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"I'm gonna catch a few zs" Kyle said to rick and ashleigh as he passed them. "Jenna is taking watch on the newcomers and she'll wake me in three hours to take her place"...he nodded to them and said "Thanks again, this place is great"...with that he shuffled into the room they showed him to be for he and Jenna and collapsed on the bed. He was asleep in minutes, it had been ages since that was possible.
Rick nodded as he and Ashleigh smiled and enjoyed their dinner. When they were done Ashleigh went to show Becca her room. It was nice to see life return to their home again. they had been alone for so long. Rick was determined to make sure everyone would be safe and with the suggestions Rick gave, it would be possible with their help.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"Hey Rick lets go for a bit of fresh air" He headed outside and looked around. When Rick came out "Don't know how many of those slavers are out there, but with as much noise we made in town they know we are out here. Tomorrow lets reinforce some of those traps, perhaps set up a few more. I also would take first watch as a look out in the morning."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Rick nodded in agreement.
"You are right, they may try and for the girls. Sounds like a good idea."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Kyle woke up 8 hours later. Jenna had let him sleep through the night. As he did he found Jenna standing there. "I let you go, it's been awhile since you got a decent 8 hours" Kyle started to protest but realized, it would be for nothing so he simply said "thank you" and stood up. As he did, Karen and Emma came into the room. "Wow, you're up and about?" he asked more than stated. "Yeah we figured it would be good for us"...Karen replied. The two looked nothing like they had when they first arrived. They had cleaned themselves up, changed clothes they got from jenna, and did what they could to make themselves look more presentable. Emma was a bit taller than karen and jenna and the clothes she wore were abit small. But they were clean, and comfortable, thats all she could ask for now. "we cooked breakfast, to say thanks for everything" karen added. Kyle could smell it as well. "it's just canned meat fried with some canned vegetables mixed in. " kyle smiled and said "sounds like heaven" ....Jenna kissed her man soflty and said," lets go eat"...She then went to see who else was awake and let them know food was ready.
Ashleigj awoke to find herself sleeping alone. Rick and Rich had taken shifts to watch over things outside. Rich took the first four hours while Rick slept then Rick woke up and took the remaining 4. Ashleigh would go outside to find Rick coming back fro the woods with his rifle in his hands.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Rich had crashed when he got back once Rick went to take over the watch. He didn't sleep long, military training, being hyper alert, or just plain worry all could explain it. Anyway when people started moving about in the house his eyes snapped open and he picked up the rifle he was using and headed out of his room. "Good morning Kyle and Jenna." He noted movement on the porch and spotted Ashleigh then Rick coming up the path.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Rich was met with a warm greeting from Karen and Emma, "Hi there, " they both said "We made breakfast" Karen spoke up and offered a palte of food to Rich. WHen they saw Rick and Ashleigh coming in they waved and offered them food as well. Kyle greeted rich along with Jenna, And waited for everyone to gather together. He wanted to talk to everyone and figured this would be a good time.
"And good morning to you two ladies. Be careful don't want to over shock your system, food too rich could be harmful when you haven't ate well for awhile." He took a plate and sat down "Hey Rick, Kyle. I was thinking of heading over to my crashed blimp and seeing if any of the army supplies survived. Some military grade weapons and ammo as well as short range hand held radios."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Alright, sounds good. I was hoping wed put our heads together and come up with some sort of game plan for everything. defenses, scavanging, etc..." he paused to take a sip from a cup of water. " Also our vehicle situation, im a good mechanic and i can convert some engines if needed to ones that run on stale fuel and mixtures. " he thought again. Maybe if you two head to the site, i'll stay here in case more slavers come looking for these two" with that said, the two new women seemed a bit uncomfortable. "There were 6 total, 5 men and a woman, that held us. All in all there were 7 prisoners" Karen spoke up. "But our camp was overrun by walkers and ragers got two of our captors, " she thought and lowered her head, "we were the only ones that got out " she motioned to Emma and seemed almost ashamed to have been the ones to survive. "No worries" kyle replied, "you're safe here, all they seem to ask is to pitch in and help ensure the groups survival " He smiled at Karen and Emma, and then looked back to Rich and Rick. "If you two go to the site, I'll stay here to be sure ok?" Emma spoke up "I'm alot better, plus im prety good with one of those, " She pointed to Kyle's pistol, "I'll come with you if you'd like" she said. "I'd like to start helping right away"..
