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Packaged Themes

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Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Vampire Package

[H3]Vampire Package[/H3]
[url=]Toccata in D Minor[/url] (I recommend you open and play in a new window while you read this package)

I started making an Undead package and realized the scope was just too great. So I've abridged it into just a Vampire package and will cover the rest of the undead in another package unless someone else does it first.

[u]Body Morphs[/u][list]
[*]Ad vampire fangs as an aesthitic option for the face
[*]Create a couple exagerated widow's peak hair options for the classic hollywood vampire look[br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]Create a traditional chinese ponytail like that worn by this Jiangshi vampire:[br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]Create dark sunken eyes makeup option
[*]add bleeding eyes as a makeup option
[*]add bleeding from the mouth as a makeup option
[*]add holes in neck as a cosmetic option (with and without blood drip)
[*]Ensure face sliders of character model can make an upturned bat-like nose
[*]Create a default "vampire" sliders setting for the existing head model to represent "The Lost Boys" vampire look:[br][img=240x240][/img]Note this can also be used for Mobius look used in the upcoming movie starring Jared Leto
[*]Ensure Players can make a "Morbius" inspired look somehow, without breaking IP laws:[br]either [img=240x240][/img] or [img=240x240][/img] or like the movie
[*]Create a replacement head with a Nosferatu-inspired visage:[br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]create a replacement head with a feral vampire look, like those in the "Underworld" series:[br][img=240x240][/img][br]Or like "Bram Stoker's Dracula":[br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]create long pointed fingers[br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]torsos and other body morphs to work with the heads listed above, as necessary

[u]Costume items[/u][list]
[*]classic high collared cape
[*]Standard Cravat[br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]lace cravat[br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]High collared shirt like those worn in the 17th and 18th century, for use with cravats
[*]paper talisman (with a sealing spell) for attaching to forehead
[*]round-top tall rimmed mandarin hat[br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]Mandarin Button-down [url=]robe[/url][br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]Slippers style footwear
[*]Carry a coffin across the character's back

[u]Out of combat animations[/u][list]
[*]only if a cape is equipped: grab cape in one hand and hide behind it. Would be extra fun if this could be used as a sneak animation, alternating arms for strafe left and strafe right
[*]Use the Jiangshi hop instead of walk or run animations[br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]spooky fang-baring along with mandatory finger wiggling (the kind normally accompanied by "I vant. to suck. your blood")
[*]turn into bat and back, accompanied with a puff of smoke. can be used for fast travel as a bat
[*]spin and become a cloud of bats. can be used for fast travel as well
[*]A coffin comes out of the ground, the lid opens and the character steps in. Then the lid closes. This is used in place of the "rest" or "sleep" emotes
[*]For fast travel, have a supe'd up coffin mobile appear that the character drives[br][img=360x360][/img]
[*]For fast travel, ride a coffin like a flying mount.
[*]An organ comes out of the ground, you sit and play [url=]Toccata in D Minor[/url]

[u]combat animations[/u][list]
[*]neck bite. Note due to slider possibilities, there is no way of making the neck bite animation actually bite the neck of the target unless the sizes of the attacker and the target are perfectly aligned. Rather, just animate the attack to look like a neck bite, complete with hands grabbing would-be shoulders. At the speed of the game, and with a reasonable suspension of disbelief on the part of the players, it should be fine.
[*]hand motions to make it look like they are siphoning the life energy of the target
[*]If back coffin costume item is equipped: When transitioning to combat stance, the coffin opens and minions come out of it. If used for non-[i]Commanders[/i] it opens and closes but nothing happens, but the default appearance of props from [url=]hammerspace[/url] can be explained by the opening of the coffin. The animation of the minions originating in that location would be keyed to the presence of the coffin costume item on the character

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]Campy Vampire: whooshes for movement, stereotypical "blah" for vocalizations and footsteps should be progressions along the classic scooby-do style background music (for the life of me I can't find a sample, but goes like this: Brrrum dum dum' dum duuuummm dum*dum*dum*dum*dum)
[*]Scary Vampire: whooshes played backwards for that thwip effect for movement, hallway echoes for footsteps and lisping hisses for vocalizations

[u]Power effects[/u][list]
[*]make bats an element used for power effects and auras that use elements
[*]liquid flow from point to point, can be used in either direction. In this case, the default direction would be flowing from the target to the character[br][img=360x360][/img]
[*]A coffin erupts out of the ground (as a summoned object) at the designated location and opens, proc'ing the power effect.

What did I forget?

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Another great list. One

Another great list. One thing I think you thankfully forgot was the idea of "sparkly vampires" from Twilight:


I think if someone seriously wants to do this they'll probably be able to use the generic auras in the game to simulate it.

Other related blood things that might be cool could probably all be done using the tattoo feature the game will provide. The following pics show the idea that some vamps cry bloody tears and of course we need the "blood on the lips" and "fang marks on the neck" tattoos:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Those ideas are great. I

Thanks. this is fun and I wish others would get in on it.

Your ideas are great. I like the bleeding eyes. It never even occurred to me to consider the victims of vampires for ideas. The bite marks on the neck are so obviously brilliant. Also, I never saw or read twilight so it didn't even occur to me to consider sparkly vampires. Thank you for pre-empting that suggestion.

I was hesitant to include the liquid transfer power effect because of the its potential to depict blood. While I wanted to show the transfer of life force by including it in this package, I can't deny that blood transfer was a reasonably expected implementation as well. According to the ESRB ratings, "minimal blood" is permitted for [b]T[/b] rating. I think your suggestions of blood dripping from the lips or from holes in the neck are easily within that "minimal" boundary.

But I also believe that every MMO is equipped with the warning that online interactions are not rated. I think it would be an impossible task for the game designers to prevent players from using whatever powers and effects are at their disposal to simulate blood. Heck, I had a character named "Bloody Mandragora" (sonic-sonic corruptor) in CoV and all her powers looked like blood effects, so I don't think I should be too worried about the liquid transfer power effect being made by a player to look like blood. I think it would be different if the HIT EFFECTS showed splattering liquid, and wounded characters left pools of liquid on the ground. I htink that would exceed "minimal blood," even if the game allowed players to make them any color.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Huckleberry]I was hesitant to
Huckleberry wrote:

I was hesitant to include the liquid transfer power effect because of the its potential to depict blood. While I wanted to show the transfer of life force by including it in this package, I can't deny that blood transfer was a reasonably expected implementation as well. According to the ESRB ratings, "minimal blood" is permitted for [b]T[/b] rating. I think your suggestions of blood dripping from the lips or from holes in the neck are easily within that "minimal" boundary.

But I also believe that every MMO is equipped with the warning that online interactions are not rated. I think it would be an impossible task for the game designers to prevent players from using whatever powers and effects are at their disposal to simulate blood. Heck, I had a character named "Bloody Mandragora" (sonic-sonic corruptor) in CoV and all her powers looked like blood effects, so I don't think I should be too worried about the liquid transfer power effect being made by a player to look like blood. I think it would be different if the HIT EFFECTS showed splattering liquid, and wounded characters left pools of liquid on the ground. I htink that would exceed "minimal blood," even if the game allowed players to make them any color.

While I get your concern about keeping things within the bounds of the ESRB ratings I think plenty of "bloody vampire" related things could be made that would be subtle enough to not be gratuitous. As you say players will always figure out things based on the tools available regardless.

I also think with as many debuff powers a game like this will have it doesn't seem unreasonable to have options for visual effects that imply some kind of "life/soul draining" effect. Remember the concept of vampirism doesn't have to be limited to blood transfer - there are many examples of "power draining" in the superhero genre (i.e. Rogue from X-men, Parasite from DC).

Here are a few pics of power effects that might be applicable to CoT life draining debuff powers:


Even Magic The Gathering has dealt with these concepts in ways that might apply to CoT:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Here are a few pics of power effects that might be applicable to CoT life draining debuff powers:


I really like the energy coming out of the eyes and open mouth of the victim in that picture. If the devs can implement that somehow, it would be tremendous. Since those locations may designated as separate emanation points on the default character model, keying the power effect to those emanation points might be a workable solution for it, if possible. There are so many power effects that would be extra impressive if they could be assigned to particular emanation points of the victims instead of just center of mass like every other game has done.

P.S. Your Gwen Tennyson vs. Charmcaster gif apparently didn't show, but that was particularly appropriate to the discussion.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Huckleberry wrote:

There are so many power effects that would be extra impressive if they could be assigned to particular emanation points of the victims instead of just center of mass like every other game has done.

Yeah that would be cool. Related to this I'd like to see victims of control-based powers react by dropping to their knees and/or writhing in agony. Of course I might be a little too sadistic for my own good. ;)

Huckleberry wrote:

P.S. Your Gwen Tennyson vs. Charmcaster gif apparently didn't show, but that was particularly appropriate to the discussion.

That's too bad. I don't post things like that which are "broken" from my point of view so I don't offhand know why it wouldn't be visable to anyone else. I grab these things from public google searches (like I'm sure pretty much everyone else does) so there's probably not much I can do about it.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
I was just ruminating on

I was just brainstorming on another theme to put a package around, and ancient Greece or Rome came to mind. I must have had [url=]Cimerora[/url] on the brain. But then I realized that there aren't really anything other than costume items or props that would be thematic here. Maybe we could come up with a [i]chariot[/i] for a fast travel power, with horses or not. But I couldn't think of any animations or power effects that are unique to the era. Can you? We've already got a [url=]shields[/url] package and similarly swords package or a spear package would be better on their own than trying to group all swords or spears related design elements into a roman package (where would samauri or Zulu warriors fit, for instance).

In the end I realized that a roman or ancient greek theme doesn't fit the package concept except as a category for props and costume items. Don't get me wrong, I think there's quite a bit of fertile ground for them, but they would belong on the props and costume items threads; not the package thread.

