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Costume Sets

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JayBezz's picture
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Regarding "retractable" wings

Regarding "retractable" wings.. I believe the three states of each build are:

Travel Power

If you want to "Flame On" when using travel power you can. In that same vein if you want to grow wings, I don't see why that should be a problem.

Now for resting wing poses vs flying wing poses I dunno if you need the two options but it could help

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Nina Guardian
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You all have some real

You all have some real interesting ideas (most of which I personally won't wear, but I'm all for diversity of styles)!

However, I want to make sure we also have some more 'normal' streetwear available, in a variety of styles.

Sure, a lot of the time I'm gonna want to wear my cape, but sometimes I might feel like rockin a tube top, miniskirt and strappy heels. At others, maybe a 'Fightin' Meekcats' cap, Naughty Corner (tm) hoodie, some skinny jeans and flip flops.

Let's not forget 'everyday' clothes for downtime.

I also hope that outfit changes will be easier to do that it was in CoH. More like how Secret World does it.

Phoenix Rising's Model Citizen

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Now for resting wing poses vs flying wing poses I dunno if you need the two options but it could help

Maybe CoT could provide a set of emotes and/or stance settings that would let people move their wings into any position they want regardless of the "default" positions. This could address the "retracable" wing issue and perhaps allow for several "resting" options like having the wings wrap around you like a cloak or not.

Nina Guardian wrote:

I also hope that outfit changes will be easier to do that it was in CoH. More like how Secret World does it.

I played CoH for countless hours but never tried Secret World. I'm vaguely aware that Secret World provides a large number of 'normal' streetwear items but how exactly are the costume changes better in that game? Do you mean the costume creator itself or the way you actually switch from one costume to the next? Does it have the same concept of "costume slots" like CoH had or does it do something different?

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Maybe have walkin restrooms

Maybe have walkin restrooms and pay phone booths that automatically bring up the costume change menu for immersive roleplaying?

It's a nice to have but would be cool

Redlynne's picture
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Costume Change Emote: Phone

Costume Change Emote: Phone Booth.

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Nina Guardian
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Nina Guardian wrote:

Nina Guardian wrote:
I also hope that outfit changes will be easier to do that it was in CoH. More like how Secret World does it.
Lothic wrote:

I played CoH for countless hours but never tried Secret World. I'm vaguely aware that Secret World provides a large number of 'normal' streetwear items but how exactly are the costume changes better in that game? Do you mean the costume creator itself or the way you actually switch from one costume to the next? Does it have the same concept of "costume slots" like CoH had or does it do something different?[/quote]

Well, if you like horror movies in general, or Walking Dead in particular, you would probably like Secret World. As far as costuming, the way it's done is that you acquire costume parts (hats, tops, bottoms, shoes, etc) either by 'buying' them in the website store or thru mission awards, whatever. Once you have them, you have them in your wardrobe forever and can mix and match them whenever you like. So you only have 1 real costume 'slot', but can change outfits on the fly.

Now, my thing is that you have (at least) 2 'slots. One for your super suit and one for streetwear that you could switch between like we did in CoH. You could also change the outfit in each 'slot' by mixing and matching the pieces in your wardrobe (like maybe only in your base or some such). You would go to the tailor to get new pieces (preferably by spending in-game Influence or whatever rather than real money) or to change hairstyles/hair color/makeup.

Phoenix Rising's Model Citizen

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Costume Change Emote: Phone Booth.

Bill and Ted Phone booth?


Redlynne's picture
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That's one way of doing it.

That's one way of doing it. Not the ONLY way ... but certainly one of them.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lin Chiao Feng
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

That's one way of doing it. Not the ONLY way ... but certainly one of them.

Another, of course, would be...

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Is it too late to post here?

Is it too late to post here? I want inorganic type pieces. Stone, crystal, glass, concrete and such.

Lothic's picture
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Nina Guardian wrote:
Nina Guardian wrote:

Nina Guardian wrote:
I also hope that outfit changes will be easier to do that it was in CoH. More like how Secret World does it.

Lothic wrote:

I played CoH for countless hours but never tried Secret World. I'm vaguely aware that Secret World provides a large number of 'normal' streetwear items but how exactly are the costume changes better in that game? Do you mean the costume creator itself or the way you actually switch from one costume to the next? Does it have the same concept of "costume slots" like CoH had or does it do something different?

Well, if you like horror movies in general, or Walking Dead in particular, you would probably like Secret World. As far as costuming, the way it's done is that you acquire costume parts (hats, tops, bottoms, shoes, etc) either by 'buying' them in the website store or thru mission awards, whatever. Once you have them, you have them in your wardrobe forever and can mix and match them whenever you like. So you only have 1 real costume 'slot', but can change outfits on the fly.

Now, my thing is that you have (at least) 2 'slots. One for your super suit and one for streetwear that you could switch between like we did in CoH. You could also change the outfit in each 'slot' by mixing and matching the pieces in your wardrobe (like maybe only in your base or some such). You would go to the tailor to get new pieces (preferably by spending in-game Influence or whatever rather than real money) or to change hairstyles/hair color/makeup.

This doesn't sound incredibly different to what you could do in CoH. Still not really getting what might have made Secret World "easier" in this regard.

In CoH I ended up having 10 costume slots for each of my main alts. With the keybinding system and the "costume change emotes" I was able to set up dozens of different ready-to-go costumes for my alts each with their own costume change animations that fit the particular costume at the touch of a button.

Now the only part about CoH's system that consistently annoyed me was its 30 second costume change timeout. Basically this made it so you had to wait at least 30 seconds between each costume change. The working theory (according to the Devs) was that if they allowed people to switch any more often than that it would've put too much 'stress' on the network bandwidth having to account for the changes on everyone's client around you who could see your costume change. Frankly I always figured that explanation was a little bit BS-ish (30 seconds is an eternity as far as network traffic goes) and the real reason for it was just as some kind of overly conservative anti-griefing mechanism.

Regardless if CoT can more or less allow me to do the same things with costumes that I described above while also reducing the change timeout to say 5 seconds (instead of 30) I'd be one fairly happy camper.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Thunder-Puncher wrote:
Thunder-Puncher wrote:

One selection I hoped for...,
- ...but never found available on CoX (...yeah, I know...surprising, neh?...) was full length gloves (...and not just the 'witch version'...) and sash ( the ones worn by human form Khelds...). I can't imagine the coding being too difficult as there would be far less 'plexi' graphics required to create than...say, 'butt-capes', trenchcoats or capes altogether. The full length gloves might be difficult as certain patterns would only come up about halfway...which would either make them look silly, or provide interesting new costume potential. Just an idea... ^_^

The full length gloves are "Opera Gloves." Many a design of mine failed for the lack of such basic items.

and also kudos for a sash! YES this!

as for my female characters, a corset would be nice, cupped and cupless.
The variety of shoulder pieces were really nice,
outfits with a bare mid drift
High heel shoes, and thigh high boots with heels were fun.
OK, I'm gonna ask for something really evil here...bouncy hair.
The long scarf was wonderful

For the guys: Cyclops visors. I always wanted to make a pure Cyclops character...
Pets: a shark floating over your shoulder...with a freakin laser shooting from its head!
Tux with tails for both sexes and a Bow tie for both sexes. Shirt optional


sev171's picture
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Lots of different styles for

Lots of different styles for hoods and helmets. Not just like 3 but LOTS. I can never seem to find the right ones for my characters

Pengy's picture
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Capes that can be worn over

Capes that can be worn over coats, such as dusters, opera capes.
Turtleneck sweaters.

dawnofcrow's picture
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i get ideal make care bears

i get ideal make care bears Costume Set

whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster and when you look into the abyss, the abyss also look into you, -Friedrich

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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City of heroes already had

City of heroes already had that

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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

City of heroes already had that

now we all need care bears powers [img][/img]

whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster and when you look into the abyss, the abyss also look into you, -Friedrich

Lin Chiao Feng
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dawnofcrow wrote:
dawnofcrow wrote:

now we all need care bears powers

That would be an Empathy/Beam Sentinel build.

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Kiyori Anoyui
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

dawnofcrow wrote:
now we all need care bears powers

That would be an Empathy/Beam Sentinel build.

That kind of power reminds me of this weird game. "Taste My Love"

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
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Lin Chiao Feng
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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
dawnofcrow wrote:
now we all need care bears powers

That would be an Empathy/Beam Sentinel build.
That kind of power reminds me of this weird game. "Taste My Love"

[i]* backs away carefully.[/i]

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Kiyori Anoyui
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

* backs away carefully.

You can't escape the power of love ~_^

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

* backs away carefully.

You can't escape the power of love ~_^

No, [url=]that's[/url] a different song. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Hatut Zeraze
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

This stuff is bulletproof (though I'd personally still line it with Kevlar) and a lot of really old art shows that it's the sort actual knights wore into combat. That's worth a lot to me.
Alternately, playing a temporally displaced landsknecht would be all kinds of awesome

I was re-looking over this great thread and I found a new appreciation for this particular costume request.

I am remembering an old series of comic stories by Gary Gianni that used to be called Monstermen, but he later changed to Corpus Monstrum. They featured a character named Lawrence St. George who investigated bizarre occult mysteries and fought outlandish horror creatures. He wore one of these helmets with a tuxedo and occasionally a lounging robe.

If this were available, I don't think I would be able to resist making a tribute toon just to run him around for a day or two. Sure, we'll see a lot of Iron Man and Hulk tributes, but how many Lawrence St. George tributes have we ever seen?

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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I'd like something similar

I'd like something similar but much simpler
I've wanted to wear this costume since 1980

whiteperegrine's picture
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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

I'd like something similar but much simpler
I've wanted to wear this costume since 1980

AD&D flashback!


Cyclops's picture
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For the ladies: Various high

For the ladies: Various high heels, cause nothing says you're chasing after a perp like hi heels
Thigh High boots with hi heels built in.

for all: Guns: Various holsters, old west to modern shoulder holsters
Coiled rope to wear at your hip like Wonder Woman...same for a whip...accessories only
A loin cloth held by a rope belt...but can be matched with any belt, including
The steel armored girdle ala Conan. Goes with the loin cloth above, a fur loin cloth, or a chain mail loin cloth


Lothic's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Various high heels, cause nothing says you're chasing after a perp like hi heels

There have been plenty of comic book debates about how "realistic" it would be for characters to run around fighting crime in 5 inch stiletto heels and I don't really want to restart all that here.

But the one thing your suggestions reminded me of was the old Wonder Woman TV show with Lynda Carter and her "magic" boots. No, they weren't technically magic or even supposed to be. But what's funny is that if you pay close attention you'll see that in scenes where she's more or less standing still she's usually wearing boots that have obvious heels but in other action scenes where she's running around her boots "magically" lose the heels and become flat soled. Now clearly the TV makers did that for Lynda's safety and comfort, but it does drive home the point that they make a serious difference in "real life" as well.

What might be cool for CoT is if they gave us a pair of boots that literally had "magic heels" in that while standing still or walking slowly they would be tall and pointy but as soon as you're running and/or in combat they would lower down and flatten out for better mobility. It would be sort of a nice easter egg nod to Lynda's magic TV boots. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Pengy's picture
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She did run in heels

She did run in heels sometimes, but only on floors or hard pavement. They disappeared on soft, loose, or rough surfaces.

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Pengy wrote:
Pengy wrote:

She did run in heels sometimes, but only on floors or hard pavement. They disappeared on soft, loose, or rough surfaces.

I never claimed it's impossible for people to run in heels. Just pointing out that the "reality" of making TV show "magic" with real life human beings sometimes involves simple camera tricks, stunt doubles and covert wardrobe changes. Had that show been made yesterday instead of almost 40 years ago they might have even been able to use some CGI to cover up the heel switches. *shrugs*

As far the comic book version of high heels goes I figure it would all depend on the powers of the character in question. Someone as strong as Wonder Woman could arguably get away with wearing heels all the time because of her relative strength and degree of invulnerability. For other fictional characters (like let's say Lara Croft) the idea of her wearing stilettos while tomb raiding seems laughable just because she has no special powers or excuses that would explain that.

Sometimes in CoH (as sort of a semi-joke) I would envision that some of my superheroines could get away with wearing high heels because they Flew/Hovered all the time - no worries about breaking your ankles when you're not actually using them to support your weight. ;)

But bottomline to be clear I don't really care if a person wants to apply the rules of real world physics to what they wear in a MMO or not. I am in no way suggesting that a character can only wear high heels in the game as long as they have the "correct" powers to explain it. I'm simply saying it's actually fun for me to pay attention to those kinds of details. What you or anyone else thinks about it is their deal.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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For superheroes, one can

For superheroes, one can always say the fact that they're super strong can run in high heels just fine without problems. :p Or whatever power. Why people never understood that easy little idea, I've never understood. :p Invunerability? Regeneration? No worry :p

What I would like is some NICE looking heels, which I thought CoH lacked and CO could use a few more :)

Lin Chiao Feng
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Mecha stilettos...

Mecha stilettos...

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Wolf Shadow
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Cyclops wrote:
Various high heels, cause nothing says you're chasing after a perp like hi heels

But the one thing your suggestions reminded me of was the old Wonder Woman TV show with Lynda Carter and her "magic" boots. No, they weren't technically magic or even supposed to be. But what's funny is that if you pay close attention you'll see that in scenes where she's more or less standing still she's usually wearing boots that have obvious heels but in other action scenes where she's running around her boots "magically" lose the heels and become flat soled. Now clearly the TV makers did that for Lynda's safety and comfort, but it does drive home the point that they make a serious difference in "real life" as well.

Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman in Batman Returns had similar boots. Look closely when she's doing cart wheels.


-Wolf sends

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

For superheroes, one can always say the fact that they're super strong can run in high heels just fine without problems. :p Or whatever power. Why people never understood that easy little idea, I've never understood. :p Invunerability? Regeneration? No worry :p

Yep I figure having such a character in a "fictional superhero" setting is usually enough to explain away the physics problems that would make many things like this more or less impossible in real life. Explaining why a character like Wonder Woman could run around in heels is almost on the same level as being able to accept that most guns in Hollywood have an infinite number of bullets. ;)

Brand X wrote:

What I would like is some NICE looking heels, which I thought CoH lacked and CO could use a few more :)

Hopefully that'll happen. Maybe they'll even throw in a version of my "auto-adjusting heel" boot just for laughs.

Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Mecha stilettos...

Those are practically mecha ballet boots. Obviously when you can adapt boots like that into metallic flying battle armor it shows us that anime can get away with almost anything.

Wolf Shadow wrote:

Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman in Batman Returns had similar boots. Look closely when she's doing cart wheels.

