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The devs have actually used speedster examples to point out the potential diversity of aesthetic choices, including "ranged" ones, so I think there is a pretty high chance that we'll get them at launch or slightly after that.
Squid Launcher... Oh Yeah!
[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.
Stick Fight: The Game has a snake shotgun. Also a snake launcher. A snake mini gun. And I think some sort of snake grenade launcher. Just pellets that explode into snakes!
I second the idea of animal based weaponry.
I want my bees to blot out the sun!
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Insect swarm animated aesthetics. I second this!
They also have a giant snake gun, and a flying snake gun that shoots flying snakes, and a gun that shoots giant, flying snakes.
not my video just one I lke ===>
They definitely need to add a gun that shoots guns that shoot snakes.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Once this happens its super weird to me how SUPER STRENGTH looks like an AMAZING Speedster set. That teir 7 power - Aoe knockdown after a medium range charge to the enegy locatin on a very fast coolddown? Yes pls!
I see people talk about super speed power sets and attacks quite a bit. For an example of a pretty solid implementation in a game, check out SMITE's version of the god Mercury.
The voice acting is pretty spot on too for a speedster.
Giant Chakram added
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All of these swords, ALL of them okay? *grabs the nearest Dev and screams and their face* ALL OF THEM!!
not my video just one I lke ===>
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
[size=30]ALL OF THEM!![/size]
not my video just one I lke ===>
I love any excuse to use the Piccolo "All of them!?"
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
I'm game for some of these but idk how to add them :p
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This. The shoulder mount (also as an emanation point), the mask, the dreads, the armor plating....all of it.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
I also hope they have a big variety of mauls like they have shown for swords, getting to 'make your own' and everything (like swapping the blade, hilt, etc). I'd love to have something similar to Aegis Fang or Mjölnir.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
Lol I didn't have "sledgehammers" added. It's under "obvious" now ;p
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Well as Schinopiraph alluded to [url=]a few months[/url] ago the pic Dark Cleric provided is technically a "warhammer" but that might just be a fancy term a knight might use so that he's not confused with the poor peasant using a "sledgehammer". ;)
In all seriousness warhammers were actually specifically designed to smash other people's shiny armor and they were often "double-sided" with some kind of pointy end to help piece through plate armor. They were in fact quite a bit different from an average sledgehammer - easily different enough to be included in your list separately.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Warhammer added, wow maybe I need to go over the "obvious" category.
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Don't worry - I still get people who routinely suggest things over in the costume thread that aren't on the list that are like super basic... like "pants" lol.
Well maybe not that basic, but still stuff that you'd think somebody (anybody) would have thought of like 4 or 5 years ago and are only now being suggested. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I removed the "confirmed" categorization because it's silly.
Looked through a list of weapons on wikipedia and added a few that were missed: flamethrower, katana, oar.
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RPG launcher.... DUAL WIELDED!!
not my video just one I lke ===>
Added, and Rocket Launcher.
See this is the stuff that happens: we get "shark rocket launcher" and "squid launcher" but no "rocket launcher" :p
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this.... THIS!!
not my video just one I lke ===>
"Shieldgun" added :p
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So we'll probably have claws available, [i]but[/i] what if we could shoot them out as a ranged attack? (Naturally they'd just grow back instantly. :P)
I'd call that "spines" like from CoH
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Yeah, but the only ranged attack that Spines had was a conical attack with a number of them. Surprisingly, there was no single-target ranged spine attack in the CoX spines powerset
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
So like Spiderman's stingers?
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Impale" was single-target and serious damage. Spines had Several 'ranged' attacks, as well as melee. That's one of the things I liked about it.
Be Well!
Yes there was.
It was originally a baseball pitch style animation.
I had thought I rememebred something like that, but when I checked it out on [url=]paragonwiki[/url], the only other ranged attack was a taunt/placate. I even watched a few youtube videos to see if I could see it but it was not on any of them. That must be the one, then. For stalkers it was called [i]Placate[/i] and on scrappers it was [i]confront[/i]
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
I think the range on them was simply longer: it says "close" but is actually 10-20 ft.
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Around the 46-48 second window you can the spine scrapper use the single target ranged melee attack...
Now, this ranged melee attack didn't have
Impale Level 8 Power.
Good catch. That is definitely the animation I remember. And at 1/4 speed, it looks like the confront ability was used.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Didn't the claws set also have a ranged attack?
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Focus was also ranged
Tetrahedral d4s. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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I'd call that a projectile, since it leaves the body.
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I really wasn't sure if I should call it a prop or an animation.
Maybe TK/Energy created ones too :)
I'm guessing it will be an animation, as I feel Tactical Melee will likely have caltrops as an option to style of a power.
I want an electric hand drill prop as seen in the following vid (at the 1:54 mark):
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
In m y experience, Legos can be just as deadly...
Is that a statement or a request?
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Hm, I might have to make that suggestion to the team. Sharpened metal spikes are bad but at 3 AM those little plastic bricks are evil.
Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.
Hm, I might have to make that suggestion to the team. Sharpened metal spikes are bad but at 3 AM those little plastic bricks are evil.
Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.
might have to use MegaBlocks for IP ;)
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I mentioned a sword I'd like to see in the costume thread. I'd also like to see tech swords like this.
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Very simple weapon, but easily overlooked or forgotten, so im asking to add it to the list:
The Kendo Stick!
On the edge of your Perceptions......
Turn away and feel his hand upon your shoulder.....
Look for him and he shall not exist.....
in the middle of the crowd....lost in the faces....
Stands a Figure....of Gray......
To piggyback this idea:
Lots of weapons from Phantasy Star games are in this exact same vein:
The guns get that same futuristic-tech-energy treatment:
I want metal claws that extend from a arm device like the predator, as opposed to Wolverine's. But I'm sure this has already been mentioned.
Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.
ALL the PSO2 stuff, I forgot about it, but they have some fun designs.
You'd be surprised. In the last few years over on the Costume Request thread I've seen a good number of "very simple, very obvious" ideas appear on the thread relatively recently. These were things that were so basic and fundamental that you would have thought they would have been mentioned on Day One but somehow got missed by "everyone" for literally years.
The moral to the story: Always make an effort to suggest stuff like this regardless because there's [b][i]always[/i][/b] a chance it's never been mentioned before. :)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Better to be suggested twice than never :p
I definitely dropped the ball on some "obvious"
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Speaking of something obvious that I checked on the list for.
A baton. For twirling. Not the police kind to hit people with, the gymnastics kind to twirl and toss.
It can be flavored as a magic wand or whatever you want it to be, but a balanced gymnastics baton for tossing and twirling would be great for many different character concepts, plus it just looks stylish if, say, you have someone cast a spell by excessively twirling a baton around.
Modular gear. The sword above is a great example. COH had tech swords with no accessories. They all looked like you buy buy them from a super hero catalog.
I want enough accessories and blades to where every sword looks unique!and I think this is finally the game where we can do it!
The last update showed the same spandex with two wildly different costumes. Hopefully we can have some more freedom in weapons.
"Circus baton" added! How very Carnival of Shadows ;)
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A glove that does all type of stuff would be cool, and easy animations. A punch gesture perhaps.
Glove gun
Beam saber
As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.
Without knowing what MWM has incorporated into the CC, I hope they have a wide variety of guns (projectile & energy).
A variety in size and shape would be nice to have too. Pistols, PDW (personal defense weapon) like a Kriss Vector or P90, battle rifles, over the top longarms (sniper rifles, anti-material rifles), and heavy weapons (Missile Launchers, Grenade Launchers, Lasers, Flamethrowers). And maybe vintage weapons along the lines of a blunderbuss or musket.
You can reference any number of sources for style or concept. Anime (GitS, Robotech, take your pick really), games (Warhammer 40k, shadowrun, steampunk) and real life.
"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit
Already got wrist cannon, which you should be able to put a blade on.
I think glove jewels would be an emanation point more than a prop.
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That's actually a great idea. This is something that could work really well for guns and tech swords. I'm not sure how well it'll work for classical weapons.
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works like this: start with 30 different blades and special effects. then add 30 different hilts. add accessories like gems, and glowy things implanted on the blade, toss in a blade specific choice of auras...wala, no two blades are alike.
same for hammers, maces, whips, halberds, spears, staves.
Kind of like a suggestion I made before, but I'd like to see held items of powerful jewelry beyond rings:
As a huge Juggernut (see what I did there?), I second this suggestion! In fact, that first graphic was from The Once And Future Juggernaut storyarc, which was quite good. They had Cain Marko as not some lunkhead as he had been portrayed for many, many storyarcs. But, not soon after, they made him a rambling moron again.
And, if memory serves, I believe that second graphic was from the World War Hulk storyarc, but I could be wrong. I know I have the issue somewhere, but I've read [i]a lot[/i] of Juggernaut issues, even the stuff with Colossus.
Huh! Very interesting. I'm gonna have to look into those comics now.
Oh man, I would definitely suggest the Cain Marko and Colossus stuff during the Fear Itself event. It showed a different aspect of the avatar of Cyttorak.
They actually bought a module for UE that effectively does that though it divides the sword into grip-'n-pommel, cross guard, and blade. By default it only incorporated swords but was easily extensible for other types of weapons. Not sure how viable it would be to make gems and inlays/patterns be an actual additional part here rather then its own "whole" base-part.
We'll have WoW style swords?! :o
I want props like in the Dragon Prince
not my video just one I lke ===>
Not sure how to add held items to the list. We have "dangling item" like for hypnosis. I'll add it to category D I guess.
I'm a huge advocate for weapon customization, but the devs have said there's difficulty in giving a lot of complexity to weapons I think. Maybe later on they'll add a system for unique looking weapons.
However, is there a lot of superhero comic history of super unique looking weapons? Thor's Hammer is pretty generic, as are Wolverine's claws. Wonderwoman's sword is basically any Gladius. The only example of a very unique looking weapon I can think of is Scirocco (which is the sword's spirit, not the man ;) ).
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ShatterStar's swords, Gamora's sword (at least in MCU, I don't remember it in the comic) Magik's sword. I think they're only unique when it's an important part of who the character is. But I can't really think of any others anyway. You find more unique weapons in manga from my experience.
Yeah that's what I was thinking: more common in Eastern works to have a super unique weapon. Even western legendary blades are generally pretty generic.
Of those listed, only Magik's was very ornate. That being said, I hope there is a system to make our weapons more special than blue blades :p
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I'd like to know if glass is one of the materials we can make things, as tinted glass with a light effect could be pretty nice. Energy blades of different styles is another hope of mine. As someone who's main is going to be one of those characters where their weapon is a big part of who they are, as much as their costume at least, I hope so too.
Ideas: Very Heavy Weapons (Monster Hunter Style)
"Walking down the street and you hear that heavy beat. You can't help but walk your feet, down all the way 'til we meet"~
Good catch, I didn't get titan weapons
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We need throwable flasks filled with [b]mystery liquids[/b] for our mad scientists!
One specific thing I'd like to see with this is to have a commander throw one and a minion forms from the puddle.
Hmmm, more of an object than a prop I think, falls under animation.
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No that's definitely a prop. Just like a throwing axe or a throwing knife would be.
All the animation would be is a the character model moving their arm/hand in a throwing motion.
We'll likely be able to use that same "Throwing Animation 1" for many, many [i]props[/i].
To be technical I would say it would be both a prop and a "thrown object" (or projectile) option. Nothing says an object can't be represented in several different parts/areas in the whole aesthetics "chain" when making a "full" power aesthetics.
Throwing spears, axes, etc are tricky because you can use them as props to strike and such, but you can also throw them as an object. Do you just draw a new one out of your pocket dimension? :p Or do you have to go grab it? It boomerangs back to you? Does it just teleport back to you?
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All of the above, or rather let the player decide. I mean I understand it would be weird for a common mook to be able to do that but, if Captain America can throw his shield with such precision that it always comes back to him I don't see why I can't bounce a sword off someone's skull and then bounce it back in my hand.
not my video just one I lke ===>
I think if you throw a prop it should return to you. Shields, axes, skulls, kittens, those kinds of things.
But at the same time there should be particle effects that can be thrown with an infinite supply, such as shuriken, daggers, marbles and paper airplanes. These would not be in your hand as a prop is except when the power attack animation is underway.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
I think we should make a power cosmetics thread, making the prop and animation threads separate just makes things more confusing...
not my video just one I lke ===>
Devs said a prop doesn't leave your hand, so I'd say it goes in animation
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If you're talking about the proper place to suggest it then yes anything that is a projectile should go into the animations thread.
However if you mean that anything implemented as a prop will never ever be [b]shown[/b] as leaving your hand then that would remove a large portion of thrown objects, or at best put them into an either or situation. That I can't see MWM doing.
Now at launch it's a fairly low chance of getting included but with time I'm fairly certain it will.
This is exactly why I made the [url=]Packaged Themes[/url] thread
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
I tend to think most thrown things (shuriken, fireballs, caltrops, grenades) appear in your hand, then leave your hand, then despawn. Props don't despawn.
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Most yes, but I see no reason why it has to be only that way for thrown objects. Strictly speaking nothing prevents MWM from implementing an object as both a prop and a projectile, as long as they are different assets in their corresponding systems. We're not asking for everything throwable to be both just a few that are more appropriate.
Just have to comment on this though, I have never seen fireballs being carried around in a pouch/pocket or attached to belt/bandoleer but rather only manifested when needed.