* - 50 Emp/Archery Defender
[url=]Backstory - Just Grace[/url]
*Hematitan* - 50 Grav/FF Controller
[url=]Backstory - Hematitan[/url]

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Falindae wrote:
Falindae wrote:

That I could re-create Grace with SOME form of healing ability, but primarily with the powers to hold up whomever she was with. She was next to impossible to solo in CoX-- I picked Archery for some reason as my secondary?-- but I really enjoyed the challenge of it pretty much forcing me to team up with others and be social. It netted me a husband, in the end, but that's another thing altogether.

[url=]Empathy[/url] powerset.
[url=]Archery[/url] powerset.

I too had an Empathy/Archery Defender (I named mine [b]Flight of Stars[/b]) and agree with you that it was [i]so much easier[/i] to advance through Levels when teamed up, but even then soloing wasn't impossible ... just tedious. Still, I did rather enjoy the different "feel" of the combination, and made her expressly for the purpose of taking her on Hamidon Raids, where Regeneration Aura stacked 4+ times was pretty much mandatory for surviving the Yellow Phase. Didn't get me a spouse though, so you're ahead of me on that score. ^_~

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

oOStaticOo's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/24/2013 - 06:21
My "Vehemency" comes from

My "Vehemency" comes from several reasons.

1.) Some would have "Healing" or "Empathy" COMPLETELY removed from the game because it a.) doesn't fit "THEIR" idea of how a superhero game should be. b.) doesn't fit the superhero genre, in which case I have proved wrongly that healing does exist in Marvel and DC. c.) feel that it's more of a "Sword and Sorcery MMO" power set. d.) have had some form of bad experience with an aura rocker that thinks by rocking the aura that they saved the team.

2.) Some would have the set be "Unlocked" as a reward, which I find insanely ridiculous. If I have to unlock something I want that something to be Unique and interesting, not mundane and boring.

3.) Some would have it as a Power Pool. I'm sorry, but we already had Medicine as a Power Pool in a different MMO and it wasn't all that great. Also, it makes it so that ANYBODY supposedly can be a healer and I strongly feel this would be a bad decision to suddenly see your Tank stop Taunting and start healing the team because everybody is close to dying and nobody on the team can heal besides him or her. We also do not know how many powers we will be able to choose, how many slots we'll be allowed to assign, and due to min/maxing may have to skip healing to ensure our character has all the weapons and abilities available to survive.

4.) "Healing" if done right can be a life saver and can be beneficial, especially in the early levels of the game. I've also seen first-hand what an 8 man team of Empaths can do. I was, and still am, a member of the Repeat Offenders before NCSoft shut down CoH.

5.) I don't know about you, but I started playing CoH back in Issue 3 and survived through the Global Defense Nerf, Enhancement Diversification, Regen Nerf, Burn Nerf, and countless other Nerfs all in the name of "BALANCE". Personally I'm sick and tired of having everything Nerfed all to h e double hockey sticks and would rather NOT Nerf anything anymore. Instead I'd rather try to find a way to Enhance something that is lackluster and bring it up instead of taking something else down just because a few people view it as unfair and not balanced.

So forgive me, but yes I whole heartedly stand for Empathy and Healing remaining as it was, or as close to it as we can possibly make it. I don't feel like we should rain on somebody else's parade just because a few people feel strongly negative towards something due to bad experiences in the past. To quote Different Strokes, "The world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some." I will agree that there have been some bad healers in the past and I've teamed with a few as well. However, educating someone on the proper techniques and usage is always better than just taking away their "toy". Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that someone else doesn't love it.

THAT is what I'm trying to stand up for and defend. As much as someone else is vehemently trying to get rid of "Healing", I'm trying to vehemently stand up for the person who doesn't want "Healing" to go away or be severely nerfed to the point that it is no longer enjoyable to play. My first 50 was an Empathy/Electricity Defender, and believe me it was a pain to get to 50 on it. I mostly soloed on it, and got laughed at because I had picked the "Weakest" powers to play with. It will always hold a strong place in my heart because of that, and I will staunchly and strongly stand up for it's defense.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Manipulative Maiden
Manipulative Maiden's picture
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Imo "healing" never was a

Imo "healing" never was a problem in CoH. In the beginning people coming from other MMO just didn't understand that other defenses are just as or even more viable. Also as states above repeatedly a good emp was not simply a healer but a proactive buffer. Also of course emps got a lot of recognition as team saviours. If a dark defender debuffs the opponent into missing you you won't die because you are obviously 1337. But if you see an emp heal you from red to green in one shot, you will know who to thank for.

Empathy in the end of the CoH life cycle was one of the weaker defense sets compared to other defender types really because healing became less and less important with all the incarnate shielding and AoE healing being thrown around.

To the people saying "but healing is not superheroic" I say, "so what." So it doesn't often happen in Marvel and DC Comics. But are we playing the Marvel MMO or DC Online? If people like healing it should be part of the world and it was in CoH. Also healing is NOT the catch all. Does it save you from being one- or two shot? Would have been nice if your force bubble would have made the attack not hit you at all, eh? Healing did have a casting time, and how often did people die because heals went off a millisecond too late?

If people referred to emps as healers they only grasped about 40% of the set.

[b]Time until Zero Strykers Revival:[/b] When it's ready (tm), Beta Mid to End of 201?
Official Timekeeper of the Zero Strykers SG ~ Union

Brand X
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oOStaticOo wrote:
oOStaticOo wrote:

My "Vehemency" comes from several reasons.
1.) Some would have "Healing" or "Empathy" COMPLETELY removed from the game because it a.) doesn't fit "THEIR" idea of how a superhero game should be. b.) doesn't fit the superhero genre, in which case I have proved wrongly that healing does exist in Marvel and DC. c.) feel that it's more of a "Sword and Sorcery MMO" power set. d.) have had some form of bad experience with an aura rocker that thinks by rocking the aura that they saved the team.
2.) Some would have the set be "Unlocked" as a reward, which I find insanely ridiculous. If I have to unlock something I want that something to be Unique and interesting, not mundane and boring.
3.) Some would have it as a Power Pool. I'm sorry, but we already had Medicine as a Power Pool in a different MMO and it wasn't all that great. Also, it makes it so that ANYBODY supposedly can be a healer and I strongly feel this would be a bad decision to suddenly see your Tank stop Taunting and start healing the team because everybody is close to dying and nobody on the team can heal besides him or her. We also do not know how many powers we will be able to choose, how many slots we'll be allowed to assign, and due to min/maxing may have to skip healing to ensure our character has all the weapons and abilities available to survive.
4.) "Healing" if done right can be a life saver and can be beneficial, especially in the early levels of the game. I've also seen first-hand what an 8 man team of Empaths can do. I was, and still am, a member of the Repeat Offenders before NCSoft shut down CoH.
5.) I don't know about you, but I started playing CoH back in Issue 3 and survived through the Global Defense Nerf, Enhancement Diversification, Regen Nerf, Burn Nerf, and countless other Nerfs all in the name of "BALANCE". Personally I'm sick and tired of having everything Nerfed all to h e double hockey sticks and would rather NOT Nerf anything anymore. Instead I'd rather try to find a way to Enhance something that is lackluster and bring it up instead of taking something else down just because a few people view it as unfair and not balanced.
So forgive me, but yes I whole heartedly stand for Empathy and Healing remaining as it was, or as close to it as we can possibly make it. I don't feel like we should rain on somebody else's parade just because a few people feel strongly negative towards something due to bad experiences in the past. To quote Different Strokes, "The world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some." I will agree that there have been some bad healers in the past and I've teamed with a few as well. However, educating someone on the proper techniques and usage is always better than just taking away their "toy". Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that someone else doesn't love it.
THAT is what I'm trying to stand up for and defend. As much as someone else is vehemently trying to get rid of "Healing", I'm trying to vehemently stand up for the person who doesn't want "Healing" to go away or be severely nerfed to the point that it is no longer enjoyable to play. My first 50 was an Empathy/Electricity Defender, and believe me it was a pain to get to 50 on it. I mostly soloed on it, and got laughed at because I had picked the "Weakest" powers to play with. It will always hold a strong place in my heart because of that, and I will staunchly and strongly stand up for it's defense.

Well, it was proven there wasn't some superhero healer standing in the background healing non-stop. Their healing would come afterwards and it was one of the most limited types of mitigation in the superhero genre.

Also, as a powerpool idea, you haven't said why that would all of a sudden make it weak or unenjoyable. It wasn't said "Let's make it like the medicine pool" So if made a powerpool, giving you a ST Heal and an AOE Heal, combine it with any buff set, and you just made Empathy.

So how exactly do you figure that would make healing less fun? Because the suggested power pool's AOE heal wouldn't heal themselves, but the team they love to keep standing?

And when did Empathy ever get the reputation as being weak in CoH? o.O It wasn't the solo set, but I don't recall people going "Empathy is so weak" just recall "Empathy is a slow to use solo set" that by no means, makes it weak.

Brand X
Brand X's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Manipulative Maiden wrote:
Manipulative Maiden wrote:

Imo "healing" never was a problem in CoH. In the beginning people coming from other MMO just didn't understand that other defenses are just as or even more viable. Also as states above repeatedly a good emp was not simply a healer but a proactive buffer. Also of course emps got a lot of recognition as team saviours. If a dark defender debuffs the opponent into missing you you won't die because you are obviously 1337. But if you see an emp heal you from red to green in one shot, you will know who to thank for.
Empathy in the end of the CoH life cycle was one of the weaker defense sets compared to other defender types really because healing became less and less important with all the incarnate shielding and AoE healing being thrown around.
To the people saying "but healing is not superheroic" I say, "so what." So it doesn't often happen in Marvel and DC Comics. But are we playing the Marvel MMO or DC Online? If people like healing it should be part of the world and it was in CoH. Also healing is NOT the catch all. Does it save you from being one- or two shot? Would have been nice if your force bubble would have made the attack not hit you at all, eh? Healing did have a casting time, and how often did people die because heals went off a millisecond too late?
If people referred to emps as healers they only grasped about 40% of the set.

