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Teenage superhero team

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Sleepymoth's picture
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Glitch404 wrote:
Glitch404 wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Glitch404 wrote:

I would most certainly hope for some sort of communication system in the future of the team. Especially when they are to take on more members and may even need to keep files and tabs on each one. Things like communication devices are often roleplayed as a member or affiliate of the team developed these things for them.

Most teens have cell phones :p

Until they drop them, crack/break the screen, and then want to immediately replace their phone. x~x

Yeah this would happen a lot especially considering they are a super team. I imagine you could have a tech hero supply them with communicators of some sort. You could make them double as phones but even then I still think that would be risky as all it would take is for a villain to kidnap that team member and their whole identity and possibly the identities of the whole team would be compromised.

I think they would need to basically be for superheroing only and villain proofed to the gills

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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Simple solution for the

Simple solution for the villain getting the phone: don't save other heroes numbers under their hero ID.

That solves the villain figuring out other heroes IDs anyway. Takes a pretty sizable leap of logic to know that "Kate" is Miss Supreme.

If their phone has a lock screen then it might stop non tech savvy villains. "I know how to build DEATH RAYS but I can't figure out the damn phones kids these days use!"

Hey, it could happen.

A couple of alternative communication methods:

Psychic link
Magic communication

Both great until the one who's setting it up goes down.

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TitansCity's picture
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Uniteen ? ^^

Uniteen ? ^^

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Project_Hero's picture
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

Uniteen ? ^^

As a pun I love it. As a team name not so much. Mind if I steal it to add to my list of teen pun hero names?

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

TitansCity's picture
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It's free ! take it xD

It's free ! take it xD

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Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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I'll add that to the list:

I'll add that to the list:

Teen Aegis

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

TitansCity's picture
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Miss Liberteen as Well ? xD

Miss Liberteen as Well ? xD
(I'm laugthing cause in French libertine is pronounced like Liberteen but ... That not the same meaning xD more like a girl without virtues ^^)

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Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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Well I wouldn't put the 'Miss

Well I wouldn't put the 'Miss' on the name, just have it be Liberteen.

I have way too much time on my hands as all of these names have associated powers and at least a personality for them. And some a little backstory. Just don't have their non-supernatural names.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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Well, what if there is a

Well, what if there is a Supers App? An app that allows text and communication, but hides the identity of the sender and deletes messages after a certain period of time.

And beyond that, why can't they have a second phone? One they use for personal use, and ones they use for their hero activities? It doesn't even have to be a phone, it can be a simple communicator set up that allows texts or calls to go to certain devices, it could even be walkie talkies lol

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Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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There are things like

There are things like temporary phones (burn phones?). But yeah if one of the teens was a little computer savvy they could make an app for them all to use.

Also thought of another teen hero pun name.

Quaran-Teen (either radiation or some sort of illness based powers)

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Riptide's picture
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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

If we have a teen team we are gonna need an elderly team, perhaps called, "Darn Kids" xD

Their battle cry could be "ACKK! My Back!!!"

My empath in CoH was called "Over the Heal" and I had all sorts of grumpy quotes bound to use on the whiney youngsters who needed a band aid on their boo boo!
I also enjoyed making him wheeze and huff after running to catch up with everyone!
Good times :)

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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If there was to be an elderly

If there was to be an elderly team for the kids to face off against, we'd be getting a lot of "You need to respect your elders you goshdarn whipper-snappers!"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

ArticulateT's picture
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My inevitable main, Aegis

My inevitable main, Aegis Warden, may be too soft spoken and shy to join the group without revealing his powers and identity to the others, so while he might not be a founding member, he may join later on should something push him in the right direction. Being 15, he'll have about 4-5 years before actually running out of time in regards to it. As a note on his powers, your standard Superman-style powerset is what he possesses.

For team names, I think emphasising the youth part would, as others have said, put an expiry date on your group membership to a degree, and at that point you need to decide on what the group's purpose is: is this a stop-gap for young heroes to work together while learning the ropes, or is it a group of friends intending to stay together forever?

If the former, youth, teen or any other age-defining word or phrase works for it, and suggestions made thus far would be suitable in either case. Powers Club, The Honour Roll, The Scrappers, Young Warriors could be ideas.

If the latter, well, the names for the former can still work: names change after all, and in current continuity, the original Teen Titans just became the Titans afterwards. However, if you want a singular name to last the whole run, then you'll want to avoid connotations with age to allow the name to be timeless. Something like the Provokers, the Brigade, the Liberty Society, Light Patrol or The Defenders.

As for a base... abandoned steam tunnels beneath the school?

I do a DnD Podcast, which can be listened to here.

Additionally, I write up my sessions of a Teen Heroes game here.

Cyclops's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Most teens have cell phones :p

True, but cell phones are NOT secure and can easily be traced.
small communicators sewn into their spandex would work.


Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Most teens have cell phones :p

True, but cell phones are NOT secure and can easily be traced.
small communicators sewn into their spandex would work.

Not all teens know how to make small communication devices. Nor do they likely have the funds to be able to get the necessary equipment.

Which is why having a tech based hero on any super team is a boon.

Edit: also not all villains will be able to trace, or hack, a cell phone. Also if the teens are smart they won't be using their phone's in plain view of the badguys. And also they can use their cell phones with a Bluetooth headset so they won't have it out or visible.

Communicators can also be traced or hacked. Hell, having a badguy intercepting Superhero communications is a pretty common thing in comics.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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If Sparrow is acting as the

If Sparrow is acting as the team leader and still maintains some sort of connection with his mentor, or even is tech-savvy himself, there's always the fact that he could supply people with communicators.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Gladatoria's picture
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ArticulateT wrote:
ArticulateT wrote:

My inevitable main, Aegis Warden, may be too soft spoken and shy to join the group without revealing his powers and identity to the others, so while he might not be a founding member, he may join later on should something push him in the right direction. Being 15, he'll have about 4-5 years before actually running out of time in regards to it. As a note on his powers, your standard Superman-style powerset is what he possesses.

For team names, I think emphasising the youth part would, as others have said, put an expiry date on your group membership to a degree, and at that point you need to decide on what the group's purpose is: is this a stop-gap for young heroes to work together while learning the ropes, or is it a group of friends intending to stay together forever?

If the former, youth, teen or any other age-defining word or phrase works for it, and suggestions made thus far would be suitable in either case. Powers Club, The Honour Roll, The Scrappers, Young Warriors could be ideas.

If the latter, well, the names for the former can still work: names change after all, and in current continuity, the original Teen Titans just became the Titans afterwards. However, if you want a singular name to last the whole run, then you'll want to avoid connotations with age to allow the name to be timeless. Something like the Provokers, the Brigade, the Liberty Society, Light Patrol or The Defenders.

As for a base... abandoned steam tunnels beneath the school?

Abandoned steam tunnels could work-My thought for a base is that it would probably be something that they maybe happen across or discover during a mission, and then slowly turn it into a base of operations

Those are nice name suggestions-and what can you tell us about Aegis? Come to think of it, Aegis by itself is a nice name for a brick hero even without the warden part~

Oh, and we should do character descriptions and maybe face claims


Foradain's picture
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Face claims?

Face claims?

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Gladatoria's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

Face claims?

Basically, actors or other individuals you believe could portray your character, say in a film or tv show-to me it can be fun imagining what a character may actually look like in that sense


Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Actually have been trying to

Actually have been trying to find a face claim for my character. I already have a voice actor picked out for him but no face claim...yet. Hopefully something similar to VirtueVerse emerges at some point during the game's run, would really love to upload character wiki page on somewhere other than the forums.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Airhead's picture
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If these heroes are inclined

If these heroes are inclined towards vigilante actions (in the name of right) they could have their own [i]breakfast club[/i]... [b]Detention[/b]. A not-so-secret society of school- and college-age heroes that not everyone understands.

"Stop there, baddie! You've. Got. Detention!"

Their nemeses' team name could be particularly fearsome... the [b]Denticians[/b]

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
I have a couple of heroes

I have a couple of heroes that'd fit in great in a teen hero team that's not so squeaky clean.

Though my idea for something like that would be more like a teenage suicide squad. You take a bunch of bad teens with powers and you let them get a taste of doing good, or at least show them that people won't care so much if they rough up bad guys.

Essentially it'd be to try to steer them away from becoming criminals or worse, supervillains.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
Hm, this only reminds me of

Hm, this only reminds me of how I don't tend to make a lot of loose cannon-type characters. Although I have been working on one hero who would probably blend well for a teen suicide squad if such a team were to exist.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

ArticulateT's picture
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Gladatoria wrote:
Gladatoria wrote:
ArticulateT wrote:

My inevitable main, Aegis Warden, may be too soft spoken and shy to join the group without revealing his powers and identity to the others, so while he might not be a founding member, he may join later on should something push him in the right direction. Being 15, he'll have about 4-5 years before actually running out of time in regards to it. As a note on his powers, your standard Superman-style powerset is what he possesses.

