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Architectural Suggestions for Titan City (open thread)

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Grimfox's picture
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I think we ought to nail down

I think we ought to nail down what types of buildings are required.

According to lore we'll need at least one stadium. And likely two, a city the size of titan and with the appeal of Titan would likely pull in a major and minor league team. So we'll need some suggestions for Stadiums. We also have to consider that we'll need some sort of PVP arena. Because it's not a fight unless you have 1000 spectators.

It's not just set pieces and landmark one instance buildings either, Titan city is going to need a lot of specialized buildings. Titan city is going to need schools at every level. In the district I grew up in there were 5 elementary schools, 3 middle schools, and 2 high schools. And that is just one corner of a city smaller than Titan. I expect that titan would need 10 times that or more. Unless they used a contractor to build all the schools at the same time those buildings are going to look different. Similarly fire stations, police stations, starbucks, dunkin donuts, (or non-branded equivalents) Starting out I'm fine if there is some repeated architecture but I think as the game ages new designs should fill in for repeats to provide more depth.

More to come but my shift is over and I gotta go.

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Lothic's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

No spaceport?

Simple physics tells us why having any kind of "spaceport" as far north as Massachusetts doesn't really make economic sense. There's a reason why all of the real life space launch facilities are located as close to the equator as possible - by taking advantage of the Earth's fastest spin you can gain the most speed for the least amount of energy used. Even [url=]Jules Verne correctly predicted[/url] that America would set up its main space launch facility in Florida 100 years before Cape Canaveral was repurposed for that use.

But while the "real life" part of having a spaceport in Titan City doesn't add up I see no reason why there still couldn't be one anyway. Almost anything semi-plausible should be possible in a comic book setting like this shouldn't it? I actually like Dr. Tyche's idea of copying the Sea Launch concept for CoT:


It could be implemented as its own zone for dedicated missions (e.g. an evil villain tries to use it to shoot a missile at Titan City) and as far as the "geographic lore" goes it could positioned say like 20 miles off the coast of Titan City.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

JayBezz's picture
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

I think we ought to nail down what types of buildings are required.
According to lore we'll need at least one stadium. And likely two, a city the size of titan and with the appeal of Titan would likely pull in a major and minor league team. So we'll need some suggestions for Stadiums. We also have to consider that we'll need some sort of PVP arena. Because it's not a fight unless you have 1000 spectators.

Please something to buck against the "erection" of more phallic buildings.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Lothic's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Please something to buck against the "erection" of more phallic buildings.

Well I'll grant you there's really no way to not describe the Al-Wakrah Stadium as being far more "labial" than phallic.

Most buildings can't help from being at least remotely phallic oriented even if the goal of making a "big phallus" is the farthest thing from the architects' conscious minds. The relationship you seem to be hating on there is in most cases absolutely and totally coincidental. But it seems like the folks behind the Al-Wakrah Stadium went out of their way to make something specifically labial oriented - there's pretty much no way to say that its unique shape was not one of the primary design goals in that case.

I have nothing against any buildings like or Al-Wakrah Stadium or say the Burg Kalifa:


But honestly to me the first thing I think of when I see the Burg Kalifa is "a really tall building" and the first thing I think of when I see the Al-Wakrah Stadium is "a really huge twat". Ironically there's NOTHING immediately sexual about the Burg but EVERYTHING sexual about the Stadium.

The very idea that we need to worry about the ratio of "male" to "female" buildings in the world and that we need more "female" buildings to "buck the trend" against phallic buildings is laughable and yet another case of political correctness run amuck. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

doctor tyche
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

JayBezz wrote:
No spaceport?

Simple physics tells us why having any kind of "spaceport" as far north as Massachusetts doesn't really make economic sense. There's a reason why all of the real life space launch facilities are located as close to the equator as possible - by taking advantage of the Earth's fastest spin you can gain the most speed for the least amount of energy used. Even Jules Verne correctly predicted that America would set up its main space launch facility in Florida 100 years before Cape Canaveral was repurposed for that use.
But while the "real life" part of having a spaceport in Titan City doesn't add up I see no reason why there still couldn't be one anyway. Almost anything semi-plausible should be possible in a comic book setting like this shouldn't it? I actually like Dr. Tyche's idea of copying the Sea Launch concept for CoT:

It could be implemented as its own zone for dedicated missions (e.g. an evil villain tries to use it to shoot a missile at Titan City) and as far as the "geographic lore" goes it could positioned say like 20 miles off the coast of Titan City.

Actually, it depends on your intended orbits. An equatorial launch platform is not ideal for, say, a polar orbit. You would spend more fuel correcting to the right orbit than you would save from the added speed.

But, for going to, say, the International Space Station, the optimum angle is around 46 degrees north. The launch vehicles would naturally orbit roughly the same angle as the ISS. This is because that is the location of the Russian launch facilities used to help construct it. Real-world geography for a moment, the place Titan City would appear on a real world map would be at roughly 42.6 degrees north. (for those who want specifics, 42.62N, 70.71W, roughly where Rochester and Rockport are in the real world) This means that for a visit to our-universes ISS, Titan City is actually in a decent location.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Lothic's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Lothic wrote:
JayBezz wrote:
No spaceport?

Simple physics tells us why having any kind of "spaceport" as far north as Massachusetts doesn't really make economic sense. There's a reason why all of the real life space launch facilities are located as close to the equator as possible - by taking advantage of the Earth's fastest spin you can gain the most speed for the least amount of energy used. Even Jules Verne correctly predicted that America would set up its main space launch facility in Florida 100 years before Cape Canaveral was repurposed for that use.
But while the "real life" part of having a spaceport in Titan City doesn't add up I see no reason why there still couldn't be one anyway. Almost anything semi-plausible should be possible in a comic book setting like this shouldn't it? I actually like Dr. Tyche's idea of copying the Sea Launch concept for CoT:

It could be implemented as its own zone for dedicated missions (e.g. an evil villain tries to use it to shoot a missile at Titan City) and as far as the "geographic lore" goes it could positioned say like 20 miles off the coast of Titan City.

