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Discuss: A New Dawn

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warcabbit's picture
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Discuss: A New Dawn

I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we've passed the audition.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Kitty's picture
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Thank you all for your

Thank you all for your efforts and extra hard work, it looks fabulous!!

Greyhawk's picture
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It works! It works! *happy

It works! It works! *happy dance*

Another year or two before it's ready. *cries*

But it works! It works! *happy dance*

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4colorguy's picture
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The end scene brought a lump

The end scene brought a lump to my throat. :')

Awesome work, i love the Cassandra tech concept.

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Great progress guys. Keep up

Great progress guys. Keep up the good work.

Nyktos's picture
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Damn that looks nice. Glad to

Damn that looks nice. Glad to see progress being made

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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Nice touch at the end of the

Nice touch at the end of the video given the timing of things.

Curious, is everything supposed to look so dusty or is it just because you were in a desert town setting?

Darkfaith's picture
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That's an incredibly

That's an incredibly promising video, and the technical details included in the post are great! Well worth the wait for, and taking the time to get your character model -right- was a fantastic decision. I look forward to seeing more as you have more ready to show us!

Foradain's picture
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Now if only I could watch the video on this phone. ^_^

No worries, I'll watch it when I get home in the morning.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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SuburbanHell wrote:
SuburbanHell wrote:

Nice touch at the end of the video given the timing of things.
Curious, is everything supposed to look so dusty or is it just because you were in a desert town setting?

That is from the desert material I used. Sand is a lot quicker to get looking right, and when dealing with something intended only as a temporary backdrop...

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

tripthicket's picture
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This is just what I needed to

This is just what I needed to see, I think. I'm right there with you on how showing every little thing you're doing, warts, mistakes, backtracks, etc., is not only not necessary, it's IMO detrimental to the progress of development. Time spent showing us everything is time not spent on making the donuts. And it would likely just lead to a loud and intense furor from a mob of armchair quarterbacks and second-guessers over things that may be dropped next week anyway.

I had been wrapped up in other things over the past several months; life just will insist on getting in the way of one's plans, eh wot? Hadn't seen much of progress on City of Titans, although there had been occasional news of learning curves and do-overs. So my attention lately hasn't been what it was. Maybe I had inflated expectations. Anyway, I have been feeling lately that, like the negotiations with NCSoft, we would wait a long time only to find that nothing would come of it in the end. We've still got a long way to go, but this video has bucked up my spirits. I do appreciate all that you guys have been doing, MWM, and all that you've yet to do. I'm not going anywhere, and I know I'm not alone.

Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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I have to be that person and

I have to be that person and say I'm not exactly a fan of this preliminary CC. Prefer the darker background CoX gave you and honestly the textures for the costumes showed off looked too shiny for me. In fact that's the perfect thing to rag on: All the models seemed too shiny, ESPECIALLY the blinding whiteness during the torch part. GRANTED, this is still a WIP so I know that's probably not the final product.

Also, yes, I've been here. Just lurking ;)

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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Very excited to see both the

Very excited to see both the costume bits and textures and the character creator UI. That's a tremendous step forward. And the final image brought back many fond memories of Atlas Park. Keep it up!

Risha's picture
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Fantasy Writer, Dancing at the End of the World

Aoide's picture
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Thanks for all the hard work!

Thanks for all the hard work!

That video was fricken awesome and shows you guys are coming along nicely. Gratz!

The greatest high for a Blaster always will be annihilating huge mobs before anyone else knows that the enemies are even there.

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Yay! Thanks for all the

Yay! Thanks for all the technical details. I love that there is a button specifically for explosions. :)

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

I have to be that person and say I'm not exactly a fan of this preliminary CC. Prefer the darker background CoX gave you and honestly the textures for the costumes showed off looked too shiny for me. In fact that's the perfect thing to rag on: All the models seemed too shiny, ESPECIALLY the blinding whiteness during the torch part. GRANTED, this is still a WIP so I know that's probably not the final product.
Also, yes, I've been here. Just lurking ;)

None of us are happy with the shader at the moment (the part of the engine which is giving that shiny effect). But it's so simple to replace, it is a low priority when more critical areas need to be worked on first.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Pleonast's picture
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Of Better, Faster, Cheaper,

Of Better, Faster, Cheaper, you've prioritized the right two. You're in the phase where doing things right is not glamorous, but nevertheless you are.

Thank you, all of you working on the project.

[size=1]Kickstart Backer # 771[/size]

Bloodpack's picture
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Looking good!

Looking good!
Now can we play yet??

Interdictor's picture
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Looks great guys! Keep up the

Looks great guys! Keep up the good work!

Felix's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

I have to be that person and say I'm not exactly a fan of this preliminary CC. Prefer the darker background CoX gave you and honestly the textures for the costumes showed off looked too shiny for me. In fact that's the perfect thing to rag on: All the models seemed too shiny, ESPECIALLY the blinding whiteness during the torch part. GRANTED, this is still a WIP so I know that's probably not the final product.
Also, yes, I've been here. Just lurking ;)

I am to blame for the shiny, we were seeing a lot of shadows and I added a light at the last minute that should have been more diffuse. The good news is that you can *adjust* the shiny, and make it shinier if you want decorative plate mail, or none if you are playing Zero Albedo, the human black hole, from whence not even light could escape. Alas, for our purposes we had to pick and choose what we showed. We actually used a random color generator, so we had to run it a few times to find colors that were not eye-bleach worthy. Still not sure we succeeded.


Know thy users, for they are not you.
"Preliminary optimization is the root of all evil." -Knuth
[color=#FF0000]Coding Lead[/color]
a.k.a. Mr Sigma, Mr. Stochastic, Balancing Act, The Oncoming Storm

Pyromantic's picture
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One of the things that gives

One of the things that gives me great confidence in this game is the sense that you are really working hard to develop a proper foundation, rather than slapping something together to appease the masses that want it NA0!.

I very much look forward to playing this game.

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Jets's picture
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Everything looks great!! I

Everything looks great!! I loved the slap fight.... :-D

/e holdtorch

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Terwyn's picture
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I believe that part of the

I believe that part of the design principle we tend to work from includes the idea that even one's mistakes should be made correctly, so it is more than fair to say that getting our foundation right is a top goal.

We're not making a poured concrete structure, after all. There's as much risk in having a lack of flexibility in how one goes about a building project as there is in having too much. Personally, I'd prefer to err on the side of having more than is needed, as one can always adjust accordingly.

When you're making cookies and have added too much of a single ingredient, it is far easier to simply increase the amount of finished product than it is to fix the mistake.

It is only when we stand up, with all our failings and sufferings, and try to support others rather than withdraw into ourselves, that we can fully live the life of community.

[color=#ff0000]Business Director[/color]

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Looks like what it is, a WIP. A good start. Lots of potential, just needs work.

But knowing the technical details of why you are taking the extra time to make the game extra awesome helps.

It's absolutely killing me to wait, but I'm glad you're taking the time anyway.

tripthicket wrote:

I'm right there with you on how showing every little thing you're doing, warts, mistakes, backtracks, etc., is not only not necessary, it's IMO detrimental to the progress of development. Time spent showing us everything is time not spent on making the donuts. And it would likely just lead to a loud and intense furor from a mob of armchair quarterbacks and second-guessers over things that may be dropped next week anyway.

Pyromantic wrote:

One of the things that gives me great confidence in this game is the sense that you are really working hard to develop a proper foundation, rather than slapping something together to appease the masses that want it NA0!.

Both QFT

Though many people seem to just not want to hear this, most companies wouldn't have released more than a name and some concept art at this stage of the game.

MWM doesn't have that option because it was Kickstarted, but the truth is most of us don't know what we're looking at.

And so if it doesn't already look like the game we want to play--which it shouldn't yet--many people just panic or lose hope.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Cyclops's picture
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I was begging for more art

I was begging for more art and boy did y'all deliver! THANK YOU!

OK thoughts. SPOILER: The Blue Man Group are official enemies! you may now work them into your origins.

The city looks great with lots of details. I love the cobblestone streets and the garbage cans with plastic liners.

The costumes are looking good, can't wait for the early costume creator release. this will be sweet.

Bottom line...I LOVE IT! Thanks guys!


DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Lord Nightmare wrote:
I have to be that person and say I'm not exactly a fan of this preliminary CC. Prefer the darker background CoX gave you and honestly the textures for the costumes showed off looked too shiny for me. In fact that's the perfect thing to rag on: All the models seemed too shiny, ESPECIALLY the blinding whiteness during the torch part. GRANTED, this is still a WIP so I know that's probably not the final product.
Also, yes, I've been here. Just lurking ;)

None of us are happy with the shader at the moment (the part of the engine which is giving that shiny effect). But it's so simple to replace, it is a low priority when more critical areas need to be worked on first.

Minor point of note: the *shader* is probably actually fine, or mostly fine. However, there is a whole slew of stuff that can be used to control the shiny factor (and various other things), as Felix pointed out. Except that Albedo is "whitening", but you could certainly get a pure "matte white" rather than a shiny white.

For a good example of how the visuals can differ with tuning just one of the parameters going in, check out -- physically-based shading is just downright spiffy, no two ways about it.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Riptide's picture
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Love the video!

Love the video!
Thank you, too, for all the technical details. I almost never participated in any raid-type activity in CoX because my computer couldn't handle it, even with everything turned down. I -have- upgraded my hardware pretty significantly since then, but still, it's encouraging that CoT plans to be completely playable on the widest spectrum of hardware possible.
Keep up the good work!

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Airhead's picture
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Thank you very much for the

Thank you very much for the update! Great to hear much learning is being achieved, hopefully as efficiently as possible. Never be afraid to reach out.

I particularly liked the part about the efficient draws for raids. That has to be good for bigger herds too ;)

Keep up the fantastic work!

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

I have to be that person and say I'm not exactly a fan of this preliminary CC. Prefer the darker background CoX gave you and honestly the textures for the costumes showed off looked too shiny for me. In fact that's the perfect thing to rag on: All the models seemed too shiny, ESPECIALLY the blinding whiteness during the torch part. GRANTED, this is still a WIP so I know that's probably not the final product.
Also, yes, I've been here. Just lurking ;)

A bunch of the "blinding" effect from the last scene is probably due to some quirks about how light emitters interact with color intensities; Unreal actually has a complex enough lighting model built in that it is easy to get sometimes-unexpected effects when you start blending particle systems that have emitters, materials that may or may not have emission, and color intensities that go to 1.1 (... and beyond...)