"It be easier to find some diesel vehicles and convert them to run on smoke. Could build a burner on a pickup truck bed. Or even ethical if we can set up production." He looks to Emma "Okay first chance we get to return to town is to go by that old camp. There might be other survivors that you're not aware of."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Rick Agreed. Becca finally woke up and joined the others s Rick and Ashleigh sat down. She was being accompanied by Shadow and Ghost who stood watching over her the whole night.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Kyle was outside under the hood of his truck when Jenna came out. "what're you up to?" She asked him as she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at her and said"Just checking the engine" he paused for a moment. "Need to make sure it runs clean. Put some crap fuel in and i dont wanna foul the plugs. The gaps getting bigger and..." He saw the way she was looking at him. "Just checking the engine" He shortened his narrative seeing she was lost at was he was origianlly saying. Richard was saying something about an ethanol still." She said to him. "Yeah its a good idea. just need the tubing and something like a large kettle"...he looked around , we have plenty of wood we can turn to mash for distilling"..."I'll see if they have anything we can use " she added . Then she kissed him again and went back into the bunker.
Kyle closed the hood and then walked up to the little car he towed back and opened the hood. He was checking the engine and terminals to see if it would serve as more than just a junk trailer. As he was checking the battery for spark he heard the unmistakable cry of a rager. " Shit" he cursed to himself...Then he heard a second cry and a third. "Son of a....theres got to be at least two of them out there..." he drew his pistol and slowly backed up to the house...."RICK!!! RICHARD!!!! WE GOT ISSUES!!!" he yelled in the door, al the while never turning his back from the tree line.
Rick went running outside with his rifle as Kyle called him. He told the girls to stay in the house.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Rich was racing outside as well with one of the rifles "What's leading them here? They couldn't have followed us from last night. Or we been attacked during the night." He looked around trying to guess the direction the howls came from "Those Ragers going to be attracting the standard walkers. We need to lure them away from the house."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"I agree " Kyle said He looked around and tried to determine the direction the noise was coming from
Rick looked at Rich and Kyle.
"Nobody knows these woods better than I do. the two of you stay and protect the girls. I'll lead them away."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Kyle listened to Rick's offer to lead them away and was first reluctant, he scanned the treeline and still saw nothing. Then he thought that rick was right. he knew the woods better, and could lead them away. He agreed to the plane and chambered a round in his rifle. As he sat propped over the vehicle hood, crashing sound came from his right and a rager charged in full speed. The rifle went off and the ragers head exploded as the round passed through. "Dammit" kyle yelled "That shot is gonna bring company...." He chambered another round and waited ..
Rick nodded as he ran into the woods hoping to draw their attention. as he had mentioned to Kyle before he had tree houses built in strategic locations through out the forest that he used to pick off raiders. He looked around holding his rifle with his dual pistols holstered on his legs in case the rifle ran out of ammo.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Kyle heard the rustling in the trees and went back to the porch. He knelt waiting. As he did , Jenna and Emma came out , loaded rifles waiting and watching . The tree line rustled and kyles rifle went off . A walkers head exploded and two more appeared .
As Rick ran through the forest he realized he was being followed. A raver had seen him and was trying to catch him .
As Rick ran he saw saw the trip wire from one of his traps. If the rager was unlucky enough to trip it, he would be crushed by two logs.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Richard set his rifle up and started shooting as he spotted his targets. "Damn it what's drew them here?" He was trying to figure it out.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The rager had no way to determine what a trap even was, so it stumbled into it and was immediately crushed by the two heavey logs.
the gunshots from the porch drew more and more walkers it seemed. Kyle was taking his time with each shot, knowing hitting them anywhere else was pointless. He aimed and with each round fired, a head would explode. The mob wasnt getting any smaller though. Cursing as he ran out of ammo in the rifle he was using, Jenna quickly handed him another. Bolt action, .22, it would do. As he fired that weapon jenna leaned another rifle loaded next to him. then went about loading the first one he had. Emma was doing something similar. Loading weapopns and placing them near Richard and Kyle so those two could keep a steady fire going with no pauses.
Rick heard the shots and figured he had to do something quick. That was when he saw a deer and shot it with his rifle. He had hoped thatcthe gun shot and smell of blood would bring all the undead in the area to him.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
As rick shot the deer, he noticed soemthing, it didnt fall, it just stood there facing the other way as the bullett passed through. The shot itslef did alert the walkers that were near the deer and they strted shambling towards rick.
