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Discuss: What We Can Do: Augments and Refinements

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Redlynne's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Folks, don't judge the Avatar

And here I'd just gotten a link to my big walk-on appearance in a Samuraiko Productions video for Issue 21 ...

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Folks, don't judge the Avatar, Lothic is a fellow.

Damn... and here I was thinking you were blue flamey heart thingy typing away at a keyboard somewhere. ;)

Wait, they aren't? Damnit!

Next thing I know you all will claim I'm not a megalomaniac with plans of world domination.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Redlynne's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Next thing I know you all will claim I'm not a megalomaniac with plans of world domination.

Oh you are, you are ... you're just planning to dominate the world you've got under construction, that's all.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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Ha, fakers. I knew none of

Ha, fakers. I knew none of you were man enough to commit.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Lothic wrote:

The last several desktops I've built for myself (spanning the last 8-10 years) have all had self-contained liquid cooling and I've never had any problems with that. Those types of cooling systems can be bought very cheaply now-a-days ($100 or less). Basically I'll probably never buy another machine intended for gaming without that kind of setup.

I, too, have built my own machines over the last decade. I originally used a thermaltake liquid cooled system. It required refresh the coolant. However, with my new machine, I'm using a closed system with a superior condensation system that stops any moister loss. The one thing I want to do is get 2 GTX 1080 SLI cards and bump my memory up to 64gig. Moreover, I'll probably upgrade my fans to high output fans (noising I know) but that will further keep my box cooler. :)

And here I am trying to make room in the budget for a 1050ti...

SavageFist's picture
Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

The duration value of our controls are much, much shorter than they were for the old game. Our Protection Sets are actually a bit stronger than the old game's when it comes to the total number of possible stacked controls applicable before being fully controlled. This is because of the nature of how the control mechanics work with non-binary effects. That part will feel very different.

Eww, I hope that doesn't mean the 2 second holds/stuns/sleeps I see in most MMOs today which I believe to be done for balance reasons mostly due to PvP. And did I read that right that we can't increase duration? I miss the 5+ second holds you could get in CoH and holds that I could reapply before the first one wore off. I gladly traded the slower gameplay(and XP gain) for safer combat. I'm probably in the minority as anytime someone references an old MMO it always contains how slow it played. Well, I appreciated that I could get multiple types of play. Fast and frenetic scrapper or blaster or the slower combat pace of the Controller.

I hope I'm really off on this as I've only read bits here and there due to the large amount of info being thrown around in this thread but my initial feeling is I won't like the new 'controllers'. Will have to wait and see how it actually plays.

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

Lothic's picture
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Cutter wrote:
Cutter wrote:
Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Lothic wrote:

The last several desktops I've built for myself (spanning the last 8-10 years) have all had self-contained liquid cooling and I've never had any problems with that. Those types of cooling systems can be bought very cheaply now-a-days ($100 or less). Basically I'll probably never buy another machine intended for gaming without that kind of setup.

I, too, have built my own machines over the last decade. I originally used a thermaltake liquid cooled system. It required refresh the coolant. However, with my new machine, I'm using a closed system with a superior condensation system that stops any moister loss. The one thing I want to do is get 2 GTX 1080 SLI cards and bump my memory up to 64gig. Moreover, I'll probably upgrade my fans to high output fans (noising I know) but that will further keep my box cooler. :)

And here I am trying to make room in the budget for a 1050ti...

I wouldn't sweat not having a hyper-bleeding edge machine to run CoT with. I'm sure ANY game would run great on a system with "2 GTX 1080 SLI cards and 64gig of RAM" and I'm not knocking Ghost-Spectre for building that kind of machine to play CoT on.

On the other hand most people are not going to have that kind of high-end machine available and as Doctor Tyche has implied the Devs are well aware of that. I really have no fears that people with almost any modern computer (few years old or less) are going to be having serious issues playing this game. Sure you might not be able to set the graphics up to the maximum settings in all areas but it's not like a 1050ti is as bad as a 1970s era pong console. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

chase's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Folks, don't judge the Avatar, Lothic is a fellow.

Damn... and here I was thinking you were blue flamey heart thingy typing away at a keyboard somewhere. ;)

Well, since we're being outed:

I am not some brown-haired bearded guy wearing glasses and his hair pulled back into a tail.

There's far too much gray to pretend any longer.

... the hairline may not be entirely representative anymore either.

Mordheim13's picture
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chase wrote:
chase wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Folks, don't judge the Avatar, Lothic is a fellow.

Damn... and here I was thinking you were blue flamey heart thingy typing away at a keyboard somewhere. ;)

Well, since we're being outed:

I am not some brown-haired bearded guy wearing glasses and his hair pulled back into a tail.

There's far too much gray in my beard to pretend any longer.

... the hairline may not be entirely representative anymore either.

But I AM a white cat, overconfidently stalking a bald eagle... AND the bald eagle eyeing said cat, trying to decide if it would make a decent snack or not. I have a split personality! LOL

Shocking Blu

Mordheim13's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Lothic is right, as a stopped clock tends to be twice a day.

Mordheim13... master of the back-handed compliment. ;)

P.S. Not sure what I said to deserve that kind of treatment here on this thread. I can take as much personal criticism as you'd like to dish out but at least keep it to the threads where that criticism might be legitimately deserved.

Mordheim13, as you are someone who quotes the Bible in his or her posts, I would have expected better from you.

Not that I agree with Lothic about most things, especially her somewhat abrasive choice of words at times. But never has it served my purposes or the good of these forums to point out anyone's failings publicly; whether they are deserved or not. ... until now, I guess. Heh.

Unless it's YOU doing it, it seems. :)

Shocking Blu

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 3 months 4 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Next thing I know you all will claim I'm not a megalomaniac with plans of world domination.

Oh you are, you are ... you're just planning to dominate the world you've got under construction, that's all.

The following two vids summarize what I like to think Devs of games are like:


I'm sure as always the reality of the matter is probably somewhere in-between. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

blacke4dawn's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 03/28/2015 - 03:02
SavageFist wrote:
SavageFist wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

The duration value of our controls are much, much shorter than they were for the old game. Our Protection Sets are actually a bit stronger than the old game's when it comes to the total number of possible stacked controls applicable before being fully controlled. This is because of the nature of how the control mechanics work with non-binary effects. That part will feel very different.

Eww, I hope that doesn't mean the 2 second holds/stuns/sleeps I see in most MMOs today which I believe to be done for balance reasons mostly due to PvP. And did I read that right that we can't increase duration? I miss the 5+ second holds you could get in CoH and holds that I could reapply before the first one wore off. I gladly traded the slower gameplay(and XP gain) for safer combat. I'm probably in the minority as anytime someone references an old MMO it always contains how slow it played. Well, I appreciated that I could get multiple types of play. Fast and frenetic scrapper or blaster or the slower combat pace of the Controller.

I hope I'm really off on this as I've only read bits here and there due to the large amount of info being thrown around in this thread but my initial feeling is I won't like the new 'controllers'. Will have to wait and see how it actually plays.

Having taken a look back at Mid's the base duration for level 1 holds for Controllers were 22.35 secs (Dominator's were 17.88 secs) with 8 sec recharge, so even if we get a quarter that in base duration for CoT it's still just over 5 secs. Though the bigger question imo is not so much the total effect duration but rather the effect duration in relation to the powers recharge time, as long as we can re-apply it before it runs out with a bit to spare then I don't see any major problems with short-ish durations.

Mordheim13's picture
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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Joined: 07/17/2014 - 13:22
Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Lothic is right, as a stopped clock tends to be twice a day.

Mordheim13... master of the back-handed compliment. ;)

P.S. Not sure what I said to deserve that kind of treatment here on this thread. I can take as much personal criticism as you'd like to dish out but at least keep it to the threads where that criticism might be legitimately deserved.

Mordheim13, as you are someone who quotes the Bible in his or her posts, I would have expected better from you.

Not that I agree with Lothic about most things, especially her somewhat abrasive choice of words at times. But never has it served my purposes or the good of these forums to point out anyone's failings publicly; whether they are deserved or not. ... until now, I guess. Heh.

Also, you make some assumptions about people who quote scripture. As it says in the Bible, "Even the Devil himself can quote Scripture." I appreciate the vote of confidence (even if it is, by implication, rescinded), but I worry for your naivety. :D

Shocking Blu

SavageFist's picture
Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:
SavageFist wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

The duration value of our controls are much, much shorter than they were for the old game. Our Protection Sets are actually a bit stronger than the old game's when it comes to the total number of possible stacked controls applicable before being fully controlled. This is because of the nature of how the control mechanics work with non-binary effects. That part will feel very different.

