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Emote suggestion thread

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blacke4dawn's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
desviper wrote:

My libertarian comes out and I'm like "let anyone use the emote regardless of costume" a winged idle might be handy even without wings.

And that's the "trap" of hardwiring emotes directly to any costume items and why, with all due respect to avelworldcreator, it probably ought to be avoided completely.

Even the specialized/limited idea of "flight type emotes" linked to wings is, as you point out, problematic. Frankly I'd like ANY character to have open access to ANY emote in the game regardless if it "makes sense" or not. I'm willing to let the players themselves use the emotes that make them happy for their own character concepts.

I'm hoping Avel is more referring to that if you are wearing a costume piece from category X the emote will be variant A, if category Y then variant B, and so on. These variants would include the pieces from their respective category to make the emote more "complete".

Lothic's picture
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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:
Lothic wrote:
desviper wrote:

My libertarian comes out and I'm like "let anyone use the emote regardless of costume" a winged idle might be handy even without wings.

And that's the "trap" of hardwiring emotes directly to any costume items and why, with all due respect to avelworldcreator, it probably ought to be avoided completely.

Even the specialized/limited idea of "flight type emotes" linked to wings is, as you point out, problematic. Frankly I'd like ANY character to have open access to ANY emote in the game regardless if it "makes sense" or not. I'm willing to let the players themselves use the emotes that make them happy for their own character concepts.

I'm hoping Avel is more referring to that if you are wearing a costume piece from category X the emote will be variant A, if category Y then variant B, and so on. These variants would include the pieces from their respective category to make the emote more "complete".

I'm not reflexively against whatever he's talking about but I do want to make sure I completely understand what he's getting at here. Again I just don't want to be in a situation where "in order to get to use emote A I must be wearing costume item B" unless there's a SUPER-GOOD reason for that.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

avelworldcreator's picture
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Well, a "flap wings" emote

Well, a "flap wings" emote may not be of benefit if you don't have wings. ;p I mean we can make it always available but it probably won't do anything visible. No, I only meant "hardwiring" emotes to costume pieces where it only made sense, i.e. "flap wings", "wag tail", "check arm circuits", etc. Some costume pieces could concievable do different things for common emotes (like dances), but if it is something obvious anyone can do then everyone should have that emote. The idea I had is when you select costume pieces you can pick some emotes to go with it it that made sense to the player. Attaching "flap wings" to an odd body part might be doable but probably be meaningless unless there is something there that would animate properly. Namor has wings on his ankles (or something) for example.


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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

Well, a "flap wings" emote may not be of benefit if you don't have wings. ;p I mean we can make it always available but it probably won't do anything visible. No, I only meant "hardwiring" emotes to costume pieces where it only made sense, i.e. "flap wings", "wag tail", "check arm circuits", etc. Some costume pieces could concievable do different things for common emotes (like dances), but if it is something obvious anyone can do then everyone should have that emote. The idea I had is when you select costume pieces you can pick some emotes to go with it it that made sense to the player. Attaching "flap wings" to an odd body part might be doable but probably be meaningless unless there is something there that would animate properly. Namor has wings on his ankles (or something) for example.

This sounds like you've got the right idea here. Again I'd have no problem with a few "very specialized body part" type emotes being tied directly to unique body costume items (such as wings and tails). I just don't want to see this "spill over" into linking emotes to mundane things like capes or gloves. Thankfully it sounds like you understand that.

As you know one of the greatest rules of CoH was that powers were completely independent of costume items. Likewise emotes should also generally follow this rule but rare exceptions for the couple of "special body part cases" you're talking about here would probably be useful to have. Simply don't let it get out of hand. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Redlynne's picture
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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

"check arm circuits"

And yet there will always be creative uses for such things that might not have been anticipated during development.
In a previous decade, I would have ascribed a use for "check arm circuits" without having a Circuitry pattern on the character to doing things like "check Dick Tracy watch" or the like. Nowadays we can simply use "check Apple Watch" as the excuse for having this kind of an idle emote. Of course, that kind of thing then begs the question of being able to put a watch on a wrist (either left or right) and then picking a matching emote for either (or both?) arms.

And that's not even including the possibilities of a Robotic Mastermind styled "type on the forearm strapped iPad Mini to issue commands and read reports" kind of thing.

Point being that there can easily be multiple creative uses for these kinds of little tidbits.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lothic's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

"check arm circuits"

And yet there will always be creative uses for such things that might not have been anticipated during development.
In a previous decade, I would have ascribed a use for "check arm circuits" without having a Circuitry pattern on the character to doing things like "check Dick Tracy watch" or the like. Nowadays we can simply use "check Apple Watch" as the excuse for having this kind of an idle emote. Of course, that kind of thing then begs the question of being able to put a watch on a wrist (either left or right) and then picking a matching emote for either (or both?) arms.

And that's not even including the possibilities of a Robotic Mastermind styled "type on the forearm strapped iPad Mini to issue commands and read reports" kind of thing.

Point being that there can easily be multiple creative uses for these kinds of little tidbits.

Which leads back to the point that emotes in general should always be as "unlimited" as possible and only tied directly to costume items in very limited/special cases if at all. TBH, the wing and tail cases are actually the ONLY cases that I see so far that would be acceptable for that kind of "linkage" between emotes and costume items. I'd agree that even something like "check arm circuits" is getting into "questionable" territory because many different character concepts (not just ones with ONE type of specifically robotic arms) might want to be able to use something like that.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Fireheart's picture
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In CoH, the small 'Bat' wings

In CoH, the small 'Bat' wings, had very cute idle animations and also responded to the character's movements.

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Lothic's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

In CoH, the small 'Bat' wings, had very cute idle animations and also responded to the character's movements.

I loved those little wings. :) IIRC pretty much all the wings types in CoH had those little "reactive animations" that responded to what the character was doing. For instance if a character was "above ground level" (even if you just bunny hopped up in the air) most organic styled wings tended to react by flapping. Also once CoH finally introduced animated tails they also had their own built-in reactive movements. But there's a critical difference between these little reactive body part specific animations and "emotes" which in this context would be things that players [b]actively[/b] choose to run.

For instance it might make sense for there to be a "tail twitch" emote in the game that would be something that a player could activate only if their character has a tail. In that case such an emote could be "linked" to a tail because again you can't really do one without the other. The main concern I have about "linking emotes to costume items" in general is that I don't want this concept to cross the line where, for example, I'd need to wear a certain cape in order to active a certain dance emote. That would clearly force people to wear specific clothing items just to get access to given emotes. That would be a major mistake.

To summarize having a few specialized "body part specific" emotes for things like wings and tail might be a cool addition to CoT. But anything much beyond that should be strictly limited if not completely avoided. Again even the idea that's been mentioned to have a "check arm circuits" emote linked to a specific type of arm is questionable because different character concepts might be able to make use of that emote WITHOUT using one specific type of arm. Frankly I would strictly limit this idea to ONLY wings and tails for the foreseeable future.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

avelworldcreator's picture
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Oh, I'm quite sure emotes can

Oh, I'm quite sure emotes can be repurposed. Physical motions on the base character are not a problem. Animations specific to a costume part (like the cover of a circuit panel opening) would have issues. In Unreal there is a feature called "Interfaces". I just call something through those interfaces and if the thing that has the interface doesn't implement the feature it does nothing. For example this week I've been working on our costume color palette. I have a interface called IPalette. It has four features: Activated, Deactivated, Hovered, Unhovered. My palette implements this interface. When I create a swatch I pass it a connection to the palette. When I click that swatch or just hover and unhover over it it first checks if it is given a valid palette. If it is valid it checks if what has been passed to it implements the IPalette interface. If it does it calls the specific feature on the source. Currently I don't implement anything on the palette for those functions so they do nothing when called. For emotes I can just call the specific animations in a sequence for that emote. If one isn't implemented it's just ignored.


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Lothic's picture
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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

Oh, I'm quite sure emotes can be repurposed. Physical motions on the base character are not a problem. Animations specific to a costume part (like the cover of a circuit panel opening) would have issues. In Unreal there is a feature called "Interfaces". I just call something through those interfaces and if the thing that has the interface doesn't implement the feature it does nothing. For example this week I've been working on our costume color palette. I have a interface called IPalette. It has four features: Activated, Deactivated, Hovered, Unhovered. My palette implements this interface. When I create a swatch I pass it a connection to the palette. When I click that swatch or just hover and unhover over it it first checks if it is given a valid palette. If it is valid it checks if what has been passed to it implements the IPalette interface. If it does it calls the specific feature on the source. Currently I don't implement anything on the palette for those functions so they do nothing when called. For emotes I can just call the specific animations in a sequence for that emote. If one isn't implemented it's just ignored.

Again I only care that I won't have to wear certain specific clothing items to be able to have access to a given possible generic emotes. No "wear gloves #7 to be able to use dance emote #17" shenanigans.

Clearly there's a critical difference between a "clothing" costume item and a "body part" costume item. While it might make sense to link emotes to the "body part" items (i.e. wings and tails) it'll probably NEVER be justifiable to link them to "clothing" costume items for the same reason that powers are not based on costume items. It's really just that simple.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

avelworldcreator's picture
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I'm only speaking of

I'm only speaking of animations, not emotes, being keyed to certain costume pieces. Body parts only when the emote is specific to a body part (wings, tails, etc.).


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Lothic's picture
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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

I'm only speaking of animations, not emotes, being keyed to certain costume pieces. Body parts only when the emote is specific to a body part (wings, tails, etc.).

Well like Fireheart mentioned I kind of already assumed that wings and tails in this game would already have built-in automatic "twitchy" animations just like CoH did. Were you talking about a "new feature" related to this for CoT or were you just talking about managing to get CoT to do the same things CoH already did?

To be clear I'd expect for example organic wings to "flap" automatically when you fly. But to complicate the matter a bit I wouldn't mind there being "player controlled emotes" to make wings (for instance) flap ANY time the character wants, even when standing still. I hope I'm making that distinction clear.

As an example of a "player controlled wing oriented emote" it might be cool to have wings wrap around a character on command like this:


Or be able to spread wings wide open on command like this (even when sitting/standing still):


Basically there's an opportunity to allow characters to "manually control" their wings and tails via manual emotes. For tails you could provide a few emote controlled movements like "mad cat twitching" or "coil around your character's own leg" to allow for some manual control of tails.

Again I'd only allow for "body part costume items" (wings and tails) to have extra emotes like this because obviously those emotes make no sense unless you have wings or a tail.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

avelworldcreator's picture
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We are on the same page here.

We are on the same page here. CoT should have the same capabilites of CoX AND features we can now make available.


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Lothic's picture
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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

We are on the same page here. CoT should have the same capabilites of CoX AND features we can now make available.

Cools. I basically figured you had the right idea a few posts ago but I'm happy enough for you to keep responding as much as you want. ;)

Clearly having a bunch of emote controls for wings and tails are not strictly needed at launch. But if we could get a few basic ones built-in and then maybe have a bunch more as a "cash store upgrade pack" post launch that would likely be awesome.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

avelworldcreator's picture
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That last suggestion would

That last suggestion would make our prez very happy. :p


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Cyclops's picture
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Halo/Horns emotes.

Halo/Horns emotes.
For when you just pranked a buddy and want to look like a lil' angel.


Lothic's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Halo/Horns emotes.
For when you just pranked a buddy and want to look like a lil' angel.

This is a good idea. Having permanent Halo/Horns as costume items is one thing. But being able to have versions of these things that would be "temporary emotes" would be nice as well.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Redlynne's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Halo/Horns emotes.
For when you just pranked a buddy and want to look like a lil' angel.

This is a good idea. Having permanent Halo/Horns as costume items is one thing. But being able to have versions of these things that would be "temporary emotes" would be nice as well.

Heck, being able to invoke them as part of a Casting Animation via macro would be fantastic.
Extra bonus points awarded for being able to make the halo/horns a Firing Point for powers so as to shoot beams out of the horn tips or "launch" the halo at your targets like a discus (or 45 rpm vinyl record) as part of a power's FX animation ...

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DesViper's picture
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Anyone asked for lifting

Anyone asked for lifting weights emotes? Because that seems like essential cheesiness

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Lothic's picture
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Anyone asked for lifting weights emotes? Because that seems like essential cheesiness

Of course these emotes would have to be the standard comic version of weight lifting:


These emotes could just randomly "create" various big objects instead of worrying about making them actually "interact" with the environment. That should make them relatively easy to implement.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Lothic's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Halo/Horns emotes.
For when you just pranked a buddy and want to look like a lil' angel.

This is a good idea. Having permanent Halo/Horns as costume items is one thing. But being able to have versions of these things that would be "temporary emotes" would be nice as well.

Heck, being able to invoke them as part of a Casting Animation via macro would be fantastic.
Extra bonus points awarded for being able to make the halo/horns a Firing Point for powers so as to shoot beams out of the horn tips or "launch" the halo at your targets like a discus (or 45 rpm vinyl record) as part of a power's FX animation ...

Having a Xena-like chakum disc power be based off of grabbing "energy halos" from your head would be a cool visual. :)


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

"check arm circuits"

And that's not even including the possibilities of a Robotic Mastermind styled "type on the forearm strapped iPad Mini to issue commands and read reports" kind of thing.

Point being that there can easily be multiple creative uses for these kinds of little tidbits.

I should point out that pilots have been strapping paper maps, checklists, and similar items to their forearms almost since the Wright Bros.

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Huckleberry's picture
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And the same thing in

And the same thing in football isn't just for pros anymore: [youtube]-1r_9qYKDJc[/youtube]

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Cyclops's picture
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chewing gum and bubbles..

chewing gum and bubbles...perfect for the game.


Timothius's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

chewing gum and bubbles...perfect for the game.

I second this. Also, that is possibly the cutest Supergirl pic I've ever seen. XD

Grimfox's picture
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Timothius wrote:
Timothius wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

chewing gum and bubbles...perfect for the game.

I second this. Also, that is possibly the cutest Supergirl pic I've ever seen. XD

I will second that statement. This is by far the cutest Supergirl ever.

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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:
Timothius wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

chewing gum and bubbles...perfect for the game.

I second this. Also, that is possibly the cutest Supergirl pic I've ever seen. XD

I will second that statement. This is by far the cutest Supergirl ever.

Be warned, however, if the bubblegum runs out, and she starts quoting Piper... (R. Roddy, not H. Beam) ^_^

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Lothic's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

chewing gum and bubbles...perfect for the game.


I had a [url=]Psychic Blast/Mental Manipulation Blaster[/url] back in CoH that almost perfectly followed the same theme as this pic. My character was a "bubbly blonde" with a pink and light purple costume scheme with pinkish powers. The "bubble" part really kicked in once I got World of Confusion going (a PBAoE Confusion toggle) which was basically like a big pink hamster ball she would run around in.

Except for the Supergirl 'S' logo this pic is the perfect "chibi" depiction of my character. :)

To tie this post back to emotes if either of these games had/have a chewing gum bubble emote a character like mine would have definitely used it.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Excited to see that video

Excited to see that video tour of Alexandria. But that reminded me of something I recall from way back when Pretoria opened up: All the reflective surfaces.

Because Titan City has so many reflective surfaces, mirrors and etc., I think it would be great if there were animations / emotes that show our characters checking themselves out in them. Here is a brainstorm of a few:

walking animation where we stop, lean back half a step, and nod in approval before walking on.
standing animation where we twist to look at our backside
flying animations can duplicate walking animations if we change what the lower body does while flying
telling yourself that "you look mahvelous" but in body language.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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A few more:

A few more:

1 holding bruised ribs
2 winded - both hands on knees breathing heavily

Fireheart's picture
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How about /smile and/or /grin

How about /smile and/or /grin?

Be Well!

Lothic's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

How about /smile and/or /grin?

Yeah in case it's been a while (or for some reason hasn't been suggested on a thread like this yet) I'd expand your idea into having emotes for as many basic "facial emotions" as possible (i.e. smile, grin, surprise, anger, crying, etc.). The following pic is one of dozens of examples I found while googling that could serve as a basic guide for this kind of thing:


Obviously we probably don't need hundreds of these things but maybe having the top 15 or 20 core emotion choices for CoT would be really nice.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Yeah, it's good to be

Yeah, it's good to be reminded of the Basics, while considering all the Fancy emotes. I remember the first time I saw my EQ Ogre /smile, Yikes! Teeth Everywhere!

Be Well!

TitansCity's picture
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A "I take a selfie" emote

A "I take a selfie" emote should be mandatory for egocentric characters ^^

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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

A "I take a selfie" emote should be mandatory for egocentric characters ^^

That's already been suggested in this thread at least once. But you might as well re-suggest it since it's a good idea. :)

Since we're rehashing old ideas I'll also relink another one that's closely related to the selfie idea:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

That's already been suggested in this thread at least once.

I didn't know but, you are right, a good ideas is usually said at least twice :D

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Turns out there's an emote

Turns out there's an emote that I'm sort of surprised none of us have mentioned until now. I skimmed back through the thread and I don't think this has been covered so I'll throw it out here and now. It's like the #1 obvious costume change emote we need and it was one that even CoH never really gave us. I present for your approval:


Like I said it's totally obvious that we could use something like this. It could be done so that it looks like you're tearing up a generic "imaginary" white overshirt (like in the gif above) regardless of your current costume. It could be accompanied by a bit of dramatic arm motion that could happen just as the costume switch happens. There could be at least two variants of this, one while standing still and one while running forward (again like the above gif).

So it is written, so it must be done. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

So it is written, so it must be done. ;)

But the whole purpose of that 'emote' is to 'Flash the S'. I mean, if she Really wanted to strip down to the uniform, why waste time?

*Blur of motion, 'Look! It's Super-somebody!'*

Be Well!

Lothic's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
Lothic wrote:

So it is written, so it must be done. ;)

But the whole purpose of that 'emote' is to 'Flash the S'. I mean, if she Really wanted to strip down to the uniform, why waste time?

*Blur of motion, 'Look! It's Super-somebody!'*

No one said you couldn't also suggest your "blur of motion" idea as a -different- costume change emote. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

No one said you couldn't also suggest your "blur of motion" idea as a -different- costume change emote. ;)

If _I_ were suggesting a costume-change, it would be more of "LOOK!" a strangely Hypnotic Tie!" and then, when they say, "Wait, What Tie?" well, you have already vanished to the the cloak-room, where you and the half-dozen other supers on the scene are all struggling with their accessories.

Be Well!

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

[...] where you and the half-dozen other supers on the scene are all struggling with their accessories.

This part reminds me of the classic Deadpool 2 Teaser which was basically an extended joke about superhero "costume changes" in general:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 05/10/2018 - 23:00
I didn't see anyone mention

I didn't see anyone mention these so if they did sorry for the repeat but while I dont tend to play strength based characters how about a few different flexes in most game men and women flex the same way. Another set of emotes I would love to see is some that fit the more feral heroes like roaring. Also what about cracking your neck or shoulder rolls like you see before people start a fight?

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Destiana wrote:
Destiana wrote:

I didn't see anyone mention these so if they did sorry for the repeat but while I dont tend to play strength based characters how about a few different flexes in most game men and women flex the same way. Another set of emotes I would love to see is some that fit the more feral heroes like roaring. Also what about cracking your neck or shoulder rolls like you see before people start a fight?

People have mentioned having generic emotes (usable by all characters) that are "displays of strength" like your flex emote ideas before. But I figure it never really hurts to re-suggest things like that on these types of threads, especially if it's been a few years since those ideas were last mentioned. I suppose if people were spamming these threads with the same ideas every day/week that'd be a bit too much.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I can't imagine launching

I can't imagine launching without at least 4 kinds of flex :p

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DesViper wrote:
DesViper wrote:

I can't imagine launching without at least 4 kinds of flex :p

Not only would "obvious" types of characters use them:


But I'd want to be able to use them on my "weakling" characters as well just to be funny:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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How about sniffing your

How about sniffing your armpits to see if your hero "offends..."


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emote: "Gloat," picking up

emote: "Gloat," picking up your fallen enemy by the collar and posing victoriously


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"Light." Holding up your hand

"Light." Holding up your hand and summoning a tiny light. Good for mages.


Fireheart's picture
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Then turning and hurling your

Then turning and hurling your tiny spark of light Right Through your enemy, for massive damage!

Be Well!

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I saw

I read

Fireheart wrote:

... turning and hurling ...

in the emote thread, and I couldn't help but think of someone getting sick. I pictured it being sparkly and colorful and thought, yes, that would make for an interesting emote.

Then I read it again.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Both are valid. That's

Both are valid. That's probably a opening to a list of less less savory emotes.

pick wedgie.
adjust crotch.
discreetly fart.
blow nose.
sarcastic cough.
draw attention cough (ahem)
pick nose.
pick/clean ear.
check shoe/sole.
stomp on bug.

Obviously MWM isn't going to do half/most of these. But anything can be suggested.

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Last seen: 1 day 17 hours ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Discrete farts are for

Discreet farts are for sissies. If one must pass gas, one shall pass gas with confidence.

This is the "/oups" emote from the game Dofus:

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