With that line of thinking, we're not playing CoH either. CoT is a spiritual successor, not CoH, so why not start it off different then? The lack of Empathy like set would not make it less a spiritual successor.

oOStaticOo's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/24/2013 - 06:21
Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

oOStaticOo wrote:
My "Vehemency" comes from several reasons.
1.) Some would have "Healing" or "Empathy" COMPLETELY removed from the game because it a.) doesn't fit "THEIR" idea of how a superhero game should be. b.) doesn't fit the superhero genre, in which case I have proved wrongly that healing does exist in Marvel and DC. c.) feel that it's more of a "Sword and Sorcery MMO" power set. d.) have had some form of bad experience with an aura rocker that thinks by rocking the aura that they saved the team.
2.) Some would have the set be "Unlocked" as a reward, which I find insanely ridiculous. If I have to unlock something I want that something to be Unique and interesting, not mundane and boring.
3.) Some would have it as a Power Pool. I'm sorry, but we already had Medicine as a Power Pool in a different MMO and it wasn't all that great. Also, it makes it so that ANYBODY supposedly can be a healer and I strongly feel this would be a bad decision to suddenly see your Tank stop Taunting and start healing the team because everybody is close to dying and nobody on the team can heal besides him or her. We also do not know how many powers we will be able to choose, how many slots we'll be allowed to assign, and due to min/maxing may have to skip healing to ensure our character has all the weapons and abilities available to survive.
4.) "Healing" if done right can be a life saver and can be beneficial, especially in the early levels of the game. I've also seen first-hand what an 8 man team of Empaths can do. I was, and still am, a member of the Repeat Offenders before NCSoft shut down CoH.
5.) I don't know about you, but I started playing CoH back in Issue 3 and survived through the Global Defense Nerf, Enhancement Diversification, Regen Nerf, Burn Nerf, and countless other Nerfs all in the name of "BALANCE". Personally I'm sick and tired of having everything Nerfed all to h e double hockey sticks and would rather NOT Nerf anything anymore. Instead I'd rather try to find a way to Enhance something that is lackluster and bring it up instead of taking something else down just because a few people view it as unfair and not balanced.
So forgive me, but yes I whole heartedly stand for Empathy and Healing remaining as it was, or as close to it as we can possibly make it. I don't feel like we should rain on somebody else's parade just because a few people feel strongly negative towards something due to bad experiences in the past. To quote Different Strokes, "The world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some." I will agree that there have been some bad healers in the past and I've teamed with a few as well. However, educating someone on the proper techniques and usage is always better than just taking away their "toy". Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that someone else doesn't love it.
THAT is what I'm trying to stand up for and defend. As much as someone else is vehemently trying to get rid of "Healing", I'm trying to vehemently stand up for the person who doesn't want "Healing" to go away or be severely nerfed to the point that it is no longer enjoyable to play. My first 50 was an Empathy/Electricity Defender, and believe me it was a pain to get to 50 on it. I mostly soloed on it, and got laughed at because I had picked the "Weakest" powers to play with. It will always hold a strong place in my heart because of that, and I will staunchly and strongly stand up for it's defense.

Well, it was proven there wasn't some superhero healer standing in the background healing non-stop. Their healing would come afterwards and it was one of the most limited types of mitigation in the superhero genre.
Also, as a powerpool idea, you haven't said why that would all of a sudden make it weak or unenjoyable. It wasn't said "Let's make it like the medicine pool" So if made a powerpool, giving you a ST Heal and an AOE Heal, combine it with any buff set, and you just made Empathy.
So how exactly do you figure that would make healing less fun? Because the suggested power pool's AOE heal wouldn't heal themselves, but the team they love to keep standing?
And when did Empathy ever get the reputation as being weak in CoH? o.O It wasn't the solo set, but I don't recall people going "Empathy is so weak" just recall "Empathy is a slow to use solo set" that by no means, makes it weak.

Actually I did give you reason as to why I think "Healing" as a Power Pools is a bad idea. Look up. Also nobody has come forth to say that Power Pools will be just as powerful as the Primary or Secondary powers will be, and I don't think they should be either. You can see what my desires are as far as Power Pools go in the appropriate Power Pool thread. And no, just by making "Healing" a Power Pool does not mean you've effectively turned any buff set into Empathy. Empathy was unique to itself. All you've done by allowing "Healing" to be a Power Pool is give any buff set some minor ability to "Heal". Radiation had that, Storm Summoning had that, Time Manipulation had that, Dark Miasma had that......a lot of sets had some form of minor healing.

You want to keep throwing around that there was no evidence of a single superhero standing in the background healing somebody during a fight, but what you fail to acknowledge is the fact that in a comic book the fight is determined by the writer. And honestly let's face it, it's way more heroic when the star superhero manages to finish off that bad guy just in the nick of time before he faceplants on the ground. If you were to look at large scale battles I'm sure there are healers in the background keeping people on their feet for the duration of the fight, or healing them just in time to be able to get back to the fight after they've fallen back and let someone else step forward in their place, or even brought people back from the dead to finish the fight. You don't see that in comics because that's not what the reader wants to see.

Once again you are trying to force your version of a superhero comic book genre onto other players that do not want that.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Manipulative Maiden
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Yes, but my reasoning still

Yes, but my reasoning still stands. If one can argue to cut something out because it doesn't fit into X, I can argue we should have it if it was in our spiritual predecessor and there's a lot of people who like it. I agree that in itself is not reason alone. But empathy brought its own style of play into the game and it hardly was disruptive to all other ATs or pools due to healing people.
The more different options people have to get things done, the better.

Also I never said empathy was useless. It had its own unique strengths like the Lord Recluse fight in the STF where having an empathy character was hilariously good.
Also noone would object to Fortititude, Adrenaline Buff, Recovery Aura (keep fighting forever), Regeneration Aura etc. etc.
It just became less useful compared to other sets when Incarnate powers hit. My first 50 was an emp/rad defender where I full on emped and supported the full time enjoying it immensely. But that playstyle really did not bring as much to the team anymore as some other other pools used to in the end.

[b]Time until Zero Strykers Revival:[/b] When it's ready (tm), Beta Mid to End of 201?
Official Timekeeper of the Zero Strykers SG ~ Union

Redlynne's picture
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oOStaticOo wrote:
oOStaticOo wrote:

You don't see that in comics because that's not what the reader wants to see.

Actually, I'd argue that it's more the case of being the fact that "healing" is not a Visually Interesting Activity to watch ... unlike, say, fighting and combat. In [b]The Lord of the Rings[/b], John Rhys-Davies (Gimli) talked about in one of the DVD extras about how there was a scene where Gimli asked Galadriel for a hair from her head ... in an awestruck romantic gesture kind of way. The problem for John, as an actor, is that while doing that sort of thing works perfectly fine [i]as text in a book[/i] like The Lord of the Rings was, it's not something that "works" on screen when printed on film. He actually demonstrated for the interview camera by pulling a hair from his own head and holding it up in his fingers ... and you basically couldn't see it (and even if you could, it was meaningless to SEE it). So the way he got around the problem (as an actor) was by NOT SHOWING it and instead merely [i]talked about it[/i] with Legolas when they were paddling downstream from Lothlorien.

Healing is just another one of those things that doesn't "work" all that well as a Dramatic Visual. It's slightly better on film, because then you can show motion and have a visible continuity (cue Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and the special effects budget) ... but in a comic BOOK, with still frames, it just isn't that interesting or "useful" to look at. It's just yet another case were DOING the damage is a lot more engaging and entertaining than UNDOING the damage (or at least, visually representing the damage being undone). I submit that this is a major reason why "healing" is rarely featured as an incredibly significant and noteworthy superpower ... because there's not all that much to "see" when it gets used ... and because you can rarely "defeat" a Foe using healing powers alone.

So for me, the "bias" against healing powers in comic books is perfectly understandable ... because it's a power that ill serves the medium (comic books) that the stories get told in ... much like how Gimli couldn't be shown on screen receiving a hair from Galadriel's head, because on film it would just look stupid, even if it is an incredibly romantic request and gesture.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Last seen: 9 years 6 days ago
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Joined: 10/08/2013 - 15:55
oOStaticOo wrote:
oOStaticOo wrote:

My "Vehemency" comes from several reasons.
1.) Some would have "Healing" or "Empathy" COMPLETELY removed from the game because it a.) doesn't fit "THEIR" idea of how a superhero game should be. b.) doesn't fit the superhero genre, in which case I have proved wrongly that healing does exist in Marvel and DC. c.) feel that it's more of a "Sword and Sorcery MMO" power set. d.) have had some form of bad experience with an aura rocker that thinks by rocking the aura that they saved the team.
2.) Some would have the set be "Unlocked" as a reward, which I find insanely ridiculous. If I have to unlock something I want that something to be Unique and interesting, not mundane and boring.
3.) Some would have it as a Power Pool. I'm sorry, but we already had Medicine as a Power Pool in a different MMO and it wasn't all that great. Also, it makes it so that ANYBODY supposedly can be a healer and I strongly feel this would be a bad decision to suddenly see your Tank stop Taunting and start healing the team because everybody is close to dying and nobody on the team can heal besides him or her. We also do not know how many powers we will be able to choose, how many slots we'll be allowed to assign, and due to min/maxing may have to skip healing to ensure our character has all the weapons and abilities available to survive.
4.) "Healing" if done right can be a life saver and can be beneficial, especially in the early levels of the game. I've also seen first-hand what an 8 man team of Empaths can do. I was, and still am, a member of the Repeat Offenders before NCSoft shut down CoH.
5.) I don't know about you, but I started playing CoH back in Issue 3 and survived through the Global Defense Nerf, Enhancement Diversification, Regen Nerf, Burn Nerf, and countless other Nerfs all in the name of "BALANCE". Personally I'm sick and tired of having everything Nerfed all to h e double hockey sticks and would rather NOT Nerf anything anymore. Instead I'd rather try to find a way to Enhance something that is lackluster and bring it up instead of taking something else down just because a few people view it as unfair and not balanced.
So forgive me, but yes I whole heartedly stand for Empathy and Healing remaining as it was, or as close to it as we can possibly make it. I don't feel like we should rain on somebody else's parade just because a few people feel strongly negative towards something due to bad experiences in the past. To quote Different Strokes, "The world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some." I will agree that there have been some bad healers in the past and I've teamed with a few as well. However, educating someone on the proper techniques and usage is always better than just taking away their "toy". Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that someone else doesn't love it.
THAT is what I'm trying to stand up for and defend. As much as someone else is vehemently trying to get rid of "Healing", I'm trying to vehemently stand up for the person who doesn't want "Healing" to go away or be severely nerfed to the point that it is no longer enjoyable to play. My first 50 was an Empathy/Electricity Defender, and believe me it was a pain to get to 50 on it. I mostly soloed on it, and got laughed at because I had picked the "Weakest" powers to play with. It will always hold a strong place in my heart because of that, and I will staunchly and strongly stand up for it's defense.

But healing shouldn't be implemented in a way that confuses the players into thinking healers are a requirement and then exclude non-healing support players. If anything they should be in the tutorial educated the importance of other things so we don't end up with that syndrome of every team trying to force it down everyones throats the "need" for a healer. Often times force field defenders were excluded because they had no heals so were "useless", even though the powersets they had, had none.

The game should make it very very clear how effective things are so people can make informed decisions on the fly when forming teams on what they are getting and well informed what they get with their powers. Remember that many empaths didn't take fortitude cause they didn't know how powerful it really was.

Because yes I know how powerful empathy was but it was also misused very easily.

I realized something today(5/8/2014) that many MMORPG players, are not like us who enjoyed CoX. They enjoy repetitiveness and predictability, rather then unpredictability. We on the other hand enjoy unpredictability and variety.

Brand X
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oOStaticOo wrote:
oOStaticOo wrote:

Once again you are trying to force your version of a superhero comic book genre onto other players that do not want that.

Which is exactly what you're trying to do, only in reverse. :p At least I already admitted I'd still play the game with it.

I even said, since it seemed like such a sidekick style of play, I could see it. Still doesn't stop it from being a very rare thing in comics, because it does stop exactly that in comics..."Well of course Starfire won the fight. She had Healer Boy in the background giving her a Deadpool level healing factor and the villain never thought to take him out first."

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The holy trinity is a very

The holy trinity is a very boring thing to watch. Basically everyone is letting someone else do something important in the fight for them. The healers are letting the damage dealers dish it out while the tanks take it all, the tanks are letting the damage dealers dish it out and depend on the healers healing them to keep them alive and so on. The word boring doesn't even describe it for someone watching that. I actually want to, if CO gets a foundry, make a parody of the typical mmorpg and the holy trinity to display how boring it really gets compared to a real comic-book style fight. I'd make a parody in this game when they make the mission editor, even, to protest how repetitive it is.

It is far more entertaining when someone wins from a narrow fight. Heck I was playing mortal kombat 9, and so far the most awe striking fights for me are when I'm barely winning. I have fun when I lose, since the games entertaining like that, but still :).

Healing could be useful yes but really many problems are more I notice when the other forms of support don't work or people end up ignoring them for other reasons. In fact healing takes a back seat when buffs are used correctly and frequently simply because the damage isn't being taken, so long as the buffs are powerful enough to matter.

So for the holy trinity parady....the healer has to sit around, has ZERO attacks.

The tank has a taunt power and all damage mitigation but is still fragile enough the healer has to constantly babysit him...

...the damage dealer has 1 hit point so he has to watch his agro by holding back. The above having no damage means he has to survive and the tank has to be perfect. But all effects should emphasize the boring factor, fair? :). Oh to be fair for the damage dealer we'll include a meter that says BORING in it, with fun on the other side. Each attack he launches will increase the meter, but when he gets close but not to fun, he will get attacked and die :).

The healer will also get such a meter, but it'll be inversed, with fun being empty, boring being when he's doing nothing but healing. The tank can be the same way, this way we could give them attacks, but using them depletes the meter. And when the meter gets empty they die automatically to in order to REALLY force them to play that way.

I realized something today(5/8/2014) that many MMORPG players, are not like us who enjoyed CoX. They enjoy repetitiveness and predictability, rather then unpredictability. We on the other hand enjoy unpredictability and variety.

Redlynne's picture
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LaughingAlex wrote:
LaughingAlex wrote:

The holy trinity is a very boring thing to watch.

So is the game of Golf ... but people still play it because it is fun to PLAY even if it's deadly dull to WATCH as a spectator.

LaughingAlex wrote:

Basically everyone is letting someone else do something important in the fight for them.

Because the alternative is a Massively Singleplayer Online Role Playing Game (MSORPG) ... because one Player (the proverbial [url=]Tank Mage[/url]) can do everything and everyone else on the Team is rendered ... redundant.

The notion of a "division of labor" is not anathema to a good gaming experience.

LaughingAlex wrote:

The healers are letting the damage dealers dish it out while the tanks take it all, the tanks are letting the damage dealers dish it out and depend on the healers healing them to keep them alive and so on.

If this were a Military Operation, you'd be talking in terms of [url=]Combined Arms[/url] ... which is usually the best path to achieving victories (provided you can get the "mix" right).

LaughingAlex wrote:

The word boring doesn't even describe it for someone watching that.

To be fair, I personally found City of Heroes, Tabula Rasa, Star Trek Online and TERA to all be orders of magnitude more fun to PLAY than they are to WATCH.

LaughingAlex wrote:

It is far more entertaining when someone wins from a narrow fight.

This is why people stop watching football games when the score is a blowout ... but are hanging on the edge of their seats if the game is close. All you're talking about is the notion that the outcome must be UNCERTAIN before people invest themselves in the outcome. Bookies have been collecting money on laying odds of victory for years.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Brand X
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I agree with Red on watching

I agree with Red on watching others play to be quite boring most of the time.

I do disagree with one player can do everything renders a team redundant. I could solo the ITF with my DB/WP Scrapper without Incarnate abilities, I could solo it with Incarnate abilities a little faster, and I still preferred to run the ITF with a team, and didn't find teaming to be made redundant by the fact that I could solo it.