Plus, for whatever reason, the default lighting setting for the engine is just freaking *always* blinding, IMO. I usually work with it at least two notches down from the default, but I've never been clear on whether that was because I had a bad screen balance set, the engine is just that insanely bright, or because I don't have enough background lighting in my sheep-cave. :P

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Cyclops's picture
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What were the fiery balls in

What were the fiery balls in the costume creator lounge? can we add fiery orbs to our looks?


warcabbit's picture
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Airhead wrote:
Airhead wrote:

I particularly liked the part about the efficient draws for raids. That has to be good for bigger herds too ;)
Keep up the fantastic work!

Do you remember that hill in Cimmeroa?

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Airhead wrote:
Airhead wrote:

Thank you very much for the update! Great to hear much learning is being achieved, hopefully as efficiently as possible. Never be afraid to reach out.
I particularly liked the part about the efficient draws for raids. That has to be good for bigger herds too ;)
Keep up the fantastic work!

Draw calls for the bodies so far, unfused, was clocking in at about two dozen last I checked -- which does not include anything like clothing, just the spandex. Or about 1.5-2x as much as CoH had for their bodies. Fused spandex, as noted in the post, should be getting down to one call.

In an absolutely purist sense, not everything can *always* compact down to one draw call, but most things can, and the things that don't are still aiming for the "2-4" sort of range, not the "20-40" range.

So, whatever the limit would otherwise be for a costume contest, the hope is to be able to fit about 10x as many folks in before the graphics cards start screaming for mercy. Whether the rest of the engine can handle that is completely independent, so it isn't really possible to say where the bottleneck will end up, just that Cassandra is about trying to ensure it *isn't* due to having high-complexity fancy costuming with lots of flexibility built in.

On top of that, some of the fancier bits that were not yet in use (last I knew) allow for hardware-budget driven LODs, so the engine will back off on detail based on how much effort the hardware is having to put into keeping up. Pretty much the ideal balance point for "use as much as it can do, but not more," at least when you can get it tuned properly.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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Just as long as we have a

Just as long as we have a setting for "Damn the shaders, full rendering ahead!" for things like the costume creator, so we can design our duds to look their best everywhere, not just on our (possibly) substandard video card.

A common problem in CoX was that Redlynne had a machine that had a much lower-spec video card in it, and would always wonder what her stuff looked like on higher-end hardware, which could do better texture shaders and a higher detail level.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Plexius's picture
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(No subject)


SavageFist's picture
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I read every single word and

I read every single word and it gave me a bit of a chill. Absolutely loved this update, including all the mistakes made and learned from. When I hear you made a mistake then it is followed by 'we learned from it', I keep imagining MWM becoming a game developer that will catch a bigger company's eye someday. I'm assuming when you call a professional in some areas you are also learning and they aren't just doing the work for you, I hope.

Anyways, SUCCESS, you made me want to see more even though I know it may be awhile as you pointed out. And loved the music too.

Nitpick: When you jumped off the building, I was excited and the weight was almost there. Can't quite put my finger on it but the landing didn't feel complete.

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Just as long as we have a setting for "Damn the shaders, full rendering ahead!" for things like the costume creator, so we can design our duds to look their best everywhere, not just on our (possibly) substandard video card.
A common problem in CoX was that Redlynne had a machine that had a much lower-spec video card in it, and would always wonder what her stuff looked like on higher-end hardware, which could do better texture shaders and a higher detail level.

This would be why I continue to champion the notion of a toggle for "force awesome-display in the tailor even if it means you're rendering one frame a minute" being available. Not because I would expect folks to normally use it, but because that is one of the situations where framerate can legitimately be almost unimportant, but the ability to see what it *really* looks like is critical. But... only when you tell it to be.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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SavageFist wrote:
SavageFist wrote:

Nitpick: When you jumped off the building, I was excited and the weight was almost there. Can't quite put my finger on it but the landing didn't feel complete.

Pretty sure the physics assets haven't been fully tuned yet, so the animation is probably just that -- pure animation, rather than being blended with the physics engine. By way of likely explanation, however, I'll point out that actually building the translations of proper biomechanics for a humanoid body are remarkably non-trivial. If anyone doubts me, go take a look at inverse kinematic constraint solvers sometimes, and what sorts of input data they need to work right. :)

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


Voldine's picture
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Not able to watch the video

Not able to watch the video just yet, but those details in the text alone gave me chills. Off to the gym I go!

The original Lady of Ysgard. -Virtue

warcabbit's picture
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The 'Force Awesome' section

The 'Force Awesome' section is roughly sketched to be our 'screenshot area'. A special area in the character creator where you can pick the background, pick an animation, and advance the character frame by frame till you get the pose you want.

There may be... other features... there as well.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Redlynne's picture
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SavageFist wrote:
SavageFist wrote:

And loved the music too.

And here I was hoping to be the first one to mention the awesome music in what is ostensibly a video. Yes, major props to the composer and sound team for that bit of background.

And yes ...

/em holdtorch

/em mathematics

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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great update.

great update.
was absolutely thrilled to see all the progress you made.
thank you again for everything you've done so far.
keep up the good work.

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

SavageFist wrote:
Nitpick: When you jumped off the building, I was excited and the weight was almost there. Can't quite put my finger on it but the landing didn't feel complete.

Pretty sure the physics assets haven't been fully tuned yet, so the animation is probably just that -- pure animation, rather than being blended with the physics engine.

Yeah, lots of stuff to add to the landing, but that's expected. Things like a cloud of dust kicked up, nearby pedestrians going, "Whoa!", a nice big fat red damage number wafting up from your painful feet, and a corresponding HP bar headed into the red zone.

DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

By way of likely explanation, however, I'll point out that actually building the translations of proper biomechanics for a humanoid body are remarkably non-trivial. If anyone doubts me, go take a look at inverse kinematic constraint solvers sometimes, and what sorts of input data they need to work right. :)

Sounds like one of those things where you spend all day figuring out why the matrix math doesn't converge.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
SavageFist wrote:
Nitpick: When you jumped off the building, I was excited and the weight was almost there. Can't quite put my finger on it but the landing didn't feel complete.

Pretty sure the physics assets haven't been fully tuned yet, so the animation is probably just that -- pure animation, rather than being blended with the physics engine.
Yeah, lots of stuff to add to the landing, but that's expected. Things like a cloud of dust kicked up, nearby pedestrians going, "Whoa!", a nice big fat red damage number wafting up from your painful feet, and a corresponding HP bar headed into the red zone.
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
By way of likely explanation, however, I'll point out that actually building the translations of proper biomechanics for a humanoid body are remarkably non-trivial. If anyone doubts me, go take a look at inverse kinematic constraint solvers sometimes, and what sorts of input data they need to work right. :)
Sounds like one of those things where you spend all day figuring out why the matrix math doesn't converge.

Also the feet don't quite hit the ground, and I wind up floating 4" above it. One of those things on my to-do list to fix.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Strawberrycocoa's picture
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Hi there, first comment but

Hi there, first comment but been ghosting for awhile. I LOVE what we can see in this video, game looks like it's on a really good track!

DesViper's picture
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I love the progress! But I'll

I love the progress! But I'll be a downer anyway on the AB: how much complexity can we expect? From what's shown here, all I see is much the same as CoH: 2 colours per item of tights.

But, CoH set the bar high ;)


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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
SavageFist wrote:
Nitpick: When you jumped off the building, I was excited and the weight was almost there. Can't quite put my finger on it but the landing didn't feel complete.

Pretty sure the physics assets haven't been fully tuned yet, so the animation is probably just that -- pure animation, rather than being blended with the physics engine.

Yeah, lots of stuff to add to the landing, but that's expected. Things like a cloud of dust kicked up, nearby pedestrians going, "Whoa!", a nice big fat red damage number wafting up from your painful feet, and a corresponding HP bar headed into the red zone.
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
By way of likely explanation, however, I'll point out that actually building the translations of proper biomechanics for a humanoid body are remarkably non-trivial. If anyone doubts me, go take a look at inverse kinematic constraint solvers sometimes, and what sorts of input data they need to work right. :)

Sounds like one of those things where you spend all day figuring out why the matrix math doesn't converge.

Also the feet don't quite hit the ground, and I wind up floating 4" above it. One of those things on my to-do list to fix.

That was probably what was off to me. Still, exciting progress and makes me happy to hear the team is learning.

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

doctor tyche
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

I love the progress! But I'll be a downer anyway on the AB: how much complexity can we expect? From what's shown here, all I see is much the same as CoH: 2 colours per item of tights.
But, CoH set the bar high ;)

You think those are just colors? Might I point you to our earlier update....

Superior Fashion Sense - A Doctor Tyche Requirement

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

DesViper's picture
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In my defense, what's shown

In my defense, what's shown is the "ballet tights" mentioned in the previous update :p

What've made me flip (in a good way) would've been a wilder barrage of colours and textures. It'd be ugly! But it'd show the complexity allowed by the system.

Also, on a second (third, fourth, fifth :p) watch, I noticed outlines on the patterns, which is already above CoH, so I'll hush :p

Also, props on the ragdoll! Did I see it actually react to where the impact came from, or is it coincidence?

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Cinnder's picture
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
Good work, folks! As others

Good work, folks! As others have said, I'm glad to see you guys are getting the mechanics working -- and I appreciate hearing about the technical defeats and triumphs along the way. As always, the technical explanation of what we should be looking for in the video was much appreciated. It helps to keep us from being distracted from your hard work by the shinies. Oh, and thanks for explaining the shiny effect here in the thread also.

When you folks say, "And I hope you’ve noticed something very special" and "You’ll be able to choose what the costumes are made out of. Spandex. Armored Spandex. Leather. Steel" are these sentences linked? Is the special thing supposed to be this choosing of costume material, or something else? And if the former, can you give us a time stamp where that is happening? I may have been distracted by the patterns and colours.

Really enjoying the music! Is that a Hellwreckage original? Invokes a hint of our old city's theme, but with a new feel to it. Actually quite reminiscent of Jackman's [i]Winter Soldier[/i] OST as well, with the techie sounds in the background. Me like.

Doctor Tyche wrote:

SuburbanHell wrote:
Nice touch at the end of the video given the timing of things.
Curious, is everything supposed to look so dusty or is it just because you were in a desert town setting?

That is from the desert material I used. Sand is a lot quicker to get looking right, and when dealing with something intended only as a temporary backdrop...

I think Sub was referring not to the backdrop, but to the dusty air all around the city this time, something that was not present in the last city demo. Is that a side-effect of selecting a desert backdrop? At first I thought. given the length of the shadows, that it was early morning mist -- and it got my hopes up that we'd have weather.

Lastly, I just have to say it: [i]You saw it here first! Butter Churning power set!![/i]

Spurn all ye kindle.

Scott Jackson
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Foundation blocks sliding

Foundation blocks sliding into place, showing patience and dedication to quality... Was happy that I could share this progress update with my family today, and explain the hard work being done.

Anticipation builds as we now get to start watching for news and video hints of each AB feature that is added and polished!

Foradain's picture
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All evening at work, I've

All evening at work, I've been spending my breaks reading your oohs and aahs. But my wireless connection there isn't good enough to be watching videos. :(

So, I got home and booted up the computer and actually got to watch the video.

And I have to say, this is looking like a game is taking shape here.

I take it the palm trees came with the desert? 'Cause I don't expect to see them in Titan City, MA, except maybe at certain biodomes and possibly some Mogul locations...
*pauses to check email. Why? No particular reason... ^_^*

Also, +1 to the explosions button in the AB! Likewise Character and Camera yaw, and camera pitch, and reset view, and...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Techbot Alpha
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Looking very, very nice there

Looking very, very nice there.
And first post of mine on the forums, hurrah.

Now I need to go find a wascally warcabbit to find out how to get back to volunteering 2D concept art for this, heh.

Darth Fez
Darth Fez's picture
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Good stuff! The AB looks very

Good stuff! The AB looks very promising and this Cassandra sounds damned sexy (and precisely like the kind of thing that would be very difficult to showcase in a video). Can't wait to see more costume stuff showcased.That AB had better be released at least six months before the game! That should give me just enough time to finalize a costume for my first character.

The falling thing makes sense. Odo did appear to fall a bit slowly and I'd wondered if that meant the physics engine (or whatever) hadn't been turned on or hooked in yet.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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umbralwarrior's picture
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Thank you for the update. It

Thank you for the update. It's nice to see the progress and I have to say, the scenery is really looking stunning considering how early we are into this process. I'm not artistically or graphically inclined so I can't talk about shaders or polywotsits but I really like the scenery. I can't wait to see what's possible on a character.

We all have it in us to be a hero to someone,
Super powers are optional.....

Part of the Phoenix Rising Initiative.....

Proud to be a hero. Prouder still to be a member of [url=]Watchfire[/url]

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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one thing I'm really curious

one thing I'm really curious about.
And this might seem petty but it really looks weird to me.
Why are all those palm trees being used in the background?
I thought this game was set in New England but that make it look like Florida.

RottenLuck's picture
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I can answer that for you TMP

I can answer that for you TMP. It's the testing area so they swapped out the high draw trees to ones that were simplified to add all those figures with torches. Well that my thinking anyway the palm trees don't have as many leaves to render so take less data to render. Easier to test new things when everything else around it basic. Remember we did see one video with killer Fir trees zapping the system.

On another note Cassandra! I think I'm in love with this idea and saying it right now the Main Ingame Tailor needs to be named Cassandra!

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

warcabbit's picture
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The palm trees also show off

The palm trees also show off the 'gentle sway in the breeze' a little better. It went with the desert. It didn't come with the desert, though, we just happened to have them in this Speedtree pack, and thought it would be fun to use them.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

meta brawler
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

The 'Force Awesome' section is roughly sketched to be our 'screenshot area'. A special area in the character creator where you can pick the background, pick an animation, and advance the character frame by frame till you get the pose you want.
There may be... other features... there as well.

First of all fantastic update! I had a feeling we would be getting some video action soon. The video looks great for what it is. Lots of potential there and the city textures look fantastic.

Secondly, this post by Warcabbit is equally fantastic. I really dig the concept and what it will allow us to do. Taking screen shots of our toons in full action and hi res. I hope this makes it to the end product.

Thanks again MWM! Keep up the fantastic work.

*****Edit - <-------Still no Kickstarter K?

These are my bases:

CoH Base

Citadel Forged With Fire

Duck L'Orange
Duck L&#039;Orange's picture
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An absolutely gorgeous look

An absolutely gorgeous look at what you've accomplished, and hearing about the technical details was an added bonus. I'm glad to hear you guys and girls aren't cutting corners and are spending the time on a solid foundation - I'm sure everyone, even in-house, is itching to see their first NPC contact, run their first mission, punch their first purse-snatching Hellion-equivalent, but I respect that no one is shoehorning that into an unfinished system for the sake of publicity and self-gratification :)

meta brawler wrote:

*****Edit - <-------Still no Kickstarter K?

Missing mine too! <ducky glare>

Duck L'Orange / Fire3 Tanker / Guardian

Rampager's picture
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I'm pretty freaking excited

I'm pretty freaking excited that this is starting to take real shape! Thanks for the update!

Verteran of the CoH/CoV wars
Member of The Impossibles.
"I'm gonna go thru you faster than a Tijuana burrito through a Minnesota tourist"

Malkyre's picture
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After a long time lurking, I

After a long time lurking, I'm coming in to say: Thank you guys. This looks bloody brilliant. I'm going to learn how to hibernate from an actual bear and then doze away the next few years so I can emerge and have this in all it's glory. Thank you so, so much for plugging away on this.

Formerly @Fireforged, member of In Hoc Signo Vinces
Characters: Fireforged, Shadowforged, Pyreforged, Grumpy Bear, Heal Machine, Stormalong, Kingdom Red 10-23, Jaster Mereel, Steam Rifle Scarlet, Nemesis Rector

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I will state upfront I have unrealistic expectations. After a year or more I thought you would be much further along with the character models. All MMOs have character designers of varying simplicity/detail. Your explanations, and trial and error are reasonable and your design goals are clearly in line with creating a kick a$$ character designer that surpasses the one we loved in COX. However, I get the impression that so much of the game design and those working on it is all pretty much OJT and it is significantly slowing down development. We don't even seem to have faces yet.

Don't get me wrong, I am excited by the enhanced characteristics, customization options, the level of detail and thought being put into the system. But I also recognize in a super-hero based MMO a large part of the game is the interactions with the character on character and environment. How characters hit and how they react. How they are smashed, pulverized, etc. In your video it does not even appear your at that stage left as was shown by the two characters shadow boxing. To me this means not only are you still a long way from a refined character creation system, but even more so how they interact with other characters and the environment. I think so much of the actual content of the game the staging and scripting of the stories,missions, and combat in general is still a very long way off :(

Hey I know this is a volunteer effort, but part of me feels that if this takes 5 years to produce that it will wither on the vine and that the online game meta will be so significantly changed by the time it comes to market that it will be irrelevant. I hope I am wrong. Please tell me I am wrong, because I so desperately want you to succeed. To use an overly simplistic anaolgy it seems to me MMW is still trying to figure out which lego bricks to use, what they look like, what color, size, etc. to use and how it will be assembled. Meanwhile figuring out which buildings will be built, plumbing, ventilation, electric, are on hold and we haven't thought what color the paint, the art work, and furniture to furnish the house with.

My only advice and hope is do whatever it takes to figure out the legos quickly, get them ready to use in place and ready so the real design of the lego city can be in place and worked on. Good luck, I am rooting for you!

Winds of Change

Fire Away
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If this were an audition and

If this were an audition and if it were my call to either can or green light this project my vote would be an enthusiastic "by all means proceed". I thought the music and the overall scenery was first rate. The peek at the versatility of the costume generator was both informative and tantalizing. The whole concept behind the homebrewed Cassandra system seemed like pure wizardry... and even a neophyte such as myself can understand its significance in terms of the overall gaming experience. On the other hand, the Rock'em Sock'em Robots combat thing seemed clumsy by comparison. And the em/ torch finale managed to be both hackneyed and hideous at the same time.

Guys, I am finding writing this to be a very difficult thing to do. I want you all to succeed so badly and I realize that many of you are pouring your heart and soul into CoT on your own time. And I respect that deeply. But the world "out there" doesn't really care that much and can be a very cruel place; much crueler than this forum. If you keep asking "What do you think?" I'll keep trying to respond as best and as honestly as I can. Hope that is ok.

Redlynne's picture
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Fire Away, the video shows

Fire Away, the video shows that the fundamentals are sound, but the polish is lacking at this point ... which is exactly what you want to see.

When the polish is sound but the fundamentals are lacking, you wind up with trees that leak memory everywhere (nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more!).

Of the two choices, it's better to need more polish than it is to need to rework your fundamentals.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Starhammer's picture
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It's looking pretty great so

It's looking pretty great so far. Thanks everyone for all your hard work, and for keeping the dream alive.

JayBezz's picture
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Things that are AWESOME:

Things that are AWESOME:

1) No glove hands
2) That character creator room looks badass
3) Not using Iso-view gameplay like Marvel Heroes.
4) Those moving trees.. not static pieces of plastic
5) MOAR Tights!

Things I wish I'd seen:

1) Female basic form
2) Form manipulation (fatter/skinnier)
3) Faces
4) Hair
5) MOAR Tights!

Can't wait for more. Great choice in UE4. Great work on "Cassandra". Great progress update.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Empyrean's picture
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I find it heartening that

It seems a good omen that those who know something about the underlying tech are generally pleased, and those who are less pleased are among those who (like me) don't know much about the underlying tech

Edit: I just realized that could be construed as meaning that I'm among the less pleased.

That is not the case :).

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Brutum's picture
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If your giving costume

If your giving costume objects "weight" then I hope that you can make it so that chains clank or rattle or something on characters who wear them.

Puny Heroes.

Silent Sillo
Silent Sillo's picture
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This is really good progress.

This is really good progress. From a fan's stand point, it seems like a long time, due to anticipation.
However, that is a lot of work done on your end. Which has not been very long at all.

I am impressed and feel confident you will allow fans to go beyond their gaming conscience.


Hero_Zero's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

The 'Force Awesome' section is roughly sketched to be our 'screenshot area'. A special area in the character creator where you can pick the background, pick an animation, and advance the character frame by frame till you get the pose you want.
There may be... other features... there as well.

These kinds of feature ideas from a dev team and customers that obviously love the product are beyond awesome. In fact, there's so much super awesomeness oozing everywhere out of this update that I don't even know where to start. Add chat functionality, and I'd want a beta right now even if all we can do is run around, chat, and slap each other.

BTW, I still don't see my badge.


Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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Hero_Zero wrote:
Hero_Zero wrote:

warcabbit wrote:
The 'Force Awesome' section is roughly sketched to be our 'screenshot area'. A special area in the character creator where you can pick the background, pick an animation, and advance the character frame by frame till you get the pose you want.
There may be... other features... there as well.

These kinds of feature ideas from a dev team and customers that obviously love the product are beyond awesome. In fact, there's so much super awesomeness oozing everywhere out of this update that I don't even know where to start. Add chat functionality, and I'd want a beta right now even if all we can do is run around, chat, and slap each other.
BTW, I still don't see my badge.

I can see both the KS badge and the 11th anniversary badge on your posts though.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Lothic's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

I can see both the KS badge and the 11th anniversary badge on your posts though.

I was one of the people who only had my KS badge up until like maybe 20-30 minutes ago. Now all of a sudden I have both the Kickkstarter and 11th anniversary badge appearing on my posts, but I still have no ability to "change" any badge one way or the other on my Account->Edit page. I guess the whole badge thing is getting sorted bit by bit.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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Yes, Nate told me he would be

Yes, Nate told me he would be running a fix on the badges today or tomorrow. Looks that translated to about now :D

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 10/31/2013 - 06:49
It's interesting to see a

It's interesting to see a game in this early a state. Like the basic gameplay loop running and barely anything else. And it looks promising. I can only support the idea of getting the foundation right, and then piling on top. Hopefully it also means that when time comes to add stuff after the game is up and running, it won't be as nightmarish as the CoH devs said CoH could be at times.

I'm looking forward to trying out a more polished version of the costume editor. and, of course, the main game. But for now, I like what I see.

Noyjitat's picture
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Looks great MwM and I'm glad

Looks great MwM and I'm glad you're taking frame rate and optimization serious unlike most developers that take the lazy route. Truly you shouldn't need a top of the line machine just to game on high settings and with the steps you're taking now we likely will not.

SpaceJanitor's picture
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Looks greaaaaaat! Awesome to

Looks greaaaaaat! Awesome to see this thing start chugging into life, and it seems the more of these early bits you guys nail down, the easier and easier it becomes to start building upon. Really looking forward to what you guys have in store for us in the coming year. Thank you all for the work you're doing and thank you for honoring the world that inspired our future home. Down the road, will there be a Valiance Online-style open test area for players to bonk around in or is maintaining a server not exactly helpful in the near future?

sev171's picture
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man, that scenery is amazing!

man, that scenery is amazing! looks like the game is coming together great.

Lin Chiao Feng
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

Yes, Nate told me he would be running a fix on the badges today or tomorrow. Looks that translated to about now :D

I thought we were going to be forced to pick a single badge?

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Imagery's picture
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Have to say I'm SOOO excited

Have to say I'm SOOO excited *cues 'The Pointer Sisters' song* at the progress you all have made. I can feel my little MMO heart beating again!

Godling's picture
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I like the touch with torches

I like the touch with torches. It says "Welcome to your new city."

[URL= [/IMG][/URL]

DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

In my defense, what's shown is the "ballet tights" mentioned in the previous update :p
What've made me flip (in a good way) would've been a wilder barrage of colours and textures. It'd be ugly! But it'd show the complexity allowed by the system.

Would you perhaps mean something more akin to ? :)

Which also shows a good example of one of the things learned as part of V2 (which is what is visible in the old post): if people give you what you ask for, assuming you have some way to make diagonals work, you have two choices: ask more clearly next time... or make diagonals work.

/me whistles innocently and wombles off in a direction that is somewhere in between this-a-way and that-a way.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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DeathSheepFromHell wrote:
DeathSheepFromHell wrote:

desviper wrote:
In my defense, what's shown is the "ballet tights" mentioned in the previous update :p
What've made me flip (in a good way) would've been a wilder barrage of colours and textures. It'd be ugly! But it'd show the complexity allowed by the system.

Would you perhaps mean something more akin to ? :)
Which also shows a good example of one of the things learned as part of V2 (which is what is visible in the old post): if people give you what you ask for, assuming you have some way to make diagonals work, you have two choices: ask more clearly next time... or make diagonals work.
/me whistles innocently and wombles off in a direction that is somewhere in between this-a-way and that-a way.

Would have just edited but that seems to have wandered off for some reason. So instead, following up to clarify slightly: all of the sections in the original post were controlled independently, not only in terms of color, but in terms of texture (in all of is multiple senses) and in terms of most other inputs. However, part of *this* round appears to have been showing off the fact that, well, *coherent* costumes can also be had. Ones with "lines" that align in ways other than simply "the dividing points of the body they are applied to".

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

Good stuff! The AB looks very promising and this Cassandra sounds damned sexy (and precisely like the kind of thing that would be very difficult to showcase in a video).

Oh, that part is *easy*: did you see bodies in the video? If so, you saw Cassandra at work.

Sometimes the point is precisely what you *don't* see... at least, not without turning the right sort of stats on.

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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JayBezz wrote:
JayBezz wrote:

Things that are AWESOME:
1) No glove hands
2) That character creator room looks badass
3) Not using Iso-view gameplay like Marvel Heroes.
4) Those moving trees.. not static pieces of plastic
5) MOAR Tights!
Things I wish I'd seen:
1) Female basic form
2) Form manipulation (fatter/skinnier)
3) Faces
4) Hair
5) MOAR Tights!
Can't wait for more. Great choice in UE4. Great work on "Cassandra". Great progress update.

Fair cop: you can probably blame not seeing the form manipulation right now on Cassandra, for all the good things it brings. One of the things not *currently* supported by UE4 when doing mesh fusion (the heart of Cassandra's mesh handling) is fusing vertex morphs. Which is to say, "the stuff that drives almost all of the body shape changes that are not driven by major bone proportions" (bone scaling, thankfully, *isn't* impacted).

That doesn't mean it won't be there; I can't imagine having any modern game that didn't make heavy use of morphs, they're too crucial. It *is*, however, a case of trading off about three permanent steps forward for one medium-term step backward. Well, more than one, but until someone notices the other bits I'm not going to call them out, on the theory that if nobody notices they must be sufficiently well hidden for current purposes. :)

[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep


1 eye archer
1 eye archer's picture
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Any thoughts on when the

Any thoughts on when the costume creator will be released? That video was awesome and has me wanting more! Great work as always guys.

Deeds Not Words

Cinnder's picture
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Fire Away wrote:
Fire Away wrote:

Guys, I am finding writing this to be a very difficult thing to do. I want you all to succeed so badly and I realize that many of you are pouring your heart and soul into CoT on your own time. And I respect that deeply. But the world "out there" doesn't really care that much and can be a very cruel place; much crueler than this forum. If you keep asking "What do you think?" I'll keep trying to respond as best and as honestly as I can. Hope that is ok.

I think Fire Away has a point that is of the wholly constructive type of criticism. We CoT-followers may be impressed with the progress, but for someone coming to this cold who is not yet sold on the game, they might be put off by the 'butter churning' combat animations.

Given that we had already seen the city in a previous video clip and that the combat part of this video didn't actually show much about combat other than a targeting indicator and a couple generic animations -- perhaps it would have been better to present the news on the successes you've had with the combat system in text form only, leaving the video to show only the costume stuff, which is inherently visually impressive.

We should keep in mind that it's not only the faithful who are likely to see these videos.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Darth Fez
Darth Fez's picture
Last seen: 2 months 6 days ago
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Joined: 09/20/2013 - 07:53
I'd say that falls into the

I'd say that falls into the category of "can't please everyone (all the time)". Either we get to see these kinds of progress videos, at the risk of seeing negative posts (from both those who are informed as well as those who are not), or we see nothing until MWM has something nice and shiny to show us. As Shadow Elusive pointed out in the comments of the MOP article, there will be nay-sayers even when the game is complete. Let them post what they feel they need to post. Either they'll be convinced in time or they'll never be convinced.

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Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
Don't get me wrong; I'm not

Don't get me wrong; I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't have video updates. I'm just saying that a cost/benefit analysis might be helpful when deciding what to post. The part of the video that showed combat didn't really provide anyone -- loyal fan nor sceptical newcomer -- anything substantive regarding combat, but it did pose a risk that potential customers in the latter category might be unimpressed enough to walk away.

Given that--as you rightly point out--there's always a risk that someone might complain about a video update, I'm just saying that I think MWM should ensure that any video clip illustrates an important feature in a significant way, in order to balance that risk with a benefit. In this case, I think the AB part of the video does that perfectly. The combat portion, not so much.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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Joined: 11/01/2013 - 00:26
Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Don't get me wrong; I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't have video updates. I'm just saying that a cost/benefit analysis might be helpful when deciding what to post. The part of the video that showed combat didn't really provide anyone -- loyal fan nor sceptical newcomer -- anything substantive regarding combat, but it did pose a risk that potential customers in the latter category might be unimpressed enough to walk away.
Given that--as you rightly point out--there's always a risk that someone might complain about a video update, I'm just saying that I think MWM should ensure that any video clip illustrates an important feature in a significant way, in order to balance that risk with a benefit. In this case, I think the AB part of the video does that perfectly. The combat portion, not so much.

I'd say, to those who just see that video and base their opinion on that, they'll likely think the fighting aspect of the game will suck. :p We saw some slow punches, that was it. Since I know it's still way early beta, my only real hope was that it gets sped up and they do some awesome hand to hand animations later.

ExoVrogne's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 11/04/2013 - 05:43
Great job the guys!

Great job the guys!
Show to the world what you are capable of carrying out.

francophone community
