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Convergence (Open RP)

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Convergence (Open RP)

Aztec's body slammed the island dirt. With Aztec's dagger, the set was complete, and the Necrobian destiny could begin. "It's time!"


[url=] Chiasma[/url] looked up from his wrist console for a moment. A wave was crossing the sky, leaving it red and speckled with runes of some sort. "Well, that can't be good", he said, opening the comms on his wrist console. Force of habit. He'd defected from the Star Lords and had his console hacked. He could not call for backup.

Out of the very wall of the alleyway, a creature crawled out, emaciated and covered in glowing orange runes. Chiasma reached for his holster. The creature looked at chiasma, its eyes glowed for a moment, and it opened its mouth to reveal growing flames. Chiasma opened fire with his smaller pistol. The creature breathed fire halfway to chiasma before the seventh shot to the head put it down. He inspected the body: "zombies?! I mean I guess it's not the first time but, this seems new." He left the alleyway.

Across the street, another emaciated, runed creature was throwing icicles at a minivan with three passengers, the ice almost piercing the windshield in front of the driver,

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Detective Heather Xian-Pu

Detective Heather Xian-Pu Kowalski, TCPD, was off duty when the wave moved across the sky. She put her groceries into her car, then tried to take pictures of the runes with her smartphone. Then she heard a sound like breaking glass behind her. She whirled to see a dead person throwing icicles at a mini-van. She pushed a button on her phone that dialed her precinct's desk. "Detective Kowalski reporting-" She stopped when she realized there was no connection, and drew her pistol. She fired twice at the zombie, striking it at the middle of its back... "Freya protect us," she whispered.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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A shard of ice passed through

A shard of ice passed through the windshield as the second shot struck the Servus. It turned to the Detective, then raised its arms to the air. Plates of ice formed haphazardly about the creature, attempting to offer some sort of protection. It began to lance larger ice crystals at the officer.

Out of the side of the minivan, another orange-runed undead begins to crawl out. Chiasma reloaded and emptied another clip into the creature's skull. Before it could finish spawning, it was dispatched, and its body slipped all the way through the door, rolling onto the floor.

"Just like the movies, officer! Go for the head!"

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Kowalski dropped to one knee

Kowalski dropped to one knee and raised her point of aim. The shards went past as she fired three times. The first struck the jawline. The second missed, deflected by a shard of ice. The third struck just above where its nose should've been.
"That's [u]Detective[/u] Kowalski, thank you. And thanks for the targeting advice."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Are Detectives not also

"Are Detectives not also officers? Whatever, my bad" Chaisma said finishing reloading. He opened the car door to the minivan and helped the shocked passengers out of their deathtrap. "You guys get to--" Chaisma stopped himself from saying "safety". Where was safe when the undead crawl out of the sides of a car. "Any suggestions [u] Detective[/u]?"

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Heather pulled her badge out

Heather pulled her badge out of her inside jacket pocket and hung it around her neck. "Sorry, it's just that I worked nearly as hard to get out of the uniform as I did to get into it in the first place." She pulled out several magazines for her S&W from the trunk of her care. Anyone with a magical sense would likely notice that the contents of those magazines were enchanted, as was a golden symbol on the back of her badge holder. The magazines went into the outside pockets of the jacket, except for one that replaced the one she'd fired three shots from. She pointed down the street. "There's a church just down three blocks then one to the right. Episcopalian, I think. But it feels as holy to me as anywhere else I can think of this side of Aurora." She took the bags of groceries out of the trunk, holding them in her left hand, and closed the trunk with pressure from the butt of the pistol.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Huddling in a church for the

"Huddling in a church for the apocalypse? Guess I did say 'just like the movies'" Chaisma remarked. "You guys wanna come with us?" he said to the family; a passenger nodded.

As they began to walk down the avenue, two more zombies began to crawl from the ground, one blue and one orange. A third began to emerge from the wall, with black runes and a smokey aura. Chaisma switched to his custom 5.56 pistol and opened fire on the blue creature.

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Heather took careful aim at

Heather took careful aim at the orange creature, placing one semi-jacketed blessed silver round into its forehead. "Not huddling, just taking a defensive position while we figure out where to hit back." She shifted her aim to the one emerging from the wall. It looked more dangerous, so she whispered a quick prayer for accuracy before firing at it...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The round struck the darkened

The round struck the darkened figure in the jaw; it flinched, then charged the detective. Chiasma intercepted the beast with a kick to the hips. It fell into a stance disturbingly gracefully, then casted a flying black skull at the former agent. It struck Chiasma in the chest, dropping him to a knee. Before the beast could close the distance, a final blessed shot from Heather to the back of its neck brought the beast down.

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Chiasma tried to get back on

Chiasma tried to get back on two feet immediately, but he fell to both knees, gravity suddenly felt stronger and his vision blurred slightly. He fought back tears as the [url=]Gloom[/url] set in.

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Seeing Chiasma went to his

Seeing Chiasma went to his knees, Heather flipped her badge holder around and spoke a prayer in Old Norse. [img=100x100][/img] The valknut glowed as if it were in bright sunlight, illuminating the area, and healing energy flowed into the mercenary. Heather crouched and pulled Chiasma's right arm over her shoulders, then straightened to help him back to his feet. "No time to waste, let's get to that door."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Once on his feet, he took his

Once on his feet, he took his arm back. "Thank you" he said, wiping tear streaks away, "clearly my magic tactics are rusty." They continued down the avenue toward the church after checking on the passengers, all three still present.

As they turned the corner toward the church, they see a dozen orange-runed undead engulfing the white-walled church in flames. They were accompanied by [url=]a figure in black robes with white runes[/url], whom the zombies did not harm.

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Huddled behind a mailbox, a

Huddled behind a mailbox, a crouched figure is watching the mass of zombies and seemingly taking notes. He continuously points around as if trying to follow lines before returning to jotting things down in a small note book. His shoulder looks singed, it's likely he's faced one of these creatures already.

"Lungs work, this is not puppet theory animation as the anchoring runes would suggest. Sudden appearance indicates it may be a manifestation but physical attributes are solid so they are not to be counted or treated as ethereal. Vessels of will? Hivemind behavior? Power clearly comes from outside source, may be the robed.... difference in rune color is significant.... Power reaches from white to the orange, variation of sponge theory animation most likely.... Is robe the source? White powers orange but what powers white? Aetheric currents to busy to tell at the moment, moon help us if there's more than one white source but white being THE source does not sound any better."

The figure continues to hide behind the box talking to himself, so focused on the creatures he has not yet noticed there may be anyone else around.

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Out of the wall behind him,

Out of the wall behind him, another black-runed undead begins to emerge. It crawls out of the wall, notices the notetaker, then begins to charge another blast...

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McJigg notices the sudden

[url=]McJigg[/url] notices the sudden appearance of magic behind him and quickly turns around. "Black runes... runes may denote a coding language for function instead of order of relay..." He drops the notebook on the ground and creates a null barrier in front of himself as he braces to absorb the blast. He begins to give off slight teal glow with the activation of his powers. "Beautiful beast, highly complex, who or what made you..."

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The blast seeps into the

The blast seeps into the barrier, nullified. The zombie stops for a moment, twitches, then moans "Necro-...bia...." It twitches again, coming out of the trance, then suddenly charges the McJigg, black auras forming about it's hands and feet.

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McJigg is fully taken aback.

McJigg is fully taken aback. "SPEECH!?". With the approaching zombie he tries to take a step back but bumps into the mailbox. "Forget sponge animation theory this may be remote possession, but the more importantly..." McJigg extends his hand and with his powers tries to attune to one of the runes on the zombies leg. "Are these anchors or corks?" He yanks on the arcane geometry of the rune as if trying to dislodge a part from a construct.

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The black auras dissipate

The black auras dissipate from the zombie, but it continues its charge, albeit a tad slower. It reaches McJigg and tries to tackle him into the mailbox.

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"Corks then." McJigg gets

"Corks then." McJigg gets tackled but remains standing as he's pushed against the mailbox. He tries his best to grapple the zombie, grabbing it's arms near the runes. Beginning to siphon the zombies energy he diverts it to himself to bolster his own strength. "I still don't understand your purpose though. What does any of this achieve?"

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The zombie lets up for a

The zombie lets up for a moment. looks McJigg in the eye, and moans "ret-...rib-...ution", then vomits caustic dark green ooze on McJigg as it collapses.

The black robed figure turns his head, alerted by the vomit. The dozen orange-runed zombies stop and stand still for a moment. "Capes, always in the way. Go!" 4 undead begin walking towards Chiasma and the Detective, and 8 begin to charge McJigg. The mage moves his hands, preparing another conjuration spell.

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"Ugh..." McJigg turns to face

"Ugh..." McJigg turns to face the zombies as he shakes his arms in disgust. "Really? Retribution?..." He removes his jacket and throws it on the ground, looking to the robed figure and shouting "More zombies? Look, if it's a pokemon battle you want... Mailbox! I choose you!" McJigg delivers a kick the mailbox and expends a good amount of the energy he had absorbed from the first zombie. It goes flying towards the charging zombies.

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The box clobbers five of the

The box clobbers five of the undead and continues hurtling toward the black-robed Necrobian. He dives to the side, interrupting his casting. Arcane circles and runes linger in the air for a moment before dissolving. He scrambles to get up and cast another spell, hoping the remaining undead can distract McJigg long enough to summon a lesser Haunt.

Chiasma and Heather open fire on the flamethrowing undead gaining on them. Two fall immediately, but the flames are getting close to the duo. The passengers dart behind an alley.

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From her jacket pocket,

From her jacket pocket, Heather pulled out what looked like a small soda bottle. She holstered her pistol as she shook the bottle, then opened it and let the carbonated holy water, blessed by a Rune priest working out of Clarkstown, spray over the nearest of the undead.

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The flames were extinguished

The flames were extinguished by the holy water, and the nearest undead stopped in its tracks for a moment, covered in shining white scars, twitching.

Chiasma emptied the rest of his clip into the face of the further zombie, then watched as Heather sprayed the undead, bewildered. "Magic Sprite? That's a[url=] HiJinx[/url] move" he said with a chuckle then quickly reloaded.

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McJigg starts rushing forward

McJigg starts rushing forward, he did not like the looks of the arcane circles and runes that had briefly appeared in the air. At this point he finally notices the other two fighting zombie from the other side. He shouts out to them "Don't let the robed man cast anything!"

There were still three zombies to get through and McJigg had already expended most of his absorbed energy kicking the mailbox. He would attempt to expend the last of it to vault over the zombies and charge the robed figure.

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"Too late magic deadpool"

"Too late magic deadpool" Jackie finishes his spell with a push through the runes, three undead materialize in front of him. They are draped in tattered chainmail, seemingly wet with black liquid, and have rusted metal helmets. Two carry dark steel swords and shields, and the last has a bow and arrow. The swordsmen take a defensive posiiion in front of Jackie and the bowman draws his first shot, aiming towards McJigg.

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Heather drew her pistol again

Heather drew her pistol again and reloaded with the special magazine; the one with silver bullets that had been blessed by her mother, a more learned Gydhja of Freya. She was not in time to prevent the robed mage from summoning his reinforcements, but perhaps she could prevent him from summoning more. She aimed carefully, firing from a Weaver stance and letting the weapon settle before firing again, and again...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The first shot goes for

The first shot goes for jackie's head, the silver bullet makes contact, then dissolves into green dust, the force throwing his hood off. Startled, he ducks behind the shield of one knight. The next shot strikes the shield. The next strikes the archer, knocking it down. Jackie struggles to reform his Arcalian shield, his only line of defense.

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McJigg lands on the other

McJigg lands on the other side of the zombies only to be faced with an archer aiming at him. He'd freeze in place a moment as his brain tried to decide what to do next, it could have been his end had Heather's silver bullet not knocked the archer down. In his rush to try and stop the summoning he now found himself caught between two groups of zombies and no absorbed energy to take advantage of. It was a bad place to be and he needed to get himself out. Step one, McJigg lashed out his powers at Jackie to start absorbing energy. Step two, McJigg would use this energy to speed up and run round to Chaisma and Heather. He could redirect Jackie's energy to them if he could only get there, they seemed much more prepared for combat.

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The necessary runes dissolved

The necessary runes dissolved just as fast as Jackie could cast them. He gave up refreshing the [url=]Arcualian Shield[/url], and directed the servi pyre to attack McJigg, specifically to cast flames to each side, cornering him, then to close the flames upon him. The archer, with a gaping hole in its head, slowly began to rise, picking up its bow and grabbing an arrow.

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McJigg pauses in the flames,

McJigg pauses in the flames, unable to reach the others in time. He thinks as the flames begin to creep in, watching the archer raise from the corner of his eye. He needed a stalling tactic, he could maybe still get out of this if he had time to hatch a plan.It was the oldest trick in the book, but it was worth a try. Could he bait the villain to monologue? Moving the arm that was reaching out to Jackie, it now aims at the archer at the archer. Hoping the power drain will slow it, unsteady it's aim, buy time. He thought back to what one of the zombies had said to him and decided to speak plainly.

"If I'm to die for retribution, I'd like to know what debt I owe. What the city owes. What possible transgression demands the deaths of those unaware and to what end does it serve? And for clarity... what is 'Necrobian'? An order... or a lord?"

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Noticing the archer rising

Noticing the archer rising again, Heather aimed carefully at the caster's chest, and fired rapidly, each shot aimed a few inches higher than the one before,the last aimed once again at the caster's head. After the slide locked back, she ejected the magazine and replaced it with one filled with standard police issue ammunition as she considered the results.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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While McJigg wondered aloud,

While McJigg wondered aloud, Jackie finished his shield, but Heather's bullet used it immediately. The next shots riddle his backside. As he falls forward, the last shot misses his head. On the ground, bleeding, he looks to McJigg "Necrobia salvation..." he falls unconscious, near death.

The servi continue to corner McJigg, the third starting another stream of fire completing a triangle about him. The knights break their defensive position and turn towards the marksmen.

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Chiasma shoots the knight on

Chiasma shoots the knight on his left in the knees, and it drops, immobilized. The second charges them, shield up. Chiasma notes his shortage of ammo, he has one full clip left.

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"Nooooo!" McJigg shouts in

"Nooooo!" McJigg shouts in panic. "We need him for answers, without him we know nothing!" He steps back as another wall of fire appears, the zombies closing in. Expending the energy he had drawn from Jackie, McJigg releases a shockwave that would hopefully be enough to knock the zombies off their feet and stop their fire from closing in further. To those who caould not see magic, or don't know of his powers, McJigg would begin move his arms somewhat erratically. To those who could see magic, McJigg was beginning to establish and manipulate some ley lines, his goal was to create a power funnel of sorts. A siphon to drain the three zombies of their energy and direct it to Jackie. This would give Jackie strength, hopefully enough to hold out a tad longer, but it was in no manner a healing spell... This process would need about a minute to complete.

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Chaisma made his best guess

Chaisma made his best guess at what was happening: the masked man seemed to have some magic skill, if not education, or he had otherwise metahuman draining powers.

"Just don't let him conjure anything else" he shouted to McJigg, as the last knight charged the gunners.

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The knight gains on the duo

The knight gains on the duo beyond safe firearm range. Chaisma pulls a handle out of his trench coat and presses a button, a blade telescopically ejects from the handle just in time to block a swing from the knight. The two exchange blows of their swords, Chiasma at the disadvantage having no shield. Every point blank shot he lines up with his pistol is blocked by the knight's shield with supernatural speed. As the melee continues, Chiasma maneuvers the knight between himself and Heather, hoping she'll take a shot....

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Heather stepped back as

Heather stepped back as Chiasma engaged the knight, moving to complement the mercenary's efforts to give her the clean shot. From behind the knight's sword-side shoulder, which should make it very difficult to get the shield around, she cast and fired, invoking Freya in her aspect of Protector to bless the bullet as it started down the barrel, aimed at the base of the knight's skull.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Just as Chiasma uses his last

Just as Chiasma uses his last round on the knight's shield, a bullet pierces through it's rotted brain stem. The knight finally falls. Shortly after it hits the ground, Chiasma takes the time to sever its head from it's body with a couple smashes with his sword. "I haven't seen any headless zombies yet, so I'm assuming this should keep 'em down"

Meanwhile, across the street, McJigg's magic begins to effect Jackie. He gasps, tries to get up, but blood seeps further into his robes as he collapses again. He tries to motion another summoning spell, but he lacks the strength to do much more than breathe and speak softly. "What do you want?" he asks McJigg.

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McJigg composes himself and

McJigg composes himself and walks over to Jackie, kneeling down and placing a hand on Jackie's shoulder. A man was knocking on death's door, this was not the time for jokes or the soulless grin of a piece of plastic. McJigg removes his mask and looks Jackie in the eye. "I want understanding. Of your salvation, and of it's cost."

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"Heh...I actually thought

"Heh...I actually thought that mask was your face." Jackie says before coughing a bit of blood, which was notably a deep blue hue, "this world persecutes us bluebloods. They kill us when they can... and they enslave or imprison us when they can't." Jackie pauses for a moment, remembering not long ago when he was uninitiated and unaware of Necrobia. "Uhm, bluebloods are those who can use Necrobian magic, everyone else is a redblood"

"To answer your question: our salvation and it's...uhh...cost" Jackie continues, "we'll plop our home reality on top of yours; it's our turn to run things, our way"

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"Not gonna happen, Necro-bean

"Not gonna happen, Necro-bean." Heather shook her head. "Too many people here who either like thing as they are, or got their own plans to take over. And that's not counting the people who don't know enough to light a candle. Magically, that is; a lot of them have their own tricks and abilities. You'd be much better off finding a nice pre-sapient parallel somewhere. That or hire an attorney, see whether you can get anything in court, maybe your own country."

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Jackie turns his head toward

Jackie turns his head toward his would-be killer, giving a chuckle "we are hundreds, but our servants are billions. Galrithius will win this day" he says before entering another blueblooded coughing fit.

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McJigg looks at the blue

McJigg looks at the blue blood on the ground, then takes out a notepad and starts to quickly write down some notes. Galrithis, Necrobian, blue blood, dimension merge. "Our world is filled with magic groups, Necrobian is unknown to me. Who persecutes you and why? Slavery was outlawed long ago, what point in history did this peak? I need understanding if I'm to resolve this. There's a place in the world for blue bloods, one that doesn't risk the fabric of reality itself. I don't know how long you have, but your answers can help me find a solution for everybody."

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"The Chalice finds us..."

"The Chalice finds us..." Jackie begins to lose consciousness as the servi begin to crumble. "Our everywhere" Jackie breathes out, then collapses again, cold.

