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Compilation of Information on City of Titans

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Compilation of Information on City of Titans

[b][size=36](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/size][/b]
[size=30]Table of Contents[/size]
[*][url=]Overall Design Intent and Development Schedule[/url]
[*][url=]Character Creation – Aesthetics[/url]
[*][url=]Character Creation and Advancement – Mechanics[/url]
[*][url=]Combat and Other Gameplay Elements[/url]
[*][url=]Story Arcs and Mission Content[/url]
[*][url=]History and Lore[/url]
[*][url=]Known Factions and Organizations[/url]
[*][url=]Significant characters in the [i]Tales of the Titan City Police Department/Tales from the Underworld[/i] update arc[/url]
[*][url=]Other Characters in City of Titans[/url]
[*][url=]Titan City Districts and Other Locations[/url][/list]

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

Pyromantic's picture
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[size=20]What this document [i]is[/i][/size]:
This is a compilation of available information on City of Titans. There is a lot of information out there found throughout many different Kickstarter updates, forum threads, Twitch streams and so on. Visitors may find it difficult to find the particular information they are interested in, and even those who have spent significant time on the forums will miss certain things. As a result, the same questions often come up several times because people don’t know where to find the answer. It is my hope that this will serve to assist you in learning what you want to know about City of Titans.

This document has two major parts. The first half deals with the game’s development and aspects of its mechanical design, such as character creation. The second half deals with lore known from various sources. This can largely be considered free of spoilers for the game as that was the intention behind the KS updates and other sources, but some readers may prefer to avoid it all the same. Everything here includes a citation from a developer source. If you do not see a link for a particular entry, it comes from the same source as that entry’s heading.

[size=20]What this document [i]is not[/i][/size]:
This is [b]not guaranteed to represent the actual release of City of Titans[/b]. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is that errors inevitably occur when synthesizing hundreds of sources. Many sources date back to the earliest public statements about the game. When posting about the game, developers routinely preface their statements by explaining their comments represent their best knowledge of the development intent at the time. By checking the age of each source you may get a sense of the likelihood that the content has since changed. Whenever possible I have tried to use the most up-to-date information. When it comes to lore, as [url=]ConundrumofFurballs reminds us[/url], much of the available information has been presented from the point of view of “Joe Citizen.” This means that in some cases there is intentional misdirection, but also that I had to read between the lines on occasion, so the summary may not be accurate.

I have done my best to include useful information without making this too dense to find what you want, so I used judgment in what to include and what to leave out. If you are interested in learning more about any particular topic, most of the links will lead to further detail.

[size=20]Where this document [i]is going[/i][/size]:
When I originally researched and wrote this document, it was as a member of the community very interested in the development of the game, but without any official sanction. I have since joined the Public Relations department of Missing Worlds Media as a Community Manager. At this time, [b]this text should still be considered unofficial[/b], but this may change. We have some ideas to evolve it over time, revising and updating based on internal input.

With each major update, content changes will be marked as follows: [b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b]. Editing for clarity, grammar, spelling and so on will not be marked. If you find an error, broken/misdirected link or out-of-date information in the document, or find something elsewhere you think should be included, please post it here or message me directly and I will revise accordingly. Whenever possible, please include a link to your source.

This is currently [b]Version 4[/b], posted on [b]Jan 17, 2018[/b]. Included is some new information on masteries, interaction between player characters and non-player characters, landmarks from the last Kickstarter update, and a few other things. I have checked all links to Twitch streams and everything currently in the Compilation should work.

[size=20]Other resources[/size]:
[list][*]The City of Titans [url=]Kickstarter[/url] page.
[*]A Kickstarter [url=]update reference[/url] list.
[*]A [url=]lore cheat sheet[/url]. (Writer’s note: I do not know when this was last updated.)
[*]The Missing Worlds Media [url=]Twitch channel[/url]. Note there is [url=]typically a stream[/url] on Wednesdays (changed from the former Friday time).
[*]The Missing Worlds Media [url=]YouTube channel[/url].
[*][url=]Frequently Asked Questions[/url] on the City of Titans page.
[*]You can also find more information and links to social media platforms by looking at the blue header and black footer on the forums, including trackers for developer threads and comments on the forums.[/list]
I hope the community finds this a valuable resource. Thank you for checking it out!

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

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Overall Design Intent and

[size=30]Overall Design Intent and Development Schedule[/size]

From [url=]Kickstarter[/url]: “Missing Worlds Media presents City of Titans, the superhero MMORPG being developed by The Phoenix Project in the spirit of City of Heroes. Our goal is to deliver a unique massively multiplayer online roleplaying game, created from the community of a lost universe, to build a new community for a new world.“
[list][*][url=]“Innovative, player-focused and community-involved.”[/url][/list]
“One of the fundamental understandings of designing this MMO is that there are [url=]multiple ‘games’ players play within the game[/url]. […] We want to make a game where all those types of play or games within the game are all availabile.”
The [url=]Kickstarter[/url] in 2013 raised $678,189 from 5003 backers compared to a $320,000 goal. The following [url=]stretch goals[/url] were reached:
[list][*]Add the Android port of the Avatar Builder.
[*]Add the iOS port of the Avatar Builder.
[*]MacOS version of the game at launch.
[*]Additional auras, travel powers (swinging, acrobatic leaping, sky surfing with several mount options), emotes (e.g. CueZach Boombox.)
[*]4 distinct wing sets and 2 additional cape styles with more cape textures.
[*]5 primary power sets per classification.
[*]Two new costume sets and an additional zone at launch (bringing the total to 13.)[/list]
[b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] [url=]Second Chance Fundraiser[/url]. Initially planned for end of 2017, but there was an [url=]unspecified delay[/url] on the Fundraiser, unrelated to the game proper. Now planned for [url=]after the character generator is integrated[/url].
[list][*]Will not include add-ons or last two tiers of rewards from original Kickstarter. [*]Limited tiers retain previous stated limits.
[*]Also [url=]will not include stretch goals[/url].
[*]Goal to raise funds to hire additional developers and/or hire volunteers as full-time staff.[/list]
[url=]Release[/url] is planned for fall 2018. “This is the point we are confident that there would be no more need for character database wipes, that balancing would be ready, and the game is in a playable, even if not yet bug-free, state.”
Game will have an [url=]up-front cost[/url] which provides access to all content, systems and features and also includes 3 months of VIP status. Afterwards the game will be free to play with a cash shop. An optional subscription provides credit in the cash shop at a higher value and earlier access to material than free-to-play players.
[list][*]Currency is nicknamed Stars.
[*]There will be loyalty tokens for those who stay subscribed.
[*]In-game store items can be unlocked for a single character through gameplay.
[*]Each time a character reaches maximum level, you unlock a character slot.
[*]There will be no lockboxes. Bundles of related unlocks can be bought and will include random extra pieces from somewhere else in the game.
[*]If you unlock an item through the cash shop, you will [url=]not receive the associated badge[/url].[/list]
City of Titans uses the [url=]Unreal 4[/url] Engine. It was one of the [url=]first adopters[/url] and uses a customized engine.
[list][*]The switch from Unreal 3 to Unreal 4 [url=]resulted in delays[/url].[/list]
On [url=]system requirements[/url]: “Unreal is very, very, very good about low-end performance.”
There is a [url=]plan in place[/url] to continue access to the game in some fashion if MWM has to shut it down.
[b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] All characters will reside in the same [url=]server space[/url]. There will still be different [url=]shards[/url] that characters exist on at any given time, but players can move their characters between them.
The plan is to allow [url=]characters to be created offline[/url] in some fashion.
Systems of the game are being [url=]developed separately[/url] (e.g. quest system, animations, combat) and will be [url=]integrated for Pre-alpha[/url].
The game has a [url=]targeted rating[/url] of “T for Teen.”
There will be a [url=]profanity filter[/url], which can be turned off.
The game has been [url=]designed to be accessible[/url] for those with [url=]potential gaming barriers[/url] e.g. colour-blindness. This also includes a “completely customizable control schema.”
“Everything we are introducing in game can be [url=]colored or textured[/url] as we choose, independent of their shape or design.”
[url=]“Cassandra”[/url]–a piece of technology developed by MWM, designed to draw a character with a single draw call. This minimizes the workload for the video card, allowing more characters to be onscreen.
“Part of the design is to create [url=]player activity hubs[/url] where selling, crafting, and other things occur to provide that common place people can meet up. Of course, even better is when players naturally congregate at a location of their own choosing. There is a bit that goes into the map design by the devs which can encourage such locales, but it is the players that really make it work out.”

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

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Character Creation –

[size=30]Character Creation – Aesthetics[/size]

“A [url=]new character creator[/url] made in today's cutting edge tech has so many possibilities that the old game couldn't match. We're going to try to bring in as much of it as we can. That, to us […] is in the spirit of City of Heroes.”
[url=]Characters are created[/url] within game accounts, and have names that must be unique within just that game account.
[url=]Aesthetic Decoupling.[/url] Mechanics and animations of powers are independent systems. Visuals are part of your costume. These choices will not affect the mechanics in any way. “Aesthetic decoupling lets you apply [url=]virtually any aesthetic to any set[/url]. You choose your props (or none), emanation points, animations, particle effects.” While aesthetics were originally intended to be applied only to certain sets (e.g. fire, radiation, stinging sand etc. would apply to burning sets) [url=]this is no longer the case[/url]. More early information [url=]here[/url].
[list][*]You can choose props (e.g. a weapon), opening up the appropriate animations. If you use a prop, the intent is for you to be able to select a [url=]place on your body[/url] for it to be, and for it to disappear from that place when in use.
[*]May be possible to [url=]chain attacks using different weapons[/url].
[*][url=]Sound effects[/url] will be connected with both animation and particle effects.
[*][url=]Animations can be blended and varied in length[/url]. (Writer’s note: I believe the intent is that this can be done by developers and the engine, not players to suit their wishes.)[/list]
Costumes: Unreal 4 makes it possible “to create [url=]more believable materials[/url] that will react to the light and environments in the game.” They will have a variety of materials and textures as well as patterns. More examples [url=]here[/url], [url=]here[/url] and [url=]here[/url].
[list][*][url=]Tech has been developed[/url] to allow clothes to be [url=]applied to characters in layers[/url], allowing for more customization and reduced clipping.
[*]There are [url=]asymmetrical choices[/url], including eyes.
[*][b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] Sources for [url=]character decals[/url] include Google’s Noto Unicode symbols and wingdings. The intent is for it to be possible to slide these into different [url=]positions[/url] on the character’s body.
[*][b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] There are ideas for integrating [url=]costume contests[/url].[/list]
“We have a pile of [url=]idle stances[/url], but wiring them up will be a late stage development.”
[url=]On sliders, sex etc. for character models[/url]: “For the record much of the range allowed by the creator is because the staff will need it for production purposes (monsters and the like). Reasonable limits will be imposed as we discover what they are (defining ‘reasonable’ is an obvious first step there). Presets to help people out will be provided. Mechanisms to help with scaling will be provided. You will be able, as time goes on, to resize your character if needed. In fact a complete overhaul ability is envisioned right down to gender as well as having the ability to create alternate versions.”
It will be possible to [url=]share costume settings[/url] with other players.
Almost every piece of [url=]NPC costuming[/url] will be available to players.
Some costume pieces will have built-in [url=]tear-aways[/url] allowing you to remove portions.
[url=]Effect trails[/url] are a possibility.
“We do have a plan for a [url=]prestige non-combat pet[/url].” You can see an example of a vanity pet as a work in progress [url=]here[/url].
Several costume options will be available to Kickstarter backers, including: (These can also be seen together in this [url=]video[/url].)
[list][*][url=]FireFairy’s wings.[/url] Seen [url=]here[/url].
[*] [url=]DeathSheepFromHell’s utility backpack.[/url] Seen [url=]here[/url].
[*] [url=]Kistune9Tails’ tail[/url].
[*] [url=]Terwyn’s shoulder dragon[/url].
[*] [url=]Ninja sword[/url]. Seen [url=]here[/url].
[*] [url=]Dr. Tyche’s Mind Control Beard.[/url] Seen [url=]here[/url].
[*] [url=]Petalstorm’s brush[/url]. Seen [url=]here[/url].[/list]
Some [url=]early costume concepts[/url], including robotic, animalistic and crystalline options.
[url=]Hair[/url] may include physics and a length slider.
There will be [url=]facial emotes[/url]. Examples of facial emotes as works in progress can be seen [url=]here[/url].
On handling effects from [url=]character models that are unpleasant[/url] to the player: “Our basic approach/assumption is ‘if it makes your eyes bleed, you should be able to tell the game to stop doing that to you.’”

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

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Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
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Joined: 11/14/2013 - 08:20
Character Creation and

[size=30]Character Creation and Advancement – Mechanics[/size]

The [url=]level cap[/url] will initially be 30 and will increase to 50 at some time after launch.
[url=]Archetypes[/url]. Characters [url=]choose an Archetype and Specification[/url], which determines the [url=]Basic Playstyle[/url] (also see Powers and Power Sets below) of the Primary and Secondary sets from which they select powers, respectively. The following Archetypes and Specifications are planned: (Those marked * are not expected for launch. You can see the most recent posting of the archetype chart [url=]here[/url].)
[list][*]Stalwart (Protection). Specifications: Bulwark (/Melee Damage), Centurion* (/Manipulation), Bastion* (/Assault)
[*]Enforcer (Melee Damage). Specifications: Gladiator (/Protection), Striker* (/Manipulation), Bodyguard* (/Support).
[*]Guardian (Support). Specifications: Sentinel (/Ranged Damage), Warden* (/Manipulation), Vindicator* (/Assault).
[*]Ranger (Ranged Damage). Specifications: Partisan (/Support), Hunter* (/Manipulation), Gunner* (/Protection).
[*]Commander* (Pets). Specifications: Engineer* (/Support), Ringleader* (/Manipulation), Taskmaster* (/Assault).
[*]Operator (Control). Specifications: Brigadier* (/Assault), Director (/Support), Executor* (/Ranged Damage).
[*]Writer’s Note: These names have visibly changed over time, including the [url=]switching of Commander and Operator[/url] in direct response to player feedback, as well as the choice to [url=]eliminate the term Classification[/url]. I have assigned names according to the best information I could find.[/list]
[url=]Powers and Power Sets[/url]. Primary and Secondary power sets have a Basic Playstyle (Melee, Ranged, Control, Support, Protection, Summons). At creation, characters select from a list appropriate to the Basic Playstyle as determined by their Archetype and Specification (see above). These power sets consist of 9 tiers. [url=]Tiers 3 and 7 have two powers available[/url] (of which you can only ever select one), while the other tiers have one power. These tiers unlock at certain levels (with [url=]Secondary set tiers being less effective than Primary set tiers and opening later[/url]) and become available to characters when choosing new powers. In addition to their free starter powers, characters will receive [url=]23 additional power slots[/url] by level 50. This is enough to potentially have a [url=]power from every tier of your Primary, every tier of your Secondary, and a full Tertiary set[/url] (see below for Tertiaries).
[list][*]The launch list of power sets is as follows (note each link leads to a description of these sets, including two sample powers per set):
[list][*][url=]Protection[/url]: Atrophic Aura, Super Agility, Invulnerability, Solid Form,
[*][url=]Melee[/url]: Super Strength, Tactical Combat, Massive Melee, Kinetic Melee, Fighting Prowess.
[*][url=]Ranged[/url]: Force Blast, Atrophic Blast, Lethality, Psychic Blast, Vampiric Blast.
[*][url=]Support[/url]: Preservation, Strategy, Devices, Barrier Generation, Vampiric Emanation.
[*][url=]Control[/url]: Gravity, Psychic Control, Power Control, Illusions, Force Control.[/list]
[*]From a [url=]development standpoint[/url] (i.e. these choices are made in the [i]design[/i] of the set, not by the player), in addition to their Basic Playstyle, these sets are built with one of four Focused Playstyles per Basic Playstyle (e.g. single target focused, utility focused), a mechanical theme (e.g. damage over time or combining attacks for combo effects) and a speed (quick, medium, slow). (In an earlier update this was previously described as power sets being [url=]built according to progressions[/url].) “The end result is, [url=]no two sets under the same basic play style such as Melee, or Support, and so on, plays exactly the same way as any other set[/url].” The [url=]launch list of Focused Playstyles[/url] is:
[list][*]Melee/Ranged: Single Target Focused, AoE Focused, Standard, Utility Focused.
[*]Protection: Fortitude Protections, Style Protections, Recover Protections, Aura Protections.
[*]Support: Buff Focused, Debuff Focused, Standard, Location.
[*]Control: Single Target Damage Focused, PBAoE Focused, Location Focused, Utility Focused.[/list]
[*]Sets with other Basic Playstyles will be [url=]developed in the future[/url]: Assault (ranged and melee), Manipulation (control and support), Pets.
[*]Characters may also select powers from [url=]Tertiary[/url] sets ([url=]accessing up to 5 sets[/url]). These are more basic, truncated versions of Secondary sets, or something unique such as Super Senses (which is [url=]not planned for launch[/url]). All Archetypes have access to all Tertiaries (though this may change.) There are [url=]balance concerns[/url] with basing Tertiaries on Pet or Control sets, though it has been said control-heavy Tertiaries will be formed from Manipulation sets.
[*]Characters receive a [url=]free melee attack and a free ranged attack[/url]. The [url=]damage type[/url] is matched to your attack set, though they do not inherit any other mechanics.
[*]All launch Control sets have a [url=]pet at tier 9[/url]. This [url=] may not be true for all future Control sets[/url]. Note that due to the lower level cap, these powers will [url=]not be accessible at launch[/url].
[*]“There will be certain powers which [url=]grant new abilities[/url] to a group member.”[/list]
Travel Powers. Characters receive travel powers which do not depend on character level, the first being [url=]free[/url] at character creation. They will receive a total of [url=]4 optional travel[/url] slots by level 50.
[list][*][url=]Parkour, Swing, Grapnel, Spider Climb, Flight, Superjump, Superspeed and Teleport[/url] have all been said to be [url=]works in progress[/url].
[*][url=]Travel powers will have their own growth path[/url]. For example, one of the options for Super Speed is to run up the side of buildings. This is really an example of “mixing and matching” travel powers, in this case [url=]Super Speed and Wall Crawling[/url]. Another example is [url=]Super Speed with Super Leap[/url].
[*]There will be no combat powers mixed in with travel powers. They are on a [url=]completely independent track[/url].
[*]Plan to eventually include [url=]rideable vehicles[/url], but not for launch.[/list]
[url=]Masteries[/url]. A means of further defining your character by selecting inherent abilities. There are 5 designed per Archetype, with 3 intended for launch. Characters get a total of [url=]3 Mastery Slots[/url] by level 50. Each Mastery has 3 tiers; you can take all 3 from a Mastery or mix and match. [b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] Masteries are penciled in for [url=]selection[/url] at levels 5, 15 and 25.
[list][*]Stalwart Masteries:
[list] [*]Living Target: You are best at drawing your enemy's attention away from allies.
[*]Bruiser: Your attacks help debilitate foes over time.
[*]Battle Leader: When your allies focus on you, their attention improves your ability to defend them.
[*]Ruggedness: You can shrug off more damage.
[*]Protector: Your team strengthens your resolve.[/list]
[*]Enforcer Masteries:
[list] [*]Rage: The more you fight, the stronger you get.
[*]Surprise Strike: You gain bonuses for attacks against unsuspecting targets.
[*]Inspiration: Your allies are rallied with each foe it defeats.
[*]Predation: You are the single-target master, gaining bonuses the longer you fight the same enemy.
[*]Reinforcement: You have a winning presence for your allies. [/list]
[*]Ranger Masteries:
[list] [*]Eliminator: You can quickly eliminate weakened opponents from the fight.
[*]Resolve: Each success in a fight gives you bonuses.
[*]Suppression: Your attacks hinders the enemy’s ability to fight back.
[*]Striker: Ranged attacks, particularly snipes, are your specialty.
[*]Bombardment: You can front-load attacks for damage. [/list]
[*]Guardian Masteries:
[list] [*]Saving Grace: The more your allies need your help, the stronger your help becomes.
[*]Aftermath: Your effects can quickly stack and spread.
[*]Balance: You grant bonuses to your team with your presence.
[*]Sentry: You gain bonuses as you or your team has the tide turn against you.
[*]Vindication: You and your team gain bonuses against more difficult enemies. [/list]
[*]Operator Masteries:
[list] [*]Magnitude: Improves the Operator’s ability to land critical controls.
[*]Oppression: Foes which are locked down take more damage.
[*]Focus: Attacks by allies on controlled targets gain bonuses.
[*]Restrainment: Your controls gain effectiveness as your target's health is lowered.
[*]Supremacy: Attacks enable you to build up to unlocking your full potential. [/list] [/list]
[url=]Augments and Refinements[/url]. Analogous to [url=]enhancements[/url] in City of Heroes. Powers receive Augment Slots, potentially increasing up to 4 as you level. Augments improve the effect of the power (e.g. damage). When you slot an Augment, it also opens a varying number of Refinement slots, which affect how the power is delivered (e.g. accuracy).
[list][*]Each power includes [url=]one Augment Slot by default[/url].
[*]A [url=]regular Augment will not include any Refinement Slots, while crafted Augments have from 1 to 3 Refinement Slots[/url].
[*]Augments/Refinements [url=]reduce in power[/url] as you level. “The decline will be sharper at first, and then gradually level off, at least that’s the current thought.”
[*]Power Set Augments are a special kind of Augment Slot that can be applied to an entire power set. As an example, it can change a portion of its damage to another type. Power Set Augments in Tertiary power sets can give you “weird things” such as a static bonus to regen. Your Primary and Secondary power set each receive a [url=]Power Set Augment Socket[/url]. Tertiary sets instead carry [url=]Global Augment Sockets[/url], the Augments for which apply a bonus to the entire character.
[*]On the [url=]temptation to only slot certain things[/url] for power set augments: “We have other steps in-place to reduce this. […] These steps also make something like the GDN and ED unneeded.” (Referring to [url=]Global Defense Nerf[/url] and [url=]Enhancement Diversification[/url] from City of Heroes, major changes to the way defensive powers and stacking enhancements worked.)
[*]Eventually there will be Augment sets that can be crafted. However, there will only be [url=]basic crafting at launch[/url].[/list]
[url=]Alignments[/url] work on a 3-axis system: Law, Violence and Honor. They are not binary; characters exist on each of these 3 scales.
[list][*][url=]12 alignments[/url] have been identified by name: Law-abiding, law-breaking, merciful, violent, honorable, dishonorable, heroic, villainous, scoundrel, rogue, weird, mundane.
[*]“Alignment is [url=]what people think you do[/url], in public. It is, in some ways, your reputation with the world as a whole - while factions are about people getting to know the inner you a little better. Alignments change based on what people see you do - that's because they affect how people react to your character. If a cop sees you kicking the head in of a surrendered crook, you're going to see changes to how people react - your Violent rating goes up.” There is some further explanation [url=]here[/url]. “It’s the truest to comics that we could make it.”
[*]“[url=]Hero and Villain are labels players use[/url]. They are descriptive – not prescriptive and do not drive game play. The alignment system is based on a tri-axis of Law, Honor, and Violence. You can have a lawful, honorable, violent hero or a lawful, honorable, violent villain. Players do not read alignments of other players. It is up to you - the player to decide the reasoning for how and why your character behaves, and how and why other characters are behaving the way they do.” “As such, [the alignment system] isn't used to enforce a [url=]player-faction segregation system[/url].”[/list]
Build slots and respecs.
[list][*]“At certain points in your character's progression, you will [url=]earn separate build slots[/url]. These build slots must be the same Primary, but can use a different Secondary Set, Mastery Powers, and Tertiary Powers. There will be a limit on how quickly you can swap builds.” Characters end up with [url=]2 optional alternate builds[/url].
[*] “Look at [url=]what you’re keeping[/url]. Your primary. Your job […] –and it looks like we’ll have a variant of each secondary power set for each Specialization—so you’re keeping that too.”
[*][url=]Respecs[/url] appear to have the same options: you may not change your primary, but can change secondary, augment slots etc.[/list]
Characters will [url=]not need to go to a trainer[/url] to level up.
“We aren’t including an [url=]origins or strengths/weakness[/url] system for CoT.”
“Our motto has always been ‘[url=]The endgame is alting.[/url]’” “City of Titans will be [url=]alt-centric[/url].”

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

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Joined: 11/14/2013 - 08:20
Combat and Other Gameplay

[size=30]Combat and Other Gameplay Elements[/size]

The [url=]team size[/url] will generally be 8, though some missions may allow for more.
[url=]Momentum[/url]. Another statistic bar like Health and Power. Starts at 0 and builds up when you engage in combat.
[list][*]Momentum bleed-off turns into [url=]Reserves[/url] (similar to [url=]inspirations[/url] in City of Heroes, though the intent is for the player to have more control over what they get.) [url=] Archetype does not directly affect your Reserves[/url], but because your Archetype affects how good you are at different tasks, different Reserves might be more effective for you because the way they affect you is different.
[*]Momentum can be [url=]used for different effects[/url] depending on your powers and Masteries, such as increasing the effect of your powers, activating global buffs or attribute shifts. In City of Heroes terms, there is a potential comparison to [url=]Fury[/url], [url=]Defiance[/url], Pack Mentality from [url=]Beast Mastery[/url], Momentum from [url=]Titan Weapons[/url] etc. For examples of Momentum being used by power sets, look at [url=]Tactical Combat or Kinetic Melee[/url] as Melee sets or [url=]Invulnerability or Grit[/url] as Protection sets.
[*]Momentum will be [url=]used by some Masteries[/url] but not others. At least at one time, it was 1 mastery per Archetype.
[*]There are several minutes of explanation on Momentum [url=]here[/url]. [b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] There is also further discussion in [url=]this thread[/url], with confirmation of some details (such as the natural depletion rate of Momentum being fixed) and some possible interactions between Reserves and defeat. [/list]
All crowd control effects are [url=]non-binary[/url] and all stackable effects undergo some form of diminishing returns.
[list][*]Stuns, holds, slows, knocks and other [url=]control effects[/url] will be included.
[*][url=]Taunt will exist[/url] but as an effect rather than a power. It is only [url=]one style[/url] of “tanking” and not a requirement to effectively tank. [url=]Taunt like it existed in the old game is not used in CoT[/url] and will not be found in Protection sets (but could be found in Masteries).
[*]It will be possible to get a [url=]solid lock[/url] on at least some opponents.
[*]Some holds are [url=]interrupted by damage[/url]. Others persist.
[*]The [url=]duration of control effects[/url] is shorter relative to City of Heroes. However they have a variance of duration depending on the target’s rank. They will always have some effect and if stacked could completely control the target.[/list]
Several gameplay mechanics have been named and described:
[list][*][url=]Protections[/url], in order of effect, are: Evasion, Defense, Subtraction, Resistance, Healing/Regeneration. Evasion is avoiding attacks by style (melee, ranged, aoe) and works against Accuracy, while Defense lowers the impact range of an effect after a hit occurs. Subtraction reduces damage by a fixed amount against type. Resistance reduces an effect by a percentage against the type. (See [url=]here[/url] and [url=]here[/url].)
[*][url=]Recoil[/url] is damage dealt to the attacker when it successfully hits the target with a recoil effect on it. Reflection is a portion of damage dealt that is resisted and sent back automatically to the attacker (melee or ranged). Deflection is a portion of damage dealt that is defended and sent back to possibly hit any selected target within range (melee for melee attack, range for ranged attacks).
[*][url=]Attraction or Attract[/url] is an area around a target that pulls other nearby targets in toward it.
[*][url=]Power[/url] is like [url=]endurance[/url] from City of Heroes.
[*][url=]Alternate activations[/url] can exist. For example, some knockback powers have an alternate activation to turn them into knockdown. Example: Force Torrent from Force Blast ([url=]Ranged power[/url].)
[*]A [url=]toggled-switch[/url] stays on all the time, but its cost reduces your Power Meter by a fixed amount. Example: Stand Fast from Solid Form ([url=]Protection power[/url].)
[*]There are timed toggles. Example: Atrophic Scythe from Atrophic Blast ([url=]Ranged power[/url].) “[url=]Think of it as a flamethrower[/url].”
[*]Some powers can be [url=]passively charged[/url], meaning their effect increases if you do not move or get hit during the activation cycle. Examples: Reaper’s Edge from Vampiric Blast and Focused Blast from Force Blast ([url=]Ranged powers[/url].)
[*][url=]Output, Function, Lens[/url]. These mechanics have been mentioned but there is not much information on them. [url=]This quote[/url] is presumably with regards to the same Lens: “The level-lens is a system we use to adjust for level differences between an attacker and a target.”[/list]
Most ally [url=]buff powers can be used on oneself[/url].
There is a system for [url=]Challenges and Achievements[/url]. “Challenges are ways the character is played or things the character can do. As the Challenge difficulty increases, the greater the potential reward becomes for obtaning the related Achievement. Failing a Challenge resets the Achievement level even if a Badge has been previously earned for that Achievement.”
[list][*]“We are using a system of challenges to earn achievements in both [url=]missions and street sweeping[/url].”
[*] “They do not directly provide additional drops, but provide a method for obtaining additional reward [url=]bonuses[/url].”
[*]Further [url=]examples[/url] of Challenges include stealthing a map, defeating all spawns, uncovering the entire map, etc. There will be a scaling factor for team size. This also provides players a means to set up how they want to be rewarded: weighted toward per spawn or per achievement.[/list]
The existence of Badges has been confirmed by them being offered in the [url=]Kickstarter[/url] (in addition to being mentioned alongside Challenges and Achievements as noted above and other topics.) In particular, there are exploration badges and a Kickstarter badge.
[list][*]Badges may open up [url=]special powers[/url].
[*]Badges may also open up [url=]associated costume options and aesthetics[/url]. “If you want a particular thing you know exactly where to go to get it.” In this way, badges are used to have a character’s costume [url=]develop over time[/url].
[*]Note that there is a [url=]distinction[/url] made between what is given to your account and what your character earns in game, which may also determine what will be visible to other players.[/list]
The [url=]reward system scales with team size[/url].
[url=]Respawning[/url] is expected to follow a model similar to City of Heroes, akin to [url=]resurrection inspirations[/url] and [url=]hosping[/url]. “Right now, we don’t have a [url=]defeat penalty[/url]. Time lost from combat is viewed as the main form of a penalty. One of the considerations is resetting certain challenge ratings in our Achievements and Challenges system. Part of that is being defeated results in lost bonuses for completing content.”
[list][*] [url=]Anyone can do a very very slow resurrection[/url].[/list]
[url=]PVP[/url] will always be optional and will not affect PVE. There were numerous possible avenues of PVP conceived.
[list][*]There will be a [url=]separate PvP phase [/url]of Titan City. It will not be based around [url=]player factions[/url].
[*] “We will [url=]never make[/url] specific pve achievements or temp power in a pvp phase to ‘lure players there.’”
[*]There are ideas “to include [url=]noncombat based pvp[/url].”
[*] “[url=]Arenas[/url] don’t exist like in CoH. Arenas will exist for other forms of non-combat pvp.”
[*] “PvP wins provides a [url=]Win Streak Notoriety[/url]. If someone is running around with a high Win Streak Notoriety - they become a juicy target for others with lower notoriety. Losing makes you lose your Win Streak. Each new ‘level’ of notoriety is an Achievement. In order to gain your ‘xp’, you want to engage against players of similar or higher notoriety than you. Defeating lower notoriety players won't help you earn your achivement but will rack up your Win Streak. Making you a target.” Additional posts on this: [url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url],
[url=]4[/url], [url=]5[/url], [url=]6[/url], [url=]7[/url] and [url=]8[/url].
[*]There will be [url=]PvP currency[/url] which can be exchanged to purchase PvE rewards.
[*]You can enter PvP, never enter a mission, only engage in PvP, and still [url=]advance your character[/url].[/list]
Not an action combat system. “Still [url=]tab targeting[/url] but a little more flexible.” There is a system of “hard” and “soft” locks as explained [url=]here[/url], with further examples [url=]here[/url] and [url=]here[/url].
“Combat itself will be more [url=]mobile[/url] without relying on hard-rooting for attacks except unless absolutely necessary.”
The [url=]damage types[/url] are Physical, Energy and Exotic.
The [url=]user interface[/url] will include a combination of symbols and colours to display information, such as a red fist symbol with a number indicating physical damage, a yellow electrical spark with a number indicating electrical.
[b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] [url=]In-game communication[/url] is being built using a system called the Advanced Social System, with added capability for Association lists such as friends, raid partners, supergroups etc.
[url=]Enemy types[/url] that have been mentioned: swarmling, critter, mob, experienced, boss, named boss, epic boss, monster boss, EPIC MONSTER BOSS. There is a system to [url=]semi-randomize minions[/url] as they are spawned.
“The AI is a [url=]neural-networked emergent AI[/url]. It learns what it is told to learn.” Powers [url=]do not affect[/url] the AI specifically.
For the Commander, [url=]pets will have multiple types of aggressive mode[/url], and generally be more controllable.
There will be [url=]adjustable difficulty[/url] settings. The hope is for [url=]more settings[/url] beyond team size, spawn level difference, boss/no boss and an equivalent to the arch-villain-to-elite-boss as found in City of Heroes’ [url=]difficulty settings[/url].
The game will have a [url=]sidekick[/url] system similar to [url=]City of Heroes’[/url]. [url=]Sidekicking down[/url] scales powers, removing powers not available at that level and reduces improvements to powers. [url=]Sidekicking up[/url] affects character level and modifies existing powers accordingly. The [url=]sidekick system will scale everyone[/url] to the team leader’s level, but will not apply automatically for the zone.
“[url=]No fighting over loot, no bind on pickup. There will be an auction house[/url].” Characters will [url=]not have to loot the bodies[/url] of defeated enemies.
There will be a way for players to [url=]view combat numbers[/url].
There will be [url=]environmental effects[/url] including snow, moving clouds and a sun that arcs.
Music is being developed for the game by Hellwreckage. You can find Hellwreckage’s YouTube channel [url=]here[/url]. There are also examples of the music available [url=]here[/url], [url=]here[/url] and [url=]here[/url]. Note also that many of the [url=]Twitch streams[/url] use City of Titans music as introduction and background.
“Our goal is to make [url=]sounds[/url] that players will never tire of hearing and help to realize a living, breathing City of Titans.” The effects will come from a [url=]combination of libraries, recordings and scratched designed sounds[/url]. Note also this quote with regards to City of Heroes sounds: “[url=]CoX did use a specific (now very dated and overused) sound library[/url] to assemble most of their early sounds. […] We have much more to choose from nowadays and hope to bring a more modern and cinematic feel to the sound design of the city.”
Hooks are in place for [url=]voiceovers[/url], but they are not intended to be used. More discussion [url=]here[/url].
Hoping to include [url=]bases[/url] at launch. Base editor to use same technology as Story Map Editor, allowing for a similar level of customizability. [url=]Personal bases[/url] are planned.
There will be [url=]Super Teams and Leagues[/url] (analogous to [url=]Supergroups[/url] and [url=]Coalitions[/url] in City of Heroes.)

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

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Story Arcs and Mission

[size=30]Story Arcs and Mission Content[/size]

There are various kinds of [url=]mission content[/url].
[list][*]Terminology: An Episode is a mission. A Series is a string of Episodes telling a connected story. A Saga is multiple, successive arcs with recurring plot elements.
[list][*]Tips: short, self-contained, one-off adventures. “While Tips aren’t designed to require any special knowledge of the game’s lore, lore-focused players will still find them interesting.” Tips will be [url=]repeatable[/url].
[*]Paths: game-spanning Sagas with elaborate stories that let you explore and define your character while meeting and battling a variety of highly detailed NPCs. [url=]Paths are personal stories[/url] that you can go through, such as Street Hero, Ganglord or Adventurer. “We [url=]don’t have one big mega-plot[/url]. Instead we have story arcs […] that go from 0 all the way to 50. And you can flip between them as you progress.” There will be [url=]four paths available at launch[/url]: Hero North, Villain North, Hero South, Villain South.
[*]District Stories: Series that focus on the lore related to a particular part of the city and usually featuring prominent NPCs, special gameplay mechanics, or both.[/list]
[*]There are plans for a [url=]journal system[/url] which tracks what players have done. It is not yet determined if it will be included at launch. [/list]
Many missions will be in [url=]instances[/url]. Instances should each have a distinctive feel and may have multiple entrances. There is an explanation/example of multiple entrances [url=]here[/url].
[list][*][url=]Maps[/url] may be procedurally generated to have an element of randomness. They should have a realistic, practical layout, and may include environmental effects and dynamic elements.
[*]Missions are [url=]run off a spreadsheet[/url]. Designed to make mission writing easier and as preparation for a future player-facing mission writer tool. There were [url=]four goals[/url] for the mission creation system:
[list][*]Flexible. No separate systems for different kinds of missions.
[*]Able to import data from an external tool.
[*]Same core system for both developer-created and player-created missions.
[*]Can be used for both open world and instanced content.[/list]
[*]The [url=]map builder system[/url] is also being designed so that it can later be used by players to create content.
[*]There may be [url=]missions that branch[/url] depending on decisions made by the character(s) within the mission itself, or based on whether the character succeeds or fails at certain tasks. These choices can also influence your standing with various factions in the game, affecting later content. [url=]When teaming[/url], “if you’re in the same mission together […] then you’re on one course together.” “[url=]There are lots [i]and lots[/i] of choice, both through dialogue and action[/url].”
[*]There are [url=]ideas for missions[/url] that do not match the City of Heroes groups-of-enemies-followed-by-boss style, such as a single enemy, having to save/destroy evidence, or being escorted by a powerful NPC.
[*]Some significant missions will end with [url=]newspaper headlines, radio broadcasts[/url] etc. to commemorate the event.
[*]Techniques are being used to allow you see the outside world from within instances. See examples from a [url=]rooftop[/url] and through a [url=]window[/url].
[*]When appropriate, [url=]contacts may appear in missions[/url].[/list]
[url=]The tutorial mission[/url]: Set in TitanFirst bank in the aftermath of a heist. Witnesses describe the event, giving players an opportunity to describe their character’s appearance, powers, role and choices in the heist (alignment). The tutorial will also teach you how to use reserves and enhancements. You finally select your travel power by determining how you exit the bank. At the end a newspaper headline will describe what happened.
[url=]The Leads System[/url]: A Lead will consist of one element of a Story, such as a Setting, Antagonist or Objective. Leads can be acquired through normal gameplay (or other activities such as emotes or logging off in certain locations) and then “assembled” to create a custom mission. This will be similar to [url=]newspaper[/url]/[url=]police radio[/url] missions in City of Heroes. However, mission crafting is [url=]not expected for launch[/url]. Leads can also be [url=]connected to your story path or lead to something else[/url].
The intent is for player characters to [url=]surpass the ability[/url] of important NPCs such as the Paragons.
“At launch, we intend to have [url=]endgame raids[/url]—we call them social raids, and they’re more like classic [url=]Hamidon[/url] than anything else.” Raids are “set to mostly involve [url=]sunken space cities from the distant past[/url], but that could change.”
[b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] There is some information on [url=]player-character/non-player-character interaction[/url]. In particular, dialogue will not tell you how your character feels. Also, the dialogue options will include a general idea of what your character says rather than a word-for-word quotation. This post also includes an example of such interaction.

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History and Lore

[size=30]History and Lore[/size]

“We have […] a much larger [url=]writing and artist staff[/url] than physical-plant game development studios have.”
There is a [url=]Lore Bible[/url]. As of Sept 2014, a document approximately 5 novels in length. There are some [url=]rough numbers[/url] available on the number of characters in the Lore Bible that will appear in game.
A [url=]note on CapeChaser[/url] pages. “They are written by the public, and therefore only contain information that would be known by Joe Civilian. […] The remainder of the information is meant to be learned through gameplay.” (CapeChaser pages can be found under the Guides tab of the forums, detailing various inhabitants of Titan City.)
[list][*]1600s: A small collection of [url=]settlements[/url] forms around Steward’s Bay.
[*]1763: [url=]Clarkstown[/url] is founded.
[*]1905: The [url=]CCN Rail Crash[/url]. Linked to the ghostly Black Train.
[*]1908: A [url=]major fire[/url] ravages the small cities north and south of Steward’s Bay. Titan City is officially formed in the same location, following a [url=]famous speech[/url] in December 1908.
[*]1921: The original [url=]Fallen Firefighters’ Memorial[/url] is built.
[*]1960: The new [url=]City Hall[/url] is built.
[*]1960s: The [url=]Northeastern Research District[/url] forms, cementing the city’s status as an economic power.
[*]1985: [url=]Operation Anvil[/url]. A joint effort among local police, FBI and local heroes. The organizer, D.A. Yousef Amir, was assassinated. In the years following, corruption spread through public office and the superpowered community turned inward.
[*]1998: [url=]Hurricane Atlas[/url]. A natural event, but exacerbated by the villain Cumulus Rex. A group of heroes known as the “Atlas 33” held the line against Rex.
[*]2002: The Fallen Firefighters’ Memorial is [url=]rebuilt[/url] after the original is damaged in Hurricane Atlas.[/list]
Game is set in modern times near [url=]Gloucester, Massachusetts[/url].
There is an [url=]annual superpowered snowball fight[/url].
There is [url=]lore established[/url] for the protection of a superpowered individual’s privacy, registration of powers, arrests and the like. More details [url=]here[/url].
There will be [url=]plaques[/url] which can be read in-game.
Some [url=]unique language[/url] has been developed, including “Raellion” for one million (the history of which is explained [url=]here[/url]) and “Ingenuity” for in-game currency.
People with exceptional abilities are called Titans. “[url=]They’ve always been there[/url].”

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Known Factions and

[size=30]Known Factions and Organizations[/size]

[list][*][url=]Aether Pirates[/url]. Pirates that use jetpacks and aircraft, armed with energy weapons and clockwork or steam-powered enhancements. A description of an encounter with them appears [url=]here[/url].
[*] [url=]Anarchy Red[/url]. “A group of rebels without a cause.”
[*][url=]Apokalyptykult[/url]. Mentioned as an enemy group in addition to the music group characters (see below).
[*] [url=]The Barons[/url]. A villain group that practices necromancy.
[*] [url=]Begrudging Dead[/url]. A group of ghostly entities in Lotus Hills.
[*] [url=]The Black Rose[/url]. Inspired by the classic Italian organized crime syndicates of the 1950s.
[*] [url=]Citizens’ Alliance for Protection[/url]. “A group of private citizens fighting crime through a combination of community support, patrols, and the application of nonlethal weaponry to criminals’ skulls or other parts.” Members include Jarhead and Enech. An example of a CAP encounter appears [url=]here[/url].
[*] [url=]Dinosaurs[/url]. There is a reference to a race of dinosaurs, including one who drives a cab.
[*] [url=]ePunk Radicals[/url]. Cybernetically enhanced hackers. “Their cybernetics made them powerful fighters, but their real specialty was [url=]controlling and stealing information[/url].”
[*] [url=]The Five Dragons[/url]. A powerful organized crime group, known for their Far Eastern flair and reliance on magic. Founded by Jerry Chiang, who was gunned down at the Opal Room in the ‘90s. Strongest presence in Lotus Hills.
[*] [url=]IFRIT[/url]. International Fire Response/Ignition Team. A group of mercenaries. Also referred to as the [url=]Pyromaniacs[/url].
[*] [url=]The Jade Men[/url].
[*] [url=]Motorheads[/url]. “Like robotic gnomes or elves of yore.” A Motorhead can be seen [url=]here[/url] (as confirmed [url=]here[/url].)
[*] [url=]Order of the Arcane Sentinel[/url]. A group dedicated to keeping watch over villainous use of magic. [b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] Sentinel mystics occupy and run [url=]The Central Library[/url] in Alexandria.
[*] [url=]Paranormal Investigations and Tracking[/url]. “A government agency dedicated to capturing and studying paranormal objects and entities.”
[*] [url=]The Pyrebrands[/url]. Use the drug known as ‘Chaser,’ which causes the skin to crack open and flame to shoot out of the body.
[*] [url=]The Regency[/url]. “A loosely-knit society of elegant arcanists interested in forbidden knowledge.”
[*] [url=]The Rooks[/url]. “A large network of unpowered gang-bangers desperate to ‘find their Edge.’” An example of a Rook character appears [url=]here[/url].
[*] [url=]Scorpion[/url]. “An international organization devoted to world conquest.”
[*] [url=]TCPD[/url]. Titan City Police Department. Have access to Computer Operated Protective Suits (COP, a robotic suit).
[*] [url=]Tyrosine Corporation[/url]. “A corporation that produces a wide array of technologies, Tyrosine always has rumors swirling around them.”
[*] [url=]The Unforgiven[/url]. “A powerful and enigmatic street gang wielding the dreaded supernatural power of the bizarre and eerie curses.” An example of an encounter with the Unforgiven appears [url=]here[/url]. There is also a [url=]comment[/url] about how they will appear in game: “We do want to try to have these specific guys be the ‘how procedural can we get’ testbed.”
[*] [url=]Vril[/url]. A hidden band left over from World War II, destroyed by the Nazis. (A [url=]note[/url] on their origin.)
[*] [url=]The Weird Sisters[/url]. A vigilante group of magic-users.[/list]

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Significant characters in the

[size=30]Significant characters in the [i]Tales of the Titan City Police Department/Tales from the Underworld[/i] update arc[/size]

A series of Kickstarter updates told a story set in Titan City that revealed many characters, locations and factions. The list below includes characters that played a significant role in that arc. (For reference, links to each part of the arc are also included.)

“Many of the characters portrayed in the [i]Tales of the TCPD[/i] and [i]Tales from the Underworld[/i] update series will be [url=]present in the game[/url] itself. I will not say which, or how many, but the stories don't end just because the game is launched...” It has been [url=]confirmed[/url] Kathleen Aurelia will be a Tips contact for heroes in Alexandria and Frank Castilucci will be a Tips contact for villains in the south side.

[list=1][*][url=][i]Day One[/i][/url]
[*][url=][i]One Night in Charleston[/i][/url]
[*][url=][i]The Ironport Fiasco[/i][/url]
[*][url=][i]Up in the Air[/i][/url]
[*][url=][i]The Edge[/i][/url]
[*][url=][i]The Trial[/i][/url]
[*][url=][i]Trial by Combat[/i][/url]
[*][url=][i]The TCPD vs. The Underworld[/i][/url]
[*][url=][i]Tea and Sorcery[/i][/url]
[*][url=][i]The Murderer of Detective Aragon[/i][/url]
[*][url=][i]Finale, Legacy of Shadows[/i][/url][/list]
[list][*]Arbalest. An assassin.
[*]Chief Gherrenfur. Chief of the TCPD SWAT. A humanoid wolf.
[*]Commissioner Yao Zheng.
[*]Detective Armand Aragon. Member of the TCPD.
[*]Elmer Haws. Superpowered defense attorney.
[*]Felix Wright. TCPD COP suit expert.
[*]Frank Castilucci. One of the main protagonists. Member of the Black Rose.
[*]Kathleen Aurelia. One of the main protagonists. Member of the TCPD.
[*]Lenny Alvarez. Member of the TCPD.
[*]Martin Roth. Detective in the TCPD.
[*]Miss Yu. Member of the Five Dragons.
[*]Opal. Owner of The Opal Room.
[*]Orlando Rossi. Father Omerta of the Black Rose.
[*]Raveheart. A member of the ePunk Radicals.
[*]Skullcharred. Leader of the Pyrebrands.
[*]The Tarot, a villain team including Agent Tower, Captain Sun, Chariot, Dame Strength, Judgment, Lady Fortune, Master Magician, Mr. Death. (Writer’s note: This villain team also appears in another KS update story [i]Paragon Holiday Special[/i], Parts [url=]One[/url] and [url=]Two[/url].)
[*]Topaz. A hero.[/list]

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Other Characters in City of

[size=30]Other Characters in City of Titans[/size]

[list][*][url=]American Star[/url]. The first officially recognized costumed superpowered hero; began fighting crime in Bradford in 1887. Died during Hurricane Atlas. Anthem is his [url=]successor[/url].
[*][url=]Antithesis[/url]. Referenced only as a teaser in the [i]Tales from the Underworld/Tales from the TCPD[/i] series.
[*][url=]Apokalyptykult[/url]. A music group. Also mentioned in this [url=]Gabby Cabby[/url] update.
[*][url=]Atlas 33[/url]. The name given to the heroes who fought together against Cumulus Rex and Hurricane Atlas.
[*][url=]Captain Corsair[/url]. Mascot of the Titan City football team.
[*][url=]Captain Orbit[/url]. Retired space-age crimefighter.
[*][url=]The Captains of Villainy[/url].
[*][url=]Celerity[/url]. A speedster.
[*][url=]Cumulus Rex[/url]. The villain responsible for increasing the effect of Hurricane Atlas.
[*][url=]Dapper Spirit[/url]. A hero. “Classy.”
[*][url=]The Deadly 7[/url]. “The seven deadliest villains in Titan City.” Members include Liege, “Pit” Mokas aka Beatdown, Covet, Aspire, Abysm, Modal and Idle.
[*][url=]Deluge, Tyrant of the Waves[/url].
[*][url=]Dr. Tyche[/url]. Roboticist, engineer, mastermind, madman.
[*][url=]Goo-Bar[/url]. A giant mutant [url=]peanut creature[/url].
[*][url=]Grimoire[/url]. A hero. Uses magic.
[*][url=]Hazel[/url], the Witch. A hero.
[*][url=]Hexbane[/url]. A villain who collects cursed objects.
[*][url=]Hijinx[/url]. “A teenager with great power and…honestly no sense of responsibility.” Featured in a [url=]Patreon[/url] series raising funds for CoT.
[*][url=]Indomitable Man[/url]. A hero.
[*][url=]Latoki[/url]. Iconic character of the Merciful alignment. Native American. “She has a small reputation as a healer who helps other heroes and heals wounded civilians.”
[*][url=]The Meadowlark[/url]. A villain? Mentioned as a bank robber.
[*][url=]Mr. Dynamic[/url]. A name attached to heroes. There has been more than one.
[*][url=]Nightingale[/url]. A hero. Martial artist.
[*][b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] [url=]Nikolaus the Bloodied[/url]. The Central Library was originally conceived of by him as his personal cache of forbidden magic, before he was sealed out by the Arcane Sentinels.
[*][url=]Pale Ride[/url]. Iconic character of the Weird alignment. A Motorhead.
[*][url=]The Paragons[/url]. Hero group. Most of the members (Arrow Shade, Memory, Cambion, Anthem, Codebreaker, Vodnik, Particle) can be seen [url=]here[/url]. They star in the KS update stories [i]Paragon Holiday Special[/i], Parts [url=]One[/url] and [url=]Two[/url] and [url=][i]The 14th Annual Titan City Superpowered Snowball Fight (and why it never happened)[/i][/url]. Members include:
[list][*][url=]Anthem[/url]. Iconic character of the Heroic alignment. “She is a [url=]hard-as-nails marine[/url] that fights the good fight because it’s what needs to be done.” She also appears in the KS update story [url=][i]One Fourth of July for Anthem[/i][/url].
[*]Arrow Shade.
[*][url=]Overclock[/url]. Iconic character of the Law-abiding alignment. Robot with kinetic abilities.
[*][url=]Patchwork[/url]. “A professional thief and superpowered villain believed to be currently operating throughout Titan City.”
[*][url=]Professor Progress[/url]. Former super hero, inventor; now deceased. Designed Overlock, a member of the Paragons.
[*][url=]Revolution[/url]. A hero.
[*][url=]Rottweiler[/url]. A “[url=]street kid who becomes a hero[/url].” Note that Rottweiler is expected to be renamed before launch. Rottweiler can be seen [url=]here[/url] (as confirmed [url=]here[/url]).
[*][url=]Steed[/url]. An occultist connected to the Black Train.
[*][url=]Sungazer[/url]. A hero. Mentioned as a character in a [url=]fight with Patchwork[/url].
[*][url=]The Victor[/url]. “A very capable villain used to getting his way.”
[*][url=]Wayang[/url]. “Mad scientists transformed what was once a man into an empty shell.”[/list]

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

Pyromantic's picture
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Titan City Districts and

[size=30]Titan City Districts and Other Locations[/size]

The [url=]world map[/url] is 16 miles on a side. The team has developed a “Builder” tool to automate segments of worldbuilding. The map itself consists of data taken from various [url=]real-world locations[/url] used in conjunction. Some further discussion on the technical process appears [url=]here[/url].
There are [url=]13 districts[/url] slated for launch. As of June 2014, there were a total of 40 districts “mapped out.” They will average [url=]5 distinct neighborhoods[/url], each with its own feel, purpose and threats. There are sufficient districts on each side of the peninsula for a character to level from [url=]1 to 50[/url].
Districts ([url=]Northern half[/url], planned for release, or soon after.) “That is the [url=]bright, shiny, optimistic[/url] city of the future notion.”
[list][*][url=]Alexandria[/url]. The starting district for the northern half of the city.
[*]Aurora. “Sleepy, dreamlike or even nightmarish.”
[*][url=]Downtown[/url]. A “[url=]vertical city[/url]” as Skywalks connect some buildings. Significant airship traffic, including Aether Pirates. Home to the Liberty Building—Titan City’s tallest skyscraper—and other landmarks such as the Orbit Room.
[*]Old Bradford. “This area is home for the rich, the snobby, and the strange.”
[*]Northeastern Research District. “An optimistic hub of science and technology.” Also called the “[url=]Birthplace of Tomorrow[/url].”
[*] [url=]Rhinehart Park[/url]. “A piece of tamed wilderness.”
[*]Victory Beach. “A Midway, full of games, arcades and shows.”[/list]
Districts ([url=]Southern half[/url], planned for release, or soon after.) “The more [url=]edge-of-survival[/url] area of the city.”
[list][*][url=]Clarkstown[/url]. The starting district for the southern half of the city.
[*]Highpoint. “A thriving, hip area on the south side of the Bay.”
[*]Ironport. “The artificial island of Ironport is always bustling and active, still a seat of all sorts of industries, illicit and otherwise.”
[*]Liberty Harbor. “A slightly run-down commercial district.”
[*]Lotus Hills. “A melting pot of immigrants from various East Asian nations.”
[*]Weston. “A mix of urban and residential neighborhoods with some industrial areas. Generally, Weston has an aura of hopelessness.”[/list]
Districts (planned for [url=]post-release[/url]): Bayview, Stoneham, Goodman’s Wood, Jennington, Horizon City, Coventre. Another district is Lockharde Island, mentioned in this [url=]update[/url].
Other locations:
[list][*][url=]The Black Train[/url]. “A spectral engine and cars that run by night, leaving a trail of cold, fear, and ghost sightings in their wake.”
[*] [url=]The Bradford Shopping Arcade[/url]. “They got all sortsa stores an’ restaurants ‘out in the open’ under a big cover with a ‘digital sky.’”
[*] [url=]Club Virtue[/url]. A superhero bar.
[*] [url=]The Edentech campus[/url]. A company focused on the intersection of business, the environment and society.
[*] [url=]The Mountainview Psychiatric Center[/url]. An abandoned sanitorium in Goodman’s Woods. Patients were infected with a disease called “Burning Greed.” Now rumoured to be home to ghosts and monsters.
[*][b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] [url=]Pharos Fire Station Compound[/url]. The headquarters and central offices of the Titan City Fire Department.
[*] [url=]The Preszewski Center[/url]. Titan City Police Department Headquarters.
[*][b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] [url=]The Central Library[/url]. Serves as a source of mystic information for players.
[*][b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] [url=]The Holt House[/url]. Home of the art collection assembled by Alexander Holt, consisting particularly of art from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
[*] [url=]The Opal Room[/url]. A neutral ground and hangout for members of different villain groups.
[*][b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] [url=]The Thunderbolt Dive Bar[/url]. A dark seedy bar in Alexandria with a reputation as an underworld hangout.
[*][b][color=red]UPDATE[/color][/b] [url=]The Vander Vere Museum of Technology[/url]. Intended by its creator to help spread the knowledge of science and technology.
[*] [url=]Titan Colosseum[/url]. Home of the Titan City Captains, the football team.
[*] [url=]Zukuft Skypark[/url]. “Former elevated roadways converted into strips of parkland forty feet in the air.”[/list]

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

TitansCity's picture
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THAT will help me supplying

THAT will help me supplying informations to the french community :) Thank You dude :D

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Ysangard's picture
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Amazing work, well done !

Amazing work, well done !

Dark Ether
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Excellent compilation - well

Excellent compilation - well done!

(insert pithy comment here)

Kazander's picture
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Thank you. I have been

Thank you. I have been reading these forums for months and did not find all of the information that you provided.

Foradain's picture
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Excellent work, Pyromantic!

Excellent work, Pyromantic!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Scott Jackson
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Very helpful reference.

Very helpful reference. Thank you.

Interdictor's picture
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Yes, well done.

Yes, well done.

Amerikatt's picture
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Well done, my loyal minion!

Well done, my loyal minion!

*rubs forepaws together*


[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Tannim222's picture
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Impressice. Most impressive.

Impressive. Most impressive.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Amerikatt's picture
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Doctor Tyche never told you

Doctor Tyche never told you what happened to your cat, did he?

*I* am your cat!

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

ConundrumofFurballs's picture
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*spots a few inaccuracies in

*spots a few inaccuracies in the lore provided*



Conundrum of Furballs

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team, Staff Writer[/color]


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*looks at the current tasks at hand*

*reads again*

I've joined the team about nearly a year ago. Over the course of that year, it was very cool to see how we implemented some of these years old ideas into practice. Even though some are mockups, the end goal we're reaching is precisely similar.

Nice recap!

Charles Logan

Lin Chiao Feng
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... dayummm ...

... dayummm ...

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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Minor correction to the

Minor correction to the Second Chance section:


Goal to raise funds to hire volunteers as full-time staff.

should read:


Goal to raise funds to hire additional developers and/or hire volunteers as full-time staff.

There might be a better way to phrase that, but the point is that there are more options on the table beyond just converting current volunteer staff to paid positions.

Also, I know we haven't been careful, but we probably shouldn't refer to the Second Chance using the term "kickstarter" because we're not getting Kickstarter to run it.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Pyromantic's picture
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Thanks all. Had some time on

Thanks all. Had some time on my hands, thought this would be useful, and gave myself a project.

ConundrumofFurballs wrote:

*spots a few inaccuracies in the lore provided*

Curses! :) By inaccuracies, you mean there were some clever red herrings along the way, or I just fouled up (which was bound to happen in here, as I went through a lot of stuff)?

Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Minor correction to the Second Chance section:
Goal to raise funds to hire volunteers as full-time staff.
should read:
Goal to raise funds to hire additional developers and/or hire volunteers as full-time staff.
There might be a better way to phrase that, but the point is that there are more options on the table beyond just converting current volunteer staff to paid positions.
Also, I know we haven't been careful, but we probably shouldn't refer to the Second Chance using the term "kickstarter" because we're not getting Kickstarter to run it.

Updated the goals as you suggested, and changed the entry to read 'fundraiser' instead of 'kickstarter.'

Edit: Also, it appears I've been anointed both the owner of Amerikatt and a minion of Amerikatt...and in my experience owning a cat and being its minion is the same thing, so that makes sense.

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

ConundrumofFurballs's picture
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Pyromantic wrote:
Pyromantic wrote:

Curses! :) By inaccuracies, you mean there were some clever red herrings along the way, or I just fouled up (which was bound to happen in here, as I went through a lot of stuff)?

"Both." Mostly the former. I only read through the lore-related stuff (I'm too busy to read the rest right now...kudos to you for having the time to do so), but there was surprisingly few actual errors, mostly just intentional misdirections. I won't say which is which, though, or what items they are. It's more fun for me that way! (We have to keep the mystery alive somehow. Why would we tell you the whole truth? We tell you things from the spoiler-free perspective of "Joe Citizen.")


Conundrum of Furballs

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team, Staff Writer[/color]


Lin Chiao Feng
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Pyromantic wrote:
Pyromantic wrote:

Edit: Also, it appears I've been anointed both the owner of Amerikatt and a minion of Amerikatt...and in my experience owning a cat and being its minion is the same thing, so that makes sense.

Dogs have masters, cats have staff.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

TitansCity's picture
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@Pyromantic : i don'"t see

@Pyromantic : i don'"t see any lines on travel powers... But, you can add : vehicule-themed travel power has a prototype but will not be integrated at launch. Probably later. (see : [url][/url])

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Fireheart's picture
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I saw a listing of travel

I saw a listing of travel powers in

Be Well!

Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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Looking at this compilation

Looking at this compilation of info (thank you for this incredible effort!!), it has me thinking I hope we get more of a breakdown on tertiaries soon. Specifically what tertiaries we might expect at launch. *crosses fingers and prays for energy blast tertiary*

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Lothic's picture
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Kudos to Pyromantic for an

Kudos to Pyromantic for an amazingly well-documented summary of the information related to CoT. In all seriousness this probably ought to become the foundation of a third-party player-maintained wiki page for this game.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Hero_Zero's picture
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I think someone just

I think someone just volunteered to write the game manual, or manage customer facing information, or something.

Seriously, good job. I have been thinking we need something like this, but there was no way I could get it done.


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R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

doctor tyche
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

@Pyromantic : i don'"t see any lines on travel powers... But, you can add : vehicule-themed travel power has a prototype but will not be integrated at launch. Probably later. (see :

Had a prototype, lost it in a drive crash. It's a licensed library, so easy to restore, but as it's not for launch, not a priority at this time. We know the core system works, which is all we'd wanted to verify with that Prototype.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

KnightMask's picture
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Really great job Pyro. Im

Really great job Pyro. Im totally impressed. This should definitely be stickied to top of forums so all new forum members/players can access it quickly. Once again kudos Pyro.


Cinnder's picture
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That's some mighty fine

That's some mighty fine research, dedication, and organisation, Pyro!

And, Doc, you lost a vehicle prototype in a drive crash? These jokes write themselves. :-)

Spurn all ye kindle.

Darth Fez
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At least it sounds like they

At least it sounds like they had GAP insurance. *rimshot*

I'll add my own "great job" to the list. How is this post not stickied yet?

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

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Really, superlatives fail.

Really, superlatives fail. What a heroic undertaking.

Well done, Pyromantic. Thank you.

Pyromantic's picture
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I suppose it's possible this

I suppose it's possible this could be a foundation to evolve into a wiki sometime, and that in the meantime the idea was to serve as an unofficial guide to player-facing information. Just see how it goes I guess.

In terms of immediate next steps, there are still some topics I want to search for information on, and some sources I haven't used yet such as most of the Twitch streams (I only used the odd source there so far because I could remember pretty well what I was looking for and where to find it.) I recall hearing that streams roll off after 3 months unless they are archived though; do we know if those will remain available indefinitely? I'd prefer not to cite things that will be gone soon. And then of course there is anything new coming out this week, like the new power set launch list or if there's a KS update or Twitch stream. So I think I will go through another round of stuff and post Version 2 when ready.

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

Lin Chiao Feng
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Hero_Zero wrote:
Hero_Zero wrote:

I think someone just volunteered to write the game manual, or manage customer facing information, or something.

What, Pyromantic didn't do enough already?

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Cyclops's picture
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Hats off to Pryromantic! I

Hats off to Pryromantic! I second the one who wanted this to be a sticky!


Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
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It's been carried all the way

It's been carried all the way to Sticky, already.

Be Well!

Pyromantic's picture
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Version 2 of the document is

Version 2 of the document is now up. Quite a lot of new stuff went in.

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

TitansCity's picture
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Pyromantic wrote:Character
Pyromantic wrote:

Character Creation and Advancement – Mechanics
Stalwart (defense). Specifications: Bulwark (/melee damage), Centurion* (/manipulation), Bastion* (/assault)
Enforcer (melee damage). Specifications: Gladiator (/defense), Striker* (/manipulation), Bodyguard* (/support).
Guardian (support). Specifications: Sentinel (/ranged damage), Warden* (/manipulation), Vindicator* (/assault).
Ranger (ranged damage). Specifications: Partisan (/support), Hunter* (/manipulation), Gunner* (/defense).
Commander* (pets). Specifications: Engineer* (/support), Ringleader* (/manipulation), Taskmaster* (/assault).
Operator (control). Specifications: Brigadier* (/assault), Director (/support), Executor* (/ranged damage).

Are we ok that "defense" is "protection" ? ^^ or is it something else ?

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Planet10's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/23/2016 - 17:21
This is a really nice

This is a really nice compilation of information. Thank you Pyromatic.

Suggestion: add a blurb to the "Character Creation and Advancement - Mechanics" to explain that all characters are created without a binary definition of 'hero' or 'villain'. You create a super, not a hero/villain.
Suggestion: add section to the "Combat and other Gameplay Elements" to explain how characters con as adversaries (for the purposes of being able to attack them).

The 3-Axis Alignment System does not determine who is a friend or who is an enemy when it comes to PvP.

A "Super Team" (ST) is the equivalent of what we remember as a Super Group from CoX. Characters in the ST are not PvP active amongst themselves.
A "League" is an alliance between two or more Super Teams. Characters in the allied Super Teams are not PvP active amongst themselves.
A "group" is whatever random collection of characters you invite into the group. Characters in the group are not PvP active amongst themselves.
The moment a character leaves a group or ST they become PvP active. The moment a ST leaves a League they become PvP active (towards the remaining members of the League).

For the purposes of PvP:[list]
[*]Everyone in your League is a friend. Everyone else is an enemy.
[*]Everyone in your Super Team is a friend. Everyone else not in your League or your ST is an enemy.
[*]Everyone in your group is a friend. Everyone else not in your League or ST or group is an enemy.[/list]

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Deathwatch101's picture
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Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:

This is a really nice compilation of information. Thank you Pyromatic.
Suggestion: add a blurb to the "Character Creation and Advancement - Mechanics" to explain that all characters are created without a binary definition of 'hero' or 'villain'. You create a super, not a hero/villain.
Suggestion: add section to the "Combat and other Gameplay Elements" to explain how characters con as adversaries (for the purposes of being able to attack them).
The 3-Axis Alignment System does not determine who is a friend or who is an enemy when it comes to PvP.
A "Super Team" (ST) is the equivalent of what we remember as a Super Group from CoX. Characters in the ST are not PvP active amongst themselves.
A "League" is an alliance between two or more Super Teams. Characters in the allied Super Teams are not PvP active amongst themselves.
A "group" is whatever random collection of characters you invite into the group. Characters in the group are not PvP active amongst themselves.
The moment a character leaves a group or ST they become PvP active. The moment a ST leaves a League they become PvP active (towards the remaining members of the League).
For the purposes of PvP:Everyone in your League is a friend. Everyone else is an enemy.
Everyone in your Super Team is a friend. Everyone else not in your League or your ST is an enemy.
Everyone in your group is a friend. Everyone else not in your League or ST or group is an enemy.

I think it should be phrases as could be an enemy rather than is an enemy.

Planet10's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/23/2016 - 17:21
The way is has been explained

The way is has been explained, there is no interpretive dance to be made.
The wording "For the purposes of PVP" takes care of the ambiguity where you can be standing there and have no feeling one way or the other while looking at another player. It is just the cold hard binary of "can I attack this character".

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Pyromantic's picture
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Hi folks,

Hi folks,

Thanks for the suggestions. Sorry it took me a while to post about them, but I needed a bit of time to look into them further.

TitansCity: The original document the Archetypes were taken from called the sets 'Defense,' which is why I called them that. The recent update on power sets did refer to them as 'Protection,' so it probably would have been a good idea for me to change them in the revision of this document. However the reposted class/spec chart that went up in the last few days still has them listed as 'Defense' so I'm unsure. I'm guessing 'Protection' is the more accurate term and will add that to the list of revisions for the next version unless I find out something else in the meantime.

Planet10: The suggestions are appreciated. Please try to include a direct link to the source if you can though, as everything in the document must be cited. I had wanted to include something about Super Teams as I knew I'd seen it somewhere but lost track of where. Fortunately your post had enough in it that a search led me to what I wanted, so I expect I'll include that also in the next revision. As for how that intersects with PvP, in the interest of brevity I might include a brief note with a link for those interested.

Keep 'em coming if you have any more thoughts!

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 8 months 6 days ago
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The repost needs that

The repost needs that corrected. Protection is the basic play style. Defense is a specific protective mechanic.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Planet10's picture
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Pyromantic wrote:
Pyromantic wrote:

Planet10: The suggestions are appreciated. Please try to include a direct link to the source if you can though

It would be worth everyone's time to just read through the entire "How Should the PVP phase play" thread (as selectively quoted below) to understand how opposition is determined (essentially who is an enemy and who is a friend). There are a few sidetracks, but it gives a fair picture of how the game will function. Unfortunately, the pertinent information was squeezed out over the lifespan of the thread, so it doesn't exist in one or two posts. (it is summarized in the quote I provided originally)

How Should the PVP phase play... wrote:

[url=]post#40[/url] This is where social dynamics come into play. Being part of a Super Team prevents general pvp (unless you use the dual function, or enter in an event and choose opposing sides). And having a Super Team form a League (Super Teams that enter an "alliance" with he other) prevents general PvP outside those functions.
If you want to enter into the pvp phase, and still continue to pve without risk of your group turning on you after it disbands, make yourself a Super Team (yes you can be a Super Team of 1) and make alliances, or join with others either in your own ST or into someone else's ST. Then, group up those players.

How Should the PVP phase play... wrote:

[url=]post#54[/url] If you are in a team, you can't attack one another. If your are a Super Team or League you can't just attack one another.
The open world setting for pvp doen't pick and choose sides based on alignment. Eventually, I know we plan to include events or modes of pvp on instances maps where there will be opposing teams.

How Should the PVP phase play... wrote:

[url=]post#60[/url] 1. Super Team is the phrase we've been using for "super group". Leagues are a collection of allied Super Teams.

How Should the PVP phase play... wrote:

[url=]post#104[/url] What typically happens in open world pvp where a group becomes dominant is that players tend to band together to oppose the dominant group. Since the dominant group in this system will have a bounty on them, they will be worth-while targets to take on.
Creating safe guards such as level brackets will prevent high levels wrecking low level areas, safe areas, and a ranked system all help to provide an environment within open-world where players can participate with similar players n pvp.

How the PVP phase should play... wrote:

[url=]post#123[/url] With regards to hero vs villain ratio - as I'be stated, Hero and Villain are labels players use. They are descriptive - not prescriptive and do not drive game play. The alignment system is based on a tri-axis of Law, Honor, and Violence. You can have a lawful, honorable, violent hero or a lawful, honorable, violent villain.
Players do not read alignments of other players. It is up to you - the player to decide the reasoning for how and why your character behaves, and how and why other characters are behaving the way they do.
On the pve side of things, your actions will determine your alignment ratings - and over time, your reputation with various factions reveal which areas you are welcomed or not.
Hence, alignment does not factor much for driving pvp - the morivations are up to the player to interpret for themselves.

How the PVP phase should play... wrote:

[url=]post#132[/url] As for how players will decide who can invite another ST into their ST or ST's League - that comes down to the players' who form the ST and the permissions they set as in Who can Invite to ST League and in League circumstances Who Can Accept.
The functional diffierence when it comes to Leagues is size. inviting a new ST into a League can have a large impact as in it could involve large numbers of player accounts (and characters per account).

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Planet10's picture
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I believe that is it CRITICAL

I believe that is it CRITICAL that the playerbase understands that the player themselves determines who is an enemy and who is a friend (via Leagues, Super Teams, and random groups). There is no "hero" side to roll a character. There is no "villain" side to roll a character. There is just a super powered character that you create. It is your behavior and social interactions that determines who opposes you.

(that is one thing that makes CoT different than most other MMORPGs)

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Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:

I believe that is it CRITICAL that the playerbase understands that the player themselves determines who is an enemy and who is a friend (via Leagues, Super Teams, and random groups). There is no "hero" side to roll a character. There is no "villain" side to roll a character. There is just a super powered character that you create. It is your behavior and social interactions that determines who opposes you.
(that is one thing that makes CoT different than most other MMORPGs)

Exactly, why I prefer to say a Player is not necessarily an enemy. If they aren't an Ally.

TitansCity's picture
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Any information on the

Any information on the housing ? :)

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Wow. I've been keeping up

Wow. I've been keeping up with the KS vids and enjoying the stories but this really brings things together. I'm going to have to try and keep a closer eye on how you all are doing lol.

Super M.
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Relatively new in the

Relatively new in the community and I just wanted to say thank you. This is an amazing resource.

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Glad that you've found it

Glad that you've found it helpful Super M.

I expect to put up another update soon. I've kept notes on any new information I've found and have started editing the files already, so probably over the next week or so. Not that there will be anything earth-shattering to add, but a few bits and pieces here and there.

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

Super M.
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Pyromantic wrote:
Pyromantic wrote:

Glad that you've found it helpful Super M.
I expect to put up another update soon. I've kept notes on any new information I've found and have started editing the files already, so probably over the next week or so. Not that there will be anything earth-shattering to add, but a few bits and pieces here and there.

Since the guide is getting larger, do you have a way of indicating what up updated?

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It won't get significantly

It won't get significantly larger. There isn't that much that will change, and it's not always additive. However, I'll continue using an update tag, removing old ones and putting new ones in as appropriate.

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Had some time the last couple

Had some time the last couple of days and finished work on version 3, which has now been posted. One of the things I did was to take another look at the PvP thread for discussion on alignment, and I agree that the description of "hero" and "villain" as concepts that may exist in the player's mind but don't actually exist as a factor in segregating players is important, so I've included that in the appropriate place. My thanks to Planet10 for directing my attention there.

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

Riptide's picture
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Excellent summary!

Excellent summary!
Thank you for doing this!

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

DesViper's picture
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We keep referencing twitch

We keep referencing twitch streams...but those are unavailable once a new stream comes I think. Any other way we could see the visuals?

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I haven't been able to figure

I haven't been able to figure that out unfortunately. At one point in time, it seemed as though some of the links were working even to videos that aren't listed. However, I could easily be mistaken, and that doesn't appear to be true now. It would be a shame if they're gone but that might just be the way of it. It does mean that I may need to go through and delete some references or mark some of the information as from a source that is no longer available the next time I do an update.

I'm not quite sure why it is that the older videos are kept while the newest one rolls off first.

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

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Might be something to bug the

Might be something to bug the devs about

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Hmm...yeah it appears the Nov

Hmm...yeah it appears the Nov 22 stream is unavailable. There was some good stuff in there so I'm sorry to see that go, especially since I just posted some links to it a few days ago.

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Grimfox's picture
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Nitpick: Inconsistent

Nitpick: Inconsistent language


An Episode is a mission. A Series is a string of Episodes telling a connected story. A Saga is multiple, successive arcs with recurring plot elements.

Episode-Series-Saga == Mission - story/arc - universe/lore/history???

I don't know that they named a comparable to "Saga" in COX. I just skimmed over most of the information here. That jumped out at me.

It's a great resource. I hope you can keep up with it as I've had trouble maintaining my glossary. The dev list is in better shape, there just aren't a lot of new devs lately. Actually there was one in one of the biweekly updates but they haven't posted on the boards to my knowledge. Not that I've been on very often. The dev tracker is working now too so that takes the pressure off me staying up to date. /ramble

Good work!

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jtpaull's picture
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What about a mail system?

What about a mail system? Has anyone heard anything? I'm almost 100% sure it's common sense to have a trade button for person-to-person trading, but what if I want to mail a different character of mine something from another character? Will that be possible?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

Myri's picture
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Mailing to other characters

Mailing to other characters on the same account may not be an issue if they put in a shared storage system per each account. Also, what MMO doesn't have some type of mail system in place?

Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die.

Protect the pack kid, no matter how much it hurts. If everyone else in the pack is safe, you can carry on or die knowing you've done your duty. - Fanfiction

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Myri wrote:
Myri wrote:

Mailing to other characters on the same account may not be an issue if they put in a shared storage system per each account. Also, what MMO doesn't have some type of mail system in place?

As far as I can remember CoH didn't. Then again I missed the last 2 ish years of it's life so maybe it was created and I just didn't get to see it.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

Cobalt Azurean
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Myri wrote:
Myri wrote:

Mailing to other characters on the same account may not be an issue if they put in a shared storage system per each account. Also, what MMO doesn't have some type of mail system in place?

Secret World Legends has a very limited mail system. You can't send items, only messages. I think the reasoning from the devs is to prevent hoarding (storage is also limited) but I've never heard it directly.

Interdictor's picture
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jtpaull wrote:
jtpaull wrote:

Myri wrote:
Mailing to other characters on the same account may not be an issue if they put in a shared storage system per each account. Also, what MMO doesn't have some type of mail system in place?
As far as I can remember CoH didn't. Then again I missed the last 2 ish years of it's life so maybe it was created and I just didn't get to see it.

CoH always had a mail system. It started off as faction-only and text-only, but was expanded later on.

Grimfox's picture
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I think initially you could

I think initially you could only send 10k inf or something. pretty useless unless you were send inf to a level 1 for TOs or something like that. As far as I can remember it was always there. Later it allowed you to attach a single item IIRC.

I suspect that there is a drop in mail client in the UE store that they can tweak pretty easily to handle a myriad of in game items including costumes currency and mods/augs/refs (tangent can we start calling these MARs? or ARMs?)

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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

I think initially you could only send 10k inf or something. pretty useless unless you were send inf to a level 1 for TOs or something like that. As far as I can remember it was always there. Later it allowed you to attach a single item IIRC.
I suspect that there is a drop in mail client in the UE store that they can tweak pretty easily to handle a myriad of in game items including costumes currency and mods/augs/refs (tangent can we start calling these MARs? or ARMs?)

There are only Augments and Refinements.

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Cyclops's picture
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Here is an update for you:

Here is an update for you:
Post 489.
Mastery powers are currently set for level 5, 15, and 25.


Pyromantic's picture
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Saw that one :)

Saw that one :)

It's already in my file of revisions to make in the next update.

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

Cyclops's picture
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Cool. I am finally all jiggy

Cool. I am finally all jiggy with it!


Pyromantic's picture
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I have just posted an update

I have just posted an update to this document. Not a lot of changes, but a few new pieces of information have gone in. Of course, those of you who have been reading the forums regularly probably knew these already, as everything contained within has a pre-existing developer source. But I wanted to make sure that those of you checking in from time to time or new to the forum had the most up-to-date information possible.

The introduction was updated to this effect, but I want to highlight one point: everything contained herein should be considered unofficial at this time. As some of you may have noticed, since writing the original version of this guide I have joined the Missing Worlds Media team as a Community Manager. We have some ideas about how to evolve this guide into an official version, a prospect I'm personally very excited to take part in.

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

MeSoSollyWan's picture
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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Congrats on becoming official

Congrats on becoming official!????????????

And again, thanks for this.

TitansCity's picture
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Congrats Pyromantic ^^ That's

Congrats Pyromantic ^^ That's a great work !

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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]

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As a newbie this is an

As a newbie this is an awesome resource to read through.
Thanks Pyromantic!

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Cinnder's picture
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Pyromantic wrote:
Pyromantic wrote:

As some of you may have noticed, since writing the original version of this guide I have joined the Missing Worlds Media team as a Community Manager. We have some ideas about how to evolve this guide into an official version, a prospect I'm personally very excited to take part in.

Congrats, and well deserved!

Spurn all ye kindle.

Pyromantic's picture
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Acruz2772 wrote:
Acruz2772 wrote:

As a newbie this is an awesome resource to read through.
Thanks Pyromantic!

My pleasure. I'm glad you find it valuable, and hope you enjoy all the info about the game!

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]

TitansCity's picture
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pyromantic : another message

pyromantic : [url=]another message[/url] to add which confirms that we'll be able to move and attack in the same time modulo some powers which need to be loaded :)

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I'm getting "Privacy Error"

I'm getting "Privacy Error" when clicking the links. Should they be pointing to Or are they supposed to be pointing to

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rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
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I am getting this error as

I am getting this error as well on all the links.

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MeSoSollyWan's picture
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The error is due to site

The error is due to site migration, IIRC.

I've not a clue if MWM is aware and/or planning a fix.

Darkwolfie's picture
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Thank you so much, this was a

Thank you so much, this was a big help for me.

Cobalt Azurean
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Darkwolfie wrote:
Darkwolfie wrote:

Thank you so much, this was a big help for me.

Welcome to the FORUMDER DOME!
Two discussions enter, one argument leaves!

DesViper's picture
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*poke* *poke* is it still

*poke* *poke* is it still alive?

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

*poke* *poke* is it still alive?

So, as I'm sure has been noticed, the compilation hasn't been updated since January, and I haven't posted at all in a long time.

In part this was due to a busy work schedule for periods of time, but primarily it's because I've been dealing with a challenging medical problem throughout the year. While I anticipated staying involved with the PR team and keeping the compilation up to date, this unfortunately has not been possible for me due to the demands on my time and energy and the unpredictability of my condition on a day-to-day basis. I'm sorry I wasn't able to continue to contribute, but perhaps that will change in the future and there will be a place for me to volunteer within MWM again.

I'm still looking forward to the opportunity to play City of Titans as much as ever and hope to see everyone in the game before too long!

[url=](Unofficial) Compilation of Information on City of Titans[/url]