Rick then ran deeper into woods till he reached the deepest part and climbed up to one of the tree houses he had there that he used for hunting as he looked through his scope and began picking off walkers. he thought about the deer. could it had been a hunting decoy?
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Kyle, emma, karen, Jenna, and Richard tried to keep a steady flow of fire at the oncoming horde. Jenna and Karen kept loading weapons so the others could keep firing with no pauses. Kyle pulled the trigger of the shotugn he was now holding. Jenna had loaded it with slugs knowing a scattered shot would only be effective up close. The powerful slug went through the closest zombies head and knocked the one behind it over. It just got back up and continued its shambling. "How's the ammo?!" kyle called out as he noticed karen run back into the house for more. "We're burning through it fast but he had tons and that last haul is still there." Jenna answered trying to reamin calm as the horde encroached. they would just walk over the fallen driven by thier relentless hunger.
Rick would notice he had a small herd forming around the base of the tree house, but as the rounds echoed from the main house they were starting to shamble away in pursuit.
Rick began to pick them off with the rifle trying to keep their attention towards him. since the tree house was so high up it was unoticable to any that ventured into the woods trying to attack his home. It was the reason he was always able to get the drop on the raiders. he had a network of tree houses connected by bridges that lead close to his for easier access. Rick pulled out his two way radio and contacted Ashleigh who remained in the house in case he contacted her. Ashleigh heard on the radio.
Ashleigh, hun go tell the others to take what ever supplies they can andrive the vehicles half a mile to the nearest tree house. I'm gonna set the charges to blow up the house so the slavers won't take it while taking out the whole herd."
Ashleigh ran out to the others.
"Kyle, Rich, Rick said to take what ever supplies we can and evacuate. We are gonna meet him."
Rick crossed the bridges from tree house to tree house to meet with them.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
On one of the bridges between tree houses Rick would notice a man standing in the forest close to the bridge. He was dressed in a white formal shirt, red tie, black pants and black shoes. The sleeves of his shirt were cut off by black gloves which reached to about the middle of his forearms. The most noticeable feature was his black gas mask, with a white piece of cloth covering the rest of his head. The only patch of skin visible was his neck and judging by his skin color he seemed to be healthy. He also had a sheath, which held a machete and two pouches along with a tape recorder secured tightly to his waist on the front by a brown leather belt.
The man was approached by four zombies, though he opened one of his pouches and took out a tape, placing it in the recorder. The song played was "I don't want to set the world on fire" by Ink Spots. The zombies shambled towards him, as he bowed to them and extended his hand, as if asking for a dance, but as soon as one of the zombies got close enough he quickly grabbed his machete, drew it and cut off the zombies legs within the same motion. He quickly grabbed one of the zombie's wrists and pierced it's head with the machete, killing it, as he then took it out and stabbed it into the other hand. Afterwards he proceeded to dance to the rhythm with the zombie's corpse. As another zombie got closer he took out the machete of his dance partner's hand and let the zombie's torso fall to the ground. He then cut off the next zombie's head with a spinning dance motion. Proceeding to the next zombie with a ballet hop, following up with a swing of his machete to cut through zombie's skull and into the brain, killing this one as well. The man killed the last nearby zombie with a theatrical machete stab to the head, as if he was Zorro with a rapier. The man then returned to his dance partner and sheathed his machete, beginning to dance with the zombie's torso until the end of the song.
At least someone was enjoying the apocalypse...
Rick didn't know what to make of the stranger. he climbed down as pointed his rifle at the stranger.
"I dunno who you are and whether you are friend or foe but these woods are not safe at the moment."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
As Rick spoke the gas masked man released the zombie torso and it fell to the ground. He then raised his arms above his head and turned towards Rick. He approached Rick slowly, with his hands remaining in the air, as he got closer rick would notice his gas mask had a modification: the eye-holes had mirrors in them and Rick could see his own reflection, but it must be a one-way mirror, because the stranger seemed to see perfectly. The other thing Rick would notice was a name tag attached to his shirt, it read 'Mr. Smiles' with a smiley face pin attached to his shirt right next to the name tag. The song still played and Mr. Smiles slowly lowered his hands until the point he could form an X with his index fingers over his mouth location.