Actually, it depends on your intended orbits. An equatorial launch platform is not ideal for, say, a polar orbit. You would spend more fuel correcting to the right orbit than you would save from the added speed.
But, for going to, say, the International Space Station, the optimum angle is around 46 degrees north. The launch vehicles would naturally orbit roughly the same angle as the ISS. This is because that is the location of the Russian launch facilities used to help construct it. Real-world geography for a moment, the place Titan City would appear on a real world map would be at roughly 42.6 degrees north. (for those who want specifics, 42.62N, 70.71W, roughly where Rochester and Rockport are in the real world) This means that for a visit to our-universes ISS, Titan City is actually in a decent location.

Since you actually claim to know a little about real life launch mechanics you should realize that what you just said was very nitpicky at best. Obviously you can find exceptions to every rule but if you don't care about a GENERAL USE launch facility then sure you can technically launch anything from anywhere if you really had to or wanted to.

But as you and I both know (yes I included myself because coincidentally enough I've actually spent most of my career dealing with systems related to radar tracking of launch and reentry vehicles) that they've launched plenty of polar and ISS type missions from the classic equatorial launch sites and there are very obvious reasons why. Even a quick article on [url=]Kourou[/url] mentions, "Launchers also profit from the ‘slingshot’ effect, that is the energy created by the speed of the Earth’s rotation around the axis of the Poles. This increases the speed of a launcher by 460 m per second. These important factors save fuel and money, and prolong the active life of satellites. Thanks to its geographical position, Europe's Spaceport offers a launch angle of 102°, enabling a wide range of missions from east to north. In fact, Europe’s Spaceport is so well placed that it can carry out all possible space missions."

So yes while you could wave your hands and actually come up with a few specific scenarios where launching vehicles off the coast of Massachusetts might actually make sense we again both know that (at least in real life) the chances of there ever being a "general spaceport" being placed there on purpose when there are other better options for locations is practically nil. Range safety/control would be nightmare in that relatively high population area for starters even if you discounted the benefits of the Earth "slingshot" effect.

But one more time even I'm willing to suspend my professional disbelief for this game and accept a small launch facility placed somewhere in CoT for the sake of comic book drama purposes. There's no reason why the illogic or impracticalities of real life should get in the way of things like this.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

JayBezz's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

The very idea that we need to worry about the ratio of "male" to "female" buildings in the world and that we need more "female" buildings to "buck the trend" against phallic buildings is laughable and yet another case of political correctness run amuck. *shrugs*

The idea that we've had centuries of men designing as architects is shown when there's new innovation like the industrial revolution. Buildings are sterile and uniform and you get "who has the biggest" contests. From the WTC to the Sears Tower.. none of these buildings feel remotely womanly, and many times do not serve the utility of function.

The idea that an entire industry doesn't need female input IS something I find troublesome.

P.S. the thought that the "female" vision of architecture is sexualized while the male dominated version is not points to the inherent bias therein.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Lothic's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Lothic wrote:
The very idea that we need to worry about the ratio of "male" to "female" buildings in the world and that we need more "female" buildings to "buck the trend" against phallic buildings is laughable and yet another case of political correctness run amuck. *shrugs*

The idea that we've had centuries of men designing as architects is shown when there's new innovation like the industrial revolution. Buildings are sterile and uniform and you get "who has the biggest" contests. From the WTC to the Sears Tower.. none of these buildings feel remotely womanly.
The idea that an entire industry doesn't need female input IS something I find troublesome.
P.S. the thought that the "female" vision of architecture is sexualized while the male dominated version is not points to the inherent bias therein.

How can you not "sexualize" ALL buildings if your goal is to define "buildings" in general with having some kind of gender quality? Your very notion of the need for more "feminine" architecture (whatever that is) is literally overt sexualization epitomized.

Now if you'd want to take a step back from your crazy fantasies about buildings having gender qualities and argue that there are not enough female architects in the world then there's a rational topic that I would be willing to agree with you on. I'd have absolutely no problem whatsoever with there being more women in charge of major building projects and I 'd have no problem if they came up with radical new designs for buildings that challenged the classic "phallus" shaped designs that you seem to be weirdly critical of.

But to focus on the male/female involvement with building projects in terms of trying to classify specific types of architecture as having qualities of gender then I think you're barking up the wrong tree. It's not that the world doesn't have enough vulva-shaped buildings; it's that we need more girls involved in the STEM programs in order to have more representation there.

Once again I'll say it's completely laughable that you seem to hate buildings in general merely because they share a completely coincidental resemblance to male genitalia. I suppose you probably hate giant redwood trees as well...


because to you they probably look like a bunch of dicks out to ruin your day...

P.S. Did you ever stop to think that most skyscrapers are shaped the way they are simply because they are maximizing the amount of real estate they are built on. These buildings are vaguely phallic-shaped not because the designers WANTED to copy the male phallus as the primary goal but because the best way you gain the most floor space is to build up into the air. The very idea that you'd look at a bunch of functional skyscrapers and think "well that was just a bunch of guys trying to disrespect womanly ideals" is, once again, political correctness run amuck.

P.P.S. Ironically given that the Al-Wakrah stadium you mentioned in your earlier post is being planned for Qatar I would be willing to bet you that despite its incredibly feminine shape that there are hardly few (if any) women in charge of any of its significant design or planning departments. If you think the causes of women's rights haven't gone far enough in the West you should see just how backward the Gulf states still are in such matters.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

JayBezz's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

P.P.S. Ironically given that the Al-Wakrah stadium you mentioned in your earlier post is being planned for Qatar I would be willing to bet you that despite its incredibly feminine shape that there are hardly few (if any) women in charge of any of its significant design or planning departments. If you think the causes of women's rights haven't gone far enough in the West you should see just how backward the Gulf states still are in such matters.

