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Animation suggestion thread

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notears's picture
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Animation suggestion thread

Hey so suggest animations for powers here

not my video just one I lke ===>


TTheDDoctor's picture
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Okaaay... I guess a good

Okaaay... I guess a good place to start is what kinds of animations from CoX we want to see adapted for CoT. Of course we can come up with more original ones, but for now I'll just focus on what we've had so far...

When it comes to melee powers, I really loved the animations for Pendulum/Slash/Crowd Control and Whirling Axe/Whirling Mace/Whirling Sword, though perhaps the Whirling powers could have produced a cool energy shockwave like Fire Sword Circle did so it looks like burying your weapon into the ground does more than just dull the blade. >_< Otherwise I'd prefer Dual Blades' approach to a spin attack. I also loved the Katana powerset just because of how nice the stance looked coupled with all the flashy swordsmanship- especially The Lotus Drops and Soaring Dragon. Parry from the Broadsword powerset also looked fabulous, too. I loved the energy/enthusiasm put behind a few of the Dual Blades powers too, such as Ablating Strike, Vengeful Slice, and Sweeping Strike, but I feel like Sweeping Strike could have had the avatar bend further forward before slashing with his/her chest thrust forward for a little more [i]umph.[/i] Attacks like Shadow Maul and Flurry (or whatever that Super Speed power was called) could have been perfect if the animation cycled, like, TEN times faster, because I couldn't buy all the fist afterimages while my toon was only punching once every fourth of a second; Savage Melee had a similar problem with Shred and Rending Flurry, but personally I think Rending Flurry is just plain unsalvageable. Savage Melee's animations were a lot faster and harsher than many other powersets, more in line with actual real-world combat's pacing IMO; I would love to see that same visceral energy in the melee animations, but special mention goes to Savage Strike and Hemorrhage. Street Justice also was a lot like Savage Melee in this regard, but some attacks like Sweeping Cross and Spinning Strike could have been sped up after the initial windups. Soul Drain looked pretty baller for a player-centered AoE, enough said. Foot Stomp and Fissure was also pretty cool, though I'd like to see some more enthusiasm put into stomping (or punching, in the alt animation) the ground so hard it creates a shockwave. Kinetic Melee had some pretty interesting animations, as if you were channeling the power of ki (or the power of funk) into your attacks, so I'd enjoy seeing some animations like Body Blow and Smashing Blow. Thunder Strike, Total Focus, and Tremor had a sense of raw power behind the animation; seeing your character leap high into the air and bring down some epic punishment was a truly satisfying experience that I would love to see again. Staff Fighting was nice and flashy like the Katana powerset, but sometimes it just lost any function it had, such as that last twirl in Guarded Spin; keeping the flash with some proper offensive maneuvers seems to me like the gold standard, which everything from Sky Splitter to Taunt to Eye of the Storm manages to pull off. Martial Arts was in the same boat as Staff Fighting, with the only complaint regarding function just being the movements used for Crippling Axe Kick- I mean what the heck are you even doing, parrying an attack with your leg and heel-dropping the guy's foot? And finally, the beloved cataclysmic force behind Titan Weapons. [i]ALL of Titan Weapons.[/i] No further explanation needed.

As for ranged powers, Hurl and Hurl Boulder were pretty awesome; I like the idea of picking up something really heavy and chucking it at some squishy support character in the back. The Spines powerset also had Impale, which I thought had plenty of force behind the throw- it's amazing they don't have the same range as the Hurl powers. If we have an option for archery animations, I'd be fine with the way the bow is aimed in CoX, but could we at least follow [url=]Lars Anderson's[/url] example when it comes to firing off arrows? For the win, if nothing else. As for rifles, I'd love it if we could choose between automatic and semi-automatic ones, presumably by segregating them into powersets that focus on either cones and DoT or long-ranged attacks and high accuracy; it would also be extraordinarily helpful if we could choose between firing from the hip (Assault Rifle) or aiming down the sights. (Beam Rifle) Also, the Flamethrower and Ignite powers would realistically be more effective if they swept over a larger arc in front of them, ensuring that as many enemies as possible get lit up. Abilities like Life Drain, Siphon Life, and Dehydrate had a neat way of conveying they were taking something from someone, so making those kinds of motions for draining powers would be pretty neat- but more dramatic movements should at least be an option for them IMO. The sniper animations were all pretty nice, both the original and alt animations; doing something like that would be great in my book, Fire Blast's unique sniper animation included. (nevermind the fact it looks like you're horribly constipated) I also really liked that backhanded toss found in Ball Lightning, Throw Spines, and Energy Torrent, too. Also, some of the alt animations like Shadowy Assault, (Dark Blast) Lightning Toss, (Ball Lightning) and Torrent Blast (Energy Torrent) have a pretty neat animation where the toon makes a sweeping motion and crosses his/her arms like s/he is casting a spell; arcane gestures really are a welcome addition to the animation palette. Dual Pistols was like the Staff Fighting powerset for ranged combatants in that it had TONS of flash, but could still at least [i]try[/i] to stay within the boundaries of ballistic physics. (I'm looking at YOU, Bullet Rain!) The Psychic Blast and Sonic Attack powersets had the right idea for characters who need to enter a trance or whose powers manifest from the head, (be it the brain or the mouth) so props to CoX for doing that. (although they did deviate with Telekinetic Thrust) Water Blast was also fabulously done compared to the other standard power animations, such as shaping a wall of water in Hydro Blast or pumping an inordinate amount of energy/power/water/whatever into the ground in Water Burst and Geyser. Geyser could use some work with its jump physics, but otherwise it was a good power animation. I was also a fan of the shuriken powers from the Martial Assault powerset due to the fact they were one of the few powers that used throwing weapons; I'd like it if we had that much pizzazz when designing animations for throwing stuff. The Call Hawk power's animation from Beast Summoning could work for just about any power that tells your pet/companion/attack drone/etc to attack, be they by your side or (in Call Hawk's case) coming out of nowhere. The Propel power was pretty fantastic- not so much for the toon animation as the fact that you can fire toilets out of a wormhole at people. Special mention goes to Thunderous Blast and Bitter Freeze Ray, which looks like your toon is taking a second to stare at a truly ungodly amount of pure power surging through his/her hands before, with a final look of grave determination, unleashing their unbridled fury at an archenemy-tier boss. There should really be a special animation where all the mooks freeze in horror when the party's glass cannon uses his/her top-tier attack! XD