Eww, I hope that doesn't mean the 2 second holds/stuns/sleeps I see in most MMOs today which I believe to be done for balance reasons mostly due to PvP. And did I read that right that we can't increase duration? I miss the 5+ second holds you could get in CoH and holds that I could reapply before the first one wore off. I gladly traded the slower gameplay(and XP gain) for safer combat. I'm probably in the minority as anytime someone references an old MMO it always contains how slow it played. Well, I appreciated that I could get multiple types of play. Fast and frenetic scrapper or blaster or the slower combat pace of the Controller.

I hope I'm really off on this as I've only read bits here and there due to the large amount of info being thrown around in this thread but my initial feeling is I won't like the new 'controllers'. Will have to wait and see how it actually plays.

Having taken a look back at Mid's the base duration for level 1 holds for Controllers were 22.35 secs (Dominator's were 17.88 secs) with 8 sec recharge, so even if we get a quarter that in base duration for CoT it's still just over 5 secs. Though the bigger question imo is not so much the total effect duration but rather the effect duration in relation to the powers recharge time, as long as we can re-apply it before it runs out with a bit to spare then I don't see any major problems with short-ish durations.

When CoH closed, one the MMOs I tried was Wildstar. It had 2 sec holds. As it was, it was barely enough to allow you to move out of a telegraphed AoE and fire off one extra power...most of the time. I thought ok, I will just increase it when I level up. What I found out just killed any type of controlling character I might want to play in the game. I could increase the duration by .1 second. NOT 1 second but point one second. Great, I will just break out my stopwatch so I can check its effectiveness. I loved CoH because you took larger leaps in effectiveness, at least how I remember it. I pretty much experienced this low hold rate in other MMOs like GW2, NeverWinter and my current game, Elder Scrolls which seems only slightly better than the aforementioned.

As far as reapplying before it wears off, yes, I would like that but I also don't want to feel like I'm spamming it like some beginner power you can't wait to move past.

I don't know if this is an effort to speed up MMOs in general because of perception that combat was too slow or too grindy in the 'old' days but right now I see it as very close to the gameplay in other current MMOs. Those other games just didn't satisfy that itch for a different type of gameplay where your character dictated the pace of many encounters. Thanks for running the numbers. I was wrong in my assumptions but in comparison to what we used to have, I still don't see 5 second holds/sleeps/stuns satisfying that controller itch. I can't put the big picture together from such long ago versus only reading what will be so will have to wait and play to see if the devs were able to duplicate that feel or better yet, improve on it. As of now though my perception of events makes me feel let down.

i.e. I really liked maxing out duration and recharge time. Whether it was practical and I didn't need to go so far but could have gained more effective combat in increasing other aspects/powers did not matter.

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

chase's picture
Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
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Joined: 10/23/2013 - 11:11
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Redlynne wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Next thing I know you all will claim I'm not a megalomaniac with plans of world domination.

Oh you are, you are ... you're just planning to dominate the world you've got under construction, that's all.

The following two vids summarize what I like to think Devs of games are like:


I'm sure as always the reality of the matter is probably somewhere in-between. ;)

That sadly explains why I'm so often mistaken for a dev at conventions...

Planet10's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 03/23/2016 - 17:21
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Planet10 wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

I test the builds using a now 5 year old, $500 laptop. If you have something better than 4GB of ram, Intel integrated graphics and a dual core CPU, you should be fine.

How many other player characters (active powers & customized costumes) and NPCs are in your field of view?
Is anyone herding and dumpster diving in your field of view?
Have you tested this laptop in a Hamidon-esque setting?
How low or high do you have your graphics settings in the above scenarios?

I think he was just making the point that such a machine can at least play the game under [i]TYPICAL[/i] conditions.

We don't know anything about the testing conditions, that is why I asked the questions. Anything ranging from nothing in field of view to standard gameplay (like starting out in Atlas Park) to a costume contest to dumpster diving to Hamidon and maybe beyond.

Yes, I assume that Doctor Tyche is giving the good faith answer. We also do not know the basis of that one line answer. Is UE4 really that good that it could crush all of the above scenarios on the hardware that he listed? Cutter is trying to make a smart and informed decision about a significant purchase. Yes it is wise to make sure your floor is adequately high, but there is also a disjoint between being able to run the game and being able to play the game as you will encounter a wide variety of situations.

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 01/16/2013 - 12:47
SavageFist wrote:
SavageFist wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:
SavageFist wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

The duration value of our controls are much, much shorter than they were for the old game. Our Protection Sets are actually a bit stronger than the old game's when it comes to the total number of possible stacked controls applicable before being fully controlled. This is because of the nature of how the control mechanics work with non-binary effects. That part will feel very different.

Eww, I hope that doesn't mean the 2 second holds/stuns/sleeps I see in most MMOs today which I believe to be done for balance reasons mostly due to PvP. And did I read that right that we can't increase duration? I miss the 5+ second holds you could get in CoH and holds that I could reapply before the first one wore off. I gladly traded the slower gameplay(and XP gain) for safer combat. I'm probably in the minority as anytime someone references an old MMO it always contains how slow it played. Well, I appreciated that I could get multiple types of play. Fast and frenetic scrapper or blaster or the slower combat pace of the Controller.

I hope I'm really off on this as I've only read bits here and there due to the large amount of info being thrown around in this thread but my initial feeling is I won't like the new 'controllers'. Will have to wait and see how it actually plays.

Having taken a look back at Mid's the base duration for level 1 holds for Controllers were 22.35 secs (Dominator's were 17.88 secs) with 8 sec recharge, so even if we get a quarter that in base duration for CoT it's still just over 5 secs. Though the bigger question imo is not so much the total effect duration but rather the effect duration in relation to the powers recharge time, as long as we can re-apply it before it runs out with a bit to spare then I don't see any major problems with short-ish durations.

When CoH closed, one the MMOs I tried was Wildstar. It had 2 sec holds. As it was, it was barely enough to allow you to move out of a telegraphed AoE and fire off one extra power...most of the time. I thought ok, I will just increase it when I level up. What I found out just killed any type of controlling character I might want to play in the game. I could increase the duration by .1 second. NOT 1 second but point one second. Great, I will just break out my stopwatch so I can check its effectiveness. I loved CoH because you took larger leaps in effectiveness, at least how I remember it. I pretty much experienced this low hold rate in other MMOs like GW2, NeverWinter and my current game, Elder Scrolls which seems only slightly better than the aforementioned.

As far as reapplying before it wears off, yes, I would like that but I also don't want to feel like I'm spamming it like some beginner power you can't wait to move past.

I don't know if this is an effort to speed up MMOs in general because of perception that combat was too slow or too grindy in the 'old' days but right now I see it as very close to the gameplay in other current MMOs. Those other games just didn't satisfy that itch for a different type of gameplay where your character dictated the pace of many encounters. Thanks for running the numbers. I was wrong in my assumptions but in comparison to what we used to have, I still don't see 5 second holds/sleeps/stuns satisfying that controller itch. I can't put the big picture together from such long ago versus only reading what will be so will have to wait and play to see if the devs were able to duplicate that feel or better yet, improve on it. As of now though my perception of events makes me feel let down.

i.e. I really liked maxing out duration and recharge time. Whether it was practical and I didn't need to go so far but could have gained more effective combat in increasing other aspects/powers did not matter.

No you can’t increase durations. By socketing Control Augs you are increasing the Cotnrol value. The old game let you increase duration but not magnitude.

We are doing the opposite because of the non-binary effects designed into control effects.

I will reiterate: durations are increased based upon the rank of the target. Mooks will be controlled longer than Agents, Agents longer than Bosses.

While you won’t see the extremely long durations like the old game, you will also get more out of controls due to the non-binary effects applied.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Darth Fez
Darth Fez's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 09/20/2013 - 07:53
Short-short version, by

Short-short version, by augmenting your controls you won't control bosses for longer, but you'll affect them sooner / more quickly. Presumably that also means you won't need to apply controls as often to keep enemies controlled.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

Ghost-Spectre's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

A friend just did some bargain hunting and got a high end gaming lap top that retails for well over 1k for $413.
Not even a refurbish, but brand new. And it was with a promotion to have a 250g SSD installed instead of the standard drive.

You never know what you may find for a decent price.

Tannim, since the topic of requirements and machines were brought up, there is one important thing I'd love too know. Please tell me this game will be 64 bit based, not 32.

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 3 months 4 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Planet10 wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

I test the builds using a now 5 year old, $500 laptop. If you have something better than 4GB of ram, Intel integrated graphics and a dual core CPU, you should be fine.

How many other player characters (active powers & customized costumes) and NPCs are in your field of view?
Is anyone herding and dumpster diving in your field of view?
Have you tested this laptop in a Hamidon-esque setting?
How low or high do you have your graphics settings in the above scenarios?

I think he was just making the point that such a machine can at least play the game under [i]TYPICAL[/i] conditions.

We don't know anything about the testing conditions, that is why I asked the questions. Anything ranging from nothing in field of view to standard gameplay (like starting out in Atlas Park) to a costume contest to dumpster diving to Hamidon and maybe beyond.

Yes, I assume that Doctor Tyche is giving the good faith answer. We also do not know the basis of that one line answer. Is UE4 really that good that it could crush all of the above scenarios on the hardware that he listed? Cutter is trying to make a smart and informed decision about a significant purchase. Yes it is wise to make sure your floor is adequately high, but there is also a disjoint between being able to run the game and being able to play the game as you will encounter a wide variety of situations.

This game has many, many months worth of testing in front of it. I'm more than willing to assume it's going to be put under ALL sorts of stress testing in every way either you or I can imagine. The details are not anything worth worrying about at this point.

And I totally get that Cutter wants to make a smart and informed decision about a significant purchase. Who wouldn't? On the other hand it's not exactly an extreme mystery what would make for a good gaming machine in 2018. CoT is not going to have extremely different "system requirements" versus any other modern game's system requirements. If Cutter wants to get some concrete numbers to think about right now today all he/she needs to do is look at the current system requirements for just about any other MMO currently running today. CoT is going to be virtually identical to those other examples.

It's not that this information is not important. It's just that what makes for a good gaming rig has been pretty much the same for decades now. Sure the numbers have gotten bigger and better but the fundamentals practically never change. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Ghost-Spectre's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 02/01/2015 - 06:15
Cutter wrote:
Cutter wrote:

And here I am trying to make room in the budget for a 1050ti...

After doing a good deal of research on 1000 series, I realized (at the time) that the 1070 was the best option. I found, based on reviews, that the 1050 - 1060 cards were limited in their performance and ability to render high end graphical games. While they are less expensive, it comes at the cost of performance. My 1070 is great, don't get me wrong. My goal is the dual 1080 SLI when I'm able to afford to do so myself. Right now, what I have is great for all games. As a matter of fact, playing Paragon Chat CoH with my 1070 is massive difference than the old 660 TI I had years ago.

My point here, this is personal experience, while looking for the least expensive option, I found that the performance I received made me regret not spending the extra $100 for an 800 or even the 900 series. However, I can understand your situation monetarily. I'd recommend spending the time on Newegg or one like it, researching the 1050 through 1070 to see if going with the lesser card is really worth it in the long run. I'm set up right now that my machine is good for 2 or 3 years in its present set up, and my machine is nearly 3 years old with what I have.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 48 min ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
I heard that the cost of

I heard that the cost of graphics cards has shot up recently due to [url=,34928.html]product shortages and the cryptocurrency fiasco[/url]. Depending on where you go for your crystal ball reading, the experts state that the prices of graphics cards will drop to more reasonable levels within the next year or two. So maybe settle for the least expensive option now as a temporary solution until the higher-end options become more affordable.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I heard that the cost of graphics cards has shot up recently due to [url=,34928.html]product shortages and the cryptocurrency fiasco[/url]. Depending on where you go for your crystal ball reading, the experts state that the prices of graphics cards will drop to more reasonable levels within the next year or two. So maybe settle for the least expensive option now as a temporary solution until the higher-end options become more affordable.

Yeah sadly the connection between everyone wanting to mine cryptocurrency and a global shortage of GPUs makes complete sense. And like the article said the GPU manufactures are between a rock and a hard place because if they respond by ramping up their production to meet current demand they run the risk of being screwed if the bottom drops out of the cryptocurrency rush.

Despite all that the fundamentals about buying a GPU for gaming are going to remain even if all the numbers have shifted upward. Based on how critical GPU performance is you need to be willing to spend as much as you can especially if you know you're only getting a single GPU card.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Redlynne's picture
Last seen: 3 months 22 hours ago
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Joined: 10/28/2013 - 21:15
blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Having taken a look back at Mid's the base duration for level 1 holds for Controllers were 22.35 secs (Dominator's were 17.88 secs) with 8 sec recharge, so even if we get a quarter that in base duration for CoT it's still just over 5 secs. Though the bigger question imo is not so much the total effect duration but rather the effect duration in relation to the powers recharge time, as long as we can re-apply it before it runs out with a bit to spare then I don't see any major problems with short-ish durations.

I've seen enough people make this assumption that I feel it's important to put a marker down at this point.

In City of Heroes, it was possible to reduce recharge times, but animation times were absolute and could not be modified. The time between recasting a Power wasn't just merely the recharge time, but rather the recharge PLUS animation times combined. I've seen Tannim mention keying things to the recharge time of powers multiple times, but I've never seen him mention the inclusion of animation time into that calculation ... which would seem to be an important omission on the face of things for anyone paying attention.

Furthermore, I believe it has been mentioned off and on that in City of Titans the animation times themselves are at least somewhat fungible (within certain limits) in terms of how fast things get animated, implying that there would be a corresponding way to improve/shorten animation speeds for the activation of powers available to us. Is this still the plan? And would such an animation speed modifier be handled through Augments, Refinements or alternatively via Momentum and/or expenditure of Reserves?

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Having taken a look back at Mid's the base duration for level 1 holds for Controllers were 22.35 secs (Dominator's were 17.88 secs) with 8 sec recharge, so even if we get a quarter that in base duration for CoT it's still just over 5 secs. Though the bigger question imo is not so much the total effect duration but rather the effect duration in relation to the powers recharge time, as long as we can re-apply it before it runs out with a bit to spare then I don't see any major problems with short-ish durations.

I've seen enough people make this assumption that I feel it's important to put a marker down at this point.

In City of Heroes, it was possible to reduce recharge times, but animation times were absolute and could not be modified. The time between recasting a Power wasn't just merely the recharge time, but rather the recharge PLUS animation times combined. I've seen Tannim mention keying things to the recharge time of powers multiple times, but I've never seen him mention the inclusion of animation time into that calculation ... which would seem to be an important omission on the face of things for anyone paying attention.

Furthermore, I believe it has been mentioned off and on that in City of Titans the animation times themselves are at least somewhat fungible (within certain limits) in terms of how fast things get animated, implying that there would be a corresponding way to improve/shorten animation speeds for the activation of powers available to us. Is this still the plan? And would such an animation speed modifier be handled through Augments, Refinements or alternatively via Momentum and/or expenditure of Reserves?

This is a good point. A 20 second control with a 2 second cast time still leaves 18 seconds for other things between recasting.
So, let's say for arguments sake that we were able to augment our power so that we could keep a constant control on the target with no down time. That still leaves us with 18 seconds for other things. So that control takes 10% of our available time to maintain it.

If we reduce the durations of controls to 8 seconds and still give us the ability to keep the target under a state of constant control, and if the cast time is still 2 seconds, then we now only have 6 seconds to do other things. That control now takes 25% of our available time to maintain it.

What does this mean to you and me? It means that controllers have to be more single-minded towards controlling in order to control the same amount of targets.

[u]note:[/u] Tangent follows:
This also reminds me of one of the emergent properties we will see regarding non-binary control effects. It is similar to the emergent behavior we see from giving crafting results a chance for a random effect.

What happens when crafters know they can get a random effect is that they will craft as many items as they need to obtain the desired random effect. So rather than being a random bonus, it becomes just a random effort sink instead.
So it [i]COULD[/i] be with non-binary effects. If my controller knows it can actually [i]stop[/i] a mob, will it settle for a mere [i]slow[/i]? I guess this depends on whether the effect is pre-ordained or subject to some random die roll for its final effectiveness. If the effects are predictable based on a calculation of rank and power strength and resistance, then we would know that this control has this effect on this mob. Then the players will just do what they need to do.
However, if there is an element of chance, then any effect not what it has the potential of being will be seen as undesirable. I am not saying this is good or bad, but merely stating this will be the system behavior of a system with a human in it. Just like the crafting example, the player is trying for a certain effect. If the resultant performance is less than the desired effect, what will the player do? The other emergent property of this system will be a feedback loop into the expectations of the player. Will the undesirable nature of a suboptimal control effect cause the player frustration? disappointment? will the player feel they need to add another stack to obtain the desired effect? or will it lower the expectations of the player so less than perfect performance is acceptable? Unknown. I think a lot of that will depend on the player's personality and ability to deal with adversity.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Having taken a look back at Mid's the base duration for level 1 holds for Controllers were 22.35 secs (Dominator's were 17.88 secs) with 8 sec recharge, so even if we get a quarter that in base duration for CoT it's still just over 5 secs. Though the bigger question imo is not so much the total effect duration but rather the effect duration in relation to the powers recharge time, as long as we can re-apply it before it runs out with a bit to spare then I don't see any major problems with short-ish durations.

I've seen enough people make this assumption that I feel it's important to put a marker down at this point.

In City of Heroes, it was possible to reduce recharge times, but animation times were absolute and could not be modified. The time between recasting a Power wasn't just merely the recharge time, but rather the recharge PLUS animation times combined. I've seen Tannim mention keying things to the recharge time of powers multiple times, but I've never seen him mention the inclusion of animation time into that calculation ... which would seem to be an important omission on the face of things for anyone paying attention.

Furthermore, I believe it has been mentioned off and on that in City of Titans the animation times themselves are at least somewhat fungible (within certain limits) in terms of how fast things get animated, implying that there would be a corresponding way to improve/shorten animation speeds for the activation of powers available to us. Is this still the plan? And would such an animation speed modifier be handled through Augments, Refinements or alternatively via Momentum and/or expenditure of Reserves?

If we were to make it possible to intentionally modify a power’s cast time it would be a Refinement.

As it is, there is only one way we are handling this. Refer to Massive Melee’s description.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

This game has many, many months worth of testing in front of it. I'm more than willing to assume it's going to be put under ALL sorts of stress testing in every way either you or I can imagine. The details are not anything worth worrying about at this point.

And I totally get that Cutter wants to make a smart and informed decision about a significant purchase. Who wouldn't? On the other hand it's not exactly an extreme mystery what would make for a good gaming machine in 2018. CoT is not going to have extremely different "system requirements" versus any other modern game's system requirements. If Cutter wants to get some concrete numbers to think about right now today all he/she needs to do is look at the current system requirements for just about any other MMO currently running today. CoT is going to be virtually identical to those other examples.

It's not that this information is not important. It's just that what makes for a good gaming rig has been pretty much the same for decades now. Sure the numbers have gotten bigger and better but the fundamentals practically never change. *shrugs*

I've been out of the gaming loop so long, and focused entirely on CoT, that it didn't ever occur to look at requirements of current MMOs. Derp. Thanks for the tip; I can't believe I overlooked that resource.

(Also, he.)

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Cutter wrote:
Cutter wrote:
Lothic wrote:

If Cutter wants to get some concrete numbers to think about right now today all he/she needs to do is look at the current system requirements for just about any other MMO currently running today. CoT is going to be virtually identical to those other examples.

I've been out of the gaming loop so long, and focused entirely on CoT, that it didn't ever occur to look at requirements of current MMOs. Derp. Thanks for the tip; I can't believe I overlooked that resource.

No worries. For what it's worth I would think MWM will need to release the official system requirement info for CoT by the time they start to get serious about beta testing so I would think we'd get that well before the end of the year.

Cutter wrote:

(Also, he.)

Unlike some people around here I never make random assumptions about what kind of person is sitting behind the keyboard IRL because those assumptions are notoriously wrong and make those who do the assuming look foolish. Easier to just cover all the bases pronoun-wise.

I've read the latest "gender neutral" pronouns we're supposed to be using now are things like "Ze" and "hir" but I'll just stick with "he/she" because at least "he/she" are actual English words and not some 21st century gobbledygook.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Project_Hero's picture
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They/them works in most all

They/them works in most all situations.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Halae's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

They/them works in most all situations.

They have, in fact, been a gender neutral set of pronouns since the 1600s or so.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Cobalt Azurean
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Oh, this conversation is

Oh, this conversation is going to take a turn.


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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

They/them works in most all situations.

They have, in fact, been a gender neutral set of pronouns since the 1600s or so.

Well yes there have been [b]3rd person[/b] pronouns that have served that purpose for centuries. That's why I'm kind of laughing at this recent desire to create a new bunch of "politically correct" ones.

I suppose until everyone can settle on the "right" ones to use I'll stick with what's been acceptably working all along.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Cutter wrote:
Lothic wrote:

If Cutter wants to get some concrete numbers to think about right now today all he/she needs to do is look at the current system requirements for just about any other MMO currently running today. CoT is going to be virtually identical to those other examples.

I've been out of the gaming loop so long, and focused entirely on CoT, that it didn't ever occur to look at requirements of current MMOs. Derp. Thanks for the tip; I can't believe I overlooked that resource.

No worries. For what it's worth I would think MWM will need to release the official system requirement info for CoT by the time they start to get serious about beta testing so I would think we'd get that well before the end of the year.

Cutter wrote:

(Also, he.)

Unlike some people around here I never make random assumptions about what kind of person is sitting behind the keyboard IRL because those assumptions are notoriously wrong and make those who do the assuming look foolish. Easier to just cover all the bases pronoun-wise.

I've read the latest "gender neutral" pronouns we're supposed to be using now are things like "Ze" and "hir" but I'll just stick with "he/she" because at least "he/she" are actual English words and not some 21st century gobbledygook.

Pffft. I call people by what I decide their avatar is, just like I always called those I knew mostly by a male avatar, him and female avatar her. Those I met in real life, I still refer to them by their avatar when speaking about them online.

If people can't accept it, oh well. :p

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Not wanting to use a word

Not wanting to use a word because it's new doesn't make much sense. All words have to start somewhere. And their definitions can change over time.

When it comes to talking online with people I'll use whatever they prefer. If no preference is given I'll just not use one using the name or they/them. So far it hasn't been difficult.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mordheim13's picture
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I like "Hey you!" LOL

I like "Hey you!" LOL

Shocking Blu

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

I like "Hey you!" LOL

Noted for future reference.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Lothic's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Not wanting to use a word because it's new doesn't make much sense. All words have to start somewhere. And their definitions can change over time.

It's estimated that Shakespeare arbitrarily created something like a thousand words that we still use today so I have no real problem with people pulling new words out of thin air in general. I'm just poking a bit of fun at the "loaded motivations" behind these particular politically-based pronouns.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Not wanting to use a word because it's new doesn't make much sense. All words have to start somewhere. And their definitions can change over time.

It's estimated that Shakespeare arbitrarily created something like a thousand words that we still use today so I have no real problem with people pulling new words out of thin air in general. I'm just poking a bit of fun at the "loaded motivations" behind these particular politically-based pronouns.

Just so. Free Speech has never been less free, and skins have never been thinner, on all sides.
It's mildly alarming how much I find myself agreeing with Lothic lately. :D

Shocking Blu

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

It's mildly alarming how much I find myself agreeing with Lothic lately. :D

You know I hear priests still do exorcisms for that kind of thing. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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Really? What governments are

Really? What governments are cracking down on people who say things? Cause free speech only applies to governmental restrictions. It's not "I can say whatever I want and not be criticized." Nor is it "I can say what I want and everyone has to listen."

And you say folks have thinner skins, I say they're exercising their right to free speech.

Toe-mato, tah-mato.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Halae's picture
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We've drifted rather far from

We've drifted rather far from the topic at this point.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Project_Hero's picture
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It happens.

It happens.

On topic I wonder if we'll get some refinements that dramatically change how powers behave.

Edit: or do I mean enhancements?

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Project_Hero wrote:
Halae wrote:

We've drifted rather far from the topic at this point.

This is what happens when we don't get new updates from the Devs for a while. ;)

Project_Hero wrote:

Really? What governments are cracking down on people who say things? Cause free speech only applies to governmental restrictions. It's not "I can say whatever I want and not be criticized." Nor is it "I can say what I want and everyone has to listen."

And you say folks have thinner skins, I say they're exercising their right to free speech.

Toe-mato, tah-mato.

If you wake up tomorrow and decide you want your "gender identity" (whatever that is) to be called "Twiddlebopp" you have the free speech right to tell me that and even demand that I refer to you as a Twiddlebopp from now on. Doesn't mean I'm going to do that just because you say so...

All I'm saying here is if you manage to get almost literally every other person on the planet to call you a Twiddlebopp first then I'll happily concede and call you that too. I'm openly telling you (with my right of free speech) that I won't acquiesce to your individual desires on this matter until everyone else does first. Does that make me some kind of backward-thinking stick-in-the-mud? Maybe. But at least I'm telling you up front what it'll take for me to accept your literal "word" on the matter to change the ENTIRE LANGUAGE just for you. Doesn't mean I hate you or think you're any less of a person. Just means at worse I have a very high threshold against arbitrary changes that potentially affect all of humanity. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Project_Hero's picture
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Are you the same way if you

Are you the same way if you knew someone called David and went by David decides they want to be called Dave instead? Do you decide not to do it until everyone else does?

I mean this whole thing isn't much different than someone wishing to be called by a nickname, or their middle, or last names.

I mean, what do you have to lose by conceding to their wishes on the subject? A little mental strain of having to remember? I could understand if it was a different thing every week or something. Or if they wanted you to call them something embarassing like sweetie-pie.

But my reaction to such a thing would be "Hey, sure. Whatever makes you more comfortable."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Lothic's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Are you the same way if you knew someone called David and went by David decides they want to be called Dave instead? Do you decide not to do it until everyone else does?

I mean this whole thing isn't much different than someone wishing to be called by a nickname, or their middle, or last names.

I mean, what do you have to lose by conceding to their wishes on the subject? A little mental strain of having to remember? I could understand if it was a different thing every week or something. Or if they wanted you to call them something embarassing like sweetie-pie.

But my reaction to such a thing would be "Hey, sure. Whatever makes you more comfortable."

I appreciate your example of "David to Dave" here and that might make sense to the average person.

Unfortunately you chose to try it out on a person (me) who happens to have a cousin IRL who is an otherwise nice guy but has the very annoying habit (to me at least) of deciding he wants to be called by a different version of his name every few years. I kid you not over the last say 40 years he's gone from Billy, to Bill, to William, to Will, to Miles (his middle name) and maybe a few others I'm not even aware of. The man simply cannot pick one and stick with it. Change it once or twice in a lifetime? Sure why not. But like eight or nine times? Really?

So does this make me a tiny bit biased about people coming up with arbitrary new names to describe themselves? Perhaps. Still annoys the heck out of me. ;)

P.S. Ironically my cousin's sister (which of course makes her my cousin too) has also changed her name a few times over the years (from Tina, to Cristy to Christina). Must be something in their water... ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Are you the same way if you knew someone called David and went by David decides they want to be called Dave instead? Do you decide not to do it until everyone else does?

I mean this whole thing isn't much different than someone wishing to be called by a nickname, or their middle, or last names.

I mean, what do you have to lose by conceding to their wishes on the subject? A little mental strain of having to remember? I could understand if it was a different thing every week or something. Or if they wanted you to call them something embarassing like sweetie-pie.

But my reaction to such a thing would be "Hey, sure. Whatever makes you more comfortable."

I appreciate your example of "David to Dave" here and that might make sense to the average person.

Unfortunately you chose to try it out on a person (me) who happens to have a cousin IRL who is an otherwise nice guy but has the very annoying habit (to me at least) of deciding he wants to be called by a different version of his name every few years. I kid you not over the last say 40 years he's gone from Billy, to Bill, to William, to Will, to Miles (his middle name) and maybe a few others I'm not even aware of. The man simply cannot pick one and stick with it. Change it once or twice in a lifetime? Sure why not. But like eight or nine times? Really?

So does this make me a tiny bit biased about people coming up with arbitrary new names to describe themselves? Perhaps. Still annoys the heck out of me. ;)

P.S. Ironically my cousin's sister (which of course makes her my cousin too) has also changed her name a few times over the years (from Tina, to Cristy to Christina). Must be something in their water... ;)

That is hilarious!
As to P Hero's "point", there's a bit of a difference between an individual asking to be called by a version of their name among associates, and a group of people trying to hijack the language for their own aggrandizement. Especially when it's a minority of a subset of humanity, and they are trying to coerce everyone else, and trying to say they are doing it for the rest of their subset-- of whom most of us couldn't care less.
Also, Lothic is right again, it seems: Now would be a GREAT time for the Devs to give us another update, mechanical or Lore (I personally love the stories involved in the world of the game), to draw our attention away from pointless, petty bickering over, literally, Empty Words. :)

Shocking Blu

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alright so um... this thread

alright so um... this thread is going to explode.... like nuclear apocalypse explode so.... I'm heading out...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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How is someone asking you to

How is someone asking you to use their nickname or preferred form of name really any different to them asking you to refer to them by preferred pronouns?

Seriously. I've heard of people wanting to be called their screen name IRL. Like the name they use on the internet.

A name isn't something a person chooses (though they can choose to get it legally changed, but I don't know the amount of paper work that requires or the cost) it's assigned to them. Same as pronouns. People are just assigned them, if someone wants to use different ones (even odd ones) it makes zero difference and very little effort to accommodate them.

Takes minor effort on your part and can mean the world to the other person.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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There is a difference, but it

There is a difference, but it's slight. That said, you get defenders of such things, when said like that, but the minute you start saying you prefer to be referred to as "My Lord and Savior" you get looks, shaked heads and they just don't do it. Even though it takes minor effort for them to refer to you as such.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

There is a difference, but it's slight. That said, you get defenders of such things, when said like that, but the minute you start saying you prefer to be referred to as "My Lord and Savior" you get looks, shaked heads and they just don't do it. Even though it takes minor effort for them to refer to you as such.

It can be pretty easy to determine who is having a go at you.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Scott Jackson
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After learning about some of

After learning about some of the design rules for controls, I am wondering if we are also in for some surprises with buffs and debuffs, at least compared to how those worked in CoH.

Are buff/debuff durations unenhanceable through augments?

Are debuff durations multiplied by a factor determined by the target's rank, so that they last longer on mooks than bosses?

Will buffs/debuffs "stack" when applied by the same source (player character, for this example) using the same power immediately off cooldown? [Always / Never / Sometimes]?
Example: UltraDog drops a smoke bomb with Awareness "Debuff Value" -10, then drops another in the same place before the first one's duration expires - while both effects are present in the game world, is the awareness of enemies in the area debuffed -10, -20, or something in between?

I understand that most powers in most games (including CoH) are configured to allow only one stack per source player - so if this is true for CoT, can you tell us about any planned exceptions to that rule? That is, are there certain powers or situations where one player can stack more buff/debuff stacks than one? In CoH, Fulcrum Shift was an example of this kind of exception in two ways...a single use of the power could make multiple damage buff stacks if multiple enemies were hit by it; and if fulcrum shift was reused before its buffs expired, additional stacks could be obtained.

How will buffs/debuffs stack on a target when applied by different source characters using the same power? [only one stack has an effect / all stacks have full additive effect until a cap is reached / first stack has full effect but other stacks may have diminishing returns]
Example: UltraDog and MegaCat both drop a smoke bomb in the same place - is the enemies' awareness debuffed -10, -20, or something in between?

Brand X
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In CoH, wasn't it a matter of

In CoH, wasn't it a matter of "If you drop a smoke bomb, another one from you won't stack, but another one from another PC will"?

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
I know eventually they had

I know eventually they had stackable control effects, allowing you to Mez bosses. In CoX that is.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Scott Jackson wrote:
Scott Jackson wrote:

After learning about some of the design rules for controls, I am wondering if we are also in for some surprises with buffs and debuffs, at least compared to how those worked in CoH.

Are buff/debuff durations unenhanceable through augments?

Are debuff durations multiplied by a factor determined by the target's rank, so that they last longer on mooks than bosses?

Will buffs/debuffs "stack" when applied by the same source (player character, for this example) using the same power immediately off cooldown? [Always / Never / Sometimes]?
Example: UltraDog drops a smoke bomb with Awareness "Debuff Value" -10, then drops another in the same place before the first one's duration expires - while both effects are present in the game world, is the awareness of enemies in the area debuffed -10, -20, or something in between?

I understand that most powers in most games (including CoH) are configured to allow only one stack per source player - so if this is true for CoT, can you tell us about any planned exceptions to that rule? That is, are there certain powers or situations where one player can stack more buff/debuff stacks than one? In CoH, Fulcrum Shift was an example of this kind of exception in two ways...a single use of the power could make multiple damage buff stacks if multiple enemies were hit by it; and if fulcrum shift was reused before its buffs expired, additional stacks could be obtained.

How will buffs/debuffs stack on a target when applied by different source characters using the same power? [only one stack has an effect / all stacks have full additive effect until a cap is reached / first stack has full effect but other stacks may have diminishing returns]
Example: UltraDog and MegaCat both drop a smoke bomb in the same place - is the enemies' awareness debuffed -10, -20, or something in between?

Buff and Debuff durations are fixed. They do not change based on target rank.
Some buffs and debuffs may not stack from the same source depending on balance issues.

Those that do stack do so by applying the Output and are not directly additive by the in-game value.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Not wanting to use a word because it's new doesn't make much sense. All words have to start somewhere. And their definitions can change over time.

It's estimated that Shakespeare arbitrarily created something like a thousand words that we still use today so I have no real problem with people pulling new words out of thin air in general. I'm just poking a bit of fun at the "loaded motivations" behind these particular politically-based pronouns.

Just so. Free Speech has never been less free, and skins have never been thinner, on all sides.
It's mildly alarming how much I find myself agreeing with Lothic lately. :D


Honestly I agree with a great deal Lothic says however, as long winded as I am I'm afraid the arthritis simply won't allow me to keep up with him in a digital format... LOL LMAO

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Scott Jackson
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 10/20/2013 - 20:13
Interesting...and thanks,

Interesting...and thanks, Tannim.

Last questions on debuffs (until beta!) from me:
We've heard about how we can resist controls...but how can we resist debuffs?

Let's say I'm surrounded by 10 NPCs that each have a power that can debuff my Evasion by 10% (similar to the Cimerorans in CoH, who debuffed evasion "defense").
Let's also assume I have 90% evasion, but no resistance to evasion debuffs.

Once one of them hits me, my evasion drops to 80% and the others all have an easier time to apply their own debuff...and very soon I might have zero or negative evasion. This was often called a "cascade defense failure" in CoH.

Which of the following solutions to an Evasion debuff cascade can we use in CoT?

Solution A: The "Evasion" stat itself resist "Evasion Debuffs", so that a character with high Evasion also has strong resistance to Evasion Debuffs. Evasion can be Augmented.
-CoH's "Resistance" stat also resisted debuffs to itself, for example, and could be Enhanced.

Solution B: Some other stat gives resistance to evasion debuffs, and can be found in protection powersets.
-CoH had a separate stat called "defense debuff resistance" (DDR) to help stop evasion debuff cascades.

Solution C: Cascade Panic! Try to run away or control them or defeat them before the cascade failure gets out of control.

Augment-related question...obviously we can augment Evasion itself, so if Solution A is your plan, great. If solution B is your plan, can we augment those separate debuff-resisting stats?

Tannim222's picture
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Scott Jackson wrote:
Scott Jackson wrote:

Interesting...and thanks, Tannim.

Last questions on debuffs (until beta!) from me:
We've heard about how we can resist controls...but how can we resist debuffs?

Let's say I'm surrounded by 10 NPCs that each have a power that can debuff my Evasion by 10% (similar to the Cimerorans in CoH, who debuffed evasion "defense").
Let's also assume I have 90% evasion, but no resistance to evasion debuffs.

Once one of them hits me, my evasion drops to 80% and the others all have an easier time to apply their own debuff...and very soon I might have zero or negative evasion. This was often called a "cascade defense failure" in CoH.

Which of the following solutions to an Evasion debuff cascade can we use in CoT?

Solution A: The "Evasion" stat itself resist "Evasion Debuffs", so that a character with high Evasion also has strong resistance to Evasion Debuffs. Evasion can be Augmented.
-CoH's "Resistance" stat also resisted debuffs to itself, for example, and could be Enhanced.

Solution B: Some other stat gives resistance to evasion debuffs, and can be found in protection powersets.
-CoH had a separate stat called "defense debuff resistance" (DDR) to help stop evasion debuff cascades.

Solution C: Cascade Panic! Try to run away or control them or defeat them before the cascade failure gets out of control.

Augment-related question...obviously we can augment Evasion itself, so if Solution A is your plan, great. If solution B is your plan, can we augment those separate debuff-resisting stats?

I designed many Evasion based powers with Defense to Evasion Debuffs which will reduce the Evasion Debuffs by a percentage vs the style of the debuff attack. So no cascade failure issues when dealing with Debuffs.
You can also pick up Tertiary powers with Resistance vs type which can reduce a debuff by the damage type it uses. Yes, everything in the game carries a "type", and Resistance can reduce any attack effect by type.

You can Augment Evasion, use a Protection Augment. Once placed in the power, it will improve the values of all the Protection effects of the power.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Scott Jackson
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Excellent, glad to hear that

Excellent, glad to hear that we'll have a few options to prevent cascades, and that the augments work in a consistent way on the related effects (not just the main feature) of a power.

Ghost-Spectre's picture
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Oh, this conversation is going to take a turn.


Exactly. Please, do not apply R/L lunacy about the plethora of pronouns that the latest generation self-identify with into this game. Inevitably it will lead to some really bad things where people will demand and not relent until they get what they want through whatever means necessary to achieve their demand/goal. I play these games to escape the reality of the current environment of what society transformed itself from when I was 17 to what it is now. Games of this nature are neutral grounds where politics, religion, political correctness, gender identity, preferences, and social issues remained outside and never brought in. I do hope that TPTB will not acquiesce to demands of this nature requiring each of us to use these things. I for one will not compromise myself for something that is contrary to what I believe, and would rather not be part of it. However, if someone want to RP this in their own nit group, that is their prerogative, have at it. Just don't attempt or force others to participate in these activities.

Interdictor's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I heard that the cost of graphics cards has shot up recently due to [url=,34928.html]product shortages and the cryptocurrency fiasco[/url]. Depending on where you go for your crystal ball reading, the experts state that the prices of graphics cards will drop to more reasonable levels within the next year or two. So maybe settle for the least expensive option now as a temporary solution until the higher-end options become more affordable.

Last time I checked RAM is also at a high point price-wise due to worldwide shortages (seeing as how almost everything uses RAM nowadays). For the first time in a while, pre-builds are actually a viable means to get into PC gaming due to the fact that the sellers often include the components at cost to push the full system combo (though you have to be careful because they can sometimes skimp in other areas, like the PSUs and cooling).

As for GPUs, I've heard the prices for [I]some[I] cards are starting to come down - if you are lucky you might be able to snag one for a decent price. One option is to get a decent mid-range card now, and then either replace it with a high-end card later on, or SLI/Crossfire it.

Personally, I'm hoping the prices regain some semblance of sanity towards the end of this year when I'm planning on getting a new PC. If not I may have to scale back some specs - it will still be a good gaming rig, but it may not be as future-proof as I would like.

Grimfox's picture
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Please take pronoun and GPU

Please take pronoun and GPU discussions to other threads I have thoughts on these issues but I'm not going to share them here.

I do appreciate the Cascade defense failure question. That was a very important thing to ask and I'm glad someone thought of it. It always amazed me that players could wind their characters so tight that they could find issues like these and have cool sounding names for them. And that other people could wind their characters just as tight to verify the results. My scrappers were tough but never self imploding tough. The scrapper forums featured a lot of in depth discussions about how the game worked. Scrappers had it all and were probably the most tightly scrutinized AT in COH(MO). The CDF question reminded me of a discussion that I was never savvy enough to fully comprehend, perhaps someone can fill in the gaps. There was a particular debate that was going on towards the end about how resistance based mitigation was better than defense based mitigation power sets. I know it's very hard to ask this question of the devs based on some half remembered details, but do you recall the debate? and if so what is your balance tactic. Or is it a moot point because there aren't defense or resistance based mitigation sets?

Basically the idea was that 80% resistance did not equal 80% defense. And I think this had to do with the packetized nature of the incoming damage. 100 average damage applied to both sets would yield 20 damage to each. 80% being mitigated away. But because it was coming in discrete packets meant that the defense based set would, in a given encounter, take more damage than the resistance based mitigation. It's late and the discussion was nearly 6 years ago so forgive me my addled brain.

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Hi guys! I now identify as a

Hi guys! I now identify as a Twiddlebopp. Please respect that.


[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]

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Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Oh, this conversation is going to take a turn.


Exactly. Please, do not apply R/L lunacy about the plethora of pronouns that the latest generation self-identify with into this game. Inevitably it will lead to some really bad things where people will demand and not relent until they get what they want through whatever means necessary to achieve their demand/goal. I play these games to escape the reality of the current environment of what society transformed itself from when I was 17 to what it is now. Games of this nature are neutral grounds where politics, religion, political correctness, gender identity, preferences, and social issues remained outside and never brought in. I do hope that TPTB will not acquiesce to demands of this nature requiring each of us to use these things. I for one will not compromise myself for something that is contrary to what I believe, and would rather not be part of it. However, if someone want to RP this in their own nit group, that is their prerogative, have at it. Just don't attempt or force others to participate in these activities.


"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

notears's picture
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Scott Jackson wrote:
Scott Jackson wrote:

Interesting...and thanks, Tannim.

Last questions on debuffs (until beta!) from me:
We've heard about how we can resist controls...but how can we resist debuffs?

Let's say I'm surrounded by 10 NPCs that each have a power that can debuff my Evasion by 10% (similar to the Cimerorans in CoH, who debuffed evasion "defense").
Let's also assume I have 90% evasion, but no resistance to evasion debuffs.

Once one of them hits me, my evasion drops to 80% and the others all have an easier time to apply their own debuff...and very soon I might have zero or negative evasion. This was often called a "cascade defense failure" in CoH.

Which of the following solutions to an Evasion debuff cascade can we use in CoT?

Solution A: The "Evasion" stat itself resist "Evasion Debuffs", so that a character with high Evasion also has strong resistance to Evasion Debuffs. Evasion can be Augmented.
-CoH's "Resistance" stat also resisted debuffs to itself, for example, and could be Enhanced.

Solution B: Some other stat gives resistance to evasion debuffs, and can be found in protection powersets.
-CoH had a separate stat called "defense debuff resistance" (DDR) to help stop evasion debuff cascades.

Solution C: Cascade Panic! Try to run away or control them or defeat them before the cascade failure gets out of control.

Augment-related question...obviously we can augment Evasion itself, so if Solution A is your plan, great. If solution B is your plan, can we augment those separate debuff-resisting stats?

I think it's more that sets that give a lot of evasion also give a lot of protection from evasion buffs. Like take for instance the Super Agility, in here notice how the two powers given mention defense against evasion debuffs, while a set like invulnerability that focuses more on resisting effects rather than dodging them doesn't.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Mordheim13's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Oh, this conversation is going to take a turn.


Exactly. Please, do not apply R/L lunacy about the plethora of pronouns that the latest generation self-identify with into this game. Inevitably it will lead to some really bad things where people will demand and not relent until they get what they want through whatever means necessary to achieve their demand/goal. I play these games to escape the reality of the current environment of what society transformed itself from when I was 17 to what it is now. Games of this nature are neutral grounds where politics, religion, political correctness, gender identity, preferences, and social issues remained outside and never brought in. I do hope that TPTB will not acquiesce to demands of this nature requiring each of us to use these things. I for one will not compromise myself for something that is contrary to what I believe, and would rather not be part of it. However, if someone want to RP this in their own nit group, that is their prerogative, have at it. Just don't attempt or force others to participate in these activities.


If you want respect, you must give respect. Tolerance is NOT complete and utter approval of everything you believe. It is just that: toleration. And GS is showing a lot more of it than P Hero is by mocking them.
The Cascade Defense Failure subject is an interesting one. Is it possible to entirely overwhelm a defense power? A comic book example of what an overhwelmed agility might look like: Spider-Man was infiltrating a cult's commune, and got spotted and attacked by a barracks full of them. He avoided them by clinging to the ceiling, but then was distracted and didn't notice some of them climbing on each other's shoulders to reach him. By the time he did, they had grabbed him and managed, by dint of sheer numbers and weight, to pull him off the ceiling and to the floor, where they all piled on (forcing him to use his strength to get free). A cultist would never be able to lay a finger on Spidey normally, but the combination of a mob of them and close quarters (inside the building, low ceilings) worked as a DeBuff, if you will, and Presto! One agility deprived Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, buried under a pile of cultists.

Shocking Blu

Ghost-Spectre's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

If you want respect, you must give respect. Tolerance is NOT complete and utter approval of everything you believe. It is just that: toleration.

I'll say this, actually I'll quote it: “Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” ― Aristotle

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

If you want respect, you must give respect. Tolerance is NOT complete and utter approval of everything you believe. It is just that: toleration.

I'll say this, actually I'll quote it: “Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” ― Aristotle

Proven fact by multiple cultures, historically...

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Scott Jackson
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

The CDF question reminded me of a discussion that I was never savvy enough to fully comprehend, perhaps someone can fill in the gaps. There was a particular debate that was going on towards the end about how resistance based mitigation was better than defense based mitigation power sets. I know it's very hard to ask this question of the devs based on some half remembered details, but do you recall the debate? and if so what is your balance tactic. Or is it a moot point because there aren't defense or resistance based mitigation sets?

Basically the idea was that 80% resistance did not equal 80% defense. And I think this had to do with the packetized nature of the incoming damage. 100 average damage applied to both sets would yield 20 damage to each. 80% being mitigated away. But because it was coming in discrete packets meant that the defense based set would, in a given encounter, take more damage than the resistance based mitigation. It's late and the discussion was nearly 6 years ago so forgive me my addled brain.

While I can't answer the balance tactic question, I can share some CoH history and general game design thoughts on Evasion versus Resistance. Below, I'll substitute "Evasion" for CoH's "Defense" so that we can apply it directly to CoT discussions, since CoT offers both Evasion and Defense, but CoT's Defense doesn't match the mechanics of CoH's. Sorry about the length of the debate summary, but in comparison to the CoH forum discussion, I'll call it the tl;dr version. Heh.

Generally, across all MMOs:
- Evasion has one main advantage; all negative effects (controls and debuffs) are eliminated if it works. This includes debuffs to itself, but in most games this benefit is difficult to notice until the evasion stat is quite high.
- Resistance has one main advantage; it is predictable.

Specific to each MMO, the balance of which is better will shift, due to the following:
- One of the two may be much more difficult to obtain via powers or gear or teaming.
- Negative effects may be designed anywhere in the spectrum from insignificant (in duration or magnitude) - to critically important. PvP games, especially, seem to end up on one end or the other.
- One of two may have a lower cap or more severe diminishing returns.
- The game may offer more powerful debuffs against one of the two.
- Incoming damage may be anywhere on the spectrum from naturally light and predictable to severe (one-hit without resistance, endgame is raid-intensive) and unpredictable (laggy servers, minimal warnings).
- The ability to recover lost health can vary greatly, between classes (archetypes), solo versus teamed, and as character level increases. When lost health is easy to recover mid-fight, predictability is less important.
- The consequences of defeat may be more or less severe. Severe penalties make predictability more valuable.

Specifically in CoH:
- Resistance and Evasion were approximately equal at reducing average incoming damage at the cap, for any given archetype.
- Both were approximately equally easy to obtain through powers, enhanceable, and neither suffered noticeably more than the other when diminishing returns were applied to those enhancements.
- Evasion was a slightly more common buff (when teaming).
- Evasion was much more easily obtained in gear (once IO set bonuses were added to the game).
- Hard-hitting raid bosses became a threat in high level task/strike forces and even more of a threat in raid content (making Evasion less desired as several unpredictable hard hits are more difficult to heal than a stream of predictable damage, especially when raid-induced lag may occur).
- Enemies with elevated accuracy and/or to-hit became more common in raid content (making Evasion less effective, but resistance unchanged)
- CoH contained fairly severe debuffs (making Evasion dramatically better on this point, since the debuffs could be avoided).
- CoH contained fairly severe controls (making Evasion dramatically better on this point). However...
- CoH "tankish archetypes" had a separate way to nullify incoming controls in nearly all encounters (eliminating the benefits of Evasion for them).
- CoH Resistance resisted Resistance Debuffs (making Resistance better than it would otherwise be, in most games). However...
- CoH rarely had NPCs with resistance debuffs, and when encountered, were not numerous in a given spawn group (nullifying a good portion of the advantage above, except in PvP).
- CoH evasion debuffs were common in both PvE and PvP, moderate to high in severity, and tended to be used by many enemies in a spawn group (making CDF a threat, and making Evasion less valuable on this point).
- CoH Evasion did not directly resist Evasion Debuffs very well, and a second stat (Defense Debuff Resistance) was used to bolster it...but DDR was not always paired with Evasion in powersets, often could not be enhanced, and could not be obtained with IO set bonuses, unlike Resistance (Evasion again suffers on this point, and the problem is only mitigated well by the significant DDR found in the Super Reflexes powerset).
- CoH contained one-shot code, which benefits Evasion slightly more than Resistance (a bit complicated to explain).

End result in CoH:
- Resistance was treated as more valuable for tankish types since they would be expected to lead in raid content where predictability was most valuable and where external sources of evasion buffs were easily obtained, but most tanks would still try to get high evasion through IO sets simply because it was relatively much easier to obtain...and because many tankish players stacked both types of protection for extra toughness, with or without a team.
- Evasion was treated as more valuable for the traditionally less-protected archetypes, because it was easiest to obtain in the quantity needed to make a noticeable difference in survivability for them, and functioned as a way to get at least some protection from controls and debuffs that would otherwise lead to rapid defeat. It also expanded their gameplay freedom by further diminishing the already-low "need" for any particular team composition or tactic (all-blaster teams, etc) in all but the most difficult raid content.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
rookslide wrote:
rookslide wrote:
Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

If you want respect, you must give respect. Tolerance is NOT complete and utter approval of everything you believe. It is just that: toleration.

I'll say this, actually I'll quote it: “Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” ― Aristotle

Proven fact by multiple cultures, historically...

Which cultures exactly? Cause uh... People are more tolerant now than ever before. In general, that is.

Edit: and after a quick google search Aristotle never said that. Evangelical minister D James Kennedy said that Aristotle said that. And has since been used primarily by Neo-Nazis.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
Joined: 09/25/2013 - 10:26
Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
rookslide wrote:
Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

If you want respect, you must give respect. Tolerance is NOT complete and utter approval of everything you believe. It is just that: toleration.

I'll say this, actually I'll quote it: “Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” ― Aristotle

Proven fact by multiple cultures, historically...

Which cultures exactly? Cause uh... People are more tolerant now than ever before. In general, that is.

Edit: and after a quick google search Aristotle never said that. Evangelical minister D James Kennedy said that Aristotle said that. And has since been used primarily by Neo-Nazis.

You are of course correct phero. I am afraid this post was made in a very late (for me) and drunken state. I believe I was arguing with a couple of folks last night not only here but elsewhere and well here I am explaining myself. My only guess is that my forum arguments got somewhat crossed... I blame Glen Livet... again my apologies.

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Mordheim13's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
rookslide wrote:
Ghost-Spectre wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

If you want respect, you must give respect. Tolerance is NOT complete and utter approval of everything you believe. It is just that: toleration.

I'll say this, actually I'll quote it: “Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” ― Aristotle

Proven fact by multiple cultures, historically...

Which cultures exactly? Cause uh... People are more tolerant now than ever before. In general, that is.

Edit: and after a quick google search Aristotle never said that. Evangelical minister D James Kennedy said that Aristotle said that. And has since been used primarily by Neo-Nazis.

How do you know that Aristotle never said that? Just because a minister said he did?
Which cultures? Let's take one of the greatest examples: Rome. The more they drifted from their roots, and ceded more and more of their defense to foreign mercenaries, while they pursued hedonism, the more swiftly the rot grew to consume their once-great empire. Just because you disagree, does not make the other person wrong. :)

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Firstly it's not in any of

Firstly it's not in any of the books on Aristotle, so if he said it it was never recorded, which then would make one wonder how some minister knew he said it. Word of mouth for hundreds of years? God told him Aristotle said it?

Ah yes, Rome showed great tolerance with it's over reliance of slave labor, oppressive taxation, and political corruption.

Truely it was tolerance that killed the Romans and not opposing empires and barbarian tribes. If only they'd been more biggoted they could have survived.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Joined: 10/11/2013 - 07:44
Wow, I'm really sorry my

Wow, I'm really sorry my little addendum to my video card / system spec comment - intended strictly as a point of clarification - generated such a massive thread derailment.


Mordheim13's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Firstly it's not in any of the books on Aristotle, so if he said it it was never recorded, which then would make one wonder how some minister knew he said it. Word of mouth for hundreds of years? God told him Aristotle said it?

Ah yes, Rome showed great tolerance with it's over reliance of slave labor, oppressive taxation, and political corruption.

Truely it was tolerance that killed the Romans and not opposing empires and barbarian tribes. If only they'd been more biggoted they could have survived.

Historically speaking, you're right. it truly was their inclusiveness and sloth that brought about their decay and fall. As world empires go, they were pretty tolerant, matched only by the Persians, in that they didn't care what gods their conquered worshiped, and they left local rulers in place when and where they could (efficiency at its finest). All they asked, really, was that you paid your taxes and didn't make trouble. Of course, the former tended to get pretty oppressive under the Emperors, and the latter applied no matter what provocation occurred, so, in the end, they went the way of all empires-- most of which employed slave labor, taxation, and political corruption. In Rome's case, the political corruption and the sloth were one, and one of the most telling symptoms of it was that no one wanted to risk their lives in the military-- the state could take care of them. And so it did, until barbarian tribes who had not been softened by prosperity overthrew them and drowned them in blood and fire. A lesson to be learned... for those not too far gone in their own corruption and prosperity to perceive it. :)

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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Mostly for their military I

Mostly for their military I read that they couldn't man it themselves. They hadn't the numbers after a number of failed military campaign. Military takes time to build back up, and Rome fought a lot.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mordheim13's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Mostly for their military I read that they couldn't man it themselves. They hadn't the numbers after a number of failed military campaign. Military takes time to build back up, and Rome fought a lot.

That they did. Silly boys, thinking that's the only way to do things. Of course, Lucretia Borgia hadn't come along yet to show them the ways of poison... ;P Seriously, though, the reason they "couldn't" man it themselves was that military service lost status, in favor of indolence, so they opened military status to non-citizens-- which caused the status to sink lower, in a self-feeding cycle. Once a nation's military ceases to be regarded, the nation itself is doomed. It might limp along for awhile (a few centuries, in Rome's case), but its death warrant is sealed, by its own hand.
Hmm... I wonder if Roman style costume pieces will be available, maybe as special awards, such as CoH did with Cimmerora? Also wonder if bows will be available as a power set. How can it be a comic book superteam without a Hawkeye/Green Arrow style member or two? :)

Shocking Blu

Atama's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Also wonder if bows will be available as a power set. How can it be a comic book superteam without a Hawkeye/Green Arrow style member or two? :)

If nothing else I’m sure you could have Ranger powers coming out of a bow as the prop, from a bow-shooting animation, firing arrow projectiles. Lethality would thematically go really well with an archer character.

Mordheim13's picture
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Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Also wonder if bows will be available as a power set. How can it be a comic book superteam without a Hawkeye/Green Arrow style member or two? :)

If nothing else I’m sure you could have Ranger powers coming out of a bow as the prop, from a bow-shooting animation, firing arrow projectiles. Lethality would thematically go really well with an archer character.

What about trick arrows? "Sharp-pointy-atrows-that-make-a-hole-in-you" work for a Fantasy Ranger, but a superhero archer needs explosive arrows, net arrows, electric arrows, gas/smoke arrows, and, of course, the ever-popular boxing glove arrow! :D

Shocking Blu

Atama's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:
Atama wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Also wonder if bows will be available as a power set. How can it be a comic book superteam without a Hawkeye/Green Arrow style member or two? :)

If nothing else I’m sure you could have Ranger powers coming out of a bow as the prop, from a bow-shooting animation, firing arrow projectiles. Lethality would thematically go really well with an archer character.

What about trick arrows? "Sharp-pointy-atrows-that-make-a-hole-in-you" work for a Fantasy Ranger, but a superhero archer needs explosive arrows, net arrows, electric arrows, gas/smoke arrows, and, of course, the ever-popular boxing glove arrow! :D

When you pick Hunter as a specialty (which seems very appropriate) you get Manipulation powers which I assume would give you the ability to do much of that stuff.

A boxing glove arrow would be a simple Force attack with knockback.

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:
Atama wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Also wonder if bows will be available as a power set. How can it be a comic book superteam without a Hawkeye/Green Arrow style member or two? :)

If nothing else I’m sure you could have Ranger powers coming out of a bow as the prop, from a bow-shooting animation, firing arrow projectiles. Lethality would thematically go really well with an archer character.

What about trick arrows? "Sharp-pointy-atrows-that-make-a-hole-in-you" work for a Fantasy Ranger, but a superhero archer needs explosive arrows, net arrows, electric arrows, gas/smoke arrows, and, of course, the ever-popular boxing glove arrow! :D

I agree with Mordheim here. The devs could use Hawkeye as an example of the various arrow types a Hero/Villain could have available to them. Maybe not exactly but something that parallels them.

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Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:
Atama wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Also wonder if bows will be available as a power set. How can it be a comic book superteam without a Hawkeye/Green Arrow style member or two? :)

If nothing else I’m sure you could have Ranger powers coming out of a bow as the prop, from a bow-shooting animation, firing arrow projectiles. Lethality would thematically go really well with an archer character.

What about trick arrows? "Sharp-pointy-atrows-that-make-a-hole-in-you" work for a Fantasy Ranger, but a superhero archer needs explosive arrows, net arrows, electric arrows, gas/smoke arrows, and, of course, the ever-popular boxing glove arrow! :D

When you pick Hunter as a specialty (which seems very appropriate) you get Manipulation powers which I assume would give you the ability to do much of that stuff.

A boxing glove arrow would be a simple Force attack with knockback.

Sounds good.

Shocking Blu

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I miss Hawkeye's electric

I miss Hawkeye's electric arrow from Marvel Heroes. Great damage and very satisfying animation and sound effect. On a side note, I would love to see powers like Scarlet Witch's Chaos Warp, i.e. bubble of beautiful destruction. That was just such a great power the first time I encountered it. I would love to give that artist/animator some kudos on that one.

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

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Ah, poor Wanda. They never

Ah, poor Wanda. They never could get a handle on explaining her powers, so they just had her lose her mind, over-and-over, like the broken record Marvel has become this century.

Shocking Blu

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Ah, poor Wanda. They never could get a handle on explaining her powers, so they just had her lose her mind, over-and-over, like the broken record Marvel has become this century.

dad described it as "ability to control probabilities" + "chaos magic" :p

MCU wanda seems to be "red jean grey" :p

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Ah, poor Wanda. They never could get a handle on explaining her powers, so they just had her lose her mind, over-and-over, like the broken record Marvel has become this century.

dad described it as "ability to control probabilities" + "chaos magic" :p

MCU wanda seems to be "red jean grey" :p

The MCU version being that way probably had to do with Fox having the X-Men license... Somehow.

There's probably not much stopping them from her MCU version developing the chaos magicy stuff of her comic counterpart, especially with Disney buying Fox.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Nor should there be. I just

Nor should there be. I just hope they can keep from falling back on "Wanda loses it" as their default, alongside "Jean dies."

Shocking Blu

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it was funny when Jean

it was funny when Jean forgave Scott for getting involved with Emma Frost, telling him, "After all, all I ever did was die on you."

Shocking Blu

Lord Nightmare
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That's how undevoted Cyclops

That's how undevoted Cyclops is. If he really loved Jean, he would have sacrificed her to create an enchanted armor.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

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Brand X
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
desviper wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Ah, poor Wanda. They never could get a handle on explaining her powers, so they just had her lose her mind, over-and-over, like the broken record Marvel has become this century.

dad described it as "ability to control probabilities" + "chaos magic" :p

MCU wanda seems to be "red jean grey" :p

The MCU version being that way probably had to do with Fox having the X-Men license... Somehow.

There's probably not much stopping them from her MCU version developing the chaos magicy stuff of her comic counterpart, especially with Disney buying Fox.

I'd bet it probably had more to do with being easier to explain and film, than licensing.