Having spent time in the UAE and other Gulf States I must sincerely say that your assessment of their values is skewed by western lens.

A look at almost ANY of their new architecture (not including the "worlds biggest pipe" which serves no function at the top) is very nuanced and INCREDIBLY influenced by a feminine design sensibility.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

doctor tyche
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
Lothic wrote:
JayBezz wrote:
No spaceport?

Simple physics tells us why having any kind of "spaceport" as far north as Massachusetts doesn't really make economic sense. There's a reason why all of the real life space launch facilities are located as close to the equator as possible - by taking advantage of the Earth's fastest spin you can gain the most speed for the least amount of energy used. Even Jules Verne correctly predicted that America would set up its main space launch facility in Florida 100 years before Cape Canaveral was repurposed for that use.
But while the "real life" part of having a spaceport in Titan City doesn't add up I see no reason why there still couldn't be one anyway. Almost anything semi-plausible should be possible in a comic book setting like this shouldn't it? I actually like Dr. Tyche's idea of copying the Sea Launch concept for CoT:

It could be implemented as its own zone for dedicated missions (e.g. an evil villain tries to use it to shoot a missile at Titan City) and as far as the "geographic lore" goes it could positioned say like 20 miles off the coast of Titan City.

Actually, it depends on your intended orbits. An equatorial launch platform is not ideal for, say, a polar orbit. You would spend more fuel correcting to the right orbit than you would save from the added speed.
But, for going to, say, the International Space Station, the optimum angle is around 46 degrees north. The launch vehicles would naturally orbit roughly the same angle as the ISS. This is because that is the location of the Russian launch facilities used to help construct it. Real-world geography for a moment, the place Titan City would appear on a real world map would be at roughly 42.6 degrees north. (for those who want specifics, 42.62N, 70.71W, roughly where Rochester and Rockport are in the real world) This means that for a visit to our-universes ISS, Titan City is actually in a decent location.

Since you actually claim to know a little about real life launch mechanics you should realize that what you just said was very nitpicky at best. Obviously you can find exceptions to every rule but if you don't care about a GENERAL USE launch facility then sure you can technically launch anything from anywhere if you really had to or wanted to.
But as you and I both know (yes I included myself because coincidentally enough I've actually spent most of my career dealing with systems related to radar tracking of launch and reentry vehicles) that they've launched plenty of polar and ISS type missions from the classic equatorial launch sites and there are very obvious reasons why. Even a quick article on Kourou mentions, "Launchers also profit from the ‘slingshot’ effect, that is the energy created by the speed of the Earth’s rotation around the axis of the Poles. This increases the speed of a launcher by 460 m per second. These important factors save fuel and money, and prolong the active life of satellites. Thanks to its geographical position, Europe's Spaceport offers a launch angle of 102°, enabling a wide range of missions from east to north. In fact, Europe’s Spaceport is so well placed that it can carry out all possible space missions."
So yes while you could wave your hands and actually come up with a few specific scenarios where launching vehicles off the coast of Massachusetts might actually make sense we again both know that (at least in real life) the chances of there ever being a "general spaceport" being placed there on purpose when there are other better options for locations is practically nil. Range safety/control would be nightmare in that relatively high population area for starters even if you discounted the benefits of the Earth "slingshot" effect.
But one more time even I'm willing to suspend my professional disbelief for this game and accept a small launch facility placed somewhere in CoT for the sake of comic book drama purposes. There's no reason why the illogic or impracticalities of real life should get in the way of things like this.

Not really nitpicky, just honest. Most satellites are set up for geostationary orbits, which are along the equator, so it is best to set up there. While the benefits of the added delta-v cannot be ignored, the cost of plane shift also cannot be ignored either. This is why the US operates a launch facility out of Alaska, and another out of Virginia, for example. The Alaskan facility is most often times used for polar launches, while the Virginia facility is more often used for ISS resupply or scientific research payloads. It genuinely depends on what kinds of launches you expect to be doing from the facility. But these non-geosynch payloads are a tiny minority of those launched every year. Last year, for example, out of the 144 satellites placed into orbit last year (not counting cubesats), only 41 of them were not to a geosync orbit. So, there is a role for other launch locations, but it is not ideal for the lions share of missions. And since a launch facility is expensive to run, not worth the effort to build multiple facilities for a minority of missions.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Lothic's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Lothic wrote:
P.P.S. Ironically given that the Al-Wakrah stadium you mentioned in your earlier post is being planned for Qatar I would be willing to bet you that despite its incredibly feminine shape that there are hardly few (if any) women in charge of any of its significant design or planning departments. If you think the causes of women's rights haven't gone far enough in the West you should see just how backward the Gulf states still are in such matters.
Having spent time in the UAE and other Gulf States I must sincerely say that your assessment of their values is skewed by western lens.

Actually I have spent many months in various Gulf states (such as Bahrain, Qatar and the UAE). I literally just got back from my most recent trip to the region LAST WEEK. Be careful when you assume the person you're talking to in forums like these doesn't have the experience to back up the claims they make. The UAE (Dubai in particular) is a very isolated and atypical example of an island of pseudo-western culture in the middle of the middle east. Don't be fooled by the abundance of Starbucks and Rolex watches you'll find there into thinking that the entire gulf state region is anywhere near as progressive or open as they are.

The fact that you can find ONE world renowned female architect from the middle east doesn't mean the entire region is anywhere near as open or liberal as the West is in these matters. A quick review of the page you referenced shows that much of the educational and professional work Zaha Hadid has done has been in WESTERN countries - why do you think that was the case?

Bottomline to think that women in general have the same equal access to educational and professional opportunities in the Gulf States as they do in much of he rest of the world is delusional at best.

JayBezz wrote:

A look at almost ANY of their new architecture (not including the "worlds biggest pipe" which serves no function at the top) is very nuanced and INCREDIBLY influenced by a feminine design sensibility.

I don't even know how to begin to address what nonsense you mean by this. If you want to keep desperately trying to label all architecture along the lines of how "male or female" oriented it is then go right ahead. Just realize how relatively pointless and immaterial that kind of labeling is to just about any other sane person on the planet. *shrugs*

I suppose any modern 100+ story skyscraper designed by a woman would simply make your head explode...

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

doctor tyche
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Of course, that being said,

Of course, that being said, the floating platform is still what I am pitching, because, flexibility. That or an Orion III-like craft from 2001.

Nuclear main engine makes all the difference.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Radiac's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Of course, that being said, the floating platform is still what I am pitching, because, flexibility. That or an Orion III-like craft from 2001.
Nuclear main engine makes all the difference.

After all of the talk about phallic architectural symbolism in posts in this thread so far, I hesitate to even suggest what this picture now evokes thoughts of, to me. :)

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lothic's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Lothic wrote:
JayBezz wrote:
No spaceport?

Simple physics tells us why having any kind of "spaceport" as far north as Massachusetts doesn't really make economic sense. There's a reason why all of the real life space launch facilities are located as close to the equator as possible - by taking advantage of the Earth's fastest spin you can gain the most speed for the least amount of energy used. Even Jules Verne correctly predicted that America would set up its main space launch facility in Florida 100 years before Cape Canaveral was repurposed for that use.
But while the "real life" part of having a spaceport in Titan City doesn't add up I see no reason why there still couldn't be one anyway. Almost anything semi-plausible should be possible in a comic book setting like this shouldn't it? I actually like Dr. Tyche's idea of copying the Sea Launch concept for CoT:

It could be implemented as its own zone for dedicated missions (e.g. an evil villain tries to use it to shoot a missile at Titan City) and as far as the "geographic lore" goes it could positioned say like 20 miles off the coast of Titan City.

Actually, it depends on your intended orbits. An equatorial launch platform is not ideal for, say, a polar orbit. You would spend more fuel correcting to the right orbit than you would save from the added speed.
But, for going to, say, the International Space Station, the optimum angle is around 46 degrees north. The launch vehicles would naturally orbit roughly the same angle as the ISS. This is because that is the location of the Russian launch facilities used to help construct it. Real-world geography for a moment, the place Titan City would appear on a real world map would be at roughly 42.6 degrees north. (for those who want specifics, 42.62N, 70.71W, roughly where Rochester and Rockport are in the real world) This means that for a visit to our-universes ISS, Titan City is actually in a decent location.

Since you actually claim to know a little about real life launch mechanics you should realize that what you just said was very nitpicky at best. Obviously you can find exceptions to every rule but if you don't care about a GENERAL USE launch facility then sure you can technically launch anything from anywhere if you really had to or wanted to.
But as you and I both know (yes I included myself because coincidentally enough I've actually spent most of my career dealing with systems related to radar tracking of launch and reentry vehicles) that they've launched plenty of polar and ISS type missions from the classic equatorial launch sites and there are very obvious reasons why. Even a quick article on Kourou mentions, "Launchers also profit from the ‘slingshot’ effect, that is the energy created by the speed of the Earth’s rotation around the axis of the Poles. This increases the speed of a launcher by 460 m per second. These important factors save fuel and money, and prolong the active life of satellites. Thanks to its geographical position, Europe's Spaceport offers a launch angle of 102°, enabling a wide range of missions from east to north. In fact, Europe’s Spaceport is so well placed that it can carry out all possible space missions."
So yes while you could wave your hands and actually come up with a few specific scenarios where launching vehicles off the coast of Massachusetts might actually make sense we again both know that (at least in real life) the chances of there ever being a "general spaceport" being placed there on purpose when there are other better options for locations is practically nil. Range safety/control would be nightmare in that relatively high population area for starters even if you discounted the benefits of the Earth "slingshot" effect.
But one more time even I'm willing to suspend my professional disbelief for this game and accept a small launch facility placed somewhere in CoT for the sake of comic book drama purposes. There's no reason why the illogic or impracticalities of real life should get in the way of things like this.

Not really nitpicky, just honest. Most satellites are set up for geostationary orbits, which are along the equator, so it is best to set up there. While the benefits of the added delta-v cannot be ignored, the cost of plane shift also cannot be ignored either. This is why the US operates a launch facility out of Alaska, and another out of Virginia, for example. The Alaskan facility is most often times used for polar launches, while the Virginia facility is more often used for ISS resupply or scientific research payloads. It genuinely depends on what kinds of launches you expect to be doing from the facility. But these non-geosynch payloads are a tiny minority of those launched every year. Last year, for example, out of the 144 satellites placed into orbit last year (not counting cubesats), only 41 of them were not to a geosync orbit. So, there is a role for other launch locations, but it is not ideal for the lions share of missions. And since a launch facility is expensive to run, not worth the effort to build multiple facilities for a minority of missions.

Again for the sake of full disclosure I have actually been involved with tracking launches from all the facilities you mentioned (and several others you haven't yet) so you are literally "preaching to the choir" with this. I wasn't trying to be "dishonest" in not mentioning them before; if anything I was simply trying to keep the conversation simple and generalized.

When someone just blindly throws out the term "spaceport" it's easiest to assume a general purpose launch facility for anything from weather rockets to interplanetary probes. As you point out yourself many of the other real life non-equatorial facilities are far less used than say places like the Kennedy Space Center. For example the [url=]Kodiak facility[/url] (not sure if that's the Alaskan one you meant) has reportedly only handled 16 "unclassified" launches since 1998 (I stressed the word "unclassified" for a reason and I'll just leave it at that).

So once again while it's certainly possible to launch almost anything from any point on the planet there are clearly some places that are more generally useful than others. Sadly Massachusetts isn't really one of them (again for the obvious range safety / range control issues if nothing else). But hey, if a deranged billionaire villain wants to shoot a short-ranged nuke towards Titan City from his super-secret floating Sea Launch base stationed a few dozen miles off the coast then more power to him. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
Of course, that being said, the floating platform is still what I am pitching, because, flexibility. That or an Orion III-like craft from 2001.
Nuclear main engine makes all the difference.

After all of the talk about phallic architectural symbolism in posts in this thread so far, I hesitate to even suggest what this picture now evokes thoughts of, to me. :)

Yes it's completely unfair for us to only talk about those cylindrical-shaped aerodynamic rockets that share a passing resemblance to male genitalia. To be completely "fair and balanced" we need to mention all those hard working labial-shaped rockets and missiles that have been completely overshadowed by their oppressive male oriented vehicle counterparts. Power to the vulva-rockets!

P.S. lol

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Radiac wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
Of course, that being said, the floating platform is still what I am pitching, because, flexibility. That or an Orion III-like craft from 2001.
Nuclear main engine makes all the difference.

After all of the talk about phallic architectural symbolism in posts in this thread so far, I hesitate to even suggest what this picture now evokes thoughts of, to me. :)

Yes it's completely unfair for us to only talk about those cylindrical-shaped aerodynamic rockets that share a passing resemblance to male genitalia. To be completely "fair and balanced" we need to mention all those hard working labial-shaped rockets and missiles that have been completely overshadowed by their oppressive male oriented vehicle counterparts. Power to the vulva-rockets!
P.S. lol

Ummm.. i'm not gonna touch this one, not even if it was a ten foot pole. :<

Ummm.. that don't sound right either. Never mind. ;)

Lin Chiao Feng
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

After all of the talk about phallic architectural symbolism in posts in this thread so far, I hesitate to even suggest what this picture now evokes thoughts of, to me. :)

Don't cross the streams.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Lin Chiao Feng
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

So once again while it's certainly possible to launch almost anything from any point on the planet there are clearly some places that are more generally useful than others. Sadly Massachusetts isn't really one of them (again for the obvious range safety / range control issues if nothing else). But hey, if a deranged billionaire villain wants to shoot a short-ranged nuke towards Titan City from his super-secret floating Sea Launch base stationed a few dozen miles off the coast then more power to him. ;)

Bear in mind that range safety is a whole different animal when you have folks on staff with flight, force field, and other superpowers. So the feasibility of a facility rapidly moves back to a "who's gonna use it and for what" question, which as you point out, a Richard Branson-style billionaire would qualify, and if the rockets (or their cargo) were built in town and were a huge pain to transport to other sites, it could look a lot more feasible.

Add in a Senator or Representative on a powerful committee and you're golden. After all, that's how we got a space facility in the middle of BF Alabama, a state which would rather declare Earth's age to be 6k years and be done with science, whose current Senator is trying to starve the Commercial Crew Program to death so they can waste more money on Orion.

Stupid Shit Happens.

And hopefully we'll be able to get on to arguing if the in-universe ISS is stuck below the Van Allen belts or is higher up and far more useful. And how many sets of navigation and IRIDIUM-like sats there are, which are between LEO and GEO and have higher angles of inclination. Or if there are multiple space stations by now.

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Um, anyway, about the Main

Um, anyway, about the Main Library in Alexandria, what sort of statuary should frame the entrance? Lions, Sphinxes, Phoenixes, Obelisks, Odalisques, Thinkers, Heroes, Abstract Expressionist Dali-scapes?

Also, the local Gas Station, does it only supply liquid fuel, or do they have Hydrogen and Electric 'pumps' too?

How about some Theaters? Do we have a famous [url=]Cinerama Dome[/url]? Should we? Where do we host the latest 'Thing' from Andrew Lloyd Webber? Bandstand in the Park? Is there a Yacht Club? Golf Course and Tennis Club? NASCAR track and Monster Truck venue? Where do citizens, super and otherwise, go to have fun and view spectacles?

Be Well!

Darth Fez
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

This means that for a visit to our-universes ISS, Titan City is actually in a decent location.

Peanuts. I want the moon, at a minimum. >.>

- - - - -
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I think the geographical

I think the geographical placement of any spaceport in a game like this is an easy suspension of disbelief due to the fact that you have to work on such things professionally to even see the things inherent in there that are not technically believable.

I'd like to point out that, from what my biology friends tell me, Spider-man would be an impossibility too. Insects can lift far more weight than their own bodies have due in large part to the fact that they're so small to begin with. A muscle's ability to exert force is proportional to the cross sectional area of the muscle, but the weight of an animal is proportional to it's volume (assuming that most animals are of a roughly constant density, close to that of water). Volume increases as the cube (third power) of length and cross-sectional area increases as the square (second power), thus as you scale any animal DOWN in size, its weight decreases at a faster rate than its strength, so the strength-to-weight ratio increases. If you took an actual spider and scaled it up to the size of a human, it would be so heavy that it would likely not be able to even lift its own legs up, nevermind hurling a car at someone.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lin Chiao Feng
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That would be the Square-Cube

That would be the [url=]Square-Cube Law[/url], usually cited in context with Gulliver's Travels.

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I was always confused by

I was always confused by Lions on the steps of Library's. I would have thought that all those learned people designing them would want a Sphinx there as they are traditionally Keepers of Knowledge, are they not?

Gas Stations should now be multi-functional. Gas, Electric, Hydrogen.

A theatre is a must. Both kinds in fact. (Rockefeller Centre on the one corner and a Cineplex on the opposing one. ;P )

A park with an open air Amphitheater.

A Museum

We are a Port City, if there isn't a Yacht Club, what are all those Billionaire Supers going to waste their hard earned money on?

And as for the Sin Laws in effect in the NE-USA, don't forget that there are always Black Light districts where you can find one in someones basement/back room somewhere.

Warehouse Rave sites

Skateboard Park!

omg, the list goes one . . . . .