For team names, I think emphasising the youth part would, as others have said, put an expiry date on your group membership to a degree, and at that point you need to decide on what the group's purpose is: is this a stop-gap for young heroes to work together while learning the ropes, or is it a group of friends intending to stay together forever?

If the former, youth, teen or any other age-defining word or phrase works for it, and suggestions made thus far would be suitable in either case. Powers Club, The Honour Roll, The Scrappers, Young Warriors could be ideas.

If the latter, well, the names for the former can still work: names change after all, and in current continuity, the original Teen Titans just became the Titans afterwards. However, if you want a singular name to last the whole run, then you'll want to avoid connotations with age to allow the name to be timeless. Something like the Provokers, the Brigade, the Liberty Society, Light Patrol or The Defenders.

As for a base... abandoned steam tunnels beneath the school?

Abandoned steam tunnels could work-My thought for a base is that it would probably be something that they maybe happen across or discover during a mission, and then slowly turn it into a base of operations

Those are nice name suggestions-and what can you tell us about Aegis? Come to think of it, Aegis by itself is a nice name for a brick hero even without the warden part~

Oh, and we should do character descriptions and maybe face claims

Ah, well, Aegis Warden is a character I wanted to be the kind of kid that’s scared of responsibility; someone who has the means and desire to do something, but is ultimately afraid of screwing up and disappointing anyone, and therefore avoids doing it. Even his costume is reminiscent of a knight in shining armour, one that ultimately many want to become, but now seeming to suffer from the hubris of their wish so to speak. When the character builder gets released for public consumption (I, uh… spent far too much time in MIDs) I was going to either make him a Gladiator or a Bulwark, with a Super Strength/Invulnerability sort of theme, with Flight and some auxiliary powers to round out the concept. Ultimately he has a great amount of power at his fingertips, but is scared to put it to full use, and while in costume would spend most of his time clearing rubble or pulling people from burning buildings. He’d be too scared to enter combat with anyone, even a mugger with a knife (so you can imagine that such a teammate wouldn’t be too useful on major missions outside of clean up or holding up the heavy thing.)

When it comes down to it, Aegis Warden's reluctance to join the team wouldn't be out of a lack of trust or a dislike of authority or a lone wolf mentality, he just has social anxiety and doesn't want people to think that just because he's fairly powerful in his own right he's mentally or emotionally prepared to pull his own weight.

Out of costume as Morgan Denvers, he plays the geeky shut-in part rather well, being a lanky, awkward kid with messy red hair and freckles, wearing clothing of muted colours so he doesn't stand out in a crowd that much and mainly spending his time around arcades or comic stores, if out of the house at all to indulge in some escapism. His costume, which came with his powers, is a heavy, fantasy style armour set that covers almost all of his features, so if he were to maintain his secret identity, he might not be identifiable as a teenager right from the get-go. While in costume, Aegis Warden almost never speaks as part of a bid to maintain his secret, so communication may also be a bit of an issue.

Based on the information regarding stories and Paths, Aegis Warden would likely spend most of his time in North Titan.

I do a DnD Podcast, which can be listened to here.

Additionally, I write up my sessions of a Teen Heroes game here.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
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ArticulateT wrote:
ArticulateT wrote:
Gladatoria wrote:
ArticulateT wrote:

My inevitable main, Aegis Warden, may be too soft spoken and shy to join the group without revealing his powers and identity to the others, so while he might not be a founding member, he may join later on should something push him in the right direction. Being 15, he'll have about 4-5 years before actually running out of time in regards to it. As a note on his powers, your standard Superman-style powerset is what he possesses.

For team names, I think emphasising the youth part would, as others have said, put an expiry date on your group membership to a degree, and at that point you need to decide on what the group's purpose is: is this a stop-gap for young heroes to work together while learning the ropes, or is it a group of friends intending to stay together forever?

If the former, youth, teen or any other age-defining word or phrase works for it, and suggestions made thus far would be suitable in either case. Powers Club, The Honour Roll, The Scrappers, Young Warriors could be ideas.

If the latter, well, the names for the former can still work: names change after all, and in current continuity, the original Teen Titans just became the Titans afterwards. However, if you want a singular name to last the whole run, then you'll want to avoid connotations with age to allow the name to be timeless. Something like the Provokers, the Brigade, the Liberty Society, Light Patrol or The Defenders.

As for a base... abandoned steam tunnels beneath the school?

Abandoned steam tunnels could work-My thought for a base is that it would probably be something that they maybe happen across or discover during a mission, and then slowly turn it into a base of operations

Those are nice name suggestions-and what can you tell us about Aegis? Come to think of it, Aegis by itself is a nice name for a brick hero even without the warden part~

Oh, and we should do character descriptions and maybe face claims

Ah, well, Aegis Warden is a character I wanted to be the kind of kid that’s scared of responsibility; someone who has the means and desire to do something, but is ultimately afraid of screwing up and disappointing anyone, and therefore avoids doing it. Even his costume is reminiscent of a knight in shining armour, one that ultimately many want to become, but now seeming to suffer from the hubris of their wish so to speak. When the character builder gets released for public consumption (I, uh… spent far too much time in MIDs) I was going to either make him a Gladiator or a Bulwark, with a Super Strength/Invulnerability sort of theme, with Flight and some auxiliary powers to round out the concept. Ultimately he has a great amount of power at his fingertips, but is scared to put it to full use, and while in costume would spend most of his time clearing rubble or pulling people from burning buildings. He’d be too scared to enter combat with anyone, even a mugger with a knife (so you can imagine that such a teammate wouldn’t be too useful on major missions outside of clean up or holding up the heavy thing.)

When it comes down to it, Aegis Warden's reluctance to join the team wouldn't be out of a lack of trust or a dislike of authority or a lone wolf mentality, he just has social anxiety and doesn't want people to think that just because he's fairly powerful in his own right he's mentally or emotionally prepared to pull his own weight.

Out of costume as Morgan Denvers, he plays the geeky shut-in part rather well, being a lanky, awkward kid with messy red hair and freckles, wearing clothing of muted colours so he doesn't stand out in a crowd that much and mainly spending his time around arcades or comic stores, if out of the house at all to indulge in some escapism. His costume, which came with his powers, is a heavy, fantasy style armour set that covers almost all of his features, so if he were to maintain his secret identity, he might not be identifiable as a teenager right from the get-go. While in costume, Aegis Warden almost never speaks as part of a bid to maintain his secret, so communication may also be a bit of an issue.

Based on the information regarding stories and Paths, Aegis Warden would likely spend most of his time in North Titan.

I see-he could be an invaluable member of the team, if the team in terms helps him gain the self confirndence nessecary to operate as a teen hero

I like the idea of the team being a street to city based force of good without the edgier bend of a Suicide Squad like Team-besides, a team like that would be a rigid authority based oversight, like a adult official

I believe with the diverse collection of heroes, a true blue but lowkey team of heroes in the vein of the Teen Titans works best


Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
I'd actually love for that

I'd actually love for that myself. Been apart of too many superteams, especially teen ones at that, where they switch from street-level group to handling high-level threats that would be most reserved for adult-themed teams like the Justice League or Avengers. Also would love to help motivate a character like Aegis to come out of his shell a little bit and find some acquaintances within the team if he is to join. Dynamics like this are usually gradually touched upon or explored, often times being held somewhere off-screen.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

ArticulateT's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
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That does bring up another

That does bring up another thing regarding Teen Heroes; how closely associated with the adults will the group be? While Teen Titans would largely act independently, one common theme regarding teen heroes would be their conflicts with the older, experienced heroes on the scene much like Young Justice. Lots of "You're not ready for this" and "This is for your own good" to be thrown around in conversation. Would this relationship with older superheroes and larger, more 'important' hero groups be something established from the start or developed over the natural course of RP?

In that sense, going back to the base thing, would the teen heroes be brought together under their own power and friendship, or would they be purposely brought together by an older benefactor? If so, then they might have a lot of their equipment provided by the adult with the purse strings who wants them brought together so that they can make sure these young ones are treading down the correct path.

Similarly, while the young heroes might feel more comfortable fighting street-level villains, rebellion is in the nature of teenagers, at least as a common trope. It wouldn't surprise me if the teen group would bite off more than they can chew, believing their can handle it even if the only reason was that the adults said they weren't ready.

And as a side note, it occurs to me that a common hangout spot may need to be established, as I'm sure the neutral-ground bar that is similar to Caprice or Pocket D may be adverse to a bunch of 15-16 year olds wandering into their establishment, though that's something we can't do until the beta comes out at the very least.

I do a DnD Podcast, which can be listened to here.

Additionally, I write up my sessions of a Teen Heroes game here.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
ArticulateT wrote:
ArticulateT wrote:

That does bring up another thing regarding Teen Heroes; how closely associated with the adults will the group be? While Teen Titans would largely act independently, one common theme regarding teen heroes would be their conflicts with the older, experienced heroes on the scene much like Young Justice. Lots of "You're not ready for this" and "This is for your own good" to be thrown around in conversation. Would this relationship with older superheroes and larger, more 'important' hero groups be something established from the start or developed over the natural course of RP?

In that sense, going back to the base thing, would the teen heroes be brought together under their own power and friendship, or would they be purposely brought together by an older benefactor? If so, then they might have a lot of their equipment provided by the adult with the purse strings who wants them brought together so that they can make sure these young ones are treading down the correct path.

Similarly, while the young heroes might feel more comfortable fighting street-level villains, rebellion is in the nature of teenagers, at least as a common trope. It wouldn't surprise me if the teen group would bite off more than they can chew, believing their can handle it even if the only reason was that the adults said they weren't ready.

And as a side note, it occurs to me that a common hangout spot may need to be established, as I'm sure the neutral-ground bar that is similar to Caprice or Pocket D may be adverse to a bunch of 15-16 year olds wandering into their establishment, though that's something we can't do until the beta comes out at the very least.

Regarding the older team, I don’t think we’re attached to any on specific team, but some of our characters have relationships with adult heroes that can add for some RP depth, a la Young Justice

Regarding the base, I don’t believe they have a sole mentor or benefactor-they kinda just pull their weight and with their deeds and ingenuity and time, eventually begin to create their base


Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Adding on to that, while we

Adding on to that, while we could do something where the teens take on threat that is far too much for them to handle, I feel as though at the moment the basic idea is to have them gradually progress into being able to take on far more dangerous threats after they establish themselves by knocking a couple of street-level baddies in the head every now and again.

As for the hangout spot, I do recall someone on this thread mentioning a coffee shop so the kids could always go there or head down to Victory Beach which is supposed to be the big outlet where movie theaters and malls and such are located if I'm remembering it correctly.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Fireheart's picture
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Star-cluck's Coffee Roaster

Star-cluck's Coffee Roaster and Donuts

The logo is a cartoon chicken with a star stenciled around one eye, holding a mug and a cruller in its wings.

Be Well!

Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/02/2018 - 16:45
Young Paragons sounds great.

Young Paragons sounds great. I'm surprised none of the supers on my list are teens yet, but now I will have to come up with one. I already feel the wheels turning.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Feel free to submit a concept

Feel free to submit a concept in the ooc thread we have, we decided to go with Generation T as a name but they accept ‘Young Paragons’ as a nickname, but have no formal association with the Paragons

Which I imagine is both a blessing in disguise (anonymity, agency, and independence) but also maybe a con (lack of adult hero supper, less resources and experience, etc)

The team has room to grow too, I believe


xxshadowcat95's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: 06/18/2018 - 15:08
I didn't go through all the

I didn't go through all the comments but one thing that could be done is similar to how justice league functions with the teen titans/young justice, after a certain point and getting trained teen heroes get promoted to the adult league. I know in CoH there was a few groups like this and they were actually two separate groups, but if young/teen is left out of the title then technically the differences in the two age groups could be noted by ranks in the SG it's self. I currently have two younger super heroes written up, one is the daughter of two heroes that died during an alien invasion in Rhode island in a city filled with super heroes (a city of heroes if you will =P) and she was taken to an orphanage in titan city, she is now starting to come into her powers and wants to be like her parents, but is sixteen so has a lot to learn. Back in CoH i had started a guild called "New Age Heroes", so im partial to "New age" xD

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See the RPG thread stopped in

See the RPG thread stopped in November, is the OOC thread still running? I did notice one thing in all the posts... it was never suggested that you guys create a Senior Group to attach this one too. Either in the beginning or as a natural evolution of your teen group. If you do it at the start, it also allows a place for any Non-teen characters to be placed. It allows for easy RPG between your adult characters and the teens. Both ideas create a symmetry that will allow you to keep playing together as you level up or even get tired of the characters.

I am actually very interested, the only issue I have is the lack of information on the power sets. We have arch types and names of some of the powers... I am unclear if a Ranger for example has a gun, bow, energy, blast or psi option. Can an Enforcer use dual swords, a hammer, fists, energy attacks... seems that makes it hard to design a character at this stage... thoughts or suggestions? I am not going to reproduce a character from COH. I find for myself characters reflect where I am in my life and the environment. Attempts to transplant them have not gone well for me.

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The answer to your last

The answer to your last paragraph is "probably". Thanks to Aesthetic Decoupling, what the powers do is not linked to what they look like. Select the power sets that best match what you want the character to do, then select the emination points, the props, and the animations, and there you go. What in CoH would be the Trick Arrows power set, might now look like various discs pulled off of a belt, or a slightly different setting on a multigun. A wall could look like stone or ice. Ranged damage might come from pistols, a rifle, or an ancient staff bound in orichalcum. The only limits will be what the devs have had time to program.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Project_Hero's picture
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The OOC thread hasn't been

The OOC thread hasn't been posted in a while either, likely not long after the RP thread stopped.

(TLDR of the following is, requires a lot of people/coordination and pretty difficult to pull off well)

I think some involved in the discussion expressly didn't want a senior group attached to the Teen Group, making them more of a Young Avengers/New Ultimates (the one with Miles Morales) than a Teen Titans or Young Justice.

I, for one, have always been interested in the idea of playing a proper sidekick but that requires a degree of coordination that is difficult to do with random internet peeps. Same as I like the idea of a teen/young hero group attatched to an established group. Wherein lies kind of the problem; having an established main group in the first place for the teen group to be attatched. I'd love to play it all out naturally, have a main super hero group in which some members have young sidekicks (all the better if they're all played by seperate people) then have the young heroes strike out on their own to form their own group, but hard to coordinate and people (myself included) aren't patient enough to let it play out naturally.

Another trouble with it is the amount of players needed to make both groups feel lively. You don't really want it where everyone in one group is playing characters in the other, you want some (for lack of a better term) full time characters in either.


As for remaking characters I find taking the general idea of old characters and giving them a new twist helps me re-use ideas while allowing them to feel fresh again. Sort of like how Marvel's Ultimate universe worked. Add new twist, make it modern, shake things up

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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alewolf wrote:
alewolf wrote:

See the RPG thread stopped in November, is the OOC thread still running? I did notice one thing in all the posts... it was never suggested that you guys create a Senior Group to attach this one too. Either in the beginning or as a natural evolution of your teen group. If you do it at the start, it also allows a place for any Non-teen characters to be placed. It allows for easy RPG between your adult characters and the teens. Both ideas create a symmetry that will allow you to keep playing together as you level up or even get tired of the characters.

I am actually very interested, the only issue I have is the lack of information on the power sets. We have arch types and names of some of the powers... I am unclear if a Ranger for example has a gun, bow, energy, blast or psi option. Can an Enforcer use dual swords, a hammer, fists, energy attacks... seems that makes it hard to design a character at this stage... thoughts or suggestions? I am not going to reproduce a character from COH. I find for myself characters reflect where I am in my life and the environment. Attempts to transplant them have not gone well for me.

Hiya alewolf, just figured I reply back to you since I just so happened to be scanning the recent forums when you posted. The OOC thread, as you said, stopped in November and is mostly defunct as of now. We've mostly taken our interactions over to Discord (which has recently become a lot more active since CoH's unofficial revival). Also as far as a senior group is concerned, there haven't been any plans in the pipeline (that I know of) for a "Senior Group". The reason for this is mostly due to the want/need of building this group up as its own entity first before expanding into new horizons. That and because it would help that attention isn't divided onto two separate teams. Of course, plans can always change in the future.

Now in regards to you being interested I can direct you to our Discord via a link. As for City of Titans in regards to powers and archetypes, a ranger would mostly likely consist of whatever weapons qualify as 'ranged damage', this can be guns, bows, energy blasts of any variety. Enforcers are melee-based archetypes so they would have anything from unarmed, swords, energy-based melee attacks, hammers, etc. Everything is purely up to you and what kind of fighting/play-style you see as a best fit for your ideal character.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/21/2014 - 07:09
Wow I am surprised at the

Wow I am surprised at the speed of the response. I was a Beta Player from COH and my SG started pre-beta on a board much like this. I found it again on the new COH server, so it was created prior to the game and now has outlived the game it was created for. I think that you guys are in a great position to make this happen with COT. Assuming we see the game, time is a huge enemy for COT. Despite all the capital they have raised they appear to be either on track or behind Ship of Heroes and Valiance. I feel like COT has the most nebulous of the data bases, although the information may be there if you want to dig around for it. I have mixed feelings for the "Ship" concept and it largely is based on what they do with it. I can also see some problems with some of the "Officer" ideas being bandied about. I am not a fan of CA being the location of Titan City, not sure it should have an assigned state or country... but I am more inclined to bind with a city. Not only is that what we are used to, but I have not been to pleased with most of the SCIFI MMOs that I have been involved with. Once you put them in spaceships they are not as much superheroes as aliens. I have been asking the COT developers to include Secret Ids and I have suggested that they have a costume slot which you can designate a second name for and this one you can put your civies in. I would also like if they slot aggroed differently. Something to make it more like a person being harassed or even ignored by gangs. UO is still around and its major strength was the tools in place to allow you to RP your home.

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alewolf wrote:
alewolf wrote:

I am not a fan of CA being the location of Titan City, not sure it should have an assigned state or country...

Not sure if that's a typo or if you found something saying Titan City was in California. According to the Devs, it's in Massachusetts, north of Boston, roughly where the Miskatonic would empty into the Atlantic if it was real.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

DesViper's picture
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Weston is said to border

[url=] Weston[/url] is said to border Salem, MA.

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Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
A lot of people have

A lot of people have suggested a super ID system to the devs, it's a difficult thing to get right and there's a number of mechanical issues in the way. Mechanically such a thing needs to be useful enough for non roleplayers so they'll use it (to justify it's inclusion) but not so useful as to trivialize certain parts of the game. And that's -before- taking in to account how such a thing would interact with various other systems. There's a whole thread on it somewhere and it has been discussed at length.

There's the link if you want to do some reading on what's been suggested/discussed.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/21/2014 - 07:09
Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:
alewolf wrote:

I am not a fan of CA being the location of Titan City, not sure it should have an assigned state or country...

Not sure if that's a typo or if you found something saying Titan City was in California. According to the Devs, it's in Massachusetts, north of Boston, roughly where the Miskatonic would empty into the Atlantic if it was real.

I could of sworn I saw something in a comparison between, :Ship, Valiance and COT: That stated it was in a future CA...

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/21/2014 - 07:09
That is why I would like to

That is why I would like to see the aggro from the mobs change. It would create advantages or disadvantages for walking down the street. I can see for example my lower level character who wanted to pass through an area with a high risk...might want to blend in more and pass. There are also some other potential adds, may or may not of been discussed. If you allow a archtype for a Civie...then perhaps your business civ might be able to pass easily in certain zones.. if you take a gang member, perhaps you would have rival gang conflicts or police stops. There really is a whole potential world of civ ideas, most of which would not be worth the time for COT to develop.

Lothic's picture
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alewolf wrote:
alewolf wrote:
Foradain wrote:
alewolf wrote:

I am not a fan of CA being the location of Titan City, not sure it should have an assigned state or country...

Not sure if that's a typo or if you found something saying Titan City was in California. According to the Devs, it's in Massachusetts, north of Boston, roughly where the Miskatonic would empty into the Atlantic if it was real.

I could of sworn I saw something in a comparison between, :Ship, Valiance and COT: That stated it was in a future CA...

Whatever you saw that said that it was in CA could have simply been wrong. Not that big a deal either way. *shrugs*

Even though Titan City is technically based in MA the Devs at MWM are obviously going to be taking some "artistic license" with it to make their fictional world lore work smoothly so it's basically only going to be related to the "real world" in name only. When you think about it most comic books end up being handled in a similar way.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/21/2014 - 07:09
We are now well off subject

We are now well off subject and I apologize for my original ADHD post that pulled us this way. Thank you for the replies. I also have suggested a PVP/PVE modification that I have not seen (let me know if you have) I would like players to be able to sign up for slots to play npcs... It would work sort of like this. You would get assigned a boss or npc in a mission. There would be restrictions set into your movement IE the building or whatever. You would then be able to freely play that NPC against the players in the mission. You would get a general rating from the players at the end, you would be allowed to use greater npcs over time based on your feedback. I guess players would have the option of taking a pvp mission or not. Potentially it could really enhance a mission if you have a good rpg or pvp player running your bad guy. In addition, it would introduce a way to have controlled pvp, that is actually helpful to the game. It avoids the gang killings so common in pvp and it allows players who like RPG to truly have an outlet that is designed from the ground level. Hate that every game has an RPG server etc that really has nothing to support RPG.