When it comes to some of the other animations, I really liked the Build Up and Aim animations that have the character tense up like they're about to go Super Saiyan; I'd play a powerset if you could toggle a late-game buff and THAT animation played, hands-down! :D Nature Affinity was also good at portraying raw power because of how a good portion of the powers altered the very environment you were fighting in to something full of vegetation. Blazing Aura and Fearsome Stare's animation could have actually worked for psychic abilities pretty well IMO, since it looks like you're just standing there concentrating really hard. Shield Charge and One with the Shield from the Shield Defense powerset looked pretty awesome, and I'd love to see them make a return- especially Shield Charge, in some way. The animation for Evolving Armor and the alt animation for Lightning Field had plenty of force in them, so it would be great to see that as an AoE animation. Also, the summoning animations for Umbral Beast and the Demon Summoning powerset would work great for magic-users, or just anyone who likes playing with holograms. ^_^ Heck, for that matter ALL of Demon Summoning's abilities looked good, including the whip animations like Crack Whip and Hell on Earth- Hell on Earth could even work for a siphoning power! Heck, a lot of the summoning animations looked really good, namely calling in for backup and seeing mercenaries charge onto the scene, punching a few buttons to summon robots, and the silent hand gesture that makes ninjas suddenly leap out of nowhere to protect you.

Anyway, that's about all that I can think of. Incorporating things like the above animations would be really cool, and I would absolutely love to see the sheer power, energy, and flash in those animations when I play a larger-than-life super in CoT.

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Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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There are so many animations

There are so many animations I would like to see that describing them all here would be Sisyphean.

I do suggest that the devs make sure to include at least enough basic animations to fit the more common themes you will find in character creation when the game is released. Every power should at least have an animation for casting, physical action, mechanical/robotic action, ancient weapons and modern weapons.
If each power has at least one of each of those types of animation then very few character themes are left out, especially if you can mix and match animations in a set of powers. After release they can start putting the more specific animations but to start with they should go for maximum coverage.

I also suggest that no instant effect attack power have longer that 1 second animation time. Attacks that channel or require maintenance of any kind can have longer animations. Punches, blasts, calling down a nuke or any other instant effect all should be limited to a 1 second animation time to give combat the illusion of being kinetic and quick.

The last thing I really hope the devs make sure to pay attention to is animation interruption. To many games ignore this glitch and leave it in because it usually does not affect game play but its a jarring animation glitch that I find an eyesore in games.

Just because I can't help myself I will push that boulder for a bit and give some random animation themes I would love the game to have eventually.

Bugs- blasts made of bugs, AoE's of bug swarms, mez's where the foe is trying to swat bugs off, bugs carrying the character for travel powers and the like.

Robot or Exosuit- Guns and rockets that pop out of the character's forearms or shoulders to shoot, repair bots healing the character, jet boots or back packs for travel powers.

Traditional Magic casting- These would be typical arms outstretched fingers in crazy configurations, wands, staffs and so on.

Variety in similar styles of combat- Not all swords are the same and so the animations should be different. You don't swing a rapier the same way you swing a scimitar. Likewise an old west six shooter does not fire the same as a desert eagle. A boxer's punch is not the same as a muay thai punch which isn't the same as krav maga which isn't the same as a street fighter which isn't, well lets just say there are enough different fighting styles to offer a pretty big variety. The game doesn't have to design these styles realistically and they can be mixed and match if the player wants but at least offer some of the different options so a player who thinks fanning the hammer suits his cowboy more than sideways gangsta style has a choice.

Costume and power interaction- Some costume items can offer unique animations for powers. The most obvious would be wings that flap when you fly. But it can also include a shoulder mounted gun, arm cannons, wrist blasters, wing suits that pop out only when gliding, hidden mech wings that fold up when not in use, robocop style leg holster, auras that change based on what power you use, something that grows on a character that can be pulled off or shot out at the bad guy and grow back like porcupine quills or bone spurs, belt or hose fed guns and any other idea someone can come up with.

A creature on your back- Lots of examples of this from Master Blaster in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Ferra Torr in Mortal Kombat to all the more crazy living siege engines in war games like War Machine or Warhammer. It can be as simple as a mounted gun the rider fires to more involved like having the rider jump off and actually do some attack themselves.

I could go on all day, I think we all could, but I will leave it at this for now.

notears's picture
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I want speedster ranged

I want speedster ranged attacks, like I want an entire animation tree of me quickly running up to a guy and then me running back, I want to be able to make a Ranger into a complete speedster type character

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
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Also? I want an animation

Also? I want an animation tree for buffs/debuffs that are all about talking your opponent down, or talking your ally up, in several different flavours. Like for instance the Joker's constant mocking of his enemies, or batman's intimidation tactics... Heck one could argue that The Joker's primary power set would be something like that especially when he is fighting alone

not my video just one I lke ===>


WarBird's picture
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Animation variety would be

Animation variety would be great. While I recognize that these may not be available immediately because of the time spent, once there is some money coming in I know there are animation houses that can sell you a package for things like "boxing", "broadsword", Kung Fu, etc. Maybe that could be an option down the road.