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Look out Point. gotta have a

Look out Point. gotta have a place for that

Science Centre / Observatory

Boardwalk with shopping district

Above ground rail as well as an underground one. There needs to be a rail yard to service the Port.

I know it is not necessary to see in a game as very little happens in these areas as a general rule of thumb, but could we please have a suburbia? Even if we are only seeing a portion of it in a zone and it fades off to the distance, I think that it would be nice to see something like that.

Water Park

Schools (Elementary, Junior High, Senior High) not just Colleges and Universities.

Community Centres, Athletic/Sport Centres

doctor tyche
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StellarAgent wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:

Gas Stations should now be multi-functional. Gas, Electric, Hydrogen.


Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

StellarAgent wrote:
Gas Stations should now be multi-functional. Gas, Electric, Hydrogen.


Have they not got small fusion reactors yet, much cleaner

[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]


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Minotaur wrote:
Minotaur wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:
Gas Stations should now be multi-functional. Gas, Electric, Hydrogen.


Have they not got small fusion reactors yet, much cleaner



Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Minotaur wrote:
Minotaur wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:
Gas Stations should now be multi-functional. Gas, Electric, Hydrogen.


Have they not got small fusion reactors yet, much cleaner

It [i]is[/i] 2015, after all!

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Darth Fez
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Foradain beat you.

Foradain beat you.

[i]By a full twelve minutes.[/i]

No points for guessing which one of you has the time machine.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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I'm surprised Dr Emmet ever

I'm surprised Dr Emmet ever went back in time after spending time in the future and learning about all the wondrous discoveries. Maybe hes too quick of a study? got bored after a year, and left!? ;)

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Another good looking building

Another good looking building that showed up in Gakusen Toshi Asterisk episode 8 that looks like it ought to serve Titan City in some capacity.


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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I think it would be cool to

I think it would be cool to have a fortified HQ of some kind like in One Punch Man Ep 10

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Lin Chiao Feng
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

Foradain beat you.
By a full twelve minutes.
No points for guessing which one of you has the time machine.

[list=1][*]I type slow.
[*]For some stupid reason, Foradain's image didn't load until half an hour after I posted. So all I saw was "^_^" making it look like a "/signed" post. My cache was drunk and needed to go home.[/list]

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Darth Fez wrote:
Foradain beat you.
By a full twelve minutes.
No points for guessing which one of you has the time machine.

I type slow.
For some stupid reason, Foradain's image didn't load until half an hour after I posted. So all I saw was "^_^" making it look like a "/signed" post. My cache was drunk and needed to go home.

ACTUALLY.... he used the Delorean and went back in time to post that image right before you. ;)

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But I don't have a Delorean.

But I don't have a Delorean. The picture I posted doesn't even have a car in it, and we all know where the Mr. Fusion in Lin's picture is mounted. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Lin Chiao Feng
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Sheesh, if he had a Delorean

Sheesh, if he had a Delorean with a flux capacitor, do you think he'd be wasting time [i]here?![/i]

[b]He'd be playing the game already.[/b]

Do you have any idea how [i]weird[/i] a time machine makes the edit-compile-run cycle?! You only need one developer for pair programming! Granted, you have to keep them from looking each other in the eye...

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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I kind of presume there will

I kind of presume there will be some sort of subterranean labyrinth of subway tunnels and sewers. I'd like to see some of them be older and disused antiques, maybe with old broken down train cars and eerie deserted platforms.

We're almost required by "comic book law" to have at least one derelict amusement park.

We've talked about sports arenas. If we ever get vehicles I'd love to see a racing venue like the Nurburgring or Laguna Seca

If there are freeways and interstates represented on the maps I hope to see some super-stacked overpass interchanges, and maybe a big mega-truckstop would be interesting. Kind of like the car lot idea with SEMIS!

Will we see a big hydro-electric dam somewhere on the outskirts of the map? You know, with the required sleepy, unsuspecting town below?

It also seems like there ought to be an experimental nuclear power plant somewhere around. Ooh, maybe in the town below the dam!

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WarBird wrote:
WarBird wrote:

Will we see a big hydro-electric dam somewhere on the outskirts of the map? You know, with the required sleepy, unsuspecting town below?
It also seems like there ought to be an experimental nuclear power plant somewhere around. Ooh, maybe in the town below the dam!

Who is the Mayor of this SimCity? They should be arrested for zoning malpractice!

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lin Chiao Feng
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Can't. He's a machine

Can't. He's a machine politician.

Seriously, he's in the shop every couple weeks with another breakdown and the EULA keeps us from replacing him.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Can't. He's a machine politician.
Seriously, he's in the shop every couple weeks with another breakdown and the EULA keeps us from replacing him.


(Not literally, my ass didn't actually come off of either my chair or body. But it was a close run thing! ^_^)

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

(Not literally, my ass didn't actually come off of either my chair or body. But it was a close run thing! ^_^)

Tch. Well, maybe next time!

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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Neptūnus isn't a stationary

Neptūnus isn't a stationary city.. it's an entire Tecnologically advanced ECOsystem at sea. Only foolish land creatures would create a home that cannot be moved. And they will wash away as footprints in the tide.

It comes to port ever 3 months with diplomatic relations in Titan City and tensions are always high

(Any hope for water civilizations in the Titans Universe? Lemuria, Atlantis are both old.. Neptūnus lives forever!)

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Brand X
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I'd rather there be an

I'd rather there be an atlantis.

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Spaceport, airport, seaport,

Spaceport, airport, seaport, trainport, busport, carport, portico, portal corps...oops that one is taken...a port-port perhaps? Yo dawg I heard you liked ports...

On the space port thing. Why are we using explody rockets when we have a concentration of people that can flipping fly? You just bolt a couple of these people into these things and have them lift said things as needed...and hope they don't blow up...cause Supers do occasionally blow up. I guess I defeated my point.

Gas stations: These should be extra GTA explody. Most gas stations don't have electric charge stations. Those are typically at malls and parking complexes places people tend to stay a longer period of time. I'm all for having multiple fuel types but I don't think every gas station in TC is in dire need of a thorium dispenser...there has to be some zoning issues with that. Thorium reactors are also not likely to need frequent fill ups. But hydrogen and CNG and Diesel would be okay to have at a typical gas station since those are very contemporary and would fit in with the typical city. As far as appearance unless there is an ordnance requiring all gas stations to have only two pumps and one ice chest outside. Variety. It's the spice of life. Dirty gas stations should have an increased level of explody...also hydrogen stations...exceptionally explody.

Second Chance:
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Gluke's picture
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Nice suggestions here, and I

Nice suggestions here, and I have no doubt we're going to see a lot of nice shiny buildings in CoT, but one thing I'd like is some horrendously deprived areas. Please give us some SLUMS and rundown, derelict areas that few people choose to live in, but some are forced to. Any major US city surely contains areas of deprivation as well as privilege, so let's some places eye-catching for all the wrong reasons, like these:,_Los_Angeles
Such neighbourhood/s could contain many homeless as NPCs as well as lower rung streetgangs of youths and petty criminals. They could also have many basic but older buildings as less new ones are invested in by the Titan city council, and instances of striking and colourful graffiti and murals used to brighten the place, for similar reasons (few people spend money on building anything fancy there, so street artists and others improvise), eg:

Similarly, some area of dreary industrial ground and factories, something like this:

These areas would maybe not be the prettiest in conventional terms, but would IMO enhance immersion by giving life and character to the city, and would be great areas of potential content arcs given their poor rep and many derelict patches, and I'd definitely love to see something like it represented in-game.


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WarBird wrote: Izzy wrote:
WarBird wrote:

Izzy wrote: Hmmm... wont there be people that object to seeing Simulated real world Terrorism in game?
Some players will Demand it be realistic. Others will be outraged by it.Any deliberately directed threat to public safety is, by definition, terrorism. If someone takes civilian hostages and demands something to free them, It's terrorism. Tampering with a water supply? Terrorism. Planting numerous bombs around the city? Terrorism. Release some airborne mutagen? Terrorism. All completely legitimate Super-villain 'tropes and no more or less realistic than, say, taking over a control tower and threatening to crash planes into each other.In our modern world where every idiot has their own worldwide on-line forum, and a sufficient minority of like-minded idiots to claim a 'following', you can't do anything without 'deeply offending' SOMEone. We're talking about comic books here. Fear and violence are a constant undercurrent of the genre. Yes, we can and should sanitize it to a certain extent for children and to appeal to a broader audience. But one cannot, nor should MWM, hold itself responsible for protecting everyone from exposure to a certain level of discomfort. If someone is afraid they may be exposed to a PRETEND situation that echoes a genuine reality they should turn off every entertainment device they own and stay indoors for the rest of their pathetic lives.::deep breath:: Well, that got rather out of hand, didn't it? :)

Harsh but very fair...


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Oh yes, and one other thing I

Oh yes, and one other thing I'd really like to see would be a substantial TC subway that you can explore open-world, by running through miles of tunnels carefully avoiding trains, as well as boarding carriages for much quicker travel.


doctor tyche
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Gluke wrote: Nice
Gluke wrote:

Nice suggestions here, and I have no doubt we're going to see a lot of nice shiny buildings in CoT, but one thing I'd like is some horrendously deprived areas. Please give us some SLUMS and rundown, derelict areas that few people choose to live in, but some are forced to. Any major US city surely contains areas of deprivation as well as privilege, so let's some places eye-catching for all the wrong reasons, like these:
(links removed for space)
These areas would maybe not be the prettiest in conventional terms, but would IMO enhance immersion by giving life and character to the city, and would be great areas of potential content arcs given their poor rep and many derelict patches, and I'd definitely love to see something like it represented in-game.

If you look at the map, we have a northern peninsula, southern peninsula, and a section on the mainland. In general, the northern peninsula is the cleaner, more high tech and gentrified area. In general, the southern peninsula is more run down, where slums and derelict areas will be found, along with undeveloped territory. The mainland area, which is for future releases, is where we find the more suburban, eldrich and historical areas.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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A public restroom where an

A public restroom where an informant hangs out in the last will never see him, but he will hand you clues written on TP from under the stall wall.
Further this will the only place where the "What a relief" emote works.

If a Female hero walks in...the guys at the urinals will leave, all embarrassed n' stuff.


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Oh, and seeing this is set in

Oh, and seeing this is set in Massachusetts, we need a 1776 recreation village in one of the parks.


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Every time I drive through

Every time I drive through San Francisco, I think "This is a great Superhero city."

Two things stand about about it. First is interstate 80 through downtown. It is an elevated highway that runs right through the buildings. There are billboards on top of the buildings and rooftops accessible and viewable.
Here's a stock photo, but I recommend just getting onto Google Street View to get the full experience.

There were couple places in Paragon City in TOG that were like this as well. Not Skyway, though. In skyway, the highways were just too far above the rest of the city. I like how in San Francisco they're right into the thick of things.

The second thing I take inspiration from is the San Francisco Bay Bridge. It's one of the new brand of suspension bridges of which there are enough examples, but what I really like about it are the light towers all along its length. See below for a photo of them:
With the dynamic lighting of Unreal 5, the shadows cast by these towers would be wicked.
Now imagine you're a webslinger using the "zipline" travel power trying to get from one end of the bridge to the other without touching the street in order to get that special zipline achievement called "The street is lava."

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Red Warlock
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

Every time I drive through San Francisco, I think "This is a great Superhero city."

Two things stand about about it. First is interstate 80 through downtown. It is an elevated highway that runs right through the buildings. There are billboards on top of the buildings and rooftops accessible and viewable.
Here's a stock photo, but I recommend just getting onto Google Street View to get the full experience.

There were couple places in Paragon City in TOG that were like this as well. Not Skyway, though. In skyway, the highways were just too far above the rest of the city. I like how in San Francisco they're right into the thick of things.

The second thing I take inspiration from is the San Francisco Bay Bridge. It's one of the new brand of suspension bridges of which there are enough examples, but what I really like about it are the light towers all along its length.

With the dynamic lighting of Unreal 5, the shadows cast by these towers would be wicked.
Now imagine you're a webslinger using the "zipline" travel power trying to get from one end of the bridge to the other without touching the street in order to get that special zipline achievement called "The street is lava."

I lived in San Francisco for 20 years and actually worked for a City Supervisor for six years (since it's a city and a county, their county Board of Supervisors also functions as their city council, so I was a staff member for one of the Supervisors...), then went on to work at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission for another six years working on water, wastewater and energy policy for the city. San Francisco has been a reference point for me in a lot of the city development work I've done for the game. But I also do like to look at other cities all over the place for examples to work with. Especially in the Northeast, because some things about Titan City are very specific to cities of that area, especially around Boston where we are considering a lot of the landscaping choices...

[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]

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I've spent a lot of time in

I've spent a lot of time in Vancouver BC lately and there is one thing in Vancouver that just screams "Put me in your superhero city!"

[center]Overhead conductors for the electric trolley buses.

Toronto also had these until the 1990's, so it is a concept that is within the realm of possibility for our Titan City, especially when one considers all the 'weird science' that is associated with our city and the current wave of electrification.

What makes these different from other electrified transports is that they are for wheeled busus that drive on the road, not on rails like a subway or other trolley systems. Because of this, you can find these cables ALL OVER THE CITY.

I recommend using google street view in downtown Vancouver to see just how ubiquitous these cables are, starting on the Granville bridge.

What I like about these is
[*]I imagine them being used as a mode of fast travel where the character becomes electrified and travels as a jumble of static along them; and because they're so ubiquitous you can turn left and right at intersections to get almost anywhere you need to get in Titan City.
[*]The buses themselves can be put in the game for use as a fast travel system just like how the Paragon City monorail was. I can just see characters standing around at bus stations waiting for the next bus to come around. Then when you 'get on' the bus, you are presented with a bus map of the city and you get to pick your final destination and you see yourself stepping off the bus at that location.
[*]People can run on the cables, using them as an elevated 'roadway' of sorts to avoid ground-level obstructions like traffic.
[*]The buses and the cables can be a good source of mission ideas.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I've spent a lot of time in Vancouver BC lately and there is one thing in Vancouver that just screams "Put me in your superhero city!"

[center]Overhead conductors for the electric trolley buses.[/center]

Toronto also had these until the 1990's, so it is a concept that is within the realm of possibility for our Titan City, especially when one considers all the 'weird science' that is associated with our city and the current wave of electrification.

What makes these different from other electrified transports is that they are for wheeled busus that drive on the road, not on rails like a subway or other trolley systems. Because of this, you can find these cables ALL OVER THE CITY.

I was walking around Seattle today and saw these same buses and their overhead cable pairs.

I also saw a new building being constructed and I thought something like this should belong in Titan City. No big city with big buildings should be without at least one building under construction. This one I saw in Seattle just screamed "put me in Titan City!" I think it is the partial facades on two sides that are supported by temporary flying buttresses that arc over the adjoining sidewalk and are supported by just big cement blocks. I love all the graffiti and even the "do not climb" signs that seem so perfect for Titan City, considering all the wall climbers we will have.
[img=360x240][/img] [img=240x240][/img] [img=240x240][/img]

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

All 4 Mutants
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I've spent a lot of time in Vancouver BC lately and there is one thing in Vancouver that just screams "Put me in your superhero city!"

[center]Overhead conductors for the electric trolley buses.[/center]

Toronto also had these until the 1990's, so it is a concept that is within the realm of possibility for our Titan City, especially when one considers all the 'weird science' that is associated with our city and the current wave of electrification.

What makes these different from other electrified transports is that they are for wheeled busus that drive on the road, not on rails like a subway or other trolley systems. Because of this, you can find these cables ALL OVER THE CITY.

I was walking around Seattle today and saw these same buses and their overhead cable pairs.

I also saw a new building being constructed and I thought something like this should belong in Titan City. No big city with big buildings should be without at least one building under construction. This one I saw in Seattle just screamed "put me in Titan City!" I think it is the partial facades on two sides that are supported by temporary flying buttresses that arc over the adjoining sidewalk and are supported by just big cement blocks. I love all the graffiti and even the "do not climb" signs that seem so perfect for Titan City, considering all the wall climbers we will have.
[img=360x240][/img] [img=240x240][/img] [img=240x240][/img]

They are building again? Wonder what old building got torn down for this one? Trying not to rant. But I am sure Titan would benefit from new construction than Seattle. Keeping the obvious out.

Evolution is key. And mutants are key.

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Last seen: 1 hour 58 min ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
All 4 Mutants wrote:
All 4 Mutants wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I also saw a new building being constructed and I thought something like this should belong in Titan City. No big city with big buildings should be without at least one building under construction. This one I saw in Seattle just screamed "put me in Titan City!" I think it is the partial facades on two sides that are supported by temporary flying buttresses that arc over the adjoining sidewalk and are supported by just big cement blocks. I love all the graffiti and even the "do not climb" signs that seem so perfect for Titan City, considering all the wall climbers we will have.

They are building again? Wonder what old building got torn down for this one? Trying not to rant. But I am sure Titan would benefit from new construction than Seattle. Keeping the obvious out.

Okay, I did some research and the story is even more interesting.

That facade that is left standing is the old facade from "The Seattle Times" newspaper building. Apparently it was part of the design proposale to keep that historic facade in the new design. You can find the proposal here:
It's pretty interesting. Its kinda sad comment on the advancement of technology that all the world's newspapers are saying goodbye, but I award them points for honoring it.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