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/21/2014 - 07:09
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
alewolf wrote:
Foradain wrote:
alewolf wrote:

I am not a fan of CA being the location of Titan City, not sure it should have an assigned state or country...

Not sure if that's a typo or if you found something saying Titan City was in California. According to the Devs, it's in Massachusetts, north of Boston, roughly where the Miskatonic would empty into the Atlantic if it was real.

I went back and I got the Valiance setting switched with the COT. Such things happen.

I could of sworn I saw something in a comparison between, :Ship, Valiance and COT: That stated it was in a future CA...

Whatever you saw that said that it was in CA could have simply been wrong. Not that big a deal either way. *shrugs*

Even though Titan City is technically based in MA the Devs at MWM are obviously going to be taking some "artistic license" with it to make their fictional world lore work smoothly so it's basically only going to be related to the "real world" in name only. When you think about it most comic books end up being handled in a similar way.

I went back and found that I transposed it with Valiance, such things do happen.

Project_Hero's picture
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Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
The PVP idea soubds

The PVP idea sounds interesting, I think I've seen something like that discussed on here before though I couldn't say where. It sounds quite like a thing they have in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 they have missions that are 5 on 1 fights against a singular super powered NPC but they've recently had it so you can play as your character -as- the super powered boss.

Speaking of pvp/pve stuff something I just remembered was the DM mode in Neverwinter Nights, IIRC you could create a level/campaign and then while players are running through it you can talk to them, add monsters, change things, etc. Something like that would be a great RP event tool for players, if such a thing could be implimented. Essentially having players able to play an AE map while it's still being made, it doesnt sound all that more complicated than allowing players to edit a base while people are in the base (in CoH I always liked watching bases being constructed).

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Fireheart's picture
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Blame CAnada?

Blame CAnada?

Be Well!

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Joined: 09/25/2013 - 13:48
Now wait just a darn second .

Now wait just a darn second . . . why not blame CAralina? Or CAsablanca or CAdiz or . . . .

I know I'm mixing up countries and cities but, cheez.

CAnada, CAlgary are precious places to

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It’s been a long time, but I wanted to see what the idea was for bringing this team to life and if there was still interest?

What was the name we decided on as well?


Javacado's picture
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Gladatoria wrote:
Gladatoria wrote:


It’s been a long time, but I wanted to see what the idea was for bringing this team to life and if there was still interest?

What was the name we decided on as well?

Heya Gladatoria!

It certainly has been a long time. I don't think an official name was ever decided upon outside of the moniker, Generation T which was inferred following the School's Out! Forum RP. I know I still have some slight interest in exploring a teenage super-team, its just difficult to prolong its psuedo-existence until City of Titans actually materializes for an Issue 1 launch.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Agreed! Who were you thinking

Agreed! Who were you thinking of playing still?


Javacado's picture
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Gladatoria wrote:
Gladatoria wrote:

Agreed! Who were you thinking of playing still?

I'm still potentially considering playing Scarlet Striker (Now renamed to Stuntman), I do have other characters that could be up for consideration as well but haven't dedicated much time to fleshing them out due to IRL responsibilities.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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That could work! Remind me

That could work! Remind me what his powers and backstory was again?


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Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Tactile Telekinesis which is

Tactile Telekinesis which is used to amplify his superhuman physicality. Backstory has undergone some rewrites, but the gist is that he's a mutant born with telekinetic gifts but were suppressed for years due to his parents putting him on power-dampening medications to the point where it seemed like they went dormant. They only reawakened later in his teen years following an incident that forcibly brought them to the surface in full force.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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How does he feel about joining a team and using his powers?


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Hey! Been a long while, and

Hey! Been a long while, and been back into CoH, but I've wanted to see what has been going o, get into the RP again if possible. I really enjoyed the Young Wanderers roleplay we had that sort of kinda petered out. I'm honestly really out of the loop and haven't paid attention to what's been going on in CoT in a while, but I'd love to get into it some more. I'd have to go check out and reread/update my profiles, or something. It's been ages lol...
