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2016....the aftermath (non super powered rp)

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2016....the aftermath (non super powered rp)

The world has been lost. Nobody really knows for sure how it started. Some say the outbreak was caused by constant genetic tests and mutations in an attmept to cure major diseases. Others say military attempts to create some kind of super soldier were to blame. Either way, the dead now walk the earth. Nowhwere was spared as the viurs form was airborn, and carried to all corners of the globe. Those infected either died off right away and then reanimated to walk amongst the rest, or worse still, became one of the enraged, a person , dead in all rights, but was transformed into a savage thing that moved faster and hungered even more for the flesh of the small population that remained. The ones remaining were the 2% of the worlds population that were immune to the virus initialy. Some found that they are fully immune, others can still be infected with a bite from one of the dead. Once infected the disease takes hold in as quick as hours . Those left in this world must scavange for survival.
this is the story of one such group of survivors..........

Kyle drove the old ford truck on the grass divider between highway lanes. His passenger , jenna , sat in the seat ever vigilant as she peered through the columns and rows of cars stopped on the freeway.
" think we can get through" she asked as he slowed the old truck down to go around some vehilces in the median.
"We can try, although, we still dont know where to go. " he answered seeminlgy lost.
He stopped the truck and looked around . "Good a place as any to scrounge, plus we need more gas"....
Kyle looked over at jenna. Her face was dirty, and her clothes worn and torn. Her hair was a mess, and she had an exhausted look about her. He stared into her blue eyes, then smiled. She was the most beautiful woman to him. He had kept them alive anyway he could and would fight to the end to do so still.
"looks clear for now" she said as she smiled back at him.
"I'll keep the engine running just in case. " as he got out of the truck, he drew his pistol. a .357 revolver that he found a week ago. Jenna carried a .22 rifle semi auto and had a pistol tucked in her belt behind her back.
"Ok you getting the gas?" he asked as he saw her grab some empty gas cans and the peice of hose they used as a syphon. "then ill look for food and ammunition. "
The first car she came to was a small import, The bodies in the seat were decomposed badly and left a horrid stench coming from the on broken back side window. Not even trying to peer inside, she took aout a large knife and pryed open the gas door. " Still sealed" she thought" thats a good sign" .....When she had the syphon going she was glancing around to make sure she was still alone.
Kyle walked around a few cars and up to a minivan that was half on the road. He looked back at Jenna who gave him a thumbs up as she topped off the first can and started the second. He returned the gesture and peered inside the van. When he did, a face met him at the window....It was gnashing and snapping teeth and scraping on the glass from inside. "Great, he thought, " he could see cans and even another sidearm amongst the scattered contents of the van. "Need to be quiet" he knew any loud noises like a gunshot would bring the rest , if any near, charging in thier direction. He tried the handle , realizing it was unlocked, he pulled his large knife. Using the door as a sheild he slowly opened it and the thing came at him. He quickly dispatched it with the knife to the skull, anbd let its body drop to the ground. Then he slid open the side door and , after taking a quick look around, began to rummage.

The two returned to the truck and took inventory of thier finds. "we filled all4 cans of gas " jenna said.
Kyle smiled and then showed her the stuff hed found. Three cans of beans, two cans of potted meat. a package of stale crackers, and even a few cans of soda. He also had another pistol, .45 and about 30 rounds of ammo. Then he smiled and produced a box of 12 guage shells. She laughed. they had the shotgun but ran out of ammo for it awhile back. Happy they now had some, she grabbed a can of the potted meat and a sleeve of stale crackers.
"Soooo picnic in the bed? " she joked as she used her large knife to open the can to share with Kyle.

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As they finished thier daily

As they finished thier daily meal, they stashed the rest for later. Sitting in the truckbed, they peered around in all directions. "So we got a plan" Jenna asked.
"well i say we wait here for a few, people come to the highways for scavanging and such " he ate the last cracker..."Maybe we'll run inot a friendly, y'know strenght in numbers and all" If nobody shows up for a bit i say we see what else we can scrounge then get off the freeway"......
she agreed , then they sat patiently , looking at different cars from the bed, and deciding which ones they should check for supplies.

Gideon Cross
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A lone stranger wearing a

A lone stranger wearing a homemade armored hoody with shoulderpads armored bracers, cargo pants wit kneepads and buckled armored boots with a rifle slung over his back and a pair of dual pistols holstered on his belt wearing what looked like a paintball style bottom face mask stepped out of a 4 door jeep wrangler that had just stopped there to siphon some gas of his own.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Kyle and Jenna heard the jeep

Kyle and Jenna heard the jeep approach and lowered into the bed of the truck. They stayed low and tried to view the man. Wanting to know friend or foe...Kyle casually called out "Hey there" as he came up slowly, pistol in hand, but not aimed.

Gideon Cross
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The stranger pulled down his

The stranger pulled down his hood and mask as he smiled at Kyle. If he was a threat he would have shot him already. as he removed the hood and mask. Kyle could see it was a young man about 30 short brown hair with hazel grey eyes with some stubble and a soulpatch. The stranger looked at the person across from him as a white german shepherd stepped out of the jeep with a Girl with long dark brown hair a green eyes with a tan holding the leash. she looked about the same age as the man. slim yet shapely athletic look..

"Can I help you?"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"well sir..." Kyle said as he

"well sir..." Kyle said as he still held his pistol. "Looking for food or fuel?" he jumped down off the bed and Jenna sat up to peer at the newcomers. "theres the nissan over there, got a full tank, we cant carry anymore" .......then he looked over at the one older station wagon packed full. "we were going to go through the wagoon there for supplies. "
Jenna climbed out of the truck bed as well and shyly waved at the two newcomers.

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High above the highway was a

High above the highway was a blimp. Yes a functioning blimp was slowly drifting down Inside the pilot used a set of binoculars to spy on those below. Something different then the blimps of yesteryear was this one produced a lot of smoke it seemed.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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The Stranger smiled as is

The Stranger smiled as is companions joined him.

"Thank you. My name is Rick Ramirez, this is my girlfriend Ashleigh and my dog Ghost. Please to meet ya."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
"what the hell?" kyle seemed

"what the hell?" kyle seemed surprised as the airship lowered . The nosie it made worried the group. loud noises attract them. The smoke that came from it's engine seemed to point out maybe there was soemthing wrong. Kyle being an excellent mechanic thought so. Maybe not, he thought to himsself again. Surprised that anyone would dare risk flying a contraption like that nowadays where any fool with a rifle could take a shot at it..he thought " He's a braver man than i"....

Gideon Cross
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Rick turned around to see the

Rick turned around to see the blimp a he drew his pistols in case the blimp attracted any unwanted attention. Asheigh pulled out a 357 magnum revolver as Ghost began to bark.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Indeed that was what happened

Indeed that was what happened someone did take a shot at the air ship. The pilot set the controls and well did what was the most insane thing possible and jumped out. The fact he pulled the cord on his parachute once he was sure he was clear being drawn into the engines was just an after thought. The chute fully opened when he was about 20 stories in the air just in time to stop his fall to the ground. Landing he undoes the chute and nods to those watching "Howdy mate."

The now unpiloted air ship continued on for about a mile and half before crashing "Blast it'll she was a good ship, she was."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Ghost was now barking more

Ghost was now barking more ferociously as he heard the oncoming horde approaching.

"We better get moving!! Zeds approaching!! I have a house with a bunker near by. we'll be safe there"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Kyle stared at the newcomer

Kyle stared at the newcomer with a shocked and 'did that just really happen' look. The noise from the crash was loud. "Dammit" kyle said as he cringed. Hopefully being that far was enough to not draw attention to them. "you ok ?" Jenna asked the guy jumping out of the airship. She held her rifle close and peered around . Waiting for anything, she was absolutely skiddish, it was obvious. After a few minutes of silence, she felt more at ease. She had walked over to the wagon and opened the back door. It old hinges creaked loudly and she got a shiver. "It's ok , none near here for now" Kyle reassured. Kyle was watching the group cautiously. He knew strangers always seemd to have motives. They were with a group when a newcomer got careless, got drunk on a bottle of whatever theyd found and started firing off shots randomly in a stupor. That brought the closest herd of the undead to them. They lost all others and the two of them barely got out unscathed. He ahd lost new friends, and old ones. this world was one of chaos and dog eat dog almost. Hed seen survivers prey on each other fo rno other selfish reason than a can of beans. As he said over and over to himself and Jenna, Respect the dead, fear the living.
He didnt perceive a threat from the group in front of him but he remained cautious.

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"Dag nabbit, thought those

"Dag nabbit, I figure those walkers would head for the crash site. Not to many didn't see much of them as I was airborne." He looked around and brushed his brown hair from his face he was perhaps 22. "Tried to make it to the next safe port. Now they would be charging me for the lost cargo."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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They watched as the undead

They watched as the undead approached the blimp. Rick was uneasy as he tried to calm his dog down as to not draw attention to them but they would have to leave soon. They always made their daily runs around this time For supplies to bring back home. Ashleigh went into the jeep and pulled some food out to hand to he stranger before they headed on their way. they ha a few cans of pasta with some cups of ramen, a few cans of beans and some cans of vienna sausages that they had recently gathered before they arrived.

"We have some stuff we scavenged. If you need anything, take what you need before we leave. We are gonna head back home before those things notice us."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Sorry about crashing in on

"Sorry about crashing in on ya folks. A few hours ago I had to land to repair a rip in the bag when some yahoos chose to shoot at me. Called me a government spy or something, like there a government nowadays. Well they must have ruptured my left fuel line and it caught. By the way any airfields or hangers where there might be an air ship around these parts?" He was saying this as he unbuckled the holster on his Mossberg 715P Semiautomatic Pistols.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick kept his eyes on the

Rick kept his eyes on the blimp as the new comer spoke to them.

"Well as crazy as things have gotten I am not suprized if there are some that lost their sanity. I have heard stories of people losing it and resorting to canabalism. when there were talks about the end of the world back in 2012, Me and Ashleigh had a home with a bunker built when we decided to move in together. We bugged in my my house for the first few weeks of the infection then when the coast was clear, we bugged out to our new home we had built. been there ever since."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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airfeilds, hangars? Kyle took

airfeilds, hangars? Kyle took all this in and seemed surprised. they hadnt seen anything in the air except the odd bird. He stared blankly at the newcomer and said "no, not around here" .....he looked puzzled again. " I mean there hasnt been anything powered but the odd engine in years. "you have a home?" he asked rick.....
Jenna walked up to the newcomer that dropped in from the sky " the name is jenna" and held out her hand.

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"Devils Tower, Wyoming when

"Name Richard Tanner. From the Devils Tower, Wyoming when things started to get bad a bunch of folk took some of those big choppers and built a fortress up there. Nowadays we use blimps and hot air balloons. Requires less fuel and of course we built climbing aids up and down. Hard for us to get up there impossible for the dead." He looked up in the air "I must have been blown way off course, there is not much growing up on the Tower so we have a few other locations less secure but able to produce food. I was caught in a storm and it ripped the hole in my blimp hence why I had an emergency landing."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick nodded as he looked at

Rick nodded as he looked at their new aquaintances.

"Yes we do. It's where we have been staying ever since the outbreak."

Rick looked at the new comer.

"I'm Rick Ramirez, that's my girlfriend Ashleigh and my dog Ghost. I was a former S.W.A.T officer before the crap hit the fan. When the outbreak happened, I like many others on duty that day took off to make sure Ashleigh was safe. We stayed in my old house until it was safe to bug out to our new home. I was also a former cosplayer and between Ashleigh and myself built the armor i'm wearing. figured the skill would come in handy."

Rick looked back at the blimp keeping an eye.

"As i mentioned earlier, I had the house built with a bunker when Ashleigh and I decided to live together after the end of the world scares of 2012. Built it close to town i the woods near the outskirts."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Well if you have shelter,

"Well if you have shelter, mind if we come back?" kyle asked , "I'm an ace mechanic, and Jenna here is whiz with cooking, shes made us stews that made you forget what you were actually eating. " kyle had his pistol back in its holster for the moment. He'd want to check the rest of the closest cars for supplies.
"i was also studying to be a nurse " jenna volunteered more information hoping the new people would find them a useful addition and offer them shelter and stability, something they hadnt had in a long time.

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The horde had passed mostly

The horde had passed mostly by them, they could see in the trees the rustling and shambling of the undead heading for the main noise , the crashed and burning airship. Kyle drew his pistol again as two of the walkers came out of the trees and started shambling thier way. Kyle , not wanting to fire off his gun with the herd so close, removed a bat from the bed of his truck. "I got this" he said as he ran up to the first one. He led it deeper into the field of cars , as he didnt want to attract any more than two. When he felt it was clear he swung the bat. He split the skull and then swung again to finish the job. His second swing however broke the wooden bat. It splintered and left nothing but the end in his hands. "son of a.." Kyle cursed, then he noticed the second one, he looked at the bat remanants and realized it had broken into more or less a wooden stake. He then used that to stab the other in the eye. The seoncd one fell back with a thud. "I had that bat for ages .." he whined. Realizng he was kind of in the middle of an opening, he quickly scurried back to the group in the center of the median.

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"Crap guess I should head to

"Crap guess you're getting guests. Won't be getting back to the Tower anytime soon... " He looked to a pouch he was carrying thinking that perhaps the rest of his team died for nothing. No one way or another he will return to the Tower and complete the mission. "Lets get out of here. There talk at the Tower that the undead can tell when one of them die and home in on the location. Like some kind of scent is released when the brain is exposed to air." Looking to Rick "Where's that bunker again?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Youre welcom to ride with us

"Youre welcom to ride with us " Jenna said to she gestured to the old ford truck. "we're gonna scavange what else we can here before they really get up on us. " They knew they a few minutes to spare...if there was a rager with the herd , they would have heard it by now. Jenna finished going through the wagon she had started and pulled out a suitcase. Removing a few newer t shirts and some clean socks then a pair of jeans for kyle, she also found soap...."oo soap...what a luxury".....she only took the clothes she wanted and put them back in the case. Then she opened the glove box and said" Hello"....she removed an old .38 snub nose pistol and a box of shells. Then started going through the rest of the car. Kyle saw this and went to work as well. He had gathered some batteries stil unopened from an older suv laying on its side, and he found two cans of stew. Then he found another rifle under some old blankets....."It's a 30.06 " he said pulling the bolt back, no bullets though.....he droped it because he didnt wanna carry a useles firearm. Then he dug out a couple of ibgger kitchen knives, and an old med kit. The kit was a plastic box that had some antibiotic ointment in it and a few bandages.
he went on to another car checking to see if he still had time. They both stayed near the truck, not venturing to far when choosing the vehicles to rummage through.
Jenna did this as well.....they had become excellent scroungers. living on the road they knew odd survival tactics, like sleeping in trunks of cars to avoid big herds, plus all the secret places people stash things in cars that arent obvious. They had been at this for some time, and it showed. They even took the odd hubcap, and broken curved peice of glass from headlights. all empty plastic bottles to be filled if they pass a fresh water stream or so, anything they could find useful.

Gideon Cross
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Rick smiled at his new allies

Rick smiled at his new allies. Our place is not too far from here.

"You are welcomed to stay with us we have plenty of room and food that we aquired both before and after the outbreak. we also have a radio you can use to contact the tower."

Rick and Asheigh siphoned and gathered what they could before heading to the jeep.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Sounds good to me." He went

"Sounds good to me." He went on the hunt for supplies grabbing even a Roadside kit with some flares. He flinching a bit disturbing a corpse in one of the cars. "Lead the way."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Rick and Ashleigh got in the

Rick and Ashleigh got in the jeep with Ghost after they got what they wanted and drove off but at a slow pace so Kyle could follow him. they entered the outskirts of town where there was a forest. they then went off road as they entered the forest about half a mile in was a two story house that looked to be mde of concrete. They stopped in the driveway.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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He jumped into the jeep

He jumped into the jeep before Rick started off "Mind if I bum a ride."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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When they arrived to the home

When they arrived to the home Rick and Ashleigh got out as they looked at Rich who rode with them. The concrete house had been painted to match it's surroundings wit leaves and branches all over the roof to camouflage it..

"This is our home. the bunker can be accessed through the basement. Mi casa es su casa.

Rick pulled out his keys as he opened the front door. Upon entering the others could see that it was a big spacious house.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"So you guys were Preppers.

