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inventory and storage

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Cute Kitsune
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FFXIV has a storage rental

FFXIV has a storage rental system $2 / month. I ran out of bag space. I got a friend and traded them 97 stacks of stuff. Logged in an Alt, Traded back those stacks. Leveled alt to get storage with friends help. Now those items are sitting nice and free on a toon that will sell them and I will add more stuff to the market board every week till it all sells or I transfer new stuff. I just started playing FFXIV about 45 days ago. So, money where my mouth is, I won't rent space. I'd have paid $35 (18 months cost) to own them without a second thought. Granted those retainers do ALOT more then hold inventory too. Had it just been space I'd have paid maybe $7.50-$10.00.

Hope this data point helps as it just recently happened.

The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.

syntaxerror37's picture
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Cute Kitsune wrote:
Cute Kitsune wrote:

FFXIV has a storage rental system $2 / month. I ran out of bag space. I got a friend and traded them 97 stacks of stuff. Logged in an Alt, Traded back those stacks. Leveled alt to get storage with friends help. Now those items are sitting nice and free on a toon that will sell them and I will add more stuff to the market board every week till it all sells or I transfer new stuff. I just started playing FFXIV about 45 days ago. So, money where my mouth is, I won't rent space. I'd have paid $35 (18 months cost) to own them without a second thought. Granted those retainers do ALOT more then hold inventory too. Had it just been space I'd have paid maybe $7.50-$10.00.
Hope this data point helps as it just recently happened.

Unlike Cute Kitsune, I was an multi-alt player. I designated certain characters to store ranges of salvage in their vaults, others were Bankers holding a billion inf or so. They were alts I actively played, but the point remains. Why would I ever want to rent storage space when I can just buy character slots for Mule Man and Shelf Girl? And even that is assuming I don't have some unused slots to begin with. Even if you blocked direct transfer between characters on the same account, I can easily get around this with my wife's account, and vise versa. As long as you have a trustworthy friend, or even just access to two accounts you can do this.

Now if you offer me more storage as a one time purchase, and the price works out more economical than buying a new slot I will certainly purchases at least one upgrade, probably withing the first month of playing.

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The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Radiac's picture
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Ok so the lesson learned then

Ok so the lesson learned then is that "storage per toon" and "number of toon slots per account" are related products. You probably can't charge money for one without charging for the other.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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I used toons I didn't like as

I used toons I didn't like as bankers.

Lutan's picture
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How about this:

How about this:

Individual storage slots, bank slots and auction house slots you buy permanently.

Storage managing convenience like remote bank/ vendor/ auction house access is for rent.

Would that work?

Redlynne's picture
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Using characters as "mules"

Using characters as "mules" for extra loot/inventory space is as old as [url=]Diablo II[/url] ... meaning 15 years and counting. This cannot in any way be considered a "new" phenomenon (that no one has ever thought of before).

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Cute Kitsune
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Using characters as "mules" for extra loot/inventory space is as old as Diablo II ... meaning 15 years and counting. This cannot in any way be considered a "new" phenomenon (that no one has ever thought of before).

Yet, some how, we are having this discussion. Renting what I can have permanently is a cost higher then the time it takes to move stuff. So unless number of characters and space are massively limited relative to unique needed loot. It really is a no brainer.

The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.

syntaxerror37's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Using characters as "mules" for extra loot/inventory space is as old as Diablo II ... meaning 15 years and counting. This cannot in any way be considered a "new" phenomenon (that no one has ever thought of before).

Older than that, it goes back to MUDs.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Radiac's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Using characters as "mules" for extra loot/inventory space is as old as Diablo II ... meaning 15 years and counting. This cannot in any way be considered a "new" phenomenon (that no one has ever thought of before).

So what's the solution then?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lin Chiao Feng
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

Redlynne wrote:
Using characters as "mules" for extra loot/inventory space is as old as Diablo II ... meaning 15 years and counting. This cannot in any way be considered a "new" phenomenon (that no one has ever thought of before).

So what's the solution then?

Don't monetize inventory; just make it unlimited? Sucks to have to sit out part of a TF/raid because you have to vend loot.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Interdictor's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Radiac wrote:
Redlynne wrote:
Using characters as "mules" for extra loot/inventory space is as old as Diablo II ... meaning 15 years and counting. This cannot in any way be considered a "new" phenomenon (that no one has ever thought of before).

So what's the solution then?

Don't monetize inventory; just make it unlimited? Sucks to have to sit out part of a TF/raid because you have to vend loot.

Unlimited inventory would be problematic for a variety of reasons (not the least of which would be hoarding and screwing the player market). I would be satisfied with a set amount at character generation, with the option to buy more space if needed. I'm not a fan of "renting" the space - I'd prefer to see such purchases be permanent. The question I have is; would this be per character or per account?

As for "vending the loot" - meh - wasn't really that much of a prob in CoH - no more so than the occasional bio-break - just let your teammates know - they might want to do the same.

Izzy's picture
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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

I'm not a fan of "renting" the space - I'd prefer to see such purchases be permanent. The question I have is; would this be per character or per account?

Character Bound. ;)

When you Delete a toon you dont want anymore that you already paid once to increase storage space on, you dont get a refund.
And thats Ok. I see it as Tricking out a street racing car. You paid once to improve its mileage.. but if you wreck it.. You loose all of it.

When Creating a new toon you will need* to pay a one time fee Once Again if you want extra storage.

And, MWM makes cash (just think of it as money that might be re-Invested back into the game),
plus 99% of the player base doesn't see it as being unfair. Win, Win. ;)

Radiac's picture
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The other approach would be

The other approach would be to force players to pay rent on both character slots and inventory slots per character. Considering that for a minute, when the rent isn't paid on a character slot, then what happens? The toon is still there but locked, making both the character itself and, by extension, the inventory it has unavailable until rent is paid?

I would point out that this method is neither "Pay to Win" nor "Paywalled content" and is thus the preferred thing most people CLAIM they want, namely "pay for added quality of life stuff only".

If you're going to demote the rent paid on character slots to "no that should just be free" or even just "pay once and own the character slots/inventory space forever" neither of those methods make the company any regular amount of "repeat business" money over time and are thus not a thing that would cause someone to want to pay a subscription or even be part of one.

People, when posed with the question of "What will cause you to want to pay on a regular basis?" largely respond with "nothing" because their responses, a lot of the time on these forums, are things like "I should just get that for free" and "I should be able to pay once and unlock that forever" and "just make THIS free and then charge other people for stuff I don't care about and leave me alone".

None of those reactions amount to anyone wanting to pay a subscription because they feel like it's the best value for the money, which I think ought to be the goal. And that's a tall order, when the other option is "pay $50 to buy the game then everything is free forever after that", or so I'm assuming.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Cute Kitsune
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

The other approach would be to force players to pay rent on both character slots and inventory slots per character. Considering that for a minute, when the rent isn't paid on a character slot, then what happens? The toon is still there but locked, making both the character itself and, by extension, the inventory it has unavailable until rent is paid?
I would point out that this method is neither "Pay to Win" nor "Paywalled content" and is thus the preferred thing most people CLAIM they want, namely "pay for added quality of life stuff only".
If you're going to demote the rent paid on character slots to "no that should just be free" or even just "pay once and own the character slots/inventory space forever" neither of those methods make the company any regular amount of "repeat business" money over time and are thus not a thing that would cause someone to want to pay a subscription or even be part of one.
People, when posed with the question of "What will cause you to want to pay on a regular basis?" largely respond with "nothing" because their responses, a lot of the time on these forums, are things like "I should just get that for free" and "I should be able to pay once and unlock that forever" and "just make THIS free and then charge other people for stuff I don't care about and leave me alone".
None of those reactions amount to anyone wanting to pay a subscription because they feel like it's the best value for the money, which I think ought to be the goal. And that's a tall order, when the other option is "pay $50 to buy the game then everything is free forever after that", or so I'm assuming.

So, if I am given 50 starting spaces and I need to hold 200 items. I must A, pay rent on 2nd-4th character slot or B, pay rent on 3 inventory upgrades? How about C, I make 3 extra accounts and just log them in and hand over stuff. Oh a 1 time fee, ok I'll pay it. Now I've unlocked perm for a set cost my extra space ... I've just circumvented your rent system ... next?

The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.

Lutan's picture
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Cute Kitsune wrote:
Cute Kitsune wrote:

So, if I am given 50 starting spaces and I need to hold 200 items. I must A, pay rent on 2nd-4th character slot or B, pay rent on 3 inventory upgrades? How about C, I make 3 extra accounts and just log them in and hand over stuff. Oh a 1 time fee, ok I'll pay it. Now I've unlocked perm for a set cost my extra space ... I've just circumvented your rent system ... next?

I think we have arrived at a level of effort that will stop a lot of people from trying to circumvent the system. There will always be some way to do it, but if it requires buying the game multiple times, paying a lot of money for that, I guess that is acceptable.

If we really end up with character slots and inventory for rent that is.

Radiac's picture
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Cute Kitsune wrote:
Cute Kitsune wrote:

Radiac wrote:
The other approach would be to force players to pay rent on both character slots and inventory slots per character. Considering that for a minute, when the rent isn't paid on a character slot, then what happens? The toon is still there but locked, making both the character itself and, by extension, the inventory it has unavailable until rent is paid?
I would point out that this method is neither "Pay to Win" nor "Paywalled content" and is thus the preferred thing most people CLAIM they want, namely "pay for added quality of life stuff only".
If you're going to demote the rent paid on character slots to "no that should just be free" or even just "pay once and own the character slots/inventory space forever" neither of those methods make the company any regular amount of "repeat business" money over time and are thus not a thing that would cause someone to want to pay a subscription or even be part of one.
People, when posed with the question of "What will cause you to want to pay on a regular basis?" largely respond with "nothing" because their responses, a lot of the time on these forums, are things like "I should just get that for free" and "I should be able to pay once and unlock that forever" and "just make THIS free and then charge other people for stuff I don't care about and leave me alone".
None of those reactions amount to anyone wanting to pay a subscription because they feel like it's the best value for the money, which I think ought to be the goal. And that's a tall order, when the other option is "pay $50 to buy the game then everything is free forever after that", or so I'm assuming.

So, if I am given 50 starting spaces and I need to hold 200 items. I must A, pay rent on 2nd-4th character slot or B, pay rent on 3 inventory upgrades? How about C, I make 3 extra accounts and just log them in and hand over stuff. Oh a 1 time fee, ok I'll pay it. Now I've unlocked perm for a set cost my extra space ... I've just circumvented your rent system ... next?

Presumably the one-time fee for making extra accounts is $50 per account (you're literally buying the game a second time).

Assuming the average entrepreneur only need like 3 accounts worth of space, this is still way cheaper than paying $15/month for 8 years, if you look at it that way.

This may well be the reason why CoX paywalled content and sold IOs in the store. The added slots were just gravy and maybe a perk of paying a sub whereas the only ything people were willing to pay for over time was access to tip missions, alignment systems, Incarnate Trials/powers, Cimerora, the ITF, etc.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Segev's picture
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I find it interesting from a

I find it interesting from a psychology-of-marketing standpoint that people seem to object to "renting" inventory slots, but have no issue with extra slots being part of a subscription package. The reason I originally brought it up is related to the idea of microsubscriptions.

Note that I'm not criticising nor complaining, here, just noting the interesting difference in how it's taken.

Character slots are definitely one of those things which should be bought, not rented; an expired character slot rental would lock a character down, which is always going to discourage a player whose finances are not conducive to maintaining his subscriptions from playing. That can cost customers. Losing the right to put stuff into an inventory slot only is mildly frustrating, not nearly so depressing as realizing you can't play some of your characters until you ransom them.

Another thought I had, though it probably is NOT a good idea, would be "one-time emergency storage." Mid-mission, you can spend 1 Star (tentatively, roughly 1 cent, less if you've bought them in bulk) for 1 emergency inventory slot that can be filled [i]once[/i]. (It might be able to accept additional of the same stackable item, if item-stacking in slots is a thing.)

[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]


oOStaticOo's picture
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Renting = More money over the

Renting = More money over the long haul for a more affordable monthly price.

Buying = Money up front, but cheaper in the long haul.

There are different people with different approaches. Some don't have enough money up front to purchase the item outright. So renting the item is the only way to go for them. Then there are those that are willing to make the sacrifice and just flat out purchase the item and suffer for a little bit until they can get their feet back under them again. Basically, pay a lot now or a even more later?

I think the difference between just renting inventory slots or having it included in a subscription boils down to the overall package. If there are more things added into the entire package with inventory included then people will feel a better value is being given to them versus just renting inventory slots. This is part of why I have mixed feelings about this whole Micro-subscription idea. If we break everything down into bits and pieces and let everybody choose, I feel most people will just choose the most basic things they need in order to play the game and leave out the fringes. That could end up hurting MWM in the long run, maybe I'm wrong (shrugs).

Perhaps the happy medium is to provide both options. A high one time fee to purchase X amount of inventory space, or a cheap monthly fee of renting inventory space. Everybody seems to be a big fan of options, so let's give people options.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

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oOStaticOo wrote:
oOStaticOo wrote:

Renting = More money over the long haul for a more affordable monthly price.
Buying = Money up front, but cheaper in the long haul.
There are different people with different approaches. Some don't have enough money up front to purchase the item outright. So renting the item is the only way to go for them. Then there are those that are willing to make the sacrifice and just flat out purchase the item and suffer for a little bit until they can get their feet back under them again. Basically, pay a lot now or a even more later?
I think the difference between just renting inventory slots or having it included in a subscription boils down to the overall package. If there are more things added into the entire package with inventory included then people will feel a better value is being given to them versus just renting inventory slots. This is part of why I have mixed feelings about this whole Micro-subscription idea. If we break everything down into bits and pieces and let everybody choose, I feel most people will just choose the most basic things they need in order to play the game and leave out the fringes. That could end up hurting MWM in the long run, maybe I'm wrong (shrugs).
Perhaps the happy medium is to provide both options. A high one time fee to purchase X amount of inventory space, or a cheap monthly fee of renting inventory space. Everybody seems to be a big fan of options, so let's give people options.


Segev's picture
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Regarding the concept of

Regarding the concept of "mules," what if that were side-stepped entirely, and [i]accounts[/i] had inventory, rather than characters? Access it from any character you're playing. Perhaps with a tool to deliniate/organize your inventory "by character," but without any need for tricks or shenanigans to transfer items or wealth from one character to another.

People will transfer these things anyway; will it harm the game to eliminate the rigamorale required to do so within the same account? It would mean a larger inventory space in general than is on any given character "normally," but it would also mean adding new character slots doesn't necessarily add new inventory slots. Those would be separate. (Maybe a "recommended package" would include extra inventory along with a new character slot, just out of recognition that it might need the extra storage space.)

Is there anything harmful to the game in this idea?

[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]


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It would increase the OOC

It would increase the OOC feel of inventory management, but that was always kind of OOC for me

syntaxerror37's picture
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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

Regarding the concept of "mules," what if that were side-stepped entirely, and accounts had inventory, rather than characters? Access it from any character you're playing. Perhaps with a tool to deliniate/organize your inventory "by character," but without any need for tricks or shenanigans to transfer items or wealth from one character to another.
People will transfer these things anyway; will it harm the game to eliminate the rigamorale required to do so within the same account? It would mean a larger inventory space in general than is on any given character "normally," but it would also mean adding new character slots doesn't necessarily add new inventory slots. Those would be separate. (Maybe a "recommended package" would include extra inventory along with a new character slot, just out of recognition that it might need the extra storage space.)
Is there anything harmful to the game in this idea?

In GW2, the bank vault was buy account, but each character still has their own inventory.

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Redlynne's picture
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Segev, Tabula Rasa did

Segev, Tabula Rasa did something akin to this, in which you had inventory on specific characters (tabbed for different functions) and then you had a Footlocker (tabbed for extra space) which was the account wide inventory available to all of your alts. By City of Titans standards, it was heaping helping gobs and gobs and gobs of inventory!

Didn't stop me from turning one of my characters into a mule to hold Paint items used to custom color costume parts.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Radiac's picture
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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

Regarding the concept of "mules," what if that were side-stepped entirely, and accounts had inventory, rather than characters? Access it from any character you're playing. Perhaps with a tool to deliniate/organize your inventory "by character," but without any need for tricks or shenanigans to transfer items or wealth from one character to another.
People will transfer these things anyway; will it harm the game to eliminate the rigamorale required to do so within the same account? It would mean a larger inventory space in general than is on any given character "normally," but it would also mean adding new character slots doesn't necessarily add new inventory slots. Those would be separate. (Maybe a "recommended package" would include extra inventory along with a new character slot, just out of recognition that it might need the extra storage space.)
Is there anything harmful to the game in this idea?

This doesn't necessarily address Cute Kitsune's issue of "I'll just make multiple accounts one time, then never pay for added storage or a sub ever." does it? I mean, a one-time-only outlay of $50 is going to be a much better value over 8-10 years than any tangible monthly subscription you want to charge, isn't it? If the game lasts for 10 years and you buy a second account (or got one with the Kickstarter, like some of us) up front, the added $50 you just spent will amount to paying less than 50 cents per month for whatever amount of storage space that account represents.

I think the basic decision that needs to be addressed here is how much inventory space do you actually get without paying a sub (or microsub, or one time purchase, renting more, or microtransactions, etc.). How LITTLE storage space do you need to limit the non-sub to in order to encourage subscribing to get more inventory space (or renting it, or whatever)? Will that limit, whatever it is, have the desired effect on most people? Or will people largely just learn to live with less space and keep playing free or just rage quit instead of subscribing? Is there even a level of storage/inventory space etc that is the "sweet spot" for this, or does that sweet spot not actually exist? It could be that the proposition before the players comes down to either "enough to play on a non-sub" vs "little enough to cause people to quit outright" with no wiggle room inbetween.

That, to me, seems like the issue that needs to be addressed, and once again, a lot of people on these forums will come back with the response of "I should just be able to buy that once and have it forever, to heck with this 'pay rent on inventory space' stuff..." which tells me that the idea of giving people more inventory space as a subscription perk is really just the icing on the cake, you need to provide more for the money than just that. But beyond that, you're left with the possibility that NO level of inventory space is considered appropriate for the non-sub. At some point you go from "too little, game is crushing my attempts to have fun, I'm out" straight to "this is enough, I can make do as a non-sub".

Assuming the inventory space that is provided to the non-subber is intended to be a modest-to-cramped amount of inventory space for SINGLE toon, just to be able to collect some random drops and have a place to put them during a day's worth of missions, how many slots are we taling about? Andf do the similar items stack or not? Is there a stack limit? etc.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Segev's picture
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Speaking strictly anecdotally

Speaking strictly anecdotally, I am, myself, more than a bit of a pack rat. I always, eventually, run out of inventory space in any game, system, disk drive, filing cabinet, desktop, or what-have-you. It is only then that I really look to seriously purge my inventory for that storage device, and even then it gets difficult.

While I know there is a point between "not paying anything at all" and "paying an infinite amount" that I would balance at, I also know there would be a serious temptation to just buy one more space - even if it's just to rent it "for now" - if that were an option in order to postpone having to perform the tedius housecleaning chore.

I don't know how others play these games; I can only speak for myself. That's why I ask around here to see how others react. I'd be a sucker for the "one Star for an emergency storage slot" thing I positted earlier. I do not know if others would be. As long as I HAD the Stars already there, "It's just one Star" would be seductive.

[color=#ff0000]Business Manager[/color]


oOStaticOo's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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Myself, personally, I'd use

Myself, personally, I'd use whatever is given to me for free at first to see how well that goes. If I find that I am running consistently to the Vendor, Auction House, Base, or whatever to empty my inventory more than I am able to enjoy playing missions, then I'd look into what it would take to get more inventory space. If it were a rental only option I'd probably just suck it up and deal with it. If I could purchase more space for a one time fee, I'd pony up the money to do so. If it were included as part of a perk to a subscription offer, I'd seriously look into and consider the subscription. It's all about the value to me. Is it something I can just live with as is, or is it possible for me to make it better without it being too much of a burden doing so. Obviously there are different tolerances for different people. So finding that mark, well..........good luck!

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Radiac's picture
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I think most people will

I think most people will acquire stuff until they run out of space then start thinking about what to do about that when that time comes.

If you look at this from the stand point of a subscriber, the usefulness of the non-sub players is that they grind and get random swag like everyone does, but then like a lot of us they end up selling some of that and buying other stuff to make gear they want and get more min/max out of their toon(s). This drives trades and sales and makes the economy thrive.

Since the selling of stuff probably is being done to make room for more random swag to drop into, it occurs to me that if we want to make the non-subbers more useful have around for us sub paying players, we ought to set up the non-sub account such that it has limited space. Less space means you run out of space faster, which leads to more selling of stuff to the market to make room in inventory, which leads to more other players getting the swag they need for a reasonable price.

Therefore I feel like the non-subber should only get as much space as is needed to accommodate a 4-6 hour long period of playing the game at a fairly reasonable rate of swag acquisition (like soloing, not mission farming with a full team of 8 for max rewards). Then when they're ready to log off, they'll need to sell stuff off to clear some room for the swag they're going to get tomorrow before they resume adventuring again. This keeps them always either using the swag they got or selling it for whatever they can get in the short term.

I would also limit the number of buy/sell slots the non-subs get in the market (probably to just one of each) in order to force them to sell most of their stuff right away and buy stuff right away instead of putting a long-term buy/sell bids on the market and waiting a week or two for their price points to get hit. That or make them have to deal through NPC dealers exclusively.

For example, in the real world Magic card market, there are vendors (game stores) that have cards for sale for like $50 per card, but they'll buy that same card for like $25. This is an obvious and transparent attempt on the part of the stores to try to profit from the sale of cards, which is the business they're in. If NPC vendors performed the same function in CoT, buying swag at some fairly low price and selling it at a higher price, one can assume nobody would trade with them on an individual basis except people who were forced to (the vendors would still buy and sell on the open market though). So you let the subscribers access the open market directly and name their own prices for things at auction (like the CoX auction system for example) but make the non-subs have to go through an NPC "middle man" for all transactions they undertake. Assuming the NPC vendors are accessing the same market that the subscribers are, the arbitrage they're doing sinks money (and by that I mean fake game money, like gold or INF) out of the market and gives the non-subber another good reason to pay a sub.

In this system, subscribers would have the inventory space to store a lot of goods long term, and have the market access (number of buy/sell slots) to play the market speculatively, that is to make a profit for themselves. Meanwhile the non-subs would not have enough inventory space to store much of anything long-term, and would have to go through the vendors to broker their deals for them and as such would be at the economic disadvantage of having to cut deals quickly to get anything back for their swag, and would have to deal with a middle man all the time, making things less profitable for the non-sub players.

That system is not pay to win because you can still get whatever gear you want at whatever price the NPC vendor thinks is reasonable, and it's not paywalling content. It's pure "quality of life" for the money.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

Another thought I had, though it probably is NOT a good idea, would be "one-time emergency storage." Mid-mission, you can spend 1 Star (tentatively, roughly 1 cent, less if you've bought them in bulk) for 1 emergency inventory slot that can be filled once. (It might be able to accept additional of the same stackable item, if item-stacking in slots is a thing.)

hit delete on least valuable item.. Done. ;)

Anyways, why the hell is a F2P account even Able to transfer stuff around from toon to toon freely? Nip it in the Butt! :)
Place a Limit, of Influence transfers in a day.. as well as Augments or what have you. Receive or Send! >:)
I'm a stinker, I know. ;D

As long as it doesnt GIMP the F2P player in COMBAT,
i dont care if the F2P crow is INCONVENIENCED outside of combat. ;)

Well, thats not 1005 true. The exact same Travel power for a F2P should be on par with a Subber.
So, maybe the term PERFORMANCE is more appropriate as a metric?

Is Performance a factor?
if not.. place a ten ton weight on the F2P player. >;D

Oh wait, Gold Farmers might not like that limitation! :<
And they cant create more that 3 toons for a F2P account... Darn! :(
But, if the game allows for new slots to be Subscription based, they can just create 10 new toon slots for the same price it would have cost to just Buy 1, so they can spam using multiple toons, instead of just that one. YAY Gold Spammers, for the Win! :|

Lutan's picture
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Let us not forget that there

Let us not forget that there is an option planned for the non- sub players to be able to trade loot or ingame currencys for stars with other players. To do that, they probably need at least a reasonable amount of slots in the auction hause.

Greyhawk's picture
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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

Regarding the concept of "mules," what if that were side-stepped entirely, and accounts had inventory, rather than characters?

Account level storage - available to all characters on the same account, good for making item transfers
Supergroup level storage - controlled by the supergroup permissions and assigned by the leaders
Individual character storage - typical one-character inventory

In a MMORPG there is a real need for all three levels of storage. They don't all have to be the same size, and the combination should not add up to enough capacity to manipulate the ingame market. It would be very unwise, for example, to have hundreds of spaces to store items at the account level. Depending on what kind of items require storage, I'd favor a design that went along these lines:

Account storage - 15%
Character storage - 85%

Which adds up to a hundred, naturally because group storage is supplemental. It should have a range that can be controlled by group leadership. Something like:

15-30% per member

This just applies to storage apportioned to individual characters. Supergroup/clan/guild level storage is another ball of wax entirely, unless the items the group needs to build and outfit their base/lair/house/clan hall are the same items as an individual would use.

So, if we assume an individual needs a total of 50 Augments/Refinements and each Augment or Refinement requires 3 crafting components, then perhaps something like this:

Account - 15 unassigned Augments/Refinements\crafting components
Individual - 40 unassigned Augments/Refinements\crafting components
Storage assigned to the individual character - 10 to 30 unassigned Augments/Refinements\crafting components

And if the slot is used for a crafting component perhaps make it stackable up to 15.

The percentages don't quite match the totals, but it's fair approximation of the idea.

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Could you go into more detail

Could you go into more detail as to [i]why[/i] there is a need for all three kinds of storage? Preferably identifying why each is necessary. What does individual-character inventory space do that would be lost if it was all account-level, instead?

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Depending on what the loot is

Depending on what the loot is, there is the immersion factor. I will most certainly play on both sides, heroes and villains. To transfer some currency or items from one character to another is one thing, I do that out of character. But having my heroes and villains share their wallets and storage sounds a bit odd. Very convenient sure, but still odd at first.

Other that that, I can not think of anything. And just because it is new and needs a little getting used to is no reason to not do it.

The added convenience of an account wide inventory could even be a subscription perk. That would be difficult, I know, but an interesting incentive to subscribe.

Darkfaith's picture
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For me, at least, it's about

For me, at least, it's about organization. I do certain things with certain characters in any given game, and I organize the storage for that character by what I do with them, and sell anything I don't need on that character that isn't rare.

Unlike others, I don't tend to use alts to mule much. I would rather keep everything I need for that character on that character, without having to sort through a bunch of stuff I don't. I'm one of those people that would rather pay for the convenience of the extra storage on my crafting character than mess around with the time it takes to transfer stuff to a mule...and then back, when I need it. When I start messing with mules, things get lost, and I often get frustrated. My time tends to be limited a lot of nights, so I'd rather have everything I need on hand to do what I want to do without a fuss.

Would I use account storage if it were available? I sure would! For finished pieces that I'm transferring, for transferring start up funds to new alts, and to hold rare stuff. But, unless there's enough room to hold everything I could possibly want to hold for all of my alts (or possibly add a page per alt, and I had a full 36 on Virtue alone in CoH, I don't think CoT will be any different), and it's easily organizable (maybe different pages that can be custom labelled), I wouldn't want account storage to be all that there is. It would be an organizational nightmare, and I would probably hoard and hold onto far more than I would if I had reasonable character storage, and modest account storage.

Greyhawk's picture
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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

Could you go into more detail as to why there is a need for all three kinds of storage? Preferably identifying why each is necessary. What does individual-character inventory space do that would be lost if it was all account-level, instead?

If the game is to be character-centric, then the primary inventory should belong to a single character. A great deal depends on what kind of materials or items the character will need to have on hand from day to day.

As a minimum, each character should have enough individual inventory space to carry the drops from 5 missions in a row. Anything less and I find myself spending more time sorting junk than playing. Anything more and by the time I hit the store it takes me forever to decide what is worth keeping and what needs dumping. At this point I'm just talking about the number of items a character can carry. At the end of those five missions they will need some place to put the items they have decided to keep.

Individual character storage (the place they unload items into after five missions) is needed because each character will need different Augments and those Augments will require different components. If I need 14 widgets to make three Augments for a ranged damage character and 26 gizmos to create three Augments for my melee character, but my account-based storage only has 10 slots then I'm forced to focus on one character over the other. I make many alts and I play a different character every day. Each character needs enough personal inventory (the amount they can carry) to craft enough Augments to completely fill out at least three powers (4 Augments per power means enough components to craft 12 Augments without running back and forth between the storage and the workbench). The same character will need enough character storage (the place they retrieve those components from) to do this three or four times.

Character storage needs to different than account storage because it serves a different purpose. The purpose of Account level storage is so when my ranged damage character stumbles across a really cool melee Augment, or a rare component I need to make one, I have an easy way to transfer that item. Account level storage does not need to be very large, 10-15 storage slots should be more than enough.

Now, if you want to ONLY have Account-based storage than it is going to have be huge, easy to organize, and easy to access. I will need enough storage to completely outfit 3-5 characters AND store enough components to make 12-15 Augments for an additional 3-5 characters. And those are conservative estimates.

I like being able to play for about four hours and make no more than two trips to storage/vendors per hour. Thus, individual storage (personal inventory) has to accommodate this. When I get ready to craft, I like being able to pull out enough components to make Augments for 3 or 4 powers at a time (10-12 Augments), because I usually upgrade at the end of a play session right before logging off.

Now, if I don't have enough character inventory to carry the loot from 5 missions, and enough character storage to hold the loot from four hours of game play, then sorting, selling, storing, and crafting begin cutting into time I'd rather devote to running missions, hanging out at the local version of Pocket D, or just chatting with friends. And no, I can't craft and chat at the same time. My mind is a single 8088 processor with no cache to speak of. It only processes one data stream at a time.

Other players have even higher character storage needs because they will want to process and sell Augments in the Auction House. They will need to store enough components for 30-40 Augments and have personal inventory enough to craft and sell in similar size batches. Those players might even need double or triple the 10 or 15 slots in Account-based storage because they will want to organize crafting by character type. At least, that has been my experience.

Just having Account-based storage and no character-based storage beyond personal inventory is going to dramatically limit the flexibility and organizational choices available to all the different kinds of players out there. The Account-based storage would have to accommodate players with 10, 15, or 20 characters, and in some cases many more. Components would have to stack in huge stacks of at least 50, better would be 99, and even Augments/Refinements should probably stack in lots of 5 or 10.

No one really needs much their first day of game play, but by the end of the first week there will not be enough storage no matter how much you implement. Some players are natural hoarders, after all.

Now if one of your design goals is to limit hoarding, then small Account-based storage and extremely limited personal inventory would be the way to go, but having played in many games that attempt to do this for exactly that reason, I have to say, the end result is far too many unhappy players.

Of course, there are many things I do not know. I do not know how many components are required to craft a single Augment. I do not know how many Augment and Refinement slots are allotted to each character and at what levels. I do not know what kind of items enemies will drop, how often, and in what quantity. Variations in all of these dramatically change the storage needs of each character, each account, and each group. How many items can be stacked and how large the stacks can be also come into play.

And now that I've typed all that out, I did think of one exception.

If items dropped by enemies immediately transfer to the Account-based storage and if the crafting table loads up both Account-based storage and a list of available recipes at the same time so there is no running back and forth, then I suppose Account-based storage could replace both personal character inventory and individual character storage. However, the Account-based storage would still have to accommodate enough components to create 30-40 Augments at one time, and maybe even ten times that amount for the serious crafters.

One last caveat, all of this is based on storage available to a full subscription player. If you wanted to limit storage in F2P accounts then you would have also limit access to higher levels, crafting, and the auction house because there is no way for the game to be playable if personal inventory and storage are limited but they have full access to crafting and auctions.

All of these things work together. That is one reason so many mobile games have a free version and a full version. The free version lets a player get their feet wet, but to do anything at all they need the full version. In a MMORPG you could get away with limited storage only by also limiting the maximum level and then locking both crafting and the auction house behind the subscription "pay wall".

So basically in F2P they would create a character, run it up to about level 20 while being completely dependent on drops and vendors. They could easily get a feel for the game and decide if they wanted to subscribe. Of course, then your server winds up with tens of thousands of accounts that a person plays for a couple weeks and abandons, which creates an entirely new set of headaches, and all because you were looking for a way to limit server space consumed by storage.

I suppose F2P accounts could run on entirely different server and once a year or so that server could be wiped to get rid of the dead accounts? That would also bring some bad PR from time to time, even if it was stated up front.

Nope. I don't envy the job of the developers. Putting this puzzle together is a huge task. Life is much easier as a player!

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oOStaticOo's picture
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Perhaps we could have Account

Perhaps we could have Account wide storage and character storage? Character storage could be the drops each character receives. Account storage could be the crafted results of using those items to craft things with. Character storage could be set at a higher number than Account storage, seeing as how we would receive far more drops from missions than we would create items. This could give MWM even more options for either adding larger storage capacities to those that choose to subscribe, or sell more increases to storage in the C-Store?

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Redlynne's picture
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Each character ought to have

Each character ought to have personal storage.
Account storage simplifies inventory transfers between characters on an account.
Supergroup storage simplifies inventory transfers between characters within a supergroup (ie. Account-to-Account within a restricted range).

In a LOT of cases, and especially in City of Heroes, slot for auctioning stuff in the Marketplace wind up being extra inventory storage, potentially over and above what can be accomplished via Account storage. So keep in mind that Market slots can serve the purpose of Account storage simply by not putting the items up for sale.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Segev's picture
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My thought - and this is just

My thought - and this is just a thought - behind the "account-wide inventory" was that it would function in all ways as character inventory, but would be available no matter which character you're playing, and would be as large (by default) as the sum of all the inventories of the normal "maximum" number of characters you can have.

Making up numbers out of thin air for illustration purposes, if the theory was that you will have 3 character slots with 50 inventory slots per character, this model would instead give you 3 character slots and 150 inventory slots shared between all three of them. Buying new character slots would NOT give you 50 more inventory slots along with it, but by the same token, buying 50 more character slots is 50 more slots available to every character. The idea behind it would be to both remove the need for mules and remove the incentive to create them.

The valuable thing about a new character slot should [i]not[/i], to my mind, be the "free" inventory slots that a new character slot gives. If it is, we're doing something wrong in how we're pricing/making available inventory slots, at least to my mind.

That said, I am not saying that this "shared inventory across the account" concept is the right solution. It just seems a possible means to reduce the need for spending entire character slots on nothing more than inventory management. To decouple the use of a character slot - which should be a fun and exciting avatar to experience the game - from inventory expansion or management, and to bypass the need for hoop-jumping just to get your new level 1 character the best stuff the market can provide him. We know players will self-support (and support friends') new PCs; why create artificial obstacles we know they'll just circumvent, rather than incorporate it somehow into the design?

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Segev, sounds like you're

Segev, sounds like you're seeking a (*cough*) gearing ratio (*cough*) between how much inventory is personal relative to how much is shared. For this sort of thing, I'm thinking that a 4:1 ratio ought to work fine. 1 character gets 10 slots, but there's an additional 40 slots for the account. That way, MOST of the inventory gets tossed onto the account for long term storage, while the individual character acts as "liquid" storage for things like drops and so on (assuming we're even going to be having drops at all). The benefit here is that although muling of inventory CAN be done, the advantages of doing so aren't all that overwhelming, so ... lots of work (ie. overhead management) for little return. Perhaps that return will be enough for the dedicated to pursue it, while for the more lazy among us it just isn't worth the effort.

How does that sound?

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Radiac's picture
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The ideas I've seen here that

The ideas I've seen here that are in favor of individual character storage as a thing tend to be about immersiveness, i.e. "Why would Uberman share swag with Dr. Evil just because they're on the same account?"

To that, I will respond with the same argument I have gotten whenever I have argued in favor of more immersive rules (like NPCs that don't let you do the same mission for 4 years without finishing it ever).

The people who will do the kind of toon-to-toon trading among the toons on their account using the proposed system apparently don't care whether it's immersion breaking or not, they want to do it because non-immersive min/maxing is their Play Style (TM). Since those people apparently don't care about the immersion, or the lack thereof, why force that amount of immersiveness on them? If YOU don't think it's right for Uberman to share stuff with Dr. Evil, then simply refrain from doing that trade on YOUR account, but leave everyone else alone.

As for character inventory space versus account inventory space, the original idea, if I'm getting it right, would be that when you add more toons (which might be a one-time purchase item for each new character slot, pay once own it forever) you DO NOT get more account inventory space with that, OR any character inventory space, you JUST get a new toon who has to now share the same amount of account inventory space you still currently have. You would have to subscribe or pay rent on new account inventory space to get the added inventory that you now feel you may need. However you may like or dislike that, I don't know, but to me it feels a little bit like owning a car, then buying a new second car and having to pay additional rent on the upholstery for them.

I suspect at the end of the day that inventory space in and of itself is a thing most people just expect to have enough of given to them for free, to the point that any scheme you hatch to try to make them rent it is going to be viewed as pretty much a transparent and outright rude grab for cash.

For what it's worth, I still think the idea of limiting the non-subber to buying and selling stuff to just the NPC brokerages has merit. EVERYone wants good swag for their toons, making the non-sub have to "pay retail" and allowing the subscriber to trade sharper on the auction house makes a lot of sense to me.

I can envision clicking on an NPC, then seeing a window with options like "Do missions" and "trade commodities". When you click on "trade commodities" it brings up a searchable list of every type of salvage or recipe or IO or whatever that this particular NPC trades in. Each item would have a price the NPC is willing to buy them from you at, a price they sell them to you at, and a current inventory amount. Next to each item , on it's line, is a button to buy one and button to sell one. All you gotta do is find the thing you want, press a button to buy them or sell them however many times, and that's it. It's actually faster and more convenient than the market, but at the cost of paying "retail" as I said. I can see subscribers buying and selling a lot of the more common, cheap stuff this way just because it's faster than trying to auction everything off, and who cares if you're paying 500 INF for the Circuit Board or 1000 at that point? At prices that cheap, why bother haggling?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Once I got into crafting and

Once I got into crafting and the market, I was making enough IOs that the market slots for selling were more relevant than the inventory

Segev's picture
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I am frustrated that I cannot

I am frustrated that I cannot see an actual purpose behind character-specific inventory space, but it seems to be something that is expected as a norm, and whatever benefits may accure from decoupling it from character slots are not really looking significant (if at all extant) enough to make such a change, so I don't think I'll actually propose it.

My frustration, in case it comes out in my tone (for which I apologize), is not with anybody here, but with myself for not being able to put my finger on what it is that I'm missing. I do appreciate the feedback.

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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

I am frustrated that I cannot see an actual purpose behind character-specific inventory space, but it seems to be something that is expected as a norm, and whatever benefits may accure from decoupling it from character slots are not really looking significant (if at all extant) enough to make such a change, so I don't think I'll actually propose it.
My frustration, in case it comes out in my tone (for which I apologize), is not with anybody here, but with myself for not being able to put my finger on what it is that I'm missing. I do appreciate the feedback.

I think it's as simple as "people expect it" and it stops there. In other games, as far as I know, each toon has personal wallet space, so that's the paradigm people are used to.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Redlynne's picture
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I'll give you a reason, Segev

I'll give you a reason, Segev. It's the same one that involves tying rope between mountain climbers ... so that if one falls they all fall.

Giving each specific character their own inventory space, as opposed to just doing a single account-wide space, helps prevent "lockup" of inventory when you reach the point of being chock-a-block full with no more room for liquidity. I know that on multiple occasions in City of Heroes, I'd fill my characters up SO FULL that eventually I'd have to do a "logistics run" involving crunching down a lot of that inventory backlog ... and I could only do that because individual characters had at least some liquidity (ie. empty slots) available to them.

Think of the personal inventory as being more like an "overflow" to the account inventory if it helps. When it comes to games of inventory management, in a lot of situations it's important to have EMPTY spaces along with the FULL spaces so that you can move things around and "juggle" your inventory as needed for reasons various and sundry. If you devolve everything into being account inventory only ... if you lock up solid on inventory on one character, you've also locked yourself up solid on ALL characters ... which is what we like to call "not good" as a possible outcome. In a lot of cases, simply being able to "shell game" shift the inventory around between multiple holding places can become something of a mini-game puzzle all on its own (and one that the Player inflicts upon themselves to boot).

So, needless to say, I prefer the condition of a small personal inventory and a large account inventory simply so as to avoid (or at least delay) conditions of account wide inventory management problems where when one gets stuffed to the gills they all get stuffed to the gills. Personal inventory spaces help combat that outcome, and even if it does occur, by then the Player has no one to blame but themselves, as opposed to an inattentive lapse of attention to inventory management issues.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Radiac's picture
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There are still ways around

There are still ways around the problems that Red is posing above though in the "it's all account inventory" system. For example, you COULD give the owner of the account the ability to decide how the available inventory space get's partitioned among the toons on the account. So imagine you have 150 total inventory slots, and three toons. The game gives you a line segment that represents your total inventory space and it has two "partition" sliders on it that you can move left and right until each toon has the amount of inventory you want it to have. Then when you access your inventory, you get a tab for each toon and can drag and drop stuff around between the tabs all you want, but each tab has it's own maximum capacity, decided by you, with the limitation that the three toons get a combined total of no more than 150 inventory slots combined. You could even have a button that quickly does the math for you and distributes the remaining free slots evenly among the toons.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

whiteperegrine's picture
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I actually like how GW2 does

I actually like how GW2 does it...character inventory (that can be expanded for a one time purchase per bag slot) the size of which varies but they have bags that you can swap out (you start with 4 bag slots iirc) and then an account wide bank (this too can be expanded for a one time cost per slot) which I want to say will hold 50 items stacked up to 250(?). the account bank includes tabs for mats and mats stack up to 250 (and once again this can be explanded for a one time purchase). it seemed to be more than enough but the option is there to expand, which I did cause I am to much of a pack rat...and I am not even all that into crafting...."oooo...a moldy apple mat! (tucks away in storage...juuust in case)*

if we had something along those lines I would be pretty happy.


Greyhawk's picture
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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

My thought - and this is just a thought - behind the "account-wide inventory" was that it would function in all ways as character inventory, but would be available no matter which character you're playing, and would be as large (by default) as the sum of all the inventories of the normal "maximum" number of characters you can have.
Making up numbers out of thin air for illustration purposes, if the theory was that you will have 3 character slots with 50 inventory slots per character, this model would instead give you 3 character slots and 150 inventory slots shared between all three of them. Buying new character slots would NOT give you 50 more inventory slots along with it, but by the same token, buying 50 more character slots is 50 more slots available to every character. The idea behind it would be to both remove the need for mules and remove the incentive to create them.
The valuable thing about a new character slot should not, to my mind, be the "free" inventory slots that a new character slot gives. If it is, we're doing something wrong in how we're pricing/making available inventory slots, at least to my mind.
That said, I am not saying that this "shared inventory across the account" concept is the right solution. It just seems a possible means to reduce the need for spending entire character slots on nothing more than inventory management. To decouple the use of a character slot - which should be a fun and exciting avatar to experience the game - from inventory expansion or management, and to bypass the need for hoop-jumping just to get your new level 1 character the best stuff the market can provide him. We know players will self-support (and support friends') new PCs; why create artificial obstacles we know they'll just circumvent, rather than incorporate it somehow into the design?

Laid out like this it seems very workable. Different, and will take some adjustment, but very workable.

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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

My thought - and this is just a thought - behind the "account-wide inventory" was that it would function in all ways as character inventory, but would be available no matter which character you're playing, and would be as large (by default) as the sum of all the inventories of the normal "maximum" number of characters you can have.
Making up numbers out of thin air for illustration purposes, if the theory was that you will have 3 character slots with 50 inventory slots per character, this model would instead give you 3 character slots and 150 inventory slots shared between all three of them. Buying new character slots would NOT give you 50 more inventory slots along with it, but by the same token, buying 50 more character slots is 50 more slots available to every character. The idea behind it would be to both remove the need for mules and remove the incentive to create them.
The valuable thing about a new character slot should not, to my mind, be the "free" inventory slots that a new character slot gives. If it is, we're doing something wrong in how we're pricing/making available inventory slots, at least to my mind.
That said, I am not saying that this "shared inventory across the account" concept is the right solution. It just seems a possible means to reduce the need for spending entire character slots on nothing more than inventory management. To decouple the use of a character slot - which should be a fun and exciting avatar to experience the game - from inventory expansion or management, and to bypass the need for hoop-jumping just to get your new level 1 character the best stuff the market can provide him. We know players will self-support (and support friends') new PCs; why create artificial obstacles we know they'll just circumvent, rather than incorporate it somehow into the design?

This could work for me, provided that all of those slots are easy to organize in such a way that I can keep certain things separate from others, preferably with ways to label. If it's just a free-for-all of all those slots, I'd be terribly unhappy.

Radiac's picture
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I don't have a problem with

I don't have a problem with the inventory being an account-wide thing, really. I think the detail that matters is how many inventory slots a single account gets, and what those numbers are as a subscriber versus as a non-sub. If you estimate that 50 slots per toon is a decent number, then I personally would allot like 40 slots TOTAL to the non-sub account and maybe 200 or more to the subscriber.

People can only actually play one toon at a time, and as long as you have enough space to manage to make a couple of Augments (or Improvements, or Refinements, whatever) at a time, you're fine. I mean nobody ever said you had to gather up a metric ton of salvage and stuff before finally actually crafting it into useable Augments. You can get what you need, sell what you don't, and make stuff one item at a time and save a lot of space doing it.

So the non-subs will tend to have to economize on space while they kit out one toon at a time, while the subscribers can try to kit out 5 toons in tandem, horde anything and everything they want, and even use inventory space as a long term place to let rare goods appreciate in value before selling them for a profit later. That seems good to me. If you want to break that down into a micro-sub that get's paid every month for just the inventory space and nothing else, you'll probably need to do focus groups or something to determine a price point for the added space, because I have no idea what people will pay. I doubt anyone is going to buy 5 accounts at $50 each just to get their storage up to 200 slots, but in the long term, that's about $2 per month added up over 10 years so that's about what those slots are probably worth, about $2 per month for about 160 more slots. Somewhere in that ballpark anyway. You could maybe up the subscriber number to 250 or 300, which is probably more space than any one account will ever really need, just to make it look like a better deal, that wouldn't hurt anything.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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I see two issues with

I see a few issues with inventory being account wide. The first is if character slots are a one time purchase and all inventory is account based, then new characters can place constraints on the inventory. So then either new characters must also increase account storage space, account storage and character storage be separate, or there are also increasing costs for multiple levels of account storage. The last option could exist as is, but its also a slippery slope with character slots being a purchase and making sure if all inventory is account wide that the various levels of access is sufficient for all the total possible character slots. But I could also see some back lash if players end up in a position where they feel that they must purchase additional storage in order to add a new character too.

Another possible issue is designating character bound items. By very definition there needs to be a separate character specified inventory for any possible bound items. Not that there are any current plans for bound items but the possible inclusion needs to be accounted for in design.

Lastly, it can be an issue of management. If a player has a large single account wide inventory and they have a heavy / lengthy play session they might have to sift through a lot of their drops from that play session requiring a lot of down time. While character specific storage may be easier to manage on a smaller scale.

That said, the main point of context is the immersion factor. The player's character has their own personal inventory because those are things they eared and things they use. The account side of storage is only necessary for ease of the player transferring items from one character to another instead of using in-game e-mail systems.

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Lutan's picture
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Good points, Tannim222. I do

Good points, Tannim222. I do not want to press for the account storage solution, but I think some of the problems can be solved.

Tannim222 wrote:

I see a few issues with inventory being account wide. The first is if character slots are a one time purchase and all inventory is account based, then new characters can place constraints on the inventory. So then either new characters must also increase account storage space, account storage and character storage be separate, or there are also increasing costs for multiple levels of account storage. The last option could exist as is, but its also a slippery slope with character slots being a purchase and making sure if all inventory is account wide that the various levels of access is sufficient for all the total possible character slots. But I could also see some back lash if players end up in a position where they feel that they must purchase additional storage in order to add a new character too.

Possible solutions could be to offer a package deal. Buy a character slot together with storage extension and get both for a reduced price. Another idea would be that buying a character slot also grants a few storage slots.
And if a lot of the items stack, it might not be a problem at all.


Another possible issue is designating character bound items. By very definition there needs to be a separate character specified inventory for any possible bound items. Not that there are any current plans for bound items but the possible inclusion needs to be accounted for in design.

City of Heroes had multiple inventories for different kinds of loot. If things like that do ever come up it might be possible to create a specific inventory just for them. Not ideal, but it could work.


Lastly, it can be an issue of management. If a player has a large single account wide inventory and they have a heavy / lengthy play session they might have to sift through a lot of their drops from that play session requiring a lot of down time. While character specific storage may be easier to manage on a smaller scale.

I thought about that too. But the account- inventory would need to be clearly laid out and easy to organise anyway. How about one section of it gets dedicated to new items?


That said, the main point of context is the immersion factor. The player's character has their own personal inventory because those are things they eared and things they use. The account side of storage is only necessary for ease of the player transferring items from one character to another instead of using in-game e-mail systems.

I think that is more a matter of getting used to. Inventory systems rarely are anything near realistic, in most cases the character would need a cart or truck to carry all that stuff with him. We learned to not let that ruin our immersion, because a realistic inventory space would have us running to the vendors every three to five drops. If the account- inventory offers enough convenience over character- inventory, I believe that we would get used to that as well and learn to like it.

Radiac's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

I see a few issues with inventory being account wide. The first is if character slots are a one time purchase and all inventory is account based, then new characters can place constraints on the inventory. So then either new characters must also increase account storage space, account storage and character storage be separate, or there are also increasing costs for multiple levels of account storage. The last option could exist as is, but its also a slippery slope with character slots being a purchase and making sure if all inventory is account wide that the various levels of access is sufficient for all the total possible character slots. But I could also see some back lash if players end up in a position where they feel that they must purchase additional storage in order to add a new character too.
Another possible issue is designating character bound items. By very definition there needs to be a separate character specified inventory for any possible bound items. Not that there are any current plans for bound items but the possible inclusion needs to be accounted for in design.
Lastly, it can be an issue of management. If a player has a large single account wide inventory and they have a heavy / lengthy play session they might have to sift through a lot of their drops from that play session requiring a lot of down time. While character specific storage may be easier to manage on a smaller scale.
That said, the main point of context is the immersion factor. The player's character has their own personal inventory because those are things they eared and things they use. The account side of storage is only necessary for ease of the player transferring items from one character to another instead of using in-game e-mail systems.

On the first point, YES I think it will annoy people to have to buy a new character slot AND pay rent on more inventory space if they feel they need it, BUT, I don't think people will always need it. I mean, there's a finite amount of stuff one person can generate through play every month. Whether I have 10 toons or just 1, the thing that generates swag that needs to be stored is the play time spent playing toons, so since I'm only one person I can only generate so much junk so quickly. Whether that's all on one toon or spread over 10, it's the same amount of total junk either way. Therefore I don't think the question should be "How much storage space does one toon need?" but rather "How much space does one player need?" and the best answer you might get to that question is probably an average. Some people will feel like they need more, some less. I would aim low for the non-sub and then go over the top for the subscriber and only offer those two levels, either "not quite enough" for non-subbing or "more than you'll really need" for the cost of the inventory micro-sub.

As for toon-bound stuff, you can still do that, you just have per-character inventory that is largely invisible and inaccessible to the characters unless there's some thing in it to interact with. If you just got a cool new random character-bound item, you get a new window to look at the has that item in it like inventory space you never knew you had. Then when you process that item in whatever way it needs to bne processed (use it up, slot it in a power, etc) the per-character inventory simply disappears again. One other way to do that would be to email the character bound item to the character then force them to slot it immediately or else leave it in their email inbox indefinitely.

As for management, I think you do the thing with the partitions as I mentioned and then each toon only get's to see the partition it was allotted and can then email stuff to other toons on the same account to move stuff around. This basically takes the account-wide inventory that's available and apportions it out to the toons as the player sees fit and from that point out each of those apportioned lots is essentially the character's inventory, for all intents and purposes.

As for immersion, I already gave my take on this, but to reiterate, things that are necessary to make the game work properly or represent the most elegant or least complicated solution to the logistical problems that the game poses can and probably should be done even where they break immersion. People will still have some place for their stuff to go when it drops to them, and the hardcore RPers can always choose not to email items between toons.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Segev's picture
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One thing I think I have been

One thing I think I have been conflating in my head without really considering it is the distinction between "banked" storage and "carried" storage. These really are used differently. The former is long-term storage of items which you would access to change your "load-out" or to manage your market and crafting materials, while the latter is what you manage both for your current purposes (whether heading out to craft or market or adventure) and where you stick the new "drops" you acquire.

That last part, in particular, is the thing that likely makes carried inventory valuable as a storage space. It's what governs how often you have to go home to bank your drops or head to the vendors or the market to dump your vendor trash. That's a QoL issue.

Would it be fair to say that pricing "banked" storage differently than personal carried inventory is reasonable? Or are they functionally equivalent, and I'm overcomplicating things?

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Radiac's picture
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Another thing you could do is

Another thing you could do is have account-wide inventory, that when you log onto a given toon, that toon immediately gets all of the empty inventory slots allocated to it. Then when you log off that toon, any inventory slots that are filled remain allocated to that toon. When you log onto the next toon, now THAT toon get's whatever slots it left filled from the last time, plus all of the current empty slots.

So if I have BatWoman, SuperWoman, and SpiderBoy as my three toons, at any given time I will have some filled inventory slots that are designated by the game software as "BatWoman's stuff" some other filled slots that are "SuperWoman's stuff" and some that are "SpiderBoy's stuff". While I'm not logged into any toon, the open slots are just considered communally available inventory space, and when I log into a toon, that toon get's access to all of his stuff plus all of the currently empty inventory space. Whatever space that toon then fills remains "his" and whatever he leaves empty remains "community access" for all of that account's toons. For a toon to give something to another toon on the same account in this system, it needs to be sent via in-game email.

Then, when you pay for the added inventory micro-sub, you get a bank vault that holds like 4 times as much stuff as your non-sub account, and you can access that vault from any one of your toons. Vault allows user to create tabs for sorting stuff and lets you name the tabs "SuperWoman's stuff", "SpiderBoy's stuff" etc so you can keep different toon's stuff separate BY CHOICE if you want to, or you can make vault space one big dumptank for all of your stuff across all of your toons and use the vault to transfer stuff without having to use email.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

One thing I think I have been conflating in my head without really considering it is the distinction between "banked" storage and "carried" storage. These really are used differently. The former is long-term storage of items which you would access to change your "load-out" or to manage your market and crafting materials, while the latter is what you manage both for your current purposes (whether heading out to craft or market or adventure) and where you stick the new "drops" you acquire.
That last part, in particular, is the thing that likely makes carried inventory valuable as a storage space. It's what governs how often you have to go home to bank your drops or head to the vendors or the market to dump your vendor trash. That's a QoL issue.
Would it be fair to say that pricing "banked" storage differently than personal carried inventory is reasonable? Or are they functionally equivalent, and I'm overcomplicating things?

I think you're on the right track with banked vs carry storage. I tended to bank rare and invention salvage and almost never common salvage. I would regularly delete stacks of common salvage in TFs

Redlynne's picture
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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

One thing I think I have been conflating in my head without really considering it is the distinction between "banked" storage and "carried" storage. These really are used differently. The former is long-term storage of items which you would access to change your "load-out" or to manage your market and crafting materials, while the latter is what you manage both for your current purposes (whether heading out to craft or market or adventure) and where you stick the new "drops" you acquire.
That last part, in particular, is the thing that likely makes carried inventory valuable as a storage space. It's what governs how often you have to go home to bank your drops or head to the vendors or the market to dump your vendor trash. That's a QoL issue.

I believe I explicitly stated this in [url=]Post 129[/url] of this thread.

Redlynne wrote:

Segev, sounds like you're seeking a (*cough*) gearing ratio (*cough*) between how much inventory is personal relative to how much is shared. For this sort of thing, I'm thinking that a 4:1 ratio ought to work fine. 1 character gets 10 slots, but there's an additional 40 slots for the account. That way, MOST of the inventory gets tossed onto the account for long term storage, while the individual character acts as "liquid" storage for things like drops and so on (assuming we're even going to be having drops at all).

So I'd like to think that I was ever so slightly ahead of the curve on you here.

Segev wrote:

Would it be fair to say that pricing "banked" storage differently than personal carried inventory is reasonable? Or are they functionally equivalent, and I'm overcomplicating things?

The typical way to do it is to price the individual carried storage cheaply and the account wide storage expensively. That's because the account wide storage contains a Convenience Factor which the individual storage expansions do not.

Just take a look at the Star Trek Online Zen Store and you'll see this dynamic at work, even though by default you can only have a tiny handful of characters (with the option to buy more character slots, of course). Inventory expansions for individual characters is cheap, while doing the same for entire accounts is expensive. The difference is, of course, the convenience of liquidity ... hence the premium placed on the price of account wide expansions over individual expansions.

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Minotaur's picture
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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

I am frustrated that I cannot see an actual purpose behind character-specific inventory space, but it seems to be something that is expected as a norm, and whatever benefits may accure from decoupling it from character slots are not really looking significant (if at all extant) enough to make such a change, so I don't think I'll actually propose it.
My frustration, in case it comes out in my tone (for which I apologize), is not with anybody here, but with myself for not being able to put my finger on what it is that I'm missing. I do appreciate the feedback.

I had around 250 characters on my main CoH account, I used every bit of storage on most of them. It would be prohibitively expensive for me if a new character didn't come with inherent storage, it wouldn't particularly matter to me if the storage it came with was personal or shared, but there needs to be storage with each of them.

The only advantage of personal storage would be that I don't have to search through 10K+items every time I want to find something in the pooled storage.

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Cute Kitsune
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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

Regarding the concept of "mules," what if that were side-stepped entirely, and accounts had inventory, rather than characters? Access it from any character you're playing. Perhaps with a tool to deliniate/organize your inventory "by character," but without any need for tricks or shenanigans to transfer items or wealth from one character to another.
People will transfer these things anyway; will it harm the game to eliminate the rigamorale required to do so within the same account? It would mean a larger inventory space in general than is on any given character "normally," but it would also mean adding new character slots doesn't necessarily add new inventory slots. Those would be separate. (Maybe a "recommended package" would include extra inventory along with a new character slot, just out of recognition that it might need the extra storage space.)
Is there anything harmful to the game in this idea?

I as the single character player LOVE this idea. I get enough space to reasonably accommodate myself plus X characters. My husband is the same way. So if we just traded with each other to keep stacks on Unique gear we could really keep our inventory bloat to a minimum and it would save us sooo much micro manaing time. I could also help people quickly instead of being like. Ok I need 2 items from CuteMuleA and 5 from CuteMuleD. Have to pop a round give me 10 minutes. Ok Back 10 seconds of crafting ... done. Here is your shinny McGuffin.

When I give these example I am telling how I actually have done things in multiple MMOs. The best way for me to help you guys is to tell you exactly how I will utilize these features. I don't know if I'm an edge case or not.

This feature would also promote my willingness to purchase a Mule Account if the storage on my and my husbands was not enough when optimized if renting was the way to get more space OR the buy option was more then a new account per slot * 3.

Example Account gets 1000 slots at $50 then each slot is only $0.05 * 3 is $0.15. So I'd be willing to buy 50 extra inventory slots at a cost of $7.50 ASSUMING you didn't have SO MUCH stuff that 50 slots was a laughable drop in the bucket and would be filled in an hour or two and I'd need another 2k-3k slots to put a dent in my issues.

This is just how I do my rough math to decide if I will buy inventory space or make that spare account.

If The price per slot is less then 3x the pps of a new account the convenance is worth it unless I'd need 2 new accounts to hold all the stuff. Assuming I could purchase the slots in smaller chunks.

The line between knowing and understanding is often blurred.
Cute Kitsune the Anti Villain of Phoenix Rising.
I have more fervor then empathy, I still like you.~Me to a friend
It applies here too, I'm passionate not hostile.

Radiac's picture
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Minotaur wrote:
Minotaur wrote:

Segev wrote:
I am frustrated that I cannot see an actual purpose behind character-specific inventory space, but it seems to be something that is expected as a norm, and whatever benefits may accure from decoupling it from character slots are not really looking significant (if at all extant) enough to make such a change, so I don't think I'll actually propose it.
My frustration, in case it comes out in my tone (for which I apologize), is not with anybody here, but with myself for not being able to put my finger on what it is that I'm missing. I do appreciate the feedback.

I had around 250 characters on my main CoH account, I used every bit of storage on most of them. It would be prohibitively expensive for me if a new character didn't come with inherent storage, it wouldn't particularly matter to me if the storage it came with was personal or shared, but there needs to be storage with each of them.
The only advantage of personal storage would be that I don't have to search through 10K+items every time I want to find something in the pooled storage.

I understand your needs, but I feel like hoarding hundreds of crafted items, salvage components, recipes etc should be discouraged to some extent in order to keep people actively dropping stuff they don't have an immediate use for onto the market so someone else can buy it. I feel like the non-subs should definitely feel the squeeze here a little and the subscribers not so much. That way players have to try to decide WHICH items are valuable enough to hold long term. The system ought not be designed to allow people to hold onto EVERYTHING long term without paying for a bank vault micro-sub, and even then there needs to be a limit somewhere.

Also, making the inventories searchable (by typing in a string of letters to find the name) would be nice.

For what its worth, I still like the idea of making the banks in the game a thing that the NPC factions can try to rob sometimes and making people lose randomly selected items when the bank robbery event goes well for the NPCs and badly for the players. If you got purples, keep them in account inventory, not the bank. banks get robbed.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

whiteperegrine's picture
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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

Would it be fair to say that pricing "banked" storage differently than personal carried inventory is reasonable? Or are they functionally equivalent, and I'm overcomplicating things?

overcomplicating? I think so, no need to reinvent the wheel if it works pretty durn good.

Personal Inventory I would make a bit cheaper than Account Bank...make em pay for the convenience, and it is a major convenience, in my experience just with GW2. Personal Inventory storage could be bought on a 'per character' basis only.

oh, I and I am not a fan of just a single account wide inventory system. it would become to limiting in the long run which means you would be penalizing people who like to create alts.
[I]"you have 200 slots." "crap! I have 20 alts!"[/I]
assuming additional character slots can be bought, you would have to have to tie in an increase in the bank size to it. otherwise, people will get really grumpy if they have to buy additional bank slots in addition to the new character slots.


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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

For what its worth, I still like the idea of making the banks in the game a thing that the NPC factions can try to rob sometimes and making people lose randomly selected items when the bank robbery event goes well for the NPCs and badly for the players. If you got purples, keep them in account inventory, not the bank. banks get robbed.

That's a big old 'Nope' from me. I never want to log into a game only to find that some random event decided to delete things from my characters. No.

whiteperegrine's picture
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Mendicant wrote:
Mendicant wrote:

Radiac wrote:
For what its worth, I still like the idea of making the banks in the game a thing that the NPC factions can try to rob sometimes and making people lose randomly selected items when the bank robbery event goes well for the NPCs and badly for the players. If you got purples, keep them in account inventory, not the bank. banks get robbed.

That's a big old 'Nope' from me. I never want to log into a game only to find that some random event decided to delete things from my characters. No.

yikes! agreed! I would be peeved if I logged on to see items had mysteriously disappeared...only then to find out it was the game itself that did it according to some RNG....and I would be calling MWM customer service immediately if it turned out to be some epic item I had been working towards disappeared and the cust serv rep would be hearing an earful...and then I would go to his supervisor...and then his supervisor....etc etc...till said item was replaced (I can be a pain the arse when I need to be...sorry MWM customer reps :p )

yeah....I'll take a big pass on that one.


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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

For what its worth, I still like the idea of making the banks in the game a thing that the NPC factions can try to rob sometimes and making people lose randomly selected items when the bank robbery event goes well for the NPCs and badly for the players. If you got purples, keep them in account inventory, not the bank. banks get robbed.

Uh ... you *DO* realize that [url=]Azuria had a reputation[/url] to LIVE [b]DOWN[/b] as the keeper of the M.A.G.I. Vaults ... right?

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Radiac's picture
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You could make the bank job

You could make the bank job events really easy to avoid by advertizing when they're going to happen well in advance.

As for the question of account inventory space versus individual character inventory space, I don't think its as stiflingly bad as some people think it would be. For one thing, in CoX, I think people only filled inventory because they had it to fill. I think less space wil just cause people to use stuff right away or sell it right away except in the case of really rare and valuable stuff. I mean in a game where there are always people selling common/uncommon salvage and recipes, why bother squirreling that stuff away all the time when you could just sell it to a NPC vendor or on the market? clears space for you, and then nobody's got any Circuit Boards on them but you can pretty much always get one on the cheap when you need it, so in a way the market (and the NPC vendors) act as ad hoc storage for that cheapo stuff. So instead of having a game where people can try to corner the market on Alchemical Silvers, you'd have WAY less chances of doing that because everyone's so strapped for inventory slots that they sell that stuff off as soon as they get it.

For that theory to work though, you need players to be able to sell cheapo stuff very quickly and get paid for it like immediately. I think the NPC vendors should be in charge of that. Got 2 Circuit Boards and 5 Iron rods to sell? Don't try to auction that stuff, that takes forever, just dump it on the NPC who'll give you less for that stuff, but will pay you right away instead of having to place a sell bid and wait for the market to buy you out. one nice thing about NPCs playing the market is that they can not only sink INF, they can also delete the bucketloads of unused Circuit Boards and Iron Bars that people don't want. They can even operate at a loss doing that for a long time and it doesn't really matter. They could be the "shredder bots" of the game.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

Also, making the inventories searchable (by typing in a string of letters to find the name) would be nice.
For what its worth, I still like the idea of making the banks in the game a thing that the NPC factions can try to rob sometimes and making people lose randomly selected items when the bank robbery event goes well for the NPCs and badly for the players. If you got purples, keep them in account inventory, not the bank. banks get robbed.

Seriously? No. Just No. A thousand times no. Unless your intention is to randomly piss off the playerbase, this is a TERRIBLE idea.

Lutan's picture
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Personal Inventory slots are

Personal Inventory slots are generally cheaper than account storage slots. But they have to be bought per character and I think that makes them overall more expensive.

An account wide inventory would make sense if there are not too many items and most of them are stackable. Or, like Guild Wars 2 did it, the crafting materials and other collectibles get their own tab all together. There is one predetermined slot for every collectible, nicely organised and sortet. Each of those slots hold one stack of th associated item. That way crafting materials are never in the way.

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Bank Robberies do occur, yes.

Bank Robberies do occur, yes. However, they are not like the old west days where they took the safe and everything in the safe. Now, most bank robberies involve the tellers only. Very rarely do Robbers take anything from the Safe or the Safety Deposit boxes. Mostly they only confront the tellers and ask for all the money in the tellers drawer. It's no longer items that are sought after in bank robberies, but just the money itself. So this whole idea about having bank robberies and losing items is a complete joke and obviously just something to try to piss off the player base.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

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While I won't say it's a good

While I won't say it's a good idea to run them, I will say that it is not "obviously" just trying to piss off players. There is a lot that happens in comic book tales which is reflective of anachronistic ideas of what "really" happens, and which relies on levels of suspension of disbelief in the name of fun/interesting tales. "Super criminal robs bank, carries vault away on foot" is not that unrealistic for a super-powered comic story.

If "bank robberies" were to be something that could a) occur and b) impact player-held inventory, it would have to be something known in advance and which could be avoided by various means. Perhaps bank storage is functionally limitless, but if your bank is robbed, you have to take and win a mission to thwart the robbery, or you lose some or all of your stuff in that bank. Storage you paid for (perhaps buying it for your personal base, or with Stars, or something), rather than took for free from a bank would not be vulnerable to this.

Again, not saying this'll happen. Just thinking around the problems posed with it to see if anything interesting COULD be done.

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oOStaticOo's picture
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IF there were a Bank Robbery

IF there were a Bank Robbery scenario, I'd expect it to be either a Mission or a TF. Not a random event. Even if it were random with a warning, that does not mean that that person could still be able to make it online to defend their stuff from being taken. Family life, Job, Emergencies, Hanging out with friends, Events, etc. could all play a role in keeping that person away from the computer at the time that the Bank Robbery would take place. At MOST I'd be willing to concede having money taken away. Items, no. It could be used as another currency sink. I don't think most players would be all that upset if a little bit of their money was stolen from them as compared to a Rare Enhancement or Salvage piece. Also Banks are insured so that anything stolen from them is not the responsibility of the person that placed their money or items in the bank. So there would be recompense for anything stolen to the person it was stolen from. Also if you are going off of comic book material, usually Bank Robberies are for a SPECIFIC item in the vault. Not random items. Usually they are for large quantities of money or some extremely rare and powerful item that is being housed in the vault.

I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

Lin Chiao Feng
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If you're going to let NPCs

If you're going to let NPCs rob PC bank storage, you also need to let NPCs loot PC corpses when PCs are defeated.

Here's a handbasket; enjoy the trip!

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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For what its worth, I can see

For what its worth, I can see where charging people for bank vault inventory space then having NPCs rob them would be problematic. So that's probably out. I also don't like the idea of giving pack-rat players practically infinite storage space. They never sell anything if its like that. I know people who play Magic: the Gathering that horde cards like that. Their idea of "trading" is tho walk up to you and say "I have an extra copy of Card X that I don't need, and I need a copy of Card Y. My X for your Y is the one and only trade I will accept, because I don't have any other cards I'm willing to let go of and you don't have any other cards I want, so... deal?" and when you point out that their proposition is totally one-sided they're like "WHY won't anyone trade with me?!?!"

So I like the idea of inventory being finite and moreover FEELING somewhat limited to the players (at least to the non-sub players) for the sake of getting people to actually part with their cheap-to-moderately-valuable swag that they have no immediate plans for. This way there's always plenty of that stuff on the market for rates as cheap as you'd expect. It makes it harder to corner the market on some common thing like Iron Bars, and it ensures that there will be Iron Bars available there when you need one, for a reasonable price.

An important part of this, I feel, is the role of the NPC vendors. If they run out of Iron Bars, more can be bought on the market or generated by them somehow by giving out missions. If they end up with zillions of them they can stop buying them altogether and then eventually sell some off and start buying them again or else just delete them from inventory once in a while. It also might be an idea to let the NPC vendors upgrade like a hundred Iron Bars to one Steel Bar or something like that as a way of regulating the markets.

The problem with common salvage in CoX was that people knew it was too cheap to make any INF off of unless you tried to manipulate the market somehow. So people largely deleted that stuff or sold it to NPCs who gave out ridiculous amounts of INF for some of it. But then the market would run out of that stuff a lot bewcause nobody though it was valuable enough to be worth a sell slot at the auction house and it all got dumped on NPCs or deleted.

I want a market where common, cheapo stuff is available in abundance and cheap, not non-existent because nobody's interested in being the supplier. I see this as a role for the NPC vendor/traders, but I'm not sure how that would work, especially if their AI is trying to gain INF for itself over time and not lose it.

I feel like even having salvage that common and cheap is part of the problem in the first place. I would only have salvage components that are rare enough to be worth trading in for profit. All of the lower level more common stuff could just be gotten rid of and you just have to pay higher INF costs for crafting instead. Maybe that would be better.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Something I've found useful

Something I've found useful for individual character storage is as a marker for what was going on at the time.

This is more useful in LotR, where the per-character storage is divided up into sub-collections ("bags"). If thinking of quitting or a friend wants to start a long mission while halfway through working on something, leave the stuff related to it in one particular bag, then quit/do the thing/whatever. Next time I get back to it, I see the stuff, go "oh, yeah, THAT's what I was doing" and finish it.

Although, to some extent, a similar purpose could be served if it was possible to attach text 'notes' to portions of the inventory: "Need to build new Accuracy improvement for Quick Shot" attached to an Alchemical Silver, for instance.

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On the subject of Beamrider's

On the subject of Beamrider's idea, you could make the augment recipes in CoT work in such a way that you drag and drop the salvage pieces they require into them one at a time and then when the last piece get's dropped in, it magically transforms the recipe into a useable Augment. This would probably have to be a one-way street, in that you can't get the salvage part back out again after you drop it in, but it would allow people to make room in their salvage inventory by doing "partial crafting" a little bit at a time. I also think that the inventory space that Augments inhabit when not slotted in a power would have to be shared with the not-yet-completed recipes, in other words your IO tray and your Recipe inventory are now the same inventory volume essentially.

People could even try to sell recipes in various stages of completion on the market for varying prices.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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One of the things that always

One of the things that always bugged me about the [url=]Mayhem Missions[/url] was that you were supposed to Steal Money from the Vault, which was fine for an objective. The problem was that once you broke into the Vault there was only a [i]single moneybag[/i] sitting there waiting for you to interact with it, and it took up NO INVENTORY SPACES to carry it out.

Just between you, me and the Outcast breaking into the Lamppost (wait, what?) ... I always thought it would have been interesting to have some Missions where the objective was essentially [b]Loot All You Can[/b], where the Mission Reward was determined by how much of your available Inventory space you (temporarily) loaded up with "Loot" from the Mission. For the sake of argument, let's just say that the maximum of Loot to be grabbed just so happens to match the basic, unexpanded Inventory allotment for any one character's personal Inventory space. That way, rather than there being only 1 sack of Loot to grab in the Vault, [i]there's 10 sacks[/i] ... [b]per participating PC[/b] ... and each PC has a maximum limit of 10 to how many they can grab (so as to prevent griefing and "stealing more than your fair share" with an expanded Inventory).

The point being, what are you going to be hauling away from this mission? The sacks of Loot from the Vault, or the Drops from everyone you have fight both to and from the Vault? In other words, put pressure on Inventory Space as a part of the mission design parameters so as to give Players another decision to juggle.

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I like the gist of Red's idea

I like the gist of Red's idea there. Not sure how to hammer out the details right now, but sounds good in principle.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Pyromantic's picture
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For the love of the game,

For the love of the game, please do not make it possible for items you put into storage to be stolen from you, whether it can be avoided (at some risk of failure) or not.

I'm seriously having a hard time thinking of a way to turn me off the game faster.

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oOStaticOo's picture
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Pyromantic wrote:
Pyromantic wrote:

For the love of the game, please do not make it possible for items you put into storage to be stolen from you, whether it can be avoided (at some risk of failure) or not.
I'm seriously having a hard time thinking of a way to turn me off the game faster.


I got chills! They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. Cuz the power, I'm supplyin'. Why it's ELECTRIFYIN'!!

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Pyromantic wrote:
Pyromantic wrote:

I'm seriously having a hard time thinking of a way to turn me off the game faster.

We could always go back to discussing Death Penalties if you'd prefer ...

/em snerk

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Pyromantic wrote:
Pyromantic wrote:

For the love of the game, please do not make it possible for items you put into storage to be stolen from you, whether it can be avoided (at some risk of failure) or not.
I'm seriously having a hard time thinking of a way to turn me off the game faster.

Even though I played Eve Online for several years, I never once had *anything* stolen from my personal hanger. From the corporation hanger?

Yeah stuff went missing from there. But it was placed there for the rest of corporation to use as they needed, so it was basically "written off" in my mind.

But if stuff went missing from my own personal hanger, the one that only my account can get access to? The first thing I would do is get in touch with support and go "WTF: Fix this now".

Hell, the same thing happens in Eve Online. IF stuff goes missing from your personal storage, and you KNOW you haven't touched it, you get in touch with support.

With the whole "NPC's might be able to steal it", it raises up the question of "was it the game doing it deliberately or was it just a cock up on the dev's part".

And that is something that I wouldn't want the developers to be on the recieving end of. Infact, if the developers ever actually used that as a reason for "missing stuff from accounts", I would drop the game faster than hot cakes.

There is a reason why personal/account level storage is used. It is because NO ONE but you can touch it. As soon as you let the NPC's dick around with it, stuff WILL go wrong and the customer support will have to fix it.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

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GM_ROFL entered the server room wearing his clown shoes, tripped over a bunch of wires (which made pretty sparks!). The comedy value was not appreciated by the server team. Because of this incident, 10% of all inventory held in bank storage has been stolen by the special effects gnomes (who made with the sparky sparky). Please continue giving us all your money in perpetuity and don't blame us the next time this happens.

Anyone think that such a message would inspire confidence in the security of the game's systems as an explanation/excuse for why stuff can get stolen from the game's inventory vaults?

If your answer has even the slightest whiff of a "no" to it, perhaps you might want to ask yourself why.

And then in the context of this really terrible idea (/em points at "stuff can get stolen" proposal) consider the fact that Players tend to react badly to "amateur hour" Developers who enable and EXCUSE the stealing of their stuff.

Kill it.
Behead it.
Put a stake through what is probably its heart(s).
Cremate the remains.
Make s'mores with the fire.
Have the rusty urn the remains get dumped into dragged away by drunken llamas.
Watch llamas fall into a freshly dug pit trap.
Fill in the hole without rescuing the too stupid to live llamas that fell into a hole in the ground.

As for the next step, I'm going to have to quote Harry Dresden ...


"Sod works in mysterious ways."


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lin Chiao Feng
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

One of the things that always bugged me about the Mayhem Missions was that you were supposed to Steal Money from the Vault, which was fine for an objective. The problem was that once you broke into the Vault there was only a single moneybag sitting there waiting for you to interact with it, and it took up NO INVENTORY SPACES to carry it out.

Well, you know modern banking, with all the deregulation of minimum reserves, generally has no actual money in the vault these days. It's all out in credit default swaps or whatever. (And [i]that's[/i] where the real crime is to be had!)

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Mendicant's picture
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I think Radiac's bank robbery

I think Radiac's bank robbery idea is likely a Nemesis plot...

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Mendicant wrote:
Mendicant wrote:

I think Radiac's bank robbery idea is likely a Nemesis plot...


...and just like the Nemesis invasion events in CoX, no Mole Machines this time either :)

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

Mendicant wrote:
I think Radiac's bank robbery idea is likely a Nemesis plot...

...and just like the Nemesis invasion events in CoX, no Mole Machines this time either :)

You fiend! Then how will we get to the Lost World at the Center of the Earth?

whiteperegrine's picture
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Segev wrote:
Segev wrote:

While I won't say it's a good idea to run them, I will say that it is not "obviously" just trying to piss off players. There is a lot that happens in comic book tales which is reflective of anachronistic ideas of what "really" happens, and which relies on levels of suspension of disbelief in the name of fun/interesting tales. "Super criminal robs bank, carries vault away on foot" is not that unrealistic for a super-powered comic story. WOULD piss off the playbase though and I would bet that the moment something like that went live and a couple THOUSAND accounts got hit...MWM phones would light up like a friggin Christmas tree! hell, I would be one of those lil blinkin lights... LOL

I can appreciate the concept of "thinkin out side the box" but I am thinkin we should just let this bear sleep...while such things 'might' occur in a comic CoT is, unfortunately, not a comic, but an MMO that is set in the superhero genre. as such, not everything can be translated directly over and this robbing of a players bank account is a good example.


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Mendicant wrote:
Mendicant wrote:

You fiend! Then how will we get to the Lost World at the Center of the Earth?

The Lost World at the Center of the Earth was accidentally filled with Lava, but nobody is taking credit/responsibility for it.

Be Well!

Pengy's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Mendicant wrote:
You fiend! Then how will we get to the Lost World at the Center of the Earth?

The Lost World at the Center of the Earth was accidentally filled with Lava, but nobody is taking credit/responsibility for it.
Be Well!

Gravity is a harsh mistress.

Redlynne's picture
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I am reminded of Azazel-san

I am reminded of Azazel-san getting hit SO HARD that he drilled a hole all the way to the center of the Earth (where his body incinerated in a most anti-climatic, yet humorous fashion).

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