Yeah I forgot about this example. I'll bet you can ultimately find cases of "magical heel-switching" boots in almost every TV show or movie that has a high heel wearer doing something even vaguely action oriented.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Being the ever loveable dead

Being the ever loveable dead head. Well I would like a Zombie/Mummified look that not extreme rotten/bitten flesh. Closed mouth option... really not all zombies have hanging jaws.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

I'd like something similar but much simpler
I've wanted to wear this costume since 1980

What you are looking for, my friend, rather than the engineered strength of Mixaimilian armor, is the clean functionality of a Milanese harness.

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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Mecha stilettos...

You have no idea how much I adored Bubblegum Crisis! If it were up to me they'd be on BubCri OVA 100 by now

Lay your hands on me
While I'm bleeding dry
Break on through blue skies
And take it high

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Hmmmmm....I think this


Hmmmmm....I think this concept would be applicable for a few characters. This is essentially is what Gravemire would look like in the future.

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Kiyori Anoyui
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I would love some mecha

I would love some mecha stiletto's, that would add a whole new level to female bot creations in my opinion!

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
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Torn shirts! ala Doc Savage

Torn shirts! ala Doc Savage


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One thing I was hoping for

One thing I was hoping for was some more font choices for letter emblems. The letters and numbers in CoH were always a little too block like. It would be nice to have some other styles. An Old English script letter for instance.

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Hi all, my name's Catalyst.

Hi all, my name's Catalyst. This is my first time commenting on a forum post here but I'm really excited to be part of the CoT crew.

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before but something I'm really hoping for are tons of tattoo options and the ability to move them around the body. I don't know if it will only be possible to "slot" them in specific locations like the hands/arms/face/etc, but it would be amazing to be able to click and drag tattoos around on a characters body to position it exactly where you want it.

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while I am sure it has been

while I am sure it has been mentioned elsewhere figured I would say it again....actual glowy bits. CO has it...I would like to see something similar implemented here. :)


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It's been mentioned that CoT

It's been mentioned that CoT will allow decals and such to be moved, rotated, scaled, and stacked in an early KS update, so I'd hope that would be applicable to tattoos.

Granted, I'm been trying to get an update on that from MWM :p

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

It's been mentioned that CoT will allow decals and such to be moved, rotated, scaled, and stacked in an early KS update, so I'd hope that would be applicable to tattoos.
Granted, I'm been trying to get an update on that from MWM :p

....That could be interesting. The only MMO that I know of that did that was APB.

APB had some of the most creative character costumes and player objects that I have seen in recent memory due to that type of system. The one thing to be careful about though is that it's likely some immature players will decide to use that system to make offensive symbols or sex genitals (or just sex itself). Even with the simplest of tools SOMEONE will do's an inevitability...

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Yeahhhhhh, it'd be hard to

Yeahhhhhh, it'd be hard to avoid 2-4 circles being warped into nipples.

Though, remembering CoH, it'd look more goofy than explicit.

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It's still a good idea though

It's still a good idea though. The problem is with some of the players themselves. Players that would use the system just to make offensive symbols that are usually not doing it as a joke....and if you try to get rid of there symbols they'll act like your censoring them.

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Bleddyn wrote:
Bleddyn wrote:

It's still a good idea though. The problem is with some of the players themselves. Players that would use the system just to make offensive symbols that are usually not doing it as a joke....and if you try to get rid of there symbols they'll act like your censoring them.

It's always going to be a fine line between giving players as much freedom as possible and the few idiots who'll abuse that freedom by doing things that are clearly offensive to pretty much everyone.

The best thing the Devs of this (or any other game) can really do is to allow for options that aren't intrinsically offensive by themselves and then simply let fellow players report situations to the game's GMs in cases where individual players have found ways to produce naughty things by finding unconventional ways to combine/manipulate safe items together in unforeseen ways. The number of non-abusive, creative players will always far outnumber the few bad apples regardless.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Unfortunately, this is more

Unfortunately, this is more work on the devs because such a feature would be abused :p

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Catalyst wrote:
Catalyst wrote:

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before but something I'm really hoping for are tons of tattoo options and the ability to move them around the body. I don't know if it will only be possible to "slot" them in specific locations like the hands/arms/face/etc, but it would be amazing to be able to click and drag tattoos around on a characters body to position it exactly where you want it.

desviper wrote:

It's been mentioned that CoT will allow decals and such to be moved, rotated, scaled, and stacked in an early KS update, so I'd hope that would be applicable to tattoos.
Granted, I'm been trying to get an update on that from MWM :p

Bleddyn wrote:

....That could be interesting. The only MMO that I know of that did that was APB.

I specifically referenced APB when I asked this very same question a while back - and the dev response was "I think you'll be pleased". So while not "rubber stamp confirmed" and no info on exact capabilities - this seems to indicate that they are working on such a system for the character creator - or at least hoping to include it.

