Please add your ideas and suggestions about character inventory here.
Personally, I found that there wasn't enough storage for enhancements to be slotted, invention recipes, and salvage items, even if in a SG... While there may not be this issue in Titans, as the whole thing can be avoided, I thought that I would bring it up anyhow, just in case.
How will CoT make Mooola then?
Personal storage space was not unlimited, but I never had a huge problem with the limits that were there. Sometimes you had to delete some crap from your tray in the early days, or else go sell stuff off in between missions, but I think that was good. People looked at that as an unnecessary pain in the axe, but I saw it as a way to promote travel powers and make them more relevant. In terms of XP per hour, being able to super speed to the nearest vendor was better than having to walk there.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
Of the vet points I spent, my favorite purchase was the extra row of enhancements. I'd be cool with MWM monetizing inventory and storage.
I liked the interface part as it was in CoX but it was to small to my liking. Nothing is more annoying than going to the vendor after every two missions to sell your junk.
However the thing the troubles me the most (although this might not have been the case in CoX) is when you have limited stacks of lets say 100 items. You'd have 5 stacks of the same item claiming all the space.
In general I aproved of the storage in CoX although a bit small. I think it's a good example for the MWM dev group.
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.
It's a balancing act, it was one of the things I purchased a lot of in CoH. One of the most delicate areas is SG storage, they put a limit of 18 storage items in a base I presume to prevent people stockpiling ludicrous amounts of stuff for market manipulation, but that wasn't enough for me to store what I needed to make and store IOs for future alts.
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
In CoX, the way in which the salvage worked was that it was for 50 *items* total. Not 50 different stacks. So you sometimes ended up doing excessive juggling to make sure that you could still get drops.
I know that some people here dislike the way in which most MMO's deal with their loot, but I have always preferred the "stacks" way in which they deal with stuff. Sure, you can end up with *several* stacks of items, but when it comes to crafting materials, especially when you have so many types that *can* be used by a single player (like CoX had with its salvage), it gets annoying that you have to pretty much keep most of what drops just to be able to craft IO's.
Sure, if you are not going the craft it yourself route, you can ignore it... but that is the same in other games.
One thing I would have liked for CoX to have had would be the ability to set your Enhancement tray to use some form of comparative logic in deciding what to pick up, what to ignore, and what to delete to make room for new stuff. So like, being able to rank the different SO/DO/TO stuff in order of importance to you, by category. That way as you went around adventuring, you could just fill the tray then watch it sort of magically improve it's quality over time as stuff you like less gets replaced by stuff you like more. Of course, wiring that up to begin with might have been really tedious, I don't know. IT could come pre-programmed to like SO's more than DOs more than TOs then within that rank them by vendor average buy price or something I guess.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
While the question of "how will CoT handle item inventory/storage" seems basic enough it really hinges on an even more fundamental question of what kind of "loot" will CoT even deal with. Unlike the typical fantasy MMO where you can pretty much automatically assume it'll deal with physical things like swords, armors, magical gems, etc. in a superhero MMO it's not really obvious what "loot" can or should be. Even CoH evolved quite a bit over the years with the way it handled things like salvage.
Despite not knowing the specifics of what CoT will do we can at least speak in generalities that make sense. We should have a system of individual character inventories which hold a reasonable amount but shouldn't be so much that we could carry anything without consequences. Part of the game should involve choices of when to sell things and when to worry about running out of room. But by the same token I'm all for being able to buy/earn extra space to give players something to achieve with that. Same holds true for any kind of SG "bank" space - it shouldn't be infinite but it could be expandable with things you can buy/earn.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Resource Management meet Goldilocks Effect.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
The words "shouldn't be so much that we could carry anything without consequences" in Lothic's post gave me an idea. What if the amount of stuff you were carrying around in your personal "wallet" had a tendency to encumber you such that it made to walk/run slower if you had too much. You could still carry a lot, but it makes you less combat effective to be hefting all that loot around on your person. It would reek of old school DnD too.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
I'm not sure that stands up to verisimilitude. When your "stuff" isn't really physical objects, but "training" you've potentially learned or can share with others, why would it weigh you down until you got rid of it?
Additionally, that sounds like less fun, to me. This isn't a game about dungeon-delving, where a weighting factor of how much loot you can carry while remaining effective would be a thematic mechanic. This is a game about superpowered action and adventure. How often does the Flash get slowed down by beating up a dozen thugs until he goes to Batman to sell off esoteric detritus he somehow accumulated from those feats of daring-do?
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
Like you say the idea of "inventory encumbrance" is a classic mechanic from old school RPGs. I've seen various games base how much weight you can carry directly on your strength score for decades. While that kind of thing works as a game balancing feature in some games I would actually shy away from it for CoT if for no other reason we probably won't have character stats like strength.
The issue for CoT (that Segev alluded to) is that as a superhero game you can have a much larger range of character strengths than your typical human-type characters. It could go all the way from the tiny ant-man who technically couldn't lift a pound to a Hulk who could technically carry multiple tons. In that light it's probably easier to keep things abstract and make everyone start with same max arbitrary number of items for their inventory.
When I was talking about having inventory "consequences" it was more like what I think Redlynne was implying with her Goldilocks reference. The default amount ANY character should be able to carry should be geared more on how much loot a typical character is going to be able gather in a period of time and/or how much a typical character is going to need to carry as standard equipment. I think these kinds of numbers can be determined once the game starts its Alpha/Beta testing.
The ultimate goal should be to set the default inventory to a value that would let average players collect a reasonable amount of loot without having to go sell stuff every five minutes. On the other hand the default value shouldn't be so large that you could go multiple hours/days without selling or demotivate people from at least considering the idea of wanting to buy/earn additional space. The Goldilocks zone of inventory.
As far as allowing people to be "over encumbered" I suppose they could keep it relatively simple/strict. As a hypothetical let's say the default inventory limit is 50 items. Maybe the game would actually let you carry up to 70 items but any time you had from 51 to 70 items in your inventory you suffered an arbitrary across-the-board 50% speed reduction. That way you'd have the choice to carry too much but the penalty would be fairly severe and noticeable. Maybe there could even be an optional setting that would let players choose if they even wanted the game to automatically let them pick up too much loot or not. With a penalty this severe it would serve as another motivator to want to buy/earn more inventory space.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I agree to the extent that it might not be good to have in this game for a number of reasons (one compelling one being that people would just hate it too much), but the verisimilitude argument is one I don't personally find compelling enough in and of itself to kibosh anything on that score alone. I mean, people who don't like something can use that to shoot an idea down and you can use it to try to get some other idea into the game, but at the end you still need to make a game that functions well and doesn't have obvious mechanical problems and rules exploits galore, etc. Verisimilitude can't gate everything nor can it be the only thing gating stuff, I feel.
I mean Spider-Man is not usually construed as rich, but he still manages to have superpowers that he has honed to the point of being able to defeat Doc Ock. In a game where you'd be buying your powerups with in-game currency, that doesn't fit. Therefore there ought not to be in-game currency, due to lack of verisimilitude, or so the argument might go. What I'm saying is, the "it's a comicbook hero game, not a dungeons and dragons game" argument can be used to axe a lot of other things we actually want too, so that by itself never convinces me that the game is better without something that might work well mechanically to get the desired results. Like enhancements in powers. And in-game currency. So that argument alone, I feel, can be met with the reply of "yeah, but it IS an MMORPG after all, so there must be rules in it to ensure fair and interesting game play" so there are things that fit more into the "it's a game" zeitgeist than the "it's about comicbook heroes" zeitgeist, I feel.
In any event, I'm not married to the encumbrance idea, it was just a passing thought. One thing it WOULD do is get people to trim down their personal inventories to the point of actually selling or using a lot of this stuff instead of just carrying it around all the time. It would also give people a reason to have safe storage options elsewhere, like in a base of some kind.
Another thing you COULD do is have a rule whereby when you get attacked and take a lot of damage, or get defeated, you might lose some swag out of your ""wallet" due to the attack damaging it. Again, doesn't fit with the idea that these are abstractions, but then neither does the idea of being able to buy and sell them then, so that's a double edged sword. Frankly, the idea that you'd actually have an upper limit on how many of these abstractions you'd be able to "carry", or even that you could somehow "carry" them in the first place is also a broken system in that sense.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
I'm pretty sure - but not yet positive - that whatever our in-game currency winds up being, it won't be representing "money" in a literal sense. That said, I do hope we come up with something that makes sense to be able to trade around LIKE currency, because it WILL be traded like it, and I frankly found "inf" as defined in CoH and CoV to be nonsensical in concept as something you can literally trade with other people.
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
As we know CoH did its best to define Influence and Infamy some kind of "stuff" that wasn't a physical currency yet was traded like it was.
I ended up rationalizing it like this: We know hypothetical hero Captain Technoman didn't have any actual "money" to pay the local tech store owner to buy tech-based enhancements. But Captain Technoman had gained enough notoriety helping to fight crime in his community that the owner of the tech store was happy to "donate" certain amounts of his tech-based enhancement stock to Captain Technoman to help him continue his efforts to fight crime. Now Captain Technoman had only enough "influence" at any one time to motivate the tech store owner to give him a certain amount of his stock, but he didn't have infinite amounts of "influence" with the store owner. If he wanted to continue to get future support from the store owner he'd have to go out and fight more crime. That fluctuating finite amount of "influence" was accounted for in CoH by an abstract number value.
Basically Influence and Infamy were abstract ways to quantify the amounts of goodwill (or intimidation factor) a character had to acquire goods and services based off of their good (or bad) name. I imagine whatever word CoT uses instead of Influence/Infamy for this will be defined the same way.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I agree about the currency. For game purposes, you need a currency, but in the role playing sense it's almost anathema to what heroes are supposed to be doing. You pretty much have to have a currency, so I personally wouldn't even try to explain it. Just have it and give it a name, like "superbucks" or "looties" or something and be done with it.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
No Gifting Tax? ;D
In general, I was happy with inventory as it was in CoX, but I would LOVE to see this kind of idea implemented. I'm thinking of it a bit like Tactics in the Dragon Age games. OK, maybe not to that level of detail, but I'm thinking a similar implementation would do the trick, in that it's not completely free-form (to help simplify developement) but it gives a lot of choices for prioritisation.
Spurn all ye kindle.
I would prefer this - it should be as abstract as possible in order to represent a variety of things; influence, infamy, information, money, whatever.
You mean ... [b]INF[/b]luence ... [b]INF[/b]amy ... [b]INF[/b]ormation ...?
City of Heroes did that one already.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Ummm...yes I know - that's what I was referring to....
I think CoX did pretty good with their Inventory as well. I always felt like it was just big enough to not have to worry about it all the time and just small enough to have to worry about it some of the time. lol. Seriously though, I can see keeping it pretty similar to CoX's inventory. And for those that want more room, well there could always be an option to buy more inventory slots from the local Star-mart.
I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!
To be fair, I honestly came to think of Personal Inventory, plus Bank Inventory, plus SG Storage Tables as being a sort of grand unified inventory "system" with multiple moving parts to it. This allowed me to "dump" a goodly amount of my excess inventory into places beyond my character without necessarily selling it to a vendor.
And then there was using the Market as even more storage space for holding "stacks" of items, and even using in-game mail to get myself out of jams when I was so packed full of Inventory my character was effectively locked up solid and couldn't move anything around (no liquidity). Usually I could get out of such problems by shunting excess Inventory through multiple characters on my account via my SG's Storage Tables, in effect "muling" Inventory off and consolidating it for convenience. I called it "running logistics" whenever I needed to shuffle Inventory around, usually to craft Invention Sets, which were very Inventory intensive to produce.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Personally, I despise the "Inventory Management Online" aspect of most MMOs. Too much like doing a RL office job, minus the paycheck and minimal sense of accomplishment. In other games, sometimes I find myself stuck spending hours trying to figure out what to store where, what can be dumped, what needs to be equipped, what looks like it can be dumped but I'll kick myself later for doing so... Games are supposed to be about having fun, not simulating cleaning your apartment.
...and now I'm picturing unsorted inventory being displayed scattered haphazardly about one's in-game apartment, until you go through it and pick it all up.
No, I am not saying this is a good idea for actual implementation, but the mental image amuses me.
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
It would be cool if you could pay INF or whatever we're calling it to rent out storage space in specific bank vaults instead of having them all be magic doors to the same pocket dimension storage locker like in CoX. It would feel more like getting a bank box in real life. Then, if that bank get's robbed by NPCs, some or all of YOUR stuff that's there might get stolen. So you end up getting emergency alert missions (but only while you're actually logged on) that give you the option of "drop everything and get to the bank ASAP!" or "No, saving the world is too important, I may have to let some of my stuff get stolen while I defuse this doomsday bomb". People would have to decide on their own how important theiur stuff is, only stash the somewhat low value stuff in banks, try to get boxes in the more secure banks, etc.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
Why are you so sadistic??
I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!
Let's not forget, I intend to enjoy playing this game myself, so the better word for it is probably "masochistic" :) I usually assume questions like that to be rhetorical, but in this case whether it is or not I think it bears discussion on its face.
I like a base rules set that's fairly harsh and fraught with (I hope) realistic-feeling drawbacks and limitations. That way, you can design other parts of the game that make them "better" by reducing the impact of the drawbacks or offsetting them in various way, or even making them WORSE as a way of obtaining some advantage in some other area.
In a world where all bank vault access works like CoX, you have a certain amount of storage space and can access it from all the banks interchangeably. In the system I've proposed, you would need to decide which banks are safest and which are located in the most convenient areas for your toons, and then there's the problem of the INF cost to rent them out, which might be different in different banks. All of this becomes fodder for missions, NPC interactions, etc. Not to mention the fact that you could then sell people game store items that work better and are less fraught with peril. Subscribers could get way better vault space perks as opposed to non-subs, etc. Thus the game store makes money by providing an alternative that is either more secure, or lower rent, or more convenient, or all of those etc for real world dollars. Not to mention the idea that you the hero might actually give a damn about which bank is being robbed because you do YOUR banking there. It would definitely make you feel more like part of the city. You could have events that spawn where a particular banks gets robbed and the heroes online at the time need to respond or EVERYONE loses some stored stuff, etc. It would pull the community together, I would hope, best case scenario.
If you disagree with the basic premise that "harsher is better, as a core rules set, then you can add stuff to ease the pain here and there" consider the crafting system CoX had. If you wanted to make a rare IO you needed a recipe which dictated what level the IO would be, and some salvage pieces that you had to gather up, and you had to pay influence to craft it all together. It would have been a lot less work and drudgery on our part if the recipe itself was the already-crafted IO and there was no salvage or influence cost needed to make the IO (like how SOs worked). And yet, the IO crafting system was "better" in the game sense. The more already-efficient and pre-shortcutted the game rules are in their basic state, the less room there is for the devs to make more cool stuff to add on later and make our lives easier via upgrades, etc
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
I used to think the same way... especially in Eve Online where I had *numerous* thousands of items scattered around the universe over many years of gameplay.
I then decided to go "bugger it" and come up with a method that actually doesn't take all that much time.
1) All gear that drops gets sold/salvaged ASAP unless it is of "top" rarity/quality.
2) All crafting materials get sent to the appropriate player at the end of the day (or when inventory is full... depends on game).
3) All miscellaneous stuff gets dumped in my bank/sorted/sold as and when.
4) Only keep one stack each of potions/boosts on the character. All others get sold off/banked at the end of the day.
5) Dyes get used by character, and then sent onto the next character (incase they can be used there). Skill books get sent to appropriate character automatically. I will sort them out when I play them.
To me, because I was able to do stuff like this *as* I play... I actually don't have all that much "inventory sorting" to do at the end of the day. Because it is already done for me.
It also helps in that I already have idea's for knowing what gets sent where as I play the game. The hardest point is trying to work out where to start... or if you decide to change your sorting methods at some point. That is why some people just dump stuff everywhere and then cannot find the stuff, whereas others go through and make sure that it can be found.
Which reminds me, need to send some materials off to craft something...
Awww.. FDIC no longer covers that City? :(
I LOL'ed!
I was hoping for a response of.. "Well, See... that city is a High Risk, so the FDIC lowered the coverage amount from 100,000 to 10,000." So Heroes, it's On You! to protect your Own Ass'ets! ;D
Not when supervillans can not simply take off with the content of the bank vault, but with the bank vault entirely. And the building it is in.
This is s tricky approach though. Players will automatically accuse you of trying to 'nickel and dime' then to death.
SW:TOR did something very much like this and got that exact criticism from just about the entire community.
Making Goldilocks happy in these situations is difficult. Too little paywall restrictions and you won't make a profit, too many and your players will forever hate you, and your children.
The better way to handle the Storage by Using a Bank approach would be to make the storage a limited amount for free. Then if a player wants more storage they either have to buy more space through the Cash Store, or rent it from the bank by paying a fee for the temporary increase in storage. However, you don't lose anything by placing it in the bank. That's why people put stuff in a bank to begin with. Security. Even if the bank is robbed, the money is insured so that you won't lose it. Now I could see having the possibility of being robbed and losing stuff if we had personal housing. We could even have things like Home Security Systems, increased police patrol, insurance, etc., to decrease the odds of your personal housing being broken into and loss of personal property.
When making a suggestion about implementing something into a game I suggest that you make it something that is a nuisance, but not to the point that it makes people want to rage quit and allowing for some way for the user to overcome the nuisance by paying money to do so. This way the player has the option of deciding for themselves if they feel that it's bad enough that they want to get rid of it by paying cash or live with it and be mildly annoyed to the point that some day they may decide that it's worth it to pay the money to get rid of it. Not just something that makes a person say, "NOPE! I'm done. Screw this! I'm out."
I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!
I certainly understand the problem of nickel-and-dime-ing people at every turn. I don't want the game to feel like it's constantly setting me up to have to pay again at every turn either. Not ALL of the different possible "make it harder" suggestions are going to fly after all, but it helps to see the opportunities that exist within the limits of what might be called "realistic role play" and then pick and choose from there which things you want to do and which you're going to just skip out of a sense of "enough is enough already". I mean, I'm not proposing we make each toon have to fill out a tax return and find a good preschool for their kids and try to maintain their credit rating and so forth, but any and every idea in that vein, if it occurs to someone, is at least something to mention and discuss here now, I feel.
This gear storage issue is also a thing that, to me, goes back to the reasons for and implementation of the hybrid (Free to Play / Subscription) model that I'm assuming might be in place when the game gets underway. For me, I personally feel that the "Free to Play" (which of course is a misnomer if you had to buy the box in the first place, and since I KNOW someone will bring that up in response if I don't mention it here, I'm mentioning it here) ought to be the option for people who don't intend to play a lot, are pretty casual about it, only play because some of their friends are into it for the time being, aren't really "invested" in the game (either emotionally or intellectually), etc. For those people, the amount of inherent "harshness" in the game that can be overcome by subscribing ought to be a good reason to either subscribe (if you're going to actually play the game a fair amount) or just not play so much that you end up caring about all that "hash" stuff in any meaningful way.
I don't want to grind the casual players gaming to a halt, but I think that a swag storage system like I described doesn't really punish the casual people who only have a few bits and bobs to haul around, the amount of personal wallet space we get will likely be enough for that type of player. On the other hand, the people who want to try to economize the gear/influence/market system and acquire vast amounts of everything to amass a financial empire are going to have a lot of harsh logistical work and legwork to do when trying to manage large portfolios of stuff like that on a free account which forces them to deal with this stuff in its base state while a subscription player might have the advantage of a larger personal wallet, cheaper and more secure storage in their personal lair and/or SG base, etc.
In previous posts I've mentioned my own personal thoughts on the idea of making people *GHASP* pay for content, and most people hated it. Some of those people suggested we only make people pay for other stuff, like for example storage bin space and whatnot. It occurs to me that if you're going to make people pay for that stuff, then you ought to give them a reason to want to have it in the first place. Also, I just love the idea of having to drop everything and save the bank from being robbed in order to avoid losing any of MY stuff. I feel like the role play/PVE game implications of that sound really fun. Instead of having yet another Rikti Invasion nobody cares about, you could have them attack the banks and watch the players go nuts trying to repel them, etc. I would love that. More fun big-group play where we all try to save the city together.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
And again, I think you are thinking in the wrong direction. Instead of thinking about hugely negative impacts, think instead of hugely positive rewards. If you want everybody to stop the mission/TF they are currently on, then give them a big reward for doing so. Not take away their stuffs. Forcing people to choose things like that is not a good game design. Incentivize your options, not penalize. If you constantly penalize people for trying to play a game you will drive your playerbase straight into a different game.
I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!
Okay, but whatever the established baseline "standard deal" is for this game, by virtue of the base game rules they write, anything that represents an improvement on that would then be considered a "reward". I mean, I think all rewards are some form of "better than usual/expected result" from doing something. Nobody said you COULDN'T have rewards drops for saving the bank, and if its a repeated event like an invasion there could be badges for doing different parts of it (defeat X bank robber bosses, get a badge, if the vault remains intact, everyone gets a badge at the end, etc).
I don't believe in the "comparison shopper" theory that says our game has to have the most free stuff and the least drawbacks in order to attract the most gamers. I don't think anyone picks and chooses their games based on how easily the devs will hand you everything you want. If they did, everyone would be playing that new awesome game called "You WIN!" where all you do is download and install it for free and you automatically win. That game sucks precisely because there's nothing to do in it. Making people work for the rewards (XP, INF, gear drops, etc) is the basic meat of games like this in the first place. People DEMAND the right to farm the same mission over and over for swag. Would you rectify that repellant grind and save the poor gamers from leaving CoT by just flat-out giving them the swag they want without having to grind for it at all? If so, I don't see how that makes the game more fun or engaging. To the contrary, I think it takes all the fun OUT of the game to do that. I think devs will be able to determine somehow what things are "too much grind" and what are "not enough work for it to be a game in the first place" reasonably well. I also think that not all people are as averse to all risk as you think they are. I mean, I might store my less valuable stuff like some salvage or whatever in a "non-secure" bank. Anyone who puts their purples in there knows what they're getting themselves into when they do that. There are, or should be, other (more secure) options, just maybe not as much as you'd probably think you need.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
I just had another thought. What if the game had a maximum amount of fake money your toon can carry, then you have the ability to store like more money in banks . So you open a bank account at a bank and they charge you an up-front fee (in INF or fake money, whatever we're calling it) to open the account and then give you interest on monies deposited, have minimum balance rules, etc. It would be every bit as horrific as banking in the real world. It would be borderline-educational to show gamer kids how horrible banks in the real world actually are with this stuff. And again, only people who have a LOT of fake money to store would need it, and if you have enough deposited you might even be able to make some interest over time. Of course, just like in real life, you might do better by wheeling and dealing in the open market.
That's another angle with the whole "more realistic bank vault storage" thing, it prompts people to either sell off stuff they don't currently need (which keeps the game economy churning, which is good) or else store that stuff in a somewhat unreliable place, or else pay real money for added "secure" storage space in some way.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
I hoard all the stuffs so I can make all the things and give them to all the peoples freely. Don't make me throw away the unmade stuffs cause I hate selling the stuff or the things and not everyone needs the things right away but they will.
The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.
I agree with you and yet the players who have fewer alts may be fine with it. I believe that the benchmark should be based around a single character. You should be able to store enough stuff to do a respect all the way to top level without having to pull any shenanigans with inventory. If this means enough slots for all of your Enhancements then fine.
I also spent quite a bit for increased inventory but that's because my tolerance for tedium can be very low. I don't want to be the guy that everyone is waiting on because I need to sell junk mid-TF. However better inventory controls can help with this.
I'd like to see two kinds of Inventory slots: Priority and Fluid. Anything that goes into a Priority slot will stay until deliberately dropped, sold or used in some way. Fluid slots can accumulate stuff until full. The player would be able to choose, with a check box, whether to allow fluid inventory to rotate (new items bump out old ones), to prioritize (new items only bump old ones if they're of a higher grade/rarity/whatever) or whether there is no rotation (the player has to manually drop items to get room for new items.
All of this frees me up to do what I want. If I need Magic loot and I'm fighting Tech guys I can set it to rotate as I please. Items I want to keep go into Priority Inventory. I don't like most loot systems as a rule because most heroes seldom collected loot but I understand that the gaming community wants loot so we have to have a system of some kind if the game is to succeed. But just because we have to have it doesn't mean I want to have to deal with it any more than necessary.
I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...
I would assume that if you're giving away crafted objects as soon as you're done crafting them, in that case you'd be LESS worried about storage space than someone else. After all, you ought to have no great difficulty in making room in inventory if you're just giving stuff away for free.
In any event, the argument you're making here is "I want unlimited space" which is what everyone wants, I would think. Even if you're willing to concede that "unlimited" is probably not realistic, you still sound like you want "so much inventory space that the limit on it is nothing to worry about" which is no different than "unlimited" as far as the game mechanics are concerned.
There will either be a desire/need for more inventory space or not. If there is not, you've given the players so much space up-front that they don't feel they need any more. I don't think they ought to make that the "standard deal", I think they should give people "limited" space for free (and by that I mean "a limit so low that you DO Feel like you want more", in most cases), then charge them "money" in some way(s) to expand the inventory later.
This could be done by subscription, microsub, one-time transaction, vet reward, in-game fake money "rent" on SG base, personal lair, bank vault space, etc.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
Don't you dare try to make me pay real money each month for extra space. I will pay for extra space per character (DDO extra bank and bag space I bought all of them on my main) Build / Buy for SG. I filled my SG with stuff and my husbands SG with my stuff to craft in CoH. You wouldn't believe how much more space it takes to craft for others then yourself. One time cost, sure fine, monthly, no.
I need X items, they require Y mats in Z amounts. That is all I will ever need and can throw away / give away all else.
You come to me for a glove of many hands. It might take 5 obscure pieces of loot I never needed. 1 finger from 5 different level 1 trash but with a super low drop rate.
Static comes to me and he needs this awesome death-ray engine. That takes 200 matering thingies and 500 why-for-you-needs. Plus a dead cat for the soul ignition system.
Well luckily I kept the dead cat (if you get the reference I love you) and I forgot to toss away 1 finger but I had so many of those fingers I didn't need them so I tossed em. I got 100 each of the MT and WFYN but with space being so limited I couldn't keep the rest on hand. Yet if I could, I would have.
If I crafted only for me and were selfish I could get away with so much less. Some games force me to do that.
The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.
I have a GREAT idea, let's start the old "how to monetize this game" argument all over again, right here and now. I'll start:
Without a steady stream of income, this game falls on it's face and quickly dies. Thus, making demands on what stuff you absolutely insist has to be free is counterproductive, because it just leads to more people coming up with more stuff they want for free until eventually we all have to agree that EVERYTHING about the game needs to be free or someone somewhere who likes that thing a lot will quit, and we can't have that, can we?
What is far more productive, to me, is people testifying as to what sort of stuff they WOULD pay for to the point of being able to support the game in the long term. So what DO we want to pay a monthly fee for? Let's talk about that. I'll tell you my deal.
I personally paid for VIP on CoX because it allowed me to do Incarnate Trials. They were fun, rewarding group content that allowed you to do huge "super TFs" with like 20 people at a time and got you new superpowers that you couldn't get any other way, and they got shut off completely if you let your subscription drop. And I loved all of that so much I paid $15/month for it AFTER the game went F2P. I would totally pay $15/month for something like that again. What would YOU pay $15/month for, assuming the game itself is "Pay $50 for the 'box', then free after that, but VIP optional for like $15/month" like CoX was?
I personally think a person paying $15/month ought to get more storage space than a person playing by on a "no monthly cost" account. You might think it sounds unfair to charge people ongoing monthly costs for more storage space, I think it's unfair to the subscribers NOT to give them more for their money than the free-to-players get. So you tell me how to reconcile that in such a way that the company still makes money.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
For me, I am not after unlimited space. I am after *reasonable* space, which City of Heroes was not really putting enough storage to do it *reasonably*.
I will say that recipe storage was fine though, that was enough to be able to carry enough to be able to craft enough of your new enhancements if you so desired without having to make multiple trips to the AH.
However, on the other side of the fence the *component* side of it you had enough to storage to craft 16 enhancements at the same time.
Shame you could only craft *10* before you ran out of storage (unless you spent real monies). So if you were planning to do your crafting all in one go... you couldn't. It was several back and forth trips, jumping into several windows (one of which was a full screen blocker...).
And respeccing... yeah.
It sounds like you're defining *reasonable* as "so much that I don't feel like I really need any more" which is, practically "infinite" . I didn't find the amounts of storage in CoX to be unreasonable. I mean, if you looked at the salavage and SOs and whatnot and think about what they were ostensibly supposed to represent (Nectanebo's Gourd, Circuit Board, Gold bar, Adaptive Flow Control, Mathematical Proof) the role play implication there is that you're hauling around like a metric ton of random junk wherever you go.
And where is it written that everyone SHOULD be able to make a huge batch of IOs whenever they want without running out of space? Are you seriously suggesting that a level 50 toon should have had the storage space to make and slot the over 75 IOs you would have needed to fill all of your slots after a full respec in one go? That sounds like WAY too much space to me, and not just "way too much for the base, free to play deal" but actually "way too much for anyone, period." A job that big SHOULD require multiple trips to and from the various places you need to go to do that work, to me.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
Character slots should be biased to paid like it was with CoX. Some costumes should only be available if you have had a subscription at some point. Some costumes you would have to pay for.
I liked to keep enough salvage round the base such that if alchemical silvers went up to 500K I had 20 that I'd acquired through adventuring or bought at 100K. Once you're doing that for lots of things you need a lot of storage. Let alone keeping all the crafted IOs you made and knew you would use later. IIRC my main personal base (hero side Victory) had 6 salvage racks permanently full and 12 enhancement tables. The overflow (villain side Justice) had something similar. I also had several other bases on various servers where I had enhancements stored.
At the height of what I was doing (as well as storing stuff for my characters, I was buying recipes, crafting them and selling hundreds of enhancements a day across maybe 20 characters), and that demanded storing a lot of salvage to even out the price peaks.
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
I am totally for spending real money for expanded Storage. I would also hope that CoT give people the "right" amount of storage to be just enough. What is that amount? I do not know. I don't even claim to begin to know. I just hope and trust that CoT will be able to figure that amount out and implement it. Perhaps they should start low in the beginning to see how people respond, then increase it gradually until the right number is found.
I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!
It occurs to me that no matter how much storage space they gave you in CoX, after 8 years you had plenty of time to stockpile enough stuff that whatever storage you had would be full, so that's not a compelling argument for more free storage space. Whatever they give you, you CAN fill it, eventually, that much is already assumed.
On a related point, I don't think allowing people enough free storage space to be able to keep 20 Alc Silvers handy just to churn the market for them is good either. I think the people who have THAT much space to devote to pure market speculation should probably be paying for that added space somehow, since it's making them "money".
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
I'm thinking of a compromise. Part of my idea is to have two different scopes of storage: character storage and account storage. The two would be separate and would be monetized differently.
Character storage would work much like it does in World of Warcraft. Each of your characters would have some default amount of storage space which could be increased with "bags" that grant your character more item slots when equipped. Bags could be acquired through normal play via crafting, drops, or special rewards. Those willing to spend real money could buy high-capacity bags from the cash shop.
Account storage would be more like a "bank vault" that every character on your account could access. The only option to unlock account storage would be via a subscription paid with Stars. The cost per vault should be minimal in my opinion. A lapsed subscription would only allow you to remove items from account storage until you renewed the subscription, and items would expire if left in unpaid storage for too long. Converting INF to Stars would allow everyone access to this storage.
This gives players the best of both worlds. Players unwilling to spend real money could expand their characters' inventory by collecting bags through normal play or by converting some of their earned currency into Stars. Players willing to spend real money could buy high-capacity bags for their characters and subscribe to as much account storage as they need. This creates a clear choice between paying a subscription, paying per upgrade, and paying nothing at all.
Note that I've said nothing in regards to guild/supergroup storage which I have no immediate opinion of. I've also made the assumption that all items will share a common storage medium as opposed to separate storage for each type of item as it was in CoX.
If we are going that route, then we shouldn't have ANY storage because not everyone is superstrong and would be able to carry it. So lets go the D&D route and limit how much you can carry by your strength stat ;)
And that only works for the characters who have "physical" items for improvement. What about the mental based character concepts? What are they lugging about?
Actually, more than anything else, I would have *preferred* that items could actually stack and not take up 20 slots, because I just so happen to carry 20 of the same salvage.
The on thing to remember is that most other MMO's, you generally *share* your inventory space with everything that you pick up. Yes that is a limiation, BUT consumables/salvage/crafting materials stacked to a much higher degree.
Oh and your bank slots could hold more than just salvage... you could store other items in there.
Ironically, in the 2nd part, I can pretty much craft my *entire* rune set (72 slots right now can go up to 78 I think total when fully "decked out") in Wildstar in just 2 trips if I really wanted to. Not that I *need* to do it all in one go (although that point is coming up soonish quite possibly), but if I had to do it I could do it in 2 trips. Quite possibly *one* trip.
And this is only because crafting materials *stacked* (and so do runes as it turns out, but to a lesser degree).
Even having a general common storage could help out, so that being full on "salvage" storage doesn't prevent you from getting salvage drops. They would go into this overflow. Full on enhancements? Same thing. Full on schematics? Same thing.
The only thing that would actually stop you from getting drops *Full stop* (if we went with CoX drop style) would be if your common storage was full.
But the thing is, it is a balancing point. I just think that it should be done a bit differently/larger for *end results* than anything else (or let end results stack to a *certain* degree if they are items that can be put into numerous slots)
So for me, if there were 10 different enhancement types, I would let you carry 6 stacks. Each enhancement storage slot could hold up to 5 of the same item. So this would mean that you could carry 30 of the same item... or 6 stacks of 5 items. Just so long as each stack consisted of the same item.
Salvage, similar concept.
Although I will say that *ALL* of the above is also dependant on how the "personal bases" idea works, and if personal bases would allow some form of player storage, or if it would just be SG bases that could have that facility (I hope not though...)
I'm a cheap man, so I would make the excuse, if if takes up disk space on the server it should be paid for. Even if its just a tiny Database Entry. ;D
Tough crowd. Tough topic. Not anywhere near enough available facts.
I like the idea of both Account-based storage and Character-based storage. Perhaps more accurately, Account-based, Group-based, Character-based.
Account-based storage should be large enough to completely outfit one character. Just one.
Group-based storage should be enough to completely outfit each group member one time. So if the maximum Group size is 70 characters, then the base needs to have facilities to store 70 characters worth of whatever items the game requires. It would even be nice if the Group leader could designate storage compartments, or perhaps divide storage between individual and community so that items a character directly equips belong in their designated individual storage (enough for one full outfitting) while consumables can go into community storage.
Each individual character needs to be able to carry enough equipped items to replace their current equipment once.
In short, storage provides enough items to completely outfit one character and the character can store up to four complete outfits not including the one they wear (1 on their person, 1 in individual storage, 1 in group storage, 1 in account storage). "Outfits" and "equipped items" referring to whatever this game finally deploys that more or less corresponds to CoX Enhancements.
So, assuming a level 50 character has ten powers and can slot five equipped items per power, they need to be able to cart around 50 items. It seems to me, instead of separate storage for enhancements and loot, both should go into the same storage (both on their person, and in their individual, group, and account storage), so now each character can carry 50 loot items and/or enhancements, can store 50 loot items and/or enhancements in a bank/warehouse/whatever, can store another 50 items in their account storage so they can pass them between characters on the same account, and can store another 50 items in their individually assigned storage at the base, this allows up to 200 items for each individual character, or 150 per character plus the 50 for the account, if you prefer to think of it that way.
The important item being one full outfit of equipped items as the base figure for computing available storage. Consumables such as heals, buffs, rez, etc. are entirely separate and I'm not even going to speculate on them.
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I see this and I cringe. I would GLADLY limit myself to 1 character and have that single character receive the inventory space of all you twenty combined. Is that even an unfair request? Give up a character slot to gain it's inventory space on 1 other character?
The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.
Guild Wars 2 has a very convienient system for inventory, storage and crafting.
You have access to an accound wide bank which can be massively expanded with real money. This bank even has a special tab for crafing materials which can hold a full stack (250) of every material. And really well arranged, neat and tidy. And that too can be expended to hold multiple stacks of each item using real money.
You can deposit crafting materials to your bank from everywhere either one stack at a time or everything you have in your inventory at once. To reach it again you have to go to the bank, but it wont clog up your backpack any longer.
Crafting stations also act as bank access, so when you craft something you can access your storage and do not even need to take the materials out to use them. They are available for crafting while in storage.
All this makes managing your inventory and crafting very easy and you can easily store enough materials to supply a few characters without need of paying real money. And I for one really like that. You can run around exploring for weeks and never need to visit a town. Less tedious tidying up, more fun. If you ask me, that is the direction City of Titans should go. I can understand the demand for realism, but I do not believe a very restricting inventory space is worth it.
And for what I have read so far crafting is supposed to be about what our characters expierience in the game, not about physical loot. We might find ourselfes combining a memory, a creative thought and some inspirations from recent adventures to obtain a new item, rather than a fotune, a ruby and a ceramic armor plate.
Storage space was only an issue post IOs, before that it really wasn't necessary to store great amounts.
And you misundestand me, I wasn't churning the alchemical silver market, I needed it to craft IOs and didn't want to be at the whim of market prices to buy it so stocked up when they were cheap (or more often took one of my 50s down to 30 in ouro and went to old DA to kill BP for it).
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
Okay, but I still think the storage space should be somewhat tight for the people not paying a monthly fee of any kind and then a lot more spacious, but still not unlimited for the subscriber.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
That is a balancing point, and something that some people *hated* Bioware for doing in SWTOR. In that the developers had the GALL to limit the amount of space to the free players (even though crafting materials stacked, and you needed to keep track of fewer overall items), whilst giving the subscribers the ability to have 4 (or even more) times the storage space.
I wonder how much people would pay per month for one additional storage space. It would seem to be a good way to let people calibrate how many storage spaces they want vs. what they're willing to pay, if they can rent them individually. Want just one more? Rent just one more. Need it just this month? Rent it for just this month.
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
If the dollars to Stars conversion rate set's Stars at some fairly small dollar value, say 1 cent per Star or 10 cents per Star, I could see doing this, if it's more like "$1 = 1 Star" I can't see that happening. I would want more than 1 new storage space for a whole dollar per month. At that point, for a whole buck, you'd need to give me a permanent unlock of the extra space probably.
Of course, this is also highly dependent on how many storage spaces we get for free every month as well. I that number is "zero, you have to rent each slot you want" then I would cry foul. If it's so many that I don't feel cramped at all and don't need any more, good luck getting any money out of me for any more slots.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
Agreed it is a balancing point. And it also depends as to how (or IF) the storage expands in game anyway. CoX had it with inspirations in that as you levelled up you could hold more and more inspirations compared to a lower level character.
Salvage/Recipe/Enhancement storage stayed pretty much the same.
Other games allow you to use larger and larger bags, so that you can carry more and therefore *forced* to go to the vendor less often.
Its this point of balancing it. Hell, you could even go the (interesting) route of limiting how much items *Stack* instead.
So whilst you are not buying (directly) extra storage, items that stacked could stack more (or less) according to payment.
for a sub player: Stackables stack to 100/50/20
for a F2P player: Stackables stack to 50/25/10
For a Premium player: Stackables stack to 75/40/15
The different slashes are there because I would assume that not all stackables *would* stack up to 100. There might be some differences where they can only stack to 50 or even 10 (purely for "carrying balance" reasons). Short term/consumable one shots could stack to 100; items that provide a buff/effect for a 3 minute duration could stack to 50; items that last for 5 minutes could stack up to 20.
Numbers used are just for example, not hard and fast.
It depends on what a single storage space is. Can it hold just one item or a stack of items? And how much is one storage slot, compared to drop rates and inventory size? If there is no perceivable difference I would not bother with one rented slot. If that one slot can make my life a little easier, maybe. But I guess I would rather look for a package deal of more slots for less money per slot. I suffer from the 'but I might need it later'- habit, so I will always have to little inventory space.
What I would really want would be remote access to storage, (sell only) vendors and auction house. I would happily pay for that kind of convinience.
I am NOT renting a durn thing and I seriously hope this is NOT the route taken. sell additional bank slots, sure, I can get behind that. renting though? no thank you.
Well, if you ask 100 people "How many inventory slots is the bare minimum to not feel 'cramped,'" I think you'd get between 90 and 150 different answers. The idea behind renting additional ones would be to allow each person to weigh the monthly expenditure vs. their comfort point, so they have as many as they need to feel "not cramped" and no more.
As for how it would work, I imagine it'd be just like any inventory slot in the game, so if there's stacking, it would hold stacks.
For those who feel this way, why would it be acceptable to charge for extra "bank slots" but not for extra "character inventory slots?"
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
renting slots is just a bad direction to move and opens up a very slippery slope. why not just rent out special costumes, for example? (imagines heroes/villains runnin around with lil "Hertz Rent-A-Costume" slapped across their chests). Renting is a bad direction to go and could end up driving off more costumers as it could very well be "perceived" as gouging the players for cash...especially if the initial offering of inventory/bank slots is low. IF this happens you could then possibly start losing players faster than your gaining them. word of mouth gets out from the aforementioned "perceived" price gouging and its effectively Game Over for CoT.
no...I believe we should stick with "selling" bank/inventory slots. Renting leaves a very bad taste in the does in mine at least.
There is a commitment to the idea that the things you buy you own displayed by CoT BUT some small Quality of Life things like extra storage give a great way for players to add revenue (in game revenue or IRL revenue) to show where that "enough" boundry lies.
Without the metric of "who's bought em" how would you, as a developer, find the top of that bell curve?
Crowd Control Enthusiast
I won't RENT extra bag space. As I play 1 toon anyways I'll just make alts and have my husband help me transfer the items. I'll make him make alts too as he plays 1 toon. You make space for rent I'll make new characters. It's cheaper and permanent.
Sell me bag space. SURE, I'l buy that to not have to bounce to a bank toon
The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.
Personal non-dev opinion.
I also hate the idea of renting space, I'd much rather just pay up front for a goodly chunk forever on all my toons.
One thing NW got horribly wrong was making buying bags/bank slots on a per character basis, they'd have got a lot more money out of me if they'd offered me 24 slots on all characters for say 3-4x the price of 24 slots on one character.
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
I really cant stress how much I am against RENTING inventory/bank slots. it is in effect, a subscription...and given many people have an aversion to paying a subscription to a game they like I have to assume they also will dislike the idea of renting bag space on a monthly basis.
personally, I have plans on getting a subscription to the game and now the idea floating about is to add to that monthly cost for additional inventory/bank slots? I'll take a big PASS on that action. I'll buy permanent slots...but I will NOT rent them.
I wouldn't rent storage space only. I'd buy more storage, but not rent it. Now if there was a subscription base that allotted more storage space per month than a non-subscription I could see doing that, on top of allowing me to buy additional storage as well.
I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!
I agree that "renting" storage space is a bad idea. A F2P or Premium player isn't paying a subscription fee specifically because they don't want to pay a subscription fee. End of story.
Making them pay monthly "rent" for extra storage space is forcing them to pay a subscription fee. Can you not see the psychological push back caused by that? You're forcing someone to do something they are trying to avoid doing in the first place. They're going to feel like you're poking them in the eye, and people generally try to avoid painful things like that. They do it by avoiding your game
F2Ps need to be kept around, because they bring along their friends and can spread good "word of mouth" publicity. The trick is making enough of them desire to use the cash shop without making it seem like you're forcing them to. The dev team is going to have to do research and decide on a "goldilocks" point, and I'd rather they err on the side of caution and raise that point slightly over time than having it set too high and driving players off
Lay your hands on me
While I'm bleeding dry
Break on through blue skies
And take it high
Renting anything is a bad idea. Worst thing I've ever seen is MMOs that let you purchase temp whatevers.
If we have a subscription for about 15$ per month and that would offer perks that seems to be okay with everybody. But it seems to me that, as soon as this subscription gets splitted up into smaller more transparent packages, everything in that subscription suddenly becomes a bad thing...
I think the people who are taking a hard line against rentals are looking at this from a bad angle. Assuming those of you against renting space are still okay with paying $15 per month for a full sub, that sub represents the rental cost of EVERYTHING there is about the game that you don't get just for paying the up-front fee to download it. Nobody on here that is against rental fees has stated that they're averse to paying a $15 sub every month, and I know for a fact that I intend to do that, or whatever the sub cost is. Assuming there is the option of NOT paying a sub, while still being allowed to log on and play the game, the sub cost MUST buy you something that you don't get without it. The sub, which we all agree we're okay with, is in fact therefore the RENTAL COST of everything you wouldn't get without a sub. All that remains is to break that down into which items should cost which amounts of money.
Imagine a system where you play $15 not for a month's sub but for Stars. Then you can spend those Stars on anything and everything there is that the game has in whatever amounts you want. you might want to buy a new costume set that just came out this month, do you buy more Stars to cover it or do you just cut back on wallet space, or crafting, or market slots to offset th costume set costs? Entirely up to you. Assuming $15 would buy a month's worth game VIP play, plus rent on whatever wallet space you would consider "adequate", plus the right to send and receive tells, plus crafting rights, plus slots on the market auction house to buy and sell stuff, plus all of the other things a full sub ought to buy you, how many dollars worth of that $15, in your opinion, is that wallet space alone worth to you? That is the question.
Because the way I see it, if they want to charge me an extra 10 CENTS per month for a couple of added wallet slots, I'm willing to fork that over (assuming we're talking about all of my toons here, not just one) upto the point where I feel like I have enough slots. At 10 cents per month each, I might even round it up to the nearest 50cents and buy more than I think I need, just in case. I would assume that you get some very small amount of wallet space for free every month just for buying the game up-front, then to get from "cramped" to "reasonable" you have to spend some of your $15 on wallet space, with the rest going toward other things.
The fact is, people on forums hate paying money, hate talking about paying money, and hate putting price tags other than "$0.00" on anything they actually want, but the game has to make money somehow to survive. I personally reject any and all "just buy it once and own it forever" pricing preferences as stated by players as being replacements for ongoing fees that would, taken in their totality, amount to a monthly subscription. CLEARLY that is a cost you pay one time and then play the game free of monthly sub charges forever afterward. GREAT deal..... for YOU, the player. How does the game company survive in years 3, 4, and 5 on that? It doesn't, period. The game makes no money in years 2-3, dies shortly afterward. Even when you buy something in the real world for money and it's permanent, it isn't really permanent, not after you take durability into account, things get banged up, or become obsolete. I'm currently sitting in my computer chair looking at my LAST computer chair which is all torn to shreds in the corner of the room. With real stuff you have to buy s new one when the old one breaks. That doesn't happen with virtual stuff in games. If the furniture industry sold stuff that never wore out, like video game virtual objects, we'd all be sitting on chairs that were made in the 1500s.
As for the wallet slots themselves, I think their marginal value starts out high for the first few and then they get progressively less valuable as you get to the point where you have enough to make do. Thus a single price tag on that is tricky, because if I have ZERO slots, I want those first few very badly, but when I have about what CoX gave us as subscribers, I'm not paying for any more simply because the added space is unnecessary to me. Also, you can't shaft people by giving them zero slots as a baseline. The purchase of the game and the fact that you have a toon at all means that toon ought to be able to carry some very small amount of stuff inherently. Beyond that each added slot you buy is less valuable than the one that came before it, and eventually you hit a point where people just don't need any more. And that's going to be different from person to person.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
I want to spend my time playing the game not fiddling with my microsubs or a too small inventory
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
So do I, which is why they will likely offer and I will likely buy the "Top Shelf VIP Monthly Package" or whatever every month and then not think about it. I pay my $15, I get my usual outlay of stuff (which is basically "ALL of it, with the eggs on top", and I forget there were ever other options.
People who need to economize and have to save some money here and there might be more willing to think about which bits and pieces they can live without for a while.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
Nope, I am thinking of the "storage" rental idea from a different angle. Hell City of Heroes had an *enhancement* rental system, and I *HATED* that idea. Infact, when my sub dropped I just stopped playing because respeccing my character was too expensive and wasteful. You didn't even get a "partial" benefit from the enhancements, it gave you jack all.
So in a "storage rental" system, what happens when your rental period expires and you have items in the package? Do they get locked away until you pay money again?
Does it go by a system where as you "free up storage" the items that were in lock up slowly fill up the "free" non rental spaces?
Can you still move items FROM the storage but not put anything in? This would be preferable because it would mean that you wouldn't be blocked from using the rental slots, just that you cannot put anything NEW into that slot. You are not playing "storage tetris"[1] to make sure that if you did end up out of the game for a period of time, you were not screwed over when you come back.
[1] And seriously, considering the discussions that we had here about "storage tetris" and looting systems, and although I am not TOO against storage tetris where it makes sense, I do like being able to loot without thinking "oh crap, I cannot put it there just in case something happens and the game locks the inventory away". Yes, I do think of the rule "if it can go wrong, it WILL go wrong".
The question of what happens to stuff that is occupying storage slots when those slots disappear is a valid one. Whomever is designing the storage rental system definitely needs to address that. I'm in favor of locking the items indefinitely until the rent is paid again, then offering a cash shop item for a small fee (way less than a month's sub) called "Item recoverer" which pulls your items out of frozen slots and puts them in useable slots, assuming you have enough useable slots empty to accommodate them by then. That way you can pay a SMALL fee to get your stuff out of impound one time. When the recovery tool does this function, it should probably give you the option of liquidating any or all of the assets in question for INF or something. Like when you respecced in CoX and it gave you "NPC going rate" prices for enhancements you didn't have room for anymore.
Of course, things like costume pieces, character slots, storage space, etc mechanically tend to work in such a way as to make renting them an awkward proposition (as we're discussing here). That mechanical property of slots is one valid argument for taking the position that maybe we should just make this a "Buy it once and own it forever" type of thing, at least on a per-character basis, maybe. I still dislike those types of items due to the fact that they do not provide a stream of income for the company nor do they provide the subscriber a reason to keep subscribing in a world where continuing to play while NOT subscribing is an option.
What I keep coming back to is the problem that in order to provide people with a good reason to want to pay a sub every month, you're stuck with either A) make it, essentially, a sub-only game like WoW where you can only get to say level 10 without paying a sub, or B) if the non-sub play is a really viable option, you have to give people a continued reason to keep paying every month, and there a finite amount of stuff you can do to make that happen, all of which feels like taking away quality of life stuff from the non-subber to make paying a sub the only way to play the game without it being really limited and annoying to have to wade through.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
How do people feel about one of the subscription perks being more inventory slots?
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
Supposing I drop my subscription one month and my slots go from 25 down to 15 at a time when I had all 25 slots full of stuff. Which slots do I lose access to and what happens to the stuff in them?
Assuming I go and pay for a sub again later, is that stuff gone forever by then or is it still there when I get the slots back?
Is there any way, short of paying a sub again, to just get my stuff out of escrow (if it still exists at all) with smaller one-time fee?
Or how about this, maybe when you "lose" those extra slots, you only lose the ability to put stuff INTO them, but you can still take stuff OUT freely? That might work better.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
Falls under the heading of "Preferential Treatment" that I have publicly championed on more than one occasion, so I'll spare you the rerun.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
increasing inventory/bank slots for folks paying a subscription makes sense to me as it is included in the sub. it also keeps my payments and overall general administration of my account simple versus having to keep track of a billion lil payments having to be made all over the place.
A little dialog pops up, asking which Other character you want to transfer the selected inventory extras, maybe via in-game-email? :{
I'd still like for there to be some way to permanently increase your storage capacity by making a C-Store purchase. I even gave an example one time of how I thought it should be done.
These are just random numbers, so don't read too much into them.
No Sub = 25 inventory slots expandable up to 50 with purchases through the C-Store.
Sub = 50 inventory slots expandable up to 75 with purchases through the C-Store.
This way people who don't Sub can get through purchases what the Sub person initially gets and then if someone does sub they get even more storage through subbing with purchases.
I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!
I'd think that would go without saying. Give subscribers moderately more of everything
Let the F2Ps pay one time fees to make them Premiums if they want the good stuff. Par for the course
Lay your hands on me
While I'm bleeding dry
Break on through blue skies
And take it high
The last one was the CoH solution, they dropped one of the storage devices from 100 capacity to 30 and that was how they did it.
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]
The "you can't put stuff back into them" approach is the one I advocate. It's simplest, avoids irritating decision-making in the moment, and doesn't cost the player anything for forgetting to empty his inventory before his subscription ran out.
[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]
Agreed with Segev. What you're "buying" is the permission/right to PUT things into slots/places, not the permission/right to PULL from those slots/places. You can always PULL, but you can't always PUT. Keeps a lot of things tidy that way.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]