"So you guys were Preppers. Seems it payed off." He shook his head "My folks weren't It was just dumb luck I was able to get onto the army chopper that went to the Tower." Laughs "Sorry just realised that in away those nuts that shot up my blimp and killed my team were right. I was in basic training when the outbreak happened and it was the base commander that had the idea of building a stronghold on the Tower. So in a way I am a member of what's left of the federal government. There other cells like the one in Norad and other such bunkers. We don't see ourselves as the remains of the government thought just what's left of the military."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Ghost ran passed them inside

Ghost ran passed them inside the house and jumped on the couch.

"Yeah you could say we were preppers. After all the fears of the end of the world coming decided to prepare for the worse and had this built. the bunker was made big enough to sustain 15 people while the house in it self has 5 bed rooms."

Rick sighed as a ook of sadness came over his face.

"It was made for our parents and siblings and their families but they all perished in the outbreak. we ended up moving here by ourselves after a few weeks passed and things calmed down enough for us to bug out. Been here ever since."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Nice place" jenna said as

"Nice place" jenna said as she entered the house. Kyle was still in the truck, unloading everything. Trying to gather waht he had to add to the stockplie of the home.
As he entered the place he looked aorund, decent furniture , sound walls, he was impressed. Nothing like this seemed to exhist anymore anywhere. Everyone he had run into before were either so out there they tried to kill them, or do unspeakable things to Jenna. He had to put down the last guy they picked up because he tried to kill him and then attack Jenna. The blow he took on the head the guy assumed was fatal , before he attacked Jenna, trying to force himself on still left a scar. He was lucky and thankful he got hit at an angle that didnt kill him. He took it all in. Hed sleep with his pistol tonight, and in shifts.....these new people were friendly, but so was everyone else he had met. It was only his optimism that kept him going. He knew if hed look long enough , hed find others that shared his view. Survival, and teamwork. He hoped these were them..hed have to wait and see. .."where should we stock our food?"....he asked rick......"and is the truck safe out there?"...

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As jenna went out to grab a

As jenna went out to grab a few more things and help kyle with the unloading ...Kyle turned to his host and asked...."How is this place standing, i mean not standing, how has it not been taken over or scavanged? i mean your off the beaten path a bit, but ive come across place after place that has been ravaged or looted to the end. "....he looked around.." this place is still in decent shape....has nobody found it? or do you deal with the ones that do swiftly?"....the question was blunt and direct and told alot of kyles mind state. untrusting and careful.

Gideon Cross
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Rick smiled as he then

Rick smiled as he then responded.

We have tree houses in different parts of the forest with a good vantage point o the path that leads here. We have had a few raiders her and there that I would dispatch. last group of raiders was a group of ten. I took care of 3 of them. thenwhen they stated shooting up the place they atracted a herd with the gunfire. they didn't stand a chance. I remained hidden in the tree house until the coast was clear.."

Rick looked at Ashleigh.

"There is a garage out back you can leave it there."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gideon Cross
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Ashleigh led Jenna to the

Ashleigh led Jenna to the cellar where the food was stored.

"You can put the food here."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Jenna took thier food, which

Jenna took thier food, which wasnt alot... and added it to the stockpile. She had noticed a decent amount sotred here..probably lasted longer with there only being two out of the number that should have been. " Do you guys fish? or farm?" ...she asked......"we had this thing kyle and i did..we tried to catch or harvest our meal for the day or at least half of it to make our canned or dried goods last longer" ......She looked at asleigh...." Im a half decent gardner and i can fish....and i know these woods have the wild berry bushes and even a decent amount of mushrooms that you can eat as well. " ...she stocked a few more cans....."We use to open a can of stew, or soup, or whatever , add water to it, then throw anything wild we could eat into it as dandelions." ...she smiled , "they're edible y'know, and in stew they make a good filler to stretch a can of one for two or more." she finished packing the last of the cans and even added three sleeves of the stale crackers they had left.
Jenna liked ashleigh right from the start...she seemed a few years younger than her...but still she hoped they would become friends. "Oh here..." she whispered to ashleigh, "don't tell the boys" and smile as she handed asleigh half of the caramel filled chocolate bar she had hidden in her pocket. Jenna ate her half quick and smiled at her new friend.

"we ate for the day earlier..but when we can we try to get two meals keep up our strength" ..Kyle said to Rick and richard. "We like to harvest what we can to stretch our canned goods further if y'know what i mean"....He looked over at the two...".You ever eat the red topped mushrooms in these woods? theyre edible and hardy"..

Gideon Cross
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Ashleigh took the chocolate

Ashleigh took the chocolate happily as she hugged her new friend. She ate the piece of chocolate and smiled.

"Thank you! I haven't had chocolate in over a year.

Ashleigh took Jenna's hand as she lead her to where they had some almond butter granola bars.

"It's not chocolate, but it's good to have when you have a sweet tooth. as for Rick has the fishing gear in his man cave we also have a greenhouse out back where we have just started planting some banana plants, tomatoes, onions, ginger and potatoes."

Rick nodded at at Kyle an Rich as he lead them to the his man cave where the fishing gear was and then to the back of the house where the greenhouse was located.

"There is a freezer in he seller with a fresh deer in it that I just killed yesterday."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"I got some basic survival

"I got some basic survival training. How to live off the land standard stuff nowadays." He put the things he salvaged on the counter. "You said you had a Radio? And would you want me to give out your location?" Then he thought about it "No wait raiders might have Radios and I could attract them if I tell HQ where you are."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Rick nodded as he took Rich

Rick nodded as he took Rich and Kyle to the garage where the radio was.

"We've used this radio to look for survivors. We had a couple of non hostiles come after making radio contact. Those were the people we gave food and supplies to before hey went on their way and yes you can give the tower our location. Maybe our home and bunker can be set up as an outpost for the tower."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Kyle heard about the

Kyle heard about the greenhouse. " oh that's great " he pulled two small packs of seeds from his best pocket. " was saving them till we found a permanent place. ". He showed Rick the packs of cucumber and green bean seeds. " that freezer you got " he asked " the generator run on gas?" He was excited to find out there was a source of power.

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Rick walked up to te

Rick walked up to te generator.

"It runs on solar power. We also get water from a well and from harvesting rain water."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Richard sat down at the radio

Richard sat down at the radio "Recon Team Delta, to Devil's Tower Stronghold. Repeat this is Recon team Delta to Devil's Tower Stronghold. Code 462." Richard waited a few minutes before repeating the message. after about ten minutes. "Devil's Tower to Recon Team Delta, we hear you. This is a civilian channel what's your situation." "This is Private Richard Tanner. We were blown off course due to a storm and forced to land for repairs. Ran into a group of nomad hostels and... I'm the only survivor. We were able to get the airship skyward Unit commander David Garner was wounded and died in transit. The craft suffered even more damage and caught fire I was forced to abandoned ship about Three hundred miles south and hundred miles west of the Tower." "Thats a long way off Recon Delta. Your outside our patrol parimitor." "Understood. Ran into a Homesteader that interested in being an outpost. Got a nice bunker set up here rough estimate it was built for fifteen people." "Understood Recon, I send this information to the Commander. What was your findings."

"At least one of the reactors in nebraska north went up. Radiation levels are high in Omaha. Nebraska south stillsecure. Kansas plant also went up." "Understood, do you have the map?" "I was able to secure the map." "Good work Private. Stay put and assist the Homesteader as much as possible. Devil's Tower out." Richard stood up and walked over to Rick "Well sir for now I'm under your command. you are what we consider a Homesteader a head of state for your Bunker and the adjoined property. If there no other homesteaders in a fifty mile radius of here we consider it all under your control."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Rick nodded.

Rick nodded.

"Most of the people turned. there have been some survivors scattered here and there. Those who were not hostile that we helped and various raiders we've killed. i wouldn't be surprised if there are more out there."

Rick sighed. it was nice to have people around again. Things had gotten lonely. He had tried to convince other survivors to stay in the past. the ones that did stay were either klled by raiders or the undead helping him defend the place.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Kyles stomach growled. They

Kyles stomach growled. They had been on one meal a day to preserve food for a week or so. Being in the bunker however he'd figure two a day is better for overall health and strength. "Jenna , I'm gonna go forage in the forest some. Since its been about 5 hours since we are why don't you start a nice stew with some of that deer and ill see what else I can scrounge. " Jenna thought for a moment. She and Kyle hasn't spent any time apart ever it seemed. She felt the newcomers were friendly, and if it wasn't for Ashleigh , she probably would have been more nervous. " ok " she answered not wanting to even slightly give away the fact she was still scared. Kyle gave her a reassuring smile then checked his holster. Extra ammo in another pocket and his knife. He told everyone he'd be back in bit and stepped outside.

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As they talked Ghost came in

As they talked Ghost came in with another German shepherd. A black one. Rick looked at the others

"This is Asheigh's dog Shadow. I'll join you in the woods in case you need someone to watch your back. Rich can you stay here with the girls and the dogs?"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Sure I stay. Do you have

"Sure I stay. Do you have any maps of the local area? If we going to turn this place into an outpost It's best I get a good idea of the lay of the land."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Rick handed a map over to

Rick handed a map over to Rich for him to look over as he slung his rifle back over his back. He then looked at Kyle

"Another reason why we rarely have problems with raiders is that I have the forest booby trapped so you will need me with so you don't run into any of them.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Ok " Kyle said as he headed

"Ok " Kyle said as he headed to tree line. He had an empty pillowcase slung over hus shouldr . As he entered the tree line he immediately bent down and looked at the ground. He pulled up a small fallen branch and shaved the mushrooms growing on it off into the bag. "These are bitter , but edible ".

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Rick stopped Kyle before he

Rick stopped Kyle before he made another step.

There is a pit here with spikes covered in grass. be careful.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Richard went and laid out the

Richard went and laid out the maps. Both his that was a national map and had big red rings marked in areas with the Nuclear symbol. A large number of them were east of the Mississippi. There were also rings of black with skull and crossbones marked where horde infested cities were and the majority of the horde movements. He compared this with the local map Rick gave him. "Seems this place is about ten miles outside of the Denver Death zone. That's the border where we consider it a death sentence to go into. Chances of running into the dead is higher. Any development here would have to be done quietly so no flying in heavy equipment."

He tapped the table thinking "We could make an earthen wall along the Homestead boarder. Stone, cement, and good old mother earth. That would increase the security of the area. If the dead detect anything they would just pile up and raiders would have to use ladders, still be harder than just walking through the woods."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Asleigh listened to what Rich

Asleigh listened to what Rich was saying as he looked at the map. She then looked at Rich before she responded.

"That is actually a very good idea. the walls along with the booby traps that Rick has set up through out the forest would make this place even more secure."


