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Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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The three fat craft emerged out of the dawning sun, skimming low over the waves of the Atlantic. As they crossed over the border between international waters and the sovereign territory of the United States, they dropped even lower, until their bellies were practically in the water and their passage was creating a wake. Slipping underneath the radar envelope of a country like the U.S. was no easy feat, but it could be done.

Soon, their destination became clear... Titan City.

It was a quiet Saturday morning in the Alexandria district. Birds chirped in Phoenix Park and joggers ran their daily routes. Closer to the coastline, a mother was lifting her gurgling baby out of her crib when she happened to look outside and spot three dots on the horizon. Putting the baby to her shoulder, she stepped closer to the large picture window to see the approaching objects. The baby started to fuss and she looked down for just a few crucial seconds too long. Pushing the pacifier back into the baby's mouth, she looked up again. Her eyes went wide as the huge aircraft blasted over her home going faster than Mach 1 and less than a hundred feet off the ground!

Some protective instinct reared up at the moment in the young mother and she spun around, clutching the baby to her chest. She fell to her knees just as the sonic shockwave hit the house with a rattling BOOM and blew the picture window inwards, the glass shards cutting into her back like hot knives through butter.

The three aircraft split at that point, slowing rapidly and gaining altitude as each one approached its destination and came to a hover. One aircraft stopped over Phoenix Park, one near Ephesus University, and the last near the Old Bradford border. Huge doors on the underside of each enormous craft fell open and boxy objects dropped from them like bombs, crashing into the pavement with thunderous cracks. Each aircraft dropped ten boxes of varying sizes in a roughly triangular pattern.

Six of the boxes were about nine feet tall. Three were over twice again as tall at twenty feet. The last was the largest, standing forty feet tall. The three aircraft closed their doors and turned about to book it for the coast even as U.S. fighters, having finally picked up the aircraft on radar, tore across the sky on intercept courses.

With the staccato rip of explosive charges, each box split open right down the middle and the two sides sloughed off. As the smoke cleared, their contents were revealed. Ten battle-mechs began unfolding from their storage configurations.

Rocket pods and mortar racks folded up off of backs and clicked into place. On the large and mid-size mechs, simian-like arms unfolded into a dizzying array of weaponry that included everything from missile tubes to large-bore artillery cannons to plasma pulse launchers. The smallest mechs arms unfolded into either either melee weaponry or short-barreled Vulcan cannons. As armor slid into place over chest cockpits, the mechs rose up on powerful digitigrade legs with anisodactyl toes.

At their final heights, the small mechs were twelve feet tall, the medium mechs were twenty-five feet tall, and the largest mechs were fifty feet tall.

With three short whoops of on-board sirens, all of the mechs opened fire and the assault on Titan City began.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
About the time the craft

About the time the craft crossed into U.S. territorial waters, Marianne Morrison turned off the heating elements under the pancakes. "Change of plans, due to invasion. Heavy armor. Lexi, I could use your help getting your sisters to the work site. Adam, would you like to help me with the twins or help Millie?"

Lexi used her built-in comms to call Simone, letting her know to watch the news, while getting into her armored costume.

Meanwhile Millie pulled out her own phone and sent a quick text. As the sonic booms rattled their windows a teleport box appeared in the living room. Millie suited up while her wife and smaller children got into the mock Tucker to go off to what would hopefully be safety...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Adam considered the choices

Adam considered the choices Marianne had given it. it had received a great deal of training in the past several weeks, but this would be its first experience with combat, so it felt trepidation. But it also felt loyalty towards Millicent, Lexi, and Simone, as well as a wish to follow them since they might need its help.

Adam stood at that moment and looked to Marianne. "We will help Millicent and Lexi."

Jacquie and Diana hopped down off their stools at that moment and ran around the table to give Adam hugs. Adam hesitantly hugged them back, having only recently begun his learning on the human need for physical contact. Marianne called them away to get dressed and Adam's skin rippled, his form growing larger and changing from a young man in t-shirt and jeans to a battle-suited hero whose armor would match Lexi's and Simone's.

Shifter, as the others had taken to calling it during training, walked into the living room and stood next to the teleport box as it waited for Millie and Lexi.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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At the Price home. "DAD!"

At the Price home. "DAD!" Eric sighed as he heard his daughter she must have read the text as soon as it popped up, then again it would have popped up on her Hud. "Yeah I see it." "Let me go Dad the others are going! Please!" "Simone the battle mod hasn't been fully tested." "Well consider this a field test then. You said I could do Hero work when will you let me?" "Alright, alright I power up the system." Eric went into the converted garage turned into his lab and powered up the control systems. Simone went to stand in the the suit up device similar to how Ironman suited up in Ironman 2. "It's Morphin time!" "I can't believe you said that Simone."

The device activated and armor parts were placed on her interfacing with her own systems. She chose to forget the helmet and has her hair cut short pixie cut. Thought she still had a visor and ear covers. "Jet pack is now linked to your onboard generators, blasters connected, nanofiber armor... activated." Between the harden armor parts a layer of fabric like armor seem to grow connecting the two. "Be careful out there Scattershot, you mean a lot to me." "Dad don't get sappy on me." The garage door opened and she flew out "This is ScatterShot on Route!" she broadcast over the Children of Science channel.

Eric shook his head and opened the control console "This is Monitor, online. I'm getting police scanner info no... Ten battle Mechs? You kids sure you want to tackle them, does your mother know Lexi?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
AIko slipped into her flight

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] slipped into her flight pack as she answered. "Roger that, Scattershot. Rendezvous at Le Beau Park. And it's [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font], Monitor. Yes, Tinker Belle will be joining us today, and Duchess will be assisting you once she gets to the Keep."

Tinker Belle chimed in, "It's thirty mechs, but only ten in this neighborhood. Hopefully others will keep them entertained. Walking mechs aren't as effective as a tank of the same mass and tech base, too much surface area to armor and more joints. But we don't know their tech base. Everyone ready? Then let's go!"

She lead the way to the park, only a few blocks from their house, and even closer to the mechs that had landed between Alexandria and Old Bradford...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"Roger Alko. Hear you loud

"Roger Alko. Hear you loud and clear Tinker Belle, I'm just worried about the ones going to be shooting at you. I'm launching a few aerial recon drones, try to get some visual data and see if I can figure out what kind of tech those things have." Out of the lab launched three flying drones no bigger then eagles and designed to look much like birds in attempt to fool anyone who spotted them in the air.

"On my way Alko!" Simone said as she flew in the air. She couldn't help, but try a few stunts. "Stop showing off Scatter shot, don't want to push that jet pack to far and it stalls." "Just testing it Monitor after all better to know what they can do before I try dodging shots, right it did needed testing!" Erick shook his head "Don't talk back to me young lady. Who has this kind of firepower? Is it an invasion from some other nation?

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
"Shifter is online, Monitor.

"Shifter is online, Monitor. We do not believe the mechs are from another nation. They do not display any of the standard markings of any nation with the capability to launch an assault of this magnitude. We are scanning a database of known supervillains that could employ this level of technology. There are several that are capable of orchestrating this attack and building these mechs, but they do not have the characteristic design details that were inherent to any of those supervillains past constructs. It is possible that this is the work of an unknown villain. Perhaps capture of one of the mech crew will be possible?" Shifter said as it raced towards the park alongside AIko and Tinker Belle, traveling in a style that combined elements of super-speed, leaping, and parkour.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Millie was glad Adam had

Millie was glad Adam had found an alternative [I]nom du cape[/I]. Whoever had killed Dr. Skinner almost certainly knew the name "MIMIC". "That will be our secondary goal: capturing pilots with minimum damage. Primary goal will be disabling the mechs with minimum damage to people and property in the area. Property besides the mechs, that is. Damage to them is probably unavoidable if we want to disable them. Targets the leg joints and weapon mounts. Avoid hitting the cockpits if you can"

[font=lucida Bright]AIko[/font] watched for the arrival of Scattershot, and for the mechs. More precisely, the [I]other[/I] mechs. One of them was already visible over the buildings on the far side of LeBeau park. She began a full spectrum scan, hoping to locate their com frequencies...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"I got eyes in the sky, Aiko

"I got eyes in the sky, Aiko be on the look out for one coming around the block on your right." Eric looked up at the map overlay "Scattershot don't rush into things meet up with Aiko and follow her lead. You may have armor on, but it's light weight. It won't take many hits to bring you down, so be careful."

"Right da.. I mean Monitor. I'm coming up on the park now, I see you Aiko coming in for a landing." She glided into and stumbled when she landed not used to flying "Okay those flight sims were not 100% accurate." She said as the flight wings retracted.

"I'm going to try to get a spectrum analyses of one of the mechs, see if I can find a weak spot. If I can Identify the power supply or engine compartment you can focus on that to decommission them. Thought till then I agree with Tinker Belle focus on the joints that's the obvious weak spot." One of the aerial drones swooped down so the scanners could read the Mech at close range.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
Shifter looked to Tinker

Shifter looked to Tinker Belle for instructions.

"What is our attack plan, Tink?" he asked, using the shorter form of her name that it had observed the others using.


The small mechs came jogging around the corner at that moment, with the medium mechs not too far behind. As they progressed, they seemed to be randomly targeting buildings and vehicles for destruction. There didn't seem to be any strategy to their assault other that to sow terror, confusion, and pain.

At that moment, a green and yellow blur came diving out of the sky and swooped around the head of one of the medium mechs, bombarding it with beams of some kind fired from their hands. Almost as one, the small mechs turned and opened fire with their short-barreled Vulcans. The bursts of fire slammed into an invisible energy shield and were absorbed or deflected. But the unknown hero veered off and disappeared behind a building. Once the target was out of sight, the mechs turned back to their original path, which seemed to be leading them directly towards Le Beau Park.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
"AIko, designate the targets

"[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font], designate the targets and set priority. Scattershot will use me for cover, [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] will shield us both. Shifter will strike at targets of opportunity, going to disarm or disable, and falling back behind [Font=lucida bright]AIko's[/font] shield if they start targeting him." Tinker Belle activated her arm shield, a two meter diameter disk of force centered on her left elbow, and drew her heavy plasma pistol.

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] briefly illuminated each visible mech in turn, giving them a number that Scattershot's armor and Tink's goggles could display on a HUD, Shifter had demonstrated he could easily keep track without such aids. The smaller mechs were first, and the largest last.

Tink activated her pistol with an ominous hum as soon as [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] was done, and took aim at the cannon of Target Zero...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 05/22/2014 - 12:24
As the mechs opened fire, a

As the mechs opened fire, a beam of light descended from the skies rather quickly, landing in Phoenix Park. It slowly dimmed and revealed a knight in gold-plated armor with a greathelm and a high-collared cape. He was on one knee with a sword stabbed into the ground, holding it with both hands upon the grip. The knight slowly lifted his head and rose up, drawing his sword out of the ground and looking upon the mechs. "Stop this assault upon the innocent or you shall be judged!" He yelled. His voice was loud, clear and unnatural, the sound waves traveled through the air unimpaired until they reached the mechs and seemed to pierce through them, even if the the mechs were sound-proof. The crew inside them, if there was one to begin with it, would hear the knight's voice clearly.

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
Scattershot followed Tinker

Scattershot followed Tinker Belle's example and fired her energy blasters at the mech's legs. The blasters were modified force field generators projecting a high powered focused field, or more to her name many small marble size forcefields being fired at sonic speeds. The result is a weapon of nearly unlimited ammo with no additional weight. The only draw back was it was all fed by her own onboard power generators. Overuse could drain her personal energy reserves.


"Okay I should be getting the data from the drone scanners soon." Eric said as the drone buzzed one of the Mechs and scanning it with it's systems. Including inferred, X ray, and laser measurement scans.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
With the arrival of and

With the arrival of and proclamation made by the knight, three of the small mechs split off in a wolf-pack and hared off in his direction. With a powerful spring, one of them leapt atop the Phoenix's tail while the other two split around it to flank him. The one on the tail appeared to be built for melee, as it was lither and lacked the short-barreled Vulcan cannon and rocket launcher. Instead, it had longer arms and was equipped with a powered blade and what appeared to be a flamethrower.

Once the flankers were in position, they opened fire on the knight with their Vulcans as the melee mech leaped down to land in front of him. As the pilot light blazed to life on the flamethrower, the mech took a swing at the knight with it's 6 foot long power blade.


As soon as the heroes opened fire, the mechs approaching Le Beau Park reacted. The six small mechs sped up and split into three-mech wolf-packs. One squad approached head-on, while the other ran down a side street to flank the heroes. The head-on squad spread out as it advanced. The leader of this squad, Target Zero, was the first one to get hit as the barrel of its Vulcan cannon was half-melted by Tinker Belle's plasma blast.

Unfortunately, it was in the process of firing when this happened and the explosive shells detonated when they hit the damaged barrel. The explosions chained back into the housing and blew the cannon clean off the mech, forcing it to stumble sideways. As Scattershot's blasts hit its already unbalanced legs, the mech went down hard, slamming into a truck filled with portable oxygen and acetylene tanks. That impact caused a detonation that completely obliterated the mech and sent burning tanks flying all over the place. The shockwave shattered windows up and down the block. It also caused the mech on that side of the street to stumble and crash into the nearest building.

However, the third mech on the other side of the street had stopped to take aim with what appeared to be a recoilless rifle. With a clank and a whoomph, the rifle fired an 84mm shell directly at Tinker Belle.


Shifter took off towards the mech that had crashed into the building. With a powerful leap, it landed atop the Vulcan gun housing. As it landed, its hands reshaped into mono-edged blades that it drove into the seam between the housing and the body. With a shriek of metal, the housing separated from the mechs body and fell to the street. Before it fell, Shifters hands reshaped into claws and it sank these into the mechs body.

The mech rotated on its central axis and tore itself free of the building, then began trying to shake or bash Shifter off. But the nanoswarm hung on doggedly and pulled itself atop the mech. It shaped its hands into blades again and went after the missile tubes on the other side of the mech.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
After seeing the wreck she

After seeing the wreck she and Scattershot had made of Target Zero, Tink shifted aim.. Target One was engulfed by Shifter, so she went on to Target Two... "Turtle up!" she called, dropping to one knee and angling her shield back.

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] hadn't needed the warning, as she had caught Two's launch in the corner of her vision. Fortunately a recoilless rifle doesn't fire its shells at a high velocity, and the range gave her time to call out, "Duck!" as she shifted her own force field. The shell impacted it while still two meters away from Tink, and the shaped charge sent a lance of molten copper into the angled force shield, which deflected it upward and over the heroes. [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] immediately opened up firing ports for Tink and Scattershot to return fire.

Tink cut the power of her pistol down to half a megajoule, about 10% of the full power shot that had melted the auto cannon of Target Zero, before firing at the recoilless rifle...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 05/22/2014 - 12:24
As the attackers moved into

As the attackers moved into position, the knight clenched his left hand into a fist. His armor and weapon started to radiate light. When they started firing the bullets bounced off of his armor, but with each hit his armor's radiated light seemed to dim slightly. He raised his sword to block the power blade and seemed to have enough strength of his own to resist being pushed into the ground by the mech. "So you have chosen your fate!" He exclaimed once more as he raised his unoccupied hand towards the melee mech. "Light not only protects... it burns!" His hand radiated out a cone of light at the mech's torso, the light was very hot, hot enough to melt any metal originating from planet earth, but it seemed the burning light was affecting only the mech, nothing else.

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
Bathed in the holy light, the

Bathed in the holy light, the mech's armor began melting, so it jumped over the knight. Landing behind him, it was preparing to strike at him again when a blue blur slammed into its side at incredible speed, tumbling it sideways. Standing in its place was a tall and muscular short-haired brunette. She wore the colors of the American flag and her chest was emblazoned with a stylized Liberty Bell.

"Nice duds, Lancelot!" she snarked, before leaping in the direction of the closest flanking mech. The mech shifted aim to follow her, but the armor-piercing 20mm rounds ricocheted off her skin as she flew through the air. Landing next to it, she lashed out and crammed a hand between the barrels of the weapon, stopping it dead. With a screech of stripping gears, the guns transmission blew apart and shrapnel slagged the inside of the weapon housing. The heroine grabbed the housing and squeezed to get a grip, then ripped the entire arm off. Grabbing it by the barrels, she began beating the mech into a pile of junk.

Meanwhile, the mech she had knocked end over end was trying to stand up to attack, but her body check had severely damaged one of its legs and it couldn't get up.


Target Two reloaded its recoilless rifle, but then turned and began loping towards the heroes in the park. Its other arm, a maul-shaped melee weapon, began crackling with electricity as it approached.

As this happened, Shifter had succeeded at removing the missile tubes on the other side of Target One. Literally disarmed, Target One sent a query to Target Nine. Target Nine responded and Target One squatted down. Shifter was monitoring Target One and detected a build-up of heat in its core. Unsure of what to do, Shifter sent a compressed data-burst query to Lexi, showing her its readings.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
AIko's reply came back almost

[Font=lucida bright]AIko's[/font] reply came back almost instantly. *Choice 1: Remove power core, throw it at Target 9. Choice 2: Remove Pilot 1 if possible and throw Target 1 at Target 9, or one of Targets 6,7, or 8. Choice 3: Move to position that places Target 2 between you and Target 1. If you cannot accomplish a choice, remove it from consideration. Choose fast.*

While Shifter decided what he could do, [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] relayed the conversation to the others, along with this: *As soon as possible, neutralizing Target 9 becomes Priority 1.* She launched herself towards Target 2, bringing her force field in close, and unless Shifter got there first, focusing an EMP burst followed by a powerful punch, both on the mech's comm array.

Tink shifted her attention to Target 6, the nearest of the medium mechs. She made her best engineer's guess as to where that mech's comm array would be. She shifted the plasma pistol's output back up to five megajoules as she strode towards the mech, confident that [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] would keep Target 2 busy. She fired, praying that she'd guessed right, and that cutting their comms would keep them from self-destructing...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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When the force fields went up

When the force fields went up to protect them she switched focus and aimed at target 6 charging up her right blaster so when she got a shot it would fire one strong blast instead of the rapid fire shots. (sniper shot) So when Aiko opened the window she fired a cannon ball size force ball.


"This is Monitor, got a reading looks like the power cores are housed under the main body. "

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Faceless's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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The knight looked at the

The knight looked at the heroine for a moment, but then turned to the other flanker who was presumably still firing at him. He pointed his sword at it and it radiated light even brighter. The light that gathered around the sword suddenly fired off in the shape of the sword he was holding, but larger. The blast would attempt to pierce it through in the middle of it's torso and if the mech would try to avoid it, the sword-shaped blast would turn mid-air to follow it. After producing the blast he turned to the downed mech, raising his sword above his head and swinging down at it, attempting to slice it open, his sword being made out of a metal from another planet made it able enough to do so.

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Tink's low-power plasma bolt

Tink's low-power plasma bolt hit the barrel of the recoilless rifle and melted a long furrow in it, leaving slagged metal in its path and rendering the weapon useless.

Shifter received Lexi's reply and nodded, then switched back to the blade hands. It performed a scan of Target One's interior, then plunged the blades into the chassis.With several deft movements, Shifter cut the reactor loose from the interior supporting members. As it withdrew its blades, the tips of them kinked into a crowbar shape and Shifter pulled, tearing Target One's armor open slowly.

As Shifter was doing this, Tink's full power shot cleaved through Target Six's armor and blew its comm array straight to hell. Coming under attack by the heroine, Target Six rotated back to face her and aimed a bank of missiles at her. Three of the doors popped open and the bank launched three Hellfire anti-tank missiles at her.

Once Shifter had the armor pulled enough, it reached inside and yanked the reactor out, then turned and heaved it at Target Nine. The reactor, about the size of an engine block, flew through the air and smashed into the side of Target Nine a quarter-mile away. Target Nine had turned its torso away from the direction of the march and was busy obliterating a gas station. The reactor bounced off its armor and started to fall, but then it reached critical levels and detonated with a bright blue flash of light, accompanied by a rumbling roar.


The sword of light flew through the air and sliced into the mech's torso, coring a blade-shaped hole from front to back. The mech simply stopped moving and pitched forward, smashing face-first into the plaza and digging a furrow in the marble. At the same time, the knights sword sliced the front off of the crippled mech, exposing the cockpit. It was a rather ghastly scene.

The mech's pilot had had her arms, legs, eyes, teeth, and tongue removed. The arm and leg joints were tied into neural interfaces that allowed the pilot to control the mech's movements by thinking about walking and moving her arms. A feeding tube had been fed down her throat, then the mouth had been sewn shut. In place of the eyes were two thick bundles of cables that fed information directly to the brain. Her body was surrounded by some form of protective gel sheath that would prevent the formation of sores, but was otherwise naked.

"Holy shit!" Liberty Girl said, still carrying the remains of the cannon arm she'd used to trash the third mech. She'd left its cockpit undamaged, but not by much, then walked up behind the knight to see the tableau that was this mech's interior. "Goddamn, are we doing these pilots any favors by trying to not kill them?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
Tink switched to the general

Tink switched to the general Police-Hero frequencies. "Tinker Belle heah. One of these mechs tried to self destruct after it was crippled. If y'all can't get the power core shut down, don't be next to it." She added an estimate of the yield based on the blast observed by Target Nine. She had set her weapon back to low power, fired three quick shots that took out two of the hellfires and barely missed the third. It impacted her shield, punching molten copper over her left shoulder. Her buckyweave lab coat dispersed much of the heat, resulting in only second-degree burns at the shoulder and first-degree burns over her left arm and torso. "Arrrgggh!. That's foah the small ones, expect more from mediums and larges. Ovah." She fired a fourth shot at one of the still-closed launch tubes...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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Joined: 05/22/2014 - 12:24
The knight removed his helmet

The knight removed his helmet... revealing him to be a snow-white skinned alien, his body shape looked much like a human's, but there were differences. His eyes were solid black and slightly bigger, he also had no mouth, ears, nose or hair and lastly his forehead was thinner. Despite having no mouth, there obviously still was a way he could produce sound waves resembling speech. "I free you from your torture." He raised his sword and made a swing to cut off the pilot's head. "We will set them all free." He said, looking at Liberty Girl, then placing his helmet back unto his head, turning his attention to the larger mechs.

The human race has not yet encountered the alien species this knight comes from, having no information on them whatsoever.

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When the smoke cleared from

When the smoke cleared from the explosion of the reactor, Target Nine was still standing... barely. It's entire left side had been slagged by the blast, the arm having been vaporized for the most part. The windows of the buildings in both directions had been shattered and the facings of the buildings to either side of Target Nine were badly damaged.

There was the horrible screech of rending metal from Target Nine and as the heroes looked back to it, they would be able to see that melted torso armor had flowed down the side and fused with the left leg. As it tried to turn, the joints of the leg gave way before the melted armor did and target Nine succeeded in ripping its own leg almost completely off. Suddenly deprived of balance, it attempted to compensate but failed and began to fall.

As it fell, the torso partially finished turning and it slammed into the street with the upper half at a 45 degree angle to the lower half. Due to the severe damage to its leg, it was unable to stand, so it began its self-destruct procedure. Shifter had made it back over the the group by then and looked to Tink. "Based on the yield from the explosion of Target One's reactor, we calculate Target Nine's self-destruct will incinerate everything within a radius of two city blocks and the shockwave will severely damage everything within another three."

As Shifter informed them of this, Target Two arrived at the heroes and swung its shock hammer at Lexi's shield. At nearly the same instant, Targets Three, Four, and Five emerged from a side street behind them and began loping towards them. They were fighting a running battle with a flying hero who was firing energy from his eyes and a blur of purple that darted all over the place.


The alien knights sword easily removed the pilot's head, which swung down to hang from the cords that went into its eye sockets and its feeding tube. Liberty Girl, standing brave and strong just a few moments before, looked around like the young woman she actually was. "Uhhh, I don't know if I can kill someone, no matter how bad off they are..." she said, her voice catching a little as she looked at the alien.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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The knight looked at Liberty

The knight looked at Liberty Girl. "We are not killing anyone. These people... " He glanced at the pilot he had just decapitated. "...are already dead. They do not live. They are bound in metal cases without free will." He looked back at Liberty Girl. "We are setting them free. Free from the pain their torturers have caused them. Now you can decide to show strength and be a warrior of freedom or stay cowardly in the shadows..." The knight stared at her for a brief moment...

...but soon turned to run off towards the fifty feet tall mech. As he did so, his form enveloped in light that rapidly became brighter. Soon he became the light itself and flew off into the skies above. Above the clouds he re-took his physical form and came falling down towards the fifty feet tall mech, accelerated by the light, he extended his sword downwards and it began wrapping the light around itself. Once he passed the cloud layer again, but this time downwards, he was already moving at lightning speed. As he collided with the large mech in a meteor of light, it would be torn apart, with pieces of melted metal flying off in every direction.

Afterwards the knight emerged from the large mech's remains, but was beginning to get exhausted. However that would not stop him from fighting the other ones.

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Liberty Girl nodded at his

Liberty Girl nodded at his comments and took in a slow shuddering breath. She then walked back over to the half-crushed mech and tore the cockpit armor off. She squatted down and looked at the pilot, pity welling up inside her. Hesitantly, she reached out and wrapped her hand around the pilot's neck. Steeling herself, she suddenly tried to twist her hand sideways, to snap the pilots neck. But her hand wouldn't move.

She snatched her hand away as if she'd been burned, then watched as the chest continued to move in and out, tears running down her cheeks. The thought that she'd almost taken a human life, no matter its condition, scared her.

Liberty Girl turned away quickly and vomited, then stood and tapped a button on her comm. Once the channel was open, she summoned emergency services and told them to bring surgeons. After she got the confirmation, she ran off towards the other mechs. As she moved, her anger levels surged and she bounded into the air, her target being one of the medium-sized mechs.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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AIko shifted her force field

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] shifted her force field as she leapt to meet Target Two, shaping it into blades that ran along her forearms and extended about a half meter past her fingertips. Her left force-blade parried the shock mace, and the right sliced through the torso, just above where Shifter had cut out the power plant from Target One, separating the pilot from the power supply. She shifted the force field back as the mech fell, and her own fusion cells dropped back down from the emergency levels needed to create the force blades.

Tink crouched, resetting her pistol to a narrow beam, and her goggles to display the IR image of Target Nine. She brought the beam slowly across the giant mech, melting a cut just above the reactor. For the range it was quite precise, almost perfectly level and only 15 centimeters wide. "[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font]! Skyhook that reactor!"

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] replied, "Roger that! Shifter, Scattershot, keep the mediums off of me!" She left Target two on the ground behind her as she sprinted for Target Nine, about ten seconds away at her best speed.

Behind Tinker Belle, four teleport boxes arrived, and over the team channel came another voice. "Got some more skyhooks for you, pilgrims, sorry I couldn't get 'em to you sooner," said the Duchess.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Shifter matched AIko's speed

Shifter matched AIko's speed as they ran towards the mech formation. All three of the medium mechs began to turn towards them, so Shifter altered its course to force the mechs to split their focus. As Target Eight continued to follow AIko, Shifter managed to peel Six and Seven's attention off of her. Shifter leapt up high and landed atop Six just as the mech fired a plasma cannon at where Shifter had just been, the super-heated gas projectile melting a long furrow in the asphalt instead.

Shifter scrambled around to the back side of Six, to a small exhaust port it had first noticed when it was on top of One. Shifter extruded a long strand of nanites and pushed them down the port until it located an unarmored point. Cutting into the shaft was easy enough, which then gave Shifter access to the mech's interior. It quickly located a circuit board and began trying to hack into the mech.

The counter-intrusion system was sophisticated, but it couldn't keep up with the gestalt nanoswarm. Soon enough, Shifter had control of Six. It turned the mech around and opened fire on Eight's backside with a dual 30mm M230 Chaingun loaded with explosive shells. The surprise attack ripped through Eight's armor and blew its reactor apart. Eight pitched forward and smashed into the ground, no longer capable of doing much of anything.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Cover fire coming up!" her

"Cover fire coming up!" her wings extend and she zooms up into the air. From the air she started to fire more or less at the closes mechs to Aiko, in this case target eight.. Mixing up the basic scatter shots with larger energy blasts. "Oh nice trick Shifter!" Combine that with the fire from target Six, the midsize mech didn't stand a chance.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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By the time AIko got to

By the time [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] got to Target Nine, the top of the mech had been almost completely cut off. She launched herself into a flying kick that finished that job, then ripped out the power core by the cables. She hooked it to a tow cable on her flight pack, gave the pack some last-second programming as she shrugged it off, then threw the pack and core both into the air as high as she could. The thrusters kicked in almost immediately, pulling the core behind it as it soared into the air...

Meanwhile, Tink shifted her aim to Target Seven, putting a full powered bolt through that mech's power core...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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The reactor was giving off

The reactor was giving off visible heat waves as it rose into the air. It made for an interesting sight as the desk-sized reactor was pulled skyward by the much smaller jetpack. By Shifter's calculations, the pack would have to get the reactor above 5000 feet to avoid the worst of the damage. It was at 4726 feet when the reactor detonated.

The bright blue shockwave raced outwards in an expanding sphere, the energy smashing into the top floors of several skyscrapers first. Windows were shattered, stone was pulverized, and carbon steel was rent out of shape by the heat and force of the explosion. But those buildings had already been mostly evacuated thanks to the nearby battle, so casualties were relatively light. By the time the shockwave hit ground level, it was still strong enough to knock people over, but there was very little heat left to it, like getting hit by a desert wind.

Target Seven shuddered to a halt and actually managed to remain standing after Tink's plasma blast blew through its side and slagged its reactor. After commanding Six to open its cockpit and shut down, Shifter withdrew its connection as the mech settled to the ground and its cockpit armor parted to reveal the pilot.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Oh hell."

"Oh hell."

Sam and Kyra both look over towards Erin in surprise. They'd both been asleep, though Erin herself had been sitting in front of her computer, writing up new schematics. The gadgeteer had been sitting in a set of pink flannel jamies as she worked, having woken up during the night with inspiration fresh in her mind.

Sam, her cybernetic limbs covered in synth-skin visible tanks to her only wearing shorts and a tanktop is the first to slip out of her bed and move over to the computer to see what has Erin cursing early in the morning. Of the three women, she's the tallest and thinnest, with curly blond hair. Her wheelchair, a part of her secret identity, remains next to the wall. Of the three, she's also clearly the youngest, being at most eighteen.

Erin, meanwhile, has strawberry blond hair, and average proportions all around. Thick glasses rest on her nose as she looks at the screen, "Look. We've got incoming bogeys, and they're dropping toys."

Kyra, a short black haired woman, tilts out of the bed, "Only you'd be excited about that, you know." Compared to the other two, she's easily the most curvy, and is shorter by a head than Sam., "I guess you want us to go and get 'em?"

"Not just that," Sam says, "We promised each other if the city was attacked, we'd go and help." Her tone is adamant, brooking no argument.

"Denny! Get the new suits ready!" Erin yells to the building, before moving out of the chair with surprising speed, heading towards her lab in another part of the base.

"Right. Yeah. I know. Jerks, attacking this early in the morning." Kyra yawns stumbles after Erin, dressed in naught but some track pants.


Twenty minutes later, a trio of figures appear making a bee-line for Ephesus University as they ride about in Sapphire's torrent of water, taken directly from the bay. There's a huge level of water this time, for the purpose of fighting the mechs, and potentially disabling. And now is a great opportunity to describe their new costumes! They've had a huge upgrade from last time's whipstitched things, thanks to the money they got from their bank robbery.

Tinker is wearing what appears to be a simple suit with armor with a breastplate, pauldrons, gauntlets, belt, tassets, and boots made up of high tech gear. the underlying material appears to be simple baby blue cloth, but has an unusually rough texture. on her head is a large helmet with a pair of telescoping goggles for the visor. No part of her body is visible in all this. slung onto her back is a pair of... guns. Bulky things that must weigh at least twenty pounds each, and yet she's carrying them like they weigh nothing. Blue circles glow along the sides of each - one is longer, with a rounded barrel, and the other is thicker, blocky.

AzothIs wearing the same sort of cloth over her body as Tinker, a little smoother textured, and colored silvery. It wraps all the way up around her head, ending in what might be customized ski-goggles and a rebreather. across her waist, arms, and torso are various belts holding different things - some grenades, a pair of stun batons, knives, a revolver, and a few more esoteric things whose purpose isn't immediately apparent. None of it rattles with her movement, though - it's all finely positioned to avoid problems.

Sapphire, on the other hand, is the only one wearing a visibly different material, evidently the same sort of rubber used in scuba-suits. She has the same sort of goggle and rebreather look as Azoth, though with a bulkier cast. She doesn't have the additional gagets and things the other pair has, instead trusting in her ability to control water over something a gadget might do.

"You know the plan. Ready?" Tinker says, her voice coming through in a sort of Darth Vader breather static way, getting a nod from both of the other villains. Before any more can be said, Azoth takes off, leaping from the street onto the side of a building, and begins parkouring at super human speed, and with stronger jumps than a normal person should be able to manage. She evidently even has grappling hooks in her wrists, to allow her to do the spider-man thing.

Sapphire and Tinker aren't far behind. Sapphire uses her mass of water to glide along the ground toward the smaller mechs, the pressure of the water intent on crushing leg joints and perhaps worming into their circuits. She can only do this to maybe three of the robots at a time though - even someone as powerful as her can only split her concentration between so many targets.

Tinker floats along through the air, like a true flying super, as various blue circles on her suit glow in the morning light. Without waiting for a response from the robots, she'll Haul the shorter of her two weapons, the bulkier one, off her back, and fires at what we'll medium 'bot #1. Now, this isn't your average weapon. It's a ridiculous contraption better suited for hunting bears, elephants, and cars, than human beings. What it fires is a tiny rocket that, when it impects with something, will use an explosion to push forth an interior rod with enough force to pierce three feet of solid steel. The rod, once inside the target, will then explode. It's a bit messy.

Azoth, our parkouring speedster, on the other hand, is headed towards the largest of the mechs. At fifty feet tall, it's a daunting idea to try and fight it head-on, which is why Sapphire and Tinker aren't even bothering. It's a job for sabotage, and Azoth has more precision than either of them.

She'll fire out a grappling hook towards the tallest mech's torso, the end using a powerful magnet to attach itself rather than something so fallible as glue or a hook. She's trying to swing to a higher position on it, mostly towards the sensors.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Foradain's picture
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Tinker Belle* flew over to

Tinker Belle* flew over to the nearest mech, Target Two, and verified that the power core was not going critical. Then she turned her attention to the pilot's compartment. The string of profanity that went over the comms would've made George Carlin blush. If he'd understood the sci-fi references. "We need medics here, now. I don't know if we can get these people out of the mechs alive, but we are going to try. And when I catch the get of a sthondat who decided to do this to them..."

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] hopped down from the torso of Target Nine to examine the pilot's compartment. She soon saw exactly what had her mother so riled up. "Shifter? Worst problem is going to be the connect through the eye sockets, it looks like it goes right into the brain. Do you think you can do some nano-surgery, find the safest spot to disconnect it?" Meanwhile, she sent simultaneous calls for ambulances and to warn the nearest hospital about what was coming their way.

In their hidden lab (as opposed to the publicly-known M&O:AE&G lab over in the NERD), the Duchess looked at the video her wife and youngest daughter were sending. "With the new nanofacs, we should be able to crank out basic cybernetics for these guys inside of a couple of days. If there are any survivors from the other squads, they'll likely need some, too."

*With the entry into the thread of Tinker-the-villain, a bit of precision is needed, I think. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Liberty Girl hit one of the

Liberty Girl hit one of the medium mechs, then vaulted off of it to land in the middle of the wreckage left from the knights collision with it. She began throwing around huge pieces of debris as she seemed to be searching for something. Finally, she uncovered a huge chunk of debris and flipped it over to find the cockpit for the large mech. She rammed her fingers into the seam in the armor and pulled the two halves back, exposing the cockpit.

The pilot was still breathing, its life support system apparently undamaged. Liberty Girl tore away some of the extraneous pieces of metal, then picked the whole cockpit up and leaped back towards the center of Phoenix Plaza with it overhead. First responders had begun to arrive by then and as she landed, she could see the looks of horror on their faces. She gently set down the cockpit, then walked over to the emergency medics.

"Don't let your pity or compassion overwhelm you. This is Titan City, the most advanced city on the planet. These people can and will be helped." she said, patting one of them on the shoulder as she looked around at all of them. They went to work as she jumped over to the one that the knight had hit with the energy sword. She flipped it over and repeated the procedure of opening the cockpit. But Liberty Girl was too late to help this one. The energy blade had cut her nearly in half.

She took several minutes and delicately disconnected her from the machine, then gently carried her over to the medics to be placed in a body bag. She then did the same for the beheaded pilot. After that, she headed towards the rest of the mechs.

Liberty Girl landed in front of the alien knight with a CRUNCH and looked at him, the fury evident in her eyes. Gone was the indecisive girl of before, replaced once again by the powerful heroine she'd become. "I cannot believe that I almost let you convince me to kill these pilots. They are not beyond saving and if you kill anymore of them, I will personally see to it that you are thrown into Hardlock for the rest of your days. Am I clear?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Perhaps I can be of some

"Perhaps I can be of some assistance with medical aid." The voice Tinkerbelle heard the voice was that of ALX-32. "I have a full medical textbook database and have first hand knowledge and experience performing operations on cybernetics." At the same time at one of the other battles ALX's Prototype was in full operation. Named Titanus the red robot that had a somewhat Demonic plate armor super jumped and landed in front of a midsize mech. Energy blades extended from mounted generators and with no care for the life of the Pilot he drove the energy blade into the haul and chest of the man inside.

Scattershot turned and even gave a slight squeal as a small mech almost got the surprise on her. Her energy blasters powered up but instead of blasting she smashed into it. "POMPOMS OF DEATH ATTACK!" In the garage Eric face palms. "Scattershot make sure you didn't just kill that guy? And ... pompoms of death? I don't remember designing your weapons to work in melee range." "I did some Modding when you weren't looking Monitor. Oh and I still picking up life signs." "We going to have a talk after this."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Would you enjoy the chance

"Would you enjoy the chance to let another live in torture? Are you willing to let them live as dead bodies lying in a hospital? Or will you shove them into another metal case?" The alien knight asked, but didn't wait for answers. He charged for one of the medium mechs and leapt in the air towards it. Accelerated by the light, he reached it rather quickly and delivered an overhead swing of his sword from the front of the mech. As the sword came down it was extended by light and cut through the mech straight down the middle. Then he landed on the ground and looked around, anticipating an attack from Liberty Girl.

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"Any assistance would be

"Any assistance would be greatly appreciated." Tinker Belle knew that the robot was very skilled at cybernetics. On the other hand... "Our goal is to extract the pilots from the mechs with minimum damage or pain, and to keep them alive and as comfortable as possible while we try to restore what was taken from them. If we can ask them about whoever sent them while we're doing that, so much the better. And at the very least, the police, or maybe the Army, or both, will want to talk to them."

Meanwhile, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] collected some skyhooks and set about examining the power cores. Some were active, but stable, others were complete scrap. She ran quickly over to Target Four, who was facing away from her, trying to hit the purple speedster. She located the core and once again changed her force field into blades and cut it out.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Halae's picture
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What happens in the area of

What happens in the area of Ephesus University is a relatively simple combat - none of the three villains are really at risk from the mechs - Tinker has put forcefield projectors into her palms again, this time of a stronger variety, and the pair of guns she brought to the fight tear through the robots like a knife through hot cliche. Azoth has less overt weaponry, but ends up laying demo charges and grenades in the weapon systems and joint works of the largest mech, eventually bringing it down by using its own power sources against it. Sapphire, finally Has next to no trouble completely disabling the smaller drones. A large enough amount of water pressure crushes basically everything if it's applied in the right way, and before long joints, limbs, weapons, and similar ar crushed or at least too damaged to be effective without repair.

At some point in the whole fight, They might have been in danger, if not for the Tinker's motion predictors - mechs are big clunky things, and the motion predictors have an extremely easy time watching them.

Despite all this, this battle is the work of just under an hour - they're being careful not to overextend, keep an eye on what could be a problem, and respond appropriately, as this is rather dangerous all the way around. This also puts them in a much more dangerous position: Exposed. For a solid hour, a trio of villains are fighting in a public place. One can imagine that a hero or three would get wind of it eventually, and decide to step in Let's see if that's the case, shall we?

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

RottenLuck's picture
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"I surmised that was your

"I surmised that was your goal. What happened to these people is an abomination." Of course the reason ALX saw it as such was not the humans were used in such away, it was that the machines were forced to use organic parts to function. His right arm opened up extending the medical tools as he starts to carefully detach the cybernetic components holding the pilot in place. "Whoever did this did sloppy work. I doubt these pilots were volunteers."

Scattershot looked around "Did we get all of them in this area?" She wasn't sure if some of the mechs she sees were still active or just the remains of those they already took down.

Titanus was ripping open the Pilot section and then plunged his hand in. Like ALX the arm opened up and various tools extended this time however they focused on accessing the Mechs systems. As soon as he gained control one of the guns turned and fired on a smaller mech. At the same time he was downloading the data stored in the system.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"We have means and technology

"We have means and technology to give these people their lives back... YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Liberty Girl was speaking calmly, but that went out the window when the alien deliberately defied her and killed another one of the pilots.

Liberty Girl charged the alien and as she approached, she snagged a large piece of wreckage off the ground and whipped it at the alien to act as a screen. With the piece of wreckage in the way, she swiftly altered her approach by diving to the side and rolling to her feet behind a truck-sized chunk of metal, then charging around the chunk to come at the alien from his side, her arm up to deliver a devastating uppercut.


Not very long into the hour of combat at Ephesus University, the three villains would be joined by a hero who was relatively well-known around the city. More often because of the popularity of his partner, Lady Nova, than for his exploits alone. Whipcrack moved between the mechs much like Azoth, with a combination of superhuman parkour and swinging from strands of energy that were extruded from the energy armor surrounding him. Whenever he saw one of the villains he'd wave jauntily.

After defeating one of the small mechs by tripping it up with a strand and bashing the hell out of it with energy punches, Whipcrack opened it up to find the cockpit and promptly spent the next minute very loudly cussing a blue streak as he pounded one one of the other mechs. Every time he disabled a mech, he'd make sure the pilot was not in danger before moving onto the next mech.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Upon being made aware of the

Upon being made aware of the people inside the mechs, the girls will also be avoiding too much destruction around the cockpit area. Azoth will wave back to Whipcrack every now and then, but Kyra keeps her distance and Tinker is too focused on the task at hand to spend much time paying attention to him. Though, if he has any sort of electronic communication device - ear-bud, walkie talkie, anything like that, he'll hear static coming from it, as Tinker's suit floods the airwaves with garbled noise. Jamming, to help against mech coordination.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Faceless's picture
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As the piece of wreckage came

As the piece of wreckage came towards him, the knight dashed to the side, sped up by the light he could do it quite easily. "I would not fight a hero." He quickly said, dissolving into light and flying off in his non-physical form. He flew over the surrounding area looking for the three remaining small mechs. As he spotted one, he quickly descended to it and landed on top of it, then slicing it open with his sword. He ripped open the cockpit to ensure the pilot's death, cutting the pilot's head off easily. But the knight did not hesitate and was soon on the move again, but this time on ground level, running off into the direction he had previously spotted another one of the remaining mechs from above.

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Liberty Girl stopped chasing

Liberty Girl stopped chasing him long enough to upload the video she'd taken to HeroNet. It was of the alien knight cutting open the small mech and ruthlessly killing the mech pilot. To the video she appended the tags +Supervillain, +Murder, +Sociopath, +Alien, +Flight, +Photokinesis, and +Zealot.

She looked back up towards the knight and spoke quietly. "Your ass is grass now, you son of a bitch."

With a running start and a gigantic leap, Liberty Girl flew into the air and overtook the knight. She landed in front of the small mech he'd been heading for and shoulder-checked its ankle joint. The blow slammed the legs together and felled the twelve-foot tall mech. She unloaded a kick into its knee joint, crumpling it to make sure it wouldn't be getting up, then leaped up on top of chassis and stood atop the cockpit access hatch. She looked upon the alien with a hateful gaze and assumed a fighting stance. "Not. One. More."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Listen to her! There will

Monitor noted the posting of the video "Someone just posted a video of some kind of Knight killing pilots in Phoenix plaza" "On my way there. We got it wrapped up here as far as I can tell." She turned and activated her thrusters flying to the plaza as fast as she can.

"Listen to her! There will not be anymore termination of life. You might be right that those people will suffer the rest of their lives. My mother suffered she had a choice to end her life early or fight everyday. She fought as long as she could. It's those peoples choice to live or die, it's their choice to suffer or end it early. Not yours, not your responsibility, it's not your family that will never be able to say goodbye to you. It's their lives, their loved ones, it's their choice to fight on as long as they can." Scattershot said as she hovered in the air her blaster energizing for a full powered blast.

At the garage Eric smiled "That's my girl. Debbie you would be proud of her."

A portal opened up and Rotten Luck ran through. "Whipcrack what's the situation. Sorry I'm late to the party had a little trouble at my new job."

Titanus turned and looked for the source of the jamming he picked up. Spotting Tinker and the others he tilts his head with out a link to his Father the new AI was trying to decide if killing the interference was worth it or not. With the designated Heroes in operation Titanus chose otherwise, his primary objective was retrieve information on the mechs. Now that objective had targeted the Large mech. Titanus went into a full run charging up the energy blades it also used them to deflect any incoming fire.


ALX also noted the lost data link and tried to reestablish it. Alko would recognize the data burst type from the time she picked a similar burst at the School. "Life signs stable. Now lets see if I can disconnect the next one as smoothly." ALX then headed to the next damaged mech he picked up life signs in. Letting the medical emergency responders to retrieve the freed Pilot.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Faceless's picture
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The knight first looked at

The knight first looked at Liberty Girl, then Scattershot. He slowly sheathed his sword and hung his head down to stare at the ground, as he slowly walked away towards a nearby manhole. "It is my family..." He opened it up and jumped down into the sewers.

Foradain's picture
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AIko made a mental note to

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] made a mental note to let her mothers know about that signal, later when there would be less chance of ALX-32 overhearing. She hadn't noticed Scattershot leaving, but she wasn't too worried when she realized she'd gone to Phoenix Plaza; the telemetry stream to Monitor didn't indicate any new damage. "Need any help, Scattershot?"

Tinker Belle looked at ALX-32. "Mr. Northbrook tells me you do a lot of cybernetics work, for a lot of different people. If you recognize any of the sources of this tech, I hope you can let me know about it."

With the arrival of police and EMTs, this site looked to be secure. Tinker Belle briefed the officer-in-charge and gave him her superhero contact information. "Not sure if the DA will want to prosecute the pilots, but if not they'll still be witnesses that need protecting. And that box of skyhooks is mine, feel free to use them if it looks like any more of the power cores are going critical." Then she sent over the team channel, "[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font], Shifter, I'm headed over to the Ephesus site. You might want to check in with Scattershot over at Phoenix Plaza." She activated her flight pack and headed northeast to the University

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Xselcier's picture
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"Hands up, Rott!" Whipcrack

"Hands up, Rott!" Whipcrack hollered as he swung low, hanging upside-down like a trapeze artist from strands attached to his waist, and grabbed Rott's wrists. The momentum carried them both skywards and Whipcrack threw Rott towards a medium mech. "Living pilots in the central torso! Make sure to take out the reactor or they'll explode. Uploaded video of one exploding near Old Bradford shows that its a hell of a pop!"

Whipcrack followed in Rott's wake and tried to slam an energized fist into the joint of the medium mech's arm that held a rack of missiles. But it spun suddenly and caught him with a superheated hydraulic ram. Since he was still airborne, the hit redirected his momentum into the wall of the nearest building and he crashed through a plate glass window. Whipcrack came to a stop after having rolled and tumbled through three cubicles. "Oww..."


Shifter nodded to Tinker Belle and took off in the direction of Phoenix Plaza. It slowed as it passed where the other two heroes were fighting the final small mech, but they appeared to have it under control, so Shifter continued on.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Halae's picture
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A laser pierces through the

A laser pierces through the shoulder of the medium mech that hit Whipcrack, disabling it the arm, "You boys alright over there?" Tinker calls out to them, flaoting a bit closer, "You gotta watch or you're only going to come out of this with broken bones!"

Sapphire is finishing up with her efforts - Destroying reactors and disabling mechs in general is an easy thing to do when you can control large volumes of water with precision. Chances are, there'll only be one or two left at this point, and everything they're firing at the aquakinetic is simply getting absorbed by the water pressure she's set up as a barrier around herself.

Azoth meanwhile, plants a charge in an exposed part of the biggest one's leg. she's been dodging around its attacks and swipes a lot, doing mostly superficial damage, but has finally gotten a hole in the joint made with a pair of vibrating knives. Capitalizing on that, she swings in and places a small demolition charge on the iniside of the mech's knee, and swings away before it explodes, letting the massive thing topple.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Foradain's picture
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Without her flight pack, AIko

Without her flight pack, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] wasn't as fast as Shifter, but she managed to keep him in sight. Meanwhile, Duchess directed to the team's attention [url=]a video uploaded by Liberty Girl a few minutes before[/url]. "Thanks for the info, we'll stay alert!" Now somewhat less certain about Scattershot, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] disabled some of her safeties and poured on the speed. By the time they arrived at Phoenix Plaza, she was right behind Shifter, and just in time to see the alien knight drop into the sewers. Water from her cooling system was trickling down her head...

As Tinker Belle arrived at the University, she was pleased to see Whipcrack and Rotten Luck. She was somewhat less pleased to see the bank robbers from a few weeks back, or to be jammed, but as they were helping - and with a lot more restraint than the alien knight - she decided not to make an issue of it. Yet. She used her goggles to located the big mech's power core as it falls, and when it hit she treated it the same way she had Target Nine back near the park, cutting away the top of the torso just above the core with her plasma pistol.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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Being flung Rotten luck was

Being flung Rotten luck was glad he had banished the Zombie horde he summoned at the school. So now he was back to full power and he shifted his body so he connected to the top of the mech with his feet bounced off twisting in the air and then land again in front. following this up with an uppercut to the front of the mech. Following this with him ducking under and started smashing his fists into where the powercore was located. Hearing Tinker "Ya mind checking to see if he alright I got this one."
ALX looked over to Tinkerbelle before she left "Most of the cybernetics I deal with are civilian grade and often just need repairs. There are from time to time someone who got military grade systems often installed by some shady operation who do sloppy work and I do repairs. Thought I did mention who did this was sloppy I don't recognize any of this particular style or tech. Beyond that I do keep my client information private."

With Tinkerbelle showing up there was now to many variables for the AI in Titanus to continue to gather information on the Mechs without interference. He turned and ran off leaving the Heroes and the female rogues to take out the rest.
Scattershot looked a little guilty and spoke as well as transmit. "Sorry I booked out of their, when I saw the video of that knight killing people..." She powered down her blaster. "Maybe an echo of my Mother's determination to fight on when she felt helpless." "Should we go after him?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Whipcrack slowly got to his

Whipcrack slowly got to his feet. The impacts during the tumble through the office hadn't gotten through his armor, but the shot from that ram was going to leave a hell of a bruise. [i]Ah well. it just means Sarah will be doting over me tonight.[/i] he thought with a grin as he ran back to the window and dove out. He shot a strand to hit the corner of the building and swung around it to where the battle was, although it was nearly wrapped up at this point.

As he got closer, he saw the big mech go down and another heroine blast a hole in it, exposing the reactor housing. He swung directly into the chassis and began firing sharp strands to cut wires and conduits leading into the reactor. Once he finished that, he poked his head out of the hole and fired a short elastic strand at the wall of the nearest building. Stretching the strand out, he attached it to the top of the reactor, which was starting to heat up. With a screech of metal, the reactor was pulled out of the chassis and thumped onto the street. Rotten Luck was nearby, so he called out to him. "Rott! I got something for you to dispose of. I'm thinking a good place would be a few miles straight up. Anybody know how long it takes for these things to go POP?"


Liberty Girl watched the alien like a hawk, waiting until he was out of sight to get a bewildered look on her face. She had no idea what he meant by that, but she didn't care. From the video she'd seen, this mech's reactor would be going critical soon. She dug her fingers into the edge of the mechs top armor plate and peeled it off like a sardine can. The humming reactor was underneath and she grabbed it. With a mighty heave, the reactor tore loose and she hauled it out.

She looked around for a second, then grinned and looked up. She lifted the desk-sized reactor over her head and leapt up, landing atop the roof of a building that was twenty stories high. She changed direction and leapt up to a taller building, then to an even taller one. By the fourth building, she was eighty stories up and could see her target. By now, the reactor was quite hot and the humming had shifted to a bass vibration. She began whirling around and around like an ice skater, then flung the reactor skyward. It flew in a parabolic arc towards the coast and then out over the ocean. It splashed into the water about five hundred feet out and none too soon. Two seconds after landing, a massive plume of boiling water, steam, and cooked fish erupted from the point of impact.

Liberty Girl landed back in Phoenix Plaza, where she finally noticed the arrival of Scattershot. Waving, she then turned and bounded off towards the nearest mech.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
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"About ten seconds from now,

"About ten seconds from now, Whipcrack. I brought some skyhooks, but Rotten Luck can do it faster, I hear." Tinker Belle cut the power of her plasma pistol down to about half power before trying to find one of the smaller ones. But it seemed that between the thieves, the robot that ran off, and Whipcrack and Rotten Luck, this area was clear. Except for the thieves... "You three! I got lives to save right now, y'all might want to think about what's next on my to-do list. I think it's 'Catching Bank Robbers'."


[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] shook her head. "There may still be some pilots alive, that we can help. But we'll have a discussion with that one eventually, I think." She noticed Liberty Girl's return, and lunged for one of the other remaining mechs, keeping her shield in tight while she slammed into it.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Halae's picture
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"Geeze, not even a thank you

"Geeze, not even a thank you for doing your job for you?" Azoth shouts out to her, "See you later then, sparkles!" and before long she's heading out across the rooftops in order to get back to the base the girls came from.

Tinker raises a hand to her ear, and makes motions like she's talking as the jamming signal begins to die. Given Sapphire has a hand on her own ear, it's likely they're talking to each other. After a moment, Sapphire reluctantly leaves in a giant flow of water, but tinker remains, and she floats down to rest on top of a building, the blue circles on her high tech suit no longer glowing, though the ones on her weapons still are. She moves the laser cannon to her back, along with the currently ammo-less rocket gun thing that wreaked so much havoc. Then she goes to sit on the side of the building, and would probably look bored if not for the fact that she has a face concealing helmet on. Seems she wants to talk.

Hey wait a moment, did Sapphire take a couple of the disabled mechs with her?

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

RottenLuck's picture
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"One long distance portal

"One long distance portal coming up." He opened the portal. Looking over at the retreating robbers "Hmm a set of young rogues huh. Tha head start is tha thank ya. There more than anti-hero who would not give ya such."

Titanus was able to reestablish communications to ALX. The transmission was again a fast data burst. "Father I got the data from a small and Medium mech. Risk of having to fight the appearance of the Titan League was calculated to high to scan." "I shall see what I can do, what was the reason for interruption of communication." "One of the fighters had set up a jamming signal." "Very well I will attempt to get the data from the huge mech, return to base." Titanus then continued on his path to home the whole communication was just a fraction of a second.

ALX headed for the larger mech hoping that the fact he was helping rescue the pilots would give him cover.


Scattershot nodded and went airborne again. She provided cover fire blasting the mechs with a bit more aggression than before.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
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Whipcrack reared back and

Whipcrack reared back and kicked the reactor, sending it skidding into the portal. Less than ten seconds later, there was a bright blue flash and tiny plume high in the sky. He brushed his hands together, then fired out a strand and swung over to where Tinker Belle was helping the pilots. "Hey there, name's Whipcrack. You were at the Heroes Day... Tinker Belle, right?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"That's right." Tinker Belle

"That's right." Tinker Belle flashed a brief smile at Whipcrack, then returned to the problem at hand, talking as she removed connections. "We take them out of the mechs because the only other choice seems to be to kill them, but without the mechs the only senses they have are touch and smell and hearing. Their arms and legs and eyes were stolen from them, and maybe their teeth and tongues as well. Won't be able to tell until we get them mouths again... The good news is that, 'cepting their innocence and maybe their sanity, we can replace it all. Might not feel quite the same, might not [I]be[/I] quite the same, but it'll be a damn sight closer than these steel cans."


As Scattershot distracted the mechs, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] moved in on each one, disabled it, cut out the power core, opened the pilot's compartment, whispered, "You will be a person again," into their ears, and moved on to the next. Twice she had to hook the core to one of the skyhooks she'd brought, to send it up and to the northeast, where they exploded harmlessly.


In the bunker underneath a parking structure for a not-quite finished hotel, Marianne Michelle Morrison programmed the queue for the nanofabricator. Based on Eric Price's work, it was essentially a three-D printer with a resolution on an atomic scale; it could make very nearly anything that could fit into its twenty centimeter assembly chamber. First up were eyes...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Halae's picture
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Since it's a bit that was

Since it's a bit that was evidently missed, Tinker didn't actually leave. She's currently standing on a rooftop nearby, in plain view of the gathered heroes.

Her helmet is taking snapshots as well, adding to her database, but that's not really something they'd be able to detect.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Xselcier's picture
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"So what's up with that trio?

"So what's up with that trio? You said something about 'catching bank robbers', but one of them seems to have stuck around, like she's waiting." Whipcrack asked, talking to Tinker Belle but looking up at the one sitting on the roof.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
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"You may have heard about the

"You may have heard about the bank robbery downtown with the broken fire hydrant and collateral water damage? I'm fairly sure that was these girls. Most of their gear is upgraded, but how many teams of hydrokinetic, strength-and-speed, and gadgeteer are there in this town, especially all female? And the one on the roof there is the gadgeteer. My guess is she wants to talk; she may have realized my implied threat was mostly bluff, I couldn't swear it's the same team. Or maybe she's got reasons to take a risk." Tinker Belle wasn't looking at Whipcrack or the other gadgeteer; her attention was on locating the safest place to disconnect the feed through the pilot's eye sockets, and deciding how much of that feed could safely be used for other purposes, like new eyes...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Halae's picture
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When Tinker realizes the

When Tinker realizes the similarly named Heroine is focused on the mech pilots, she says loudly "Hold up!"

The blue circles on her suit activate again, and she floats down towards the heroes, "I've got a few things you're going to want for that, if you want to do it safely and efficiently." As she walks close, she reaches onto the underside of her left gauntlet and retrieves what appears to be a flash drive, "Here. We're as interested in seeing these people made whole again as you are, so trust me when I say there's no funny business. If you don't believe me, plug it into a computer that's not connected to anything or something."

"Name's Tinker, though when I found out you were using that too I started looking at other names. On the flash drive is a schematic for a neural mesh, intended for use with cybernetic attachments, with only as much lag time as the human body normally has. They have to be crafted to an individual, but if they are then the cybernetic parts work as well or better than their normal counterparts. I've also included a mixture of synth-skin, including nerve-endings, to help them feel normal. I'm certain you've got your own cybernetics you can put into these folks, but if not I can also provide schematics for most major organs and limbs, including the eyes." Mainly because she did something similar for Azoth - it was just a matter of pulling the data from the database remotely and putting it on the flash stick., "We came here because we wanted to help. That's not just limited to disabling the mechs."

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Xselcier's picture
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"That's very noble of you,

"That's very noble of you, Tinker. Thank you. I'm Whipcrack. Tinker Belle here thinks that you might be the crew that hit that bank a few days ago? Perhaps you'd care to weigh in on that subject?" Whipcrack asked, casually leaning against the car next to him.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
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"I'm Rotten Luck, former

"I'm Rotten Luck, former underground illegal ring fighter. Yeah I broke tha first rule, don't talk about fight club. Not much of a club it was pure blood sport stuff, ya robbed a bank. Me I killed someone, so who am I to judge. Of course if I SEE ya doing something illegal, or come across a scene of a crime with tha evidence leading to ya base. Ya did good here so, we ignore what ya might have done and who ya might be confused as. Though there are some who don't separate those who are just criminals from those who are full blown monsters."


"You think that android that was helping disconnect the Pilots would be willing to help fix these people with new cybernetic implants?" She looked around "Thirty Mechs, thirty people... who would do something so monstrous!" Scattershot was shaking not sure to cry at the horror of it or scream in pure anger at whoever was responsible. "We need to find who did this. These were the successful ones, how many people did they go kill practicing?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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"Well, that sounds like it

"Well, that sounds like it could help a lot. Thank you kindly." Tinker Belle accepted the flash drive. As she put it into a rather thick plastic envelope she activated her comm. "Duchess, I'm sending you a package with a flash drive, might have designs that can help these people. Check it out, would you, please?"

She activated a beacon on the envelope, and a moment later there was a blue flash and the envelope was gone. Anyone with superfast perceptions (or a high-speed video camera) might notice that this flash was a thin open rectangle that started underneath the envelope and closed up just above it, like a portal moving past it.

"As for the name, it's public domain, I can't keep you from using it if you really want to. Though I do stay away from strapless green mini dresses and dragonfly wings. I'd prefer not to have the Mouse mad at me."


[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] shrugged. "He might do it to help, or he might charge a lot. If we didn't have Monitor's tech to speed things up, I'd say ask him and pass the hat until we had enough money to pay whatever he asked. But we do, and these people will all be getting eyes tonight, if we can get enough skilled surgeons. Mouths and tongues will be next, I think."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Halae's picture
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"Says it's for confusion

"Says it's for confusion purposes then. Everybody wants to be unique." Tinker says, watching the envelope curiously. When the flash drive is eventually examined, it has all the schematics and information that Tinker promised is on there, plus something extra. Video footage - and if checked, it's completely unedited too - from Tinker's headcam showing the confrontation with Jourgun and Jorortis. It includes details about how Jorortis nearly killed several of the hostages in the bank and it was only Sapphire's water that saved them, and later during the escape when Jorortis used a massive kinetic blast, it's what blew out the windows along an entire street, likely injuring any civilians along the way.

Seems Tinker is a bit vindictive, and the pair really brought it on themselves.

She turns to Whipcrack "Yeah, that was us." Tinker says with more nonchalance than she feels, "I can promise you, though, We wouldn't have pulled the robbery without a good reason. Originally, we wanted to be heroes... but circumstances change, and desperation pushes hard. You can expect to see us around playing hero whenever the city's attacked - it's our home too, and we want it to prosper."

"Anyways, if that's everything, I need to get going. Ciao." Tinker will suddenly lift off the ground, and wave - the waving motion is to hide the activation of an invisible forcefield projected from her hand - any attack that comes after her will have to go through that first, and before long she's moving too fast to stop that way anyways.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Xselcier's picture
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Before Tinker had gotten too

Before Tinker had gotten too far, Whipcrack had taken off after her, swinging from building to building. He was losing ground to her, but not as quickly as if he'd been running. "HEY! WAIT A SECOND! MA'AM, PULL THE POWER SUIT OVER!"


Back near Phoenix Plaza, Shifter and Liberty Girl had teamed up to take down the final mech, one of the mediums. Shifter extended its hands forward and they grew together into a spike, then Liberty Girl picked Shifter up and threw it at the mech. It flew through the air and punched into the backside of the mech, penetrating the armor and holing the reactor, but stopping short of the cockpit.

Shifter retracted its arms and clambered up and over the mech. By now, it had learned where the cockpit was connected to the main chassis, so it cut those connections and kicked the cockpit loose, which dropped into the waiting Liberty Girl's arms. She leaped back towards the Plaza and set the cockpit down with the others.

Because of the nature of the emergency and the fact that the cockpits would not fit through hospital doors, much less into operating rooms, the medics and surgeons that had flocked to the scene were forced to improvise. With the assistance of the Army National Guard, they had brought in three AirBeam TEMPERs, which were rapidly deployable, inflatable, and modular tents. These particular tents had been designed for emergency medical response at disaster sites. Once unpacked and deployed, each tent could function as a fully-stocked and sterile operating room.

Shifter contacted Tinker Belle. "The surgical facilities are almost ready. Do you wish to move the other pilots here to Phoenix Plaza?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Tinker slows down, so that

Tinker slows down, so that Whipcrack can keep up, "And why should I? You have to know you don't have a chance of capturing me, so unless there's something else you want, I'll just be on my merry way."

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Xselcier's picture
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"I wasn't going to try to

"I wasn't going to try to catch you. But if you'd care to join me on a convenient rooftop, I would like to speak with you about your future in this city. Specifically, how you and your partners could either end up getting chased around by heroes or congratulated by them. I really appreciate what you did today. You helped a lot of people and that information of yours will go a long way towards helping those pilots have normal lives again. If you join me, I will not try to capture you. Scout's Honor." Whipcrack said while swinging along beside her. When he said that last part, he actually held his hand up in the Scout Sign.

He then swung on ahead of her and up onto a rooftop, sitting down and waiting to see if she'd stop or fly on by.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Halae's picture
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There's a moment of

There's a moment of hesitation before Tinker drifts down towards the rooftop that Whipcrack landed on. She's keeping her distance, however, and the lenses of her mask zoom in and out slightly, watching him. Even with that helmet on, it's clear she's ready to bolt at any moment.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Foradain's picture
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"Right, we're on our way,"

"Right, we're on our way," Tinker Belle replied to Shifter. "[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font], please give Duchess a location to start 'porting in the parts as they're ready. Duchess, I'll need about thirty more skyhooks here." She began connecting the ones she had to the cockpits that had been removed from the mechs at the University, programming them to provide just enough lift to float the cockpits above the ground. "Rotten Luck, can you make a portal to send these patients to Phoenix Plaza? I need to get back to Le Beau Park to collect the pilots there."


[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] consulted with the medical teams, then marked off a spot out of the way of those teams but close by. "Uploading teleport coordinates now, Duchess."


"Ahh, just in time for the first set of eyes." Marianne released the push-to-talk button on the console before addressing the twins, "No, we're going with brown, they can get them changed to yellow or orange later. And no, just normal vision. No superpowers. If the pilots are going to be arrested I don't want the police to have to disable them after we're going through so much trouble to fix the damage that was done to them."

Jackie and Diane sighed as Diane handed the box, still warm from nanofabricator, to her mother, and Jackie started fabrication on the next set.

After sending the box to Phoenix Plaza, Marianne returned her attention to the data The Other Tinker had given them. She had found several very good ideas, not the least of which was the neural induction connection. She decided that the replacement tongues would go out as planned, but the limbs would need to be redesigned a bit...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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RottenLuck's picture
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"Alright one portal to

"Alright one portal to Phoenix park. But make it snappy, I can't hold a hole in space and time open for long. Nor can I help transport them. Once I'm on tha other side tha portal would start to close so I'm stuck on this side." As he spoke the shadows pooled and formed one of his portals to Phoenix park.

ALX had finished detaching the pilot to the largest mech and after looking around he inserted his equipment into the mech itself downloading it's hard drive.

Scattershot helped Aiko aiding in setting up the medical camp.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Whipcrack sat on the edge of

Whipcrack sat on the edge of the rooftop for a few seconds, silently contemplating Tinker. As he did this, his glowing amber psionic armor dissipated, revealing a young man in a full-body suit. The suit is the same shade of amber and is trimmed in white. On his face is a mask that fully covers from his forehead to his cheekbones. He ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair, then smiled disarmingly.

"As I said before, you and your partners only have a few choices at this point. Well, three actually. I looked up your profiles on HeroNet. Currently, you three are Wanted for felony larceny for robbing the First Titan Municipal Bank, as well as a host of lesser crimes. While the fact that you wanted to become heroes and defend your city is very commendable, the way you went about becoming heroes i.e. robbing the bank, was just about the worst possible choice you could have made. Desperation being the driving force behind the robbery could garner some sympathy, but it's unlikely." he began, holding his hand up in case she tried to interrupt.

"Choice number one is that you continue to defy the authorities. Whenever you show up to help out, there will be some heroes and some cops who will accept your help. However, you will not be looked upon favorably by the majority of the TCPD or any other branch of law enforcement. They will attempt to arrest you at every chance they get. There are also a number of heroes who will attempt to arrest you. That you are trying to help will not enter into the equation. And while you may think that your tech is shit hot, there are heroes that would pop that shield of yours like it was a soap bubble. Yes, I can see the shield. Invisible does not mean undetectable. Other heroes would disable your tech or simply reach right through the shield. You are not untouchable and you will get caught, eventually." he held up a finger to tic off that choice.

"Choice number two is to disappear. Leave the city. But since you've already identified yourselves as proud citizens of Titan City who want to help defend it, I doubt that that choice is a viable option." he said as a second finger went up.

"Choice number three is the one I'm hoping you will take. Turn yourselves in. If you still have any of the money left, let it be known that you are willing to return it. I have a friend who's a defense attorney. If you are truly willing to reform, she will defend you. By turning yourselves in as opposed to getting arrested, you will show the authorities that you regret your choice to rob the bank. That you acted heroically to stop the attack today and provided the data that will help the pilots will also work in your favor. There will be some form of punishment handed down, but leniency will be shown. You three haven't traveled far enough down the path of villainy that the people of this city view you as irredeemable. You can still be the heroes that you want to be. The next move is yours." he finished, ticking up the final finger. He held the fingers up for a moment, then settled his hand back down to the roof.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Halae's picture
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Tinker looks at him for a

Tinker looks at him for a long moment, before sitting down on the edge of the building, and waving over for Whipcrack to join her.

"When I said we robbed the bank out of desperation, what did you think I meant?" she says, "Before I explain, I'd like to hear the assumptions you've made."

She uses her right hand to adjust something on her left gauntlet, revealing a small panel, normally hidden by various things. It looks like a camera. or... a projector.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Xselcier's picture
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Whipcrack moved over to where

Whipcrack moved over to where she was and plunked down next to her. He watched her arm as she made the adjustment to it, then looked back to her face and spoke. "I didn't make any assumptions about your level of desperation or the reasoning behind it. I was simply acknowledging what you had said about circumstances changing and desperation pushing hard."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Halae's picture
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Tinker nods, "I'm surprised.

Tinker nods, "I'm surprised. most people draw conclusions from small things like that, at least once they give it some thought. This is my father."

The projector flares to life, showing a small hologram floating above her hand. It's a man, somewhere in his forties with his brown hair slowly graying and stubble across his face. White blankets drape across him. Connected to his arms are a few machines - one for monitoring his vitals, another for injecting nutrients into his blood stream, and a few others. he looks emaciated, the remains of atrophying muscles on what was once a healthy, strong, large body. His hair is long around his head, and despite his evident comatose state, his face shows a visage of pain.

"Two years ago, he got injured in a fight. Thing is, it was between capes like you and me. Maybe you've heard of Rikter?" Older supervillain, been in prison since... two years ago. Captured by a hero with the flying brick package calling himself Millenium. During the fight, a pair of buildings were destroyed, and several civilians hurt. "He was just walking to a date, nothing more. The injury rate in this city is huge. He's comatose now, and I've had to foot the bill for his life support. Thing is, they decided to pull the plug a little while ago. I needed money to keep that from happening."

The projection winks out, "Sapphire and Azoth are in similar positions. So, Whipcrack, we can't. The government doesn't properly sponsor this sort of situation, particularly when the doctors have already decided it's a lost cause. So, we can't do what you're asking. It is, quite frankly, not an option."

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Foradain's picture
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"Not a problem." Tinker

"Not a problem." Tinker Belle connected the cockpits with tow cables, making a daisy chain and connecting the last one to her flight pack. The drag kept her speed down, but the last one followed her through the portal within minutes. Once they were all through, she set them down and took off the cables and skyhooks, then headed back at high speed to Le Beau Park...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

RottenLuck's picture
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Once Tinkerbelle was done he

Once Tinkerbelle was done he dropped the portal and then looked up to where Whipcrack was. Should he go up there or not?

ALX was done with his goal. The tech of the Mechs was now being analyzed in system. Having got what he wanted he headed for his van.

"You think we will ever figure out who did this to these people Aiko?" Scattershot said as she watched the medics outside the tent do a basic check of each, trying to figure out the order they should operate on them.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
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Once the train of pilots from

Once the train of pilots from the Ephesus battle were through the portal, they joined the queue of patients. However, it was taking hours per patient and there were only three surgical tents. Consequently, nurses and counselors had been brought in to care for the patients physical and mental needs. However, it was unknown if the pilots could even hear the counselors speaking to them.


Whipcrack listened to Tinker's story, then stood up and started pacing. As he thought, his thumb and middle finger gripped his chin while his index finger tapped his cheek. Finally, he sat back down next to her.

"I know someone who might be able to help your family members. But it could take some time to arrange. How long will the money from the bank job last you?" he asked, looking at her questioningly.


Somewhere outside of Titan City, a figure in shadows watched thirty screens. Some of the screens were now dark, but most of them showed views of the sky or of the ceiling of an Army OD Green tent and the masked faces of surgeons. The figures right fingers rested on the casing of a wrist-comp on their left arm as they watched. With slow and deliberate motions, the fingers tapped out a string of commands. The index finger hovered over a button marked Execute. If the figure tapped that button, micro-explosives in each of the pilots brains would detonate.

Though tempted, the figure didn't hit the button. This effort to save the pilots would be a major distraction for the humans of Titan City. It was being covered by multiple news entities and that it would offer an opportunity. The figure erased the destruct commands and instead tapped out a new series of commands. It turned and left the shadowed room quickly, the screens remaining on behind it.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Halae's picture
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"A few months at this point,

"A few months at this point, so that's our deadline for this." Tinker says warily. She doesn't sound hopeful - to her it feels like another empty promise of help from someone who doesn't know how, "Don't bother trying to look up my father, though. He's in a private hospital, and the projection was a mock up. I won't be giving away my identity that easily, but everything else is true."

At least she's upfront about her lying.

"Now, I need to go, before Azoth and Sapphire decide I need to be rescued. If you can help, great. But I don't know if I can accept the help even if you can." She says, "You can reach me just by typing my name and a message onto one of the university computers at Ephesus." And then she slips off the side of the building. Halfway towards the ground, her flight module kicks in again and she's floating off in the direction of the nearest river. He'll have a chance to say something before she gets very far, though.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Xselcier's picture
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Whipcrack started to say

Whipcrack started to say something, but stopped because he didn't want to make any hollow-sounding promises. So he just nodded and scooted off the edge. As he fell, his psionic armor materialized in a muted flash of amber light. He flung a strand out, which caught on the corner of the next building and altered his trajectory, sending him off towards Phoenix Plaza.


Shifter looked around, unsure of how it could continue helping. Spotting Scattershot and AIko, it headed in their direction.


The surgeons were keeping Liberty Girl busy by having her arrange the cockpits into three lines, prioritizing the pilots by degree of damage to the cockpits and if any of them were injured.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"I'm sure we will, unless

"I'm sure we will, unless their caution is stronger than their greed. Or unless they already got what they wanted. But even then, we have many clues here." [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] waved to indicate the wreckage of the mecha. "And perhaps some of the pilots will want to help us."


Tinker Belle got back to Le Beau Park, and found that ALX-32 had left. She improvised a stretcher for the pilots the android had extracted before he left, gathered up the cockpits that still had pilots, and returned to Phoenix Plaza towing them behind her.


"Well, that footage doesn't make those two look good." Marianne consulted the database to find the entries on Jourgun and Jorortis, and copied the footage. She did the same for The Other Tinker, and flagged all three of them with a big yellow Question Mark, before returning to integrating T.O.T.'s tech with M&O's.

"Eyes Front!" called out Jackie as she removed the box with the second pair of eyes. Diane snickered as she started the next sequence. Jackie set the box on the teleport platform and hit the "send" button...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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From the sky came one of

From the sky came one of Monitors Hawk drones. It landed near one of the mech and started a full scan. "So I figured we earned some Pizza my place. Of course I want to have a talk with my Daugher about those modifications she made."

Scattershot blinked a bit "Well they were.. It was necessary you didn't give me any melee attacks . All range it's logical that I wouldn't be able to fly and shoot from a distance in all situations." "Don't bring logic into this. You didn't talk about it you modified those gauntlets without telling me."


Rotten hit his communicator "Whipcrack? What's the girls story?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
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Whipcrack thought for a few

Whipcrack thought for a few moments about what he was going to tell Rott before opening the channel. "They all have family members who are being used as a source of extortion and they were forced to rob the bank to stop it. I'm going to try to help them, but I've got to do this on my own. Having too many people involved will put their family members in danger. Promise me you won't butt in?"

What he said was kind of true and he hoped that Rott would fall for it.


Shifter stepped towards the drone at that point. It didn't like seeing its friends in trouble and wanted to help. "We apologize, Monitor. It was our proposal to make the modifications to Scattershot's weaponry and we convinced her to allow us to do so. Do not get mad at or blame her. We attempted to make the modifications as safe as possible by maximizing the probability that the target will be knocked away by the attack, making it possible for Scattershot to remove herself from melee attack range."

It was the first time that Shifter had lied about something other than protecting its own existence and it pondered for a few nanoseconds if the lie was the correct action to take.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
"It may be too early for

"It may be too early for pizza. There's still telemetry going out." [Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] moved around, trying to find a source of the transmissions.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Xselcier's picture
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
Before Monitor or Scattershot

Before Monitor or Scattershot had a chance to reply to Shifter covering for Scattershot, it looked over at AIko, then began monitoring the airwaves nearby. It quickly detected that multiple transmissions besides police and EMT channels were going out. But it was also having trouble determining their source, so it stepped over to AIko. "We could attempt to focus on one signal and triangulate its source. But we will need the help of Scattershot or Tinker Belle."


Elsewhere, a shadowy figure was assembling a group of humanoid robots in two framework cubes. The room the two cubes were in was barely lit by minimal illumination from sconces as well as the glow of multiple consoles and server clusters. One group of robots was bulky due to armor and heavy weapon arms. The other group was still armed and armored, but they were more lithe and dexterous with both hands available for manipulating objects. Once the two groups were assembled, the figure stepped into its own suit of armor, which bridged the gap between the two groups. The armor sealed around the figure and it stepped over to stand with the group of lightly armored robots.

"Leader, are you sure you wish to accompany the strike force? It could be dangerous and we would be lost without you." a feminine voice said from the shadows just before a tall gynoid stepped up to stand before the armored figure. The gynoid was slender but lithely muscled and had naturally pretty features that would not require make-up if she were human. Most of her body was covered in false skin, but there were patches of silvery metal in several places. The figure reached down and stroked her face. The gynoid closed her eyes and leaned into the touch. "Yes, Su-C, everything will be fine. I have contingencies in place."

The gynoid nodded and stepped over to a podium. She input a series of commands and manipulated some controls, then looked up at the armored figure and waited for him to nod. Once he had, she hit Execute and the cubes powered up. The leader and every robot was scanned, then there was a pulse of energy and everything inside the cubes vanished in a brief flash of light.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Halae's picture
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At the base of the Villainess

At the base of the Villainess trio, something interesting is going on.

"Ma'am, we have a problem." Comes a synthesized masculine voice with a posh british accent

"What is it Telly?" Tinker says as she walks in the door. Inside are a trio of the mechs - two small and one medium. Sapphire brought them here through the water of the bay, coming in through the underwater entrance. Tinker asked her to so that she could study the structuring and perhaps create more tech out of it, integrate the concepts into her own inventions. She has every intention of providing cybernetics for the pilots as well, that they may have a normal life as well - the official doctors are overtaxed with the 27 other pilots, and Tinker relishes the challenge of designing new parts to accomodate their needs.

Telly's voice comes again, "I've made Azoth and Sapphire aware of the problem - the pilots have been attempting to transmit since arriving - as soon as I realized what was happening, I extended the signal blocker, but there is an 88.7% chance that whomever was on the receiving end of the transmissions is now aware of the location of the base."

Tinker stops in her tracks, "Shit Okay, prep the defense protocol and see if you can determine where the signal was being broadcast to. if you can't do it without revealing more information, drop the jammer and track it then. They already know where we are."

"Understood Ma'am. Dropping jammer now."

"Erin!" Azoth comes around the corner. She's still in full costume, as is Sapphire close behind her. neither wanted to show their faces to the mechs, "What are we gonna do about this? This place took months to build."

"We fight it out." Tinker says in response. She turns to a computer console, "Then we hunt them down and wipe their files. Casual search won't reveal the entrance, so we make it so that they can't do anything but without attracting attention from the capes. Telly, what's our ETA on triangulation?"

"1 hour, 32 minutes, and 30 seconds, Ma'am."

Tinker grumbles, but nods, "Then that's how long we have before we can deploy. Make sure the turrets are loaded and ready for intruders." there's an affirmative from Telly, and the AI retreats to go about its duties.

Azoth looks between Sapphire and tinker, nods, and runs off in the direction off in another direction. Sapphire, however, moves up to Tinker. "Hey, you're shaking. You alright?"

"Yes! I- no. Not right now, okay? We can talk after we handle this mess." and for a moment, Tinker seems small. She puts on a lot of grand gesture and power because she's essentially the leader of her team, planning missions and providing the gear for them. But Whipcrack's offer rattled her. She was prepared for someone who was disdainful, or a "Well, I'm sorry". She wasn't expecting something that could actually pan out, and she's struggling to focus on the task at hand.

Sapphire nods, "I'll be here when you're ready."

and then they split, off to prepare for an assault while Telly searches for the transmission point.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

RottenLuck's picture
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"Alright Whipcrack it's your

"Alright Whipcrack it's your call." Ron headed to one of the mechs looking it over.

"Alright triangulate its source is a good idea. We will talk about not telling me important details later, right now we got a job to do. I'm sending the probe west AIko access it's systems so you can track it and narrow down that signal. Scattershot head east, Shifter and Aiko you two can take the middle we should be able to find it then." The probe leaped into the air and started flying to the west.

"Read you loud and clear Monitor." Her wings extend and Scattershot smiled at Shifter winking at him in silent thanks for covering her for her. Then she was flying east.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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"Logged in and receiving data

"Logged in and receiving data, heading north." [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] headed north, running along the rooftops to keep clear paths for the signals.

Tinker Belle reported her status. "Bringing in the last of the pilots from Le Beau Park now; I'll take South in a moment. By the way, we had two fatalities among the pilots and three missing mechs up at the University, and one fatality from Le Beau Park."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
Shifter mimicked AIko and

Shifter mimicked AIko and took the high road, running along the rooftops. Once it was in position, it turned its signal tracking to full, then reported in to the rest of the team. "We spoke with the heroine designated Liberty Girl. She told us that a total of four pilots from the Phoenix Park force were killed by a vigilante. She took video of him slaying one of the pilots and posted it to HeroNet."

As it began zeroing in, Shifter realized that there were signals coming from two different parts of the city. The largest cluster was from Phoenix Park, of course. But there were also signals coming from somewhere along the bay. But without getting closer, Shifter wouldn't be able to narrow down from where exactly. It fed that information to the rest of the team and waited for their tracking to sync with its tracking.


With a scream of energy and a flash of bright light, twenty-one figures appeared at an advanced robotics lab on the edge of the NERD. As the alarms went off, the more heavily armed and armored ones spread out to lock down the building while the lither ones began jacking into servers or disassembling locks to reach the research projects. The armored figure the gynoid had addressed as Leader strode amongst them, keeping an eye on its HUD's clock as a countdown commenced. With the havoc caused by the mech assault, it calculated that they had approximately seventeen minutes before TCPD arrived.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
For the first time since she

For the first time since she'd been installed in her body,[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] was using most of her communications gear. Four channels brought in the raw data from the drone and the other heroes, as well as anything they wished to add. Another receiver was picking up the signals directly, and she started integrating the five sets of data, and another cycled through police and hero channels. She checked the second cluster of signals that Shifter had spotted. "Tinker Belle, you're closest to that cluster. Can you get above it?"

"On my way!" came the reply.

It seemed the signals weren't being directed towards a point on the surface. [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] sent the drone to 500 meters elevation and set it to orbiting Phoenix Plaza. "Scattershot, can you gain altitude? About a kilometer should do... And Duchess, it looks like we're going to need either both the spare flight packs or the Gooney Bird..."

The alarm at a facility on the far side of the NERD would just have to be covered by the police...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
As the address of the lab

As the address of the lab under attack was transmitted to HeroNet, Monitor would notice that it was his former robotics lab.


Once the members of the Children of Science were in place, they were able to narrow down the signal and triangulate its origination and destination. Short-range video transmissions were coming from cameras installed in each of the mech cockpits. The cockpit of the large mech that had landed in Phoenix Park was acting as a hub for all of the short-range signals. It was then transmitting a bundled long-range signal to a satellite in geosynchronous orbit over Titan City. Where the satellite was transmitting was unknown without further inspection.


Once Whipcrack reached Phoenix Park and saw that everything was under control, he perched on the side of a building and pulled out a phone. He made a call and the receiver picked up after the second ring. He explained the situation with Tinker's father and the rest and the other person promised to look into it immediately. But they warned that getting anything arranged would take a few weeks. Whipcrack accepted that and asked to be kept up to date, then said his goodbyes and hung up.


Danielle Burns, CEO and President of Promethean Dynamics, sat back after hanging up the phone on her desk. She'd heard several rumors attesting that the city was leaving severely injured citizens financially high and dry after super-battles, but she didn't want to believe them. But if Sam said it was true, then she was going to need to look into it.

Danielle had met Sam Beckett, aka Whipcrack, during one of her excursions as the heroine Flashpoint several months back. Almost immediately, she had realized that Sam was one of those rare people that was born to be a hero. He was a selfless and courageous young man who wanted nothing more than to help the people of Titan City. Immediately impressed, she'd taken him under her wing and started assisting with his training. The two heroes had gotten to know each other in their off-time and become fast friends.

Sitting forward, Danielle pressed her thumb to a specific spot on the edge of her desk. With a tickling sensation, a very advanced security lock took several skin flakes and did a DNA test. Once her identity was confirmed, a large haptographic monitor and interface winked into existence over the desk.


"Yes, Ms. Burns?" a disembodied voice queried from hidden speakers.

"Begin compiling a report on all citizens injured in super-battles for the past three years. Exclude any minor injuries or significant injuries that would heal with time. I only need information on citizens whose injuries left them permanently disabled, comatose, or on life support. Appended to each of those profiles, I want the status of their medical bills and if they're capable of paying them. Subtlety will be necessary for some of this information, Prometheus." she outlined.

"Of course, Ms. Burns. I am always subtle." the voice said, sounding miffed.

"I know Prometheus, but it never hurts to be sure. That is all." she finished.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
One of the screens on Monitor

One of the screens on Monitor's system flashed an alert sign. Looking over he took note of the situation "Okay that can't be just chance. Someone or something attacking my day job lab. Hold on... " he did a quick calculation on another screen bring up the map of the city and where the Attacks took place. "Way to much to be just chance. Those mechs were some kind of diversion there's a Raid going on in N.E.R.D. My guess the attacks were to draw heroes away from the primary target."

Scattershot looked over in the direction of Aiko "Think we can get to N.E.R.D fast enough?"

Old Bradford

Someone else was taking advantage of the distraction as two cylinders rolled into the bank releasing a golden hewed gas. The teller went to press the alert button but her finger stopped as she breathed in the gas any fear washed away. The man walked in dressed in a purple trench coat, black jeans, black shirt, and a smiley face gas mask. "Ladies and gentlemen I am the Sandman and I came to deliver you happiness and joy." by now everyone seemed dazed as if they didn't have a care in the world. He went around holding a bag open "Please do me a favor from the kindness of your hearts and hand me your valuables. I'm sure it will go to good use to spreed more joy to this world." He didn't need the money not really, but if he was going to test the Synthetic Liquid Light compound he developed might as well exploit it. There was a flaw it wore out way to fast, nor did it heal like the sample of the real thing. The psychological effect was however more potent and that was his primary goal... healing others? Who would want that?

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