JayBezz's picture
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Two of my favorite characters

Two of my favorite characters in my favorite current comic are Tempus and Triage of Uncanny X-Men are amazing characters. Morph is getting there after they did the one-shot explaining a bit more of his abilities.

The entire "Runaways" book basically CAME from a gaming campaign. To try and fit other people into your mold is lame. Make the playground big enough for the dodgeball players AND the kids playing tag AND the kids playing teatherball. Don't go and remove the dodgeball just because SOME kids don't like it.. if you dont like it don't play it.

The argument over what does and doesn't appear in comic books is so moot to me anyhow. Give us heal mechanics? WHY because its a role MANY people ENJOY. No single role will be "neccesary" for any content, but they will add to the combat mechanic.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

LaughingAlex wrote:
The holy trinity is a very boring thing to watch.
So is the game of Golf ... but people still play it because it is fun to PLAY even if it's deadly dull to WATCH as a spectator.
LaughingAlex wrote:
Basically everyone is letting someone else do something important in the fight for them.
Because the alternative is a Massively Singleplayer Online Role Playing Game (MSORPG) ... because one Player (the proverbial Tank Mage) can do everything and everyone else on the Team is rendered ... redundant.
The notion of a "division of labor" is not anathema to a good gaming experience.
LaughingAlex wrote:
The healers are letting the damage dealers dish it out while the tanks take it all, the tanks are letting the damage dealers dish it out and depend on the healers healing them to keep them alive and so on.
If this were a Military Operation, you'd be talking in terms of Combined Arms ... which is usually the best path to achieving victories (provided you can get the "mix" right).
LaughingAlex wrote:
The word boring doesn't even describe it for someone watching that.
To be fair, I personally found City of Heroes, Tabula Rasa, Star Trek Online and TERA to all be orders of magnitude more fun to PLAY than they are to WATCH.
LaughingAlex wrote:
It is far more entertaining when someone wins from a narrow fight.
This is why people stop watching football games when the score is a blowout ... but are hanging on the edge of their seats if the game is close. All you're talking about is the notion that the outcome must be UNCERTAIN before people invest themselves in the outcome. Bookies have been collecting money on laying odds of victory for years.

I wanted to comment specifically on combined arms. There is a big difference between a combined arms force that can change it's strategy and a holy trinity that cannot. See the reason the greek phalanxe was abandoned was because of how inflexible it was. Once you committed to a strategy you could not really change it. So consequently if anything went wrong, you'd lose the battle on just that one thing. The roman legions didn't have that problem. The holy trinity of today in mmorpgs does however, because it has all it's mitigation layers on only one or two guys(the tank) and it has to have the healer spend all of his time healing. The AI has to be stupid enough to fall for that every time.

A typical combined arms today and after the greek phalanxe usually has alot of flexibility. Earlier roman legions could adopt a new formation on the fly as cavalry could adapt and change tactics, in turn both could protect the archers they had flexibly as well. Currently the combined arms approach of mechanized infantry combined with air support and artillery from the various branches of the military is also done. Not everyone can fly.

Super heroes are also typically in comics more flexible than the trinity, though, they can often use the powers they have in ways to protect their allies from being harmed in the first place in some way or another. Storm had her various manipulations in the marvel universe. In the DC universe, the green arrow had alot of different arrows to protect his allies, so did batman. They could handle a changing environment.

There are combined arms approaches that can handle a changing plan, but a small few that cannot. In real life as I said earlier in this post, the greek hoplite armies couldn't change their tactics during battle. The roman legions could, and so can modern militaries. In MMORPGs, holy trinities cannot change the plan and fail when they have to, non-trinities often can change the plan. Super hero comics, the heroes often change the plan, even.

I realized something today(5/8/2014) that many MMORPG players, are not like us who enjoyed CoX. They enjoy repetitiveness and predictability, rather then unpredictability. We on the other hand enjoy unpredictability and variety.

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Super heroes are also typically in comics more flexible than the trinity, though, they can often use the powers they have in ways to protect their allies from being harmed in the first place in some way or another. Storm had her various manipulations in the marvel universe. In the DC universe, the green arrow had alot of different arrows to protect his allies, so did batman. They could handle a changing environment.

They are also a darn sight more flexible then what CoX was, because in the comics they can do whatever the writer wants them to do with their abilities (I remember Sue Reed using her forcefields as a method of transportation, as well as to hide her uniform underneath normal street clothes for example).


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

Brand X
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Two of my favorite characters in my favorite current comic are Tempus and Triage of Uncanny X-Men are amazing characters. Morph is getting there after they did the one-shot explaining a bit more of his abilities.
The entire "Runaways" book basically CAME from a gaming campaign. To try and fit other people into your mold is lame. Make the playground big enough for the dodgeball players AND the kids playing tag AND the kids playing teatherball. Don't go and remove the dodgeball just because SOME kids don't like it.. if you dont like it don't play it.
The argument over what does and doesn't appear in comic books is so moot to me anyhow. Give us heal mechanics? WHY because its a role MANY people ENJOY. No single role will be "neccesary" for any content, but they will add to the combat mechanic.

Not making an Empathy-like powerset doesn't remove the role, if it's made as a power pool-like option.

But this conversation has made me think on past CoH forum discussions. Here I'm seeing "No, it's more options, options are good." or "It doesn't matter if you don't see full time healers in comics!" but when talk of gun-fu was on the CoH forums it was all "No!"

Why limit offense sets to purely melee and range? Why have melee/range mixed powersets do less damage?

Manipulative Maiden
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Yes, but we never had a true

Yes, but we never had a true holy trinity in CoH even with healing powers existing. Nor was it always necessary to have a tanker. If all characters had had only their primary pool available, I might agree. But each defender had an offensive blaster secondary pool.
With villains everything became even more muddled and roles switching to hybrids, like the brute being the villain tanker/DPS hybrid.
When designing a game like this one either goes for "tactical" roles like big lugs taking the damage, etc. or you will have something chaotic twitch-based games where reaction is your defense or chaos reigns in general. While being fun for a while on its own, it takes away from character strengths because everyone does everything thus removing the need for ATs in general.
Back to "healing". I would think of healing to be just a "role" to help keep people alive. Replace it with something else which fulfills the description. If the game is well balanced, it will work just as well, but a team will have to adapt. You will never play with the same characters all the time, so it is fun to learn how to work together regardless what people bring. Taking one defense option away is just limiting choice. Some people like it, some people hate it, but nobody is forced to play it if they think healing is not heroic.
I always found it heroic sacrificing your own life and survivablity with absorb pain to keep people alive as a last-ditch effort. So for me at least there was heroism even in healing. Or staying behind healing your allies even if you are close to defeat yourself.

[b]Time until Zero Strykers Revival:[/b] When it's ready (tm), Beta Mid to End of 201?
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I think they should adopt the

I think they should adopt the "Every build does some damage and every build can rez" model. To what magnitude and speed is up for debate.

Every builld however does not need to heal (self OR others). Every build does not need CC. Every build does not need buffs (self or others).

Special mechanics like bubbles, pets, power stealing, etc can be handled with special frameworks outside the DPS/Mitigation model.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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Well in CoX, every build did

Well in CoX, every build did *some* damage...

What do you mean that Brawl was not enough?


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

I think they should adopt the "Every build does some damage and every build can rez" model. To what magnitude and speed is up for debate.

[url=]Healing[/url] Inspirations
[url=]Resurrection[/url] Inspiration

Done and done.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Comicsluvr's picture
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Are we STILL on this one?

Are we STILL on this one? REALLY? You know what would happen if they made a powerset where you could control little flying ponies that shot rainbows? I wouldn't play it. However if enough players wanted it (and that's what polling is for) then I'd say let them have it. If it was annoying to me, I wouldn't team with people who played it.

Seriously, people. Anyone who is that concerned about how others have fun in a game really need to re-prioritize.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

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Comicsluvr wrote:
Comicsluvr wrote:

Seriously, people. Anyone who is that concerned about how others have fun in a game really need to re-prioritize.

[url=]Puritans[/url] lived in deathly fear/dread that someone somewhere might be enjoying themselves. Here, though, it looks more like a selfish desire to spend "developer resources for me, but not for thee" at work.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

oOStaticOo's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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I agree. Put it to a vote

I agree. Put it to a vote and see how it comes out. I believe that is the way City did it when they were trying to come up with new ideas for powers. Worked for them. I can't complain if I put my two cents in, but enough of everybody else's two cents outweighed mine. Hey, I at least got the chance to make it happen. Never having that choice though, kind of irks me. This isn't DC. This isn't Marvel. So saying there should be no healing because DC and Marvel doesn't have it prevalent sounds stupid to me. This is a game being developed by players for players and therefore should have player input as to how it is being made. And if enough people want and think there should be healing in the game then there should be healing in the game. Trust me, there will be plenty of people that will want healing in the game.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Brand X
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oOStaticOo wrote:
oOStaticOo wrote:

I agree. Put it to a vote and see how it comes out. I believe that is the way City did it when they were trying to come up with new ideas for powers. Worked for them. I can't complain if I put my two cents in, but enough of everybody else's two cents outweighed mine. Hey, I at least got the chance to make it happen. Never having that choice though, kind of irks me. This isn't DC. This isn't Marvel. So saying there should be no healing because DC and Marvel doesn't have it prevalent sounds stupid to me. This is a game being developed by players for players and therefore should have player input as to how it is being made. And if enough people want and think there should be healing in the game then there should be healing in the game. Trust me, there will be plenty of people that will want healing in the game.

Well, they did a poll anyways. They didn't follow it.

Brand X
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Comicsluvr wrote:
Seriously, people. Anyone who is that concerned about how others have fun in a game really need to re-prioritize.
Puritans lived in deathly fear/dread that someone somewhere might be enjoying themselves. Here, though, it looks more like a selfish desire to spend "developer resources for me, but not for thee" at work.

Yup...that's right...trying to stick closer to the superhero genre is totally acting like Puritans. *nod* You are so right. Those saying, let's not put this in are saying putting it in means they can't/won't play the game. Those saying, why not put it in another way are totally trying to ruin things, especially considering that CoT powersets will likely not work like CoH powersets at all.

oOStaticOo's picture
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I swear to all that is holy I

I swear to all that is holy I am getting so sick of hearing "Superhero Genre"!!!!!!!!!!!! If you really want it to be more like Superhero Genre then we might as well make it a MSORPG! Let's face it, there are more solo heroes than there are teams! So let's get rid of healing, let's get rid of teaming, let's get rid of any kind of free thinking whatsoever because if it were to true to Superhero Genre, plot and outcome are already determined and the good guy always wins!