So does anyone have a theme idea for a package? I suppose I could do a swords package or a spear package, but I was hoping for something a little more entertaining and thought-provoking. Maybe I should do that Undead package I mentioned earlier... [i]Thriller[/i] comes to mind

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 10/07/2014 - 01:53
Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I was just brainstorming on another theme to put a package around, and ancient Greece or Rome came to mind. I must have had [url=]Cimerora[/url] on the brain. But then I realized that there aren't really anything other than costume items or props that would be thematic here. Maybe we could come up with a [i]chariot[/i] for a fast travel power, with horses or not. But I couldn't think of any animations or power effects that are unique to the era. Can you? We've already got a [url=]shields[/url] package and similarly swords package or a spear package would be better on their own than trying to group all swords or spears related design elements into a roman package (where would samauri or Zulu warriors fit, for instance).

In the end I realized that a roman or ancient greek theme doesn't fit the package concept except as a category for props and costume items. Don't get me wrong, I think there's quite a bit of fertile ground for them, but they would belong on the props and costume items threads; not the package thread.

So does anyone have a theme idea for a package? I suppose I could do a swords package or a spear package, but I was hoping for something a little more entertaining and thought-provoking. Maybe I should do that Undead package I mentioned earlier... [i]Thriller[/i] comes to mind

Eldritch pack (think a lot of body horror type stuff, like eyes on parts where eyes shouldn't be)

"Bubblegum" (Cute outfits with a very bubblegum pop aesthetic. Not my thing, but it could be someone else's)

Super Heavy (Mostly an animation pack. Various attack animations with a lot of start up, as the character has to swing this large weapon. Some weight lifting animations. But maybe stuff like heavy weights attachments to various parts of the body could be added? Could be hilariously reperpoused as someone super weak, as they have trouble swinging a normal sword.)

Just some ideas

[center] [i] [color=blue] Unarmed combat best combat. Every media [/color] [/i] [/center]

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Renkage wrote:
Renkage wrote:

Eldritch pack (think a lot of body horror type stuff, like eyes on parts where eyes shouldn't be)

Elements of this could be lumped into a more general "Halloween" pack that could include some witch/wizard items (Harry Potter-ish type things) as well as some undead stuff.

Renkage wrote:

"Bubblegum" (Cute outfits with a very bubblegum pop aesthetic. Not my thing, but it could be someone else's)

Again a bunch of things could be lumped in here spanning Gothic Lolita, Pastel Goth and even Sailor Moon type anime/manga content.

Renkage wrote:

Super Heavy (Mostly an animation pack. Various attack animations with a lot of start up, as the character has to swing this large weapon. Some weight lifting animations. But maybe stuff like heavy weights attachments to various parts of the body could be added? Could be hilariously reperpoused as someone super weak, as they have trouble swinging a normal sword.)

This could include emotes of bending bars or lifting cars to display "superhuman strength".

Renkage wrote:

Just some ideas

A quick idea I just had was for an "80s style" package. There could be clothing styled after Miami Vice and all those music videos from people like Madonna and Cyndi Lauper.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Airhead's picture
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[font size=+2]It’s the Little

[b][size=20]It’s the Little Things Package[/size][/b]
(I thought I'd give this a try. No, it’s not a euphemism. It’s a theme.)

[b]Props[/b]: Feather duster. First aid kit. Window wiper. Teddy bears.

[b]Body Morphs[/b]: Thoughtful attention to detail might not require this.

[b]Costume Items[/b]: Wear your badges on your sleeve (like a boy/girl scout, perhaps limited to certain badges related to acts of kindness)

[b]Travel Animations[/b]: Wave to NPCs like a good neighbor as you go along your merry way. Pick up rubbish along the way. Toss rubbish in bins as you pass them by. Pause to donate to beggars. Hand out umbrellas to any NPCs without umbrellas who are walking in the rain.

[b]Out of Combat Animations[/b]: Clean walls/windows. Rake leaves. Straighten up anything in disarray. Have a little bird land on your finger, sing a song, then fly away. When opening a mission door, step to the side for a second or two and beckon your team to enter first.

[b]Combat Animations[/b]: Apologize when you hurt someone ("Fireball! S-s-s-so-s-so-sorry…"). Call 911 upon defeating a foe. Bandage a defeated foe. Strike your foe with the flat of your blade (bludgeoning damage, if that matters). Shout your catchphrase when you begin to snipe anyone. Summon a little bird to carry something useful to a team-mate.

[b]Power Effects[/b]: Piercing visuals switched to budgeoning – arrows bounce off with a loud thud; bullets become beanbags that bounce off with a loud thud.

This is a boy/girl scout package but I don’t want to suggest such behavior is limited to only certain groups. Imagine any random acts of kindness or politeness that impressed you lately and imagine how they might flavor a hero with an "It’s the Little Things" Package. If it's something every hero would try to do then it could be a generic ability but if it means making an extra effort to help in a way that is not your hero's mission, especially if it isn't asked for, then it's a Little Thing.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Airhead wrote:
Airhead wrote:

[b]It’s the Little Things Package[/b]
(... It’s a theme.)

This is a boy/girl scout package but I don’t want to suggest such behavior is limited to only certain groups. Imagine any random acts of kindness or politeness that impressed you lately and imagine how they might flavor a hero with an "It’s the Little Things" Package. If it's something every hero would try to do then it could be a generic ability but if it means making an extra effort to help in a way that is not your hero's mission, especially if it isn't asked for, then it's a Little Thing.

I really like this idea. It would inject so much immersion into the game world.

I love the idea of picking up rubbish, giving to beggars, etc. These are things no game designer would spend time and effort upon as part of a vanilla game. But if we were to put them together in something like this that can potentially earn real world income as a cash shop item, then all of a sudden there's real value to it to the devs, and not just as a nice-to-have for the players.

I know I've said that these package themes weren't MEANT to be cash shop items, but I can't deny the usefulness of using the cash shop potential of something like this to justify its creation.

So far you've only listed positive things. I think it would not only be hilarious but also in keeping with the character of City of Titans to also include evil little things as well. The flip side of the nice little things you've included.

Imagine someone who litters on purpose. Someone who takes from beggars and squashes butterflies. Someone who shoots spitballs at passersby and who performs pixelated obscene gestures instead of waving. All the little things that an evil sunofabatch would do to show us he or she or it is evil.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Airhead's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Joined: 10/03/2013 - 23:38
Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

So far you've only listed positive things. I think it would not only be hilarious but also in keeping with the character of City of Titans to also include evil little things as well. The flip side of the nice little things you've included.

Imagine someone who litters on purpose. Someone who takes from beggars and squashes butterflies. Someone who shoots spitballs at passersby and who performs pixelated obscene gestures instead of waving. All the little things that an evil sunofabatch would do to show us he or she or it is evil.

"It's the Petty Things." You'd almost want child NPCs in the game just so you could pop their balloons, Benedict.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
The Strongman Package

[h3]The Strongman Package[/h3]

[*]Classic strongman style barbell[br]
[*]Olympic Hammer[br]
[*]Sledge Hammer[br]
[*]Giant Warhammer[br]
[*]Cartoon standard 1 ton weight[br]

[u]Costume Items[/u][list]
[*]Classic Strongman Costume Items[br]
[*]Handlebar mustache
[*]Wide weightlifter’s belt
[*]Underwear worn on the outside (superman style)
[*]Old-timey bathing suit
[*]Alternate one-shouldered bodysuit
[*]Carnival-era men’s hair[br]
and [img=240x240][/img]
[*]Biblical Samson Hair
[img=240x240][/img][br]Turns out biblical scholars and historians claim he braided his hair, which has been misconstrued by others to be dreadlocks; but is most likely 7 cornrows instead. So If the devs want to get totally authentic here, they would make 7 really really long cornrow braids.
[*]Weight attachments like wrist and ankle bands
[*]Torn version of existing costume items associated with hulk-like transformation (both male and female)

[u]Out of Combat Animations[/u][list]
[*]”em/flex” Cycle through muscle flexing poses like a bodybuilder
[*]”em/curl” perform bicep curls with a dumbbell and a smiling grimace and perhaps a wink at whomever you’ve targeted
[*]do pushups
[*]”em/crush” crush a rock between thumb and forefinger then grind the dust away, all with other fingers extended, can also be directed at a target, perhaps by first pointing the other hand at the target?
[*]Hulk up animation for use when entering combat or for costume change:[br]
Note that animation is about the motions of the bones in the model, not the size difference between the beginning and ending models, so leave it up to the players whether such an animation fits with their design concept or not.
[*]”em/letmehearyou” classic hulk hogan routine:[br]

[u]Combat Animations[/u][list]
[*]Lift a portion of the floor/ground and throw it
[*]punch the ground
[*]put whole body into a super duper swing at target[list]
[*]version for empty hands held together
[*]version for one-handed punch
[*]version for one-handed prop
[*]version for 2-handed prop
[*]version for staff-like prop
[*]swing prop like olympic hammer throw[br]
can be used for ranged or melee animations
[*]Grab and smash like Hulk with Loki[br]
Note that this takes over the target’s character model for the duration of the animation. As a result it may only be appropriate for attacks which have a stun effect or otherwise would restrict the target’s actions for a duration.
[*]Stomp the ground
[*]two handed smash the ground
[*]one-handed smash the ground

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]Male weighlifter sounds for vocallizations
[*]Female weightlifter sounds for vocalizations

[u]Power Effects[/u][list]
[*]Cracking Floor associated with heavy impacts, for use with AoE abilities, also used when landing from big jumps
[*]Free-weights for use as elements in powers and auras that use elements
[*]anvils for use as elements in powers that use them
[*]Falling 10 ton weight block, can also be used as a summoned object

One of the things I noticed off the bat was the absence of any female-specific ideas in this theme. I suppose that’s the nature of the source material, though. Besides she-hulk inspired shirt-tearing, If anyone can think of any costume ideas or props associated with female super strength, feel free to add them.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 06/19/2020 - 18:41
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Here are a few pics of power effects that might be applicable to CoT life draining debuff powers:
google street view

I really like this packages idea.

notears's picture
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Airhead wrote:
Airhead wrote:

[b][size=20]It’s the Little Things Package[/size][/b]
(I thought I'd give this a try. No, it’s not a euphemism. It’s a theme.)

[b]Props[/b]: Feather duster. First aid kit. Window wiper. Teddy bears.

[b]Body Morphs[/b]: Thoughtful attention to detail might not require this.

[b]Costume Items[/b]: Wear your badges on your sleeve (like a boy/girl scout, perhaps limited to certain badges related to acts of kindness)

[b]Travel Animations[/b]: Wave to NPCs like a good neighbor as you go along your merry way. Pick up rubbish along the way. Toss rubbish in bins as you pass them by. Pause to donate to beggars. Hand out umbrellas to any NPCs without umbrellas who are walking in the rain.

[b]Out of Combat Animations[/b]: Clean walls/windows. Rake leaves. Straighten up anything in disarray. Have a little bird land on your finger, sing a song, then fly away. When opening a mission door, step to the side for a second or two and beckon your team to enter first.

[b]Combat Animations[/b]: Apologize when you hurt someone ("Fireball! S-s-s-so-s-so-sorry…"). Call 911 upon defeating a foe. Bandage a defeated foe. Strike your foe with the flat of your blade (bludgeoning damage, if that matters). Shout your catchphrase when you begin to snipe anyone. Summon a little bird to carry something useful to a team-mate.

[b]Power Effects[/b]: Piercing visuals switched to budgeoning – arrows bounce off with a loud thud; bullets become beanbags that bounce off with a loud thud.

This is a boy/girl scout package but I don’t want to suggest such behavior is limited to only certain groups. Imagine any random acts of kindness or politeness that impressed you lately and imagine how they might flavor a hero with an "It’s the Little Things" Package. If it's something every hero would try to do then it could be a generic ability but if it means making an extra effort to help in a way that is not your hero's mission, especially if it isn't asked for, then it's a Little Thing.

I like the idea but it's too hero focused if we have a package about minor kindnesses we should also have one for minor cruelties. Call it the Bad Attitude pack, which has things like you drink from a soda cup and then throw it on the ground, insulting people when you attack them, feigning falling asleep when you talk to people, start copying them with a dumb voice or take a long draft from a ciggarrete and blow it in their face.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39


[u]Body Morphs[/u]. These are changes made to the actual mesh of the character model. (Note: Where I’ve included “stumps” in the descriptions to denote transitions between the default 3d mesh to the 3d mesh of the undead part. This allows the re-use of that part of the full body undead mesh with only a minor change. Besides providing a necessary transition from default to undead, it also prevents gaps in the mesh at the intersection that would allow players to see inside the character model.) [list]
[*]Dead Body - pale and bloodless this would be a material selection for the default body mesh rather than an alternate mesh of its own.
[*]Zombie [list]
[*]body - replace the entire body mesh with a decaying body with open wounds. no lips, and all the other details appropriate to zombie lore
[*]head - replaces the default head with a decaying zombie’s head, complete with a transition zone in the neck
[*]limbs - replaces a selected limb with a decaying version, using a “stump” to transition from the default body to the zombie part
[*]extremities - replaces the selected default character model’s hand or foot with a decayed version
[*]whole body - replace the entire body mesh with a skeletal body, complete with see-through parts
[*]head - (I’m looking at you, [i]Ghost Rider[/i]) replaces the default head with a skull, complete with a transition zone in the neck from default skin to bare bone (I’m looking at you, [i]Ghost Rider[/i])
[*]limbs - replaces a selected limb with a skeletal version, using a “stump” to transition from the default body to the bare bones
[*]extremities - replaces the selected default character model’s hand or foot with a skeletal version, with a stump transition
[*]Apparition. I use this word to describe a translucent character model. (Note that any amount of transparency in the character model might negate the possibility of equipping costume items since the transparency of the body mesh would enable portions of costume items to be visible which the designers never intended to be seen or would necessitate far too much work to create ‘hollow’ costume items.[list]
[*]Full body - replaces the entire body mesh with a translucent mesh without any clothing and without nipples or genitalia. Automatically disables costume items except perhaps capes and maybe some other items the devs would deem appropriate and visually acceptable.
[*]Full body tattered - replaces the entire body mesh with a translucent mesh wearing tattered rags for clothes. Automatically disables costume items except perhaps capes and maybe some other items the devs would deem appropriate and visually acceptable.
[*]Full body wraith - replaces the entire body mesh with a translucent mesh wearing tattered rags for clothes and has a trailing essence instead of legs. Automatically disables costume items except perhaps capes and maybe some other items the devs would deem appropriate and visually acceptable. This replacement of the legs with a trailing essence will affect character animations. (note the leg bones can still be there as far as the game mechanics are concerned, they just won’t look like legs when rendered.)
[*]Head - replaces the head with a translucent head, complete with a neck stump. Note that eyes and teeth would not be represented. This is because the transparency of the head would allow players to see outlines of the eyes and teeth through the skin otherwise.
[*]limbs - replaces a selected limb with a translucent version, using a “stump” to transition from the default body to the translucent bit and disabling costume items on that limb
[*]extremities - replaces the selected default character model’s hand or foot with a translucent version, with a stump transition and disabling costume items on the selected body part
[*]Withered hair options[list]
[*]straight and scraggly
[*]missing patches, mangy
[*]with fungal growths
[*]with barnacles
[*]Decayed teeth
[*]add a wooden option to the eyeball customizations

[u]Costume Items[/u][list]
[*]Y-incision. Applicable to default bodies, especially appropriate to the dead body skin, and to zombie bodies. The Y-incision is the mark of an autopsy.
[*]Arcane Heart - for use with skeleton and apparition bodies. places a large glowing customizable object where the character’s heart would be[list]
[*]actual disembodied heart
[*]toe tag
[*]dog tag necklace, but with only one dog tag on it instead of two
[*]Coins over the eyes
[*]mummy wraps
[*]make decayed versions of existing costume material choice options
[*]make tattered and torn versions of existing clothing costume items, which would be especially welcomed for those characters who have only certain selected undead body parts
[*]worms - worms (animated?) crawling in and out of facial orifices, that would work as well for skeletal and zombie bodies as they would cropping through the default body skins. ewww.
[*]translucent musculature - adds muscles for use with skeletal body forms and maybe even the full body apparition, can slide to be completely opaque or more transparent, can be customized for color and luminescence.
[*]add Dia De Los Muertes makeup options (a.k.a. Catrina)

[*]The character’s own arm

[u]Out of Combat Animations[/u][list]
[*]Smack the back of your head to eject an eyeball, hold it up for inspection by the other eye and wipe it clean, then put it back in its place
[*]dance to [url=][i]Thriller[/i][/url]
[*]change walking animations to arms-forward zombie shuffle with lolling head and a limp
[*]change running animations to a frenzied animalistic zombie desperation
[*]take a hand off at the wrist and offer it to your target. “em/giveahand”
[*]add raw meat sounds and some involuntary groaning sounds to walking and running movements of full body zombies and those with zombie legs
[*]add clackety sound effects to walking and running movements of full body skeletons and those with skeletal legs
[*]add spooky sound effects to walking and running movements of full body apparitions
[*]when logging into the game, or when ‘resurrected’ in game, your character crawls out from the ground
[*]Travel Animation - Your body turns into a flying swirl of bones (for use with flying and speedster modes), reconstituting into normal body when departing fast travel mode. Can be used with any body type, but is optimized for skeletal bodies

[u]Combat Animations[/u][list]
[*]allow characters to use their own arm as a prop, grabbing it and yanking it free when entering combat. This would require placing a stump visual block on the shoulder, but since this is combat, it doesn’t have to be anything fancier than just being blacked out.
[*]frenzied bite attack (same as beast-person bite or different?)
[*]allow the character’s head to spin 360 degrees to keep track of highlighted target (I expect the game would limit normal characters’ head motions to just the front 180 degree arc and then twist their torsos up to 90 degrees either side if targets go beyond that arc) This wouldn’t necessarily be limited to combat since we can select a target at any time, right?

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]The Squish of the newly dead: Juicy flops for footsteps and bubbly exhalations for vocalizations
[*]Eerie Ghost: A spectral oowaaoo for movements and no footsteps at all except the whoosh of air movement and halloween-style OOoooOOooOooo for vocalizations
[*]Zombie Husk: The crackling of dried parchment for movements, Sandpaper scrapes for footsteps and Aaargh for vocalizations
[*]The Icy Death Knight: The sound of endless windswept barrens for movement, the crunch of pebbles and ice next to your ears for footsteps, and endless torment for vocalizations

[u]Power Effects[/u][list]
[*]make skulls available as an element in powers and auras that use them
[*]make an aura where bugs and worms drop constantly from the character’s body
[*]add circling flies as an element for auras that use them
[*]allow characters to shoot their own hands at targets for ranged abilities
[*]allow characters’ own heads to leave their bodies when activating an ability
[*]use a disembodied skeletal hand at the target as the effect for ranged abilities
[*]arms of the dead erupting from the ground for both single target and AoE abilities

I’m stopping there. My creative juices started drying up. I’m sure everyone else can come up with many more undead concepts, both zany and scary.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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I don't know about replacing

I don't know about replacing the mesh, it would screw up the costume editor since it would screw with the clothes that would go on it. I think it would be better to do it the way champions online does it where it just looks like skeleton parts while keeping the mesh the same. I know it looks weird when you add clothes on it but it's really the only way to do it. The devs need to focus on things other than cosmetics and need to do a balance everything out.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Magical Girl Package

[H3]Magical Girl Package[/H3]

I watched [i]Sucker Punch[/i] last night and some thoughts ended up closer to the front of my brain than others today. This was one of them.

This package encompasses both the iconic teen pop idol archetype and magical girl archetype seen mostly in Japanese manga and anime and even some American media just as W.I.T.C.H. and Jem and Hihipuffyamiyumi.

[u]Costume items[/u][list]
[*]Japanese Sailor Schoolgirl Outfit[br][img=240x240][/img]
[*]Prep School Uniform[br][img=360x360][/img]
[*]Frilly short skirt
[*]v-shaped belt-like waist ornament
[*]Thigh high socks/stockings
[*]Formal cuffs[br]
stand alone:[img=240x240][/img], and also with matching collar:[img=240x240][/img]
[*]overstylized wrist ornaments
[*]penny loafer shoes
[*]buster brown shoes
[*]lace-edged ankle-high socks
[*]super-long "twin-tails" hair style with customizable hair ornaments
[*]various diadems, tiaras and coronets
[*]add more customization options for existing hair accessories
[*]ribbons. The longer and the showier the better
[*]bellhop/ usher hat[br]

[*]Scepter with multiple design choices
[*]Bubble-making wand
[*]retro style raygun
[*]adorable floating pet (many different options based on different animals like hedghogs, kittens, piglets, sparrows, puppies, frogs, pufferfish, furbies and crickets)

[u]combat animations[/u] would be a whole bunch of poses and pose-like motions:[list]
[*]Heart fingers[br]
[*]Blow through bubble-wand (can be used for any prop, but optimized for bubble wands)
[*]around the clock arm (move prop hand(s) from the 12 o'clock position all the way around and back to 12 o'clock)
[*]whatever the hell this is:[br]
[*]and this: (which could be a finger snap motion)[br]
[*]and this finger-gun looking pose:[br]
[*]and this:[br]
[*]and basically any other cute and gravity-defying poselike moves that would fit this genre

[u]Out of combat animations[/u][list]
[*]Most iconic of all: the magical girl tansformation sequence from public identity to naked (but glowing so you can't see anything) to magical girl, all done with a back-arching one knee up pose
[*]Classic She-ra transformation[br]
[*]Classic He-man transformation[br]
[*]Princess Fiona's transformation sequence:[br]
[*]victory salute (make sure to blink)[br]
[*]victory flex[br]

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]A squeeky anime girl's voice for vocalizations

[u]Power effects[/u][list]
[*]irridescent bubbles available as an element for powers and auras that use them
[*]glitter aura and effects
[*]glittering stars available as an element for powers and auras that use them
[*]glittering hearts available as an element for powers and auras that use them

What did I forget?

I must admit my lack of familiarity with the whole magical girl and pop idol genre. So I'm sure I missed out on some very iconic concepts that belong here.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
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Next, I'd like to do a

Next, I'd like to do a package devoted to the zodiac. I can imagine various summons, summonable objects, power effects and even some costume ideas. Let's make the zodiac set a collaborative effort. Put your ideas here and let's see what we can come up with

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Darth Fez
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Challenge level: Saint Seiya

Challenge level: Saint Seiya

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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I've heard of Saint Seiya,

I've heard of Saint Seiya, but never read it or seen any of the anime. What about it would you like to incorporate?

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Zodiac package:

Zodiac package:

[b]Costume Items[/b]: Lifejacket. Big bicycle pump. Rapids helmet. Wet look.

[b]Props[/b]: Oar. Fishing rod. Camouflage netting. Outboard motor.

[b]Combat Animations[/b]: Paddle faster. Ruddering. Bailing water. Capsizing. Righting.

[b]Out of Combat Animations[/b]: Fishing.

[b]Power Effects[/b]: Inflate! Deflate!

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

Darth Fez
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I've heard of Saint Seiya, but never read it or seen any of the anime. What about it would you like to incorporate?

It's been a very long time since I've seen any of it. Off the top of my head, nothing. Any uninitiated person looking at the character models would likely never realize that those characters have anything to do with the zodiac.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Airhead wrote:
Airhead wrote:

Zodiac package:


Foradain's picture
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Airhead wrote:
Airhead wrote:

Zodiac package:

[b]Costume Items[/b]: Lifejacket. Big bicycle pump. Rapids helmet. Wet look.

[b]Props[/b]: Oar. Fishing rod. Camouflage netting. Outboard motor.

[b]Combat Animations[/b]: Paddle faster. Ruddering. Bailing water. Capsizing. Righting.

[b]Out of Combat Animations[/b]: Fishing.

[b]Power Effects[/b]: Inflate! Deflate!

For honoring the Neal Stephenson novel, add in improvised sabotage devices using tupperware-type containers and simple hardware. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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packs based on different

packs based on different weapons like a sword pack and a shield pack. You get different props of the weapon type, costume pieces inspired by them and really amazing animations based on their use.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Plants Package

[H3]Plants Package[/H3]

We’ve seen a lot of ideas in this thread and the other idea threads about technology and technological props, but we really haven’t seen much about nature-related concepts. So here’s a package all about the props, animations and costumes centered on the theme of Plants (and fungus).

[u]Costume items[/u][list]
[*]Body replacements. Use existing bones, but replace existing 3D body mesh with:[list]
[*]Twisting Vines
[*]Tree Trunk with limbs for arms and roots for legs
[*]Cactus (saguaro-style or prickly pear style)
[*]Leaves for hair
[*]Grass for hair
[*]Moss for hair
[*]Twigs for hair
[*]Flowers for hair
[*]wisteria-like flowers for longer hair
[*]Mushrooms and other fungus for hair
[*]Twisted vines skin material selection
[*]Skin looks like lush moss
[*]Create a bark material for costume items
[*]Add protruding leaves and flowers as a costume item (or aura?). They could even be animated to pop out periodically like WoW did with the [i]Staff of the Verdant Circle[/i]:[youtube]2okTASAZ-DI[/youtube]
[*]Add patches of lichen to skin
[*]Add protruding fungus as a costume item (optional animation to eject spores)
[*]Add protruding thorns as a costume item (optional animation to drip poison?)
[*][s]Witch doctor mask[/s] would fit better into a VooDoo set TBD
[*]Use drooping willow branches as a cape
[*]Falling vines as a cape
[*]Woven flowers for a cape
[*]Plant style loin-cloth
[*]Everything from these images:[br][img=360x360][/img][img=360x360][/img][br]if you can't see the images, just right click and view them in another tab

[*]Twig/branch versions of existing props, with flowers, thorns, etc. as appropriate
[*]A cut flower like a rose, daisy or tulip, held like presenting it or like a scepter
[*]Flowerhead for use as a floating prop or (spinning?)projectile
[*]Ball cactus for throwing
[*]something mushroom related to spread spores
[*]a fist full of writhing vines (can also be used for worms, snakes, tentacles and energy tendrils)

[u]combat animations[/u] would be a whole bunch of poses and pose-like motions:[list]
[*]Rising hand like trying to summon something from the ground
[*]Two rising hands like trying to gather /coax something from the ground
[*]Slow but powerful backhand can be used for high-power attacks
[*]Thrust hand into ground
[*]Thrust both hands into ground
[*]all-over body shake (designed for use with spores, pollen or expelling thorns, but can be used with any power effects per players’ aesthetic choices)
[*]Head-only shake
[*]thrust hand forward, palm up and spreading fingers as if releasing something (palm becomes power emanation point)
[*]Hold closed hands together close to breast, then extend hands and open them (joined open hands become emanation point)

[u]Out of combat animations[/u][list]
[*]When idling, a butterfly lands on your finger, your nose, your hair and other locations, randomly chosen each time
[*]”em/pushingdaisies” - the player lies down and sinks into the ground while flowers grow and bloom. Used in lieu of sleep or rest.
[*]”em/iamgroot” - the player grows roots and turns into a tree
[*]”em/lovenotwar” - the player hands a flower to target NPC or PC
[*]If the player is idle when the sun comes up, they turn their face to it and bask. This also happens if the sun is up when the players emerge from an instance and stand outside the mission door.

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]Rustling leaves for movements and even footsteps, the sound of branches and twigs snapping for various vocalizations.

[u]Power effects[/u][list]
[*]Flower petals
[*]green leaves
[*]fallen deciduous leaves
[*]Grass extends filament-like from emanation point to target
[*]Vines extend tentacle-like from emanation point to target
[*]plants grow on target
[*]mushrooms and fungus grow on target
[*]flowers grow on target
[*]Vines sprout from and entangle target
[*]Vines grow up from ground and wrap around target
[*]Large waterlily-like flower blooms from ground (for ground-targeted obstacles and AoE abilities)
[*]Sapling grows from ground (flowering like a cherry tree?)
[*]cactus grows from ground
[*]Substitute rose thorns as an option for anyplace vines are mentioned

[*]Vines always reaching, waving and snapping from body (extra points if you get them to stretch towards other nearby characters)
[*]Pulsating flowers spurting pollen into the air around character
[*]Pulsating fungus spurting spores into the air around the character
[*]Leaves fall from hair
[*]Flowers, moss and grass grow from footprints as player walks or runs

Did I miss anything? What ideas do you think would fit into this package?

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Magic & Illusions Package

[H3]Magic & Illusions Package[/H3]

This package encompasses all the stereotypical details associated with stage magic and illusionists.

[u]Costume items[/u][list]
[*]Tuxedo w/tails, of course.
[*]Female version of Tuxedo with Hose instead of Trousers (a la Zatanna):
[*]"Bunny Suit"for lack of a better name. A one-piece bodysuit with bustier and separate cuffs, collar and bowtie. Possible source for the bottoms of the female tuxedo listed above. (ears not included)
[*]Hosiery options(different from spandex by their sheer versus opaque appearance[list]
[*]Fishnet stockings
[*]Tinted Hose with seam up back
[*]Tinted seamless hose
[*]Thigh-high with suspenders
[*]Basque Bustier. A bustier that extends to the waist, and replaces the shirt and vest that would be worn with a tuxedo like:
note that a basque can also be used as the attachment point for thigh-high suspenders
[*]Inverness. A long coat with a short cape, made popular by portrayal of Shelock Holmes, but is also a tropish magician's outfit:[list]
[*]A t-shirt that looks like a tuxedo. We've all seen one.
[*]A mystic's turban:
[*]Add a few variations of shiny embroidered paisley patterns to the materials selection for that unique look for only the finest occasions:
[*]Straight Jacket, all tied up like a Houdini escape trick. To do this we'd have to make the character's arms invisible while equipped!

[*]Wand. Standard, with a separately colored tip (default black with white tip)
[*]Deck of Cards (this may be a duplicate of the deck of cards used for other packages)
[*]Jeweled scepter
[*]Crystal Ball

[u]combat animations[/u] would be a whole bunch of poses and pose-like motions:[list]
[*]Hat-based variations. Note the animations terminate with placing the hat back on head[list]
[*]Take hat off and hold it in both hands pointing the opening at target
[*]Take hat off, reach into it and pull something out (see power effects for what)
[*]Take hat off and place it on the floor
[*]Take hat off and toss it like a frisbee[/list]
[*]Pull prop from sleeve
[*]Duplicate many of the animations from the gambling package for playing cards and coins variations? or not?
[*]Make an assortment of animations specific to wand-like movements, such as:[list]
[*]pointing it at target
[*]drawing a circle or some sort of runic shape in the air with it
[*]Tapping your open palm (or other hand prop?) with it
[*]waving wand downward in a circular stirring motion (a good option for a PBAoE ability)[/list]
[*]The standard "TA-DAA!" t-pose

[u]Out of combat animations[/u][list]
[*]"Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!" followed by a random scary beast that is defintely not a rabbit. (Bullwinkle reference)
[*]Pull showy flowers out of nowhere and offer them to a target
[*]Appear and disappear in a puff of smoke (good for use as a teleportation travel power effect as well)
[*]Emote: pull out a crystal ball and give a fortune to a target. While ball is out, any other player can click on it to get a random fortune, limit 1 per character.
[*]Arm-waving to show off whatever is next to you. Kind of like this:

[u]Power effects[/u][list]
[*]Create multiple images of caster. Great for defensive evasion buffs
[*]Create the following for use as projectiles, satellites, or other discrete power effect elements:[list]
[*]Top Hat
[*]Playing Cards
[*]White Dove
[*]Crystal Ball
[*]Disembodied white gloves that make hand gestures[/list]
[*]Poofs of smoke (would this be a duplicate of something a ninja would use?)
[*]Swirling, spiraling smoke. Can serve double duty as a one-time effect or in a continuous loop for persistent effects
[*]A shower of sparks [or confetti] from emanation point
[*]A shower of [insert element here] from emanation point

What did I forget?

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

What did I forget?

Looks pretty complete to me.
For what it's worth I do enjoy the detail/effort you put into these "package" ideas.
I hope we get to a point where the MWM folks can take these ideas and offer packages like these in their in-game store.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
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Thanks. This one was kicked

Thanks. This one was kicked off by the thought of creating multiple images of the caster... and then it just sort of morphed into an illusionist, into a magician into a complete package. I enjoy doing it and I hope the devs think of things as packages also. They'd miss SOOOoooo much synergy if the animation guy and the guy making props and the guy making special effects never talked to each other to plan it out like this.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

They'd miss SOOOoooo much synergy if the animation guy and the guy making props and the guy making special effects never talked to each other to plan it out like this.

To be blunt they'd probably miss out on a bunch of money as well. As the story goes the CoH "costume packs" were supposedly so profitable for Paragon Studios that many of the later updates we got for that game were directly "bankrolled" by the extra monies they got from those sales.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Shiva and Shakti, the Package

[H3]Shiva and Shakti, the Package of Masculine and Feminine traits[/H3]

To work with the broadest base of character options, I expect the stances, emotes and animations are going to be predominantly unisex. However, there are certain masculine and feminine stereotypes, tropes and clichés that could be appropriate to some character designs and costumes. This package will attempt to collect these under one umbrella so that when the developers get around to making them available they will need only look in one place. [b][u]Note:[/u][/b]All elements of this package should be available for both the male and female character models.

[u]Costume items[/u][list]
[*]Body Hair, especially on the arms and legs.
[*]Bindi (the dot commonly worn on the foreheads of Hindi, Jain and Bangladeshi women)
[*]White face associated with Chinese and Japanese courtesans
Note that if this were chosen as an externally applied "tattoo" it might also be applied to facemasks, spandex, and other facial coverings for a [i]Katana[/i]-like aesthetic.
[*]Princess Cone
[center][img=240x240][/img]This photo is of an actual modern day Kazakhstani Bride![/center]
[*]Tartan Kilt
[*]Turban. There are so many styles, historical and contemporary. I'll just stick with these three styles as they are the most commonly worn today, but the historical Mamluk turban might also be considered:[list]
[*]There are a number of cultural costumes associated with weddings of cultures from around the world. This could be a very long list, but I've chosen to limit my contribution to these two as the most iconic and dimorphic:[list]
[*]Western-style Wedding[list]
[*]Wedding Dress[/list]
[*]Indian Weddings[list]
[*]Henna Tattoos (various styles would be nice)
[*]Wedding Jewelry
[center][img=240x240][/img][/center]Note that though not depicted here, the Bindi on a bride can extend across the entire brow.
[*]Sherwani (note heavy embroidery and beading)
[*]African (there are so many countries and cultures in Africa that it is nearly impossible to find a single one. [list]
[*]I found the way this Namibian bride's hair is done to be absolutely alluring:
[*]In the Wodaabe tribe of Niger, the men dress up in makeup to get judged by women.
[*]One last bride, from Peru, just because I like it:
[center][img=240x240][/img]Love that head covering ensemble![/center][/list]
Please also note that some costume items might have some religious significance beyond mere cultural significance. Player interactions regarding these could therefore also have cultural and/or religious implications. I think a cultural mixing pot is in keeping with what America truly is; I also understand that in the dystopian society we find ourselves in today, any sign of cultural representation can be met with hysterics and accusations of appropriation, etc., etc. While I trust the player base to police themselves and to report people behaving badly, this could also turn into a cancel mob. MWM may very well avoid the issue entirely by excluding any and all culturally significant costume items from the AB. But where does that stop? where does it begin?

[*]Bouquet of flowers (very appropriate for a western-style wedding dress)
[*]A single red rose (appropriate for a masculine romantic, perhaps?)

[u]combat animations[/u]:[list]
[*]None that I can think of

[u]Out of combat animations[/u][list]
[*]Idle stance: Standing with knees together and hands doing weird things my chromosomes will never understand.
[center][img=240x240][/img]Especially appropriate for wearing skirts.[/center]
[*]walk: Model Strut:
[*]walk: Cowboy strut
[center][img=240x240][/img](assuming this wouldn't already be present in a [i]Cowboys[/i] package[/center]
[*]Emote: Kneel and profess, with hand over heart
[*]Emote: Femflirt.
[*]Emote: Howyoudoin
[*]Emote: BlowkissF
[*]Emote: BlowkissM
[*]Emote: Hattip
[center][img=240x240][/img][/center]does not require a hat, as the hand gesture and head dip suffice without one
[*]Emote: Hairflip
[center][img=240x240][/img]Would actually be perfectly acceptable for masculine Fabio types as well as Femme Fatales.[/center]
[*]Emote: Chestpound

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]A deep baritone male voice for vocalizations
[*]A soprano male voice for vocalizations
[*]A husky female voice for vocalizations
[*]A sultry female voice for vocalizations

[u]Power effects[/u][list]
[*]none that I can think of

What did I forget?
Would Fart and Burp be something I should include under Masculine emotes?
Curling the hair with fingers is another one, typically considered feminine, but not sure how to do that with all the various sliders and hairstyles

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
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You certainly did your

You certainly did your homework with this latest package. I liked all the real world examples you managed to dig up and hopefully many (if not all) will eventually make it into the game.

Sadly I think a number of these things are either borderline religious in nature (which is always a touchy subject in a game like this) or call into question the whole "gender identity/stereotype" quandary. Obviously as you said you'd want to make sure any/all of these options are usable regardless of which body model your character is using. But you'd probably want to go one step further by not overtly labeling anything specifically "masculine" or "feminine". Sure have all the options there - just don't label them in "binary" gender categories so you don't over-trigger the "woke" folks out there.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Angels and Demons Package

[h3]Angels and Demons Package[/h3]

It was brought up recently that we’re missing a package that covers elements of devils, so I’m attempting to put together this package that includes elements of both infernal and celestial beings. This package intends to capture the tropes and classically accepted iconography associated with religious and mythological depictions.

[*]Pitchfork (note: not the same as a trident)
[*]Hindu Trishul
[*]Ceremonial Horn (extra credit if players get the option to put an icon on a banner hung from the horn)
[*]Shepherd’s Crook
[*]Cat o’nine tails
[*]An unfurled scroll
[*]Golden Fiddle and a fiddle bow
[*]Femur (wielded as a cudgel)
[*]White dove
[*]Flaming Wheel
[*]Lotus Flower
[*]Add a demonic aesthetic to existing props
[*]Add an angelic aesthetic to existing props
[*]Imp shoulder pet
[*]Cherub shoulder pet

[list][u]Costume items[/u]:
[*]Devil horns (not to be confused with animal horns from the beast man package)
[*]Halo (see auras)
[*]Spade-tipped tail
[*]Dilapidated Fallen Angel’s Wings (open image in another tab to see it)
[*]Tattered Leather Wings
[*]Head Replacement: Goat Skull
[center]Note: Base skull should be hornless, allowing players to put any selection of horns or other elements with it[/center]
[*]Pentagram for use as an icon and tattoo
[*]Pentagram Iris for character eyes
[*]Burning sun iris for character eyes

[*]Stereotypical ring halo
[*]Iconographical Byzantine
[*]Rays of light variation
[*]Persian (might be a duplicate of fiery auras that already exist in the game)
[*]Hot Breath. A persistent effect that portrays a character’s exhalation as:[list]
[*]Smoke (gentle, wafts away like a smoker’s)
[*]Smoke (forceful and billows at the end)
[*]Fire (gentle flames)
[*]Fire (forceful expulsion)
[*]Possibility exists to use character’s in combat or out of combat stance to determine gentle or forceful exhalation effects

[*]Angelic Stance: Standing erect with hands together and legs together. If handheld props are equipped, the prop would be pointed vertically up (or down?). If wings are equipped, the wings would be folded and at rest with the implication that the wings would flare during certain combat animations.
[*]Demonic Stance: Standing erect in something similar to a t-pose with legs together. Chest out, arms at 4:30 and 7:30, wings splayed out. If handheld prop is equipped it is held across legs.

Note also that while some of these seem so obvious as to be included into the base game anyway, now those things have a package to belong to for checking off the box that it has been done rather than just assuming they've been done.

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]A rumbling demonic voice for vocalizations, with male and female versions
[*]A choir chord voice for vocalizations maybe with male and female versions, or not

[list][u]Power Effects[/u]:
[*]Ground Targeted, for use with teleport travel power, summoning, emplacements, PBAoE and ranged AoE effects
[*]In the air, a short distance from the emanation point (image below isn’t a pentagram, but illustrates the concept)
[*]Large Vertical for use as a shield, and stepping through for certain power effects or travel abilities
[*]Large, one or several rotating around the character like cake layers. For use with shields, PBAoE powers and around targets of control powers
[*]Imps and Cherubs as an item for power effects. Some examples:[list]
[*]Cherubs shooting arrows for single target attacks and control effects
[*]Imps and Cherubs dancing around target for control effects, AoE and PBAoE
[*]Imps shooting hellfire for single target attacks
[*]Imps or Cherubs lift character for flying travel power


[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
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Your theme package ideas are

Your theme package ideas are always interesting. This latest Angels and Demons package probably has more overall "utility" than some of your other more specialty ideas. I have several alts planned for CoT that would likely use many elements of a package like this.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cobalt Azurean
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I like most, if not all, of

I like most, if not all, of these things.

There's a fantastic assortment here, well done.

Dark Cleric
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Last seen: 2 hours 54 min ago
Joined: 05/14/2018 - 12:26
Honestly the devs should look

Honestly the devs should look at this for post-release, bankable content. $1-$3 per package would be a hit and/or bought with the currency you get for subbing.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Added stances to Angels and

Added stances to Angels and Devils package.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
The Steampunk Package

[H3]The Steampunk Package[/H3]

Steampunk is a nebulous enough concept that almost anything can exist in it. So what I'm considering eligible for inclusion in this package is fashion and accessories from the 19th century and any technolgy of this time up to but not including the internal combustion engine. Furthermore, steampunk enhances these ideas by mixing the fashion, art and technology of this period in such a way as to render them almost indistinguishable from each other. I hope this definition proves satisfactory to the customer-base.
(Note #1: in order to prevent rust, much of steampunk technology relies on non-ferrous metals. Bronze is just about the only non-ferrous metal available in the 19th century. But since this is City of Titans, the characters could be expected to use stailess steel, aluminum and titanium and other modern alloys. Consider all entries on this list to be bronze by default as you picture them with your mind's eye.)
(Note #2: The 19th century (and steampunk by extension) possessed two distinct design philosophies. One is the raw invention, unadorned and exposed: utilitarian. The other is a nearly wasteful display of artful decoration with filigree and whimsy: decorative. For the purposes of this package, please consider all ideas to have both a utilitarian and decoratice appearance, so I don't have to list two of everything)

[u]Costume items[/u]. [list]
[*]Various weird facial hair options that were prevalent in the 19th century.
[*]Steam Powered Cyborg - With limb, torso and head replacements for all your full or partial cyborg conversions. I'm picturing starting with something like C3PO as the base and tweaking it to the more utilitarian steampunk and more decorative steampunk extremes
[*]Steam Powered Armor -
[*]Steam powerpack (worn on back)
[*]Tophat with goggles
[*]Bug-eye goggles
[*]Pith Helmet/British campaign helmet
[*]Leather gas-mask[list]
[*]With valve and pressure gauge
[*]With breathing tube leading to air cylinder
[*]With two filters.[/list]
[*]Circle-rim spectacles with a little magnifier on a hinge
[*]Monacle without chain, with interesting features to keep it in place, etc.
[*]Leather work apron
[*]Ribbed bustier, with buckles and leather straps or with velvet paisley and clasps
[*]Victorian skirt bustled up for combat maneuvers
[*]Lace skirt, layered
[*]Tailcoat(note male and female styles should differ) Note single and double-breasted variations.
[*]Vertical striped trousers
[*]Double-breasted anything (such as the Rocketeer's jacket) would lend itself to this aesthetic
[*]Monster lower jaw:
[center][img=360x360][/img][br]Don't that face and goggles combo look like it could be made with a creative use of clipping?[/center]

[*]Steampunkify many existing props
[*]Blunderbuss long gun with fold-out optics and/or other doohickeys that unfold when entering combat stance
[*]Blunderbuss pistol with doohickeys that unfold and animate when entering combat stance
[*]Perfume bottle (with spritzer)
[*]Clockwork raven (shoulderpet?)
[*]Steam powered clockwork minions for the [i]commander[/i] class
[*]Steam powered airship for those floating or orbiting prop selections

[*]Smoke and Steam expelled from various locations. Make a few different auras such that there would be one be suited to specific costume items, like the powerpack, the cyborg and the armor and certain props, as applicable.

[u]Out of combat animations[/u][list]
[*]A jarring rattle followed by a gear bouncing away (added to idle stance events)
[*]Self maintenance on an arm. Can be mirrored to be applicable to either arm, or both arms.
[*]Drooping due to loss of steam pressure with steam billowing, leaking down to ground
[*]Black oil leaking and dripping
[*]emote [em/ steammad] Steaming Mad!: steam coming out your ears with the sound of a kettle.
[*]Any of the motions made by [url=]Steam Powered Giraffe[/url] such as those in this video:[br][center][youtube]ojYK6CW8gdw[/youtube][br][size=6]filmed right by my house[/size][/center]
[*]Provide alternate walk, run and idle motions with the kind of motion-stops a mime would use if the mime were trying to portray a robot.

[u]combat animations[/u]:[list]
[*]help me out here

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]Steam hiss substitute for entire suite of default character sounds, with metal taps (tapdancing taps, for those who don't know, where common in the age of leather soled shoes) for footsteps and steam whistles for some vocalizations.

[u]Power effects[/u][list]
[*]A ray of superheated steam for ranged attack animations
[*]An expulsion of steam in the vicinity of the hand when conducting attack animations
[*]An expulsion of steam from back shoulders when conducting combat animations
[*]Cloud of steam around character for self-buffing or accuracy debuffs
[*]Forced jets of steam all around for PBAoE powers
[*]A van de graaf generator with a jacob's ladder on top. (for installations and summons for ground-targeted AoE)

What did I forget?

Last and definitely not least, I would like to thank Darth Fez for the steampunk package idea and Niel Gaiman, James Vance and Ted Slampyak for Mr. Hero: The Newmatic Man
Edit: Added Monacle

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Darth Fez
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As additional out of combat

As additional out of combat animations:

* Maniacal laugh (with and w/o lightning)
* "It's alive" (probably mimed, with one and/or both arms extended, with and w/o lightning)

That's all I have for now because so much in steampunk tends to be gear dependent. Although inquiring minds want to know if DeathSheepFromHell's backpack will be considered steampunk.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

As additional out of combat animations:

* Maniacal laugh (with and w/o lightning)
* "It's alive" (probably mimed, with one and/or both arms extended, with and w/o lightning)

While I like those, I think they would be more appropriate for a "Mad Science" package, which sounds like its going to be a fun one.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Darth Fez
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I figured that as well, but

I figured that as well, but there is a lot of overlap between the two. It's interesting to consider that the difference between 'steampunk' and 'mad science' is really the mechanical vs the biological. Girl Genius simply happily crosses back and forth between the two, with the only distinctions of consequence being are you mad or not and are you mad enough or not?

The more steampunk appropriate version might be:

* Turning nut with giant wrench (steam billowing)

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

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The Robots Package

[H3]The Robots Package[/H3]

This package contains animations and aesthetics associated with robots, cyborgs and robotic armors.

[u]Costume items[/u].Robot costume items should consist of two layers, at least. The first should be actual body-replacement parts for a bare structural look. Other costume layers can add to that for a more fleshed out appearance, culminating in a final external armored layer. Hopefully this will allow mixing and matching with other skins, layers and costume items for the maximum combination flexibility.[list]
[*]Junk Yard Robot. Parts that look like they've been scrounged from automobiles, household appliances and machine tools.
[*]Military Rugged Robot. All utilitarian with access panels and armor plates
[*]Corporate Civilian Prototype. Think of something with sleek styling and commercial appeal
[*]Mecha. Something resembling a Japanese style mecha robot from manga and anime
[*]Servitor. Something that looks like it could pass for a human being, but isn't. With exposed joints and flesh-like skin, this design should exaggerate the uncanny valley
[*]Biological Robot. With pulsing and luminous fibers and chitonous armor, this robot should look like it was grown and not manufactured.
[*]Futuristic Advanced Robot. Like a combination of all the above, it should look impressive and sleek in its innermost layers but big and dominating with its outermost layers.
[*]Wings and/or jump packs to match the various styles
[*]Ammunition pack for belt-fed or cable-powered weapons (these should be integrated with props, as appropriate)
[*]Note 1: All of the above designs should be available as limb replacement options for a more cyborg look.
[*]Note 2: The more external of the layers could/should be capable of looking like an exo-suit or armor if worn over a non-robotic body.
[*]Cyborg body replacements: (robotic body replacements that retain some skin)[list]
[*]Flesh hands with cyborg fingers
[*]Flesh hands with claw-like fingers
[center]Note: Yes the image is of worn 'jewelry' but imagine if it were cybernetic[/center]
[*]Ear replacement
[*]Jaw replacement
[*]Half-face replacement
[*]Flesh face only
[*]Include a number of eye replacement options in addition to existing options

[u]Props[/u]. Ensure different designs exist to match robotic costume styles, as appropriate.[list]
[*]Add some weapon props that are fed by ammunition bels or power cables from a backpack, to be integrated with certain back-mounted costume items.
[*]Hand-replacement weapons[list]
[*]Exotic Katar
[*]Gaping Cannon
[*]Gatling Gun
[*]Energy beam weapon with no obvious orifice
[*]Hovering Drones
[*]Back-mounted Weapons that:[list]
[*]Have a holstered/stored position when not in combat
[*]Rotate to be fired over the shoulder when in combat
[*]Unlimber to be held in one hand during combat
[*]Unlimber to be held in two hands during combat[list]
[*]Melee weapons held in a two-handed grip
[*]Rifle-style weapons
[*]Heavy weapons held in a slung style at the waist[/list]
[*]Chest-mounted weapons[list]
[*]Overtly weapon-like
[*]Hidden behind panels [list]
[*]animate to open, exposing the weapons when entering combat stance
[*]animate to open, exposing the weapons when activing a power
[*]Missile racks
[*]Gun Systems


[u]Combat Animations[/u]:[list]
[*]Make mechanical versions of some existing animations such that they exhibit have less grace and have more isolated movements with a some stop-locks at the point of impact
[*]Add some animations that make it look like the character is firing from chest-mounted weapons
[*]Add animations to make it look like the character is firing ballistically from a back-mounted weapon like a mortar or rocket. ([color=red]Note:Will need a new Emanation Point for this animation and a new suite of power Fx with ballistic trajectories to go with it[/color])

[u]Out of combat animations[/u][list]
[*]The robot dance, obviously.
[*]Make an entire suite of mechanical character animations to replace the default character animations. For instance:[list]
[*]Make a run animation that looks very mechanical like it is using just arms and legs and not a natural whole-body run
[*]Make a walk animation that looks very mechanical like it is using just arms and legs and not a natural whole-body walk
[*]Head-turning should be single speed with a hard stop
[*]Object manipulating should be mechanically with stop-locks
[*]Idle animation to conduct maintenance/ check on various systems
[*]Add idle animations to various robotic costume items and props that only activate when that costume item or prop are equipped.
[*]Add an idle animation of oil squirts
[*]add an idle animation of sparks popping off (possible aura?)
[*]Costume changes:[list]
[*]Pieces of technology fly in, unfolding and encasing the character until we see the new costume
[*]The opposite of the above, the costume appears to become folding pieces of technology that then fall off and fly away
[*]The character's facade turns into a mosaic of swapping pieces like the [url=]Teselecta[/url] from Doctor Who
[*]The character falls into pile of mechanical body parts, only to reconstruct as the new costume[/list]
[*]Emote : Power Down
[*]Emote: Power Up
[center]Edit: Yes. I did just discover paragonwiki has gifs of all the emotes from CoX. Sue me.[/center]

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]Classic Robot: Whirring and clicking movements with kathunks for footsteps and beeps and boops for vocalizations
[*]Futuristic robot: synth waves for movement, watash watash for footsteps and harmonic waves for vocalizations
[*]Military robot: The whining of servos for movements, Solid bashing for footsteps and digital reports for vocalizations
[*]Commercial Servitor robot: Near-silent whisper movements. normal footsteps but with the slightest mechanical ting to them, and synthesized voice vocalizations

[u]Power effects[/u][list]
[*]Multi-missiles to go with missile pack props for that famous Itano Circus appeal.
[center]Note: I've deliberately chosen a non-robotic character for this illustration to highlight the effects of aesthetic decoupling[/center]
[*]Single missile/rocket with a vapor/exhaust trail

[u]Travel Powers[/u][list]
[*]Construct a portal in-place for teleport and team teleport abilities
[*]Shoot hand out for zipline/grappling travel
[*]Transformers!!! (Bonus points if the transformation requires a certain back costume item to be equipped)[list]
[*]Transform into a motorcycle (speedster)
[*]Transform the armor into a motorcylce that the character's body gets to ride. (Extra bonus points if you can add a number after the transform command to select which costume slot for the character to wear while riding the motorcycle.)
[*]Transform into a Spider-bot (acrobat and zipline)
[*]Transform into a robotic canine (speed, acrobat)
[*]Transform into a robotic cat (speed, acrobat)
[*]Transform into a Helicopter (flying)


I'm sure I missed some obvious things, so let me know what they are.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
I just realized that there

I just realized that there are a lot of default sounds in the game, like grunts and such, when one activates certain abilities or encounters certain procedural effects, like jumping, falling, etc. Even the sound of footsteps is something that can be affected by a character theme. I'm going to go through the existing packages in this thread and populate ideas for sound packages.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
I was just watching this

I was just watching this review by MMOByte of the game [i]Tower of Fantasy[/i] and the big shield power effects seen here caught my attention: [center][youtube]EHvoZAz8iho[/youtube][/center]
[center]go to 2:25 in the video to see what I reference[/center]

Notice how the view of the world changes depending on whether the camera is inside or outside the bubble.

Now imagine a bubble effect by a nature-aspected healer type, or the bubble effect of a darkness-based Lich character and how being inside those bubbles could change how the world looks. I think this could really help CoT look even more awesome.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
Joined: 06/02/2022 - 14:30
And I would take a look at

And I would take a look at these animations. I saw something similar in the movies, but it was rather clumsy

WraithTDK's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
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I'd be down for this, with

I'd be down for this, with a few caveats:

1. Aesthetic items only. No plopping down cash for a tactical advantage. Not just because it creates unfair competition among players, it inevitably corrupts the developers by tempting them to create bosses, enemies or scenarios which are unreasonably difficult unless you buy the item. "Create a problem, sell the solution." Mobile gaming is super-villain territory.

2. No "limited-time items" unless there's a specific REASON for them to be limited, and even then there should be future opportunities to obtain them. Holiday items are a good example. Santa hats and Jack-O-Lantern helmets that are only available in December or October, but even then they should available EVERY October and December. No preying on people's FOMO.

3. When new content is released, there should ideally be at least a 1:1 ratio of content unlockable via play and content unlockable via cash shop.


Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
The Speedster Package

[H3]The Speedster Package[/H3]

This package contains animations and aesthetics associated with super speed.

[u]Costume items[/u][list]
[*]Winged symbology[list]
[*]Wings on the ankles
[*]Wings at the temples (look forward to clipping these through helmets)
[*]Winged shoulder-fins
[*]More wing variations of emblems[/list]
[*]Lightning symbology[list]
[*]Lightning bolts at the ankles
[*]Lightning bolts on the temples
[*]Lightning bolts on belt buckles
[*]Lightning bolts at the wrists
[*]More lightning variations for emblems[/list]
[*]Racing symbology[list]
[*]Checkerboards, checkerboards, and more checkerboards. Include checkerboard pattern for costumes in several material selections
[*]Teardrop helmet like those used for speedskating or biking
[*]Rocketeer version of the teardrop helmet with full face and fin
[*]Aerodynamic shoulder-fins
[*]Motorcycle helmet
[*]Cafe Racer jacket style
[*]Biker shorts spandex style
[*]corporate sponsorship logos like seen on racecar driver or cyclist clothing[/list]
[*]Carhop costume (50's drive-in inspiration)
[*]In-line skates
[*]Replace foot with a wheel

[*]Caduceus, the staff of hermes
[*]Lightning bolt

[u]Combat Animations[/u]:[list]
[*]Combat stance is like you're getting ready to start a footrace.
[*]Vibrate in place (used for defensive powers)
[*]Move arms faster than can be seen in a punch-like motion
[*]Move arms faster than can be seen in circles so as to create a horizontal vortex(es)

[u]Out of combat animations[/u][list]
[*]Travel Power: Super Speed
[*]Disappear and reappear with an icecream cone or other random item in your hand
[*]Costume change animation
[*]Jog and bounce in place like limbering up for a run

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]Various woosh options

[u]Power effects[/u][list]
[*]For ranged attacks, make the character disappear and create a blur in the character's colors between the character and the target, then show the character performing a melee attack on the target before blurring back to the character's original position. Note: Don't even try to calculat path to target. Just use the same power effect trajectory for this as with any other ranged attack.
[*]For melee attacks, blur the arms and/or legs to coincide with existing melee combat animations
[*]Lightning bolt effect
[*]leave a swirl of leaves, candy wrappers, or dust when activating a superspeed power, depending on environment

I'm sure I missed some obvious things, so let me know what they are.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
The Pirates Package

[H3]The Pirates Package[/H3]

This package contains animations and aesthetics associated with pirates, maritime culture, and the 18th century in general.

[u]Costume items[/u][list]
[*]Bandana head topper
[*]Bandana head wrap
[*]Selected 18th Century Attire[list]
[*]Bicorn hat
[*]Tricorn hat
[*]Voyageur's Hat
[*]Frilled shirt with open neck
[*]Frilled shirt with buttoned neck
[*]Tailcoat (open and buttoned)
[*]Double Breasted Sailor's Jacket
[*]Shorter Waistcoat (collar up and collar down)
[*]Longer Waistcoat (collarless)
[*]Knee Breeches
[*]Full Length Trousers
[*]Sailor Slops
[*]Naval Officer[list]
[*]See these examples:
[*]Epaulettes. Lots of Epaulette choices from simple to ornate.[/list]
[*]Other military uniforms: (recommend just going to the Don Troiani gallery at[list]
[*]Redcoat (appropriate for boston?)
[*]Swashbuckler's Sash
[*]Swashbuckler's belt
[center]note: belt is shown worn over a swashbuckler sash. I doubt the game will be able to layer them properly so they may have to be created as a combination item to get both together[/center]
[*] Folded buckled boots (see the image of Captain Morgan below)
[*]When in doubt, go to for inspiration
[*]Hula Dancer
[*]Skull & Crossbones[/list]
[*]Add a Skull and Crossbones pattern for a cape. Make the cape design look like a ship's flag being worn, perhaps with a tattered edge and some holes.

[*]Flintlock Pistol
[*]Parrot on Shoulder (extra points if it can be animated to fly for select ability activations)
[*]Skeleton version of a shoulder parrot
[*]Octopus shoulder pet
[*]Crab shoulder pet
[*]Treasure map (animated to be used like a book or scroll for power activations)
[*]Spyglass (Handheld telescope)
[*]Nose from a sawfish
[*]An actual entire swordfish
[*]Gaff hook (long, two-handed weapon)
[*]Gaff hook (short one-handed weapon)

[u]Body Replacements[/u][list]
[*]Hook Hand
[*]Wooden Leg
[*]Its likely that the bandana options mentioned in the costume section of this post may actually be handled as hair replacement meshes instead. An added benefit of doing this would permit a hat to be worn over them.
[*]Consider versions of Davy Jones's crew from the [i]Pirates of the Carribean[/i] movies

[u]Combat Animations[/u]:[list]
[*]A sealegs stance that might even be able to double as a drunken fighter stance, consisting of swaying back and forth and maybe taking a step for balance
[*]Swashbucler animations. Optimized for use with a cutlass or other a single-handed slashing or poking melee prop, but leave it up to the player to determine if it is appropriate for their own character aesthetic[list]
[*]Stance option is upright and proper, with chest out and weapon in the [i]en guard[/i] position
[*]Double Slash, forth and back
[*]Flurry slash
[*]Go for the legs
[*]high guard/ block
[*]Flourish (may be used for taunts, blinding/mezzing abilities, etc., or just as the transition animation between combat and non-combat stances)
[*]360 degree backhanded sweep, pivoting on one foot
[*]Shooting a pistol with one hand while holding a one-handed prop in the other
[*]Swiping motion optimized for hook-hands or using a gaff

[u]Out of combat animations[/u][list]
[*]Feed your shoulder parrot a cracker or a nut (only the character portion of this animation occurs if no shoulder pet is equipped)
[*]Use a spyglass (unfold from hammerspace, look, then fold and return to hammerspace)
[*]Assume the Captain Morgan pose
[*]Idle stance: Sealegs, in which the character is constantly swaying and maybe taking a step for balance. (Can double as the animation for a drunken stance with some added hiccups and bubbles)

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]
[*]Watery teeth gnashing to go along with the piranha and barracuda element effects listed below
[*]Ships bells and seagull sqwawks for an atmospheric touch, heard around the character during idle stances or some non-combat animations

[u]Power effects[/u][list]
[*]Create piranhas as a particle effect
[*]Create barracudas as a partical effect
[*]Shark fin path animation culminating in a shark attack at the target
[*]Shark jaws materialize and bite attack
[*]Octopus tentacles (used in the same way as other tendril like power effects, for melee, ranged, AoE and crowd control options)
[*]Squid tentacles (used in the same way as other tendril like power effects, for melee, ranged, AoE and crowd control options)
[*]Seagull or Parrot diveboming and pooping on target

I'm sure I missed some obvious things, so let me know what they are.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 16 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
[u][h3]The Healer Package[/h3

[h3]The Healer Package[/h3]
This package is a collection of themes oriented around healers and healing.

[u]Costume items[/u] Note that in many items I've listed a color or a material. Treat these as the default settings, acknowledging that the avatar creator will enable us to change the base material and color[list]
[*](White) armband with (red) cross (default colors)
[*]Classic head mirror / reflector headband
[*]classic n95 mask
[*]Stethoscope over the neck
[*]Horned, feather medicine man headdress (see Medicine Man statue in Philadelphia)
[*]Collection of shell and bone and teeth necklaces
[*]Modern surgeon's scrubs[list]
[*]Back-tied long gown with long sleeves
[*]forearm length latex gloves
[*]safety glasses with light (extra points if the light can actually illuminate)
[*]Pre-modern surgeon's scrubs[list]
[*]full-length cotton apron
[*]long rubber gloves
[*]glasses with flipdown magnifyer
[*]EMT reflective vest
[*]Button-down uniform shirt with nametag and shoulder patches
[*]Shoulder utility bag
[*]Over-the-shoulder utility bag
[*]Utility belt
[*]EMT windbreaker with reflective strips
[*]EMT ballcap
[*]Combat medic (mid-20th century)[list]
[*]Helmet with red and white cross
[*]Canvas shoulder bag
[*]White armband with red cross
[*]Thigh pouch
[*]Combat medic (modern)[list]
[*]utility belt
[*]hip pouch
[*]Premodern Nurse uniform
[*]Long-sleeve pleated dress with white cuffs
[*]White long apron
[*]Old-timey nurse's hat
[*]Nurse's Travel Cape
[*]Nurse Nun
[*]Sexy Nurse Costume
[*]Typical modern scrubs in several different decorative patterns
[*]Futuristic Medical uniform
[*]Backpack with all sorts of medical instruments coming out of it[list]
[*]Steampunk with bonesaws and metal syringes and scissors and knives
[*]Modern with modern versions of the same
[*]Futuristic with futuristic doodads and laser versions of the same
[*]Bandages for all the different body parts, with optional blood seepspots
[*]Open wounds for all the body parts (does this violate the T for Teen rating?)

[u]Body Replacements[/u][list]
[*]Amputated arms, hands, legs and feet (clean)
[*]Bloody amputated arms and legs (does this violate the T for Teen rating?)
[*]headless stump (cover with a plug if a bloody stump violates the T for teen rating)
[*]Replace hand with a cybernetic assortment of medical or surgeon's tools (animate it for extra credit)

[u]Tattoos and decorations[/u][list]
[*]Blood stains (several versions) must also able to be placed on clothing as well for that great [i]Doc Buzzsaw[/i] look
[*]White circle with red cross
[*]Paramedic Star of Life
[*]Military emblem incorporating the Rod of Asclepius
[*]Sutures of various shapes and lengths
[*]"Danger X-rays" warning sign
[*]"X-Ray In Use" warning light (illuminates upon power activation)

[*]Laser scalpel
[*]Serrated blade
[*]Rotary modern sleek
[*]Rotary steampunk
[*]Futuristic laser-edged versions of blade and rotary
[*]Rod if Asclepius
[*]Rod of Asclepius that is just the rod and the snake is animated
[*]TriCorder(c)-like futuristic medical device
[*]GIANT syringe
[*]Hovering medical bot (orb-like? with arms and tools)
[*]Shamanistic focus[list]
[*]Twigs and feathers and string
[*]Bones and sinew
[*]Eldritch with rolling eyeballs and tongues
[*]Holy symbol
[*]Bottle of Snake oil
[*]Writhing snake
[*]Leather drum bedecked with feathers
[*]Primitive spear bedecked with feathers
[*]Primitive spear decorated with skulls and bones
[*]Medicine pipe

[u]Combat Animations[/u]:[list]
[*]Create a suite of combat animations appropriate for the GIANT syringe. Do this with the goal of using the same animations for other props like a vulcan autocannon, scythe, or any other prop requiring a separated two-handed grip
[*]Wave the handheld prop at the target for use with Tricorder(c) prop (or other props like a flashlight, etc)
[*]Inject your target as if using a normal sized syringe
[*]Perform CPR compressions on a downed target
[*]Perform Witchdoctor shuffle dance
[*]Beseech a higher power
[*]Beseech a higher power and point at target with free hand
[*]Beseech a higher power and point at target with prop
[*]Strike the drum to the side
[*]Strike the drum over head
[*]Wave the drum like a tambourine

[u]Out of combat animations[/u][list]
[*]Peruse clipboard and look forward as if reading a patient's chart
[*]Flip the head mirror down and look intently as if examining someone
[*]Pull out stethescope from hammerspace, place it over the ears and use it on a spot in front of you

[u]Sound Packages[/u][list]

[u]Power effects[/u][list]
[*]Create glowing hospital crosses as a particle effect
[*]Create syringes as a partical effect
[*]A glowing grid-like scan ray sweeps up and down or left to right or both
[*]A hovering IV bag above target with a tube catenary to the target
[*]Emplacements: for ground targeted AoE effects[list]
[*]Carved idol like a tiki statue or earth mother
[*]Totem Pole
[*]Large dreamcatcher like construciton
[*]Cemetary style statue[list]
[*]granite cross
[*]weeping angel
[*]Fetish with bones and spiderwebs and sinew
[*]Eldritch with eyes and tentacles
[*]Rays from heaven

Remember these can be used with any power set or abilities. You could pick something fromt the elemental fire set to set your target ablaze to heal them, for instance; or use weeping angels to paralyze targets, etc., etc.

I'm sure I missed some obvious things, so let me know what they are.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