While on the subject, I'm with BrainBot as far as having differentiation in fighting styles. For swords, I would like, at a minimum:
- European broadsword (single handed)
- Japanese Katana
- Dual-wield
- Greatsword/Axe/Hammer (heavy two-handed)
additionally, maybe added later:
- Tai Chi/Kung Fu sword
- European style fencing
- Dual knives (Kali-style)

For 'unarmed' fighting:
- Traditional boxing (perhaps with some genre exaggeration)
- Jeet Kune Do (good mix of punches and kicks - Bruce Lee's style)
- 'Super-Strength' (huge wind-ups and follow-through)
- Street/MMA (like boxing with some basic kicks and less exaggeration)
for later:
- Capoera
- Kung Fu Opera Style (think Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon)
- Savate

Likewise with firearms
- two-handed longarms (rifles, shotguns, SMGs)
- modern military/law enforcement style handgun (two-hand grip)
- Old West (complete with twirls and fanning)
- Gangsta (extended single hand, more hip-shooting, the 'sideways' hold)
- Dual Pistols

Now with our aesthetic de-coupling, I would kind of expect to pick an individual animation for each separate power. This has great potential as a revenue stream. Say you've got a bunch of basic animations to fill out a power set, but you can purchase additional individual animations or maybe the entire 'Capoera Package' as a discount bundle. And these packages could be continuously added.

Foradain's picture
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Quarterstaff animations I can

Quarterstaff animations I can see divide based on how the character was trained:

Someone strong but with no training at all might use a staff like a greatsword.
Someone trained in Kendo might use a staff as a [I]bokken[/I] with katana animations.
Bayonet training would use animations that would be usable both for longarms (with or without an actual blade) or a staff. (USMC basic training circa 1983 included "pugil sticks" that were essentially a staff padded on both ends.)
Actual martial arts training with the quarterstaff would get animations with the spins and thrusts and other cinematic flourishes. Save this for last, and it could also be an option for polearms like long spears or [I]naginata[/I]

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Riptide's picture
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I don't know if this falls

I don't know if this falls under power animation but one of the things I did not like in the CoX was the way giant monsters were just scaled-up versions of normal sized critters which meant that, when I shot an arrow at one, the arrow that showed sticking in the monster was the size of a telephone pole. Seems like it happened that way in CO as well.
I won't get heartburn if it isn't practical to fix as very few powersets (or in our case, themes) would be affected but still I would like my arrows to still be arrows and not gargantuan harpoons when they strike their targets.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

TTheDDoctor's picture
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Rigel wrote:
Rigel wrote:

I don't know if this falls under power animation but one of the things I did not like in the CoX was the way giant monsters were just scaled-up versions of normal sized critters which meant that, when I shot an arrow at one, the arrow that showed sticking in the monster was the size of a telephone pole. Seems like it happened that way in CO as well.
I won't get heartburn if it isn't practical to fix as very few powersets (or in our case, themes) would be affected but still I would like my arrows to still be arrows and not gargantuan harpoons when they strike their targets.

That's a very good point; I never remembered that! XD If the arrow model was separate from the giant monster's model, then presumably it could just be anchored to a point on the monster and [i]not[/i] inherit its scaling. I know the 3D program I monkey around with lets you do that, but I can't say if it translates to this all that perfectly...

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Lin Chiao Feng
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Of course, the real problem

Of course, the real problem is that the giant monsters were just scaled-up regular models. That shows they didn't have time to develop new models that looked and worked better.

There's no easy algorithm to take an arbitrary model and stick an arrow in it; you have to program the arrow's location and orientation for every model, and if you left the arrow at original scale on a scaled-up monster model, it could look wrong or even get buried entirely inside the model. Maybe they've figured out some kind of procedural algorithm for this kind of thing by now. Otherwise they're going to have to set "impaled arrow goes here" for every model.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

notears's picture
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everything in this video

everything in this video

not my video just one I lke ===>


Radiac's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Of course, the real problem is that the giant monsters were just scaled-up regular models. That shows they didn't have time to develop new models that looked and worked better.
There's no easy algorithm to take an arbitrary model and stick an arrow in it; you have to program the arrow's location and orientation for every model, and if you left the arrow at original scale on a scaled-up monster model, it could look wrong or even get buried entirely inside the model. Maybe they've figured out some kind of procedural algorithm for this kind of thing by now. Otherwise they're going to have to set "impaled arrow goes here" for every model.

Seriously, nothing makes the Big Bad giant monster more disappointing than just making it a scaled-up version of the minion model you've already seen and defeated umpteen times. I'm looking at you, Eochai, the Crystal Titan, the giant Mech Man in the Hess TF, Jurassik, the Kronos Titan, etc..

Even the Clockwork monsters were very similar looking, though technically different. It was like the same body with some gears added here or a different head there. I understand how it's hard to make giant monster avatars and then you only end up using them once, but iconic characters like that should be done well or not done at all.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Izzy's picture
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i like these types of

i like these types of animations...


animated GIF:

i doubt it uses tweening at all, but i could be mistaken. :/

notears's picture
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Everything in this video

Everything in this video

not my video just one I lke ===>


Fireheart's picture
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Don't need flying blood.

Don't need flying blood.

Be Well!

Huckleberry's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

Everything in this video

That was some impressive footage. The interaction between character models was pretty sick. I was especially impressed with the roll-over-the-back move by the peacekeeper (I think it was the third or fourth character in the knight faction).
But most impressive to me was the video post-processing such that it looked less like a multiplayer game and more like an actual film. Depth of field treatment, lighting, ambient occlusion, shadows etc, were very well done.

I would recommend we tone down the graphic nature for CoT, but if the games animations can be on par with that, we would be most impressed. And if Ultra graphics settings can reproduce that same filmed look, then I would happily go out and buy/make a rig that can give the that performance.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

notears's picture
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Well yeah besides the blood,

Well yeah besides the blood, it's still a T for teen game

not my video just one I lke ===>


Dark Ether
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Don't need flying blood.
Be Well!

....or do we? Dun-dun-duuuuuh! New character - former street gang banger, now a super being named Flying Blood! ;)

(insert pithy comment here)

notears's picture
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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

Fireheart wrote:
Don't need flying blood.
Be Well!
....or do we? Dun-dun-duuuuuh! New character - former street gang banger, now a super being named Flying Blood! ;)

You could probably do that by colouring water powers red :]

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
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not my video just one I lke ===>


Phararri's picture
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So long as it is flashy

So long as it is flashy

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

notears's picture
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I wanna chainsaw

I wanna chainsaw

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
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Hawkeye/ green arrow style

Hawkeye/ green arrow style archery, like archery stunts that would make Legolas blush. Personally I like how DCUO managed to do that by giving an archery character just as many melee attacks as ranged attacks where they can pretty much use their bow and arrows as melee weapons, and can chuck arrows with his bare hands just as good as he can shoot them from a bow. Also? I want to turn my pistol to the side like a gangsta... also martial arts moves that are just as crazy and out there as my previous suggestions in this post. Also flying kick for lunges. Could also be cool if I could do the superhero landing too when lunging from a building or maybe as part of a superjump type attack. You know what I mean right? Like the one Deadpool pointed out in his movie or one of Pharah's highlight intro's where she smashes down on the ground with one fist and both her legs and then glares off into the distance. I would give anything to just do that once man that s**t is so cool

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
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Also auras made up of small

Also auras made up of small creatures like rats, crows and bugs

not my video just one I lke ===>


Interdictor's picture
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A really nice screen-shaking

A really nice screen-shaking super-strength uppercut. Actually- super-strength in general looking and feeling powerful.

notears's picture
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Everything on this page

Everything on this page

not my video just one I lke ===>


Cyclops's picture
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i would like basic quadruped

i would like basic quadruped animation, that way when i use super speed, i could transform into a panther or a wolf.

maybe not for launch, but this is something you could sell at the store.


Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 hours 8 min ago
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

i would like basic quadruped animation, that way when i use super speed, i could transform into a panther or a wolf.
maybe not for launch, but this is something you could sell at the store.

I think that could be a popular aesthetic. And definitely a fine candidate for the cash shop.

You could go for the re-skin of superspeed for a horse, ostrich or a cheetah polymorph. You could re-skin acrobatics with a primate, insect or apex predator like a canine or feline. You could even re-skin flight with a bird or insect polymorph (I know that's not a quadraped, but when have you ever known me not to add something extra to someone else's ideas?) Hell, you could even polymorph as the green basilisk lizard so you can run on water!

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

blacke4dawn's picture
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Considering that we will most

Considering that we will most likely get some quadruped options for minions/henchemens then making them to also be available as an aesthetic option for travel powers shouldn't be that much extra work.

Phararri's picture
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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Considering that we will most likely get some quadruped options for minions/henchemens then making them to also be available as an aesthetic option for travel powers shouldn't be that much extra work.

I forgot about that, this would be amazing.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Radiac's picture
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It would be cool if there

It would be cool if there were a place you could go, in the game, either as an indoor "dungeon" type instance or a "public" area in the outside world, where they have a set of musical instruments you can pick up and do emotes on. So like, you'd go to some dive bar or large outdoor public arena (maybe both!) and there would be a stage with a bass guitar, a 6-string guitar, a drum set, and a mic, and you could go do emotes with them like you're playing them. Then they could add in more instruments and emotes over time for things like keytars, tambourines, etc. That way we could go there and make movies of ourselves playing songs then upload them to YouTube. And they could sell instrument skins, emotes, etc in the Starmart.

I think GW2 actually has instruments you can really play in game and make sounds. Not sure how it works, but I've seen people doing it in city areas. Prolly some form of "use your computer keyboard like it's a piano" type deal, idk. That would be good.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lin Chiao Feng
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A Rock Band mini-game...

A Rock Band mini-game...

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Foradain's picture
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And we could be

And we could be
(got stars in our eyes!)

Alternatively, we could become a Band of Adventurers. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Grimfox's picture
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Radiac. That's exactly how

Radiac. That's exactly how musical instruments work in GW2, they are temp powers though.

There's a "app" you can download which is basically a macro programmer that will let you write music for various instruments. Doing it live via the "keyboard piano" thing is not practical as there is a distinct latency that prevents the music from flowing. The app works around this somehow with much better results.