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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

Catalyst wrote:
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before but something I'm really hoping for are tons of tattoo options and the ability to move them around the body. I don't know if it will only be possible to "slot" them in specific locations like the hands/arms/face/etc, but it would be amazing to be able to click and drag tattoos around on a characters body to position it exactly where you want it.
desviper wrote:
It's been mentioned that CoT will allow decals and such to be moved, rotated, scaled, and stacked in an early KS update, so I'd hope that would be applicable to tattoos.
Granted, I'm been trying to get an update on that from MWM :p

Bleddyn wrote:
....That could be interesting. The only MMO that I know of that did that was APB.
I specifically referenced APB when I asked this very same question a while back - and the dev response was "I think you'll be pleased". So while not "rubber stamp confirmed" and no info on exact capabilities - this seems to indicate that they are working on such a system for the character creator - or at least hoping to include it.

Ooooooo, that's very exciting. Tattoos are the best!

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"I think you'll be pleased"

"I think you'll be pleased" sounds to me like promise 80% or 120% confirmed :p

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Probably too late for someone

Probably too late for someone who didn't put in Kickstarter Money to make a costume suggestion, but...

Magical Girl inspired options? They may not be practical, but, skirts, with and without ruffly petticoats, fluffy tops, bows and things? They could double as Japanese street fashions for the Casual/Streetwear option (which I am totally behind, 110%). Don't get me wrong, I love Western heroes, but Magical Girl outfits would be fun for a change.

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

Darth Fez
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I call dibs on Sailor

I call dibs on Sailor Deadpool.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Darth Fez wrote: I call dibs
Darth Fez wrote:

I call dibs on Sailor Deadpool.

Damn you, now I can't get that image out of my head. Thanks a lot. :D

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(No subject)


Jupi-chan is best Sailor Senshi. ^_^

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elegantmess wrote: Probably
elegantmess wrote:

Probably too late for someone who didn't put in Kickstarter Money to make a costume suggestion, but...Magical Girl inspired options? They may not be practical, but, skirts, with and without ruffly petticoats, fluffy tops, bows and things? They could double as Japanese street fashions for the Casual/Streetwear option (which I am totally behind, 110%). Don't get me wrong, I love Western heroes, but Magical Girl outfits would be fun for a change.

At the very least the Unreal 4 engine should make things like that much more possible to do than in CoH. I could see where they might offer costume item options like that eventually.
Sure it would probably lead to hundreds of "Sailor Moon" rip-offs, but it would be fun to see regardless. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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We were able to construct

We were able to construct 'sailor' costumes practically from the start, in CoH. I doubt they'll be left out of CoT.

Be Well!

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Fireheart wrote: We were able
Fireheart wrote:

We were able to construct 'sailor' costumes practically from the start, in CoH. I doubt they'll be left out of CoT.
Be Well!

I'd agree there were quite a few things you could "kind of sort of" do in CoH to simulate all kinds of outfits. That was easily one of the game's strongest, most revolutionary features.
But even when you take the classic Sailor Moon outfit as an example:
you'd have to concede there are many details CoH never provided to players that CoT (again with advancements such as Unreal 4) has a realistic chance of implementing such as:
[list][*]hair streamers (and/or animated hair in general)
[*]earrings (and/or jewelry in general)
[*]bows or other decorations that could be attached on top of other clothes
[*]the ability to place logos (in this case the crescent moon shapes) on non-chest areas
[*]flared skirts that animate like real clothing
[*]and so on...[/list]
All I'm suggesting is that while CoH was amazing in its time its "claim to fame" is now based on software tech that's at least 12-14 years old. It's not exactly going to be surprising if CoT eventually makes CoH look antiquated by comparison. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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And I don't just mean Sailor

And I don't just mean Sailor Moon. There's tons of other magical girls to take inspiration from.

--The Pretty Cure franchise (all of 'em)
--Card Captor Sakura
--Magic Knights Rayearth
--*groan* Puella Magica Madoka
--and many others I can't recall off the top of my head.

Basically, something a bit frillier and fluffier than the usual Western Superheros.

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

Darth Fez
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Tsk, tsk. How am I supposed

Tsk, tsk. How am I supposed to take you seriously if you miss out on one of the best ones?


- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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With all this talk about

With all this talk about outfits for anime/manga/magical girls I have to wonder if someone hadn't already suggested the fundamental "costume item" we'd actually need for all of these ideas: a face with the classic Japanese "big eyes, tiny nose and tiny mouth" style.
Without knowing anything about how the CoT avatar builder will handle faces I have to wonder how hard it would be to include a face like this in this game. And there's always the question of whether MWM would even want to offer it as an option because it might clash too strongly against the artistic stylings of the rest of the game (kind of like how weird it would be to see Fred Flintstone walking around in an Archer episode). Perhaps instead of getting a dedicated template for such a face the avatar builder will simply allow us to create our own versions of this face by setting the eye, nose and mouth size sliders to the extremes.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I'm okay without the face. I

I'm okay without the face. I can live without the anime eyes, though sliders for all features would be awesome. I'd actually aim more for points for the ears and just getting to have a magical girl outfit at all.

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

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Sailboat wrote: I would like
Sailboat wrote:

I would like to be able to sport a giant pair of shears on my back.But I'm afraid of clipping.

Oh. My. That made my day.

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Lord Nightmare wrote: going
Lord Nightmare wrote:

going back and designing for the Cultists.. it made me realize something. CoH had no robe bottoms. Ok.. it had ONE, the Ninja one. But IIRC, you had to buy that in a costume set. CO, however, has a plethora of them along with different designs. Please dear god get some robe-age up in here.. and the full thing too (feet that poke from the bottom? :3). Mages aren't all cape wearing loonies in skintight clothing.. some of them actually go a more archaic design :D

This. Definitely this. I always wanted to make a Scorpion/raided/Subzero-type character in CoX, but the Hakama-style piece was just about the only one that could be used. I would love to see a bunch of different styles of lower body skirts/robes/drapes/etc for male and female toons.

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graff wrote: body art or
graff wrote:

body art or tattoos for male and female , and some jewellery for both male and female earlings ,nose rings, lip rings I know CoH had nipple rings for male toons so maybe a navel ring for females as its rate t for teens so no nipple rings for females

Tattoos would be great. and, in the spirit of asymmetrical costume pieces, to be able to put tattoos on any piece of the body. Also to have that be a bottom layer, as in have a tattoo sleeve on my arm with a gauntlet over it so you can see just the edges of the tattoo underneath. That would be nice.

avelworldcreator's picture
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I believe tattoos and a lot

I believe tattoos and a lot of other stuff will be available as time goes on.


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(No subject)

I want pouches!!

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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Yeah a good assortment of

Yeah a good assortment of pouches would be cool - even in a non-jokey way. ;)

I always wanted a tech-based "gadget girl" that looked sort of like one of the recent versions of Batgirl...


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I'm hoping there's some

I'm hoping there's some insectoid body pieces along the way; I've got a concept or two that relies on having access to chitinous growths on the body


(Before anybody asks, I did not draw this.)

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

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I know we've mentioned casual

I know we've mentioned casual wear, but, considering that superheroes were getting hitched and going to galas and things all the time, how about some formal wear options? Maybe, just to begin with, three styles of dress (Mini-, Midi-, full length) and three styles of tuxedo (tails, Nehru, suit). I'd be especially thrilled if they were unisex, but I'll take what I can. And then, of course, one can color and pattern them like their supersets, so we can tell its "Captain Valkyrie" and "Mr. Terrific" out to raise money for orphaned puppy syndrome at St. Nicholas Hospital for Winsome Victorian Moppets or something.

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

Elios Valoryn
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I want a prince of persia

I want a prince of persia kind of outfit, I imagined one of my characters with his pants and scarf thing around his waist.

As foolish as this seems,


From ya boy, Elios.

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elegantmess wrote:
elegantmess wrote:

I know we've mentioned casual wear, but, considering that superheroes were getting hitched and going to galas and things all the time, how about some formal wear options? Maybe, just to begin with, three styles of dress (Mini-, Midi-, full length) and three styles of tuxedo (tails, Nehru, suit). I'd be especially thrilled if they were unisex, but I'll take what I can. And then, of course, one can color and pattern them like their supersets, so we can tell its "Captain Valkyrie" and "Mr. Terrific" out to raise money for orphaned puppy syndrome at St. Nicholas Hospital for Winsome Victorian Moppets or something.

With the system of moving decals and such anywhere, you could be able to make a really neat dress, or a very weird suit :p

Also, I advocate for a Metis scarf-belt (canadian thing).

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Just wanted to point out that

Just wanted to point out that up on the FAQ board is a question as to whether NPC factions costume sets should be a reward for achieving a certain faction standing. Mostly the response has been in the negative but that's very different from the opinions I was aware of in the COH days. I think that general opinion has more to do with who has read that thread. If you are for or against this idea please leave your thoughts in that thread. I suspect more of the people browsing the CC thread would be in favor of this but that's up to you.

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I would like for costumes to

I would like for costumes to have a pattern selection available in addition to solid colors. Each area that can have a separate color could have a pattern and each pattern would have color selections.

elegantmess's picture
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Ooh! Another couple things

Ooh! Another couple things that I just thought of, because I was looking at old CoH wikis.

Fur/feather trimmed pieces. I was always a little sad I couldn't make a proper Red Riding Hood themed character have a wolf fur trimmed hooded cape.

Cowboy pieces. Hat, boots, chaps, gun belt, sheriff and marshal badge symbols (five, six and seven point stars), Western outfits, both of the Old West and more modern varieties.

Animal print patterns.

Camouflage pattern.

Bug wings.

Something Rosie the Riveter-ish, coveralls, overalls, something that a blue collar worker might wear.

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

Cobalt Azurean
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elegantmess wrote:
elegantmess wrote:

Bug wings.

Energy wings. I initially didn't enjoy them when they were first released, but I grew to really like the Celestial ones in CoH/V. And while I don't expect them to be exact, something similar wouldn't be remiss.

Radiac's picture
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If you could take a regular

If you could take a regular "feathered wings" and then change the materials or colors such that it now looks like it's made of energy (i.e. translucent, or shiny, or glowwy, etc), wouldn't that be better? If we had that technology, we could make "energy bat wings" and "energy fairy wings" and any other kind of "energy ____ wings" right?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

If you could take a regular "feathered wings" and then change the materials or colors such that it now looks like it's made of energy (i.e. translucent, or shiny, or glowwy, etc), wouldn't that be better? If we had that technology, we could make "energy bat wings" and "energy fairy wings" and any other kind of "energy ____ wings" right?

I wouldn't necessarily say that was a "better" option but I would say that would be good as an "additional" option. If anything it would be a quick-ish way to reuse any currently existing wing type - just take an existing wing and make a kind of "ghostly glowing" version of it.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Dark Ether
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I believe I saw a Borderlands

I believe I saw a Borderlands 2 wings sort of like that? I think it's power activated, though.

(insert pithy comment here)

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

If you could take a regular "feathered wings" and then change the materials or colors such that it now looks like it's made of energy (i.e. translucent, or shiny, or glowwy, etc), wouldn't that be better? If we had that technology, we could make "energy bat wings" and "energy fairy wings" and any other kind of "energy ____ wings" right?

Not so much, it's more about getting addition shapes to the wings themselves rather than another material type. I fully expect that "energy" will be a material option for all wings where it would make sense, likewise with any other material option.

Don't know how feasible these types of wings would be to implement through only material/texture options when the base mesh and animation is the standard bat/bird kind.

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I'm all for as many different

I'm all for as many different wing shapes as they can come up with and sell, for the record.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Cobalt Azurean
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

I'm all for as many different wing shapes as they can come up with and sell, for the record.

This, but specifically I'd like to see energy wings not tied to Veteran/Subscriber Rewards. I had originally thought they'd look more like Tyrael's from Diablo, but those looked more like glowy, whip-like appendages in the Diablo 2 cinematics. I'd be game for different styles of energy wings too, of course.

Lothic's picture
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Radiac wrote:
I'm all for as many different wing shapes as they can come up with and sell, for the record.
This, but specifically I'd like to see energy wings not tied to Veteran/Subscriber Rewards. I had originally thought they'd look more like Tyrael's from Diablo, but those looked more like glowy, whip-like appendages in the Diablo 2 cinematics. I'd be game for different styles of energy wings too, of course.

Gods forbid any of them flutter in a "jiggly" sort of way... Wings should be absolutely rigid and non-moving... just like a bird's wings in nature.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cobalt Azurean
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Radiac wrote:
I'm all for as many different wing shapes as they can come up with and sell, for the record.
This, but specifically I'd like to see energy wings not tied to Veteran/Subscriber Rewards. I had originally thought they'd look more like Tyrael's from Diablo, but those looked more like glowy, whip-like appendages in the Diablo 2 cinematics. I'd be game for different styles of energy wings too, of course.
Gods forbid any of them flutter in a "jiggly" sort of way... Wings should be absolutely rigid and non-moving... just like a bird's wings in nature.

I stated previously in the thread that I actually liked the Celestial Wings, which did admittedly undulate or, in the broadest sense of the word, "jiggled", if you're looking for some measure of validation for your argument.
Speaking of arguments, it certainly appears that you're looking for one by dragging some personal misgivings from one thread into another. I would suggest keeping the various threads, and their accompanying subject matters, separate.

Lothic's picture
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Radiac wrote:
I'm all for as many different wing shapes as they can come up with and sell, for the record.
This, but specifically I'd like to see energy wings not tied to Veteran/Subscriber Rewards. I had originally thought they'd look more like Tyrael's from Diablo, but those looked more like glowy, whip-like appendages in the Diablo 2 cinematics. I'd be game for different styles of energy wings too, of course.
Gods forbid any of them flutter in a "jiggly" sort of way... Wings should be absolutely rigid and non-moving... just like a bird's wings in nature.
I stated previously in the thread that actually liked the Celestial Wings, which did admittedly undulate or, in the broadest sense of the word, "jiggled", if you're looking for validation of your argument.
Speaking of arguments, it certainly appears that you're looking for one by dragging some personal misgivings from one thread into another. I would suggest keeping the various threads, and their accompanying subject matters, separate.

Heh, there have been times where my "reputation" from certain threads have followed me beyond my control.

Anyway just pointing out that certain types of "natural" movements in body parts (in this case wings) are not intrinsically "naughty" or immaterial in any way, despite what even misguided individuals might be too intractable to realize.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cobalt Azurean
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Radiac wrote:
I'm all for as many different wing shapes as they can come up with and sell, for the record.
This, but specifically I'd like to see energy wings not tied to Veteran/Subscriber Rewards. I had originally thought they'd look more like Tyrael's from Diablo, but those looked more like glowy, whip-like appendages in the Diablo 2 cinematics. I'd be game for different styles of energy wings too, of course.
Gods forbid any of them flutter in a "jiggly" sort of way... Wings should be absolutely rigid and non-moving... just like a bird's wings in nature.
I stated previously in the thread that actually liked the Celestial Wings, which did admittedly undulate or, in the broadest sense of the word, "jiggled", if you're looking for validation of your argument.
Speaking of arguments, it certainly appears that you're looking for one by dragging some personal misgivings from one thread into another. I would suggest keeping the various threads, and their accompanying subject matters, separate.
Heh, there have been times where my "reputation" from certain threads have followed me beyond my control.
Anyway just pointing out that certain types of "natural" movements in body parts (in this case wings) are not intrinsically "naughty" or immaterial in any way, despite what even misguided individuals might be too intractable to realize.

Please re-phrase this in the form of a costume suggestion, as the thread title indicates. Thank you.

Lothic's picture
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Radiac wrote:
I'm all for as many different wing shapes as they can come up with and sell, for the record.
This, but specifically I'd like to see energy wings not tied to Veteran/Subscriber Rewards. I had originally thought they'd look more like Tyrael's from Diablo, but those looked more like glowy, whip-like appendages in the Diablo 2 cinematics. I'd be game for different styles of energy wings too, of course.
Gods forbid any of them flutter in a "jiggly" sort of way... Wings should be absolutely rigid and non-moving... just like a bird's wings in nature.
I stated previously in the thread that actually liked the Celestial Wings, which did admittedly undulate or, in the broadest sense of the word, "jiggled", if you're looking for validation of your argument.
Speaking of arguments, it certainly appears that you're looking for one by dragging some personal misgivings from one thread into another. I would suggest keeping the various threads, and their accompanying subject matters, separate.
Heh, there have been times where my "reputation" from certain threads have followed me beyond my control.
Anyway just pointing out that certain types of "natural" movements in body parts (in this case wings) are not intrinsically "naughty" or immaterial in any way, despite what even misguided individuals might be too intractable to realize.
Please re-phrase this in the form of a costume suggestion, as the thread title indicates. Thank you.

lol... I'd SUGGEST that certain types of "natural" movements in body part based COSTUME ITEMS (in this case wings) are not intrinsically "naughty" or immaterial in any way, despite what even misguided individuals might be too intractable to realize. So perhaps the undulating celestial wings idea would be cool for CoT after all because even though some might think that it'd be a "wasted effort" to make those wings "undulate" I'd bet other people might like that degree of subtly realistic detail.

Was that better for you?

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cobalt Azurean
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Radiac wrote:
I'm all for as many different wing shapes as they can come up with and sell, for the record.
This, but specifically I'd like to see energy wings not tied to Veteran/Subscriber Rewards. I had originally thought they'd look more like Tyrael's from Diablo, but those looked more like glowy, whip-like appendages in the Diablo 2 cinematics. I'd be game for different styles of energy wings too, of course.
Gods forbid any of them flutter in a "jiggly" sort of way... Wings should be absolutely rigid and non-moving... just like a bird's wings in nature.
I stated previously in the thread that actually liked the Celestial Wings, which did admittedly undulate or, in the broadest sense of the word, "jiggled", if you're looking for validation of your argument.
Speaking of arguments, it certainly appears that you're looking for one by dragging some personal misgivings from one thread into another. I would suggest keeping the various threads, and their accompanying subject matters, separate.
Heh, there have been times where my "reputation" from certain threads have followed me beyond my control.
Anyway just pointing out that certain types of "natural" movements in body parts (in this case wings) are not intrinsically "naughty" or immaterial in any way, despite what even misguided individuals might be too intractable to realize.
Please re-phrase this in the form of a costume suggestion, as the thread title indicates. Thank you.
lol... I'd SUGGEST that certain types of "natural" movements in body part based COSTUME ITEMS (in this case wings) are not intrinsically "naughty" or immaterial in any way, despite what even misguided individuals might be too intractable to realize. So perhaps the undulating celestial wings idea would be cool for CoT after all because even though some might think that it'd be a "wasted effort" to make those wings "undulate" I'd bet other people might like that degree of subtly realistic detail.
Was that better for you?


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Joined: 04/16/2018 - 07:49
Glasses with tintable

Glasses with tintable transparent lenses. Round John Lennon glasses, rectangular reading glasses, big "nerd" spectacles. Gimme! XD

Master of the forbidden art of thread necromancy!

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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Mask-of-Many wrote:
Mask-of-Many wrote:

Glasses with tintable transparent lenses. Round John Lennon glasses, rectangular reading glasses, big "nerd" spectacles. Gimme! XD

Just as FYI you managed to find (and necropost to) one of this forum's very old and inactive costume threads. Most of the posts on this thread date back as far as 2013 and it had been dead a full year up until now.

Just to let you know we've come up with several main threads to organize everyone's suggestions (such as an emote thread, a props thread, an animations thread and a costume thread). The currently active [url=]costume thread is here[/url].

The theory about keeping all these things organized in their own threads is so that the Devs will know where to go to see everyone's ideas. If we start allowing these suggestions (like yours) to be spread across multiple threads it's far more likely these things will get scattered to the winds and lost.

Feel free to re-post your glasses ideas (and any others you might have) to the dedicated active threads.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012


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