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-Gasp-! I have no alternative other than shanking your face. I'm sorry it had to come to this!
*throws a beef shank at Xselcier's face*
Totally not the shank you were expecting! Inconvenience man!!! strikes again!
Stalkers don't die: They simply... Disappear.
i stop checking the forums for a couple of days and the rp forum becomes even more active. lol Just glad there is something for me to hop in on and do to get my writing fix. lol
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Now that this RP is cancelled, could you guys suggest some other RP thread for me?
hero , villain? what are you more interested in playing?
And we can start a new one barring that...I have yet to make a teen hero RP...:D *Hint*
Oh jump in any Rp thread Faceless The forum rp group is kind of treating the threads as if they are locations. At least the Open RP threads. So feel free to join in any of them.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Hmm a School RP? That might be interesting try to figure out how the system works when some of the students have superpowers.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Definitely, Rott. And perhaps we can name the school...Atlas Memorial High? :D
As a reference, just created a forum post/topic, Teenage Hero Concepts, to better mold these ideas together, starting with characters.
I'll be able to get more engaged with other RP threads once we're home from our vacation, end of the week.
Well, as i stated before, i like to play villains more than heroes, but i would not like a thread where villains just casually talk to each other. I like my villains to fight heroes.
Then do what blue is doing with the Egypt thread. Make a plot and have us try to figure things out. P.s. blue5150 you are doing an awesome job! Lord Nightmare also starting an adventure with the museum robbery attempt in the Patrol thread. Villains are proactive heroes are Reactive. Start an RP of some crime or evil plot and I'm sure you have RPers flying in to save the day. Or in some cases aid in your diabolical scheme. You could make that the focus of the RP like I did in the Heist RP where my Villain hired some rogues to rob the museum. Note that Museum so needs to upgrade it's security!
So the only thing stopping you is yourself. Choose a zone RP threat or start a new thread yourself. Embrace the red side and cause mayhem and destruction to those pathetic heroes... hmm kind of channeling my red side in this post.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The problem with me is i cannot create a good and complex plot where some incredible mystery needs to be solved leading up to revealing the villain. My best shot would be a villain who has yet to arrive from another plane of existence.
2015 ?!?!?
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
well, faceless......if you read the daily grind's whole idea.......3a hires people, not just heroes. etc...... walk on in and i'll come up with something if youd like :)
Then there's the problem that none of my characters would like to work for somebody else, instead operating on their own interests.
if youd like, i can start a thread for a villain. just give me a basic of waht he/she is interested in. like if youd like to rob banks im not got start one about a museum etc.... or if youre a collector of powerful arifacts, it can be set in say a celtic theme. or if youre a mad scientist i can do a lab thing.....give me an idea and ill run with it for you ok?
and maybe have a few others join in. If you let me know what you're villain would be doing, i can paint the backdrop for which they can do it ok?
Oh and you wouldnt be actually working for 3a , they just provide mathcing of skill sets to people looking for those with them etc....
Now the teenage school hero thing people are talking about. is someone starting it?
No, no, you don't need to put yourself to work just because of me. I think i'll figure something out.
Well, as i mentioned before, my characters operate in their own interests, so basically providing one of them to a client would be working for the client.
it's not work to me sir, i really enjoy being able to put all these creative ideas that fill my head daily to good use :) .. i write all the time, not just here, short stories at home in rl etc.. just love to put the ideas i have out there and the vision i see come to life. i know im not the best typer , or speller etc..... but i still enjoy it. and finding a group of like minded folks to share it with has been great. Props out to rottenluck, summer heat, foradain, gladatoria, xelscior, gideon..all great bunch of folks have had the pleasure to crate worlds with and run with ideas. oops i forgot nyght :) sorry lol. anyways ill start something soon and see if it fits your goals ok?
I'm with blue here. This is fun for us coming up with plots and story ideas. Heck when the RPing got started here on the forums I planted seeds to spark more RP. The Orbs is a prime example they are nothing but a Mcguffin for Villains to use and heroes to safeguard.
I'm sure with the combined evil power of the Red side community we can devise a proper sinister pot for you. Ohh almost sounds like an RP idea there a Think Tank for Villains!
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
If it does not trouble you then sure, go ahead.
And yeah, started the teen heroes thread idea, though the pages before were bugged! But anyway, half the fun of RP is devising plots and seeing it takeoff from there,beautiful snowballing if you will. :D
Oh and if you wanted to know more about my villain characters then here they are:
Faceless - Likes to cause / watch someone else villainous cause chaos. He mostly relies on illusions rather than his other powers. Faceless has got his own dimension, which looks like what seems to be the normal universe, but in total chaos. He also has got a daughter, currently residing in Faceless' dimension.
Dr. Goo - A man transformed into a sentient pile of slime after a lab accident, able to take on any shape and replicate any color. He now kidnaps people and steals stuff for tests in his secret underground lab.
Darkrider - Currently resides in another plane of existence. His main goal would be to shroud every world in darkness and enslave them.
Ryan Riley + The Simulator - Ryan is a scientist who originally built an AI composed of nano machines to help handle lab equipment and heavy stuff, but after a rival scientist stole his work he programmed the AI to replicate almost anything it could see, dubbing it The Simulator and ordering it to murder his rival, while disguised as a random thug it saw on the street. Right now he is pulling off different robberies with his AI disguised as everyday people. He is also stealing other scientists' work via Simulator's replication powers.
Bah! Did I put 2015? *grumbles to self*
Since it's a closed thread, we'll just pretend I said 2014.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Sooooo will there be another heroes day to rui- i mean... uh, celebrate?