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When superhero satire becomes superhero prophecy

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When superhero satire becomes superhero prophecy

Now that we've finally gotten to see a trailer for the upcoming CBS Supergirl TV show people around the net have already jumped on just how similar it seems to the very recent SNL parody skit showing what it'd be like if Black Widow got her own movie. I must admit it's funny to see the satire of the one being played completely straight/serious in the other.

I'm likely going to give the new Supergirl show a chance regardless. It at least looks like it has a chance to find its legs and become a decent show. They reportedly spent $14 million for the pilot alone so the network seems to have some faith in it at least.

Just in case you haven't seen them yet here's the Black Widow skit and the Supergirl trailer to compare/contrast:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I can honestly say, that that

I can honestly say, that that Supergirl trailer makes me want to watch that show.

The whole Kryptonian thing was all about being godlike in power level without succumbing to the corruption of being invulnerable/invincible/unstoppable. It was all about how being a "normal person" (ie. Clark and Kara) was just as valuable as being imbued with godlike powers, to the point of perhaps being even more important since it kept the characters "grounded" and in many ways "real" and easier to relate to. And let's be honest with ourselves, there's a heck of a lot of stuff in that trailer that no writer would EVER dare throw in the direction of Superman/Clark Kent simply because it would be inappropriate for the character. Clark and Superman are the "strong, stoic, strong jaw" type of hero guy. Kara ... isn't ... and that gives her character all kinds of room to be a whole bunch of things he's not (and honestly, never could be in any convincing way).

And if we're honest with ourselves, we'd say that the actress they've cast for Kara really captures the same sort of vibe that both Lindsey Wagner and Lynda Carter captured during their runs as Jaime Summers and Diana Prince/Wonder Woman ... that sort of "fresh" willing to take on anything, ready or not, sort of characterization, where it's okay to doubt yourself so long as you rise to the challenges.

So yeah, I guess I'm going to have a series on TV to watch later this year.

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Brand X
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It looks both good and

It looks both good and terrible all at the same time! O.O

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I'll check it out when it

I'll check it out when it goes live. I am a lil leary about the "civilian" side's portrayal...hopefully it isn't to campy. I can deal with humor...just not the super sugary campy style.


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I know many strong women.

I know many strong women. None of them are giggly. Supergirl/Superwoman, whatever, does she really need the personality of a bubbly Japanese high school girl?

Hollywood writers sometimes have a difficult time portraying female characters realistically. It looks like this is going to be one of those times.

If I'm in the US when it airs I'll watch the pilot, but I hope that over time her character gains confidence and poise befitting an adult.

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It'll be interesting to see

It'll be interesting to see how the overall vibe of this Supergirl show settles over its first few episodes. I can forgive some of the "super sugary campy style" whiteperegrine mentioned in the beginning because they have to get all of the "OMG! I really am a superhero!" origin story stuff out of the way. The first few shows should give Kara a chance to gain a sense of the destiny she's been avoiding and maybe a small dose of "stoic seriousness" will help balance out the excessive "bubbly Japanese high school girl" Greyhawk described.

I think the timely Black Widow SNL skit serves as a useful cautionary tale about what could happen to Supergirl if they steer the show too far towards the full-blown "girly rom-com" direction. To be fair if they manage to balance some of that against equal parts solid superhero action it'll be a good hybrid of the two.

As Redlynne implied I think Melissa Benoist will be able to pull off the leading role as long as the writing behind her stays strong. I'm sure it'll borrow a lot from Smallville but the show might also benefit from taking a page from Buffy the Vampire Slayer - afterall Buffy was essentially presented as a vampire-centric Supergirl to begin with.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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It's the overly campy parts

It's the overly campy parts that make me worry. Making her older than 16 is a good move. Doing the cliche "oh noes girl" Girl = Guy just like Girl = Boy, just no one says Gal anymore, unless you're Captain America :p

Hopefully her hero outfit becomes better looking. Really, that one looks awful at least in the trailer. It needs some tweaking, but that could all be from the pilot episode, so maybe it gets better.

I love seeing her with a step sister. Besides the age difference, I think it's another good way to separate her from Clark. More than just loving parents, but a loving sibling! I hope to see her actually loving being here and not like in the JLU (which was awesome) and being all "Earth is so low tech and this isn't home"

I have lots of hope for this show though!

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regarding her suit...I am

regarding her suit...I am actually kinda surprised she doesn't have her family "base" suit...superman did...not sure why she wouldn't. in addition...she gets his baby blanket? really? that just seems silly to me.... why not tie it to the movie...he grabbed some materials off one of the ships and sent it to her to make a suit out of?

either Lothic mentioned...hopefully all the girly rom-com crud is just due to the origin...although, given she KNOWS she has abilities I would think that shouldn't be as huge an issue. given she knows supes and she knows she has abilities I wouldn't think that the [I]"OMFG! I'm a SUPERHERO!"[/I] schtick would be all that prevalent, if at all...

I will watch a few episodes though, see how it goes.


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I'm kind of amazed that no

I'm kind of amazed that no one has figured out yet that the giggly-bubbly is most likely to be a "cover" for her real personality. Remember, she's been hiding this BIG SECRET for a long time, and needs to have a way to "blind" people into thinking she's harmless AND normal. I mean, just look at the dismissive reactions in this thread to see how effective such a personality trait is at making people jump to all kinds of conclusions that would be completely wrong about her, and how that would be something she'd WANT so as to throw them off the scent of what she's *really* like!

Also, is anyone else waiting for the episode where Kara gets to give a [url=]World of Cardboard[/url] speech to someone who really deserves it?


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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Hopefully her hero outfit becomes better looking. Really, that one looks awful at least in the trailer. It needs some tweaking, but that could all be from the pilot episode, so maybe it gets better.

The only real gripe I have with what's supposed to be the "final" costume are the black tights. I realize they are going for an overall darker style and I don't really mind the darker reds and blues in her costume. I can even live with the dark red thigh-hi boots. But somehow the black tights are just a step too far. Supergirl has literally been drawn in dozens (if not hundreds) of costumes over the years and I'm reasonably sure none of them have ever had her in any kind of tights/hose of any kind. They've already decided to keep her in a mini-skirt so they might as well let her show off a little leg. Between the boots and the tights it's almost like they really wanted to put her in pants/leggings which would obviously look silly with the skirt. Basically I just don't think the black tights work with the rest of the costume.

Redlynne wrote:

I'm kind of amazed that no one has figured out yet that the giggly-bubbly is most likely to be a "cover" for her real personality. Remember, she's been hiding this BIG SECRET for a long time, and needs to have a way to "blind" people into thinking she's harmless AND normal.

Oh I never really had any doubt that at least some of the giggly-bubbly we saw in this trailer was a "cover" to help convince everyone that she's a normal human girl. Superman has his "mild-mannered" Clark Kent persona to help him do the same thing.

But I think what some of us may be worried about is that her core personality (as established in this show) may be a little too ditzy for real. It was hard to notice much difference between how she acted around people who already knew she had powers and those who didn't. Again I don't mind a certain level of "youthful cheerfulness" and a sense of "optimistic wonder" from her because the character has usually embodied those qualities in the past. I'm just hoping we'll see a side of her that's a bit more mature and focused. If we were dealing with a 16 year old Supergirl I could be a bit more forgiving, but as a 24 year old the giggly-bubbly can only go so far before it gets to be too much.

I understand it's hard to judge these things having only seen a few minutes in a trailer, and for all we know we'll see different aspects of her personality during other parts of the pilot. I don't want her to become some kind of fatalistic robot or dark/gritty like Batman, but perhaps if she eventually dials back the "silly-girly" just a notch or two (especially when she's wearing the costume) it'll probably be better in the long run. Even Buffy managed to get focused and serious every once in a while.

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Hatut Zeraze
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Greyhawk wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:

I hope that over time her character gains confidence and poise befitting an adult.

That would be a good show to watch, but I'm inclined to think that a more mature demeanor may not necessarily be a perfect fit for Supergirl.

Her name alone, suggests youth and inexperience. Moving out of that seems to be a defining element of the character, as envisioned in this series. If she becomes too confident at some future point, perhaps she stops being Super "girl".

Most superhero characters are inherently stunted developmentally. Serialized adventure fiction, especially in the case of superheroes, discourages changes that aren't shallow or temporary. Status Quo is King.

Brand X
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They could have gone with

They could have gone with flesh covered tights ala Daisy Duke. I realize it might be harder to get her outfit looking good, over how the artists in a comic can make it look good, but her outfit still seems off and not because of the tights. Those I can just see as their way of going "See she's in pants, never mind that her outfit was a skirt and may females wear skirts without tights/nylon" :p

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Hatut Zeraze wrote:
Hatut Zeraze wrote:

Greyhawk wrote:
I hope that over time her character gains confidence and poise befitting an adult.
That would be a good show to watch, but I'm inclined to think that a more mature demeanor may not necessarily be a perfect fit for Supergirl.
Her name alone, suggests youth and inexperience. Moving out of that seems to be a defining element of the character, as envisioned in this series. If she becomes too confident at some future point, perhaps she stops being Super "girl".
Most superhero characters are inherently stunted developmentally. Serialized adventure fiction, especially in the case of superheroes, discourages changes that aren't shallow or temporary. Status Quo is King.

It's obviously going to be a balancing act to determine just how "mature" this version of the Supergirl character is going to be in the long run. I'd agree if she "grows up" too much then the whole SuperGIRL pretense will be hard to maintain.

I hate to keep bringing up Buffy the Vampire Slayer but clearly there are some strong parallels between Kara and Buffy. I think part of what allowed the TV version of Buffy to last seven seasons (and then even further into the Angel spin-off) was that they managed to find a good way for Buffy's character to grow/evolve while still keeping her core "youthfulness" intact. She was able to find a sense of maturity without completely abandoning the "optimistically hopeful" girl she started out as. I think if they allow Kara to evolve in a similar way Buffy did it'll work out fairly well.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

They could have gone with flesh covered tights ala Daisy Duke. I realize it might be harder to get her outfit looking good, over how the artists in a comic can make it look good, but her outfit still seems off and not because of the tights. Those I can just see as their way of going "See she's in pants, never mind that her outfit was a skirt and may females wear skirts without tights/nylon" :p

Well I suspect the entire costume was designed by committee and/or focus groups anyway. My guess was that the black tights were some kind of silly compromise between the people who wanted the classic mini-skirt look versus the people who wanted her covered up head-to-toe because showing "too much skin" is sinful or somesuch. Network Execs are so silly like that.

I suppose they could have gone with some flesh-colored tights as well but I'd still rather they not bothered with any kind of tights/hose at all. To me they just stick out on the costume like one of those children's puzzle games where they say "one of these things don't belong with the others - pick out which one doesn't belong".

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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To give you an idea of just

To give you an idea of just how little the nylon tights bother me on the "final" costume, I hadn't even noticed them until you mentioned it, and even then I had to go back and rewatch the trailer just to see them at all.

I'm thinking that the sheer tights "darkening" her legs is actually a compositional choice, since it means that the brightest part of her that you'll be seeing on screen is her head, hair and face in almost every single lighting situation. That means that the eyes of the viewer will be drawn "up here boys" instead of being drawn to and lingering on her thighs. Sure, this may be a "fashion faux pas" for almost anybody else ... but then, hardly anyone EVER wears a costume like this except as cosplay at a convention anyway.

Given a choice of drawing attention to the woman's thighs or to her face, I'm honestly of the opinion that it's a wiser choice to keep her "bright" from the neck up and dark from the shoulders down, so as to more effectively (and reliably) rivet attention onto HER and her face (ie. the person she IS) as opposed to anywhere below her shoulders (ie. the BODY she's got).

In other words, leaving some of the sex appeal to the imagination and merely hinting at it is fine. Plus, you also get to see her in no tights previous to that, so there's a compare and contrast right there if you want it.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

To give you an idea of just how little the nylon tights bother me on the "final" costume, I hadn't even noticed them until you mentioned it, and even then I had to go back and rewatch the trailer just to see them at all.
I'm thinking that the sheer tights "darkening" her legs is actually a compositional choice, since it means that the brightest part of her that you'll be seeing on screen is her head, hair and face in almost every single lighting situation. That means that the eyes of the viewer will be drawn "up here boys" instead of being drawn to and lingering on her thighs. Sure, this may be a "fashion faux pas" for almost anybody else ... but then, hardly anyone EVER wears a costume like this except as cosplay at a convention anyway.
Given a choice of drawing attention to the woman's thighs or to her face, I'm honestly of the opinion that it's a wiser choice to keep her "bright" from the neck up and dark from the shoulders down, so as to more effectively (and reliably) rivet attention onto HER and her face (ie. the person she IS) as opposed to anywhere below her shoulders (ie. the BODY she's got).
In other words, leaving some of the sex appeal to the imagination and merely hinting at it is fine. Plus, you also get to see her in no tights previous to that, so there's a compare and contrast right there if you want it.

Well like I said the whole tights thing was just a gripe of mine - not something serious enough to write-off the entire show over. Since you mentioned it while they were going through that semi-montage of her working on her costume the version of it at about the 4:28 minute mark basically almost showed what she might look like without the tights. Oh well. *shrugs*

Again I have no doubt they factored in all sorts of things when they came up with this "final" outfit including things like lighting and where they wanted people's eyes focused on her. But let's be real here: It's not like CBS is ever going to allow any kind of "upskirt" fanservice shots regardless if she's wearing tights or not. And while the black tights might work for the costume at night or in low light they are really going to "stand out" (in a bad way) in bright daylight scenes.

Just about the only serious bit of non-opinionated supporting evidence I can offer against the tights is the fact that I don't think the character has ever worn tights (especially black colored ones) in any other comic book or live action incarnation. Sure we can all laugh at the campy silliness that was the [url=]1984 Supergirl movie[/url] but at least Helen Slater's costume didn't need the help of tights to make it work.


I guess I'll simply state I don't think this new Supergirl needs to start wearing them now and leave it at that.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Helen Slater's out looks

Helen Slater's out looks better too. I'm just not sure what it is, but something just looks a bit off on the new Supergirl's outfit.

There's also nothing wrong with girl. Though, yes, they seemed to have made the boss look like an idiot for using the term.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Helen Slater's out looks better too. I'm just not sure what it is, but something just looks a bit off on the new Supergirl's outfit.

Apart from the darker reds and blues (and the silly black tights) I think one of the most noticeable differences is that the new Supergirl's "S" logo has very little yellow in it. It looks like they used a very tiny bit of yellow to outline the red parts and that's it. Not sure if that makes it better or worse but it could be a part of what's unconsciously bugging you about it.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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(No subject)

Here's a couple new vids to add to this discussion. The first is a "remixed" pilot trailer and the second is a "behind-the-scenes" clip.

[EDIT] Looks like they already took down the "behind-the-scenes" vid. Hope you saw it when it was up. [/EDIT]

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Am I the only one heartened

Am I the only one heartened to see how many women are in decision making positions around this project? Executive Producer? And etc.? So long as this show doesn't get overrun by network execs, it looks like it stands a decent chance of being something to watch.

Oh and the "giggly bubbly" thing? Consider that she really only did that when she realized who she was talking to ... James "Jimmy" Olsen from The Daily Planet ... who KNOWS her cousin. Instant AWKWARD ... especially since he's rather good looking. Defensive giggling is totally appropriate in that situation!

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Oh and the "giggly bubbly" thing? Consider that she really only did that when she realized who she was talking to ... James "Jimmy" Olsen from The Daily Planet ... who KNOWS her cousin. Instant AWKWARD ... especially since he's rather good looking. Defensive giggling is totally appropriate in that situation!

There's apparently one version of the original Super-Girl origin story that had Jimmy Olsen wish her into existence with a magic totem. Based on that bit of trivia it's interesting that they are letting the new Supergirl have a bit of a star-struck relationship with "James" Olsen.

For the record I really and truly don't have a problem with Kara being "giggly bubbly" over things like this from time to time. It's clearly part of her charm and youthful enthusiasm. Again I think the only real worry is if she continues to act like that all... the... time... Something like that could just get a tad bit tiresome. I'm pretty sure that's all we're collectively saying about it.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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indeed Lothic. if it's all

indeed Lothic. if it's all the time...well, that's why I have a remote... *CLICK*

regarding the is indeed outlining the red versus the yellow filling in all the voids inside the shield. it's ok...but I would have probably stuck closer to the original. *shrug*

regarding all the people behind the show, could care less what gender they are as that does not inherently mean it will be good or not. just hoping for a well produced show that has some good story tellin, some decent f/x (for tv) and a good sized audience (if its good) so it doesn't get cancelled after one season. seen to many shows that I really liked get killed off after merely a season or two. :/


Brand X
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Shows you like getting

Shows you like getting cancelled sucks, I just hope if it gets cancelled they give it a proper send off for the fans it did have. Always been my one complaint.

Forever, loved that show, got cancelled this season on it's first season, they ended it in a way to at least felt like a proper ending.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Shows you like getting cancelled sucks, I just hope if it gets cancelled they give it a proper send off for the fans it did have. Always been my one complaint.
Forever, loved that show, got cancelled this season on it's first season, they ended it in a way to at least feel like a proper ending.

Constantine has been cancelled by Fox as well... shame really. I *really* enjoyed it. For me, it was along the same lines as Daredevil.


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I'm clearly not part of Fox's

I'm clearly not part of Fox's target demographic. I can't think of a single show since X Files that I liked and which they let go the distance.

After they cancelled Firefly it was probably close to 10 years before I saw anything in their lineup I even wanted to try to watch.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Brand X
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Watch Gotham!

Watch Gotham!

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Thanks, I will.

Thanks, I will.

It also seems they have finally learned the error of their ways and have cancelled American Idol and are bringing back X Files!!

I'm not doing the Snoopy Dance yet, but I'm cautiously optimistic!

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

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Rigel wrote:
Rigel wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Watch Gotham!

Thanks, I will.

Yeah Gotham was fairly good and at least got signed for a second season. Decent stories and good acting by the people playing the "young" versions of the key villains like The Penguin, Riddler and Joker. Even the kid playing the pre-Batman Bruce Wayne seemed like a better fit for his role than Christian Bale did, at least for me at any rate. As a bonus for us Firefly fans it turns out Morena Baccarin joined the show towards the end of the first season and is supposed to be a regular cast member next season.

Rigel wrote:

It also seems they have finally learned the error of their ways and have cancelled American Idol and are bringing back X Files!!
I'm not doing the Snoopy Dance yet, but I'm cautiously optimistic!

I accidentally watched about 5 minutes of American Idol like 7 or 8 years ago. Still pretty sure I lost 10 I.Q. points from that bit of misfortune. ;)

To be honest I was never an exterme X-Files fan but I ackowledge it was a popular show in its day. I might give the reboot a try on the theory that it might just be different enough that it'll hook me this time.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I accidentally watched about 5 minutes of American Idol like 7 or 8 years ago. Still pretty sure I lost 10 I.Q. points from that bit of misfortune. ;)

Right there with you
Although I'm sure there are people who say exactly the same thing about X-Files.
I remember Carl Sagan criticizing it for promoting pseudoscience. That in spite of claiming to cast a critical eye on the supernatural by having the two main protagonists a skeptic and a "believer" the answer to the mystery was almost never a mundane one. Unlike Scooby Doo where the ghost was -always- some guy in a mask.

Still, I enjoyed it.

From what I've read, I don't think it's going to be a reboot, per se. David Duchovney and Gillian Anderson will be reprising their roles as Mulder and Scully, though it isn't clear if they will continue on or merely be in a few episodes to pass the torch.
I'm looking forward to finding out.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

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Rigel wrote:
Rigel wrote:

From what I've read, I don't think it's going to be a reboot, per se. David Duchovney and Gillian Anderson will be reprising their roles as Mulder and Scully, though it isn't clear if they will continue on or merely be in a few episodes to pass the torch.
I'm looking forward to finding out.

What you say about roles that Mulder and Scully might play in the new X-Files is interesting. Maybe they'll be there to mentor some new younger FBI agents that will follow in their footsteps.

Coincidently (to swing this thread back towards the upcoming Supergirl show) it turns out that Dean Cain and Helen Slater (who respectively formerly played Superman and Supergirl) may turn out to be Kara's adoptive human parents, The Danvers, in the new show. If that rumor is true it would be another case of the older actors from the previous shows helping out the new characters on a new show.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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They've done that a lot on

They've done that a lot on The Flash, too, with John Wesley Shipp, the 1990's Barry Allen, playing Barry's father (although when they announced he was going to be in it I was kind've hoping he'd play Jay Garrick ). Amanda Pays has also reprised her role as Tina McGee and so did Mark Hammill as the Trickster.
There were several examples in Smallville, too.

I'm looking forward to Supergirl and am also hoping it has just the right amount of humor and not unintentionally campy. When Buffy was campy, it was clear that that's what they were going for and it just worked.

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I, personally, have a

I, personally, have a difficult time sitting through Gotham. The tone and pacing are porly executed. Infind most of the plots simple to pointless, with inconsistency within and between episodes. Even characters can be very inconsistant in motivation, or poorly executed arcs. It sometimes feels as if witing teams are switched out mid-episode to finish what the other team started or done between episodes and only given bullet points to work with instead of actual script. I'm not certain if I continue to watch it with hope of improvement or because I find it literally laughably bad.

The Flash conversely Infind very enjoyable duento its strengths and place it firmly opposite of Gotham. There are some inconsistencies but the flaws I find are by far minimal especially due to how well the majority of the show is.

I was a pretty big fan of the Arrow but Flash has taken its spot in well done hero tv shows for me. And I think this has more to do with its third season coming off lackluster in comparison to a pretty stellar second season. I knew the writers were going to have a hard time following that season, not to mention the show runners branching off to make Flash, and again for their next show.

I also really have enjoyed Agents of Shield. The first season was a little rough but the show capatalized on the Winter Soldier and benefited from the change in story as a result. It now firmly ties into the growing MC-filmverse.

I remain dubious to Supergirl. Trailers do little to entice me and if Fotham is any example , I'm more than wiling to give a show a fair chance at occupying my precious time.

Dare Devil on Netflix though I must say far exceeded my expectations. It isn't 'perfect' but I will go so far as to say, I'm amazed by the show.

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My problems with Gotham have

My problems with Gotham have only been showing so many of Batman's rogue's gallery. I mean, yeah, some of his gallery is older than him, but it saddens me for instance that Dent is now way older than Bruce. :/ But on the other hand I like seeing this as how Jim gets where he does and how Penguin rises to be a crime boss.

I love the idea of Bruce and Selena knowing each other as children.

Basically, when it comes to else where titles you get love and hate.

Only think there were a couple episodes I was meh on.

I do think it's a bit unfair to compare Daredevil and Gotham. Gotham is written as a show. Daredevil was written like a long ass movie! :)

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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

I, personally, have a difficult time sitting through Gotham. The tone and pacing are porly executed. Infind most of the plots simple to pointless, with inconsistency within and between episodes. Even characters can be very inconsistant in motivation, or poorly executed arcs. It sometimes feels as if witing teams are switched out mid-episode to finish what the other team started or done between episodes and only given bullet points to work with instead of actual script. I'm not certain if I continue to watch it with hope of improvement or because I find it literally laughably bad.

While I never claimed Gotham was a perfect/great show I do think there are some elements of it that have been novel and interesting and at any rate it at least deserved another season. Some shows clearly don't.

Tannim222 wrote:

I also really have enjoyed Agents of Shield. The first season was a little rough but the show capatalized on the Winter Soldier and benefited from the change in story as a result. It now firmly ties into the growing MC-filmverse.

Ironically for me everything you said in criticism about Gotham is exactly what I think of Agents of Shield. While I did enjoy the few minutes of Agent Coulson we got in the various Marvel movies the actual Agents of Shield TV show (again for me) was absolutely awful and ponderous.

I really, really tried to like it and even managed to watch every episode of its first season to give it every chance possible. But after the first few eps I had to seriously struggle to keep up with it as it never kindled any reason in me to ever care about its cookie-cutter characters or its insipidly generic plots. It's major failing was that it was written as if it expected we were all going to instantaneously care deeply about everything and everyone in the show like we had been watching them for years yet the show never bothered to actually generate any unique reason to actually feel that way to begin with. It was overly full of itself to an amazing extreme. I had trouble remembering all the character's names for multiple shows because again it gave me no reason to even care that much. Very flimsy and forgettable.

Needless to say I've pretty much given up on it because, to use your phrase, I find it literally laughably bad. If (as you imply) the show has gotten much better in its second season then I'll have to just say that's too bad for it because it apparently took too long to keep me hooked. Perhaps (for you) Gotham's second season will also end up being much better than the first. *shrugs*

Tannim222 wrote:

I remain dubious to Supergirl. Trailers do little to entice me and if Fotham is any example , I'm more than wiling to give a show a fair chance at occupying my precious time.

As for Supergirl I'll give it a chance like any other new show that looks vaguely interesting. Nobody gave Buffy the Vampire Slayer much of a chance yet it managed 7 seasons (and a 5 season spinoff) so there's at least some potential that this show could be this generation's Buffy if they handle it right.

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The 2nd season for Agents of

The 2nd season for Agents of SHIELD got better, along with the latter half of Season 1.

I think part of that though was to get the timing correct between the series and Captain America: Winter Soldier. Stuff happens in Agents of SHIELD that clarifies a little bit of what happens after the end of Winter Soldier. But there were the slow periods where there wasn't really all that much "going forward" (at least visibly). And it took them too long to resolve Coulson's death in my mind (even though the whole rumour mill about how he came back, made my mind draw a few lines and basically came up with a rough plot of the origin of Ultron for the MCU, and it fitted close enough in my books).

The same with Season 2. There are periods of "slow episodes". But once again, they tie in a few episodes in with Avengers 2. You don't NEED to watch Agents of SHIELD to get the latter part of Avengers 2... but it does help explain a few things that were not directly explained in the film.

Now, with Season 3 confirmed for Agents of SHIELD and the Inhumans film set for 2019, I can see them doing a bit more work tying them together.

If anything, I see Agents of SHIELD as filling in the blanks for the MCU, even if it is just from a certain point of view. Just like Daredevil does with its hints towards Captain America: Civil War.

What has put me off the "DC-verse" though is that Arrow and Flash are linked. Fair enough. Gotham? Errr, from what I can tell... nope. And then there is Superman/Batman and the *films*. Are the films going to be linked towards the TV series of them? From what I have heard... nope.

But I will also admit that not all series start of well, and nor are they suitable for everyones tastes. I have always been more of a Marvel person over DC, even though DC has Lobo.

I do however enjoy consistency between stuff... something that I feel that Marvel (at the moment for its MCU range of stuff) has over DC.


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Gangrel wrote:
Gangrel wrote:

The 2nd season for Agents of SHIELD got better, along with the latter half of Season 1.
I think part of that though was to get the timing correct between the series and Captain America: Winter Soldier. Stuff happens in Agents of SHIELD that clarifies a little bit of what happens after the end of Winter Soldier. But there were the slow periods where there wasn't really all that much "going forward" (at least visibly). And it took them too long to resolve Coulson's death in my mind (even though the whole rumour mill about how he came back, made my mind draw a few lines and basically came up with a rough plot of the origin of Ultron for the MCU, and it fitted close enough in my books).
The same with Season 2. There are periods of "slow episodes". But once again, they tie in a few episodes in with Avengers 2. You don't NEED to watch Agents of SHIELD to get the latter part of Avengers 2... but it does help explain a few things that were not directly explained in the film.
Now, with Season 3 confirmed for Agents of SHIELD and the Inhumans film set for 2019, I can see them doing a bit more work tying them together.
If anything, I see Agents of SHIELD as filling in the blanks for the MCU, even if it is just from a certain point of view. Just like Daredevil does with its hints towards Captain America: Civil War.
What has put me off the "DC-verse" though is that Arrow and Flash are linked. Fair enough. Gotham? Errr, from what I can tell... nope. And then there is Superman/Batman and the *films*. Are the films going to be linked towards the TV series of them? From what I have heard... nope.
But I will also admit that not all series start of well, and nor are they suitable for everyones tastes. I have always been more of a Marvel person over DC, even though DC has Lobo.
I do however enjoy consistency between stuff... something that I feel that Marvel (at the moment for its MCU range of stuff) has over DC.

I'm all for "maintenance of continuity" in general and it's even fun when the core plotlines of one show can connect to and interact with what's going on in other shows (or in this case other Marvel movies).

But to be perfectly honest part of the reason I think Agents of Shield totally lost me was that it was TOO FOCUSED on trying to link up with all the other source material and other storylines going on in other places. It was so busy trying to work itself into what was going on in the other movies that it never really tried to become a solid, worthwhile show that could stand on its own. For me Agents of Shield was doomed because it was too busy trying to be the "prequel" of movie X or the "coda" of movie Y. Again doing some of that kind of thing is cool in small doses; Agents of Shield simply went so overboard with it that it became silly for me.

Obviously there's no rule that says everyone has to like everything after all. Like I said I did literally watch every episode of season one so I feel I gave it more than enough of a chance to convince me. If a show can't make me like it after 22 chances what else can I really do about it? *shrugs*

Bottomline just because you can attempt to squish multiple movies/shows together under one united "verse" doesn't mean the individual elements automatically turn out to be worthwhile in and of themselves.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I watch Agents of Shield, not

I watch Agents of Shield, not much of a fan of Agent May (she's just gotten terrible imo) and both hate and love what they've done with Agent Ward, and have loved the rest of the cast, Skye has come quite a way, but yeah, it totally has gotten better in the second season and it does have it's slow episodes.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I watch Agents of Shield, not much of a fan of Agent May (she's just gotten terrible imo) and both hate and love what they've done with Agent Ward, and have loved the rest of the cast, Skye has come quite a way, but yeah, it totally has gotten better in the second season and it does have it's slow episodes.

Even the best shows have a few "slow" episodes so it's not just that for me. I'm sure Agents of Shield will continue to last if only because the Marvel movies remain popular. I remain convinced it wouldn't have a leg to stand on as its own viable show if the other movies weren't happening to prop it up. It's sort of like the [url=]Talking Dead show with Chris Hardwick[/url] wouldn't have a reason to exist if The Walking Dead suddenly got cancelled. Except in this analogy Marvel's version of the Talking Dead isn't funny or entertaining to me...

Back to Supergirl. I found another nice pic that really shows off her costume head-to-toe:


She seems to have some ripped arm muscle action going on there - makes me wonder if that's actually her or if they decided to give her a little padding there. Maybe they decided it was another way (like the glasses) to highlight the differences between when she's officially "Supergirl" versus semi-meek Kara Danvers.

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Yeah, that pic shows you what

Yeah, that pic shows you what I was talking about with the stockings when it comes to lighting balance. Her face and hair are bright and the rest of her is darker, so the natural tendency is to draw your focus above the shoulders, rather than split attention between her face/hair and her white white white girl thighs. Indeed, de-emphasizing the whiteness of her thighs like that subliminally dampens down (but doesn't eliminate) the desire to flip up her skirt to see what's under it (ie. the leering lecherous impulses) ... because Cave Man Grunt "Ugg" today.

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Yeah, that pic shows you what I was talking about with the stockings when it comes to lighting balance. Her face and hair are bright and the rest of her is darker, so the natural tendency is to draw your focus above the shoulders, rather than split attention between her face/hair and her white white white girl thighs. Indeed, de-emphasizing the whiteness of her thighs like that subliminally dampens down (but doesn't eliminate) the desire to flip up her skirt to see what's under it (ie. the leering lecherous impulses) ... because Cave Man Grunt "Ugg" today.

Again I'd totally agree with you that the reason she's wearing tights (of any color really) has to do with the theory that her overall look was "engineered by committee" for a certain effect.

While you are still optimistically supporting the idea that it's better for general "lighting" reasons the cynic in me tends to believe that it's almost 100% entirely an attempt to have her wear "pseudo-pants" in the hopes to hand-wave away the subliminal suggestion that she might have anything even remotely naughty under that short, vaguely unfeminist skirt.

Perhaps what's bothering me about the whole thing is that it's at best a half-assed compromise between actual pants/leggings and bare forbidden flesh. Again I would note that they went ahead and decided to let her have the miniskirt which is an article of clothing the character has worn through a majority of her various incarnations including the relatively Victorian 1950s. So why try to dilute that relatively daring clothing choice with something that negates its visual impact? Even Smallville's version of Supergirl (played by Laura Vandervoort) didn't have a problem going tights-less whenever she was shown wearing a miniskirt and that was just a few years ago so this can't seriously be some kind of question of changing attitudes about modesty or the like.

I guess what I'm saying is they should either go completely with the pants/leggings look or the miniskirt look and not try to have a little bit of both. Trying to have it both ways just collectively looks silly to me. It reminds me of what an amateur cosplayer might do because she's ever so slightly embarrassed to appear in public in a completely accurate (yet fully flesh-revealing) outfit. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Gotham is like watching a

Gotham is like watching a slow motion newsreel of two speeding trains racing toward one another on a single track. I know they're gonna hit and I know it's gonna be bad but I can't bring myself to look away.

A new X-files? I guess I've been hiding under a rock. I hadn't heard about this. I wasn't a big fan, but I did watch quite a bit of it. X-Files had the good luck to be broadcast during a terrible low period in American television. There wasn't anything else in that time slot worth watching.

Supergirl's new outfit is kind of bland. Except the boots. Love the boots!

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Greyhawk wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:

Supergirl's new outfit is kind of bland. Except the boots. Love the boots!

The boots are fine as they are but the fact that they are thigh-hi adds to my working suspicion that between the boots and the dark-colored tights they really wanted to do everything possible to make her look like she's wearing pants/leggings despite the miniskirt.

I realize there have been a couple of versions of Supergirl which have worn taller boots - even the latest "52" version shows her in thigh-hi boots of a sort. But the vast majority of the versions we have seen over the years have her in knee-hi (or shorter) boots, a miniskirt of some kind and NO tights of any kind.

Call me a stickler for conformity but I just don't like the "tighted miniskirt" look. It just comes off as slightly hodge-podge or scatter-brained to me.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic ... leaping to

Lothic ... leaping to judgement on this, particularly a negative judgement, doesn't do you any favors. Let's actually see the show first before calling the fashion police.

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You say jumping to

You say jumping to conclusions, I say going with what we know of people and their complaints. So many non comic book fans complain about superhero outfits. They say that's why they don't read them, then when the change happens, they still don't read them. :p

The skirt looks off and the outfit looks off still, but it looks better in that picture than the trailer.

Part of my problem with it may just be that to me Supergirl is one we've seen Michael Turner draw. Next to that is the JLU one.

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Lothic ... leaping to judgement on this, particularly a negative judgement, doesn't do you any favors. Let's actually see the show first before calling the fashion police.

Pretty sure I've already said I'm not going to let my "judgments" on this particular costume detail keep me from giving the show a sincere try. All things being equal I'd rather there be some kind of decent Supergirl TV show on the air regardless if I personally like her current costume 100% or not.

Besides we all know that various changes/tweaks occur to these kinds of shows as they evolve over time. During Wonder Woman's three year TV run the gold highlights and star patterns of Lynda's costume changed significantly during the switchover from ABC to CBS. Nothing would really keep Supergirl's outfit from changing just as much even without a network change.


Other genre shows (like the various Star Trek series) have seen their uniforms change from season to season. With that it's always possible they may decide to "simplify" Supergirl's outfit by losing the tights. Stranger things have happened...

But honestly if the show's good otherwise I'm sure I'll be able to overlook this bit of costume silliness even if it lasts for 10+ seasons.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Part of my problem with it may just be that to me Supergirl is one we've seen Michael Turner draw. Next to that is the JLU one.

I fully understand that when it comes to "comic book to live action" translations that the looks created by certain artists are personal favorites and we sometimes wish that the live actors could look exactly like the specific artistic versions we like the best.

Again all I'll say in the case of my particular little gripe here is that I'm reasonably sure there has NEVER been an official incarnation (live action or comic book based) of a Supergirl that has ever worn tights/hose of any kind. My incredibly simplistic question is why should any new version of her start now? That's all I'm really asking here. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Pants equivalent/pasty thighs

Pants equivalent/pasty thighs! :p

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regarding our lil pic of supergirl...are they tights? looks more like nylons. eitherway...nothing horrible there and plays in well to the overall suit. as Redlynn has mentioned...I too am assuming they are attempting to draw the "eye" up to our actors face...BUT....isn't part of the mystic behind "superman/supergirl" that big arse S on the chest? I always assumed that was part of the reason clarkia-boy was able to keep his secret id all these years. villains aint lookin at his face...but the big S and then their brain goes into overload at the thought that they are actually facing off again the man of steel.

given that...I would like to see the S shield played up a lil more...but it's nothing I would refuse to watch a show over...


Brand X
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Besides the big S, I'd say

Besides the big S, I'd say part of what helps keep Clark's identity is the few who know Clark just don't see him as Superman. The right pair of glasses can give a good change to your look as well.

For most people, who really knows who the hell Clark Kent is? He's a faceless reporter :p

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I know!!!

I know!!!


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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

He's a faceless reporter :p

The term of art that you're looking for is "mild mannered" actually.

Clark Kent comes across as something of a bumbler (especially the way that Christopher Reeves played him) and basically no one's first choice for the Hyper Competent Award ... because that award is won hands down by Lois Lane. The glasses are just a visual cue (for a comic book audience that doesn't get moving pictures, and thus /emotes) indicating which persona he's in at any given time. Point being that Clark Kent is the "anti-superman" and therefore can't possibly be The Man of Steel.

I still remember the character stats that the DC Roleplaying Game put on Superman which were just hilarious. His glasses were an Obvious Accessible Focus that granted him a Disguise skill of [b]over 200[/b] ... which was beyond nuts. Of course, knowing the character and the history of those glasses, everyone who ever saw that just took one look and said ... "Yup. That's about right."

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I was thinking the general

I was thinking the general public. :p The general public likely knows Superman's face, while Clark Kent they're more likely to go "Who?"

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i'm sorry...I am all for

i'm sorry...I am all for "suspension of disbelieve" but it has limits. especially when we look at lois and supes for example. she knows them BOTH....and she couldn't make the connection? her powers of observation quite frankly suck. guys are same size, same face...and even if we assume he pitches his voice differently while in clarkia form (which I doubt) the timber is still basically the same. yeah...sorry an observant reporter...yer fired. :p

personally, I think it is silly that he has a "secret id" ... given his size and how public he is...may as well just go public. it's why Citenik actually had a public ID, size and distinctive gunslinger moustache...yeah...caaaan't really gloss over that one unless he sported a full face mask..

hell...if we played champs he (supes) could just go the middle ground and take neither public nor secret id. basically its a quasi secret id...but it doesn't take much to find out the connection between the alter egos.


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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

i'm sorry...I am all for "suspension of disbelieve" but it has limits. especially when we look at lois and supes for example. she knows them BOTH....and she couldn't make the connection? her powers of observation quite frankly suck. guys are same size, same face...and even if we assume he pitches his voice differently while in clarkia form (which I doubt) the timber is still basically the same. yeah...sorry an observant reporter...yer fired. :p

She spotted him pretty much right away. Isn't that the first line on her character sheet? Lois Lane, the chick who's always trying to prove Clark is Superman. The odd one is Perry, who puts up with Lois's antics, but doesn't seem to have an opinion of his own about who Superman is.

Brand X
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I don't know, I think in all

I don't know, I think in all the new interpretations of Superman, doesn't he tend to get found out a bit easier now by those who really know him?

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Trouble is, whiteperegrine,

Trouble is, whiteperegrine, that pretty much almost all of the things you cited are FAR more "obvious" in the medium of a movie than they are within the medium of a comic book, where all you've got are still frames and a limited set of colors. When everyone's talking (and thinking) in word bubbles, contextual nuances like the tone of voice can be easily dismissed and overlooked. Basically, it's a conceit that the comic book medium allows/permits which is harder to pull off convincingly/successfully in other media ... such as movies (with sound).

Plus, you also have to figure that it's a conceit that is SHARED with the audience reading the comic books. The reader knows that Clark is Superman, but hardly anyone else within the comic book does. So the reader is "in" on Superman's Secret Identity, and is given the sense that the READER is special for knowing that when almost no one else within the story does.

But as soon as you get to the point of a movie and a movie audience, a lot of that structure and formulation falls down and collapses in on itself. It's simply more difficult to excuse Lois not noticing the similarities, as you cite, because in a movie you've got a metric {REDACTED} load more context and nuance to work with, which then kinda sorta "crowds out" the underlying conceit that was possible/permissible in the comic books simply due to the limitations of the medium for conveying all of that information.

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the medium doesn't matter,

the medium doesn't matter, whether it's the screen, a comic or even radio. the thought process behind "why" people can't add up the fact that this huge guy who looks just like supes just doesn't hold any real weight. this in turn has the ability to break the level of "suspension of disbelief" and actually keeps the audience out of the world versus in it.

the read/watcher of these mediums doesn't matter...they are not a part of the world...they are merely watching the world go by. so whether I know, or don't know, doesn't matter as I have no influence on the characters in said world.

my "argument" is that lack of perception on the part of characters closest to the heroes can't seem to add 1 and 1 when they know both the secret id and the hero persona and said hero is wearing nothing more than a pair of glasses. really? that just breaks the illusion. imo.

look, I realize that these are just comics/movies...but barring a full face mask and some sort of changing of the heroes voice...I just find it very hard to believe that people wouldn't figure things out. especially in the modern era we live...and newspaper folks...whose JOB it is to be perceptive and connect the dots (especially if they are specifically investigative reporters) should be able to solve this mystery easy peasy.


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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

regarding our lil pic of supergirl...are they tights? looks more like nylons. eitherway...nothing horrible there and plays in well to the overall suit.

Without getting too bogged down in the details there are several companies (such as Tamara and Peavey) that make "dance/casino tights" of various styles that are popular for stage shows and likely in Hollywood. You can basically think of them as "heavy duty run resistant pantyhose" and you can usually see them worn is at places like your local Hooters.

I strongly suspect, for what it's worth, that our new Kara is wearing a black pair of these for her outfit. Maybe if they had her wear even a "dark suntan" version they would be better for her - the hard black is part of what makes it so jarring for me because she doesn't really have "black" anywhere else in her costume.

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Supergirl is an affront to

Supergirl is an affront to women AND girls everywhere. The assumption that a superhero needs to be treated as a romantic comedy in the shadow of a male counterpart stands against all that is feminist.

Females deserve role models they can aspire to that are not "sorry"'Inside%20Amy%20Schumer':%20I'm%20Sorry

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errr....wait...did I miss

errr....wait...did I miss something? I would hardly supergirl (I assume you are talking about the upcoming show and not the character herself) an affront to women and girls everywhere. in regards to the show, all we have seen is the trailer...while we can try an gleen some info on the show from is all really just guess work. so, perhaps we should wait on calling out the dogs till the show goes live. :)

regarding the I missing something but how is it related to the show? it's a skit.


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"It's different for you than

"It's different for you than it is for me..

Apparently there's this rule. In order to mention my name they also have to report that there's a MAN.. I stand at the most powerful podium in the world but a story ain't a story unless they can report on the fact that i am "The Girlfriend".. like it validates me [or] gives me an identity..

Tell me when they write about YOU do they.. talk about your clothes? Write about your thighs?

There is a difference. There IS " ~Abby

This show is offensive. Even Ally McBeal (90s icon of feminism Calista Flockhart) can't save it by asking the question "is 'girl' sexist" because the fact is.. the SHOW is sexist! Women deserve better and don't have to apologize for having an opinion about how when they ask for something they actually want (like water.. or a superheroine) and are given coffee when their main complaint is that they can't have caffeine. (as mentioned in the Amy Schumer sketch)

Women deserve a real hero who isn't brought down to this level of discourse. This thread itself has more posts about Kara's clothes than her characterization. That is a problem.

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That's because we have

That's because we have nothing to base her characterization on. :p Seriously, we got a 6 minute trailer and all I can really think at this moment, is Jimmy Olsen may be the better actor compared to Supergirl. :p

Like most shows, it may take a few episodes for the cast to look like they're really gelling together for us to really get a feel of her character.

As for the one link, I thought that was supposed to be something stupid/attempt at comedy. I can't imagine anyone actually putting up with that. No one I know would.

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I know so many female comic

I know so many female comic book readers who've been asking for a female lead live action (movie or show).

And yet the men keep giving them .. coffee. They can't take coffee.. any more coffee and they're going to be sick. And yet when they speak up people expect them to apologize and drink the coffee anyway. That was the point of the skit.

Even at the height of their fields women, educated intelligent women, are expected to "just drink the coffee".


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JayBezz, to quote Lilo ...

JayBezz, to quote [url=]Lilo[/url] ...

"No more caffeine for you."

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

I know so many female comic book readers who've been asking for a female lead live action (movie or show).
And yet the men keep giving them .. coffee. They can't take coffee.. any more coffee and they're going to be sick. And yet when they speak up people expect them to apologize and drink the coffee anyway. That was the point of the skit.
Even at the height of their fields women, educated intelligent women, are expected to "just drink the coffee".

Then we need to show there's an audience for it. ASM2 was considered a bomb at 700million+ movie.

Top 100 is practically devoid of female lead movies (Frozen is up there, but it's not live action) and the top 200 doesn't make it any better.

We want these movies made, we need to show them they can make some serious money, out side of some lower budget movies that get a good return, but lack the oomph in the special effects that the big budget movies have.

Ms Marvel will likely be the test for such a movie. If it's a big success (and I think Marvel can pull it off) then I feel we'll start seeing WB take some risks with Wonder Woman (and then of course fail :/)

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Supergirl is an affront to women AND girls everywhere. The assumption that a superhero needs to be treated as a romantic comedy in the shadow of a male counterpart stands against all that is feminist.
Females deserve role models they can aspire to that are not "sorry"'Inside%20Amy%20Schumer':%20I'm%20Sorry

Role models they can aspire to?

Like the tens of millions of devoted fans of, "Sex and the City" and, "Fifty Shades of Gray"? Cosmopolitan still sells upwards of 400,000 copies every month, right? As does Marie Claire?

There seem to be many women out there who respond positively to romance and romantic comedy. Maybe that's the market the producers are aiming for?

Don't misunderstand me. I think they are missing a golden opportunity to make a major contribution to genre if this is the route they are planning to go, but at the same time, I have to admit, this does seem to be where the money is.

Just because I don't like their decision doesn't mean I don't understand their motivation. After all, everybody has to make a living and a television show without a market does not last long.

If I were writing it, I'd definitely not go with the romantic comedy, giggly school girl style heroine. But that's just me. And it's probably why I'm not part of the Hollywood Writer's Guild.

JayBezz wrote:

I know so many female comic book readers who've been asking for a female lead live action (movie or show).
And yet the men keep giving them .. coffee. They can't take coffee.. any more coffee and they're going to be sick. And yet when they speak up people expect them to apologize and drink the coffee anyway. That was the point of the skit.
Even at the height of their fields women, educated intelligent women, are expected to "just drink the coffee".

You should meet my wife. You'd like her.

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Brand X
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Well, and this goes for many

Well, and this goes for many corporations, I'm not so sure that there isn't a profit to be made, but rather not enough of one for them.

Look at CoH. Was making a profit, but it wasn't enough. My own corporation I work for wants to be one of the more expensive items on the market for higher profits, then goes on about losing market share to other products of equal quality. :p

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Supergirl is an affront to women AND girls everywhere. The assumption that a superhero needs to be treated as a romantic comedy in the shadow of a male counterpart stands against all that is feminist.
Females deserve role models they can aspire to that are not "sorry"

JayBezz wrote:

Women deserve a real hero who isn't brought down to this level of discourse. This thread itself has more posts about Kara's clothes than her characterization. That is a problem.

This thread might currently have more posts about Kara's clothes than her characterization only because you can't really judge a character's full range in an episodic series based on a trailer that's only a few minutes long. You can however critique an outfit based on that much footage so that's what we're going to do until we have more subtantive information to work with.

I honestly think you need to chill out about how this show is going to turn out at least until we see the first few full episodes. I started this thread comparing the Supergirl trailer to the obviously silly SNL Black Widow skit mostly as a joke to get the conversation rolling. Do I seriously believe the Supergirl show will stick exactly 100% to that tired, formulaic "Rom-Com" paradigm? No of course not. It would be painfully amazing if it actually does, but the point here is that there's almost no likelihood that it will precisely because the fans (and/or people like you) would tear it apart and it would crash and burn after a few episodes.

I firmly believe (again based on what I can tell from just a few minutes of the trailer) that most of the "Rom-Com" elements we saw are going to be linked to Kara's SECRET IDENTITY personality, not to Kara as Supergirl. Let's keep things in perspective shall we? We've already mentioned how bumbling and goofy Christopher Reeve's version of Clark Kent was. Would you be willing to shout so blindly that his portrayal of that character was somehow "anti-masculine" or an example of a bad role-model for little boys? How silly would that be?

Why don't we all just give this show a chance to prove itself before we automatically write it off as anti-feminist fluff based on a few minutes worth of trailer footage. If for some reason it actually takes the "Rom-Com" elements too seriously (and doesn't use them as an in-show meta inside joke) then I'll be right there with you to condemn this show to the ash heap of stupidity and missed opportunities. But at least I'm going to give it a serious chance first and not blow it off with a reactionary snap judgment.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I firmly believe (again based on what I can tell from just a few minutes of the trailer) that most of the "Rom-Com" elements we saw are going to be linked to Kara's SECRET IDENTITY personality, not to Kara as Supergirl. Let's keep things in perspective shall we? We've already mentioned how bumbling and goofy Christopher Reeve's version of Clark Kent was. Would you be willing to shout so blindly that his portrayal of that character was somehow "anti-masculine" or an example of a bad role-model for little boys? How silly would that be?

Clark Kent was never shown as incompetent. If he were, even still Superman is not forced to represent all male superheroes because

Even if this is "just the trailer", what does it say to the female demographic who just watched it. Hey.. we made this show for you but in order to get you to like it we've made a misleading Rom Com feel to the trailer to make it palatable. That's offensive in itself.

Also if a trailer does not capture the general essence of a piece of work (movie, show or otherwise) then it's failed at its primary objective.

There is no scenario in which this show "gets it"

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Lothic wrote:
I firmly believe (again based on what I can tell from just a few minutes of the trailer) that most of the "Rom-Com" elements we saw are going to be linked to Kara's SECRET IDENTITY personality, not to Kara as Supergirl. Let's keep things in perspective shall we? We've already mentioned how bumbling and goofy Christopher Reeve's version of Clark Kent was. Would you be willing to shout so blindly that his portrayal of that character was somehow "anti-masculine" or an example of a bad role-model for little boys? How silly would that be?

Clark Kent was never shown as incompetent. If he were, even still Superman is not forced to represent all male superheroes because

Even if this is "just the trailer", what does it say to the female demographic who just watched it. Hey.. we made this show for you but in order to get you to like it we've made a misleading Rom Com feel to the trailer to make it palatable. That's offensive in itself.
Also if a trailer does not capture the general essence of a piece of work (movie, show or otherwise) then it's failed at its primary objective.
There is no scenario in which this show "gets it"

Clark Kent has been shown as a bumbling klutz, however. Though I think they've gone from that to possibly just a bit nerdy/country boy.

Supergirl also isn't being forced to represent all female superheroes, so you should really get over whatever chip you have :p

The point of the trailer was to try to entice people to watch the show. It seems to have worked for most of us in this thread except you. :p And my guess is the show isn't going to try to cater to one demographic, but try to cater to a wider audience. This is a CBS prime time show, while it may lean one way or the other, they're still going to want a wide enough audience to keep it on the air.

And if you think a misleading trailer is offensive, you must get offended A LOT! O.O

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Lothic wrote:
I firmly believe (again based on what I can tell from just a few minutes of the trailer) that most of the "Rom-Com" elements we saw are going to be linked to Kara's SECRET IDENTITY personality, not to Kara as Supergirl. Let's keep things in perspective shall we? We've already mentioned how bumbling and goofy Christopher Reeve's version of Clark Kent was. Would you be willing to shout so blindly that his portrayal of that character was somehow "anti-masculine" or an example of a bad role-model for little boys? How silly would that be?

Clark Kent was never shown as incompetent.

Actually Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent was so "mild mannered" that Lois Lane did clearly consider him to be inconsequential/incompetent, at least in the first movie. I don't see why Kara's equivalent SECRET IDENTITY couldn't also be played as semi-ditzy or meek as a psychological cover for her "real" personality. Compared to the extremely anti-feminist versions of Supergirl from the 50s and 60s comic books Melissa Benoist's version of Kara in this show so far might as well be Gloria Steinem herself.

JayBezz wrote:

Even if this is "just the trailer", what does it say to the female demographic who just watched it. Hey.. we made this show for you but in order to get you to like it we've made a misleading Rom Com feel to the trailer to make it palatable. That's offensive in itself.
Also if a trailer does not capture the general essence of a piece of work (movie, show or otherwise) then it's failed at its primary objective.

Your faith in trailers being able to be infallibly 100% predictive of the full contents of a show is remarkably naive.

How many times have you watched a movie trailer and realized that the movie was really nothing like the trailer or at least was highly skewed to focus on things that didn't really reflect the entire story? It happens all the time. Sometimes TV shows will actually quickly deviate from their "starting point" to align themselves to their actual hidden formula that's not absolutely clear at the beginning. Buffy the Vampire Slayer did it brilliantly - it turned the classic "young blonde girl is always the victim in horror shows" trope and turned it on its ear. How do you know this show won't be taking the silly "Rom-Com" formula and quickly turning it around as a clever meta joke of itself?

JayBezz wrote:

There is no scenario in which this show "gets it"

Once again your ability to know whether a show "gets it" after just a few minutes worth of trailer is mind-boggling. You should be working for Hollywood so they can better predict the critical success of their shows based on your immense precognitive abilities.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

There is no scenario in which this show "gets it"

I see that the spirit of TheMightyPaladin lives on ... although it is no longer being preached from the same source.

Note that I feel completely justified in leaping to this conclusion based on only a single quote while ignoring/discarding any pretense or pretext of holding a holistic view.

Your turn.

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Is this a bad time to mention

Is this a bad time to mention I really love the movie, "My Super Ex-girlfriend"? I know it's a romantic comedy, but it masters satire and parody in a way seldom found in modern movies.

Does that make me anti-feminist?

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Oh man, that was a fun Ivan

Oh man, that was a fun Ivan Reitman film ... ^_^

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Greyhawk wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:

Is this a bad time to mention I really love the movie, "My Super Ex-girlfriend"? I know it's a romantic comedy, but it masters satire and parody in a way seldom found in modern movies.

Actually "My Super Ex-girlfriend" was a pretty good movie. Yes it was technically a "Rom-Com" but by making the main character male and throwing superpowers into the mix it was more a satire of the general silliness of the Rom-Com formula. It had a decent story and characters - Eddie Izzard was a great "supervillain". Although it was an obvious comedy in some ways it was almost a "realistic" take of what it'd be like if average people (with various human flaws and insecurities) had to deal with the extra stress of having superpowers in real life.

I'm not sure it would work to have Supergirl be as neurotic as Uma Thurman's G-Girl was, but it was kinda funny to see someone without superpowers try to handle someone with superpowered anger management and impulse control issues.

Greyhawk wrote:

Does that make me anti-feminist?

I'm sure it does to somebody. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Greyhawk wrote:
Does that make me anti-feminist?

I'm sure it does to somebody. ;)

Shut your glib.

What you like or appreciate has no bearing on whether you are or are not feminist. What an establishment continually produces, and in this case seems incapable of producing, that which continually portrays women as secondary and subserviant is anti-feminist.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:
Does that make me anti-feminist?

I'm sure it does to somebody. ;)

Shut your glib.
What you like or appreciate has no bearing on whether you are or are not feminist. What an establishment continually produces, and in this case seems incapable of producing, that which continually portrays women as secondary and subserviant is anti-feminist.

Hyper-reactionary snap assumptions and/or judgments don't really help your position here. I ultimately don't really care if you end up liking this new Supergirl TV show or not. You seem dead set on not giving it a fair chance regardless because judging books by their covers (or in this case few minute long trailers) is perfectly acceptable to you. Hypocritical much?

Trust me when I say if this show ends up being a critical failure it will absolutely NOT be because it's anti-feminist. In today's hyper-liberal politically correct Hollywood the only thing this show will probably be accused of is being TOO feminist and pandering to the supposed "girl-power" agenda.

Your apparent definition of the word "feminist" appears to be so obsessively extreme and non-inclusive that I doubt you end up liking literally any show or movie you watch and to me that's just sad. Fighting the evil "establishment" is one thing - spitting into the wind is something else.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Was reading that Supergirl

Was reading that Supergirl was originally going to air on CW, but CBS (who owns CW) thought it was so good, they decided to put it on their channel. Gives a bit of hope for the show.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Was reading that Supergirl was originally going to air on CW, but CBS (who owns CW) thought it was so good, they decided to put it on their channel. Gives a bit of hope for the show.

By now most people who've been interested in this new Supergirl show have heard/seen that they've already "leaked" the entire pilot episode and for the most part it's been received fairly well. In fact one [url=]article[/url] has contrasted it to the ill-fated Wonder Woman pilot from a few years ago and has highlighted the many ways Supergirl is much better.

Having watched the Supergirl pilot myself I still have every intention of giving the show a serious try. It admittedly had some rough edges (what pilot doesn't?) but it was undeniably much better than the Wonder Woman pilot so it does have realistic potential.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Having watched the Supergirl pilot myself I still have every intention of giving the show a serious try. It admittedly had some rough edges (what pilot doesn't?) but it was undeniably much better than the Wonder Woman pilot so it does have realistic potential.


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I too have now downloaded and

I too have now downloaded and watched the Supergirl pilot. They actually managed to get an awful lot RIGHT in just a mere 45 minutes ... AND managed to set up an ongoing story arc into the bargain. The only complaints that I had essentially amounted to "nit-picks" where I would have appreciated giving specific shots another take for a slightly different interpretation. As far as I'm concerned, the only flaws are superficial, as opposed to fundamental. A LOT of the things that people were worrying about early in this thread turn out to be (as predicted) prematurely jumping to conclusions based on insufficient context.

Definitely looks like it could be a promising series. Could do with a touch more polish to it, but that's true of pretty much EVERY new series pilot.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Is anyone else enjoying

Is anyone else enjoying watching the first two episodes of Supergirl as much as I am? *^_^*

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Yes. Fortunately my DVR can

Yes. Fortunately my DVR can record Supergirl and Gotham simultaneously.


Anyone care to speculate on Hank Henshaw's glowing eyes?

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Hmmm I saw a bit of this

Hmmm I saw a bit of this yesterday. Probably need to find the time to watch it....

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Collider Video has a

Collider Video has a Supergirl Recap aftershow.

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I enjoyed them but I felt

I enjoyed them but I felt like they really rushed through a lot of the backstory.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

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Just watched episode 3 of

Just watched episode 3 of Supergirl and ... me likey. Some of the character relationship stuff falls into the category of "oh we've seen this before" (from other shows), but so far I've been really enjoying watching the interpersonal dynamics between the characters grow and develop. That's because even if the general trope is a cliche, the details of how they're doing it (specifically) here in Supergirl aren't guaranteed to follow that path.

So seeing Kara "moon" over James ... or seeing the way Cat Grant does her "frosty ice queen" routine with Lord ... is something that, I feel, has been "done" in other shows, but I don't feel confident in predicting, in advance, how these things will turn out in THIS show. Past performances (by other actors in other productions) does not predict future results (in this show with these actors).

And I have to say, I'm really enjoying the performances turned in by pretty much ALL of the actors ... except maybe the villain of the week, and even then it's because there isn't a whole lot of screen time to get the villain of the week built up.

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Just watched episode 3 of Supergirl and ... me likey.

Ironically (considering I started this thread many moons ago) I had to leave on international business travel a few weeks ago and I'm in a place where streaming video is basically a messy combination of verboten and impractical so I'm going to have to wait a few more weeks to get home to watch the DVR'd eps of this show beyond the original pilot.

Anyway for what it's worth I'm glad it sounds like the show's doing well or at least isn't horribly bad. I never expected it to be absolutely perfect (still hate the black tights lol) but then again I never really totally liked Smallville either and it somehow lasted 10 seasons so I guess we'll see with this one.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Damn, this week's episode was

Damn, this week's episode was pretty damn good too ...!

And bonus for Lothic ... the [i]skirt and tights[/i] gets MENTIONED!

And ... we have continuity going on? Wait, there's a story arc? And, holy crap ... character development, on multiple levels?

This is turning out so much better than it could have ...

/em popcorn

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

This is turning out so much better than it could have ...
/em popcorn

+1 ;)

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Damn, this week's episode was pretty damn good too ...!
And ... we have continuity going on? Wait, there's a story arc? And, holy crap ... character development, on multiple levels?
This is turning out so much better than it could have ...
/em popcorn

That all sounds promising. Hopefully I'll only have to wait a few more weeks to catch up...

Anyway to be honest as cool as having a good, long lasting Supergirl show would be in and of itself I'm hoping that shows like this along with the long-awaited appearance of Wonder Woman in the movies in the next couple of years will finally motivate somebody to produce a new (and worthwhile) Wonder Woman show. Maybe even one of the new Internet-based companies can do that idea justice where the traditional TV networks keep failing to get their collective acts together on it.

Redlynne wrote:

And bonus for Lothic ... the skirt and tights gets MENTIONED!

Lol that figures. There have been plenty of classic TV shows (such as Star Trek and the afore mentioned Wonder Woman) where the various standard uniforms/outfits got subtly tinkered with from season to season. Hope springs eternal that they'll finally realize the silliness of the "dreaded black tights" and maybe she'll just (without any overt fanfare) stop wearing them at some point.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
