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This is a good point. There should be several different throwing animations for players to pick from for each attack, depending on where your character generates the particle effects and the throwing style. Choosing the animation, choosing the particle effects, customizing the colors, etc., and then assigning all that to a power.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Since they are splitting the full power aesthetics into character animation, projectile animation, particle effects, emanation point, and I think something more then they only "need" to create more throwing animations and assign them to the usable emanation points for them to be usable in their "full". It would surprise me if they didn't have at least the basic over-hand and side-ways throws when launching.
If we are going to go outside of explicit throwing animations then they have already shown one example, where they used a Capoeira move to launch a fireball from the foot.
Eh, I'll throw it under "technically difficult" :p
Added a few generally thrown weapons too: Shuriken, Javelin.
A ninjitsu practitioner would quickly show you a shuriken is a weapon you don't have to throw ;p
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Working on the animation suggestion thread 2.0, I saw Ferra-Torr from Mortal Kombat X suggested and added it as a prop. Definitely pushing the envelope, but it's a costume piece that is "held" in a sense, and it just makes more sense here since there're a lot of animations that go with it.
Maybe that's a better metric: are there many ways to move an object, if not, it might just be a particle.
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Also added Hat combat from that suggestion thread.
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we need a lever action rifle, we just do!!
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Also added Blunderbuss, otherwise with Deringer and presumed double-barrel shotgun, I think we've got Red Dead Redemption Weapons down ;)
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Ever hear of a mid 19th century weapon called a LeMat? I may have mentioned it before...
That cylinder that looks like a second barrel, in line with the center of the revolver cylinder? It's a second barrel ^_^ about a 20-gauge, usually used for buckshot. Some vampire hunters like to load a small stake instead of shot.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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I really cannot wait to fire a machine gun burst from a revolver...or my pointed finger.
I really hope whoever in the art department goes nuts with my "crazy revolver variants" line :)
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Condiment squeeze bottles.
They can come in two flavors. One as the standard solid red and yellow, for those that want to stay with the classic ketchup-and-mustard loadout. For those that want to dress it up it up a bit with other sauces, we have a version in which the bottles can be colorized to taste.
Available in hand-held and wrist-mounted variations.
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trench clubs yo
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added! there's always a derth of WW1 stuff
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I just watched a macbook air commercial and was inspired to create a character that used a laptop/typewriter/pad of paper and cup of coffee as a weapons. He just wants a little peace and quiet to write his poetry/novel/blog at his favorite coffee shop. (yes that's right he wants peace and quiet in a busy public place. He's not a hero.)
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Has anyone mentioned a scythe? It is kinda made for massive melee.
What? I feel it can be made for any melee set :p
Yep, we got scythe and kamas
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Got sickles?
I considered them interchangeable with Kamas but It can't hurt to have them both
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Hmm, reading up on this it seems that Kamas can be considered a subsection/subtype of Sickles. As far as I can tell Kamas are essentially restricted to a shortish straight edged blade on a longish handle while traditional sickles have a longer curved blade on a hand length handle. It also seems that Kamas were more widely used as an improvised weapon compared to other types of sickle-style tools.
Though in honest I think more knows what a Sickle is than a Kama.
I learned about Kamas from Mortal Kombat, but I didn't know what a sickle was until 2017 when I became a communist :p
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Like the pic [url=]in this post[/url]. Having several smallish objects hover over the hand, potentially surrounded by an aura.
Think this has been mentioned with single larger objects like books and crystal orbs, or maybe that was only held.
I already had "floating swords" but I combined it into "floating variants of any weapon", in case someone want's to TK a bus as a prop :p
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Sorry for the double post (did copy paste it in the right thread now) as I wasn't aware that this one existed.
I love the different types of weapons... So here are some things I like:
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I'll add "double-sided dagger" and technokatana :)
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alright, just saw Aquaman, suffice it to say I want a trident now
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It's a Type C, and I got what they actually have in aquaman which are mostly quatents :p Except the special Atlan one
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well don't I feel silly...
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Don't! Better to have it suggested twice than 0 times :)
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They did have some quality glowy weapons in Aquaman. Not a great movie but visually it was pretty slick.
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yeah, to me it was like a pug. it's a stupid, clumsy baby that you can't help but smile at. Was it the best Aquaman could be? Heck no, but it was just the right combination of so bad it's good, a great director and great actors that I actually enjoyed it.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Great? No. Very enjoyable? Yes. :)
I felt Aquaman was Black Panther + Thor: Ragnarok.
I wouldn't go that far. I think it was TRYING to be Black Panther + Thor but ultimately falls flat. I just can't get mad at it even if I try though, like I know that script writer probably hates us and was talking down to us, and I know the kid Aquaman scenes where just painful and I know that Black Manta was written just so poorely done, but I can't hate this thing!! It's just too fun and adorable to get mad at!!
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On the case of Black Manta, I really can't get behind any villain, who's motivation is "You let my murdering family member die." or even "You killed my murdering family member." What do they think happens to such people? :p
As for my analogy, I'm not saying they did it well, just that was the feel, though, BP and Thor weren't even out when they started Aquaman, were they?
Talk down to us? If that's about the whole "Our oceans!" speech, while it may have been, it also seemed typical Atlantean, even though, aren't they doing the same? :p
Nah, it was more the over explaining of things that don't need to be explained and that more often then not motivations where screamed at the top of their lungs rather than shown. As for Black Manta, in the original comics his father was killed when he was still a young kid, and he didn't even know he was a villain as his father hid that from his family. All he saw was a supposed hero killing his father in cold blood, combine that with the fact that he had to live as an orphan and one can understand why he would swear an oath of vengeance on Aquaman. The one in the movie however had him be a supervillain along with his father, and had him be a full grown man rather than a child, so you couldn't really play that for empathy.
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Nope. I still wouldn't have empathy for the kid. Murderous villain. It's not a nice occupation.
Now, if it was just a thief who was killed, I could see it, but when it comes to violent crimes, the family needs to let it go. :p
Hard to let something go when you have to live on the streets after the fact, plus he was just a kid at the time, a kid who had absolutely no idea that his father was a murderer and still didn't even after he became Black Manta.
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Could work for lots of powers. Mace, Silly-string, or Whoop-a$$.
Be Well!
Added :)
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I think I'm about to mention another one for the "Wait, we don't have that?" list.
[b]Magic Scrolls[/b]
You know, a sheet of paper that may or may not disintegrate when you use it to cast a spell off of. Could come in small sheet form, or dramatically unrolling around the character form. Also good for ninjas and the like.
Oh, dude, YAS! Definitely need scrools along with books
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Can we get dual sided lightsabers(Like Darth Mauls) and dual sided blades with bow staff animations? That would be pretty epic.
Also, if we can't get the option to have 4 arms in the character builder could we get the extra arms as props maybe?
Yes! This would be amazing. I could make an homage to one of my favorite Magic: the Gathering characters, Tamiyo:

For anyone unfamiliar with the IP or the Character, Tamiyo is a scholar who uses "story magic." She records stories on her scrolls and can then use them to cast spells. Examples: She has a scroll recording a poem about a man freezing to death in a blizzard, which she can use to cast ice based attacks. She also has a scroll relating the story of a goblin trickster using camouflage to steal treasure from a demon, which grants her pseudo-invisibility (in actual effect the spell simply makes it that anyone who encounters her sees only what they expect to see).
We've got double blades in type B and extra limbs in type D, but it's always better to suggest it twice than never :)
This "story magic" kinda reminds me of Miracles in Dark Souls: it's a long tale where that insight from the story manifests as an effect.
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Ok, well allow me to add some real fuel to the fire then. *cough*
Guitar and other musical instruments
Guitar Axe
TV remote
Antique Camera(Because all camera's are antique's now)
Surgical Tools(Scalpel, Bone Saws, etc.)
Gardening Tools(Shovel, Rake, leaf blower, etc.)
Mechanic Tools(Wrenches, Screwdriver, Saws etc.)
Construction Tools(Nail Gun, hammer, jackhammer, etc.)
Sporting Goods(Baseball bat, Cricket Bat, Tennis Racket, etc.)
Last but must importantly... Pom Poms!(Because CoX had pom poms)
There's some good stuff!!
CoH had pom-poms?
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Energy Melee... atleast I think that's what he's talking about
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This one members!
Yeah they weren't literally "pom-poms" like cheerleaders use. They were a glowing Energy Melee side effect (as notears said) that often [i]reminded[/i] people of pom-poms and people ended up nicknaming it that in CoH.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
As a side note, all planeswalkers should die in a fire.
"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit
Lighting up the fists and using the /cheer emote was always fun for me :)
Then they ruined energy melee :(
They did look like pom-poms :p
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Just dropping this link here...
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Not catching the hint :p
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People had been talking about weapons with glowing effects. Just letting people know that's just the tip of the iceburg for what we can do.
Sadly I can't put glows in the UI. :'(
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Anything in these directions? :)
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See post above about making things glow/emit light.
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Not really the same as a fire version of ANY weapon. Also weapon auras have been anti-confirmed so I think it's a fair question.
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Added links!
Im tired :p
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Oh... You just answered one of my questions I was searching the whole week on the unreal Engine forum ????
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For type C (technically simple but obscure) I'd like to suggest Gatling pistols, firearms of all sizes with Dardick feed/loading mechanisms ( and for the extra difficulty points, a Gatling pistol with a Dardick feed system, which would be just... Darling. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Got it :)
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[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
So like, you want the guns? :p
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Took a look and while crossbow and wrist mounted crossbow have been suggested the Hand Crossbow seems to be absent.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
You got it :) Think I'll find a better picture for a crossbow too...not that it's some obscure weapon.
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[img][/img] [img][/img]
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Yeah the Drow from D&D were always big into hand crossbows so you're likely to find a bunch of "fantasy" styled ones in artwork for them.
But of course we wouldn't want to forget cool "hi-tech" versions as well:
Then since this is a superhero-based game you could have a bunch of "pseudo-crossbow" type weapons that might just be cute impractical novelties in the real world but could be actual "serious" weapons in the game:
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Here's the one I have for crossbow, pretty high tech. I try to pick cooler examples for obvious weapons since I'm sure the modelling team knows what a crossbow is :p
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I wouldn't be so quick to assume that "everyone knows what a crossbow looks like". I've been looking at some of these fancy modern "compound/reverse" crossbows and some of them look more like abstract string art than bow weapons:
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Red Rider BB gun
Something, something, something,
You'll shoot your eye out.
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I got "BB Gun" then gave the picture of the Daisy Rider ;)
Another "obvious one" arguably
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Another one that should perhaps be obvious is the paintball gun, or "marker", which could be used to deliver other liquid payloads nonlethally to the target.
But don't worry too much about it, as Darstrong a.k.a. Jedicolourist showed one off in his latest [url=]video[/url]. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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He's got a more traditional one so I'll add a more modern one :)
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I want to bring the glorious [url=]lantern shield[/url] into this discussion as a suggestion~
I'm sure plenty of people would enjoy its quirkiness, and maybe it could function as an off hand weapon or shield or something.
And here's a [url=]video[/url] or [url=]two[/url] talking about it.
What IS that? A Swiss Militia Targe with a knife in it?
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
I shall call it CHAOS SHIELD!
(But I'll add it under "Lantern Shield" :p
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Darnit, I can't find my picture of the just-as-loopy pole-arm/buckler/lantern weapon I ran across a few years ago.
But in all honesty, I can put up with the combination cestus/buckler (perhaps with toned down spikes), and the candle lantern is all right, given the tech level. The four-bladed fish-scaler sticking out of the middle of the thing is where it crosses the line into "novelty equipment".
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Yes, my [u][url=]art gallery[/url][/u] is almost entirely screen captures. Tough.
How about Dual Shields? Similar to Captain Americas in Avengers: Infinity Wars. Dual shields with a hand to hand power set or something similar would be cool with dual shields.
If we can go sword and board in CoT, I don't see why we wouldn't be able to go board and board.
But I suppose it all depends on how the game handles props. If you choose each prop based on hand or if props are more like a set.
If it's based on a set I hope things like sword and staff, sword and book, etc are included for magic warrior concepts.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Turtle mode had been mentioned WAY back (like 2015) IIRC.
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I wanna dual weild flamethrowers
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Want me to add "*Dual versions of any weapon*"?
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Just saying, seems easier to communicate than "duall [weapon]" for a bunch :p
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I wanna suitcase, do we have suitcase up there?
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Good one! Added now :)
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