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Clarkstown (Open RP)

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notears's picture
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The jester accelerates

The jester accelerates forward as well, putting his arm out on his right when closing in on Goldenrod, attempting to catch her in a closeline "Going so soon? My we've only begun!!!"

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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As she ducked her head,

As she ducked her head, Goldenrod thought that a clothesline is not the best maneuver against someone riding a broomstick. Unfortunately, because of the Jester's speed, she didn't quite have time to completely dodge the attack, and her head clipped his arm, even as she was beginning her planned attack. She fell too fast to connect directly as she swung her staff at the Jester's disc, so at the closest point in the staff's arc she let loose the massive Hex as a spray of bolts into the underside of the disc...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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RottenLuck's picture
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"Why does he have to be

"Why does he have to be flying." Phantom said then narrowed his eyes trying to judge angles and speed. He couldn't fly but for a second or two when he reappears from his teleportation he can find his next port jump. That was how he saved the old woman and how he planned the attack.

Seeing Goldenrod attack he vanished only to appear falling at the Jester from above drawing and swinging his sword as the Hex bolts shot up. So the Jester was being attacked by two directions at once.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

notears's picture
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As the flying disk starts

As the flying disk starts losing power he attempts to fling it at the gentleman with the sword above him with his raw leg strength while jumping at Goldenrod in an attempt to grab onto her "Sorry bro, no time for a threesome!!"

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Goldenrod rolled to her feet

Goldenrod rolled to her feet and spun to see the Jester falling towards her. "Sorry, I'm not that kind of witch!" She brought her staff around to do a stop-thrust while he had no leverage, adding a significant magical charge to augment the physical damage of the orichalcum-shod staff.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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The Jester let's out a very

The Jester let's out a very audible "Errg!!!" as the staff slams into in to his chest, he manages to twist his body so he can land on his feet on a passing big rig before falling to his knees to catch his breath, then of course his hover disk comes back to earth and bounces off his armour plated head, dazing him for a while "...uhg... what a woman..."

not my video just one I lke ===>


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Like before he vanished from

Like before he vanished from reality before hitting the ground. Reappearing with a slight stagger at ground level then looked around. Spotting the Jester on top of one of those large trucks. "I fear I will never get used to this world."

Thinking on it he vanished then appeared on top of the building where they saw the man walk into a portal and the woman with the strange beast.

"Fair Thee well lady."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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Goldenrod called in the

Goldenrod called in the incident, finishing with a description of the truck and the plate number on the trailer. Then she centered and grounded herself, so that her anger at the Jester would not taint her observations of the crime scene. Calling upon her Sight, she began at the edge of the taped-off area.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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"You'll fight him again

"You'll fight him again before this investigation is through." said an urbane voice from farther down the alley. With a line of after-images walking behind him, a ghostly man materialized at the other side of the crime scene. Once he stopped, the after-images merged with him and he became more solid.

The man appeared to be in his mid-30's, his facial features angular and strong with a well-trimmed black Balbo-style beard and short hair. He was wearing black shoes, charcoal pants, a charcoal vest, and a light grey long-sleeve buttoned shirt. Accenting his ensemble was a blood red tie, reflective shades of the same hue, and jet black leather gloves. The chain and clip of a burnished gold pocket-watch protruded from one of his vest pockets. In his right hand was an ancient and gnarled dark redwood cane with a silver cap topped with an enormous rounded onyx.

With a practiced motion, he flipped open his watch and checked it, nodding. He then held his cane up and cupped the onyx, whispering something. The onyx lit up with a dark purple internal glow, then shone a directed light which he began playing across the ground. "As I suspected, strong traces of necromancy and... this is odd, gamma radiation?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

notears's picture
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The Jester finally gets up

The Jester finally gets up and looks around, head still a little woozy from before, he goes over and picks up his hover disk and then presses and holds down a button on his helmet "Hey... uh.... Jerry? I'm uh... gonna need a port... HEY IT'S NOT FUNNY!!! STOP LAU-" he disappears into a flash of bright light

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
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"Nifty gear you've got. I'm

"Nifty gear you've got. I'm called Goldenrod. Our prime suspect..." She pulled an eight by ten photo out of a tiny pocket inside her belt. It showed a mirror displaying a car with a masked man who cast no shadow, a blue glowing girl, and a robot. "Joshua Basarab, a necromancer, he's the guy with the mask, was involved in a reported kidnapping of this girl, who has radioactivity issues."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Nina Guardian
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Interlude-The rooftop pool of

Interlude-The rooftop pool of a building several blocks from the crime scene:

An attractive 20-something young Black woman, black braids done up in a loose bun, wearing a black bikini top, white bikini bottoms, zebra print sunglasses, black flip flops and what look like white leather driving gloves but with obvious keypads on the backs of the hands,stands at a railing looking the direction of the just finished aerial battle.

From behind her: "Is it over already?"

Nina: "Yup, and it was the Jester alright. Couldn't make out who he was fighting, but they seem to have got the best of him. He's gonna be teleporting away any sec - yup, there he goes."

Barbie: "Ugh, I always hated that."

Nina turns and smiles at Barbie, a shorter, lighter skinned very pretty Black woman, also 20-something, currently laying at the side of the otherwise deserted pool casually waving her hand in the water. Barbie is similarly bikini clad, with similar, yet different driving gloves with some kind of tech inside laying next to her. Color coordinated with her bikini of course.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that kinda stuff anymore Brat, since you've retired. That's what you send those newbies who are always coming around asking for your advice to do."

"Yeah, well, I didn't exactly see you flying off the save the day, Ms. 'Guardian'"

Nina looks down at her attire. "I'm kinda underdressed for crime fighting at the moment" "Pfft! Right! Never stopped you before."

Nina strolls over to Barbie, who has had her eyes closed this entire time, scoops an ice cube out of her drink and drops it on Barbie's belly button. "You should talk, Miss 'It's only skin Mama'!"

"Agh! That cold!" Barbie quickly rolls to a crouch and grabs Nina's hand. A look passes between them. Love? Sadness? Maybe both. Then they both smile and give each other's hands a little squeeze. Barbie rolls onto her stomach and closes her eyes again.

As Nina kicks off her flip-flops, peels off her gloves and lays down next to the pool, the top of her head against Barbie's. she remarks "Well, I hope that's all the excitement we are gonna get this afternoon. we need to get some rest before tonight." "I know that's right." replies Barbie.

Interlude ends.

Phoenix Rising's Model Citizen

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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He straightened up and looked

He straightened up and looked over at Goldenrod. "The Sandman is a necromancer now? That's troubling."

He went back to scanning the ground, then huffed and shut off the light from his cane. "This is taking too long. While I prepare my spell, you can examine that rat you found under the dumpster." he said as he began tracing a circle of runes in the air with the onyx end of his cane.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Xselcier wrote:
Xselcier wrote:

"The Sandman is a necromancer now? That's troubling."

The casual comment slammed into a mental block Goldenrod hadn't even been aware of. She had her Black phone out, unlocked, and speed dialed within seconds. "Kahry? Goldenrod here. Any reason you can find that Joshua Basarab can't be the Sandman?"

Someone with super.hearing would hear an expletive in Old Draconic, followed by "Where'd that idea come from?"

"I'm not sure." Her voice rose a noticeable amount. "He hasn't told me what to call him yet. And he's blathering about a rat I don't recall finding... I'll talk with you later."

She put away the phone and knelt to look under the dumpster. There it was. She grabbed it with her gloved hand and Looked at it. "Dead, fleas and all."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
"I've told you my name..." he

"I've told you my name..." he started to say upon reaching a point where he could pause his casting, then stopped to check his watch.

"Forgive me, no I haven't. I go by Auspex." he said after waiting for Goldenrod to finish her call and retrieve the rat. "I'm going to create a temporal image recursion which should show us what exactly happened last night. But I need to know what point int the timestream to begin at. Can you determine exactly when that rat died?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Phantom Gentleman then noted

Phantom Gentleman then noted what was going on in the alleyway. "Excuse me seems my partner might need assistance." He rippled out of reality much like an light on a mirror vanishing only to reappear down in the alleyway.

"Goldenrod is everything alright?" He had his hand on his sword not sure about the fellow talking about a rat.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
"Auspex, Phantom Gentleman,

"Auspex, Phantom Gentleman, PG, Auspex.." Introductions out of the way, Goldenrod cast a spell to determine the age of an object, considering the corpse as a new object that had not existed before the rat had ceased to be... "Ten hours thirteen minutes." Shortly after two A.M., when Massachusetts law requires places serving alcohol to stop...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Auspex eyed Phantom Gentleman

Auspex eyed Phantom Gentleman, specifically the hand on the hilt, then looked back to Goldenrod as she made the introductions and told him the time of death.

"That should do." he said, doing some quick math in his head and determining the time of the attack. For good measure, he subtracted a few more minutes, then inscribed the proper runes into his spell circle. The circle flashed once after he closed it, settling down to a minimal eldritch glow.

"Activating... now." he said, touching the cane to the empowerment rune at the center of the circle. With a bright flash, the circle flew apart into an organic-looking wife-frame box that slowly spread outwards. As the edges of the box encountered solid objects that had been there ten hours before, wire-frame outlines of them came into being. If a person or object had not been there in the past, it was not outlined. Once the box had grown to encompass the entire mouth of the alley, it stopped and objects shaded in slightly. The box spread beyond the alley by several feet, showing part of the sidewalk.

"If you are ready, I'll activate the temporal flow and we can watch the events of last night." he said, looking over at Goldenrod for confirmation, his cane poised over a small rune on the ground at the center of the box.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Goldenrod stepped back as the

Goldenrod stepped back as the wireframe expanded, staying out of the area as she pulling out both of her phones. The one that looked ordinary she turned on, confirmed that it was in airplane mode, then whispered a brief incantation. With a gesture, she sent the phone up to the roofline, where it began recording. A similar incantation to her Black phone, and it hovered at eye level looking down the alley. "Ready," she said, as the two phones began recording everything she would have seen with her magesight from those vantages...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Last Night

Last Night

The alley first seemed empty then a van pulls up to the back. Out stepped Joshua dressed in the black shut. He didn't have his mask on his face was pale and lined with black veins he took out his phone and made a call "You said you spotted some likely targets?" A nod "you better be right I had my eye on an easy prey at the Naughty Corner." "Yes yes you get your fix. You sure they be coming this location. Good I make the delivery in the morning." He smiled and shut off the phone.

Then he walked to the other end of the alley spooking a rat as he went. The Rat ran across the alley and nearly made it to the cover of the trash bin. A black tentacle of smoke lashed out and it seized up and fell over drained of life. He kicked it aside and looked to the Van where a group of changed thugs came out his Zombifide minions.

He then noticed the glitter on his shoulder and brushed it off and put on that smiling cracked faced mask. "Hopefully that android will fix this problem soon. Damn heroes are already snooping."

The events played out like before he waited in the shadows almost bending them around him hiding himself. When the two women passed by he sent out his Tendrils of darkness draining them both so much that they weren't even useful for his mindless minions. Leaving the bodies in the alley he headed to the van once they were all in he drove off leaving the corpses in the alley.

Christian/ Phantom Gentleman walked forward to where his brother was standing several hours ago. "Three hundred years... I watched him. He used people, stole life, and used them for experiments. At the same time he never actively destructive, more... how can I say it. He just didn't care, people were just there. Tools, or toys but he did kill before only when he felt he had no other option. It was a waste to kill someone when he can wipe there memories or some other act."

He shook his head then smashed his fist into the trash bin anger in his voice. "He no longer my brother."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
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Once the attack had been

Once the attack had been resolved, Auspex tapped the rune a second time, halting it like you would a video. "Is there anything you would like to see again?" he asked the other two.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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"When he brushed off his

"When he brushed off his shoulder, please." Goldenrod moved to be in a position to get a good Look at the golden dandruff...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Auspex held his cane up,

Auspex held his cane up, cupped the onyx, and spoke quietly. Then he set the tip of the cane against the rune. A pulse of energy traveled from his cane and through the image. It began to back up slowly, speeding up until it stopped abruptly at the point where Sandman dusted off his shoulder. Auspex twisted the cane counter-clockwise and it backed up a few seconds more.

With a nod from Goldenrod, he picked the cane up and the temporal image began advancing again, but at 1/4 speed. "You were going to ask me to do that, so I saw no reason not to go ahead."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Phantom Gentleman took a deep

Phantom Gentleman took a deep breath as the scene played again. He went over to where Goldenrod was standing. "What have you spotted?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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"Do you see that shiny dust

"Do you see that shiny dust he's brushing off of his shoulder?" Goldenrod concentrated, hoping to learn enough to be able to identify the glitter - or whatever might be left of it in the present.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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"I can keep the image moving

"I can keep the image moving at 1/4 of its normal speed, or even slower, if you want to attempt to track the path of the glitter." Auspex volunteered.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"So that's glitter? Hmm, so

"So that's glitter? Hmm, so items one might see at a club. I don't think we need to do that Auspex we can do a bit of logic. He looked down the alleyway "He came here in a Van if he was following the women why would he drive to the alleyway. My guess that he had an informant tell him the two were easy prey. He came here ahead of the pair if he followed them why would he pull around into the alley to wait why not grab them off the street."

"If my guess is correct that glitter came from one of the other clubs. What is the nearest club that hasn't been near one of the murders?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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Getting a close look at the

Getting a close look at the glitter, Goldenrod seems a bit disappointed. "I was hoping it was something a bit more personal, like radioactive dandruff. Still, any clue is better than no clue." Using a pair of tweezers, she picked up a bit from where it had fallen and put it into an evidence bag.

"I think that would be the Naughty Corner, Phantom." Stepping out of the alley, she pointed at the building whose upper floors were visible a few blocks away. "Ground floor of that building. I think we've learned all we're going to here, unless some one else has ideas?" Goldenrod looked at Auspex, the Phantom Gentleman, and up towards the roof where she'd seen the woman with the dinosaur. She still hadn't noticed the woman sitting on the bench across the street...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Auspex shut down the spell

Auspex shut down the spell and then checked his watch, realizing that he'd inadvertently mentioned that the material was glitter. He shook his head and cursed to himself once again, then followed the other heroes to the mouth of the alley and looked to where Goldenrod was pointing. "So that is the oft-mentioned Naughty Corner. It seems a likely place to start and I have no other reason to remain here."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
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Time moved on and stories

Time moved on and stories ended, other stories begin. Ron wondered how many stories begin with it was a dark and stormy night. This one was starting out that way as he sat on top of a building looking over a cemetery. "You know I didn't sign up for this Hel." he spoke softly to no physical being, he got a reply anyway. 'That what you think. You were bound to my orb and so my powers. Oh Avatar of death.'

Sighing "You aren't going to let me live that one down."

'I'm a multi-reality being spanning most of the unknown multi-verse. I get my amusement where I can. Now quiet I sense them arriving.' Came the voice in his head.

He shifted to better hide his profile if anyone bothered to look at the chimney. Watching the gates of the cemetery he spotted two cars and a van pull in. Taking out a binoculars he focused on the van as all three vehicles pull up to a mausoleum. Figures dressed in robes that were black with different colors designs and patterns upon them came out of the building. From the van the robed figures removed four tied people of various races and sex. "Damn they got sacrifices. Hel this going to be a pain."

'You won't be able to do this alone Ron Bolton.'

"Right time to call for backup." Then he fell into a portal and reappeared a few miles away at a bar called Dante's Inferno.

Falling into a superhero one knee landing in front of the door. The 8-foot tall gargoyle-like fellow just snorted "Showing off Ron?"

He stood up "Damn Bob is anything going to impress you?"

Wide shoulders shifted into a shrug "You take me for a Tourist? We Titan city folk are made of sterner stuff."

Ron Laughs as he entered the bar "Preaching to the choir Bob."

Sitting at the bar a blue demon fellow walked over "Hey Ron you look like the dead."

"Very funny Dante. I need a favor, it's important."

"Sure what you need?"

He removed his phone and showed the pictures he took showing the cultist. "I need to use the bar for a group gathering."

Dante shook his head "Damn Ron you know I'm neutral."

"Ron they going to kill those folks. I just need a place to get a group togeather then we split."

After a few moment, Dante nodded "Alright Ron. Just don't let it get back to me. Hate for the Villains to think I gone soft."

"Thanks, Dante this could literally be a life saver."

After that, Ron set his phone to the city-wide Hero channel. "This is Rotten Luck calling for assistance. Group of Cultist magic users have at least 4 sacrificial victims. Unknown how many cultist are involved, observed 18. Forming team at the Dante's Inferno bar in Clarkstown."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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The first response came in

The first response came in moments later, a young woman with a Kiwi accent, and a hiss in the background that might be identified as wind outside of a closed motorcycle helmet. "Hey, Rotten! Crux here; I'm about three minutes out; what more can you tell us?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Alex Heartnet
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Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/07/2015 - 16:09
Wait, we are going to do what

"Wait, we are going to do what with these humans?"

One of the hooded cultists peered out at the others, as if awakening from a trance. Quickly glancing around the room, she thought to herself: "I came here to learn sorcery, not to... how did I get caught up in this? This isn't what I first came here for..."

She took off her mask for a moment, looking at it with a frown on her face, before quickly putting it back on again. "Maybe I should just eat them all or something, just like my grandmother would. Burn the place down, take that rather sizeable cache of silver that no Tamara that is not the way." She looked around again, this time at the figure with the most ornate robes. "The One who Watches will flay me alive if he found out. Better to bide my time and wait for the right moment." She wobbles a bit, nearly falling over on her own before regaining balance. "Well, assuming this clumsy body does not collapse from exaustion first..."

LeadWanderer's picture
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Tobias was currently arguing

Tobias was currently arguing with the bouncer, over the legitimacy of his I.D., Tobias knew it was fake, the bouncer knew it was fake, but Tobias was still trying to convince Bob he was 21.

"Oy, C'mon uh, Bob, can i call ya Bob? It's ah, international I.D?" Tobias tried to lie his way through it, and he wasn't even good at it.

"Real funny, you can call me Sir, and this ain't a passport, it says Rhode Island department of motor vehicles right there." The gargoyle turned the I.D. over... "And I'm pretty sure the lamination's peeling off. Scram kid."

"Aw, C'mon, can I atleast dry off a bit?" Tobias pleaded, giving up trying to get in.

"Sure, just a bit, not past here." The gargoyle pointed at his feet, Tobias just crossed his arms and nodded.

Tobias groaned and took the I.D. back, he checked his phone, Gold-Fire called. He exhaled quietly, considering whether he wanted to go or not, he wasn't much of a drinker, he just liked bumming smokes from the bar-flies and scamming pool. He lingered at the door, since it was raining outside, Bob didn't shove him out immediately, but definitely remained a barrier. Shortly after Rotten sent out his broadcast request, Gold-Fire's search return request was broadcast on the same channel. "This is Gold-Fire, of the Wanderers, one of our under-aged charges has wandered off, blond male, long hair, about 5'8", Scottish Accent, sprouts black blades and has some umbral and luminous auras. If anyone see's him, please contact us, and if you can, keep him out of legal trouble." Tobias was entirely oblivious as he sat by the door.

"Can I get a soda or something?" He muttered, looking up at the Gargoyle.

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Rotten looked up from the

Rotten looked up from the table as he replied to Crux. "Not much my Boss woke me up and sent me to spy on a cemetery. Spotted two four door cars and a van drive in there were twelve cultists that got out and six more came from a mausoleum. The building to small for that large of a group so I'm thinking underground complex or some weird dimensional shifting. That dimensional stuff might be it given how my boss can't see into the building and it's hard as heck to hide from a Death God. Hold on a moment."

He raised his hand hearing Gold-fire broadcast and waved at Tobias "Hey Tobias was wondering when you get here. Let him come in Bob he's with me, Dante let him have the designated driver free drink and me a strong lager." Then to Gold-fire "He's at Dante's Infernal trying to slip past the Bouncer. I got him covered. Doubt I get more underage people, but I might."

Then back to Crux "Okay Crux from what I can tell we dealing with some necromancers and other spell casters. However judging by the power needed to hide from my boss they aren't light weights."


Back at the Mausoleum.

The building was just an entrance for Rotten was right there was a gateway opened in the center of the building and the cultists led the hostages through. On the other side was a massive cavern decorated with skulls and bones. "Put the offerings in a cell." Came the voice of the leader a man dressed in black and gold robes speaking to a fellow who was in a business suit.

Those who would listen in would hear "You sure this would work Jutan Frost? Opening a portal to the underworld itself is dangerous but to try to enslave death?"

"I'm sure Chriozar. Your forces act fast enough you can put the shackles on Hel and she be your servant. The Frost Giants did fight against the Asgards often, of course their magic and tools be useful against such forces."

Chriozar opened the brief case and removed a set of iron manticals chains and a collar all marked with glowing blue runes. "Good then I shall truly be the Master of Death."

"Of course, and our bargain."

"Yes, yes I shall open the passage to the realm of the Frost Giants with the assistance of Hel. If she's willing or not."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Well, hopefully they'll be

"Well, hopefully they'll be so concerned with your boss they won't be warded against... other sources of power. Or weird combos. Oh, and can you vouch for me to the bouncer? My ID works fine back in En-Zed, but I haven't found a bar in Titan City yet that will let me in..."

The hum of the electric motors in the cycle's wheels changed their pitch as they turned kinetic energy back into stored energy in the battery pack. Gunni squeezed the brake just a bit more, and the cycle came to a stop in a space in the lot across the street. She set the lock, and looked over at the bar. [I]Dante's Inferno? Are they being silly, pretentious, or serious?[/I]

Only one way to find out, so she strode across the street, taking off her helmet once she got to the door. One clear look at the bouncer let her give "serious" an edge, but "silly" and "pretentious" were still in the running. She didn't pull out her ID, but instead said, "Hi, I'm Crux, here to see Rotten Luck."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Bob snorted "Another one of

Bob snorted "Another one of you huh. Fine no drinks unless you show your ID if you capes start drinking before saving the day I start worrying." He motions with his thumb to the table in the corner. "He's back there try not to disrupt the regulars."

Dante looked over at Rotten "Designated driver? Ron, I have seen you drink pure rubbing alcohol and not get a buzz. Even thought I got the money for this place betting on you don't mean I owe you a damn thing." The blue skinned demon fellow looked at the door hearing Bob "Seems another one for you Rotten." He calls out to Crux "What would you be drinking" He said as he got out a bottle of beer for Ron.

"Owe me for the winning? Naw, the religious nuts that wanted to exorcise you, the gang that wanted to include you on the protection racket. Me introducing you to Bob so your protected free of charge when I'm not around."

"Free of charge my tale! I pay Bob good rates and you still running a tab from when you had a heartbeat."

Ron laughs "I don't here you denying the other stuff! Crux over here!"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Tobias had turned around and

Tobias had turned around and was buying a pack of cigarettes from a machine that looked like it should have been taken out decades ago, luckily the last bar had been an easy pool hustle. Tobias blinked, as he was lighting one, he was ready to head outside to check if one of the other bars would let him in, then he heard a familiar voice. Oh, crap, that's not my gym teacher is it!? Tobias turned around, sure enough, it was Rotten Luck! His eyes became huge, thinking he was caught, but Ron had a cover story! Tobias grinned and went over to the table, he wasn't that interested in the soda, or the cigarettes, hustling pool and getting to beat up mages sounded much better!

"Thanks for your due diligence, B- Bob- Sir." Tobias nervously avoided eye contact, stuffed his hands into his leather jacket, that looked like it had a tour through wood stock, and hurried over to Ron. He didn't realize, of course, he was still busted. He wasn't 'legally' on probation, but the authorities definitely kept an eye on the hybrid teen. He picked up the soda that was begrudgingly served to him. He played with one of the cigarettes in his fingers as he sat down, too nervous to take a puff off of it, Tobias only knew Rotten from James Duncan High, and didn't think he could get away with smoking and sneaking into a bar.

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Ron was laughing his arse off

Ron was laughing his arse off well at least on the inside. Watching Tobias try to act cool was such a thrill. "Smoke if ya want kid not like I care if your lungs turn to raisins. Fair warning don't mess with the folks here three of the people in this place were involved in the underground fight clubs. Myself included." He took a swig of his beer.

"By the way, you are busted. Those Wonderers sent out a citywide call for folks to look out for you, just your luck I really don't give a crap. Teens need to be teens and guys need to be guys right? So here's the deal I can port you back to the tower or ya can help me clean out some cultists, perhaps save a few lives as we do. I cover for ya either way, tell them you agreed to help me and I just forgot to tell them first."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Tobias blinked, taking a drag

Tobias blinked, taking a drag off the cigarette while Ron said it was okay, though he did look rather afraid when he mentioned he was busted. Tobias was not a practiced smoker, so he started a coughing fit when Ron mentioned he was busted, plus the image of Raisin lungs didn't make the 'deathsticks' more appealing. He coughed a few more times, and put the cigarette out, sipping his drink... Tobias looked a little relieved by the end of Rotten's 'offer.'

"Okay, sounds like a good plan, was getting bored hustling pool anyhow." He said, still trying to play cool, even though he basically had no choice. "I'm pretty good against cultists and mage-types, and I'm in no hurry to get back to the Wanderers Tower." He added, it wasn't that it was a bad place, he just didn't like being cooped up. The voices got more annoyed. Though here he had a running dialogue in his head, one voice that sounded way to stalwart and 'noble', complaining about the scum and villainy surrounding them, the other wanted to join the scum and villainy. At the moment all three people in Toby's head liked the idea of getting to beat up some cultists.

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"What root beers do you have

"What root beers do you have in there? Any will do. Or a cola." Crux walked over and joined Rotten and the young man who might be almost as old as she was. "Hey, Rot. Who's your friend here?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Sorry, no root beer not

"Sorry, no root beer not enough orders for that kind here. I bring you a cola." Dante heads back to the bar and fills a glass.

"Hey Crux, this is Tobias. Tobias this is Crux. Tobias here is sprouts blades and sports auras of various types. Crux here is my go to magical mumbo Jumbo girl. Piss her off you might end up a frog." Rotten Luck said smiling at seeing the reaction Tobias had. Ron didn't care if you did something stupid like smoke as long as you knew the risk of doing such.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"He's just saying that

"He's just saying that because the [url=]first time we worked together[/url] I was the only one with much magical ability. And most of what I used then was a blessing a friend put on my blade. Mostly I do techy stuff, not witchy, with my magic. So no frogs. Maybe I could turn your car into a frog statue?" Crux smiled at the thought, of turning a villain's gadgets into statuettes...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Dante came over and handed

Dante came over and handed Crux her drink. "It's on the house."

Rotten slammed his beer down "Damn it. I was hoping to have a few more then just tha three of us. Alright, here what I'm thinking. Magic users generally rely on range, control, and support spells. A few may use melee attacks but they are rare. The downside is it's very easy to be hit by multiple foes at once. The plus side is those same mages tend to rely on overwhelming force and not so much on defensive abilities."

"Tobias, how are you at handling taking damage? I read your report but it been to long for me to bring it up off the top of my head. Tha only thing I remember is you have some kind of power flux issues. Will that be a problem?" Even before Tobias answered he turned to Crux indeed the laid back relaxed Ron was gone he had his game face on this was the fight hardened Rotten luck.

"Crux what kind of support spells are you packing? I bet we be facing dark magic users, perhaps a few pyros, cryo, and lighting. Doubt we face any nature or light magic types, they tend not to play well with Necromancers. Same with Mental magics if those cultists have any they be rare. So would there be anything you need?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Nice to meet ya, Crux."

"Nice to meet ya, Crux." Tobias smiled, sipping his soda, he was a bit nervous still, not every day you get caught sneaking into a bar, hustling pool and smoking, by your gym teacher, and get away with it! "Yeah, I'm almost exclusively Melee, cept throwing my blades. Defensively I can handle most magic and my jacket and natural metal has a certain amount of spell resistance and negation, atleast that's what my sister says. I don't handle the cold very well. As for the power fluctuations... " He exhaled quietly, he'd had very few incidents where he lost control and morphed into his demonic form, and so far, he's never shifted into his angelic form.

"It shouldn't be an issue if I stay in base form, though I give up a bit of defensive ability... I have the most control in this form, but if I'm knocked out, or somehow confused or confounded, I will probably transform, given the scenario, it'll probably be the Angel. He seems less dangerous than the Demon." Tobias didn't really like talking about the voices in his head, so he moved on quickly. "I can undo some forms of magical seals, the metal in my blades has a high concentration of Infernal and Holy mana, basically overloads weak spells and enchantments. Again, that's according to my sister, she's a svartalfar enchantress." Tobias shrugged.

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Crux wondered about the story

Crux wondered about the story behind that combination of abilities and limitations, but there didn't seem to be time to ask for details. "My Dad's folks came from Niðavellir, too. He's a Smith, though, not a sorcerer. Magic is more of a tertiary thing with me, except what I got from my Dad which is rather non-combat only. I've got some first aid spells, and thanks to my Mom I can easily tell who needs them, and one spell for defense against necromancy specifically." She paused a moment to lay that spell on both herself and Tobias; Rotten Luck had no need of it, and it might - conceivably - interfere with his link to his Boss. Best not to take chances about annoying Her. "Lasts about a half hour. And I've added an enchantment to my longsword to grab any stray lightning - out to about three meters away, call it ten feet? - and use it to top up the batteries in my suit. Mostly, though, I let my suit protect me while I use my blades or lasers." She activated her smartphone and called up the GPS. "So, where's this cemetery at? Or are we taking your shortcut? In which case I should grab my bike first."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Alex Heartnet
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Guard the door? Alone?

"Guard the door? Alone?"

Right behind the entrance doorway to the crypt a single masked cultist stood, watching and waiting. "Who is going to come through, anyway" she thought to herself. "What do they expect to happen, a bunch of knights to try and come through and stop the ritual?"

She looked at the rock-looking object in her hand. "This is all they gave me to eat? I cannot stand hardtack.". She removed her mask and swiftly gulped down the biscuit anyway. I really should ask for triple rations. Maybe when their little ritual is over... I should volunteer for the next supply run, buy twice as much food as requested and eat half of if immediately...". She opened the door for a moment to peer outside. "There is no ventilation in here at all. If there was fire in here the smoke will not be able to escape and will probably spread all the way to the ritual room back there." She chucked at the thought of everyone else in the crypt suffocating. "But that will probably get me in trouble..."

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"I have seen worst, Tobias.

"I have seen worst, Tobias. Heck, ya are looking at worst I am literally a walking killing magical monster. I been stabbed, shot, hacked, dragged by a car, beheaded, burnt... well ya get tha idea I can't die even when I want to. Tried to off myself three times before that lesson sunk in. I might not be infernal demonic, but I suffer a curse far worst then death. No matter how much I eat I'm always starving, always craving. Only one thing I know that eases the hunger and that's live flesh. Yeah as in something living or freshly dead that tha cells are still alive. I won't freak ya out how I know that just know I haven't killed anyone since I became this. One reason for my class, I know first hand how hard it is to handle the drawbacks of power."

He finishes his beer. "Alright, this is the game plan. Tobias you are our lead damage dealer, Crux focus on support for him, I do tha same providing my own necromancy and backup damage. I'm going to go full Linch here drawing on my reserves and bringing assistance from the underworld. Understand I would be sharing my power with the summoned, magical chains if you will. Can't risk them getting loose this means I'm more easily damaged then if I keep all my power for myself."

"Our primary goal is saving those hostages... hell we know they aren't hostages they are sacrifices. We get them and get them out fast. Our secondary goal is tha cultists leaders. Whatever the goal is I doubt the lower ranking ones know enough o pull off tha spells. Groups like these tempt tha lower ranking with greater knowledge for service but rarely share the powerful stuff. I'm more then sure a few are doubting their choices in joining, but too afraid now to quit."

"I will port us to tha Mausoleum directly don't want to risk one of us separating during transit. Stick togeather no one, not even me leaves the group we are stronger as a whole. Last thing if I do go down and seem lifeless... RUN don't try to recover me get clear. When I reanimate I'm going to be mindless and starving, I got a bag of jerky in my jacket for such events, but like I said fresh meat what I will be craving. Any questions? And no I won't answer is the school insane for letting a living dead zombie teach gym class."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Crux downed her cola, then

Crux downed her cola, then pulled out a weird American fiver and put it under the glass. "I'll be right back, then."

She walked briskly across the street, putting on her helmet on the way. "Carmen, Unlock Bike." There was a soft clunk as the brake pads released the drive disks. She grasped the handlebars and lifted the motorcycle up off the ground. "Carmen, Panzer Mode."

The bike unfolded and reformed as a suit of powered armor, the wheels, battery, and fusion cell on her back, two sections of the frame at her left hip looking like the scabbards of a samurai's [I]dai-sho[/i], with non-standard hilts. She strode back, and asked the gargoyle, "Do you allow powered armor inside, or will you let Mr. Bolton know I'm waiting out here?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Bob snorted "Technically no,

Bob snorted "Technically no, but you aren't a customer are you? Besides you are a guest of one of the owners Why do you think Ron using this place he owns a share of it."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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She chuckled, and said "OK, I

She chuckled, and said "OK, I'll be careful not to damage his floor." The soles widened to distribute the weight over more area, and she returned to the table, but did not sit down. "OK, I'm ready to go."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Tobias nodded, he didn't seem

Tobias nodded, he didn't seem properly scared by Rotten's self description. He smiled and nodded. "Since we're dealing with a ritual situation, do you want me to chib any stone alters, ritual table clothes, etc? Could keep them from sacrificing the hostages. Let's call 'em hostages, since I'm not keen on the sacrifice thing, and I like to think we'll save 'em." He glanced over at Crux as she got up.

He waited, sipping his soda while Crux went out to get her suit on after the plan. He finished it and set the glass down. "Well, I'd say we're about similar levels of danger in our own 'worst case' scenarios. I don't think we'll come to that problem, assuming the whole thing doesn't go to shite. Don't spread yourself too thin, unless I start getting too excited. I can draw off the cultists to heal myself, but going berserk is a risk when I er... enjoy it, or get too angry." He said with a weak smile, standing up at about the time Crux got to the table in her suit. "Let's go give 'em a good wallop 'eh?"

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"I know that feeling even

"I know that feeling even before I died." He stood up and motioned in the air and the shadows swirled around forming a portal. "Tobias, anything can happen and people die even when we try not to. If ya can do this without causing any deaths I add it to yar grade as extra credit. Ya know to cover tha times ya skipped class. Of course to get tha credit I want a full report in yar journal no point in it if ya don't record the events. So yeah homework."

"Normally I go first, but I need to keep tha portal open so be careful when going through. A portal into nothingness opening up in a cemetery might have been noticed."

Indeed, to anyone watching it would seem as if the shadows pooled into a swirling vortex of nothing right at the entrance to the mausoleum.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Crux nodded as Rotten Luck

Crux nodded as Rotten Luck opened his portal and drew her blades. The short sword in her left hand was shaped like a Roman gladius, but seemed to be made of a nearly transparent crystalline material with a high refraction index. The long sword looked like it could have come from the Weta Workshop, perhaps made for a fantasy movie. She stepped through, and the longsword began to glow almost immediately. This concerned her somewhat, as she'd never seen it happen before, and it was almost certain to attract attention. But that was why she'd gone through first, and she stepped to one side to check the back of the portal for threats.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Alex Heartnet
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The cultist standing on guard

The cultist standing on guard duty stopped and just stared at the portal that opened up in front of her.

[i]Is this another one of Headmaster's tricks?[/i] she thought to herself. [i]No, I would probably be the next sacrifice or something if I let someone through, better warn the rest.[/i]

The guard cultist then begins jogging down the hallway deeper into the crypt.

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The motion down the corridor

The motion down the corridor didn't register at first, possibly because of the glow from her sword. But Crux heard the footsteps. "Carmen, IR Mode," she whispered. She looked down the corridor and saw the heatsource, human sized, bipedal, running. She activated her left wrist laser and sent a ruby beam into the wall to the target's right, calling out "Stop!"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Alex Heartnet
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The cultist quickly ducked

The cultist quickly ducked behind a column, then shot a jet of flame from her left hand, aiming at the floor between herself and Crux. She sweeped the flame across the entire width of the hallway, creating a wall of searing flame that completely blocks off the only passage deeper into the crypt.

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Tobias was pretty used to

Tobias was pretty used to springing in randomly, his blades grew quickly from his joints, through of his clothes, the pants torn but repairing around the blade, Technosis had over engineered his clothes. The jacket fixed itself, but the next moment before Tobias leaped through the portal he disappeared, except for a few black wisps that swirled in patterns where his body was. He wasn't through the portal in time to stop the cultist from running, but he heard and followed Crux into the crypt, arriving after the wall of flames He didn't stop, though but he became visible again as he ran at the flames, his aura thickened around him and turned to white flames in spots and he had to focus on defense.

Tobias' aura deflected most of the flames as he leaped through the flames, crossing his two foot long wrist blades and he rolling, putting out the flames that stuck. He quickly recovered, and flew around the pillar, swinging with his wrist blade towards the cultists head, while he quickly whirled around to swing the blade on his other elbow at their gut to shallowly cut them. He was heavily using his venom that coursed through the blades, to knock them out from intensified pain, while the wounds heal quickly. The swing with his wrist was far too shallow to kill, the Wanderers had been training him to be more friendly with the law. He preferred they enter as stealthily as possibly, it was basic instinct for his breed of demons. The wall of flames probably ruined the element of surprise though...

Alex Heartnet
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The lone cultist just stops

The lone cultist just stops and stares at Tobias for a moment after being cut. Then with a soft 'mmrrfff' she collapses onto the floor, still holding that small ball of fire in her hand.

Meanwhile the wall of flame continues to burn behind the two of them, quickly filling the poorly-ventilated crypt entrance with chokingly thick black smoke just like any other type of fire would do.

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Rotten was last through the

Rotten was last through the portal and it closed behind him. "Well, this was not what I expected." He raised his hands and six figures seem to climb out of shadows at his feet. Three were normal looking zombies, two with armor and swords, and the last was just a skeleton top half in rags.

"We need some ventilation I'm not worried about me sufficating, but ya two and that cultist have to breathe!" He looked about and motioned to the door to the mausoleum "Get that door open."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Actually, I'm good for about

"Actually, I'm good for about an hour, air-wise," said Crux as she Kenned the lock and Crafted a key. A few seconds later she had the door swinging open. Then she scooped up a handful of mud from outside, shaped it into a wedge and drove the water out of it and sintered it a bit before jamming the resulting ceramic wedge under the edge of the door to keep it from swinging closed on its own.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Larry, Curly, Moe start

"Larry, Curly, Moe start blasting those flames. Perhaps we can disrupt the spell." The two death knights and the linch start blasting the firewall with dark magic. Rotten walked over to where Tobias and the Cultist was.

"How long is she going to be out Tobias? We might be able to get her to tell us where tha hostages are held."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Alex Heartnet
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The flames dance and darken

The flames dance and darken when blasted by the dark magic, before quickly dying down once the captured cultist raised her hand.

"owww, uhh..." She looked upwards at Tobias, pushing her mask aside to stare blankly at Tobias. "You caught me, I oww did not want to be a part of oww what did you use?"

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Crux moved up, and assessed

Crux moved up, and assessed the guard's health with her Death Sight while pulling a couple of zip ties out of a compartment at her right hip. "Something effective. Our turn for questions. How many cultists are here?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Tobias stood over the cultist

Tobias stood over the cultist, he was on the other side of the flames, but still, had to cover his face from the smoke for a bit. Once the flames went out he looked over at his teammates first. "Regenerative Neuro-Toxin." He held up his wrist blade, which melted back into his body, the wound on the under side of his wrist looked raw and scabbed but the light bleeding stopped. "Your nerves are mostly busy feeling the pain, best to answer, then pass out. It only lasts a few minutes."

Alex Heartnet
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The woman spokes softly,

The woman spokes softly, clearly feeling the pain. "Guards? The ones I know of are the patrol robot, the baby beholder, the waterball spitting statue, the healing beam with sharp rocks in it, the security cameras, aannddd the dragon." She grins sheepishly as she mentions the last thing. "Members?" She lets out a deep sigh. "Everyone looks the same with the robes and mask."

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"A beholder I might believe.

"A beholder I might believe. The rest I doubt." He smiled his leathery face curved into a grin. "Let's make this simple we are here to rescue the hostages. Yar leaders have been playing ya for a fool. Teaching ya just enough magic to keep ya following, but tha powerful stuff they keep to themselves."

He removes his sunglasses showing the glowing red-black eyes. "Tell us where they are. Or I let ya see what's beyond the veil of death."

(Alex stop adding things without clearing it with me! There are 24 generic cultists 4 of them are necromancers, the others are elemental powers. There are traps using Norse marked rune stones. The hostages are kept in a chamber following the right path. There will be about 10 cultists in that direction two are necros. Left path leads to the ritual chamber where Jutan Frost and the Leader at. Yes, I thought of this stuff beforehand!)

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Alex Heartnet
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"This way, yes." The woman

"This way, yes." The woman pointed towards the hallway's first intersection, then starts walking down the hallway at a ssllloww pace. "Turn right once you get to it..."

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Once in the hallway, the

Once in the hallway, the group would see the left side slops down. The right doesn't however there a stone pillar with a rune marking. This rune didn't react when the woman got near, it did start glowing white when the others approach. Then a blast of lightning shot out at the nearest target.

"Look out!" Rotten said as he shoves one of the zombies forward to take the blunt of the blast.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Crux moved as soon as Rotten

Crux moved as soon as Rotten spoke, but toward the rune, not away from it. She wasn't fast enough to get in front of the zombie before the rune went off, but all of the lightning that didn't hit the zombie was pulled into her sword. It danced up and down the blade a bit, and the meter on her HUD that told her how much energy was stored in her battery went up a bit. So did the temperature inside her suit, as the enchantment wasn't perfectly efficient. "No need to waste your zombies on lightning runes, RL. We may need them later."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Tobias raised his eyebrows at

Tobias raised his eyebrows at the list of improbable traps and enemies that the cultist listed off, then chuckles. "Oh, so you've probably never been past second door." Tobias grinned, suspecting that the list was an entire bluff. He followed after Crux and Rotten, wondering if he should be in front. He felt a tingle as the magic activated, though Rotten and Crux were quicker to react to it. As the lightning went off and discharged into the Zombie and Crux's sword, Tobias moved around the two, forming his blades before he shoved them into the sigils on the pillar to dispel the magic.

"So, what happened to me taking point?" He grinned, stepping out in front and activating his aura vision. "Just call out where you sense any magic traps?" He suggested with a shrug. His blades and wrist smoked a little bit, burned by the discharging spell, though his venom kept healing the wounds while his blades were out, even as he used the natural toxin sparingly.

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"Sorry, Tobias I'm kind of

"Sorry, Tobias I'm kind of not used to being in tha back. Also, I'm wondering if Crux armor would work better at taking magical damage than ya could." He shrugged "Still ya be better at dealing out tha damage with yar toxic advantage."

The floating linch spoke up "I'm fine letting the living feel pain."

"Shut up Moe," Rotten said to the linch.

"That's not my name."

"It is when I summon ya."

"Okay, Tobias lets see what down that hall. Be careful folks I think that trap might have alerted them."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Pretty good at taking damage

"Pretty good at taking damage, period. But I'm not sure how much resistance Tobias' background gives him. So I'll guard his left flank, discourage anyone from ganging up on him, and have the healing ready." Crux was keeping her long sword down and behind her and Tobias, it was bright enough to attract attention, otherwise. The gladius in her left hand was ready to parry or stab as needed...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Tobias nodded, forming his

Tobias nodded, forming his aura around himself, though for the most part it was reactive, he kept his blades ready. "We'll have to test out who's more durable some time." He grinned. "They call my demonic breed "Night Thorns", cause the spikes and the shadows." From behind a few spikes could be seen poking through his hair. He laughed quietly, whispering back as they headed forward. "I think my other side, Nephilim, lends a bit to taking damage as well. " He shrugged. He concealed himself again as he crept around the corner first, he snapped the blades off at his wrists, readying the two blades to throw if anyone was in sight.

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Permafrost, peeked around the

Permafrost, peeked around the corner at the advancing heroes, then withdrew and cursed to himself. "Capes. Th't's jus' wh't I need righ' now."

He vaporized the icy knife that he'd shoved through the upper torso of the cultist he was holding against the wall. He'd stumbled upon the hole Permafrost had made getting into the crypt and was about to cause a ruckus, so he'd been dealt with. Eyeballing the mech and reckoning it had advanced forms of detection, Permafrost siphoned off every last BTU from the body, making it as cold as the surrounding stone, then created a patch of ice and slid the body along it, depositing it in a dark corner.

After vaporizing the patch of ice, he peeked again, doing a double take as he realized who was leading them. "F'ck f'ck f'ck! 'ow is th's even fair?"

Sighing, he leaned casually against the wall, then waited for them to come around the corner. "Took yeh long enuff t' get 'ere, dead man." he said, injecting joviality into his voice.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"hold up everyone." He

"hold up everyone." He called out spotting Permafrost. "Permafrost I didn't expect ya here. Is tha mercenary gig so bad ya have to get involved with trash like these?" Rotten put his glasses back on and looked around noting the cultist they were following had taken off.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Maybe sometime with fewer

"Maybe sometime with fewer people around that we don't know who want to test us to destruction."

Crux kept her guard up while Rotten Luck was talking to the mercenary.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"I'm not 'ere und'r contract.

"I'm not 'ere und'r contract. I got sumbody close t' me amongst th' 'ostages. Consequently, one-time only t'night, I'm a 'ero." he said, stepping into the meager light of the crypt's hallway. He was clad in a form-fitting stealth suit with minimal armoring in vital areas. The suit was an exceedingly dark blue with black trim. Since the museum heist two years earlier, his mask had been upgraded to a helmet that only revealed his frosty bluish-white hair sticking out the top. His eyes were still covered by deep blue shades attached to the mask. As he turned his upper torso to look down the hallway, the others would be able to see a slim backpack attached to the suit. "Yeh got lead, dead man."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Tobias was actually in front,

Tobias was actually in front, but invisible. He shivered at the cold the man gave off, he dissipated his cloaking aura and appeared a few feet away from Perma, though still in his peripheral vision.
"Yo." Tobias still had the broken blade fragments in his hands and the blades sticking out. "What a party ya started huh, Coach?" Tobias joked, tucking the broken blades into his jacket pocket for later. "We oughta hurry along then, mates, don't want the hostages to turn into sacrifices." Tobias didn't bother concealing himself this time as he went to the front of the group again, glancing back at Crux to make sure she was ready as well before he lead the way towards the hostages; he used his aura vision to try and lead them in the right direction, but Rotten was still the boss.

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Permafrost noticed Tobias's

Permafrost noticed Tobias's slight shiver and pondered it, then realized that in his anxious state, he'd been giving off waves of cold. With a second of concentration, he stopped.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Rotten sniffed the air and

Rotten sniffed the air and raised a brow thought didn't speak up on what he detected. "Alright Permafrost, but remember operating with me you follow my rules. No killing, non-lethal attacks only I will port the unconscious to the TCPD." He starts following Tobias "We had captured a cultist who said the hostages are down this path."

Up ahead Tobias would spot 5 cultist grouping up. Two had red fire design robes, one had snow and ice, and two had lightning marking robes. "Haren should have reported by now. Think something happened?" One of the fire mages asked.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Clear as ice. Fink yeh c'n

"Clear as ice. Fink yeh c'n avoid gnawin' on any of 'em?" he quipped before moving ahead and disappearing into the shadows. He silently moved up until he was right behind Tobias, allowing him to peer over the kid's shoulder and see the five cultists. "Got any foughts on 'ow t' t'ke 'em out, kid?" he asked quietly.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Tobias glanced back at Perma,

Tobias glanced back at Perma, grateful he wasn't exuding the cold anymore. Tobias nodded, concealing himself in his shadow aura.
"Yeah, fire, I can handle the brunt of a few hits with my powers." Tobias whispered, the perceptual field of his stealth powers hiding the sound of their voices from the cultists. "I can fly in and engage the fire mages, attacking breaks the perceptual blockage, so at that point, the ice guy will notice me, and I do NOT handle cold well, metal bones chill easily." Tobias glanced back at the others. "Lightning hurts a bit extra, same reason." Tobias glanced back. "I'm going in." He whispered, then dashed forward, hugging close to the wall, he floated in the air after a couple steps to build momentum. After a couple seconds of flight Tobias would tackle one of the fire mages from behind, jabbing his wrist blade into the man's scapula, heavy venom load, his elbow blade he jabbed into the others as he reappeared and his aura shifted to a defensive mode. He spun around, using the man as a shield between himself and the ice mage while he crouched and tried sweeping the legs of the second mage, he'd snap the blades off leaving them imbedded in the bone and hovered a few feet away while his blades regrew. He positioned himself so that the cultists wouldn't be facing his teammates, hoping to give them the element of surprise as well.

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Crux sprang forward to engage

Crux sprang forward to engage the lightning adept closer to Tobias, presenting her back to the other while she drove the hilt of her gladius at the jaw of her main target, with force about equal to a prizefighter's best heavy punch. Her long sword was moving up to a high guard position, ready to strike... and still closer to the second lightning adept than the rest of her body...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Permafrost shook his head at

Permafrost shook his head at the impulsiveness of the heroes, but followed them into the room anyhow. "Oi!" he hollered looking directly at the ice casters.

Both of them turned to face him, their hands pulsing with blue energy. One began throwing foot-long shards while the other generated an ice axe and charged. Permafrost raised a hand to stop the shards, then created a patch of ice which sent the axe wielder sliding out of control. As the axe wielder zipped past him, Permafrost spun and kicked him into a wall, knocking him out. He then turned back to the shard thrower. "Y'know wot, mate? Yeh jus f'cked up."

With a small gesture, Permafrost spun the shards around and sent them flying back at the ice caster.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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The fire mage Tobias struck

The fire mage Tobias struck didn't have a chance to fully become aware of the attack before hitting the ground. The second leaped back and threw a firewall spell at Tobias trying to encircle him in a ring of flames. Both lightning casters having slightly more time to prepare cast an energy aura around themselves becoming living Tesla coils. The energy near the one Crux was at sparkled along her blade. The Ice mage shocked at seeing his own spell reflected back screamed and shielded his face with his arms as the shards flew into him.

Then came Rotten's zombie hoard rushing the second Fire mage as he was taking aim at Tobias. The fireball hit and spread at it struck the first Zombie but the others still gripped the robes as the death knights blasted with dark magic into the man. Rotten and the Linch cast protective spells making it harder for the mages to hit. "Typical take-out style of ours Perma. Fast and hard!"

Moe the linch spoke up "That what she said."

Rotten blinked and did a double take "Moe did ya just made a joke? Great it's tha end of tha world."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Tobias came back towards the

Tobias came back towards the fray after a few seconds, grabbing the blades out of the back of the incapacitated mage before the venom lost effect. He chucked them along with the two he had from his pocket at the frost mage and one of the lightning mages, two each. Then the Fire circle spread, Tobias frowned and gritted his teeth, Tobias barely set foot inside the circle before he took flight again. Faint red streaks followed him on his back, as he flew, there wasn't much space in a crypt but he got over the flames enough to just catch his feet on fire, the magic cutting through his infernal mist and white flames. He landed in a crouch and patted himself off, his aura rebuilding itself where his defenses had worn.

"Protracted battles means I run out of venom and they stop healing. Plus, ambush predatory instincts." Tobias laughed once, quietly, glancing around. "We got em all?" He asked

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"Almost," answered Crux. She

"Almost," answered Crux. She routed the excess power into the electrostatic impeller (formerly the wheels of the motorcycle), sending the wash straight at the mage behind her, and adding a bit of speed as she followed her original target as he dodged back. But instead of striking with the pommel, this time she swung with the flat of the gladius, which rang out with a clear tone as it struck his head above the ear. As he fell, she turned back to the other...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Since he'd agreed to play by

Since he'd agreed to play by the rules, Permafrost's reflected shards penetrated the ice mage in non-vital areas. Two penetrated his upper left leg, bruising the bone in both places, one shattered as it broke his right collarbone, and the last made it through his arms and ricocheted off his skull, fracturing it and taking a strip of flesh off. He fell to the ground, unconscious, his scalp bleeding profusely.

As Crux turned on the second lightning mage, Permafrost raised a hand and engulfed the man in a cone of blistering cold, chilling him to the bone. The attack left him shivering violently and unable to mount much of a defense, so Permafrost leaned against the wall and gestured at the man. "At th' lady's pleasure."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Thank you." Crux returned

"Thank you." Crux returned her swords to scabbards and pulled out zip ties. She trapped the mage's hands under one arm and secured first the thumbs and then the pinkies, immobilizing the hands palm to palm. She watched the hands for a while to make sure blood flow was not being restricted. "So, how many more of you are there?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"OWW.... Ease up lady. There

"OWW.... Ease up lady. There... ow... are twenty-four of us. Om... so that's nineteen left?" Rotten walked among the others and as he does he opened portals sending them to the local PD.

"That depends on how many our friend Permafrost here took out," Rotten said with a nod to Permafrost.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