"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"lets see closes town was

"lets see closes town was Eagle Valley. Even had an airport there so should have industrial supplies there abouts. Population size from what I can figure out by the map would be in the tens of thousands. Risky but not impossible."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Ashleigh nodded

Ashleigh nodded

"Maybe we can take a trip there in the morning once Rick and Kyle get back."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Kyle avoided the traps that

Kyle avoided the traps that were placed all through the wooded area, he made mental notes of where they were located. He didnt stya out very long, basically got a lay of the land and the surrounding forrest, and what lived in it. As he was headed back , with a pillowcase full of mushrooms, tree bark, and the few odd plants he came across a body.
"Looks like one of your raiders maybe" he said to rick as he tapped the foot with his seeing if it was turned. It didnt move. He pulled his knife and went in to insopect further. using a large stick he picked up, he turned the body over and saw the sinlge gunshot to the head. "well, he's not going anywhere. " then kyle bent down and took the rifle that was under the body, and grabbed the pack it was carrying. "i'll go through this back at the house,"

back at the house Jenna had a large pot simmering on a survival type makeshift firepit, she started cooking right outfront so the smoke wouldnt fill the bunker. she had taken some of the deer meat and two sleeves of the crackers and started cooking it al together. She crushed the crackers and added the crumbs ot the pot to thicken the broth. Kyle emerged from the treeline with rick and headed over to her. She saw him and ran up and hugged him. "so whatcha get?" she asked...."The usual for a decent stew"....he handed her the pillowcase. She took it from him and immediately sorted its contents. Cleaning the bark well, she just tossed it in the water. She then cut up the plants and mushrooms and stirred them in as well....".Gonna be a bit bitter with the bark and the redcaps in there. " she noted...".yeah but ful of vitamns"..Kyle responded. as he was talking, he was going through the bag he had taken off of the dead guy. It contained more batteries, about 12 rounds of 30-30 ammo for the rifle, another big knife, and a lighter. he tucked the lighter into his pocket and looked again, HE then pulled out two cans of beans. "Here" he said , using his knife to open one, "Add these" then he opened the other.
"itll sweeten the stock".........Jenna stirred in the two cans of baked beans and even dunked the cans to get all the sauce in the stew. ...."Tell everyone its ready" ..she then told him. Kyle went in to tget the others for the meal.

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Rick set his rifle down as he

Rick set his rifle down as he sat down on the couch with Ghost and Shadow laying at his feet. The stew smelled good. Rick was happy to see the smile on Ashleigh's face now that she had another female friend around. It was nice to see. He hadn't seen Ashleigh smile in months. The last friend she made was attacked by walkers. They managed to save her but the hardest thing Ashleigh had to do was pull the trigger when she began to turn. She had been filled with regret and self guilt. She told him she felt like a murderer as she sobbed in his arms. Rick would never forget that day. Seeing her happy like this brought joy to his heart.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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As kyle filled bowls with the

As kyle filled bowls with the makeshift stew out front, then brought them in, and handed them out. He then went back out front and sat near the cooking pot. Jenna sat near ashleigh and delighted that the beans did in fact sweeten the bitter stew. "it's actually quite good" she said surprised , knowing the other ingredients, although edible, always had a bitter taste.
Kyle panned the treeline.....he still was'nt comfortable. Having been on the road for the last 9 months or so, sitting on one place left him uneasy. If it were'nt for the relationship Jenna and Ashleigh were developing, a freindship she hadnt had in ages, he probably would have left. He ate the stew and found surprisingly good. they had thier share of bad ones , being forced to eat whatever just to survive. He was pleased that the first meal she cooked for the group was decent, hardy, and tasted pleasent as well. After finishing, he looked over the rifle he had found on the body in the woods, Bolt action, holds 4....he was manouvering the peices checking thier usage, last thing he wanted was the gun to jam or not work when needed. Seems to work well, so he put it down...and then did his daily once overs on his personal gear. checking the action of his revolver, the sharpness on his blades......Kyle was very thorough. Everything he did was in response to something that happened in the past. Guns jammed, firing pins didnt work, knives didnt penetrate, all things that had cost ones he knew thier lives. he even checked his boots and pockets. aftyer he was done he sat on an old chair out front and just watched the treeline.

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"Anything better than MREs."

"Anything better than MREs." He said as he over heard that the meal be a bit bitter. "For a long time it was all we had on the Tower. The mess hall cooks make the old Army cooks look like five star chefs. Though it's not their fault hard to find enough food to feed five thousand or so. Nowadays There are less of us on the tower now that we established satellite settlements."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Jenna watched richard eating

Jenna watched richard eating and noted that he enjoyed it. "Oh wait!" she exclaimed as she watched the last spoonful come up with a large peaice of the bark on it. "Not supposed to eat the bark, just boil it for flavor and vitamins....." she smirked..."that woulda been real bitter"....

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Rick sat next. to Ashleigh as

Rick sat next. to Ashleigh as they ate the stew. They enjoyed the stew very much. It actually came out better than Jenna thought it was. Ashleigh then looked at Rich.

"Rich tell Rick and Kyle, what you told me and Jenna while you were looking at the map."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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He looked down to the bark

He looked down to the bark piece on his spoon. "Alright. Well I was looking at the map and I think we can construct an Earthen wall around the perimeter. Real old school fort construction style. We can make it even stronger if we get some basic equipment and construction supplies. Thought that be difficult the nearest place to get the supplies would be Eagle Valley just south of here. Population was in the tens of thousands, maybe 50 thousand. Would be far less now though still be a sizeable horde. perhaps that group that my blimp attracted was from that town. Anyway about the wall, it be easier to build with supplies from the town. There bound to be a Home depot or other type of hardware store there. If we choose not to risk it we will need to cut down trees to build the support structure to hold the packed earth."

"There also a question of if you want to build a full farm. Farming supplies could be picked up as well. We could even get the stuff we need to build a greenhouse at the town."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Rick nodded as he smiled. He

Rick nodded as he smiled. He liked the idea.

