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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.
To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.
As long as it's up before the Beta launches ;)
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
oh, I'm riding his butt, don't you worry. it will be finished.
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
He has to finish. Were holding his pitchfork in hock until he delivers the goods!!!
(The air fills with the sound of evil maniacal laughter)
[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]
[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]
For the CoX portion, I won't have any characters. But for the CoT portion, feel free to contract out to Morrison & O'Brian Architecture Engineering & Gadgeteering. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Can you tell us when you have it all up and running NightLight? Will this just be for our group or for everyone?
Im simply a hostage in all of this...
This is only for our SG, as we cannot make it stretch beyond our own creative freedom :P I mean, anyone can use it to have their character stem from it as well, without being in the SG, but it is nowhere near canon. IP stuff and all.
I planned to write the first chapter the past weekend, but classwork and family duties got in the way.
I will guide you in the night.
Yup, I see. That sounds cool, take your time on it all Night Light, don't worry about us.
It's gonna be epic!
For anyone who doesn't know, Night Light has the RP OOC up if you want to join that.thats the start to the RP.
If im thinking of the right one, that's really old and unreliable :P I think...
I will guide you in the night.
It is the old one, people started replying to it though, I believe I was the last reply on it as of recently.
Anyone on? What's the skype group name?
Best way is to friend somebody in the group on Skype & have them invite you to the group chat. Kovacs is usually on.
Do you know what Kovacs name is on there? Is it the same as this one?
Assuming my comp is powered on (and it usually is) I have skype open for the SG chat. Send me a PM with your skype name and I will send you an invite.
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
I sent you a message, I don't know how to change the full name thing.
Anyone here?
No, we're all over there...
Any new updates? I'm out of the skype loop.
Just wondering, is this SG going to be RP friendly, I know some are so I was just wondering, how much progress do we have so far?
Yes the SG will be RP friendly, but not required. Were working on a backstory, and RP will be allowed following that point, a lot of this will start once alpha/beta happens. till then were just working on the pre game story line to tie CoH and CoT together.
Sorry i haven't been around in a while, been working like a mad man lately, trying to buy a house by the end of the year, and its stressing me out..
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
That's okay, I just wanted to know. Getting the basics down is good, sculpting out what we can right now is good, keeps less off our plate. I've got summer until the end of today so I was wondering what was done, can I have a link to the skype?
uh, join Skype and then PM me and Kaxiya your username and well get it taken care of.
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
Sadly, it seems I can't find your group invite thing on skype.. Is there a certain name for it that I can use to look it up? Skype just doesn't seem to work for me.
Received your PM "The Doctor"....Looking forward to seeing you on Skype.
NOTE----Anyone who wishes to join the SG group channel on Skype can just send a PM (with your Skype name) to Chris ( Kovacs ) or myself and we can get you setup.
[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]
[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]
20 hours of overtime have sucked this week. Sorry i haven't been on, nor been able to get onto Skype to get you added.
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
[cartman]You guys. Holy crap you guys.
You guys.
For those that haven't heard; seems likely our decision to link our SG to the old game may have farrrrrr fewer hurdles than one might think."
I vote right now that if COH comes back, we all get together and play. It will be like a pre-COT team- building exercise. It will give us a chance to bond and really become more of a team before we dive into our new home.
I'd have no problem waiting for CoT on a relaunched CoH. :)
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
Sounds like a plan!
Sorry i haven't been on in a while and I have been trying to fix my characters around. I was thinking of haveing demrius in the sg apposed to Jorortis.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
just checking in, hoping all is well, been dealing with some personal stuff, should have some free time again in the next week. well see... If anyone needs anything just ask, there are others watching over the thread if anything should arise.
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
Hello Everyone!!!! Just stoping by since a couple of month ... hope everyone is doing ok. Cheersss!!!
Codyklous brutality!!!
*raids fridge then waves*
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Glad [I]someone[/I] here has their priorities straight... ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
I am interested but I am not an Alt person. I can not be in this in Phoenix Rising at the same time. I will have to ponder this. You may place me as a pending member if you wish.
The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.
Even if you decide to not join us, well still get to meet up. Phoenix Rising is going to be a coalition member with our SG.
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
Just wanted to show I'm still around even if I've been quiet. lol
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Did everyone here like the Facebook page if they could? We are half way to 5K. Seems like they are gonna start on the avatar builder too, if you look at MWM's Facebook page, they are taking people for the job.
I have . I hit like on my Facebook and I'm here as well just a few things been busy with but I'm awaiting more updates this game looks amazing so far can't wait for actual video footage
Yup Yup, just busy with life. Hoping to have a new house built and moved into in time for the games public launch next year.
Anyone been up to anything neat?
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
I liked the page and as far as what I'm up to. been working hard on my comic reboot. Been working on art as well as writing. Also getting ready for my birthday in December.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
My birthday in December too
Me 3! ;D
I just went to an Ole Miss game, school has been kicking my ass.
*searches for peeps, flies over to the fridge and raids it, then takes a nap on top of the round JSA-style table*
*remembers her dream in which the Golden-Age Amerikatt gave her life to save Paragon Earth and she took-up the mantle and became the Silver-Age Amerikatt of Titan Earth!*
[Their epic meeting -- though an imaginary story crafted by legendary artist Simon Kirby -- was recorded in the classic story, "Amerikatt of Two Worlds", in Amerikatt Comics #123 -- Editor]
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
*huggles teh Amerikatt* :D
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Dang It. If I only had fluffy ears, i might get some Hugges too! >:(
No wait, I dont need Huggies! :D
*Checks Down Under*
See? The Kitty Ears is a [url=]blessing, not a curse![/url]
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
*headbonkinates at teh hugglecates*
*rawrs at everyone*
Raaaaaaaaawr! [Translation: "This is only a brief astral projection. I'm currently being held prisoner by members of The Amerikatt Revenge Squad!" :( ]
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
I liked the page as number 425 some time back. As for what I'm been doing, finished writing a book and still working on making my own game. Also fixing a hole in a doom trap of doom that's been there forever, they put in the work order to have it fixed 20 years from now but I figured I might fix it this week, or next, or not.
The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.
The eyes of the unruly dictator are ever present...
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
Don't know what you don't know. Only know what you know.
-The wiseman.
*cues "The Alley Cat Song"!*
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
Do you guys like how far we are in making the game now? So far there's a character creator getting made, some 3D modeling as seen in the Mongols award, a lot of Lore and some severs and what not. I'm personally very happy, I just don't know if they are updating bi-weekly or weekly now.
What I have seen so far really encourages me and gives me more than a fragile hope that City of Tabbies (CoT) will *FINALLY* offer me a chance to play a non-anthropomorphized cat-thing. Amerikatt is a cat, not a catgirl or cat-thing.
*crosses forepaws and hopes to The Great Mother that her wishes will come true!*
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
Anyone have any questions about the SG plans, where were at? etc??
Don't be afraid to ask!
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
Looks like you guys are filling up quite nicely! Might want to join up with one of my alts if there is a need. Played from beta to close, mostly on Red side, but I had 6 50s on Hero side Guardian server. Anyone else play on Guardian?
Ya know, they say never hit a man with a closed fist, but it is on occasion hilarious. -Malcolm Reynolds
Well, its about to be december, hope everyones holidays are going well.
All i want for christmas is to see a sample of our building :P , a guy can wish right?
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
Happy New Year's Eve everyone! Have fun and don't do anything stoopid ;)
I may or may not have done stupid things, depending on if you've seen the youtube videos....
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
Hope all is well, my life is 99% Work and playing Destiny...
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
I've tried destiny, I can't get into it. Meanwhile I've been taking finals and playing both TLOU, and Tomb Raider. PS4 is wonderful. Hoping to get the InFAMOUS series if I get good grade.
inFAMOUS second son was a wonderful series.
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
Chiming in late, but I'm interested in join this myself :D
*yawns from atop a nearby server, then gathers her dust bunny friends protectively and returns to her cat nap*
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
I'd love to join this group. Having a solid community full of friendly people going into the game would be sweet.
Hero name: Pinnacle
Powers: Energy manipulation/projection
Backstory: "The pinnacle of human evolution." Once, a Canadian soldier back in WWII, Alexander Kopper was recruited by a secret US military organization called Goliath. They augmented him with a metal from space, which was found inside of a meteor the day the first world war ended. This metal, burrithium, was a solid form of energy, turning Alex into an immortal living weapon in order to prevent the axis from using the same technology in order to take over the world. After the war is over, Pinnacle worked as an operative for Goliath preventing world crisis and stopping burrithium from getting into the wrong hands.
In the year 2112, Goliath devised a way to separate Alex from the burrithium, making him human again and allowing him to live the life that was taken from him. The They successfully did this, however the separation had some unexpected outcomes. The burrithium energy preserved Alex's previous physique, keeping him young and healthy. Despite this good news, the separation let loose a massive amount of uncontrollable energy into the Earth's atmosphere. There were no immediate side effects, but over the course of the next year more and more people began mutating into something more.
Alex received millions of dollars and a mansion on Vancouver Island for the years he had given to the UN. He led an empty life for the next two years while the meta-human population continued to grow. It wasn't until after a bar fight that he realized that his powers were slowly returning. He soon decided to develop his powers (not too much, as he wishes to remain somewhat human) and help those in need. With the rise of super powered threats, and the war between them and the rest of the world, he knew that he needed to protect those caught in the crossfire. But despite his best efforts, he failed. The world he fought so hard to protect was destroyed. He refuses to make the same mistake again...
Also, I've been looking for people to play champions with while we wait for this to come out. Maybe we can start a branch of The Paragons there in there for now to get used to playing together :) and start to figure out our group colors, logo, and costumes and stuff.
How's the lore coming?
Also, is anyone from the SG meeting outside of here? Sorry I've fallen out of touch, I got a new job in September, and went from being easily the most tech-savy person in the room 99% of the time to being the resident n00b. That's good, though; because now I have room to grown and improve my skills. However, it forced me to put a LOT of stuff on the back burner. But I've got a little more time now. So what's the haps?
Still here checking out forums waiting on new updates howdy all can't wait to see what character creator looks like
Holy gaucamole it's april!!!! Hope all is well with everyone.
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
*checks [url=]latest update[/url].*
Why, so it is. ^_^
Hmmmm, something I need to check on...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Hello all just poking my nose in to see what's going on
Sign me up. Was an active member of a few SGs on Guardian server back in the glory days. BS/Regen for life.
Alright maggots, listen up. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order: it goes you, the dirt, the worms inside the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami; and Popo. Any questions?
*stares deeply into YOUR eyes and mesmerizes YOU into watching this vid: *
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
Hey everyone!
I would like to be part of the SG. I AM EXCITED TO SEE HOW COT TURNS OUT.
If i was addicted to COH, oh man... i might need professional help after COT launches.
Top5 Healer in the world
Welcome to City of Tabbies, Obed! :D
*strikes an heroic pose and then purrrrloins YOUR noms!*
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
Welcome to the Sg bro!!!! Cheers!!!
Codyklous brutality!!!
Been a while but checking in to let you guys know I'm still here eventhough I lurk more than I post nowadays. Life has been just a tad bit busy for me.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
hello same here just checking in and getting things done before i never leave the house and see sunlight again when this game comes out
I just returned to the forums yesterday after being absent since early May. I find with a project of this time scale I need to step away every once in a while. I do need to get back on Skype though.
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
I'll keep an eye on you guys. You look like a friendly bunch and I recognize quite a few members via just browsing the forums overtime.
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
Just wondering, are we going to be in Paragon chat? Like will we be using it for the time being?
Speaking only for myself, I have thought about giving paragon chat a try, I just haven't had any time to set it up. If I do, I would love to chat it up with any/all of you there.
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
As long as I am over here in Japan, I'm mostly online when everyone else is off at work or school. I have logged into Paragon Chat several times since it went live and enjoyed every session. There is always at least a couple of people hanging around in Atlas and/or crowding around the various tailors scattered through the game. The first week there was so much going on in general chat channels it was impossible to follow. Now people are mostly concentrating on local chat or private channels.
My author page at Amazon:
My novelty shirts:
Well, I've got Paragon Chat up and running. More enjoyable than it should be just running through the city.
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
Hello anyone home ?! :-)
Nope, I'm at work. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
I think we have just hit the quiet time as we await the character creator and the eventual beta test.
I never set anything on fire accidentally!
The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame
Agreed! I check in every week or so, but it's hard to really make too many plans about a what we're going to do in-game when we know nothing about the game outside of story and conceptualized ideas. I'm still SUPER eager to play, super eager to be a member of this team, and super eager to meet all of you on the streets of Titan City, though!