Rick looked at the stranger. The cop in him would tell him to be cautious and interrogate him. as the stranger looked at Rick, he would notice a badge attached to his belt.
"I have a place with in these woods that may be getting overrun with the undead. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Mr. Smiles lowered his arms, they now rested at his sides, then he shook his head from left to right and back a few times. The song ended. He clicked the reverse button and the tape recorder started to reverse the tape back to the start, but the song wasn't actually being played backwards.
Rick looked and nodded. as he shot walker that was behind the stranger.
"follow me, as I said, it's not safe. The forest is overrun with the undead"
Rick entered what looked like an elevator and sat on a bike that was set up to pull him up.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Mr. Smiles watched as Rick got on the elevator and sat on the bike. He stepped on it, then Rick began pulling them up. He raised his hands up like a joyful child, but as soon as he noticed a pack of ragers running this way he nudged Rick on the shoulder and pointed at the pack.
Rick heard the ragers howl as he handed the rifle to the stranger to pick them off and started peddling to pull them up.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Mr. Smiles took the rifle and aimed down the scope at the pack ragers. He raised one hand from the rifle and presented Rick with five fingers up, then lowered his fingers and raised four. After that he placed his hand back on the rifle and took aim, he fired five bullets, but only two of the ragers fell. Apparently he was better at using closer range weapons.
"Damn. Alright Lets get moving people. If we're careful we could reach the Tower in about three days. Are the rest of you up for that?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
They were already up the tree by then as he took the rifle back and began to pick them off from the tree house.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Mr. Smiles drew his machete, in case any of the ragers get up in the treehouse.
One rager managed to get up and entered into the treehouse, but Mr. Smiles quickly dispatched it by decapitating it with the machete.
Rick finished off the remainder as he started crossing the bridges again and motioned for Mr Smiles to follow him. After observing him ,Rick realized he was friendly.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Mr Smiles took out a piece of cloth to clean his machete while he followed Rick. When he was done he sheathed his machete and put away the piece of cloth, then pulling out a playing dart, throwing it at any trees close enough so he can pick it back up again only to repeat the throw on another tree.
After some time they finally reached the tree house where he told Ashleigh to meet them.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Once they got to the tree house Mr Smiles placed the dart back into one of his pouches and took out the tape from his tape recorder to place in a different one. He clicked the play button and sat down on the floor resting his back against a wall. The song playing was 'Fly me to the moon - Frank Sinatra'.
"Moving?!?!" kyle said loudly over the shots. By now the horde had pushed up to nearly the porch and it was all they could do to keep them at bay. "Where and how?!?!" he asked again after emptying the mag in the rifle and grabbing a loaded revolver to continue to shoot. Karen was getting over excited as well. her nervousness was showing as she took shots and missed even at close range. Jenna and Emma were frantically loading what they could while taking the odd shot inbetween to help keep the herd at bay. "I don't see much of an exit and if we slow the shots we could be overrun quickly." kyle was trying to figure out how to get through the herd just to get away.
Ashleigh looked at Kyle.
"The vehicles are in the garage. We can go to the garage through the back of the house. then meet him to the nearest tree house half a mile away. We have supply caches through out the forest if the time came that we would have to abandon the house. We do have network of tree houses that were created as defenceable locations to keep raiders away hidden in the forest high up on the trees where no one can see them. Rick has explosives set here if the place was ever overtaken. but he won't set the charges until he knows we're' safe."
Ashleigh started shooting at the walkers.
"If you wanna stay and fight we are gonna need better guns. Before his department got overtaken, Rick brought some extra m16s and other equipment from his S.W.A.T. team. I can contact Rick and let him know."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"Our gun fire will attract any other strays around. On top of that something or someone caused this horde to head in this direction. We been compromised Kyle what other choice we have? Evacuate is the logical thing to do as soon as we can."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Ashleigh went running in the house as she entered the basement and opened the vault. She started packing a few bags with stun grenades and grenades with tear gas. after she was done she started grabbing the M16s he had there.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"I agree , we've been set up somehow." he fired off the clip and grabbed another weapon. "Jenna, get these guns in and loaded into the vehicles and grab as much canned goods as you can fit in a few mins. " he fired off another round. "I'll help her" Karen added, "itll be faster".....with that the two carried as many of the weapons they had brought out to the porch back inside and headed to the garage. Kyle looked at his truck out front, surrounded by the horde and sighed, hed have to leave it. He fired off a few more rounds, but the horde pressed even closer. Everyone he dropped seemed to be replaced by two more. he was only slowing the inevitable. He , Emma, and richard were doing ok at holding them off for now, buying small amounts of time with each pull of the trigger. Then they heard the Ragers again. "Dammit" kyle swore, "Thought we got em all"......
Ashleigh brought up the S.W.A.T. equipment and put them in Rick's jeep. Among the equipment were the M16s, grenades, and body armor. She then went and started bringing in as much food and supplies as she could. Rick always knew this day would come and planned for it.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
The song in Mr Smile's tape recorder came to an end and he clicked the reverse button to roll the tape back to the start. While the tape was rolling back he helped himself stand up, beginning to nervously walk around in the tree house without any specific destination. Finally he walked up to Rick and poked him on the shoulder, making a wide gesture at the tree house and then shrugging.
Rick looked at him noticed he was nervous.
"I am waiting for some friends. Don't worry, we are safer up here than we are down there."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Mr Smiles nodded and walked away from Rick to sit down on the floor where he had previously sat down.
Rick kept an eye on things as he waited for Ashleigh and the others to arrive.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
As the rest of the group ran into the house , Kyle and emma stayed back firing at the oncoming horde, trying to buy just a few more moments. As emma backed up into the doorframe a figure lunged at her from over the railing. She was knocked down and before Kyle could react she was bitten and she screamed an ungodly scream. Kyle saw the rager start to tear into her neck. Quickly he aimed at her head and fired. Then did the same withj the rager. As he stepped through the doorway, he barred the door behind him. The mob was just on the other side now pushing at it. He had to move fast......He took off following the others saying "GO! GO! loudly as he ran down the hall towards the waiting cars.
Richard started one of the cars ready to plow through whatever was on the other side of the garage door. "ALL ABOARD!" Then seeing Kyle's face and not seeing Emma he sighed then a dark expression came to his features. Oh he going to run over some Zombies for sure.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
After Aslheigh was done packing and the others arrived she got Becca and the 2 dogs in the jeep as she started it up and lead the way to the nearest tree house. Rick could here the cars get closer as he set off the bomb to blow from a remote he always carried.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Kyle was riding in the back of one of the cars when the explosives went off. the blast sent up a cloud of fire he could see behind him. He sighed deeply and looked at the other occupants. "Another home lost" he thought to himself as the vehicle bounced it's way to thier destination. He replayed the image of Emma being attacked and killed. He didnt even feel anything. He had lost so many friends, he didn't get close to ayone anymore, anyone except Jenna. He thought these people were decent enough though, worth protecting. His stoic facial expression didnt give off any signs of anything however. He just now stared ahead and let the driver take him wherever they were going.
Ashleigh stopped when she spotted the tree as Rick came down. He was always prepared' As prepper he followed the rules of consistancy and believed two is one and one is none so he invested on a back up bug out location in case his first was ever compromised. That's what the tree houses were for. Rick looked at the others.
"How do you guys feel about living in the trees?"
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
He stopped the car he was driving and stepped out. "Tree? You should try living on the side of an ancient volcano." Then he thought about it "Come to think about it isn't Mesa National park south west of here... a city built into the cliff side. Huh we assumed it was because of old wars between natives, but I wonder..." Shakes his head "Anyway with some hard work that could be a pretty good village again safe from the dead by being in the side of a cliff."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Rick nodded.
"That could work very well The tree house I built through out the forest as lookout points. were intended to have a dual purpose, but what you proposed sounds like a better option. We still have the radio in case you need to contact your superiors and let them know what happened. I say we get set up then return to the town better armed. Ashleigh packed the S.W.A.T equipment from my old job in the jeep. Nine flashbang grenades nine tear gas grenades and three M16s which should be enough hopefully to go up against the slavers."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"Indeed this was no chance encounter. Someone lead them here the only logical group around that have reason to and enough people to try to bait a horde is the slavers. Like I said before lets go check out my crashed blimp and see if some of the weapon stores are still good. Hopefully the slavers didn't get to it first." He looked up "One part of my mission was to look for places to start rebuilding civilization. Damn undead if they just rot already we would be able to start to rebuild."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Rick agreed.
" It's still early if you want we can head there now or we can go tomorrow but it might be better if we left immediatly towards the crash site."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"Good point, now that I think about it the Horde could have been a distraction rather than revenge tactic. They must have seen the blimp go down, after our visit to the city they knew someone was out here." He picked up his rifle "When the world went to hell I really thought people would band together to survive. The we have a common enemy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend mindset. Instead we fragmented even more, smaller bands, smaller groups. Same old bullshit." Sighing "Even at the Devil's Tower it's there some say the commander is setting himself to be a King. He's running the place like a City state of old they say, I believe them really. Thought I don't think it's his Ego it's a means to survive, can't make new Fuel so have to conserve for dire needs. So no gas powered equipment for farming leaves only manual labor, and true horse power." Looking around "Who are we? Some random strangers that got together. Think about that, really think. We don't truthfully know each other, but even now we Trust each other not because of a Flag or some Oath we remember from school, But because we see each other as human. That why I still have hope even when some Slaver scumbag nearly killed us, even when all my teammates and friends were killed by some wildmen. Somehow, someway, some of us still fucking care about strangers." "There is still hope in humanity."
He checks his armor "I'm willing to kill or die for that sliver of hope. How about the rest of you?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Mr Smiles stared as Rick left the tree house to go down. He had heard the car approaching before, but hesitated to leave the tree house. As he heard unfamiliar voices speaking to Rick he stood up and walked over to the side of the tree house where Rick had left and glanced down at the other people. To not make them think he was sneaking up for an ambush he quickly went down himself, approaching slowly from behind Rick to give a wave of his gloved hand at the new faces.
Rick noticed Mr Smiles come down.
"I am ready when you are. Oh and this is my new friend. He doesn't talk but he is very good at melee combat. I saw him dispatch a couple of walkers."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Kyle heard what richard was saying about the troupe they created here. Trust is something he fealt was earned and well deserved when done. He felt this group was trustworthy. He still felt angry at the loss of yet another home, but he wasn't really mad with whoever or whatever led the horde to thier home. He'd seen it all before, too many times. The fact that he was standing where he was, was testament of that. He himself had done things he had to to survive. The way he saw it there were only two types of people left in this world. Ones who band together and try to help thier fellow survivor realizing there is stregnth in numbers, and thats whats best for everyone in whole, and then there others that would prey on other survivors beleiving that was the only way to survive, or they have dilusions of grandure, and want to be soemthing they werent before this whole ordeal. They were the ones that needed to die. They would destroy the species for own greed and benefit. He felt they were no better than the creatures walking around trying to consume anything and everything moving. As he listened to richards last words, he looked at him and went over and offered his hand. "I'm with you, all the way" he said. then he did the same with rick. He trusted these two , and hoped they felt the same . "Lets get going" he finished, and started to stack clips for the m-16 he carried now in his pack.
Rick shook Kyle's hand as he smirked.
"I do have one more trick up my sleeve. When the crap hit the fan I brought an armored vehicle with me that the military gave my department. Thought it made the perfect vehicle for the situation. I modified it to run on bio fuel. We can use that when we make our move. It will provide protection from gun fire and zombies."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Kyle looked surprised, then relevied. "sounds great, where is it?" he asked hoping it was close. Jenna had gotten aout of the other car and ran over to Kyle and hugged him.
Rick smiled. as he saw Jenna hug kyle.
"It's in a cave near by."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"You think it's still there?" Kyle asked. Hoping it would be. It would be great to have something like that to use. Kyle then looked at Karen. She had a sad and sullen look to her. Jenna caught his gaze and realized what had happened. She wnet to comfort Karen with the loss of her friend.
Rick nodded.
"It should still be there. I had recently checked on it before I met you to make sure it was running."
Ashleigh and Becca went to go comfort Karen. Becca was feeling the loss herself since Emma was the one that saved her. Rick had gone to get the truck as he approached the cave that was about five minutes away. as he approached he saw the camo tarp and pulled it off the truck that was still there. He entered the vehicle and started it up as he drove it to the tree.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
"Okay sounds like a plan. We get the armored truck go to the crash site and if possible retrieve the weapons onboard. Then we pay those Slavers a visit."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
At that moment Rick parked the truck by the tree. on top of the truck was a mounted gun.
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
Kyle saw the massive machine and smirked. "can't beleive these things still function, but glad to have it " he said as he immediately started loading the vehicle up with some of the ammo and cans of food they grabbed from the bunker.
Rick smiled
"I had to do some work to make sure it kept running for just such an occasion."
"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander