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Discuss: How it Works - Masteries

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Wolfgang8565's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Im fine. I just felt bad for

Im fine. I just felt bad for Mordheim. This was done to me before while I was in the middle of an argument, and it set me off because if im trying to make my point to others, and people start editing it, it gets frustrating.

This is a place where our opinions matter. All we do is discuss, debate, and even argue about the information we are provided. When someone edits your post, someone down the road who doesn't bother to scroll up might read that edited post and take that opinion into account about you. Its sneaky and there is no good intention behind it. There are other ways to express your agreement or disagreement or add your opinion to someones post. No need to pull something like that. Like I said before, its not cute or funny.


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Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Did you all miss Mordheim's

Did you all miss Mordheim's deliberate attempt to start an argument by introducing a controversial unrelated opinion? He got exactly what he wanted from Project_Hero (or anyone else who took the bait), a childish argument. It's all the more sweet to him because he gets to act innocent and cry foul.
Neither is without blame.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Yeah, they'll totally do that

Yeah, they'll totally do that when it's in the same post as a "Fixed it for you."

Yep. Definitely. And it takes so much effort to, in the rare occasion that they do somehow think that, say "Oh, no someone edited that post for a dumb joke. I mean it's pretty clear as they did the 'fixed it for you' thing. I literally do not know how you missed that, but yeah, that post was edited from it's original form."

Honestly it's way worse if someone changes their original post that people quote. That is pretty much attempting to rewrite history. Seen that done.

Someone else quoting that post and editing the quote does... Absolutely nothing. It is by way of things just a joke

Edit: fixed an error. Also what I said above but like, they don't do the thing I do and show the edits I make to my own post.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Wolfgang8565's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Not surprised Brainbot goes

Not surprised Brainbot goes for the, "well did you see what HE did first?"

Going back to preschool for that one huh


[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]

Atama's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Wolfgang8565 wrote:

One of the most annoying things people do on here is editing what someone says.

It's not cute, its not funny, and saying it was just for laughs is a joke. We all know how much that touches a nerve with people.

Actually, I don't know that. This is literally the first I'm hearing of it. I see it done on other forums and no one minds. Because it's a joke. I made it clear that I had edited it, so there's really nothing to get mad about.

It's the forum equivalent of

"This thing sucks"
"I think you mean it's awesome."

There's literally no harm in it.

So what's the beef with it, exactly?

On some other forums it’s a bannable offense. And for good reason. It’s incredibly disruptive. Not because you’re offending someone (though that’s also bad) but because you’re making it incredibly difficult for someone reading the thread and trying to follow along. When you quote someone and alter what you quoted, you’re making it look like someone said something they didn’t. Whether you meant harm by it, it does harm the forum itself in making it difficult to have a proper discussion.

It’s especially egregious when you don’t somehow make it clear what you altered, even if you’re making it clear that you altered something in your quote.

Frankly, I find it extremely annoying just reading this thread. Okay, you “humorously” altered Mordheim13’s quote. What did you alter? Let me scroll upward, look around, ah, there’s the original post. Okay, scroll back down, I’ll look at your quote again. Scroll back up, I see what you changed. Scroll back down, did you change anything else? Scroll back up, okay you changed that bit too.

What a colossal waste of time for a “joke”. But at least I caught on to the fact that a quote was altered. The real disruption is when someone sees a quote, assumes the quote is accurate, and participates in the discussion with that assumption.

So again, it’s not a harmless exercise, and while it may be common in some discussion forums in others it’s expressly forbidden.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:

Did you all miss Mordheim's deliberate attempt to start an argument by introducing a controversial unrelated opinion? He got exactly what he wanted from Project_Hero (or anyone else who took the bait), a childish argument. It's all the more sweet to him because he gets to act innocent and cry foul.
Neither is without blame.

Yeah, they've done that before too. Or at least something similar.

And yeah, I'm definitely not completely innocent in it. I rise to an argument pretty easily and I'm stubborn as heck which does not help.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Wolfgang8565 wrote:

One of the most annoying things people do on here is editing what someone says.

It's not cute, its not funny, and saying it was just for laughs is a joke. We all know how much that touches a nerve with people.

Actually, I don't know that. This is literally the first I'm hearing of it. I see it done on other forums and no one minds. Because it's a joke. I made it clear that I had edited it, so there's really nothing to get mad about.

It's the forum equivalent of

"This thing sucks"
"I think you mean it's awesome."

There's literally no harm in it.

So what's the beef with it, exactly?

On some other forums it’s a bannable offense. And for good reason. It’s incredibly disruptive. Not because you’re offending someone (though that’s also bad) but because you’re making it incredibly difficult for someone reading the thread and trying to follow along. When you quote someone and alter what you quoted, you’re making it look like someone said something they didn’t. Whether you meant harm by it, it does harm the forum itself in making it difficult to have a proper discussion.

It’s especially egregious when you don’t somehow make it clear what you altered, even if you’re making it clear that you altered something in your quote.

Frankly, I find it extremely annoying just reading this thread. Okay, you “humorously” altered Mordheim13’s quote. What did you alter? Let me scroll upward, look around, ah, there’s the original post. Okay, scroll back down, I’ll look at your quote again. Scroll back up, I see what you changed. Scroll back down, did you change anything else? Scroll back up, okay you changed that bit too.

What a colossal waste of time for a “joke”. But at least I caught on to the fact that a quote was altered. The real disruption is when someone sees a quote, assumes the quote is accurate, and participates in the discussion with that assumption.

So again, it’s not a harmless exercise, and while it may be common in some discussion forums in others it’s expressly forbidden.

Yeah, you could do that thing you said... Or you could have just not. "Oh something was changed, whatever."

In what forums is it a bannable offense? Cause I've never ran into it.

And yeah, I can definitely see it being an actual problem if they don't make it clear the quote was edited... But I did make it clear. I even cut out the majority of the quote that remained unaltered. And my quote was literally under theirs, IIRC.

So oh no, you chose to waste like a minute, tops, of your life on an off topic remark in a thread.


"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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Don't stop now, I just made a

Don't stop now, I just made a fresh bowl of popcorn.

Cobalt Azurean
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(No subject)


Project_Hero's picture
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:


I love them all.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 8 months 6 days ago
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Please don’t make me turn off

Please don’t make me turn off e-mail notifications on this thread. I’s Prefer to be able to catch up on posts they are relevant or have to get a mod-hammer from my tool chest.

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Halae's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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Hey guys? Five words.

Hey guys? Five words.

Not the thread for this.

EDIT: Ah, beaten to it by Tannim.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Don't know if it's been

Don't know if it's been answered already, but are we going to get more masteries when the level cap increases?

I sort of remember this being answered already with a no, but I could be imagining things.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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I recall them saying all

I recall them saying all masteries by level 30 but that makes me wonder, if there's a plan for something akin to the Incarnate abilities.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I recall them saying all masteries by level 30 but that makes me wonder, if there's a plan for something akin to the Incarnate abilities.

Yeah, I think I recall the same.

And they might have something like those. Or something else that has you increase in power.

Something that lets you up the power of tertiary powers would be neat. It'd probably only work for ones that aren't shared by your primary or secondary powersets. But could make a tertiary closer to a secondary in power.

Just brainstorming

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Interdictor's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Don't know if it's been answered already, but are we going to get more masteries when the level cap increases?

I sort of remember this being answered already with a no, but I could be imagining things.

We get to select our third and final Mastery at level 25, and the initial level cap is 30, so it looks like the answer to your question is in fact a "no".

Tannim222's picture
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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Don't know if it's been answered already, but are we going to get more masteries when the level cap increases?

I sort of remember this being answered already with a no, but I could be imagining things.

We get to select our third and final Mastery at level 25, and the initial level cap is 30, so it looks like the answer to your question is in fact a "no".

This is correct. The final Mastery is at level 25. No new Mastery Powers last that. We want you to enjoy and explore the upper tier powers of your sets.

We have no level-cap profession systems - yet.
We have ideas for them. The majority are centered in horizontal profession systems.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:
Interdictor wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Don't know if it's been answered already, but are we going to get more masteries when the level cap increases?

I sort of remember this being answered already with a no, but I could be imagining things.

We get to select our third and final Mastery at level 25, and the initial level cap is 30, so it looks like the answer to your question is in fact a "no".

This is correct. The final Mastery is at level 25. No new Mastery Powers last that. We want you to enjoy and explore the upper tier powers of your sets.

We have no level-cap profession systems - yet.
We have ideas for them. The majority are centered in horizontal profession systems.

Horizontal growth is a good way to go. Giving players more tools not bigger ones.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mordheim13's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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That makes a lot of sense. At

That makes a lot of sense. At a certain point, it's good to just get real comfortable with the powers/abilities you have, rather than be constantly reaching for some new brass ring. In various pen-and-paper RPGs, it's often clever usage of your 2nd or 3rd level spells that really help you, not that Mega Spell that you got 2 levels before you topped out. How many toys does one hero need? Don't answer that, Batman.

Shocking Blu

Cinnder's picture
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Aye, I like the plan also. I

Aye, I like the plan also. I love the way MWM really seems to be thinking these things through.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

That makes a lot of sense. At a certain point, it's good to just get real comfortable with the powers/abilities you have, rather than be constantly reaching for some new brass ring. In various pen-and-paper RPGs, it's often clever usage of your 2nd or 3rd level spells that really help you, not that Mega Spell that you got 2 levels before you topped out. How many toys does one hero need? Don't answer that, Batman.

The idea is for more toys, just not more powerful ones. So with the theme of the wizard spells you'd never get the Mega Spell™, you'd get more 2-3 level spells, or possibly the ability to cast some of them for free, or something.

You don't have more mechanical power, persay, but you have more mechanical versatility.

I wonder how MWM will pull this off. Perhaps high level augments (or is it refinements?) that drastically change what powers can do? I suppose only time will tell.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Tranquil Flower
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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rookslide wrote:
rookslide wrote:

It’s exactly what’s wrong with kids today. No respect for others or their boundaries, despite knowing the form of response it provokes. It is at best adolescent behavior and at worst insidious.

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise."

As that's from Socrates around 400BC I'm not entirely convinced of your use of 'today'.

Halae's picture
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Tranquil Flower wrote:
Tranquil Flower wrote:
rookslide wrote:

It’s exactly what’s wrong with kids today. No respect for others or their boundaries, despite knowing the form of response it provokes. It is at best adolescent behavior and at worst insidious.

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise."

As that's from Socrates around 400BC I'm not entirely convinced of your use of 'today'.

You know what they say; the more things change...

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Tranquil Flower wrote:
Tranquil Flower wrote:
rookslide wrote:

It’s exactly what’s wrong with kids today. No respect for others or their boundaries, despite knowing the form of response it provokes. It is at best adolescent behavior and at worst insidious.

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise."

As that's from Socrates around 400BC I'm not entirely convinced of your use of 'today'.

And yet each new generation ends up more empathetic and tolerant than the last. So uh...


"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mordheim13's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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No, each generation THINKS

No, each generation THINKS they are more "empathetic and tolerant", while often proving themselves much otherwise. Honestly, humanity never changes. They just move a few pieces around the chessboard, but the game remains the same.

Shocking Blu

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
Joined: 09/25/2013 - 10:26
Yeah my kids thought like

Yeah my kids thought like that too until they grew up. Now they constantly remark about how they didn’t get it until they went through a bit more of life and now they are so much more respectful.

Tolerance and empathy are very good qualities when in the company of respectfulness and experience.

Frankly the only reason I really got involved earlier is because I agreed with what mordheim said about Disney and felt you took the “joking” further than funny when asked nicely to stop. I think they are making poor choices with the Star Wars direction and I’m becoming less of a fan as they continue to muddy the waters of a great story. I do think there are some very good things they have done but there is more I don’t care for than like in general.

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Mordheim13's picture
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rookslide wrote:
rookslide wrote:

Yeah my kids thought like that too until they grew up. Now they constantly remark about how they didn’t get it until they went through a bit more of life and now they are so much more respectful.

Tolerance and empathy are very good qualities when in the company of respectfulness and experience.

Frankly the only reason I really got involved earlier is because I agreed with what mordheim said about Disney and felt you took the “joking” further than funny when asked nicely to stop. I think they are making poor choices with the Star Wars direction and I’m becoming less of a fan as they continue to muddy the waters of a great story. I do think there are some very good things they have done but there is more I don’t care for than like in general.

I agree about Star Wars (except for Rogue One and Solo), but that's just my opinion. I don't mind others having a different one, unlike some who apparently disagree with mine. Must be that "tolerance and empathy" being demonstrated. :) Thanks for showing I'm not alone.
But anyway, enough on this, I should think. Done is done.

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Oh yeah, I did some digging

Oh yeah, I did some digging about that quote someone put up and... Yeah, not by any famous ancient philosopher.

It actually comes from "a student, Kenneth John Freeman, for his Cambridge dissertation published in 1907."

And is not attributed to be from Socrates via Plato.

This is the second time on this forum someone used some quote attributed to a philosopher to back up their argument only to have it actually not be from that person.

Go figure.

Anyway on the Disney Star wars, love it. I want more of it. It's not like Lucas was doing anything good with it. Christmas Special, prequels, ick. The best things to come out of Star Wars during that time were the things Lucas had very little input in, like clone wars (both 2D and 3D). Now you're free to dislike the movies, that's fine. But the new ones don't invalidate parts of the old ones like, say, the prequels did, so you can still go back and watch the old Star Wars movies completely unabashed. And maybe like, Mordy, you'll find some new ones you -do- like.

I mean they're going to release a new one like, every year until they're no longer profitable there's bound to be some between now and whenever the heck they stop that you'll like.

Me, I'm just glad to get more Star Wars. And I love how they're opening it up. New weird aliens, new weird planets, best bad guy in the series because he's a meta commentary on pretty much all EU villains, cool new space ships, droids, everything!

It's so cool!

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Atama's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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I love all of the QUALITY

I love all of the QUALITY Star Wars we’re getting. Not Ewok Adventure stuff. Rogue One rivals ESB as my favorite SW movie. I thought Rebels was a fantastic show. The core Star Wars movies being made (the ones with “Episode” in their names) make up for the prequel films. I feel like this is the best time ever for a SW fan.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:

I love all of the QUALITY Star Wars we’re getting. Not Ewok Adventure stuff. Rogue One rivals ESB as my favorite SW movie. I thought Rebels was a fantastic show. The core Star Wars movies being made (the ones with “Episode” in their names) make up for the prequel films. I feel like this is the best time ever for a SW fan.

Hopefully the new show, Star Wars Resistance, will be just as good if not better.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
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Totally agree on the prequels

Totally agree on the prequels they were pretty bad. There original three are the best in my opinion. I never got into the odd ball stuff like like Christmas specials or anything. The force awakens was mostly good and rogue one was pretty good but I have yet to see solo. I have not heard much good about solo so far though... trying to withhold judgement on it but it’s hard to when the actors are being quoted as “yeah this isn’t what my character would have done.” So I’m skeptical of how solo will be...

I also feel like Disney tends to dumb down storylines in general. Don’t get me wrong I like a lot of Disney. Grew up with it, but of late it feels more like they are out to make the dough and sacrificing quality stories.

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
rookslide wrote:
rookslide wrote:

Totally agree on the prequels they were pretty bad. There original three are the best in my opinion. I never got into the odd ball stuff like like Christmas specials or anything. The force awakens was mostly good and rogue one was pretty good but I have yet to see solo. I have not heard much good about solo so far though... trying to withhold judgement on it but it’s hard to when the actors are being quoted as “yeah this isn’t what my character would have done.” So I’m skeptical of how solo will be...

I also feel like Disney tends to dumb down storylines in general. Don’t get me wrong I like a lot of Disney. Grew up with it, but of late it feels more like they are out to make the dough and sacrificing quality stories.

Disney have made a lot of quality movies lately; Zootopia, Moana, Frozen, Wreck it Ralph, etc. All of them are awesome.

Solo was whole lot of fun.

I find their more modern stuff has a lot more complexity in the storytelling it's no longer just bad guy is bad good guys stop them, hell for the better part of a lot of more modern movies they didn't even have a main villain for most of it. It's less grandiose but I feel that the more modern stuff is way more character driven.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Oh yeah, I did some digging about that quote someone put up and... Yeah, not by any famous ancient philosopher.

It actually comes from "a student, Kenneth John Freeman, for his Cambridge dissertation published in 1907."

And is not attributed to be from Socrates via Plato.

This is the second time on this forum someone used some quote attributed to a philosopher to back up their argument only to have it actually not be from that person.

Go figure.

Anyway on the Disney Star wars, love it. I want more of it. It's not like Lucas was doing anything good with it. Christmas Special, prequels, ick. The best things to come out of Star Wars during that time were the things Lucas had very little input in, like clone wars (both 2D and 3D). Now you're free to dislike the movies, that's fine. But the new ones don't invalidate parts of the old ones like, say, the prequels did, so you can still go back and watch the old Star Wars movies completely unabashed. And maybe like, Mordy, you'll find some new ones you -do- like.

I mean they're going to release a new one like, every year until they're no longer profitable there's bound to be some between now and whenever the heck they stop that you'll like.

Me, I'm just glad to get more Star Wars. And I love how they're opening it up. New weird aliens, new weird planets, best bad guy in the series because he's a meta commentary on pretty much all EU villains, cool new space ships, droids, everything!

It's so cool!

Whoa! The prequels were awesome! Love those lightsaber battles!

This is what upsets me about TLJ. Where was Luke fighting like they did in prequels? Why are they killing off all the older ones (and I have no doubt they would've killed Leia off in the IX, even if Carrie didn't die)? Why aren't they killing off Chewie?! Yeah! Kill Chewie off. Leave Luke alive! Why did they turn one of the most awesome of Jedi into...*sigh*...maybe I just never should've read the books.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
All the lightsaber fights in

All the lightsaber fights in the prequels were flashy but had no substance, no soul, no emotion. So that's probably why they're not having them like that.

Everyone dies sometime and I found Luke's death to not only be fitting but I felt he went out in a pretty awesome way.

I've not read practically any of the books (I assume you're talking about the now non-canon EU books?) so that could be why we have such differing opinions about it. I mean Luke not being that great of a Jedi makes so much sense when you think about how and why he was trained in the movies. Yoda and Obiwan trained him up so that he could kill his dad (without him knowing that fact). He was trained to be nothing more than an assassin for the Jedi. So when faced with a darkness Luke goes to do the only thing he was trained to do, he was going to try and kill it.

Cue disillusion with the Jedi (who in all the movies we've seen were a bunch of amoral screw ups) and shutting himself off from the world.

Luke had to die in TLJ so that the Jedi, as they were, also died.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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Luke died, because they didn

Luke died, because they didn't want the originals showing back up. Out with the old.

I never saw the amoral aspect. Stop evil. That's what Jedi did. Did they screw up on somethings? Yes. Obviously. What worked for all the rest of them, obviously wasn't working for others.

Mordheim13's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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That's the problem. Disney

That's the problem. Disney was not satisfied with continuing the Star Wars continuity-- they had to make it THEIRS by jettisoning everything that had come before except the original trilogy (because even they were capable of seeing that it would have made no sense then). Your OPINION (as you are quick to point out) is perfectly valid. I just happen to disagree with it, as far as Episode VII & VIII go. Disney sacrificed the entire soul of Star Wars so that they could have their own agenda. For once in my life, I finally agree with the hordes of people who consider Disney an evil corporation. Not that they are in any way Disney anymore, save in name only.

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Luke died, because they didn't want the originals showing back up. Out with the old.

I never saw the amoral aspect. Stop evil. That's what Jedi did. Did they screw up on somethings? Yes. Obviously. What worked for all the rest of them, obviously wasn't working for others.

Did the Jedi free slaves? No. Did they go out of their way to help people? No. What did they do? They enforced the laws of the Republic within the Republic. No more no less. They, as a whole, did not care about the suffering in the galaxy and did nothing to prevent it.

Also they take children away from their parents and raise them in a weird sexless cult like setting. Oh and also they set all Jedi up for failure by telling them not to get attached but then pair them up with someone for large parts of their lives so they can form a strong emotional bond with them.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Luke died, because they didn't want the originals showing back up. Out with the old.

I never saw the amoral aspect. Stop evil. That's what Jedi did. Did they screw up on somethings? Yes. Obviously. What worked for all the rest of them, obviously wasn't working for others.

Did the Jedi free slaves? No. Did they go out of their way to help people? No. What did they do? They enforced the laws of the Republic within the Republic. No more no less. They, as a whole, did not care about the suffering in the galaxy and did nothing to prevent it.

Also they take children away from their parents and raise them in a weird sexless cult like setting. Oh and also they set all Jedi up for failure by telling them not to get attached but then pair them up with someone for large parts of their lives so they can form a strong emotional bond with them.

Where in the movies does it ever say they take them away from their parents? Parents give them. Why? Because non force using parents aren't going to be able to raise them, without any real problems. "Son. Daughter. Please stop force choking the baby sitter. And your mom. And the dog too." *pant pant pant* "That' lightning either!"

But hey, let's look at the Sith and the Empire (all those non force using Empire users and such)..."YAY! MAKE THEM ALL SLAVES! Or just kill all those aliens if we don't enslave them."

Jedi didn't act against Hutt controlled areas, as they had a truce with the Republic.

As for the sexless part. Even George said that was wrong. :p It wasn't sexless. It was "Don't get into a serious relationship. Like dating." They could have sex all day long. :p

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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The Jedi seperate children

The Jedi seperate children from the parents. The parents could be moved to the Jedi temples, they are not. Or a Jedi Master could stay with the family till the child comes to a certain age, they do not.

Just because there are worse things in the galaxy doesn't make the Jedi better.

Where is that stated in the movies?

At any rate the Jedi aren't allowed to love, which is dumb. They're taught to suppress their emotions so much so that when something happens to make them emotional they aren't prepared to handle it.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

The Jedi seperate children from the parents. The parents could be moved to the Jedi temples, they are not. Or a Jedi Master could stay with the family till the child comes to a certain age, they do not.

So like a Buddhist Monk? Or maybe like a boarding school?
Honestly man, you make it sound like they just walk into someones home and rip kids from their crying parents arms.

Project_Hero wrote:

At any rate the Jedi aren't allowed to love, which is dumb. They're taught to suppress their emotions so much so that when something happens to make them emotional they aren't prepared to handle it.

Jedi are not forbidden to love, they are just not allowed to marry (or date). They also are not taught to suppress their emotions, that's Vulcans. Jedi are taught to control their emotions, to feel something without it consuming you.

Brand X
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

The Jedi seperate children from the parents. The parents could be moved to the Jedi temples, they are not. Or a Jedi Master could stay with the family till the child comes to a certain age, they do not.

Just because there are worse things in the galaxy doesn't make the Jedi better.

Where is that stated in the movies?

At any rate the Jedi aren't allowed to love, which is dumb. They're taught to suppress their emotions so much so that when something happens to make them emotional they aren't prepared to handle it.

Weird. Notice how when you say that, most of the Jedi go on handle all that. Don't lose it.

Anakin lost it.

Mind you, I agree that a force user should maybe be taught how to use their abilities without the strictness of prequel Jedi used, and that's exactly what the EU Luke went with. In the end, it came down to the same thing. Those who are going to lose it...will lose it. :p

Project_Hero's picture
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

The Jedi seperate children from the parents. The parents could be moved to the Jedi temples, they are not. Or a Jedi Master could stay with the family till the child comes to a certain age, they do not.

So like a Buddhist Monk? Or maybe like a boarding school?
Honestly man, you make it sound like they just walk into someones home and rip kids from their crying parents arms.

Project_Hero wrote:

At any rate the Jedi aren't allowed to love, which is dumb. They're taught to suppress their emotions so much so that when something happens to make them emotional they aren't prepared to handle it.

Jedi are not forbidden to love, they are just not allowed to marry (or date). They also are not taught to suppress their emotions, that's Vulcans. Jedi are taught to control their emotions, to feel something without it consuming you.

Do buddist monks take children or do they wait till people come to them? And in a boarding school you, most often, go home and see your parents every now and again.

And yeah, they practically do just take people's children. The younglings in the temple are what, like 5-6? Ish? Anakin is 9 and that's "too old". So the Jedi snatch up like, preschoolers and then those kids likely never see their families again.

If they're not forbidden to love then why can they not date or marry? If you love, platonicly, your master enough to fly into a rage when they're killed (which seems to happen a lot) and that's fine then they should be able to be romantically involved with someone.

In the prequels they seem to want the Jedi to be a bunch of unfeeling weirdos. If it's control or suppression, either way it's creepy. The light side should be all about positive emotions and the dark side negative.

"Bury your feelings deep down, Luke." Sounds like suppression to me. Obiwan said that in the originals. You know, Obiwan the weirdo who radicalized a young boy to kill his own father?

The Jedi as they were kinda sucked.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Project_Hero's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

The Jedi seperate children from the parents. The parents could be moved to the Jedi temples, they are not. Or a Jedi Master could stay with the family till the child comes to a certain age, they do not.

Just because there are worse things in the galaxy doesn't make the Jedi better.

Where is that stated in the movies?

At any rate the Jedi aren't allowed to love, which is dumb. They're taught to suppress their emotions so much so that when something happens to make them emotional they aren't prepared to handle it.

Weird. Notice how when you say that, most of the Jedi go on handle all that. Don't lose it.

Anakin lost it.

Mind you, I agree that a force user should maybe be taught how to use their abilities without the strictness of prequel Jedi used, and that's exactly what the EU Luke went with. In the end, it came down to the same thing. Those who are going to lose it...will lose it. :p

Anakin was raised in a place where emotions were bad. He had no experience in how to deal with his emotions other than suppressing them. So when something finally pushed him far enough he broke.

How much easier would his life had been if he and Padme could be open about their relationship? He wouldn't have the stress of trying to hide it, the anger that he felt towards the Jedi for treating love as "some amoral thing", etc.

With Anakin the Jedi made their bed. Then he killed them all for it. The Jedi made Darth Vader, and likely many dark siders before him. And when one of theirs falls their only solution is to kill the monsters they made.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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I'm guessing Tannim has

I'm guessing Tannim has turned off email notifications on this thread by now, and who could blame him?

Spurn all ye kindle.

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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I'm guessing Tannim has turned off email notifications on this thread by now, and who could blame him?

Inorite? :D

Shocking Blu

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Do buddist monks take children or do they wait till people come to them? And in a boarding school you, most often, go home and see your parents every now and again.

And yeah, they practically do just take people's children. The younglings in the temple are what, like 5-6? Ish? Anakin is 9 and that's "too old". So the Jedi snatch up like, preschoolers and then those kids likely never see their families again.

I don't remember any time when you saw the Jedi even 'practically' take a child. The only time we see someone applying to be trained as a Jedi is Anakin and he was hardly 'snatched up'.
Nor do I remember anything that forbids a child from visiting their parents or the parents from visiting their children.

Project_Hero wrote:

If they're not forbidden to love then why can they not date or marry? If you love, platonicly, your master enough to fly into a rage when they're killed (which seems to happen a lot) and that's fine then they should be able to be romantically involved with someone.

A relationship of personal attachment and possession such as marriage or romantic involvement was forbidden because it opened the Jedi up to influence from the dark side.
The master and apprentice relationship the Jedi shared with their Padawan was one of trust, respect and friendship. Seeing a friend killed before you would provoke a pretty sever reaction.

Project_Hero wrote:

In the prequels they seem to want the Jedi to be a bunch of unfeeling weirdos. If it's control or suppression, either way it's creepy. The light side should be all about positive emotions and the dark side negative.

"Bury your feelings deep down, Luke." Sounds like suppression to me. Obiwan said that in the originals. You know, Obiwan the weirdo who radicalized a young boy to kill his own father?

I honestly don't get where you came up with the idea that Jedi were unfeeling. They expressed emotions all the time from simple annoyance, to worry, to deep friendship, to feeling betrayed, to utter sadness.

Also, when Ben tells Luke to bury his feelings he was talking about his feeling for his sister as the Emperor was very skilled at sensing emotions and could easily use that knowledge to his advantage. You know, like Vader did to provoke Luke into fighting which almost saw Luke succumb to the dark side.

Atama's picture
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The Jedi are taught to not

The Jedi are taught to not give in to possessiveness, passion, and obsession. Romantic attachments usually involve one or all of those. They do have feelings but they try to keep them from going out of control. The Sith are the opposite and encourage people to embrace and succumb to those feelings and draw power from them.

It’s like being on a diet. The Jedi want you to eat in moderation, avoid too much fat and sugar and eat healthier things. The Sith want you to gorge on whatever you want, give in to your appetites, and enjoy yourself. (Remember they have cookies!)

That’s why Yoda told Luke that the Dark Side is seductive, and while it’s not stronger than the Light, it’s easier. But just like eating unhealthy leads you to being unfit, embracing the way of the Sith leads you to ruin eventually, although at first it is much more enjoyable to just let go of your inhibitions and embrace your power.

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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Do buddist monks take children or do they wait till people come to them? And in a boarding school you, most often, go home and see your parents every now and again.

And yeah, they practically do just take people's children. The younglings in the temple are what, like 5-6? Ish? Anakin is 9 and that's "too old". So the Jedi snatch up like, preschoolers and then those kids likely never see their families again.

I don't remember any time when you saw the Jedi even 'practically' take a child. The only time we see someone applying to be trained as a Jedi is Anakin and he was hardly 'snatched up'.
Nor do I remember anything that forbids a child from visiting their parents or the parents from visiting their children.

Project_Hero wrote:

If they're not forbidden to love then why can they not date or marry? If you love, platonicly, your master enough to fly into a rage when they're killed (which seems to happen a lot) and that's fine then they should be able to be romantically involved with someone.

A relationship of personal attachment and possession such as marriage or romantic involvement was forbidden because it opened the Jedi up to influence from the dark side.
The master and apprentice relationship the Jedi shared with their Padawan was one of trust, respect and friendship. Seeing a friend killed before you would provoke a pretty sever reaction.

Project_Hero wrote:

In the prequels they seem to want the Jedi to be a bunch of unfeeling weirdos. If it's control or suppression, either way it's creepy. The light side should be all about positive emotions and the dark side negative.

"Bury your feelings deep down, Luke." Sounds like suppression to me. Obiwan said that in the originals. You know, Obiwan the weirdo who radicalized a young boy to kill his own father?

I honestly don't get where you came up with the idea that Jedi were unfeeling. They expressed emotions all the time from simple annoyance, to worry, to deep friendship, to feeling betrayed, to utter sadness.

Also, when Ben tells Luke to bury his feelings he was talking about his feeling for his sister as the Emperor was very skilled at sensing emotions and could easily use that knowledge to his advantage. You know, like Vader did to provoke Luke into fighting which almost saw Luke succumb to the dark side.

The only time we saw a Jedi ever return to their parents was when Anakin did, presumably he didn't go see his mother at any point prior.

Jedi can't have a family, because Darkside stuff, what then makes you think the order would let them see/know their parents? You know, the family that they presumably love. Based on what we see in the prequels it's pretty safe to assume that Jedi aren't allowed to visit their families. Heck, they might get taken at such a young age that they don't even -remember- their families.

Jedi can't have families, siblings or otherwise, they probably separated Luke and Leia for that exact reason. There was not much reason to put him on a crappy desert planet with no blood relatives when he could have grown up an alderan with his sister except of course to distance Luke from a proper sense of family.

And on to the emotions, the first line in the mantra of the Jedi code is "There is no emotion, there is peace." The Jedi code specifically restricts emotions, they cloud judgement. A perfect Jedi is an Unfeeling Jedi.

Edit: also on the subject of Jedi Younglings wookiepedia has this to say "The Jedi Order recruited its members shortly after birth...After their sensitivity to the Force was confirmed, the infants were brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant " Which is still cannon. So yeah. The Jedi take babies. Sure it might be with parental consent, but given the status of the Jedi and what they supposedly stand for they're probably pressured into letting this happen.

Edit 2: so more than likely most Jedi don't even -know- who their parents were. So they probably don't pop in to visit all that often.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Wolfgang8565's picture
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Am I the only one who never

Am I the only one who never really got into Star Wars? lol


[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

And on to the emotions, the first line in the mantra of the Jedi code is "There is no emotion, there is peace." The Jedi code specifically restricts emotions, they cloud judgement. A perfect Jedi is an Unfeeling Jedi.

Edit: also on the subject of Jedi Younglings wookiepedia has this to say "The Jedi Order recruited its members shortly after birth...After their sensitivity to the Force was confirmed, the infants were brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant " Which is still cannon. So yeah. The Jedi take babies. Sure it might be with parental consent, but given the status of the Jedi and what they supposedly stand for they're probably pressured into letting this happen.

Edit 2: so more than likely most Jedi don't even -know- who their parents were. So they probably don't pop in to visit all that often.

Wookiepedia? I was talking about what the movies and shows portray, if you want to argue expanded universe I'm out.

Project_Hero's picture
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

And on to the emotions, the first line in the mantra of the Jedi code is "There is no emotion, there is peace." The Jedi code specifically restricts emotions, they cloud judgement. A perfect Jedi is an Unfeeling Jedi.

Edit: also on the subject of Jedi Younglings wookiepedia has this to say "The Jedi Order recruited its members shortly after birth...After their sensitivity to the Force was confirmed, the infants were brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant " Which is still cannon. So yeah. The Jedi take babies. Sure it might be with parental consent, but given the status of the Jedi and what they supposedly stand for they're probably pressured into letting this happen.

Edit 2: so more than likely most Jedi don't even -know- who their parents were. So they probably don't pop in to visit all that often.

Wookiepedia? I was talking about what the movies and shows portray, if you want to argue expanded universe I'm out.

It's canon, wookiepedia are usually really good at labeling things that are dubious. But also There's a couple of clone wars episodes dealing with children too.

Which wookiepedia sites as the sources for the bits I quoted, also a bit from Episode 2. No EU here. All movies and shows.

"When a youngling is located, they are brought to the Jedi Temple and learn quickly that their true family is now the Jedi Order." Except from the opening to the Clone Wars Episode The Gathering, sounds pretty cult like.

The Jedi are awful.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

It's canon, wookiepedia are usually really good at labeling things that are dubious. But also There's a couple of clone wars episodes dealing with children too.

Which wookiepedia sites as the sources for the bits I quoted, also a bit from Episode 2. No EU here. All movies and shows.

"When a youngling is located, they are brought to the Jedi Temple and learn quickly that their true family is now the Jedi Order." Except from the opening to the Clone Wars Episode The Gathering, sounds pretty cult like.

The Jedi are awful.

I'm done man. Wookieepedia is a mess since Disney split Star Wars Lore into canon and Legends. It still includes expanded universe information in the canon description and then points to examples which require the expanded universe information to confirm its example. It's circular logic.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
I just told you that the

I just told you that the parts I stated came from the Clone Wars Cartoon and Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. So there's no EU there.

Specifically the episode where Cad Bane poses as a Jedi to go take infants that the Jedi have already laid claim to.

So, there's no EU or anything there.

So from that and from the Younglings depiction in attack of the Clones we know that at some point between being an infant and a preschooler children are taken by the Jedi. Then they are raised in a cult like environment until they "learn quickly that their true family is now the Jedi Order."

There is no way anyone can look at this and think it is ok. The Jedi order isn't like a school, it's a cult. A weird, creepy, emotionless cult. Where literal children get trained to be warriors so they can be the jack booted thugs of the Republic.

Remember in episode two where Anakin like, tells a bar "Back to your drinks, this is Jedi business" or some such? And remember how Obiwan doesn't scold him for that, or say that's not how they do things? It's because that is exactly how they do things.

Remember in Phantom Menace when they send two Jedi to "negotiate" with the trade federation? Remember how upon hearing the vaguest notion that they were Jedi they practically crapped themselves then called their shadey boss for help in how to handle that?

Yeah, Jedi are freeking scary. People are afraid of them. Because they're essentially government agents with super powers and laser swords.

The Jedi order as it's presented in both the prequels and in the Clone Wars show is terrifying.

It's a huge order of zealous warriors who are loyal to a huge corrupt government.

Edit: Oh and remember in episode 3 when big Poppa Palpatine was like "the Jedi tried to kill me and take over" how like, only a very small amount of the Senate was like "that doesn't seem right"? That's because to the Senate, and probably the galaxy at large, that seems exactly like something these weirdo cultists would do. Like, they all got freaking killed and practically no one cared.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Cobalt Azurean
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Wolfgang8565 wrote:
Wolfgang8565 wrote:

Am I the only one who never really got into Star Wars? lol

I played SWTOR, read the original Jedi Academy by Kevin J. Anderson and the Bounty Hunter Wars books with Boba Fett by K.W. Jeter, and even played a fairly great tabletop campaign as criminals. But I never really got into the lore, especially now that DIsney is involved and scrapping all the previous material in an effort for more merchandising, you know, where the real money from the movies are made.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Wolfgang8565 wrote:

Am I the only one who never really got into Star Wars? lol

I played SWTOR, read the original Jedi Academy by Kevin J. Anderson and the Bounty Hunter Wars books with Boba Fett by K.W. Jeter, and even played a fairly great tabletop campaign as criminals. But I never really got into the lore, especially now that DIsney is involved and scrapping all the previous material in an effort for more merchandising, you know, where the real money from the movies are made.

How does getting rid of semi-official material allow them to have more merchandising, exactly?

If anything -keeping- all the EU stuff would allow them to have even more merchandising without having to create anything new.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

I just told you that the parts I stated came from the Clone Wars Cartoon and Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. So there's no EU there.

And I said I'm out.
I don't want to have to fact check a fan-made database just to have a discussion. It's the same reason I won't discuss topics with someone who uses wikipedia as their source of information. It's far too easy to get incomplete, misleading or just plain wrong information from them.

Project_Hero's picture
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

I just told you that the parts I stated came from the Clone Wars Cartoon and Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. So there's no EU there.

And I said I'm out.
I don't want to have to fact check a fan-made database just to have a discussion. It's the same reason I won't discuss topics with someone who uses wikipedia as their source of information. It's far too easy to get incomplete, misleading or just plain wrong information from them.

Then go watch the specific episode(s) and then the movie?

I mean you wanted facts so I brought them. All I'm hearing from you is "I won't attempt to refute what you brought forth so then I won't have to change how I think."

Like, me just stating opinions at you wouldn't get us anywhere, so I brought evidence to back up my side of this debate.

Also if you're done you could just, I dunno... Stop responding? Rather than coming back to restate that you're done?

Or do you just want to get the last word in?

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mordheim13's picture
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

I just told you that the parts I stated came from the Clone Wars Cartoon and Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. So there's no EU there.

And I said I'm out.
I don't want to have to fact check a fan-made database just to have a discussion. It's the same reason I won't discuss topics with someone who uses wikipedia as their source of information. It's far too easy to get incomplete, misleading or just plain wrong information from them.

You cannot reason with PH. He whines about someone stating their opinion, then bashes at them until they capitulate, refusing to accept anything they say and demanding that they accept his opinions as Gospel. He is a verbal bully, and engaging him in discussion is detrimental to reasonable thought. This has been thoroughly proven.
So, is there anything more to be said on the subject of City of Titans, or is this now a Star Wars discussion forum (if so, we best be careful, or we'll be having to pay the House of Mouse! LOL)?

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Ah, doing that again, huh?

Ah, doing that again, huh?

You've done this a few times now.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Then go watch the specific episode(s) and then the movie?

That is what fact checking is.
And I know the episodes. All they prove is something we already agreed on. The Jedi recruit young.
Recruit, not take or coerce or anything else.
Also I tried to bow out when you quoted the Jedi Code which you got from wookieepedia. That is the expanded universe crap that I am talking about.

Project_Hero wrote:

I mean you wanted facts so I brought them. All I'm hearing from you is "I won't attempt to refute what you brought forth so then I won't have to change how I think."
Like, me just stating opinions at you wouldn't get us anywhere, so I brought evidence to back up my side of this debate.

You don't bring facts or evidence you bring conjecture.
You say ' look here this one episode has a baby that has been recruited and look here these Jedi kids are all young.' Then claim it is evidence of Jedi stealing babies.
You make these types of arguments over and over. For example:

Project_Hero wrote:

The Jedi order isn't like a school, it's a cult. A weird, creepy, emotionless cult. Where literal children get trained to be warriors so they can be the jack booted thugs of the Republic.

You make a wild claim here and the only 'evidence' of your claim is a previous conclusion you have drawn. You decided the Jedi were evil so their temple becomes a cult. You claim the Jedi are emotionless so their emotional control become weird and creepy. You decide the Jedi are bullies so their training becomes Nazi indoctrination. This isn't evidence. It's you drawing a series of conclusion with no evidence to back it up.
Evidence is the opening scrawl of the Phantom Menace where the Jedi are described as 'The guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy.' Or when Obi Wan says 'For over a thousand generations the Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the old republic.' You don't interpret that. It is stated as fact.

Project_Hero wrote:

Remember in episode two where Anakin like, tells a bar "Back to your drinks, this is Jedi business" or some such? And remember how Obiwan doesn't scold him for that, or say that's not how they do things? It's because that is exactly how they do things.

The Jedi fill many roles in the Republic. One of which is law enforcement. Anakin telling the bar this is Jedi business is akin to a cop saying it's police business. Again, what is shown, not interpreted from the scene.

Project_Hero wrote:

Remember in Phantom Menace when they send two Jedi to "negotiate" with the trade federation? Remember how upon hearing the vaguest notion that they were Jedi they practically crapped themselves then called their shadey boss for help in how to handle that?

They crapped their pants because the Jedi can sense the feelings of others. The trade Federation was pretending to have a legal blockade while they were engaging in an illegal invasion/coup. Criminals being afraid of law enforcement is all the scene portrays.

Project_Hero wrote:

Yeah, Jedi are freeking scary. People are afraid of them. Because they're essentially government agents with super powers and laser swords.

The only people afraid of them are criminals/enemies. Everyone else seems to applaud the wisdom, strength and compassion the Jedi have. This is all we are shown. People fearing the Jedi in general is not.

Project_Hero wrote:

Oh and remember in episode 3 when big Poppa Palpatine was like "the Jedi tried to kill me and take over" how like, only a very small amount of the Senate was like "that doesn't seem right"? That's because to the Senate, and probably the galaxy at large, that seems exactly like something these weirdo cultists would do. Like, they all got freaking killed and practically no one cared.

Palpatine had positioned himself to be seen as the one true chance for peace and protection during a time of war. He had also been slowly poisoning the reputation of the Jedi for sometime during the clone war. By using his power to direct the armies of the republic and his pawn in Dooku he ensured the war would drag on and paint the Jedi in as unflattering light as possible. The fact that Dooku was know to be an ex-jedi also muddied the water. It was a major part of Palpatine's plan to take over the senate, then the galaxy. The Jedi had to be discredited and destroyed or his rule would be a short one. That's what the movies and show portray.

Project_Hero wrote:

Like, me just stating opinions at you wouldn't get us anywhere, so I brought evidence to back up my side of this debate.

You state your opinion/assumption then you use other opinions/assumptions as evidence.
For example, you claim the Jedi are evil then site their evil recruitment practice as evidence of this. At no point is the recruitment shown to be evil, so to agree that the Jedi are evil I have to accept your opinion about how evil their recruitment is.
You are basically saying 'what if' and calling it proof.

Project_Hero wrote:

Also if you're done you could just, I dunno... Stop responding? Rather than coming back to restate that you're done?

Or do you just want to get the last word in?

No, I was trying to bow out of a friendly debate politely once it included a wiki. I had hoped you could simply say something along the lines of 'Ok, we can continue to disagree' so we could part amicably.
Instead you kept digging for a response, even goading me with accusations, in your quest to be 'right'.
So now you can make your follow up argument for all to see and claim a hollow victory because I am gonna 'I dunno... stop responding'.

Brand X
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

The Jedi seperate children from the parents. The parents could be moved to the Jedi temples, they are not. Or a Jedi Master could stay with the family till the child comes to a certain age, they do not.

Just because there are worse things in the galaxy doesn't make the Jedi better.

Where is that stated in the movies?

At any rate the Jedi aren't allowed to love, which is dumb. They're taught to suppress their emotions so much so that when something happens to make them emotional they aren't prepared to handle it.

Weird. Notice how when you say that, most of the Jedi go on handle all that. Don't lose it.

Anakin lost it.

Mind you, I agree that a force user should maybe be taught how to use their abilities without the strictness of prequel Jedi used, and that's exactly what the EU Luke went with. In the end, it came down to the same thing. Those who are going to lose it...will lose it. :p

Anakin was raised in a place where emotions were bad. He had no experience in how to deal with his emotions other than suppressing them. So when something finally pushed him far enough he broke.

How much easier would his life had been if he and Padme could be open about their relationship? He wouldn't have the stress of trying to hide it, the anger that he felt towards the Jedi for treating love as "some amoral thing", etc.

With Anakin the Jedi made their bed. Then he killed them all for it. The Jedi made Darth Vader, and likely many dark siders before him. And when one of theirs falls their only solution is to kill the monsters they made.

He had experience with what to do with his emotions, because he wasn't raised Jedi until much to late and it's what he wanted and what his mom wanted for him. Notice she could have said no to Qui-Gon and never did.

Same with all those other kids. They were never stolen.

As for Anakin, he could've always left the Jedi Order. There was no rule saying "You must stay in the order." Jedi had left the order before. Anakin makes a big show of himself leaving. :p He wanted to be a Jedi Master. They didn't think he was ready. Which, hey, he was in his early 20's, so they weren't far off, being able to say "Not ready."

Which he obviously wasn't. Should Jedi have changed the rule of relationships? Possibly. It was already known there had been married Jedi.

Also there's always the petitioning of rules to change. :p Luke changed the rules for the Jedi in the EU. No idea about the new movies, but it seems they still allowed family (like Luke would've told Han or Leia "No, you can't see your child." :p)

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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The Jedi code can be heard in

The Jedi code can be heard in The Last Jedi, so it's not EU.

The fact is that the Jedi take children into their order at some point after infancy but before the child is 9, remember Anakin was too old for training, according to Yoda. The Younglings we see are around preschool age, so that means that the Jedi take children (remember take, not steal, I don't think I ever said steal) sometime after infancy but before they are like 5 years old. This is crazy.

Obi Wan also stated that Darth Vader murdered Luke's father. He's not the most trustworthy source. And usually people think they're the good guys. The opening crawl of Episode 1 Alos states that Qui Gon and Obi Wan are two Jedi Knights, yet Obi Wan gets his knighthood later in the movie. But I guess the opening crawl is fact so I guess Yoda is just an idiot.

Yeah, they are law enforcement. For a corrupt government.

I think you missed the "vaguest notion" part from episode 1. A droid says "They are Jedi Knights, I think." So on the assumption of a droid they are crapping themselves. And they have good right to be afraid the Jedi are known to chop people's limbs off.

When are we shown Jedi interacting with normal people? Or people applauding them for anything? The only times I remember are during Clone wars when the Jedi are actively saving whomever. Which, yeah, you'll like the person who saved you. Jan is a normal person and he believes the Jedi was a "hokey religion." That points to them being veiwed as religious weirdos.

The Jedi were never shown to be discredited in the movies (save for the they tried to kill Palpatine thing) I don't recall Palpatine discrediting them during the clone wars show. So when was he doing this? And you know, maybe the Jedi are just really bad at their jobs when they failed to sense a Sith Lord right under their noses.

I never claimed the Jedi were evil. Creepy and weird, but not evil. Amoral, I think I said once. Which, yeah. They indoctrinate children, and tried to get Luke to kill his own father. To them the ends justify the means.

Whatever floats your boat, man.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

The Jedi seperate children from the parents. The parents could be moved to the Jedi temples, they are not. Or a Jedi Master could stay with the family till the child comes to a certain age, they do not.

Just because there are worse things in the galaxy doesn't make the Jedi better.

Where is that stated in the movies?

At any rate the Jedi aren't allowed to love, which is dumb. They're taught to suppress their emotions so much so that when something happens to make them emotional they aren't prepared to handle it.

Weird. Notice how when you say that, most of the Jedi go on handle all that. Don't lose it.

Anakin lost it.

Mind you, I agree that a force user should maybe be taught how to use their abilities without the strictness of prequel Jedi used, and that's exactly what the EU Luke went with. In the end, it came down to the same thing. Those who are going to lose it...will lose it. :p

Anakin was raised in a place where emotions were bad. He had no experience in how to deal with his emotions other than suppressing them. So when something finally pushed him far enough he broke.

How much easier would his life had been if he and Padme could be open about their relationship? He wouldn't have the stress of trying to hide it, the anger that he felt towards the Jedi for treating love as "some amoral thing", etc.

With Anakin the Jedi made their bed. Then he killed them all for it. The Jedi made Darth Vader, and likely many dark siders before him. And when one of theirs falls their only solution is to kill the monsters they made.

He had experience with what to do with his emotions, because he wasn't raised Jedi until much to late and it's what he wanted and what his mom wanted for him. Notice she could have said no to Qui-Gon and never did.

Same with all those other kids. They were never stolen.

As for Anakin, he could've always left the Jedi Order. There was no rule saying "You must stay in the order." Jedi had left the order before. Anakin makes a big show of himself leaving. :p He wanted to be a Jedi Master. They didn't think he was ready. Which, hey, he was in his early 20's, so they weren't far off, being able to say "Not ready."

Which he obviously wasn't. Should Jedi have changed the rule of relationships? Possibly. It was already known there had been married Jedi.

Also there's always the petitioning of rules to change. :p Luke changed the rules for the Jedi in the EU. No idea about the new movies, but it seems they still allowed family (like Luke would've told Han or Leia "No, you can't see your child." :p)

Ah yes, his mom could have let Anakin stay in slavery with a bomb in him. Considering that was the alternative what mother would want their kid to be in that environment?

I never said stolen. I said taken. Children are taken by the Jedi order somewhere between infancy and preschool age.

No there's no "rule" against leaving but the Jedi from a young age are taught that leaving the order would be bad. So while no rule says they have to stay they are pressured into remaining in the order. There's no rule or law that says abuse victims need to stay with their abusers either and yet many still do. Same kind of deal, they're afraid to leave because the Order is usually all they have known.

Anakin could have left the order. But didn't. He had grown disillusioned with the Jedi yet stayed. The order frustrated him yet he remained. Anakin never really saw leaving the order as much of a choice or he would have done it.

Luke wasn't an order trained Jedi. So he likely did things differently.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Halae's picture
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Alright, the fact that this

Alright, the fact that this thread has devolved into a debate about Star Wars for some reason shows that this whole situation is not only far to laden with drama for a tech update discussion thread, but also that it's just straight up off-topic. If you guys want to continue going at this (and for the record, Brainbot evidently doesn't so, it'd behoove you, PH, to follow suit) the thread is eventually going to be locked or people banned from it. Nobody wants this, so please stop and either take it to PMs or create a thread where you can discuss your grievances with each other like adults.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

Alright, the fact that this thread has devolved into a debate about Star Wars for some reason shows that this whole situation is not only far to laden with drama for a tech update discussion thread, but also that it's just straight up off-topic. If you guys want to continue going at this (and for the record, Brainbot evidently doesn't so, it'd behoove you, PH, to follow suit) the thread is eventually going to be locked or people banned from it. Nobody wants this, so please stop and either take it to PMs or create a thread where you can discuss your grievances with each other like adults.

Last time I tried to take an argument like this into PMs (Huh. It was about Star Wars too, actually) the other person kept it in the thread.

I'd be perfectly willing to take this discussion into PMs for anyone who wishes to continue.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mordheim13's picture
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

Alright, the fact that this thread has devolved into a debate about Star Wars for some reason shows that this whole situation is not only far to laden with drama for a tech update discussion thread, but also that it's just straight up off-topic. If you guys want to continue going at this (and for the record, Brainbot evidently doesn't so, it'd behoove you, PH, to follow suit) the thread is eventually going to be locked or people banned from it. Nobody wants this, so please stop and either take it to PMs or create a thread where you can discuss your grievances with each other like adults.

That assumes an ABILITY for someone to "discuss... like adults." Big assumption. :)

Shocking Blu

Halae's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

That assumes an ABILITY for someone to "discuss... like adults." Big assumption. :)

Please don't snipe like that. It's a good way to get people to respond in an offended manner. And it's STILL off topic.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Mordheim13's picture
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

That assumes an ABILITY for someone to "discuss... like adults." Big assumption. :)

Please don't snipe like that. It's a good way to get people to respond in an offended manner. And it's STILL off topic.

At this point, it's more in the way of self-defense, but okay. Honestly, since the topic seems to have become Star Wars (ish), the thread probably just needs to be closed.

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Ah, the good ol' pre-emptive

Ah, the good ol' pre-emptive self defense.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mordheim13's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Ah, the good ol' pre-emptive self defense.

Nothing pre-emptive about it.

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Ah, the good ol' pre-emptive self defense.

Nothing pre-emptive about it.

Right, just an unwanted, unnecessary, shot at people which you claimed to be in self defense.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Fireheart's picture
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I dunno, the thread might be

I dunno, the thread might be about Jedi Masteries?

Be Well!

Mordheim13's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

I dunno, the thread might be about Jedi Masteries?

Be Well!

LOL! You, Sir, win all the things! :D

Shocking Blu

Atama's picture
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This thread turned into a

This thread turned into a glowing blue ghost some time back.

Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 10/15/2013 - 12:03
So yeah.... Masteries seem

So yeah.... Masteries seem really cool, right?

In all seriousness, This update just continues to increase my hype for this game. I cannot wait to get my hands on this and start trying out various masteries with my characters.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Mordheim13's picture
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Safehouse wrote:
Safehouse wrote:

So yeah.... Masteries seem really cool, right?

In all seriousness, This update just continues to increase my hype for this game. I cannot wait to get my hands on this and start trying out various masteries with my characters.

Agree 200%. I have 2 characters I intend to make right off the bat, and am looking forward to whoever else I am inspired to create. :)

Shocking Blu

Lothic's picture
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

Alright, the fact that this thread has devolved into a debate about Star Wars for some reason shows that this whole situation is not only far to laden with drama for a tech update discussion thread, but also that it's just straight up off-topic. If you guys want to continue going at this (and for the record, Brainbot evidently doesn't so, it'd behoove you, PH, to follow suit) the thread is eventually going to be locked or people banned from it. Nobody wants this, so please stop and either take it to PMs or create a thread where you can discuss your grievances with each other like adults.

As the great Flesh Forge once aptly noted:


Lothic's chronic terrible behavior had nothing to do with that.

Apparently I'm -not- the root of all evil in this forum... Go figure... ;)

As to the original topic of this thread it's already had 250+ posts - maybe it's run its course. Not every thread can stay on topic and/or remain relevant forever.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Atama's picture
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Lothic that flamefest just

Lothic that flamefest just wasn’t the same without you. :(

Mordheim13's picture
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Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:

Lothic that flamefest just wasn’t the same without you. :(

Yes, despite the best efforts of... some... it was missing that certain quintessential element that so embodies Maleficent. :D How have you been, Lothic?

Shocking Blu

Lothic's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:
Atama wrote:

Lothic that flamefest just wasn’t the same without you. :(

Yes, despite the best efforts of... some... it was missing that certain quintessential element that so embodies Maleficent. :D How have you been, Lothic?

Thanks... I guess it's nice to be missed even if I'm being missed for my ability to act mercurially lol.

Turns out (very long story short) the last few weeks I was sailing on one of our USNS ships we do O&M work for and sadly the DoD-based Internet system we use has blacklisted this CoT website for the certificate problems it had a while back. Basically that means my job periodically takes me to one of the few places on the planet where I have no access to this website. :(

I'm actually still overseas as I type this. Hopefully (or sadly depending on your point of view) I should be back home and posting here for the next few upcoming weeks/months.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Mordheim13's picture
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Look forward to it. Even when

Look forward to it. Even when your posts are bashing me, they're always interesting, unlike some. I always feel like I'm being insulted by someone older than 12, at least. :D

Shocking Blu

Lothic's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Look forward to it. Even when your posts are bashing me, they're always interesting, unlike some. I always feel like I'm being insulted by someone older than 12, at least. :D

Well despite appearances I don't set out to bash everything I see here but if I do bash anything I do my best to focus on bashing people's specific ideas, not the person behind the idea. Regardless if you believe nothing else I ever say on this forum you can rest assured I'm quite a bit older than 12 IRL (at least chronologically at any rate).

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Timothius's picture
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For what it's worth, I have a

For what it's worth, I have a friend like yourself who is capable of picking apart what is wrong with a story or a game mechanic and I will be depending on him as one of my game testers for that very reason. :) Your comments are meant to help.

Lothic's picture
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Timothius wrote:
Timothius wrote:

For what it's worth, I have a friend like yourself who is capable of picking apart what is wrong with a story or a game mechanic and I will be depending on him as one of my game testers for that very reason. :) Your comments are meant to help.

When this game finally starts to enter serious beta testing the Devs are going to need good feedback from [b][i]everyone[/i][/b] involved. Anyone could end up stumbling over a critical bug depending on what he or she chooses to poke at. I wouldn't rely on just me, your friend or any other -single- person to get it done or to tell you what you should think about the game - it'll be a group effort regardless. :)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Mordheim13's picture
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Just so. If ANY two people

Just so. If ANY two people agree 100% on everything, all the time, at least 1 of them is not thinking. Indeed, neither are, for neither's POV is being challenged.

Shocking Blu

Lothic's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Just so. If ANY two people agree 100% on everything, all the time, at least 1 of them is not thinking. Indeed, neither are, for neither's POV is being challenged.


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Just so. If ANY two people agree 100% on everything, all the time, at least 1 of them is not thinking. Indeed, neither are, for neither's POV is being challenged.


LOL! How true...

Shocking Blu