Chiasma stands over the body, noticing a slight smirk on Jackie's quickly cold body. "Well...that was productive." Chiasma holds his hand out for a handshake to McJigg "I'm Chiasma, a Mercenary. I, uhhh...try to take the brighter clients, if you get what I mean"

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As Jackie expires, Heather

As Jackie expires, Heather invokes her spirit sight, and watches for whatever psychopomp comes to guide the dead mage's soul. So it seems to be that she is not paying attention to Chiasma or McJigg as she displays her badge. "Detective Heather Xian-pu Kowalski, TCPD. Also a [I]Gydhja[/i] of Freya." She flips the badge holder over, displaying the Valknut.

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McJigg quickly places his

McJigg quickly places his mask back on before getting up, ignoring Chaisma's hand. He writes Chalice in the note pad before putting it back into his pocket. "McJigg." He looks and points down the street at his acid burned jacket. "If you care for my badge it's in there." He looks to Heather. "Tell me Detective, do all your interrogations end with a dead perp or just the ones we need to question to stop an Apocalypse?"

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"Interrogations don't start

"Interrogations don't start until the perp is in custody, or at least not actively trying to kill citizens. Or did you have a way to subdue him [i]after[/i] he'd burnt you to a crisp?"

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Chiasma added "have to say, I

Chiasma added "have to say, I think I side with The Mask over here. We need to have a hold of what's going on to 1) survive, and 2) maybe actually affect the outcome here. This is a widespread event...."

"On tactics, you noticed I try to aim for immobilizing shots when it's an option" Chiasma continued, pointing at his last clip "granted, it's not ammo friendly"

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"I'll worry about the review

"I'll worry about the review board later, arguing now about unrealistic expectations drawn from movies, TV, and superhuman marksmen will just waste time. This guy didn't have any expectations of the afterlife, his soul just sort of drifted away. Did any of what he did say give either of you any clues?"

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Chiasma sighed "all this is

Chiasma sighed "all this is out of my wheelhouse: my expertise is high technology and organized crime." Thinking for a moment, he continues "the last part 'everywhere', I guess we've all noticed these guys can pop out anywhere, which makes hunkering down kinda hard"

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McJigg flips out his notepad.

McJigg flips out his notepad. "Magic is my wheel house, I got enough for a solid lead if we can get to a B-PIT database. They're attempting a dimension merge, unless they're talking about an incredibly small pocket dimension is this is more than global, this could be universal in scale though our planet seems to be primary goal. They've got some sort of head named Galrithis, my hunch says that's probably a demon, we'll see. They have a 'Chalice', if Necrobia is a cult structure it's probably one of the items of worship. If they've been persecuted throughout history as he said, there should be records of it. Unknown if by birth or ritual, but the members seem to all have blue blood as a feature."

McJigg looks up at the red sky, trying to see if the moon is still visible as he puts away the notepad.

"I'm not sure how long we have to stop this...."

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"The precinct house in

"The precinct house in Coventre has a fiber optic link. Not sure if it's still up, but unless you know where their local HQ is?"

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"I have a stash that way so I

"I have a stash that way so I'd love to stop by for some ammo and anti-magic gear" Chiasma added, again pointing to his last clip. "Maybe I'll grab a proper sword too...."

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McJigg returns his gaze to

McJigg returns his gaze to the group.

"I think that's a solid plan of action, we'll swing by the merc's stash for some gear and head to the Coventre precinct. Detective, if you would be kind enough to call in and let them know we're on our way. Try and get an update on hotspots of activity, while normally I'd love to stop and help out this is an active event to stop. I think it would be better for us to go around and get to researching while others coordinate relief. There's a chance we're going to need to planeswalk to stop this at it's source, so you should both consider some basic survival gear. All we know about the source dimension is that magic humans survive there. Are we all in agreement?"

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Heather had her phone out and

Heather had her phone out and was trying again to contact her precinct. "Except for calling ahead, agreed. We may need to find a land line." She checked her pocket radio as well, with a similar lack of result. "My POV is just a block off our route, I have a go bag in the trunk, and some groceries. We can try the Super Mart's phone while we're in the area."

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"According to my zombie

"According to my zombie apocalypse plans, supermarkets are a hot-spot for activity since people will congregate there" Chiasma stated, half-jokingly. "I suggest we head straight to the vehicle then to the safehouse; hopefully without churches on the way"

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McJigg picks up Jackie's body

McJigg picks up Jackie's body with a grunt, hauling it over his shoulder.

"Let's head out then, I'd rather not remain out in the open."

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The path back to the

The path back to the supermarket parking lot was still relatively clear, and Heather's car was still there, with the shopping cart still in the empty space adjacent. She pressed the button on her fob and the trunk popped open. Pushing the bag of groceries to the side, she pulled out a backpack, opened it, took out a pair of magazines, and squeezed the last two boxes of .45 ACP into the pack before zipping it up. "Anyone using nine mil?" She asked, gesturing toward two boxes that remained behind the wheel well.

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"Ah, yes! My sidearm is 9mm"

"Ah, yes! My sidearm is 9mm" Chiasma blurted out, then helped himself to the ammunition. He looked back towards McJigg "so, uhhh, you gotta plan with that body? I'd'n't be shocked if he bounced back on us. Maybe bind his hands at least" He pointed his head towards Heather, assuming she had cuffs.

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"I wouldn't be shocked either

"I wouldn't be shocked either, better with us than left to wake and cause more havoc alone. The plan is to return him to his people however, a small gesture that I hope my bring a more diplomatic end to this. There's no telling how big the cult is, but with their own dimension I'd hazard a guess at... large.... You're right though, handcuffs would be a good precaution. Have you a set with you Detective?"

McJigg placed Jackie beside the van and stood up, stretching his back. Physical strength was not a strength of his.

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"Yeap. One moment." Jackie

"Yeap. One moment." Jackie pulled her cuffs off the the clip at the small of her back and cuff jackie's hands behind his back; fortunately rigor had not yet set in.

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"He said they're hundreds,

"He said they're hundreds, but billions of undead...maybe exaggerating" Chiasma started "however, if his soul just wandered off, maybe they don't want it."


With that, they made their way SW near Coventre. They kept low profile, but still dispatched the occasional undead easily with the three of them coordinated. They arrive at a redbrick alley....


Chiasma pushes in bricks in order, opening a passageway into a small workshop. Before entering, he notices something on the opposite alley "a purple garbage bag? That's just silly"

In the safehouse, to the right side is a wall of ammunition and grenades: largely 9mm and 5.56mm, but also standard police and small pistol arms, standard Star Lord Nova, ice, and force grenades. The center of the room has a large workbench with various tools including a soldering iron. The back and left walls are filled with assorted weapons mounted on particle board. Chiasma goes straight for the various swords in the left-back corner before saying "help yourself, just, uhhh, ask before pressing any buttons"

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McJigg takes a quick look

McJigg takes a quick look around, he didn't need any of these things but they were still interesting. "Ooo, nice swords..."

He places Jackie on the ground in the middle of the room.

"So...uh... I'm going to need about five to seven minutes in a closet... or bathroom... really any standard sized door you won't need to open for a few minutes."

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"Bathroom's over the--"

"Bathroom's over the--" Chiasma starts before catching himself. Thinking aloud "I need something that can get through those shields..." he grabs an orion-model sun-sword: usable as a medium-length blade, but can also emit plasma about the blade for short bursts, allowing it to cut through most materials not expressly heat-shielded.

Chiasma points to a box labelled "arcane" saying "maybe something in there would be to either of your liking; I haven't had my contact to check on them yet"

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Heather glanced at the

Heather glanced at the weaponry, and decided to look for a blade after she finished her first duty. "Do you have a landline here?"

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McJigg went to the bathroom

McJigg went to the bathroom door but didn't open it, he instead drew a sigil that glowed teal. Opening the door, it no longer connected to the bathroom, but somewhere... else.

"I won't be longer than 10 minutes, but if I'm to return, this door needs to be shut with the sigil intact. If I'm longer than 10 minutes, it means I'm also grabbing snacks for us."

McJigg went through and closed the door.

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"uhhh....10 minutes is longer

"uhhh....10 minutes is longer than I was hoping to spend here WITH THE APOCALYPSE GOING ON" Chiasma shouted at the closed door.

After a sigh, he turns to Heather "did I mention I'm a mercenary? I don't have a landline" he continued "thinking on it, I bet the precinct will be too busy to answer the phone...or it'll be eerily quiet"

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"On to plan 'c',then."

"On to plan 'c',then." Heather pulled a compact out of her pack, opened it, and started whispering in Old Norse. Then she set it down on the workbench, and soon a Chinese woman who didn't look old enough to have a daughter carrying a Detective's badge appeared in the mirror. What she said was not audible to ears not already attuned to the mirror in the compact. Heather's side of the conversation was clear enough. "No, I'm fine, Mother...Does the house phone work?...Great! Can you call the precinct, let them know my radio and cell phone are both out, and I'm headed to the Coventre house with PITT agent McJigg?... Thanks!...Down to the lake? Why would you go there... That almost makes sense. Good luck, and Freyja watch over you." Heather closed the compact. "My mother is going to try to pass on the message, so they may be watching for us at the Coventre Precinct House. What do you have in the way of a saber, about 30 inches long?"

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"Okay I've got a lot of

"Okay I've got a lot of questions about what just happened, but I can't imagine you're in the mood to answer them" Chiasma said, blank-expression; he then snaps out of it "if you mean lightsaber, I've got a another sun-sword, but if you mean saber saber I don't think so." He grabs another sunsword, quickly demonstrating how to activate the plasma "the charge is pretty limited, so use the plasma wisely, otherwise it's a good blade"

Just as Chiasma sets the blade on the work bench, a violet blast hits the wall behind him. At the doorway stands a 7' tall [url=]violet[/url] construct of ice and dark tendrils, the beast seems emaciated, extremely thin but mobile. "Iiiinterloperrrr" it screeches while sending another blast to Chiasma. He ducks in time under the workbench, and shoots the beast's lower leg with his 5.56mm pistol, it shatters the leg but the beast stands nonetheless.

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Heather reached for a hilt in

Heather reached for a hilt in the Arcane box, on the theory that at this range, a decent melee weapon would be better than using up ammunition. It came up attached to what looked like a spatha, but as she pulled the sheath off, it [I]shifted[/I] in her hand, the hilt gaining a knuckle guard, and the blade narrowed down until it was nearly a match in weight, length, and balance to the sabers she'd used in fencing, although this blade was slightly curved. But she noticed it had no button at the tip, and she was certain that the edge was much sharper than those fencing blades. There was no time for practice swings; she tested the tip by lunging into the central mass of the construct...

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The blade pierced the icy

The blade pierced the icy torso, cracking from the hip to the opposite shoulder, but the beast didn't flinch, but rose the leg shot by Chiasma reassembling its ice, then thrust a kick at Heather's center of mass.

Chiasma rose, spinning into a better stance than hunched beneath the workbench, he fired, the large round struck the creature's jaw and shattered everything from the neck to the nose, but a dark aura remained, the beast lances it's arm as a projectile to Chiasma, who spin-dodges toward the washroom, slamming his hand above the sigil.

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McJigg bites into a peanut

McJigg bites into a peanut butter sandwich as he puts on his combat gear, nodding his head to the music playing on a nearby iPad. He chooses the leftmost mask from a lineup, all physically identical but enchanted differently. He places some basic tools into a backpack along with a box of granola bars. He seemed set to rejoin the others but his favorite song came on.... What else could he do for three minutes? Dance and get hyped up was almost the obvious answer but then he remembered portal stabilizers may be important if they needed a way to return to their home dimension...

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Heather twisted to turn the

Heather twisted to turn the solid hit into a graze and grunted as the kick slid off of her jacket. She turned back to face the construct, sent a blessing into the blade, and brought it sweeping in to try to remove the head entirely. The sudden glow from the blade, seemingly bright as the sun, surprised her, but oddly did not interfere with her vision...

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The blade crossed the

The blade crossed the remaining ice above the would-be nose in the creatures bright violet eyes. Each eye crossed exploded into a bright flash. After the slash finished, the dark purple aura about the creature dissipated, and the ice crystals fell to the ground shattering and losing their purple hue.

Chiasma recovered off the wall, then brushed off. "Hey, you got it to work! Uhh, go ahead and keep it" he said lightheartedly. Chiasma then realized that he had taken a TCPD officer into his safehouse; his heart sank a bit. "Just to be clear, I realize you're a cop -- detective -- so, since we're apocalypse buddies, I hope you can let slide anything you see here that's not expressly super legal" he said with some confidence.

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McJigg exits the closet with

McJigg exits the closet with a dufflebag, the glowing rune fades from the door. He takes one look around at the broken door, ice shards and the rest of the damage before turning to Chiasma.

"I thought you said this was a safe house?"

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Heather examined the edge of

Heather examined the edge of her new blade, looking for damage, and noting the valknut just above the crossguard. "Oh, I will be reporting this, and trying to get a warrant, too, once I'm done with my post-apocalypse paperwork. Assuming I can find a surviving judge, that is. *sigh* If only I could trust you to not clear everything - questionable - out of here once we're done saving the world." She turned to McJigg, "Isn't it a shame that so few criminals are worthy of trust?"
Looking in the box again, she found an empty scabbard that looked like it might have held the spatha. On inserting the tip of the sabre, the scabbard shifted to match the blade, which Heather slid in up to the hilt before attaching the scabbard to her belt.

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Chiasma snaps to McJigg, eyes

Chiasma snaps to McJigg, eyes wide, "THESE THINGS COME OUT OF THE WALLS! WHERE IS SAFE!?" he shouted, then sighed "I'd really appreciate if you could avoid long breaks during this shit. You can handle more of these at a time than either of us." He turns back to Heather, awaiting and answer to his question.

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"With my luck, it'll take a

"With my luck, it'll take a few days to find a reasonable judge. But only a few days."

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Chiasma gives a stern glare,

Chiasma gives a stern glare, then sighs again, "place probably won't be standing when I get back anyway". "In that case" he says reaching for an ammo box; he then sets it on the workbench with a thud "tungsten carbide, depleted uranium armor piercing bullets" he announces while loading magazine.

A figure in teal robes walks through the open door, "wraith should've been more than enough..." she begins, her words not matching her lips, "we can't be losing summoners on Convergence." She waves across the doorway as if closing a sliding door, a teal aura fills the doorway as it's replaced with brick wall. She thrusts her hand out towards McJigg, and out of a portal comes a javelin.

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McJigg presses himself back

McJigg presses himself back against the closet door to dodge the javelin, it pierces the dufflebag. Having been looped around McJigg's shoulder it drags him to the ground.

"Space manipulation! be very careful with your bullets!"

McJigg reaches into the bag and throws the first object he can grasp at the robed figure. Turns out that object was a granola bar but McJigg's hand remains outstretched as he begins his signature power drain.

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The Chaos Mage catches the

The Chaos Mage catches the bar, then pockets it saying "thank you, sir" in a sarcastic tone. From her sleeve she draws a weapon, this time an umbral shotgun, then aims it at McJigg before the drain spell takes effect.

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Heather drew her sabre and

Heather drew her sabre and stepped forward, slashing down at the shotgun's barrel with the suddenly glowing blade, hoping to at least knock the aim downward enough...

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Startled by the glowing blade

Startled by the glowing blade, the chaos mage flinches and the gun is knocked from her hand with the slash before it can be fired. Chiasma loads a magazine of depleted uranium rounds and opens fire, aiming for the mage's upper legs, assuming too much defense to the torso.

The bullets redirect mid-air and miss the mage, but each next bullet is closer to the target as her luck aura is drained by McJigg. Noticing this, the mage teleports to stand over Jackie, generating a bright teal aura in and out of each location. Standing over Jackie, she motions for a chaos revival to bring Jackie back into the fight.

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McJigg gets up having freed

McJigg gets up having freed himself from the duffel bag's handle. He grabs the javelin and charges the robed figure, the power he had drained now being used to run faster. The blunt end of the javelin was aimed at the head for a knock out blow.

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Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 03/10/2014 - 00:55
While continuing the chaos

While continuing the chaos revival, the chaos mage raises one arm to stop the spear with her palm. It strikes her palm sending it back quickly then phases back to having already pushed the spear back, now with the sharp end facing her.

Chiasma then draws his sunsword and vaults over the workbench, plasma activated, he swings the sword across the mage's head. It strikes her hood then bounces off, dissolving the hood from the shoulder, and revealing her iridescent grey hair. She remains focused on the spell while Chiasma recovers his stance.

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Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
Heather turned to locate the

Heather turned to locate the mage, and saw McJigg charging at her as she cast a spell on the body. Was she recovering the body? Heather moved in as McJigg and Chiasma made their attacks, her sabre flaring brightly as she struck at the arm that had parried McJigg's strike, whispering a prayer to Freyja to guide her blade through the mage's defenses.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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DesViper's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 03/10/2014 - 00:55
The mage had acted brashly,

The mage had acted brashly, as Chaos Mages are known to do. Committing to a Chaos Revival with three opponents was more than she could handle. She's narrowed down to timelines where Jackie was recruited to Necrobia, then the sabre struck her fingers. Her whole body flickered and her whole forearm had been severed, she finished the spell early with her other hand, then teleported to the back of the room to tend to her wounds.

A massive flash filled the room, Jackie's dead body was replaced with another version of him, this time in goldenrod robes, with a purple badge on his chest. Disoriented, he tries to read the room: three against one, but their eyes were not on him. He sees the figure in teal robes in the back of the room, and he realizes what's happened. "You idiot!" Jackie yells, conjuring a black sword.

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/06/2016 - 05:14
McJigg hops towards the back

McJigg hops towards the back of the room, it's getting crowded for his liking. He drops the javelin and reaches out an arm at both the teal robed lady and Jackie, beginning his power drain once again.

DesViper's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 03/10/2014 - 00:55
The new Jackie's sword

The new Jackie's sword whisked away in a black trail to McJigg, and the chaos mage's hand flickered in and out. To protect himself, Jackie lifted his arm and generated an ice barrier blocking off McJigg and Heather from himself and the chaos mage, then he continued to berate her "this is why chaos magic is forbidden, I should not be here!"

"You were dead! It's war against the overworld!" she replied with a hint of regret. She was also feeling the squeeze, four on one were impossible odds, she prepared a reflection spell for the next attack.

Chiasma took a moment to analyze the situation: McJigg weakening both mages, Healther ostensibly impeded, this new mage seems to be aligned against the invaders, and the chaos mage is on the ropes. He decides to take a shot, and opens fire on the chaos mage, hoping McJigg would weaken her enough to be dispatched.

With difficulty, she casts the reflect spell, the bullets enter the teal mirror, and wide lasers exit, back at Chiasma, boring three holes in his chest.

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
The sabre was not the right

The sabre was not the right weapon for cutting through ice, but as soon as the thought passed through Heather's mind, the blade shifted again, becoming a combat chopper about two feet long, and much thicker but just as sharp. She began attacking the barrier, making a hole and enlarging it so that she could cast a healing spell at Chiasma, hoping that it was enough, and in time, to stabilize him.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