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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

A Rock Band mini-game...

all i can envision is a super version of this:


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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

And we could be
(got stars in our eyes!)
Alternatively, we could become a Band of Adventurers. ^_^

I just dropped in,
to see what specification my classification was in,
YEAH, yeah, o-oh yeah,
what specification my classification was in

Also, maybe better to be able to do music emotes anywhere, at least in terms of the visuals. If they;re going to have sound, maybe instance it, IDK.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Cyclops's picture
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Animations for Blasters:

Animations for Blasters: staffs, wands, and rayguns. each can be built with a number of accessories to appear unique for every player.

area of effect attacks: satellite strike. rain of fire, lightning, ice, stone...dark tentacles reaching up, spikes raing down or rising up and impaling.

machine gun blast from a handgun...always wanted to see that. i would build a character around that.
gun tricks, twirling, tossing in the air, etc.

little fairies floating over your shoulder (ala shoulder kitties and firing points), when you are hit, they go, "ahhhhhhh!" and fall down. i would love to have them say other things (like emotes), but that is for the cash store.

animated shoulder kitties, dragons, etc. they stay on your shoulder, but they move n stuff

i want pigeon man (from an early kickstarter) to be an NPC villain with unique pigeon powers and laser shooting pigeons. he flys born aloft by pigeons. area effect attack-mob of pigeons peck to stuff like that. but make him a boss, far tougher than he looks.


notears's picture
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I want power animations and

I want power animations and weapons like the ones from Doctor Strange

not my video just one I lke ===>


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not my video just one I lke ===>


Cobalt Azurean
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I wouldn't mind a Johnny

I wouldn't mind a Johnny Bravo animation pack some time in the future... >.> <.<

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I want to throw flasks of

I want to throw flasks of acid at people!!

not my video just one I lke ===>


Dark Ether
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There are probably laws

There are probably laws against that.

(insert pithy comment here)

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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

There are probably laws against that.

...You.... you're sassy.... I like you...

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Removable costume pieces as

Removable costume pieces as weapons, like for instance taking off my hat and using it as a throwing weapon, or taking off your own head and throwing it, or the ever classic this..... [IMG],q_auto,w_710/gzyqar1rv1gplmjliomy/how-arm-fall-off-boy-can-go-from-zero-to-hero.jpg[/IMG]

not my video just one I lke ===>


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I would like yo point my

I would like to point my finger like a gun and have the sound/flash/and physical effects of a regular gun. You could play a gunslinger and never be disarmed!

likewise take the position of holding an invisible rifle with the same effects.

and I would like to pay for this at the cash shop please.


Lin Chiao Feng
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

I would like to point my finger like a gun and have the sound/flash/and physical effects of a regular gun.


[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Safehouse's picture
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My favorite powerset from CoH

One of my favorite powersets from CoH was Street Justice. The street brawling/muay thai/boxing style of combat with a on uppercut finisher was so cool for my "semi super strong" character (super strong but not, like, hulk or superman strong, he ain't tearing up chunks of concrete to throw). I would love to see that kind of animation come in; it's not refined like martial arts, but more brutal, and that uppercut finisher rules.

But one thing, animation wise, that really sticks out to me came from the electric melee set, which my first main used. The skill Jacob's ladder had this awesome animation where you held your arms in front of you, fists clenched, as of you were getting ready to do the mummy walk. Then electricity climbed up your arms, jumping between them like a Jacob's ladder would. Once it reached your fists you released your hand and the electricity burst out in a cone.

It was awesome, and I would love to see that again.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Cobalt Azurean
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Safehouse wrote:
Safehouse wrote:

But one thing, animation wise, that really sticks out to me came from the electric melee set, which my main before Safehouse used. The skill Jacob's ladder had this awesome animation where you held your arms in front of you, fists clenched, as of you were getting ready to do the mummy walk. Then electricity climbed up your arms, jumping between them like a Jacob's ladder would. Once it reached your fists you released your hand and the electricity burst out in a cone.
It was awesome, and I would love to see that again.

Man, I liked so many animations from Electric Melee that playing my Electric Melee/Shield Defense Scrapper was probably more fun (at a time) than my Nrg/Nrg Blapper. Lightning Rod, Thunderclap, Jacob's Ladder, Chain Induction. Now that was a great powerset. My only criticism would've been that I wished the electrical/lightning effects could be changed to look like the Mu attacks. The GFX from their attacks seemed more realistic with random, angular changes in direction along the path to the target.

Edit: I actually liked it so much that I leveled a Brute with the same powersets to see if I enjoyed the sustained and dependable damage bonus of Fury versus the chance for Critical Hit damage. I eventually decided on using the scrapper, but later brooted on my Titan Weapon/Willpower.

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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Safehouse wrote:
But one thing, animation wise, that really sticks out to me came from the electric melee set, which my main before Safehouse used. The skill Jacob's ladder had this awesome animation where you held your arms in front of you, fists clenched, as of you were getting ready to do the mummy walk. Then electricity climbed up your arms, jumping between them like a Jacob's ladder would. Once it reached your fists you released your hand and the electricity burst out in a cone.
It was awesome, and I would love to see that again.
Man, I liked so many animations from Electric Melee that playing my Electric Melee/Shield Defense Scrapper was probably more fun (at a time) than my Nrg/Nrg Blapper. Lightning Rod, Thunderclap, Jacob's Ladder, Chain Induction. Now that was a great powerset. My only criticism would've been that I wished the electrical/lightning effects could be changed to look like the Mu attacks. The GFX from their attacks seemed more realistic with random, angular changes in direction along the path to the target.
Edit: I actually liked it so much that I leveled a Brute with the same powersets to see if I enjoyed the sustained and dependable damage bonus of Fury versus the chance for Critical Hit damage. I eventually decided on using the scrapper, but later brooted on my Titan Weapon/Willpower.

Hear hear, my first toon was an elec/regen scrapper and I loved every second of it. Before I discovered kinetic melee and street justice, it was the powerset that got me really into the game. And I totally agree, I would have loved to see more mu style animations for it. I dyed my elec melee red, and all of my scrappers used mu mastery because of how much I loved the animation for it.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Cobalt Azurean
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Safehouse wrote:
Safehouse wrote:

Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Safehouse wrote:
But one thing, animation wise, that really sticks out to me came from the electric melee set, which my main before Safehouse used. The skill Jacob's ladder had this awesome animation where you held your arms in front of you, fists clenched, as of you were getting ready to do the mummy walk. Then electricity climbed up your arms, jumping between them like a Jacob's ladder would. Once it reached your fists you released your hand and the electricity burst out in a cone.
It was awesome, and I would love to see that again.
Man, I liked so many animations from Electric Melee that playing my Electric Melee/Shield Defense Scrapper was probably more fun (at a time) than my Nrg/Nrg Blapper. Lightning Rod, Thunderclap, Jacob's Ladder, Chain Induction. Now that was a great powerset. My only criticism would've been that I wished the electrical/lightning effects could be changed to look like the Mu attacks. The GFX from their attacks seemed more realistic with random, angular changes in direction along the path to the target.
Edit: I actually liked it so much that I leveled a Brute with the same powersets to see if I enjoyed the sustained and dependable damage bonus of Fury versus the chance for Critical Hit damage. I eventually decided on using the scrapper, but later brooted on my Titan Weapon/Willpower.
Hear hear, my first toon was an elec/regen scrapper and I loved every second of it. Before I discovered kinetic melee and street justice, it was the powerset that got me really into the game. And I totally agree, I would have loved to see more mu style animations for it. I dyed my elec melee red, and all of my scrappers used mu mastery because of how much I loved the animation for it.

I always like the idea of Kinetic Melee, and I'm usually one to play a melee character if it's an option, but that was one I never got around to rolling and leveling. I did level a Street Justice character that may look familiar...

Cyclops's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Cyclops wrote:
img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /

That is such an awesome clip! Thanks!
With the moving hair we will get in COT I can see just such a video capture. I cannot wait to play this game!

oh, and Devs...I like that outfit too!


Redlynne's picture
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It's just Yuri from the Dirty

It's just Yuri from the Dirty Pair in the opening for the 1985 TV series.


Of course, the TV series opening was nowhere NEAR as ... trippy ... as the unbelievably gorgeous animations done for the 1986 movie, Project Eden, that managed to "out James Bond" even James Bond movie openings, and which even 30 years later makes you just wonder ... what the heck did I just watch?


Which can then be contrasted with the 1987 OAV series opening ...


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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alas, I am an anime

alas, I am an anime illiterate. I have only seen Ranma 1/2


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I am a vast repository of

I am a vast repository of [i]completely useless human knowledge[/i].

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lin Chiao Feng
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

I am a vast repository of completely useless human knowledge.

This is true.

Tours available Sundays 11 AM to 7 PM.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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(No subject)


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

notears's picture
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Everything in this (warning

Everything in this (warning some blood)

not my video just one I lke ===>


Melanieshaman's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

everything in this video

YES, so much this! Her hair and outfit as well.

Also, i would love some unique tonfa fighting with different grips, spins, etc.

My DeviantArt page

Cyclops's picture
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water animation ala the last

water animation ala the last days of COH. You could color it dark red and black and make a great blood effect,


Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 hours 8 min ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
I want the Michael Jackson

I want the Michael Jackson Moonwalker Dance Powerset animation package from the cash shop as soon as its ready!


[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I want the Michael Jackson Moonwalker Dance Powerset animation package from the cash shop as soon as its ready!

As long as you don't get to earn bonus points for "rescuing" what appear to be new recuits for the Neverland Ranch. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Someone in another thread was

Someone in another thread was asking how regen would look and I came up with a slew of suggestions. It occurs to me that these body-centric powers have not gotten much love in this thread.

One that I was thinking of that would be unique would be Emma Frosts crystalline body. So when I trigger a given power my character turns into a diamond. Bonus points if this only turns visible skin transparent/translucent. It'd also be a handy set of power effects to just change skin colors. So you could use it for something like a Luffy or Rock Lee transformation. Where the skin changes colors when under certain effects.

For defensive sets. There are a couple of standbys that need to be addressed. Rock armor for one. I think there ought to be several variation and textures for this. I'd really like to create a "greek god" where every part of the body and costume turns to a stone marble pattern. Or granite.

Another standby, is the inner light type of power effect. These were used frequently in COH from everything to Dark Armor to Invulnerability. You'd need a dozen patterns that a player could then paint whatever color they needed to accomplish their goals for their characters appearance. And of course you'd need a dozen more effects to cover "outer light" These showed up in Invulnerability as that ring of lights that would shoot out of the ground around your character.

Third on the standby list is Fire. Fiery Aura came later to the COX universe but it is a classic in the super hero genre. It might seem pretty basic but I think there are a lot of ways to spin this to make a lot of unique powers. First where does it start, how high does it reach from that part. Does it have faces in the flames or sigils? Does it spark, does it leave sparks. Does it smoke. Does it twist around or fall off the character. So many options. Along with color and brightness which I assume are all standard variations you could make on any of the above. (rock armor might be a bit more complex than just having colors)

Now for some weirder things.

I want a little robot to orbit me with a little spray gun to patch me up when I take a bullet.

A holo field that deflects damage or warps in broken parts of me. (hexagons. It needs lots of hexagons.)

Second Chance:
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Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 hours 8 min ago
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When I was watching some of

When I was watching some of the prototype videos, I noticed that if your opponent is down, your character still strikes out at as if the opponent were still standing. I think it would be good if your character could bend at the waist vertically to strike opponents that are down, or to strike opponents that are taller or elevated. I'm not saying the punches actually have to connect with the 3D mesh of the opponent's avatar, I'm just saying they should be directed at the opponent.

Just like we can animate head swivel to point at a target, it would be nice to animate torso swivel to point at targets as well, so we're not just punching into space to hit the guy lying in the dirt.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

FalconStriker's picture
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I would love to see this game

I would love to see this game feature martial arts and super reflexes, aside from how those two worked and paired together mechanically, the animations were fantastic. The only thing I'd suggest doing different is making the stronger martial arts animations a bit more practical to use and not get stuck in a 3 second animation. XD

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 hours 8 min ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
In another thread we were

In another thread we were discussing new characters, and an idea hit me, and it told two friends, and they told two friends and so on, and so on...

We should have animations for when our characters are in a pop-up window.

[list][*]If you are looking at a map[*]If you are digging through your inventory[*]If you are accessing the in-game wiki[*]If you are on a phone call with a contact[*]If you are adjusting your powerset[*]If you are digging through your mission journal[/list]

These are all animation/emote opportunities!

ESO actually does this. In that game, when you are looking at a map, your character stands up and appears to be perusing a scroll. When you are accessing your inventory, you character brings out a bag and digs through it. When you are picking a lock, you character kneels down and looks to be picking a lock.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

blacke4dawn's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

In another thread we were discussing new characters, and an idea hit me, and it told two friends, and they told two friends and so on, and so on...
We should have animations for when our characters are in a pop-up window.
If you are looking at a mapIf you are digging through your inventoryIf you are accessing the in-game wikiIf you are on a phone call with a contactIf you are adjusting your powersetIf you are digging through your mission journalThese are all animation/emote opportunities!
ESO actually does this. In that game, when you are looking at a map, your character stands up and appears to be perusing a scroll. When you are accessing your inventory, you character brings out a bag and digs through it. When you are picking a lock, you character kneels down and looks to be picking a lock.

That would be a really nice touch to have, and of course it would need several options for animations for each emote/state/action.

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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

That would be a really nice touch to have, and of course it would need several options for animations for each emote/state/action.

Right, because a telephone or a map or an inventory system could be completely different for a demon-summoning necromancer, a futuristic cyborg, a high school cheerleader, a mutant kangaroo or an ascetic monk.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

... a mutant kangaroo ...

Thanks a lot, now I can't get the image out of my mind of a mutant kangaroo rifling through its pouch for its inventory-animation. :D

Cyclops's picture
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here is an awesome example of

here is an awesome example of animations.


Fireheart's picture
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Haven't we already seen these

Haven't we already seen these? And they're for the wrong engine.

Be Well!

Cyclops's picture
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and here I thought I was all

and here I thought I was all jiggy with it. wah


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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Haven't we already seen these? And they're for the wrong engine.
Be Well!

For what it's worth I doubt the Unreal 4 engine (that CoT is using) is ultimately that much different in its basic graphics capability. The differences seem to boil down to other factors like price and user preference.


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

and here I thought I was all jiggy with it. wah

Excited people discover new things all the time! I didn't mean to burst your bubble!

Well, not cruelly, anyway.

Be Well!

notears's picture
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I want use an Ipad to

I want use an Ipad to activate my tech and stuff

not my video just one I lke ===>


Dark Ether
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

I want use an Ipad to activate my tech and stuff

It'll probably have to be a T-Pad (Titan Pad) (tm) or some such thing. Maybe a Titan-Boy wrist mounted one, too? It would help access vaults as well.

(insert pithy comment here)

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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

Maybe a Titan-Boy wrist mounted one, too? It would help access vaults as well.

Coincidentally we've been talking about TV heroes who wore bulky electronic wrist gadgets [url=]in the last few posts of the Costume Request thread[/url]. They were called ElectraComs on the 70s era Electra Woman and Dyna Girl show:


P.S. Even when I googled pics of the ElectraComs for this post I got a bunch of pics for Pip-Boys as well. Maybe the folks who own the rights to Electra Woman and Dyna Girl should sue the Fallout folks. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cobalt Azurean
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Okay, I'm done.

Lin Chiao Feng
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[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:


Better than facehuggers I guess...


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

doctor tyche
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I want the Michael Jackson Moonwalker Dance Powerset animation package from the cash shop as soon as its ready!


Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Cyclops's picture
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costume change: HULKOUT!

[u]costume change: HULKOUT![/u] normal guy freezes, cryptic music plays along with bestial growls as a normal guy painfully changes into a hulk body type.
needs an emote: Hulk! (Pose and growl)


Phararri's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

costume change: HULKOUT! normal guy freezes, cryptic music plays along with bestial growls as a normal guy painfully changes into a hulk body type.
needs an emote: Hulk! (Pose and growl)

I dont know if you are joking, but wish there was a vote up button so I could create alt accounts and vote this up 100 times. A few hours ago I posted a build a hero character which uses a costume change concept, but with fire. This would be awesome. How would it work though? It would be sweet to choose your music and aura for the costume change. Hulk is one of the most well known comic book characters but none of the current comic theme game captured transformations.

Will someone please capture the essence of the costume change? CoT, SoH, Heroes and Villains, anyone?

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Lothic's picture
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Phararri wrote:
Phararri wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

costume change: HULKOUT! normal guy freezes, cryptic music plays along with bestial growls as a normal guy painfully changes into a hulk body type.
needs an emote: Hulk! (Pose and growl)

I dont know if you are joking, but wish there was a vote up button so I could create alt accounts and vote this up 100 times. A few hours ago I posted a build a hero character which uses a costume change concept, but with fire. This would be awesome. How would it work though? It would be sweet to choose your music and aura for the costume change. Hulk is one of the most well known comic book characters but none of the current comic theme game captured transformations.

Will someone please capture the essence of the costume change? CoT, SoH, Heroes and Villains, anyone?

Well CoH had dozens of [url=]Costume Change Emotes[/url], many of which could easily be used to simulate what Cyclops is talking about with his HULKOUT! idea. I suppose if you want to be picky the CCE's didn't allow you to define music with the animation, but I figure that's a minor limitation all things considered.

Frankly since these things existed for years in CoH and they were fairly popular in that game I'd be shocked if CoT didn't have their own versions of this.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Not so much an animation for

Not so much an animation for a power, as one to consider being able to use:


OK, that gets the video imbedded. Not sure about the time, though, so what I'm wanting is first seen about 25 seconds in.

Criteria: While jumping or falling, the character is passing or will pass short of a good landing spot (but not too much short!). Queue this animation, and when the criteria is met, the character reaches out or up to grab the ledge, then pulls herself up to the ledge.

Thanks to Izzy for bringing this video up!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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She's a stalker.

She's a stalker.
Burning Melee with whip as the prop
Grit Defense
Swinging/Parkour Travel

since the powers list was published, I tend to translate everything via the list.


Dark Ether
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I could try out a whip

I could try out a whip/acrobatics (super-reflexes) build I reckon....

Physics on the hair and butt cape get whacky a few times (elevator down, and running makes your hair go...up?), but it's early yet.

(insert pithy comment here)

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Phararri wrote:
Cyclops wrote:
costume change: HULKOUT! normal guy freezes, cryptic music plays along with bestial growls as a normal guy painfully changes into a hulk body type.
needs an emote: Hulk! (Pose and growl)
I dont know if you are joking, but wish there was a vote up button so I could create alt accounts and vote this up 100 times. A few hours ago I posted a build a hero character which uses a costume change concept, but with fire. This would be awesome. How would it work though? It would be sweet to choose your music and aura for the costume change. Hulk is one of the most well known comic book characters but none of the current comic theme game captured transformations.
Will someone please capture the essence of the costume change? CoT, SoH, Heroes and Villains, anyone?
Well CoH had dozens of Costume Change Emotes, many of which could easily be used to simulate what Cyclops is talking about with his HULKOUT! idea. I suppose if you want to be picky the CCE's didn't allow you to define music with the animation, but I figure that's a minor limitation all things considered.
Frankly since these things existed for years in CoH and they were fairly popular in that game I'd be shocked if CoT didn't have their own versions of this.

There is the issue right there; when I got into PC gaming it was around the time CoH was approaching the shutdown so I never got a chance to play it. Even now I discover new titles everyday. When I discovered CoH, it was listed as inactive.

Those are pretty neat, I wonder why CO and DCU never done something like this.

Those remind me of Bloody roar, one of my favorite games.

CoH really covered all areas of customization huh

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

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Phararri wrote:
Phararri wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Frankly since these things existed for years in CoH and they were fairly popular in that game I'd be shocked if CoT didn't have their own versions of this.

There is the issue right there; when I got into PC gaming it was around the time CoH was approaching the shutdown so I never got a chance to play it. Even now I discover new titles everyday. When I discovered CoH, it was listed as inactive.

Sorry you didn't get a chance to play CoH. I still believe CoT has the best chance of coming closest to recreating CoH while also bringing us the latest in software improvements.

Phararri wrote:

Those are pretty neat, I wonder why CO and DCU never done something like this.

I have no idea why these other games never offered costume change emotes to their players. Ironically CO actually pioneered the idea of selling extra costume slots in their store (it took CoH about 2 extra years before it offered that option) so you'd think they would have been big on the idea of costume change emotes as well. *shrugs*

Phararri wrote:

CoH really covered all areas of customization huh

Well by the end of its eight year run CoH had made a very good stab at adding new customization options. The Devs of that game really pushed the limitations of their software technology. When that game started there were very few "customization" options beyond a bunch of costume items. The game didn't even launch with capes. By the end they had costume change emotes, power customization, flight poses and a whole lot of other improvements. Hopefully we'll have many/most of those improvements on Day One with CoT.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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We need a Speedster Melee

We need a [b]Speedster Melee[/b] animation set.
Its like Martial arts, it can be added just as a prop to an existing Melee set.

attacks would include, [b]Flurry of Blows[/b] rapid fire punching bag attacks
[b]The hand is quicker than the eye[/b] the speedster just stands there and the target takes damage. No animation, Speedy was just too fast
[b]Whirlwind[/b] the speedster disappears, the target is engulfed in a whirlwind, the speedster reappears right where he was.


Elios Valoryn
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

We need a Speedster Melee animation set.
Its like Martial arts, it can be added just as a prop to an existing Melee set.
attacks would include, Flurry of Blows rapid fire punching bag attacksThe hand is quicker than the eye the speedster just stands there and the target takes damage. No animation, Speedy was just too fastWhirlwind the speedster disappears, the target is engulfed in a whirlwind, the speedster reappears right where he was.

For "the hand is quicker than the eye" I think just making the character appear as a blur would be better choice so players know something is happening.

As foolish as this seems,


From ya boy, Elios.

Radiac's picture
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Cyclops mentioned Swinging as

Cyclops mentioned Swinging as a travel power above. I still hate that as a "go anywhere" travel power, as it would patently not work over flat terrain, water, or anywhere else that doesn't provide you with obvious places to attach a web or grapnel, etc. If the idea is to anchor the rope or whatever in mid air, that just sucks, to me. It would look extraordinarily goofy and wrong, like wings that let you fly but don't flap.

Just my opinion.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
