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Interview with AmiEvil

We decided we wanted to do a series of interviews with the development team, to get some more personalized perspectives of the project and the progress, without the press release feeling behind it.

Each interview will include some quick questions to a different Missing Worlds Media developer regarding topics not only about the progress of the game, but also related to what they’re specifically working on, and even how they joined the team.

This update with Fred “AmiEvil” Prince, City of Titans Senior Gameplay Engineer, is part of our series of interviews with developers about work they are doing for the game.

Fairy wings AmiEvil tested for use as an accompanying feature for flight powers.

CoT players have seen AmiEvil’s work earlier in several updates such as in our 4th of July update here, and this update about flying powers here.

There are many different enterprises for constructing the City of Titans game. We hope this interview can help players gain understanding of the engineering work being completed behind the scenes for the game, and give a glance into the future of exciting things to come!

Hand-to-hand combat with animations and powers engineered by AmiEvil

CoT Interview with AmiEvil:

AmiEvil, tell us about yourself - how did you get involved in gaming, and how did you get involved specifically with the City of Titans?

I have been gaming since I was four years old. I was following the project from the beginning, but I wasn’t happy with the progress. I ran into Warcabbit on a forum and told him I was making a successor on my own. He saw my work and asked me to join the team. I liked the general direction so I decided to join. I have learned so much since the beginning. I am self taught and learned most things blueprint from epic samples and re-engineering things. I have since taught myself enough C++ to get things done on that side as well.

You are the Senior Gameplay Engineer for City of Titans. For people who might not understand what that means, what is the work that you are doing for the game?

I have several things that I am currently working on.
1. I am working on getting the code ready for powers to be available in the game.
2. I am working on implementing the overall movement system including all travel powers.
3. I am working on and improving the AI for the game.
4. I also evaluate and implement systems we may purchase for use in the game, and make sure they will work for our intended purpose.
5. I also assist other departments with anything I have knowledge about.
And so much more.

Flight animations and powers engineered by AmiEvil

People have been having a lot of fun with testing out the flight powers that you engineered for CoT. What went into building flight for the game in terms of mechanics, animation, controls and all the features that got it to this point?

What the players are enjoying is not the complete form flight will have in the game. Reading the feedback I was happy to know that all the negatives and requests for extras were already a part of the final implementation planned.

What specifically do you think might be coming for flight that will be different from what’s available now?

For one, the ability to look around while flying which obviously will not be as fast as the current version.
Also, different flight poses and other things I won’t speak of just yet.

Flight animations and powers engineered by AmiEvil

Flight doesn’t just involve what happens in the air, but also how you take off and land. Players might not think about why taking off and landing might feel different in various games. What are some of the things you did to make taking off and landing feel unique for flight in CoT?

All travel powers are just that, powers. They should make you feel powerful.

What specifically did you do with landing and taking off animations to make players feel powerful?

The effects make all the difference in terms of adding a sense of power. Also the changes in

What about landing positions? I understand there is some diversity in how you land… what is that about?

Right now it corresponds to the flight poses. I have plans to separate the two to allow for more customization.

Flight animations and powers engineered by AmiEvil

Flight is not the only travel power you have been working on - anything you have up your sleeve that you’d like to share with us about things to come in the world of travel powers?

If you like flight the entire suite of travel powers is going to make a lot of people happy.

So what is in that suite of travel powers? Is there anything you are working on now? Any that will be different from what we’ve seen in other games?

I am working on a variety of different travel powers. Teleporting I want to make it a little more special than what we’ve seen. Wall crawling has been worked on to give it a more powerful feeling (that’s all i’m going to say for now lol ). Wall running is being worked on along with super leaping. I am also working on the overlapping of the travel powers so they all within reason flow together organically.

Wall crawling animations and powers engineered by AmiEvil

Travel powers are an area of your work that players have been able to try out, but there’s a lot more that is still ‘under the hood’ being worked on. What can you share about combat that can give a glimpse about things that are coming for players in the future?

Combat for me is about feel. If it doesn’t feel right it will not be fun. I am making sure everything will feel right, and I plan to make it enjoyable for all.

We’ve seen some glimpses of your work on hand-to-hand combat. What did you do to make it ‘feel’ right? Was it all in the animations? Is there anything in the power operations?

Things not shown include the feel for players that do not want twitch gameplay. I am going to great lengths to make it enjoyable for all. I am also building a custom targeting solution which will aid that effort.

What about other types of fighting powers than hand-to-hand? We saw a clip of ranged frost blasting… Can you say anything about the types of ranged powers that you are working on?

All the typical things you’d expect ranged blasts, but what we have to remember is these are just the mechanics, and the look will change according to the prop if one is used. Ranged targeted AOE abilities, Lifts (as in control) which may not be in the game at launch, along with AI. I am working on the pet system also. First I’m focusing on getting the mechanics right, then making a mock UI until a final version can be made.

Frost blast animations and powers engineered by AmiEvil

How do you feel about progress coming along with the game? You are part of a big team that is pulling the game together - how do you feel work is coming together for the entire thing?

Things have really picked up lately. I am really excited about the progress we are making.

Anything else you would like to share?

To all those that have supported us Thank you.
To those that doubt us we hope to convert you.
I cannot wait until the game is launched, and we can all enjoy Titan City together.

And special thanks to my big bros (Chris “Warcabbit” Hare and Nathan “Red Warlock” Purkiss) on the team for all their support.

Thanks AmiEvil!
And to all of you reading, we will keep you posted on progress as we get closer to offering access to all the exciting work on powers shared in this interview!

Finally, we have one special bit of work to share from AmiEvil. He had mentioned working on seamless movement between travel powers. The two GIFs below share a bit of his work on moving from walking to wall crawling to wall running:

We hope you enjoyed this update - see you soon for the next one!

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