"We can leave in the morning to get the supplies if you want. Making a farm isn't a bad idea either."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Jenna took all the

Jenna took all the information in, she then realized, Kyle was still outfront, he hadnt heard anything. She got up and went outside and came up behind him, wrapping her arms around him. "What's going on in that brain of yours hun?" she asked quietly. .he just looked at her and forced a smile. "Just thinking"......he answered a few seconds later. "About?" she inquired....."Nothing really, .......and everything".......he stopped. "Don't worry about me, go back in and enjoy, you seem to be smiling more than you have ever lately...its good for you.".......he tapped his pistol, "as for me....i'm gonna keep an eye on that treeline......." he was taking watch without trying to worry her. he hadnt seen anything or heard anything, this behavior is habitual. The ever present watcher....never wanting to relax his guard.

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The next morning , Jenna woke

The next morning , Jenna slept in.....she hadnt slept in a bed in ages it seemed and when she fianlly fell alseep, and the nightmares she went through each night supsided, she slept.....and slept.....and slept. Kyle let her go, he never woke her, only the occasional stroking of her hair when she had a nightmare. he calmed her down each time while she was sleeping. He didnt share the bed with her. he spent time out front, watching, most of the night. hed peek in on her adn catch her in a jightmare here and there, and when shed calm he'd leave again. She explained the plan to go to the small town and get supplies for a wall, and even a farm maybe. Not sure of how he felt about either, it still provided a goal that he desperately needed. Something else to focus on than the state of the world, and the everyday struggle of just survival. This place didnt really offer a struggle, and he was grateful, although he didnt show it much. He was too torn, between the idea of being on the road , and settling in somewhere. They tried to settle before, it never worked out. Every friend they made, they lost. Maybe thats why he wsn't getting close to these new ones. the pain of losing them is getting unbearable.
He paced outside for a bit, then decided to head into town. he left a note tacked to the door as he snuck out , trying to be as quiet as possible. HEd head into town and scout around and see if he cant locvate what was needed. He didnt like the idea of leaving Jenna here, but these folks seemed ok, for now. Hed rather have her here, out of harms way, than with him in a town that could be perilous. Besides, she was catching up on countless hours of missed sleep.........He started the truck and drove towards town...

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Richard was military and was

Richard was military and was used to waking up before the crack of dawn. He watched Kyle leave the guy didn't seemed to have packed much so Richard didn't think he was ditching Jenna and the rest of them. What Richard was doing was patrolling being very careful not to cross any traps. He was also getting the lay of the land thinking of where and what would be best for every square inch.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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As kyle made his way to the

As kyle made his way to the road, he noticed alot of animals. that was oogd he thouight, when herds of the walkers enter a forest , they either eat or chase away the wildlife. that made him feel more secure. He pulled out onto the road and headed to the town. he drove for about 20 minutes uneventfully and slowed when he saw a car in a ditch that he didnt remeber being there as they passed this way before. as he slowly approached he noticed there were two walkers dining on waht was left of another person. he go out and drew his knife, carefully looking around to make sure no others were waiting.

Gideon Cross
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Rick had gotten up as

Rick had gotten up as Ashleigh made some breakfast to get ready for the day ahead. he noticed Kyle wasn't around as he sat in the dining room to eat his meal.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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kyle approached the car

kyle approached the car cautiously.....they walkers hadnt noticed him yet. He could have drove by..but in his mind, everyone he puts down, is one less they may encounter later.
He whistled. They looked up , hand on his pistol and another on his knife, he whistled again. One of them , stood up fast.....when it turned to look at kyle....the very obvious bleeding from the eyes gave it away. "Rager!!" kyle said....."Shit"...and he leveld his pistol......The undead rager screamed.....and ran at kyle full speed.......He fired...., once, twice....the second bullet caught the rager on the side of its went down and skidded across the ground and ended up at his feet. The walker was just about up to him now and he just aimed and fired.....He stood there still for a moment , waiting to see who or what else the noise would attract. when he realized he had more time he headed over to the car. he looked inside and saw what was left of another person...the inside of the car was awash with fluids, mostly blood...not feeling like going through the mess he just leaned down and hit the trunk release.....the trunk popped open and he walked back to check it out. ...rummaging through the clothes in there he came up with just another thrown together med kit...tossing the kit in the truck, he hopped cak in and headed towards the town.

Jenna was up by now....she waived at the others as she walked past looking for kyle. She was reading the note when she heard the two shots..then a third off in the distance.
She turned to the others.....suddenly she got scared....."did you hear that?"......she asked the other three..

Gideon Cross
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Rick heard it to as he went

Rick heard it to as he went and got his rifle ans dual pistols along with a machete.

"I did. You girls stay here. Me and Rich will check it out. the dogs will keep you safe."

Rick then ran out as he saw Rich patrolling.

"Did you hear those shots? Get in the jeep. Kyle might need some help."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Rich was already on his way

Rich was already on his way back to the house the moment he heard the Rager's howl. "He went south think he got the idea of doing some scouting of the town." He hopped in the Jeep and removed a rifle from the gun rack. (Figure there be one. A mobile arsial just in case thing.) "That Howl would attract others even if he's not in danger now he will be."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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As soon as Rich got in they

As soon as Rich got in they sped off to the direction. of the town. after some time driving they saw the tracks that belonged to Kyle's pick up. Rick got out of the jeep to see how fresh the tracks were.

"I doubt he's gone too far."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Kyle was driving the truck

Kyle was driving the truck for another few minutes....when he saw the herd. The walkers were just skulking around a sign. The sign was loose and hanging and the breeze made the metal creak as it swayed. the noise had attracted a smal herd of walkers.....he thought about getting out and deling with the 10 or so...ten he remebered the rager . He hit the horn and the herd immediately turned towards him....with none running his way or howling, he just drove around them clipping two purposely near the edgeof the pack, hoping to maybe crush one under the wheels of the old ford. ......
As he got close to the town.....he stopped. Looking ahead he noticed quite a few of the walkers just wandering around aimlessly. he pulled off to the side and sat there in his truck, trying to figure the best way to do this.

Gideon Cross
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After looking at the tracks.

After looking at the tracks. Rick got back into the jeep to follow it.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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rick and rich would come up

rick and rich would come up on the car in the ditch kyle had found on his way. Theyd see the dead rager, easy to tel the difference from the bleeding eyes and ears, and the other walker. kyles tracks stopped here, and he got out, theyd be able to tell....then he left again......

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"Well seems Kyle knows how to

"Well seems Kyle knows how to take care of himself. I should have said something going into the wild without backup something few live to regret."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Rick saw the car and the

Rick saw the car and the tracks end. he saw the dead rager. he then looked at Rich.

"The tracks end here. Our best bet would be to head to the town and hope we get to him before anything or anyone else does."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Well guess we are heading to

"Well guess we are heading to town sooner than expected."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Rick headed towards the town

Rick headed towards the town with Rich in hopes of finding their friend alive when they reached it.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Kyle was still in his truck

Kyle was still in his truck when he heard the jeep getting closer....he ducked down not realizing it was the people from the bunker. As it pulled up and he recognized them...he opened the door to his truck , rifle slung over his shoulder, and waved...then made a stopping gesture with his hand, and slowly and silently walked toward them. When he got close to the jeep he talked softly....."theres 5 to 6 stores that dont look like theyve been looted....mainly because they are full of walkers....I got a plan now that your'e here" he said

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"Well the stores I'm

"Well the stores I'm interested is one's that normally aren't looted. The hardware store for example, seeds, cement, and tools. Not many of those would have been taken."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Aye" kyle agreed," just

"Aye" kyle agreed," just think the dense herds of walkers kept this place kinda free from looting as well"..he looked at all the walkers just miling about, none had noticed them..for now. "We still gotta get a clean path to them"......he thought for a moment..."Here's my idea.....someone hit thier horn...and lead that herd out and away......try and draw them as much as possible then circle back"....he thought an dlooked at the jeep..." Guess i should in the closed cabin of the truck.....lead em slow and away .....if you two will provide cover in case of the odd rager".......he watched as the herd mulled about......"Then we just gotta worry about the ones in the stores itself"........he looked at the two for approval of the plan.

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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"True we can alway pick up

"True we can alway pick up some food items. I got a plan there an airport or gas station we can set things up ahead of time. Lead the walkers into a trap and burn a good number of them in one easy stroke."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
"burning wont finish them...

"burning wont finish them....gotta kil the brain....ive set a load of them on fire before, only to have flaming walkers try to eat me....and once the fires go out there walking scorched corpses....not a pretty sight." .........As keith was talking, a small group of walkers started heding thier direction......Not sure if they were spotted yet, or it was just random. He drew his knife and stepped back closer to the truck.

Gideon Cross
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Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Rick took his dual pistols in

Rick took his dual pistols in hand ready to start shooting the zombies down.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
"lemme pull em two

"lemme pull em two cover?" with that kyle hopped in his truck..he drove up to the group heading his way..then blasted his horn......Suddenyl the town seemed to come alive.......Figures all around started coming out of whatever doorway or broken window they could. al heading his way....he drove forward a bit more.. then into the small group that first headed thier way....he purposely hit a few hard knocking them down.......then he cracked his windows..threw a Qeensryche cd in the radio and turned it up...........
the noise eminated from the cab of the truck .....he started to roll forward..making sure to lead as many as he could....when the herd started to get too thick he gunned ity some..pushing through the rotting corpses he got the truck ahead of the herd.....then he heard the all so familiar wail of a rager....."EEEEEEEOOOOOO" it wailed as it ran toward the vehicle.......

Gideon Cross
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Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Rick went to cover Kyle as he

Rick went to cover Kyle as he started shooting at the undead that was surrounding his truck.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
the sounds of the guns rick

the sounds of the guns rick was using was starting to draw the herd his way...."Crap this isnt working" kyle thought...then the rager jumped on the cabin and was trying to smash in the back glass.......

Gideon Cross
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Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Rick jumped inside the jeep

Rick jumped inside the jeep as he shot at the heard to draw them away as he started his jeep. He then started honking the horn and pressed a button as a siren went on.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
Rich braced the rifle and

Rich braced the rifle and started shooting. He wasn't just random shots he was targeting the heads. "Of course I know fire wouldn't kill them right away... it would have slowed them down cooked tissue don't move so a runner be nothing more than a crawler." Than the howl of a Rager "Crap..." He started firing at the rager it was harder to get a bead on the head as the rager movements were more random.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
As the rager tried to get

As the rager tried to get into the truck cab...kyle put it in reverse , gunned it then hit the breaks.....the truck lurched backawrds into the crowd of walkers....plowing over some and knicking others off to the side...when he hit the breaks the rager went flying off.......the shots from the other two were coming in and afew grazed the truck bed...."Crap, i guess they didnt think id be backing up ".....he then put it in gear and drove forward....the surging horde slowed the momentum at first then gave way....the truck pushed through the horde of the walkers......As the rager stood..its head had a clean shot.......the rest of the herd split..some following the truck and others turning towards the jeep.....the numbers they were shot they fell..but the crowd seemed to be growing....more and more poured from the broken doors and windows of the smal town.......

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Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"Next time plan first, then

"Next time plan first, then chaos." He mumbled as he quickly reloaded "Rick how are we holding out on ammo?" As he went back to taking aim he looked around trying to think of alternate forms of attack.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Rick looked at Rich.

Rick looked at Rich.

"I will have to switch to the AR soon. ammo on my pistol is almost fully depleted lucky I always carry spare ammo in the back of the in that box."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander
