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Nightstrike DID wait for Geist to go before she spoke about Crystal Rose.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Oops I make an edit
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
I am getting back into RP and I decided to take a shot at this
PC Name: Alexander Dietz
Function and Power Classification: Trickster/Distraction, Teleportation, ''natural'' claws and teeth that generate a venom that stops the blood from coagulating, moderate healing factor
Power Threat: Moderate depending on the opponent Alexander can be a absolute nightmare or somewhat of a nuisance
Personality: Alexander has two distinct personalities. One of them is a rather hyperactive yet endearing personality that is borderline childlike. While the other is a cold, collected, no nonsense personality.
Physical Traits:
-[Height]: 5'8
-[Weight]: 140 pounds
-[Age]: 19
-[Skin Color]: unknown
-[Hair Color/Fur Color]: Dark Purple
-[Eye Color]: Orange with luminescence
-[Hair Type]: Straight and long, is an even darker shade then his fur
-[Body Type]: Lithe
Metahuman/Alien/Robot type: Unnatural Hybrid Mutant
Backstory: Alexander Dietz was just a teleportation mutant metahuman in the wrong place at the wrong time. An underground illegal organization known as ZETA pursued a test subject capable of surviving an immoral and dangerous genetic experiment. It just so happens after many...failures with the previous subjects that Alexander happened to stumble across a sadistic maniac of a scientist when going by his daily life in Ironport at the age of 17. The scientist staged an ambush with some trained mercenaries to subdue and transport him into a facility in a remote location to become a test subject. ZETA's scientists learned from there previous failures and decided to try genetically splice a moderate healing factor gene into Alex's body.
Thankfully for the mad scientists his body accepted the ''improved'' gene rather then discarding it which made the potentially fatal procedures they wanted to commence on his body way easier to execute. Alexander's body was thereafter spliced with long eared bunny DNA, wild feline DNA, and snake DNA. The process itself was incredibly painful. Alexander's skin cells duplicated rapidly and forcibly grew more hair follicles then any average human's would to create a ''pelt'' that was the same color as his hair to cover his external body. His ears completely reconfigured themselves and grew out to the length of 3 feet and now hung limp along his back. The nasal and maxilla regions of his skull contorted to resemble a felines facial structure. His fingernails and teeth rapidly grew to form dangerous claws and a mouth full of canines. The claws and teeth are supplied with venom from a newly formed venom sac like organ that was repurposed out of the appendix. His tongue forked itself and his eye's pupils turned into slits. Alexander at this point barely physically resembled the young adult man he used to be. His mental state was also starting to crumble
The ZETA scientists decide too ''test out'' his bodies new physical capabilities after the successful splice. Over time from all the pain intensive and mentally traumatic tests Alexander started to develop Dissociative Identity Personality and was nearly desensitized to pain. Alexander's personality split in two with both being equally dangerous in there own ways. Alexander commonly is observed in his hyperactive, mischievous yet endearing personality while his more serious, cold, and collected personality would emerge at certain points. Alexander barely remembers what he was like before his time in ZETA.
ZETA was eventually taken out by a group of heroes. Alexander escaped during the attack on the facility, leaving a trail of eviscerated bodies of scientists and mercenaries. He was thereafter sited by the civilian pickpocketing and killing any criminals that threatened civilians. Alexander eventually was given nickname ''Deluder'' by the criminal populace in Ironport as he had a habit of ''toying with his selected prey'' which eventually became his codename by the Titan City Police Department. He is labeled as a violent vigilante and mentally unstable in the police files.
Notes: -Alexander hates loud noises due to his sensitive ears. An easy way too cripple him is with sonar powers or weapons
-Alexander is very much capable of gymnastics and flexibility which were only improved by the gene splicing. He uses these skills when he is not using his teleportation power
-Alexander's powers developed before he was kidnapped but the ZETA agents that the scientist called to subdue him were very much trained in subduing all kinds of mutants. His power was heavily suppressed while in containment by a strong power suppression bracelet
-Alexander is straight
-Alexander was initially going to be used as a weapon to cause chaos and disorder for the civilian population. Ironically he became a protector of the civilians...albeit his methods of killing criminals are brutal and in some cases near sadistic.
-Alexander embraced ''Deluder'' as his nickname and his codename
-Alexander commonly is seen wearing a black hoodie with the hood up, blue jeans, and steel-toed combat boots. He knows that his ears make him very easy to identify so he tends to stay away from crowds of people and is usually seen prowling around alleyways or rooftops
-Alexander is a strong kicker due to leg muscle mass gained from the splicing with the bunny's DNA specifically
Codename: Deluder
I hope this character might be of use in this RP. It took me awhile to try to piece together a backstory and yet I still don't think it's up to par......
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
Well, it's a good background, but Nightstrike wouldn't recruit him because of his Disassociative Identity Personality. She'd view him as being too unpredictable.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Damn I knew I'd be biting the bullet with that idea. Hmmm.....I might have to change that then or have him become ''that one ally'' too the team or something. Either that or I have to implement some sort of rehabilitation or medicine or something so he can regulate that issue.
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
Do you have any other character ideas?
I ask this because from Nightstrike's perspective, therapy is unpredictable and medicine can be lost or difficult to attain depending on where they are at the time.
If you need any help with character creation, let us know. Lots of smart and creative people 'round these parts. ;-)
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Having been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder it's a tough thing to pull off right. To often it's written as One the good and the other bad kind of skit. Not to mention I hate calling Multiple personality, Dissociative Identity Disorder. I can't help but feel that's insulting to the other personalities don't they count as a personality as well? Heck one could argue that Unknown has a form of it given that the collective has different opinions from time to time. Primary the Host John Doe wanting to do something, where the alien awareness wants something else. Oh well went off track that's a whole other subject.
I'm with Xselcier here given the way the RP seems to be focused there going to be darker elements. I can see this group torturing someone for vital Intel. Given that Nightstrike wouldn't be seeking someone that would have trouble with stress.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Hmm I guess I will have to create a different character. That idea just popped into my head because I wanted to make a character that was genetically spliced (or engineered on) which would be an incredibly painful process for a human being considering the body restructuring itself and all that. I also liked the idea of a personality that would be childish too a disturbing degree and yet competent when the situation calls for it. I am reusing that physical description template though....I find the idea of a killer bunny amusing.
Oh an sorry Rotten. I made sure too look up multiple sources on it and research as much as I could. I initially was thinking of 2 separate personalities that would have there faults and advantages but I have read that it could extend beyond that and reading about it isn't the same as experiencing it. ZETA would torture someone for intel and they have been pursuing the idea of an ''enhanced'' army for years (The idea is pretty standard and is based off of several bad organizations in superhero/villain universes)
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
I'm sure that a killer bunny with multiple personalities could be rather amusing, just not as a part of this team.
*nudges Faceless* Yer up.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Hmmm I will save him for an another RP then.
I have another character idea but I only have the powers thought up. Essentially this guy would be able to pull out people's deep seated fears and make them into a ''reality'' with an illusion of said nightmare. He would essentially be a controller....he could easily ''torture'' a criminal for information or subdue them if needed. Of course he could use this power to kill criminals too (driving them to suicide or fooling into believing there teammates are trying to kill them essentially)
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
I've been feeling bad lately, my head hurts and i'm tired all the time. I can't think of anything right now.
I was still feeling good when i wrote that...
From what I was told I had + or - 13 give or take. Out of those I became aware of 5 or 6 others I was told about. From my personal experience the fracturing was along emotional lines. There was a Fire and Brimstone Preacher (have no idea how he got there), a nearly emotionless fellow who did what needed to be done the school work and such. The I don't give a crap personality called himself Legion who was heavy metal Goth mayhem. Good thing he didn't have control often or I would have done spiked hair and ended up with tattoos,,, still have the skull incense burner. A playful kid who even when I was in the mental ward at the age of 17 played with Legos and thought girls were strange. One that was anger bashed a hole in the wall (with forehead) smashed a rocking chair and once in school choke slammed a bully into the lockers with one hand. Note didn't get picked on after that for years. Then there was the center what I think of was and still is me the part that the others protected. The biggest doubt I have is the nagging fear that I myself even after 25 years of not having lost control is nothing but just another phantasm of a personality. That even I am nothing but a product of a broken mind struggling to protect itself when it just empty inside.
Yeah got kind of dark there at the end. But that why I have an issue with the term Dissociative Identity Disorder. Those other personalities were there to protect me, part of me, they faced things that the 11 yearold child I was when I was abused couldn't handle. It's a small point but for me when I was growing up they were my Heroes they came when I couldn't face what happened. They were more then figments of my imagination or a coping mechanism. They were willing to take the blows the child me couldn't and I hope that they are still a part of me that the best parts of them got retreaded into my whole. Because that's the part of me that believes in Heroes.
Also why I started Rping, kind of a way to let them have a life beyond the subconscious void in the back of my head.
So if you ever want a first hand experienced multiple personality to ask for assistance you got one.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
@Faceless Perhaps I should move on to Accipiter?
D-Pad, you still out there?
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Yeah, go ahead and skip me. I'll notify you when i'm feeling better.
Hey, is there any room left here? If so I've got a character that I think would fit.
PC Name: Lucien Lockwood
Codename: Dread
Function: Controller and Subduer, Information Acquirer/Torturer
Power Classification: Transformation, Fear ''Telepath'' and ''Illusionist''
Power Threat: Moderate to High, Dread is considered to be incredibly dangerous to non metahumans and potentially dangerous to metahumans
Personality: Soft spoken and calm, vindictive towards criminals and villains,
Physical Traits:
-[Height]: 5'7
-[Age]: 21
-[Weight]: 137 pounds
-[Skin Color]: Moderately Tanned
-[Hair Color]: Jet Black
-[Eye Color]: Emerald Green
-[Hair Style]: Straight, has the hair on the left side of his head completely chopped off and shaved while the left side is beyond shoulder length
-[Body Type]: Lean
Metahuman Type: Hybrid Alien/Human
Backstory: Lucien was relatively ''normal'' for most of his life. He was an hardworking student with a single mom that worked hard to support him and teach him how to be independent. By the time he was 13 he was fully capable of being wholly independent even with little to no resources. Lucien had a good relationship with his mom whom was named Sophia Lockwood and never truly discovered what became of his dad. Sophia's work hours were usually sporadic, sometimes she would not get home until 12 o clock at night or she would come back home when he was off to school or working. Lucien never payed much mind to this until one horrible day when he was 17.
Lucien woke up that day with a strange black substance leaking out of his eyelids and fingers that eventually dissipated after a certain amount of time. The substance itself felt some sort of thick fluid. Lucien initially thought that he was just seeing things after the substance completely disappeared so he cleaned himself up and naturally went about his day. He aimed to ask his mother once he came back home, knowing that she would get home sometime before his shift ended at a local music store he was working at. Once Lucien finished his shift he traveled back home only to discover what looked like a serious break in.
Material and personal possessions were broken and misplaced everywhere. Lucien searched the house for his mom only too discover her beaten, slashed, and broken body with her garments torn and exposed. Lucien was anguished and upset at the sight, the substance came back again only this time it completely covered his exposed hands, neck and head. He perked up when he heard what sounded like footsteps in another room of the house with a loud harsh voice talking about how useless his mother was at informing him on his fathers whereabouts and how he took pleasure in raping, torturing, and killing her in that order. Lucien's sadness at his mothers awful death quickly turned into rage and hate for this man for raping and killing her. His eyes and mouth started to glow and eerie white color while the substance covered his hands formed into a a three fingered claw. The rest of his body was then completely over overshadowed by this substance which became strange near ethereal form.
Lucien intended to torture and kill the murderer out of rage and revenge. Initially he stuck to the shadows of the dark room the man was in. He toyed with the man via visibly grinning at him from the darkness before he pounced on the man and slashed at him with his claws, his grin getting wider at the mans terror. Lucien quickly faded back in the shadows, not satisfied yet with this mans terror but something unexpected happened. The man continued to flail in terror and screamed constantly about being eaten alive by snakes. Lucien was perplexed by this and kneeled next to the man, noticing that substance his form was made out of leaked into his wounds. He drew some of the substance out to briefly calm the man for what he was about to do. He pinned the man by the neck with his claws and interrogated him about why he came here. The man was terrified and proceeded to tell him that his ''boss'' claimed that Sophia knew were his father was.
Lucien experimented with his new abilities and manipulated the substance remaining in the mans wounds to see what it would do. Lucien discovered that the substance manipulates and can attack neurological pathways to acquire certain information. He discovered that the man was a low-life gangbanger just taking a hired job of torturing Sophia to acquire information of his father for some creepy guy who called his phone. The dumbass apparently took his twisted fucked up idea of ''fun'' too far and ended up accidentally killing her before he got any information out of her. Lucien set his newfound power to attack the man's neurological pathways, putting him into his own personal nightmare again. He discovered soon after that if an individual ''dies'' in the nightmare that they will die in reality too.
After killing the man Lucien left his home with no intention of coming back. His new strange form receded on itself and eventually he resembled his human self again. He anonymously called the cops on a ''break-in'' from a payphone in a area that had no working surveillance cameras and continued on his way. Lucien at this point realized he was shoved out of any sense of a normal life with his new powers, his mom dying a horrible death, and discovering his dad was still alive and possibly around and that he apparently had a target on his head. Lucien wandered the streets and alleyways of certain crime rampant parts of Titan City. Learning more of how his powers worked and stopping criminals from harming, killing, or robbing civilians. The criminal gangs started to fear him which attracted attention of a local vigilante gang when he was wandering Ironport.
The group was called Cypher. Cyber was apparently a cyberpunk gang full of local citizens and outcasted metahumans who wanted to protect the more helpless civilians of Titan City via killing or dismantling criminal controlled buildings. This group heard of the reports of Lucien's criminal killings and welcomed him among them. Lucien at this time was having some trouble surviving on the streets and was thankful for the help. The leader of Cypher, Cybernautic, insisted for Lucien to join Cypher and help them protect the civilian population.
Lucien reluctantly accepted and joined Cypher. He received a great deal of help with his abilities and physical prowess with his ''Shadow'' form as he dubbed it and his original human form. Lucien was dubbed ''Dread'' by his newfound allies and he eventually took on the fashion style of Cypher in his human form. He pierced his lips, ears, and nose with pins and wore a custom made black jacket that had ''Doom and Gloom'' inscribed into it in graffiti styled blue and purple letters with intentionally torn up black jeans with black combat boots. His Shadow form also grew to be more taller then his human form at 6'2 feet and while this form was still humanoid it began to get a more ''jagged'' alien appearance.
Lucien eventually discovered who sent that low-life gangbanger to torture his mother on the whereabouts of his father in the worst of ways. Apparently it was a villain named Aphelion who called himself an ''Alien Hunter''. Aphelion controlled several small time criminal gangs and joined together to gain power. Aphelion knew of Lucien's existence and where he was...he sent an practical army of gangbangers, superpowered smalfries, and former Black Rose members to erase Cypher and capture Lucien.
Cypher fought back as best as they could but eventually were overrun and killed at there own headquarters. Cybernautic had no choice but to call heroes on the scene one of which was his good friend Marionette whom met Lucien on one occasion. Lucien and Cybernautic eventually were the last remaining members of Cypher. Marionette and other heroes who wanted to end the gang war were still traveling to the scene. Aphelion captured Lucien and told him of his father. Apparently his father was an rare alien from a dying planet that he has been hunting for years. Aphelion reasoned to himself that if he couldn't catch and kill Lucien's father then he would try to lure him out instead. He discovered Sophia and Lucien by sheer accident and thought of there discovery as a wonderful opportunity.
And he was right. Lucien's heritage gave him the ability to transform into a weaker yet still powerful form of the alien race his father belonged too. He was a half human hybrid of a alien race rapidly reaching extinction. Lucien managed to figure out how to escape and ended up killing Aphelion in the ensuing fight. Lucien ran off from Cypher's destroyed, body littered headquarters to wander the streets again. Cybernautic was picked up and treated of his wounds by the heroes that arrived on the scene. Cybernautic was forced to be dubbed a hero himself thereafter or face the law.
Dread still wanders the streets and alleyways terrorizing criminals into there deathbeds. He is considering an dangerous criminal himself by the Titan City Police Department for multiple degrees of murder. The civilian population in some of the worse parts of Titan City consider him a hero with brutal methods of dealing with criminals. Some heroes hunt him with prejudice while others leave him be, villains will commonly try to convince him to join them for the usage of his chaotic abilities. He still wears the cloths that his now dead friends in Cypher made for him.
Notes: -Lucien is well-mannered even in battle. He very rarely curses
-Lucien adores art. He prizes his custom made cloths from Cypher partly for this very reason
-Lucien himself practices art....usually creative painting or drawings
-Lucien is straight and had some casual girlfriends before in Cypher
-Lucien prefers to avoid the police and heroes. If he comes into contact with one he usually holds back on his powers and attempts to escape quickly
-Lucien's alien ''Shadow'' Form looks like this but more filled out.
-Lucien in his ''Shadow'' Form can also form tentacles or spikes out of his hands and back to impale or stab enemies from long range
-Lucien can not use his ''Shadow'' form for more then a day at a time before he collapses out of exhaustion
-Lucien can use guns in both human and alien forms
-Lucien is a hardworker when given tasks of any kind
-Lucien was 18 by the time he joined Cyber and he was 20 by the time he fought and killed Aphelion
-Lucien likes to terrify criminals but never intentionally terrifies civilians, unfortunately his alien form makes this really hard
-Lucien's alien form is weak to fire
-Lucien is only filed in the TCPD under his alien form's codename. His human form is in the ''Missing Individual'' records with a picture of how he looked way before his mother's death. On top of that, his friends and comrades in Cypher would usually call him by his codename or shortened his name into ''Luke'' much to his annoyance
-Lucien hates to be referred to as Luke. His now dead friends used to tease him about this.
-Lucien is capable of stealth. He usually hangs around the shadows as he can blend in easily. By the time a criminal sees his grinning face in the darkness there usually too late to stop him from driving them into a horrible nightmares or flat out killing them in a creative way depending on what he caught them doing.
-Lucien's father belongs to an ancient alien race named the Xanu. The Xanu's shadowy planet was destroyed by a Class X Apocalypse Event (Planetary-scale Physical Annihilation) via the planet gravitating way too close to that specific solar system's sun. Alien Hunters hunt the remaining Xanu, considering them prized specimens. Hybrid Xanu are prized even moreso now due to the sheer rarity
-Lucien's facial structure in human form (albeit he would not have as many piercings and his expression would be more relaxed)
-Lucien wears a gasmask over his mouth when he is in his human form ( it would look like this, without the glowing). He does not wear it in public, he usually only uses it if he uses guns or knives
-Lucien's sclera and pupil will turn completely black while his iris turns an snow white when he is angry or when he is about to transform. He uses this for intimidation usually
I hope this character is acceptable. I put a lot of effort to this guy (although I know for a fact that his powers are way more complex in how they work with the neurological pathways then what I put) and I will admit I based him off the likes of Scarecrow (the substance's workings), Darkrai, and various other ''Nightmare'' Power associated superbeings
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
@sev171 I'm not sure if I'm going to allow anyone else in, but please go ahead and post your character information.
@Bleddyn My man, are you at all capable of creating characters who don't have the most tragic fucking backstory ever? Kidding... kidding.
Lucien is very interesting and there just might be a place for him on Blackwatch.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Too be brutally honest I have no clue how not to make characters that have tragic backstories. Although considering the powers or origins of the characters I make it would certainly be a challenge to make a more lighthearted backstory. I will definetly have to take that challenge one of these days though
Despite the backstory Lucien will still be a pretty chill guy though (although if he does get mad he would likely try to tear you apart with words....and if it's a particularly bad criminal or villain like Aphelion...well lets just say the walls will be painted with blood). He just enjoys making the serious offenders scream more then anything else. I forgot to mention that he would usually rip some info of the criminals lives out of there minds first before he would kill them or scare them out of being criminals. The latter he does more for people who are just turning to a life of crime to make ends meet while the former he usually does for murderers, rapists, child molesters, terrorists, and psychopaths. I might make a story on his father and the alien race he descended from.
I also need to fill a character template for Cybernautic, Marionette, and Sebastian. More detail of there backstories and such are needed for there characters I think. Although I haven't even developed Cybernautic yet as he was just my tech Ironport hero I thought up on the spot.
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
I have the feeling him and Unknown would get along just fine.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Oh yeah Lucien definitely wouldn't like drug traffickers either especially the big time ones that are just concerned over there money and power. He especially hates the Chaser gang and other gangs that give out superpower drugs that would instantly hook the neurological pathways. The Chasers being a fire superpower gang would be hell to face for him but he still would go out of his way to kill them with extreme prejudice. Slave traffickers of any kind (sex, labor, shanghaied) would also be killed. Corrupt politicians or bushiness men would just receive a heavy dose of terror to make them reconsider there ways.
Hmm....this just gave me and interesting idea for him. I would imagine that Lucien would also practically haunt prisons (mainly the non-metahuman ones as the metahumans would have an easier time identifying him as a an combatant that could be fought) and would likely be responsible for some mysterious deaths on the convicts or death row inmates (those guys would get a worse death then lethal injection)
Edit: Oh lord I am amused at some of the similarities my character and Unknown has that I completely forgot about until I reread the bio. Yeah Rotten our characters are definitely going to get along.
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
Unknown's alien form I visualize something along the lines of an Alien Xenomorph just smooth body no ridges with no tail and a normal shaped head instead of the elongated one. No eyes he don't need eyes when in his altered form.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
@Bleddyn Be aware that if Dread joins Blackwatch, Nightstrike will put a collar on him and make him reign in his judge, jury, and executioner ways... with some exceptions that will be covered in-RP.
@RottenLuck Same goes for Unknown.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
I wouldn't mind that
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
PC Name: David Slater
Code name: Project One
Function: Assassination, reconnaissance, tactician, shield.
Power Classification: Teleportation, energy manipulation (Can form energy shields, energy blades from his wrists, move objects with his energy for brief periods and cloak himself for brief periods) and regeneration.
Power Threat: Moderate to High, Project One is considered to be incredibly dangerous.
Personality: Soft spoken and calm, vindictive towards criminals and villains,
Physical Traits:
-[Height]: 5'9
-[Age]: 119
-[Weight]: 225 pounds
-[Skin Color]: Different shades of purple.
-[Hair Color]: None
-[Eye Color]: Radiate with a soft purple glow.
-[Hair Style]: Has no hair. His scalp is deformed and covered in scratches and what look like implants so he always wears a hood.
-[Body Type]: Fit .
-[Special Qualities] From his nose down, his skin is lined with a thin layer of an extremely rare purple metal called "Burrithium" which is fairly light weight and made of solid energy.
Meta-human Type: Living Weapon
Back story: Even serving as a private in the US military in world war 1 back when he was human, David was an outstanding warrior. His ability to infiltrate the German ranks and quickly eliminate every enemy in his path were only matched by his loyalty to his country. Even then he knew what it meant to be a soldier. He was a weapon destined to follow orders without question. This gave him a sense of purpose. After the war ended, although he received many medals, he did not see himself as a hero. He was simply following orders.
His military career flourished for the next 20 years, but he didn't see any battle. In 1936, while training a group of recruits in the art of discipline, he was called to serve his country once more.This time not in battle, but as part of an elite team of veterans that would give up the lives they knew to head to a top secret facility and train to become something more. What that something was was unspecified, but it was called Project One. Slater was asked if he would give his life for his country. Of course his reply was "Sir, yes sir".
It was not long before Slater was transported to an underground facility in the desert where he would meet the rest of Project One along with a team of scientists that called themselves Goliath. Over the next 5 years, the members of Project One trained vigorously and went through extensive tests, unaware of the events happening in the rest of the world. The group slowly became somewhat of a tight knit family.
When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Goliath believed that it was time to move to the next phase of Project One. The team was soon introduced to the leader of Goliath for the first time. Professor Derek Smith, a genius prodigy that was recruited for this project just after world war 1 ended when he discovered a meteor made of some form of solid energy which landed in his back yard. He was 14. Before Goliath was formed he was trying to find a way to create limitless clean energy and even possibly eternal life. Goliath was formed by the government as an attempt to weaponize the metal as limitless energy seemed "economically irrational". At first Smith refused, but was threatened with confiscation of the metal. He eventually agreed and used Goliath as a way to continue his research on his eternal life theory and masked it as a way to create perfect soldiers.
Smith explained to the members of Project One what burrithium was and that their molecules would be combined with the metal so that they would become more than human. They would become gods. The members were escorted to pods that resembled chrysalises and were guided inside. Purple energy soon radiated from the edges of the pods. The last things that David Slater experienced were intense flashes of purple lite and extreme pain. He cried out but nobody could hear him. Then everything went dark.
His pod opened hours later and he finally woke up. He felt different. He could feel the energy coursing through his veins where blood used to be. His senses were heightened. He could see and hear more clearly. Even the way he thought was somehow different. He felt the power that he held and inside of him and somehow knew that he wasn't himself anymore. But he couldn't feel anymore. There was no sensation of air brushing against his face or the cold steel of the pod he stood in. There was no longer pain in his joints and he wasn't even breathing. His first experience after his pod was opened was two scientists standing behind Professor Smith as he said "Looks like we have a survivor."
David looked at his hands and noticed that were now made of metal, along with the rest of his skin. He left his pod in a panic. "Wha- what did you do to me!?" He cried. He looked around at the other open pods. It was horrific to say the least. Deformed bodies, sacks of flesh and even some that seem to have become part of the metal from their pods. In a flury of confusion he began quickly teleporting around the facility. Blades made of purple energy ejected from his wrists. Each time he teleported a small explosion formed where he once was. "What is happening to me!?" Eventually the expulsion of energy stopped. He landed at professor Smith's feet felt exhausted. He was incredible pain, not knowing how to cope with what had happened. Most of the facility was destroyed.
Eventually Smith helped David cope with his transformation and control his powers. He soon acknowledged that David Slater died in that pod. He was now simply Project One; a human weapon. It was eventually discovered that the Japanese and the Nazis along with some other countries, including Russia, China, Vietnam and a few countries in the middle east were also experimenting with burrithium. Project One was then used as a tool to capture any facilities that were studying the the solid energy. It was apparent that nobody should have access to this kind of power.
During the cold war, after stopping all burrithium research in Russia, Project One discovered that he wasn't capturing these facilities in order to prevent the technology from getting into the wrong hands, but to create a monopoly for Goliath. Professor Smith was planning for world domination, but with the existence of super powered beings in the world, he would need power. Limitless power. In a fit of rage, Project One attempted to assassinate professor smith, but after cutting off the now old man's arm, he was stopped by some of the meta-humans that were working in the facility. Project One escaped and Smith went through the burrithium bonding process in order to keep himself alive.
Since then, Project One has traveled the world taking out many of Goliath's operations and doing anything he can to fix what he sees as a now broken world. Not only has he been trying to stop Goliath, but ha has also been on the run from them. He is on the radar of almost every government organization around the world and is seen by most only as a fugitive. He lives like a ghost, out of sight and out of mind. If he goes on a mission he does it quick and clean. There are never loose ends.
He has recently heard that there is a small Goliath team capturing meta-humans in Titan City so that Goliath can find a way to emulate their powers. He has tracked them down and intends to strike soon/
-Some examples of Project One's appearance,, His skin looks something like this but purple
-As powerful as he is, if Project One expends too much energy without giving himself time to regenerate he can get tired out and even die.
-He often considers himself invincible, so he rarely takes his limited energy into account.
-He is a master tactician and almost always able to make a solid plan.
-Project One is very blunt, and never pulls his punches.
-He is incredibly loyal to any allies that he meets.
-He's not afraid to kill anyone in the way of his goals.
- His cloaking ability uses more of his energy than any of his other powers and he can not sustain it for long.
-He is generally quite hostile towards people he doesn't know, but if you get on his good side he is loyal until the end.
- He generally avoids authorities because he is generally being hunted.
- His ability to move objects with his mind takes up quite a bit of energy so he doesn't use it often
- On very rare occasions he can use up most of his energy to create a contained almost nuclear blast around himself.
- He is always willing to sacrifice himself for his allies.
- Wears a baggy trench coat, gloves and boots to hide himself in public.
- Often uses lethal force as his go to combat method.
- Doesn't believe in the concept of heroes. You either act or you don't. He's more prone to act.
Interesting character Sev. Goliath sounds like a nasty organization......
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
Thank you ^_^. I think both of your concepts are pretty badass. And yeah, Goliath is a thing from a tv/movie series that I want to make but haven't got around to writing yet. In that universe they pretty much release burrithium into the atmosphere and are the reason for the existence of meta-humans. And then they capture them and study them and stuff. They're one of the main villain groups and have their hands in the pockets of pretty much every government organization.
Very good bio, Sev.
However, I'm having trouble understanding the concept of something that is both energy and metal at the same time. Perhaps you could explain this concept a little further?
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
I guess it would be better to describe it as crystallized energy than metal. Sort of like how if it's absolute zero it's possible to freeze light. I haven't fully developed the how this could happen But basically what it is is solid energy that if stimulated properly can be released. Once released i's self replicating, which is why Project One can regenerate his energy and potentially even live forever if he doesn't drain it before it has time to regenerate. Goliath has figured out how to release the energy but not how to make it solid again, so the resource is finite. It also happens to be pieces of a planet that is constantly at war, which is somewhat irrelevant because on earth that isn't discovered. But the aliens on that planet use it to build everything, including spaceships, which is why there are chunks of ships floating around in space which sometimes enter planet's orbits. Thus it's only found in meteors and is incredibly rare. For Project One it acts as a shell and a weapon as well as his life force.
Very cool, Sev. He's definitely an applicant to consider. I'll let you know soon.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Sweet thanks man.
Well, with no reply from D-Pad in 3 days, I'll move on to Jourgun and the others.
Demrius, I hope you're still reading this thread. I need information on Jourgun's habits and territories.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Jourgun is a charasmatic modernized child of a Jōtnär and the norse god of vengence, who spent the first 11 years of his life in the Congo, moving to titan city when he was 12 years old never really learning of his orgin until after his 15th birthday, when he was trained by his father until he was 26, then got sent back to use what he learned to become a merc. Working more around the richer population.
Growing up with little money has made Jourgun a very humble never one to boast or brag, that is until he began to train with his father, and spending time with his new mentor Jorortis that he actully became the charaamatic enigma you see today.
He spends most of his time training or resting.
Jorgun lives and breathes combat, it is his one favorate ting in the world, he does more oftin then not take the lethal aproch if he can, but will get the job done non leathally as well.
Anything else you need to know just ask because I am on my phone right now and I am just trying to get out what I can.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
So can I assume we are good to go?
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
Yeah. Nightstrike will deal with Geist and then go looking for Jourgun. If you want to go ahead and post something about where Jourgun is and what he is doing, feel free.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Feeling good now, but go ahead and put me at the end of the recruitment queue. I feel like that would be only fair.
Will do, Faceless. Waiting to hear back from Oksana at this point.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Well, I was trying to give Oksana a chance to reply, but I guess she's busy right now or something. I will post something tomorrow to get the story moving forward again.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Sort of! Been busy lately, but I'm checking the boards again.
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
Awesome. Since your participation is unreliable, as long as Demrius doesn't mind, I'll proceed with Accipiter's recruitment first.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
sorry about the delay. back now, between work and personal stuff I didn't have a bunch of time.
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde
Real life seemed to have had a Rampage and team wiped us all.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
I am good take your time.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
D-Pad, do you want to put Accipiter somewhere so that Nightstrike can find her there or would you prefer something else?
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
She could be somewhere she could be found, though it's also likely she'd search Nightstrike out for mysterious reasons of mystery.
Choice is yours!
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
Does she engage in nightly forays that are of a heroic nature? Or would Nightstrike have to follow her back to her place from where she works?
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
nightly forays that are of heroic nature....that sounds perverted. :P
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde
I could make a jokes about the villain version of that but it all comes down to is depraved lust.....
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
That or this guy.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
^ is all I could see when "nightly forays of heroic nature" is said, 10 points to house Rottenluck
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde
She does, to an extent, though perhaps not always "heroic" in the traditional sense considering her affiliations. There's a good chance that her employers would want her to keep an eye on the group from the inside, which might lead to her seeking them out, or alternatively she could be encountered in the middle of one of her assignments. Either works just fine.
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
She's currently employed by the US Government, correct?
EDIT: Perhaps it would be best if you just put her out there, allowing Nightstrike to go out and find her?
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Yep, that's who she works for.
Should I just throw her into the thread, or is there something going on there that I should wait for first?
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
I was just trying to think of the best way to introduce her considering her status as a government operative.
Okay, here's what we'll do. I'll have Nightstrike go out and start searching for Accipiter. Then you can post where she is and what she's doing. Nightstrike will find her there and make the Blackwatch offer.
Sound good?
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Oh, Alexa! SQUEEEE!
*glances around slyly* Did I just say that out loud?
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
That sounds fine to me!
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
*pokes Rott* Yer up.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
When Nightstrike, goes after Jourgun, I will continue with the my portion of the RP.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
Sure thing, Demrius.
If it seems like I rushed things in that last post, I'm sorry. I felt like the story was starting to get stagnant and I wanted to get back to the main theme of the thread.
D-Pad and Rott, I tried to leave things as broadly vague as possible for you to position your characters as you wish.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Hey so I'm stumbling along and I found this RP group which seems like a great fit for my main RP character- is there still an opening? And what is the official roster? I saw Geist- and my character's powerset is very similar but more leaning towards hi-tech hacking and whatnot- but still invisibility and phasing is a core component of 'active abilities.' Otherwise his claim to fame is subconscious language translation.
Anyways I wrote up this whole bio, and then got into the RP and saw Geist's intro. Didn't want to step on any toes. So let me know if anyone is interested in the bio. I'd very much like to bring this character to life again.
[url=]Corvus' Clutch of Original Character Profiles[/url]
I have been PM'ing with Corvus and am going to give his character a shot at the team.
That will bring Blackwatch up to a ten-man squad and I feel that any larger will make things cumbersome. I am closing down the application process at this time. Should current participants have to withdraw, new applications to fill the team will be considered at that time. Thank you.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Oh cool a sentient robot character. I like the concept Corvus
I am updating a small part of Dread's attire with a image (of what his face would look like) and another cosmetic to his ''costume'' persay (a half-gas mask that was made for him a long time ago)....although he could wear uniform as well if he had too. I also explained something that bothered me about the notion of wearing such flashy attire (the police would be able to identify him as part of Cypher). Cypher never had specific uniform (They all wore cyberpunk gear but it was all individualized for the most part so the police could not identify them as being part of a single gang. They commonly spoke with codenames and codewords if they ever met eachother near a public space to enforce it) and they were very much capable of hacking into the grid to cyberattack criminal gangs (Or cause old parts of the city to turn against criminals Watch Dogs style)
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
Neat, and detailed. :-)
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Not sure if my character fits, but he doesnt find any bad in killing humans, he secretly loves it becouse it fertilizes soil but he sees humans as an problem child of earth so he tries to avoid it. He is a earth themed character if you didnt guess yet.
Earth manupilation to full extend
Earth phisiology
Nich abacomancy
Sesimic sense
May vary depended on what he is comstructed of right now. But ussualy brown stone humandoid that has cracks
where normal humans have short sleeved tshirt and pants on.
Turkish tribes on middle east ussualy pray to sky deitiy "göktengri"
but one tribe choose to pray to earth, they got seperated from others as a small group
of 20 during the great migrarion. They became closer and closer to earth every generation.
At 1915 earth deity avarded them with a son who is the child of himself. He was a normal human that
had a flesh that seemed like stone and felt like dirt, he grow stronger with traditional turkish
training and training he had from his father in his dreams for his inhuman powers. This cointinued like that
untill second world war. During second world war one russian general saw him create a small earthquake, he followed
him untill he arrived to his tent-town. General came back with a small army and demanded the technology. There was no technology
ofcourse and a bigger problem: nobody knew russian. Then general decided to shoot one of the folk for unknown reason, he didnt have a chance
to say the reason. He started to slaughter the small army but one escaped. Russians declared a small war to this tribe. They sent an army with strong ranged
explosive artillery, they were smart enough to learn from mistakes. He didnt have a chance against an unknown attack. He run into the army blindly, he didnt even
see the rockets. He was able to inflict great casualities to the army but it was for nothing, his tribe exploded into pieces smaller then
fine corned gunpowder. He developed so much hate, he hated his father for not warning, he hated russians for obivious reasons, he hated himself for luring them into
his tribe. But he didnt go on a rampage, he learned his lesson. Unforunately this hate broke the bonds between his father and him but he sweared to train himself
and get strong enough to erease russia from the map. Geographic map.
Real name: Atakan oglu Toprak Kagan
Super Hero name: Earthbound
Sorry Man, but I'm not accepting any more applications for Blackwatch at this time.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Ok NINE is out. I'm going to do something super CyberPunk with her in the future so I'm calling in my original hitter- heavily modified of course. So without further adieu:
I've added his profile to my signature. I've been making edits and been erasing points of conversion with the Champions universe & editing them to be more apropos to this universe. He also may be getting a name change b/c Arachtek just seemed so bland.
[url=]Corvus' Clutch of Original Character Profiles[/url]
Sure thing, Corvus. Whichever you prefer. :-)
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
I'm beginning to wonder if I need to rethink my decision to go through everyone's recruitment one-by-one. This process is taking far longer than I expected it to and I fear it's really beginning to bog down the entire concept of the group.
I'm afraid that people will start losing interest if we don't get into the juicy Blackwatch RP at some point in the near future. If some people haven't lost interest already.
What do people think? Figure out a way to speed up the recruitment process, drop the whole idea, or soldier on?
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Perhaps we can RP this recruitment in private messages. Or if not, then you can try just, making several threads, one for each recruit.
And once the recruitment is done, they join the main recruitment thread to meet each other as a team for the first time, then we can move on to mission RP and stuff.
Could also try doing all the recruits in this same thread simultaneously, but that could get messy.
And there is always the "cut to next scene" where the recruitment bit has already been done as a possibility.
I like reading the individual recruitment scenes, actually, but the post frequency does seem to extend the process considerably.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Yeah I was having a feeling that the recruitment process was taking too long. Private messages or a separate thread entirely of the recruitment process might be good
Formerly known as Bleddyn
[url=]Do you want to be a hero?[/url]
[url=] My characters [/url]
This is partially my fault, since things keep happening and comping up. Someone dropped my computer, so I wasn't able to do much of anything for a long while. Only just got it fixed yesterday.
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
That sucks.
Here's hoping you'll be able to post more often now. *crosses fingers*
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Current Team Status:
(Oksana) Geist - Recruited
(Rott) Unknown - Recruited
(Face) Cloak - Pending
(D-pad) Accipiter - Recruited?
(Dem) Jourgun - Pending
(Kart) Kartanian - Pending?
(Bleddyn) Dread - Pending
(sev) Project One - Pending
(Corvus) Adaptek - Pending
Considering that we're not even halfway through the recruitment process, I'm going to put things to a vote. I have no idea how or even if I can create a poll, so we'll do it this way.
1. Fade to black and cut to next scene. (Skip the rest of the recruitment and proceed to the training phase.)
2. Separate threads for each recruit.
3. Soldier on. (Continue with just the one recruitment thread.)
Please pick the number that corresponds to your choice and post it here in the OOC.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
I think 1. would actually be the best option, but i don't think we should skip the training part. Well, at the very least, not the important parts of training.
Most of the timeframe will depend on X to respond and turn around replies quickly, and then on other players to keep the individual recruitment scenes flowing and resolving quickly. If the computer and time isn't there to make that happen right now, then it would be better to go the Option 1 route.
I will put my vote in with Faceless for at least some of the training/team formation to be played out. I would like to have a scene where Nightstrike explains the purpose and the initial target that prompted her to form this group. This would give us a "here's what we're *really* facing" target, and then individuals could rally around and/or grumble about it. ;)
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
So much for the subtle approach...
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
I think 1 as well.
--Formerly Jorortis--
Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...
Kartanian in his natural form (the furry golden-green eyed feline sneak) is already present in most major government, hero, and villain organization databases with the following information, almost like a press release...
[b](Summarized to cut the marketing-speak)[/b]
Name: [i][b]Kartanian[/b][/i]
Aliases: none known
Abilities: Claims to be a master rogue, sneak, spy, assassin, hacker, cat burglar (yes, he had to go there), rescuer of virtuous damsels (maintenance of original condition for a small surcharge), safecracker, proprietor of mercenary espionage group called Curiosity Kilz. Also walks dogs.
Source of Abilities: Alien; trained skills, chi (magic?), unknown
Allegiance: Neutral, mercenary, choosy about engagements; hard to tell what he considers a "good cause" or enough pay to stay bought (very limited track record to base a judgment upon at this point)
History: Showed up less than a year ago and has slowly come onto the market
Warrants/Contracts: No current open arrest warrants, bounty rewards, or contracted hits
Compare to: Signature heroes and villains of Titan City, but new, and less interested in the spotlight
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (