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Candlelight Entredes

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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Candlelight Entredes

The night air around the manor of the Bennett Estate was crisp and still, all nightly bird's chirping silenced save for the lone call of the raven, as Cordelia herself makes the last preperations on the dinner she had promised to Amund and Sannit, two very interesting patrons she happened to meet in person last night at her Soirée. Cordelia herself would be cloaked in a cleavage revealing yet ever tasteful, dark violet gown, gradient black as it nears her open toed black heels, the entire striking image drawn together by ebony cascading locks trailing to her upper back, and her ever piercing emerald eyes...

Placing the trays of roast duck and herbed chicken, filet minogn, and sides of homegrown salad with Caesar salad, as well as mashed patatoes and gravy, all in all an impressive spread, the aroma divine as they enter. Cordelia after making sure the candles and such are lit in an inviting manner to accompany the lights and decor, makes her way to stand patiently on the porch of her home, overlooking the large circular driveway of the estate...

Time for Candlelight Entredes


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The call had been half

The call is half-expected, half-surprising. Lifting the phone on the second beep, Sannit listens, nods once, very quietly says, "Thank you", disconnects. Her face shows little- but then it rarely does, directly. Perhaps a tiny little quizzical smile

[i] So. She went through with it. Now, we will see what miss Bennet really is.[/i]

She lets half an hour pass while she made her plans- and it never hurt to make someone wait. Then she lifts the device again. " Hello, is this miss Bennet? Sannit Rajannah. I received your message; my apology for the slow response. I was running some errands, and thought it best not to expose you to the noise...yes, quite. That time works very well. Shall I bring wine? Red or white...very well."


Less than ten minutes after the time set- 'fashionably late' has a very different meaning for a private affair from that for a public function- the lights of a black gullwing Lamborghini sweep the driveway, then the front of the house. The car purrs to a stop in an empty space, and Sannit emerges, her dress a deep red chosen to set off her skin. The long skirt is slit high on the right, revealing most of a smooth leg, encased in a thigh-high black suede boot, as she slides from behind the wheel. Her bodice is far more modest than her soiree dress, revealing through its clinging shape rather than its lack of material. High-necked, sleeveless, scoop-backed, it is as 'modern' as her previous outfit was revised Old School.

Walking up the steps, she gives her hostess a small grin, teeth white in the dimming light. "Good evening, Cordelia. I admit, I'm impressed. When you said 'Manor', I'm afraid I expected one of those modular prefab 'architect designed' pocket mansions." She offers the canvas bag she carries, from which the clink of bottles rises. "I assumed it would be only the three of us, as planned, so I only brought three bottles. I hope that's sufficient."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Cordelia would offer a smile

Cordelia would offer a smile as Sannit pulls up, taking in her form as she is handed the bag, offering a grin as she replies...

"It is the perfect number, rest assured, I'm so glad you could make it!" She leads the woman inside for a moment towards the Dining Room as she adds...

"You look absolutely gorgeous by the way!" Her words so far appear without a doubt genuine


RottenLuck's picture
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The black Lexus pulled up to

The black Lexus pulled up to the manner. The driver got out and walked around and opened the door for Amund. He looked at the manner and headed to the door seeing the two women there "Seems I'm last to arrived. I must say I'm looking forward to what's to come."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Cordelia, glimpsing Amund's

Cordelia, glimpsing Amund's arrival, offers the man a smile as he enters, wating until he is inside before softly shutting the doors, leveling her newest guest into the dining room as she greets them both...

"Thank You for taking the time to come! Welcome to Bennett Manor..."


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Sannit turns from her

Sannit turns from her inspection of the dining room, gives Amund a small smile, bowing her head slightly and offering her hand. "Good evening, Mr. Gunnarr. A pleasure to see you again. I fear we've put miss Bennett to a great deal of trouble." Casually, she picks up the thread from before Amund's arrival.

"I have far too much money and time to not dress well, Cordelia. I spend a great deal of both on my wardrobe- even my more casual things. I suppose it would be the polite thing to say that I'm glad you approve..." She grins. "And I admit it tickles my vanity. But I dress to suit myself. If it pleases you, or anyone else, it's merely a bonus."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

RottenLuck's picture
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"It's a pleasure to be here."

"It's a pleasure to be here." he removed a case from his pocket opening it was a brooch a red stone that had a woman silhouette carved on to it. "A hostess gift."

He chuckled "I seem to be the poorest one here. I recently had a large chunk of my spending money moved to acquiring an artifact of importants to my collection. I fear it left me a bit on the low side of spending curve thankfully not to low."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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She chuckles at that,

She chuckles at that, gesturing for them to sit before doing so herself...

"I can safely say I have a bit more wealth than what I care for, though never enough for my ever growing wardrobe..." Jokes

She then takes the brooch with a grateful smile as she turns to Amund...

"This wasn't nessecary Amund, but thank you!"


RottenLuck's picture
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"It's part of my culture to

"It's part of my culture to bring a gift to the House of a get together. I did remember you saying you like Victorian style artifacts and that item was just collecting dust in the Auction house." Thought for a moment "I must say that it has a bit of a dark history some foolish idea it's cursed. Four of the earlier owners died by violent means, I have the feeling you be able to handle any such troubles. Don't think it counts given one of the owners was Jewish during World War II. The other was connected to the Mob. People superstitions don't always make logical sense and that item got a bit of a taboo on it so no buyers."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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She would smile as she traces

She would smile as she traces her black nails over the stone as she admires it before inquiring with a curious tone...

"And what gives you the impression that I will be able to handle such a reputed artifact?" Smirks


RottenLuck's picture
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"A little feeling I have.

"A little feeling I have. That when push comes to shove you take no prisoners. Call it your strength of will." He looked to the table then to the two women "I have the feeling you both noticed the same thing about me a ingrained ruthlessness, combined with a bit of control and wit. Strong and not stupid or egotistical. A rare trait in this day and age when people with an edge either thing they can demand the world or dress up in flashy costumes for the media."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/20/2013 - 09:17
"One is not poor if one can

"One is not poor if one can pay one's debts, Mr. Gunnarr. Whatever they may be. Money is only a tool, like so much else."

After making properly appreciative noises over the (admittedly very generous) gift, Sannit sits, crossing her legs. As the skirt falls away, her right leg is now bare almost to the hip, but the long boot covers almost any hint of skin that might be exposed. Interestingly, the heels are very flat- she doesn't seem to feel the need to use her footwear to give her a height advantage, or reshape her body. As Cordelia and Amund talk, she occupies herself with examining the room and its contents, not rudely, but with an almost predatory interest.

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Cordelia would remain silent

Cordelia would remain silent for a moment, listening to Amund's words intently, no doubt definitely intrigued as she replies...

"I'd did. So, are you calling us ruthless, intelligent, or both...and to what end?"


RottenLuck's picture
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He smirked and settled down

He smirked and settled down in a chair near Sannit "There is nothing wrong with ruthlessness or being intelligent, many famous people both loved and hated shared the same qualities. It been said George Washington shot people who tried to leave his army. Nowadays people would put him on trial for such acts. Given me and Sannit here are your guests the what ends is up to you I believe."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Unblinking eyes turn to face

Unblinking eyes turn to face Amund. "Again, I am surprised and impressed, Mr. Gunnarr. Most people don't achieve that sort of detachment these days." She smiles tightly, eyes narrowing a bit.. "Nor did I expect an art dealer to see so deeply into people he does not know well. I suppose it's part of the skills needed to match clients with purchases?"

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
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At Amund's words she smiles

At Amund's words she smiles before commenting...

"There are more truth to those rumors than one might think, Amund, and others like it..." Offers a teasing grin before stating...

"It is a good feeling to be among equals, at any rate..." Smirks, saying that genuinely


RottenLuck's picture
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"I do believe I been found

"I do believe I been found out Sannit. There is more to me then I let on. That pretending to be a simple art dealer grows tiresome hence my dislike of social events. Being able to read people does have it's advantages in the market place as well thought." He looked between the two women then nodded " Yes being among equals is refreshing. I am very much a dealer of the arts. As well as a collector one of my collection is this beauty." He takes out the white and blueish orb "The Eye of Odin one of five Orbs made about the year 1340." He didn't activate the power of the orb he placed it down on the table so they can examine it to their content.

"If you notice the latest art news it's very similar to an orb mounted in a staff in the Norse exhibit at the museum."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Her head tracks his motions

Her head tracks his motions as he sets down the object, but she gives the impression of watching him at the same time. "I can't say Northern European antiquities are my strength, Mr. Gunnarr. Clearly you value this piece greatly." Her voice is polite, non-committal. "Might we know why?"

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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She blinks as he speaks,

She blinks as he speaks, before asking herself...

"And I'd imagine they aren't simply useless trinkets?"


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Smoothly, she rises,moving

Smoothly, she rises,moving like a dancer, and puts some distance between herself and the object on the table, covering it by opening one of the bottles of wine, silently, and pouring three glasses of it. Returning, she places one at Amund's right hand, one at Cordelia's, and holds her own. She remains standing, moving away a bit, broadening out the triangle between them, not defensive but clearly wary.

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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He nods taking the drink "I

He nods taking the drink "I spoke the truth the other day. I miss my family however what I haven't said was where they are. They are in another dimension one that been blocked from ever connecting to this reality again. That orb and others like it my key to seeing them again."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Cordelia would stand as well,

Cordelia would stand as well, making sure to offer Sinnat a look of reassurance and security, before offering a expectant look, no....glare to Amund, as she calmly asks...

"Care to explain the nature of this" It wasn't a suggestion


RottenLuck's picture
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He shakes his head "If I was

He shakes his head "If I was up to no good would I have let it go? This Orb needs to be in someone's hands to control the magic, someone who perform the ritual as I have. It's true nature however is a key to opening the barrier between worlds." He set down the drink Sinnat gave him it was now frozen solid "I been on this earth for over 700 years. I'm trapped here in this prison and I simply wish to go home. I'm willing to offer both of you what ever in my power to grant." He stood up his form grew his suit ripped as seams popped from the stress soon he was hunched over so not to damage the ceiling his body would stand about 10 feet 8 inches tall he was well muscular and his skin was a white blue. His hair was now snow white and his eyes were blazing blue and white. "See I'm not human I'm what the Norse called a Frost Giant. Nothing in this reality means anything to me, not weath, not a pale idea of Power so many humans seem to crave, not even human lives. I seen nations rise and fall what is a human life compared to that? No I seek not to harm either of you"

His form returned to his human disguise "As I said ruthlessness with Intelligence. There is no reason for me to be a threat to either of you. I don't need a magical bobble to do it if I so desired."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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She seems no less wary of

She seems no less wary of Cordelia- not nervous, just...watchful. She takes one pace back, as Gunnarr transforms, head tilting to watch his eyes as his height increases, but other than that shows no real reaction.

"An unfortunate situation, Mr. Gunnarr, if true. But why reveal such a...personal, a private issue to two relative strangers?"

[grr, interleaved, badly...but it's still not an unreasonable response, with the new edit.]

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

RottenLuck's picture
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He folded his hands together

He folded his hands together as he sat down. Given they were standing this was a disarming pose trying to ease them. "From time to time one has to take a gamble. Out of five orbs three are now been discovered. Time is moving faster then I was prepared for, If I don't take a risk then my ticket home would be lost. I'm a creature from a much colder reality and global warming despite what naysayers are spouting is happening. I remember times when rivers froze so much people harvested ice from them, now they rarely even get below freezing."

Looking at them both "In short things are getting very uncomfortable for me. The so called Hero Rotten Luck knows I want the Orbs not why. He got one of them the Jewel of Hel, I got this one the Eye of Odin. It's a race now to find the others because I doubt that zombie thief would turn over his very power source. So given my situation if you were in my shoes. Would you take such risk?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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A small neutral sound and a

A small neutral sound and a slight inclination of her head are Sannit's first response, then, "It's difficult to predict reactions, even given the same situation. I might, perhaps." Calmly, she takes her place again next to Amund.

"But in my case, at least, I fear you've made a mistake. Not in your trust- exposing you would serve no purpose, and could potentially cause me more trouble than any probable reward would make up for. In your estimate of my usefulness. What little I know of what you call 'magic' is entirely theoretical, second-hand, and likely in great part incorrect." Her eyes meet Cordelia's before she goes on. "Of course, I cannot speak for miss Bennet."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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Cordelia herself would have

Cordelia herself would have remained silent during the entire exchange, quietly watching before speaking as Sinnat draws her into this...

"I can't say I honestly know much of anything about 'magic' or rituals...what gives you the impression that I would?" Inquires gently, but is testing the two before her subtlety...if they can begin to put the various puzzle pieces she has carefully laden throughout the evening, her comment about George Washington, on her wealth, her at times chilling presence, and old world gestures, perhaps she'll reveal more?


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The sleepy smile crosses her

The sleepy smile crosses her face again, this time with a hint of an edge. "I didn't mean to imply that you did, Cordelia. Merely that I cannot say whether your could help our friend here or not." The grin relaxes, a touch. "However, certainly you do not maintain this property on what you could ever possibly make as as Legal Aid consultant. You have...sidelines, of some sort. Which also is inconclusive, though your work brings you into contact with the metahuman population a fair deal, I would imagine. But something you said the other night..." The grin vanishes in a flash replaced by a flat, questioning expression.

"How many times HAVE people tried to kill you, my dear?"

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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She would smile towards

She would smile towards Sinnat, chuckling a bit in appreciation before answering...

"More than enough...I don't live carelessly and don't intend to die soon...the manor has definitely been expanded upon since it's creation, though I wasn't born too long after that..."

She smiles as she reveals to both Amund and Sinnat something she hasn't said in over a century...

"I was born on June 21st, 1725..." Grins, poised to answer the questions that will no doubt follow...


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"I imagine that unlike Mr.

"I imagine that unlike Mr. Gunnarr, you will not be hitting your head on the ceiling during dinner? I expect the moldings would show some signs of it by now." Her deadpan delivery makes the dry joke even funnier.

Then she shakes her head. "I don't make a habit of prying into others' lives, Cordelia, except when it serves me directly. I'd not have brought it up at all, but several times you've expressed a worldview very different from that of a young socialite-philanthropist. You've made comments implying far greater experience, comments I might make, though I'm a bit of a special case- and not much older in truth than you appear to be. So I won't inquire further. You are either being truthful, or you are not. In either case, it doesn't affect me very much."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
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She chuckles at the joke,

She chuckles at the joke, commenting placidly...

"No, I won't...and I can't help but praise you deductive talent Sinnat...and to answer your question more directly, nearly all of the men save for one have either died from natural causes or my own hand..."


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One fine hand makes a small

One fine hand makes a small dismissive gesture. "If one finds it necessary to kill to achieve one's goals, then one must accept the possibility of dying in the process. What's the saying? 'Play the hand as it lies'? Honestly, I'm surprised any of them lived out their natural lifespans. Not quite so ruthless as our Wagnerian friend here believes, hmm?" Sannit grins briefly at Amund.

"However, your answer to my rather direct question has also answered his unspoken one. You, at least, may have the skills to help him." Another sleepy, deadly grin creeps over her lips. "And now I am curious. [i]Will[/i] you?"

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
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She now turns to Amund, as

She now turns to Amund, as they would note that they aren't simply looking at her as just Cordelia Bennett, they are gazing into the visage of the dreaded Contessa Nocturne, as the spell that normally veils her identity dissipates....

"Those barriers are obviously in place for a reason, not just to keep you trapped...what are they keeping away?"


RottenLuck's picture
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"It's true I need help, never

"It's true I need help, never said it was magical in nature. I had 700 years give or take to figure out the spells needed. It's finding the remaining orbs and collecting them by whatever means necessary." To Contessa "There are many worlds many realms some like the Asgard or my kind know how to travel between. The wars between the Jötnar and the Asgards became myths and legends even here. There were boarders up before, it was Christianity that changed things they melted down the artifacts that held the spells allowing a hmm what your word for it... ah military Unit to come here. Our goal was to only be in Midgard a short time and use it to bypass the Asgard forces attacking their home world directly."

"We didn't even think that the native population would attack us. We saw humans as beasts or insects, even an ant with enough numbers can bring down an elephant. Thus my unit was crushed only a small number survived to flee into the frozen waste of Greenland. The Asgards rebuilt the barrier using these orbs something that can't be melted down. Five Asgards gave part of their power in the forging. Hel, Odin, Loki, Tyr, and Thor. "

"If anything from another realm threatens midgard I don't know. It has been 700 years after all."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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She stares at him with cold

She stares at him with cold and cynical eyes, as she slowly and carefully replies...

"As much as I hate the idea of being trapped and barred from my home, there are simply forces outside this realm that our simply supposed to remain just that, behind the barrier...could there be alternative solutions, and magic is my forte dear, misdirection my trade..."


RottenLuck's picture
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"The barrier strongest

"The barrier strongest against the Jötnar and perhaps some other threats to Asgard. There are ways around Midgard, just shorter in terms to go through Midgard. Spirits can travel through the barrier for example thought a few do get caught causing ghosts. As for your concern that a good reason for you to be involved. Once I'm gone the barrier can be reinstated. I have no anger against Midgard if you feel safer with the barrier up then restore it."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Very quietly, Sannit murmurs,

Very quietly, Sannit murmurs, "He hasn't made a specific offer yet, Cordelia. It might yet be to your benefit to assist him."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
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Cordelia would nod....

Cordelia would nod....

"So on that note, what exactly do you propose as an sort of offer...what do you need?"


RottenLuck's picture
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"Like I said there are five

"Like I said there are five orbs and the barrier is tied to all five. I know where three are, including the one I brought. It's the missing two I need to find. Once I'm gone I would have no need of the Orbs or the Asgardian powers within them. Or everything in my ownership in this realm, so that be your compensation split how ever you like. So what I need is means of finding and retrieving those two orbs."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Sannit is still quietly

Sannit is still quietly thoughtful, looking now at the ceiling, wineglass forgotten in her hand. "Finding two objects d'art, with a fair knowledge of their age and background, appearance, and such details...would be relatively simple. It's not so far from what I do daily in my work. Pattern-searching. Recovering them..." Her head comes down, she sips, flashes a lightning-fast grin. "Among us, I should think we could find a way. But...please don't take this the wrong way Amund, but you can hardly blame me for asking. Why [i]should[/i] we? Either of us?"

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

Gladatoria's picture
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She turns to Amund, nodding

She turns to Amund, nodding as she speaks...

"Wealth isn't exactly an object to me...simply a definite luxury, but my question is the same as Sinnat's...why should we aid you?" Also of note, she notably hasn't revealed her own motives or how she has managed to remain immortal...


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"I do believe that's part of

"I do believe that's part of negotiations and dealing. I told you what I plan on doing, with or with out your assistance. The question is what can I do that be worth assisting me."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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She blinks, debating with

She blinks, debating with herself internally before turning to Sannit...

"Perhaps you can provide counsel, Sannit, seeing as you stand on neutral ground here?"


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Hands steepled in front of

Hands steepled in front of her face, she remains silent for a moment, then grins. "An unusual position for me. But my first counsel would be that we eat before further business discussion, if that's agreeable. Tempers are cooler and minds clearer on a sated stomach."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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Cordelia smiles before

Cordelia smiles before nodding, beginning to lightly and politely dig into her portion of roast duck...


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As she did at the soiree, she

As she did at the soiree, she eats (and drinks) pretty lightly, but samples everything, chewing thoroughly and thoughtfully. She seems to apply just as much concentration and focus as she does to everything else.

After a moderate period of silence, she finally says, "This is truly excellent, Cordelia. Did you prepare it yourself, or do you have a staff?" She grins. "One that is afraid of being seen, perhaps, while you are entertaining?"

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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She offers Sinnat a smile...

She offers Sinnat a smile...

"No, I actually did prepare the food myself...had over newrly 3 centuries to perfect my culinary skills anyway...and I do have a ward actually, technically my adopted daughter actually, but she is elsewhere at the moment, and my staff is usually reserved for concerns..." The baying of a clearly inhuman creature would be heard...


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A tight smile doesn't quite

A tight smile doesn't quite touch her eyes. "While I enjoy good food, cooking is something I've never found a knack for. Does your...ward share your hobbies? Your non-law oriented ones, I mean?"

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She nods with a prideful

She nods with a prideful smile, as she speaks...

"She does, she is my finest apprentice and pupil...she is the daughter I never had and always wanted, she is in Europe right now, her homeland of Germany actually, chasing down a man who has been a thorn in my side too long..."


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A tiny raise of an eyebrow is

A tiny raise of an eyebrow is the only overt response. "Trust indeed." She dabs her full lips with a napkin, then meets Cordelia's gaze again. "Friend Amund is revealing so much of himself because he feels he has to. Because he needs us. Why are you?"

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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She smiles before answering..

She smiles before answering...

"Because there may be a tiny bit of kinship between us, Sannit? When you mentioned you were a troubleshooter, I think you meant that quite literally if the situation does calls for it...yes?" Inquires


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Before the meal he made a

Before the meal he made a quick text message to his driver soon the man was a the door with a new suit. excusing himself Amund had changed and returned to the table. He didn't had Sannit modest helpings. Amund ate well like a giant changing forms cost energy. "I agree with Sannit this meal is quite wonderful."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Sannit uses Amund's

Sannit uses Amund's compliment to the food to delay, turning to smile slightly at him. She picks her words carefully.

"I defend my interests, when required. Some times aggressively."

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Cordelia smirks, nodding...

Cordelia smirks, nodding...

"I get it, sorry for probing...but that does raise the seem to have no issue with our surely perceived criminal activities...why?"


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For a long time, she stares

For a long time, she stares quietly into her wineglass, unblinking. "I'm sorry. I'm not refusing to answer, merely trying to find a way to explain it that doesn't just slap an unhelpful label on things. Let me...try this." She sets her glass down, pushes her chair back slightly, leans forward to rest her elbows on the table. Her expression is intense, without her usual slightly amused or teasing air.

"I believe in the right of every being to pursue its own interests and pleasures insofar as it has the will and ability- while accepting that every being also has the right to defend what it holds dear against all others. This is, after all, the basis of most society and law- a collective 'us' against 'not us'. Unlike most modern society, however, I do not place a moral value on those interests, only on the mindset one adopts while pursuing or defending them, and the efficiency with which goals are realized. I despise waste, of energy, material or life- I'm rather lazy, you see, in some ways, so I streamline my behavior as much as I can. Negotiation is, to me, more beneficial than violence- the carrot, backed by the stick usually makes it much easier to come to terms that are satisfactory to me and my opponents. But violence is also a useful tool, and I do not object to it in itself. It can teach the most wonderful lessons, when carefully directed...

You might apply the labels anarchist, individualist, self-centered to me. Narcissist. Even sociopathic." Grinning slightly, she spreads her hands. "So you see, nothing either of you has done so far has intruded on anything I consider important. Therefore, why should I object? If the day comes that our spheres of influence...begin to chafe, well. We will resolve it as we can.

Does that help?"

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She nods as Sannit explains,

She nods as Sannit explains, smiling as she replies...

"Yes it does...and I don't apply labels Sannit, it's bad for guest impressions..." Smirks


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She shrugs, very slightly,

She shrugs, very slightly, and reclaims her wineglass. "There's little you could call me, Cordelia, that I haven't heard, in private if not publically. It really doesn't affect me. Generally, it just shows a lack of understanding on the part of the labeller." Grins. "Not a problem you seem to have."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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"Labels often cause more

"Labels often cause more trouble for the labelers. It limits a person man to only see people as what they mentally label them."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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She smirks at Sinnat...

She smirks at Sinnat...

"Likewise Sinnat, you at the very least seem to be very perceptive..." Compliments


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"Survival requires awareness.

"Survival requires awareness. If one is alone, at least. Now." She takes one last taste of her supper. "Shall we perhaps leave the wreckage we've created here, and discuss Mr. Gunnarr's business proposal away from dirty dishes?"

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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Chuckles, before briefly

Chuckles, before briefly leaving the room to take both her's and Sinnat's plates to a nearby sink, returning to the room swiftly as she turns to Amund....

"I will attempt to help you as best I can, within reason..."


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"Of course. If I wanted

"Of course. If I wanted mindless helpers I would have been spinning lies to some young hero. I tried hired thugs, that mess with the Aether pirates was the result. No I have no problem dealing with people who think and view things from many angles before making a choice. As you said it's rare to fine an equal and rarer still two. It is a nice change of pace to relax in a way and speak with out judgement."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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She smiles at him before

She smiles at him before offering her hand...

"A deal it is then, Amund..."


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He takes the offered hand in

He takes the offered hand in a firm handshake. "Good to hear. Remember that Zombie fellow fighting along side Shepherd at the warehouse. He's my main problem, I have a few ideas of dealing with him but right now it a race between me and him to find the other orbs. He got his team the Titan Legacy so it was logical to find one of my own."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Long legs folded under her

Long legs folded under her (quite doable thanks to the slit skirt), Sannit settles into a comfortable-looking armchair. "Finding the other orbs will be, as I said, relatively simple. Even the most secretive collector has a small circle to which he or she likes to brag. And experts in any period of art adore the sounds of their own voices. After that, we can discuss the best way to retrieve them. But." She holds up a finger. "If you wish my help- I have a price. One you may not care to pay. You are welcome to refuse, and no ill feelings will result."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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She turns to Sannit, clearly

She turns to Sannit, clearly intrigued by her impending question, as she listens intently...


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"Now that price seems curious

"Now that price seems curious. I did say everything I own in this realm I'm willing to give up after all I can't take it with me. So that means your price has to be something more personal, a task or something of my person. Given you stated you don't deal with magic I have a feeling your not asking for my soul. So please enlighten me what is your price."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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For the first time, she looks

For the first time, she looks truly amused. "Nothing too strenuous, my friend. In return for my assistance, you will sit for a portrait, by an artist of my choosing." One graceful hand is raised to forestall any immediate response.

"In your true form."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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He stood up and walked to a

He stood up and walked to a window looking out his hands behind his back. "It has long been held that we don't have our image copied. Some fear magic that can trap a soul in such things. However I have come to see things differently over my time dealing with art." Turning to look at Sannit "Very well I be honored to be a model for a painting." He smirked then "After all if you do plan such trickery all I would suffer is being trapped in yet another prison."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Another vague wave dismisses

Another vague wave dismisses his fears. "That's not it at all. What purpose would it serve me? No.

"I don't wish wish to speak ill of Mr. Benetiz' work- I've never seen it, and it may be quite fine. But he annoyed me the other night, with his talk of prosthetics and makeup in the creation of bizarre art. His friend is certainly the picture of a stereotypical vampire, and would serve well for a subject in that vein. But as we can see from any film, a fake is clearly a fake. An artist would do better, in my opinion, to use only his mind's eye for more exotic creations, if he cannot work from life. The result would be more imaginative and effective, even if it wasn't a 'real' likeness.

"In you, I have the rare advantage of a true nonhuman creature of legend." She grins. "Quite a coup for my collection, mmm?"

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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"One item for a collection

"One item for a collection for another. Thought I am not sure about your choice of artist. Mr. Benitez if I heard correctly is related to the Hero Shepherd someone Cordelia can tell you personally is a major pain. He also one of the members of the Titan Legacy." He returned to sitting down "Thankfully I been careful of reveling myself even Rotten Luck doesn't know about my true nature. So if we get Mr. Benitez I would need a cover story for being a nearly eleven foot tall ice powered brute. Perhaps I can play dumb as well a bit of acting to throw off suspicion."

Folding his fingers together "The last thing I want is to show my enemies my trump cards before the final hand."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Cordelia smiles at Amund, no,

Cordelia smiles at Amund, no, Jutan wide...

"Spoken like Machiavelli himself..."


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She chuckles. "Machiavelli

She chuckles. "Machiavelli was much shorter. And no, I wasn't considering Benetiz. He was merely the trigger for my thoughts. I have a young friend, David Pickman. Very well-known for his unusual art. I quite agree, we should proceed...quietly."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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Cordelia smiles before

Cordelia smiles before offering her hand to Sinnat...

"Also, consider yourself a permanent guest of Bennett Manor, both of you...which also means you won't be set upon by hellhounds on the grounds..."


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Sannit holds onto Cordelia's

Sannit holds onto Cordelia's hand for a moment longer than strictly necessary. "That's very kind of you, Cordelia." She flashes a quick grin. "Especially to your hounds. May I help you tidy up? I have a few gossip-type things to discuss with you briefly."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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Cordelia would grin, leading

Cordelia would grin, leading her into the well stocked kitchen opposite the corridor from the dining hall, carrying their cleaned plates to the sink as she turn to Sinnat, expecting some juicy reveals as they begin to clean...


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"I let you ladies do the

"I let you ladies do the gosip things with out me I just sit here and relax"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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While her voice is very low,

While her voice is very low, she pitches it to be heard clearly- though not from more than five feet away; anything that might carry is covered by her carefully-orchestrated rattling of silverware.

"You're quite right that any system that holds him in holds others out. His complaint about it being 'too warm' here may be true- or it may be a ruse. From what I remember of the mythology, the giants were supposed to herald the Fimbulwinter, which would freeze the MIdgard realms as well as Asgard.

I suggest we watch our new partner very carefully..."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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Cordelia nods to Sinnat,

Cordelia nods to Sinnat, speaking so quietly it is almost nigh undetectable...

"A wise choice...not to mention that those artifacts were hidden away for a reason, bringing them together could have even worse implications the destroying the barriers..."


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"Let's not keep him waiting."

"Let's not keep him waiting." She laughs, loudly enough to be heard, pitching it so it sounds as if she's reacting to some slightly dirty joke Cordelia has told. Drying a last few dishes, she returns to the sitting room where Amund waits...

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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She returns chuckling as well

She returns chuckling as well, as if nothing amiss was said, sitting gently as she turns to Amund...

"So, may I inquire what your home was like? Does Ymir exist?"


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"Home. Well closes as I can

"Home. Well closes as I can tell you is remember the crystal fortress of solitude in the Superman Movie? The 1978 one. Well that movie reminds me much of home. Crystal like structures snow and ice. However there are life forms there unlike anything on earth. Plant life that thrives in near absolute zero, insects that not only have natural anti-freeze but can some creatures can chemically generate heat. It's never really dark the snow and ice reflecting light even at night, creatures using phosphorescence to signal each other. Mating season for a creature like a cat size cricket is a natural light and sound show. Each male lighting up flashing to the tune of it's own music. The natural lights is needed as often there is a fog mist caused from the cold meeting the moisture from steam vents along the boarder of Muspelheim. Young Jötnar show off their bravery by swimming in the pools daring each other to get closer to the heated waters. Just as the Fire Jötnar from Muspelheim come over and... well they have a polar bear plunge."

He closed his eyes remembering "Firefly fruit was my favorite the light of the fruit grows stronger the sweeter it was. Think of a fruit like a pair but tastes like a honeydew melon." Thinking a bit "Ymir well if you believe the myths was killed by Odin, Vili, and Vé. From Ymir flesh, blood, and bone came Jörð. Some see Ymir as Humans see Adam. In truth much of human reality came from the Jötnar. Odin in disguise stole mead and the recipe from us. So does Ymir exsists? Your living on his remains."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Blinks at the reveal, before

Blinks at the reveal, before speaking...

"Hmm...any other myths hold true? Thor and the Midgard Serpent for one?"


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"Another example of Asgards

"Another example of Asgards foolishness. Not only is Jörmungandr an offspring of Loki who fathered him on a Giantess Angrboða. Remember Loki is the God of deception he kept Angrboða as a mistress. I wonder how many times he told her he loved her and would marry her. Anyway Jörmungandr is a hybrid and Thor's nephew. You would figure as soon as the Asgards figured out when they mate with anything else but an Asgard the being turns out something twisted. No time and again they sire creatures doomed to be locked in one form rarely is it what you call Humanoid. If you had the awareness of a Human, but because your father couldn't keep his jollies to his own kind bound to a monstrous body. Wouldn't you be a little angry at your father's family?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Blinks at that, nodding...

Blinks at that, nodding...

SO that also bears the question....when will Ragnarok transpire?"


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Once again folded up catlike

Once again folded up catlike in a chair, Sannit sits quietly, studying the room- furnishings, decor, entrances and exits...but every so often her attention goes back to the pair, especially Cordelia. Perfectly relaxed almost unmoving she seems...amused.

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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"Jörmungandr not a bad fellow

"Jörmungandr not a bad fellow he prefers seafood. I believe he the cause of many of your Sea serpent stories, and maybe that Loch Ness Monster sightings. Over all he's really quite shy."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Smirks, before smiling toward

Smirks, before smiling toward Sannit as she stares....

"You need something, Sannit?"


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She doesn't speak for a

She doesn't speak for a moment, merely locks eyes, and grins. "I'm just impressed at how easily you get relative strangers to speak to you. For a self-described criminal, you inspire a certain comfort level. It could make you a dangerous companion."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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She chuckles for a moment,

She chuckles for a moment, almost darkly, yet it is even alluring despite it's nature....

"How humorous...Adolf Hitler said something simlar before I left his little hovel to assist in the storming of Normandy...such a thrill..." Thinks back for a bit before adding...

"I've had centuries of practice my dear..."


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She chuckles. "And yet you

She chuckles. "And yet you look not a day over thirty. Do keep practicing. I find it soothing."

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...
