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Game Testing

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Warface99's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Game Testing

I tested for both Alpha and Beta in City of Heroes. Character name has always been Warface. If you would like any testing done as a player at any point please let me know. I work days but have my nights generally free. email is [snip for personal protection - wc].

I am in the Dallas area. (47 years old).

Also if you want any writing done (on the military side) let me know. 24 years as a US Marine.

Nika Alexandrov
Nika Alexandrov's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 08/26/2016 - 15:09
Would love to test for CoT,

Would love to test for CoT, my email is [snip for personal protection - wc] and while I work Monday through Fridays, Friday afternoons to Sunday evening I am free for it.

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
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You guys need to necropost

You guys need to necropost this thread in another year or two when they're actually ready for beta testing.
All I could say other than that is stay tuned...

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

DesViper's picture
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This again, guis :p

This again, guis :p

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Grimfox's picture
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While this forum generally

While this forum generally doesn't have a whole lot of bad actors (relatively speaking) it's not a great idea to post your e-mail address or other identifying information to the internet. I suggest you edit your posts (MOD?) accordingly.

I'd say just about anyone willing, who donated to the kickstarter or is involved in the forums at this point in time is a shoe-in to get beta or alpha access when that becomes a thing. I also believe there is a rather long thread elsewhere of people who have volunteered to test.

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Fils Du Nord
Fils Du Nord's picture
Last seen: 5 years 5 days ago
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Awesome. I've heard about you

Awesome. I've heard about you Warface. Or actually, I've seen a fanart/commission of your character! :p

[b]Codename :[/b] Doctor Plague
[b]Archetype :[/b] Ranger - Hunter
[b]Primary :[/b] Atrophic Blast (Diseases)
[b]Secondary :[/b] Illusion (Miasmas)
[b]Tertiary :[/b] Undecided
[b]Mastery :[/b] Eliminator
[b]Movement :[/b] Teleportation, Flight

RolandGrey's picture
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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I would also like to

I would also like to volunteer for playtesting.

Ghrom's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 11/07/2014 - 15:56
Well Im allways up for some

Well Im allways up for some beta testing. My scrapper was called Wayne static ;)
Started playing on the US servers and then migrated to the EU servers.

Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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I beta tested for COH and

I beta tested for COH and several games. I never once alpha tested. I always thought alpha was professional testers who knew how to talk Dev speak and explore the issues and less for actual game play.

Please correct me if I am wrong.


doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Honestly, the phrases "Alpha"

Honestly, the phrases "Alpha" and "Beta" are more marketing-speak than anything. I've run into Alpha's that are more feature complete than Betas, and Beta's buggier than Alphas.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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Thanks, Doc. Oh and don't

Thanks, Doc. Oh and don't look into, "You Speak with The Devs."
(looks all angelic)


Interdictor's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Honestly, the phrases "Alpha" and "Beta" are more marketing-speak than anything. I've run into Alpha's that are more feature complete than Betas, and Beta's buggier than Alphas.

Or - in Rimworld's case, an "alpha" that is more feature-complete than some full releases.

Foxbat40's picture
Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
Joined: 06/20/2017 - 17:33
I am available for testing

I am available for testing any stage of the game. I have close beta tested for WoW, CoH and many other games. I have a background in computer animation but currently work in the mechanical engineering field. I am great at taking screen shots and labeling a bug. I also know some basic steps to isolate a bug to a particular feature or model. I can usually test between 2 and 3 hours a day as needed.

Lothic's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Honestly, the phrases "Alpha" and "Beta" are more marketing-speak than anything. I've run into Alpha's that are more feature complete than Betas, and Beta's buggier than Alphas.

It's definitely true that there's no absolutely strict definition of "alpha" or "beta" testing. The terms get used very loosely from one group of Devs to the next.

But at least in ideal scenarios the key difference usually comes down whether you're talking about "small scale internal" testing versus "large scale public" testing. Of course the situation gets more cloudy when you throw in qualifiers like "closed betas" versus "open betas" but even in those cases by the time you've stopped using the word "alpha" you've already gotten to a relatively larger and relatively public (as in 'not just Devs') stage in your testing.

Basically if the only people looking at the game are the Devs and perhaps a small tight group of friends/family I'd call that an "alpha", anything more public than that I'd probably call a beta.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Redlynne's picture
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Which then makes head start

Which then makes head start the gamma and once you're past launch date you're into the delta phase.

Hmmm ... no one else seems to think in those terms, since most games seems to stay in the "Pay to beta test" for their first year after launch.

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Greyhawk's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Honestly, the phrases "Alpha" and "Beta" are more marketing-speak than anything. I've run into Alpha's that are more feature complete than Betas, and Beta's buggier than Alphas.

In my never humble opinion, for the Alpha test all of the games elements should be in place. Limited enemies and limited questing, but the core functionality should be up and running and running well. If not, then you're not ready for public testing. Alpha tests are not to expose known bugs (those should be already fixed!), the Alpha test reveals the game mechanic bugs you never knew existed.

For the Beta test you should be looking at server loads, connection stability, phasing, community controls (bans, chat limits, etc.), and so on. The game itself should be running fine and have about 80% of the enemies and quests in place. Beta testing should be confirming you can actually manage the game once it is released.

Far too many development teams jump into the fray and release their game way too early because they are paranoid someone will steal their future customers before they launch. Don't be paranoid. Build a fully functional product that customers can enjoy and the team can efficiently manage. Just by preparing a proper foundation you'll be the one doing the stealing as players flock to the chance to play a better running game.

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SpaceMoose's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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And testing does not

And testing does not necessarily look anything like gameplay, either.

A day of testing could consist of something like:
* Perform this emote.
* Watch for these criteria: X, Y, Z. Write down result.
* Adjust Arm Length Body Slider by 1 increment.
* Do it again.
* Repeat until at end of slider.
* Now repeat for a different slider.


[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]


doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
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Or today when it's "ok, try

Or today when it's "ok, try and login.... alright, send the log file."

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Empyrean's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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I have no particular interest

I have no particular interest in alpha/beta testing unless more warm bodies are needed for some reason. I've never game-tested before and from what I hear it doesn't sound all that fun, BUT I'd be more than happy to do it to help out if needed. Actually, my wife might be much better at it than me. She's VERY good at repetitive detailed tasks (thank goodness, cause I ain't) and she's much smarter than me. And better looking. And more interesting. Marrying well is one of the few things I'm good at.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Cinnder's picture
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Empyrean wrote:

When those of us who have beta testing as part of our KS rewards get access, I'd actually be happy to get a list of tasks like that from MWM. Or at least an area of the game to focus on to see if we can break it. When I did software testing for a living I enjoyed finding typos and holes in the code.

Empyrean wrote:

I have no particular interest in alpha/beta testing unless more warm bodies are needed for some reason. I've never game-tested before and from what I hear it doesn't sound all that fun, BUT I'd be more than happy to do it to help out if needed. Actually, my wife might be much better at it than me. She's VERY good at repetitive detailed tasks (thank goodness, cause I ain't) and she's much smarter than me. And better looking. And more interesting. Marrying well is one of the few things I'm good at.

Sounds like she came into the room and looked at the screen while you were typing that! :-)

Spurn all ye kindle.

Scott Jackson
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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To more easily catch those

To more easily catch those rare and difficult-to-repeat bugs in gameplay testing phases, consider a combination of two things:

A client with an "extreme verbose mode" of logging, that can store at least one minute of nearly everything you'd consider noteworthy from the client's perspective... sort of like those ultra high speed cameras that constantly store the last few seconds in memory in case a brief rare event occurs. When a bug in noticed, the tester can push a snapshot key which saves whatever is in that temporary log before they attempt to duplicate the bug. In case they're unable to repeat the problem, that log may be the only hard evidence of the cause.

Ask your testers to install and use recording software for each testing session, and offer them some training on best practices when a bug is encountered. Bugs are not always repeatable, and even experienced testers may miss some aspect of the environment or their own inputs that reveals a bug only briefly. If they can review a recording, they'll be in the best possible position to accurately report even the most elusive of bugs.

If either one requires above-normal hardware, just let us know and I'm sure you'll still get volunteers to hunt these kinds of bugs. If you need me for the exhaustive unit testing that SpaceMoose noted, or this, or even more holistic "how will our [X] system be functioning after 6 months" analysis, I'll make time for it.

Cyclops's picture
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SpaceMoose wrote:
SpaceMoose wrote:

And testing does not necessarily look anything like gameplay, either.
A day of testing could consist of something like:
* Perform this emote.
* Watch for these criteria: X, Y, Z. Write down result.
* Adjust Arm Length Body Slider by 1 increment.
* Do it again.
* Repeat until at end of slider.
* Now repeat for a different slider.

Yep, been there, done that. I remember days spent on the beta forum discussing bugs and exploits with the devs.

and don't forget the character wipes.
or complaints of "Why can't I keep my toon for launch! wah!"


Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Or today when it's "ok, try and login.... alright, send the log file."

... We don't just send the log automatically?

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Grimfox's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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They need to test that the

They need to test that the log can be sent manually before they can try to automate it right? Or that the log is even being made!

We ran into that problem with one of our robots once. Someone wrote up this wonderful code that would log 10,000 variables incrementally. So we implemented the logger and went about our business until an error occurred. We went back to check the log and it was empty. Turns out someone failed to mention in the "read me" (there wasn't one) that you had to tell the logger how to recognize the variables to log. That company had a serious problem with annotating code. 10 thousand lines of code and you'd see maybe 27 notes. Most of which were just initials to note they had made the change. of course if you were to call up whoever made the code change they'd have no idea how it worked or why they made the change. I don't work there any more. /rant

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Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
Last seen: 2 months 9 hours ago
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Not if you design it to

Not if you design it to submit the log automatically in the first place. [url=]Syslog over TLS[/url] if you have nothing else. Besides, "the user has a writable disk with available space" might not be a valid assumption when there's an error.

And yes, undocumented code is one of the scourges of the Earth, and self-documenting code isn't. "Code tells the computer what to do; comments tell the maintainer why it's done." No point writing a library nobody knows how to use.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Planet10's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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It sounds like there are some

It sounds like there are some experienced and eager people wanting to help with testing. The level of detail that some have described is something that typically occurs on your side of the wall.

I'd like to know what in-house testing group you have setup within MWM. Are you doing unit testing as code is being developed? What is the testing schedule looking like now that you are ~18 months away from launch? What is MWM hoping to get out of Alpha/Beta/WhatEverYouWantToCallIt testing?

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

N3X4S6's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 weeks ago
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I'm playing mmo's since 2001

I'm playing mmo's since 2001 (dark age of camelot), i have been playing almost every single
mmo that came out since then, including City of heroes (best mmo & community)
i would love to help this team out making City of titans the next big thing.
I love the genre so much, and i have a good eye for detail.

I like to hear from you.

Kind regards,


Whoever gives up never wins, whoever wins never gives up!

Mask-of-Many's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/16/2018 - 07:49
I've been playing MMOs since

I've been playing MMOs since Ultima Online (even ran my own UO private server for a while; had to learn C# for that, seriously).
I'd be more than happy to break things and tell you what went wrong, in exacting detail.

Master of the forbidden art of thread necromancy!

* Kestrel
* Zero Break
* All-Star

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11/09/2014 - 21:35
I beta and/or alpha tested

I beta and/or alpha tested Diablo 1-2-3, WoW classic, Every WoW expac, CoH, Rift, GW, GW2, Overwatch, LoL, and many other games I cannot even remember. If you want a detail oriented beta tester that will drive you crazy with emails of issues I am your guy. I am actually a first wave beta tester on every WoW expac because of how detailed I am in my bug reporting.

Happy to help.

turett's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 11/08/2013 - 10:29
Hi, yes, I've never beta

Hi, yes, I've never beta tested WoW, I didn't beta test CoH, or Ultima Online. I've never beta tested Dark Age of Camelot, or GW, or Overwatch, or League, or any game for that matter. What I do have is a very specific skill set. I will break your game, I will laugh, and I will call my roommate over to look at how funny it is. If you let me beta test your game than that will be the end of it. I'll constantly update you on the hilarious game breaking bugs, and glitches I find. If you don't let me beta test for you, than I will wait patiently for the game to come out and continue to lurk on these forums. The choice is yours, MWM.

Atama's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Showing your roommate might

Showing your roommate might be an NDA violation.

Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 04/10/2015 - 17:24
My wife makes great chocolate

My wife makes great chocolate chip cookies from scratch! Put me in Beta and I'll bring a box of cookies still hot and gooey from the oven!


Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

My wife makes great chocolate chip cookies from scratch! Put me in Beta and I'll bring a box of cookies still hot and gooey from the oven!

So you can see how well the game plays while the player is eating hot and gooey chocolate chip cookies?

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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Hey. Don't throw cold water

Hey. Don't throw cold water on my blatant attempt to bribe the Devs. Get yer own cookies.


Atama's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

My wife makes great chocolate chip cookies from scratch! Put me in Beta and I'll bring a box of cookies still hot and gooey from the oven!

So you can see how well the game plays while the player is eating hot and gooey chocolate chip cookies?

MMOs typically have stress tests in beta. This will be a mess test.

Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 02/12/2016 - 16:24
I beta tested, D3, EQ1 &2,

I beta tested, D3, EQ1 &2, sooo many others. Im so old. I just hit 50.
Dirty is my normal mmo name

I cant wait for this game. I miss COH and COV so much.

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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turett wrote:
turett wrote:

Hi, yes, I've never beta tested WoW, I didn't beta test CoH, or Ultima Online. I've never beta tested Dark Age of Camelot, or GW, or Overwatch, or League, or any game for that matter. What I do have is a very specific skill set. I will break your game, I will laugh, and I will call my roommate over to look at how funny it is. If you let me beta test your game than that will be the end of it. I'll constantly update you on the hilarious game breaking bugs, and glitches I find. If you don't let me beta test for you, than I will wait patiently for the game to come out and continue to lurk on these forums. The choice is yours, MWM.

Haha, this gave me a good laugh, and this is exactly how I feel about beta testing, I would love to do it but I am fine waiting if I am not needed.

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Baalumbral's picture
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You folks are gonna give me a

You folks are gonna give me a heart attack making the New Posts pop up under the Game Testing thread...

Leowyld's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/09/2018 - 10:49
Cosmic Greetings! (First post

Cosmic Greetings! (First post here, but been watching the site and development of the game from a distance for some time). I've been online since 1999 and have played a wide variety of online games, many of which I used some variation of this name on. City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Champions Online, Everquest 2, Elder Scrolls Online are among some of the MMO's I've played most over the years. I haven't done a lot of Beta testing, though, aside from some of the "Beta" Free to play titles or a few of the WoW expansions but there is one Beta test I remember very fondly. And that was the one that was like an online second home for me for five years, Marvel Heroes. I was invited into that Beta in October 2012, eight months before its live launch. It had an NDA for most of that period, which I obeyed. I was the second most active member of the Beta forums and ended up becoming a steadfast member of the game's community and a very vocal supporter of the game itself until the very end, its unfortunate sunset last November. I had other games aside from that, like WoW and and Champions and ESO, that I played alongside it and that I still play but definitely feel like I lost a big part of who I was online for the past five years. So, been watching all sorts of MMO's, keeping an eye out for awesomeness. Reading through some of the forums recently and the lore and such, I see a lot of promise in this and I will be watching this closely. I would definitely be interested in testing, should that opportunity arise.

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Leowyld wrote:
Leowyld wrote:

Cosmic Greetings! (First post here, but been watching the site and development of the game from a distance for some time). I've been online since 1999 and have played a wide variety of online games, many of which I used some variation of this name on. City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Champions Online, Everquest 2, Elder Scrolls Online are among some of the MMO's I've played most over the years. I haven't done a lot of Beta testing, though, aside from some of the "Beta" Free to play titles or a few of the WoW expansions but there is one Beta test I remember very fondly. And that was the one that was like an online second home for me for five years, Marvel Heroes. I was invited into that Beta in October 2012, eight months before its live launch. It had an NDA for most of that period, which I obeyed. I was the second most active member of the Beta forums and ended up becoming a steadfast member of the game's community and a very vocal supporter of the game itself until the very end, its unfortunate sunset last November. I had other games aside from that, like WoW and and Champions and ESO, that I played alongside it and that I still play but definitely feel like I lost a big part of who I was online for the past five years. So, been watching all sorts of MMO's, keeping an eye out for awesomeness. Reading through some of the forums recently and the lore and such, I see a lot of promise in this and I will be watching this closely. I would definitely be interested in testing, should that opportunity arise.

Welcome to the Thunderdome!

Project_Hero's picture
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We're beyond Thunderdome now.

We're beyond Thunderdome now.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Atama's picture
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We don’t need another hero.

We don’t need another hero.
We don’t need to know the way home.
All we want is life beyond...


Dark Cleric
Dark Cleric's picture
Last seen: 18 hours 18 min ago
Joined: 05/14/2018 - 12:26
Has MWM given a response on

Has MWM given a response on if/how they are going to do beta testing? (not chargen related, but actual gameplay testing) I don't think they have, but it will be interesting to see what they do and when.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: 05/11/2018 - 06:00
I think they are more

I think they are more concerned with having a game to test at this point.

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11/09/2014 - 21:35
Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

Has MWM given a response on if/how they are going to do beta testing? (not chargen related, but actual gameplay testing) I don't think they have, but it will be interesting to see what they do and when.

No replies at all that I have seen. No mention of it either. Frankly, even with the rumors of a late 2018 release, I have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that this games still years off.

Phararri's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 09/13/2015 - 20:08
I thought beta was far off

I thought beta was far off like 2019 and the creation gen was 2018? A dated announced for the pet gen would make up for not having a game, to me at least. That would be crazy cool. We fool around in the creators for hours anyway right?

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Joined: 09/25/2013 - 13:48
As the Avatar Builder is

As the Avatar Builder is classified as a part of the game and not a standalone product, beta testing does begin this fall. Once you have that, as modules are completed and added to the program, we will be testing those portions of the game as well.

We are still on track for a fall 2018 testing schedule.

Dark Cleric
Dark Cleric's picture
Last seen: 18 hours 18 min ago
Joined: 05/14/2018 - 12:26
StellarAgent wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:

As the Avatar Builder is classified as a part of the game and not a standalone product, beta testing does begin this fall. Once you have that, as modules are completed and added to the program, we will be testing those portions of the game as well.

We are still on track for a fall 2018 testing schedule.

Eh, this is kind of murky water. I would guess most people that aren't a CoT fan would not consider a release of only a chargen a beta release. We've also never been told that "as modules are completed and added to the program, we will be testing those portions of the game as well.". Or perhaps you could clarify? When I read that I thought of zones in-game. For example, CoT completed the first zone, maybe it encapsulates levels 1 through 10. I have never heard them say that they would release that as they work on the next part of the game so that we would be testing that zone and have a level cap at 10 or 15 or whatever.

As far as my understanding goes, which might be flawed, we'll get the chargen this year and then whenever the bulk of the game is completed with a level cap around 30 for initial release years down the road. I really don't think they are going to release in pieces as I understood your comment to mean. But, I would love to be proved wrong because I personally wouldn't mind that kind of slow release over time.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:

As the Avatar Builder is classified as a part of the game and not a standalone product, beta testing does begin this fall. Once you have that, as modules are completed and added to the program, we will be testing those portions of the game as well.

We are still on track for a fall 2018 testing schedule.

Eh, this is kind of murky water. I would guess most people that aren't a CoT fan would not consider a release of only a chargen a beta release. We've also never been told that "as modules are completed and added to the program, we will be testing those portions of the game as well.". Or perhaps you could clarify? When I read that I thought of zones in-game. For example, CoT completed the first zone, maybe it encapsulates levels 1 through 10. I have never heard them say that they would release that as they work on the next part of the game so that we would be testing that zone and have a level cap at 10 or 15 or whatever.

As far as my understanding goes, which might be flawed, we'll get the chargen this year and then whenever the bulk of the game is completed with a level cap around 30 for initial release years down the road. I really don't think they are going to release in pieces as I understood your comment to mean. But, I would love to be proved wrong because I personally wouldn't mind that kind of slow release over time.

I swear we did say it before, but to iterate:

As we bring systems to beta-level or better, they would be integrated into the release.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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I'll add to Doctor Tyche just

I'll add to what Doctor Tyche just mentioned with a quick but relevant story...

A few months ago there was a discussion on one of these threads related to whether or not we'll have the ability in the CharGen to "test drive" costumes before we commit to them. Basically there was a desire to have like a "test room" to check out the costume choices you've made.

As that line of discussion continued Doctor Tyche got involved and effectively admitted (or at the least [i]heavily implied[/i]) that instead of needing a "test room" for the CharGen we're going to have access to some portion of the -actual- game with the CharGen. In a follow-up post I asked how that was going to work and speculated that it might be something along the lines of how [url=]Paragon Chat[/url] is currently functioning. When I offered that idea as a "reasonable guess" Doctor Tyche basically responded with a "Bingo!".

So long story short I think there's a very good chance that once they release the CharGen for beta testing what we're actually going to be given is a highly limited/restricted version of the game client itself. It'll basically be like Paragon Chat - we can create characters and then run around in the CoT game world without combat powers or leveling. I'm also assuming that at first we may only get to run around in a small portion of the city but it should be far more than just that "costume test room" that was first being talked about.

Again if what we're actually getting at first is essentially a "CoT version of Paragon Chat" then the Devs should be able to incrementally add features to that "initial testbed" and build up the open beta of the full game part-by-part.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

So long story short I think there's a very good chance that once they release the CharGen for beta testing what we're actually going to be given is a highly limited/restricted version of the game client itself. It'll basically be like Paragon Chat - we can create characters and then run around in the CoT game world without combat powers or leveling. I'm also assuming that at first we may only get to run around in a small portion of the city but it should be far more than just that "costume test room" that was first being talked about.

Again if what we're actually getting at first is essentially a "CoT version of Paragon Chat" then the Devs should be able to incrementally add features to that "initial testbed" and build up the open beta of the full game part-by-part.

Well I'd hope, like CoH, we'll get to test out power-aesthetics too.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Well I'd hope, like CoH, we'll get to test out power-aesthetics too.

I'm sure that will happen during beta testing at some point. But it's possible (actually likely) that the "power customization" parts of the Chargen will be disabled when it's first released. If the combat powers themselves aren't going to be ready for release then tinkering with their aesthetics probably won't be either.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Dark Cleric
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

I swear we did say it before, but to iterate:

As we bring systems to beta-level or better, they would be integrated into the release.

I am glad to be proven wrong. Thank you!

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

doctor tyche
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
desviper wrote:

Well I'd hope, like CoH, we'll get to test out power-aesthetics too.

I'm sure that will happen during beta testing at some point. But it's possible (actually likely) that the "power customization" parts of the Chargen will be disabled when it's first released. If the combat powers themselves aren't going to be ready for release then tinkering with their aesthetics probably won't be either.

Power aesthetics are actually stored and handled in a completely different system. CoH's solution divided powers and aesthetics, making it hard to match things up when picking your powers as you leveled up. Maybe at level 0 you thought you'd want it one way, but when you get ready to pick at level 20, you decide you want it different. We're keeping them together as a result.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Question: If we missed the

Question: If we missed the kickstarter will we have a chance to download the CharGen and play with it? Or is that going to be Kickstarter backers only? Or is that what the second chance is going to cover?

Thank you for any answers that you can give at this time.


doctor tyche
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Kazander wrote:
Kazander wrote:

Question: If we missed the kickstarter will we have a chance to download the CharGen and play with it? Or is that going to be Kickstarter backers only? Or is that what the second chance is going to cover?

Thank you for any answers that you can give at this time.


That is in part what second chance is for.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Kazander wrote:

Question: If we missed the kickstarter will we have a chance to download the CharGen and play with it? Or is that going to be Kickstarter backers only? Or is that what the second chance is going to cover?

Thank you for any answers that you can give at this time.


That is in part what second chance is for.

So would this also imply (even in the slightest) that we could see the Second Chance go live before the Avatar Builder, if all goes well?

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Lothic's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Lothic wrote:
desviper wrote:

Well I'd hope, like CoH, we'll get to test out power-aesthetics too.

I'm sure that will happen during beta testing at some point. But it's possible (actually likely) that the "power customization" parts of the Chargen will be disabled when it's first released. If the combat powers themselves aren't going to be ready for release then tinkering with their aesthetics probably won't be either.

Power aesthetics are actually stored and handled in a completely different system. CoH's solution divided powers and aesthetics, making it hard to match things up when picking your powers as you leveled up. Maybe at level 0 you thought you'd want it one way, but when you get ready to pick at level 20, you decide you want it different. We're keeping them together as a result.

As always pretty much anything you guys tell us about the game is appreciated. While I'm sure this answer would make sense to someone like yourself who currently knows a lot more about the game than we mere players do I'll have to admit that what you said here is relatively vague and semi-confusing, at least to me.

You say "powers" and "aesthetics" are being "kept together" in CoT and that's fine enough. But can you (or did you?) confirm yes or no that power aesthetic customization (power colors, power animations, power emanation points, etc.) will be in the CharGen from the very beginning or not?

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Glitch404 wrote:
Glitch404 wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Kazander wrote:

Question: If we missed the kickstarter will we have a chance to download the CharGen and play with it? Or is that going to be Kickstarter backers only? Or is that what the second chance is going to cover?

Thank you for any answers that you can give at this time.


That is in part what second chance is for.

So would this also imply (even in the slightest) that we could see the Second Chance go live before the Avatar Builder, if all goes well?

It could imply they are going to happen at the [b][i]same time[/i][/b]. The Devs have always said they wanted something "real" to offer us as a basis for doing the Second Chance thing. It would make sense that releasing the Avatar Builder would be the "real" thing for the Second Chance. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Glitch404 wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Kazander wrote:

Question: If we missed the kickstarter will we have a chance to download the CharGen and play with it? Or is that going to be Kickstarter backers only? Or is that what the second chance is going to cover?

Thank you for any answers that you can give at this time.


That is in part what second chance is for.

So would this also imply (even in the slightest) that we could see the Second Chance go live before the Avatar Builder, if all goes well?

It could imply they are going to happen at the [b][i]same time[/i][/b]. The Devs have always said they wanted something "real" to offer us as a basis for doing the Second Chance thing. It would make sense that releasing the Avatar Builder would be the "real" thing for the Second Chance. ;)

True. I never thought of it like that. I keep thinking in 'phases' more than anything else. :P If there's even a likely chance to see the Second Chance launch at the same time as the Avatar Builder would be awesome. I would only hope a decision such as that would be decided upon before the holiday season where most people are really going to be tapped for cash.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Warface99 wrote:
Warface99 wrote:

I tested for both Alpha and Beta in City of Heroes. Character name has always been Warface. If you would like any testing done as a player at any point please let me know. I work days but have my nights generally free. email is [snip for personal protection - wc].

I am in the Dallas area. (47 years old).

Also if you want any writing done (on the military side) let me know. 24 years as a US Marine.

I also Beta tested City of Heroes, and City of Villains, as well as Everquest II, EVE Online, FINAL FANTASY XI, FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn, DC Universe Online, Champions Online, Star Wars - The Old Republic, and Star Trek Online. I have also Alpha tested a few of the previous titles. So at any point after you begin testing, Alpha, Beta, etc..., I'd appreciate if you could please keep me in mind. I'm disabled, so I don't exactly work and generally have too much free time.

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I just wanted to say that the

I just wanted to say that the Volunteer Recruitment area has exactly 1111 posts!

Uh oh I just ruined that.

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Would love to beta this game.

Would love to beta this game. My name is my character from CoH that I played from 3 weeks after launch until the day it died. I also played CoV as well. I had max character slots used on both games using nearly every archetype they had available. I'd like to put my hat in as well.


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I to have done game testing

I to have done game testing in the past. dating back to 2001. And as much as I want to ask for details of the game, I would expect nothing less full NDA dodging. :) Anything less, and I would honestly lose a bit respect for the Dev team. I do just wanna say, that I am very excited for this game to be coming out, and would consider it to be a great honor to be on the testing team. In accordance with that, I personally would have no issue keeping everything about the game in test phase from the public, thus an NDA signing wouldn't be an issue.

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N3X4S6 wrote:
N3X4S6 wrote:

I'm playing mmo's since 2001 (dark age of camelot), i have been playing almost every single
mmo that came out since then, including City of heroes (best mmo & community)
i would love to help this team out making City of titans the next big thing.
I love the genre so much, and i have a good eye for detail.

I like to hear from you.

Any news for beta testing?

Kind regards,


Whoever gives up never wins, whoever wins never gives up!

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If you let me beta test your

If you let me beta test your game than that will be the end of it. I'll constantly update you on the hilarious game breaking bugs, and glitches I find. If you don't let me beta test for you, than I will wait patiently for the game to come out and continue to lurk on these forums. The choice is yours.

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There's currently an avenue

There's currently an avenue for access to the game, through and the "Home Sweet Home" package. I think I'll lock this thread.

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