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Brand X
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oOStaticOo wrote:
oOStaticOo wrote:

I swear to all that is holy I am getting so sick of hearing "Superhero Genre"!!!!!!!!!!!! If you really want it to be more like Superhero Genre then we might as well make it a MSORPG! Let's face it, there are more solo heroes than there are teams! So let's get rid of healing, let's get rid of teaming, let's get rid of any kind of free thinking whatsoever because if it were to true to Superhero Genre, plot and outcome are already determined and the good guy always wins!

You realize before CoH went and changed it to "Hero MMO" it was "Superhero MMO" Also, comics make super teams work all the time.

And wasn't it already stated that while the villain will beable to take over the city, it would last only so long before it was taken away? :p Villains (and I did play some fact, I upset people for RPing an actual villain instead of some anti-hero in CoV, that I had to dial it back) in the game will never be fully in control.

Now, they could make it so they are, and that heroes have to constantly struggle, but if it got enough villains to do that, we'd likely see a shift in the player base going to "the winning side"

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Comicsluvr wrote:
Comicsluvr wrote:

Seriously, people. Anyone who is that concerned about how others have fun in a game really need to re-prioritize.

Abnormal Joe
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Frankly fail to see a

Frankly fail to see a connection between healing hero vs villain.
For that matter I don't see a major connection between powerset design in a game, and power depictions in a comic.
When Wolverine "dies" once or twice a fight in a comic its suspenseful. When I have to rez or respawn once or twice a fight in a game.........I have to buy a new monitor.


Repeat Offender
Tank Addict

Brand X
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Abnormal Joe wrote:
Abnormal Joe wrote:

Frankly fail to see a connection between healing hero vs villain.
For that matter I don't see a major connection between powerset design in a game, and power depictions in a comic.
When Wolverine "dies" once or twice a fight in a comic its suspenseful. When I have to rez or respawn once or twice a fight in a game.........I have to buy a new monitor.

Now see. I never understood why people got upset when they died. Do they expect to sail through the game unbeaten?

I understand the want to try it and strive for that, but not the whole "I died! This game sucks!"

Abnormal Joe
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Not at all what I mean.

Not at all what I mean.

Notice it was not "when I die" but "when I die repeatedly".

The odd death adds flavor and assures you that something was accomplished. Death as a regular outcome in a gaming session means either suck as a player 2. the game is poorly designed or are playing some one off like odd world.
I'm sorry but genre considerations must be secondary to game play considerations in what is, after all, a game.
In some sort of RP scenario I might be inclined to think differently, but we are discussing combat mechanics. One enters combat to engage in....combat. Being one with the floor, or in an ambulance is is being engaged in "not combat". In small doses it motivates you to improve your game in anything more that that it motivates you to find a different game.


Repeat Offender
Tank Addict

Brand X
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Abnormal Joe wrote:
Abnormal Joe wrote:

Not at all what I mean.
Notice it was not "when I die" but "when I die repeatedly".
The odd death adds flavor and assures you that something was accomplished. Death as a regular outcome in a gaming session means either suck as a player 2. the game is poorly designed or are playing some one off like odd world.
I'm sorry but genre considerations must be secondary to game play considerations in what is, after all, a game.
In some sort of RP scenario I might be inclined to think differently, but we are discussing combat mechanics. One enters combat to engage in....combat. Being one with the floor, or in an ambulance is is being engaged in "not combat". In small doses it motivates you to improve your game in anything more that that it motivates you to find a different game.

You said, when you die or respawn "once or twice" a fight.

Once = one.

Or do you mean you died once a in every new spawn in a mission?

If it's option 1, you suck as a player, then that just means you need to get better.

But it could be option 4, you're in over your head. A level 5 wandering into level 9 area. I used to die lots in fighting games and pretty quickly. I found it just made me want to get better. *shrug*

Fireheart's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I used to die lots in fighting games and pretty quickly. I found it just made me want to get better. *shrug*

Right, but this is not a 'fighting game', it's an MMORPG. So, rather than dying, I prefer to bring along my friend who has some buffs (or debuffs) and a Heal of some kind. Then we can both go to town on the baddies and have a blast, because Together we are tougher than them.

In fact, that's a core Problem with the whole Comic Book Genre. Almost all of the heroes in comics are solo. Those that are ostensibly 'teams' only actually team up against colossal enemies. Solo heroes have to supply all of the DPS themselves, so almost every one of them is DPS specced and not buff/debuff/support/heal specced. Because, you know, a support-hero is not as dynamic, flashy, and photogenic as a blood-mad scrapper.

Be Well!

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Falindae wrote:
Falindae wrote:

It netted me a husband, in the end

Did you slot the heal+chance of getting married proc?

If people won't pay enough to finance its creation, it is not worth creating.

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Joined: 10/24/2013 - 06:21
It's obvious by now that

It's obvious by now that nothing anybody says will ever change Brand's mind or feelings about this subject. Brand will continue to twist your words and fall back on the whole "Comic Book Genre/Game Emersion" argument over and over again.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!
